#NYS Education Department
fuckinuhhh · 22 hours
Take a Walk 09/22/24 - Albany, NY Special Edition
Just a note to the 3 day-one fans/followers of my take a walk commentary series, I have a few posts to catch up on that are dated and slated to be put together as soon as I find the time. But I just wanted to get this special edition out as soon as I could because its fresh and I have the motivation to and this one is short. (And because this is my blog, and I make the rules, and were doing this one first!!)
While I was visiting my friends in Albany, a place I called home for a number of years, I had some time to kill so my old friend and I decided to take a long walk and shoot some photos. :)
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First off we have the Hinckel Brewery building originally built as just the right-most building in 1855, with additions made in subsequent years as the business began to grow to be one of the biggest beer distributors in the Northeast even rivaling Anheuser-Busch and Samuel Adams during the early 1900's.
The original architect is unknown, but to the best of my understanding many of the building's interiors as well as the surrounding building complex have been modernized and incorporated into the @HudsonPark apartment scheme. I wasn't able to find a lot of info on the apartments that exist therein within the apartment complex, and they don't exactly have rave reviews on sites like google and apartments.com.
When we walked into the small inner concrete courtyard underneath the old docking bay in the office building, the vibe was very vacant aside from being locked and then this strange noise I caught of one of the seemingly-annoyed tenants who wasn't happy we were all up in their business. (either that or it was a ghost, give the sound a listen in the last 5 seconds of this video and let me know lol).
Then we walked past some of my favorites, that I neglected to get pictures of -_- bc I didn't think I would be making this post, BUT that I'll def be able to get pictures of from my archives/google. I'll throw together a short run through of those real quick and then get to the main event.
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The Van Ostrande-Radliff House at 48 Hudson Ave, a must see (even if you cant see much) in Albany. This is the oldest standing building in the city, originally built in 1728. Preservation efforts are ongoing to restore it to its former charm, but it remains covered for the time being so as to not fall into further disrepair. I recommend checking out the sick pictures that Historic Albany Foundation has on their website of the current interior.
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Down the street is the SUNY Headquarters Building, an old railroad building that served the state capitol under the Delaware & Hudson Railroad Co. Architect Marcus T. Reynolds designed this one, it was originally built as six separate buildings from 1915 on and connected to form one continuous structure, this imposingly beautiful Flemish Gothic building is one of my personal favorites in downtown Albany.
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Turning around we see this beautifully ornate neo-classical building at the corner of State St. & Broadway. Originally built as the Albany Trust Company building in 1902, also by architect Marcus T. Reynolds! This building has such a striking facade and the renaissance revival dome is truly an architectural masterpiece (if not bordering on a little gaudy). I was so lucky to find out they had just given it a fresh spruced up paint job when I walked by it! Today it operates as the SUNY Research Foundation building.
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Then juuuust up the street 2 buildings away is BY FAR my favorite little guy in the city (I would treat her so right, please god give me a chance).
This is 63 State St. Being built originally by one of my favorite architects, Russell Sturgis in 1876 for the Mechanics & Farmers Bank. For such a small sliver of a property footprint this building just does so much right with its balance of form and ornament. The turret on the corner is stunningly delicate, as well as the bright red brick to complement the light sandy stone. Not to mention that beautifully ornate third floor circle window. This building changed hands a couple times throughout the centuries but retains the old vault door in the basement as well as the brass fixtures and marble floorings inside that give it quite the stately presence upon entering.
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How could I not include the most imposingly large, ornate, stately, balanced (every other adjective I've ever used on this blog...) building in Albany, the state capitol building!? Main architect: Henry Hobson Richardson, along with Leopold Eidlitz, Thomas Fuller, and Isaac G. Perry. Finished in 1899 after 32 years!
