#NaruSaku child
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luckyrave · 2 years ago
Update: Tale of Sachiko Uzumaki Chapter 2 Pushed to Sat. July 15
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Originally I had the chapter set to drop on Monday July 10 2023, but I pushed the date back to Saturday July 15 because I wanted to dedicate more time on revising. 
However,  the image shown above is a tease as to what Chapter 2 will be centered around. 
Tagline: A Clash between Twins 
Special thanks to @pumiih​ for allowing me to use their character design of Shina for this tease in Sachi’s story!    
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ammy246 · 7 days ago
These Two Combined Remind Me of Someone...
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How come no one has never mentioned this before??? Lol
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my-current-obsession · 10 months ago
I finally saw the Naruto Road to Ninja movie last night, and I gotta say, it was really good! I went in knowing it had quite a bunch of Narusaku ship tease and wacky alternate versions of the Konoha cast I knew and loved, and then got hit by surprise by all the family drama and feels.
Really I'm surprised and disappointed there's not much discussion or content related to that movie (especially among Narusaku fans, since this movie is an obvious goldmine!), but maybe I'm just coming to this topic years late and missed it.
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narutobyari · 1 year ago
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And here we have child number 3.
After Shinachiku, Hanami there is this cutie, Melondy😆🤭🥺💕
NaruSakus beautiful children 🤭🙈
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animeyanderelover · 3 months ago
Hi! For my 2nd request can I please request Yandere hcs for Narusaku , Nalu and Yato (naruto , fairy tail and Noragami ) , Luffy and Ace (one piece ) , Maka and black star (soul eater ) with a female darling that escapes and has a child with someone else👀 please (if that’s to many you can get rid of of soul eater ones sorry about that ^^) 
please 🙏 also hope your doing ok and drinking plenty of water !! 💗
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional behavior, clinginess, guilt-tripping, manipulation, threats
Tags: @shumidehiro @swagenemyartisan @cachamata
Darling escapes and has a child with someone else
Uzumaki Naruto & Haruno Sakura
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🍜​🌸​Escaping those two would be quite a difficult achievement considering that Naruto is the Hokage and Sakura helps him quite a lot considering that she has experience assissting the leader of a village as her mentor used to be the Fifth Hokage. As the darling of those two there is obviously going to be some security involved as neither of those two would be careless enough to assume that even with the dawn of a more peaceful era everything will be safe for you. They aren't as oppressing as some other characters would be though which leaves some holes and cracks that their darling can potentially exploit to plot her escape. Both have their busy days working after all which is arguably going to be your best shot to flee. News still reach their ears very fast though. For Sakura reality settles in faster than for Naruto though as he is much more delusional than she is. The Seventh Hokage is vehemently denying reality as he tries to argue with the Anbu who delivered the news to him that they must have overlooked something. You wouldn't leave Sakura and him behind. You love both of them after all. This-this was supposed to be the beginning of a new era where you could be happy with him and her.
🍜​🌸​Over and over again he denies their words even as tears start evading his vision. It's Sakura who finally puts the dagger through his heart as she cannot bear to watch one of her oldest friends going through such desperate denial. Her voice is stern and firm as sh cuts Naruto off, only the slightest shiver in her breath betraying her composure as she tells him that you have run away on your own accord. It's the shimmer of hurt in her own green eyes that finally end in Naruto breaking out in tears and seeing him in this state results in Sakura dismissing all the other Anbu in the room. She ends up staying with him for the entirety of his emotional breakdown, her own defenses weakening until she too starts crying now that there is no reason for her to pretend to be alright anymore. The question of why you ran away and what he and Sakura could have done better to make you stay haunt Naruto as he searches for you the following years. He works tirelessly each day, desperately hoping to find you with each new dawn and ask you himself what he needs to do to fix this situation. Sakura scolds him for neglecting his health but truth is that she herself isn't holding up to her lectures either.
🍜​🌸​As soon as you are found Naruto insists that Sakura and him should be the ones talking to you. He wants answers. He needs answers. For the first time in years though he feels a semblance of happiness again with the prospect that you have finally been found and with a new determination to repair the situation between you three so that things can return the way he always perceived them within his mind. That smile of relief and joy crumbles though when he spots you with the child and its father whilst Sakura can only stare, feeling hurt and betrayed. Yes, she knows that sometimes her and Naruto can be too much but that doesn't change the fact that both of them love you dearly. Naruto ends up shedding silent tears this time though, unable to deny this situation right in front of him. Instead he asks you with a heartbroken look in his eyes if Sakura and him weren't enough for you and if they could have done anything differently so that this all never would have happened. His blue eyes only fill with some semblance of rage when they meet the gaze of the father of your child. After all in his mind there is no one who could love you as much as Sakura and him could.
🍜​🌸​There is some part within both of their hearts that considers for one short moment to take you and the child and leave the man behind. However, neither of those two is able to do that. Sakura has seen enough orphaned children after the war to know how they feel when losing a parent and Naruto himself grew up without any parents to begin with. So begrudgingly he decides to take the unfamiliar man with him though he ignores him the entire time when he talks to you, wanting to tell you about all the advances that were made during your absence. Whilst the father of your child isn't murdered as neither of them would be that cold-hearted, pressure is on and Naruto and Sakura subtly fuel that. After all in the eyes of every citizen an ordinary guy could harldy compare to two heroes from the Leaf Village. Your partner is constantly judged which takes its toll on him over time. Additionally Sakura suggests to keep him busy with work so that Naruto and her can inser themselves into your life as well as the life of your child more. That child has never been hated after all as both just decide wordlessly to love them as their own child and both of them are terrifyingly good with your kid.
Natsu Dragneel & Lucy Heartfilia
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🔥​🗝️​There is a higher degree of freedom involved with those two unless it is an absolute emergency. Natsu and Lucy are much more harmless in comparison to some other options within the Fairy Tail cast. That doesn't mean by any means that it is an easy walk to escape those two. Natsu's enhanced smell which allows him to track you down, Happy who can fly through the skies to search for you, all their friends who would tell them if you were gone and the fact that both of them very rarely leave you alone. Natsu in particular is very clingy and loves spending time with you and Lucy whilst Lucy at the very least understands the need for privacy, aware that her friend can be very clingy. Still, with a little bit of planning and begging you will find a way to slip away, to be left alone long enough for you to get away from their love which can be a bit too smothering at times. When they realise that you're gone they panic but decide to search for you first with a lot of other guild members helping them. They search and search for hours, their hopes fading with every tick of the clock. Lucy is the first one who starts crying. Natsu attempts to cheer her up, to stay positive but his own tears betray him.
🔥​🗝️​Still, both of them try to never lose hope to find you one day again. They start going on missions in different regions to search for you, both of them sometimes gone for weeks in their tireless quest to find you and bring you back. Optimism sometimes gives away to despair when all gets too much. Truth is that neither one of those two fully understands why you felt the need to escape from them. Lucy may bear some small semblance of understanding as she is half-lucid at least but she knows that Natsu and her always loved you with all their hearts and always only ever treated you with their best. Natsu on the other hand feels the need to be strong whenever he sees someone so incredibly close to his heart faltering, trying to stay strong and positive whilst reassuring Lucy that surely there is an explanation and that everything will turn back to the way it used to be as soon as they have found you. The more time passes though the more taxing it becomes for them as well as their emotions. The usual liveliness that normally surrounds them slowly gets sucked out as Natsu even loses his usual energy to brawl with Gray and Gajell, an alarming sign for the rest of the guild.
🔥​🗝️​The moment they receive a clue about your possible whereabouts they drop everything immediately and travel to the place where you are supposed to live. Lucy is a tad bit more anxious than Natsu is as she fears that you'll reject them the moment you see both of them, Natsu attempts to remain positive like he has always done those last few years. Even within all of his optimism that things will turn out alright between the three of you, the moment he catches a whiff of your scent he already knows what has happened long before the man appears behind you with the small child in his arms. In that moment even he is unable to come up with a light-hearted spin to the sight in front of him all whilst Lucy does her best to swallow back her tears as this sight indirectly confirms her fear of you having moved on from both of them. Ultimately you as well as your lover and the baby are taken back to the guild and the whole way back Natsu doesn't know how to feel nor to act. The scent of someone else clings to you and every whiff he takes renews that pain within his heart. He confesses his inner conflict to Lucy with clenched teeth and a trembling voice who does her best to comfort him.
🔥​🗝️​Peer pressure is very likely in this scenario as well though to a lesser degree. Still, for the entire guild it is a shocking truth dropped on them when they find out that you have had a child with someone else during the years you were gone and there are some whispered words behind your back, some salty slander against the man you chose. The child is almost immediately welcomed though, even by Natsu and Lucy. In fact the kiddo is so often whisked away by someone within the guild that at one point you don't even know where they are until they return giggling with some of the mages of the guild. They grow very quickly attached to the people within the guild which is a nightmare to you, especially Lucy and Natsu spend a lot of time with your kid. You have a hard time explaining to your kid why you do not wish for them to be too close to those two because even you realise that Natsu and Lucy aren't neccessarily bad people, wondering how much your child would understand even if you were to explain everything to them. Natsu never fully learns how to act around the father either, weirdly more possessive and most likely a lot more reckless around that man without injuring him.
