#Naughty Shoes And Boots
nvuy · 6 months
hijacked — boothill
summary. a mission to retrieve some files from a banquet hall goes wayward south when a galaxy ranger shows up to ruin your night—and score some bonus kisses while he’s at it.
notes. save me space cowboy… save me… remembered his entire body is robotic except his head. the possibilities to hack it and take over……….. ngh
HEY YOU!! there’s a sequel now.
warnings. little bit of threatening, mind control/hacking/hijacking? you take over his body for like a few minutes? is that a warning?
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“Hey, pretty thing.”
Target locked. Your scanners had already tracked him before you could even realise he was speaking to you.
You swiftly hid away the USB drive in your purse.
Did he know?
It seemed his own eye enhancements—although a lot less subtle than yours—were scanning you down as well. How transactional. You’d hoped the walls you’d put up were enough to keep whatever technology he had at bay. Or at least, not trigger any alarms.
“You looked lonely. Was g’nna buy you a drink. Help you loosen up a bit.” He swished his own drink in your face for good measure. The coupe glass in his hands looked odd. He didn’t seem like a cocktail man. Not at all.
He looked like a whiskey man. Hard whiskey. With ice. In a tumbler with ribbed glass. You could picture it.
He just looked so out of place at the banquet.
He wasn’t even following the dress code. He was wearing boots, and a pair of old pants with zips along the calves. A hat with a white feather woven into the fabric rested on a head of long white hair with splashes of black around his face.
“No thanks,” you said with a wave. You tried to discreetly scan down his body, searching for any sort of hint of how you could get into his system.
His pants and what little material of his jacket hid most of the metal of his body. Internally, you cursed at it. He had no clear openings in his neck or arms. His head seemed entirely organic.
No weak spots.
“N’aww. Shame.”
The front door felt a lot further away now. Even more so, knowing he was most definitely here for you. He hadn’t even introduced himself yet. You had a feeling he knew he didn’t need to.
“Was g’nna ask ya to dance.”
You laughed awkwardly. “I can’t dance in these shoes.”
“Take ‘em off. Who cares?” he bantered playfully. “I’ll watch out for ‘em if they’re expensive.”
“They’re priceless,” you quipped back. “All of me is.”
“Good. You know your worth.”
You were actually worth about fifteen million, as according to your wanted status by the IPC. You weren’t sure if this man was a part of them, though members of the IPC were always very adamant on letting you know that, yes, they did work at the IPC. It was usually the first thing that came out of their mouths.
Questioning if they actually worked at the IPC opened another entire can of worms.
You didn’t feel the need to ask. Not in that moment, at least.
“And what’s yours?” you asked him with a bat of your lashes.
He winked. “Guess.”
You smiled and scanned him down again. “Depends. I’d have to see what you’re made of.”
“Naughty.” He leaned back against the wall with you. “You sure you don’t want that drink? It’s a cosmopolitan.”
Very sure. You were convinced that he’d just taken the drink from one of the server’s trays. You couldn’t imagine he’d walked up to the bar and requested it for himself.
“You strike me as a whiskey man,” you eased. It came past your lips like butter.
He flashed his teeth in warning.
Then, he sipped his drink. “You’re good. Anything else you can read with your fancy eyes?”
You stopped short.
He did know. It wasn’t a surprise, not at all. He wasn’t entirely human. He must have been equipped with similar technology to realise just how advanced yours was.
You realised then with a shaky breath that you had the same vision enhancements as he did. An even match, unable to read through to each other.
He must have had so much more, too. You only had so many enhancements, whereas he was made almost entirely of metal. The thought of amount of different codings and technology he had crammed into every wire of his body gave you a headache.
Bad idea. You shouldn’t have provoked him. You needed to retreat. You needed to get home, preferably safely, with the USB stored nice and snug in your purse.
You tried not to let your nervousness show, but by the way he was staring at you, you knew he could read your face.
“That’s it, then. You’ve figured out my party trick.” You got up from the wall. “Thank you for the offer. The drink, I mean.” You cleared your throat. “I’ll be going now.”
“I’m not scaring you off, am I?” He got up off the wall too.
He hadn’t taken his eyes off of you.
“Not at all.” When you turned to face him, he was smiling so wide his eyes had crinkled. “Have a good night.”
“At least let me walk you out,” he insisted. He also offered to hold your purse, to which you quickly declined. That only made him smile impossibly wider. “What sort of man am I to not see a pretty thing like you get home safe?”
You headed towards the hallway, knowing he was right behind you.
The banquet was still in full swing, barely even close to ending. Most of the cast were drunk or getting there. Heels had been discarded, some missing their pair, skewed all over the dancefloor like glitter.
The golden chandelier in the main room was yet to be pulled from the ceiling. You were surprised nobody had tried to swing from it yet.
You dodged chattering groups and couples in the hallway—one of them had decided to put on a full display while right next to an unoccupied bedroom, right there in the centre of the hall.
Another one was gagging dangerously close to your feet.
You shouldered past them. “Stop following me, Ranger.”
“Don’t make this more difficult than it needs to be.” You felt his hair brush over your shoulder.
You knew he had a weapon. He wouldn’t have come to threaten you without one.
Before you could reach the door handle, he grabbed your wrist, pulled you backwards, and into the unoccupied guest room that the couple hadn’t bothered to take.
He shut the door with a loud slam, though not before hearing someone whistle out in the corridor.
Your head snapped towards him. He was leaning on the door, his arms crossed, looking almost unbothered.
“We can play this game all day, pumpkin. I got time.” He waved you off with a grin. “Give me the files. I’m askin’ nicely. I won’t force ya to hand ‘em over. Yet.”
You gritted your teeth.
You were so fucking close. So close to getting out of here, and then he had to come—this walking hunk of metal and scrap—and ruin everything.
Nothing ever went your fucking way anyway. You shouldn’t have been shocked something like this would happen.
You held your purse tightly in your hands. All of this was pointless. The dress, the heels, the hair, the nails, the makeup. All of it.
You just hoped by some miracle that he hadn’t found your locator beacon yet. You’d hidden it well; within the bushes outside away from anyone’s line of sight, but he wasn’t just anyone. He could see things a lot of people couldn’t.
“C’mon. You know you wanna…” He smiled sweetly for good measure. It looked like a threat. When he leaned to the side, the golden barrel of a gun flashed beneath his belt.
You could try to make a backup. Right then. You had what you needed in your watch. He’d probably stop you before it was complete.
Or what? What else could you do?
Your locator beacon wasn’t responding, though it hadn’t been broken. Most likely deactivated temporarily. You bounced on your heels.
You then formed the worst idea of your life.
With shaky hands, you walked towards him slowly. You reached into your purse, feeling for the cold plastic of the black USB he wanted to get his grubby hands on.
“Knew you’d come ‘round.” He held out his hand expectantly.
You fished the USB from your bag.
Then, before you could place it into his palm, you tripped and almost broke your nose on his torso. Your hands splayed desperately onto his chest to keep your face from shattering on impact.
He was quick to grab your arms to steady you with a surprised grunt.
There was a whirring sound, and then the sound of something mechanical and wrong. Foreign. Not from his body, but from yours.
The spaces beneath his joints lit up abright yellow for a moment before his hands loosened from your arms.
You grinned. Gotcha.
When you pulled back, he witnessed you pull a strange light from beneath his skin before you held it along your fingers.
When he blinked, you had an entire copy of his body in the palm of your hand. A hologram formed of his entire artificial makeup. Every crevice of his body, all of the metal that weaved to make him who he was.
All of it in your hand, with puppet strings attached.
It was missing just his head.
He froze. And then, he rushed out a simple, “what did you do?”
You tapped on his holographic arm on the screen. “Hijacked.”
When you moved it, his arm twitched to life.
Against his will, he pulled the gun from his holster and dropped it to the floor. It clattered uselessly onto the carpet.
He could only simply stare as his body moved against his will. There was no way to even twitch a finger with all his might.
It was like you had shut down all of his systems and replaced them with your own.
He should’ve seen this coming.
You whistled as you studied the model of him in your hands. When you tapped onto his neck, it zoomed in to show every single wire and thread of metal, as well as an accompanying string of coding.
“I don’t need any special enhancements to read you. What sort of cyborg comes in alone to try and stop me? You know who I am, don’t you?”
He wasn’t able to move his body. He said not a word.
“Somebody clearly doesn’t understand their body.” You patted his chest. His fans had kicked in. You could hear them whirring.
He was glaring at you.
“Did the IPC send you?”
After a moment, he scoffed. “Hardly. I don’t work for those… people.” It seemed like he wanted to say something else, but decided against it.
“Huh.” You didn’t think he was lying. “So… you’re not concerned about my bounty?”
“You said yourself you were priceless,” he countered easily. Despite his position, he was still grinning. “And besides, I’m sure my bounty is heaps bigger than yours.”
You almost snapped. He’d come to gloat, even at a disadvantage.
“You look better with your mouth shut,” you spat. You shoved the lining of code in his face for him to see, making the holographic blue screen as large as you possibly could. “I could make you tear yourself apart. I could make you forget who you are. I could alter whatever sort of brain you have in there. Watch yourself.”
Still glaring, but this time his lips sealed almost instantly.
You made him stand ram rod straight as you turned around, now eyeing a golden vanity next to the bed. The bedroom was surprisingly clean, save for a few empty glasses strewn about. No stains, no messes.
You sat down in the chair and angled the mirror so you could keep your eye on him.
You breathed out, trying not to stare at him for too long. You could feel your irritation growing, and it was showing on your face. If you stared at him for any longer, you feared you’d pull his limbs off with your own bare hands.
You fished out the powder from your purse and leaned closer to the mirror.
Maybe if you looked better, you’d feel better.
“You’re seriously dollin’ yourself up right now?” he asked, briskly annoyed.
You dabbed the sponge beneath your eyes. “Can’t let anyone think I let you put your hands on me. I have standards.”
He had nice hair. You weren’t sure if it was real, though. You weren’t sure if he could even grow hair. He was almost entirely artificial, save for his head.
He didn’t seem to age—his face, at least. You weren’t sure how old he was supposed to be, but his organic skin still looked fresh, as if left untouched and well taken care of.
Maybe it’s because that was all he had left of him.
You snapped the powder shut.
The ranger sneered. “Yeah, yeah. I’d beat you in a fight anyway.”
“‘Course you would,” you answered easily. You pulled a stick of gloss from your bag. You swiped the lipgloss over your lips, fixing it with the tip of your nail. “That’s not what I’m talking about, though.”
You stood from the chair, placing the gloss back in your purse.
“You’d never hit me, would you?”
His face almost lit up with fury.
It was absolutely hilarious.
“You’re so lucky I can't move,” he threatened. “You wouldn’t recognise your pretty face in the mirror.”
“Such a gentleman.” You stood on the tips of your toes to press your lips to his cheek. You hoped the sticky gloss bothered him, knowing he would be unable to wipe it off of him. You hoped it stained his milky skin a nice glittery bubblegum pink.
You hoped the scent of your perfume lingered on his skin, and he never forgot your name.
“Of course, gorgeous.” That same mocking tone. “Anything for you.”
You held the USB up to his lips. “Open.”
Begrudgingly, he did so.
You slipped the stick past his lips until his teeth caught onto the plastic and held it still.
“You can have it. I already got what I needed anyway.”
You kissed his other cheek for good measure, lingering for a moment before you pulled away. Two pink glittering stains on his face now; perfectly symmetrical.
“I’ll be thinking of you.” And that you would. You winked at him. “Bye, Boothill.”
Then, with sudden grid lines of yellow forming over your figure, the locator beacon buzzed to life, and you disappeared.
In the blink of an eye, you were outside in the cold night air. There were few people out in the front garden of the building, and none had spotted you.
You picked up the gadget and quickly left. A copy of his body and the USB were now a collection in your own personal belongings.
As soon as you vanished, Boothill regained control of his limbs and fell to the floor, trembling with the after effects of your invasion. His teeth were gritted as he pulled himself up onto the guest bed.
He spat the USB out before he could bite down and damage it.
He held it between his thumb and index finger.
There was a smear of your lipgloss on the side of the USB stick.
Mission accomplished, he supposed.
He also had two matching lipgloss stains on his skin as a trophy. He could see how stupid he looked in the vanity mirror.
He snickered with clenched, shaking fists.
You smelled like strawberry.
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selenezq · 4 months
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I've written some sapphic smut inspired by art drawn here by @az-roser I hope you'll enjoy 💖
Edited by the talented @the-demon-of-a-thousand-eyes
Lute x Reader
Reader is AFAB
CW: degradation, sapphic smut, porn no plot, boot licking, pussy worship
Step On Me Mommy
Lute brings her weapon up threateningly, the steel of her blade glinting in the soft moonlight that cascades into the room. Her wings fan out magnificently behind her, framing her heavenly curves perfectly. You can't help but admire her beauty, even as she attempts to frighten you. 
"On your knees, you filthy sinner." Lute grinds out harshly through clenched teeth, her spear still raised and pointed at the soft skin of your throat. Without hesitation, you fall to your knees before her, hitting the ground with a soft thud. You feel the pain of the impact briefly, but it dulls when you look up at the beautiful angel before you. For her, you would do anything, take anything she was willing to give you. 
