#Nadia Blodau
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4 years of art improvement! (2020-2024)
I make a lot of D&D characters (most of them just for fun) but they are not all created equally and I do have my favorites. These three are my most beloved fictional children, and I've drawn and worked on them for many years. Had a good art day today and drew the trio, and figured I'd put them side by side with the very first drawings I've made of them.
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We had another session recently where we visited a hot spring (among other things) and let's just say there were some appreciative glances.
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A lineup of new 'fits
We had another session this week where we were teleported (consensually) to the other side of the map where the climate is approximately 20-30 degrees warmer, so we needed some new clothes to not perish from shear sweatiness.
So here be the Heart's Walls, from left to right: Rowann the lost princess bloodhunter (played by this artist), Alex the retired war hero wizard, and Nadia the permanently cranky-looking monk/barbarian!
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Diversity win! The old woman who might be into your aunt is autistic!
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Crossover: a discussion of age
Since my characters are doomed to never “canonically” interact (since I play all of them) I like writing little vignettes and dialogues of how they would interact, whether they’d get along and how, etc etc. 
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Doodledump of recent emotional campaign moments! I'd like to draw and colour some of these digitally but what can I say I've been busy :p (with that animatic from a week ago)
Context for these moments under the cut!
The session before the last one, we got sent a number of reusable spell scrolls that we'd ordered in a different town. Among them was a spell scroll for Sending, so Nadia immediately jumped at the opportunity to call her mom (her whole family was kidnapped a few months ago by the Big Bad). She asked in a rush if her mom was alive, if the rest of her family was ok. She told them she was on her way, but got cut off by the word limit before she could promise she'd make them proud. Her mother responded that she was ok, although not all of them are, she warned her to be cautious. She told Nadia she was already making them proud, ending with "We love you Rosebud". Nadia felt electrified hearing her mother's voice again after worrying for so long if she was still alive, cried big sappy ghibli tears, and was now more determined than ever.
Last session, Rowann (the party's bloodhunter) regained some family. She'd thought her whole family was killed and their kingdom destroyed by the big bad, but then she received a letter claiming to be from her aunt. She wasn't sure if she could believe it until she was right there, and she finally had someone who felt like home again. Meanwhile her aunt had similarly thought she was the last one alive, so when the two saw each other again they immediately fell into each other's arms.
In order to figure out the (werewolf adjacent) curse caused by the BBG going around, Rowann's aunt (who is the leader of a resistance group) needed someone with magical knowledge. We said goodbye to a partymember as Alex (our wizard) decided to stay here and help off of the battlefield. [this had been discussed by the players and DM, it was a PC switch, Alex has become a lovable NPC now]. Nevertheless it was an emotional moment for both Alex and Nadia -basically the last family each of them have- to say goodbye to travelling together.
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Tension between tanks.
Most of the actual arguing would be between the LG paladin and the NE bloodhunter for sure, but Nadia holds the opinion that both of them are too extra to be effective.
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Just a lil’ hug!
more details under the cut
1. While Nadia is a big strong barbarian, Filan is a strength bard: she’s stronger than you’d think.
2. Nadia was not expecting to be pulled into a hug.
3. The second the hug makes contact, Nadia’s brain shuts off.
(also 4. Filan is just being affectionate, they don’t have the hots for eachother)
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Quick Nadia doodl
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Nadia Blodau revised edition.
It’s been a while since I’ve done any design for her and boy howdy it shows.
She’s from a place loosely inspired by old Nordic culture, so I tried to let the design be influenced by their materials and how they layered their clothing. 
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Spook or Spell!
Happy halloween everybody! To celebrate the occasion, have some costumed characters in this crazy crossover. Sadly not everyone could join the picture, for ...a number of reasons, but they’re having fun anyway!
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A trio for a duality
Next up in my DnD-characters-but-with-pokemon series; Nadia.
She’s a monk/barbarian from a long line of heroes. She was taught martial arts from a fairly young age, but when her family got kidnapped and she swore to free them, she found that her martial arts weren’t strong enough to get her anywhere. So she’s resorted to fighting like a feral beast; better to have your family back disappointed than to not have them back at all, right?
Pretty straightforward, her small Riolu is her monk levels and her Ursaring represents her barbearian levels. Riolu could obviously be very powerful if she spent time training it, but she just does not have that time.
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Oh dear gods who let this child on the battlefield?
a bit of an older character whom I don’t draw much because the campaign she’s in is a lil on hold due to scheduling and, yaknow, plague.
This is Nadia, a 16 year old totem barbarian. That sword is a family heirloom she’s using to find her family, who went missing in an attack on her home town.
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