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🪙Perhaps it is quite amusing that there is a literal God obsessing over you yet you still have a realistic chance to escape him. Yato isn’t like other gods, he doesn’t have a big palace in the other realm where he could keep you. He needs to earn his money and for that he takes every job offered to him. The poor man is struggling and that is the main reason why you have a shot at escaping him. If you remember to do so that is as you often tend to forget Yato if he’s gone for too long until he returns and the subconscious memories return. Yato, painfully aware of this fact, is all the more clingy as a result. He hates being forgotten, it could literally kill him to be forgotten. But if there is one person he wishes to remember him forever then it would be you, his darling. You plan everything though. A new phone, a suitcase, a ticket to fly abroad as you fear that as a deity of Japan you’d never be free as long as you live here. Then you’re gone. And Yato is left alone as not even the words of Hiyori and Yukine can comfort him. Instead he wishes to be by himself, is gone for days without anyone knowing where he is. He wanders through the city, searching for you as he feels like withering away.
🪙It is likely that some other deities offer him their help. Kofuku volunteers to help in the search for you as she is a very close friend of Yato. Hiyori asks around your neighborhood if anyone is any information about your current whereabouts. Even Kazuma and Bishamon decide to give their helping hands and keep their eyes open for you. Hiyori is the most successful of them all yet the news she delivers are only fuel to the growing pit in his stomach. You’ve gone abroad. You’re no longer in Japan and as a deity created in this land Yato is bound to it. He cannot follow you to the place that you went. He falls into another depressive hole after the news, doesn’t feel motivated to earn his coins as he just spends his time silently drowning in his heartbreak. Deep down he understands why you decided to escape from him, at least partially. Both of you are of completely different worlds and he knows how overbearing he tends to be. But can you blame him? Always, without a fail, he is the one left behind in the past, damned to be forgotten. He just didn’t want you, the one person his heart has learned to love, to erase him from your mind. But now that you’re gone it’ll inevitably happen. Truly, his fate is one marked with misery.
🪙Sometimes he feels like giving in to his defeatism. To just wait until he too evaporates like some other deities before him did. However, it isn’t within his character to give up. His friends wouldn’t let him get tempted by his sorrow either as they drag him out, push him forward so he doesn’t stay behind. So Yato tries to move on yet a forever existence entails that the pain will forever live in his heart, heavy chains around his soul that steal the liveliness of his personality. It is hard for him to keep dreaming about millions of followers and a big shrine as the core of his dreams has disappeared just like that. Each year that passes reminds him of your fleeting human life, of your lifespan burning away like a candle. Until you one day return. A few years older yet still beautiful. It could have been a truly magical moment if it wouldn’t have been for the man next to you and the little child clinging to you. A bitter taste rots on his tongue, a wave of jealous despair washes over him as he gazes at the child you have with this man and it isn’t until Yukine points it out to him that Yato realizes that he has started crying. Hot tears spill down his pale cheeks, the betrayal stinging so terribly as he suddenly rushes over to you.
🪙The confused glimmer in your eyes almost threatens to break him as he begs for you to remember him. It takes you a minute of sheer agony that threatens to tip him over the edge until suddenly your eyes widen. There’s panic and horror but at least you now recognise him. That’s enough. For now at least. However, things have only just begun. In the years you have been gone you have birth to a child, a visible reminder of the passage of time. To Yato a human life burns away like a firework, gone in the blink of an eye. Fearful to lose you to your own mortality as well, he’s decided to search for ways to bind your lifespan to his own so that you may never wither away like a flower in fall. However, your child and your lover will not receive such a gift from him. Yato won’t harm them simply because he understands that they will pass away within the next few decades whilst you will remain by his side. Both of them will naturally leave your side so there is no reason for him to speed things up. Sometimes he does feel like threatening your lover out of jealousy and insecurity but he holds back. He feels sorry for the child though, he quite likes the kid even though he isn’t the father. However, unfortunately he can only tie his life to one other person.
Maka Albarn
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💚​Maka is of a sharp mind and filled with the quiet determination to be someone better than her father who never was a loyal husband to her mother. As strong as she may appear, she carries lots of insecurities but refuses to let everyone in on it as she wishes to prove herself. It's precisely because she knows that you do not think well of her that she keeps all of her own thoughts to herself as she understands that you wouldn't want to hear about her thoughts and feelings in your current dilemma. There's is the feeling of an invisible cliff between the two of you, one that silently torments you yet you are far too fearful to tell Maka who manages to intimidate her with her closed-off behavior. Maka does none of it by a malicious intention though as she instead assumes that perhaps giving you more time to get adjusted to her feelings for you and allowing herself to digest the fact that you actually figured her out will result in a slightly more positive outcome than what the both of you are currently facing. When something is troubling her she tends to throw herself into training, meaning that poor Soul has to endure rigorous hours of training with her as she attempts to focus on something else.
💚​It is the methods she uses to deal with her own problems that gives you the optimal chance to escape. Maka is left feeling like a fool when she has to accept the truth that you fled from her. She knows that her feelings aren't within the norm and she herself is more ashamed than anyone else could ever be of that fact. Yet at the very least she believes that she has never treated you cruelly or neglected you so terribly for others like her own father did to her mother. Still you left and leaves her mind reeling as she wonders if there is something that she has done, something so terrible that you felt the need to sneak away during her absence. For weeks on end she goes through every little interaction between the two of you that she is able to recall as she desperately tries to figure out what it is that repulsed you so much to the point where you left without leaving any trace behind. Her own mental fortress receives great shots, greatly damaged by the end of it yet still stable enough to hold itself together one way or another. That bitter and slimy feeling of failure is embedded within her heart though as she can't shake the thought off that in a way she has exactly become like her father.
💚​Maka deals with her troubles and her own pain the same way she has always done though, by throwing herself into attempting to improve herself and become a better person. Yet no matter what she achieves from that day on it never feels like it is enough to her as the thought of her being a failure that scared you away is forever engraved into her soul. Deep down she craves an explanation from you to know what it is that she should have done better so that she can improve. So that she doesn't end up like her father. But she doesn't know where you are. No one does which only leaves the little maggots of insecurities to blossom within her heart, filling every crevice of her body. When she spots you one day again in the company of a man and a little child she just freezes, her eyes staring at you. Her face remains stoic but her own heart starts racing within her just as much as her mind as so many emotions threaten to spill out that she doesn't even know where to begin and where to stop. The yearning to hear your explanation, to understand exactly why you ran away fills her but at the sight of the family you created she immediately closes her heart.
💚​Immaturity is something she would much rather have to be associated with her father and not herself but she has to admit that it is incredibly difficult to hold back her own bitterness. She knows that you never loved her, that you never promised her anything which is why she can't possibly consider this as cheating. A broken heart is rarely soothed by such logical explanations though. Her tone is arctic, her eyes are sharp and her entire demeanor is harsh whenever she is left alone with your lover. Green eyes are constantly inspecting him with a piercing glance, desperately wanting to figure out what it is about this man that made you fall in love with him as it is what she seems to lack. To your kid she is still quite nice though she stirs somewhat away as she feels awkward and uncomfortable whenever it hits her that this child is the result of your love for another person. At the very least she is mature enough to not show any hostility towards the kid though but this is hardly something she feels like she can be proud of. Part of her heart aches to question you why she isn't enough for you but another part of her is terrified to reveal such neediness and vulnerability to you.
Black Star
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⭐​To Black Star the idea of you running away from him is something he is either going to laugh about as a bad joke or get in a brawl over if he is in a bad mood that day. As someone who is quite heavily on the delusional side it is not hard to see why he would never consider such a thing though. In his mind he is after all the only one capable of loving you and protecting you and he is very fierce with this conviction. That is exactly the problem that you have with him though. He is far too much for you, suffocating and smothering with his behavior all because he wishes to impress you and prove to you that he is the only one for you. You've been planning to escape for quite a while already but it is kind of hard due to Black Star's clinginess as he insists that as your hero he should always be with you as dangers may lurk around every corner. As bad as it makes you feel, you realise that you will have to use Tsubaki for your plans if you wish to flee as she is always the one who pulls him away from you and allows you to breathe whenever his clinginess gets too much for you. So you grit your teeth and endure everything for a bit longer until you sense your chance when Tsubaki wants to do you a favor.