I'm going to keep this very brief because we only stopped here briefly on our walk and this building deserves it's own deep dive post at some point anyway. Plus it isn't even the aforementioned "Main Event" of our walk. But the detail in the scrolling on the columns here is absolutely insane. My friend and I were discussing it's architectural style/influences and we weren't completely convinced it falls into any one, Italianate/Neoclassical/Victorian/Georgian/Flemish/Gothic/Spanish influences... the confluence of styles in this design is absolutely masterful. As well as whether one would consider the columns corinthian or not, maybe composite? But just take a look at these bad boys, I would sit and take a full semester's course just on the symbolism sprinkled in and throughout this structure.
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The scrolling is unique on EVERY column and sprinkled with tons of historical imagery and symbolism but they all have the same visual weight and if you weren't paying attention you'd never notice.
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If you think nothing could compete with the capital building's insanely intricate detail look across the street for it's closest competitor, The State Education Department building and Chancellor Hall at 89 Washington Ave. I think I remember thinking for a long time this was my favorite Albany building for years before discovering the charming old gothic bank building on lower State St.
Spanning a whole city block (a long one) is this building's imposing Greek-revival corinthian colonnade with 36 massive columns along it! Another scale-defying building joining the capitol building at you-have-to-see-it-in-person scale, the columns on this bad boy are comparable to the width of a redwood tree (see the picture of my legs as I lay down between them to get shots of the ceiling).
Originally Built in 1911 by architect Henry Hornbostel, this building has retained it's integrity and intention by functioning as the base of operations for the NY state education system since its completion. Its structure and facade, including the intricate brass lighting fixtures and the beautiful tiling along its exterior, has been kept in immaculate condition and is incredible to look at in person. This is another architectural feat with such minute detailing that I could sit there with an expert for probably weeks just in awe of it's symbols and attention to detail. I sat there for about 20 minutes when we visited it just looking at it and taking its beauty in. This is the type of building that just transports you somewhere else when you really take it in, it could've easily been cherry picked from the acropolis and plopped in upstate New York and you wouldn't question it thats how beautifully true to form it feels in person.
I didn't know I would be making this post in the moment while taking the walk so I don't have a dishonorable mention, but if you've ever been to Albany, NY you know there are far too many of those to ever pick from so I'm going to give myself a pass this time.
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ao3gingerswag · 1 year
Hey this is just a pro tip for anyone going into childcare or teaching. If u get ur certification for birth to grade 2 students with disabilities. Everyone wants u carnally.
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covidsafecosplay · 6 days
The People’s CDC COVID-19 Weather Report: September 16, 2024
The People's CDC has released another updated report on COVID-19 data and action items for the United States of America.
According to the Wastewater COVID-19 National and Regional Trends dashboard, COVID wastewater levels have plateaued, remaining between high and very high in all regions except for the West, which is having a slight increase. The highest levels remain in the West as of 9/7/2024 (data captured on 9/13/2024). 
As of September 10, 2024, COVID levels are “likely growing” in 3 states and territories according to the CDC Center for Forecasting and Outbreak Analytics dashboard. Thirteen states have reached “stable or uncertain” levels, and 31 states are seeing “declining” or “likely declining”, while levels are “not estimated” in 4 states. 
According to the CDC's COVID Data Tracker, there has been an increase to nearly 1,000 deaths and slightly more than 1,000 deaths per week from COVID during the entire month of August 2024. The last time this occurred was during the winter months of 2024. This total count of weekly COVID deaths is likely to be an underestimate due to limited COVID testing and reporting. The loss of these lives could have been prevented if layers of protections were consistently implemented in preventing infections. 
Although the Bridge Access Program, covering the updated vaccines for uninsured and underinsured adults, has ended, several states including California’s Bridge Access Program and other departments of health have taken steps to partially address this major gap by either providing funding for no-cost access to COVID vaccines or using budgets to acquire a limited supply for their residents. Ultimately, the federal government must contribute resources to ensure no-cost access for all who are uninsured or underinsured. We continue to demand from the federal government to provide continued funding for the Bridge Access Program as well as the Vaccines for Adults Program. As people access the updated COVID vaccines, it is notable that a longer 1.5 inch needle may be needed for adults with higher body weights, in order to pass through subcutaneous tissue into muscle. Complete guidelines for vaccine administration in consideration of age, weight, and injection site can be found on the CDC's website.
