#National Gallery Summer Party
365dressestome · 1 year
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Best Dreessed of 2023 174/365
Felicity Jones Wore Erdem To The National Gallery Summer Party
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sincericida · 9 months
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being fashion icon in 2023 appreciation post
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sophs-style · 1 year
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Alice Eve at the 2023 National Gallery Summer party on Thursday (15th June) at the National Gallery in London.
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avastrasposts · 3 months
When's the last time you lived?
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A short little one-shot (2.6k) with sweet Marcus PIke for @pedgito @chaotic-mystery and @amanitacowboy and their Summer Loving writing challenge! Thank you for putting this all together!
I was given a quote, a location and Marcus Pike to write for, plus this lovely mood board as inspiration. No warnings needed, this is all fluff!
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You really couldn’t say you were enjoying yourself. Leaning against a wall at the back of the stuffy gallery, you sipped the sour red wine and let your bored eyes drift across the crowd. All of your friend’s new boyfriend’s acquaintances, mingling with dry canapes and faces molded into interesting looks as they competed with each other for the wittiest line about the artwork lining the walls. 
Little did you, or anyone else, know how interesting the evening would turn out in the end. All you knew was that the dark haired guy who kept circling the room, making polite small talk and eyeing the art, was as cute as he was sexy. He was the only thing keeping you from making a bad excuse and dipping out. He kept glancing over at you, catching your eye, and you’d exchanged quick smiles. 
When the front door suddenly swung open and four armed police officers marched in, the party froze. With widening eyes you watched as the cute dark haired guy stepped up to the gallery owner, right in the middle of schmoozing a client, and flashed an FBI badge. Within a few minutes the party was broken up, the owner in cuffs being led away and a team of FBI agents swarmed in and started packing up the artwork. You found yourself ushered out onto the street with the rest of the guests, but as you turned to leave, one of the agents held out his hand. 
“Miss, you’ve been asked to stay just a few minutes, Agent Pike has some questions for you.” 
“F-for me? I don’t know anything?” you stammered, following the agent to the side as the other guests hurried away, throwing questioning glances back at you.  
“Thank you, York, I’ve got it from here,” a second male voice said, putting his hand on his colleague's shoulder. The cute dark haired man smiled down at you as the other agent walked away with a brisk nod. 
“I don’t know anything about all this, I was just here with a friend, her boyfriend-” 
“No, no, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for you to think you’re a suspect,” he said, shaking his head with an apologetic look, “I just wanted a chance to come over and say hello before you left. I couldn’t interrupt the raid.” He gave you another warm smile and held out his hand, “Hello, I’m Marcus.” 
You huffed a small laugh of relief as you took his hand and gave him your name, “I’m glad, getting arrested by the FBI is not on my bucket list.” 
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That’s how you’d met Marcus Pike, FBI agent, foodie, art nerd and all around great guy. Not to mention an incredible lover and pretty damn near perfect at dating. He did move kind of fast, eager to please and to make sure you always knew what he felt about you. It was endearing but unusual, but once he opened up about a particularly bad relationship in his past you understood him more. He needed reassurance that you were both on the same page, and when you told him you needed to move a bit slower, he understood and backed off a little bit. You dated, had fun, and kept it at that for now. No need to rush. 
This evening he’d invited you to the opening of a new exhibition at the National Gallery of Art. He’d been out of town a few days for work, and you’d felt a little jolt of excitement when you’d spotted him in the crowded foyer. He was scanning the crowd for you but hadn’t seen you yet, so while you crossed the room you took in his tall, broad form. The gray, soft looking, sweater stretched across his shoulders as he pushed a stray strand of his hair off his forehead and scratched absentmindedly at his scruffy beard. The beard was a recent addition, he’d been clean shaven when you met, but he’d let it grow out for a job. He’d complained that his beard never filled in, but you loved the look on him, and how it felt when he kissed you. So he’d kept it, making sure to tickle you with it when he trailed kisses over your neck, laughing when you squealed and squirmed under him. 
As you got closer he saw you approach, and he moved through the crowd with a warm smile. His hand cupped your cheek as you met, and he bent his head to press a soft, lingering kiss to your lips. 
“Hey,” he murmured against your mouth, “I missed you, honey.” 
