#Neo-Zeta Earth
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The PMX-003 The-O
With the Titans gaining power and influence in Earth-sphere through the 0080s, they began seeking out individuals of renown to fill their ranks. One of the most notable of these figures was known by the moniker "The Man from Jupiter". This man, Paptimus Sirocco, was a gifted strategist, pilot, and mobile suit designer.
His development of the PMX-000 Messala caught the attention of Admiral Jamitov Hymen, who insisted that he be recruited into the organization.

Working under the Titans, Sirocco personally developed a number of mobile suits, the third of which would be used as his personal unit, and the machine for which he is most well known for designing.
The-O is a large, heavily armed and armored machine, standing at an oppressive 28.4 meters in height. Its bulky appearance is deceptive, however, as it is covered in maneuvering thrusters. Having been personally designed by Paptimus Sirocco for his own use, it is specialized to take advantage of his precognitive abilities. Due to this, it is nearly impossible for anyone else to pilot.

The unit also had a number of unconventional features, including a pair of sub-arms hidden in the front skirt armor and a Biosensor system. A development of the Psycommu system, the Biosensor condensed and amplified this technology, allowing for use of mind-guided weaponry, and enhancing the mobile suit's capabilities.

Seeing deployment toward the end of the Gryps conflict, Sirocco was able to stand toe-to-toe with Axis Zeon's Qubeley, as well as the AEUG's Zeta Gundam, along with destroying a number of mass-produced units over the course of the battle. The-O was only disabled with the death of its pilot at the hands of AEUG ace pilot Kamille Bidan.
The-O was also built with a sister unit, the PMX-004 Titania. The Titania was intended to be used by the woman who Sirocco would install as Earth-sphere's Queen following the completion of his coup d'état. A candidate was never selected.

Paptimus Sirocco also designed the AGX-11 Over.on, based closely on The-O. The machine was only completed after his death, and was piloted by Mashiro Oaks. The machine featured removable "chobham" armor that closely resembles the original machine.

Casval rem Deikun's Neo Zeon movement made use of several machines based on The-O, as former Zeon scientists who worked on the design joined the faction as it grew to prominence. These machines were the PMX-003 The-O II, the PMX-005 Breda, and the PMS-007 Jaguar.

The-O was originally designed by Makoto Kobayashi and Kazumi Fujita for the 1985 anime Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam. The unit has seen several alternate interpretations over the years.

This unit was a request from a friend! Requests are always welcome!
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Char Aznable is such a tragic character. He never really moved on past his parents’ death. Once he murdered the Zabi family, he had nothing else to believe in. He tried to fight for Zeon zum Deikun’s ideals, but he didn’t have the same heart behind it. Zeon struck me as a very kind, level-headed man who just wanted the colonies to be free to govern themselves, whereas Char is the kind of person who will accomplish his goals at any means necessary.
Char either pushed everyone away, used them, or lost them. He pushed Sayla away and essentially abandoned her so he could get revenge on the Zabis. Lalah died in battle and haunted him to his dying day. He let others get close to him and pushed them away after a while. He used Quess as a pawn in his battle. He got close to Kamille, and he seemed to genuinely see the kid as a little brother, but he didn’t realize until it was too late that he’d led Kamille to become nothing more than a killing machine, and his actions directly led to Kamille’s severe brain injury in the Zeta Gundam and his subsequent coma. Don’t get me started on Amuro, he decided that this guy was the one person who understood him and also his mortal enemy.
After Kamille’s injury and hospitalization, Char blamed the Earth Federation and the Titans for what happened. He misapplied Zeon zum Deikun’s desire for the space colonies’ independence and used it to justify dropping an asteroid on Earth, freeing the colonies by any means necessary. And that any means wound up leading to him being so desperate that he threw everything away, even his own life, for a cause he didn’t even believe in.
Char Aznable wasn’t ever really Char, he had no idea who he was. He had to stop being Casval rem Deikun very young to look after Artesia. He became Edouard, the ward of a noble. Then Char, young soldier from the Texas colony. Then the Red Comet, Zeon’s ace fighter. Then Quattro Bajeena, the AEUG operative and big brother figure to Kamille Bidan. Then he became a new Char Aznable, the face of Neo Zeon. He died without a purpose, nothing more than a boy who never was able to grieve his mother.
#char aznable#mobile suit gundam#mobile suit zeta gundam#char’s counterattack#mobile suit gundam spoilers#he makes me so sad#I do think he was closest to happy as Quattro#and that makes me sad
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I finished Gundam ZZ and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed by it in the end. The start of the show is more goofy and light hearted than zeta Gundam and I can enjoy that for what it is but then the earth arc happens and it’s genuinely on the same level as zeta Gundam and insanely good but then the episodes after they leave for space up to the end of the show. Are mediocre
Including the awful tigerbaun episode and then the finale which is just a worse version of zeta gundams although I’m glad it had a happy ending compared to zetas sad bittersweet one.
I think the biggest reasons for this are the main villians after how great the build up for Hamman khan and neo zeon were in zeta Gundam with the exception of the earth arc they felt underwhelming and not as threatening as the titans from zeta Gundam. But then there’s Glemy who is easily the most confusing character in the show as he starts of as joke villain who’s defining trait is that he has a crush on Roux but in the second half suddenly he’s a main villain who rivals Hamman and in the end he just ends up being a worse version of scirocco from zeta.
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test design of mixing the zeta c1 types color scheme with the bawoo, as both are my favorite transforming type mobile suits, it would have the same gun more or less as the zeta c1, hence its circle camera thing, but i didnt feel like drawing it, id imagine this is either like an au situation or just a neo zeon recaptured coloration, like with the zaku f2 and gelgoog marines in 0083, and i could imagine these docking on earth along with the zeta plus types on military bases out in the sun
#gundam#my art#whateverrrr idgaf about the gundam lindwurm id like to forget that a bawoo gundam even exists
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宇宙世紀革命路線的再思考 機動戰士裡的反抗組織與革命策略
我: 請介紹機動戰士Z鋼彈裡反地球聯邦組織幽谷與卡拉帕以及軍火商亞納海姆株式會社三者之間的關係,還有幽谷與卡拉帕聯手擊敗迪坦斯之後這些組織的後續狀況。
ChatGPT: 🌌 幽谷、卡拉帕與亞納海姆株式會社的關係解析 在《機動戰士Z鋼彈》(Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam)中,幽谷(A.E.U.G.)、卡拉帕(Karaba)與亞納海姆株式會社(Anaheim Electronics)是三個在反抗地球聯邦政府極權勢力的重要團體,特別是在對抗地球聯���內部的極端派系迪坦斯(Titans)時發揮了關鍵作用。
🛰 1. 幽谷(A.E.U.G.) 全名:Anti Earth Union Group(反地球聯邦組織) 成立背景:由Side 1、Side 2和Side 4的殖民地居民以及一些前吉翁公國的殘黨共同組成。 他們對地球聯邦政府愈發腐敗、對宇宙殖民地的壓迫,以及迪坦斯的暴政感到不滿。 目標:推翻迪坦斯,改革地球聯邦政府,爭取宇宙居民的自由和平等。 成員背景: 主要來自聯邦軍內的改革派軍官,如布萊德·諾亞(Bright Noa)。 前吉翁公國的技術人員和軍官,如奧古斯特·阿西瑪(Reccoa Londe)。
🦅 2. 卡拉帕(Karaba) 領袖:海曼·康恩(Hayato Kobayashi),前白色基地的成員。 組織性質:地球上的反聯邦地下組織。 成立背景:由地球上的反聯邦分子和環保主義者組成,對抗地球聯邦政府對地球環境的過度開發和軍事化。 行動範圍:與幽谷不同,卡拉帕主要在地球上活動,對抗聯邦在地球上的軍事基地和迪坦斯的地面勢力。 主要成員: 阿姆羅·雷(Amuro Ray)——卡拉帕的重要戰力之一。 凱·西丹(Kai Shiden)——情報提供者,活躍於地球上的抵抗行動。
🏢 3. 亞納海姆株式會社(Anaheim Electronics) 公司性質:一家強大的軍火商與技術公司。 角色定位:名義上中立,實際上秘密支援幽谷與卡拉帕。 貢獻: 開發了Z鋼彈、百式等許多高性能的機動戰士(Mobile Suit)。 提供資金、技術與情報支援。 動機: 維護公司在宇宙和地球上的商業利益。 防止迪坦斯的極權統治影響公司運營和軍事技術市場。
⚔ 三者之間的合作關係 幽谷和卡拉帕在對抗迪坦斯的戰鬥中互為盟友: 幽谷主攻宇宙戰場,卡拉帕負責地球上的抵抗行動。 亞納海姆株式會社提供機體與技術支援,成為這兩個組織的主要軍火供應商。 亞納海姆的策略:表面保持中立,暗中推動反迪坦斯勢力,以確保自己在戰後的市場優勢。
🛡 戰後的後續發展
🎖 1. 幽谷的後續狀況 在幽谷與卡拉帕聯手成功擊敗迪坦斯後,地球聯邦政府一度受到整頓,但幽谷未能徹底改變聯邦的體制。 幽谷在《機動戰士ZZ鋼彈》中: 與新的勢力新吉翁(Neo Zeon)交戰。 幽谷的影響力逐漸減弱,但核心成員仍在推動宇宙居民的自治與和平。
🌍 2. 卡拉帕的後續狀況 卡拉帕在戰後逐漸淡出歷史舞台。 阿姆羅·雷在《機動戰士ZZ鋼彈》中短暫露面,但主要活躍於《機動戰士逆襲的夏亞》中。 卡拉帕的精神:繼續在一些獨立小組和反地球聯邦的地下勢力中延續。
💼 3. 亞納海姆株式會社的後續狀況 戰後的亞納海姆仍然是宇宙中最強大的軍火商。 不論戰爭的勝敗方,他們都能從中獲利,繼續為各方勢力提供機動戰士技術。 在後續作品中,亞納海姆被描繪成一個更加狡猾和利益至上的企業,甚至與各種勢力都有密切關聯,維持著自己在軍事市場中的壟斷地位。
🧩 關係總結 組織/公司 性質 領袖/代表人物 主要目標 戰後狀況 幽谷(A.E.U.G.) 反地球聯邦宇宙組織 布萊德·諾亞 推翻迪坦斯、改革聯邦政府 影響力逐漸減弱 卡拉帕(Karaba) 地球上的反聯邦組織 海曼·康恩、阿姆羅·雷 地球環境保護、對抗迪坦斯 戰後淡出歷史舞台 亞納海姆株式會社 軍火商、技術公司 不明 提供軍火技術、維護商業利益 繼續壟斷軍事市場
⚖ 總體評價 幽谷和卡拉帕雖然成功推翻了迪坦斯,但未能徹底改變地球聯邦的腐敗體制。 而亞納海姆株式會社在戰後繼續在各方勢力之間遊走,以保持自己的軍事技術優勢。 這也預示著戰爭的根源未能消除,而新的衝突仍在醞釀。
我: 在機動戰士閃光的哈薩維裡的反地球聯邦組織馬夫蒂,其核心成員是否由新吉翁失敗後的殘黨組成?
