#Navy Jobs 2021
batboyblog · 5 months
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #14
April 12-19 2024
The Department of Commerce announced a deal with Samsung to help bring advanced semiconductor manufacturing and research and development to Texas. The deal will bring 45 billion dollars of investment to Texas to help build a research center in Taylor Texas and expand Samsung's Austin, Texas, semiconductor facility. The Biden Administration estimates this will create 21,000 new jobs. Since 1990 America has fallen from making nearly 40% of the world's semiconductor to just over 10% in 2020.
The Department of Energy announced it granted New York State $158 million to help support people making their homes more energy efficient. This is the first payment out of a $8.8 billion dollar program with 11 other states having already applied. The program will rebate Americans for improvements on their homes to lower energy usage. Americans could get as much as $8,000 off for installing a heat pump, as well as for improvements in insulation, wiring, and electrical panel. The program is expected to help save Americans $1 billion in electoral costs, and help create 50,000 new jobs.
The Department of Education began the formal process to make President Biden's new Student Loan Debt relief plan a reality. The Department published the first set of draft rules for the program. The rules will face 30 days of public comment before a second draft can be released. The Administration hopes the process can be finished by the Fall to bring debt relief to 30 million Americans, and totally eliminate the debt of 4 million former students. The Administration has already wiped out the debt of 4.3 million borrowers so far.
The Department of Agriculture announced a $1 billion dollar collaboration with USAID to buy American grown foods combat global hunger. Most of the money will go to traditional shelf stable goods distributed by USAID, like wheat, rice, sorghum, lentils, chickpeas, dry peas, vegetable oil, cornmeal, navy beans, pinto beans and kidney beans, while $50 million will go to a pilot program to see if USAID can expand what it normally gives to new products. The food aid will help feed people in Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Haiti, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Yemen.
The Department of the Interior announced it's expanding four national wildlife refuges to protect 1.13 million wildlife habitat. The refuges are in New Mexico, North Carolina, and two in Texas. The Department also signed an order protecting parts of the Placitas area. The land is considered sacred by the Pueblos peoples of the area who have long lobbied for his protection. Security Deb Haaland the first Native American to serve as Interior Secretary and a Pueblo herself signed the order in her native New Mexico.
The Department of Labor announced new work place safety regulations about the safe amount of silica dust mine workers can be exposed to. The dust is known to cause scaring in the lungs often called black lung. It's estimated that the new regulations will save over 1,000 lives a year. The United Mine Workers have long fought for these changes and applauded the Biden Administration's actions.
The Biden Administration announced its progress in closing the racial wealth gap in America. Under President Biden the level of Black Unemployment is the lowest its ever been since it started being tracked in the 1970s, and the gap between white and black unemployment is the smallest its ever been as well. Black wealth is up 60% over where it was in 2019. The share of black owned businesses doubled between 2019 and 2022. New black businesses are being created at the fastest rate in 30 years. The Administration in 2021 Interagency Task Force to combat unfair house appraisals. Black homeowners regularly have their homes undervalued compared to whites who own comparable property. Since the Taskforce started the likelihood of such a gap has dropped by 40% and even disappeared in some states. 2023 represented a record breaking $76.2 billion in federal contracts going to small business owned by members of minority communities. This was 12% of federal contracts and the President aims to make it 15% for 2025.
The EPA announced (just now as I write this) that it plans to add PFAS, known as forever chemicals, to the Superfund law. This would require manufacturers to pay to clean up two PFAS, perfluorooctanoic acid and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid. This move to force manufacturers to cover the costs of PFAS clean up comes after last week's new rule on drinking water which will remove PFAS from the nation's drinking water.
President Biden met a Senior named Bob in Pennsylvania who is personally benefiting from The President's capping the price of insulin for Seniors at $35, and Biden let Bob know about a cap on prosecution drug payments for seniors that will cut Bob's drug bills by more than half.
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immortalmrwavell · 17 days
Adam and Mr Wavell
(Written for @transformee) (Original story posted September 27th 2021) This story has been significantly Updated!
It’d started like any other normal day for Adam. He got up out of bed. Got himself some breakfast. Headed out for work. The usual routine that he’d long since gotten used to. Being an engineer certainly wasn’t the worst job in the world. In fact Adam found it rather rewarding sometimes and the pay was decent enough. If anyone were to ask, Adam would say he was satisfied with his life. And that was half true. Sure he was content with the life he had now. He couldn’t exactly complain about having a stable job that allowed him to live somewhat comfortably. Yet despite that Adam always kinda wished his lifestyle was a tad bit… different.
Each and every day when Adam opened one of his social media’s, his feed would practically be flooded with men who were smoking hot and jacked as fuck. And most of these men pretty much got paid just for looking as incredible as they do. Whether that be as a personal trainer, model, an actor or even in porn! These men got paid to look sexy as fuck and show it off. It sounded like a dream!
In all honesty It was that sort of lifestyle Adam wished he would have strived for instead. He wasn't a bad looking dude by any means. He believed he was pretty handsome, just a little out of shape was all. Mostly due to how he was never able to really push himself into working out or dieting properly. And for the longest time Adam thought he was okay with that. Deep down however, part of him always wished he’d led the same lifestyle as those fit hunks he saw online.
Being in his thirties now Adam had started to believe that perhaps a lifestyle like that just wasn’t for him. Since then he’d tried to just make peace with the fact that he was just an average looking dude working a normal job. That was until he arrived home later that evening and everything changed.
Adam unlocked the front door before stepping into his home. Letting out a long sigh of relief as he closed it behind him.
“Home at last I see.”
Adam almost jumped out his skin as he whipped around to see a man sat in a chair across the room.
“W-WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE!?” Adam bellowed at the man in a panic. His brain was already cycling at a hundred miles a minute trying to think of the best course of action. Grab a weapon? Call the police? And yet while Adam was freaking out, the gentleman sitting in his house seemed completely unfazed.
With a smirk the man stood up from his seat, allowing Adam to get a better look at him. From what Adam could tell, the man looked to be in his early forties, late thirties at the youngest. He had short brown hair along with a nicely trimmed beard to match, the latter of which had a few flecks of silver running through it. As for his body, he looked to be just about 6 feet tall, if a tiny bit less. In terms of his build, the man seemed relatively lean with very little fat or muscle. As for his clothes, he wore a navy blue suit jacket over a white button up shirt along with a navy dotted tie. These were contrasted by a pair of tan khaki pants which were held firmly in place by a brown belt. Lastly his feet were clad in a fairly large pair of dark brown dress shoes along with a pair of black dress socks. An ordinary business casual look but this man seemed to be anything but ordinary.
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(Original Version of Mr Wavell here)
“You don’t need to be afraid Adam. I’m here to help you.” The mysterious man claimed in a way that probably sounded more ominous than intended. Despite it he began to step towards Adam.
“N-no… how do you know my name? I don’t know you!” Adam panicked as he moved backwards to keep his distance until his back was against the front door. He was about to reach for the handle and run outside until suddenly… he felt calm? Safe even? It was as if all of his natural danger sense had turned themselves off in favor of wanting to trust the stranger before him.
“No you don’t know me. But I know you Adam. I’ve been watching you for a little while now. Looking into your mind. Reading your desires.” The suited stranger’s voice was oddly soothing, so much so that Adam hardly even noticed his eyes glowing deep purple for a moment. “You may refer to as Mr Wavell” He revealed, the very name sending shivers up Adam’s spine for reasons unknown. “And for what I’m doing here? Well… I’m just looking for entertainment I suppose.” Wavell shrugged nonchalantly.
He went on to explain that he had… abilities. Abilities that allowed him to do things thought to be impossible. Despite the inexplicable wave of calm and trust that’d washed him moments ago, Adam couldn’t bring his rational mind to believe the man. Afterall he was talking about having magical powers like some kind of wizard! But before Adam had a chance to protest, he found himself frozen in both wonder and fear as Mr Wavell began to float off the ground.
“I must reiterate that I’m here to help, not hurt you.” Wavell said, noting the bewildered look on Adam’s face. “I can give you any life that you desire. Allow you to become whoever you choose. What do you say?” He boldly claimed, floating down until he stood directly beside Adam, placing a hand on his shoulder.
Adam was still frozen stiff. Was he dreaming? Was this actually real??
“Oh come on. You know this is a privilege right? It’s not everyday that I actually reveal my physical self to the people I help.” Wavell said, leaning forwards with a small smirk. That of course only left more questions in Adam’s mind.
The mysterious man went on to explain in further detail what exactly he could do for Adam. He could alter reality to change Adam’s past choices in order to create a new and better present. He could transform Adam’s body right here on the spot into anything Adam desired. Muscle growth, increase of height, bigger dick? All things that Adam’s rational mind wouldn’t have believed to be possible had it not been for the obvious display of real magic he’d just witnessed. However there was one option that caught Adam’s ear. Stealing the life and body of someone else. As confused and scared as Adam was right now, he couldn’t help but be curious and even slightly aroused at the mere idea of it.
“O-okay…” Adam mumbled meekly. “I want your help…”
Wavell clapped his hands together with a large grin. “Perfect! Now there are many different ways I can do this.” He began, sounding almost a little too enthusiastic about it all. “I can switch your soul with another person. Your soul in their body and theirs in your body. I could transform you and this other person into one another. You transform into him and vice versa. You get it.” Wavell laid out the options as if he were about to have Adam choose one. “However I’ve already picked out another more interesting method for you. So all I want you to do is pick someone.”
Adam thought for a moment. If this was real then this could be one of the biggest decisions of his life. But surely there was some kind of monkey‘s paw right? “What’s the catch?” He asked, finally putting on a brave face.
The magical imbued stranger raised an eyebrow to Adam. “There isn’t one. You don’t owe me a thing. Honestly!” Wavell stepped back and put his hands up. “I’m doing this because I love it. It’s what I do. Hopefully once it’s all over you’ll enjoy it just as much as I.” Wavell lowered his hands before placing them on his hips. “Now. Is there anybody you have in mind who perhaps you’d like to become?”
Adam thought for a moment. He wasn't sure. This was just so surreal it made it hard to think. Like a fog clouding his thoughts. “I don’t… know?”
“Don’t worry. I get you’re probably still trying to wrap your mind around all this so I’ll do you a favor.” Wavell gently placed a hand on Adam's head and closed his eyes. Immediately Adam felt strange. As if he could feel this man’s fingers shuffling through his mind. Feeling out his wants and desires until Wavell got a decent idea of the kind of body to put Adam in. He took his hand away from Adam’s head. “I think I know just the guy but he’s not exactly close. He lives up in Virginia while you’re here in Georgia. How would you feel about a little change of scenery?”
“What do yo—“ before Adam could finish, the world around him spun and shifted.
Chris found himself standing alone in the locker room at his local gym. It was just about closing time now and he was the last guy remaining other than staff. He wiped away the sweat that’d been dripping down his face with a towel as he grabbed his stuff out of the locker. It’d been another tough workout for him today but it was always worth it to feel that pump and admire the physique he’d been able to build thanks to all his hard work. Unbeknownst to him however, a certain two individuals watched on behind a veil of magic that cloaked them both from sight..
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Moments prior, Adam and Wavell arrived at the gym via the latter’s unique abilities. In a gust of purple smoke, Adam went from standing by his front door to now finding himself standing inside a gym locker room that didn’t seem at all familiar.
“H-H-Hoolyyy… FUCK! What just HAPPENED!?” Adam shouted hysterically.
“Basic teleport.” Wavell replied swiftly and bluntly as if that should’ve been common knowledge. “Don’t worry about that. Look.” Wavell nodded towards the entrance to the locker room, prompting Adam to look as well.
Mere seconds after, a sweaty muscular man wearing a tight tank top and shorts entered. He was in phenomenal shape. Far better than Adam was. Not only did he look sculpted with thick muscle from head to toe, but this hunk even had one of the most handsome faces to go along with it. Yet despite all the starring Adam and Wavell were doing, the jock seemed to pay no mind to either of them. Not even a glance. Like he didn’t even know they existed!
“I’ve made us invisible to him. He can neither see nor hear us.” Mr Wavell confirms to Adam. Right on cue this man they now seem to be spying on walked directly past them both without a clue. As he does Adam gets a good whiff of the stud's powerful post workout scent, turning the semi he got just from looking at the man into a full hard on. The pair continued to watch as the man opened up his locker and pulled out a towel to wipe himself down with.
“His name is Chris. He’s twenty eight years old and has been working out most of his life. Hence the gorgeous physique. And to top it off he’s quite the looker. Needless to say his body and looks have awarded him a lot. Modeling opportunities. A large following on social media. An army of men and women alike drooling over him and eager to throw money at him. He’s one lucky bastard.” The warlock explained, seeming to possess a bottomless well of knowledge. “I’d ask how you feel about him but I think I already know the answer.” Wavell sniggered as he glanced down at the bulge in Adams pants.
Adam’s face turned a bright shade of red as he tried to hide his growing arousal with little success. He couldn’t help it as his eyes traced over the glistening sweaty physique of the hunky god before him. Watching intently as the man removed his tank top to reveal the muscle that’d been hidden underneath.
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“So… are you gonna turn me into… him?” Adam gulped, trying his best not to drool at the mere thought of it as he watched the man peel off the tank top. His cock getting even more excited at the reveal of Chris’ muscled upper body.
