eorzea-today · 10 months
When something bad happens to her in RP…
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eorzea-today · 2 years
FFXIV Writing Challenge - Prompt #15: Row
Part eight of the tale about the Golden Vipers Seeker of the Sun tribe after most of them were tempered by a false depiction of their Goddess for many turns. Part One || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Part 7 || Part 8  || Part 9
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The trees were looming things, their branches like spiky fingers reaching for the sky above and creatures below. Their leaves were always rustling in the wind, like the forest was whispering to itself. It wasn’t that bad around the Gridanian settlements, where the forest felt tamed compared to deeper in. Rkah spotted an open area where they planted crops in neat rows, such a stark contrast amidst the harmonious chaos of nature. It wasn’t often that he found signs of city-state civilisation in the wilds this comforting, but nothing about the Shroud was welcoming to him. He couldn’t see very far, as there was always a tree blocking the view. Even the Goddess couldn’t reach him well through the dense canopy above. Only splotches of light where he should have been basking in her glory at this time of day. It felt worse the deeper they went.
Tia and Nunh made slow progress through the underbrush, constantly jumping and climbing over roots and fallen trees while ducking under branches. He was too exhausted to do anything but sit by the fire and eat his rations in silence by the time the first night came around, and the days that followed had him fare no better. Maybe they would die in this sun–shy hell of a forest, he started to think by the fourth day of their trek. His back was hurting from the slow pace, and all manner of insects had found him a good thing to snack on at night. Why would anyone want to live out here was beyond his ability to understand, but he kept his tongue and saved his energy the best he could.
Khua seemed to be doing much better than him, though it wouldn’t have surprised Rkah if he was just better at being stoic about it. The older man was weakened, sure, but he had a dignity about him that never left him, not even when he swatted at a stinging bug aiming for his neck. Was that age, the Tia wondered. Or would someone just have to be born that way?
He’d been paying too much attention to the other man, and not enough to where he was planting his feet. An error he regretted as his foot slipped on a rock and he crashed into the underbrush. Of course he had to land in the middle of a bush with more thorns than he had ever seen in his entire life, just his luck. Rkah groaned as Khua helped him up. At first the Nunh looked concerned, but when he realised it was Rkah’s pride that was hurt more than anything else, he seemed to be having trouble keeping in an amused chuckle. 
“We’re almosst there,” he told him softly as he pulled out a deeply embedded thorn, sniffing it before he tossed it over his shoulder. “You’re lucky those aren’t poissoned.”
“Yess,” Rkah agreed dryly. “I feel sso very lucky right now. You said that lasst sun as well.” 
“Hm hm, thosse weren’t poissoned either, desspite their awful tasste,” the older man joked softly, intentionally misinterpreting his words. 
The Tia looked like he might correct him for a moment, but then let out a breath and chuckled. “I still don’t think those nuts were edible, but at leasst we haven’t died yet. And I haven’t ssoiled mysself yet either.” 
“Oh, there’ss still time for that, don’t you worry,” Khua told him with a grin as he pulled out another thick thorn, and they both winced. Rkah in pain, and he in empathy. He sniffed at the scratches and small wounds once he was done, but he smelled nothing strange amidst the copper of blood. “Come, we really are almosst there this time. It’ss strange coming from thiss direction.”
It took another three bells before they noticed a warm scent in the air that hadn’t been there before. Both men stopped and breathed it in, remembering it from cycles past. Nostalgic memories awoke with it, bringing tears into their eyes. They followed it to an ancient-looking tree with silver, golden, and crystal baubles in its branches that chimed softly. They were finally there. 
Khua let his fingers glide over dark bark, while Rkah felt mesmerised by the song of the chimes. It was like he was listening to a conversation just out of earshot. Close enough to know that words were being exchanged, but too far away to know their meaning. He was still captivated by it when the Nunh started to fill a small hollow in the large tree  with herbs and spices, then set it to flame, letting their fragrance mix with that of the tree.
Rkah’s heart was pounding in his chest as nerves suddenly threatened to overwhelm him, but a steadying hand from Khua calmed him again. Now all they had left to do was wait. 
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eorzea-today · 2 years
The Shadows of Sharlayan | On Properties of Life IV | FFXIV Write 2022 #4: Free Pick
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A year passed since I came in Sharlayan in hope their knowledge would help me. I have studied their ways and while I expected a payment in any sort, Emilia told me it was already sorted, which should have been concerning from the start. However, my arrival there was not that quiet to begin with, mainly because of that Imperial who was in my boat, Alexian. He left his homeland to seek the wisdom of Sharlayan in diplomacy, but he later told me that his interest was more around primals and tempering… A little voice told me that I should be wary of him, but Garleans can not use Aether, I should be safe. I did not expected Sharlayan to be less than open to invite a Garlean on their land and my guts told me to defend his own quest for knowledge. This is where Emilia took care of my own paperwork, and someone else was charged of Alexian.
