#Necromancer Lucretious
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muffinpoop1 · 1 year ago
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Necromancer Lucretious
You may find the time-lapse here :).
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a devastating oversight in baldur's gate 3.
you can't romance lucretious.
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greycloakofevereska · 1 year ago
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BG3 NPC'S 4/?
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speed-demon-doodler · 10 months ago
Oh act 3, you (And we've barely scratched the surface!)
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felrend · 8 months ago
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If you’re good to mama, mama will be good to you
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kiteran · 1 year ago
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grovekeepers · 2 years ago
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‣ Lady Lucretious | Ringmaster, Necromancer, Bringer of the Night 🌙- oh, and wine-lover extraordinaire
"Normally I'd invite you into my tent for a lovely vintage, but these graceless skellies need my full attention. Enjoy my circus, darling!"
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bhaalbaaby · 6 months ago
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Lucretious the Necromancer
Made Lucretious for a pinup, but decided to upload her in her regular fit. Meshes belong to Larian Studios. Eye and hair shaders from Volno.
All I ask is for a tag @bhaalbaaby for credit 🩷
Download on Patreon
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pitaenigma · 1 year ago
Baldur's Gate 3 is a game so aggressively queer that you meet a circus leader who is a drag queen necromancer and nobody has made a big deal of this character because Lucretious just naturally fits into the game's world by that point.
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blackjackkent · 1 year ago
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What the Kentucky fried FUCK is going on over in this corner of the circus?
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"Lucille! It's pose, grapevine, *then* pivot step. Jacob - you have the grace of my great-grandmother's missing leg. And Boris. BORIS. Put some *sensuality* into those lovely hip bones! I know you have it in you. Step. It. Up!"
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Boris is trying his best, bless him.
I kind of love this. I checked the wiki and this is apparently the ringmaster of the circus; her name is Lucretious. She is both coded as a drag queen and voiced by one - a queen named Vinegar Strokes who was apparently on the first season of RuPaul's Drag Race. (I double-checked pronouns because I know people who do drag tend to have varied opinions on how they want to be referred to; both BG3 wiki and the VA's wikipedia page use "she".)
Anyway, Lucretious has tons of energy and I love her. Hector, meanwhile, continues to be INCREDIBLY overstimulated and bewildered by the entire circus experience.
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"Is this a circus act?" he asks politely.
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"We are *decades* from that," Lucretious says in exasperation. "I hoped they could open for Dribbles - not that my star needs the support - but at this rate, who knows?"
She looks him up and down and then gives him a slow smile. "Call me Lucretious - ringmaster, necromancer, Bringer of the Night - oh, and wine-lover extraordinaire." She raises her eyebrows playfully at him. "Normally I'd invite you into my tent for a... lovely vintage, but these graceless skellies need my full attention. Enjoy my circus, darling!"
OK, we're back to business as usual on people flirting with Hector. XD And, as usual, Hector completely misses the point.
"Isn't that nice," he says to no one in particular. "She wanted to share a wine with me. Perhaps we should come back later."
Shadowheart just facepalms and Karlach laughs. "She wanted something with you, that's for certain."
He blinks, then blinks again, and then the penny drops. "Oh. Oh!" A pause. "Oh. Shit." He flushes bright red.
Jaheira snorts behind him. "I do not think you have anything to worry about with this one, Karlach," she says dryly.
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oogalaboogalabich · 11 months ago
Posting my current list of things i wanna draw cause honestly, id much rather see someone elses take on a lot of them.
Most of these are labeled under "degenerate art ideas" so take from that what you will.
Please feel free to use any one of these.
- The Kiss from fallout. If you know you know. Bane and bhaal with a dead durge and gortash.
-Comic: Astarion in trouble and drizzt comes out of nowhere all heroic and saves him and hes all doe eyed n shit.
-Halsin and mr meadhoney. "Do you have a particular fondness for large and...heavily armed men, mr. Meadhoney?"
-Lucretious the necromancer and astarion dancing the tango together with the skellies in the back playing music."The dead are always such superb dancers."
-Comic: Lucretious topping astarion, bent over the stages edge. "What if we put you in my show darling. Im sure we could find something for a star like you...something youd love as much as the crowd."
"Youd make a spectacle of me?"
"In front of THOUSANDS who come just to see the most perfect beauty in all of the planes."