ChatGPT: 在《機動戰士 閃光的哈薩維》(Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash)中,反地球聯邦政府的組織馬夫蒂·納比尤·艾琳(Mafty Navue Erin)是由哈薩維·諾亞(Hathaway Noa)領導的反抗勢力。 但馬夫蒂並不是由新吉翁殘黨直接組成,而是有著更複雜的背景和成員來源。
🦅 1. 馬夫蒂的成立背景與目標 馬夫蒂是一個致力於推翻地球聯邦政府的地下組織。 成立於U.C.0100年代,當時的地球聯邦政府變得更加腐敗和專制,尤其是對於地球環境的過度開發和對宇宙居民的壓迫。 哈薩維·諾亞以“馬夫蒂·納比尤·艾琳”為化名,成為組織的精神領袖和核心領導者。 核心目標: 推動地球人類的“宇宙移民”政策,減少對地球的負擔。 攻擊地球聯邦的高官和象徵腐敗的權力結構。 徹底改變聯邦政府的體制,建立一個更公平的宇宙社會。
🔎 2. 馬夫蒂的成員構成 馬夫蒂的成員來自多個背景,主要分為以下幾個類型:
📘 (1) 前幽谷與卡拉帕的支持者 馬夫蒂的部分成員來自幽谷(A.E.U.G.)和卡拉帕(Karaba)的舊勢力。 這些人對地球聯邦的改革抱有希望,但在幽谷和卡拉帕的運動失敗後,他們選擇繼續對抗聯邦政府。 哈薩維·諾亞本身就是幽谷的支持者布萊德·諾亞的兒子,因此受到了這些舊勢力的支持。
📘 (2) 地球上的環保激進分子 馬夫蒂的核心理念之一是保護地球環境,減少地球上的人口負擔。 這吸引了一批環保主義者和地球上的激進分子,他們對地球聯邦政府的開發政策感到不滿。
📘 (3) 吉翁系的殘黨或支持者 馬夫蒂確實吸收了一些新吉翁失敗後的殘黨,特別是那些不滿夏亞·阿茲納布爾(Char Aznable)“逆襲”失敗的吉翁支持者。 不過,這些吉翁成員在馬夫蒂內部的比例並不高。 馬夫蒂的思想路線與吉翁的「自護主義」有本質上的不同: 吉翁的核心理念是宇宙移民的自治權,甚至包括宇宙殖民地的獨立。 馬夫蒂的核心理念則是強制推動人類從地球遷移到宇宙,帶有更強的環保和生態保護色彩。
📘 (4) 地球聯邦內部的改革派官員 馬夫蒂也得到了地球聯邦內部改革派的秘密支持。 聯邦內部的某些官員對政府的腐敗和專制感到不滿,選擇暗中支持馬夫蒂的行動。
⚔ 3. 馬夫蒂與吉翁的區別 馬夫蒂 吉翁(Zeon) 由哈薩維·諾亞創立 由吉翁·戴肯創立 強調環保與人類從地球的遷移 強調宇宙殖民地的自治 攻擊地球聯邦的腐敗高層 主張與地球聯邦的獨立對抗 政治暗殺與游擊戰為主 全面戰爭與軍事衝突 與新吉翁僅有少量成員關聯 吉翁的正統延續
🌌 4. 馬夫蒂的行動方式與戰術 馬夫蒂的行動方式與吉翁的軍事行動大不相同。 馬夫蒂採取的是游擊戰術和暗殺行動,主要針對地球聯邦的高層人物進行政治暗殺。 哈薩維·諾亞認為,聯邦的腐敗來自於少數精英階層,因此只要清除這些腐敗的高官,就能推動體制改革。
💀 5. 馬夫蒂的最終命運 馬夫蒂的行動雖然造成了地球聯邦內部的震盪,但最終因為哈薩維·諾亞的身份曝光,以及反抗行動的失敗而瓦解。 哈薩維·諾亞被捕並處決,馬夫蒂的運動暫告一段落。 然而,馬夫蒂的思想和理念在後續的U.C.歷史中繼續影響著各種反聯邦勢力,甚至成為了宇宙世紀的永久課題。
🔗 6. 關聯總結:馬夫蒂與新吉翁的關係 馬夫蒂的成員中有部分新吉翁殘黨,但這並非主要構成力量。 馬夫蒂的理念與吉翁的「自護主義」不同,更傾向於環保主義和人類遷移的激進路線。 吉翁的影響在馬夫蒂的思想和行動中存在,但馬夫蒂更多是幽谷和卡拉帕的延續,並吸納了其他反聯邦的勢力。 總的來說,馬夫蒂與新吉翁的關係是間接的,但理念和組成結構有顯著區別。 馬夫蒂更像是U.C.後期的一個全新反聯邦運動,而非單純的吉翁殘黨復興。
我: 在閃光的哈薩維裡的反地球聯邦組織除了馬夫蒂之外,是否也有新吉翁殘黨在進行活動?
ChatGPT: 在《機動戰士 閃光的哈薩維》的時間點(U.C.0105),新吉翁殘黨的確依然在宇宙世紀的歷史舞台上活動,但與馬夫蒂之間的關聯相對有限。在《閃光的哈薩維》的故事中,新吉翁殘黨的活動較為低調,主要因為在第二次新吉翁戰爭(夏亞的逆襲)失敗後,新吉翁的力量已經大幅衰退,殘黨多數選擇以隱藏身分或小規模行動的方式繼續對抗地球聯邦政府。
🚀 1. U.C.0105時期的新吉翁殘黨活動概況 🌌 (1)第二次新吉翁戰爭後的殘黨狀況 第二次新吉翁戰爭(即《機動戰士逆襲的夏亞》的事件)發生於U.C.0093年,以夏亞·阿茲納布爾的失敗告終。 戰爭結束後,聯邦政府加強了對吉翁殘黨的鎮壓行動。 但是,新吉翁殘黨並未完全消失。 他們選擇分散成小規模的抵抗勢力,隱藏於宇宙各殖民地、宇宙船團甚至地球上。
🌌 (2)殘黨活動的形式 新吉翁殘黨主要以恐怖活動和政治暗殺的形式,對抗地球聯邦政府。 他們沒有形成如馬夫蒂那樣的大規模組織,而是以分散的游擊隊或秘密結社的形式存在。
🧩 2. 馬夫蒂與新吉翁殘黨的互動與區別 📘 (1)馬夫蒂與新吉翁的理念差異 馬夫蒂 新吉翁殘黨 強調環保與人類遷移到宇宙 強調宇宙居民的自治與獨立 以政治暗殺為主要手段 以游擊戰與恐怖活動為主 哈薩維·諾亞領導��個人化色彩強 無統一領導,分散行動
馬夫蒂和新吉翁殘黨目標相似,都是為了對抗地球聯邦,但兩者的手段與理念明顯不同。 馬夫蒂更專注於環保與人口控制,希望推動人類從地球遷徙到宇宙。 新吉翁殘黨則延續了吉翁主義(Zeonism)的核心理念,強調宇宙殖民地的自治和反對地球至上主義。
📘 (2)馬夫蒂是否與新吉翁殘黨合作? 在《閃光的哈薩維》的故事中,馬夫蒂沒有與新吉翁殘黨建立正式的合作關係。 然而,在背景設定中提到,新吉翁殘黨的某些成員確實暗中支持馬夫蒂的行動,因為他們有共同的敵人——地球聯邦政府。
不過,哈薩維·諾亞本身並不認同吉翁的理念,因此他不願意與新吉翁殘黨過於密切地合作。 馬夫蒂希望建立一個全新的反抗運動,而不是重蹈吉翁的覆轍。
🕵️ 3. 地球上的新吉翁殘黨活動 在U.C.0105時期,新吉翁殘黨的活動主要集中在地球上的秘密行動。以下是一些典型的活動模式: 🌍 (1)恐怖襲擊 新吉翁殘黨在地球上發起了小規模的恐怖襲擊,針對地球聯邦的軍事設施和政治高層。 這些行動通常是隱秘且零散的,不像馬夫蒂那樣具有政治象徵性。
🌍 (2)協助地下組織 一些新吉翁殘黨成員選擇融入當地的反聯邦地下組織,提供武器和技術支援。 他們也會向馬夫蒂這樣的組織提供情報,但並未成為馬夫蒂的核心成員。
📜 4. 新吉翁殘黨未來的發展(U.C.後續劇情) 新吉翁殘黨的活動雖然在《閃光的哈薩維》中低調,但在宇宙世紀後續的劇情中,吉翁主義並未完全消失。 📚 (1)在《機動戰士F91》中 時間來到U.C.0123年,新吉翁的遺產被「宇宙貴族主義」的組織「十字先鋒軍(Crossbone Vanguard)」所繼承。 十字先鋒軍的理念與吉翁主義有某些相似之處,但更強調貴族階層的統治。
📚 (2)在《機動戰士V鋼彈》中 時間來到U.C.0150年代,地球聯邦政府徹底腐敗,而新的反抗勢力「扎布斯特(Zanscare Empire)」崛起。 雖然扎布斯特帝國與吉翁殘黨沒有直接聯繫,但他們繼承了反地球聯邦的精神。
🧩 5. 結論:新吉翁殘黨在U.C.0105的角色 問題 答案 新吉翁殘黨是否仍在活動? 是,新吉翁殘黨在U.C.0105時期仍有小規模的活動。 新吉翁殘黨是否參與馬夫蒂? 部分新吉翁成員可能暗中支持馬夫蒂,但無正式合作關係。 新吉翁殘黨的行動方式? 以恐怖活動、游擊戰為主,分散於地球和宇宙各地。 馬夫蒂與新吉翁的最大區別? 馬夫蒂強調環保和人口遷移,而吉翁殘黨強調自治和獨立。
總的來說,新吉翁殘黨在《閃光的哈薩維》時期的活動是零散的,並未成為故事的主要力量。 他們雖然對馬夫蒂的行動抱持支持態度,但馬夫蒂與吉翁的理念分歧讓雙方未能正式合作。 新吉翁的遺產,則在宇宙世紀後續的歷史中,不斷以不同形式出現。
我: 同樣是反地球聯邦組織,哈薩維卻選擇獨自抗爭而不是與新吉翁殘黨合作,你認為這是否是導致馬夫蒂失敗的主要原因?