"As you wish, madam exorcist." You reply demurely, putting your hands behind your back as you sit on your knees, the perfect picture of supplication. You gaze up at her with a lovesick expression, your eyes blown wide in love and lust. 
"Pathetic." Lute begins with a sneer. Her words are harsh, but you don't miss the hint of affection that flickers across her lovely face before being masked.  
Placing her heeled boot on your chest, she gives you a commanding shove. You topple, falling on your back. Before you even have time to register how stunning she looks from this new vantage point, you feel the heavy weight of her pointed heel digging into your chest. Lute presses it into you firmly as she bends down to bring her face closer to yours. "Consider yourself lucky you get to have this privilege at all." She remarks condescendingly, and you shudder. 
You feel the pressure of her heavy boot lift, and you take in a deep breath, arousal flooding your panties. She brings her shoes right to your face, one on each side of your head. "You're a degenerate demon; you don't even deserve this. Lick my boot, and be grateful." Lute commands you, her steely gaze trained on your face as she looks down at you. 
"Y-yes, yes ma'am." You manage to eagerly stammer before turning your head to face her covered foot. Your tongue shoots out, drool falling from the side of your lips. Feeling the cold leather material against your hot oral muscle sends a thrill through you. You know that your underwear shouldn't be so soaked from this act, but they are anyway. Moving in greedy swipes, your tongue laps at any and every part of the boot’s surface it can reach. 
"Thank you; thank you for this opportunity." You pant submissively in-between kisses placed on her shoe. Your mouth moves to suck on the point of her heel, getting it nice and clean. You can feel arousal causing an aching at the apex of your thighs even though you know you shouldn't be this turned on by the task occupying your mouth. 
While you are distracted with your task, Lute takes a moment to admire your form. You are exceedingly beautiful—especially considering you're just a sinner, Lute mentally notes, and you certainly seem to be able to take an order exceptionally well. "That's enough for now. I think I'd like to have some fun with you." She muses, stepping away from you for a moment. She gracefully reaches her hands under her skirt, pulling her undergarments down without removing it from around her waist. 
Your eyes widen as you watch her pull the lacy fabric down past her over-the-knee boots before stepping out of the fabric agilely. With a swift kick, the flimsy garment is sent sliding to the side. Her heels clack, and she walks back over to you. She resumes her position with one foot on either side of your head before she squats down, her uncovered cunt inches from your face. "You know what you're doing, being a naughty sinner in Hell, I presume." Lute says in a correct generalization. 
"Yes, I–" Your words are cut off as she sits on your face, her glistening, intimate flesh covering your lips. You excitedly begin to lick at her, tasting the sweet juices that make their way into your mouth. The taste is divine. You struggle to think of a time that you’ve had anything anywhere near as magnificent before as you move your tongue up her slit, then back and forth, dancing tantalizingly around her clit. When you hit a specific spot on her sensitive bud, Lute grinds harshly into your mouth with a breathy moan. 
As you continue your skilled ministrations, your tongue increases in speed with every delightful noise of bliss that falls from the angel’s mouth. From your vantage point below her, you can see every time her face contorts in enjoyment. Her wings twitch wildly with every jolt your skilled tongue brings her. Moaning against her mouth, you send the most pleasant vibrations right to her stimulated clit. You continue your worship at her intimately divine altar, greedily licking and sucking to milk her cunt of every bit of her essence. 
You bring your hand up, pushing a single digit into her dripping hole gently. You give a few warm up pumps in and out of her tight cavern, feeling her clench around your finger with need. Lute's wings shudder and twitch as she throws her head back in ecstasy. Adding a second digit to her tight warmth, you move faster, your fingers and tongue in tandem. 
Lute grinds, pushing her pelvis against you with every cry of pleasure. "That's it, hellspawn, don't stop now." She commands authoritatively. She can feel her orgasm barreling quickly towards her under your skilled mouth and hand. Her perfect breasts heave with every labored breath she takes, and she knows she won't last long. With a loud cry, she cums on your tongue, thighs shaking as she comes undone. Her wings spread to their full reach, quivering as she rocks herself against your face through her orgasm. 
You admire her beauty as she stays hovering over you, catching her breath. You know you've never seen anyone as stunning when they come undone before. Lute doesn't pause for long though, before she's lifting herself up off of you, reaching for her spear once more. You're not sure what she means to do, but if this is the end, you don't mind dying by her hand. 
She brings the weapon down, harshly cutting the fabric of your blouse. With a rip, her skilled hands pull it open, revealing your breasts to her. You feel the cool night air hit them, and your nipples harden instantly. She takes one of your peaks into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it before moving to the other one with an obscene pop. You don't suppress the moan that leaves your mouth as she sucks and plays with your sensitive nipples. Her blade clatters to the ground, forgotten, as she uses both hands to explore your body. 
Pulling her mouth away, she smirks at you saying, "I think I would like to taste more of your tantalizing body; I've never had a sinner like this before." She tells you, not really asking for permission. 
"I'd like that too." You squeak as she trails her hand down from your breast, across your stomach, to dip into the wetness gathered between your folds. You gasp in pleasure as her fingers slide up and down your slit with just barely-there strokes. She smirks down at you, clearly pleased at the soft sounds of pleasure you are making for her. Her fingers glide teasingly, hardly ghosting over where you want them most. 
"If there is something you'd like, you better beg for it, demon." She orders you. To emphasize her point, she starts to pull away her hand. 
Panicking, you beg desperately, "No, please don't stop, Lute. I need more; I need you to touch my clit, please." 
"That wasn't so hard now was it?" She asks you, her tone full of praise. She brings her hand back to you, fingers smearing your wetness around your clit in circles with the perfect amount of pressure. 
"No, no it wasn't. I'll do anything you want; just please, please don't stop." You beg, your voice coming out in a needy whine. The sound of you panting your pleas mixes with the wet squelching of her hand as she touches your dripping cunt reverberates around the room. 
Despite your desperate cries, Lute pulls her hands away. Before you can protest, she brings the fingers covered in your juices to her mouth and gives them a sensual slurp, cleaning them. Your pupils dilate in arousal, focused on her every move. "Delicious." She murmurs almost as if she didn't mean to. 
Bringing her head closer to you, she kisses her way down your body, traveling from your breasts, down your stomach, all the way to your needy pussy. "I think I want to taste it right from the source." She tells you before bringing her mouth quickly to your throbbing clit. 
You throw your head back in a loud groan of ecstasy as her tongue works your sensitive bud. She eats you out like a woman starved, sending pleasurable tingles throughout your body. Just when you start to wonder if this is enough, she pulls back and spits on your folds, using it as lube to shove a finger inside of you. She pumps it in and out of you lazily, smirking before bringing her mouth back to lick and suck at you. 
"Ah, ah, ah, Lute, please," You pant out, begging incoherently and the coil within winds itself tighter and tighter in your state of fucked out bliss. Your hands scramble for purchase, clenching as you lay on the floor under the beautiful Exorcist. Your back arches with intense rapture as she slides a second finger into your wet heat. 
She curls and pumps her fingers, setting a relentless pace, and you feel your orgasm barreling towards you at breakneck speed. Feeling how close you are as your cunt flutters around her fingers, Lute keeps the same pace, doing all the right motions with her tongue and hand to bring you closer and closer to completion. You feel yourself approach the edge rapidly, and then fall over as waves of pleasure rock your body. 
You scream out as you cum in her mouth and on her hand, her other is steady on your stomach, keeping you in place as you writhe in sexual euphoria. You pant softly, chest heaving as you feel yourself come slowly back into your body. She pulls her hand away gently with a wet sound, licking the remaining juices like it's the best meal she's ever had.
In an uncharacteristically tender act, she tucks herself next to you, snuggling against you as you both revel in each other's embrace. It feels warm, and oddly right. You look forward to what will happen later as you snuggle in against her and feel lulled into sleep, her breath gentle against your skin.
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horrificshit · 4 months
Dom!Lou miller x Sub!Reader
Warning(s): Smut, dumbification, strap on?, daddy kink, age gap
A/N: I decided to write this in a first person point-of-view. Why? Don’t ask me.
Words: 1.8k
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The sound of my phone going off. Curiosity peaks, I pick up my phone, revealing who messaged me:
Incoming message from Lou💕:
Lou💕: “Hey baby, I’m out doing some errands, can you be dressed by the time I’m home?”
Oh? Why does she want me dressed? Maybe we’re going somewhere fancy? Surely not.. Surprisingly, going to places which require dressing up for are a rare occurrence.
I shoot a text back, giving a response to Lou’s message.
You: “Okay! Should I dress fancy?”
Lou💕: “Yes, you’ll see why once I’m home 😉”
I get up from my once cave-like spot in the king size bed, giving up the warmth of the bedsheets. The room is quite cold due to the crispness of the winter weather in late January.
Speed walking to the closet, I sift through a number of dresses; all of different colors, lengths, patterns, and materials.
a long sleeve dress was obviously the ethical choice given the weather, but a short, skintight dress seemed more ethical in my opinion. Who cares about being cold when id feel like the sexiest girl in the room?
My eyes land on a white satin dress. I don’t think I’ve ever worn this one. Where did I get it again? Maybe from high school prom.
Bleh. Prom. I always hated prom. And evidently, I only went that one time. Brian Richards, the boy I went with, he ended up being a huge duche.
I slip on the dress, and— oh my god. I could literally fuck myself. The dress, it hugs all my curves in all the right places. My collar bones stick out and I find that extremely sexy, and hopefully Lou will think the same.
Grab a pair of white heels. Not to tall, not too short.
My jewelry is dainty. a gold necklace with a small heart. So small in-fact, you can hardly see it. Large gold pearl earrings accompany the necklace.
I trot over to my vanity, gathering a few products: primer, concealer, blush, highlighter, mascara, and lipgloss. Simple, yet bold.
My hair lies in a simple half-up-half-down with, of course, a white bow in the back.
And, just as I get finished, I hear that familiar ding of my phone, notifying me that Lou must be here for me. I check my phone, and to my expectation, I see an incoming message from the older woman.
Incoming message from Lou💕:
Lou💕: “I’m here. Take your time, the reservation isn’t until 6:30.”
Smiling, I put my phone down and take a look in the mirror. Hopefully she likes it as much as I do.
I grab my small brown purse and take yet another look in the mirror, giving one last check before going out the door to greet my girlfriend.
Overall outfit:
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I walk toward Lou’s sports car, the cold nipping me in the butt. Literally and figuratively. I sort of regret wearing a sleeveless dress, but whatever, I look amazing.
Lou unlocks the car door, and I enter the vehicle. She looks like she’d seen a ghost from how she was looking at me. Did I look that good?
Her eyes rake up my entire body, stopping at my lips. I smile, flattered and proud of myself that I indeed, do look that good.
“Where are we going?” I inquire, still having not been told why I had to get all dolled up. “Somewhere fancy.” Chuckles Lou, already having naughty thoughts.
She takes the initiative to reach her hand over and grasp onto my thigh. I squeak, not being prepared for her to touch me, but relax a few seconds later.
Some time goes by and I decide to take in what Lou herself is wearing:
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She wears a black turtleneck top, a black leather jacket atop. Black skinny jeans, the type that hug her curves, or in reality, her ass, in the most perfect way.
In correlation with the rest of her outfit, she wears black heeled boots. And of course, in typical Lou fashion, her plethora of necklaces lay on top of her chest.
The car stops, and the older woman squeezes my thigh, silently letting me know she’s going to let go, and that we’ve arrived at the final destination.
“We’re here,” Lou says with a smirk. I look up and see a restaurant with a name I cannot even pronounce. At least without stuttering that is. The restaurant looked exclusive; like we weren’t allowed in. But, according to my girlfriend, we are.
We both get out of the car, and I immediately am reminded of how cold it is outside. Lou takes notice of my shivering, and ushers me inside of the restaurant.
The girl in the front greets Lou and I. “Hello, welcome to Novitá, do you have a reservation?”
Lou grabs her phone, pulling up a digital receipt. I didn’t even know that was a thing, but the world changes everyday, I suppose.
“Here,” Lou shows the girl the receipt, looking back at me with a smile.
“If it doesn’t work, my reservation should be under the name Lou Miller.”
She types in her name and smiles back, grabbing two menus. “This way,” we’re leaded to our table, which Lou previously reserved days before.
We both order our drinks, champagne for myself, whilst Lou opts for an ‘old fashioned’, or in other words, whiskey, sugar, and water.
She obviously has a stronger tolerance to alcohol than I do, because I could never handle the extreme burn of whiskey going down my throat. Other things maybe, but definitely not that.
The drinks arrive, and the girl from before, who, upon reading her name tag, appears to be Arabella.
She takes our orders, and apologizes for any delays, the restaurant appears to be quite busy. I look around and take note of the ‘noble looking’ people surrounding the table we’re sat at. We don’t look nearly as rich as them.
“Y/N? What do you want to order?” I’m snapped out of my trance by Lou and brought back into reality. I look at her, and back down at the menu that rests in my hands. ‘Gnocchi di Patate’. That sounds delicious. But wait, $34.99?? How is she getting all of this money?
I open my mouth after some time and tell the waitress what I want. She writes it down, and tells us it may be a while, and to enjoy our drinks.
“So,” Lou starts. She rubs her foot up my leg, making me squirm slightly at the feeling. “I thought you deserved a treat for being such a good girl.”
