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dawntainbobbynash · 4 months ago
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Why does it feel like I'm watching a jury debate someone's life?
You are.
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guardian-angle22 · 2 months ago
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911: Lone Star | S2E4 -> S5E11 ↳ browsing the markets
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green28go · 2 months ago
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tellmegoodbye · 5 months ago
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4x16: A House Divided || 5x06: Naked Truth
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renegadesstuff · 5 months ago
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heartstringsduet · 1 month ago
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9-1-1 Lone Star Zine ⭐
What is a fanzine: A collection of any kind of fan-made creation imaginable! From drawings to fanfics, to collages to crosswords to poetry to moodboards to playlists - etc. Anything creative goes. 💮 Who makes the fanzine?: Everyone that wants to! You?! The idea is that anyone who wants to can create something for any of their favorite 911 Lone Star characters or pairings!
And for those who love to be part of the project, we'd love to get help with organization too. There will be sign-ups for everything. What will it cost?: The prices be determed, but the goal is to cover production of the physical version. Any proceeds collected will go to an LGBTQI+ charity to be announced at a later date. Ultimately, this project is entirely non-profit!
But first of all, we'd need to get enough interest for this! So please vote, reblog and maybe even share this outside of tumblr.
*thank you for everyone on the tarlos server who helped with this. we are pumped to share this and some permanent fandom joy. ❤️
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annoyingcloudearthquake · 25 days ago
Clouds Comfort Week Day 2
Fun Times
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This wonderful piece was inspired by @the-126-family’s carnival headcanons! The piece in entirety took 13 hours :]
Also bonus:
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danasevans · 6 months ago
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give me one last perfect memory
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gigigazelleloves · 5 months ago
The fact that Mateo was sitting there ready to shave his head just in case if Nancy really had breast cancer just shows how much of a golden retriever that man is.
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thebumblecee · 2 years ago
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tailoredshirt · 2 years ago
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Nancy at TK & Carlos's wedding
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dawntainbobbynash · 5 months ago
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Teo. Were you about to shave your head?
No. Um...
Shut up. Yes, you were. Why would you do something like that?
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morganaspendragonss · 2 months ago
If you're taking fic requests can i ask for a story where the 126 is at a call and mateo gets trapped and/or hurt and nancy freaks out or vice versa? If not its completely fine!
pull apart the darkness while we can
also for the prompt "i'm cold, come closer" on my @anyfandomgoesbingo because i WILL see a prompt intended to be fluffy and make it angsty title from in the embers by sleeping at last ao3 | 1.4k | hurt mateo, worried nancy, s5 finale spec, open ending
It’s her oath that keeps her going. The one she swore so many years ago, back when she was young and green under Michelle; the one she swore again when the 126 reopened after the explosion, and again after the fire. 
To conserve life, to alleviate suffering, to do no harm; it’s what she has lived her life by for over fifteen years and it’s what’s kept her strong even through losing patients and partners alike.
Now, it’s the only thing keeping her from falling to her knees in despair, from bursting into tears and giving up. The asteroid is still on its way, still likely to wipe half of Texas off the map, but Nancy keeps bandaging wounds and administering painkillers and comforting every terrified person who passes through their ambulance. For the first time in her career, this work feels futile, pointless when all these people, and Nancy herself, will die anyway when this thing finally hits, but she is duty-bound to keep going, so she does.
None of them have had a minute to rest all day, and it’s exhausting but it’s good; it means she doesn’t have time to think about the asteroid of Damocles hanging over their heads. She just has to focus on one call, and then the next and the next like it’s just any other day, until they either die or they don’t.
Still, she can’t ignore the way things get more and more apocalyptic as the hours tick by, and she sees her own fear reflected, albeit well hidden, in TK’s eyes. She knows he’s called Carlos and Sofia all the way in Switzerland; Nancy herself has called her dad and her brother and sister. They all said the same thing: no goodbyes, it’ll be okay – and she nodded and said them back, all the while knowing none of them believe it.
It breaks her heart that the one person she hasn’t been able to talk to is Mateo. He, like her, has been buffeted between calls, leaving no time for a kiss, or even a squeeze of the hand. Nancy isn’t a religious person, but she prays they’ll be able to do all that, one last time before the end.
They’re not even back in the ambulance after wrapping up one call when another comes crackling over the radio. Signal’s been getting worse, so it’s hard to make out the details, but it’s enough to know that it’ll be a bad one, and that it’ll take a long time. Too long, maybe, but they have to try.
By the time they get there, the scene is crawling with first responders and walking wounded. There’s the same grim look on everyone’s faces, and Nancy feels her own expression settling as she takes it all in. Debris from the asteroid had hit an industrial park, practically flattened some sections while others are crumbling dangerously. Half the firefighters are manning the hoses while the others are running in and out of the destroyed buildings, bearing victims in various stages of collapse. There are ambulances dotted around and a triage area set up, and even from a distance Nancy can see that there are very few green tags, and perhaps more black tags than she’s ever seen at one call.