ChatGPT: 這個問題觸及了《閃光的哈薩維》中的一個核心議題:革命的成敗不僅取決於行動的正當性,還取決於領導者的策略選擇和同盟的建立。 哈薩維選擇不與新吉翁殘黨合作,的確是馬夫蒂最終失敗的原因之一。 然而,這個選擇背後有深刻的個人、歷史和理念層面的原因。
哈薩維為什麼拒絕與新吉翁合作? 這個選擇如何影響馬夫蒂的命運? 如果哈薩維與新吉翁合作,馬夫蒂能否成功? 最終失敗的根本原因是什麼?
🧩 1. 哈薩維為什麼拒絕與新吉翁合作? 哈薩維·諾亞選擇獨自抗爭,拒絕與新吉翁殘黨合作的原因,主要有理念、心理、歷史三個層面。
🌱 (1)理念上的分歧 哈薩維的理念: 馬夫蒂的核心目標是保護地球環境,透過強制遷徙政策讓人類離開地球,以減少地球的負擔。 哈薩維認為,聯邦政府的地球至上主義是造成環境問題的根源,因此聯邦必須被打倒。
新吉翁的理念: 新吉翁主張宇宙殖民地的自治與獨立,但並未提出解��地球環境問題的方案。 吉翁的歷史中,甚至不乏對地球進行報復性攻擊(如一週戰爭和殖民地落下作戰),導致大量地球居民傷亡。
理念上的分歧使得哈薩維無法接受與新吉翁合作。 他不想讓馬夫蒂被視為吉翁的延續,因為這會讓馬夫蒂的行動失去道德正當性。
🧠 (2)心理上的抗拒 哈薩維的父親布萊德·諾亞,曾是地球聯邦的高級軍官,也是幽谷(A.E.U.G.)的重要成員。 在《機動戰士Z鋼彈》和《機動戰士ZZ鋼彈》的劇情中,布萊德曾多次對抗新吉翁勢力。 哈薩維從小接受的價值觀來自父親,對吉翁的軍國主義和極端行動有本能的厭惡。 因此,哈薩維心理上很難接受與新吉翁殘黨合作。 他希望開創一個新的反抗運動,而不是成為吉翁殘黨的傀儡或延續者。
📚 (3)歷史的教訓 哈薩維深知,新吉翁的多次失敗都與過於激進的策略和失去民心有關。 吉翁公國在一年戰爭中濫殺無辜,導致被視為恐怖組織。 夏亞的逆襲失敗的原因之一,就是缺乏足夠的民間支持。 哈薩維不想重蹈吉翁的覆轍,因此選擇了一條更為孤立但更具道德正當性的道路。
⚔ 2. 這個選擇如何影響馬夫蒂的命運? 哈薩維拒絕與新吉翁殘黨合作,讓馬夫蒂在資源、軍事力量和人員支持上都受到嚴重限制。
🔧 (1)資源短缺 新吉翁殘黨擁有大量的剩餘軍備和技術資源,如果馬夫蒂能夠合作,將能獲得更多的機動戰士和軍火支援。 然而,馬夫蒂的軍備主要依賴於亞納海姆公司的秘密支持,導致組織的武裝力量有限,無法應對聯邦軍的全面鎮壓。
🪖 (2)人力不足 馬夫蒂的核心成員多為地球上的激進分子和少數聯邦內部的改革派,但缺乏經驗豐富的軍事人才。 如果能吸收新吉翁的戰鬥經驗豐富的士兵,馬夫蒂的軍事行動力將大大提升。
🤝 (3)缺乏盟友 新吉翁殘黨雖然不再是大規模的軍事勢力,但在宇宙各地仍有分散的支持者。 馬夫蒂選擇單打獨鬥,導致他們在國際社會上孤立無援。
🌟 3. 如果哈薩維與新吉翁合作,馬夫蒂能否成功? 這個問題有兩個層面的答案:
✅ (1)成功的可能性 如果馬夫蒂與新吉翁殘黨合作,將能大大提高軍事實力,在與聯邦的對抗中取得更多勝利。 同時,新吉翁的情報網絡和資源,也能幫助馬夫蒂更有效地策劃行動。
❌ (2)失敗的風險 然而,如果馬夫蒂與新吉翁合作,將面臨一個致命的政治風險——
被視為吉翁的延續,失去民眾的支持。 聯邦政府會更強力地鎮壓馬夫蒂,並將其污名化為恐怖組織。 總的來說,與新吉翁合作雖然能提高軍事力量,但也會損害馬夫蒂的政治正當性,從而使運動的目標難以實現。
🔥 4. 最終失敗的根本原因是什麼? 馬夫蒂的失敗,其實不僅僅是缺乏盟友的問題,而是因為地球聯邦的體制問題過於根深蒂固。
地球聯邦政府已經成為一個極度腐敗的官僚體制,靠著對地球資源的壟斷和對宇宙居民的壓迫維持統治。 即便馬夫蒂成功暗殺了一些高官,聯邦的整個結構並未動搖。 哈薩維的悲劇在於,他低估了革命的難度,而且他過於堅持單純的理想主義,忽視了現實的政治權謀。
💡 5. 結論:馬夫蒂的失敗是必然還是偶然? 哈薩維拒絕與新吉翁合作的選擇,是出於道德和理念的堅持,但這也導致了馬夫蒂的孤立。 馬夫蒂的失敗有其必然性,因為地球聯邦的腐敗體制不是靠暗殺幾個高官就能解決的問題。 如果馬夫蒂與新吉翁合作,可能在短期內取得更多戰果,但長期來看,仍難以推翻聯邦的統治。 最終,哈薩維的悲劇在於,他背負了理想與現實的雙重矛盾,成為宇宙世紀中又一個無法打破現狀的反抗者。
我: 假設你就是哈薩維,你可能採取哪些手段,引導馬夫蒂贏得這場革命戰爭的勝利?