"Oh yes i quite like the thought of that."
-Comic: "Orin: you suck up the tyrants vapors like a babe sucks milk."
"Durge: tch fuckin yeah i do."
"Astarion: D:<!!?"
"Orin: *quinten terantino scowl that she does*"
-Vellioth as the "i yearn for the urn" tiktok
- astarion amputee doodles (thank you godey for that idea)
-3 musketeers quote "i love that in a man." "What. Passion?" "Violence" but ghoap or durge. Maybe make a version of both?
-when (doodly dude) hit me real hard that one night and my jaw rattled in my skull all nasty, but make it durgestarion hehehehehehe
-Astarion licking blood from durge in one of the pools of blood (idea from mignon scene)
-Durgetash comic of demon slayer masochism abridged thing with the lady man demon
- bg3 crew bein a bunch of rly cute parrots doin dumb cute things.
-same idea but theyre all shoebill storks.
-comic: "Mighty sanctum" bit, then durge pulls astarion into his lap and kisses him. "Fairly certain you would castrate me if i tried to fuck you right here like i want...im still not sure if thats a deterrent or temptation" but ya know...better written.
"bloody degenerate...unhand me."
"Let go of my neck then."
"Well then...")
-Mungojerrie from cats and astarion both comolimenting each others pearls and casually holding something they swiped from the other. Riumpleteaser and durge are snickering and sharing a look, while RT has swiped something of durges, durge is pulling out his/her dagger
- Durge/Tav painting astarion in gold, and feeding him blood in a hedonism date night. he thinks the gold paint is just for tav. But he keeps saying "i just want you to see yourself as i see you." And stuch things.
He leads him to a giant ass mirror and lo and behold, there he is. In the flesh. The colors arent there of course. Hes looks like a statue, but its still...its more than the statue, its more than a portrait.
-Lyrical comic of durgetash ritual by ghost
-comic: Astarion is walking with the gang. He looks up to see something and narrows his eyes. He suddenly bursts into bats, flies up onto the space he was trying to peer at and reappears in a panic. Somethin like....
"I was eight bats...how...fuck...gods how am i supposed to even process that!?
Astarion are you alri
-comic- Volothamp talking to tav about a rat exodus from "a mysterious "red castle" " where their bretheren kept going missing. So they gave up the territory and moved to a "red cave" just beneath it, where blood flows even more freely.
Astsrion recognizes the palace, and remembers a time where rats were in such short supply that cazador had simply switched to insects for a while. Well with astarion he had, the rest had been treated to cats and dogs, in order to lessen the threat against the local rat population. Durge in the meantime, has an odd memory about commanding rats to find reconnisance if they wish to find safety with (fuzzy writing that doesnt quite translate to words)
-Astarions ascension but its happy with evil hugs.
-Durge reacting to the gnoll birth holy hells that was funny.
-Durge eviscerating astarion while he arches off the ground as if in ecstacy rather than pain. Theyre both laughing in wild, crying hysterics and theres those timasks spores everywhere.
-Comic: A -Astarion in the mirror frowning and looking distressed, even a little pissed in a mini panel, as he pinches a small amount of belly fat. Hes a very healthy weight but like 200 years o trauma dawg. Next pannel he looks thoughtful (considering that hes never had enough to eat before to warrant gaining rather than steadily losing weight), third panel he looks up in a catlike manner and fingertip taps his stomach near his hip. Very silly smug cat face meme feels here
-Chaste kiss canon durgestarion/tash vs nasty canon durgestarion/tash
-Comic of vellioth uncovering mummystarion from crypt.
-Comic of astarion fucking posessed n bound durge in the shar library.
-An archer in general doing leg archery. Maybe two goofballs doin it at each other with silly faces. I can see any combo of minsc and lazel and astarion doing this weirdly enough.
-spit/ blood exchange between s/a astarions.
-That moment when astarion is blissed out in the sauce under durge in the grove. Maybe a pov where theres drops of blood mid fall, and theres two hands smearing it all over his chest.
-A astarion sitting on bhaals altar while durge and gortash dogfight.
-Gortash with his hand inside a lasceration in durges belly, squeezing himself off all slowlike inside durge. bloody handprints everywhere, though some have turned to black sooted handprints. Theyre kissing all disgustin
-Slayer and a predator Shilouetted gwtw style
-Astarion getting railed by a Predator.
