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andromedanisa · 1 year ago
Neptunus yang kau sangka sebagai jalur edarmu. Nyatanya dia pergi jauh meninggalkanmu sendirian. Mungkin bagimu semua hal didunia ini bisa pergi begitu saja tanpa berpamitan lebih dulu kepadamu. Namun satu hal yang harus kamu tahu dan kau pahami. Bahwasanya semua boleh meninggalkanmu begitu saja, namun tempat kembali hanya ada satu. Dia yang selalu melihatmu dalam keadaan terburukmu sekalipun, tetap akan menerima dengan segala hal yang telah menyakitimu hingga begitu hancur.
Allaah, ada untukmu. Dia tempatmu untuk pulang dan mengeluh tentang bagaimana dunia begitu buruk memperlakukanmu. Neptunus yang kau sangka sebagai jalan edarmu hanyalah salah satu dari ujian yang harus kamu lewati. Perlakuanmu kepadanya akan membuatmu mengerti tentang sebuah rasa mengikhlaskan atau kesadaran..
Relakan Neptunusmu pergi. Allaah akan ganti dengan Neptunus yang lain. Atau mungkin Allaah akan menghadirkan pertemuanmu dengan Saturnus, Uranus, atau mungkin Merkurius kedalam hidupmu. kamu tidak akan tahu nasib masa depan bukan? Jadi tenanglah, sepekat apapun malam. Hal itu akan berlalu juga. Sesakit apapun kesedihan, ia pun akan terlewati juga.
Jangan lupa meminta kebaikan kepada Allaah, meminta dikuatkan atas segala rasa sakit dan kehilangan yang membuatmu lebur. Mintalah ganti yang lebih besar lagi untuk kehidupanmu, sebab Allaah tak pernah bosan mendengar segala rintihmu. Siapapun nanti dan bagaimanapun jalan edarmu, kamu jangan pernah meninggalkan harap untuk selalu berbaik sangka kepadaNya.
Jangan pernah tinggalkan doamu sekalipun kamu begitu merasa hancur dan ingin sekali berhenti. Jangan pernah tinggalkan. Sebab doa adalah lentera untukmu, untuk menemukan jalan keselamatan setelah terombang-ambing diluasnya kehidupan dunia ini.
Allaah selalu ada untukmu, sekalipun kamu mungkin lupa dan berniat untuk menjauh dariNya. Allaah selalu ada dengan begitu banyak Rahmat dan kasihNya kepada makhluk ciptaanNya. Demikianlah agar kamu tahu untuk sekadar tahu diri...
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hairybreeches · 3 months ago
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mercuriicultores · 1 month ago
G. B. Gandinus – Letture latine per uso dei principianti, Liber II: «Mythologia Graeca et Romana»
I. Saturnus
Graeci et Romani olim plures coluerunt deos.
Deorum antiquissimus habitus est Uranus id est Caelus. Is omnium primus mundi universi imperio praefuisse traditur. Uxorem habuit Tellurem, ex qua genuit Saturnum.
Saturnus adiuvante matre patrem regno spoliavit. Pulsus autem ipse a Iove filio in eam Italiae partem venit, quae Latium appelata est. Ibi a Iano, Latii rege, benigne exceptus et in societatem regni vocatus homines in agris dispersos unum in locum congregavit, legem vivendi populis ac disciplinam dedit, domicilia eorum moenibus saepsit. Qua de causa Saturno regnante aurea aetas fuisse perhibetur; terra enim nullo arante fruges ferebat, nulli erant limites agrorum, nulli servi, omnia omnium erant communia.
Saturnalia eius memoriae causa Romae quotannis celebrabantur mense Decembri. Saturnaliorum diebus servis ludendi cum dominis iocandique potestas dabatur, iisque discumbentibus domini ministrabant. Qua re significare voluerunt omnes homines aurea aetate pari fuisse iure.
Fingitur Saturnus senex, falcem manu retinens aut anguem caudam sibi mordentem.