Wavell simply nodded.
“Does that mean you’re gonna turn him into me?” Adam wondered.
Wavell crossed his arms and hummed. “Not exactly. Normally I would but I’ve got something different in mind today.” Wavell confessed as the blank look on his face slowly turned to a sadistic looking grin that left Adam feeling a bit nervous for Chris’ fate. But the magical being was quick to notice this, his look softening again to one of reassurance. “And before you ask, no I’m not going to kill him or anything like that. He’ll be perfectly fine.”
Hearing that set Adam’s mind at ease. That said he was however rather curious to see what Wavell was planning. What exactly was he gonna do to this Chris guy?
It was then that Wavell’s eyes glowed that bright purple once more. At first Adam didn’t realise what Wavell had done until…
“Hey… Where the hell did you guys come from?” Chris asked as he turned to see two men staring at him from across the locker room. It was like they’d just appeared out of thin air.
Wavell stepped forward, straightening his tie as he did “Oh I just know you’re gonna enjoy this body Adam.” He declared, running his gaze up and down Chris’ body. Lingering on those enormous thighs and juicy pecs.
At this point Chris was getting super creeped out and understandably so. “What the fuck are talking about dude!? Are you trying to hit on me or something?” He questioned, quickly getting annoyed at how this dude was eyeing him up like a piece of meat.
It was then in the blink of an eye that Wavell stood inches away from Chris. It seeing a real life glitch as Wavell instantly moved from halfway across the room to his face being less than a ruler's length away from Chris. He barely had time to think let alone act before Wavell grabbed one of his boulder-like shoulders. Suddenly Chris was completely immobilised thanks to Wavell’s magic. And with that the aforementioned wizard slipped his other hand down in Chris’ gym shorts before cupping his crotch. Loving how Chris’ cock and balls pressed tightly against the pair of white compression shorts he wore underneath.
“Don’t worry big guy. I promise you won’t even feel a thing.” An ominously reassuring smile spread across Wavell’s face as his eyes glowed once more. It was then that a bright flash of light enveloped both him and Chris, forcing Adam to cover his eyes. It only lasted a couple of seconds but when the light dissipated, Chris was nowhere to be seen. The only things left of the hunk were his clothes as the gym shorts he’d been wearing fell to the floor atop of the now empty pair of socks and trainers. Meanwhile those white compression shorts Chris had been wearing were still in Wavell’s hand, the warlock holding them gently now as he inspected them for whatever reason.
Chris had no idea what just happened. That weird middle aged looking dude just grabbed him and now all of a sudden he felt so light and… hollow? The first thing he saw was the smirking face of that dude again only now it was from a lower angle, as if he were being held by the man and looked down upon. Yet as bizarre as that was, he couldn’t ignore the strong smell that seemed identical to his own crotch. Only now it surrounded him completely. Somehow Chris was able to shift his gaze in order to look down at himself and what he saw was unreal. Not just unreal, it was impossible and terrifying! No longer did he see the thick muscular body he was used to seeing. In fact he didn’t see a human body at all! He’d been turned into the very same pair of white compression shorts he’d been wearing! He could even feel the creepy dude’s hand against the fabric of the compression shorts as if it were his own skin! He wanted the scream in horror but nothing came out thanks to his lack of a face. It was only thanks to magic that he could still see and hear.
“This’ll do just fine.” Wavell said before turning to Adam who was still looking on in confusion. “I’ve trapped him inside these shorts he was wearing. I’ve made it so he can still see, hear, feel, taste and smell with his spiritual senses in there but besides that he’s completely helpless.” Wavell explained with a tad too much enjoyment. “Now all you’ve got to do is put him on and everything he had will become yours.”
Wavell instructed Adam to strip down. The latter hesitated for a moment but did but nervously did as he was asked. Afterwards not being able to help feeling a little embarrassed with how exposed he felt but Wavell didn’t seem to mind. The warlock handed the enchanted compression shorts over to Adam with a mischievous smile, clearly excited to see what was to come.
Chris was unsurprisingly freaking the fuck out as Adam took the shorts. Between what’s happened to him and hearing what Wavell had just said, he was having a complete meltdown. He didn’t want this Adam guy to take over his life!? Unfortunately his cries fell on deaf ears. He was powerless to stop it. Unable to do a single thing as Adam gently slipped his legs into the compression shorts one at a time before pulling them up. Chris protested all he could but it made no difference as Adam pulled Chris’ hollow fabric body over his ass and crotch.
As insane as this whole situation was, Adam couldn’t help shivering with delight. Knowing he was not only wearing compression shorts that belonged to such a hunk but also that same hunk was trapped inside them! He knew it was wrong and twisted of him to get satisfaction out of this but he couldn’t help it! Even though the shorts were a bit ill fitting on him, just having that jock’s musk surrounding his own crotch was turning him on like hell!
“So, how long will it ta-aaaakeeeuuuuaahhhhhhh” Adam’s question quickly devolved into a long groan thanks to an unfamiliar sensation that began racing through his body! Flooding every vein in his body with levels of magical energy his brain found difficult to comprehend. And then it began.
Before anything else the energy began to focus on Adam’s glutes. His groans became even louder as his ass cheeks started to tone and expand with muscle until it had ballooned into a thick muscle ass that filled out the backside of his new compression shorts perfectly. The feeling of which had Adam’s already hard cock leaking pre-cum that stained the front of said shorts. And yet despite it being at full mast, Adam could feel his cock somehow growing longer and fatter too! His bulge grew even more obvious by the second while his balls swelled larger as well to accommodate. His nuts now churned with the very same cum Chris once had.
Through all his groaning Adam was able to look down at his crotch and over his shoulder to see that he now had Chris’ cock and ass! And as his hips resized, the haunted compression shorts now fit him like a glove. Meanwhile Chris himself was soaring through a flurry of emotions as he begged to wake up from whatever nightmare he was trapped in. He could feel himself being stretched out across his out muscle butt while the taste of cum soaked into his fabric. Unfortunately for him, this was very very real.
From there the transformation continued to spread outwards and it progressed both up and down Adam’s body. His quads and hamstrings found themselves bulking up significantly, causing a soft grunt to escape Adam’s lips as he grew a set of meaty thunderous thighs. Simultaneously his eyes widened with disbelief as the fat on his belly started to melt away before his eyes, replacing itself with pure muscle mass in the form of strong thick abs. The kind Adam could’ve only dreamed of having. Every part of him wanted to stop and admire his new bulky thighs and abs but the transformation was far too impatient to give him the time.
Next up were his calves. He could feel them pulsing as they swelled with power to match his thighs. But they weren’t the real show. How could they be when Adam was far too absorbed into watching his flabby chest transform into a huge pair of pecs! It was something he’d always dreamed of. Being able to look down and see a hulking pair of muscle tits. And now it's finally becoming a reality! Adam’s eyes lit up with a mixture of joy and lust as he watched his chest begin to protrude outwards. His engorged cock growing more excited than ever as his pecs inflated into two gorgeous watermelons. He already wanted nothing more than to grope them and if he hadn’t felt the transformation beginning to surge through his arms, he would’ve.
But before his arms could have their glory, his shoulders exploded with mass first. Growing in an almost cartoony fashion as they transformed into cannonballs while his traps made sure to follow suit. With that, Adam’s biceps couldn’t wait any longer. He flexed them with a long moan as ballooned under the pressure, swelling to massive proportions with unthinkable strength. Soon after his forearms followed the same example as veins began popping like crazy across his bulging arms.
What came next however felt distinctly different from everything else. His hands and feet. They were a totally different experience but still painless nonetheless. His feet were the first to change. Increasing size after size at a rapid rate that certainly would’ve made his shoes feel tighter had he not taken them off. His hands weren’t far behind though as they too grew slightly. The more noticeable change however was how much rougher and calloused they became.
At last Adam’s body seemed complete but there was one last thing to change. As soon as the transformation had spread up his neck, causing it to thicken and his voice to deepen, his head was all that was left.
Adam gritted his teeth and scrunched his face as his features began to twist and alter themselves. Immediately he started to look younger than before as he regressed from his mid thirties back to his late twenties. His face quickly brgan taking on a much more jockish look as he started to look less and less like himself and more like Chris. To top it off his hair morphed into Chris’ messy brown style while his eyes shifted more towards Chris’ soft yet still masculine ones. Finishing things off by having Chris’ short brown beard sprout across Adam’s now much sharper jawline.
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At last the intense sensation subsided. Adam was finally able to catch his breath as sweat dripped down his transformed physique. He looked down at himself in disbelief. It didn’t seem real but… he now owned the body of a total fucking hunk! He simply couldn’t help himself as he flexed his new massive guns, taking turns feeling them with each hand. Feeling the power flowing through his biceps as he flexed them was something else entirely. And of course he couldn’t ignore the huge new muscle titties that sat on his chest now. He was groping and flexing them too in no time. It’d be a crime not to worship them. With the excitement of it all, Adam also couldn’t help but dig his nose into his new sweaty pits to get a good whiff of that post workout scent he’d adopted from Chris.
“See. I always know what’s best for my clients.” Wavell sniggered. Adam was so enthralled by his new body that he’d almost forgotten Wavell was there.
“Clients?” Adam questioned, a little shocked by the sound of his new voice.
“Well… ‘clients’ sounds better than ‘subjects’.” The warlock admitted cheekily. “Now! I’m sure you’ve already got questions and I’m pretty certain I know the first one. Are you gonna turn back to normal if you take those compression shorts off? Well allow me to reassure you in saying no.” Wavell confirmed what Adam was bound to ask. “When I trapped Chris inside those shorts, I also sealed his physical essence inside them. Now that you’ve worn them however, that physical essence is inside you. Permanently. So you’ll never have to worry about losing your new body. By all means it belongs to you now. Besides… I’m sure you want to get a better look at what’s underneath.” He said, wiggling his eyebrows while glancing down at the obscene bulge in Adam’s shorts.
Adam turned and strutted over to one of the many locker room mirrors, cock bouncing awkwardly as he did. Immediately upon seeing his reflection Adam was awestruck. He was in love. With himself!! He just couldn’t help admiring his muscles some more before eventually grabbing the waistband and pulling down his haunted shorts. The real Chris screams in protest as he finds himself dropping to this imposter's ankles.
“Oh… Fuuuuuuuccck…” Adam muttered as his new cock flopped out before him in all its glory. His hand practically gravitated towards it before wrapping around the girthy shaft. God it was massive. He was almost afraid to start pumping it since after all that transforming, it felt like it was ready to blow at any second! The sensitivity on it was just through the roof! But Adam couldn’t help himself and ended up giving it a few tugs. In turn he found himself letting out a deep manly groan before, allowing the monster to buck involuntarily for a moment.
Before he ended up busting a nut, Adam’s decided he wanted to get a better look at his new glutes first as he turned his backside to the mirror. He just loved how big and bubbly his cheeks looked. When he flexed them they were as hard as steel but relaxed they felt squishy and jiggly. Part of him wished he could stuff his face into his own ass with how good it looked. That’s when another thought sprung to mind. Adam gently reached back towards his ass, squeezing it a little before slipping a finger between his cheeks as a way to test something. And it was just as he thought. The moment his finger came anywhere near his new asshole it immediately tightened on instinct. The reflex was so strong that it pretty much confirmed Chris used to be straight. Well not anymore. This ass was far too hot to go to waste.
As much as he wanted to tease his virgin ass a little more, Adam just couldn’t ignore his cock any longer. It was pulsing and begging for release at this point. He needed to grab it! He needed to jerk it! He needed to bust a fuckin nut bro! As Chris would say anyway. But before he could begin pumping, Wavell chirped up yet again.
“How about you let me take care of that for you. Just think of it as your way of thanking me.” Wavell licked his lips as sauntered over towards Adam before kneeling in front of that massive cock. Wavell opened his mouth before wrapping his lips around Adam’s meaty dick and began sucking like a pro.
“Oouh-ooooh… ooauhh… Oohhhhuuu!” Adam was completely taken aback as he was forced to let out disjointed moans once again. All the while his new voice echoed through the locker rooms. Just the view of being able to look down and now only see such a hot jock body as his own but also seeing this hot older man sucking him off was beyond sexy. Wavell swiftly bobbed his head up and down on the cock, somehow taking Adam’s entire length without even the slightest gag. Whoever the hell this Mr Wavell guy was, he certainly knew how to work those bearded lips of his around a huge cock. That’s for fucking for sure.
“Fuuuuuck!! I’m gonna… OOOAAUUHHH!!“ Adam Could feel it already. A tsunami of cum getting ready to spew from his dick. Before he’d even laughed Wavell was already grabbing onto Adam’s ass to make sure he didn’t try and pull away. But of course Adam had no plans on doing as his dick finally let loose torrents of hot cum that down Wavell’s throat. The older man gulped it all down greedily, sucking every last drop of cum out of Adam’s cock before finally pulling off it, a bit of cum dribbling down his beard.