-Lazel getting railed by a Predator.
-Honestly just put everyone in every fandom with a predator at some point like fu c ks sake
-Comic of the superimposed cazador murder/thunderstorm blood frenzy xex scene from that one fic i never finished
-The king E x Ragnar bath scene but nasty. (Also durgetash?)
-Astarion with floorlength hair and dripping with pearls, looking a little emaciated, or perhaps just extra slender themes to the art
Two smaller panels where vellioth h it away and carefully styles it while figaros corpse lays in the corner. Vellioth should look younger but less pretty.
-Durge slips his hands into astarions back pockets (in this comic he has invented ass pockets) "butt"
He goes "no, butt." And walks away. Durge looks down at his hands that are still right there where his butt was. And he squeezes the air with a smile
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tigerlyla-of-metinna · 10 months ago
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NPC Wednesday: Lucretious
The fabulous necromancer owner of the Circus of The Last Days. Hope everyone found all of Dribbles!
My PS5 gameplay shot enhanced in PS.
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aloy-sobek · 7 months ago
Proserpina Diary Update: cannot pickpocket Lucretious staff, and I respect her too much as a fellow necromancer to kill her.
Alas, I will just wave goodbye to it as it leaves.
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rinwellisathing · 8 months ago
Paint The Lines, Cut the Flesh: Part 17
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When the fight finally died down, Sentry glanced warily around. Jaina was consoling a few frightened children, distracting them with some pretty cantrips and reassuring them gently. Kroger was kneeling beside a carnival worker who had rushed into help, placing his hands gently on the man's wounded leg and murmuring a healing word. Wyll was addressing some rather shaken looking patrons, while Gale, Octavia, and Astarion were examining the clown's tent and a few others nearby. Octavia made her way over to a display at a tent just across from where she'd been searching, eyeing the wares with interest, there were certainly many eclectic odds and ends here, perhaps a clue? She pawed about through the trinkets until she found herself grasping a detached hand. “Oooh! A hand of glory? I have heard of these!” She gasped eagerly, turning it over in her grasp. “Oh, wait...but no wick...then...” She yelped, eyes widening. “Oh! This hand belongs to that poor colorful istik!” “Hey! That's mine! Not for sale!” A voice snapped as a tiny kobold in a fine hat approached and yanked the hand from Octavia's grip.
“Oh...but...it is very important in a murder investigation, please?” Octavia asked, clasping her palms together and gazing wide eyed at the creature. The kobold gave a sour glare for a moment, but he noticed the scales that dotted Octavia's own cool leathery skin, the narrow reptillian slits of her pupils, and the elegant flare of her prominent nostrils. “Well.....you a pretty one, lady, so okay! But you don't tell no one Popper made you a deal! Then I don't make money.” “Thank you so much!” Octavia chirped, retrieving the hand from him and waving merrily.
“Oh dear. Screaming crowds, dead bodies, blood and gore and it isn't even my birthday.” A voice broke Sentry's haze of confusion as a statuesque figure in a stunning gown and expertly applied shimmering makeup stood before him, hands on her hips. “Ugh...Sorry about all this, dear, Lucretious at your service! Necromancer, mistress of ceremonies, and connoisseur of fine wines extroardinaire!” “So you run this place, then? Sorry about your clown...” Sentry managed. “Ugh! Can you imagine? Such a piss poor impersonation to boot!” Lucretious sighed dramatically. “But, alas, we will need to move on soon, what with all this murder going on and staff funerals being so very expensive.” She shook her head and pursed her lips. “Still, Dribbles is our star and we can't just leave without him...” “Well it looks like you're going to have to.” Astarion replied, walking up besides Sentry. “First of all he's dead...and on top of that, obviously in pieces!” He nodded towards Octavia, who held up a blood and paint stained limb. “Will you put that away? You're going to cause another scene!” Kroger snapped, giving his sister a stern look from where he knelt, still tending injured workers and patrons. Octavia sheepishly slipped the part into her pack. “Ha! Sweetheart, did you miss the bit about necromancy? I can easily put him back together. Besides, the undead make such great employees! They don't need breaks or food after all. And listen, I'll pay you well. I am very generous with my benefactors.” Lucretious offered.