This is a reminder that another batch of no-cost COVID rapid antigen tests can be ordered and sent to your home address at the end of   September 2024. Through the CDC’s Increasing Community Access to Testing (ICATT) program, no-cost access to COVID testing access is limited to those who are uninsured or underinsured at places including CVS, Walgreens, eTrueNorth, and other local sites as well as in New York City, which is supported by the NY Department of Public Health.
Read the rest of the report here:
Please note that the CovidSafeCosplay blog and its admin are unaffiliated with the People's CDC or its management, and are simply sharing the resource.
Via the People's CDC About page:
The People’s CDC is a coalition of public health practitioners, scientists, healthcare workers, educators, advocates and people from all walks of life working to reduce the harmful impacts of COVID-19.  We provide guidance and policy recommendations to governments and the public on COVID-19, disseminating evidence-based updates that are grounded in equity, public health principles, and the latest scientific literature. Working alongside community organizations, we are building collective power and centering equity as we work together to end the pandemic. The People’s CDC is volunteer-run and independent of partisan political and corporate interests and includes anonymous local health department and other government employees. The People’s CDC is completely volunteer run with infrastructure support being provided by the People’s Science Network
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visforvengeance · 9 months
944 miles
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Requested by: no one<3
Notes: Hi! So sorry I took so long to post this lmao. Um this will be a series. I haven't worked out how many chapters there will be but I do know how I want at least the next two chapters to be. If you've seen my last post where I posted a snippet of it, then you know I had an OC named Rue Winston. That will be changed and the only thing that will remain is the last name and no character description will be involved but do know I had black!reader in mind. Thanks for reading <3
Pairing: Carmen Berzatto x Reader
Warnings: cursing? she/her pronouns. i think that's it. it's only the first chapter so nothing too crazy going on.
Fatima rushed to the Berzatto Family Salon door with her young daughter by her side. Fatima wouldn’t have been late if it weren’t for her babysitter canceling at the last minute. The poor child was just too young to care for herself. 
As Fatima frantically searched around the building for Donna, her hairstylist, Y/N sat idly by. She played with the toys her mother had gotten her for her 5th birthday, which was just a few months before. When Fatima’s eyes landed on Donna’s, they reflected a range of emotions. 
Donna felt bad for the young mother, having three kids of her own, she knew what Fatima was suffering. Donna’s eyes traveled to the playing toddler on her floor, not a care for the outside world. She reminded her of her own child, Carmen, the youngest. 
“Donna! I’m so sorry I’m late. My babysitter bailed last minute and I had no one else to watch her,” Fatima was on the verge of tears. This wasn’t the future she imagined when she found out she was with child. 
Her husband, Ezra, had walked out on his family when their daughter was 2 years old. He had claimed he never wanted a child in the first place. 
“Ok ok ok, Hun. Just take a deep breath, it’s fine. I have a son who’s around the same age as her. He’s here with me today, they could play together!”
She rushed through the door, ignoring everyone except for Carmen. He sat on his bed watching his best friend bounce around in his bedroom. 
“It’s here! It’s here! It’s here!” She squealed while clutching the unopened envelope to her chest. 
Carmen was dreading the day when they received their acceptance letters. He hadn’t told her that his college of choice was in New York. He knew that she’d d be attending college in Chicago, but fucking Carmen. He always had to strive for the best. 
He felt like shit, but the pure excitement on her face was infectious. He couldn’t help his smile as they switched envelopes, now holding each other’s futures in their hands. 
“I’ll go first, you ready?” He watched as she bit at her nails anxiously, she nodded. 
Carmen opened the letter, he spared one glance at her before he began reading. 
“Dear Ms. Winston, I am pleased to inform you that you have been accepted as an official student of the English Literature and Arts Department…” Rue’s hearing had faded as she allowed the words to process. 