I look into her eyes. Completely blown out. I can’t help but the small smirk on my face, knowing all to well how this will end: with me bent over,screaming her name, her hand muffling the noise.
“Are you not gonna say anything? Daddy paid a lot of money for this, I think I deserve to at least hear your voice.” I look down, not being able to carry out the eye contact. She continues to rub my leg underneath the table. Good thing there’s a satin mat, covering the whole length of the table, down to the floor.
“I-“ words weren’t an option at this point. My mind is far too small at the moment to even comprehend anything else but the husky voice of the older woman across from me.
“What? Cats got your tongue?,” She starts, staring at me like she’s the predator and I’m her delicious little prey.
“,or are you just too dumb to use your words?” Continues Lou, sending me into a serene headspace. My mind is completely blank, besides the vision of the woman across from me.
We finish up with our food, no words being exchanged between Lou and I. Just her speaking to me. Telling me that she thinks I’m beautiful, though some ways more appropriate than others.
The check arrives and she pulls out her platinum card, swiping it. I can’t help but feel bad that she spent that much on me, between the cost of my drink, and the food.
“You ready?” She inquired.
I appear to be shy, but in reality, I’m extremely horny. She’s been teasing me all night, and I just know that there’s more in store. If not at home, she’s likely to get impatient and do her business in the car.
Buckling into the car seat, she revs up the engine. I look up at her, smiling innocently with my signature doe eyes. Unlike my own, her eyes are completely blown out. She’s more that ready to pounce when given the chance. Pounce being her having her way with me; not that I’d have a problem with that.
Lou’s hand once again finds its spot on my thigh, where it remains for the duration of the car ride, occasionally feeling a squeeze every now and then.
“I really don’t like how quiet you’re being,” Lou confronts, the once silent car ride no longer.
“What’s wrong?”
I just can’t get any words out. Even if I were to try, the only thing that’ll come out is a string of whimpers and sounds. Words just aren’t an option at this moment.
Then, the whirring of the car’s engine stops, Her key taken out of the fob. Lou turns to me, hands still on my body.
“Baby. Did I do something? Daddy would feel terrible if she hurt her baby.” Her hands wander up my legs, stopping at the end of my dress.
Soft hands caress my calf, smiling as she knows what she’s doing.
“Lou.. not in the car…” I say in an extremely small voice, the headspace Lou has created for me completely taking over my mind.
“Fine,” she opens the car door, walking to my side, opening the door for me. “Inside. I want you on the bed, stripped.” The older woman said in her husky voice.
Once we made it up to her apartment, she unlocked the door, and I made a b-line to the bedroom.
Taking one last look in the mirror, I slip off my dress and take off my shoes, revealing a matching white lingerie set:
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Climbing on top of Lou’s bed, I wait patiently for her return.
“I guess you are a good girl then,” Lou says, the door slowly creeping open. “, and I see you’re wearing my present.”
Lou bought me this set a while back to celebrate her and Debbie’s successful heist. I’ve never been a huge fan of her job, but she enjoys it, so I can’t see a problem with that.
Slow steps, excruciatingly slow, inch their way toward me. “Nothing to say, huh?” Now crawling on top of me, I can’t help but let out a small whine.
Lou chuckles at my pathetic sound, enjoying the power she has against me and my body.
“You know,” The older woman starts, huskily. “I wish I could get you to tell me what’s up.”I want to speak; say something, anything, but I know the only thing that would come out is my silent pleas, and a string of cries.
She scoffs at my silence. My eyes are burning from the tears that threaten to fall, my mind and body so sexually frustrated. “I suppose we’re going to have to do this the hard way.”
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sw2-serials · 3 months
Kailee and Me
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Kailee Robinson was a ‘Video Vixen’ in the Naughties (2000-09) who you may have seen in Firm Hand and Real Spanking videos – and someone I sort of relate to.  So, for fun and for background on some future stories, I thought I’d compile a comparison of the two of us.
(okay, disclaimer: I’ve never met Kailee and don’t know if that’s her real name, probably not.  I’m comparing myself, mostly in late high school and early college, to pictures I’ve seen of her in spanking videos.)
(also, no, no pics of me)
If you’ve never seen Kailee in action, I've provided the gif (above).
Right off you notice her ‘dark’ look – black shirt, blackened hair, black necklace (mine would be a choker)… in stark contrast to the ‘sweet’ girl she’s spanking!
As far as some details:
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Black eyeliner, top and bottom – sometimes smudged.  Red streaks in my hair (not shown, but she has them sometimes).  I think I have that exact belt and a top very like the red one.  My wardrobe was black red, and black-and-white check, sort of ‘Hot Topic before it went mainstream’.  Big clunky shoes and boots.  In contrast, I don’t have any tattoos and, in high school anyway, never had a sore bottom!
Also, I favored Goth/ punk/ rocker accessories (which the actress may have in real life):
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Not all at once, though!  Choke chains, handcuff jewelry – and lots of collars…
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The ONE thing, though, that Kailee has in every video and makes her most like me is the surly teenaged pout that I wore constantly throughout my last two years of high school:
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Even when it was NOT smart to be wearing it!  (love the choker in the bottom pics!)
One in a great while I might get rid of it and pretend to be listening politely, but inside my head, believe me, the scowl was firmly in place:
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Like Kailee, I kept this attitude even when it was very clear that I should not!
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In her defense, she ‘stuck to her guns’ and kept it right up to the last minute!
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I might not have been able to keep it that long if things had ever gotten this serious:
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In fact, my whole high school career might have turned out differently if this had happened once in a while!
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In fact, things got really serious for Kailee on a pretty regular basis!
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I have to imagine (and can only imagine) that if this…
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had a tendency to turn into that…
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Leaving me smudging my make up from time to time…
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And here’s something I know would have worked, because we ‘tried’ it quite  few times in college and I did much, much better!
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Maybe I should count myself lucky, though – I was never spanked on my hands (ouch!)
Also, I never wore a school uniform – my ‘schoolgirl skirt’ had skulls down the sides!
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And I was never spanked with my feet up (blush!) or in front of a friend (double blush!)
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And I never got to spank someone else, either!
(I like to think that I would have done a good job!)
(Of course, as time went on a lot of those things changed, eventually.)
So, it probably took me longer to get rid of my surly expression (and accompanying bad attitude) than it took Kailee…
Another difference is that I’ve never appeared in a video and never will…
And there are NO nude photos of me on-line (and, God willing, never will be…)
While of course there are plenty of Kailee.  No, I’m not going to post them here!!!  Use Google!
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konigsblog · 11 months
mean konig.
rubbing against his shoe.
thats all.
mean könig brrrfgfrgrgggrg :(
his leather belt wrapped around your neck, with his large hand tugging on it. his fly unzipped, so, so tempting... but, his pretty liebling is too busy rubbing her cunny all over his boots, getting off to the sight of him being all unbothered while you're hot and sticky.
your thighs caked in your slick and sweet cum, oozing from your cunt while you huff and sniffle, whining for him to stop tugging on the belt because your neck hurts!! you're practically asking to be choked... könig leans forward, his elbows on his knees and his large, calloused hand tightly gripping your throat. painful and aching :(
oh, you poor thing! you're probably feeling so raw and sensitive because of his cruelness... but just who was giving him attitude -- being a naughty, little shit?? just keep that mouth quiet and rub your pussy against him while he humilates you for being used as a play toy... :3
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Please vote based on the picture AND the description!
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Ahleri [Strahliana @egglygreg]
Ahleri is a nineteen year old woman from a farm in a remote mountain village in Strahna. The family primarily breed large woolly animals for shearing. She grew up helping both her parents with various chores, and is skilled at working with animals, shearing, fixing things, cooking, embroidery, and various other textile work. She can also play the fiddle. She loves animals and the outdoors, is very fond of exploring and dislikes being cooped up inside for too long, though sometimes she can get caught up in her textile work and not notice, and loves to tell or listen to a well spun yarn (spoken storytelling, not a fan of reading herself). Generally very friendly and laid back, Ahleri can be quite ferocious when pressed. She is prone to jumping into danger to help others without considering the consequences. She was taught from a young age how to take care of herself and is independent natured, and can sometimes be stubborn and dismissive of others attempts to help or offer advice. She struggles with asking for help when she feels she should know how to do something herself already, and is often sarcastic and mocking in a good-natured friendly way. However, some of the things she says while thinking she's harmlessly teasing can be quite hurtful to others. She is often accompanied by Nimble, a little scruffy golden brushtail possum-like creature she saved as a baby who is curious and naughty by nature (many people think Ahleri got the scar over her mouth in a heroic battle. It was Nimble.)
Aithus [Thistled Rose of Glishirn @masterfuldoodler]
Is trying to step into the shoes of the chosen one protagonist but the story is trying to change his mind. He's just a sad guy who needs to sit down and cry. He cares way too much and it's hurting him. Strong sense of justice and WILL sass the authorities by glowering and walking across their carpet with muddy boots.
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misseviehyde · 1 year
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Bryan sometimes wondered if he should have told his daughter Sarah about his plan to help her with her bullying problem - but by now it was far too late.
It wasn't like there was much of Bryan left anyway. Beckie had seen to that.
It had all started a few weeks ago when Sarah had come home in tears again. She told her Dad that she was being emotionally manipulated and abused by a brat in her class, Beckie.
Beckie wasn't like the other girls. She was... better. She had bigger tits, blonder hair, more expensive clothes and makeup. In short she was a total bully - and like all bullies she enjoyed having a victim to humiliate.
That victim was Sarah. Beckie had correctly identified that the pink haired goth girl would be an easy target. She undermined Sarah at every chance and mocked her for being different.
At first the other girls around them seemed uncomfortable, but none of them said or did anything. Some of them had been friends with Sarah for a long time - but their silence was deafening.
That didn't last long. Beckie had a strange influence on others. Gradually at first, but increasingly rapidly they began to change. They began to dress like Beckie, talk like Beckie - even starting to join in her bullying.
It was like some evil hive mind had taken control of the girls and made them think and act just like Beckie.
They began to get boob jobs and wear tight skirts and tiny tops. They dumped their boyfriends and began to fuck black guys only. High heels and boots replaced comfortable trainers and shoes. Attitudes became troublesome, arrogance grew and bit by bit they became empty souless brats who loved to tease and lead on all the boys
All except Sarah who was left isolated and tormented. Beckie and her goons were now everywhere and Sarah didn't even want to go to college anymore.
That's why Bryan decided to have it out with Beckie. This couldn't go on.
He didn't tell Sarah his plan - not that it was much of a plan. Just go and confront Beckie, get her to leave his daughter alone.
He drove over to the luxurious condo where Beckie and her rich divorced Mom (four husbands) lived. There was a pink Landrover parked on the drive and a giant swimming pool at the back.
Banging on the door Bryan was relieved when Beckie opened it. She was wearing a tiny LA Boutine bikini set and her long blonde hair fell wantonly over her shoulders. It was hard to read her expression thanks to the mirror shades she wore.
"What the fuck do you want?" she yawned boredly examining a long bejewelled manicured nail.
"I want you to leave my daughter Sarah alone!" grunted Bryan in what he hoped was an intimidated way.
Beckie's whole demeanour changed as she realised who he was. Her lips twitched into a naughty smile and her blue eyes twinkled excitedly as she tore off her shades. It wasn't the reaction he had expected.
"Nooooo fucking way! This is so cool. Get in here."
Giggling excitedly, Beckie yanked Bryan into the house. Sliding her small sexy hand into his she lead him inside and he dazedly followed.
A pink fog seemed to instantly descend around Bryan. Rational decisions and thoughts became sluggish and hard. A dreamlike quality now surrounded the day and Bryan found himself going along with his daughters bully.
"What did you say your name was? Bailey?"
"No, Bryan," he croaked weakly.
"I prefer Bailey. Beckie and Bailey sounds a lot hotter right Bailey?"
Bailey blinked. He didn't know why but it made a lot of sense. Yes, Bailey was a much better name.
"So Bailey, does Sarah know you're here?"
"No, I didn't tell anyone."
"Fuck yeah, this is perfect. None of those bitches have quite got what it takes to be my bestie. I was wondering which of them to fully transform, but now you just walked out of the blue and gave me the perfect answer. If no one knows you came here, they'll never find you once we're done."
Bailey blinked. He didn't know what the fuck Beckie was talking about.
"What the hell are you talking a..."
"First rule Bailey. You NEVER interrupt me when I'm talking and you never question me. Whatever I say you go along with, right? That's what besties like you are for! I'm the hot one and you're my sexy little shadow. You don't have any opinions of your own, you just copy mine."
Bailey blinked and his mouth clamped shut. Besties? What the fuck was this demented bitch talking about? Still he should probably do as she said. She probably knew best. In fact Beckie seemed really cool and hot. He bet her opinions were much better than his.
"Second rule is we always dress to impress. I need to get out of this bikini and we need to get you in some decent clothes. Come upstairs with me now."
Bailey followed Beckie up to her bedroom. The pink fog was stronger now. It was like the longer he was in her presence, the easier it was to go along with what she wanted.
"You're obviously not as strong minded as your daughter anyway. The influence doesn't seem to work very well on her. Not that I care so long as it affects everyone else. I'm the best right?"
