#eu crystal rpc
eorzea-today · 4 years
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Recovering after losing our camp to the enemy during the VoV Campaign by the EU Crystal RPC
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roninki · 6 years
Kotomi Nikuya, Balmung, LFRP.
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NAME: Kotomi Nikuya (Nikuya Kotomi)
AGE: 29(ish)
RACE: Hyur, Midlander, Hingan
GENDER: Female
SEXUALITY: Pansexual
ALIGNMENT: Lawful Neutral
SERVER: Balmung (EU, GMT)
Physical Appearance
HAIR: Shoulder-length messy black hair, streaked with the occasional blended hint of dark grey. Three small braids behind the right ear. Very rarely pulled into a high topknot.
EYES: Dark brown
BUILD: Toned and well muscled. Broad-shouldered with the strong arms of a swordswoman. Dense quads and backside, wide hips. Slightly above average bust, frequently bound down with a sarashi.
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: A long, thin scar breaking through her left brow, ending just past her eye. When visible, a huge, intricate tattoo across her entire back that depicts an Othardian-styled dragonkin. A long scar slashes through the very center. Several smaller designs beneath her chest, above her abdomen and on the backs of her calves. A fanged mempo-mask tattooed on the back of her hand, styled with a sinister grin; it covers her entire lower face when placed against it. Full sleeves of gang-affiliated ink, blended with black and dark grey smoke.
COMMON ACCESSORIES: Her katana and a pair of tantos, sheathed through an embroided and gilded obi. A soul crystal, held within a steel frame, suspended on a long silver chain, kept hidden beneath her clothes. An Othardian-style smoking pipe, embellished with silver. A gourd, usually filled with an alcoholic beverage, hanging from the back of her obi or sword belt.
Personal Details
PROFESSION: Ronin Shinobi, Mercenary, Alchemist
HOBBIES: Sparring, exercise, reading, painting, gambling, drinking, sports, alchemy, camping.
DISLIKES: Authority, religion, the overly optimistic, Namazu, Lalafel, members of higher classes, Domans, Ishgardians, Garleans.
LANGUAGES: Eorzean, Hingan (Frequent use of Hingan phrases mid-sentence) Basic Auri.
RESIDENCE: The Craven’s Respite, Mists. Apartment in Kugane (currently not available)
FEARS: Dying alone, irrelevancy, being forgotten.
PARENTS: Mother unknown. Father deceased. Adoptive mother’s fate unknown.
SIBLINGS: Several adopted “siblings” from her younger gang years.
extroverted / introverted / in between
disorganised / organised / in between
close minded / open-minded / inbetween
calm / anxious / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between
leader / follower / in between
empathetic / unemphatic / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / in between
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
cultured / uncultured / in between
loyal / disloyal / in between
faithful / unfaithful / in between
Additional Info:
SMOKING HABIT: never / sometimes /frequently / to excess
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Story Hooks
Yakuza: From a young age, Kotomi was involved with gang culture, primarily in Kugane where she was involved in a group known as the Golden Viper. People who have dealt with similar organisations would likely be aware of her former affiliations through her tattoos or possibly by name.
Shady Is As Shady Does: Kotomi is, without a doubt, a morally-grey individual. Her position as a mercenary, former gang ties, and her professions have lead her to have several long standing connections within the black market underworld. Smugglers, fences and those of more dubious nature can feel free to know of her or be aware of her, and that she’s constantly looking for more contacts.
Merc Work Ain’t Cheap: With her current line of work, Kotomi is always looking for other mercenaries to get in contact with throughout Eorzea. Her list of associates and friends is a short one in her new home, so new faces is something she’s on the lookout for. As a side-job, she also rents out her capabilities as a practiced alchemist to those looking for it.