⭐​It honestly doesn't even cross his mind at first that you fled. Instead he instantly assumes that you were abducted during his absence and instantly starts rummaging through your house, leaving more chaos behind than the supposed abductor of yours. It is Tsubaki who points out that your clothes are gone, that your hygiene products are nowhere to be found and that a suitcase of yours is gone. She has already figured out what has most likely happened but it is Black Star who stays in vehement denial. You'd never run away from him after all. He is after all your personal hero who will always protect you and keep you safe. So Tsubaki forces herself to stay quiet even if only out of empathy as she follows him around as he runs through the entire village and questions everyone. When more and more answers pile up hinting at your leave by free will his rejection and denial of their words get more serious. Maybe you were blackmailed and that person forced you to leave! Maybe there was an urgent emergency that happened spontanously whic forced you to leave abruptly! All of it are excuses to deny the reality so that he has some lie he can cling to. When Tsubaki tries to stop him from his tireless search he actually snaps at her to not touch him.
⭐​Without a doubt he would break down if he were forced to face the reality that you never once viewed him as your hero that he always wanted to be for you. His whole world would shatter and would leave him questioning who he even is supposed to be. That cannot happen which is why even throughout the years following after your years he always believes that something must have happened to you, that someone took you away from him. The ninja travels far and wide all in his desperation to find you and rescue you. When he eventually finds you in company with a man his brain immediately jumps to the conclusion that this is the person who must have been keeping you forcefully all those years. With a flashy and loud introduction that is so typical for him he announces to the villain that he is now here and that he will rescue you from the man's evil clutches. Only that Tsubaki refuses to transform, shaking her head as Black Star tells her to turn into a weapon so that he can save you. So caught up in his own fantasy of finally rescuing you and receiving your gratitude and love in return has he been up to that point that he notices the child far too late.
⭐​With so much evidence one would think that he would finally falt, that he would finally understand that you were never taken away against your will but left because you didn't love him and wanted to escape his tight grasp. Black Star is far too gone within his own delusions to ever accept such a reality though where he would lose a purpose he has always thought was designed specifically for him when it came to you. So instead he starts believing that the man must have manipulated and hypnotised you as there can be no other explanation to why you wouldn't rush into his arms and express how relieved you are that he has finally found you. It is this delusion that fuels him with an anger that you have never seen before in him as he suddenly challenges the man to a life-or-death match. Tsubaki is horrified, you are horrified but Black Star refuses to back down. He will have his revenge, he will save you from the clutches of this man who has done something to your mind and heart. And after he has done that he will take the kid and you back with him and help you to return to your old self. The child deserves a father who isn't a bad person and who would be better suited than him for that?
Monkey D. Luffy
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🍖​Luffy is going to be surprisingly difficult to escape from for two reasons. The first reason is his insane clinginess as he so rarely leaves you alone. For Luffy there is no joy greater than spending time together with the people that he loves, especially when it is you that he spends time with. Every waking and sleeping hour he is pretty much glued to your hips and this slowly takes its toll on you as you just wish to be left alone for one fucking day which seems to be about impossible for Luffy do. Wherever he goes he drags you with him with the rare exception of when there is something dangerous happening. The second reason of why it is going to be so difficult to escape him is because of his crew. Whilst it is to some members of the Strawhat crew obvious that Luffy's feelings aren't exactly within the acceptable bounty the fact remains that all of them are loyal to Luffy which makes you extremely cautious to choose any allies out of fear that they'd stop you or tell Luffy. The most ironic of it all is that Luffy is surprisingly emotionally intelligent. He realises that there is something that eats you up alive on the inside but he is too delusional to recognise that he is the cause.
🍖​The situation presents itself spontanously to you, the circumstances somewhat low which does cause you to be mildly ashamed. It is during a rather ferocious fight that you decide to sneak away and leave the crew behind as everyone is busy with their opponent. Everyone is too preoccupied with their respective fight to notice your absence. It is only once the worst is over that the crew starts noticing that you are missing. When Luffy finally returns with a grin on his face, wanting to smooch you after that difficult battle he is only met with the guilty faces of the others. Initial confusion is pretty soon met with a very bad feeling crawling up his throat as he realises that amongst his crewmates you aren't present. His mind instantly jumps to the worst conclusions of you either being killed or kidnapped. There is no time for those who most likely have the inkling suspicion already to tell him what has most likely happened as he instantly begs them to help him to search for you, to find you. What if you're hurt?? They spend days searching for you on the island and once it is concluded that you're no longer on the island Luffy starts to openly sob. Where are you?
🍖​On every island they stop he keeps searching for you in hopes of finding you, still in firm belief that someone must have taken you. This belief of his makes every day that passes so much more painful to him. If they took you why aren't they trying to get in contact with him and his crew? What is it that they want? Robin, Nami and even Sanji attempt to softly deliver their own suspicions to him but Luffy refuses to listen. After all he remembers your amazement whenever you explored a new island or the laughter you shared with the crew so clearly. Your joy wasn't fake! He isn't even sure if he still wants to find the One Piece as it wouldn't feel right if you aren't there with him. It takes a long couple of years before his crew finally finds you through a tip of another pirate crew, on a secluded island. Luffy lands on the island already mentally prepared to fight someone, to rescue you together with his crew after years of being stolen away from him. Instead he finds you laughing, spinning around a little kid in your arms with a man by your side. It is only when you spot him that he notices the clear fear on your face, his hands suddenly starting to shake. Why are you scared...? It's him...
🍖​It's the usage of a Devil Fruit, right? That's why you're acting so scared of him. Without him even realising it he starts letting his Conqueror Haki slip out, your husband and child instantly fainting all whilst you start feeling dizzy. It takes Zoro to pretty much bark at him to stop what he is doing to snap him out of it, catching you just in time as you fall down as you have just lost all strength in your knees. The last thing you remember is the feeling of his tears on your face as he promises you with a shaky voice that he will find out what happened to you before you too succumb to your unconsciousness. When you wake up you instantly realise that you're on the Thousand Sunny, the feeling of a warm hand clutching you tightly smacking reality into your face. When you weakly turn your head around you notice Luffy sitting next to you, giving you a weak grin as he asks you how you're feeling. You instantly want to know where your child and your husband are, noticing the hurt in Luffy's eyes before he nods and leads you outside. Your child is currently climbing up Franky's robotic body, their eyes filled with amazement whilst your husband sits with Robin, casting you a fearful glance when he notices you...
Portgas D. Ace
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❤️‍🔥​Ace is a little bit better off than his younger brother is in regards to his delusional tendencies but that doesn't mean by a long shot that he is completely lucid. He's somewhere in the middle of the spectrum as he is half-half when it comes to the question of how delusional he is. One thing he definitely shares with Luffy though is his suffocating clinginess that becomes more and more apparent the more he falls into his obsession. The reason for it is very different though. Whilst Luffy spends so much time with you because he just loves being together with you, Ace's motives root more from his deep-rooted desperation to find a meaning to his life. As the son of Roger from the youngest age he has always perceived himself as someone the world doesn't want to exist and throughout his whole life he has always struggled to find a reason for why he has the right to live, for why he deserves to be here. One way or another you are made a scapegoat of those insecurities as Ace pours his heart out to you, clings to you as if you can provide him with answers by staying with him and loving him. It's taxing on your own mentality which is why you decide to escape as long as he hasn't introduced you to Whitebeard yet.
❤️‍🔥​You know that as soon as he would introduce you to one of the Four Emperors you would have no chance to flee so as long as you are still living on your island you decide to use the chance, secretly spiking his drink and watching with a mild amount of guilt as he falls asleep. Ace panics as soon as he wakes up and doesn't feel your warmth next to him, his body instantly jolting awake, his heart already throbbing with cold terror. He spends the next few minutes frantically sprinting through every room, calling your name with more and more desperation only to be greeted with a haunting silence. Eventually he slides down against the wall, his vision blurry and his breaths quick and short as he gasps desperately for air. His hands start trembling uncontrollably, hot tears start cascading down his face and heartbroken sobs tear through the oppressing silence, his heart palpations echoing loudly within his own head as he feels like he's about to die. He needs thirty minutes before he feels like he has enough strength again to stand up, slowly returning to your room and rummaging through your shelves before he breaks out into a fresh set of tears when he realises that your clothes are gone.
❤️‍🔥​You left him. Of course you did. What was he even thinking, believing that someone as wonderful as you would ever find it in your heart to love someone as unwanted as him? A part of Ace believes that it is justified. After all he is still capable enough to realise that his love for you has always been very obsessive so perhaps he was just never good enough for you to begin with. None of that quells the wriggly desperation and longing for you though. The truth is that he is in misery without you and everyone notices that. Every time something reminds him of you he is right back into the throes of a panic attack, his mind not under his control as he confesses in between sobs to Marco one day what is tormenting him so much. That's how Whitebeard finds out, that's how the Whitebeard Pirates get involved. And that is how you are found eventually. Ace, as impulsive as ever, instantly hops on his Striker to sail to the island where you have apparently been living for a few years, not even letting Marco finish his explanation. Perhaps he should have just stayed still and listened for once. Maybe then he wouldn't have felt like dying when seeing you in the arms of another man.