Bailey just nodded stupidly and said, "Yes Beckie."
"Well you seem very susceptible which is pretty hot. Seeing as you're going to be my bestie I'll tell you about it. I don't know how or why but I was born with a power. I call it the influence. It let's me change reality and people around me. I always get the things that I want eventually. People just change to match my expectations. Those losers at college are all well on the way to being popular girls like me, but it can take time. When I really want something though the influence gets more powerful."
Bailey nodded along, "Wow, that sounds hot Beckie."
"It is hot. It's so fucking hot. It makes me feel like a God. Right now Bailey I've never wanted anything so much as to turn you from that losers nice kind Daddy into my evil, bitchy bestie. Just look at how fast the influence is working. Look down."
Bailey looked down. Whilst he had been talking to Beckie he hadn't noticed how tingly his body had been. He gasped. His male clothes now hung loose and baggy over his body which had shrunk to nearly half the size. He was an inch shorter than Beckie now and his arms and legs seemed stick thin. His tummy was as flat as a washboard and all his body hair was gone.
"Take off those stupid fucking clothes - you look dumb. We need to get you into a new outfit right now.
Bailey didn't object as Beckie helped him out of his clothes. He noticed his skin looked younger. His hands were now more delicate and his feet were tiny. His whole body felt like a dolls. He looked down and gawped at his crotch. His dick was... it was gone!
"What are you staring at Bailey? Haven't you ever seen a pussy before. Kind of weird seeing as you're a girl."
Bailey frowned and she shook her head - but it was hopeless to fight the influence. Of course she was a girl. She had always been a girl.
Grabbing Bailey's hand Beckie pulled her into her bathroom and shoved her in front of the mirror. Bailey gasped at the vision in front of her.
A beautiful girl with small but perfect tits, a perky ass and long dark hair was looking back at her.
"Look how pretty you are Bailey. You're worthy to be my bestie. Now let's get you into a bodystocking and fix that makeup."
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Bailey loved feeling Beckie's skillful fingers fix her lipstick, mascara and foundation. "Of course you know how to do all this right?" smirked Beckie. "Show me... you try."
Bailey took the brush from her besties hands and skillfully continued to apply her makeup as if she had done it all her life.
It felt like she was replacing her old personality and thoughts as she applied more makeup. Being feminine felt so good.
"Good girl, you look so hot! Now the third rule is that being a bitch always feels good. From now on you are going to be a bully. Being my bestie means you have to be just as mean and as cruel as I am."
"Yes Beckie, that sounds hot," giggled Bailey as she felt her morals melt away.
"Then say it," gloated Beckie.
"Being a bitch always feels good. I'm cruel and mean and I like it."
As she said the words Bailey felt her nipples get hard and her pussy getting wet.
"And who's the biggest loser we know?" hissed Beckie with evil glee. "Who deserves to get bullied every day?"
"S... Sarah?" guessed Bailey, feeling a flash of guilt that then faded to never return.
"That's right. Doesn't it feel good to know you're better than her? What does she mean to you?"
"N...nothing... she means nothing. I fucking hate her. I want to bully and humiliate her for being such a skank."
Bailey giggled as the words oozed out of her mouth. Yessss this is what she wanted. Wasn't it?
Beckie lifted Bailey back off the bed and walked her to the mirror.
"Very good. Now tell me... who are you?"
"Me? I'm Bailey your bestie and I love being a fucking brat. I hate Sarah and I share all your opinions."
Part of Bailey suddenly rebelled... a bit of her that was shrinking fast. She groaned and gripped her head. "Noooo you can't stop me, this is my body now. I'm Bailey and I love it."
Giggling Beckie slid a long glass dildo into her besties hands. "Don't worry babe, it's just the last part of your old pysche trying to fight back. Make yourself cum and he'll give in forever. My influence is too strong!"
Lying on the bed, Bailey unpopped her lingerie and exposing her tight pussy slowly slid the dildo inside.
"I'm a... unnnnff bitch, I'm a bully I ooooohhh hate Sarah."
Pump. Pump. Pump.
Wet squelches filled the air and the sounds of panting moans as Bailey pleasured her new body and the final barriers to her mind began to break down to Beckie's obscene influence.
"That's it. You're just like me now Bailey. You're a rich, mean, popular slut. You will never escape my influence."
"Yesssss I'm a rich slut and I'm a oooooh fucking bitch. I'm a BIIIIITTTTTCHHHH!"
Bailey screamed and yanked the dildo out as her pussy throbbed and she began to squirt. Her brain went white hot as her new personality and thoughts locked forever.
She was such a bitch and she loved it.
Beckie stroked her hair and giggled. "Don't worry, my influence will give you a new identity. Everyone will falsely remember you've always been my bestie. Well everyone except Sarah. We're going to have so much fun together babe..."
Sarah cried as her Mom tried to comfort her. Bryan had been missing for weeks now and the police couldn't provide any answers. She'd barely slept, barely eaten. No one could find even a trace of him.
Her Mom had taken her out for coffee and they were sat outside in the sunshine when she saw her bullies approaching.
Beckie and Bailey laughed and giggled to each other as they passed, saying something mean. Bailey dropped a note as she passed and despite herself Sarah picked it up.
It was a scrumpled missing note - one of the ones she'd put up everywhere. It showed Bryan and offered a reward for information about his disappearance.
Someone had written in lipstick on the note.
"Your Daddy hates you so he left home. You're a fucking loser."
Sarah felt more tears come as she saw the mean girls laughing at her reaction. In their centre a gloating Beckie smiled approvingly at her protegee Bailey.
She really was a great influence on the bitch...
The End
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moons-dunes · 1 year
Wild Ride
For Kinktober - Prompt: Car Sex
Kinktober Masterlist
18+ Only MDNI
Pairing: Jake Lockley x female reader
Summary: Jake shows you his limo for the first time. Needless to say you’re impressed.
A/N: Pretend I posted this yesterday
WC: ~ 1.8k
This work contains: Car sex obvi (on the hood 👀 and backseat), little bit of a daddy kink, oral (f receiving), vaginal fingering, teensy bit of anal play but no penetration, PiV. Please let me know if I missed anything.
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When Jake said he wanted to show you something, the last place you expected to end up was on the outskirts of the city at what seemed like an abandoned building in the middle of the night.
In the few months since Marc and Steven had introduced you to Jake, you had learned that he was full of surprises. It was impossible to know what he was going to do next.
And you loved it.
“So… what is this place?” You asked curiously as you walked hand in hand with him, approaching a steel garage door.
“Old garage that was used as a mechanics shop. Went out of business years ago,” Jake explained as he grabbed the chain hanging from the door in a firm grip, planting his boots firmly in the dirt. “Helped the owner get out of some trouble awhile ago. Now he lets me use it for storage.”
He yanked the chain with a grunt, hoisting the steel door open and revealing a dark space.
“Storage?” You questioned further. “You know Marc has a storage unit. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind sharing… too much.”
Jake laughed as he wrapped an arm around your waist, leading you into the dark room.
He switched on the lights, making you squint as your eyes adjusted.
Then you saw it.
“Oh… wow,” you looked at the shiny white limousine in front of you, dumbfounded.
“Go ahead, take a look,” Jake coaxed, leaving your side to close the door behind the two of you.
You let out a chuckle when you saw the licence plate.
You walked the length of the vehicle until you reached the front, running your hand along the sleek exterior.
You leaned on the hood as Jake came back around to join you, looking at him with your bottom lip between your teeth.
“Hey pretty lady,” he greeted you again, closing the space between the two of you. “What do you think?”
“It’s beautiful,” you started, cracking a grin. “And we’re alone here. Maybe we can put all this space to good use, hm?”
“Oh?” He smirked back, his hands going to your waist. “Naughty girl.”
You looped your hand around his tie, pressing your lips to his hungrily. He eagerly returned the kiss, pressing your back against the hood as he leaned into you.
Things quickly got more heated; your hands shoving his jacket from his shoulders and letting it fall to the ground, his hands pulling your shirt up and over your head before dropping it to join his jacket.
He picked you up and set you on the hood, placing his hat on your head before pushing your shoulders gently to lay you back against the cool metal.
You kicked your shoes off, letting them fall to the concrete below.
“Wanna make a mess all over daddy’s car, babygirl?” He purred, eyes darkening with lust.
His words immediately set a surge of heat through you.
“Yes,” you blurt out quickly, unable to keep the smile off of your face. “Please, daddy.”
He swiftly unbuttoned your jeans and pulled them down your legs, dropping them to the ground as well. You shivered a bit as the cold air of the garage hit your legs, but you quickly warmed up again as Jake’s fingers started toying with the elastic of your underwear.
“Someone’s excited,” he teased, running a finger along the wet spot on the fabric. “I wanna take all the credit but I think it might be the limo too, huh?”
“Maybe a bit,” you admitted, laughing a little bit through increasingly heavy breaths.
He tugged your underwear off, putting them in the pocket of his jeans. Hooking your ankles over his shoulders, he pulled you down until your ass was nearly hanging off the edge of the hood.
You spasmed a bit when he ran two of his fingers along your dampening slit,
“You can be as loud as you want, no one will bother us here,” he reminded you, then pressed his face between your thighs to lick a fat strip through your folds.
You pressed your head back against the metal beneath you with a surprised moan as his lips latched around your clit, suckling around you.
His hands grabbed your thighs, digging his fingers into your flesh as he buried his face into your cunt. Your hands tangled in his hair, tugging hard and making him groan against you. You were already breathing like you had just run a marathon, feeling yourself getting wetter and wetter as he worked his talented mouth on you.
He looked up at you through his thick lashes, his dark eyes making you melt beneath his gaze.
You let out an embarrassingly loud moan as his mouth moved to your wet hole, diving in and thrusting his tongue in and out of you while his nose bumped against your clit.
You bucked your hips against his face as he messily drank from you, slipping a bit further down the hood of the limo.
You couldn’t stop your little moans and whines from sounding as he lapped and sucked at you with fervour, pressing his face as far into you as possible.
“Jake, baby!” You choked out, clenching your thighs around his head as your hands fell to your sides in clenched fists.
He pulled his face away from your soaking pussy, breathing hard and licking his lips. The blissed out look on his face was intoxicating, your slick making his chin and mouth glisten.
He pushed two of his long thick fingers into you before you could whine about the loss of his mouth, making you cry out in ecstasy.
“There you go,” he teased as he started moving his fingers quickly, still running his tongue along his lips and around his mouth. “Never would have guessed that you were into this, mi amor.”
You would have come up with a response if his fingers weren’t relentlessly hitting that perfect spot in you over and over again.
Your moans got louder and more high pitched as he brought you closer to your climax with just his fingers, your walls spasming around his digits.
Something intense was building inside of you, a burning heat in your lower stomach.
“J-Jake…” you tried to let him know, but the words weren’t forming on your tongue.
His mouth was suddenly on your clit again, tripling the pleasurable sensation within moments.
He pressed his other hand on your lower stomach, and the tension in you snapped. Like a rope pulled too tight finally breaking.
Your eyes rolled back, your vision going fuzzy as you came hard. You could vaguely hear yourself half moaning half screaming through the ringing in your ears.
Your whole world was momentarily wrapped up in how Jake’s fingers were moving in you and how his tongue was circling your clit. Everything else fell away.
“Baby?” His voice broke through the fog after a minute, and you opened your eyes to look down at him. You caught your breath, which felt like an impossible task.
His fingers were out of you again, instead resting in your hip.
“I’m okay,” you assured him before he could ask, propping yourself up on your elbows shakily.
“Yeah I’d say so,” he half laughed, hoisting you up from the hood and helping you steady yourself on your shaking legs with an arm around your waist. “Well, look at that.”
“Oh my god,” your cheeks heated up immediately, and you pressed your face into his shirt.
Your juices were very clearly dripping down the hood of the limo. You had squirted on his nice, clean car.
“You still up for this?” He checked in, and you nodded eagerly. “Let’s get a bit more comfortable though, okay? As hot as that was.”
That made you snort out a laugh.
He walked you over to the back door, opening it helping you in before quickly gathering the pile of discarded clothes from the ground and tossing them on the spacious floor.
Before continuing he stripped himself, tossing his clothes and boots on the floor too. You unclasped your bra and shook it off, leaving both of you fully nude.
He climbed in and shut the door, sitting next to you on the red leather seats as you took in the elegant red interior.
You turned around with your back to him to get situated on your hands and knees, wiggling your ass a bit just to tease.
Jake positioned himself behind you, lining his hard cock up with your dripping hole. He knew you would be sensitive from the intense orgasm you had just minutes prior, so he sunk into you slowly.
You let out a groan as he pushed in, your wetness making it easy for him to glide in smoothly.
Once he was pushed in to the hilt he stopped, hands on your hips to steady you.
“You okay, babygirl?” He asked through his heavy breaths. “Not too sensitive?”
The way he cared for you made your heart swell.
“I’m more than okay,” you assured him, your fingers digging into the red leather. “Please, keep going.”
He started moving his hips, building up speed slowly until he fell into a good rhythm.
He pulled your hips back to meet his thrusts, knocking the breath out of you.
You were squeezing around him so perfectly.
Your little moans and whines spurred him on; he picked up the pace.
His hands moved from your hips to your ass, kneading the flesh and spreading your cheeks apart to watch his cock disappear into you.