“Ahhhhhhhh…” Wavell leaned back with a look of pure satisfaction crossing his face. “Now that was refreshing. I can confirm that your new cum tastes absolutely delicious.” Wavell confessed as he got back up onto his feet. He dusted himself off a little before readjusting his suit and tie. “Well it seems my work here is done. Chris’ memories should start to kick in for you in about 10 minutes from now. You’ll then know everything you need to know about his life. Where your new home is, how he earns money, what kinds of friends he keeps. And whatever else you need to play out his life as if it were your own.” Wavell looked down at the tight compression shorts Adam had begun pulling back up. “And the real Chris gets to watch everything from between your legs… or from the laundry basket.” He chuckled.
With that Wavell began to levitate off the ground once again. “I’m off to have some more fun. Enjoy that hunky new body of yours Adam. Or should I call you Chris? That is your new name now after all.” Mr Wavell grinned knowing just how much the real Chris was begging to be set free. “Keep your eyes open though. I might come back and visit you again some day just to check in.” And just like that the magical man seemingly disappeared into thin air, leaving Adam alone.
Finally alone at last, Adam looked down at the compression shorts that now cling tightly to his hulking body. “Enjoying yourself down there? Being pressed against your own dick and balls?” Adam teased somewhat cruelly, enjoying this a little more than he probably should be right now. Going as far as to reach down and grope his crotch to really rub the scent in.
This whole time Chris had been screaming and protesting as this body snatcher groped his body and even more so when he’d got his dick sucked by another dude! But now as the scent of his former cock and balls mixed with cum and sweat started to mess with Chris’ fragile mind, he was starting to give in at last. His thoughts grew foggier while his fabric body continued to absorb the powerful smell. He looked up only to see his own handsome face smirking down at him. No. It wasn’t his face anymore. There was no going back. Now he was nothing more than a pair of compression shorts for his master to wear.
Meanwhile Adam decided to open the bag that’d been in Chris’s locker only to pull out a pair of clean grey t-shirt and a cap. Without hesitation he slipped both of them on, loving how the large shirt hugged his muscular frame in all the right places. After which he grabbed and pulled on the black gym shorts Chris had been wearing earlier before tugging on Chris’ gym socks and trainers. All of it fitting him like a glove. At last turning to the trusty mirror once again, he couldn’t help but whistle at how fucking sexy he looked! So much so that he started turning to inspect his body for all different angles. God he just couldn’t get enough of those bulky legs. As much as he adored his arms and pecs, he was starting to think his legs may actually be his best asset afterall.
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He couldn’t help grabbing Chris’ phone and taking a few quick photos of himself to savour the moment. Pictures he’d surely look back on in the future to remember the day when he stole this body. And to jerk off too of course. Maybe he’d even post them to one of his new socials later.
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Now all he had to do was wait for these memories to kick in. That Mr Wavell dude said they were gonna come any second and when they did Adam was truly going to become Chris inside and out. And once he’d settled into his new life he was gonna see if he could find some dudes eager to fuck his muscle ass get railed by his enormous new cock. With a body like this he was bound to have stamina for hours.
Then it hit him. All at once. Adam let out a thunderous roar as his mind flooded with memories from Chris’ life. Most of them being delegated to the back of his consciousness to pull on when needed while others came straight to the forefront. Immediately he knew everything there was to know about Chris. He even felt some of Chris’ personality traits starting to take root. That cocky gym bro attitude was starting to settle in comfortably. He might’ve still remembered everything from when he was Adam, but that wasn’t who he was anymore. That was a mere shell that the real him had finally emerged from.
Chris strode confidently out of the Gym and towards his car. He just couldn’t wait to get home so he could strip down and take as many nudes as possible of himself. His new life was about to be absolutely incredible.
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hooked-on-elvis · 7 months
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October 2, 1958: Elvis during Press conference in Friedberg, Germany.
On the morning of Wednesday, October 1, 1958, the U.S.S. Randall docked at the German port of Bremerhaven. Just like the scene 10 days earlier in Brooklyn from the American fans, an estimated 1,500 German fans as well as an abundance of newsmen and photographers were waiting for Elvis as he got off the ship. Elvis had to be escorted by military police. "The Army is apparently torn between a desire to keep Elvis locked out of sight and a half-concealed wish that he had enlisted in the Navy or Air Force in the first place," wrote a columnist for an American military newspaper in Europe. "Everywhere Elvis has gone, the Army has been forced to make battle plans well in advance to keep the peace. Presley is far bigger than his company commander, bigger than the generals who watch over him, and the sooner the Army gives in to this truth, the sooner the furor will die down and everybody can get back to work." Amid the frenzy of his arrival in Germany, Elvis made his way off the ship at Columbus Pier as he carried a duffel bag on his shoulder. He attempted to sign an autograph for an overzealous male fan who jumped onto the gangplank, but the military police dragged the teenager away. Presley then got on another troop train for a 200-mile trip north of Frankfurt to his base in Friedberg. One fan painted a graffiti-type greeting for Elvis in white script lettering on the outside of the train that read: "Wellcome [Welcome] in Germany Elvis Presley." The next day [October 2], the army scheduled a press conference for Elvis at his new post at the Ray Barracks with about 150 members of the international press attending. He made a brief statement about his arrival in Germany the day before: "I was very surprised at the reception," Elvis said. "I wasn’t expecting anything quite that big. And I only regret that I didn’t have more time to stay there with them. But maybe someday I can come back when my army tour is up, as an entertainer, and then I’ll have more time and maybe I’ll have an opportunity to make myself at home over here... Arrivederci – no, that’s Italian!"
Presley’s top sergeant, Edward Hackney, who was also at the press conference commented about Elvis: "He is under more pressure than the other soldiers because everyone looks at him, but I’m sure he’ll do a fine job." Asked about what he thought about German girls before arriving, Elvis said: "From all the pictures I’ve seen of the German girls, they’re very beautiful. I think Brigitte Bardot is French, isn’t she?"
Excerpt from "Elvis: The Army Years Uncovered: Behind The Scenes Of The Two Years That Changed The King Of Rock 'n' Roll's Life" by Trina Young (2021)
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vintage1981 · 9 months
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Caroline Munro (born 16 January 1949 in Windsor, Berkshire) is a British actress and model best known for her many appearances in science fiction and action films of the 1970s and 1980s. According to Munro, her career took off in 1966 when her mother and photographer friend entered some headshots of her to Britain’s The Evening News “Face of the Year” contest.
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“I wanted to do art. Art was my love. I went to Art School in Brighton but I was not very good at it. I just did not know what to do. I had a friend at the college who was studying photography and he needed somebody to photograph and he asked me. Unbeknownst to me, he sent the photographs to a big newspaper in London. The famous fashion photographer, David Bailey, was conducting a photo contest and my picture won.” 
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This led to modelling chores, her first job being for Vogue Magazine at the age of 17. She moved to London to pursue top modelling jobs and became a major cover girl for fashion and TV ads while there. Decorative bit parts came her way in such films as Casino Royale and Where’s Jack? (1969). One of her many photo ads got her a screen test and a one-year contract at Paramount where she won the role of Richard Widmark’s daughter in the comedy/western A Talent for Loving (1969). 
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1969 proved to be a good year for Munro, because it was then that she began a lucrative 10 year relationship with Lamb’s Navy Rum. Her image was plastered all over the country, and this would eventually lead to her next big break.
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Hammer Films CEO Sir James Carreras spotted Munro on a Lamb’s Navy Rum poster/billboard. He asked his right hand man, James Liggett, to find and screen test her. She was immediately signed to a one-year contract. Her first film for Hammer proved to be something of a turning point in her career. It was during the making of Dracula AD 1972 that she decided from this film onward she was a full-fledged actress. Up until then she was always considered a model who did some acting on the side.
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A string of fantasy and horror roles followed, including starring turns in Captain Kronos: Vampire Hunter (1973), The Golden Voyage of Sinbad (1974), At the Earth’s Core (1976),  The Spy Who Loved Me (1977), StarCrash (1978), Maniac (1980), The Last Horror Film (1982), Faceless (1988), and The Black Cat (1989).
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By the 1990s Munro had decided to focus more on her family, daughters, Georgina and Iona, and husband George Dugdale. However, since 2003 Caroline has renewed her interest in acting and has appeared in a number of film and audio productions. Since 2021 Caroline has been presenting the hit television series The Cellar Club for Talking Pictures TV.
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The title First Lady of Fantasy was given to Caroline by journalist Steve Swires, who wrote many Starlog and Fangoria (@FANGORIA) articles on the actress in the 1980s and 1990s. 
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Happy Birthday Caroline!
Official Website:  http://www.CarolineMunro.org
Representation: Thomas Bowington/Bowington Management
Some of her credits include: Dracula AD 1972 (1972), Captain Kronos: Vampire Hunter (1973), The Golden Voyage of Sinbad (1974), At the Earth’s Core (1976), The Spy Who Loved Me (1977), StarCrash (1978), Maniac (1980), The Last Horror Film (1982), Faceless (1988), The Black Cat (1989), Flesh for the Beast (2003), Turpin (2009), Midsomer Murders (2013), The Landlady (2013), Crying Wolf (2015), Vampyres (2015), Cute Little Buggers (2016), Frankula (2017), End User (2018), House of the Gorgon (2019), The Haunting of Margam Castle (2020), Ulalume - A Ballad (2023), The Pocket Film of Superstitions (2023), and the upcoming The Presence of Snowgood (2024).
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writeswithquill · 1 year
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I completed Those Who Govern Reason (the four gods/secret job bosses from Octopath Traveler) between January - August 2021.
Averaging around 160 stitch square on 16 count navy aida, they are, without question, the biggest cross stitchings I’ve ever completed. They’re also, by far, the ones I’m most proud of. Pride of place on my shelf behind the Octopath 2 busts.
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fangirlvibez · 1 year
The Bradshaw son and Seresin daughter - introduction
Characters: Bradley Bradshaw x female!OC Madison Ella Hanscott, Son!OC Nicolas Peter Bradshaw, Jake Seresin x female!OC Quinn Kelsell, Daughter!OC Hazel Alexandra Seresin, Son!OC Benjamin Jacob Seresin
Warnings: in this chapter: mention of (teenage) pregnancy, pregnancy difficulties, Navy inaccuracy. (Let me know if I forgot a warning)
Summary of the story: The 16 year old daughter of Jake Seresin gets pregnant. The dad: the 18 year old son of Bradley Bradshaw. How will the dads react to their kids becoming teen parents?
A/N: English is not my first language, so if there is any spelling or grammar errors: please let me know
next part - masterlist
Introducing the families
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✈️ Name: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
✈️ Birthday: June 27, 1984
✈️ Nationality: American
✈️ Gender: male
✈️ Profession: Naval Aviator
✈️ Husband to Madison Ella Hanscott
✈️ Father to Nicolas Peter Bradshaw
✈️ He and Madison met at the navy base in 2020, 1 year after the dagger mission.
✈️ Madison was there for a documentary about the Navy troughout the years, Bradley was one of the people Madison interviewed.
✈️ Bradley asked her out on the last day of shooting the documentary.
✈️ After 2 years of dating, the couple got married on July 10, 2022. 9 months later Nicolas Peter Bradshaw was born.
✈️ Bradley has a good bond with his son and is very found of the idea of his son becoming a naval aviator like he is.
📓 Name: Madison Ella Hanscott
📓 Birthday: March 5, 1991
📓 Nationality: American
📓 Gender: female
📓 Profession: writer and TV journalist
📓 Wife to Bradley Bradshaw
📓 Mother to Nicolas Peter Bradshaw
📓 She and Bradley met at the navy base in 2020, 1 year after the dagger mission when Madison was in charge of a documentary about the Navy.
📓 She is best friends with Quinn Kelsell.
📓 She is a very busy person and does a lot of overwork.
📓 Her and Bradley decided to buy Sparky for Nick when he was 16. It was around the time both her and Bradley were both very busy with their jobs and they didn’t want Nick to feel alone in his home.
🏈 Name: Nicolas Peter Bradshaw
🏈 Birthday: April 9, 2023
🏈 Nationality: American
🏈 Gender: male
🏈 Profession: Naval academy student
🏈 Son to Bradley Bradshaw and Madison Ella Hanscott
🏈 Boyfriend to Hazel Alexandra Seresin
🏈 Nick used to play football in high school but stopped to focus on getting into the naval academy.
🏈 His best friend is his dog Sparky
🏈 His dads opinion is very important to him.
🏈 He is named after his grandad and his dads godfather.
🏈 He fell in love with Hazel when she came knocking on her door. She was wearing a sundress and crying about her first date standing her up. Nick was 17 and Hazel was 15. Nick took her out and slowly fell in love with his best friend.
🏈 Nobody knows they are together because they don’t want it to be weird between their parents if they ever break up.
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✈️ Name: Jake “Hangman” Seresin
✈️ Birthday: November 17, 1987
✈️ Nationality: American
✈️ Gender: male
✈️ Profession: Naval Aviator
✈️ Husband to Quinn Kelsell
✈️ Father to Hazel Alexandra Seresin and Benjamin Jacob Seresin
✈️ He and Quinn met at a Bradshaw party in 2021. With Jake being Bradley’s best friend and Quinn being Madisons best friend it was bound to happen for them to meet.
✈️ They dated for 3 years before getting married on December 27, 2024.
✈️ Jake comes from a big family and wanted to have a big family like his own.
✈️ He is very over protected of Hazel and Benjamin.