When Emilia woke me up at the middle of the night, I knew it was not because she found a breakthrough in our research. Not only we did not progressed much as my headache did not manifested themselves, but she was not alone that day. An Elezen was with her, and judging by her outfit, she was part of the Forum, one of the ninety-nine that rule the island. I quickly learned they were those who took most, if not all decisions regarding the future of Sharlayan, and their importance was more than simply make sure everyone could study at peace. By looking at that Elezen, I could clearly sense her stern gaze on me, as she was judging me. I secretly wished I would have sorted the many piles of books I left here and there in the dorm… And it seems the others were too deeply asleep to notice her presence.
With a few whispers, Emilia invited me to follow them. I never sleep without a blade under my pillow by pure habit, so I was ready to take a little walk outside, but the mysterious Elezen guided us toward her house. Not that it was far, but neither her or Emilia spoke during the way to what I supposed to be her own house, and the air was heavy with questions and concerns. The silence finally broke when we reached her balcony, as she looked to Emilia with a single eye, the other hidden by a piece of slightly transparent white cloth.
- Emilia, you can return to your duties… or your sleep, in our case. - Yes, mother.
I could not hide my surprise. Several points did not worked, the first being Emilia is a Midlander. Of course, the Elezen saw it and offered me a gentle smile.
- Emilia is my adoptive daughter. Her parents went missing during their own research… But this is not the object of my presence. It is time for you to pay your debt to Sharlayan, Fiana. - I knew Emilia’s kindness was hiding other plans…
She walked to the edge of the balcony and slightly leaned on the stone. The stars gave Sharlayan a different tone during the night, and I never really noticed it before. The island seemed more peaceful.
- Yes I did asked Emilia to take care of your inscription because I noticed your power as soon as you set foot on our island. The lessons your learned and the problems you caused only added to my will to talk to you personally, Fiana. - What do you mean? - You are particularly brillant for an outsider of Sharlayan. Your age, of course, is one of the reasons, but you are a natural with magic according to your professors. I heard you wanted to study somanoutics?
I will remember that one, Emilia… Sticking me with a member of the Forum which happen to be your adoptive mother on top of that.
- It was Emilia’s idea, madam. After I did my own research on the matter I simply agreed with it. - Keep working towards you goal, Fiana… While repaying your debt to Sharlayan. Our knowledge is not free, and knowing your background, we both know you do not have the means to continue on your own.
I can not deny that, though I would have imagined working for the Gleaners, not the Forum itself. Gathering components and fighting off some monsters is at least a trade I know.
- Your assignment is simple, Fiana. It happens that people in Sharlayan doesn’t approve our safekeeping of this world’s knowledge. Some have the guts to steal our creations… - Let me guess, you want me to get them back. - Exactly.
She handed me an emblem of Sharlayan, except the colors were different. Usually, that emblem is green and blue, a symbol of the ever-flowing knowledge I suppose, but that one was red and black. Colors that were more aggressive and I already had the slight idea of what she wanted with the thieves.
- Your assignments will have to return the stolen knowledge. We know your aversion to murder, and we will not ask you to eliminate the thieves. Though, if they are hostile… - I know. I know those chains too well, and you perfectly know I will do it. - Indeed, and this is why you have all the keys in hand to complete your assignments. Your methods are ours as long as you reclaim what was stolen. This is far from chains… But since I have your agreement, your first assignment will be given tomorrow. Be as swift as the winds you call, Fiana, and know we watch over you.
She knew I was about to leave by jumping over the balcony. I hate this. I did not choose to be another tool in the hand of someone else, again, and while this could be a noble cause, it is not. Knowledge should be shared, not kept inside a library for ages and forgotten, unless it is too dangerous to reveal to the world.
I hate it, but I will do it.
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eorzea-today · 3 years
Unsung Adventures - Issues #10-12
A lot has happened to the Unsung the last few moons. Read all about it in our latest issue of the Unsung Adventures Zine. 
Click >>here<< to enjoy the latest issue Minor spoiler warning for patch 5.5(5)!
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Read all about the Unsung in Unsung Adventures, sponsored by Kukusito Lolosito from WARK! Magazine ‘fame’.
OOC Information
Unsung Adventures is an RP initiative to have more public overworld RP during EU-friendly times on the Crystal DC, with our main server being Balmung.
This magazine is a mixture of IC and OOC stories to celebrate the RPers that are out there with us and to keep people informed on what the Unsung are up to so it’s easier to jump into RP with us. It is the spiritual successor of WARK! Magazine and started by the same people.
Interested in the Unsung for RP and/or contributing to the magazine? Please check out our Carrd for information and our Discord link: UnsungAdventures.carrd.co
Any support is greatly appreciated. If you like what we do, then don’t forget to like and reblog!