“Missed you too, Marcus,” you smiled against his lips as you felt his other arm curl around your waist, pulling you into his chest, “How was your trip?” 
“Boring but successful, we got hold of the evidence we needed,” he said, still close to your mouth, letting you trail your fingers across his cheek while he smiled, holding your gaze until you had to kiss him again. 
“I should’ve planned a date at my place instead of in public,” he chuckled, pulling away slightly as you became aware of the crowd milling around you. His hand slipped from your waist and took your hand instead as he gave your cheek a final caress.
“Should we go see what the fuss is about?” he asked, holding up two tickets for the exhibition and you nodded. 
“Let’s see if it was worth giving up the couch for.” 
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You ambled together through the exhibition, and it was definitely worth it, as Marcus no doubt had known it would be. He’d visited the van Gogh museum in Amsterdam a few years earlier and hadn’t wanted to miss this exhibition, the biggest one of his works in the US. You weren’t familiar with van Gogh apart from the sunflowers. But as Marcus walked you through the exhibition, reading the signs and asking what you thought about different aspects of the paintings you hadn’t even considered, you began to see that there was a lot more to van Gogh than cheap posters of sunflowers and a man who’d cut his ear off. 
You stopped in front of one of the last works of the exhibition and felt yourself be sucked into the image. The small sign said it was called ‘Wheat field under Thunderclouds’ and the petroleum blue clouds gathering on the horizon, threatening to envelope the sunlit wheat fields captured your imagination. Marcus stopped just behind you, his warm palm on the small of your back, as you took in the atmosphere in the painting. It felt melancholy, the end of summer, the end of warm days, a looming disaster in the distance, rolling in to destroy the wheat fields just as they were ripening. 
“What are you thinking?” Marcus asked in a low voice, he seemed to sense that the painting had stirred something in you. 
“The painting makes me sad, it looks like the end of a warm day, the storm clouds are so ominous,” you said, pointing to how they had rolled up right to the edge of the frame. 
“He painted it just a week before his death, along with several other pieces on the same subject,” Marcus said, “It maybe be a bit on the nose, but I always thought of the clouds as his own looming troubles, maybe he was feeling happy when he painted them, but he knew darkness would roll over him again.” 
“Knowing that makes the painting even sadder,” you said, looking at the dark clouds again, “But I really love the painting anyway. That one and the one he did for his nephew,” you pointed over towards a bright painting of flowering almond branches against a blue sky. 
“That’s one of my favorites too,” Marcus said, “and The Starry Night.” 
He took your hand as you walked slowly towards the exit, “I have a surprise,” he smiled, “I’ve arranged something special for us. Wait for me in the gift shop and I’ll go make sure everything is set up, give me five minutes.” 
“Come here first,” you said, not letting go of his hand as he tried to walk away. He turned back with a grin and came willingly as you pulled him down for a kiss. 
“You’re the best boyfriend, you know that right?” you told him and he chuckled, ducking his head for another kiss. 
“I try my best,” he replied with a wink. 
He gave you a quick smile as he left the gift shop, leaving you to browse a ridiculous assortment of pens, mugs, water bottles, umbrellas, trays, key chains, t-shirt and phone covers adorned with artwork. A book on van Gogh’s work caught your attention and you were flipping through it when Marcus came back. 
“All ready for your surprise, if you’ll accompany me,” he said, holding out his arm for you with a big smile, and you put your hand on his soft sweater and let him guide you out of the shop. He led you away from the crowds, further into the museum, where the lights were dim. 
“I found this little nook, hidden away,” he said, taking another turn, leading you into a gallery filled with marble statues, “And I thought it might be a nice place away from the crowds.” 
“And we can be back here?” you asked, looking at the very empty rooms you were passing through. The rest of the museum was closed for the night, it was only the van Gogh exhibition that had been available to celebrate its opening night. 
“Yeah, sure, I’m FBI,” he grinned, “I’ve got my badge with me just in case.” 
“Marcus,” you say, almost stopping dead in your tracks, “are you sure this is ok?” 
“It’s fine, honey,” he smiled, “When was the last time you lived, huh? Let’s bend the rules a little,” Marcus winked again and tugged you with him, and you felt a reckless giggle bubble up as he led you further into the statues gallery. 
