#Nadi Vaidya
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nadi-tarangini · 1 year ago
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themodernvedic · 2 years ago
Ojas, Tejas and Prana: Diagnosis with Nadi
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The body, mind and spirit exist together in daily life as a single unit just as all things in the universe exist together, in harmony. There are primal, magical, and subtle forces of energy within our bodies that are fluid and dynamic, called Ojas, Tejas and Prana. In reality we are consciousness, pure awareness, and our body is an expression of that consciousness. One way of achieving that pure awareness is to pay attention both to the outer object and the inner movement of sensation simultaneously in which the tan matras are revealed. There are five elements—Ether, Air, Fire, Water, Earth—and they each have respective tanmatras. Sound is the subtle tan matra of Space Touch is the tan matra of Air Vision or sight is Fire Taste is Water, and Smell, the olfactory sense, is the subtle tanmatra of Earth.
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So, these five elements are merged into five subtle tanmatras. An object stimulates the inner senses, through which the mind touches the outer object via the inner tanmatra. Through this bridge, we experience perception.
The Subtle Refined Essences of the Tissues 
Our mind consists of five tanmatric substances. The external sound stimulates the inner tanmatra of the mind which enables the inner tanmatra to perceive the outer sound. There is also touch in our mind. We are constantly touching the outer environment through the sensation of touch - the air and objects. This outer touch through the skin stimulates the inner touch of the mental faculties. The examination of pulse is to be in contact with sparsha tan matra, which is nothing but the tactile sense of touch. In a way, tan matra is a vehicle. Our consciousness goes out with the tanmatra and touches the outer object of perception. So, the five tan matras of sound, sight, smell, touch and taste are used by Ayurvedic physicians, or vaidyas, in order to diagnose many problems. These five tan matras are our doors of perception, our innermost instruments of experience.
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When we feel the radial artery, the pulsation corresponds to the heart-beat which is the center of the five tanmatras. The word “heart,” is not just the physical heart but also the center of the innermost being from which we perceive. In the cranial cavity there is the brain—the meninges, dura mater, arachnoid, pia mater, the grey matter and the white matter. Inside the core of this white matter there is space and there are small spaces between neurons called synaptic spaces. This synaptic space in between the neurons is functionally connected to the space within the brain called chidakash. Within that space is a pulsation of prana and a flow of ojas and tejas. Prana carries a sensation through the vagus nerve and the phrenic nerve into the cardiac plexus. In Sanskrit this pulsation is called prana spanda. Spanda, which is the pranic current from the hypothalamus to the heart, moves at intervals of .08 seconds and stimulates the pacemaker sinoatrial node, the SA node, which is present in the right atrium. From there the pranic stimulation is carried down to the AV node, the atrioventricular node. Thus, prana regulates the movements of the heart.
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The heart is a type of battery. In its rhythmic movement the heart generates electricity that is carried through the blood vessels and even to the skin. This movement of cardiac activity can be traced with a sensitive galvanometer. So, pulse not only represents the heart pumping, but also represents the flow of prana and the flow of vyana. All the subtypes of doshas are moving in the subtle form of tanmatras. Let us focus on the fourth level of the pulse, which is the level of ojas, tejas and prana.
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Ojas is the pure essence of all dhatus (tissues) and is produced during the process of nutrition. It can be compared to the modern concept of albumin. Ojas includes albumin but albumin alone is not ojas. Ojas also includes protein and globulin, which are necessary to maintain immunity. But to say that globulin is ojas doesn’t convey the-entire meaning. Ojas is an actual substance. Ayurveda has described ojas as two types. Inferior ojas is half anjali, which moves throughout the body, and superior ojas is eight drops, which is present in the heart. This ojas has the smell of ghee and rice. It is a little yellowish-white in color, cool in attribute and tastes like honey. Ojas moves through the plasma and is represented at the fourth level by the pulsation under the ring finger, the kapha finger. Tejas can be compared to hormones and amino acids. There are 21 important amino acids that regulate cellular metabolism. Tejas is necessary for pilu paka and pithar paka, the agnis of cellular and nuclear metabolism. Tejas is also responsible for intelligence, understanding and comprehension at the cellular level. It is felt under the middle finger at the fourth level. Every cell is a center of awareness, every cell has a consciousness, and every cell is a unit of life. At one time each of us was an atomic cell. From that one atomic cell, the sperm, or the ovum, which is also unicellular, a complex multi-cellular mammal developed. There is a continuous flow of communication between any two cells of the body and that flow of communication is called prana, the flow of intelligence. The prana spike is found under the index finger at the fourth level. When feeling one’s own pulse, the right-hand pulse in the male and the left in the female, gently touch the superficial skin and feel the throbbing at the first level. Go down slightly and feel the spike change at the second level. Then at the third level the spike changes again. With a delicate pressure go into the fourth level where the spike once again changes. At that level feel the strength and quality of the spike. A spike under the kapha finger denotes the strength of ojas. The middle finger gives the power of tejas and the index finger gives the strength of prana. When the spike is weak, prana is weak; when the spike is strong, prana is strong. In the same way, if the spike under the middle finger is feeble, tejas is low; if the spike is strong, tejas is strong. Detecting these differences varies from person to person. Three plus (+++) is good ojas. Two plus (++) is moderate ojas. One plus (+) is very low ojas. One plus is 25 percent, two plus 50 percent, three plus 100 percent. One hundred percent, the superfine quality of ojas, is present in a perfectly healthy individual. Now feel the pulse, bringing all tanmatras to the tip of the finger. Ideally, ojas, tejas and prana should be equal—three plus—and that is good health. However, we work hard, we have. troubling emotions, we have responsibilities, and all these stresses decrease a person's ojas. In certain AIDS patients a very feeble ojas pulse is present, because their ojas is depleted. If tejas is four plus, that is too much and high tejas bums ojas. For example, in a person suffering from multiple sclerosis, high tejas burns the myelin sheath, which is composed of ojas.
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There is condition known as demyelination which leads to multiple sclerosis. This is the reason why patients of multiple sclerosis get exhausted when exposed to too much cold or hot weather. Both heat and cold bother them. So, four plus tejas is abnormal. Four plus ojas is too much ojas and too much ojas is raw ojas, which creates diabetes and may lead to high cholesterol and high triglycerides. High prana makes a person disorganized and anxious. Ojas is the pure essence of kapha, tejas is the essence of pitta, and prana is the essence of vata.