“Taking me so well,” he praised through his grunts and groans, making you clench around him. “Wish you could see this.”
You could only whine in response, too wrapped up in your quickly approaching second climax.
Jake spat on your puckered little hole, rubbing his thumb around the tight ring of muscle just the way he knew you loved. You cried out in pure euphoria as he did so, struggling to keep yourself from completely collapsing under him.
“P-please daddy,” you stuttered out, completely lost in how he was taking you apart.
“Go ahead, sweet thing,” he gave you the permission you were looking for, cumming in you with a loud moan and filling you with warmth.
He fucked you through your second orgasm, splattering his cum and yours over the seats.
Sure, he would have to clean it later, but it was worth it.
You were nearly sobbing as you came down from your high, but Jake was right there to hold you through it.
He pulled out of you, sitting up and pulling you into his lap to hold you close.
You looked at the mess you two had made.
“Oh god, baby, your seats,” you were almost embarrassed.
“Don’t worry, mi amor. They’re easy to clean,” he shushed you, rubbing your back. “They’ve been through much worse.”
“Okay,” you sighed contently, resting your forehead on his shoulder.
Then you realized what he said.
“Wait, what?”
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animasola86 · 1 year
The Ghosts on the Table (2/2)
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Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x f!reader
Word count: 10k
Warnings: nsfw! mdni! semi-public sex, rough sex, deep sex. a little bit of choking/fingerplay.
Synopsis: There are ghosts in the Restricted Section of the library. And then there are ghosts aka two horny teenagers living their best lives...
-- can be read on AO3 too --
-- read Part 1 here --
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After The Ghost under the Table (Part 1 and Part 2) - I bring you: The Ghosts on the Table! Both of them! Still using that spicy Disillusionment charm! What are these horny teenagers up to now?
Last warning: There will be smutty smut smut below the cut! Beware!
The Ghosts on the Table - Part 2:
After deciding that a change of venue was indeed the better option (you didn't want to push your luck with the roaming ghosts any further), you managed to get up slowly, not bothering to button your shirt. Your legs still felt utterly useless, but as you leaned against the front end of the table, feeling Sebastian doing the same next to you, you suddenly wondered where you left your shoes.
“Did you find your boots yet?” you asked him quietly and you felt him chuckling beside you.
“No, hasn't crossed my mind to be honest, thanks for the reminder...” he replied and with a subtle change of air, you heard him bending down until he felt around the floor, his fingers brushing against your feet in the process. ���Oh you lost yours too?”
“Yes,” you laughed softly. “Perhaps we should just shed the Disillusionment charm for a moment?”
“The way we look right now? I bet you a thousand galleons that's when the ghosts decide to show up here!” he exclaimed and you saw his smirk even though you couldn't.
He rummaged across the floor a little longer while you rested against the table, slowly regaining your composure, until he let out a quiet cry of victory. “Aha!” In the next moment you felt him right beside your feet as he helped you slip back into your shoes. You quickly bent down to assist him, almost knocking him over in the process. “No, let me,” he chuckled, and you let him.
Then you felt him clambering and jumbling next to you and when he leaned back up, his hands moved up your legs and around your hips until he firmly closed them around your waist, pulling you closer to him. “Have you –”
He silenced your question with a deep kiss, humming against you. “Ready to move on,” he said in-between pushing his tongue into your mouth. Once he released you, leaving you breathless and already wanting more, he grabbed your hand and pulled you along the small corridor leading out of the room.
You made it down a dusty staircase and found yourself in the same storage room where Peeves had caught you and Sebastian two years ago to the dot on your first ever adventure down the Restricted Section together. It was almost a shame you hadn't used this special place earlier. As you remember the Poltergeist's words, you had to stifle a giggle.
“Naughty, naughty, you'll get caughty,” you repeated the words swimming through your mind, trying to imitate Peeves' unnerving voice.
“Let's hope we'll not get caughty,” he replied quietly and with a chuckle of his own. “Might be slightly more embarrassing than last time...”
“I don't care,” you purred and leaned closer to him, your open shirt allowing your breasts to freely push on either side of his arm as you pressed yourself against him, the heat within already reaching its boiling point once more.
His free hand found your lower back. “But I do,” he whispered right into your ear. “This is about not getting caught, remember?”
You exhaled loudly and kissed the top of his shoulder. “Fine...”
You let his invisible form pull you further through the dark room, past cobwebs and tattered bookcases and crates and other suspiciously wrapped furniture pieces. When you came across the first table on your search for a new one, he stopped for a moment, then quickly pulled you along again.
“What's wrong with that desk?” you asked quietly, looking back over your shoulder.
“Have you seen the masks on the wall? Not so keen on staring at those things while I try to have a good time with you,” he commented with a chuckle.
“Oh,” you made and nodded mindlessly, silently agreeing with that notion. Those masks had always crept you out immensely. Yet in your haze you hadn't even noticed them at first.
Sebastian led you further into another, smaller room with less creepy masks and cobwebs, but more books and a desk that looked sturdy enough for whatever he had planned with you. There was also a portrait of a snoring wizard right above it.
“Should we –” you started, pointing at the picture, before you realized your mistake and leaned closer to grab the wooden frame, moving it slightly.
“Leave him,” he said and you felt him grab your wrist. “Let's not disturb his slumber.”
You leaned closer to him, hoping you'd be able to whisper into his ear. “And grunt and moan beneath him instead?”
He laughed softly and squeezed your wrist. “Makes for a good exercise in keeping quiet, don't you think?”
You let out a deep groan in response, but then rubbed his arm soothingly. “The things you make me do...” you whispered with a mock sigh.
“And you love every single one,” he replied and you felt him kiss your ear, as he let go of your wrist to cup your face instead. You gave him a muffled moan in response as he kissed you breathless.
When he eventually leaned back and stepped away from you, you watched with a smirk tugging on the corner of your mouth as various books and other items seemingly floated off the desk as he started to free the space for you. His invisible hands made quick work of it and then found yours again as he felt around until he gently grabbed your sides, his fingers bunching up your skirt to gather it around your waist.
He then quickly and with ease picked you up to sit you down on the desk, your bare skin touching the cold wooden surface causing you to shiver slightly. Your feet dangled off the edge and you swayed them playfully, despite not being able to see them. His hands found your knees and he gently pulled your legs apart to step right between them.
You grabbed around his hips and dug your fingers into the waistband of his trousers, eager to push them off when you realized you wouldn't need to, that convenient flap at the front of his breeches was enough to unleash his arousal as you had demonstrated only moments ago it seemed.
And speaking of – as your fingers moved around to graze over fabric until you found his heated skin, you wondered if he was ready for round two – and somehow you were not surprised that he was indeed already hardening in the careful clutches of your fingers. His sharp inhale however came to your slight surprise.
“So eager,” he teased quietly and you felt him grabbing your hips to pull you a little closer to the edge, his hands hooking around the back of your thighs. You lifted your knees and wrapped your legs around his waist, crossing your feet behind him as you pushed him firmer against your centre.
He halted then, before he sighed deeply. “What's wrong?” you asked, your hands wandering up his chest as you felt him stiffening beneath your touch.
“We should move that painting,” he then whispered and you turned around slightly, looking up at the snoring wizard in his picture frame. Sebastian seemed to stare directly at the unsuspecting old man in the pointy hat. You couldn't help but laugh.
Before you could help, he reached up and carefully removed the picture, and as you watched it float down to the ground, moved by unseen hands, where he turned it around to face the wall, you heard a loud snore erupting from within the painting.
“Better,” you then heard him say and soon after you felt his hands feeling around your shoulders, until he leaned down to kiss you softly. “Much better.”
You hummed against him, your arms snaking around his neck as you pulled him down towards you, deepening the kiss by pushing your tongue past his lips. He kissed you back with fervour, his hands moving up to dig into your hair. In the heat of the moment you felt him push his pelvis flush against your centre and just the gentle touch of his growing arousal against your wetness made you moan softly against his mouth.
He kept kissing you, his tongue circling yours hungrily, as he slid one hand down between your bodies, his fingers eagerly digging deeper until you felt his fingertips right between your folds. “Already wet again?” he murmured into your mouth.
“Still,” you replied and bucked your hips against his hand. “Always when I'm with you...”
“Oh?” he made and chuckled deeply, leaning back slightly, probably trying to look at you, his other hand gently brushing against your hair. “What an honour...”
You scoffed playfully and moved one of your hands down his shirt, lazily unbuttoning it as you went lower. When you were able to slip a hand beneath the fabric, you gingerly pressed your palm against his chest, feeling his heart beating just below.
He seemed to watch you, however he was able to do that despite the cloaking charm, yet you were certain you felt his gaze on you. For a moment all you did was focus on his beating heart, your combined heavy breaths and the slight throbbing of your heat. It was almost a romantic moment and you ruined it quickly by moving your hand lower, until you eagerly closed it around his cock. He gasped in surprise and you chuckled softly.
In response he pushed his fingers deeper into your folds, his fingertips teasing your entrance. Your turn to gasp. “Two people can play this game, love,” he whispered and kept prodding at your wetness.
“Oh really?” you replied quietly and started stroking his length with a firm grip, your thumb teasing his tip as you felt him leaking slightly.
“Yes, really,” he shot back and you felt him slip one finger past your tight entrance. A soft moan escaped you as your walls clenched around his intrusion. He kept moving his digit, teasingly slow, pushing further and further until you felt his knuckles pressing against your folds. More noises slipped from you and you had to bite down on your tongue to not get too vocal. “That's right, keep quiet,” he whispered with a smirk you couldn't see but definitely heard it in his voice.
With a grunt you moved your hand faster, tightly squeezing his length until you coaxed a quiet moan out of his throat. Breathing loudly through his nose he leaned closer, his breath hot on your lips. You inhaled deeply, feeling light-headed for a moment before you moved closer until your mouths collided with a smack. He grabbed the back of your head and deepened the kiss immediately as you both worked on the other with vigour.
Your muffled noises and the wet squelches of your sexes echoed quietly through the small room, the air quickly starting to heat up from your combined movements. He pulled back from your mouth (and out of your centre) with a sigh (and a wet plop), breathing even heavier. You felt your lips (both sets of them) tingling from the sensation. Without breaking the silence, you then felt his hand on yours, gently prying your fingers off his cock as he put it in his own hand, giving himself a few quick strokes, and with the help of your guiding fingers he lined his tip up with your entrance, teasing it against you.
Your hips were stuttering, eager to move against him, but his other hand moved to your waist and held you firmly in place. You leaned back slightly, propped on your other arm, biting your lip as you waited for him to move.
Unable to see him, you could do nothing but wait and that feeling alone drove you almost mad. When he did indeed eventually move against you, it came so suddenly and so fast, that you had to bite the inside of your cheek to not cry out loudly. He pushed in without waiting for you to adjust and luckily you were worked up enough for him to allow such a brash move.
Once he filled you up completely, his girth stretching your walls as they tried to clench around him, his pelvis flush against yours, you could feel his hands moving up your body, gently stroking along your sides until his fingers closed around your breasts, not so gently squeezing them. You stifled more moans as he started rolling your hard nipples between his fingers and you had a really hard time keeping the noises down when he moved his mouth towards your bruised skin, his tongue circling around the pert bud, before he started sucking on it fiercely.
As he did that, he still wasn't moving inside you, still buried deep within, but you didn't need to adjust to his size, you wanted him to move, you needed that friction, you needed him to fuck you open. And so you started rolling your hips against him, forcing him to move. That was when he bit down on your nipple, coaxing a shriek out of you that you quickly muffled with your hand, the sharp pain quickly turning into pleasure as he gently lapped at the sensitive skin.
You arched your head back and exhaled deeply, your chest rising and falling fast against his touches. “Sebastian,” you whimpered quietly. “Please...”
“Please what?” he replied in a low voice that vibrated right through your chest as he spoke against your breast.
You jerked your hips against him once more. “Please... move...” you uttered breathlessly.
He leaned back then, leaving your breasts tingling and slightly aching, his hands grabbing your waist firmly. You were sure he would comply and finally start moving against you, giving you that friction you so desperately needed, but instead you felt him pull back and even further back and then he just slipped out of you. You gasped, unable to hide your disappointment.
“Oh you didn't mean move out?” he whispered teasingly. While you were breathing heavily, you were barely able to feel him push against you once more, only when he drove himself inside of you again, with even more force and vigour, you moaned loudly and felt your entire body being pushed upwards. “Keep quiet,” he commanded in a low whisper, but the sensation of him filling you up like this caused you to see stars dancing behind your eyelids.
You had to bite down on your tongue as he started moving then, with deep and powerful thrusts, each of them pushing you further onto the desk, the entire wooden structure creaking under the motions. You quickly felt too boneless to hold onto him, your arms barely able to hold your own body up, and you were more than grateful when you felt his arm snake around your torso, pulling you closer against him.
Leaning against his chest, your body rocking against him with every slamming of his hips against you, you felt your walls fluttering around his cock, your first orgasm fast approaching. You managed to wrap one arm around his neck as you buried your face in the crook of his neck, your mouth pushed against his skin in an attempt to keep the noises down. His own loud breaths echoed in your ear. You tried to move your head to meet his lips but his rapid movements against you made you miss his mouth every time.