II. Iuppiter
Iuppiter, Saturni et Rheae filius, in insula Creta natus et educatus est. Quum adolevisset, Saturnum patrem regno expulit, regnumque cum duobus fratribus ita divisit, ut ipse imperium caeli et terrae, Neptunus maris, Pluto inferorum haberet.
Omnium deorum princeps et summus habitus est, quare divum pater atque hominum dicitur a poëtis, a Romanis autem Optimus Maximus.
Fingebatur fere sedens in solio eburneo, sceptrum sinistra manu, dextra fulmen tenens. Iuxta eum stabat aquila, quae avis ei sacra erat, et Ganymedes, qui ei pocula ministrabat.
Ex arboribus quercus ei sacra erat.
III. Iuno
Iuno, Iovis soror et coniux, Doerum regina habita est. Argis maxime colebatur. Apud Romanos matrimoniis praeerat.
Fingebatur in solio sedens, habitu regali, sceptro et diademato insignis.
Ex avibus pavo ei sacer erat.
Iunonis ministra et nuntia erat Iris.
IV. Minerva
Minerva, quae etiam Pallas dicitur, e capite Iovis nata esse ferebatur. Dea fuit sapientiae et artium. Colebatur imprimis Athenis, qua in urbe studia litterarum maxime floruerunt. Eadem belli et armorum inventrix et princeps habita est.
Fingebatur armata, galeam in capite gestans, thorace induta, in quo effictum erat Medusae caput serpentibus circumplicatum, cuius aspectu homines in lapides commutari credebantur.
Ex avibus noctura ei sacra fuit, ex arboribus olea.
V. Vesta
Vesta, Saturni filia, dea erat ignis domestici. Cultus eius fuit antiquissimus. Romae primum ei templum a Numa, altero Romanorum rege, exctructum est.
In eo templo ignis perpetuus a virginibus Vestalibus, deae sacerdotibus, alebatur. Gravis poena constituta erat in eam virginem, cuius negligentia ignis esset exstinctus.
VI. Ceres
Ceres, Saturni et Rheae filia, frugum dea erat. Ea enim prima agriculturam et usum frumenti homines docuit, qui antea glande vescebantur.
Sacra eius arcana erant ac silentio celebrabantur.
Fingebatur coronam in capite gestans spicis ornatam dextra manu falcem retinens, sinistra manipulos spicarum et papaverum.
VII. Mars
Mars, belli deus, praecipuo honore a Romanis colebatur. Putabant enim Romulum et Remum, qui urbem Romam condiderunt, Martis filios esse.
Ex eius nomine tertius anni mensis Martius appellatus est. Martius quoque dictus est campus, ubi Romana iuventus gymnicis ludis exercebatur.
Ex animalibus ei sacri erant lupus et equus.
VIII. Mercurius
Mercurius, Iovis et Maiae filius, nuntius erat deorum, imprimis Iovis. Animas mortuorum ad inferos deducebat.
Idem mercaturae deus habebatur. Lyram quoque et palaestram invenisse dicitur.
Fingebatur iuvenis formosus, insignis petaso et talaribus alatis, caduceum manu tenens, id est virgam duobus serpentibus circumplicatam.
IX. Apollo et Musae
Apollo, qui idem Phoebus dicitur, Iovis et Latonae filius, cum Diana sorore in insula Delo natus est. Deus fuit medicinae, artis iaculandi, musicae, poësis. Praeterea divinationi praefuit; quare plurima oracula ei sacra fuerunt, quorum nobilissimum est oraculum Delphicum.
Idem dux erat novem Musarum, quae deae artibus ac litteris praeerant, et Calliope quidem epico poëmati, Clio historiae, Melpomene tragoediae, Thalia comoediae, Euterpe arti musicae, Terpsichore choreis, Erato poësi amatoriae, Polyhymnia lyricis carminibus, Urania astrologiae.
Fingebatur adolescens imberbis, promisso capillo, dextra arcum et sagittas retinens, sinistra lyram.