🩺 Name: Quinn Kelsell
🩺 Birthday: January 24, 1992
🩺 Nationality: American
🩺 Gender: female
🩺 Profession: doctor
🩺 Wife to Jake Seresin
🩺 Mother to Hazel Alexandra Seresin and Benjamin Jacob Seresin
🩺 She and Jake met at a Bradshaw party in 2021.
🩺 Quinn comes from a small family but wanted to have a big one of her own.
🩺 She and Jake wanted to have more kids after Benjamin, but the doctors said it could be dangerous for Quinns body to have more. That’s when they decided to just having two kids.
📚 Name: Hazel Alexandra Seresin
📚 Birthday: August 2, 2025
📚 Nationality: American
📚 Gender: female
📚 Profession: High School student
📚 Daughter to Jake Seresin and Quinn Kelsell
📚 Girlfriend to Nicolas Peter Bradshaw
📚 Sister to Benjamin Jacob Seresin
📚 Hazel isn’t sure yet about what she wants to do after high school so she focuses mostly on her studies.
📚 She fell in love with Nick a month after he took her out after her first date stood her up. Nick was playing with Sparky on the beach while she was reading on her towel.
📚 She cares about what people think of her and can get quite emotional at times.
🛹 Name: Benjamin Jacob Seresin
🛹 Birthday: September 16, 2027
🛹 Nationality: American
🛹 Gender: male
🛹 Profession: High School student
🛹 Son to Jake Seresin and Quinn Kelsell
🛹 Younger brother to Hazel Alexandra Seresin
🛹 Benjamin loves skateboarding
🛹 He is close to his sister
🛹 When the Bradshaw family went on vacation or went away for the weekend, Benjamin was in charge if Sparky.
🛹 He wants to be a doctor like his mom.
🛹 Benjamin is named after his grandad and his own dad.
Taglist: @confusedpimp (let me know if you want to be tagged)
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On your post about ex-Harvard president Gay-
This person cheated her way to the top. She took the place of someone who would actually be qualified. I’m certain Harvard has a no plagiarism policy, so she’s enforcing rules on people that she broke and benefited from.
Any other presidents who were/are found to commit the same violation should receive the same punishment.
When comments are made such as ‘this is meant to humble black women’ or that merit is an arbitrary standard, lowers the bar for the community as a whole. There are PLENTY of black women who are intelligent, strong leaders, highly qualified, etc, and she took that position from someone who worked for it and deserved it. To state racism as the reason for her stepping down implies that because she is a black woman, we have to overlook some merit items and academic violations. How is that not racist in itself? There are black women who can do the job competently without having cheated to get there and she took that spot from them. She is the ONLY person to blame for her downfall and to imply otherwise hurts people who could have succeeded in this role.
This is entirely correct.
They can't claim that "society is racist" as the reason Claudine Gay was dethroned, when that same society facilitated her rise in the first place. It's like thanking god for the good things but not blaming god for the bad things... only, sort of inverted.
One of the angry Tweets from Marc Lamont Hill was:
The next president of Harvard University MUST be a Black woman.
This is literally the same diversity-hire attitude that got Harvard into this mess in the first place.
But let's roll with this. How about Carol M. Swain? She's a black woman. She's one of the people Claudine Gay stole from, so if they liked Gay's "scholarship," what they actually liked incorporated Swain's ideas. Swain is also a conservative and a Xian, though. So, what are the chances? When they say "diversity," what they really mean is "ideological conformity."
Any other president would not have been so well insulated or protected. Bob Casten resigned as President of the University of South Carolina after remarks from one commencement speech he gave included plagiarized content.
The resignation of University of South Carolina president Bob Caslen for plagiarizing remarks in a commencement speech is the most recent example of the awkwardness faced by educators and school leaders when higher-ups find inspiration in the wrong ways.
Caslen resigned from his position Wednesday after admitting his commencement speech plagiarized portions of a speech given by the former head of US Special Operations Command, retired Navy Adm. William McRaven.
“I was searching for words about resilience in adversity and when they were transcribed into the speech, I failed to ensure its attribution. I take full responsibility for this oversight,” Caslen wrote in a letter to students obtained by CNN affiliate WIS.
One speech. Not even scholarship. Not research. A single speech. Not only that, but he took responsibility. He said, the buck stops with me.
Harvard was still backing Gay when the total accusations was up to 40. And Gay's resignation letter demonstrates no responsibility, and only entitlement and deflection. If you've seen the Roland Fryer video, this is completely on brand for someone as corrupt as her.
She was't outsted because she's a black woman. She was protected because she's a black woman. This is the gaslighting that they do. Gay and Harvard are the villains. As you mentioned, she stole a prestigious position from someone else. Could have been a black woman, could have been a white man. Doesn't matter. She stole a position someone else was more qualified to take.
And Harvard facilitated this fraud. And it was fraud. It's literally academic fraud. There were murmurs in corridors for years about Gay's scholarship long before it was ever exposed. But Harvard didn't address it, and when they were pressured to in this most recent blow-up, they faked an "investigation" that found only minor issues with quotation marks. It seems much more like not only they knew, but actively facilitated it. It's extremely hard to believe that, given this goes all the way back to her dissertation, they were completely unaware of this pervasive fraud, and much more likely they were not only aware, but colluded.
Gay and Harvard are the villains. But this is the DARVO - Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender - that they do. You're supposed to feel guilty for noticing their malfeasance. You don't need to. And it's so blatant this time that I think this might even be a tipping point in some way. People are completely fed up with being manipulated. But that's "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion"'s entire game.
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usafphantom2 · 7 months
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New Images Of China’s J-35 Naval Stealth Fighter, Could Depict Third Example
Oliver ParkenPUBLISHED Mar 13, 2024 9:10 PM EDT
A prototype J-35 stealth flghter in flight
Chinese internet via X/Twitter
Recent imagery shows what could be the third flying prototype of China's carrier-based Shenyang J-35 stealth fighter. The new visuals, which depict the aircraft from its underside, come after growing indications that the J-35 might eventually operate from China's two in-service carriers, Type 001 Liaoning and Type 002 Shandong, as well as future carriers fitted with catapults and arrestor gear, including the soon to set sail Type 003 Fujian.
The images were originally posted to the Chinese Weibo microblogging website earlier in March before being shared more widely. While the precise date they were taken remains murky, it has been indicated by Hui Tong on the Chinese Military Aviation blog that the aircraft was pictured as it approached the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation in Liaoning after a test flight. That same blog posits that this could be the third J-35, although we cannot confirm that at this time.
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The images give us a view of the bottom of the J-35. We know from previous photos that the overall skin of the J-35 is quite smooth for low observable requirements. The rear of the aircraft shows largely standard exhaust nozzles — although we know the J-35 has serrated petals on its nozzles, although the enhanced image at the top of this post appears to have smoothed them out. The jet appears to be wearing a ventral bolt-on Luneburg lens (radar reflector) as is customary on stealth fighter aircraft when low-observability is not needed and can also be a challenge for flying in dense airspace. The style and placement look similar to the one found on the F-22 and, subsequently, the J-20. The J-35's landing gear features a twin nose wheel for carrier operations and a similar general layout as the F-35C.
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Chinese internet via X
A navalized variant of the land-based Shenyang FC-31, the first flying J-35 prototype made its initial flight, at least that we know of, in October 2021, sporting a blue-green primer finish and wearing the serial 350001. The second known flying J-35 prototype, 350003, was subsequently spotted in July of 2022 with a low-visability gray tactical paint job. There was speculation that a third was pictured in flight in September 2023, although, as we noted at the time, the quality of the imagery made it difficult to ascertain whether the aircraft was indeed a navalized J-35 or a land-based FC-31 variant.
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Of course, the emergence of the J-35 had long been considered closely linked with the People's Liberation Army Navy's (PLAN) future catapult-assisted takeoff but arrested recovery (CATOBAR) carriers.
For a time, it was widely assumed that China would stick with operating J-15 fighters from Liaoning and Shandong, which are both equipped for short takeoff but arrested recovery (STOBAR) operations. More capable future CATOBAR carriers such as Fujian would subsequently feature air wings that include J-35s and CATOBAR versions of the J-15, among other aircraft and drones. This may no longer be the case.
However, imagery that emerged out of China at the beginning of last month purported to show a J-35 mockup onboard Liaoning while the carrier was in dock. Then, later in February, further imagery materialized which showed the article next to a J-15 mockup aboard Liaoning as the carrier set out to sea for further post-maintenance trials.
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A close-up view of the mockups of the J-35 and the J-15 variant from late February. Chinese internet via X
While the possibility of J-35s performing regular operations from Liaoning and Shandong may not have been anticipated by many observers, this would seem to make sense, Andreas Rupprecht, a longtime China aerospace analyst and contributor to The War Zone, has stressed: "In my opinion [the J-35 joining the Liaoning and the Shandong] makes perfect sense," he said. "Before the Fujian is ready, especially as an operational carrier, the PLAN will need to spend a lot of time training with the J-35 on the deck and in the air. Even if the training is limited due to not having a catapult, the PLAN can gain a lot of flight hours and a lot of experience."
Actually operating J-35s from STOBAR carriers would have some drawbacks, it should be noted. While recovery is the same for both STOBAR and CATOBAR carriers, J-35s would have to make use of Liaoning and the Shandong's ski-jump ramps on the bow to launch. As such, they would have to take off with less payload, in terms of weapons and fuel, compared to launching via future CATOBAR carriers. The Fujian will feature advanced electromagnetic aircraft launch system (EMALS) type catapults, instead of traditional steam-powered catapults.
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However, the overall benefit they would bring to China's in-service carriers could be significant. Alongside its low-observable characteristics, it is assumed that the J-35 will feature an active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar alongside a host of advanced sensors, as well as very capable weaponry. Above all else, it would get these aircraft out to sea and operating, where major lessons can be learned, before Fujian is fully ready.
While this is all intriguing, it remains speculative. It could turn out that J-35 is either unsuitable for STOBAR operations or developmental timelines will mean that waiting for Fujian is a better move. We will have to wait and see how it all plays out.
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realtalkingpoints · 1 year
From the piece:
The Department of Justice announced the arrest of two serving U.S. Navy sailors on suspicion of espionage for China. Both sailors are based in California. Both appear to be of Chinese descent or origin. This is the customary intelligence recruitment model employed by Beijing. The first sailor taken into custody, 22-year-old Jinchao (Patrick) Wei, was arrested on Wednesday. Machinist Mate 3rd Class Wei joined the Navy in July 2021. He is assigned to the USS Essex, an amphibious assault ship homeported in San Diego. According to the Justice Department's statement , Wei held a security clearance (presumably at the "secret" level given his job), and in February 2022, he began communicating with a Chinese intelligence officer using clandestine methods. That Chinese spy tasked Wei with handing over a significant amount of sensitive Navy and Department of Defense information in exchange for several thousand dollars. The information Wei passed to Beijing included photos and videos including technical information about the Essex and other Navy ships, almost 60 technical manuals on the operation of Navy vessels, detailed systems manuals about Navy ships, and nonpublic information about Marine Corps exercises.
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pariskylar · 2 months
A/N: this is a transition chapter (??)
Part 2: First Day
Monday: August 23, 2021
can you feel where the wind is? can you feel it through, all of the windows inside this room
Jazlyn pulled up to the Thrombey Estate at 6:43 AM. she parked the car and turned the music down.
she took out her phone and set an alarm for 6:55. she opened the message app and shot a text to the group chat.
Core Four 👯👯‍: made it to work ♥️
she unwrapped her pop-tart, eating in silence trying to mentally prepare for the day.
you interviewed for the job and you got it. you are diligent and sedulous. you've worked hard and studied for this.
when she finished her pop tart she took a deep breath and began to meditate, making her own safe haven.
once she enter the state of serenity her alarm went off, and it was time for her to actually go in the house.
she flipped down her visor, checking her hair and makeup. she spent the weekend installing fulani braids; they were too tight to style, so she opted to simply let them flow down her back. closing the visor she grabbed her old messenger bag and phone, heading straight to the home.
there was a major deja vu moment as she took a deep breath before knocking on the door.
“yes?” the same middle aged white woman opened the door.
“hi, i'm Jazlyn Reed—Mr. Thrombey’s new assistant.”
“oh, yeah.” she nodded, stepping aside letting her in. “Linda, asked for you to meet her in the dining room.”
she led her to the dining room where Linda was sitting at the island, sporting a navy pants suit, focused on her laptop.
“Linda?” she gained her attention “Jasmine is here.”
“um, Jazlyn.” she corrected from the doorway of the dining room.
“Jasmine.” Linda smiled at her standing from her seat.
“Jazlyn.” she corrected, again, straightening up the strap on her messenger bag.
“thanks, Fran.” she dismissed her “come, sit.” she waved Jaz over.
she went over and sat on the stool next to Linda.
“i’m glad you were available for this job.”
“i’m glad you chose me.”
sounding kinds desperate. the voice in her head said.
"so, today will be a bit busy." she said pulling an Apple bag from the floor. "here is your work phone, work laptop and work tablet" she pulled each out the bag setting them on the counter. "they are for work purposes only. the phone is activated with your work number. this is your work log-in information" she handed her a sticky note.
email: Jazlyn.Reed@BLWPublishing password: ***************
"and these are all the emails and phone numbers that will need to be transferred to your email and number." she place a legal pad on the counter. "once you're done with all of this Harlan will tell you what to do next."
she grabbed the legal pad looking it over. it was two full pages long, front and back. it was a bit jarring how many contacts there were and there was no way all of these are necessary.