❤️‍🔥​Anger. Hot, burning anger just like the flames that he wields. Fire starts erupting from his skin, coating his fists in searing flames as his chest is heaving. For one terrifying moment it looks like he is about to attack the man, already taking the first steps to charge at him until you appear right in front of him, pushing him away. Ace stumbles back, eyes wide and shocked as he gazes at you. Then his eyes finally land on the child, eyes just like yours staring back at him. The tears welling up in their eyes as they look at him finally completely push him over the edge. In the next moment he's down on his knees, clutching at your clothes as he starts sobbing. Every time you attempt to push him away he lets out a hoarse whine, only resulting in his hold on you tightening. Meanwhile the other man has seemed to have gathered enough courage to approach Ace, wanting to defend you only to stagger back in terror when he notices the tattoo on his back. That's when a sudden realisation occurs to Ace. You never told him with whom you were together in the past. He could threaten this man to stay away from you unless he wants to deal with Whitebeard. He could just take you. And the child.
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person25 · 2 months ago
Organizing my thoughts/feelings towards Naruto ships and my thoughts/feelings on it (also disclaimer I can’t outright hate any ship, I can always get why people ship it so no bashing in this!)
Let’s start with Canon(if one’s not here then I have zero opinion on it):
ShikaTema: They’re widely liked among the fandom. I don’t hate them. They’re cute and had good development. I would never read a fic for them though so. Take that as you will.
NaruHina: Oh boy. Let’s get into this. So, the thing with them is I love that they could give each other the loving family that that never had growing up. I enjoy them as they are in canon. They’re just..not my favorite romance wise, ya know? I wouldn’t read a fic for them.
SasuSaku: Now these guys, I like these guys. I used to not like them so much but they’ve grown on me a lot. Their dynamic is good and does have development despite what others might say. I would read a fic for them.
NejiTen (they’re canon to me): They could’ve been so much more😭 The one ship with the obvious romantic tension(early on). Probably wouldn’t read a fic for them though.
Non-Canon Straight Ships:
ShikaIno: I think they could’ve grown together as people. Him getting over the sexism. Her getting over the obsession with her looks. Though, honestly, I don’t mind their canon interests it would’ve been interesting to see them together. Would read a fic if it fit specific standards.
LeeSaku: I can see why people ship them, but personally don’t like them romantically. Would not read a fic for them.
KibaHina: I like them. Misunderstanding trope would go crazy with these two. Wouldn’t read a fic but i sure as hell could write one.
NaruSaku: My loves. They could’ve been so much more😔 Though, with them, I love their dynamic in anyway shape or form so I don’t mind that they didn’t end up canon as long as they stay friends. Would read a fic for them.
Non-canon queer ships:
ObiKaka: I love them in a way that nobody else loves them. I like the idea of their og team being a love triangle in the actual way. Obito likes Rin, Rin likes Kakashi, Kakashi likes Obito. But of course, Kakashi couldn’t handle emotions bc of course. Would read a fic for them.
KakaIru: I love them in a married couple and their adopted child way. Not too crazy about them though. Would read a fic where they main pairing but would enjoy their romantic side-plot.
SakuHina: I have very complicated feelings towards this ship. So, the thing with them is I know most people only shipped them so that sasunaru’s wives were out of the way. I don’t like that. But if someone likes them for different reasons then ily. Wouldn’t read a fic for them.
SakuIno: FAV WLW SHIP😍 So much potential. Another pairing that could grow together + the comphet thing they got going on. I would read a fic for them.
ShikaNaru: Holy biscuits guys, I love them. Naruto’s first friend. The Hokage and his advisor?! I also love the idea of Chill Guy Shikamaru with the most unchill person in existence. Would read a fic for them.
SasuNaru: Very first queer ship I ever shipped (that’s crazy) back in the day. Of course I love them!! The bond they share is like no other in the show. They’re like, literally soulmates. Sun and Moon. As Sasuke said, his “ONE AND ONLY…friend!” Would read a fic for them.
MadaTobi: Oh my lord. I love them. Was very confused when i first discovered this ship. I definitely understand now. They’re so divorced in the war arc lmao. Would read a fic for them.
Team 7: As in, Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto. This is a no brainer since I love all of these ships individually. It’s very “I’m bisexual and my girl and guy crushes started dating😕” They figure it out eventually. Would read a fic for them.
Boruto ships:
InoHima: They’re cute. Love a ship where the girl is stronger than the guy. The implied future canon ships in Boruto have a lot more development earlier on than the Naruto canon ones do so i’m really enjoying it. Though, I wouldn’t read a fic for them just yet (this may change).
BoruSara: By far my favorite straight ship in all Naruto media. Way up there in all time favs. Love an Uchiha x Uzumaki ship, but honestly, I don’t ship them this crazily because they’re the next best thing behind sasunaru. They have a completely different dynamic that i love. Would read a fic for.
Holy yap bro.
Anyway, if you wanna hear my thoughts on any other ships or a more in depth breakdown of any previously mentioned just let me know!
This post was mainly just me sorting through how i felt because i’ve had some pretty complicated relationships with some of these guys.
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stu-dyingstudent · 7 months ago
kid/academy/pre-genin Sakura Haruno fic recs
To be honest, there aren't many kid or academy Sakura fics out there, at least that I can find, and most of which are actually time travel AUs. Now, the tricky thing with it is that most of those tend to start where Sakura is quite young, but by the end of the story she is a genin. So, it gives me the difficult decision of whether of not I should include those on this list (I haven't decided).
Anyway, the other difficult aspect of fanfiction about a young Sakura is the writing itself. There has to be a good balance of childishness and eloquence to ensure that the writing is not just truthful to the character, but that it also flows with the story. These are some of the ones I like!
Started: 2024.07.25
Last Updated: 2024.09.28
note: feel free to check out my master list which has a bunch of Sakura Haruno fic recs (all organized)!
Satori (Between the Lines) - Jaylene || ffn || gen || T || academy AU || complete
While attending the Academy, Sakura's field experience assignment with the Konohagakure Intelligence Division ends up being more valuable than she'd ever guess.
Sakura lands herself working in Torture & Intelligence??? From the very beginning Sakura has been pegged as a "paper ninja" where she is constantly praised for her intelligence, so Satori (Between the Lines) is academy Sakura putting these skills to use. Super good read and includes characters we don't normally get to see in fics!
Time Flies Like An Arrow - Katlou303 || ao3 || gen || K || time travel AU || complete
Sakura traveled back in time with the intent of changing everything, but something went wrong, and now she's four years old having nightmares about impossible monsters and losing friends she has yet to meet.
Time Flies Like An Arrow is probably the most interesting take on a time travel AU I have ever read. Sakura ends up going back in time to when she is 4 years old and not even in the academy. The only thing is, she has no clue that this is the second time she's living this life and her mind is still one of a child.
Two Minds (are better than one) - Lesemaus16 || ao3 || gen || Tobirama as inner AU || complete
Tobirama doesn't generally object to being reborn. He does object to being stuck in the mind of a little girl, though.Sakura grows up with a grumpy voice in her head, telling her to train more.Tobirama's influence on Sakura might very well change the story. Or maybe not, who knows.
note: I think this might actually take place during the genin days, but I have to check since I can't remember.
Tobirama is such a great character (so refreshing) and his interactions with Sakura in this are gold! I hope one day Kishimoto will release some side stories about him and other characters from his time as we really don't know that much about them tbh.
New Day Dawning - IncompleteSentanc (Erava) || ao3 || narusaku || T || canon divergence || complete
One day, while visiting the grave of Nohara Rin, Obito stumbles across a young girl terrifyingly like her. He decides to ensure she doesn’t meet the same fate.As for Sakura? Sakura had no idea what she was awakening the day she went to visit her parents graves - but she never looked back. One way or another.(Feat. Sakura raised by Obito and the Akatsuki, and her eventual return to Konoha and all those she left behind)
Sakura is brainwashed and manipulated, but loved by notorious killers nonetheless. Incredibly well written and I won't lie when I say that the ending took me a bit by surprise. Also, I should warn you that this does take place over a long time and thus Sakura does not remain a child for the whole thing, but I just really wanted to put New Day Dawning on this list (just read it).
In Another World - eleventheeggo || ao3 || gen || T || orphan Sakura AU || ongoing
What if Sakura was an orphan instead of Naruto and Sasuke? A story about a socially stunted girl who has a thirst for knowledge and is surrounded by softies who love her all the same.
Orphan!Sakura is not something I knew I needed in my life! She is so precious and it's great to watch all of these characters come together for her sake. In Another World also discusses ROOT a bit, which you know I love, so I can't wait for the story to get there.