Apollini laurus sacra erat, quare etiam poëtae laurea coronantur.
Ex avibus ei sacer erat corvus et cycnus.
X. Diana
Diana, Iovis et Latonae filia, Apollinis soror, semper virgo fuisse fertur; quare Latonia virgo a Vergilio dicta est. Praeerat venationibus, silvis, montibus. Eadem habebatur quae Luna in caelo et quae Proserpina apud inferos; quare et triformis et tergemina a poëtis appellatur.
Fingebatur plerumque coma soluta, arcum et sagittas manibus retinens, cervos aliasve feras persequens stipata canibus.
XI. Venus
Venus, amoris et pulchritudinis dea, ex spuma maris orta esse ferebatur.
Fingitur curru vehens, quem cycni vel columbae trahunt; comitatur eam filius Cupido vel Amor, puer alatus, arcum ac sagittas ferens. Praeterea comites habet tres Gratias, venustatis deas: Aglaien, Thaliam et Euphrosynen.
Apelles Venerem pinxit e mari exeuntem, quam picturam nobilissimam Venerem Anadyomenen vocant.
Ex arboribus myrtus ei sacra erat.
XII. Vulcanus
Veneris, pulcherrimae omnium dearum, maritus erat Vulcanus, turpissimus omnium deorum, Iovis et Iunonis filius. Is propter deformitatem a Iove de caelo deiectus in insulam Lemnum delapsus est, quo casu claudus factus dicitur. Erat autem deus ignis ac fabrorum ferrariorum; nec in Lemno solum, sed etiam sub Aetna monte et in Aeoliis insulis habere officinas dicebatur.
Ministri eius erant Cyclopes gigantes, unum modo oculum media fronte habentes, qui Iovi fulmina fabricari putabantur.
XIII. Pluto
Pluto, Iovis frater, inferorum deus, in Orco habitabat.
Fingitur in solio sedens, truci vultu, sceptrum manu retinens.
Plutonis uxor erat Proserpina, Iovis et Cereris filia. Eam flores in nemore Hennae legentem olim Pluto rapuisse dicitur.
Orci partes erant Tartarus, ubi improbi post mortem poenis afficiebantur, et campi Elysii, sedes piorum.
Iudices umbrarum tres erant: Minos, Rhadamanthus et Aeacus.
Ad inferos umbras deducebat Mercurius, deductas excipiebat Charon et trans Stygem et Acherontem, Orci flumina, transvehebat. Ii, quorum corpora humata non erant, diu ad ripam Stygis vagabantur; quare veteres magnam sepulturae curam habebant.
Ex flumine Lethe manes oblivionem superioris vitae hauriebant.
Introitum Orci custodiebat Cerberus, canis triceps.
Malos homines excruciabant apud inferos Furiae vel Eumenides; erines serpentibus circumplicatos habebant, manibus faces ardentes praeferebant.
XIV. Neptunus
Neptunus, Iovis frater, maris imperium obtinebat. Amphitriten uxorem duxit, maris deam, ex qua Tritonem genuit.
Neptuno equus sacer erat.
Agnoscitur imprimis tridente, quern manu tenet. Comitatur eum Triton filius tubicen, concha utens pro tuba.
Multi praeterea erant in mari dii minores multaeque deae, in quibus clarissimae sunt quinquaginta Nereides Nerei senis filiae, quarum una, Thetis, mater Achillis fuit.
XV. Bacchus
Bacchus, Iovis et Semeles filius, vini deus fuit.
Fingitur adolescens formosus, nudus, saepe etiam cornutus, hedera coronatus, manu tenens thyrsum id est hastam pampinis obtectam. Currus eius a tigribus aut a leonibus trahitur.
Comites Bacchi erant Nymphae et Satyri caprinis pedibus et Silenus, qui Bacchi praeceptor fuerat; praeterea mulieres ebriae et furentes, quae Bacchae vel Maenades dicebantur.
Baccho immolabatur hircus, quod animal vitibus nocere solet.