Sentry thought a moment and smiled. “Eh...sure, why not? I love a good scavenger hunt.” And with that, he shook Lucretious' hand and went to gather his party to begin the search...and to enter the Open Hand Temple for the first time in a long time. --- The first thing Sentry noticed about the temple gave him pause. He frowned and found that before he realized what he was doing, his legs were carrying him up the steps, past the groups of refugees standing in groups and waiting on the stairs. He looked to the sister who seemed to be preventing them from entering and frowned. “What's the meaning of this? These people need help.” He frowned, gesturing to the crowd. “Brother Sentry?” The woman blinked in surprise. “By the broken god, we'd heard you were dead...” “Yeah...been getting a lot of that lately. “Sentry brushed off the comment. “But getting to the point, let these people in. What's wrong with you? Father Lorgan will have a fit seeing them treated like this!” The woman frowned, looking away. “Brother Sentry....Father Lorgan's been killed.” Sentry's eyes widened and he let out an audible gasp, staggering back slightly. Father Lorgan who had always been kind to him, who had always stood up for people like him, people who needed Ilmater's love the most but were so often denied it by the hypocritical, holier than thou members of the clergy. He thought back to that kind smile that crinkled the corners of the old man's eyes, of his calloused, wrinkled hands gently pressing a paint brush into young Sentry's trembling hands after a bad panic attack and encouraging him to paint his feelings. He remembered the old man cheerfully laying several pieces of clothing fit for a young man out before Sentry after Commander Mum had introduced him. His unquestioning acceptance, his patience...The closest thing to a father Sentry could ever recall knowing.
“Shit....” Was all Sentry managed to say as he numbly made his way into the temple, his party hurrying after him, though he barely noticed. “Look, Lorgan was always soft. Letting that Ojeda woman bring in that stray was just the beginning. Always knew he'd live to regret it.” The voice stopped Sentry in his tracks and the paladin's mouth curved into a growl. “Father Lorgan was a good man. He understood Ilmater's teachings. Besides, we don't even know if this refugee was really the one that killed him! He's dead too after all.” Two men stood arguing by a bookshelf. Sentry approached, arms folded across his chest. “Brother Sentry....It's you...” The man supporting Lorgan's work, a dwarven man with sad eyes and a gentle face, gasped as he peered up at the paladin. “Well, well, if it isn't the freak.” The other man, a blonde high elf with a disdainful sneer matched Sentry's posture, glaring at the tiefling. “Come to gloat? Come to admire your kind's work?” “Should've figured you'd still be fuckin' stupid, Bill. You never understood Ilmater, and obviously you're not too great on basic logic either because I just got here and I don't even know what's going on.” Sentry scoffed. “Brother Sentry, Father Lorgan is dead....They found him murdered in the basement.” The dwarf explained. He gave Sentry a sympathetic look. “You can pay your respects in the infirmary if you like...” Sentry inhaled deeply and nodded. “Yeah, thanks Clem...And don't let this asshole shake you, Father Lorgan was the best of us. Just cause some people only came here as like a tithe from a wealthy family or whatever...cause they were useless for marriage or something.” He glared daggers at Bill before giving Clements a nod and turning to make his way towards the infirmary.
The scent of the church brought back to many memories. The incense brought back the day he'd first come here, wrapped in Commander Ojeda's cloak as he shuffled in slowly behind her, peering around at the huge windows and the sacred pool at the center of the room. It was warm and big and open. He recalled being set at ease, at least a little, just from these facts alone, how different it was from the hovel in the sewers, from his breeding cage. He remembered those warm, wrinkled brown fingers wrapping around his hand and that kind old face smiling down at him as the Commander had led him into the infirmary. He had whimpered a bit when she'd left him there on the cot and despite himself, he had reached out for her, but she had returned quickly with fresh water and a warm roll. Trailing behind her, an old human man had followed with a healer's kit in hand and smiled reassuringly at Sentry. “Hey, it sounds like someone's arguing.” Jaina's voice snapped Sentry out of his trance and he realized his companions, at least the ones that hadn't returned to camp after the circus, had joined him. He followed Jaina's gaze to an elderly halfling woman gesturing furiously as she spoke to a strange fluttering creature with yellow-gold skin and a long trunk, a jaunty hat perched between its large winged ears and a finely made pipe hanging from its mouth. “So...far be it for me to question your judgment, but...why are we in a church getting involved in whatever this is?” Astarion frowned, gesturing broadly around him. Sentry for once glared at Astarion, his expression probably colder than he had meant it to be. “I grew up here....This place is important to me...” He replied quietly, pushing past without leaving space for a response as he approached the arguing duo. Astarion frowned, a pang of guilt tugging at his chest upon seeing Sentry's reaction to his response.