Your Move, Instigator (draw your weapon and hold your tongue) - Laysan_albatross || ao3|| third war extended AU || complete
“We are still under wartime policy,” the recruiter had told her parents. He had an envelope in his hand. He sounded sorry. “She has two parents who are successful ninjas. We would be remiss to overlook her potential based upon that alone.” The Third Shinobi War never ended. Konoha needs more soldiers, grabbing anyone who can fight, especially those who can't say no.
I feel like one of Your Move Instigator's biggest strengths is that it truly gets across the innocence (or loss) of these characters. They themselves don't fully understand what they are doing or why. They are just children following the orders given to them by adults, even if that means taking the life of another. In the beginning, Sakura even recalls times of her spelling and grammar being corrected in her reports along with other childish things. Konoha has shown themselves of not being above dispatching young children to fight, but this story just brings that devastation to new light.
cut the head off the snake - itsthechocopuff || ao3 || T || time travel AU || complete
when eighteen-year-old, post-war Sakura is thrown back into her tiny, pre-Academy body, she makes a decision. she'd had a childhood once already, and this time, she's more interested in Not Dying when the inevitable shit hits the proverbial fan. so she will work harder, care less, kill more, and smile when she's done. and hey, if she ends up reviving an extinct nature transformation to attract the most corrupt, power-hungry man from her timeline, all the better for her, right?
Probably one of the best time travel AUs out there!! Also, we get to see ROOT!Sakura in here, which I love in addition to Sai (my baby). I know I said it's incomplete, but it's only missing one chapter so you still get plenty of story. Anyway, definitely check out cut the head off the snake!!
Not so imaginary - FangirlJo || ao3 || gen || T || ghost Tobirama AU || incomplete
Haruno Sakura was 5 when she realises her imaginary friend was not so imaginary at all and resembles the Second Hokage by a lot. Like a lot a lot. In which Senju Tobirama is Sakura's Ghost Sensei. Things change, chaos ensues and Tobirama is once more reminded with the reason he doesn't have kids.
Damn, I just really love Tobirama as a character. This guy rocks and deserves more story time (justice for Tobirama!!).
Ground Zero - TheIzzatron || ao3 || gen || T || third war extended AU || incomplete
Desperate times call for desperate measures. If this means forcing weapons into the hands of children, then so be it.
A young Sakura is taken advantage of in her parents’ absence at war and is enrolled into the academy's "accelerated" program. The complete unfairness of the situation is skillfully conveyed throughout the story. Sakura is left to wonder why she too isn't learning about flowers and history like Ino? Why Ino isn't learning the fastest way to kill her enemies? The characters and their emotions are so well done that you truly feel just how cheated they are. They aren't heartless, they are children. Highly recommend.
Inherited Will of Fire - jokergirl2001 || ffn || T || gen || sakura can see ghosts AU || incomplete
She always knew she was a natural at genjutsu but what she didn't know was that being a natural meant she had some immense talent when it comes to spiritual energy. Well at least that's what the cheerful raven haired boy who apparently drowned himself on purpose said.
I only just started reading this now, but Inherited Will of Fire is super cute! Academy Sakura finds she is able to see ghosts after stumbling upon Shisui shortly after the Uchiha massacre.
One Change in the Story - Aingeal98 || ffn || T || gen || time travel AU || incomplete
It wasn't supposed to be like this. She was only supposed to go back five minutes in time. Instead, Sakura wakes up in a dark room surrounded by people wearing black cloaks with red clouds on them. The worst part? She doesn't have a clue who she is.
Praying for One Change in the Story to be completed!! Sakura lands herself back in time with the mind and body of her four year old self. With Pein being the first one to find her, Sakura's new life purpose is to be the Akatsuki's weapon. Similar to New Day Dawning, Sakura doesn't stay a child for the entirety of this fic, but I still think it is a notable mention. Sakura slowly loses herself to her new roll and in a sense becomes the embodiment of a ROOT agent. It was interesting to see Itachi's internal battle with the situation and Konan's guilt. However, even with Sakura bound to Ame, there are children back in Konoha who have an itch that a pink-haired girl named Sakura is someone important.
Old Man by the Bar - Varmint || ao3 || T || gen || academy AU || complete
All it took was one school teacher's decision for the reality of Konoha to be altered in a way that no one could have imagined. Follow Kiba Inuzuka, Sakura Haruno, and Chouji Akimichi as they grow as individuals, friends, and ninja. All with the help of that grumpy old man with all of the cool war stories.
The way this fic is genuinely so good and I almost never see people talking about it is criminal! The interactions between the kids are truly great and there is so much character growth among them. Kiba, Sakura, and Choji really just started off as a group of misfits thrown together for an assignment, but even though it was a complete disaster they grew to appreciate the relationship formed.
Y'all, please send me some good kid/academy Sakura fics!!!! Or write one...
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sneezemonster15 · 2 years ago
If sakura and hinata were redeemed in naruto, would anyone even care? I feel as if I wouldn't care much, especially for sakura, cuz they've done too much. I think I would still hate them and some others wouldnt buy it.
I mean, say like Sakura was redeemed all of a sudden in boruto, would that be enough to overcome how she she treated other's throughout all the story? Especially Sasuke. Would redeeming her be enough to overcome how she harasses him all the time? Would it be enough to overcome how she chased sasuke and gave him a child he never wanted? Like she gets redeemed and goes "oops, I know you never wanted this but I'm sorry now and I'm a changed person, won't happen again." Like the damage is done, she's harassed him and chased him till he gave in, how can you better yourself after you've gotten what you wanted? redeeming can't reverse that damage. Or how she treated Naruto "sorry for being a bully and hitting you for no reason but I'm changed now, won't do it again." Apart from narusaku audience, which audience is gonna buy that? Like it's unconvincing she would get redeemed and then would apologize to naruto as it just so happens to be when he's hokage and she's got her prize Sasuke. Or for ino she gets redeemed and apologises for how she treated her, but it unconvincing because sakura has won Sasuke, so she and ino aren't fighting over him anymore.
Or for Hinata,"S..so...sorry n.nn....naruto-kun for guilt tripping you to marry me, I.. I.. I won't do it again, I'm better and changed." Like, he's already married to her and started a family. It's not going to mean much?
Based of the ask someone sent abt if it's possible Sakura and hinata could get redeemed. Like you've said in your reply, anyone can get redeemed, but I feel like it would be unconvincing or at the least, take a lot of work to redeem these two. This is just my opinion I could be wrong.
But that's the thing. If Sakura and Hinata were redeemed in Naruto, it would have meant something significant, and it would have contributed to the narrative and plot, because if the plan were to redeem them, then logically Naruto and Sasuke would be made to get together at the end. Look at what Sakura and Hinata represent. Two heteronormative selfish, entitled, unsympathetic, boy crazy girls who would potentially make into women who would force gay men to marry them to keep their illusions of love afloat. They don't give a shit as long as they get what they want, even at the expense of their spouses' well being or their own long term happiness. It was necessary for them to be written that way to facilitate the Brokeback Mountainesque situation in Boruto, no? What with the whole story being a love story and Sakura and Hinata as tools that were used to keep Naruto and Sasuke prisoners to their miserable lives, life of a shinobi who is supposed to live in the darkness, enduring all the misery silently. It's not the kind of world that will accept them, certainly not Naruto, someone who was systematically and institutionally ostracized, an orphaned, homosexual boy who is fated to be THE person in the world that will change it for the better. And this was the only way to resolve this story, in order for it to justify the new gen story, hence becoming the tragic ending that we hate. So the antipathy towards these ladies never got resolved. However, in order for their redemption to happen in the manga, a lot of things would need changing. Like the state of the shinobi world. A lot of things would need changing if Sasuke and Naruto were written to finally get together. Yes, the ending as it is now feels contrived. It is contrived. But it is not meaningless. The shinobi world has been established as a cruel world, where people don't get what they deserve. Look at Haku, look at Madara, look at Kisame, look at Neji, Sasuke, Naruto, Uchiha clan. And those who get it, don't deserve it. Look at Sakura, look at Hinata, look at Sarutobi, look at Tobirama, look at Danzo, look at village elders.
I agree with you that it won't matter if they were redeemed in Boruto. Boruto is not about the boys, they are supporting characters in it. Their story was Naruto and Shippuden. Which is over. And obviously, Kishi made it a point post Shippuden to keep Hinata and Sakura's the same as before, so it doesn't look like he is planning to redeem them. Looks like status quo would persist in the distant future.
