#Nanbaka Kiji
eliiyis · 3 months
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is this anything
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thenanbakacorner · 1 year
Hi, can I request the reaction of the four supervisors after waking up from a dream lived where they had a family and their dream life with the (female) reader? I melt when imagining the baffled and shy reaction that one of them could take
Daww, yisss, this is an adorable idea!!
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🦍 Hajime 🦍
The second he wakes up and registers what he just dreamt about, he's blinking in shock and slowly getting a bit red in the face
He slowly sits up after a few minutes of silence pass and he pinches his nosebridge, eyes closing as he huffs and murmurs under his breath in embarrassment
"Fuckin' hell.."
Key moments from his dream replay back in his head, like you and him getting married, settling down in a small house, and your firstborn coming into the world
He's never had a dream quite like that, let alone one so vivid
It takes him close to a half hour before he's able to stop thinking about it (Mostly, at least), get out of bed and get ready for work, just barely not being late to clock in
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🐒 Samon🐒
The dream of you and him living together, happily married with two small children felt so real
When he wakes up, he is first confused at the sudden change of atmosphere, then when he registers that it was just a dream, he's quickly getting bright red
He can't believe he just had a dream like that!
His hands find their way to his face and he lets out a drawn out groan, rubbing his fingers against his temples
He whispers, trying desperately to cool the heat in his cheeks enough to get himself out of bed and ready for work
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🐕 Kenshirou 🐕
Out of the rest of the supervisors, Kenshirou is the most red-faced when he wakes up from the dream of you two living your best lives together
"Oh my god."
Is the first thing he mutters when reality sets in, sitting up and gripping the blankets on his lap in a death grip as he stares off into space, wide eyed
He can't help but think about the key points of the dream, like your wedding, your first child, and your second a few years after
Hands fly to his face, embarrassed steam practically billowing off of him
He ends up thinking about it for so long that he's late for work, and has to blame his late arrival on traffic
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🦚 Kiji 🦚
When he wakes up, he takes a second to blink and just register what he had just dreamt of
A glamorous, over-the-top wedding, a fancy three story house, and three children coming over the years afterward..
He soon gets the biggest, stupidest grin of his life along with faintly red cheeks and puts a hand to his face, chuckling to himself
"Goodness me.."
While he felt a smidge of embarrassment, he couldn't lie that the dream was rather wonderful.
Now he wonders when and how exactly he could make this dream a reality.. the sooner the better, at that!
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slpysun · 3 months
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does Samon eat a popsicle while others drink alcohol??
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look at this monkey boy, so healthy lifestyle 🥺
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 3 months
Hi! Another nanbaka request, where Reader as a sister of the Sugoroku brothers.
Reader meeting the Supervisors, Head of Divisions, and the Warden
What would be the reactions/interactions of Warden and supervisors of Reader as Hajime's Sister?
Where Supervisors having a meeting or sending their reports to the Warden
The other Supervisors and Warden heard rumors about Hajime's Twin, meeting her in person, and seeing Hajime and his twin interactions, they're in shock/other, of how they're looks are identical yet opposite in personalities
After that how would be their each interaction with Hajime's twin sis
Thank you and take care!
-There was a rumor floating around Nanba Prison, one that some didn’t believe completely- thinking it was a joke- that Hajime, the head guard of Building 13- had a twin sister.
-They all knew of his cross-dressing little brother, as that was a fun day in the guard’s meeting when Hitoshi showed up alongside him.
-Only a handful of people knew this rumor was to be true, the doctors in the medical office where you worked, the inmates of Cell 13, and the guards of Building 13.
-While you were identical to Hajime, minus the scar, you were nothing alike in personality- you were sweet, warm, and caring- but just as powerful as you were one of the few who could put Hajime in his place.
-It was a meeting Warden Momo called for- with all heads of buildings to attend, to go over monthly financial reports, and it included the non-cell areas as well, like the clinic, and the head doctors, the married Otogi couple- didn’t feel like going this time and sent you instead.
-When you walked into the meeting, wearing your nurse’s dress, instantly everyone froze, as all they could see was Hajime- who only froze to see you there as you beamed brightly, “Hello everyone, I am Sugoroku Y/N- it’s nice to meet you!”
-Hajime was quickly holding his stomach, doubled over with stomach pain as everyone was quickly shouting- in complete disbelief that the rumors were true that Hajime had a twin sister!