“Yannis, the case is closed. Father Lorgan was murdered by one of the very refugees he meant to protect, Brilgor then killed himself out of guilt. That's all there is to it.” The creature, a Hollyphant, Sentry realized, drawled boredly. “But Inspector Valeria....” The old halfling began. “Unless you have some sort of further evidence, as I said, the case is closed.” The Hollyphant insisted. “Ha...I'm sure it is, good old Flaming Fist detective work, yeah? Whatever gets you done and out the door in time for happy hour, right?” Sentry sneered disdainfully at Valeria. “Hey! Watch it, my brother's with The Fist.” Jaina frowned, hands on her hips.
“I said what I said.” Sentry replied bluntly before turning back to the conversation. “Yannis has better instincts than your whole department, if she says there's something rotten, then something's rotten.” “Thank you for the vote of confidence, Brother Sentry...but I don't think you'll get her to see reason...” The halfling wrinkled her nose as she glared at the Hollyphant. “Don't worry, if she won't do her job, I'll do it for her. What's not adding up?” Sentry asked, practically shoving Valeria aside, much to the creature's annoyance. “Well if you see fit to waste your time on a case that's already solved, be my guest.” Valeria sniffed, turning and flying from the room. “Shitey little elephant...” Yannis rolled her eyes, shaking her head and looking up at Sentry. “Thanks, Brother Sentry....What's bothering me is they never found the murder weapon...now if Brilgor had killed Lorgan and then himself, wouldn't he have still had it?”
Sentry nodded in agreement. “It's like I said, you've got a nose for this, Yannis...” He managed a small, sad smile. “Gods, I still remember hating when you were on kitchen duty...you somehow always knew it was me stealing treats. And I like to think I was pretty clever.” The halfling shook her head with a sad smile of her own. “Brother Sentry, you were about as subtle as a horde of ogres storming a village.” “Whatever....but you also noticed when the others were bullying me..and so...like...I owe you...and also thanks...” Sentry scratched the back of his head, looking away. “And don't worry, I'm gonna solve this. Lorgan was a good man, he didn't deserve to die...”
Arriving in the infirmary, Sentry approached the cot where Lorgan's body lay. The attending cleric gave him a distrustful look, but still stepped out of his way. The tiefling gently brushed his fingers over the corpse's hand, the hand that was always so careful and gentle in respecting the boundaries of a frightened boy coming from a bad situation, the gentle voice always explaining calmly and evenly so Sentry could feel safe. “I'm going to help you to put on your belt now, Sentry.” He had so gently, careful to avoid any accidental contact with the tiefling's body, helped Sentry to buckle his belt just right to hide the curve of his waist and match better to the other boys his age. “There now. A perfect little gentleman ready for kitchen duty. Now no sneaking treats again. Sweets are for after evening prayers and only sometimes.” “Yes, Father Lorgan...” Sentry droned, rolling his eyes and puffing out his cheeks. “I'll tell you what. If you and Donnick can get all the dishes clean and package up the meals for the destitute, then you can each have a sweet roll.” The old priest relented. “But the meals are the most important part, mind you!” “You're going to spoil him.” Commander Ojeda's smooth, pleasant accent drifted from the room Sentry had just come from. “I'm fond of the boy too, but he is an acolyte still.”But her smile never left her face. “I'm still right here.” Sentry had pouted. “I know, mijo...but you should hear too, after all, we can't have all this doting go to your head.” She'd ruffled his silver hair and sent him on his way. Back in the present, Sentry looked to his companions. “He was the deadspeaker for our church...there aren't any here right now besides him and I think whoever killed him knew that...” He explained quietly, shaking his head. “But...they didn't expect I'd come back...He taught me a few things....” Sentry shakily rose to his feet and lifted a hand. “Cum mortuis in lingua mortua...” He murmured, eyes glowing a pale, deathly green.
