Stolen Skies – Part Thirty-One - The End (Nanowrimo 2022)
Stolen Skies – Part Thirty-One - The End (Nanowrimo 2022). It's taken just over a month and 83,059 words but we've finally reached the conclusion! 0 https://wp.me/pbprdx-8Oe #nanowrimo #nanowinner #theend #story #scifi
The Vaunted weren’t just arrogant bastards, they were liars. They’d murdered half their species in the quest for immortality in the mental plane, yet not content with just killing their brethren, they’d sought out a way to kill even the idea of them. When they tore open crypt-space, and it began to absorb physical matter, all those dead minds got a little taste of existence again. A sort of hope…
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wordelixir · 4 years
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We!!! Did!!! It!!! 🥰🥳
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yellowsugarwords · 5 years
hi did I mention I won nanowrimo
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has-dogs-will-run · 5 years
I’m done with it (50,033 words as of last night). So now I’m going to have a couple extra hours and a lot of extra brainspace. 
I’m going to try going back to the gym, and reading more. Also, I’ve learned that if I don’t plan, I can write, but my work is largely unsatisfying (although, if many are very happy with their work after the rough draft, I’d be surprised). So, I’m going to start planning early. 
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ncisduckie · 6 years
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I!!! Hit!!! 50 THOUSAND!!!!
(NaNo reflection post to follow..... Later)
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agentsofsunnydale · 6 years
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Hit 50,000 words on day 26 of #nanowrimo2018 !! . . __________ #nanowrimo #nanowinner2018 #nanowinner #writersofinstagram #writersofig #writerscommunity (at Franklin, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqqyI94nUrO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=skwvztkgq83
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cursed-tale · 6 years
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(Good fucking God did I come down to the last minute)
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saraofisla · 6 years
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Hey guys!
A couple of months ago, I discovered @nanowrimo aka National Novel Writing Month, an international project where thousands of writers from all over the world come together and each of them try to write 50,000 words in the 30 days of November. I was so inspired by everything I saw and read about it that I decided to take part this year.
NaNoWriMo differentiates between two types of writers: planners and pantsers. Planners obviously plan and map out their novel, their plot, their scenes, their characters, etc. while pantsers... well, let’s just say, they don’t. I usually am more of a pantser than I am a planner (sadly lol) but I knew that in order to actually write 50k words this November, I had to make some sort of plan or else I was just not going to make it through; so I became something in between: a plantser. I had a rough outline and knew the main characters. There were many, many holes in the plot that I had no idea for yet but I was determined not to let that hold me back.
Then, suddenly, November was finally there and I started writing. I had made myself a daily plan that told me to write 1667 words a day early in the morning so I would have loads of time to make music and film videos in the afternoon. Weelll... that didn’t go exactly as planned haha. Not at all, actually. I always wrote best, fastest and most after 5/6 pm which totally threw me off but that’s just how life is, right? 
After realizing this and adapting to it, the first 10 days went really well. I wrote pretty much the exact amount of words needed per day so I was perfectly on time. But, you guessed, life happened, I injured my arm and couldn’t write for a total of 7 days. A week doesn’t seem like much in real life, but during NaNoWriMo it felt like ages to me and I suddenly had to write about 3000 words every day - twice as much as I had to before - to finish my draft on time. It seemed like a huge mountain that felt almost impossible to conquer. 
My Mom noticed my lack of enthusiasm, so she gave me a passionate 30 minute pep talk on why I should keep going. If it wasn’t for this talk, I probably would have quit at that point or at least written a lot less than 50k. But it happened, and my will to reach the goal was re-ignited. 
I sat down every single day and I’m gonna admit it, most of the time I didn’t even know what to write about. The holes in my plot now haunted me but the moment I actually started typing on my computer, there was always something that came out of it. It wasn’t always great quality content, hell no, but at least I was trying. I figured the easiest way for me to get into “the flow” is free writing and asking questions. Day 19 - Day 30 was the time to fight and push through - some days were easier, most days weren’t. I often dreaded working on my draft but got super excited when I discovered something new about my plot or my characters. It’s pretty cool when an idea that lived in your head suddenly comes to life, you know?
Well... to come to an end after this freakishly long text:
This was my first NaNoWriMo ever and I can proudly say that I did it! I’ve actually written 50k words in 30 days which is... totally crazy, like, completely mindblowing that I actually pulled this through. I’m so so happy that I decided to take part in this project and that I put something that existed only in my mind down on paper. Even after 1 month of pondering about my novel every single day I still like the plot and haven’t grown tired of my characters, in contrary, I like my idea even better now that I’ve thought so much about it. 
If you’ve ever wanted to write, or have an idea inside of you, you might want to consider joining me next year. :) www.nanowrimo.org
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morganhazelwood · 3 years
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Looking at the face of a #nanowinner! Now to finish the story. Tomorrow. https://www.instagram.com/p/CW2OSnbL15I/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Guess who just won NaNoWriMo???
Spoiler: it’s me
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ubekawateryam · 7 years
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This year’s the first time I’ve attempted NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and I’ve actually managed and put out more than 50,000 words in just one month, bringing my long-ago-started-but-never-finished manuscript for Demetra’s story “The King’s Slumber” almost to a finish!
Only a few more days and I’ll have the first ever finished draft of a novel of mine! And then from there it’s time for the great rewriting, woo
I’m so happy I did this. Hope all of you who also participated had just as great a time and got to see just how much you can actually get done, even if you didn’t necessarily meet the 50k goal.
And now I guess we’ll have to make December the predominantly-art-month, uh-oh.
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Stolen Skies – Part Twenty-One (Nanowrimo 2022)
Stolen Skies – Part Twenty-One (Nanowrimo 2022). Answers at last, straight from the Vaunted's mouth. A possible ending for the story here at 51,957 words...? https://wp.me/pbprdx-8NG #nanowrimo #nanowinner #scifi
If you’ve ever wondered if you can have a migraine in your dreams, I can assure you that it’s entirely possible when some alien fucker has made you review their top ten worst ideas imaginable, from their perspective. I really hoped the feeling wouldn’t continue back in the real world, but I had the impression that it was partly my flexible little mind adapting to the new sensations that had been…
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nyagaroxas · 7 years
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Ho vinto il NaNoWriMo e ho pure finito la tesi nel frattempo... Viva me!!! #nanowrimo2017 #nanowinner2017 #nanowrimo #nanowinner #feelinglikewonderwoman #thevoiceiveneverhad #writerslife #writing #writer #scrivere #scrittura #vitadascrittrice #winner #iwon #hovinto #tshirt #prize
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yellowsugarwords · 6 years
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me the day after nano ends
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peculiarist · 7 years
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I didn’t think I could do it this year, but I pulled it off. 
At first it sucked, but it reminded me how much I like writing, got me again into the habit of near-daily writing, and should help kick-start my actual writing and editing of things I want to publish.
Here’s my progress through the month...
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tagstories · 7 years
Nov. 30: End of #NaNoWriMo 2017
So, here we are at the end of NaNoWriMo 2017. I have won, for the 7th time in 10 years of doing NaNo. But it wasn’t easy this year. (I look back, and I think the only times it was easy were 2008-2010.) And… as you may have guessed from the last two posts, I did not finish There Be Dragons. But I now have a great deal more than I did to begin with, so it’s a success nonetheless.
Some interesting…
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