-Momo was checked out, as all she saw was Hajime smiling at her, despite it being you, unable to comprehend what she had just seen.
-Kiji and Samon were crowding you, looking at you closely to see that you were identical, minus the scar. Samon scowled lightly, “Why the hell are you bald like him?”
-Your hand came down on a sharp open-handed chop to the top of his head, sending him to the ground, showing that you were just as strong as your brother as you pouted lightly, “That’s very rude to ask a lady that!” Kiji was the one to compliment you, on your attitude and how you were much better than Hajime personality wise.
-Momo ran the meeting like a robot, unable to comprehend what was going on.
-As you left the paperwork you put your hand on her forehead, concerned as she seemed flushed, “Warden- are you okay?”
-She was hallucinating, imaging Hajime’s voice instead of your own, seeing Hajime doting and her whole body flushed from head to toe as a rush of steam rushed from her head and she fell straight back.
-More panic filled the room as the warden fainted, but you quickly took charge, since you’re a nurse, and radioed the infirmary to be prepared for the warden as you worked on stabilizing, her, not realizing you were making it worse, as Momo was imagining it was Hajime, not you.
-Just another crazy day in Nanba Prison!!
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unicornblossom13 · 5 months
Kiji: I said if I didn’t become a star by thirty-five, I was just gonna become a serial killer.
Samon: …
Kiji: …
Samon: … Well, girl, how old are you? I’m getting nervous.
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kazl0vesenvy · 2 months
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the-deal-breaker · 3 months
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Oh dear Kiji may be becoming my favourite. He's just so fun and pretty to draw.
Thought I may have made him look evil.
I also know he's not a peacock but I drew that first.
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nanbafreak · 5 months
[School Au]
Upa slams his hand on his desk:- This is bullshit!
Kiji:-You can take that language-
Kiji:-Straight to detention!
Kiji:-Anyone else!?
Nico:-*Throws his book out of his desk*
Kiji givin up:- Ok-
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ljdoublecc · 1 year
Who Do You Choose?
Guards x Reader: Prologue
Favorite flower- (F/F)
Favorite color- (F/C)
Last name- (L/N)
Favorite animal- (F/A)
‘Great, how did I get myself into this mess?’ you asked yourself while simultaneously sweat dropping at the scene before you. 
All the supervisors were currently fighting in the middle of the guard room and you have no idea why.
Everything that morning had been going great for you. You woke up to a beautiful day, amazing breakfast, and had gotten to work early, so you didn't get yelled at by your supervisor. But that is where everything just started to go downhill. 
****Earlier that day****
You had just gotten to your designated building, building 5, when you started noticing weird things going on. 
First, when you got into building 5’s office, ready to start the paperwork you were too tired to finish last night,  you saw that it was already finished and neatly on your desk. If that didn't startle you before, seeing a neatly wrapped gift, a bouquet of (F/F), and (F/C) teddy bear did. 
Next, when you were out on the training grounds supervising the inmates, one of them came up to you. You smiled warmly at the qi-gong user, Upa, as he began asking you questions about how he can improve his form. You, being the nice person you are and also being a national champion at fighting, not only did you decide to give him some pointers but also show him. As you were in the middle of explaining how he can deliver a harder punch, he stopped you, looking paler than he usually does. Getting concerned for the young man, you asked if he was okay, to which he replied with a shaky yes before running off to do more exercise. This confused you greatly, he looked as if he had seen a ghost, but you didn't get enough time to think anymore upon the behavior when Samon, your supervisor, and Mitsuru came up to you because the warden wanted to see you. 
On the walk to headquarters is where you noticed the third weird thing, Mitsuru was talking more than usual. At first, you thought that you were imagining it because talking was practically his middle name, but as time went on, you started to notice. So, once again being the nice person you were, just smiled and listened to his endless talking, which didn't bother you because you honestly did like him speaking, he was always a bucket of fun to be around.