Father Lorgan's body rose into the air and Sentry regarded it sadly. “Father...I'm so sorry this happened...I'm sorry I wasn't here to help you...” The corpse was silent, dead eyes gazing upwards. Sentry inhaled deeply and nodded his head. “Alright...Father Lorgan, who killed you?” “A dwarf....dressed in....red...” The corpse gasped. Sentry frowned. Why was that familiar? He noted out of the corner of his eye that Wyll and Jaina seemed to be taking note of the answers, so he continued. “What were you doing when it happened, father?” “Hiding...Brilgor...from...the Fist...” The corpse replied. Sentry made a mental note to find this Brilgor's body next and ask it a few things as well. He knew this was his last question, he had to make it count. “Where did you die, father?” Tears stung Sentry's eyes. He had wanted to ask about Ilmater's domain, about Commander Mum, but he couldn't waste a question, he couldn't risk missing something important and letting someone he cared for go unavenged. “The tunnels...beneath the temple...You often....played there...as a boy...I scolded you...For It...I'm Sorry” The corpse managed before going silent. Sentry slumped back into the chair and rested his head in his hands. “Well, we already knew it wasn't Brilgor, but at least we have a few more leads....I'd like to question him as well, I really would, after all, a dwarf in red could be a Fist, this could have been a frame job...But I don't know...what if the killer is still there? What if we could catch him before he gets away?” Wyll frowned softly, gently placing a hand on Sentry's back and kneeling beside him. “Sentry, if they found Lorgan's body where he died, it's likely that even if the killer remained after, he's run by now, afraid they'll search the area. We should question this other victim, especially if no one else in this church can speak with the dead, else the killer might think to dispose of the body before you have a chance...”
Sentry nodded with a sad smile. “You're right Wyll...Gods...you know the messed up thing? The thing that's true fucked here?” He shook his head. “This is right out of the copper dreadfuls I love, or the detective games I played as a kid....fucking hells...” “Well, then allow me to be your colleague. I was fond of those sorts of games too.” Wyll offered with a gentle smile, which Sentry found himself returning. ---- Jaina and Astarion made their way to the gardens of the temple to search for clues, rationalizing that splitting up may make it easier to cover more ground. Meanwhile, Halsin took the form of a large wolf and accompanied Sentry and Wyll onward into the kitchens, where they came face to face with a half-elf probably around Sentry's age. “Oi Donnick.” Sentry nodded amicably. “How have you been?” “Brother Sentry, it's good to see you, but as you've just come from the infirmary, you can certainly guess how I've been...” The young man sighed, shaking his head. Sentry frowned and sighed deeply. “I'm sorry about Father Lorgan. He was a good man....That's actually why I'm here...Donnick, remember when I used to sneak off when we were on kitchen duty?” “Yeah, and leave me to do all the work?” The other man snorted. “I definitely remember that.” “Well, those tunnels I used to play in, where's the access to them now since that rock slide closed off the way I used to get in?” Sentry asked.
“You mean you didn't know?” The half-elf blinked. “Sentry, those tunnels connect to the catacombs and the funeral chapel.” “Wait, what? No!” Sentry gasped, his eyes traveling to a trap door nearby, where Halsin in his wolf form already stood sniffing at the ground, tail raised and wagging. “Yeah, Lorgan had a secret passage he could open, we used it to hide refugees who needed a place to lay low...There were food stores, beds, everything.” Donnick continued. “Look, I'll unlock it for you if you want...Haven't got much else to do since the sentiment around here against refugees has effectively shut down the soup kitchen...” He sighed, shaking his head as he made his way to the trap door, kneeling down and opening it. “Thanks, Donnick...I owe you one.” Sentry nodded as he followed Halsin down the steps, Wyll close behind. “That's the same thing you said every time you'd sneak off and leave me with all the work too...” He sighed as he returned to his kitchen duties. --- Sentry remembered the basement well. He and the other acolytes had been tasked with its upkeep many a time under the watchful eyes of Commander Ojeda and Father Lorgan. He remembered prayer services down here when the upstairs cloister was occupied, and he remembered being sent down here for healing potions or bandages before...and of course being locked in the supply closet as a joke by his tormentors. But of course, Father Lorgan often came down here, Sentry had thought for prayer and solitude, and was quick to rescue him, shooing him back upstairs when he was sure Sentry was safe and unharmed. He'd always thought he was sent away lest he disrupt silent reflection, but all this time...He sighed. He wished Father Lorgan had trusted him to help with the refugees back then. If anyone would have understood their plight, he knew he could have, rescued from the streets as he was. Maybe if he'd known too, he might have prevented Lorgan's death...but then, that was foolish, the murder had occurred before he'd even returned home. That was wishful thinking at its finest.