"oh, ok." Jazlyn nodded a bit confused sitting it back on the counter.
"also this is my dad's schedule for the next two months." she put a planner, reading 2021-2022 on the cover, next to the legal pad.
“this is your time sheet,” Linda pulled her out of her thoughts placing a sheet of paper in front of her.
it read Monthly Time Sheet with Jasmine Reed written on the top causing her to mentally rolled her eyes. there were sections to clock in and out for work, break and lunch.
“it stays in Harlan’s office, you will get a new one every month. you get a 30 minute break and a 30 minute lunch. you can clock in right now.” she handed her a pen.
checking her time she signed in at 7:04 AM.
"any questions?" she grabbed the pen back packing up her briefcase.
that’s all the information i get
"is there a designated place for me to work?" Jazlyn began stacking the all paraphernalia that Linda gave her.
"no, anywhere you feel comfortable." she stood up grabbing her briefcase “any other questions?”
she shook her head lifting up the apparati for work.
“alright, well, good luck on your first day.” Linda held a hand out
“thank you.” she smiled accepting it.
when Linda left out the dining room, Jazlyn closed her eyes taking a deep breath.
you’ve got this. this isn’t something you haven’t done before.
she turned and went to make her way to Harlan’s office. she knocked on the door and was greeted with a come in. opening the door she saw Harlan and Marta sitting in a similar position of three weeks ago.
"good morning." she greeted Mr. Thrombey and Marta.
"good morning." Marta smiled from her seat next to Harlan.
he just looked at her with furrowed eyebrows.
"um, Mrs. Drysdale told me to leave my time sheet with you." she handed to sheet of paper over.
"so, she chose you?" he took the paper and place it in the sliding hutch drawer in his desk.
“yes, sir.” she nodded.
he looked her over shaking his head before going back to what ever he was writing in his notebook.
“is there anything you need done?” she asked Mr. Thrombey
“Linda said she’d debrief on everything that needed to be done.”
“um, yes she did, but i just wanted to see if you needed anything else before i started on everything.”
he gave her a blank stare
“ok.” she nodded making a swift exit.
after returning her time sheet to Harlan, she went to look for somewhere comfortable to work.
she landed on the front porch. it reminded her of the porch at her Big Mama's house in Lutcher—minus the mansion it was attached to. she sat on the steps of the porch and began feeling a bit emotionally. she had spent so many summers on that porch, on the swing drinking sweet tea with her Big Mama.
she shook her head, trying to refocus and begin to actually work. she opened her work supplies, logging into her work accounts. pulled out the legal pad filled with numbers and emails for her transfer.
after two hours of emails and phone calls her eyes wear tired and her mouth was dry. she stood from her spot on the porch and went on the search for some water.
she went back to the kitchen heading straight to the fridge. she looked over the drink options and there was a plethora.
“um, do you need help?” a voiced asked from behind her.
she flinched turning to see Fran.
“um, yeah. i don’t know if i can just grab something or if there are specific things for specific people.”
“no, you can just grab.”
“oh, thanks.” she turned back grabbing a bottle of Aquafina.
“no, problem.”
she left going back out to the porch, taking sit on the porch bench this time.
her personal phone dinged with a message from the group chat she had with her friends.
Core Four 👯👯‍: Tia 🫧: how’s it going??
it’s fine
Ash 👒: ft??
the phone rang with a group FaceTime. pulling out her headphones plugging them to the phone, before answering. Tia and Ash were on the call.
Ash yawned “tired. Taylor is PMSing like crazy and kept me up last-”
“Jazzy!” Tia stopped the story about her friend and sister.
“hey.” she smiled at them
“so how’s the job going?” Ash pulling her hair into a ponytail.
“ehh.” she shrugged sitting the phone on the seat “it’s kinda boring.” picking the laptop back up to finish the last ten emails on the list.
“boring how?” Tia asked putting a tray into an oven.
“it’s just transferring numbers and emails.” Jaz rolled eyes picking grabbing her water, mouth getting dry again
"so it's calm?" Tia asked
"yeah, but boring." she sighed taking a sip of water.
"better than being constantly stressed at CVS."
"i guess." she shrugged sending a transferring email to Harlan's Lawyer.
"so, you'd rather be stressed than bored?"
"nooo-well-" she let out a deep breath "i don't know." she truthfully answered knowing she sounded crazy.
"see that's that bull." Tia said getting ready to get on her soap box "you psyching yourself out."
"yeah, your impostor syndrome is getting to you." Ash chimed in "you feel like you don't deserve something nice or good, so you're finding something to complain about."
she hated when they did that. even though they had the best intentions and spoke to her out of love, it always felt like they were ganging up on her.
she never knew how to retort because as soon as she does the other has something to say.
"i don't know, i guess."
"we love you." Tia said.
"yeah, we just feel like you deserve more than you giving yourself." Ash added.
"you're right."
and as if the universe tossed her a line from this sinkhole, Marta came out.
"Jasmine?" she called to her
"Jazlyn." she corrected
"sorry. Mr. Thombey would like for you to walk the dogs."
"OK." she nodded, and Marta retreated back in the house.
"i have to go, i have work to do."
"k, love you." Tia blew her kiss
"have fun, babe." Ash put up two peace signs.
she hung up going to grab the collars to take the dogs on their walk.
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orionares · 2 years
BTHB: Make an Example of Them
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BTHB: Make an Example of Them
NCIS: Los Angeles
A/N: This takes place during episodes 12x07 "Overdue" through 12x09 "A Fait Accompli."
December 2020- Brunswick, Georgia
“Oh, you have got to be kidding me.” 
Ex- NCIS Supervisory Special Agent and FLETC Trainer Benjamin Lowe pulls off his glasses in disbelief at the cadet file that sits at the top of the pile on his desk. He briefly rubs his eyes as he sits at the mahogany desk in his study, hoping that the name of the cadet and more importantly, that the operations manager and office of origin listed is either a mistake or his imagination. 
Applicant Office: NCIS- Southwest: Office of Special Projects, Los Angeles
Operations Manager: Admiral Hollace Kilbride/ Henrietta Lange: 
Applicant Name: Deeks, Martin Atticus 
What in the absolute hell? One of Hetty’s little pet projects got into FLETC? 
Lowe leans back in the chair and pulls the file into his lap. Henrietta Lange is a name he hasn’t heard a lot since retiring from NCIS and opting to teach at FLETC. He’s found it to be a gift, not having to deal with the woman who’d damn near got him killed in 1998 during an investigation in Djibouti and interrupted four of his investigations during the last fourteen years with her little team back in Los Angeles. 
And that  little pet project- the motor mouth had rambled incessantly during every bloody  investigation. When Lowe opens the file and sees the blue eyes, the cocky smirk and the messy blonde hair of Marty Deeks, he remembers his eye twitching during the last investigation while thinking- someone needs to chop off your damn hair.
Lowe’s eyes flicker over to the man’s age and he’s immediately tempted to break open the twenty-six year old scotch sitting in his bookshelf at the obvious gap between the cut off age and Deeks’ age.
“What kind of strings did that little psychopath pull to get you in?” Lowe mutters as he scans the recommendations from LAPD and various members of the Navy, Marines and even Interpol. “Blackmail? Money? Because my God- I’m not wasting time on-”
Reason for termination- Liaison position cut; budget cuts at LAPD
A small smile grows on Lowe’s face at the line at the bottom of the first page. “You sound like a desperate man in need of a job, Detective.” 
He flips the page and scans the first two paragraphs of the interview that had taken place a week prior. Nothing stands out at him- nothing screams out at him to give him answers to the question he needs. 
How did you get into FLETC- no, how did Henrietta get you in?
Lowe glances over to the remaining pages in the file and decides to shut the case and exhale. He replays the last time he’d crossed paths with Henrietta and her merry band of agents. 
“You screwed me, Lange. This is my-”
“Walk it off, Lowe. This investigation is mine."
He huffs in frustration again and makes his decision- Alright, Marty Deeks. You are going to be the shining example of what a FLETC and more importantly, a federal agent shouldn't ever look like. 
Lowe glances back over to the scotch and sighs, thinking- And I’m going to make sure everyone knows that everything and everyone Hetty touches is poison.
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, Glynco- Brunswick, Georgia- January 2021
"So you're doing Advanced Interviewing? Cool, cool, cool- look, Deeks- there's something you need to know."
Fatima's warning, coming in the form of a nervous, rambling phone call, brings just fabulous news. 
Marty Deeks winces as he gingerly walks behind a group of cadets walking to classroom 226. He inhales and exhales every few steps as he fights off the pain from his sprained ribs and shoulder strain from an overzealous cadet during sparring. 
And now, Deeks thinks as he pauses in front of the classroom, I'm about to be taught by someone who hates me and Hetty. Great.
Deeks pushes the classroom door open and finds the room to have four rows of three desks each, all facing a broad shouldered older man writing something on the board. Deeks slides into the closest available seat in the back row. 
“Sit down,” Lowe grumbles. He continues to write out the full class name- Advanced Interviewing for Law Enforcement Investigators- on the board as he continues, “I only have you lot for five days and there is a hell of a lot to cover.”
And hopefully you don’t spend half of that picking on me, Deeks thinks. He quickly glances over to the other cadets, recognizing the arrogant ex- soldier mirroring Sam in his early days, the ex- FBI agent going through retraining and two cadets that could be twins scattered around in random desks throughout the room.
“So, let’s begin,” Lowe states. He steps towards the first row of desks and he begins to scan the group of students. “You all already have the basics for interviewing victims, witnesses and suspects but now we’re going to refine it with more techniques, more opportunities to practice those techniques and-”
Lowe stops just as his eyes fall on Deeks. The ex-detective looks down to his desk and waits for the impending comment. 
Briefly, after a few seconds pass, he has hope that Lowe will be professional. 
But of course, Lowe doesn’t. 
“But before we start,” Lowe says with a grin. He walks around the furthest corner desk and towards Deeks. “We have a unique case as a cadet here. A police detective who got in over the age limit."
Goddamn it, Deeks thinks. He sneaks a glance over to another cadet- Jameson or Johnson if he can remember correctly- who eyes him suspiciously. Lowe stops in front of Deeks’ desk and smiles down at him as if looking at a child. “Ladies and gentleman, I’ve worked with this man and he thinks everything is a goddamn joke.”
“Knew something was off,” the ex-soldier mutters under his breath. 
Deeks shakes his head and looks back up to Lowe. “It was a pleasure each time,” he replies through gritted teeth. 
“There’s that sense of humor,” Lowe counters and turns on his feet. “So let’s start this class with you all learning on what not to do when interviewing. Learn from someone who shouldn’t be here, by any means.” 
“And how is that…..sir?” 
Lowe pulls out a chair from an empty desk and turns it towards the class. “By answering a few questions. Sharing your own experience as a ‘liason’. Let’s go.”
This can’t be a thing, can it?  Deeks wonders as he rises to his feet and starts walking up to Lowe, feeling every pair of eyes on him. It’s a stark reminder- a flashback- of his sixth grade teacher who had paraded him up to the front of the class to try to catch him for not paying attention.
He had been paying attention and easily vindicated.
Or the time a Lieutenant Compton had paraded him in front of officers on his first day in the undercover unit as an example of ‘lawyer turned cop wannabe’. 
“Take a seat, superstar,” Lowe orders. He leans against his desk with crossed arms as Deeks sits in the chair. He opts to look straight ahead instead of on the crowd or Lowe.
He wants me to look uncomfortable. He wants to feed off of the power. 
“I’ve crossed paths with you four times, Detective-” Lowe states, “and every single time, you've seen to take things as a goddamn joke. Every time . And that proves that you've skated through this job without a scratch."
He’s underestimating me. Just like so many others have. Deeks shifts in his seat but keeps his eyes glued on the door. "I disagree…sir."
"Really now?" Lowe challenges. He kneels on Deeks' left side and scoffs, "What's the worst thing you've seen on the job?"
Deeks can’t tell what shocks him more- the unprofessionalism or the questions in itself. Even in the sessions with Nate and the NCIS psychologist Kilbride had required the team to go to a few months after his arrival, no’s ever asked that question. 
So Deeks opts for the only thing he can think of. “No.”
"Excuse me?"
“I’m not- I can’t answer that,” Deeks replies, “Your question is leading. Law enforcement officers are usually asked questions like that in therapy or intimate moments. My instinct with a question like that is to recall cases that were traumatic to me physically and or emotionally. So-"
"You got here on special treatment, " Lowe sneers. "What could possibly qualify-”
"You haven’t- Fine." Deeks leans forward and cups his hands together. "You need a cognitive restatement when doing a cognitive interview- think back to such and such and tell me what you hear, see, feel. I have to pick a case first."
In the corner of his eye, he can see a few of the cadets exchange looks. "Do you want something from the years of me going undercover in the LAPD, knowing that no one cared if I lived or died? I could recall the time where after being beaten for hours, my Lieutenant threw me an ice pack and threw me on another case right after? I did that for years- it'd take me a minute to pinpoint one."