With a low grunt, you grabbed the back of his head and forced him against your mouth, and when you finally met, the kiss was messy and filled with your combined noises. In the midst of it all, you felt your muscles contracting tightly, that tension building with every hard slam of his cock into your tight channel. Feeling light-headed and barely able to hold on any more, you whimpered against his lips until you cried out right into his mouth as pleasure exploded inside you like a well-timed Confringo blast.
You felt your release rush through you and for a moment his hips slowed down, almost gently pushing you through your orgasm as he kissed you softly. Your legs started cramping then as you kept squeezing them around his waist, yet you couldn't care less. All you felt was that mind-numbing bliss.
While you were still floating on your high, your limbs boneless and twitching, he suddenly pulled back, leaving your lips throbbing and swollen, and then he even pulled out of your tight embrace and you felt your walls clenching up slowly as if they couldn't believe it either. “What –” you started, but then he had grabbed your waist and moved you off the desk.
Your legs were shaking badly and you held onto him desperately as you felt them giving way, until you realized you wouldn't need them any more as he turned you around and placed you gently on your stomach. You moved your arms along the desk until your fingers hooked around the edge tightly. He moved behind you as you pressed your cheek against the cold wooden surface.
His hands were on your rear now, gently squeezing your soft flesh, teasing your fluttering folds with his thumbs before he pressed the tip of his hard cock back against your entrance. He took his time now, easing into your clenching cunt slowly, each inch causing you to moan and whimper against the desk. Your legs were twitching violently and if he wouldn't stand right behind you, forcing you to stay put, you'd be a whimpering, boneless mess on the floor by now.
He moved in with deliberate thrusts, rolling his hips gently against you, pushing in deeper and deeper, deeper than before, and once he was all the way in, you could feel your folds pushing against the hot skin of his balls. You felt so extremely full, for a moment you couldn't even breathe properly. Your hands clawed at the table in an attempt to control the shuddering of your body, but you quickly gave up and into the sensations pulsing through you in unpredictable patterns.
When he folded his body over your back and leaned towards you, you inhaled deeply, gasping softly when you felt his lips on the shell of your ear. All you could feel was the pressure of his cock deep inside you, pressing as deep as he could possibly go, perhaps even deeper, you weren't sure at this point. You whimpered quietly as he kissed your ear and moved down to your neck, one of his arms snaking around your stomach until he pushed a hand firmly against it.
Before you could wonder what he was doing, he grabbed one of your wrists and pulled your hand down, then pressed it against your stomach as well. You inhaled sharply as he pushed your palm hard against your skin. “Can you feel it?” he then whispered, the low vibrations of his voice causing you to shiver.
He pushed your hand firmer against your stomach and you tried to feel something, but you couldn't be sure what it was. “That's my cock, all the way inside you, pressing against your cervix,” he said quietly and his words coaxed another gasp out of you. To underline them you felt him push slightly against you and with a deep shudder of your body, you could indeed feel him move within you – through the touch of your palm against your stomach. What a weird sensation.
“I've read about this in that Muggle magazine,” he told you with a soft chuckle and you could only moan, your head too empty to comprehend whatever he learned. “Fascinating, isn't it?”
You would have found his eagerness for knowledge adorable and you could certainly appreciate his urge to learn more about your body and what he could do with his to make you feel all these different things, but right at this moment all you felt was his throbbing length buried inside you, not moving at all. And you needed him to move so badly.
When you forced a nod and issued a low “Mmmhmm”, he kissed your cheek, nuzzling his nose against your skin. “Do you want me to move now?” he then asked and you would have screamed at him if you'd be able to. His soft little laugh only frustrated you more, but then his hands went back to your hips and he gripped them tightly as he leaned back up.
Without another word or warning he then proceeded to move his hips back slowly, only to push back in with a force you hadn't expected. Each thrust moved you further up the desk and you had to grab the edge of the table tightly as more and more moans shook your body. Squeezing your eyes shut, feeling the tremors of his plunges rush through your every nerve and muscle, you quickly lost yourself in his movements, the friction so deliciously perfect you could already feel that sweet tension coiling up inside you once more.
A strange cacophony of sounds filled the small room, from the slamming of skin against skin, heavy breaths and moans and whimpers, to wet squelches and the soft creaking of the table, it all added to the quiet snoring of the wizard in his painting, who was luckily too deep in slumber to notice the horny teenagers behind him.
Somehow you both seemed to have forgotten about your attempts to keep quiet, relying now only on the Disillusionment charm hiding you from potential intruders. It didn't seem to matter anyway, you were so deep beneath the Restricted Section, far away from everything, and with your heads filled with static and arousal there wasn't much you could possibly worry about.
Just as your walls started fluttering around his cock as he kept a relentless pace of fast and heavy thrusts, you suddenly felt his arm around your middle as he pulled you up from the desk, your legs too weak to stand on, so you had to rely on him for holding you up. And he did, one arm tightly wrapped around you, as his other hand moved up your chest over your neck until you felt his fingers pushing against your lips.
When the tension burst within you, you arched your head back against his shoulder and opened your mouth wide to let that cry of pleasure out – and he used that movement to push two of his fingers past your lips. At first you barely noticed, your high blinding you with bright lights and exploding stars at the edge of your vision, with your muscles contracting and your walls clenching tightly around him. Yet when you did feel his fingers pushing against your tongue and deeper into your mouth, you gasped against his intrusion, a weird sensation rushing through your stomach.
Your hands moved up and closed around his wrist, your fingernails digging into his skin as he kept forcing his fingers deeper. Twitching in his tight embrace, you felt him kiss your cheek, before he whispered in a low, almost threatening voice: “Take them...” You didn't quite know what he meant, until he added: “Like you took my cock.”
You let out a whimper, his continuous thrusts still pushing you upwards as his grip on your mouth pushed you the other way. You could barely breathe and felt your saliva pooling around his fingers as he pressed them against the back of your throat. Tears formed in the corners of your eyes and you had the overwhelming urge to swallow, and when you did, your throat closed against his fingertips, another weird feeling you didn't know you would experience tonight. The sensation left you breathless, either that or his fingers pushed too deep for you to breathe properly.
Arching your head back, you tried to inhale deeply through your nose as he pushed his fingers in further. The first tears streamed down your cheeks and as he was unable to see them or your discomfort in general, you dug your nails deeper into his skin, urging him to stop. But he only stopped when your throat gagged around him and when he pulled his digits out, a deep cough shook your entire body, sending goosebumps and shivers down your twitching limbs.
He moved his hand lower and closed his fingers around your neck, pushing against your throat from the outside now as he kept pounding into you at an unrelenting speed and vigour. You felt numb and boneless in his embrace, completely at his mercy. Yet with the way your walls kept fluttering around his cock, your body didn't seem too appalled by it. You had to admit: you liked it when he was like this, pushing you further and further out of your comfort zone into new heights of sensations you couldn't have even dreamt about.
You could hear his heavy breaths and low groans vibrating in your ear as he pressed his face against the back of your head, muffling his noises in your hair, slightly squeezing your throat as he sped up his tempo even more, ruthlessly slamming into you now, each thrust jolting through your body.
His movements were desperate, he was close, you could tell. You weren't much help at this point though, as you were unable to control your body any longer, yet you still tried to clench your walls firmer around him, until they did it on their own as your muscles contracted once more, yet another wave of pleasure crashing forcefully over you. Your moans echoed loudly off the walls of the small room before Sebastian put his hand over your mouth, firmly keeping those noises inside.
Whimpering quietly now, you held onto his wrist and leaned your back against his chest. His own groan was almost as loud as he pushed into you with one last, powerful thrust as he buried himself as deeply as possible in your tight warmth. While his cock twitched fiercely inside you, painting your walls with his seed as he emptied himself fully within, you could feel his hand pushing onto your stomach again and despite the boneless feeling of your limbs, you felt too curious and had to push your hand next to his. He grabbed it and put yours beneath his, and together you could feel the rumbles of your body and the tremors of his release.
You felt so full, so spent and exhausted, yet as satisfied as you'd never felt before – which was saying something because he never left you unsatisfied. Yet this time he had pushed you to new heights entirely, leaving your body in shambles, your mind completely blank and all your nerves twitching in nothing but pure bliss.
His arms wrapped around you tightly as he held you close to his chest, his length still throbbing deep within, his warmth spreading through your entire body until it started dripping out of you. Your breaths remained shallow and your heart kept pounding almost painfully, but you closed your eyes and leaned against him, feeling safe and sound in his embrace.
A deep sigh escaped your lips as you turned your head slightly towards him. “I love you,” you whispered barely audible. He heard you nonetheless and quickly pressed his lips against your cheek. “I love you too,” he replied, his voice hoarse and lower than before, its vibrations coaxing another soft gasp out of you.
You smiled an invisible smile, breathing deeply as exhaustion washed over you. He seemed to sense your body's decline and slowly loosened his tight grip around you, before he gently pushed your body back onto the table. Before he pulled out of you, he gave you a few more lazy thrusts just to press you for more of your noises, and you delivered, a moan and a whimper and a tiny squeak falling from your bruised lips.
Then he grabbed your hips and moved back slowly, giving your walls time to adjust to the withdrawal. You felt him smearing his cum against them as he pulled out and when he slipped out entirely, the last tremors of your insides pushed out most of his seed as well, causing it to drip down your legs and onto the stone floor. Neither of you could see it, so it didn't really matter. He would fill you up again soon enough anyway.
With a content growl, he felt around and dug his fingers into your sides, pulling you back on your feet. You tumbled against his chest, your legs too weak to function just yet. Despite not being able to see it, he seemed to feel your fatigue and swiftly lifted you up onto his arms, cradling your twitching, boneless body against his chest. You managed to wrap one arm around his neck and feeling around with your other hand, you quickly found his lips and rewarded him with a soft kiss.
He hummed against you, kissing you back with more fervour than you had expected. You'd always admired his stamina and wondered not for the first time where he took all that energy from that he liked to unleash upon (and within) you. You were grateful though, and even more so when he started carrying you back.
“So,” his low voice then rang in your tired ears. “Have you ever taken a bath while invisible?” You laughed softly and kept snickering as he continued. “How about steamy bathtub sex while invisible? Or perhaps –”
“If we keep doing this,” you interrupted him with a hoarse voice, “I'll forget what you look like...”
He chuckled at that. “Hmm, you have a point, love,” he agreed and kissed the top of your head. “I do miss staring into your eyes while I slam my cock into you.”
You shook your head with another soft chuckle, poking his jaw with your free hand. “Language, mister,” you just whispered and he laughed again. “You really think you can do anything under the Disillusionment charm, eh?”
“But I can,” he replied and nuzzled his nose into your hair. “Haven't you noticed?”
“Oh, I have noticed,” you said quietly, nestling into his arms. “And I'll keep noticing it tomorrow and probably for a few more days...”
He inhaled deeply and pressed his lips against your forehead. “Let me make it up to you,” he murmured.
You felt several shivers rushing through your sore body at the implication. “Just take me to the damn bathtub already,” you hissed under your breath and you felt him walk faster immediately, a deep chuckle vibrating within his chest.
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Notes: And the conclusion of the adventures of the invisible horny teenagers! (Well, until I think of more word plays on ghosts and tables XD)
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The Ghost under the Table (Part 1 and Part 2)
The Ghosts on the Table (Part 1 and Part 2)
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168 notes · View notes
haowrld · 1 month
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NOTES : seventeen headcanon, music recs
WORD COUNT : 0.9k words
WARNINGS : none!
A/N : i love svt and i love arctic monkeys so uhh also this is just mostly just vibes and me going crazy lol it honestly makes me want to make a fic with these songs
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seventeen as arctic monkeys playlist (check it out 🗯️)
I WANNA BE YOURS : secrets i have held in my heart, are harder to hide than i thought, maybe i just wanna be yours, i wanna be yours, i wanna be yours.
this song is full of yearning, it just fits seungcheol so well since he has such a large presence but it still brings a sense of comfort.
BODY PAINT : straight from the cover shoot, still a trace of body paint, on your legs and on your arms and on your face, and i'm keepin' on my costume (keeping on), i'm callin' it a writin' tool, and if you're thinkin' of me, i'm probably thinkin' of you.
very simple instrumentals but the way it flows just really suits jeonghan. lyrics oddly remind me of jeonghan and how smart he usually is on certain occasions.