XVI. Ianus
Ianus summa religione a Romanis colebatur. Praeerat omnibus rerum initiis ac vicissitudinibus, imprimis anni et mensiurn et dierum.
Mensis Ianuarius, qui annum aperit, a lano nomen accepit.
Ianus antiquus Italiae rex fuisse et omnium primus homines ritus sacrorum docuisse putatur.
Fingitur bifrons, manu altera clavem, altera virgam tenens.
Templum eius belli tempore patebat; quum antem pax facta erat, claudebatur.
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Neptunus - Monster Strike
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artifacts-and-arthropods · 3 months ago
Giant Emerald Pill-Millipede: when these enormous millipedes are all rolled up, their bodies can be as big as a baseball, a tennis ball, or a small orange
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This species (Zoosphaerium neptunus) is commonly known as a giant emerald pill-millipede. The females can measure up to 90mm long (roughly 3.5 inches), making this the largest species of pill-millipede in the world.
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There is a significant degree of sexual dimorphism in this species, with the males measuring only about 45mm (1.8 inches) long -- roughly half the size of the females.
Giant emerald pill-millipedes are found only in Madagascar, which is home to several endemic species of giant pill-millipedes (order Sphaerotheriida). The Malagasy name for giant pill-millipedes is "Tainkintana," which means "shooting-star."
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Pill-millipedes use conglobation as a defense mechanism, which means that they can curl their bodies up into a spherical shape so that their dorsal plates form a protective shield around the softer, more vulnerable parts of their bodies, just like an actual pill-bug or a "roly-poly."
When they roll themselves up completely, they look almost like gently polished chunks of malachite, emerald, or jade.
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Giant emerald pill-millipedes will sometimes form large swarms that travel together as a group. This is the only species of giant pill-millipede that engages in any sort of swarming behavior, and the purpose of that behavior is still unclear. The swarms often contain thousands of individuals, with almost all of them moving in the same direction, even when there is no physical contact that might allow the millipedes to "herd" one another along.
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Their swarming behavior also has some very peculiar features, as this article explains:
During swarming, Zoosphaerium neptunus individuals pay little attention to their surroundings; many specimens were observed walking straight into and drowning in small puddles. Some swarms even display ‘cliché lemming behaviour:' in Marojejy, a large part of a swarm walked into and drowned in a small river.
No single specimen was observed walking ‘against the current,' all specimens were moving in the same direction (southeast), even when not in contact with one another.
Of 273 randomly collected individuals, 105 were males, while 168 were females. The males were 8.3 - 14.1 mm wide (average width 10.4 mm). According to the inner horns of the posterior telopods, all males were sexually mature. The females were 9.95 - 15.4 mm wide (average width 11.4 mm). All females displayed non sclerotized vulvae and were sexually immature.
Some researchers argue that the swarming serves as a defense mechanism, providing a layer of protection (or at least some cryptic cover) against local predators, but the swarming behavior is still poorly understood.
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Important Note: I just want to remind everyone that these animals belong in their own natural habitat -- they should not be trapped, bought/sold, traded, shipped, collected, or kept as pets. This particular species does not survive well in captivity, either, and the demand for these "exotic" invertebrates is putting the wild populations in jeopardy. The previous article discusses those issues, too:
Another possible threat for Z. neptunus swarms are collections for the pet trade. There exists a large demand in Japan, Europe and North America for 'green -eyed monsters’ as pets. Giant pill -millipedes from Madagascar unfortunately have a very short survival time in terraria. The species is specialized on low-energy food (dead leaves), and adapted to the cool climates (<20°C) of the highlands. Specimens in terraria often starve to death quickly.
So I know that they're adorable and really, really fascinating...but let's just let them be their chunky, adorable little selves out in the wild where they belong.