However, it could have been done in Shippuden. And like I said in the other post you mentioned, anyone can be redeemed in a show and it is all believable as long as the writer justifies it within the story itself. I used the example of Orange is the new black, because it shows a whole host of complex characters, deeply flawed and yet realistic characters who were written to justly finish their redemption arc. Take Maria's character, a secondary antagonist in the story. Maria is quiet and shy as a kid but given her circumstances, she transforms into a take charge dynamo of a person, very impressive and self assured, she takes after her religious leader/drug trafficker father, who can charm the masses and lead them. She steals from her place of work, she cheats on her husband, she doesn't feel any regret about it. She gets caught and is sentenced for fraud. She works her way in the prison, but navigating the prison life brings out the worst in her, she eventually becomes the leader of the prison riot. She becomes a full fledged bully, a sadist, she has no ethical compass anymore. This leads to her stint in the max security prison, where she is made to eat the humble pie, she learns that life could get even harder, and the choices she has been making has been leading her into even deeper shit, away from her daughter that she loves so much, away from her friends that were her family in the prison. She joins the church, she makes amends to people she has harmed. Her redemption arc is shown throughout the last two seasons, by the end of which, she makes the least destructive of all choices, she apologizes to Gloria, her close friend whom she betrayed, and lets her loving and kind husband to marry the woman he loves, her husband whom she treated very unkindly in the past, despite him being so devoted to her. She agrees to let her husband marry another woman, a woman he loves genuinely, because for once, she thinks about her husband, and not herself. She commits a selfless act.
There were many instances where Sakura was written with a possibility to demonstrate maturity. The reason why Kishi wrote those scenes that way was that, when a character does something decidedly immature at a place or time where the opportunity was so damn ripe to do something mature, and doesn't do it despite everything that has happened before in the plot which had led to the current situation, the character loses credibility in the eyes of the audience. Audiences aren't foolish. Any good writer knows this. The way Kishi wrote Sakura's scenes, stresses even more on the fact that her character simply didn't evolve. Remained the same. That's what narrative motifs are about. This way, the reader is able to glean the meaning out of the scene, as intended by the author easily. It makes the impression the author wants his writing to make. Kishi made it quite clear that the reason why Naruto followed Sasuke was to save him and help him, to relieve his loneliness, to protect him. To be there for him, because he loves Sasuke and he KNOWS Sasuke reciprocates his feelings, even if he makes excuses to hide them, actions speak louder than words. As is evidenced in vote one especially. Sakura was written to chase after Sasuke for her own selfish reasons, where she simply ignores the need to know the truth about Uchiha massacre or any wish to actually know or understand Sasuke. Which Sasuke is clearly shown to understand about her. That's why he keeps telling her that she is annoying, just casually, an off the cuff remark lol. But when Naruto follows him, he gets very reactive, very disturbed, very distracted. Because he knows why Naruto is doing it, he suspects it. He keeps asking Naruto why because he wants to get confirmation from Naruto. Which he gets at the end. Point is, Sakura was shown to be selfish till the end, starting with part one, and then in the kage arc, war arc, just before vote two, at the end when she responds to Sasuke's apology as if she deserved it all along, and then asks if Sasuke would take her on his redemption journey. And then in Boruto and Gaiden.
Naruto on the other hand is shown as the one who is ready to share Sasuke's burdens and die with him in the same scene where Sakura tried to stab Sasuke in the back.
If you truly have conviction in your love, if you know that you love for the right reasons and if you truly care about your object of love, you would do things very differently from what Sakura did to Sasuke consistently in the manga. And all of it was shown to be done by Naruto. Who knows he loves for the right reasons, he would be a fool in love but not leave Sasuke's side because that's how much he believes, they resonated with each other even when they didn't know how to articulate it, they were both lonely. Naruto believes in his love for Sasuke and he knows Sasuke loves him, because he showed it to Naruto, with actions more than words. Naruto changes, he evolves in the course of the manga, he becomes better in every aspect, because he is constantly inspired by the memory of Sasuke, because of the motivation of protecting him and being his rock.
True love is courageous. True love doesn't hide behind empty words and excuses. True love justifies the words that have been said by the lovers. True love doesn't say the words and then take them back in the face of adversities. True love makes it happen despite the odds. That's the glory of true love. That's why it inspires us. That's why Sasuke was convinced by Naruto and not anyone else at the end. Sakura was given all the chances and suggestive realisations but still no redemptive action. Same with Hinata. She realises she is being selfish when jumping in the fight against Pein but she does it anyway because she couldn't help being attracted to Naruto and needed to make an impression on him at the expense of the whole village and Naruto's life, followed by getting trolled by Kishi when Sakura hugs Naruto in front of her. Still no redemptive action. Not even in the war arc when Neji died.
If you can make it believable, anyone can be redeemed, just need to justify it properly. And of course, it won't be an isolated event, it would influence the plot and characters that are connected with them.
Like for example, think about a character such as Oro. He was written to be dreaded, reviled, to cause shivers down the spine, and nervousness, to create a feeling of unease and anticipation, right? Because he is cruel and an evil genius, he is always a step ahead of his opponent, he is clever as a fox. But even he was redeemed. And no, the idea of his redemption was not just at the end when he supported the war efforts. The feeling of antipathy towards him went once he confronts the dead kages in the war arc and supports Sasuke. All through Shippuden, the audience is made to see how none of the adults in their world even attempts to understand Sasuke's predicament and given the amount of focus Kishi spent on making the readers understand Sasuke's tragic past, it makes you feel frustrated to see how no one in the plot tries to even understand Sasuke's side.
This was Kakashi.
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Even though Kakashi is shown to acknowledge that Sasuke has truly suffered given his past, he still doesn't understand him. And Sasuke's attitude towards him doesn't improve till the end. At best, he becomes close to indifferent to Kakashi at the end. It's all understandable because it makes sense, because Kakashi has already been established as a complacent and unquestioning tool of the shinobi system. He is emotionally inept and doesn't understand his own team members. And he thinks Naruto and Sasuke are just rivals while Sakura's love for Sasuke has matured, she really loves Sasuke, a girl who is kind and gentle. Lol.
This was Itachi, but who's surprised? Itachi is the definition of tool of the system.
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With Itachi, Sasuke tries his best to express his frustration with the system that was evidently so deeply unfair, he tried to explain where his anger came from, which is all very justified. He appeals to Itachi's love for him, and Itachi admits he was wrong to treat Sasuke as a blank canvas, as a kid who didn't understand the world. We again get to see yet another adult, someone who is this close to Sasuke, not understand Sasuke's predicament. Despite Sasuke's desperate attempts. Even Sasuke gets it at the end that there's no point explaining anything further to Itachi, he is brainwashed to the hilt. But he was still Sasuke's brother, and he did take the blame for being the reason why Sasuke was the way he was. But the audience is left frustrated nevertheless. After all this build up to show how cruel Danzo was and how the elders and Sarutobi were complicit in the massacre, we still see them regarding it lightly, as if it is an everyday event. And it compounds our frustration.
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No cost is big enough for the apparent safety of Konoha, as per Danzo, but we all know Danzo did it for personal gain, his megalomania, the power hungry despot in him who traded power for hate and destroyed a whole clan like so many stray animals. Danzo was basically a hypocrite. A lot of characters were, in the name of Konoha.
This was Sakura.
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After which she promptly made a plan to go kill Sasuke and attempted it.
And then there were others.
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No one really cared. Except Naruto of course, shown in kage arc.
Oro is the only adult who supports Sasuke and says something that all the sane audiences have been wanting for someone to say. Someone reliable, someone who would make sense of it, someone who would reassure us that we weren't crazy, that whatever we are feeling is justified. Kishi is not blind to it either, but he needed to set up this world as deeply unfair, and he was going for eternity apparently, lol, which is why nothing really changed much even after Shippuden. None of these characters were redeemed, the ones that never understood Sasuke.
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We are clearly shown by Kishi why it was that Oro changed his decision, he was not interested in participating in the war at all, his objectives were in no way benefited from the war. He was interested in Sasuke and even when he is reincarnated by Sasuke, he is still after Sasuke's body. But Sasuke had his own reasons to have brought back Oro and he tells him, Oro is intrigued. He is concerned so he tells Sasuke to not get embroiled, but Sasuke lets him know he can handle it and that he isn't a child. Sasuke shows agency. He is determined, there's a mature look to him, a certain calm strength of will. He realized what Sasuke has been through, he who understands Sasuke's motivation very well. He knew Sasuke went through hell, to be able to kill Itachi, and then he was told the truth about him, he was manipulated even by him, as he himself admits, but he can see that Sasuke has changed, grown. And this convinces Oro to help him, who is now invested in Sasuke's future, even if he doesn't particularly benefit from it. In the scene when all the dead kages are brought back, we are waiting to see what will happen with baited breath, it's a big deal. The crescendo is building and building, big credit to Oro who kept goading and goading, putting all those thoughts in words that we were thinking all along.
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"It's really not that complex a jutsu....". He tells it like it is with such dry wit and sharp sarcasm, he trolls Tobirama and how. Hahahah. He calls him out left and right and it is then reiterated by Hashirama. Full entertainment guaranteed. He unequivocally takes Sasuke's side and he doesn't have a hidden agenda anymore. He threatens to destroy Konoha himself lol. He threatens all the kages, all the leaders of Konoha, people who made very bad decisions. He genuinely wants to see the way Sasuke's wind would blow. And when he feels Sasuke's life is being threatened by Tobirama, he positions himself for retaliation and is ready to protect Sasuke.