When it finally hit her, she rushed into Carmen’s arms. Her tears soaked into the cotton of his shirt but he didn’t let that deter him from telling her just how proud he was of her. When they pulled away, he held her face in his hands as she took deep breaths to calm herself down. He looked into her eyes, silently asking if she was okay. She nodded, looking back into his blue ones. 
Y/N carefully tore into the letter, her eyes scanning over the paper. The Institute of Culinary Education, 225 Liberty Street, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10281. New York? No, this can’t be. He’d tell her if he was going to New York, right?
She cleared her throat and began reading, “Dear Mr. Berzatto, we are very pleased to offer you admission into The Institute of Culinary Arts.” Her throat ran dry as she read. What the fuck?
“Why didn’t you tell me you applied for New York?”
“You’re the one who told me not to tell you,” he huffed, suddenly feeling defensive at his lack of mentioning. 
“It’s fucking New York, Carmen! I meant don’t fucking tell me if it was in the goddamn state. I thought that was obvious. Why there, anyway?”
He felt strings tugging at his heart as her voice cracked. Why did he choose New York? A 944-mile drive away from his home? His family? From the girl he loved? When making his decision, She was the last thing on his mind at the time. Mikey not allowing him to work at the family restaurant fucked with Carmen’s nerves. 
Lack of communication led to him believing that his brother thought he wasn’t good enough. So, Carmen figured “Maybe if I go to this prestigious school and become the world’s greatest chef, he’ll think I’m good enough then.” 15-year-old Carmen had made up his mind, everything else be damned. But, nothing would prepare him for the moment it came time to tell his best friend that he was leaving her. 
“It’s the best culinary school in the state,” her eyes began to water. She felt fucking elated that Carmen was getting into the school of his dreams, but it being 14 hours away was breaking her heart. She didn’t want to make him feel bad or ruin this moment, but the way she could feel herself start to sweat was overwhelming. 
She decided to drop it. She didn’t want Carmen to feel bad about his decision. Willing her tears to dry, she quickly smiled. “I’m so proud of you,” She was genuinely so proud of Carmen. She wanted nothing more than for him to succeed. If his succeeding meant she had to cheer him on from Chicago, she’d do it proudly. 
Carmen could feel the sadness radiating off of her. He knew what she was doing. The switch from being on the verge of tears to smiling brightly was a reaction he’d seen far more than he liked. Being the reason wasn’t something he liked too much, either. But, when she said that she was proud of him, he believed her. He always believed her. 
The last few days of school had been so tiring with graduation and Carmen leaving for NYC soon. She and Carmen spent as much time with each other as they could. Fatima worked a lot and Donna always had something that needed her attention. Everyone was busy. Summertime was approaching which meant Mikey had to prepare. He’s still not letting Carmen help, though. 
She sighed as she felt her back hit the mattress beneath her. She hadn’t had time to relax and take a deep breath until now. She was home alone, with no plans and a severe and excruciating lack of Carmen. She saw less of him after the pair read their acceptance letters together. She didn’t know whether it was because of the news he shared or he was just extremely busy. 
Regardless of whether they were fighting or not, Carmen never avoided her. There was no reason for him to be mad at her and she wasn’t particularly mad at him, but there was a dark cloud that hung over them. An unwavering force that bullied its way between them, you could practically see it. 
She wanted to be happy for him, but the negative feelings always crawled their way back up. Was she overreacting? This wasn’t the end of them. They could always call, visit each other, or text. It wasn’t like he was moving to another country. 
He was leaving her today. She began to panic at the thought but forced herself through it. She gathered all of the items she wanted to give to him before he left. His favorite shirt that he’s always searching for (she stole it), the matching bracelet that he’d leave on her dresser so he wouldn’t lose it, and a painting that she made for them. The painting was of them together. She spent the entire school year working on it, she made it for him after he practically begged her to do a painting for him. 