Sources & More Info:
European Journal of Taxonomy: Seven New Giant Pill-Millipede Species and New Records of the Genus Zoosphaerium from Madagascar
Madagascar Conservation & Development: Swarming Behavior in the World's Largest Giant Pill-Millipede, Z. neptunus, and its Implication for Conservation Efforts
Bonn Zoological Bulletin Supplementum: The Giant Millipedes, Order Sphaerotheriida (an Annotated Species Catalogue) (PDF)
African Invertebrates: Madagascar's Living Giants: Discovery of Five New Species of Endemic Giant Pill-Millipedes from Madagascar (PDF)
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power-handmaiden · 23 days ago
Day 14: Giant emerald pill millipede
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I wish I could hold one..... why must they be all the way over in Madagascar
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gadisneptunus · 3 months ago
Hampir sepanjang hari hujan, bukan berarti Allah ingin menghambat aktivitas atau mempersulit urusan hamba Nya. Justru dengan menurunkan hujan Allah ingin sepanjang hari juga, do'a yang dipanjatkan hamba Nya mustajab untuk dikabulkan.
Mari banyak banyak melangitkan doa 😊
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jennrosefx · 7 months ago
I had a lifer genus. Maratus. I dreamed of meeting some one day. Then back in 2017, many dreams came true and I got to travel to Australia for work. Once the job wrapped up, I spent a week with some spider photographer friends I’d known for years online… and the first time a Maratus volans danced on my hand? I cried.
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Normalize having Lifer bugs. Just because they're often tiny and strange doesn't mean they can't spark joy.
This gorgeous nugget wasp (Perilampus hyalinus) isn't a rare sight necessarily, but, like, just look at her! 💙💜 I had not found one before, and she made my day.
12/4/22. N. Florida
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unfilteredhqs · 3 months ago
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Com o fim do primeiro Panteão oficial da Unfiltered, é hora de dar adeus ao reinado da casa Neptunus com uma festa inesquecível, que é a cara deles! Apostando em uma vibe descontraída e cheia de estilo, o grupo decidiu transformar sua despedida em uma celebração temática de arcade, homenageando o universo gamer de maneira única e criativa.
Logo ao cruzar as portas da festa, os convidados são transportados para uma realidade alternativa, onde luzes de neon e uma atmosfera futurista criam o cenário perfeito. Antes mesmo de dar os primeiros passos no evento, uma escolha os aguarda: listar seus cinco jogos favoritos ou encarar um jello shot direto do bar temático. Qual será a sua escolha?
Máquinas de fliperama decoram as paredes, prontas para testar as habilidades dos participantes e criar momentos de pura nostalgia. Painéis grafitados e posters icônicos, celebrando desde clássicos atemporais até os maiores sucessos atuais, dão vida ao espaço, enquanto o chão iluminado por faixas de LED neon guia os passos por entre as atrações.
E o que dizer do palco? Às 20h, o mistério se revela com um convidado surpresa, escolhido a dedo pela equipe roxinha, que promete levantar a galera e encerrar o reinado da Neptunus em grande estilo. Até lá, desafios interativos e brindes temáticos mantêm o ritmo da festa.
Não perca essa despedida épica! Nossas câmeras estão a postos para capturar cada momento inesquecível – e quem sabe você não aparece no próximo destaque do Unfiltered? 🚀
Como encerramento da dinâmica da última prova, hoje a Neptunus fecha o seu Panteão, e a contagem recomeça para a próxima semana! Este é o último dia para aproveitarem os benefícios oferecidos pelo Panteão. A partir de segunda-feira, tudo volta ao padrão.
O evento foi idealizado pelos players e personagens da casa, sendo criado de acordo com as ideias deles. No entanto, a moderação é responsável por fazer o post e publicar a ambientação no Discord, uma hora antes da festa.
A participação não é obrigatória, mas é uma ótima oportunidade para quem quer garantir um tempinho de destaque.
A tag para o evento é #UTDNEPCON, postem suas fotos e calls do evento de acordo.