“I’m pleading innocence if we get caught,” you laughed and Marcus smiled, turning a final corner. 
“Here, my lady, dinner is served.” 
“Oh, Marcus!” you gasped at the scene he’d set up. Right at the end of the room, surrounded by elegant Roman statues, was one of the museum’s benches. But now it was covered by a white tablecloth and on it was laid out a picnic, if you could even call it that. The bench was laid with plates and cutlery, two wine glasses and a bottle, together with candlesticks and a single red rose in a vase. Several take out boxes sat between the plates and you could smell something delicious. 
“How did you even do all this?” you asked as he led you to the “table” and made you sit down. 
“Easy,” Marcus grinned, “I brought it from home and put the bag in one of the lockers, then I ordered the food while we were in the exhibition and it arrived right on time.” 
“I’m so impressed,” you said, holding up your glass to let him fill it with wine, “you’ve outdone yourself.” 
“I hope not,” he laughed, “I need to come up with something really great for when I p-” He bit his lip and stopped short as his cheeks turned scarlet, “Sorry, forget I said anything.” 
“The dreaded p-word,” you said, smiling to make him less uncomfortable, “It’s not as scary now as it was six months ago. You’re making the prospect of it less intimidating.” 
Marcus’s face softened into a look of relief, smiling as he took your hand, “And you’re making it easier to just enjoy our relationship right now, thank you for showing me how to slow down.” 
The kiss he pressed to your lips lingered, the food forgotten for the moment, until leaning over the bench became too uncomfortable and you pulled a part. Marcus looked down at the take out boxes and picked one up. 
“Let’s eat before it gets cold, it’s from my favorite Greek places, I hope you like it.” 
“You haven’t given me bad food once, Marcus,” you said, accepting a helping a some spinach dish, “I just wish I could repay you, but since you don’t share my fondness for microwave meals, you’ll just have to keep picking restaurants.” 
“Actually, I was thinking,” Marcus said as he served himself and you sniffed one of the side dishes with feta cheese, “I wanna get better at cooking, maybe we could do one of those cooking classes together? And then we could cook together sometimes, what do you think?” 
“That’s a nice idea, I could do with some cooking classes,” you replied, “Did I tell you I actually set fire to the curtains in my first apartment? I put the toaster too close to them on the window sill and then I burnt the toast and the whole thing went up in flames.” 
Marcus looked at you with wide eyes, “Seriously? Were you ok? Did you get burnt?” 
“No, I was fine, my roommate knew where we had the fire extinguisher so she put it out and then the fire department showed up and made sure it hadn’t spread,” you chuckled at the memory and Marcus shook his head. 
“Lucky, and maybe I should handle the toast the next time we’re at my place.”   
“Marcus, you don’t even own a toaster,” you laughed, “between the two of us, we own one coffee machine and two microwaves.” 
“And a popcorn machine, don’t forget the popcorn machine,” Marcus replied, his warm brown eyes smiling at you as he reached out and swiped a crumb from your bottom lip with a soft touch. 
“It does make excellent popcorn,” you mused, watching him turn his attention back to the eggplant dish on his plate. 
Marcus was a foodie, you’d found out on your very first date when he’d planned a three restaurant “pub crawl” that ended up being four when you told him about your favorite gelateria. You’d agreed to share the ice cream since you’d had dessert at the third restaurant. That plan fell through the second Marcus tasted their cherry gelato, you’d both spent the better part of half an hour tasting all the flavors until he’d settled on cherry and hazelnut chocolate and you’d gone for stracciatella and lemon. Strolling through the warm evening, you’d eaten your gelato while Marcus asked if you’d like to go on a second date with him to a food truck festival and from then on, food had been the theme. 
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When all the food had been eaten and the evidence of your secret picnic had disappeared into Marcus’s bag, he took your hand and brought you to the middle of the room. The lights were dim, the statues surrounding you cast in shadows, and it could’ve been creepy, if it wasn’t for Marcus’s presence. He put his phone down on one of the benches and low music filled the room, a slow instrumental piece, and held out his hand in an unmistakable gesture of inviting you to dance. With a smile you took his hand and stepped into his arms as he began to move you both in a slow twirl. You put your head against his shoulder as he led you in time with the music, his warm scent and steady heartbeat lulling you into a comfortable silence. His hand gently caressed your back, holding you close to him and you could feel his breath ghost over your cheek as he bent his head and pressed a soft kiss to your skin. 