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Treatment of Depleted Ojas, Tejas and Prana
Depleted ojas can be treated with almond milk- Soak 10 almonds in a cup of water overnight. In the morning peel off the skins and put the almonds in a blender. Add one cup of hot milk. If the person is allergic to milk, use soy or rice milk. Add one teaspoon of date sugar, a pinch of cardamom, a pinch of ginger powder and one teaspoon of ghee and blend together. Regular brown sugar or turbinado may be used instead of date sugar. Saffron along with a few drops of rose essence may also be added. This is a wonderful, rich drink to take in the morning to build up ojas. This drink is also good for building shukra after having sex. If cholesterol is a concern, use skim milk. Ghee increases the good cholesterol, called HDL, but if one’s total cholesterol is high, avoid taking ghee. By using certain Ayurvedic herbal formulas, one can improve ojas- Pippali (Piper longum) with honey and ghee is a specific rasayana for prana. Taking one-fourth teaspoon of triphala with one teaspoon of honey and ghee will help to create balance of ojas, tejas and prana. Early morning is the best time to try this formula. Further, one should not fear that this will lead to increased cholesterol levels, because honey aids the regulation of cholesterol. Additionaly, shambhavi mudra helps to balance ojas, tejas and prana. (70) Yoga For Inner Exploration: Shambhavi Mudra - 5 mins #MeditateWithSadhguru - YouTube For depleted tejas- - Use one pinch of trikatu (ginger, black pepper, Piper longum) and one teaspoon of honey. - Take this combination about 15 minutes before lunch and dinner. These herbs taken before food kindle agni and act as an appetizer along with heling in improved digestion as well. Chewing a small piece of ginger with a pinch of salt and a few drops of fresh lime juice before eating will also kindle jathar agni thereby building tejas. Castor oil is beneficial for vata and, therefore, good for prana. But to build up tejas, castor oil would not be a good idea. Bitter ghee, tikta ghrita, is good for tejas. Tikta ghrita enhances tejas but doesn’t increase pitta. Take one teaspoon on an empty stomach twice a day, morning and evening, followed by half a cup of warm water. In order to improve prana, do pranayama- Sit comfortably on the floor in a cross-legged posture. If you are not comfortable in this position, then sit upright on the front edge of a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Close the right nostril with the right thumb and inhale gradually through the left nostril into the belly, not into the chest. During inhalation, count 1-2-3-4. After a full inhalation, close both the nostrils and do a gentle chin lock as you hold the breath in the belly and count 1-2-3-4, up to 16. Use a counting pattern of 4 to inhale and 16 to retain. Then open the right nostril while holding the left nostril closed with the ring and little fingers and exhale through the right nostril while counting till 8. This exhalation should be slow and steady as you count 1-2-3-4- 5-6-7-8. The speed of counting should be constant, viz a count of 4 for inhalation, 16 for retention, and 8 for exhalation. If this approach is too complicated or difficult at first, then inhale only for 2, retain up to 8, and exhale for 4 counts. After exhalation from the right nostril, hold the breath outside for a while then inhale through the right nostril, hold the breath into the belly by closing both nostrils, hold, and then exhale through the left nostril. Repeat, alternating the nostrils through which you inhale. If the mind is, too busy with the counting, just inhale slowly into the belly through the left nostril by closing the right nostril. Try to focus your attention behind your belly button. When oxygen is depleted in the lungs, one gets a swallowing reflex, which is a sign to exhale. Then slowly exhale through the opposite nostril. During exhalation there should be a continuous slow flow. Let the air dissolve into the outer space. Stay outside for a moment, then again inhale. Inhale through the right nostril, retain, and exhale through the left. Inhale through the left, retain, then exhale through the right. During breath retention do a chin lock and during exhalation release that lock. You use a chin lock to avoid direct pressure in the brain through the carotid artery. Do five pranayama, rest for one minute, then again do five pranayamas. In this way the vital capacity of the lungs can be increased. Another pranayama is bhastrika, breath of fire. Inhalation is passive, but exhalation is active with a little force- - Start slowly, then increase the speed. - Imagine a steam engine moving slowly and then have the train start moving faster. This action is thoraco-abdominal hyperventilation. - Do one round of 30 strokes or exhalations, then rest for one minute. This pranayama will also increase the vital capacity of the lungs. - Practice five rounds of bhastrika in the morning and five rounds in the evening. It will help to relieve allergy, asthma and will help make the lungs strong and healthy. Don’t do bhastrika during menstruation or pregnancy. If your pitta is high, substitute shitali, a cooling pranayama that involves breathing through a curled tongue. Another pranayama is called bhramari (humming). On inhalation, constrict the epiglottis and create a humming sound. On exhalation the sound is long and low. The inhalation is a female bee and the exhalation is a male bee. If it is difficult to create a humming noise during inhalation, just inhale naturally, take a deep breath into the belly, do a chin lock and then do bhramari on the exhale. Bhramari improves the melody of the voice. In addition, the humming vibrates the nervous system and is a form of sound therapy for the brain. Bhramari is also good for the thyroid, thymus and parathyroid glands. When doing bhramari, touch the tip of the tongue to the edge of the soft palate near the back of the roof of the mouth and be sure the teeth are not clenched. Bhairavi mudra is also called shambhavi mudra. Shambu is another name of Lord Shiva. In this state prana is enhanced. One can strengthen prana with pranayama through bhramari and bhastrika but intense prana unfolds in the lungs and body through bhairavi or shambhavl. One who practices shambhavi will be in a state of living samadhi. When practicing the bhairavi mudra, one looks at any object, say a wall. When looking at an object, let the eyes look and do not blink the eyelids. The eyes are looking and the eyes are not looking, which means there is no judgment,' no recognition, no identification. In Hindu art, philosophy and music everything is a way to God-realization. Hindu philosophy includes the Vedas, Ayurveda, music, art and even dance. Everything is a movement of life. Therefore, the Hindu concept of God is satyam shivam sundaram. Satyam is the truth, shiva the holy and divine and sundar is beauty. Bhairavi manifests as satyam shivam sundaram. As one looks outside, suddenly the attention goes inside. At that moment expansion of consciousness takes place. One is looking outside but the entire attention is inside, into the center of existence. In that state one finds union with expansive consciousness. One looks around, but there is no choice in the looking, no judgment, just choiceless observation. In this sense the choosers are the losers. The confused mind chooses. The mind that is insecure, agitated and unsatisfied chooses. Please don’t misunderstand me. I am talking about a different level of consciousness. In this art of meditation choice has no place. Choice only has a place in that one has chosen this way of meditation, that’s all. Look at anything, but in that looking there is emptiness. Thinking stops, breathing becomes quiet and one simply exists as pure awareness. In that state there is great joy, beauty and love. Sit absolutely relaxed, with no tension, and just look at the wall. Slightly open the mouth with no expression on the face. The hands are like an empty bowl facing the sky. Simply look and allow the breathing to become quiet. Enlightenment can come in a fraction of a second. Wherever the eyes and mind go, there is samadhi. Samadhi means equilibrium. In that state, individual consciousness merges with cosmic consciousness and one goes beyond time and thought. In that state, whether the eyes are open or closed doesn’t matter. It comes like a breeze without invitation, because this state is your true nature—love, become spontaneous and natural and will balance ojas, tejas and prana. We all need healing. We, as individuals, must bring awareness to our feelings and emotions. Otherwise, we never take responsibility for our healing. We always hold another person responsible for our suffering—Either mother, father or some planets in the sky. We need to accept the responsibility that “I am the pain and the pain is I. My pain is my creation; it is my reflection; it is I.” We must understand our relationship with our suffering and, in that understanding, we maintain our ojas. In that ojas there is the beautiful light of tejas, which is the perception. And in the flame of attention, grief and sadness burn and we become totally free. We have to protect our ojas, tejas and prana through awareness, because awareness is the flame of attention and the flame of attention is the luminosity of tejas. Prana directs attention to something, creating perception. Attention plus prana is perception. There are many things waiting for our perception, but we cannot perceive everything at one time. Perception is a product of time and our perception is a learned phenomenon, which is directed by knowledge and experience. In the perception of observer, object and observation, this trinity becomes one when ojas, tejas and prana are balanced. This balanced state is perfect health. When we are honest with our feelings and emotions, ojas is building, tejas is glowing, and prana is flowing. That is a state of good health, existing at every moment, in every event of life. Ayurveda says every breath, every moment, every event should be lived with total awareness. When listening to someone, at the same time listen to the listener. When looking at an object, at the same moment look at the looker. When you look at me, my body is an object and you are the observer. When I am looking at you, your body is the object and I am the observer. When you look outside, something goes out, one arrow goes out. At the same time, a second arrow goes into the heart to look at the looker. This is called double-arrowed attention. Read the full article
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samvitchakra · 3 months ago
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Namaskar 🙏 Happy to share about the new Learning space with two comprehensive courses on the fundamentals of Ayurveda & Nadi Pariksha on our brand-new LMS platform, Samvit Chakra: https://www.samvitchakra.com
𝗔𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗦𝗮𝗺𝘃𝗶𝘁 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗸𝗿𝗮: The name signifies "Circle of Knowledge," reflecting our commitment to community and collective wisdom. The development of these courses was inspired by the recent initiative by the 𝗡𝗖𝗜𝗦𝗠 board to integrate technology into the Ayurveda curriculum across India. Thank you all respected Vaidyas, doctors, and professionals for the insightful brainstorming sessions and the actual supreme lectures.