ChatGPT: 假設我就是哈薩維·諾亞,我將設法避免馬夫蒂重蹈歷代反抗勢力的覆轍,並採取更有效的策略來對抗地球聯邦政府,推動革命成功。 為了讓馬夫蒂贏得最終的勝利,我將從軍事策略、政治宣傳、組織架構、外交手段和長期目標五個層面,設計一套更具可行性的革命戰略。
⚔️ 1. 軍事策略:建立分散的游擊戰網絡,避免集中對抗 🔧 (1)避免正面衝突,實行「分散化抵抗」 馬夫蒂在原作中犯了一個重大錯誤——過於依賴少數精銳力量進行暗殺和突擊行動,導致被聯邦軍迅速定位、圍剿。
降低指揮中心被殲滅的風險 提升組織的生存能力 加大聯邦軍的防禦壓力,迫使他們分散兵力
🚀 (2)重視「非對稱戰爭」武器的開發和運用 開發新型MS(機動戰士):我將優先開發小型、隱蔽性高的MS,減少對昂貴戰艦的依賴。 運用電子戰和情報戰:針對聯邦的指揮系統和通訊網絡,進行電子干擾,削弱其作戰能力。 利用恐慌戰術:採取小規模破壞行動,襲擊聯邦政府的象徵性設施,製造政治動盪,削弱聯邦的統治合法性。
🧩 2. 政治宣傳:爭取民心,塑造馬夫蒂的正當性 📣 (1)從「恐怖組織」轉型為「解放運動」 馬夫蒂在原作中因為暗殺行動被聯邦政府污名化為恐怖組織。 為了扭轉這一局面,我將進行全面的��傳戰,讓馬夫蒂變成一個代表民意的解放運動:
透過宇宙網絡發布公開聲明,解釋馬夫蒂的目標是拯救地球的未來,而非單純的反政府暴力。 揭露聯邦政府的腐敗和暴行,讓殖民地居民和地球居民意識到聯邦政府的不公與壓迫。 製作宣傳短片,展示馬夫蒂成員的理想與人性,讓大眾理解我們的動機。
🖋 (2)策動聯邦內部的改革派 聯邦政府內部並非鐵板一塊,存在許多不滿現狀的改革派。 我將秘密接觸這些官員,促使他們在關鍵時刻倒戈,從內部削弱聯邦的統治:
爭取部分地方政府的支持,讓殖民地和地球上的城市政府宣布自治,削弱聯邦的控制範圍。 收集聯邦高官的腐敗證據,透過媒體曝光,讓聯邦政府的公信力崩潰。
🤝 3. 組織架構:擴大聯盟,吸納其他反聯邦勢力 🌌 (1)與新吉翁殘黨建立戰略合作 儘管我不認同新吉翁的極端軍國主義,但我將嘗試吸納吉翁殘黨的部分勢力,尤其是那些已經放棄極端手段、希望進行和平改革的派系:
吉翁的情報網絡和軍事技術,對馬夫蒂來說是寶貴的資源。 我將設法控制合作的範圍,避免被吉翁殘黨的極端派系劫持。
🌍 (2)與殖民地的自治運動聯盟 宇宙世紀的殖民地居民對聯邦政府的壓迫和歧視早已不滿,我將與各殖民地的自治運動建立聯盟,將馬夫蒂的影響力擴大至宇宙:
提供武器和訓練給殖民地的自治組織,讓他們能夠對抗聯邦駐軍。 協助殖民地發起獨立公投,以合法的形式挑戰聯邦的統治權。
🌐 4. 外交手段:尋求外部支持,孤立聯邦政府 🌍 (1)與地球上的環保組織合作 馬夫蒂的核心理念是拯救地球的環境。 我將尋求地球上的環保團體和科學界的支持,讓馬夫蒂的行動獲得更多的道德正當性。
與國際媒體合作,曝光聯邦政府對地球環境的破壞行為。 組織全球性的環保抗議活動,讓馬夫蒂的理念深入民心。
🤝 (2)與中立國和宇宙企業合作 亞納海姆公司等宇宙企業在聯邦政府和反抗勢力之間保持中立。 我將說服這些企業提供秘密援助,以換取未來的政治利益。 尋求中立殖民地的支持,讓他們提供庇護和資源給馬夫蒂的成員。
🎯 5. 長期目標:逐步削弱聯邦的統治根基 🕰 (1)推動聯邦體制的改革 革命的最終目標並不是完全推翻聯邦政府,而是迫使聯邦體制進行改革。 我將:
推動聯邦內部的憲政改革,減少軍部的影響力,增加地方自治權。 促成宇宙居民的代表機構,讓殖民地的聲音能夠在聯邦內部被聽見。
🌱 (2)建立新秩序,確保革命成果 防止內部權力鬥爭:我將建立一個透明的領導架構,避免馬夫蒂內部發生權力腐化的問題。 教育下一代:革命的成果需要長期的理念推廣,我將設立學院來教育下一代的政治領袖,確保馬夫蒂的理想能夠世代延續。
🔥 結論:革命的勝利之路 如果我作為哈薩維,採取這些策略,馬夫蒂的革命將更有希望成功。 核心在於:
分散化的游擊戰策略 強化政治宣傳,爭取民心 與其他反抗勢力建立聯盟 尋求外部支持,孤立聯邦政府 推動長期的體制改革
「革命不是一場短期的勝利,而是一場長期的思想與行動的變革。」 只要堅持正確的策略,馬夫蒂將不再是曇花一現的反抗組織,而是引領宇宙世紀未來的真正力量。
0 notes
First time watching Gundam Wing thread
Two episodes down before heading to bed and… Well I’ll be honest I have no idea what to think. I’m watching the dub even though it’s not considered to have aged well just for convenience, and it is very strange. Everyone seems to talk in a whisper. I switched to the sub for a scene in episode two just to see how it faired, and it seemed about on par with ZZ and Turn A in quality, which were pretty good.
But the voices are the least of my concerns, the dialogue feels so bizarre. I don’t even mean like the random “I’ll kill you,” Heero gives Relena in episode one after she tries to invite him to her party. I mean the way people seem to talk as though they aren’t an active member of the scene, especially Relena. Two people will be speaking, but they’ll each go on as though all they need to do is say their inner monologue out loud while doing things, and that counts as having a conversation.
Beyond that oddity, the only initial hook for the viewer seems to be, “The Earth Alliance is bad, Gundams are on Earth now, what are the pilots’ missions,” and, “Man that Heero pilot guy sure does seem to like killing people, making threats against strangers, and just being generally rude to everyone he meets in the most dramatic fashion. Isn’t that great?” And aside from those two things, I really have no idea what’s going on. Zechs and the Oz group are trying to take over the alliance or something like that, so that’s three, but it hasn’t been shown in much detail at all yet.
Overall, not the strongest start. I’d actually say Double Zeta had a stronger opening hook in its episodes than Wing. Double Zeta had some severe tonal whiplash coming out of Zeta, but it was still very expressive and engaging thanks to Neo Zeon having already been established as a threat in the previous series, and Judau having a very strong personality from the get go. I imagine Heero will become more defined whenever he becomes a proper POV character rather than viewing him through Zechs and Relena’s eyes, but I’ll have to wait and see.
If you were to ask me how I’d rank this compared to the opening episodes/scenes from the Gundam shows and movies I’ve already seen, I’d have to put these first two episodes at the bottom of the list. Which is a damn shame, because I love the look of the mobile suits, and was really excited to finally get to watching it. That said I have hope it will pick up for me as it goes on. Nothing ever becomes well liked for no reason. Divisive as the show seems to be online, I know that Gundam Wing still has a lot of fans who love it. So here’s hoping I can get a bit of that enjoyment too.
0 notes

The MAK-005S Gaplant Kai was a mobile armour used by the Earth Branch of the AEUG, Karaba, during the latter half of the Gryps Conflict and throughout the subsequent Neo Zeon War. Unlike its predecessor, the ORX-005 Gaplant, it was a non-transformable suit conceived as an atmospheric interceptor - an excellent means to challenge invading Axis forces. However, Karaba already possessed the excellent Zeta Plus series with which to establish aerial superiority, and as such only 20 units were produced. These twenty units would be deployed in rapid strike operations against (formerly) spaceborne Axis forces entering the atmosphere.

The regular Gaplant is one of those titans suits that I just see everywhere. We know that a lot of old Titans Stock was sold off by the Earth Federation (though to who exactly is a little unclear), and a transformable suit capable of long periods of atmospheric flight was always going to be a hot item. It makes sense that it’d have some further development with the fall of the Titans - though materials associated with them are politically inconvenient to Earth Federation itself, Karaba really isn’t in a position to be picky. The Gaplant’s just rather nice and straightforward. I will call out that I absolutely adore the wing binders, and just wing binders in general; they’re just a design feature I really like - a wing, a thruster, a gun all-in-one. It’s just a great economy of design and yet so stylish.
Armament-wise, the Gaplant Kai eschews the integrated beam rifles and beam sabers of the original Gaplant and replaces them with weaponry more suited to a mobile armour, namely Vulcan Cannons in the wings and some optional 12-tube missile launchers near the rear of the craft (not shown in the above picture). It also has some Diffuse Beam Cannons built into the wings. If it wasn’t for the fact that they can also function as regular Beam Cannons, I’d find fitting your interceptor with what are essentially beam shotguns an extremely ballsy move.

In case it isn’t obvious, I do very much like the Gaplant Kai conceptually - taking a Titans design and pressing it into Karaba’s service in the Neo Zeon War is just kinda rad, recognising the enemy was on to something and deploying it in the next war out of desperation. I like the Gaplant, so a variant on its design emphasising the mobile armour element is just lovely and I appreciate how much more specialised it feels - no longer a test unit, it’s Aerodynamic and suited to quick strikes. I’m of two minds about the colour scheme. One one hand, it’d be difficult to pick out against the clouds, so I can visualise it coming out of nowhere and attacking a surprised enemy. On the other, it’s just a little bit plain.
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The Next Cat! [N:TWEwY/Neo Zeta Earth]
"You know." She said, sipping her Boba Latte, "I've made that with you in mind."
"Hah?" Neku look toward his Girl, Shiki, with curious look to her. "That jacket." She pointed, "I thought it would look good on you." Taken another sipped, "Good to know I wasn't wrong on that."
"Well, you're the fashion expert." He said, taken a drink of his Boba Latte, "Of course, you know what'd look good on me."
"You damn right." Shiki said, snarking at him, "Back then you use look like a Spicy Tuna Roll, Remember that?"
"How can I forget?" He said, "I've been stuck in Shinjuku for three year, I really outgrown them. Never think I would still aged up."
"Yeah, All that time you been in what left of Shinjuku." Shiki said, looking down on her drink. "I knew something wasn’t right."
"How so?" He ask her. "Well, a part of me did form my own brand with Eri, to help you get you out of the Game." She told him. "I thought that if I couldn't help you in the UG, I can at least created some mean to help you in the game."
"It a good Motivation, Shiki." He said "Making your brand just to help me." "I was gonna do this with Eri over all, after our Game." Shiki said "Make our dream together, to be a team with her. I was already Motivated into making our own fashion brand. It was my idea to have Mr Mew as our mascot and well, Gatto Nero was born."
"But after what happen with you and Shinjuku." Shiki said "I just knew that I have to support you with all I can." Another sipped. "I had hope it would get you home as soon as it was."
"It not like it was all for nothing." Neku said "You became the fonder of the most popular brand in Shibuya. You're a rising stars in the designer world."
"That true." She said "It wasn't for nothing, I feel like I would had done this with you around."
"And hey, you did free Tsugumi Soul from Mr Mew, only you could had done that." Neku said "And you sure had make a former Reaper choses to save Shibuya and join the Wicked Twisters."
"Yeah, Shoka isn't a that bad. She still can't get over the fact that I use to be a Player and that Mr Mew was my own Psych." Shiki said "And Tsugumi is a sweet girl, wish I got a changed to talk to her before Hishima came over to pick her up."
"Specking of, did you ever question, why she had Mr Mew or why her soul was trap inside it?" He ask her. "I mean, Coco filled me in when I came to met her at Wildcat. But I sort of knew before hand, just not as clearly." Shiki said "Who knew that Mr Mew remain in the UG when I came back here."