Stranger in a Strange Land: Following her only recent arrival to Eorzea, Kotomi has found herself with little in the ways of ‘friends’ and contacts, much to her chagrin and constant denial. Whether or not she admits it, she’s always looking for more people to actually know on the continent, though has a difficult time actually achieving it. Her training as a Hingan practitioner of Ninjutsu also leaves her open to forming more connections with fellow users of the art, and those from Hingashi in general. (And Domans with great reluctance)
Artist: Kotomi is an artistic soul at heart, and has accrued a small amount of popularity in Kugane for her landscape and portrait work. Whilst this side of her is usually kept hidden and reserved for only those close to her, she is interested in meeting Eorzean artists of all kinds to expand her own knowledge and style. 
What I’m Looking For
Primarily I’m looking for in game RP, but I’m far from opposed to using Discord! My Discord is  AdmiralT#7039 and I’m usually always around and available, so don’t be afraid to give me a poke! For in game, I’m looking for a lot of everything, honestly; both one on one, character driven interactions, but also large, public events as well! I’m still relatively new to Balmung’s RPC, so I’m mainly looking to get involved and start plotting and writing stories with people! My times are EU GMT, and I’m usually available for the time being all day and evening, except for Monday! I’m a full time college student, so normally my times are in flux, especially around deadlines.
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eorzea-today · 4 years
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Scouts on a mission in the VoV Campaign from the EU Crystal RPC
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eorzea-today · 4 years
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Camp happenings during the VoV Campaign.
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eorzea-today · 5 years
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Final assault of the VoV Campain, at the gate 1/3
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eorzea-today · 5 years
[WARK! Special] A look into the VoV Campaign by the EU Crystal RPC
Click >>here<< for the full issue. If you’re from the EU time zones and on Crystal, don’t forget to check out the EU Crystal RPC for more events and campaigns.
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eorzea-today · 5 years
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Final assault of the VoV Campain, at the gate 3/3
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eorzea-today · 5 years
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Final assault of the VoV Campain, at the gate 2/3
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eorzea-today · 5 years
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Standing guard at camp for the VoV Campaign
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eorzea-today · 5 years
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Scouts on a mission in the VoV Campaign by the EU Crystal RPC
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eorzea-today · 5 years
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The leaders of the VoV Campaign by the EU Crystal RPC
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eorzea-today · 5 years
WARK! Magazine - Sixth Astral Moon - Issue #18
As the seasons change, and the leaves grow gold, bronze and copper, so too do we put another issue of WARK! before our readers. I hope you don’t mind me a little bit of purple-fancy, but I always get a little romantic around this time of the year. It feels as if the world itself is relaxing into its warm bed. Despite the commotion that’s taken hold around us, I can only say I admire the efforts put toward reflection on what we are thankful for. For me, it’s flowery words, calm evening and the opportunity to share these tales and happenings with your, dear reader.
Signed, Editor-in-Chief Charlette Bellamy
Click >>here<< to enjoy the latest issue
Click >>here<< for the full archive
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OOC Information
WARK! is an in-character magazine created by the in-character publisher Chocobo Dreams on the Crystal DC.
The magazine is available for free at the different adventure guilds, books stores, and libraries. If you would like a feature in the magazine don’t hesitate to contact us on Tumblr or Discord on Djill#8950
Any support is greatly appreciated. If you like what we do, then don’t forget to like and re-blog!
In this issue: The Void of Venguange Campaign made by The Crystal EU RPC & The Autumn Winds Faire @tssbalmung​
Here are some tags to hopefully help spread the word: @mooglemeet @balmungroleplayers @balmungrp @crystal-rp-ffxiv @ffxiv-crystal-rp
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eorzea-today · 5 years
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Scouts on a mission during the VoV Campaign on the EU Crystal RPC
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eorzea-today · 5 years
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If you’re an RPer in the EU timezone, consider joining the EU Crystal RPC Discord. 
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eorzea-today · 5 years
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Images from the VoV Campaign by the EU Crystal RPC. 
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eorzea-today · 5 years
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Start of the VoV campaign by the EU Crystal RPC
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