I can’t wait to share these valuable insights with you. Enroll today! https://samvitchakra.com/
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ayurvedaa · 7 months ago
Discover the Best Ayurvedic Clinic in Delhi: A Comprehensive Guide
Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, has been a beacon of holistic health for thousands of years. As people increasingly turn to natural and holistic approaches for managing their health, the demand for Ayurvedic treatments has soared. If you are looking for the best Ayurvedic clinic in Delhi, this guide will provide valuable information, tips, and insights to help you make an informed decision. By exploring top clinics and understanding the principles of Ayurveda, you can embark on a path to optimal health and wellness.
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Understanding Ayurveda: The Essence of Natural Healing
Ayurveda, meaning "the science of life," focuses on balancing the mind, body, and spirit to achieve overall wellness. It emphasizes prevention, personalized care, and the use of natural remedies. Key principles of Ayurveda include:
The Three Doshas
Ayurveda identifies three primary energies, or doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—that govern bodily functions. Each person has a unique combination of these doshas, which influences their physical, mental, and emotional characteristics.
Ayurveda is based on the concept of five elements (Panchamahabhutas)—Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether—that make up the universe and the human body. The balance of these elements within an individual determines their health and well-being.
Agni, or digestive fire, is crucial in Ayurveda. A strong Agni is essential for good digestion, absorption, and assimilation of nutrients, as well as for removing toxins from the body.
Prakriti refers to an individual's unique constitution, determined at birth. It includes physical, mental, and emotional traits and remains constant throughout life. Understanding your Prakriti is key to personalizing Ayurvedic treatments.
Benefits of Visiting an Ayurvedic Clinic
Choosing to visit an Ayurvedic clinic offers numerous benefits, including:
Holistic Approach: Ayurveda treats the root cause of health issues rather than just symptoms, focusing on overall well-being.
Personalized Treatment: Treatments are tailored to an individual's unique constitution and health needs.
Natural Remedies: Ayurvedic treatments primarily use natural herbs, oils, and lifestyle modifications.
Preventive Care: Ayurveda emphasizes preventive measures to maintain health and prevent diseases.
Chronic Disease Management: Effective in managing chronic conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, and skin disorders.
Tips for Choosing the Best Ayurvedic Clinic in Delhi
Delhi is home to numerous Ayurvedic clinics, each offering a range of treatments and therapies. Here are some tips to help you choose the best Ayurvedic clinic in Delhi:
Research and Recommendations
Start by researching Ayurvedic clinics in Delhi. Look for recommendations from friends, family, or colleagues who have had positive experiences. Online reviews and testimonials can also provide valuable insights.
Qualifications and Experience
Ensure that the Ayurvedic doctors (Vaidyas) at the clinic are qualified and experienced. Check their educational background, certifications, and years of practice. Reputed clinics often have doctors with degrees from recognized Ayurvedic institutions and registration with professional bodies like the Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM).
Consultation Process
A good Ayurvedic clinic will conduct a thorough consultation, including detailed health history, pulse diagnosis (Nadi Pariksha), and examination of your physical and mental state. The doctor should spend ample time understanding your health concerns and explaining the treatment plan.
Range of Treatments
Look for a clinic that offers a wide range of treatments, including Panchakarma (detoxification), Abhyanga (massage), Shirodhara (oil therapy), and herbal medicines. A comprehensive range of treatments ensures that you receive holistic care.
Clinic Environment
Visit the clinic to assess its environment and facilities. A reputable Ayurvedic clinic should be clean, well-maintained, and have a serene atmosphere. The presence of trained staff and access to high-quality herbal medicines are also important factors.
Cost and Accessibility
Consider the cost of consultation and treatment packages. While affordability is important, don't compromise on the quality of care. Additionally, choose a clinic that is easily accessible from your location.
Common Ayurvedic Treatments and Therapies
Ayurvedic treatments are personalized to individual needs and may include a combination of the following therapies:
Panchakarma is a detoxification and rejuvenation therapy involving five primary procedures: Vamana (emesis), Virechana (purgation), Basti (enema), Nasya (nasal administration), and Raktamokshana (bloodletting). It aims to cleanse the body of toxins and restore dosha balance.
Abhyanga (Ayurvedic Massage)
Abhyanga is a therapeutic full-body massage using warm herbal oils. It improves circulation, promotes relaxation, and nourishes the skin.
Shirodhara involves the continuous pouring of warm herbal oil on the forehead. It is beneficial for stress, insomnia, anxiety, and mental clarity.
Swedana (Herbal Steam Therapy)
Swedana is a steam therapy that opens the pores, removes toxins, and relaxes the muscles. It is often used in conjunction with other treatments.
Udvartana (Herbal Powder Massage)
Udvartana is a dry massage using herbal powders. It helps in weight reduction, improving skin texture, and reducing cellulite.
Nasya (Nasal Therapy)
Nasya involves the administration of medicated oils or powders through the nostrils. It is effective for sinusitis, allergies, headaches, and mental clarity.
Preparing for an Ayurvedic Consultation
To make the most of your Ayurvedic consultation, it's essential to prepare adequately. Here are some tips to help you get ready:
Health History
Prepare a detailed health history, including past illnesses, surgeries, current medications, and lifestyle habits. This information will help the Ayurvedic doctor understand your health condition better.
Diet and Lifestyle
Keep a record of your daily diet and lifestyle practices, including sleep patterns, exercise routine, and stress levels. This will provide valuable insights for the doctor to recommend appropriate changes.
Open Mindset
Approach the consultation with an open mindset and be willing to embrace the holistic principles of Ayurveda. Patience and commitment are crucial for achieving long-term health benefits.
Follow-up Appointments
Schedule follow-up appointments as recommended by your Ayurvedic doctor to monitor progress and make necessary adjustments to your treatment plan.
Frequently Asked Questions About Ayurvedic Clinics
1. How do I know if an Ayurvedic clinic is reputable?
Look for clinics with qualified and experienced Ayurvedic doctors, positive reviews, and testimonials. Visiting the clinic to assess its facilities and consulting with the doctor can also help determine its reputation.
2. What should I expect during my first Ayurvedic consultation?
During your first consultation, the Ayurvedic doctor will conduct a detailed health assessment, including pulse diagnosis, examination of your physical and mental state, and discussion of your health concerns. Based on this, a personalized treatment plan will be created.