"Yeah, something about that Mr Mew being the one that you use in the Game." Neku said rubbing his neck. "Beat sure told me what that Mr Mew did with the Wicked Twisters. Along with Rindo and Shoka."
"Base from what they describe the battle, seem like Mr Mew was being able to multiplied along with using our fusion attacks. Up to even Giga Maw and they laser eyes." Neku said, "Oooo..." Shiki shrink that that "Talk about being a bad kitty."
"Be lucky that there manage them." Neku said "That being said, those GN pins did come in handily, no doubt you put your imagination when making them." As he taken one of Black Cat Pin out of his pocket.
"That was the ideal." She said, smiling, "I did designed then with the ideal of them being use a psych, I take it you like what I did with them?"
"Yeah. You sure show you work and the team sure used them well, it actually help them in end game. From Yearlong Pins keeping them in battle. The Catch-and-Release for good teamwork and how we able to take down the Dissonance Noise with the Black Cat sets." Neku said, "You did more then you think girl. And I thank you for that."
"I'd love to see you using them all Neku." She said, eyes closed, fixing her glasses. "Just you and a army of Mr Mew fighting along side you."
"And what overshadow the Wicked Twisters?" Neku said, making her giggle. "Like I don't want to over step my bounded with them, I know I been a legend, but I'm a team player, Not a sole player now. You get me."
"I guess that fair." Shiki said. "Plus I am landing them my power, sure Rindo been able to use his imagination for his team, but he the leader, not me."
"I sure you be a good mentor for him." Shiki said. "Specking off, No word from Mr H?" He ask her. "I've been told he been missing for three years."
"Not really." Shiki said "But I sure he would be glad to met up with you again."
"I did almost thought he was back for some time, but it turn is someone going by the name An0ther. With a Zero for a O." Shiki said "Could be a scam artistic for all I know."
"In fact, Gatito haven't been around too." Shiki said "I almost feel bad, sent there the one that had the cat theme before my brand."
"Well it bond to happen without CAT around." Neku said, looking down, "Still, I had another Cat to look up. What do you say Shiki, think I can help out?"
"Well, there isn't anything I can think of you can do for my work." Shiki said, "I just thought you had your own dream to followed. Like y'know, those whole street art."
"Hah." He smiled "And here I thought you want me to modelled for you." "And risk everyone else eyeing on you as some icon." Shiki said "Yeah, No changed! Beside I really don't need any more model, right now."
"And really, you're fine being my boyfriend then being my business partner, you just came back from all those three year, give yourself a brake." Shiki told him. "Yeah, you're right." He said rubbing his neck. "Still need to reject myself in the RG after all. To get my life back and all." "Indeed." She told him, taken her last sipped to her Boba Latte.
"I'm paying by the way." She told him. "Really? I know you're rich now, but can't I?" He ask her. "Well you paying with my ShibuPay if you want to be a my paying boyfriend." "Alright. Alright."
#Shiki Misaki#Neku Sakuraba#NeShiki#NekuShiki#Neo The World Ends with You Spoilers#Neo TWEwY Spoilers#NTWEwY Spoilers#Neo The World Ends with You#Neo TWEwY#NTWEwY#Neo-Zeta Earth#Zeta Earth#Fanfic
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Axis/Neo-Zeon vs. Federation
#ZZ Gundam#fake gundam#axis#neo-zeon#earth federation#zeta gundam#z gundam#gundam scene#gundam battle
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who's alive, dead, in between or beyond! pre-alecto the ninth character masterlist
After my previous pre-nona the ninth character status masterlist, I'm attempting another one! Some characters have been grouped for ease, and I did not include any characters from the previous post that are not mentioned as doing anything in NtN (i.e. Wake, Canaan House crew, previous lyctors et. al). They are all, presumably, in the same place as they were before.
Also not included is the empty stretch of time between Harrowhark's soul exiting the bubble-memory with John and reappearing in her own body at the end of the book - this is relevant as based on the preview, AtN may not immediately pick up post-NtN.
(current date: 12/12/2022, #ntn spoilers)
ALIVE (characters who have been alive continuously since their birth, and whose body&soul have never been separated)
The Gang - Hot Sauce, Honesty, Born in the Morning, Beautiful Ruby, Kevin (all last seen on New Rho)
We Suffer and We Suffer (last seen on New Rho)
Jolie/the teacher (last seen on New Rho)
AIM/the Messenger (Last seen in the megatruck on the top tier of the Ninth)
Noodle (last seen in the megatruck with AIM, barking)
Our Lady of the Passion (Last seen in the megatruck)
Crown Him With Many Crowns (formerly Coronabeth Tridentarius, last seen in the megatruck)
Judith Deuteros (Body still partially possessed by Varun, last seen in the megatruck under the care of Crown Him with Many Crowns)
The Sixth House Oversight body (notable member Juno Zeta, all last seen in the megatruck)
Various OG members of the Ninth House (last seen under Devil attack, sheltering in the catacombs of the Ninth)
Aiglamene (last seen outside the unlocked door of the Tomb)
Ianthe the First (feat. the chewed up battery of Naberius Tern' soul) (last seen in the Unlocked Tomb, having just been smacked by Alecto & thrown into the water)
Grand Admiral Sarpeadon (Presumed to be on Antioch with EJG. has received a large promotion!)
ALIVE (reunited and it feels so good)
Harrowhark Nonagesimus (feat. the cheeseburger portion of Gideon Nav's happy meal soul) (body & soul together, last seen being carried unconscious by Alecto. lyctoral/power status unknown, eyes black)
KILLED BUT NOT DEAD (they got better!)
Emperor John Gaius (presumed to be on Antioch, last seen being stabbed through the chest by Alecto but still chatting it up. previously murdered by Mercymorn the First)
Alecto (presumed to be on Antioch with EJG and Harrow, last seen putting a sword through EJG's chest. previously murdered by John's nukes)
Pyrrha Dve (soul active, body G1deon the First's, last seen in the Unlocked Tomb. no necromantic powers & immune to herald fear, lyctoral healing intact. previously murdered by John's nukes and also again by an unknown party - presumed to be self or G1deon the First - to attain lyctorhood)
Various members of the neo-Ninth (notable member Sister Berta, last seen sheltering in the catacombs of the Ninth & under Devil attack. previously murdered by John's nukes)
SOUL GESTALT (mutual death & rebirth, fusion)
Camilla Hect (body active as Paul, individual soul consumed by grand lysis)
Palamades Sextus (body blown to pieces & bones presumed to have been abandoned somewhere along the way consumed by Camilla Hect to complete ascension process (updated 12/14/2022), individual soul consumed by grand lysis)
Paul (revived/lyctorized soul gestalt of Pal&Cam, body Camilla Hect's, last seen in the Unlocked Tomb. presumed to have full suite of lyctoral powers, herald reaction unknown. implications of soul gestalt vs. traditional lyctorhood on abilities is unknown. grey-brown pupil, lambent grey iris)
Nona (amnesiac 6 month old world-soul of planet earth. last seen in the Tomb, currently presumed to have been subsumed into the body and greater consciousness of Alecto)
Naberius Tern (body last seen on New Rho, empty. soul being used as a battery/chewtoy by Ianthe the First)
Crux (killed by Kiriona Gaia to provide the thanergy needed to unlock the Tomb. prior to death was soul-infected by the Devils, implications of which are unknown. soul status unknown)
Anastasia (soul status known, body last seen as only bones, nestled by the rock in the Unlocked Tomb)
Varun the Eater/Number 7 (revenant world-soul currently periscoping in Judith Deuteros, with Heralds currently attacking New Rho. Body is dead/revived as a House planet)
The River (what does a river of the dead being dead even mean? no idea, but Alecto found it so and was thus grieved)
Gideon Nav/Kiriona Gaia (sans cheeseburger portion of her happy meal soul) (mega dead, aerodynamic, sad bitch and the most special girl in the universe. soul & body together, eyes gold. last seen in the Unlocked Tomb)
Devils/Stoma creatures (are they individual beings or is it hand, finger, spider, web situation? what's their relationship to the Tower? what's their relationship to the Stoma? Spirit magic, possession shit, specific abilities unknown. Currently on Antioch and the Ninth. Seen also at Canaan house in the body of Colum Asht)
#the locked tomb#nona the ninth#alecto the ninth#tlt meta#tlt#FINALLY........... i needed to digest the book for a few months before i understood it enough fldsflsdjkfs#hope this is helpful... it was fun!#tlt masterlist#trb.txt#tlt thoughts#long post#dating this just in case we get like preview chapters or like an extra or something that totally changes the game
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Haman Karn and audience reception of female antagonists
I am not just an Azula fan, I have a broad and healthy appreciation of girlbosses in all their forms, and one of my favorites of the archetype is Haman Karn from Zeta and ZZ Gundam. Seriously, she walked so the rest of our faves could fly. More under the cut.
Now, this little blog post is going to be at least partly speculative. I don’t know for sure how how Haman Karn was received during the initial broadcast of Zeta in 1986 and ZZ in 1987. But I do know as a longtime Gundam fan that the second and third outings in the Gundam franchise were a high-water mark for female characters in Gundam, and the franchise has, at best, stagnated and usually backslid since. The Origin fleshed out parts of Sayla Mass’s story that were left on the cutting room floor so that’s really the only notable exception prior to this fall’s forthcoming Witch from Mercury, which will have the franchise’s first female protagonist.
People usually have one of two opinions on Zeta in the English speaking anime world: “best of the franchise” or “i have never heard of this.” It got its localization contracted just before Toonami decided to pull the plug on Gundam broadcasts after the one-two punch of the original having disappointing ratings and September 11 made the violence of the series less palatable--the background of the opening narration depicts the use of city-killing WMDs in the form of deorbited space colonies.
So Zeta survived on DVD sales only, while the immediate sequel didn’t get an official localization, finally releasing as a subtitle only BD/DVD in 2015, and only getting put on CrunchyRoll this year (2022).