Lowe holds out a hand to stop him but the ex- detective continues, as if on autopilot. He's numb as he continues to recall every traumatic moment that comes to mind. “I could do the times I’ve gone overseas to places like Syria and Iraq and put my life on the line to protect this country?" 
Behind him,  Lowe mutters, "You didn't- You never-"
Deeks feels himself shaking with anger but can’t bring himself to move. Instead, he takes a breath and says as calmly as possible, “I could recall the injuries myself and my team have experienced- the helicopter that nearly killed my wife and took her leg, the TBI I had from a rocket blowing us up in Mexico?”
Deeks drops his shoulders and finally looks back to Lowe. “Or do you want to hear the time when someone took me, tied  me down and drilled in my mouth! Because if you want a memory to start the conversation, I could focus on the sound of the drill or the feel of blood drying on my mouth and my neck from sitting in a room for hours after!” 
“Jesus,” a cadet in the front mutters under his breath. It pulls Deeks back into reality and he lets out a shaky breath. “Most importantly, in cognitive interviewing, you do not overwhelm the person you are interviewing as it will cloud the rapport and their recall. So am I done?”
After a few moments of silence, Deeks looks up to see Lowe staring him down blankly. He’s pale and unnerved as he takes a few steps back from Deeks and rubs his chin. 
“Fine. All of you can go. That’s it for the day.” Lowe mutters. He waves off and turns his away and Deeks doesn’t take another second before calmly rising from his chair and walking back towards the door. He’s the first one out of the room and takes an immediate beeline towards the closest empty classroom. 
Shutting the door behind him, Deeks puts his hands on his knees and mutters, “What the hell was that?”
He slides down to the ground and feels  his body continue to shake. What the hell just happened? What did I just do?
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writerthroufire · 1 month
Kangaroos by fo&o
A Simon fanfic about his first status wear.
Simon, with his curly hair bouncing against his back and his golden brown skin glistening in the sunlight, was a picture of youthful energy. He was out mowing lawns, his small frame pushing the heavy mower with surprising strength. The rhythmic hum of the engine was a familiar soundtrack to his summer days. After finishing the lawn, he switched to raking leaves, the crisp autumn air filling his lungs.
Between these odd jobs, Simon also worked full-time at the only pizzeria in town. He was always eager to help out, whether it was taking orders, prepping ingredients, or serving customers. His cheerful demeanor and infectious smile made him a favorite among both customers and coworkers.
Despite his demanding schedule, Simon never complained. He was driven by a determination to provide for his single mother and to save up for his own future. Every penny he earned went towards household expenses or his personal savings. He dreamed of having a little extra money to enjoy the simple pleasures of being a teenager, like buying new clothes or going out with friends.
While his friends were spending their summers on vacations or at parties, Simon was content with his humble pursuits. He found joy in the satisfaction of a job well done and the feeling of accomplishment that came with saving money. He believed that hard work was the key to success, and he was determined to prove it.
Simon's days were filled with a relentless rhythm of work. He would wake up early, grab a quick breakfast, and head out to mow lawns or rake leaves. The sun would be barely peeking over the horizon, casting long shadows across the dewy grass. As the day wore on, the heat would intensify, but Simon would press on, fueled by his determination.
After finishing his outdoor chores, he would hurry home to change into his pizzeria uniform. The smell of freshly baked pizza and the bustling atmosphere of the restaurant would greet him as he walked through the door. He would work tirelessly, taking orders, preparing food, and serving customers with a smile.
Evenings were spent catching up on homework or studying for exams. Simon was a dedicated student, determined to excel in his academics. Despite his busy schedule, he always made time for his studies, knowing that education was the key to a brighter future.
On weekends, Simon would often help his mother with household chores or errands. He was a dutiful son, always willing to lend a hand. He cherished the time he spent with his mother and sara, knowing that she was the one who had raised him to be the hardworking and responsible young man he was today.
Simon had finally reached a significant milestone. After months of diligent saving, he had accumulated enough money to purchase the coveted Kangaroo shoes he had been eyeing for so long. The high-top sneakers, with their vibrant reds and navy blues, were the perfect blend of style and comfort. However, to acquire these coveted shoes, Simon would have to venture into the bustling metropolis.
His best friends, Rosh and Ayub, were eager to celebrate this momentous occasion with him. Rosh, a passionate soccer player with a head full of dark hair, and Ayub, a video game enthusiast with flowing locks, were determined to make this day unforgettable. They convinced Simon to join them on a day trip to Stockholm, a city renowned for its vibrant culture and bustling streets.
As they approached the bustling city center, Simon's heart pounded with anticipation. He had heard stories about the vibrant atmosphere and the endless possibilities that Stockholm offered. As they rode through the city streets, Simon was amazed by the towering buildings, the bustling crowds, and the diverse range of shops.
Finally, they arrived at the shoe store where Simon had been dreaming of finding his perfect pair of Kangaroo shoes. The store was filled with a dazzling array of footwear, each pair more tempting than the last. Simon's eyes scanned the shelves, searching for the elusive high-tops. And then, there they were, sitting on a shelf, gleaming in the sunlight.
Simon stepped into the shoe store, his heart pounding with excitement. He made his way to the Kangaroo display, his eyes scanning the shelves for the perfect pair. There they were, the high-top sneakers in the exact red and navy blue combination he had been longing for. The shoes were even more stunning in person, with a stylish pocket on the side.
Without hesitation, Simon picked up the shoes and examined them closely. He noticed the intricate details, the high-quality materials, and the comfortable fit. These were the shoes he had been dreaming of, and he knew he had to have them.
With a nervous smile, Simon approached the salesperson and asked to try on the shoes. The salesperson was friendly and helpful, and she quickly brought him the correct size. As Simon slipped his feet into the sneakers, he felt a surge of joy. The shoes fit perfectly, like they were made just for him.
The shoes were more than just a pair of sneakers; they were a symbol of Simon's hard work and determination. They represented a milestone in his life, a tangible marker of his growing independence and social standing, only accomplished by hard work and careful planning.
As the curly haired boy admired himself in the mirror, Rosh and Ayub cheered him on. They were just as excited as he was about his new purchase. They had been there for him every step of the way, and they were proud of his accomplishments.
The shoes cost 3070 Swedish krona, a significant investment for Simon. However, he knew that it was worth every penny. These were the shoes he had been saving for, and they were a testament to his perseverance and self-belief.
With a newfound sense of confidence, Simon left the shoe store, carrying his precious cargo. He couldn't wait to show off his new sneakers to his friends and family. The Kangaroo shoes were more than just a pair of footwear; they were a symbol of his journey, a testament to his resilience, and a glimpse of his promising future.
Hi! This is part of a work series on AO3 where I make docs based off tfc songs as they're very dear to me!
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dameronswife · 3 months
9, 11 and 15 for the General Selfship ask game :)
hey thanks for the question!!! <33 I like your url!
9. How long have you been part of the selfshipping community? How long before have you selfshipped without being aware of the community or publicly partaking in it?
That is an excellent question with a very complicated answer! So, I've been self-shipping probably my whole life, in terms of "imaginary friends" and such (when I was little, like prior to ten, I had a big huge crush on a.nakin and kind of imaginary friend'd that, and then did so even more with the eleventh doctor when I was 13/14, even read some x reader, BUT I wouldn't classify that as "romantically" self shipping bc I was very irritated with all the romance and was like. ugh. fine if i love him and think he's cute I gUESS I'll kiss him if i have to it's basically a job requirement for companions anyway).
But actually shipping an oc with a character? I've been doing that since 2017, and if you guessed that it was for Poe, you'd be right. I stopped reading x reader for a long time, but abruptly remembered they existed and started reading them again and made up an oc that had a history with Poe for a sequel trilogy au I was writing at the time; she kind of ended up being a lot like Z.orii, a bounty hunter character who had a backstory with Poe (they met in the navy though). They didn't wind up together, because at the time I guess the possibility didn't occur to me, but they did kiss (and I described Poe as looking like an angel, lmao).
Flashforward to 2021, and a late night (for me) conversation with my partner @hermitmoss resulted in us tossing around what would happen if their s/i met the resistance crew, and that snowballed into fae mentioning that my already existing Star Wars s/i Volya, would immediately crush on Poe...and with a lot of enablement on faer's part, I wound up....shipping Volya entirely with Poe. They describe it as "how I started openly dating Poe around [my partners]" and they're not incorrect in the slightest!
Then in 2022, I followed someone who self-ships and asked them about it and they explained to me what the community was, and what it entailed, and I realized I'd been doing it my whole life. Shortly after, I made a blog for it specifically!
11. Do you incorporate kink into your selfships? If yes, any kinks you prefer?
[nervous laughter] would you look at the time. no, I kid, I kid. I've been wondering about Volya's kinks for a long time, in all honesty - there's a lot I like to play around with, for her and Poe. Title kink definitely comes up for them, but I think a big one is soft d/s vibes. Also there's the tiny fact that I kind of COMPLETELY unintentionally wrote Volya perfectly into the role of an omega, if I ever did an omegaverse au. Seriously, when I finally asked one of my partners about it and they gave me a rundown and I was like holy shit. It's kind of impressive lmao.
But yeah, I think a lot of soft d/s, maybe some bondage - I think that would be an interesting thing to explore with Poe and Volya's respective traumas. I think they'd definitely think roleplay would be fun they'd get a crack out of it, I bet.
As for Emilia and Marc, I haven't decided what kinks they're into, but I definitely think they're freaky. she's a spider person, and every spider hero seems really into kinky sex, and I don't think she's an exclusion to the rule. But I haven't thought enough on their sex life yet to get totally into what they'd both be into. I definitely think their respective superhero staminas get a lot of use though
15. If you're fictionfolk, how does that affect your selfships?
One quick google search later...I do think I am probably a little bit fictionfolk, I certainly can relate anyway, especially being a system host when majority if not all of my headmates are fictives. Uhm, I mean I don't know - I feel like it definitely adds a component to the sense of yearning I have. I'm not just yearning for Poe, you know, the Resistance, D'Qar - that genuinely feels like home for me. I feel, genuinely, like I was born in the wrong world, and that's why this one is so hard for me and why I can't find my footing in it. Like...I am yearning for the place that I feel like I do genuinely belong; I poured...so much of myself into Volya. She is me, and I am her. It is a moebius strip, she is the deepest, innermost parts of myself made ink; she is everything I love about myself, everything I loathe about myself, every piece of me I've fought to hide because it felt too vulnerable to show anyone. She holds all my desires, she has the family I crave and long for, she gets to touch and hold and kiss and make love to Poe, she gets to stand up for herself and what she believes in, she gets to call Leia mother...
It's a good kind of hurt, but it's still a hurt. And I think it definitely impacts how I self-ship at least with Poe; I don't have that same sense of yearning for the universe that Marc is in, because that's basically my reality, so I haven't quite been able to pour myself so directly into Emilia yet. Emilia is a part of myself, she has a lot of backstory similiarities to me, but she's a lot cooler than me. A lot more self-reliant. But I know where I end, and she begins. I don't with Volya.
Well...apart from the fact that she's blue and I'm not, anyway.
general self ship asks!
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wartakes · 1 year
F-35: The Flying Money Furnace
This essay was first posted on March 2nd, 2021, and is the culmination of my long-time hate-affair with the F-35 Lightning II "Joint Strike Fighter."
The sad thing is I don't necessarily think the F-35 itself was a bad idea as an aircraft, but that the program and the system that birthed it and nurtured it are so twisted and corrupt and incompetent that turned it into an abomination. But anyway, I'll let you read me say that with more words now.
(Full essay below the cut).
The past two weeks have been an interesting one if you’re either a military aviation enthusiast or an advocate for not spending Olympic swimming pools worth of liquified money on imperialist military adventures – or in my case: both. And it all revolves around one particular weapons system that has deservedly been a lightning rod for attention when it comes to waste, corruption, incompetence, and all manner of other sins in the Military Industrial Complex (MIC): The F-35.
What is the F-35, for those of you who are not already familiar? The F-35 Lightning II was the winner of the military’s Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) program in the early 2000s, designed and intended to replace a whole host of combat aircraft across the Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps. An advanced, 5th generation multi-role fighter aircraft, the F-35’s advanced avionics, stealthy profile, and a number of other features claimed by its proponents were supposed to make it the backbone of U.S. military aviation for most of the 21st century – destined to be make up the majority of the military’s fleet of fixed-wing combat aircraft. It was to be capable of doing anything and everything that the military would need and doing it better than anything else.
So, what have the results been in practice, after twenty-something years of development?
If someone were trying to be diplomatic about it, they’d probably say “less than satisfactory.”
How would I put it though? As someone who has followed the development and (attempted) fielding of the F-35 since I was a kid, I think the results of the F-35 program are emblematic of everything currently wrong with the United States – both as a whole, and more specifically in the military and the broader national security establishment. What the MIC has produced is an aircraft that is the personification of the United States: a declining empire stumbling through late-stage capitalism gripped by crisis after crisis. How else can you describe things when the world’s richest and most powerful (supposedly) country has been running the most expensive weapons development program in human history for twenty plus years and yet it can’t even produce a working plane?
