#NZ National party
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rupertbbare · 3 months ago
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23 October 2024: NZ Government cuts funding for research on preventing White Supremacist terrorism.
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30 October 2024: NZ Government says they don't think Swastikas are as intimidating as gang patches and don't need the same restrictions.
I think we need to ask why our government does not percieve White Supremacists and Neo Nazis as a threat
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soloh · 8 months ago
"Man notorious in home country for dodgy international dealings now being sued for dodgy international dealings".
F- you, John Key, karma's a bitch.
(Also god there's just something about people constantly claiming the working classes aren't working hard enough if they can't afford to live, then being caught making their own money by doing illegal shit instead of working, that just soothes my soul).
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sapphia · 6 months ago
Can I get more info about what's going on in nz? I watch global news regularly and nothing about this has come up and I find this highly disturbing.
we elected a neoliberal nightmare of a government who are destroying our health system, water system, ferry and rail system, environment and democracy for profit. people are literally dying in hospitals because there is no doctor in hospitals in multiple rural towns and they just have a consultation on an ipad. the government are trying to frame Health NZ as having a budget deficit of 1.5 billion when in reality that deficit exists because they provided like 3 billion dollars with of tax cuts they couldn’t afford. National cuts spending to health every time they get in government and the disjointed DHB system has been unable to keep up financially with the growing population and health needs.
i personally have just been FUCKED by national as for the last two years i have been navigating our labyrinth of a health system, not working due to being intensely suicidal, trying to find therapy to get better and there just isn’t any available. so i payed for a private autism diagnosis to try and access funding for therapy through the ministry of disability and also get under their umbrella because they actually treat you like a person there and also don’t actively seem to want you dead like they do in the mental health system. but the process took so long that by the time i got my diagnosis and through the referral system, national had yoinked the funding and deemed that therapy will no longer be covered by the disability funding system. all therapies. for disabled people.
oh also they’re like trying to start a race war or something as both minor parties in the 3-way coalition government are trying to negate the Treaty of Waitangi in law, and they’re also attacking the judiciary and had to be told to stop by our attorney general, who they ignored obviously.
our prime minister answers every question with “i say to you” followed by just a literal lie, they’re all just lying through their teeth, i literally have an OIA request about when David Seymour, our deputy-PM-in-waiting (don’t ask) said that preschool education needed to be reviewed because they were being prevented from teaching phonics. they’re not. someone just expressed concern that that might be happening to him, and apparently he is basing government policy on that?? or at least using it to falsely justify it to the nation.
their ideas are all bad and disproven by evidence-based studies, despite their slogan being “we’re going to make evidence-based decisions”. New Zealand has hit a funding wall where we’ve kicked the can too far down the road on like everything and it’s all starting to collapse at once and this government are not only letting it happen, they’re actively helping it along because they’ve all got shares in private rival companies or mates they want to give contracts to (our former national PM got paid insane money to write an insanely biased report attacking our ministry of social housing) or they’ve had their careers helped along by lobbying firms or they want to work for lobbying firms after they leave parliament.
the speaker of the house (who is right now being accused of not dealing with racism within his own party because of course he isn’t, he’s gerry fucking brownlee, the most hated man in christchurch) has allowed lobbyists unprecedented unrecorded entry to parliament. the minister for conservation keeps “forgetting” to write his lobby dinners in his diary. one of them told an mp “he’s not in mexico anymore”. no one is getting in trouble for this shit while the left are being raked over the coals. there’s like so much more. no one can keep up. and nothings being done about it.
tldr; help
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ashadowofburnedoutstardust · 3 months ago
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Today's shout out goes to Andrea Vance 👩‍🍳
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drinkjanola · 8 months ago
i’ve just heard christopher luxon say “morena” and it was damn near the most unnatural thing to come out of his mouth ever
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nixs-thoughts · 1 year ago
~Aotearoa, New Zealand Election 2023~
I know National are going to get in this election, and as a disabled person with disabled loved ones, I'm stressed. Affording basic necessities is already really difficult, and we all know National don't give a single fuck about the people struggling the most.