So the only people who watched are people who were already Gundam fans, and people who were likely to be older to pay for what was at the time a niche product, or something they’d have to acquire a fansub for.
So who is Haman Karn? She’s a Neo-Zeon warlord who assumed control of a remote mining colony and military base, and returned to the Earth sphere in the middle of a ongoing colonial uprising against the despotic Earth Federation emergency regime. Seven years after the end of the One Year War, the world is still a huge mess, with many of the heros from the original forced to fight against their own government by the tyrannical Titans state security force, the Zeon-hunting organization that has become the small gear turning the large gear in the Federation.
And into this mess, which has seen magnificent bastard Char (under a pseudonym) fighting with the heroes, on the same side as his rival Amuro, Haman shows up bound and determined to make this mess worse.
Look at this demon baby...she even has a knife!
Haman has a lot of the qualities people love (and love to hate) in characters like Azula. She is a young and extremely competent female antagonist with a deep personal relationship with a previous fan favorite (Char). She is often smug and manipulative. In spite of her general sense of duty towards her people and their cause, that cause is a deeply destructive and evil one (Zeon in Gundam is a pastiche of currents of Japanese right-wing futurism viz the Kodoha clique and the pseudo-left anti-imperialism of Kita Ikki and some elements of the student movement).
In Zeta Haman is a spanner in the works, a sometimes ally, sometimes adversary of the protagonists who ends up maneuvering for supremacy in a three-way conflict with both the heroes and the series big bad Paptimus Sirocco, who is Jupiterian in both the Emmanuel Macron personalist/Bonapartist political sense as well as literally from Jupiter. Haman is the ultimate victor of this battle; she not only defeats Char in a one-on-one, possibly killing him (his fate was left ambiguous), but her forces come out in the best shape. Zeta’s protagonist Kamille Bidan beats Sirocco, but is left catatonic from the psychic resonance (it’s Newtypes, I don’t have time to explain...)
Haman goes on to be the big bad in Gundam ZZ (it’s usually pronounced Gundam Double-Zeta). Not only does the general trend of gaslight, gatekeep, girlbossing continue, she intensifies and double-downs on it. War crimes ensue. And not the silly sense that fandom talks about characters like Azula being war criminals because they don’t like them, I mean actual violations of the laws of armed conflict like the use of WMDs on open cities. She does get somewhat chickified because one of the long-running subplots is her attraction to Double Zeta’s protagonist Judau Ashta (it’s another Newtype thing...just think of it like their souls touching through some psychic stuff), but it’s played more for tragedy. In the end she cannot let go of her pride, and chooses to die when defeated rather than accept Judau’s alternate perspective.
Haman in sum has all the hallmarks of the villainous woman in the traditionally male sphere. She’s stoic, manipulative, hypercompetent, but also emotionally closed off. She can’t femme fatale, and her few romantic overtures are clumsy. Nonetheless, she has complicated, multi-faceted relationships with multiple male characters, including a series fave, and often beats them at their own game.
Yet she’s also consistently a pretty well liked character in both the English and Japanese fandoms. There is no shortage of moeified fanart of her, and she’s showed up as a cameo in several other series like the Build Fighters one.
So what went wrong elsewhere? Perhaps it’s because Haman was intended to be a sympathetic character from the start by Tomino, unlike Bryke’s relative disinterest towards Azula’s internality, for example. It’s long been a pet theory of mine that Haman began conceptually as the next arc for Sayla Mass, another fave in the Gundam franchise. Perhaps I’ll do a whole post on that subject someday, but in brief, Sayla is Char’s estranged sister, both of whom have been living under assumed names in exile from their home colony after their father’s assassination. Sayla’s plotline in the original got slightly truncated due to the episode count being slashed, but in the original outline she was supposed to lead a soldier mutiny in Zeon in the final part, taking off the character masque of Sayla and becoming Artesia Deikun again (this was restored in the expanded The Origin manga by Yasuhiko Yoshikazu, who was Tomino’s right-hand man on the original series).
There may be a slight resemblance...
Sayla unfortunately had to be cut from Zeta because the voice actress was on a year long Safari in Africa (it was the 80s, I guess people just did that sort of thing). So somewhere in development, a character who also has a complicated personal relationship with Char, a stoic and serious female character who looks like if Sayla decided to dye her hair and cut her bangs, shows up again on the opposite side of the conflict from Char, who’s doing his best at trying to be a hero...really gets the old noggin joggin’.
It could also be a matter of audience. Gundam is aimed more towards a slightly older demographic than many western animated shows, particularly one like Avatar, and it’s also a pre-internet show. People had time to grow up and form more nuanced opinions and weren’t dumped unvarnished into a fandom space very early. Or they were American adults experiencing the show for the first time as adults, with some background for nuance.
But there’s plenty of people who first watched Avatar the Last Airbender as adults who also have extremely hyperbolic opinions about Azula. The reception towards Rey from the Star Wars sequels, who let’s be honest here, is neither overpowered compared to her male counterparts nor does she have a strong, domineering personality, also points to the fact that older fans are far from immune to knee-jerk toxicity. If anything, they were worse with Rey.
In fact I find the audience reception of Rey even more baffling, because from the very start Rey is clearly communicated in terms that make her relatable to the audience of Star Wars fans. She is, after all, a fangirl in-universe, living in her mundane world dreaming of the big adventures outside of the meager existence salvaging scrap on Jakku, keenly interested in the old ‘legends’ about people like Luke Skywalker or Han Solo.
What then is the answer? Fandom I guess is an often toxic space, and I can’t find any clear answers. Sometimes villainous female characters get generally well liked and appreciated, and other times they’re treated with such comically hyperbolic disdain it would be funny if it weren’t so damn stupid. I am interested in hearing what you have to think.
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Double character week part 1: Totally not Char Aznable
This man here is Quattro “Totally not Char Azanable” Bajeena, I kid, this is actually Char Aznable who took on a different alias in the events of Zeta Gundam, the sequel to the OG Gundam series, and he went from anti-hero slash secondary antagonist to one of the main protagonist.
He pilots the Rick Dias before switching over to one of his well-known mobile suits, the Hyaku Shiki, most notable for its golden colour due to its anti-beam coating.
The Rick Dias in Quattro’s colours before becoming the standard for the rest of the Rick Dias units.
The Hyaku Shiki with the Gundam Mk2 on the left fighting against the Titans’ Asshimar on the right.
Quattro Bajeena or Char Azanble, he is one of the pilots that fights against the uprising of the elite division of the Earth Federation, the Titans, under another faction within the Earth Federation, the Anti Earth Union Group or AEUG, in the Universal Century 0087.
His personality was that he became didn’t really had any antagonistic features that he used to have from the original 0079 Gundam since he had completed his ulterior motives of killing off the Zabi Family, which he worked under except for Mineva since she was only a baby. Thus he was more of the very level-headed person and patient while also who cared for the crew and respects his former enemies that he used to fought against during the One Year War(UC 0079)
However ever since the main protagonist of the show, Kamille Bidan joined the AEUG, he took the time to nurture him, becoming his mentor, then later on, things happened thoughout the series, which includes meeting his former enemy and rival, Amuro Ray on their meeting with the AEUG’s ally on Earth, the Karaba the leader of the AEUG was murdered during their trip to the leaders meeting, he reluctantly took on the job of becoming the leader the AEUG which was the previous’ leaders last request, when all he wanted to be was just to become a freedom fighter to fight for his beliefs that he places his hopes and faith in the Newtypes and spacenoids.
The turning point of few of his personality change was that the AEUG was met with the Neo Zeon (the revamped Principality of Zeon that Char used to fight for), where he lost his cool when he realised that Haman Karn (The real leader of Neo Zeon) is using Mineva Lao Zabi, who was only a child, to be the leader of the Neo Zeon in name. Aaround the same time, the Titans were there to see who the Neo Zeon will ally with.
Due to Char’s anger, the Neo Zeon allied with the Titans which later on, both of these factions fought against the AEUG, bringing them to a crippled state, and the loss of many of his crew mates that he has bonded with throughout the entire series, including Kamille Bidan, not really dead but got into a vegetative state, thus causing him to snap and sets him up to revert to becoming the antagonist in the sequel movie, Char’s Counterattack.
Overall, this is my favourite version of Char Azanable, especially the way he bonded with the characters and his rivals, and the fact that at the end of Zeta Gundam got a lot of people thinking of “what’s going to happen to him next?” Since he went missing in action after the Gryps Conflict. Even the Character design just shouts iconic, with the red colours that shouts back to his Red Comet Days. Even delivering the most famous Gundam meme, yet obscured in mainstream communities where he quotes “ I came here to laugh at you” to Amuro Ray to answer his question to why he came to Earth.
Now that is all for this overview, next will probably be a very obscured character from a spin off manga of a popular yet niche anime franchise that I haven’t read in a while.
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Gundam Unicorn: Final Thoughts

This series probably represented the biggest gap in my mecha fanatic cred, at least after I plugged the last big hole in the shape of Code Geass a few months ago. I’ll keep this one short, because let’s face it, if you’re reading this you were probably way ahead of me on this one so there’s not that much to say - plus this time I’m really just passing through on my way to my true goal of watching Gundam Narrative. Still, I think this was a remarkable series in many ways and it wouldn’t be right to pass up making comment on it entirely.
The plot setup is that it’s UC 0096, after the Grypps conflict and Neo Zeon wars. A Neo Zeon faction is on the hunt for something known only as Laplace’s Box, the contents of which are said to be something capable of destroying the Earth Federation. It’s currently in the hands of the Vist Foundation, an organisation headquartered at the space colony Industrial 7. The “key” to the box is the RX-0 Unicorn Gundam, which falls into the hands of Banagher Links, who gets caught up in a shadowy conflict between multiple factions in their race to recover the box, and ends up being led across the Earth sphere into a series of increasingly bloody and desperate battles.