3. Can Ayurvedic treatments be combined with conventional medicine?
Yes, Ayurvedic treatments can often be combined with conventional medicine. However, it's essential to inform both your Ayurvedic doctor and your conventional healthcare provider about all treatments and medications you are using.
4. Are Ayurvedic treatments safe?
Ayurvedic treatments are generally safe when administered by qualified practitioners. However, it's important to follow the prescribed guidelines and inform your doctor of any pre-existing conditions or allergies.
5. How long does it take to see results from Ayurvedic treatments?
The time to see results can vary depending on the individual's health condition, the type of treatment, and adherence to the prescribed regimen. Some people may experience immediate relief, while others may require several weeks or months of treatment.
Embracing Ayurveda for Optimal Health
Embracing Ayurveda can lead to a transformative journey towards optimal health and well-being. By choosing a qualified and experienced Ayurvedic clinic in Delhi, you can receive personalized care that addresses your unique health needs.
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ayurvedainitiative-blog · 1 year ago
*MEGA NADI PADHIKSHA CAMP* on occasion of *Durga Puja & Navratri*
▶️We invite you to The Ayurvedic consultation and Nadi Pariksha with  our senior nadi pariksha Vaidya **Dr. Nandu* *Chawan** (Ayurvedacharya)
✅ *Nadi Pariksha* is the ancient ayurvedic technique of diagnosis through the pulse. It can accurately diagnose physical, mental and emotional imbalances as well as diseases.
✅It is a non- invasive science that enables to reach the root cause of health issues and not just address the symptoms 
➡️➡️ *NOTE* :
👉👉 **Request* *All* *not* *to* *Eat* *CAN CONSUME WATER* *2* *Hours* *Before* *Nadi* **Pariksha** .
🔴 *Sunday* *15 October-2023*
🔵*11 AM to 6 PM*
     *By Appointments only*
🏠@ SRI SRI TATTVA MART(divine shop,
Shop no.06 & 07, Surya Gayatri CHS, Plot No D/14-15, Sector 6,New Panvel 410206
📞 9029602433, 9969588733, 7045081793,9821021257
📞 please Whatsapp your name and timings if call was not received
➡️➡️ *NOTE*
👉👉 *Sri Sri tattva branded store with all organic products and Medicines are available at venue if  required*
   Our Shop is Open ON All Days of the Week.
*Doctor Fee Rs 350*
*Note - Divine Shop Shifted to above mention new address*
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chandigarhayurved · 2 years ago
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Vaidya Karanvir Singh is the younger Vaidya in Chandigarh Ayurved & Panchakarma Centre. He is the fourth generation in his family who is practicing as a general consultant in Ayurved & Panchakarma treatment in Chandigarh. In his practice, he had treated more than 50,000 plus patients worldwide. He is a hard-working, soft-hearted and good nature persona who sees patients even on Sunday. His OPD is seven days a week to provide the best services to the patients. Vaidya Karanvir Singh believes in helping as many patients as he can to give them a healthy life through Ayurveda.
He has given interviews on various national/international TV channels and written articles for various health columns in international newspapers. He also presented papers and given lectures at various national and international forums and congresses. He visits his distributors around the world for consultations, seminars, lectures, etc. In India, he offers free ayurvedic consultations to online patients.
   Board of Ayurvedic and Unani Systems of Medicine, Govt. of Punjab is honored to confer the Dhanwantari Award to him.
  Chief Consultant of Panchkarma at Chandigarh Ayurveda and Panchkarma Centre
   Vaidya Karanvir Singh’s main aim is to provide a clear vision to the patient about their disease & treat them with pure Ayurvedic medicines.
   Developing new herbal and ayurvedic combinations to treat different types of diseases, without producing a new one
   In clinical practice, Vaidya Karanvir Singh makes the diagnosis through “Nadi Pariksha”, “Saparshan Pariksha” the Prakarti of three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) in a patient. According to that only a proper Ayurved treatment, panchakarma therapies, & diet is recommended to the patients.
  Vaidya Karanvir Singh is providing pure classical preparation of the medicines made by the staff under his supervision. He is prescribing Vati, Avleh, Asav-Arisht, Capsules, Rasayana Dravyas, Syrup, and Medicated Oil for proper treatment of various diseases
   Vaidya Karanvir Singh is a renowned & one of the best Vaidya in Panchakarma at Tricity. His panchakarma is considered the best in Chandigarh.
Skin Diseases
Skin is the largest organ of the body. Skin diseases are similar to be seen and difficult to treat. In severe conditions, strong medications like steroids and immunosuppressants are given by modern science that suppress the symptoms but do not treat the cause of the disease. Dr. Vaidya has an expertise to treat skin diseases without harming other system of the body.
Some skin diseases mention below treated by Vaidya Karanvir Singh:-
    Blemishes and Pigmentation
Liver Disorders
Liver is the main organ of detoxification. In Chronic Liver disease, modern science recommends liver transplantation. Ayurveda helps in this, without any transplantation. There are lots of herbs that are able to reverse the condition of the liver without causing any side effects. Dr. Vaidya treated lots of these kinds of cases that need transplantation and he does herbal treatment and Panchkarma for this to regain the capability of liver disease.
Some liver diseases treated by Vaidya Karanvir Singh is mentioned below:-
   Fatty Liver
   Liver Cirrhosis
    Portal Hypertension
Joint Disorders
Joint disorders commonly affect people of any age. This problem hampers the daily activities and routine of many people.  In allopathic treatment surgery is recommended to treat knee and spine issues but in Ayurveda such kind of treatment is not needed with the help of herbs and Panchkarma therapies the actual condition of knee and spine reverted.
Some joints diseases mention below treated by Vaidya Karanvir Singh:-
   Knee Pain
    Back Pain
    Cervical Pain
Autoimmune Diseases
Autoimmune disease happens when the body’s natural defense system can’t tell the difference between your own cells and foreign cells, causing the body to mistakenly attack normal cells. Usually, the immune system can tell the difference between foreign cells and your own cells. In an autoimmune disease, the immune system mistakes parts of your body, like your joints or skin, as foreign. It releases proteins called autoantibodies that attack healthy cells.
Some autoimmune diseases treated by Vaidya Karanvir Singh are:-
   Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
   Rheumatoid Arthritis
   Anchylosing Spondilytist
   Celiac Disease
   Type 1 Diabetes
   Sjögren’s Syndrome etc.
Psychosomatic Disorders
Psychosomatic disorder is an illness that connects the mind and body. This occurs in such a way that the physiological functioning of the body is affected by the psychological tensions that either causes disease or worsen the pre-existing disease in a person. Ayurvedic herbs show wonderful results in psychosomatic disorders without any side effects.
Some psychosomatic disorders mention below treated by Vaidya Karanvir Singh:-
   Drug Addiction
Lifestyle Disorder
Lifestyle diseases are the diseases which occur basically due to smoking, unhealthy diet and physical inactivity — and result in the development of chronic diseases, specifically heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, eye diseases and thyroid. Dr. Vaidya treats all kind of lifestyle disorder which is the result of unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle. According to him these are not disease, these are associated symptoms of main problem occur in our body. Some lifestyle disorders mention below treated by Vaidya Karanvir Singh:-
   Blood Pressure
   Hair fall
    Dry Eyes
Neurological Disorders
Disorders that affect the brain as well as the nerves found throughout the human body and the spinal cord are known as neurological disorders. Neurological disorders are considered Vatavyaadhi, meaning health problems that are caused by an imbalance of Vata Dosha and disturb majja dhatu (bone marrow). Ayurvedic panchkarma therapies and herbs are best to treat neurological disorders.