Trouble in “Paradise” (AKA Lockheed Martin Corporation of Bethesda, MD)
The inciting incident that started the current discussion and debate about the F-35 came on February 17th in the form of an article from the defense news website Breaking Defense (several other publications picked up the story in the following days). In the article, U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff General Charles “CQ” Brown was quoted by Breaking Defense saying that the Air Force was launching a new study with CAPE on the future composition of the service’s fleet of tactical aircraft.
For those of you who don’t have a cipher handy for the Pentagon’s alphabet soup, CAPE is Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation – essentially an independent think tank within the Office of the Secretary of Defense whose job is to look at procurement and acquisitions, ask questions about cost effectiveness, and if necessary to develop alternatives to service plans for new weapons systems and force structure (something that in my opinion they should be doing far more often and far more robustly, but I digress). When you have your grubby little fingers in a big juicy defense contract, and CAPE starts asking questions, you should start getting worried.
And in this case, its anyone who is involved with the F-35 who should be worried. This is based on several key statements Breaking Defense quoted Brown on from a conversation he had with the Defense Writers Group on the 17th. In particular, Brown stated (on the topic of the study):
“This will help inform the decisions that I think I need to make internal to the Air Force, and what I would recommend that force mix might be,” Brown told the Defense Writers Group late this afternoon. “Now, I will also tell you I don’t think that everybody’s going to exactly agree with what I say. But I want to actually have a starting point as a point of departure, a point of dialogue.”
Brown didn’t stop there:
The study will include a “clean sheet design” for a new “four-and-a-half-gen or fifth-gen-minus” fighter to replace the F-16, Brown elaborated. Rather than simply buy new F-16s, he said, “I want to be able to build something new and different, that’s not the F 16 — that has some of those capabilities, but gets there faster and uses some of our digital approach.”
That’s the paragraph in particular that says it all about the F-35, without actually saying the name of the F-35 – in fact, the original article itself only mentions the F-35 once, in the context that the General still believes that the service will need some fifth-generation fighters like it. But despite the fact that both Brown and the article take pains not to make this discussion about the F-35, don’t be mistaken; this is all about that particular grift of an aircraft. This was driven home further on February 25th, when the Air Force informed Breaking Defense that not only is their future tactical aircraft fleet under review, but so are those of the Navy and Marine Corps – who are also receiving F-35s to replace the vast majority of their fighter fleets. A memo obtained by Breaking Defense also noted that Undersecretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks had specifically ordered CAPE to review the F-35 – in addition to several other major acquisitions efforts.
Now, I’m not the first one to write about this (Forbes already published a piece by David Axe that basically came to the same conclusions as I have, as has Charles Pierce over at Esquire). But seeing as I probably have a slightly different take on all this even if I overall agree with them, I’m going to go ahead and take a stab my own, rambling analysis.
The most important thing to note here is that as the F-35 was intended to whole-sale replace the F-16 – a line that the DoD has stuck to until now – and suddenly the professional head of the Air Force is talking about something else replacing the majority of those aircraft, it suggests that the military’s confidence in the F-35 overcoming its prolonged “teething issues” has finally begun to wane to levels that probably has Lockheed Martin – the manufacturer  of the F-35 and the F-16 that it is replacing – starting to sweat. It has already been waging a battle – both directly and through various proxies – to prevent the Air Force from buying 144 new F-15EX multirole fighters to replace aging 70s and 80s variants of that fighter (which was supposed to have been replaced by the now curtailed F-22), seeing it as a threat to their current monopoly on building new fighter aircraft for the military.
These new statements by Brown have clearly already dumped some gasoline on the fire beneath Lockheed Martin’s feet. Since the story broke, Brown has had to walk back his statements slightly, asserting that the F-35 is still the Air Force’s “cornerstone fighter” and is not a “failure.” The fact that he came under any sort of pressure to do so, however, should tell you that the level of confidence those involved in that program have is currently very low and likely fragile (as should the fact Lockheed Martin is scrambling for good news on the F-35 in other areas).
Failures of the Flying Money Furnace
“So, what’s the deal with the F-35?”  You ask in your best Jerry Seinfeld impersonation, canned sitcom laughter echoing all around you.
In a nutshell: the “deal” is the fact that after over twenty years of development and over a trillion dollars spent – making it the most expensive weapons development program in human history – the F-35 is still suffering from numerous technical issues and shortcomings – with new ones being discovered consistently. Yes, despite twenty years and $1.727 trillion dollars, the F-35 has still not actually entered full-rate production – something it was scheduled to do in 2020, and has since been delayed indefinitely, with the plane remaining in low-rate initial production instead. This has left the F-35 – despite the fact that 563 of the aircraft have already been produced as of September 2020 – remaining little more than a “massively expensive prototype”, as the Project on Government Oversight (POGO)’s research puts it. This is reinforced by the fact that despite setting modest mission-capable rates for the aircraft, the F-35 failed to reach that rate by the prescribed deadline of September 2020 (the Marine Corp’s F-35B actually saw its mission capable rate drop. Ouch. Nice job, leathernecks).
POGO’s research on the F-35 program shows that the primary reason for the delays have been the persistent technical flaws and issues that have plagued the F-35 throughout its development – with the most serious having been discovered only after the initial production aircraft have arrived at units for operational testing. According to the latest annual report on the F-35 from DoD’s Director, Operational Test & Evaluation (DOT&E) published in October 2020, the F-35 has 871 unresolved deficiencies – a decline of only 2 from 2019. Of these deficiencies, ten are classified as Category 1, the most serious classification of flaw, meaning that they could cause severe illness, injury, or death – as well as major damage to or the loss of the weapons system in question, with a negative impact on combat readiness.
The report (not surprisingly) does not go into any real detail on the nature of the F-35’s flaws, but it does point to significant stability issues with the aircraft’s software, with the solving of one bug by developers creating more bugs in the process at a rate faster than they can keep up with. This is not the only way in which software is a liability for the F-35. Its heavy dependence upon computerized systems and networks means it is essentially a flying vector for cyber-attacks – as is its ground-based support system (which we’ll get to in a moment, along with its other flaws). If you think the problems are only with software though, don’t speak too soon: POGO points out that the F-35 has suffered from numerous mechanical breakdowns over the years too – the key driver behind that abysmal mission-capable rate that we touched upon earlier.
Even as the rate of breakdowns has declined, the F-35 suffers from being a notoriously hard plane to repair, with even experienced ground-crews reportedly taking twice as long as should be necessary to repair the aircraft when its broken. This then translates into incredibly high costs as well. When the F-35 can fly, it apparently costs $44,000 per hour to keep it in the air – over twice as much compared to that A-10s and F-16s that it is supposed to replace in the Air Force. When POGO extrapolated that out over the expected 8,000 flying hour lifespan of each F-35, it came out to $352 million to operate one jet, effectively making it nothing more than a flying money furnace (and conveniently, a great title for this essay).
Then there are the problems with the plane that aren’t with the plane itself but are with the entire infrastructure needed to support it. Despite having 14 years in change to prepare, contractors have been unable to complete the simulators and ranges necessary for further testing and training – part of the reason why the aircraft has remained in low-rate production. The F-35’s Autonomic Logistics Information System (ALIS) has also been notorious for its failings – which included forcing maintainers to work excessive hours just to create workarounds to avoid the system creating false deficiencies and ordering incorrect parts. The Pentagon finally admitted in 2020 that the system was beyond salvaging and now plan to spend $550 million over the next five years to build a replacement system for it. Oh, and by the way, that replacement system (which is called “ODIN”; try not to roll your eyes)? DOT&E is already saying that DoD’s expectations and deadlines for the replacement are unrealistic, calling it “high risk” in its F-35 report. Its already reportedly running into some issues out of the gate, cutting corners and creating potential problems later on down the line.
I usually try not to get sucked into “time is a flat circle” despair, but I can certainly see why some people do when I start to do a deep dive on the F-35.
Finally, even when you look past the design deficiencies and flaws that have emerged after the F-35 has entered production and operational testing, there’s the fact that the F-35s superiority is dependent upon a quality that the United States can no long take for granted: stealth. When the F-35 began development, the United States was still the only country in the world with stealth aircraft, which it had used to bomb Iraq with impunity during the 1991 Gulf War. The F-35 was to utilize the stealth developments of past aircraft like the F-22 fighter, B-2 bomber, and F-117 strike aircraft to allow it to get the drop on any and all adversaries.
The problem there is, in the twenty years it has taken to develop the F-35 and put it into production, stealth isn’t what it used to be. Russia and China – and even U.S. ally Germany – have claimed to have developed new and advanced radar systems that may be able to detect stealth aircraft like the F-35 and F-22. Even certain kinds of existing radars may also have an ability to detect stealth aircraft as well by utilizing technology and techniques from as far back as the 1950s. These systems have all obviously generated some scrutiny, and I’d remiss if I didn’t say we should take any claims from Russia and China that they can defeat the stealth capabilities of U.S. aircraft with a grain of salt. But even if these radars are only partly effective, those marginal abilities be used as part of a suite of systems that could counter stealth aircraft. Its easy to forget Serbia was able to down an F-117 stealth fighter during Operation Allied Force in 1999 – they actually hit another too, in a less well-known story – though that one didn’t crash).
Now all this doesn’t mean stealth is completely useless or obsolete.  But assuming stealth will always be assured is a risky move to make, especially when you’ve gambled big on it being the chief advantage of your primary airframe – like with a certain 5th-gen fighter we’ve been discussing. So, what is the F-35 like when you take away that advantage?
Well, for one, the F-35 doesn’t carry a lot of munitions – at least if you want to maintain that stealth profile to begin with. If you do want to maintain stealth, you need to carry all your ordinance internally. This not only cuts down the amount of ordinance you can carry but limits you to only one kind of air-to-air missile – the AIM-120 AMRAM and one kind of bomb – the JDAM  (as of 2019 Lockheed Martin appears to have found a way to increase the number of missiles the F-35 can hold from four to six, probably feeling the heat from competitors or curtailed construction). It’s also slower than the aircraft its most likely to go up against, like the Russian MiG-29 and Su-27 families of aircraft – even when it’s not restricted from supersonic flight to avoid damaging itself in the process. Hell, it’s even slower of the F-15s, F-16s, and F/A-18s that its slated to either replace or supplant in U.S. service.
On top of those points, the F-35 is also far less maneuverable than 4th generation fighters, easily outfought by aircraft from both the United States and abroad. Some proponents of the F-35 have argued that this doesn’t matter, as the age of the “dogfight” is dead. The problem with their comeback is, their argument – by their own admission in some cases – hinges upon the F-35s stealth capability, assuming that most of its kills would be undetected and beyond the sight of its enemy. This brings us back to our original question “well, ok, but what if you don’t have stealth?” This presumption that the F-35’s stealth advantage will go unchallenged now or in the future, further lends credence to the fact it is a double-edged sword: its main advantage, but also potentially its downfall in combat.
All these factors (and more that I could go deeper into if this wasn’t already shaping up to be the longest essay that I’ve written so far) add up to tell you one thing: when you take away the stealth advantages, the F-35 is pretty much just a middling fighter jet with a lot of expensive computers in it. Those expensive computers may offer some key advantages, but don’t offer enough on their own to justify the price tag. With its overdependence on stealth – an advantage the United States will not have a monopoly on forever – the F-35 is the perfect fighter for an imperial power that has convinced itself it has a God-given right to military superiority.
Why Should We Care?
I could go on about the technical and conceptual failures of the F-35 for hours. Literally. I could. I have before (ask my poor friends who have been subjected to shit like this in our DMs and hours-long voice calls). I had to throttle myself back on how much I bombarded you all with from the DOT&E report and POGO’s analysis of it and other F-35 data, out of the fear I may scare even more of you off (if you’re still reading this essay this far in, bravo to you). If you want to really geek out about this like I do, I suggest you go back and read both of those documents (I’ll link them both here in case you missed them before) to soak up all the other failings of the DoD and Lockheed Martin that I wasn’t able to describe here lest this turn into a full-on book that even less people will read than already are.
But again, I digress. I’ve thrown a lot of boring NatSec nerd shit at you about aircraft and procurement and testing and etc. So, what you may be wondering is “KD, why should we care about this?”
I feel like some of the answer to that is already implicit in everything that’s occurred, but it’s still a fair question and I’ll break down my own personal feelings – which is that resources wasted on this program and the attempts to casually shrug it off after spending insane amounts of money on it that could have been put to countless other better uses, enrages me to my core both as a national security professional and as a leftist. I’m going to try and break down why it gets to me in both those facets, separate from one another – though there is arguably some crossover.
As a leftist, it should be pretty obvious why this gets to me – or anyone really. We’ve entering year two of life under lockdown due to COVID-19, where the amount of financial support from the government has been absolutely pitiful in scale, with our leaders dithering over providing people with what are essentially band-aids to put on financial sucking chest wounds (by the way, on that topic: where’s my fucking $2000 Joe? Not $1400, $2000), let alone a minimum wage increase. Additionally, government response to the myriad of other natural disasters over the past year has also been laughable, the most recent example being Texas’ response to a blizzard that resulted in multiple deaths – that response consisting more of blaming the Green New Deal (which is still just a proposal and isn’t even a law yet) while casually ignoring their own lack of investment in protecting their infrastructure and their insistence on having their power grid be isolated from others in order to avoid Federal oversight.