Fourthly, when you got to the waiting room, you saw that Kiji and Kenshirou were also there. Kiji was looking frantically in his hand mirror to make sure his makeup was still fabulous and Kenshirou was typing away rather nervously at his computer. When they finally noticed your presence they seemed a little startled, like a person would look if they were not fully prepared. You bid Mitsuru a thank you before turning to them to give a warm hello and smile, which only startled them more but they still managed to give you an ify hello back. Not wanting to make the atmosphere more awkward than it already was, Kiji decided to offer you a seat next to him on the couch, much to Kenshirou’s displeasure, to which you excepted with a smile. Making the makeup-clad supervisor blush and the dog like supervisor sulk into his computer.
That didn't last for long as both supervisors started competing to see who you would talk to the most. As you waited for the warden to call you in, you listened as the ‘conversation’ went on, you were just thankful that you could multitask because otherwise, that would have been difficult to bare. 
Fifthly, when you were finally called into the warden’s office, the atmosphere emitting from the door made you, her friend, feel a twinge of concern. So, being one of her only female friends, you were determined to make sure that she was okay,  after all,  running a prison was hard work. You walked right up to the door and knocked on it, to which you received a nervous, high-pitched squeak that told you to enter, this made you even more concerned than before. You opened the door quickly and stepped in to be greeted with an unusual sight. The warden was sitting at her desk, hands intertwined on top, and her head held high with a harsh glare plastered on her face. She is normally never like that when she calls you to her office. 
Most people would take one look at her and run away, even Hajime would do the same, but not you. You know your friend well, even if you only knew them for one month, and you knew that that glare wasn't intentional but accidental. So keeping that in mind, you walked quickly up to her, still with that concerned look on your face, and asked her what was wrong. This surprised her momentarily because normally people couldn't tell her true emotions but she quickly shook it off. She responded with a yes and a brilliant smile to your question, much to your relief. Her response caused you to give your own dazzling smile but it rapidly went away when the warden turned around in her chair and refuse to turn around the rest of the conversation. That was definitely one of the most bizarre conversations you’ve ever had. 
Finally, when you stepped out of the warden’s office because your meeting with the warden was finished, you met with someone you hadn’t expected to meet. Leaning against the wall right outside the warden’s office stood none other than Nanba’s number one supervisor, Hajime Sugoroku, with a blank expression on his face in your direction. You gave him a smile, not noticing the extremely small blush on his face due to the dark shade covering the top half of his figure, and asked what he was doing out of curiosity. He cleared his throat, hoping to get rid of the blush before you notice, and said that he was looking for you because he needed your help with something very important. You grinned even more as you agreed to help, knowing that he works too much and that it was rare for him to ask for help. He pushed himself off the wall and began walking with you out of the hallway that leads back to the waiting room.
On the way to the waiting room, you saw that he was stiffer than normal around you. So to relieve some of the tension you decided to tell him some of the funny stories from back home, hoping to make him laugh. Much to your relief, it worked and the rest of the trip there was filled with a joyous atmosphere but that didn’t last long.
The minute the two of you stepped into the room, the atmosphere was murderous and almost blood lustful, Hajime was punched square in the face, leading him to fly into the wall face first, by none other than Samon. Now the joyous smile you wear just seconds ago turned into a mortified frown while Samon wears a prideful smirk, though it did not last long either. Hajime got up quickly, making you sigh in relief but then go back to your prior expression, and pounced on the poor monkey supervisor, now regretting his previous action. 
The two wrestled on the floor as you frantically tried to stop them but every time you did you were held back by the other two because they knew how dangerous getting in between the two could be. The both of them also saw it as an opportunity to ask you something very important, however, when they were going to ask you, they were rudely interrupted. The two on the floor each reached an arm out, Samon grabbing Kiji while Hajime grabbed Kenshirou, and dragged them into the fight.
That basically explains how you got into your current situation.
****Back to the Present****
You couldn’t continue watching your superiors wrestle on the floor anymore, even more now that it had attracted the attention of the warden and Mitsuru.
“Can all of you please stop fighting, this is getting us nowhere!” You yelled pleadingly, gaining everyone’s sights in your direction. You’re normally not one to yell but if you had to, you have your parents to thank for your lung capacity.
“I agree with officer (L/N),” The warden agreeingly stated to the female guard statement, before sternly asking the supervisors, ”Now, who started it?”
Everyone, except the warden, Mitsuru, and you, turned to look at the downcasted monkey guard. The warden looked like she was about to commit murder as she stared at him, the others, minus you and Mitsuru backed away from her. She was about to approach him, to which he started to sweat up a storm out of pure fear, but stopped when she felt a warm, gloved hand on her shoulder.