“I love you,” he whispered, his voice low in the dark room. A simple statement, no grand gesture, no fanfare or lengthy speech, just an uncomplicated affirmation that filled your heart. 
“I love you too.” 
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fromasgardandback · 4 months
Stranger Things Summer
this is a whole list of compiled drabbles and headcanons of mainly eddie munson and the rest of the stranger things (hawkins) kids
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going to a late night movie
dancing in the rain
burning schoolwork with the gang
thrifting an outfit
cooking contest
ice cream bar
completing a 1000-piece puzzle
a day in the city
the usual game night
making bracelets
strawberry picking
meadow picnic
going to an art gallery
making a summer playlist
Harrington Beach House Road Trip
Harrington Beach House Road Trip photo collage
firework show
visiting a national park
tie dying
karaoke at the Hideout
hosting a cookout
getting breakfast at midnight
drive-in movie
spay day
sleeping under the stars
keepsake letters
movie marathons
risky business
homemade pizzas
baking contest
getting matching tattoos
watching an early sunrise
staying awake for 24 hours
going to a farmers market
running through sprinklers
a day at the mall
watching old movies
painting each other's backs
cooking a new meal together
life-changing decision
end of summer party
summer with eddie photo collage
summer with friends photo collage
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artsandculture · 2 months
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The Boating Party (1893–1894) 🎨 Mary Cassatt 🏛️ National Gallery of Art, Washington DC 📍 Washington, DC, United States
This bold composition reveals the influence of the flat, patterned surfaces, simplified color, and unusual angles of Japanese prints, which enjoyed a huge vogue in Paris in the late 1800s. The dark figure of the man compresses the picture onto the flat plane of the canvas, and the horizon is pushed to the top, collapsing a sense of distance. Our higher vantage point gives us an oblique view into the boat. Its form is divided into decorative shapes by the intersection of its horizontal supports.
After 1893, Cassatt began to spend many summers on the Mediterranean coast at Antibes. Under its intense sun, she began to experiment with harder, more decorative color. Here, citron and blue carve strong arcs that divide the picture into assertive, almost abstract, shapes. This picture, with its bold geometry and decorative patterning of the surface, positions Cassatt with such post–impressionist painters as Gauguin and Van Gogh.
This painting, one of her most ambitious, was the centerpiece of Cassatt's first solo exhibition in the United States in 1895. Her contacts with wealthy friends in the United States did much to bring avant–garde French painting into this country.
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sydneyadmu · 1 year
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Felicity Jones at the National Gallery Summer Party (London, June 15)
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rooneyredcarpet · 10 months
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Felicity Jones in Erdem at the National Gallery Summer Party (2023)
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felicity-erso · 1 year
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felicity jones at the The National Gallery's Summer Party, June 15th
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freddycarterus · 1 year
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The National Gallery Summer Party 2023 - Arrivals
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stylestream · 1 year
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Amita Suman | Monique Lhuillier gown | National Gallery Summer Party | 2023
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sophs-style · 1 year
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Amita Suman at the 2023 National Gallery Summer party on Thursday (15th June) at the National Gallery in London.
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writing-whump · 2 months
Hello dear Sol! I hope everything is well and smooth with your life lately! I saw your recent post about what's coming soon and I got really excited, I'm happy that you liked the little idea that I mentioned earlier 🤭🤭
As for me, I've been spending some time abroad these days and trying to get rid of the stress of past few months😅 And actually, I'm going to Vienna tomorrow and that's my first time visiting there, I am wondering about that city more as I'm reading your fics 😉
Sooo today's question is a bit different than usual since I'm also trying to make a list of what should I see at Vienna. So first of all, I wonder what's your favorite place to see/go in Vienna? And secondly, if they have a specific location ofc, what's your OC's favorite place in Vienna? What they like to do in the city?
Thank you!! Lot's of love🤍
Hey ☕️nonny! Glad to hear from you!