Here are some tags to hopefully help spread the word: @mooglemeet​ @crystalxivrp​ @crystal-rp-ffxiv​ @balmungrp
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eorzea-today · 3 years
Unsung Adventures - Issue #8
The Unsung were in Thanalan to honour the Moon of Rhalgr. Check out their trip in the latest issue of Unsung Adventures.
Click >>here<< to enjoy the latest issue
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Read all about the Unsung in Unsung Adventures, sponsored by Kukusito Lolosito from WARK! Magazine ‘fame’.
OOC Information
Unsung Adventures is an RP initiative to have more public overworld RP during EU-friendly times on the Crystal DC, with our main server being Balmung.
This magazine is a mixture of IC and OOC stories to celebrate the RPers that are out there with us and to keep people informed on what the Unsung are up to so it’s easier to jump into RP with us. It is the spiritual successor of WARK! Magazine and started by the same people.
Interested in the Unsung for RP and/or contributing to the magazine? Please check out our Carrd for information and our Discord link: UnsungAdventures.carrd.co
Any support is greatly appreciated. If you like what we do, then don’t forget to like and re-blog!
Here are some tags to hopefully help spread the word: @mooglemeet​ @crystalxivrp​ @crystal-rp-ffxiv​ @balmungrp
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eorzea-today · 3 years
Unsung Adventures - Issue #7
The Unsung adventurers were in the Shroud to honour the Moon of Byregot. Read all about their trip in the latest issue of Unsung Adventures, it’s only about a moon late as per our tradition!
Click >>here<< to enjoy the latest issue
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Read all about the Unsung in Unsung Adventures, sponsored by Kukusito Lolosito from WARK! Magazine ‘fame’.
OOC Information
Unsung Adventures is an RP initiative to have more public overworld RP during EU-friendly times on the Crystal DC, with our main server being Balmung.
This magazine is a mixture of IC and OOC stories to celebrate the RPers that are out there with us and to keep people informed on what the Unsung are up to so it’s easier to jump into RP with us. It is the spiritual successor of WARK! Magazine and started by the same people.
Interested in the Unsung for RP and/or contributing to the magazine? Please check out our Carrd for information and our Discord link: UnsungAdventures.carrd.co
Any support is greatly appreciated. If you like what we do, then don’t forget to like and re-blog!
Here are some tags to hopefully help spread the word: @mooglemeet​ @crystalxivrp​ @crystal-rp-ffxiv​ @balmungrp
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eorzea-today · 3 years
Unsung Adventures - Issue #7
The Unsung adventurers were in the Shroud to honour the Moon of Byregot. Read all about their trip in the latest issue of Unsung Adventures, it’s only about a moon late as per our tradition!
Click >>here<< to enjoy the latest issue
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Read all about the Unsung in Unsung Adventures, sponsored by Kukusito Lolosito from WARK! Magazine ‘fame’.
OOC Information
Unsung Adventures is an RP initiative to have more public overworld RP during EU-friendly times on the Crystal DC, with our main server being Balmung.
This magazine is a mixture of IC and OOC stories to celebrate the RPers that are out there with us and to keep people informed on what the Unsung are up to so it’s easier to jump into RP with us. It is the spiritual successor of WARK! Magazine and started by the same people.
Interested in the Unsung for RP and/or contributing to the magazine? Please check out our Carrd for information and our Discord link: UnsungAdventures.carrd.co
Any support is greatly appreciated. If you like what we do, then don’t forget to like and re-blog!
Here are some tags to hopefully help spread the word: @mooglemeet​ @crystalxivrp​ @crystal-rp-ffxiv​ @balmungrp
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eorzea-today · 3 years
Unsung Adventures - Issue #5
The Unsung adventurers were in Limsa Lominsa to honour the Moon of Llymlaen. Read all about their trip in the latest issue of Unsung Adventures, it’s only about a moon late!
Click >>here<< to enjoy the latest issue
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Read all about their adventures in Unsung Adventures, sponsored by Kukusito Lolosito from WARK! Magazine ‘fame’.
OOC Information
Unsung Adventures is an RP initiative to have more public overworld RP during EU-friendly times on the Crystal DC, with our main server being Balmung.
This magazine is a mixture of IC and OOC stories to celebrate the RPers that are out there with us and to keep people informed on what the Unsung are up to so it’s easier to jump into RP with us. It is the spiritual successor of WARK! Magazine and started by the same people.
Interested in the Unsung for RP and/or contributing to the magazine? Please check out our Carrd for information and our Discord link: UnsungAdventures.carrd.co
Any support is greatly appreciated. If you like what we do, then don’t forget to like and re-blog!