The message we get from all of this, is that the government can’t afford to spend money on health care, unemployment, raising the minimum wage, natural disaster recovery, improving infrastructure and utilities, or any of those things that maybe a modern country should have in the 21st century. But what it can do, is spend north of a trillion dollars over twenty years or so on a shitty fighter jet that doesn’t even fucking work. They can’t spend the money to – at bare minimum – prevent people from dying in their own homes during a severe weather event, but they can continue to throw money at the failed jet in a desperate attempt to make it work. Then, as it to kick additional dirt in our face, they can casually suggest that maybe the $1 trillion jet was a bad idea and we should try building something else, without a hint of remorse or guilt, as they wring their hands over a single $1400 check that they somehow expect will be enough for people suffering throughout this trash fire of a year to live on until the pandemic is over (whenever the hell that may be).
If you’re not a leftist already, I don’t see how this would do some serious leg work in pushing you further there. The money spent on the F-35 compared to just about anything else we need in this country truly reinforces a feeling that at best, our leaders our simply oblivious to the plight of the most vulnerable and the repercussions of the ongoing crises, and at worse they are fully aware and just don’t give a shit about people’s suffering as long as they remain in power and they – and their rich friends – get what they want to get out of it. Even before I became a leftist, I thought the F-35 was a wasteful boondoggle that made me sigh and shake my head. Now it makes me spew out several thousand angry words about it in text form because I have to do something in order to keep the rage from completely consuming me.
So, that’s my rant about the F-35 as a leftist. Pretty standard. But what about as a national security professional? From that angle, the F-35 angers me because it just points to the utter breakdown of the defense establishment since the end of the Cold War – and in particular since the start of the War on Terror after 9/11. If any of you who have read some of my other pieces by now, you know that despite my politics, I am under no illusions that we’d still very much need a military under a leftist political system. War, as I have said and will continue to say, is not going anywhere. Despite what tankies on twitter may try to tell you, countries like China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia are not your friends and do not have good intentions. There are plenty of other legitimately bad actors out there too who have ill-intent. We shouldn’t seek out fights, but we should be prepared to defend ourselves and others from aggression. Likewise, while I don’t think we should be spending the astronomical amounts of money we currently pay into defense, I do think that we’ll need to spend some money on it and will need new capabilities in the future.
But what the F-35 debacle shows me is, is that the MIC has gone fully rampant under the current system. The fact that the F-35 hasn’t been able to work out its problems, wasting two decades and nearly $2 trillion in money that could have gone to any number of more worthy causes or more practical weapons systems, does not bode well. Especially when you remember that the F-35 is only the latest in a long line of failed, major procurement programs to replace Cold War-era hardware – such as the Crusader artillery system, the Comanche scout helicopter, the Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle, Future Combat Systems, and many, many, many more (which maybe I’ll do a separate piece on some day; or two, or three). The defense establishment’s ability to actually produce a working, effective product, for a price that isn’t outrageous, has dropped off drastically since the end of the Cold War.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not wearing rose colored glasses. Procurement and acquisitions in the military has always been flawed and corrupt. But during the Cold War  we were still at least able to produce some working products that fulfilled their purpose to a satisfactory end. The Army managed to get its “Big Five” systems into production in the 1980s – the M1 Abrams tank, M2 Bradley IFV, AH-64 Apache attack helicopter, UH-60 Black Hawk utility helicopter, and the Patriot missile system – and now those aging systems and others like them continue to form the backbone of the military, as countless attempts to replace them have failed – not before wasting billions of dollars of public money that could be paying for people to stay home right now, of course.
Why are things like this? It’s not a simple answer, and beyond answering concisely in one article. A lot of reasons combined, is as simple as I can put it. Incompetence and mismanagement within the DoD itself to start. Then add in a healthy mix of greed, corruption, and feelings of impunity on the part of both the defense contractors and their allies within DoD. This is all mostly baseless speculation on my part, admittedly – but it doesn’t take a genius to look at how these programs work and know there’s shady shit going on behind the scenes. Really, this is all shocking to me, as I have constantly been told that capitalism breeds innovation, so I can’t believe that the F-35 has turned out the way it has in the hyper capitalist state of affairs that we’ve grown to live in today (in case you can’t tell, rest assured, that is sarcasm).
Turbulence Ahead
Is this the end of the F-35? Probably not. Enough of them have been built at this point that we’ll be cursed with them for a good long while. But even if DoD curtails or cancels the rest of its production, the issues that produced it in the first place remain, and we may already be getting a preview of what our next big fuck-up might be as we circle back to the statements of good ol’ General Charlie Brown that kicked off this extended rant-fest.
If you remember from way towards the start of this article, General Brown said he might want a “clean sheet” replacement to the F-16. That line made my eyes just about roll back into my head and let out an existential scream, because it shows that the DoD has either learned nothing or learned just enough to realize they made a huge mistake but not enough to not repeat it. All I know is, if I were General Brown, I wouldn’t be so eager to launch into a new multi-year, multi-billion clean-sheet aircraft procurement program if I’d just candidly admitted that the one I was mired in was a complete and total shitshow that wasn’t getting the job done. If you didn’t want to just buy a new F-16 – and hey, critical support to not buying anything from Lockheed Martin – you could find another jet that’s probably just as good if not better. Why does it have to be clean sheet? Why is good ol’ Charlie Brown once again ready for Lucy to pull the football away again right as he’s about to kick it?
Here’s where I rapidly jump back between one of the two wolves inside me – the Nat Sec analyst – the other one – the leftist: the obvious answer seems to be that you need to keep the defense companies fat and happy. Sure, you could just buy some existing, upgraded fighter aircraft – like the Air Force has already done with the F-15EX. But if the F-35 debacle has proven one thing, its that having a long, drawn out, big ticket weapons development project like the F-35 gives you a lot more opportunities to drain the taxpayer for every cent even if it turns out to be a failure – maybe even especially if it turns out to be a failure. God forbid any of that money to building a road or a working power grid.
Maybe I’m giving the defense companies too much credit when it comes to supervillain plots, but it’s hard not to be cynical and jaded at this point. Especially when we could have done things so much differently.
The United States was the only great power in the world to decide it was going all in on 5th generation stealth fighters as the backbone of its military air forces at the dawn of the 21st century. Practically every other major military power in the world – including Russia, China, and a lot of U.S. allies and partners – decided it would be a lot safer bet to wait and see when it came to 5th generation fighters, and they were right. Many of them decided to simply upgrade their 4th generation fighters or build advanced new ones, waiting for us to work out all the kinks and make all the missteps – much like me watching my brother go through multiple early generation iPods as a kid before I finally bought a later model one that still works to this day. Even the countries that participated in the global effort to build the F-35 or buy it probably got a better deal out of it than if they’d tried to build their own. After all, the United States was the one expelling the lion’s share of the blood, tears, sweat, and treasure in the project. Even if those participating were getting a subpar fighter, they at least were getting it having paid far less – and were learning from U.S. mistakes. Now, as the United States buys the F-15EX and consider an alternative to replace the F-16, it arrives twenty-something years late at the obvious conclusion that a bunch of its friends and most likely adversaries have long already figured out.
At any rate, who knows what this CAPE report will end up leading to. Maybe it’ll go nowhere, ending up as a big nothing sandwich. Whatever happens, it doesn’t change the fact that the F-35 is a fundamentally flawed and wasteful project that lays the worst qualities of the MIC and of our country as a whole. It is indicative of behavior that is not only harmful to this country’s national security, but more importantly, is harmful to its people and their needs. The F-35 is indicative of America’s dying imperial power. The system that leads to corporate grifts like the F-35 program need to be ended and replaced. Otherwise, much like a faulty F-35, this country will quite simply crash and burn in a horrific and disastrous fashion.
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By Dr. Kelly A. Spring | 2017; Updated December 2021 by Mariana Brandman, NWHM Predoctoral Fellow in Women’s History, 2020-2022
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Poet, dancer, singer, activist, and scholar Maya Angelou was a world-famous author. She was best known for her unique and pioneering autobiographical writing style.
On April 4, 1928, Marguerite Ann Johnson, known to the world as Maya Angelou, was born in St. Louis, Missouri. Due to her parents’ tumultuous marriage and subsequent divorce, Angelou went to live with her paternal grandmother in Stamps, Arkansas at an early age. Her older brother, Bailey, gave Angelou her nickname “Maya.”
Returning to her mother’s care briefly at the age of seven, Angelou was raped by her mother’s boyfriend. He was later jailed and then killed when released from jail. Believing that her confession of the trauma had a hand in the man’s death, Angelou became mute for six years. During her mutism and into her teens, she again lived with her grandmother in Arkansas.
Angelou’s interest in the written word and the English language was evident from an early age. Throughout her childhood, she wrote essays, poetry, and kept a journal. When she returned to Arkansas, she took an interest in poetry and memorized works by Shakespeare and Poe.
Prior to the start of World War II, Angelou moved back in with her mother, who at this time was living in Oakland, California. She attended George Washington High School and took dance and drama courses at the California Labor School.
When war broke out, Angelou applied to join the Women’s Army Corps. However, her application was rejected because of her involvement in the California Labor School, which was said to have Communist ties. Determined to gain employment, despite being only 15 years old, she decided to apply for the position of a streetcar conductor. Many men had left their jobs to join the services, enabling women to fill them. However, Angelou was barred from applying at first because of her race. But she was undeterred. Every day for three weeks, she requested a job application, but was denied. Finally, the company relented and handed her an application. Because she was under the legal working age, she wrote that she was 19. She was accepted for the position and became the first African American woman to work as a streetcar conductor in San Francisco. Angelou was employed for a semester but then decided to return to school. She graduated from Mission High School in the summer of 1944 and soon after gave birth to her only child, Clyde Bailey (Guy) Johnson.
After graduation, Angelou undertook a series of odd jobs to support herself and her son. In 1949, she married Tosh Angelos, an electrician in the US Navy. She adopted a form of his surname and kept it throughout her life, though the marriage ended in divorce in 1952.
Angelou was also noted for her talents as a singer and dancer, particularly in the calypso and cabaret styles. In the 1950s, she performed professionally in the US, Europe, and northern Africa, and sold albums of her recordings.
In 1950, African American writers in New York City formed the Harlem Writers Guild to nurture and support the publication of Black authors. Angelou joined the Guild in 1959. She also became active in the Civil Rights Movement and served as the northern coordinator of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, a prominent African American advocacy organization
In 1969, Angelou published I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, an autobiography of her early life. Her tale of personal strength amid childhood trauma and racism resonated with readers and was nominated for the National Book Award. Many schools sought to ban the book for its frank depiction of sexual abuse, but it is credited with helping other abuse survivors tell their stories. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings has been translated into numerous languages and has sold over a million copies worldwide. Angelou eventually published six more autobiographies, culminating in 2013’s Mom & Me & Mom.  
She wrote numerous poetry volumes, such as the Pulitzer Prize-nominated Just Give me a Drink of Water 'fore I Diiie (1971), as well as several essay collections. She also recorded spoken albums of her poetry, including “On the Pulse of the Morning,” for which she won a Grammy for Best Spoken Word Album. The poem was originally written for and delivered at President Bill Clinton’s inauguration in 1993. She also won a Grammy in 1995, and again in 2002, for her spoken albums of poetry.
Angelou carried out a wide variety of activities on stage and screen as a writer, actor, director, and producer. In 1972, she became the first African American woman to have her screen play turned into a film with the production of Georgia, Georgia. Angelou earned a Tony nomination in 1973 for her supporting role in Jerome Kitty’s play Look Away, and portrayed Kunta Kinte’s grandmother in the television miniseries Roots in 1977.
She was recognized by many organizations both nationally and internationally for her contributions to literature. In 1981, Wake Forest University offered Angelou the Reynolds Professorship of American Studies. President Clinton awarded Angelou the National Medal of Arts in 2000. In 2012, she was a member of the inaugural class inducted into the Wake Forest University Writers Hall of Fame. The following year, she received the National Book Foundation’s Literarian Award for outstanding service to the American literary community. Angelou also gave many commencement speeches and was awarded more than 30 honorary degrees in her lifetime.
Angelou died on May 28, 2014. Several memorials were held in her honor, including ones at Wake Forest University and Glide Memorial Church in San Francisco. To honor her legacy, the US Postal Service issued a stamp with her likeness on it in 2015. (The US Postal Service mistakenly included a quote on the stamp that has long been associated with Angelou but was actually first written by Joan Walsh Anglund.) 
In 2010, President Barack Obama awarded Angelou the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the country’s highest civilian honor. It was a fitting recognition for Angelou’s remarkable and inspiring career in the arts.
This woman was a woman of rape, abuse , and even a victim of racism. She stayed writing in her life as life went on and she did not ask other people to suffer either was well she was a woman of many gift. A big wake up for womens rights and also a good reflection on what is wrong with today's society. People use religion, marriage, laws and even age to determine what is and isn't rape and that is the sick culture all women have to endure. It is never a woman's fault. It happened to me recently and now I am diving back into my music arts. Even research as well . Getting different domains for different topics as well while putting my story out there . It is scary to put it out there because there are so many different things that make writing scary/
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bighermie · 2 years
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