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Sasuke resonates with Oro. Even though Oro was portrayed as a ruthless, mad genius, cruel and manipulative villain, whose past (childhood) was suggested to be equally unfair, but who has been hunting our favourite characters, harming them, torturing them, of course he was reviled by readers. But then, he is made to do the one thing no other adult could do. And it suits him very well. He is one who wanted to get all the victims of this unfair world together and make his own village, he was a non conformist, he was the outlier, someone who understands the ways of this world very well and takes advantage of it for his own benefit without regret, he refused to pander to the shinobi world's ways, he decided to make his own. It suited him to go his own way, being disinterested in war and to root for something/someone he was interested in. Sasuke. He puts his hand where his mouth is. Unlike others, he is not a hypocrite. He has seen wars too closely and he knows what it does to people. All the collateral damage. Sasuke is able to relate with Oro. This is what redeemed Oro, to whatever extent he has been redeemed to. Of course it doesn't make all his other actions alright, but it does soften our impression of him and we lose the edge of antipathy towards him.
And this was done properly. It was made to look believable. You are right, it takes work. The ladies' redemption doesn't mean anything now, in Boruto. It could have meant something back then, but Kishi wasn't going for it in any case.
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lunaneko14 · 9 months ago
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Here some IchiRuki or delusional Rukia fans showing their stupidity in pitting Rukia vs Orihime.
Captain vs Can't Cook: stupid argument. Rukia did become a Captain but Hime can't cook, not true. She can cook and the main issue with her is her food combinations. She lives alone so she knows how to cook. Kubo-sensei never said she can't cook, he said she has unusual food combinations.
Hime never graduated from High School, that's false. She graduated high school but unfortunately, university is out of her hands since her distant relatives can only support her till HS hence she has to work after HS. Rukia finished early from Shiho Academy thanks to Byakuya's machinations, not because she's a genius like Hitsugaya or Gin.
Orange Hair = Naruto? Are these guys fucking morons, Naruto's hair is blonde but his color theme is orange since he was based from Son Goku. So, based on their logic, both Orihime and Ichigo are similar to Naruto since they have both orange colored hair. Again fucking morons. Rukia beautiful, to them mostly but correct me if I'm wrong but I don't remember Kubo-sensei using characters or a character to reference on Rukia's beauty. Her zanpakuto, yes, Byakuya did refer to that. Orihime is not beautiful, Kubo-sensei disagreed with them. He referenced her beauty using the folks from Rukongai, her underclassmen, Loly and Menoly, and Ichigo's own younger sister, Karin.
Well, this post didn't get the reaction it wanted since many people pushed back about it. These morons don't understand that pitting Rukia vs Hime will hurt Rukia's reputation more than Hime's. Rukia is more likeable than Sakura but her fanatic morons are destroying her reputation. Me personally had no issues with Rukia but her fanatics are causing me to hate her.
Anyways, I do understand why Kubo-sensei reacted to these morons the way he did.
P.S. - The latest Bleach Musical is about the Arrancar Arc and Kubo-sensei had a picture with the cast. Also, Ichigo and Orihime's JP VAs had their pictures taken with the actor and actress who portrayed Ichigo and Orihime respectively.
These are the same people that burned their Bleach manga volumes because Ichigo ended up with Orihime which is more bat shit than NaruSaku so I’m not surprised.
I really don’t know why Rukia not being a pedo is so controversial.
Plus Rukia and Orihime are the best written female characters out of Bleach and Naruto. At least Orihime acts like a teenager throughout until she matures with her trauma unlike Sakura who stays thirsty for Sasuke without thinking of what to do to end the WAR. So there’s no need in comparing Rukia and Orihime because they both have their purpose in the story and both help save Ichigo
Everything else I agree, just because a food combination is weird doesn’t mean it’s bad. Like you said, you’d think it would be common sense for a child that LIVES ALONE to know how to cook. If anything, Ichigo should be worse in the kitchen because his sisters cook everything for him.
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naruhinalife555 · 3 months ago
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1. NS fans : "If NaruSaku was canon Naruto wouldn't have abandoned Sakura and his kids her.
Well it is really nonsense is clearly that this fandom try to present Naruto like he is bad father only because he is the hokage Naruto he abandond his kids with Hinata.?? Whitch reasons he have??? Well you hate Boruto so you don't read the manga right? you are not really known his character what hurt you that NaruHina get real child. and to you have fake children that even not existed tgis the real true his kid this the person that most important to him Naruto shows it much clearly he even cry about him🥺😍
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2. NS fans "Whenever Naruto is swamped with work, Sakura wouldn't hesitate to put him in his place and make him spend with his family"
Well here you are wrong nothing change if Naruto married to Sakura because woman that really love her husband know that he is love his family and he is never abandon her. she is knowing that to the hokage have responsibility on his village in this way or other Naruto protect of his family. well Sakura can't put him in his place this not the cause. if you think like that this only show that she is not love him.
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And to you have fake family and this always be like that look how naruto happy he is not love sakura
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3.NS fans : Sakura and Naruto are both miserable in their canon marriages , NaruSaku he is much better opinion compared to NH and SS"
Well I want explication what much better in NaruSaku compared to Naruhina ??? Outside the fact that Sakura she is doesn't love Naruto. you can see NaruSaku in Boruto only in moments that pierrot put. naruto he even not thougt about Sakura. he is know who she his wife. and this strong the fact that Naruto not was in contact with Sakura 10 years+ in this time he creates kids with Hinata.
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He have kid that he is loves
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And daughter cute why that Naruto even will want abandond her . It hurts you that you get fake children!
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Well NaruHina she is so different from SasuSaku
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in boruo Naruto show how his family important to him Naruto he is did evrything for his children
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It's well known that Sakura ships are garbage and it doesn't matter who she's. Sasuke he is not to blame in this situation. Naruhina she is also not to blame that Kishi not developing SasuSaku properly
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Narusaku will always be the worst, Kishimoto wanted to throw him out from the start It will never work and here is the proof.I'm sorry for those who don't know, but Hinata was invented long before Sakura.
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Kishimoto Interview: Translation: SJ: "Was it decided from the beginning that Naruto and Hinata would get married, or did you consider Naruto to end up with Sakura"?
Kishimoto Sensei: When I introduced Sakura, I just considered her as another character. I didn't do it to introduce her as a special female character. She was on the same level as characters like Kiba or Shikamaru, so I didn't have anything in mind about Sakura and Naruto being a couple. Obviously, they would be friends and…
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It doesn't matter what would have happened if Narusaku had been canon. Kishi never thought about this possibility. He did what he wanted and the truth is that it's his right and whoever doesn't like it is their problem. He made the couple he wanted, which by the way was very developed. You just didn't want to see it.
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Stay with Narusaku's fake kids because that's all you have.Keep hallucinating.You won't be able to achieve anything, especially not out of necessity.
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Because I would suggest watching in Gadien again. There's no way Naruto didn't like Hinata, especially when he said that about Sasuke when he thought he had abandoned Sarada.
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So please Narusaku, go back to your grave.
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If Kishimoto didn't want Naruhina, he wouldn't have given them two children and wouldn't have created a Boruto manga and movie.
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luckyrave · 2 years ago
Sachiko Uzumaki has been a character that’s been very dear to me since I did that character design and of course her backstory has been a huge motivation factor for me in wanting to explore more for her character arc and journey as a full fledged kunoichi in the world of Naruto almost fifteen years since the events of the Four Great Ninja War.   
Of course, kick started her story with the first chapter of the story known as The Tale of Sachiko Uzumaki in Spring 2021 as  a little inspiration I had gotten from Kaika Saisei  written by one of my oldest & dearest friends @chattegeorgiana.  However, that was also the early stages of when things were rather somber for me and my motivation factor was at an all time low for nearly two years on writing. Every now and then, I looked back on Sachi’s character design and re-read the first chapter and just feeling that inspiration to “KEEP MOVING FORWARD!”    
I do wanna preface by saying this, the storyline I had planned for Sachiko beyond the first chapter has not changed. In fact, I feel more motivated than I ever have before to share the rest of her story with you guys.  Which begs the question,  when will it finally continue?  
July 10th 2023  < -  there’s a specific reason why I picked  that date and I’m sure somebody is gonna figure it out.  
To also celebrate this return date announcement, I have also launched an official twitter page for The Tale of Sachiko Uzumaki.  
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badgalsasuke · 2 months ago
Hi there! Idk if you’ve already talked about it, but how long have you been in Naruto fandom? Were you an SNS supporter from the start?
I’m really curious since you’ve got so many great theories!
Hello anon!
I watched Naruto sporadically when I was a child (like 7-8 years old) because it used to be on Cartoon Network. But then when I entered my “otaku phase” at 12 I tried to watch it in a more serious manner lol but I ended up dropping it because I was pretentious and didn’t want to watch the big popular animes (bleach, Naruto, one piece, etc) and focus only on older anime series or really underground series lmao
But I still kept an eye on the Hispanic Naruto fandom so I always had an idea of what was going on and also how fans were reacting to it (which ended up differing from the English speaking side of the fandom).