I found the plot surprisingly compelling - you get invested into what the contents of the Box are, even though you know that what’s inside will ultimately make little difference in the grand scheme of the Universal Century’s timeline - F91 and Victory came out years before this despite being set further down the road and the Federation is still very much up to its old bullshit in both. Still, that doesn’t mean that the journey isn’t interesting regardless, even if character motivations are sometimes hard to follow and can chop and change on a whim at times. Even disregarding the end goal of the journey entirely, as a kind of tour of the UC setting I thought this series was excellent and fleshed it out perhaps better than any other prior mainline entry in this venerable old timeline - it brings the desperation of angry space colonists, the desolation left by years of devastating wars and the shadowy machinations of the Federation government to life in intimate detail across the course of the 22 episodes that made up the TV rerelease version that I watched (it was originally a 6 episode OVA.)
Characters are by and large superb - whether they’re old or familiar faces. Most characters come to be really well fleshed out through the course of their interactions and their voice actors deliver impassioned performances. That said, Banagher, the protagonist, was somewhat hit and miss for me. He’s probably the most Tomino-esque main character I can think of, which is honestly somewhat impressive because as far as I can tell Tomino had little if any direct involvement in the creation of either the animated work or the novel it’s based off (besides, of course, being the original creator of the setting itself.) What I mean by that is that he has a very odd way of talking, following a very strange form of logic and openly talking about feelings to a ridiculous extent - this is a hard thing to put into words but if you’re familiar with Tomino shows that feature this kind of character, especially the likes of Zeta Gundam or Brain Powerd you probably know what I’m talking about. I don’t think this is intrinsically a bad thing at all, but it has a time and a place. During dramatic plot moments involving newtype magic, sure, I’m down with it, but sometimes the off switch needs to be flipped so the protag can come off as a little more human - not everything that comes out of his mouth needs to be a profound insight into the human condition - though when it comes to young newtype protagonists in UC Gundam, perhaps that’s just the nature of the beast.
One thing that doesn’t really need spelling out by me is that this show’s basically at the apex of the genre when it comes to presentation, and probably near the apex of animation in general. The animation is vivid and dynamic, especially during the chaos of battles - this show sells you on the sheer destructive power of the mobile suits that star in it better than any other entry in the franchise. This would be impressive enough by itself, but the animation is also immaculately detailed at all times. Mobile suit designs new and old are brought to life impeccably. Meanwhile, Hiroyuki Sawano’s ridiculously sublime musical score elevates the entire thing to stratospheric levels. Honestly, the entire production just feels like an enormous flex by Sunrise, as if to proclaim its dominance - and honestly, it’s hard to argue with it when the level of quality is set this damn high.
Overall, I feel slightly foolish for not finding some form of excuse to watch this sooner, although perhaps it’s best to keep things like this in reserve to savour them fully when the time is right. I’m hoping that Gundam NT manages to live up to this, though I know critics weren’t as kind to it as it was to Unicorn. Regardless of what the case may be, I’m watching that next.
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Gundam Games

See also:
Arcade game
Gundam: Battle Simulator
Mobile Suit Gundam
Mobile Suit Gundam: Final Shooting
Mobile Suit Gundam: EX Revue
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Card Builder
Mobile Suit Gundam: Bonds of the Battlefield
Mobile Suit Gundam: Spirits of Zeon - Dual Stars of Carnage
Mobile Suit Gundam: Spirits of Zeon - Memory of Soldier
Mobile Suit Gundam VS Series
Quiz Mobile Suit Gundam: Monsenshi
Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation vs. Zeon
Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation vs. Zeon DX
Mobile Suit Z Gundam: A.E.U.G. vs. Titans
Mobile Suit Z Gundam: A.E.U.G. vs. Titans DX
Gundam Seed: Rengou vs. Z.A.F.T.
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny: Rengou vs. Z.A.F.T. II
Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam vs. Zeta Gundam
Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam vs. Gundam
Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam vs. Gundam Next
Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme Vs.
Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme Vs. Full Boost
Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme Vs. Maxi Boost
Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme VS Force
Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme Vs. Maxi Boost ON
Gundam Versus
Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme Vs. 2
Kidou Senshi Gundam Part 1: Gundam Daishi ni Tatsu
Kidou Senshi Gundam Part 2: Tobe Gundam
FM Towns
Mobile Suit Gundam: Hyper Classic Operation
Mobile Suit Gundam: Hyper Desert Operation
Mobile Suit Gundam: Last Shooting
MS Field: Kidou Senshi Gundam
MS Field Kidou Senshi Gundam Plus Kit
MS Field Kidou Senshi Gundam Plus Kit Tsuki
Kidou Senshi Gundam Part 1: Gundam Daishi ni Tatsu
Kidou Senshi Gundam Part 2: Tobe Gundam
Kidou Senshi Gundam Part 1: Gundam Daishi ni Tatsu
Mobile Suit Gundam: Return of Zeon
Mobile Suit Gundam: A Year of War
Mobile Suit Gundam: Advanced Operation
Mobile Suit Gundam: Multiple Operation
Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Operation
MS Field: Mobile Suit Gundam
MS Field 2 '92: Mobile Suit Gundam
Sharp X1
Kidou Senshi Gundam Part 1: Gundam Daishi ni Tatsu
Kidou Senshi Gundam Part 2: Tobe Gundam
Sharp X68000
Mobile Suit Gundam: Classic Operation
Mobile Suit Gundam: Classic Operation - Original Scenario Disk
Gundam Network Operation
Gundam Network Operation 2
Gundam Network Operation 3
Gundam Storm (Browser-Based) - Service terminated
Mobile Suit Gundam 0079: The War For Earth - 1996 interactive movie collaboration between Bandai and Presto Studios Inc. Also released for Macintosh, PlayStation (JP release only) and Pippin.
Mobile Suit Gundam Online
New Gundam Breaker
SD Gundam Capsule Fighter Online
SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays
Universal Century Gundam Online
]See also:
Mobile Suit Gundam
Bandai RX-78[
]See also:
Bandai RX-78
Gundam - Luna II no Tatakai
]See also:
SD Gundam Daizukan
Apple Bandai Pippin[
Gundam Tactics Mobility Fleet 0079
]See also:
Mobile Suit Gundam: MSVS
SD Gundam G Generation: Gather Beat
SD Gundam: Emotional Jam
WonderSwan Color[
]See also:
WonderSwan Color
SD Gundam G Generation: Gather Beat 2
SD Gundam G Generation: Monoeye Gundams
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
Gundam Strike Force Go !!!: Stairway to the Destined Victory: Worldwide Edition
Mobile Suit Gundam: Operation U.C.
Family Computer[
]See also:
Nintendo Entertainment System
Mobile Suit Z Gundam: Hot Scramble
SD Gundam Gaiden: Knight Gundam Monogatari
SD Gundam Gaiden: Knight Gundam Monogatari 2
SD Gundam Gaiden: Knight Gundam Monogatari 3
SD Gundam World Gachapon Senshi - Scramble Wars
SD Gundam World Gachapon Senshi 2 - Capsule Senki
SD Gundam World Gachapon Senshi 3 - Eiyû Senki
SD Gundam World Gachapon Senshi 4 - New Type Story
SD Gundam World Gachapon Senshi 5 - Battle of Universal Century
SD Gundam: Gundam Wars
Super Famicom[
]See also:
Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Mobile Suit Gundam: Cross Dimension 0079 - Tactical role-playing game
Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam: Away to the Newtype - Tactical role-playing game
Mobile Suit Gundam F91: Formula Wars 0122
Mobile Suit Victory Gundam - 2D fighting game
Mobile Fighter G Gundam - 2D fighting game
Shin Kidō Senki Gundam Wing: Endless Duel - 2D fighting game
SD Gundam: G Next - Turn-based strategy
SD Gundam: GX - Turn-based strategy
SD Gundam Gaiden: Knight Gundam Monogatari - Ooinaru Isan - Japanese role playing game
SD Gundam Gaiden 2: Entaku no Kishi - Japanese role playing game
SD Gundam Generation - Tactical role-playing game
SD Gundam: Power Formation Puzzle - Puzzle games
SD Gundam: V Sakusen Shidō - Shoot 'em up with Run and gun stages
SD Gundam 2 - Shoot 'em up with Run and gun stages
Super Gachapon World: SD Gundam X - Turn-based strategy
]See also:
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Ace Pilot
Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam vs. Zeta Gundam (Only in Japan)
SD Gundam Gashapon Wars
]See also:
Mobile Suit Gundam: MS Sensen 0079
SD Gundam G Generation Wars
SD Gundam G Generation World
SD Gundam: Scad Hammers
SD Gundam Gashapon Wars
Nintendo Switch[
]See also:
Nintendo Switch
SD Gundam G Generation Genesis
SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays
Game Boy[
]See also:
Game Boy
SD Gundam G-Arms
SD Gundam Gaiden: Lacroan Heroes
SD Gundam: SD Sengokuden Kuni Nusiri Monogatari
SD Gundam: SD Sengokuden 2 - Tenka Touitsuhen
SD Gundam: SD Sengokuden 3 - Chijou Saikyouhen'
Shin SD Gundam Gaiden
Virtual Boy[
]See also:
Virtual Boy
SD Gundam Dimension War
Game Boy Advance[
]See also:
Game Boy Advance
SD Gundam G Generation Advance
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Tomo to Kimi to koko de
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Destiny
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Battle Assault
SD Gundam Force
Nintendo DS[
]See also:
Nintendo DS
SD Gundam G Generation DS
SD Gundam G Generation: Cross Drive
Mobile Suit Gundam 00
Emblem of Gundam
SD gundam Sangokuden DS
Nintendo 3DS[
]See also:
Nintendo 3DS
SD Gundam G Generation 3D
Gundam the 3D Battle
Gundam Try Age SP
]See also:
Mobile Suit Gundam (1995)
Mobile Suit Gundam v.2.0 (1996)
Mobile Suit Gundam 0079: The War For Earth (1997)
Gundam: Battle Assault
Gundam: Battle Assault 2
Kidou Butouden G Gundam
Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack (1998)
Mobile Suit Gundam: Giren's Greed, Blood of Zeon
Mobile Suit Gundam: Perfect One Year War
SD Gundam G Century
SD Gundam G Generation
SD Gundam G Generation Zero
SD Gundam G Generation F
SD Gundam G Generation F-IF
Mobile Suit Z-Gundam
PlayStation 2[
]See also:
PlayStation 2
Mobile Suit Gundam: Gihren's Ambition
Giren no Yabou: Zeon Dokuritsu Sensouden - Kouryaku Shireisho
Mobile Suit Gundam: Journey to Jaburo
Mobile Suit Gundam: Zeonic Front
Mobile Suit Gundam: Lost War Chronicles
Mobile Suit Gundam: Encounters in Space
Mobile Suit Gundam: The One Year War
Mobile Suit Gundam: Climax U.C.