Some neurological disorders mention below treated by Vaidya Karanvir Singh:-
    Trigeminal Neuralgia
    Alzheimer Disease
Ayurveda is experiencing a global resurgence and is increasingly recognized as the oldest and most intelligent system of healing known to man. Ayurveda is best in all aspects. Many people are seeking ayurvedic treatment but they don’t get proper ayurvedic treatment for their health issues like autoimmune disorders, skin diseases, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel disease and avascular necrosis, etc.
Ayurveda is a 5000 years old Indian traditional medical science. The power of Ayurveda is still not known in many areas.  Ayurveda is capable to treat all the diseases which are non- curable in other pathies like systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), liver cirrhosis, urticaria, eczema, lumbar spondylitis, appendicitis, tinnitus, trigeminal neuralgia, crohn’s disease and celiac disease, etc.
Ayurvedic treatment is based upon Dosha, Dhatus and Mala and diagnosis make on the basis of Nadi Priksha, Darshan Priksha or Sparshan Priksha.
Due to lack of proper research in the field of Ayurveda people take it secondary option for treatment. They just follow home remedies and believe that this kind of remedies is Ayurvedic treatment.
To get an Ayurvedic consultation, Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh is visiting London to treat people in a natural way. He always does ayurvedic practices and treatment. He helps his patients to overcome their health issues with natural herbal treatment. He treats root cause of the disease rather than symptoms and works to increase body’s immunity naturally because immunity is the main factor that fights against many kinds of diseases. If people have strong immune system, they are self-capable to fight with diseases.
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letsansh123-blog · 6 years ago
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Any disease can be successfully treated or managed if its root cause is known and targeted effectively.
Ayurveda, one of the major traditional forms of medical practice in India, has produced many useful leads in developing medications for chronic diseases.
Ayurveda is an intricate system of healing that originated in India thousands of years ago. Historical evidence of Ayurveda can be found in the ancient books of wisdom known as the Vedas that were written over 6000 years ago. Ayurveda provides novel approaches to cancer prevention that are considered safe.
Classical Ayurvedic texts have several references to cancer. Some terms used to describe the condition are general while others are much more specific.
Charaka and Sushruta Samhita (700 BC) both described the equivalent of cancer as granthi (benign or minor neoplasm) and arbuda (malignant or major neoplasm). Both can be inflammatory or non-inflammatory, based on the doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) involved. The term dosha describes the three principles that govern the psychophysiological response and pathological changes in the body. Ayurveda described health as the balanced coordination of these three systems in body, mind and consciousness. The fundamental theory of Ayurvedic treatment is based on restoration of the balance between these three major bodily systems.
Tridoshic tumours are usually malignant because all three major body humors lose mutual coordination, resulting in a morbid condition.
Arbuda is the most specific term for a cancerous malignancy. Gulma is one another reference used to describe any palpable hard mass in the abdomen. It is any hard, tumor like mass in the abdominal region, which could be benign or malignant.
Ayurvedic classification of neoplasms depends upon various clinical symptoms in relation to tridoshas.
Group I: Diseases that can be named as clear malignancies, including arbuda and granthi, such as mamsarbuda (sarcomas) and raktarbuda (leukaemia), mukharbuda (oral cancer), and asadhya vrana (incurable or malignant ulcers).
Group II: Diseases that can be considered as cancer or probable malignancies, such as ulcers and growths. Examples of these are mamsaja oshtharoga (growth of lips), asadhya galganda (incurable thyroid tumour), tridosaja gulmas, asadhya udara roga, (abdominal tumours like carcinomas of the stomach and liver or lymphomas).
Group III: Diseases with the possibility of malignancy, such as visarpa (erysipelas), asadhya kamala (incurable jaundice), asadhya pradara (intractable dysmenorrhea or leukorrhea) and tridosaja nadi vrana (intractable sinusitis).
At CHARAKA, we are providing effective treatment for cancer, focusing on the principle of detoxification, rejuvenation. Our treatment involves:
Shamana chikitsa (treatment using Ayurvedic medicines orally)
Shodhana chikitsa (detoxification through Panchakarma therapy)
Rasayana chikitsa (immunotherapy, rejuvenation or Kayakalpa)
Diet & life style management
Satvavajaya (couselling)
Daiva vyapashraya chikitsa (divine therapy), Yoga & Pranayama are also suggested as per the need and condition of the patient.
Our cancer therapies are based on the philosophy of Removal the cancerous cells when possible and destroy any cells that remain.
Our Ayurvedic treatments can be safely combined with chemotherapy and radiotherapy procedures to minimize the side effects. Even in surgical treatment, this treatment can be started immediately to prevent metastasis and further healing.
Early detection, early medical or surgical interventions are believed to be the key factors in combating cancer effectively. Similarly early stage Ayurvedic treatment as a co-therapy yields best possible results.
#How can Ayurveda treatment help to combat Cancer?
It is now established that "reverse" signalling from dysfunctional or abnormal Mitochondria play important role in the initiation and progress of Cancer cells and conversely it is also proven that Healthy Mitochondria can suppress the growth of cancer cells and make them more susceptible to the treatment. So any drug or treatment which can improve Mitochondrial function can modify the course of the disease and arrest its growth. In this article, we have seen that Mitochondria and Agni are the same organelles and in Ayurveda, for cancer following treatment is provided
1) To remove the free radicals, toxins, excess amount of dirty Pitta, Kafa and Vata which are known to impair the functions of Agni
2) To restore and strengthen the metabolic functioning of Agni due to which further chain of events are curtailed and disease process comes under control.
3) To change the cellular environment, which breaks down or absorb the Lactic acid which is produced by cancerous cells. By this, Cancer cells lose their ability to spread and metastasize
4) To improve the Immunity which then destroys Cancerous cells.
5) There are certain herbs, like Neem which stimulates tumour suppressor pathways and compel the body to produce more tumour's death promoting ( Apoptosis) chemicals and reduce anti-apoptotic chemicals; all of these modalities lead to the death of cancerous cells and are removed from the system.
6) There are certain herbs like Tinospora which are known to arrest abnormal cell cycle, without affecting the normal cell cycle. This mode of action further reduces the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells.
7) Some herbs like Ashwagandha reduces budding of newer blood vessels in cancerous tissues, thereby cuts off the nourishment of cancerous tissues.
8) Some herbs like Turmeric acts blocks the effect of chemicals ( like TNF alfa) which are responsible for inflammation and Turmeric also blocks the effect of the growth factor called NF kappa -b, thereby uncontrolled multiplication is arrested.
9) Turmeric and Ashwagandha also stimulate p53 tumour suppressor pathway.
10) Some household herb like Fenugreek absorbs lactic acid and stops glucose supply to cancer cells hence they are deprived of their food and die.
What diet is recommended to a patient suffering from Cancer?
The best diet is to follow intermittent fasting or calorie restricted diet which is sufficient enough to provide all required nutrients to the body and immunity but at the same time, deprives cancer cells of their food and compel them to die. General guidelines are as follows
1) Strictly avoid all Maida and bakery products
2) No Sabudana, No vinegar, no Tobacco, No Liquor.