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gayhenrycreel · 2 months ago
everyhing feels a bit shit right now, but its wonderful that so many people support the hīkoi. ACT is deeply unpopular right now. however leftists also need to get off their asses and vote whenever possible. dont forget the mayor elections. they have power in government and when you have leftist mayors youre more likely to get leftist MPs and then leftist PMs. if people stop collectively thinking their votes dont matter, we can actually make a difference. if your vote didn't matter they wouldn't try to get your vote
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snootyfoxfashion · 1 year ago
hey if you're in new zealand fucking go vote yeah?
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octisticsopinions · 1 year ago
Christopher Luxon's gang patch policy is irresponsible and will lead to increased racism against Māori.
Christopher Luxon plans to give the cops power to break up gangs and make wearing gang patches an offence. But what counts as a gang patch? What proof of gang membership do the cops need to break up groups? The cops are already proven to be racist against Māori. "Gangs" are already a racist dog whistle used by the right against Māori. Giving the government this power gives the cops another excuse to target Māori.
Can we really trust Aotearoa's cops to identify specific gang patches from a distance? This policy could very well lead to cops targeting anyone who wears anything that sort of looks like a gang patch. Unless all cops have an extensive knowledge of gang patches, an eagle eye, and good morals, this policy is ridiculous.
Certain cops will have different ideas about what counts as a "gang". There are people who will call any political cause they disagree with a "gang". This policy could empower cops to intimidate or even break up groups of antifa, queers, anti-racists, etc. This policy could be a tool of political suppression.
Christopher Luxon's a dickhead who does not belong in government.
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yeltsinsstar · 2 years ago
National Party admits using AI to create fake photos for political attac...
Of course it would be National using fake imagery in their political ads, its par for the course for them. As for potential copyright infringements, National has a long history of those during previous election campaigns, just ask Eminem and his lawyers.
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andromedasummer · 2 years ago
bro are any drivers from new zealand gonna like. come help with the cyclone cleanup. or even donate some money. we were in a state of emergency. people are dead. thousands are missing. entire towns are buried in silt and cut off. peoples houses are just gone. every other athlete in every other sport we compete in are showing up to help clear out houses or donate things or help fix roads. one of you went on a rant about nz covid restrictions and retweeted our most right wing party. another one of you was born in the city that was hit by the cyclone.
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ashadowofburnedoutstardust · 11 months ago
The fact that this bitch is laying on the spray tan like Trump
The fact that John Keys (The former PM) wife made him quit politics or she'd divorce and out him because he had an affair with her
The fact that this bitch violated the privacy act multiple times and illegally accessed abortion records of beneficiaries
It's a small world after all
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mayasaura · 8 months ago
did you see te pati maori declared independence??
I DID NOT! Holy shit! Thanks for the news!
Okay, now reporting back from one research deep-dive, the recent context as I understand it is this:
Last November, a conservative right-wing Prime Minister, Christopher Luxon, assumed office. He's got a lot of less than stellar right-wing policies, and that includes making cuts to the Ministry of Social Development and opposing co-governance with the Waitangi Tribunal and other Māori leadership organisations over the administering of public services such as education, health, and infrastructure. He's been openly critical of Māori seats in Parliament, though he hasn't (yet) opposed them. Over the course of his administration, there's been an initiative to omit or cut mentions of the Treaty of Waitangi, the foundational document of New Zealand that forms the basis of arguments for Māori protections, from official language.
Which brings us to yesterday, May 30th. Budget Day. The day the new administration would announce their first budget and a day of mass action for supporters of te Pāti Māori protesting the treatment of Māori under the new government. I don't have any concrete numbers, but RNZ reports thousands of protestors, while the NZ Herald estimates "tens of thousands" turning out nation-wide, and a walking protest that delayed rush-hour traffic in Auckland for hours.
You may have already guessed that the budget was Bad. As I understand it, the budget effectively cut any kind of targeted funding for Māori health or education, and decreased funding for Māori cultural festivals and celebrations. And again, I cannot stress enough how much I am not an expert on this topic, so there's probably a lot more in there I don't know about.