SD Gundam G Generation Neo
SD Gundam G Generation SEED
SD Gundam G Generation Spirits
SD Gundam G Generation Wars
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Never Ending Tomorrow
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny: Generation of C.E.
Gundam Battle Assault 3 Featuring Gundam SEED
Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation vs. Zeon
Mobile Suit Gundam Z: AEUG vs. Titans
Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam vs. Zeta Gundam
Gundam Seed: Rengou vs. Z.A.F.T.
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny: Rengou vs. Z.A.F.T. II
Mobile Suit Gundam 00: Gundam Meisters
MS Saga: A New Dawn
SD Gundam Force: Showdown!
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2
PlayStation 3[
]See also:
PlayStation 3
Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire (a.k.a. Mobile Suit Gundam: Target in Sight)
Mobile Suit Gundam Battlefield Record U.C. 0081
Mobile Suit Gundam: Side Stories - combines six games released for Sega Saturn, Dreamcast and PlayStation 2, and includes new campaign that connects all releases together with Gundam Unicorn
Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3
Dynasty Warriors Gundam Reborn
Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme Vs.
Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme Vs. Full Boost
Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme Vs. Full Boost Premium G Sound
Gundam Breaker
Gundam Breaker 2
Gundam Battle Operation
Gundam Battle Operation Next
PlayStation 4[
]See also:
PlayStation 4
SD Gundam G Generation Genesis
SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays
Gundam Breaker 3
New Gundam Breaker
Gundam Versus
Gundam Battle Operation Next
Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation 2
Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme VS. Maxiboost On
PlayStation Portable[
]See also:
PlayStation Portable
Gundam Battle Tactics
Gundam Battle Royale
Gundam Battle Chronicle
Gundam Battle Universe
Gundam Assault Survive
SD Gundam G Generation Portable
SD Gundam G Generation World
SD Gundam G Generation Over World
Mobile Suit Gundam: Giren no Yabou - Axis no Kyoui
Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam vs. Gundam
Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam vs. Gundam NEXT PLUS
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Federation vs. Z.A.F.T. Portable
Mobile Suit Gundam: Senjou no Kizuna Portable
Mobile Suit Gundam: Mokuba no Kiseki
Gundam Memories: Tatakai no Kioku
Mobile Suit Gundam AGE: Universe Accel
Mobile Suit Gundam AGE: Cosmic Drive
PlayStation Vita[
]See also:
PlayStation Vita
SD Gundam G Generation Genesis
Kidō Senshi Gundam SEED Battle Destiny
Gundam Breaker
Gundam Breaker 2
Gundam Breaker 3
Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme Vs Force
Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Fortress
Gundam Conquest V
Dynasty Warriors Gundam Reborn
3rd Super Robot Wars Z Zigokuhen
Game Gear[
]See also:
Game Gear
SD Gundam: Winner's History
Sega Saturn[
]See also:
Sega Saturn
Mobile Suit Gundam
Mobile Suit Z Gundam: Kouhen
Mobile Suit Z Gundam: Zenpen
Mobile Suit Gundam: Gihren's Greed
Mobile Suit Gundam Side Story: The Blue Destiny Vol. 1
Mobile Suit Gundam Side Story: The Blue Destiny Vol. 2
Mobile Suit Gundam Side Story: The Blue Destiny Vol. 3
SD Gundam G Century S
]See also:
Gundam Side Story 0079: Rise from the Ashes
Mobile Suit Gundam Gihren's Greed - Blood of Zeon
Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation Vs. Zeon DX
Gundam Battle Online
Xbox 360[
]See also:
Xbox 360
Mobile Ops: The One Year War
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3
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Alpha Centurion War:
The grass roots movement Earth Shakers marched, rallied, protested, & did sit ins at Neo Washington DC because it was the seat of power of Earth. Where did the mass movement (no name yet) marched, rallied, protested, & did sit ins at? Which planet in which star system in the Milky Way Galaxy is the seat of power of the Terran Empire?
Colonized and terraformed independent and autonomous moons, planetoids, asteroids, & planets with alien and human colonies across the Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma, Mobius, Omega, Omnicron, Polaris, Regulus, Sol, Vega, & Zeta Star systems:
Amaterasu, Chiron, Hina, Hou Yi, Kane, Artio, Ku, Izanami, Thoth, Laka, Fujin, Pele, Tlaloc, Brynhildr, Haikili, Raijin, Kuula, Horus, Lono, Susano, Namaka, Ullr, Inari, Phobos, Ikatere, Ursula, Mercury, Ra, Mary, Izanagi, Venus, Rohe, Juno, Ryujin, Bellona, Osiris, Loki, Set, Mars, Suijin, Krishna, Anubis, Freya, Calypso, Neith, Psyche, Earth or Terra, Bastet, Farbauti, Rhea, Laufey, Pan, Thrymr, Atlas, Ymir, Hyperion, Nix, Sigyn, Demeter, Vesta, Europa, Io, Omnicron, Pallas, Nemesis, Hercules, Fortuna, Fenrir, Chantico, Styx, Gaea, Skadi, Apollo, Eros, Thor, Achilles, Luna or the Moon, Sif, Artemis, Fafnir, Saturn, Victoria, Perseus, Hydra, Pandora, Vishnu, Sol, Vesta, Theseus, Cupid, New Terra, Loki, Minerva, Persephone, Nike, Juno, Tyr, Isis, Vulcan, Amphitrite, Vali, Titan, Odin, Ceres, Helios, Baldr, Titania, Ariel, Uranus, Frigga, Prometheus, Jupiter, Oceanus, & Pluto.
Birthplace of Kulax Kojir, Ohoi Nessars, Loran, Hleor, Breapru, & Iesloria who are the alien extraterrestrial wives of Alex Smith/Lexi Smith.
The outskirts of the Sol System is the current home of the Elites (imagine a superhero team like the Teen Titans, Young Avengers, Legion of Superheroes, & Young Justice combined with enough metahuman and superhuman members to defend the planet Earth).
Star Systems:
Alpha Star System, Banana Star System, Beta Star System, Delta Star System, Eagle Star System, Gamma Star System, Heart Star System, Mobius Star System, Octopus Star System, Omega Star System, Omnicron Star System, Polaris System, Regulus System, Sol System, Vega System, & Zeta System.
The outskirts of the Polaris, Vega, & Sol System is the current home of the Paragons (imagine a superhero team like the Justice League, Avengers, Doom Patrol, X-Men, & Justice Society of Superheroes combined with enough metahuman and superhuman members to defend the Sol System, Vega System, & Polaris System).
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Zeta Gundam Unit Designation MSZ-006 Height: 19.85 m (Mobile Suit mode) Length: 24.32 m (Waverider mode) Wingspan: 18.61 m (Waverider mode) Base weight: 28.7 t Full weight with all armaments: 62.3 t
Powered by a Minovsky Ultracompact Fusion Reactor and composed of Gundarium γ alloy the Zeta Gundam was developed in Project Zeta by Anaheim Electronics during the Gryps Conflict. Using modifications to the blueprints of the mobile suit the Hyaku Shiki that would allow for the planned transformation mechanic to work sent in by Kamille Bidan the company developed the Zeta with it being delivered to the Anti-Earth-Union-Group. Thanks to the developments the Zeta can switch between mobile suit mode and the jet-like Waverider mode. The Zeta’s standard weaponry include a pair of beam sabers stored in the side armor, head mounted vulcan guns, forearm mounted grenade launchers with a pair of grenades in each that can be swapped for a grappling wire, a beam rifle that can form a beam bayonet for close quarters combat, a shield that forms the “nose” of the Waverider, and for heavy duty purposes the Zeta can also launch with the Hyper Mega Launcher, a large beam cannon that can form a beam blade similar to the beam rifle for a melee weapon. The Zeta is also equipped with a Bio-Sensor that allows for Newtype pilots piloting the mobile suit to issue mental commands for easier interface between pilot and machine. Notably when piloted by a powerful enough Newtype focused enough, usually in a moment of intense emotion like anger, the Bio-Sensor allows for the Newtype to channel their power through the Zeta, manifesting in ways such as forming a barrier around the mobile suit capable of blocking beam rifle shots, extending the length of a beam saber to notably longer than it can normally be, and can allow potent Newtypes like Kamille to channel the souls of deceased Newtypes and Cyber Newtypes through their bodies to do things like freeze enemy mobile suits as shown in the final climatic battle of the Zeta Gundam anime where Kamille Bidan is able to freeze The O, mobile suit of the main villain Paptimus Scirocco before switching the Zeta to Waverider mode and ramming through the O, impaling both suit and pilot in a move known today as the Waverider Crash. The Zeta would see use in the sequel series ZZ where it is one of three mobile suits from Zeta along with the Gundam Mk II and Hyaku Shiki that are used by the main team of protagonists along with the debut of the Double Zeta. Even after its destruction in the tail end of the First Neo Zeon War in ZZ the Zeta’s legacy lives in a series of successor units seen in later parts of the Universal Century.
Video was made by DestinyFreedom VA on YouTube, be sure to give them a look for other awesome tributes to various other mobile suits from the Gundam franchise.
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