Here are some tags to hopefully help spread the word: @mooglemeet​ @crystalxivrp​ @crystal-rp-ffxiv​ @balmungrp
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eorzea-today · 3 years
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A birthday commission of Moya'to, thanks to Fern <3
By: https://jdestamtiunm.carrd.co/
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eorzea-today · 3 years
Unsung Adventures - Issue #5
The Unsung adventurers were in Limsa Lominsa to honour the Moon of Llymlaen. Read all about their trip in the latest issue of Unsung Adventures, it’s only about a moon late!
Click >>here<< to enjoy the latest issue
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Read all about their adventures in Unsung Adventures, sponsored by Kukusito Lolosito from WARK! Magazine ‘fame’.
OOC Information
Unsung Adventures is an RP initiative to have more public overworld RP during EU-friendly times on the Crystal DC, with our main server being Balmung.
This magazine is a mixture of IC and OOC stories to celebrate the RPers that are out there with us and to keep people informed on what the Unsung are up to so it’s easier to jump into RP with us. It is the spiritual successor of WARK! Magazine and started by the same people.
Interested in the Unsung for RP and/or contributing to the magazine? Please check out our Carrd for information and our Discord link: UnsungAdventures.carrd.co
Any support is greatly appreciated. If you like what we do, then don’t forget to like and re-blog!
Here are some tags to hopefully help spread the word: @mooglemeet​ @crystalxivrp​ @crystal-rp-ffxiv​ @balmungrp
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eorzea-today · 3 years
The next Unsung Adventures is out!
Unsung Adventures - Issue #4
The Unsung adventurers were in Mor Dhona to honour the Moon of Nymeia. Read all about their trip in the latest issue of Unsung Adventures.
Click >>here<< to enjoy the latest issue
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Read all about their adventures in Unsung Adventures, sponsored by Kukusito Lolosito from WARK! Magazine ‘fame’.
OOC Information
Unsung Adventures is an RP initiative to have more public overworld RP during EU-friendly times on the Crystal DC, with our main server being Balmung.
This magazine is a mixture of IC and OOC stories to celebrate the RPers that are out there with us and to keep people informed on what the Unsung are up to so it’s easier to jump into RP with us. It is the spiritual successor of WARK! Magazine and started by the same people.
Interested in the Unsung for RP and/or contributing to the magazine? Please check out our Carrd for information and our Discord link: UnsungAdventures.carrd.co
Any support is greatly appreciated. If you like what we do, then don’t forget to like and re-blog!
Here are some tags to hopefully help spread the word: @mooglemeet​ @crystalxivrp​ @crystal-rp-ffxiv​ @balmungrp
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eorzea-today · 3 years
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Red sky
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eorzea-today · 3 years
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Eorzean sky
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eorzea-today · 3 years
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Spring in Eorzea
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eorzea-today · 3 years
Unsung Writing Prompts
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We are looking for FFXIV-related stories to showcase in the next Unsung Adventures zine. Above are some prompt ideas, but anything people feel like sharing (both new and old writing) is welcome!
If that sounds like something you’d like, then please do not hesitate to share your writing. I need:
A link to the story (Google docs, Tumblr, AO3 etc are all good)
A short blurb, including any warnings that may apply
Your pen name (if applicable)
Optional: a screenshot that may go with the writing (as always, reshade is okay, but don’t do heavily modded pics please)
Feel free to send it in a PM here, or join our Discord (link is on our Carrd). The deadline is Sunday the 25th of April.
Disclaimer: I won’t be doing any editing, quality control is entirely up to you as the writer. Depending on how many people want to share things, I may need to make choices on what to put in and what to leave out at my own discretion. Older work is welcome, short work is welcome. Google docs are welcome. It’s all about celebrating writing on all skill levels!
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eorzea-today · 4 years
The new Issue of Unsung Adventures is out!
Unsung Adventures - Issue #3
The Unsung adventurers were in Mor Dhona to honour the Moon of Thaliak. Read all about their trip in the latest issue of Unsung Adventures.
Click >>here<< to enjoy the latest issue
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Read all about their adventures in Unsung Adventures, sponsored by Kukusito Lolosito from WARK! Magazine ‘fame’.
OOC Information
Unsung Adventures is an RP initiative to have more public overworld RP during EU-friendly times on the Crystal DC, with our main server being Balmung.
This magazine is a mixture of IC and OOC stories to celebrate the RPers that are out there with us and to keep people informed on what the Unsung are up to so it’s easier to jump into RP with us. It is the spiritual successor of WARK! Magazine and started by the same people.
Interested in the Unsung for RP and/or contributing to the magazine? Please check out our Carrd for information and our Discord link: UnsungAdventures.carrd.co
Any support is greatly appreciated. If you like what we do, then don’t forget to like and re-blog!
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eorzea-today · 4 years
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Recovering after losing our camp to the enemy during the VoV Campaign by the EU Crystal RPC
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