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herpsandbirds · 1 year ago
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Giant Emerald Pill Millipede (Zoosphaerium neptunus), family Anthrosphaeridae, Alaotra-Mangoro, Toamasina, Madagascar
Photograph by Julien Renoult
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kestrels-and-katydids · 2 years ago
Myriapoda Poll Round 3
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mhempire · 1 year ago
Tactics and strategy can be interesting if you have visual accompaniments, but that unfortunately either requires a certain cartographic talent that your average historian lacks, or for there to be access to pre-existing maps. Modern history is usually fine when it comes to accessing contemporary strategic maps, but tactical maps are much rarer. Older history, meanwhile, lacks both contemporary strategic and tactical maps due to the lesser cartographic technology, though it somewhat makes up for it simply by having much more time for a historian who can actually draw to come around and take an interest in the event.
As such, more personal accounts tend to be easier for experienced and new historians alike to study.
The book I’m currently reading, Neptunus Rex (about the often overlooked USN’s involvement in D-Day through a compilation of ~50 different accounts ) actually has one sailor deal with this pretty well: while writing home to his dad about D-Day, he included multiple rather detailed maps of his destroyer’s movements along the coast throughout the day, including what they fired at and when (he waited until he was back home before he sent it, so as to not compromise operational security). The maps were rather amateurish, sure, but that’s something a normal sailor writing to his dad can get away with, versus a professional historian (whom is typically held to a much higher standard, both by other historians and by themselves).
Few subjects can be quite so boring as history badly written or badly taught; no branch is more open to this than military history. A few people seem able to derive a satisfaction from studying the moves and deployments of armies without concern for the men who made and undertook them. While often wishing that I could find a little interest in such matters, I must admit that nothing sends me to sleep quicker than bald statements about the so-and-so division advancing along a certain axis, and passing through endless places which are rarely shown on any map. My concern is always to discover what the men taking part in the operation thought of it.
John Baynes - Morale, a Study of Men and Courage: The Second Scottish Rifles and the Battle of Neuve Chapelle, 1915.
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aliciavance4228 · 3 months ago
Athena doesn’t want to be a virgin but her father didn't allow her to marry this, back then virgin ment not married and so she was sleeping around all this time that...
Meanwhile a scholarist wrote the reasons why Hera, Poseidon and Athena participated in the binding of Zeus in the very first place:
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Not to mention the fact that there's a myth where Hephaestus literally tried to force himself on her, but she managed to protect herself. If anything, Zeus tried to forcibly marry her off to him, rather than force her to stay a virgin:
Pseudo-Hyginus, Fabulae 166 (trans. Grant) (Roman mythographer C2nd A.D.) : "When Father Liber [Dionysos] had brought him [Hephaistos] back drunk to the council of the gods, he could not refuse this filial duty [and free Hera from the magical throne he had trapped her in]. Then he obtained freedom of choice from Jove [Zeus], to gain whatever he sought from them. Therefore Neptunus [Poseidon], because he was hostile to Minerva [Athene], urged Volcanus [Hephaistos] to ask for Minerva in marriage. This was granted, but Minerva, when he entered her chamber, defended her virginity with arms. As they struggled, some of his seed fell to earth, and from it a boy was born, the lower part of whose body was snake-formed. They named him Erichthonius, because eris in Greek means ‘strife’ and khthon means ‘earth.’ When Minerva [Athena] was secretly caring for him, she gave him in a chest to Aglaurus, Pandrosus, and Herse, daughters of Cecrops, to guard."
Also, the more I find the "Acktchually, back then virgin ment... 🖕🤓" argument, the more I'm inclined to believe that these people aren’t going to take: "This goddess has no interest in having romantic/sexual relationship with men." as an option.
Aphrodite and Demeter are right here, if you really want to write a sexually active, unmarried/no longer married goddess then just use them two.
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deathlessathanasia · 2 months ago
You know what is funny?
The fact that so many people talk about Ares protecting Hera and Artemis from the Aloadai, yet such a thing is never actually claimed in ancient sources. At no point is it stated that Ares was captured specifically because he was trying to protect his mother and sister, and in fact in most versions there is no indication that Hera and Artemis were in any particular danger.