Your hand rested on her shoulder with a warm smile on your lip as if telling her to please not murder him. After a few seconds, she seemed calmer so you released her shoulder, much to her disappointment, and turned your attention to Samon who was, like everyone else in the room, relieved.
“Samon, I have one question for you and you don’t have to answer me if you don’t want to but... Why did you punch Hajime in the face?” You asked gently, in case it was a personal question that he might not want to answer. He cast his eyes over the other supervisors, the warden, and Mitsuru before finally meeting your soft gaze. He sighed getting up, the other supervisors following suite, and took a deep breath before revealing their secret.
“That’s because...” Samon paused nervously, looking at the others for any sign not to tell you, but he received none, “Everyone in this room is in love with you.” 
To say you were shocked was an understatement, you know that people liked you but you thought that it was in a co-worker or friend like manner, not romantic. This can’t be true, right?
“It’s true, darling. We all like you.” Kiji added with a smile after noticing the look of disbelief and heat on your face.
“Now, the question is who do you pick?” Hajime said after you had finally grasped the idea that you were loved by many people. He exchanged looks with everyone in the room before they all split off into different directions confusing you for the time being.  When they all came back, they stood in a line in front of you, each holding something behind their back but you couldn’t see what they were holding. You were still confused, but you weren’t for long when they each bowed their heads to you, holding out the gifts. They were confessing to you at the same time, making you turn strawberry-red.
Momoko had your favorite homemade cookies, Mitsuru your favorite candy, Samon a bouquet, Hajime a single (F/C) rose, making Samon glare at him because flowers were his idea, Kenshirou had a (F/A) plushie, and Kiji had your favorite perfume.
“Now, who do you choose?” They all asked after a moment of silence.
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artistic-anime-trash · 4 months
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Kiji fan art because I’ve been craving Nanbaka content :)
Also Kiji is one of my favorite supervisors so I was really wanting to draw him as cunty as possible.
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♡ 𝔑𝔞𝔫𝔟𝔞𝔨𝔞 ♡
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🍷 = Smut/Thirsts
🧸 = Angst
🫀 = Fluff/Safe for Work (Sfw.)
🍮 = Headcanons
🥀 = Long Reads
🐻 = Short Reads
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♡ 𝑨𝒍𝒍 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 ♡
Making a Fresh Batch, please wait a moment!
♡ 𝑨𝒍𝒍 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒇𝒇 ♡
Making a Fresh Batch, please wait a moment!
♡ 𝑨𝒍𝒍 𝑰𝒏𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒔 ♡
Making a Fresh Batch, please wait a moment!
♡ 𝑩𝒖𝒊𝒍𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝟏𝟑 ♡
Making a Fresh Batch, please wait a moment!
♡ 𝑩𝒖𝒊𝒍𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝟑 ♡
Making a Fresh Batch, please wait a moment!
♡ 𝑩𝒖𝒊𝒍𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝟓 ♡
Making a Fresh Batch, please wait a moment!
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thenanbakacorner · 4 months
Here again, sorry if I'm annoying but I love your blog and your content. Can I request Kenshirou, Kiji, Hajime and Samon's reaction to seeing their little partner (who is a prisoner) take control of their respective blocks during their absence? As if even the guards followed their orders and the block was in even better control and order than when they left. I love the concept of little people being admired and respected as leaders.
Ouu, same here! (⌒▽⌒)☆ Respect the littles!!
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🐕 Kenshirou 🐕
Kenshirou took take a week long leave while he worked on looking into the Man with the Scar, seeing if he could learn anything about his whereabouts
He assumed another guard that was higher up in the pecking order would take over for him while he was gone, and things should go undisturbed
However, when he came back, he was surprised to find the building doing much better than he could have expected
Everyone doing their jobs exceedingly well, no reported incidents.. all in all, it was doing even better than it had been before he left
When he inquired about who had taken his role, you can imagine his shock to learn it was none other than his little prisoner partner
Needless to say, he gained a newfound respect for them that day, and would take it upon himself to make sure they are the ones filling in for him from then on out
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🦚 Kiji 🦚
After getting a scratch on the job, Kiji took a- as he called it- mandatory recovery leave. At least until he was presentable again
It took a bit longer than he'd of liked, and was a bit worried about how the state of his building would be with his gorgeous self MIA
Yet, his expectations were blown out of water upon his return
He was thoroughly impressed by how greatly things were running, and was quick to look into finding out just what brilliant mind had filled his role
Absolutely stunned to learn it was his little prisoner partner, wondering just how a prisoner could do so amazingly at running a prison block
Gives his partner all the praise and congratulations for a job well done
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🦍 Hajime 🦍
Hajime was given a three day suspension for acting a "bit" too aggressively toward his "favorite" prisoners, resulting in Jyugo getting a fractured rib bone
Seems he didn't learn his lesson from the tournament incident!