She exchanges a glance with TK, getting a nod in return, and looks around for the IC, who materialises suddenly at their sides and shoves helmets into their hands.
“Secondary collapse,” he explains succinctly. “One vic and a firefighter trapped in the rubble; we’ve stabilised it as much as possible and extracted the civilian, but the firefighter needs medical attention before we can move him. You’re up, 126.”
Nancy lets TK take the lead on this one, once they’ve been more thoroughly briefed by the firefighters assisting the rescue. It’s not that she’s never dealt with situations like this one before, but he has infinitely more experience and she trusts him to steer them right.
The tunnel to their patient is low and narrow, forcing Nancy to duck her head even while crawling, and her backpack scrapes the roof with every movement. She’s pretty much reliant on touch to find her way, which means it’s a shock when TK stops suddenly and her helmet crashes into him.
“Dude,” she hisses. “What the hell?”
“Um.” TK pauses, and when he next speaks, his voice has taken on a slightly hysterical tone. “So we’ve found the patient.”
“Okay?” She shoves at him. “Move it.”
TK still hesitates. “Nancy, listen, it’s–”
“Oh, hey guys.”
When Nancy shoves him this time, TK obliges, and soon they’re emerging into a slightly more open pocket where their patient is lying, blood streaking across his face as he stares straight ahead. Nancy manoeuvres herself past TK to kneel at his side, her hands trembling as they hover over a body she now knows so well.
“‘Teo,” she breathes, a slight hitch in her breath betraying the tears she’s trying so hard to hide.
“Hey, Nance.” He smiles and his eyes flick towards her, but his head doesn’t move and his voice is strained with pain. “Don’t worry,” he tries anyway. “It looks worse than it is.”
She laughs wetly and tries to compose herself as she switches her dirty gloves for clean ones. “I’ll be the judge of that. Where does it hurt?”
“Mostly my chest?” Mateo phrases it as a question, as if he’s not really sure himself. “And I, uh. I kind of can’t move? Like, at all.”
“Okay.” She swallows and turns; without even asking, TK is already there with the C-collar. Still, she says anyway, “Full spinal precautions.”
She tries to be quiet, but Mateo overhears her. “It’s bad, isn’t it?” he asks, voice trembling. “Be honest with me, Nancy.”
His fear is palpable and it shatters the cracked halves of Nancy’s heart until she can feel each individual piece stabbing at her insides. But there’s no time to dress her own wounds while she has a patient needing her help.
“It’s not good,” she confirms. “But we’re gonna look after you, Mateo, okay? I promise.”
He smiles again. “I know you will.”
They work as quickly as they can in the small space, but Mateo’s injuries are extensive enough that it’s still slow going. Nancy has no idea how they’re going to get him onto a backboard, let alone get him out of here, but she pushes those thoughts aside as she continues working; preserving life, alleviating suffering, doing no harm.
A crash, outside.
Then another.
The precarious ground they’re on shakes, and Nancy throws herself over Mateo, feeling TK do the same at her back, and she swears the world is coming to an end.
And then…
It doesn’t. 
Yet, she reminds herself. And anyway, it’s not like they’re any less screwed, because the light signalling their way out is gone. She has no idea where TK is, or any of the others, and a glance at Mateo in the failing light of her torch shows his face has turned ashen and his eyes are closed. But he’s breathing; she can see that too, and that’s all she needs.
“Mateo!” she cries, rubbing her knuckles along his sternum. “Come on, wake up. You gotta wake up so we can get out of here, please.” Nancy has to swallow a sob down and she bows her head, hair hanging in her face. “I need you.”
Then, like in a fairytale – a really shitty one where they’re trapped in a hole with no hope of rescue – Mateo groans and doesn’t quite stir, his eyes opening to slits.
“N’ncy?” he asks, and she has to lean down and kiss him.
“I’m here,” she assures him, taking his hand. “I’m not going anywhere.”
“Neither,” Mateo slurs. “Hey, Nancy?”
“I’m cold, can you come closer?”
Nancy nods and this time doesn’t bother to hide her sob. “Yeah.”
She shifts as close to him as possible, lying down next to him and resting her head on his chest. Her instincts – her oath – tells her to keep going, but it’s obvious, now, that this is it. After all they’ve faced, this is where it ends.
And this, holding him, is how she can fulfil her oath.
Silence falls, broken only by their breathing for what could be seconds or minutes, until her radio crackles. The IC’s voice comes over, slow and distorted by static, but the message is clear.
Ladies and gentlemen, it’s been an honour.
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green28go · 2 months ago
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Always a new drama at the Firehouse.
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hookinhand · 23 days ago
nanteo season 5 is so special to me no one does coworkers to friends to lovers like them
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renegadesstuff · 2 months ago
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