3) Avoid deep fried food
4) Avoid late night dinner ( dinner should be over by 7 pm)
5) No raw food or salad, especially when on chemotherapy
6) Minimum intake of Sugar with one or two days of " NO sugar" per week in any form (Which means no White/ brown sugar, No Jaggery, No honey, No fruit juices, no Carrot or beetroot juice)
7) Once a week fasting as per the advice of expert Vaidya.
Frequently asked queries?
1) Are there any steroids in the Herbal medicines - No, we do not do such kind of unscrupulous or non-ethical practice. My drugs can be tested and subjected to any kind of test for that matter.
2) Are these drugs safe during Chemotherapy- There are certain reports, published in good journals, which has proven the good effect of chemotherapy when combined with herbal treatment. ( Care to be taken that herbal treatment should be of standardized quality and should not be given on the day of injectable chemotherapy, rest it can be given. It also depends on stage and type of cancer, so final decision to be taken only after discussing every pros and cons). There are various clinical studies indicating that if standardized herbal preparations of Curcumin, Ashwagandha are given along with chemotherapy, results are better. Many chemoresistant cancers respond very well when supplemented with Curcumin, Ashwagandha and Tinospora cordifolia.
3) Can herbal therapy replace or avoid chemotherapy- No, one should follow complete modern protocol as it is. Herbal treatment is mainly given to as chemo adjuvant to improve the immunity and mitochondrial function as stated above.
4) Can Ayurveda treatment avoid surgery and radiation- All of you will be surprised to read the fact that, in Ayurveda, which was written 3000 years B.C., it is clearly mentioned that first line of treatment of Cancer is to surgically remove it and then to " Burn" the margins, this concept is similar to today's modern protocol of Surgery followed by Radiation. So any tumour, if operable, should be removed promptly by an expert Onco-Surgeon.
5) What is Chemoprevention? This term was coined by Dr Michel Sporm, in 1976. Chemopreventive are drugs, natural or Synthetic, which have potential to Reverse, Suppress and or Prevent the further growth of cancer. I advise various such Chemopreventive herbs and ways to many normal people and also to cancer patients.
AROGYAM PURE HERBS KIT FOR CANCER : http://www.ayurvedahimachal.com/pure-herbal-products/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=83&search=cancer#sthash.6JPSs9gC.dpbs
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aayushbharat21 · 3 years ago
Benefits of Visiting an Ayurvedic Doctor
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Ayurveda is the traditional method as per the texts written in the old Vedas of early India. This early science of medication is extremely powerful and also well-defined in treating and healing all kinds of diseases. Ayurvedic medication is very powerful; it can heal even extremely severe diseases simply without producing any kind of side effect.
The Ayurvedic specialist, also recognized as vaidyas, utilizes Ayurvedic principles for the treatment of people, and it includes the entire well-being of a person either physically, mentally, or spiritually.
You can even schedule your appointment with an Ayush doctor. They will treat you better without any side effects.
So, here are the top reasons why you need to schedule your appointment with an Ayurvedic doctor. 
1. Ayurvedic doctors have a far-reaching approach
Unlike form latest medication system, treating the illness and directing the symptoms is not sufficient in Ayurveda. An Ayurvedic expert not only inspects your body but also carries into account all the perspectives of your life, which will help you to recognize the main cause of any sickness. The holistic strategy not only heals the illness from its origins but also inhibits recurrence of the same. It is fruitful for you to visit Aayush Bharat, as the Ayush doctor will treat and cure your disease naturally.
2. Better treatment through Nadi Pariksha
Ayurvedic doctors use the method of pulse diagnosis, which is a very efficient and reliable technique to determine the anatomy and irregularities in a person's life. This analysis is very broad and implies the better understanding that Ayurveda holds about the body. So, it is better to proceed with Aayush Bharat since the Ayush doctor has plenty of knowledge to cure your extremely complicated disease.
3. About Tailor-made solutions
The ayurvedic strategy of diagnosing is personalized, analyzing all the aspects of a person’s life, and the doctor will recommend medicine as per the patient’s physique. You can also schedule your appointment with Aayush Bharat.
4. Secure and better Medications
Ayurvedic medication is a promise of safety as these natural and herbal mineral solutions, when practiced as guided, do not produce any side-effect, unlike modern artificial medication systems.
5. About Lifestyle and Dietary amendments
Ayurveda insists upon relishing a balanced life. It emphasizes the significance of proper diet, enough sleep, and fixing the easy lifestyle practices that might be hindering your health.
6. Ayurvedic medication is suitable for the gut
Unlike modern antibiotics, NSAIDs, and additional chemical substances, Ayurvedic medications are far better for the gut.
7. It’s not always the medicines that cure you
The Ayurvedic experts are familiar with a broad array of diagnoses and remedies at their disposal. Experts may involve ways of treatments, including natural and herbal formulas, panchakarma, proper diet, and nutrition. 
8. Benefits of home remedies
Ayurvedic practitioners have ample knowledge of home remedies for various common health dilemmas.
9. Provide simple precautions
Ayurvedic practitioners are experts in healing an illness and give possible methods to help in countering it. Eating specific food items, exercising yoga, living a holistic life protects your body from several diseases.
Ayurveda has its principles to heal and cure the person of natural herbs. They follow a unique and traditional approach. Also, they make the best use of home remedies for patient treatment.
Suppose you are looking for an ayurvedic practitioner to cure your disease. Then, you can schedule an appointment with Aayush Bharat & can do ayurvedic doctor consultation online, since the Ayush doctor is efficient and heal your disease with the natural process, without causing any side effects. 
And you can visit our website – Aayush Bharat - https://aayushbharat.com/.
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boharnaad · 3 years ago
nadi jothidam vaitheeswaran koil
Vaitheeswaran Koil Nadi Astrology
Vaitheeswaran Koil, located on the Northern Banks of the sacred river Kaveri, is a Hindu Temple dedicated to Lord Shiva. He is worshiped as Vaidyanathar or Vaitheeswaran, meaning “the God of Healing.” The temple is situated towards interior Tamil Nadu, in Nagapattinam district, approximately 290 km. from Chennai. It is widely believed that offering prayers here to Lord Shiva can cure diseases. One of the nine Navgraha (nine planets) Temples, Vaitheeswaran Koil, is associated with Mars (Angaraka).
While the temple is famous for healing diseases, the Vaitheeswaran Koil temple is also recognized for palm leaf astrology, called Nadi Astrology or Nadi Jothidam.
Vaitheeswaran Koil: What history speaks?
Every place has a history attached to it. It’s the folk tales attached to a place that informs us about the significance of that particular place. Vaitheeswaran Koil is one such place that is a part of several such tales.
According to some legends, it is believed when Mars (also known as Angaraka) was suffering from leprosy, and it was the deific blessings from Vaidyanathswamy that cured him. Since then, this temple has been treated as a Navgraha Temple for Angaraka.
As per another legend, Lord Shiva appeared as a Vaidya(a doctor) and cured the leprosy of a staunch devotee named Angahara.
Another belief associated with this temple is when Subramanya, son of Goddess Parvati and Lord Shiva, appeared with one face from his regular appearance of six faces as asked by his mother; Parvati was pleased with him and presented a vel(a weapon) to slay the demons. So, when the war against the demon Surapadanam took place, Lord Subramanya’s army got severy injured. At that juncture, Lord Shiva took the form of Lord Vaitheeswaran and healed their injuries.