He figured the other supervisors would take over for him like last time, and since things worked well while he was gone then, he knew there wouldn't be a problem now
Upon coming back, however, and seeing the building running even better than it was a mere three days ago, and even when he was suspended before, he realized someone else took over
Thoroughly floored to learn that his little jailbird of a partner was to thank for it all
Maybe not all the prisoners in this place are idiots after all..
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🐒 Samon 🐒
Not long after Enki's passing, Samon decided to take a few days off to mentally recover
At first he thought Hajime would end up filling his shoes and the though annoyed him, but eh.. as long as he doesn't mess anything up
What he returned to was far from what he was expecting, and he was certain even Hajime wouldn't have caused the building to work this well in his absence
He was quick to ask the first guard he saw about just who was responsible for this change of operation
He's at a loss for words when they explain it was his little partner, a prisoner at that, to thank for it
Hmm.. maybe once they serve their sentence, they'd make a damn good deputy.
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queenmimi2817 · 5 months
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Old art
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 5 months
Hello and Thank you for taking this request (Nanbaka x Reader- Childhood Friend)!
If it's okay could you do another one, but different, Y/N's animal companion is a Pheasant (and its personality similar to Kiji).
Supervisor Kiji, and Guards and Inmates from building 3. Can be romatic/platonic
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-Your partner, as he wasn’t your pet, a Japanese Green Pheasent named Emerald, was perched on your shoulder, wearing a mini guard hat, that you made for him, as you were walking down the halls of Building 3, holding a stack of paperwork that you had to deliver to your supervisor, Kiji.
-Emerald was your ‘watch dog’ to put it simply, watching all around you as you were a bit oblivious at times, not paying attention to where you were going.
-Kiji, waiting for your reports, heard you let out a yelp down the hall, followed by a crash before Emerald started squawking while you were comically crying.
-Kiji sighed softly, you were really too much sometimes as he stood, rushing out of his office to see Emerald before you, squawking like he was scolding you as you were picking up the paperwork, sniffling softly.
-He came over to you both, “Did you trip on that first step again?” you couldn’t lie to him, seeing the bandaged lump on your head, again, as you looked like a kicked puppy, “Yes~~”
-He pinched the bridge between his eyes, looking exasperated as both him and Emerald started scolding you, in their own ways, as they led you back to the office. Kiji attended to your wounds, “You need to take care of yourself Y/N- if your lovely skin gets damaged it will lower your stunning beauty!”
-You apologized to him, but he wasn’t really upset with you, as you always seemed to mis that first step leading down into his office.
-Emerald was looking at himself in Kiji’s floor length mirror, posing dramatically, acting so much like Kiji, who openly welcomed it, finding it endearing as your supervisor stood, giving you a small pat on your head before he took the paperwork from you.
-You took Honey and Trois to their doctor’s appointment, the two of them holding your hands, which you allowed since they behaved so well for you, as Emerald was on your head, still nagging at you while you looked like a kicked puppy, which the two inmates thought was rather cute.
-Trois was sympathetic to you, “Did you fall on that first step again?” you nodded, pouting only slightly as the two inmates hugged you in a sandwich hug, lamenting their bad luck, which did make you feel a bit better.
-Despite being spacy and kind of clumsy, you had the four of them, Honey, Trois, Kiji, and Emerald all looking out for you, and you couldn’t help but smile, feeling so cared for.
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nanbafreak · 6 months
Kiji:-You can't ride a motorcycle with three people on it you morons!
Kokoriki:-HOUDZUKI FELL OFF!?!?!
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zhonnoe · 1 month
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You’ll be delighted to know, I’m alive and well
You’ll be less delighted to know… I got into slow damage… but anyways…
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