CORNERSTONE : and i elongated my lift home, yeah, i let him go the long way round, i smelt your scent on the seatbelt, and kept my shortcuts to myself.
the music has a super sweet and has a nostalgic feeling to it. i honestly think this is such a joshua thing if you read the lyrics, it’s pretty angsty honestly, but the song still has such a beautiful instrumentals that i eat it up …
SECRET DOOR : and the secret door swings behind us, she's saying nothing, she's just giggling along, even if they were to find us, i wouldn't notice, i'm completely occupied.
there’s something so wen junhui abt this song like it doesn’t make sense. the sudden drums that enter in the music or just the drums in general and the effects behind it with the bass is such a good part of the music
KNEE SOCKS : the late afternoon, the ghost in your room, that you always thought didn't approve, of you knockin' boots, never stopped you lettin' me get hold, of the sweet spot by the scruff of your, knee socks.
again with the banger instrumental and the bridge BRO. the lyrics on the other hand (i actually dk what it’s on abt lol) but they have some of my favorite lyrics
ARABELLA : my days end best when the sunset gets itself behind, that little lady sittin' on the passenger side, it's much less picturesque without her catchin' the light, the horizon tries, but it's just not as kind on the eyes, as arabella, oh, as arabella.
wonwoo is so arabella, like ik it’s about a person but the lyrics just remind me of a person who’s mysterious and shit, and wonwoo is an enigma
PILEDRIVER WALTZ : you look like you've been for breakfast at the heartbreak hotel, and sat in the back booth by the pamphlets and the literature on how to lose, your waitress was miserable and so was your food, if you're gonna try and walk on water, make sure you wear your comfortable shoes.
calm song and such a vibe as hell, this is honestly so woozi, and the lyrics is pretty silly but they are still pretty good 😋
DO I WANNA KNOW? : crawlin' back to you, ever thought of callin' when, you've had a few? 'cause I always do, maybe I'm too, busy bein' yours, to fall for somebody new, now i've thought it through, crawlin' back to you.
do i have even anything else to say abt this…? i might make a fic (i wish)
505 : i'm going back to 505, if it's a seven-hour flight or a 45-minute drive, in my imagination, you're waiting lying on your side, with your hands between your thighs.
the beginning part has me on chokehold, THIS is why it’s such a popular song and i think it’s just so kim mingyu bro
FLUORESCENT ADOLESCENT : you used to get it in your fishnets, now you only get it in your night dress, discarded all the naughty nights for niceness, landed in a very common crisis, everything's in order in a black hole, nothing seems as pretty as the past though, that bloody mary's lacking in tabasco, remember when you used to be a rascal?
although the lyrics are a little CRAZY i pretty much chose the song over the fun beat and vibes for dokyeom hehe
THERE’D BETTER BE A MIRRORBALL : so if you wanna walk me to the car, you oughta know i'll have a heavy heart, so can we please be absolutely sure, that there's a mirrorball?
it has pretty deep instrumentals plus the vocals are so soft and smooth, and seungkwan totally has the softness around it, im kind of into it LOL
R U MINE? : i go crazy 'cause here isn't where i wanna be, and satisfaction feels like a distant memory, and i can't help myself, all i wanna ever say is, "are you mine?"
this just reminds me so much of vernon when he was in his black eye era, lyrics sounds desperate and shit i just think abt black eye with the guitar just going brrr
STOP THE WORLD CAUSE I WANNA GET OFF WITH YOU : well, i know that getting you alone isn't easy to do, with the exception of you, i dislike everyone in the room, and i don't wanna lie, but i don't wanna tell you the truth, get the sense that you're on the move, and you'll probably be leaving soon, so i'm telling you
this is my favorite song from them, including fluorescent adolescent, and it sounds like a pretty romantic song and just this is so chan honestly idk how it has such good feel around it
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nyctophiliq · 2 years
for the request (if you would like to do this ofc!!! <333) maybe you could write something abt being a sweet housewife for sevika? all i have been doing is thinking abt her nonstop :((
YOUR SWEET HOUSEWIFE. sevika x reader
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description. little drabble about being sevika's sweet little housewife who cooks her favorite meal
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cw. lowercase writing intended, sfw content, fluffy things, reader is a certified housewife, sevika wants a piece of her tho
moss' notes. who wouldn't wanna be a housewife for sevika honestly??? moss sure would love it :D thank you for requesting anonie, this is a little bit short, hope you don't mind
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the delicious smell of dinner that was going on a low flame in the kitchen circled the apartment as you stood in the living room in front of a pile of freshly washed and dried clothes. you hummed quietly while you folded them into perfect squares and rectangles before dividing them into different piles like pants, long sleeves, and such.
you heard the click of the front door and excitement run through your body, pushing the laundry to the side you hurried to the little hallway. you jumped a bit when it closed with a loud bang, revealing sevika who you assumed had a rather rough day.
"welcome home, love." you smiled brightly at sevika, reaching to help her take the cape from around her shoulders down. she looked a little under the weather, maybe even those circles under her eyes came back faintly you worked so hard to get rid of.
"dinner is almost ready if you're hungry." you said, kneeling down to help er take those heavy combat boots off. she always got so frustrated trying to un-do the ties so you helped her everytime.
and it was obvious that when she finally laid eyes on your beautiful body dressed in her favorite dress you owned with a pretty apron over it. your delicate hands getting rid of the tight knot and loosening the neck of the boots so she could easily slip her feet out of it. you patted the nose of her shoe before standing up and pressing a tender kiss on her face.
sevika grabbed onto your waist, pulling you closer to her strong frame before leaning down to "my beautiful wife, cooking me dinner, it gets me every time." she whispered into your ear, one of her hands sliding down gingerly before digging into your ass.
"hey!" you pulled away, slapping her side playfully with a slightly annoyed look on your face. "you just came home and you are already this naughty, sevika!" your wife pouted, extending her arms like a baby and making grabbing motions. you shook your head, taking one of her hands and leading her over to the dining table and showing her the setup table.
"what can i say, my wife, you are the sweetest piece of cake." sevika grinned at you, not letting go of your hand as she sat down in her chair in front of the table. her fingers looped into the tie of the apron, twisting it and pulling you over on her lap.
shaking your head after she pulled the loop of the apron over it, "can we actually eat before you harass me into sleeping with you?" you asked, dragging your nails gently up and down on the length of her arm.
"hm, alright." sevika hummed, leaning back in her chair and letting go of you. muttering a quick 'thanks' you jumped from her lap and headed inside the kitchen to bring the pot filled with sevika's favorite food to the middle of the table.
your wife laughed as she saw the food being served on her plate, picking her fork up and pointing at you. "did i forget something that it's my favorite?" sevika asked, watching as you pulled the wine opener from your end of the table and stabbed the cork, pulling it out with a loud pop.
"can't i cook for my wife her favorite food without any special occasion?" you said as you walked to her side of the table, picking her glass up. there really was no special reason why you cooked her favorite, it has been a long time since you prepared it for her and you had no other idea. "so you do want to sleep with me."
"eat your dinner, dear." you pointed at her plate with the wine glass in your hand before placing it next to her plate. sevika gave you a flirty wink before digging in her carefully made food, moaning but because it tasted good or to tease you remained a secret throughout the whole night.
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rowaelinprompts · 2 years
Winter Prompt List!!!
A compiled list of winter/wintry prompts! Feel free to share and use these for anything that comes to mind! :)
Fair warning--there is almost no organization to this list, enter at your own peril haha
First snowfall
Building snow people or sculptures
Snow angels
Shoveling snow
Snow down the back of the neck
Dog sledding/husky sledding
Ice skating
Catching snowflakes on your tongue
Taking pictures in the snow
Sleigh ride
Writing letters to Santa--with or without kids involved
Building a gingerbread house
Secret Santa or other gift exchange
White Elephant gift exchange
Giving gifts
Receiving gifts
Family heirloom given as a holiday gift
The Nutcracker--watching or performing
Singing Christmas carols
Cooking holiday foods we only make this time of year
White Christmas (or insert any holiday)
Hot drinks on a cold day
Snuggling by the fireplace
Watching cliché winter movies together
A holiday disaster
First family Christmas/other holiday
Tongue got stuck to a metal pole
The first snowfall always brings back the memory of...
Getting snowed in
We're stuck together in this cabin until the storm passes
We broke up but we're still going on this trip because money is money
We broke up and I'm asking someone else to go home with me for the holidays because I know my ex will be there with someone
Fake dating for the holidays because [ex] will be there
Our friends set us up under the mistletoe
Having a drinking game at a party
My family invited an old friend for the holidays and they're my first love
I hate singing carols but I will sing for you
You gifted me a family heirloom
My family invited someone I hate for the holidays
Accidentally slipping on ice and pulling the other down
Holidays in the hospital
You were coming home to me for the holidays, but...
Dreaming of the perfect Christmas/other holiday
I wrote you a Christmas card 15 years ago confessing my feelings. Now it's time to send it.
Making it "snow" in a tropical country because you're from a place where it snows every winter
My flight was canceled and I went home to find my ex cheating on me, so now I'm at this pub
"I'll be home for Christmas, no matter what."
"You're the only gift I want to unwrap."
"I know who has a full stocking..."
"Skip Santa, we're both on the naughty list anyway."
"Look! A snowflake!"
"It's going to snow this year, I know it!"
"There's nothing to do!" // "Oh, really?"
"It's tradition!"
"Put your boots on!" // "I don't need boots!" // "There's two feet of snow!" // "My shoes are waterproof!" (actual words overheard at my college)
"Who needs a sleigh when I can just ride you?"
"Someone spiked the eggnog!"
"You gave me WHAT?!" / "They gave you WHAT?!"
"Happy holidays, baby."
"I'm not drunk!" // "Oh yeah? Then why are your eyes crossed?"
"Turn on the heat." // "Oh, I will." // "No, I literally mean the heat! It's like ten degrees in here!"
"Have you been on the nice list this year?"
"I know what you're getting for Christmas..."
"It's just a wish, I know wishes don't come true." // "Who told you that?"
"Yeah, yeah, I know. You hate Christmas."
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gh0ulsh4rk · 8 months
I just watched the Borderlands movie trailer... wow.
I have a lot to say,
(TLDR: it's bad. I'm not excited. costumes = bad. writing = questionable. plot = stupid. casting = horrific)
let's start with casting and costume design. Jamie Lee Curtis as Tannis isn't horrible IMO, but only if it was their last resort... and I have a feeling it wasn't. Costume wise? I'm a little confused as Tannis pretty much has the same aesthetic through the games, and yet they missed the mark pretty bad. Let's take her outfit from the 3rd game, since it's most recent. She's got this tan button up, long redish coat, jeans, boots and of course The Works (video game characters tend to have more Stuff on them, she's got a rope tied to her echo, giving her character something more to look at, it's cool!). In the movie, Jamie Lee wears this... what I can only compare to something you'd see in Star Trek, while it's the closest shade to red I'd like to see on Tannis, it's not even close to what she'd wear in game. I'm very nervous to see how they write her in this movie, she's a very close comfort character and I'd hate to see her bring absolutely butchered.
Jack Black as Claptrap... ok... Claptrap is my favorite Borderlands character, I have a pillow that has him and him in sum naughty shis, ok? he's my fucking cinnamon apple. They butchered him in the 3rd game, and they continued to butcher him in this fucked movie. while his movement LOOKS satisfying, I can't really complain accurately since there wasn't a ton of him in the trailer that I watched. 2/10 overall.
Kevin Hart as Roland... no. just... no..
Ariana Greenblatt as Tiny Tina. I am not familiar with her actress, no hate to her personally. Tina is a very specific character and yet? she's well written in every game she's in (IMO)! BUT. the actress they chose to play her is not who i would have picked, nor is the costume... Tina wears an apron with a little bunny dude, a pink shirt/vest underneath and what I can assume either a orange suit/orange T-shirt and pants under all of that. she has an arm sleevie and mismatched socks/shoes. . . I have seen better cosplays of Tiny Tina in the wild than I have in that trailer. to the point I thought the trailer was a joke. Either the costume design team got to see the characters for a second and had to work off of that or they just, completely missed the mark.. as someone who adores Tina, this is really disappointing! not to mention her writing seemed really off, which almost seems impossible to do.
Kreig? I kinda have no complaints here, other than- if Maya isn't here, why is he? Maya is the only reason Kreig joined the crimson raiders.. story wise it just doesn't make sense?
Lilith. *SIGH* I just,,, why? Lilith, while her writing is shabby imo, her character design is beautiful, Fire Hawk is beautiful! WHAT DID THEY DO TO HER IN THIS MOVIE???? WHAT IS SHE WEARING, WHY IS HER HAIR,,,, THAT,,,,,?????????? NO! JUST N O.
it is, laughably bad!!!
The story won't make sense nor does it follow canon. Brick and Mordecai are apparently just, gone? why was Mouthpiece there???? WHY WASN'T ELLIE IN THE TRAILER? If Roland is alive, is Jack alive??? Is he even in the movie??? ugh! it's reminding me of how the same director fucked up Uncharted (the movie), & it hurts.
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shannendoherty-fans · 2 months
Vogue — Opinion
Team Brenda Forever
By Fiorella Valdesolo
July 15, 2024
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Photo: Courtesy Everett Collection
“TV’s brashest 21-year-old talks revealingly about her wild past, her brief engagement, and ‘people who think I’m a bitch,’” the coverline next to a picture of Shannen Doherty reads on a 1992 issue of People magazine. A year later, on another People cover: “Out of Control! These days, Beverly Hills’ hard-partying, check-bouncing bad girl may be going way too far.”
In the ’90s—before a wave of early-aughts tabloids and bloggers like Perez Hilton made a mint lampooning young, female celebrities like Lindsay and Britney and Paris—Shannen Doherty was popular fodder. Drunken nights out, shotgun marriages, fights at the club, court-appointed anger-management classes, and other run-ins with the law were breathlessly chronicled for a celebrity-obsessed public thirsty to see the unraveling of the stars they tuned in to watch every week. Doherty was deemed unhinged, branded a liability. How the media treated her (and Drew Barrymore, too, for that matter) was a template for the years to follow, when such cruelty would become ever more commonplace and, with the dawn of social media, ever more accessible. Doherty was branded a bad girl; she was called difficult, a notoriously loaded term when lobbed at women.