He recalled that he'd looked back once on his way up the stairs and seen Father Lorgan near the altar, so perhaps whatever mechanism was around there. His theory was confirmed as Wyll pointed out the sconces on the wall. “Sentry, these are positioned strangely, don't you think? They're not flush to the surface, as if to give them space to move.” Wyll explained, running a finger along the edge of the sconce. “A sure sign of a secret entrance if I ever saw one.” Sentry nodded. “I think you're right, let's try it out.” He stood at the sconce opposite the one Wyll stood by and the two pulled them down. A haunted groan echoed through the room as the wall itself slid away, revealing a dark, damp passage. Halsin hurried forward in his wolf form, nose still against the ground as he sniffed along. ---- “I just don't see why it means so much to him. This place couldn't have been all that much of a home if he left it.” Astarion sighed, arms folded across his chest as Jaina picked her way through the barracks, wrinkling her nose at some of the absolutely filthy clothes the young men had left lying about, picking it aside distastefully with a carefully summoned mage hand to get to letters and books that might have provided a clue. “Well, clearly you care about him, so why not talk to him about it?” She asked, a hint of annoyance to her voice. “I mean, you've got plenty of time to practice what to say since you're doing absolutely nothing to help right now.” “Ugh! I am waiting for the very moment I can be useful, Miss Thalassia. But I don't see a single lock in need of picking or a trap in need of disarming.” He examined his nails nonchalantly. “These churchgoing types are just so trusting.” Jaina frowned, tossing aside yet another useless item. “Alright, the gate to the cemetery. Why don't you unlock that? I saw the gestures Sentry made and I heard the words he used, so I can speak to Brilgor for him, just to make his life a little easier.”
“There we go...now what about a please?” Astarion taunted. “PLEASE unlock the cemetery gate or I'll conjure a storm and you can have fun re-styling that perfect hair of yours without a mirror.” The sorcerer replied with a too-wide smile crossing her face.
“Fine, alright...And here I thought you were fun.” Astarion rolled his eyes, crossing to the gate and kneeling down at the lock.
“A teacher has to balance fun and firm in equal measure or else the students would practice color spray and conjuring bubbles all day and never learn another thing. Clearly you've never worked with toddlers.” She chuckled, pushing the gate open and walking into the graveyard after the lock popped audibly and Astarion stepped back. “Can't say I have, nor would I want to, they sound beastly.” The elf shuddered.
----- Wyll, Halsin, and Sentry stood in the aftermath of an ambush, they had stumbled upon what appeared to be a cleanup crew of dopplegangers crowding the scene of the murder. Halsin had transformed back into his elven form and was currently healing a nasty slash at Wyll's shoulder. Sentry, meanwhile, caught sight of something shimmering nearby. Could it be the murder weapon Yannis had mentioned never being found? With trembling fingers, Sentry gripped the tip of the ornate dagger and raised it up to look at it. His eyes widened as another memory coursed through his brain, synapses firing as his body felt practically pulled back.
He stood in front of a mirror, frowning a bit. “Ffion said these looked good on me, but I'm not so sure...I feel so...visible.” Sentry wrinkled his nose as his eyes took in the rich, lush purple of the fabric he wore. “My dear Sentry, there hasn't been a garment made you wouldn't be stunning in.” Enver Gortash's voice. Right behind him. The tyrant kissed him gently on the neck, sliding his arms around Sentry's waist and holding him close. “Besides, I'll be simply devastated to find colors besides black don't suit you, after all, I've brought you a gift.” He released Sentry, crossing the room and picking up an ornate wooden box, purple heartwood with black and silver etchings in the shape of Bhaal and Bane's two symbols intertwined. Sentry looked at him curiously, crossing to the bed and sitting down, cocking his head curiously as Gortash pressed the box into his hands. Opening it eagerly, Sentry saw inside lay a beautiful dagger of green and gold, glossy as if treated with a fine venom. His breath caught in his throat. “I know how naked you feel without your halberd when we go to these functions, so I thought something a bit easier to hide might be a fair compromise.” Those handsome lips curled into a satisfied smile. “Enver, it's beautiful....” He had gasped, gazing up at Gortash. A happy little giggle escaped his throat and he threw his arms around his love, ever so carefully angling the knife to just barely avoid pricking his flesh as it rested dangerously close to his neck. “Maybe this will be the one that takes your life upon father's altar...when it's just you and I and our heir left...” He whispered into his ear, sharp tiefling canines nipping at the skin hungrily.