Holidays are treating me well so far! Just got home from a week in Vienna where I was looking out for a friend's apartment, so your questions come at the freshest time.😂😎
I'm happy to hear you are having a trip and getting away from stress of the last months. Wishing you lots of fun! ✨️
As for the places hmmmm. I love going to Karlsplatz because it got basically EVERYTHING. There is the state Oper house, the Albertina gallery that is the most famous in Vienna, the Butterflyhouse, the Burggarten for some greenery and nice sculptures and flowers...and when you continue to the right, you will run into the Parlament (beautiful building), Rathausplatz (I was there yesterday with friends and they have a whole summer-long party there, with apperols, food stands and music🎶very good atmosphere. 100% recommand checking it out.
As for other places my OCs can recommend hehehe:
Haus des Meeres (Aquarium) - def Seline's favourite, it has 10 levels and so much water, fishes, crocodiles, snakes, apes,...
Nationalbibliothek (the biggest national library) - also right next to Karlsplatz and Burggarten cough cough - Isaiah's fave. He loves to study there. Peace, quiet, historical and cultured feel.
Oberlaa Confectionary - best cakes, sweets and pastries. Arnie absolutely loves it there, he is there at least once a week for Mango cake.
Alte Donau - basically where the river Danube makes for a nice riverside with a sort of beach like access to water. Nice for a walk by the river, restaurants, lots of people there for swimming and chilling in the grass and wooden moles. Hector's favourite 😎
Schloss Belvedere - beautiful wide gardens with a giant castle and two. It's super close to the Hbf main station and people to there like to a park, but looks super fancy. Matt loves to go for a jog there.
Stephansplatz - one of the biggest and most famous churches the Stephansdom right in the middle of huge shopping and restaurant streets. Really cool views on all the historical buildings and sights. Rip likes to go there, running and parkouring over the roofs. The maze of the streets and all the imaginative building tops...
Wien Mitte/Landstraße - Dylan's favourite. Also a shopping street, restaurants, chargers, lots of banks and fountains to chill at.
Here you go, hope you have fun!!✨️✨️✨��
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picsforkatherine · 1 year
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Felicity Jones at the National Gallery's Summer Party
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mermaidinthecity · 4 months
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National Gallery's Summer Party in London, England - June 15, 2023
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the-paintrist · 1 year
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Thomas Hudson - Portrait of king George II of UK - 1744
oil on canvas, height: 218.8 cm (86.1 in) Edit this at Wikidata; width: 146.7 cm (57.7 in)
National Portrait Gallery, London, UK
George II (George Augustus; German: Georg August; 30 October / 9 November 1683[a] – 25 October 1760) was King of Great Britain and Ireland, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg (Hanover) and a prince-elector of the Holy Roman Empire from 11 June 1727 (O.S.) until his death in 1760.
Born and brought up in northern Germany, George is the most recent British monarch born outside Great Britain. The Act of Settlement 1701 and the Acts of Union 1707 positioned his grandmother Sophia of Hanover and her Protestant descendants to inherit the British throne. In 1705, George married Caroline of Ansbach, with whom he had eight children. After the deaths of George's grandmother and Anne, Queen of Great Britain, in 1714, George's father, the Elector of Hanover, ascended the British throne as George I. In the first years of his father's reign as king, Prince George was associated with opposition politicians until they rejoined the governing party in 1720.
As king from 1727, George exercised little control over British domestic policy, which was largely controlled by the Parliament of Great Britain. As elector he spent twelve summers in Hanover, where he had more direct control over government policy. He had a difficult relationship with his eldest son, Frederick, who supported the parliamentary opposition. During the War of the Austrian Succession, George participated at the Battle of Dettingen in 1743, and thus became the most recent British monarch to lead an army in battle. In 1745 supporters of the Catholic claimant to the British throne, James Francis Edward Stuart ("The Old Pretender"), led by James's son Charles Edward Stuart ("The Young Pretender" or "Bonnie Prince Charlie"), attempted and failed to depose George in the last of the Jacobite rebellions. Frederick died suddenly in 1751, nine years before his father; George was succeeded by Frederick's eldest son, George III.
For two centuries after George II's death, history tended to view him with disdain, concentrating on his mistresses, short temper, and boorishness. Since then, reassessment of his legacy has led scholars to conclude that he exercised more influence in foreign policy and military appointments than previously thought.
Thomas Hudson (1701 – 1779) was an English painter, almost exclusively of portraits.
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