There is a pond situated inside the temple called Jatayu Kundam. There’s this belief that while Ravana abducted Sita, Jatayu tried to revolt against the demon king here, but the Vulture King died. So, Rama and Lakshmana buried Jatayu in this temple, and that’s why the pond is named after him.
Various instances show that during the Ramayana period, Lord Rama, Lakshmana, and Saptrishi worshipped their deity at this location. Jatayu, Muruga, and Surya are all believed to have worshipped Lord Shiva.
However, the temple received contributions from various great rulers like Vikrama Chola, Vira Rajendra Pandya, Achuthappa Nayak (1560 – 1614 AD), and Maratha prince Thulaja.
What is Nadi Jothidam?
Nadi Astrology, or Nadi Jothidam, or Nadi Shastra, is believed to be a 5000-year-old divine way of predicting one’s whole life – his past, present, and future, for the betterment of their progeny. It is a patrimony that we inherited from the great Indian sages. Contemplating the well-being of humanity and forthcoming generations, the august sages extended their spiritual wisdom of Nadi Jyothisham. They ensured an effort to preserve “Dharma” in Kaliyuga, or the age of vice and misery.
Maha Shiva Sukshma Nadi, written by the saint who also composed a dialogue between Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, is considered most descriptive in foretelling an individual’s future. It gives very effective ways to rescind the aftermaths of karma in our previous birth. It provides helpful guidance to individuals to shape a well-defined future for themselves.
The origin of Nadi Jyothisham or Nadi Astrology can be traced back to the Vaitheeswaran Koil temple. Nadi Jothidam is a customary practice at Vaitheeswaran Koil.
It is believed that the great ancient sages of India devoted at least 3000 years of their life to seek knowledge and gain an insight into the past, present, and future. The wisdom that the great sages perceived were dictated to their disciples to record those in handwritten form upon the palm leaves, also called Nadis. That’s why Nadi Astrology is also known as Palm Leaf Astrology.
However, these nadi records created by the sages for the welfare of posterity are for the destined souls, who are coerced to read the leaves under destined circumstances. The manuscripts are in old poetic Tamil script, which is why only a person who is well versed in this art can interpret what’s inscribed on the leaves.  
Vaitheeswaran Koil Nadi Astrology
Vaitheeswaran Koil village is famous worldwide for the Vaitheeswaran Koil Nadi Astrology or Vaitheeswaran Koil Nadi Jothidam. It is one of the main attractions here, for which people from around the world visit this place. Some of the best and famous Nadi readers or astrologers can be explored here in Vaitheeswaran Koil.
If you want the best services we can provides the most reliable and authentic Nadi Jothidam service at reasonable cost.
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nadi-tarangini · 1 year ago
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vaidyanamah · 5 years ago
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A Vaidya is never considered a Vaidya if he doesn’t know nadi pariksa. Nadi pariksha plays a crucial role not only in identifying disease, arishta, Samprapti. To know more about Nadi Pariksha visit :- https://vaidyanamah.com/nadi-pariksha/ https://www.instagram.com/p/B_B_RpRnUqD/?igshid=19yj3livynjdj
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ayurvedanorthindia · 5 years ago
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Best Ayurvedic Clinic in Chandigarh – A Clinic
Ayurveda is a system of medicine with historical roots in the Indian subcontinent or if you are looking for Chandigarh location,  A Clinic is the best Ayurvedic Clinic in Chandigarh, India. Dr. Ajayita is a Gold Medalist Ayurvedic doctor and Cosmetologist. Dr. Ajayita is an expert nadi vaidya and regularly conducts workshops on Ayurveda at various international ayurvedic centers.  
Contact us:  +91 987 2350 123
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nadivaidyakayakalp-blog · 6 years ago
आयुर्वेद के अनुसार कब्ज के लक्षण, कारण, इलाज, दवा और उपचार || Ayurved ||
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panchakarmabangalore-blog · 8 years ago
Sri Sri Ayurveda Panchakarma,  an initiative of the Art of Living Foundation, established with a vision to bring best of Ayurveda to the world, under the guiding light of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. Aligning to this focus on Ayurveda, various techniques of Yoga & Meditation, as well as some highly effective alternative therapies from around the globe were integrated to create an oasis of peace, serenity and wellness. We ensure that your physical, mental and emotional well-being gets cleansed and revitalized. Our wellness regimes are carefully created by experienced Vaidyas, including therapeutic massages, deep detoxification techniques, herbal medicines, personalised diets and lifestyle transforming experiences to discover a new You!
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ayurvedainitiative-blog · 1 year ago
Ayurvedic Diet Workshop Thane
Rejuvenate yourself with Ayurveda and Yoga Campaign, Ayurveda , Doctor , Treatment , Nadi Pariksha , Medicine , Pure Herbs ,Sudarshan Kriya , Yoga , Meditation,Dombivli, Kalyan, Ulhasnagar, Ambernath, Badlapur,
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chandigarhayurved · 2 years ago
Natural Treatment Centre in London
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About India’s Best Ayurvedic Docter – Vaidya Karanvir Singh
Vaidya Karanvir Singh is the younger Vaidya in Chandigarh Ayurved & Panchakarma Centre. He is the fourth generation in his family who is practicing as a general consultant in Ayurved & Panchakarma treatment in Chandigarh. In his practice, he had treated more than 50,000 plus patients worldwide. He is a hard-working, soft-hearted, & good nature personality who doesn’t waste time even on Sunday. His OPD is seven days a week to provide the best services to the patients. Vaidya Karanvir Singh believes in helping as many patients as he can to give them a healthy life through Ayurveda.
He has been on various national/international TV channels for interviews and written articles for various health columns in international newspapers. He has presented papers and given lectures at various national and international forums and congresses and has a regular clinic in India. He also visits his distributors around the world for consultations, seminars, lectures, etc. In India, he offers free ayurvedic consultations to online patients.
Prevent and treat diseases and help as many people as possible by bringing them knowledge about nature, herbs, healing without medicines, and preventing diseases to occur by improving diet and lifestyle. Developing new herbal and Ayurvedic combinations to treat patients worldwide and adding better alternatives to current medicines, without producing more diseases and curing the existing ones.
Board of Ayurvedic and Unani Systems of Medicine, Govt. of Punjab is honored to confer the Dhanwantari Award to him.
Chief Consultant of Panchkarma at Chandigarh Ayurveda and Panchkarma Centre
Aims & Objectives
Vaidya Karanvir Singh’s main aim is to provide a clear vision to the patient about their disease & treat them with pure Ayurvedic medicines.
In this view, Vaidya Karanvir Singh thinks that if you take proper Ayurvedic medicines along with the Panchakarma therapies you can see good, effective, & long-lasting results in a few days or a month.
Developing new herbal and ayurvedic combinations to treat different types of diseases, without producing a new one.
In clinical practice, Vaidya Karanvir Singh makes the diagnosis through “Nadi Pariksha”, “Saparshan Pariksha” the Prakarti of three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) in a patient. According to that only a proper Ayurved treatment, panchakarma therapies, & diet is recommended to the patients.