But for teenage me, those were the very labels that made me fiercely love her. They were labels that Brenda Walsh, the character that arguably made Doherty most famous, had already confronted onscreen. When Beverly Hills, 90210 debuted in 1990, I was in junior high and already deeply familiar with Doherty from her roles as Jenny on Little House on the Prairie, Kris Witherspoon (opposite tween dream Chad Allen) on Our House, and as one of the titular mean girls in the seminal 1980s film Heathers. Brenda Walsh (played by a then 19-year-old Doherty) was introduced to audiences as a wide-eyed girl from Minnesota with a stretchy headband, mousy brown hair, and pastel-hued wardrobe who, along with her goody-two-shoes twin brother, Brandon, had been plopped into the decadence and debauchery of LA. “Nobody knows me here—I could be anybody, I could be somebody,” Brenda says to her brother on the show’s first episode as she anxiously considers what to wear on her first day at a school in a city that was definitely not Minneapolis. Beverly Hills, 90210 would dive into taboo topics like AIDS, domestic violence, eating disorders, suicide, and drug abuse, becoming a runaway hit for producer Aaron Spelling. All these years later, the show remains the pinnacle of teen drama, and Brenda its queen. (Let’s face it: The seasons after Spelling booted Doherty from the cast could never measure up, even with the addition of Tiffani Thiessen’s chaos-courting Valerie Malone.)
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Photo: Courtesy Everett Collection
Over the course of the four seasons that Doherty was on 90210, Brenda would grow and shift, both in her look (along came the bodysuits, high-waist jeans, endlessly imitated dark brown hair with blunt bangs, and that signature knowing smirk) and her identity. We watched her decide to have sex for the first time (an episode that famously raised conservative eyebrows); contend with a pregnancy scare; fight and make up and break up (to the tune of R.E.M.’s “Losing My Religion”) with Dylan; rebel against her parents’ arcane rules; try on new personas (bonjour, Brenda Dubois); get arrested (for protesting animal testing, naturally); and face the aftermath of a best friend’s betrayal. Yet Brenda would also face well-publicized backlash from fans of the show, as people began to conflate the character with Doherty’s off-screen behavior. (There was even a popular ’90s zine called the I Hate Brenda Newsletter.)
Brenda—or was it Shannen?—became the girl people loved to hate. Doherty once said in an interview: “People couldn’t separate me from her, and I got sick of people assuming that I was as naughty and bad as Brenda was. It was all very hurtful.” Though one was fictionalized, they were both up against the complicated pressures of adolescence and wanting to be taken seriously. Both on television and off, Doherty was passionate, she was intense, she was straightforward, she was self-assured, and for all these reasons, she was dismissed and poorly regarded. For those of us navigating our own coming of age, and simultaneously facing harsh judgment from our families and peers, we saw ourselves in Brenda—and, in turn, in Shannen. I know I did.
When the news broke this week that Doherty had died from cancer, prompting an outpouring of social media tributes and Instagram messages from saddened friends, I saw that others felt the same way. Part of the sadness seemed to come from how hard Doherty had fought to live; she’d recently shared on her excellent and refreshingly candid podcast Let’s Be Clear how hopeful she felt about a new course of chemotherapy.
But for many of my fellow Gen X’ers and older millennials, we’d also lost a part of ourselves. We loved Shannen Doherty, we idolized her, but most of all, at some point, we saw ourselves in a version of her. We were all a little wild once; we were all a little difficult. We were all a little Brenda.
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moonlightndaydreams · 9 months
On today’s episode of Reese’s Delulu Hours, I’d like to discuss my Secret Hard Dom Jisung agenda. In which, he doesn’t like to show it in front of the guys but you know just the right buttons to push to get him to come out and play. Two scenarios, for your consideration…
“Where should we go tonight?” Chan asks the crew.
“Doesn’t matter to me. Karaoke? Arcade? How about let’s go to a bar? I could go for a drink.” they all chime in at once.
“I want a drink too,” you shout.
“Easy there, doll. How about we…?” Han says dismissively, without looking at you.
“Ugh! You never let me vote on anything!” You whine loudly. Han immediately walks over to where you are seated and slowly bends down.
“You certainly have a lot to say sweetheart.” he says low enough for only you to hear. He gently grabs your shoe and pretends to fix your shoelaces. You look over toward the other guys.
“Don’t look away from me when I’m talking to you. They can’t help you princess.” He whispers sternly. You look down at Han as he stares up at you expectantly. “Now what do you have to say for yourself?”
“I’m sorry, Sir.” you say quietly.
"Good." He smiles and out of habit, you roll your eyes. He stiffens. Oh shit.
“Fucking little Brat. Say goodnight to the guys while your mouth still works...” 
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Before arriving at the company building, you had been teasing Han mercilessly about his stage outfit for their latest performance. Usually, he could pull off absolutely anything. But it was something about the poncho or maybe the croc boots. Well, the whole ensemble just seemed like the stylist’s practical joke or the consequence of a lost bet. So much so, it made you laugh at him. And then there was Seungmin’s savage commentary that made the whole crew cackle on the ride over. But Han remained eerily silent as you all made your way to the conference room. You stood at the back of the room, far behind the camera, leaning against the wall while they were all on live. The guys went on and on about their recent scheduled events and responded to viewers’ comments. The conversation turns to Han’s stage outfit and while the other guys are deep into discussion about their own outfits, Han looks toward the camera. But then he does it. The Look. To the untrained eye, Han is just playing around with STAY– the usual silliness everyone loves about him. But it is obvious to you, in the same room as him, that it's a veiled threat towards you. You have seen it plenty of times before. Your heart immediately begins to race and your mouth is suddenly very dry. You quietly sneak out of the door to go find a water fountain and collect yourself. Just as you bend over to take a drink, you feel a stinging slap to your ass. Yelping in shock and pain, you jerk upright only to be pulled into the restroom next to the water fountain. Han’s hand covers your mouth as he presses you between his body and the door. You hear the lock click. “There is much more where that came from. I hope you enjoyed yourself today, love. So pretty when you laugh but now I’m gonna make you cry.” He growls.
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Secret Hard Dom Jisung is merciless and we love it. SORRY, NOT SORRY.
@thatonenoona I feel so bad I haven’t responded to you share with me (I had always intended to) 😢 but now I know why I hadn’t yet. After reading THIS I was thrown straight into my naughty imagination thinking every detail through… and then I needed to be alone 😈 . But truly, your scenarios have left me not being able to think coherently (in the way I love most)… it’s just soooo good. Secret hard dom Jisung is sooo good!
I don’t know which scenario I want here! Can I have both? I’m really greedy and require all the various Han’s including “secret hard dom Jisung”! Oooh Imagine though, he’s such a cutie pie most of the time, but you know what he’s capable of. Destruction. Devastation. Punishment. Oooof! Arghhh my brain…. It can’t handle this! 😩😩😩😩
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misseviehyde · 1 year
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Nervously sipping on the tea she had been given whilst she waited for Ms May to arrive, Emma looked round the luxurious school office and nervously stroked her dull brown hair away from her face.
She felt like a naughty schoolgirl again waiting to get told off for getting into trouble and she again questioned if this was even the right thing to do.
Lauren had begged her not to go to the school, but Emma was sick of seeing her step-daughter bullied and belittled by no less than one of the teachers.
Ms May was a cruel, manipulative bully. She seemed to have it in for Lauren and Emma had decided today it was finally time to confront the evil bitch and put a stop to the pain her step-daughter was going through.
Although Lauren wasn't her flesh and blood child, since Lauren's mum had died she had tried to be there for the girl and do what she could to help. She tried to avoid the wicked step-Mom stereotype and do what she could to build a bond with the girl.
That had brought her to this meeting. She would do what it took to stop this bitch Ms May. Lauren had told her some scary stories about the other woman but Emma was a grown up and she was sure she could handle this. If not she'd go to the school board.
There was a sudden clop of high heels and a woman strode into the office. She looked more like a super model than a teacher. Tall long black leather thigh boots encases each leg and a tight black leather dress hugged every inch of her perfect body. Wicked lips curved into a cruel but perfect smile as Ms May cocked a hip and folded her arms under her breasts.
Her hair was raven black, her eyes flashed dangerously with power and her makeup was flawless. Perfect manicured nails like sharp little claws extended from each finger. Everything she wore was designer. Emma couldn't understand how a teacher could possibly afford such clothes. She smirked and sat at her desk.
"Ahhhhh yes, you're that pathetic bitches step mother."
"I beg your pardon," gasped Emma - not quite sure what to say. She suddenly felt tired all of a sudden and her thoughts came slowly.
"I said you're the step mother of that pathetic bitch. The weakling I've been bullying. The runt of the class."
"You... you can't say those... things..." gasped Emma, her head suddenly spinning.
"But I can," laughed Ms May. "I love bullying your daughter. My role here at the school is to convert girls into superior bullying Alpha girls or crush them into weak servile betas. Lauren has presented a problem for a while as she could have fit in either camp. If only she wasn't so pathetic I might have made her like me."
Emma tried to get up, she even thought she might hit this evil woman - but Ms May just laughed as Emma slumped in her chair the tea spilling to the ground.
"The tea you've just drunk has robbed your body of agency. You're helpless to prevent what comes next."
Sitting on the deak Ms May placed a booted foot on Emma's lap. "Look at my boots bitch. So soft and supple. Each one probably costs more than you make in a year. So soft and supple, the boots of a super bitch."
Reaching down she began to unzip the boot.
"Poor Emma, so weak and pathetic. These boots are saturated with my evil. Once I force them onto your feet- you'll become an evil bitch. Good little step-mommy will become a nasty bully too."
Reaching down Ms May slowly unzipped the other boot, then reaching down she began to untie Emma's shoes.
"Think of this as a little parental override. Once I turn you into a souless mean bitch you'll help me break Lauren. You'll become her cruel wicked step-mother. You'll cuck her weakling father and take what you want. You're going to love being a bitch."
"Nnnnnnoooo," drooled Emma unable to resist as Ms May laughed and pulled off her vitims shoes.
"You'll love how my boots make you feel."
Grabbing Emma's left leg, Ms May slid her foot inside and pushed the heel onto her foot. Emma felt a contact like electricity and her nippples went hard. Laughing Ms May zipped the boot slowly up.
"Ohhhhh fuckkkkkk," drooled Emma. It felt so good.
"Can you feel it starting to happen? You're going to be just like me. My desires, my impulses are taking over your weak pathetic body. Soon you will crave luxury and desire sex and power."
Emma moaned, her pussy wet and the smell of Ms May's perfume filling her head as the bitch whispered in her ear.
"You want to be bad. You want to be powerful. You want to be evil."
Emma groaned, her breasts swelling and her lips becoming fuller as she started to repeat the words.
"Yesss that's it bitch. Accept my power. One more boot and then you'll become just like me," purred Ms May as she slid the other boot onto Emma's foot and laughing began to tighten it.
Emma moaned in ecsatsy as Ms May zipped up the boot and her body throbbed with dark power.
"Nooooooooo" she tried to gasp as her short nails suddenly shot out and lengthened. Bones cracked and shifted as her hair began to turn blonde.
The boots felt so good on her feet. Emma had never felt such dominance and power before. Her hair lengthened and turned blonde.
This wasn't so bad. The boots were making her stronger. She stopped fighting them and groaned as her flat chest began to swell.
"See... doesn't it feel good to be an evil bitch Emma? Embrace the darkness. You'll love being a wicked step-mother."
Emma gasped as her skin became softer and her waist crunched in. Cold blue eyes fluttered in ecstasy.
Yes. Ms May was right. Women like them were strong and pathetic weaklings like Lauren needed to be broken. Emma laughed at the thought of helping Lauren's bullies. It would be fun to destroy her own step-daughter.
"Nooooo I must fight," groaned Emma as the boots made her more and more evil.
"You can't fight - your body and mind love these changes. To go from a weak and pathetic housewife to a powerful dominant bitch... this is what you've really always wanted."
"Yessssss - the power... the power is mine," groaned the cold hearted bitch as she stood up and stretched her transformed body. Her clothing melted to become a tight black bodycon dress. Long lashes fluttered and perfect lips curved into a malicious smile.
"Yes! I feel so evil and strong. Thank you Ms May, this has been the best school meeting I've ever attended."
The tight black boots pushed Emma up so she towered even over Ms May. She now looked like a hot blonde bitch in her late 20's. She had become so evil - devoid of mercy. She and the teacher were now of one mind.
"Don't worry. I'll deal with my worthless step-daughter."
*glug glug glug*
Lauren wept as she watched her step Mom sucking her Dad's cock and she fiddle with the badly fitting maids uniform Emma had made her put on.
"Stop snivelling," laughed Emma as her husband groaned in lust as she switched from sucking to pumping and using her hands skillfully made him cum all over himself.
Standing up in her evil black boots she played with the tip of the massive black strap on jutting obscenely from her crotch.
"Lube up my cock you pathetic little bitch. I'm going to ass fuck your Daddy with my strap on and then make you clean up the mess."
Grabbing her by the hair Emma forced her down to her knees. "But first lick Mommy's boots."
And as she cleaned the shiny black leather Lauren could almost hear Ms May laughing as if she were INSIDE the boots and watching...
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