It wasn’t until I was like 18-19 that I tried to start watching anime again that I came back to the Naruto fandom but this time on tumblr on the English side of it. I couldn’t get back into anime but I did start reading manga and that’s basically how I got to ship Naruto and Sasuke, by reading the story and paying attention to it this time.
Before that, I can tell you that I DID NOT like Naruhina, I always thought it was such a mid boring ship. As for Sakura, I wanted to like her but I didn’t like Sasusaku and I thought Narusaku was okay but nothing to write home about. So it wasn’t until Naruto and Sasuke that I understood why all the jokes about them being gay and Kishimoto being a fujoshi and so on, because yeah, they’re gay and in love 🥰
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chattegeorgiana · 5 months ago
Hanami shares her birthday with Yagura Karatachi, who just so happens to also be a kage. From what I read on the NaruSaku wiki, Hanami has both Water and Wind release. Yagura also has Water and Wind release (although him having Wind release is anime only). Ironically, Kushina, who expressed wanting to be Hokage when she was a child, also harbors Water and Wind release.
Ooh, really? Now that’s a nice coincidence we never really intended for! How nice it is that it just so happened organically.
When we established the nature affinities for them it was done with the techniques in mind and given how we mainly gave Hanami Minato’s learning style, we saw it fit for her to have Wind, for example.
But I love how these elements intertwine beautifully & make for a parallel, without us even intending it so!
Thanks for pointing that out!
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ginjaanimeloversstuff · 3 months ago
I love Borusumi, borusara, but i hate the fandom.
Sarada said boruto is like a brother to her, yet shopper say she's lying about her feeling. Pretty sure sarada knows her feeling. But then sumire tell her she boruto, sarada hugs her crush knowing sumire likes him...people saying sumire overreact.
You tell your friend you like a guy, but despite doing so, they leap into their arms. Sarada known sumire feelings, so if the Magna is trying to make a love drama, i didn't sign up for, love sarada, but btv is making me like her less. I hope they do something to make me like her more again.
Everyone always calls sumire class rep but never her name, she is always mature, but one time she act her age , people hold it against her?
It's a nickname her class gave her in the academy, they are not in the academy anymore,yet, no one ever calls sumire by her name, just refer her as class rep, she tells her friend not to call her that, people say she, who is always mature that sumire in immature and jealous. Thats why they hate her.
But, you all for getting, sumire is still a child like her friends.
It feel like people only ship borusara because they just want to see a op child or because they narusaku children...
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narhinafan · 5 months ago
I agree with that one OP a few post back. The anime portrays Naruto and Hinata as distant towards each other except that one episode. I feel like SP has a bias for Ino, too. Which is fine, but they hint at Naruto having a crush at Ino (parents and child day episode). Or they'll leave hinata out altogether or stick her in a corner. I hope they drop SP, but I'm being to optimistic.
We do get some NaruHina fillers, but rarely and mostly happened after the manga ended. But yeah SP was not kind when it came to NaruHina, I don't think they are bais towards Ino if anything they were bias against Ino one of their lead script writers was an infamous NaruSaku/Sakura fan so a good of eps and filler cater to that meaning both Hinata and Ino got unfair treatment.
I don't remember it suggesting Naruto had a crush on Ino period in the anime what ep and time frame was that hinted in.
Yeah they completely left Hinata's chapter of the novel which at first I didn't have a problem with since I thought they wanted to focus on the next gen characters, but then that adapt Retsuden of all things which has nothing to do with the next gen characters.
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watermelonsloth · 1 year ago
Boruto Shipping Opinions
I’m gonna put a brief aside here to say two quick things to keep in mind before reading:
I am not going to go into great detail or analysis here because I’m holding off on that until the manga wraps up.
I am caught up with the manga, I am not caught up with the anime. I have watched up until the arc the new team 7 infiltrate a prison, the second chunin exams, and whatever clips/moments I’ve stumbled upon being discussed. I am not an avid fan, I do not know all the ins and outs of character dynamics, and I don’t even keep up with that part of the fandom. I have no horse in this race.
I don’t like this ship, and I don’t know if that’s an unpopular opinion. I’ll try to avoid saying “they have sibling vibes” or “they’re just friends” because, coming from someone who has used that excuse in the past, it is very difficult to explain/defend argument. So much so that now it just comes across as cheap to me.
I will, however, say that I don’t like it for the same reason I don’t like NejiTen. It comes across as “he was a boy, she was a girl. Can I make it anymore obvious?” It feels like it stems from the idea that boys and girls can’t just be friends. If the dynamic was introduced with an edge of romance (like how Naruto and Sakura’s dynamic was introduced with Naruto having a crush on her), maybe it would be a different story. But as of right now, it feels like the fandom reading into something that doesn‘t need to be read into.
I hate to say this, but I’m guessing this ship stemmed from SasuSaku fans reading them as “next gen SasuSaku”. Look, everyone can ship whatever they want or choose to refrain from shipping, but I’m sick of the fandom projecting old ships on new dynamics. I have seen BoruSara compared to SNS, NaruSaku, and SasuSaku (for some reason). I have seen BoruSumi compared to NaruHina. I have seen MitsuSara compared to SasuSaku and SuiKarin. I have seen KawaSara compared to SasuSaku. Every single time I thought to myself, “The manga starts with Boruto asserting that he’s not his dad and this isn’t his dad’s story.” I get that comparisons will naturally arise since it’s a sequel series, but these kids are not carbon copies of their parents and they don’t have the same dynamics their parents did.
Now that my rant is out of the way, I think a hypothetical child between them having black hair with pink highlights would be cute and that’s about it.
I wish these two had more of a dynamic. Both characters have interactions with Boruto and clear dynamics with him, but they don’t really have much going on with each other. They both have recognizable personalities, but they mellow each other out whenever they interact and it makes them boring (I’m guessing Ikemoto isn’t interested in them together). They also only tend to talk to each other about Boruto (at least in the manga). Say what you want about them, but at least Sasuke and Sakura had a dynamic.
Anyways, funny ha ha, Orochimaru gets an Uchiha in the way they least expected.
Gayer than any of the Naruto dynamics and that is saying something. However, I struggle to like the ship because I’m just so confused.
First, why does Boruto have so many lancer/foil/rival characters. Kawaki, Sarada, and Mitsuki all act as lancers. I get that writing doesn’t have to be formulaic, but they aren’t even all lancers to each other, having dynamics that bounce off of each other, they’re just lancers to Boruto. At least for me, it’s already gotten really boring and ends in the three’s dynamics with each other falling flat.
Second, the sun and moon symbolism makes no sense to me as a writing decision. The obvious problem is that it’s redundant; it’s already been used for multiple Naruto dynamics. The less obvious problem is that it contradicts Mitsuki’s manga introduction. Mitsuki was introduced as the middle between Boruto and Sarada’s two extremes, taking up a role similar to Sakura’s in the og team 7. If he’s supposed to be the moon to Boruto’s sun, why is he introduced to us as the earth? The admittedly more minor problem that distracts me is that Orochimaru was the one that Mitsuki down this road. Why? Orochimaru wasn’t redeemed by Naruto and has never shown interest in him or this philosophy before now. My best guess is that they’re fascinated by Naruto’s affect on Sasuke, but that still leaves me with questions.
It makes me think that the writer didn’t have any ideas when they introduced these two.
I don’t like how the fandom is making another love square, but I doubt there’s anything I can do to stop them.
This ship is boring because Sumire is boring. That one anime arc made her interesting, but it’s referenced and relevant so rarely that she goes back to being boring. I’d like this more if the story let Sumire be morally gray or treated her like a redeemed villain more. As of right now, I think the only leg the ship has to stand on is writing tropes and I do not care.
This ship feels like the product of the same people who ship SasuHina/SasuIno/SasuKarin/KibaHina out of spite. My last post/reblog went into why this happens but the short of it is that it’s easier to ship something in peace if the biggest “threats” to it are paired together. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I have a feeling most KawaSumi shippers also ship BoruSara.
Please… just stop. If not for yourself, then for me. I’m already barely coping with how popular NejiHina is. Why have I seen this as much as I have??? This feels like a personal attack on my sanity. They’re siblings.
This is the section for all the ships I have little/no opinions on. I think MitsuCho is too boring for how popular it is, I think ChoSara should be more popular, I’m disturbed by all of the Eida x next gen ships because she looks and acts like an adult (at least how adults are portrayed in Boruto), and I’m surprised Code x Eida isn’t more popular, but I also think that Code has gotten the Kabuto treatment and isn’t very popular in the fandom.
The ships I haven’t mentioned I either have so little fucks to give or so little information on that I have ZERO thoughts about.
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