Vaidya Karanvir Singh is providing pure classical preparation of the medicines made by the staff under his supervision. He is prescribing, Vati, Avleh, Asav-Arisht, Capsules, Rasayana Dravyas, Syrup, and Medicated Oil for proper treatment of various diseases
Vaidya Karanvir Singh is a renowned & one of the best Vaidya in Panchakarma at Tricity. His panchakarma is considered the best in Chandigarh.
Diseases On Which Vaidya Karanvir Singh Has an Expertise
1. Autoimmune Diseases
Autoimmune disease happens when the body’s natural defense system can’t tell the difference between your own cells and foreign cells, causing the body to mistakenly attack normal cells. Usually, the immune system can tell the difference between foreign cells and your own cells. In an autoimmune disease, the immune system mistakes parts of your body, like your joints or skin, as foreign. It releases proteins called autoantibodies that attack healthy cells.
Some autoimmune diseases treated by Vaidya Karanvir Singh are:-
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Anchylosing Spondilytist
Celiac Disease
Type 1 Diabetes
Sjögren’s Syndrome etc.
2. Stomach Disorders
Dr. Vaidya treated so many cases of stomach diseases some of them are mentioned below:-
Ulcerative colitis
Irritable bowel syndrome
Gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD)
3. Liver Disorders
Liver is the main organ of detoxification. In Chronic Liver disease, modern science recommends live transplantation. Ayurveda helps in this, without any transplantation. There are lots of herbs that are able to reverse the condition of the liver without causing any side effects. Dr. Vaidya treated lots of these kinds of cases that need transplantation and he do herbal treatment and Panchkarma for this to regain the capability of liver disease.
Some liver disease treated by Vaidya Karanvir Singh is mentioned below:-
Fatty Liver
Liver Cirrhosis
Portal Hypertension
4. Skin Diseases
Skin is the largest organ of the body. Skin diseases are similar to seen and difficult to treat. In severe conditions, strong medications like steroids and immunosuppressants are given by modern science that suppresses the symptoms but does not treat the cause of the disease. Dr. Vaidya expert to treat skin diseases without harming other system of the body.
Some skin diseases mention below treated by Vaidya Karanvir Singh:-
Blemishes and Pigmentation
5. Joint Disorders
Joint disorders commonly affect people of any age. This problem hampers the daily activities and routine of many people.  In allopathic treatment surgery is recommend to treat knee and spine issues but in Ayurveda such kind of treatment is not needed with the help of herbs and Panchkarma therapies the actual condition of knee and spine reverted.
Some joints diseases mention below treated by Vaidya Karanvir Singh:-
Knee Pain
Back Pain
Cervical Pain
6. Respiratory Disorders
A type of disease that affects the lungs and other parts of the respiratory system. Respiratory diseases may be caused by infection, by smoking tobacco, or by breathing in secondhand tobacco smoke, radon, asbestos, or other forms of air pollution. This condition more aggravated when season change or in winters. Ayurvedic herbs show best results in respiratory disorders increase immunity that fight against seasonal allergies. Dr. Vaidya treated so many cases like this with the help of ayurvedic herbs and Panchkarma therpies.
Some Respiratory diseases mention below treated by Vaidya Karanvir Singh:-
Allergic Cough
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
7. Lifestyle Disorder
Lifestyle diseases basically due to smoking, unhealthy diet, and physical inactivity — and result in the development of chronic diseases, specifically heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, eye diseases and thyroid. Dr. Vaidya treats all kind of lifestyle disorder which is the result of unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle. According to him these are not disease, these are associated symptoms of main problem occur in our body.
Some lifestyle disorders mention below treated by Vaidya Karanvir Singh:-
Blood Pressure
Hair fall
Dry Eyes
8. Psychosomatic Disorders
Psychosomatic disorder is an illness that connects the mind and body. This occurs in such a way that the physiological functioning of the body is affected by the psychological tensions that either causes disease or worsen the pre-existing disease in a person. Ayurvedic herbs show wonderful results in psychosomatic disorders without any side effects.
Some psychosomatic disorders mention below treated by Vaidya Karanvir Singh:-
Drug Addiction
9. Neurological Disorders
Disorders that affect the brain as well as the nerves found throughout the human body and the spinal cord. Neurological disorders are considered Vatavyaadhi, meaning health problems that are caused by an imbalance of Vata Dosha and disturb majja dhatu (bone marrow). Ayurvedic panchkarma therapies and herbs are best to treat neurological disorders.
Some neurological disorders mention below treated by Vaidya Karanvir Singh:-
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Alzheimer Disease
10. Urological Disorder
All urological disorders related to the filtering and carrying of urine out of the body. These diseases can affect men, women, and children of all ages. Ayurvedic herbs like kanchnaar guggul, gokshura, punernava, kalmi chora and sahijan chhal do best to revive the normal condition of urinary system.
Some urological disorders mention below treated by Vaidya Karanvir Singh:-
Renal Stone
Chronic Kidney Disease
Urinary Tract Infection
11. Women’s Health Issues
Women’s health is a broad term referring to physical and mental health problems. Women’s health is often defined in terms of reproductive health and safety for younger women and in terms of diseases that appear in the female reproductive organs. In today era, many women and girls face lots of health issues related to their hormones irregularity to infertility. These females issues treated symptomatically in allopath but Ayurveda treat root of the disease that interfere in women health.
Some Women health problems mention below treated by Vaidya Karanvir Singh:
Uterine Fibroid
Abnormal menses
12. Men’s Health Issues
Many of the major health risks that men face can be prevented with the help of Ayurvda. Ayurvedic panchkarma and herbs help in body detoxification, keep mind and body relax, maintain hormone balance, make life healthy with this regular exercise, a healthy diet, not smoking, stress reduction, and stop alcohol consumption helps to men to come back their normal health.
Some Men health problems mention below treated by Vaidya Karanvir Singh:-
Erectile Dysfunction
Genital Herpes
Premature Ejaculation
Ayurvedic Treatment in the United Kingdom
Ayurveda is experiencing a global resurgence and is increasingly recognized as the oldest and most intelligent system of healing known to man. Ayurveda is best in all aspective many people seeking for ayurvedic treatment but they don’t get proper ayurvedic treatment for their health issues like autoimmune disorders, skin diseases, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel disease and avascular necrosis, etc.
Ayurveda is 5000 years old Indian traditional treatment. The power of Ayurveda is still not known in many areas.  Ayurveda is capable to treat all the diseases which are non- curable in others pathies like systemic lupus erythematous (SLE), Liver cirrhosis, urticarial, eczema, lumbar spondylitis, appendicitis, tinnitus, trigeminal neuralgia, crohn’s disease and celiac disease etc.
Ayurvedic treatment is bases upon Dosha, Dhatus and Mala and diagnosis make on the basis of Nadi Priksha, Darshan Priksha or Sparshan Priksha.
Due to lack of proper research in the field of Ayurveda people take it secondary option for treatment. They just follow home remedies and believe that this kind of remedies is Ayurvedic treatment.
There are some myths about Ayurveda that:-
It takes longer to work
Ayurveda means a strict vegetarian diet
Ayurveda is an outdated system
Ayurvedic treatment does not need a doctor
To resolve this puzzle and confusion Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh visiting London to spread awareness among people for Ayurveda. He is well establishing in his field and always does ayurvedic practices and treatment. He helps their patient to overcome their health issues with natural herbal treatment. He treat root of the disease rather than symptoms and works to increase body immunity natural because immunity is the main factor that fight against many kind of diseases. If people have strong immune system, they are self-capable to fight with diseases.
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