In response to the new budget, Māori Party MP Rawiri Waititi issued a Declaration of Independence to the New Zealand Parliament, (video of his speech in link) with the support of his fellow te Pāti Māori co-leader Debbie Ngarewa-Packer.
There doesn't seem to be any concrete plan in place yet for the organisation of the new Māori parliament, but MPs Waititi and Ngarewa-Packer met with protestors to collect signatures for the Declaration, which they plan to bring to a hui taumata (meeting of congress) today, Friday, May 31st. The text of the Declaration can be found on te Pāti Māori website, in the form of a petition. You do not have to be Māori to sign, but I believe you do have to be kiwi.
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thewater · 10 months ago
(new zealand edition) i remember my mum telling me that the national party is by business owners for business owners. that they only look out for the rich and throw the poor to the trash.
now my parents have worked themselves out of poverty, and live comfortably. guess who they voted for last election.
i remember adults telling me, as a kid, to listen to doctors and get my flu vaccine and any shots i could because they remembered Before.
then they started fighting Covid precautions.
i remember adults telling me, as a kid, that the ozone was disappearing and the earth was dying and we needed to recycle and save the planet.
now my parents think climate change is a myth.
i remember adults telling me, as a kid, that racism was a plague, that we had to love and accept everyone, that we should never judge before walking a mile in their shoes.
then they told me that protesting for my Black siblings was wrong.
i remember adults telling me, as a kid, that we needed to give to the poor. working at soup kitchens. making quilts. collecting food and money and supplies. building houses. because it was the christian and just plain right thing to do.
now they look at me, on food stamps with their grandchildren, and lament the "welfare state".
i remember adults telling me, as a kid, that it was easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven and that any rich man, especially an immoral one, should never run our country.
you can guess who they voted for.
i remember adults telling me, as a kid, so very much.
when did they forget?
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xclowniex · 3 months ago
So if you are not from NZ, you may not be aware, but the Act party, one of 3 parties in government, is wanting to up haul Te Tiriti O Waitangi, our founding document to redefine what it means, with a new bill called the treaty bill.
Their reasoning behind this is that everyone should have equal rights, and we need to stop giving Māori "extra rights".
And whilst I do agree with the fact that everyone should have equal rights, which we already do have, equal rights are a separate thing to reparations and fixing the wrongs of the past, as well as making sure everyone has equal outcomes, which is what those "extra rights" are.
The Māori Health Authority which the government has gotten rid of, existed to help better the health outcomes from Māori as they have the worst health outcomes out of our population. This was not some fancy new fangled thing which have Māori so much more benefits than the Healthcare system for the rest of the country, it was there to have Māori health outcomes reflect the same level that other ethnicities have here in Aotearoa.
The bill also wants to get rid of Māori seats in councils. It has already been changed so councils recently could vote if they want to get rid of them, and some have whilst others have kept them. Maori seats are mandatory seats in council, which means that Māori are always represented in local councils.
This part counts as self governance, which was promised in te tiriti. Changing this, changes a major part of te tiriti which Act party is claiming its not doing. This is not Māori having more rights, it is part of reparations, allowing Māori to have a voice in what happens with the land taken from them.
Those are just two things which the bill will implement.
Whilst the National party and NZ first party, the two other parties in government have voiced that they don't support the bill, actions have already been taken which implement aspects of the bill prior to the bill being read. The other parties in opposition have also voiced that they do not support the bill.
The government has also played dirty.
There was meant to be a peaceful protest, going from different parts of the country to parliment, planned for when the bill was originally supposed to be proposed and potentially have a first reading, in 2ish weeks. The bill was moved up to today.
This undermines the Waitangi Tribunal, which is a Tribunal that protects the rights of Maori which was preparing a case to prevent the proposal of the bill. The change of the proposal of the bill means that the Waitangi tribunal can't do anything. And this isn't the first time this has happened this year.
It is incredibly disgusting what this government is doing to Māori.
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octisticsopinions · 1 year ago
Did you know for every agricultural regulation introduced the national party plans to TAKE AWAY TWO?
Does anyone actually fucking agree with national or are they all losers who think Christopher Luxon is going to end critical race theory or some bullshit like that
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