That same knife now rested again in Sentry's grasp. Anger boiled in his belly and his lips curled into a snarl. Someone had stolen his precious gift....No! No that wasn't right, no! The real crime here was poor Father Lorgan, and the refugees he'd been protecting to boot! But....But even so, the memory was real, Sentry knew it was...This knife belonged to him, and there had to be punishment for that trespass as well....
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I need to learn how to mod because I wish I could have both Lucretious's dress and Mamzell Amira's circlet, but afaik neither are available in the vanilla game OR in any existing mods, and folks like AnteMaxx who have mods adding items to the game get enough requests as it is, so I would feel bad adding onto that.
I also want to add Kay's hourglass ring, which should be considerably easier since it won't require dealing with 3D stuff. I need to figure out the story behind the ring though in order to decide the enchantments for it. I originally went with it just being enchanted to cast Toll the Dead, but I think I want it to be more... significant.
One of Kay's parents was a clockwork soul sorcerer, so maybe the ring is an heirloom? In which case, any enchantments should be based around time (unfortunately, the spell list for Clockwork Soul doesn't seem to have any particularly fitting spells, but they can take from the wizard spell list anyway).
Or maybe Kay made the ring herself during her time in the Crystal Spire, in which case it would probably only have cantrips/low level spells on it, but the "theme" would predominantly be time but there can be some necromancy in there too.
If she received it from The Raven Queen upon the sealing of their pact & of dubbing Kay as "The Horologian" (I've gone back & forth on whether she had this title before or if she got it from RQ, but based on He Who Was & a letter I found after killing him mentioning another Shadar-Kai with a phrase for a name, I think I'll go with the latter), then it would lean more toward necromancy with a side of time.
I'd like for her to have a circlet with a time theme to it, since her armor is death themed, so maybe the circlet is the heirloom?
She definitely received her armor from RQ. Given that RQ is a common choice for Hexblade, it would make sense for her halberd (I originally was going to go with a greataxe, but I like the look of the in game halberds more than any of the axes) to be from RQ as well; and even if Kay had a weapon before (she never really fought anything before, so any polearms or axes she collected were purely for decoration), it would've been accidentally left behind like her spellbook. All she brought with her was whatever was on her.
So! If her armor and halberd are from the RQ, then they can have the necromancy theme. The circlet & ring are from before the pact; the circlet can be an heirloom from her mother (a clockwork soul sorcerer, & protector aasimar) and the ring could be something she made while at the Crystal Spire. (Briefly considered the ring being from her father, a grave domain cleric of Kelemvor & tiefling that I haven't decided if he's descended from Mephistopheles or Dispater, but her looks take more after her father unlike me irl & with her stuff from the RQ, having the ring be from her father would feel unbalanced).
With that decided, I need to decide what effects these things have! Unfortunately, there is no cohesive list of time based/themed spells (they're scattered across the different schools of magic, though it seems there's more in transmutation that any other?) so I'll have to dig through & make my own list. I'll also look at the effects of vanilla items themed after necromancy (as well as the necromancer ring from Mudd's Rings). Idk if I'll do anything with the other slots; I like the gloves from the Basket mod having a teleportation spell, but if I find vanilla gloves with effects I want, I might see if I can copy those onto Kay's bracers.
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agent-oo-z · 9 months ago
Why is no one voting for Lucretious? Do y’all only like characters with dubious morality if they’re men? You’re telling me you looked at the sexy lady necromancer with a literal found family who has dancing skeletons and is very upfront and honest and not trying to manipulate you and you’re like “nah she’s too weird” but Raphael isn’t? I’m not like. Mad. To be clear. I’m very autistic and clearly communicating my tone is difficult enough IRL so please believe me when I say I am not even remotely upset. I’m genuinely just very confused
Just because I'm still mourning how few NPC's my slutty bard Tav was able to rub bits with please tell me
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