In the one version where Artemis is in real danger from the Aloadai, though, it is Apollo who intervenes: "Otos and Ephialtes, sons of Aloeus and Iphimede, are said to have been of extraordinary size. They each grew nine inches every month, and so when they were nine years old, they tried to climb into heaven. They began this way: they placed Mount Ossa on Pelion (from this Mount Ossa is also called Pelion), and were piling up other mountains. But they were discovered by Apollo and killed. Other writers, however, say that they were invulnerable sons of Neptunus and Iphimede. When they wished to assault Diana, she could not resist their strength, and Apollo sent a deer between them. Driven mad by anger in trying to kill it with javelins, they killed each other. In the Land of the Dead they are said to suffer this punishment: they are bound by serpents to a column, back to back. Between them is a screech-owl, sitting on the column to which they are bound." (Pseudo-Hyginus, Fabulae 28)
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cross-armageddon · 2 years ago
Meanwhile in Camp Jupiter
(two of my own OCs + Ichika - the trio from the weird Cohort)
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Guys idk if anyone did that already BUT I HAVE HUGE SHIT
project sekai percy jackson au, i am insane over this now
I already have everyone figured out, as in what camp, which parent etc., I just need to figure out everyone's powers, WHICH IS WHAT THIS FIRST AU POST IS ABOUT YIPPEEEEEEEE
For this post, I am bringing you:
WonderShow (1/2)
I'm still figuring out Nene's (Poseidon) and Tsukasa's (Jupiter) powers, BUT EMU AND RUI ARE ALREADY FINISHED AND I HAVE A BUNCH OF SILLY SCRIBBLES
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If my writing is too dogshit, tldr:
Emu - Demeter child
Brings prosperity to everyone around her when she's happy, but most don't notice that wealth part because she keeps growing flowers under her feet everywhere and the more happy she is, the more plants grow
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Technically it should be obvious she's half blood, but because of the fog, or whatever that masking ability is called, people just keep thinking she brings dirt on her feet or that the flowers are stage props
(Tsukasa is actually one of the victims of that, but that's for later when I explain what's up with him)
he's a Dionysus kid, when he came to the camp everyone thought he was a Hephaestus kid because of how he dealt with monster attacks, but no, he was claimed immediately by Dionysus who just came and said "oh yep, that one's mine, hello son"
Dionysus in the books was able to induce mania, so Rui can actually do exactly that, but in a positive way
(I call it autism powers because he can hyperfixate anyone on his shows)
That power of his is actually pretty passive and he barely controls it. He was outcasted as a kid because other kids just found that state scary (even if it was positive) and didnt know what it was etc.
Of course that state is temporary, but it rubs off on everyone and that includes fellow troupe members, like here:
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(get it,,,,,,,, grapevines,,,,,,,,,,,,, cuz he's a dionysus kid,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)
Now, what's up with the Tsukasa thing:
Nene, Emu and Rui go to Camp HalfBlood the oramge shirts, because they're claimed by greek gods
So Tsukasa goes to Camp Jupiter...
And you see, when they meet in the outer world - They don't know all of them are demigods.
My vision of this, illustrated:
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There have been multiple instances of monster attacks in PXL and all of them are hiding from each other, because if you get injured - how the fuck do you explain it to a civilian?
(But they're not civilians, which is funny)
I will be making more powers for everyone, because the list of what demigods everyone is already exists
I already called backup to help me create original powers, I WILL BE BACK WITH MORE SILLIES
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teriyakiryder37 · 1 month ago
Terima kasih atas segala rasa, pada hari itu pun aku turut bahagia. Karena aku selalu tahu, menyukaimu bukan berarti selalu memilikimu.🎶 Terimakasih neptunus sudah mewarnai hari hariku di tahun 2024🍀🤍 Aku masih menyayangimu tapi sekarang aku berusaha menerima semuanya, dan melepaskan semua anganku yang ingin bersamamu.🤍
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