After she was done, she made her way next door. The constant ruckus could be heard outside of the door. Donna is yelling for Mikey to help his brother, Sugar and Richie are fighting over god knows what. She pushed herself through the door. It was warm inside, and it smelled like apple pie and cinnamon. It always smelled like something delicious at the Berzatto house. 
Donna noticed her first, rushing to her while calling for Mikey to come and grab the (not heavy) box from her. Donna pulled the younger girl into her warm embrace, bombarding her with questions as she always did. It never bothered her as she knew what Donna was like and loved her dearly. Donna always treated her as if she was her child, she’d look after her when Fatima was busy with work. She’d invite her on family trips, she was an unofficial family member like Richie. 
“How are you, sweetheart? You hungry? We made a little something for Bear before it’s time for him to go,” Donna held her face in her hands as she spoke. Her heart warmed at Donna’s actions. Despite her doing things like this since the moment they met, it always made her smile. She politely declined, though. She wanted to be alone with Carmen for a while. 
“I’m not hungry at the moment, Mama D, but I promise I’ll eat before I go,” Donna nodded and gave her cheeks a small pat. They spoke a little bit more before Donna left her to continue doing what she was doing. She had a habit of minimizing her emotions when something big happened. She kept a straight as she walked up the stairs to Carmen’s room, but her mind was racing. She didn’t want to think about the bad things that could happen while she and Carmen were apart. 
She pushed the door open, standing in the doorway as she watched the two brothers talk. “Dude, you’re doing it the wrong way-“
“I think I know how to properly tape up a box, Carmen.”
“You’re literally doing it wrong.”
She couldn't hold in her laughter as they bickered back and forth. Their heads snapped toward her, startled by her presence. “Jesus, fuck, bunny. You scared the shit out of me!” Mikey set down the box he was holding to rush over and hug her. She hugged him back, squeezing him a bit as she did so. “Sorry, Mikey. I wanted to see who’d get hit first,” Mikey chuckled. 
She and Mikey had a special kind of bond. She had a unique bond with each Berzatto child. But, the two of them were like siblings. Mikey was like the big brother she never had, always to her rescue if needed. When Carmen couldn’t be bothered, she had Mikey and Sugar. 
Before he could respond, Carmen cleared his throat. Mikey looked between the two, gears turning in his head. You see, Michael knew of his feelings for the girl. He was constantly trying to get Carmen to step up and admit his feelings for the girl but Carmy was always too nervous to do so, afraid he’d lose her. He couldn’t risk that. 
Mikey nodded, raising his arms in defense and he backed off, “I’ll leave you two to talk.” She sat on Carmen’s bed, looking around his room. It looked nearly empty, aside from the furniture. “Did you get a chance to look at the things I brought?” Carmen looked over everything except for the painting. He’d seen her art before, he knew how talented she was. But he feared that if he looked at it now, his heart would break all over again. 
“Yeah, everything except for the painting.” She felt her body twitch as their eyes locked. His expression was unreadable as she wondered why he hadn’t taken a glance. “Promise you’ll take a peek when you get to your dorm?” She thought she sounded fucking pathetic. ‘Please look at this painting that means so fucking much to me, it’s the least you could do.’ She wanted to throw up. 
In reality, Carmen didn’t want to look. Not because he feared he’d hate it, but because then he’d be forced back to reality. The reality that he’s in love with his best friend whom he’s about to leave for four fucking years. The reality is that he’s loved her since middle school and now it’s too late because he’s a coward. “Promise.”
She and Carmen had spent their last few hours together in his bed. The sun had fallen, and everything was packed up and ready to go. Carmen said his goodbyes to everyone, except her. She lingered somewhere nearby, watching as he hugged and kissed his family. They were both trying to prolong their last few moments together. “I’m gonna miss you,” she could hardly speak. God, did she not want to cry right now. 
“I’m gonna miss you too.” Carmen’s facade was starting to crack. He allowed it to, he only allowed himself to feel in front of her. “And don’t forget about me, either.” Her tears were streaming down her face, heavy drops landing on her shirt. Carmen couldn’t handle it anymore as he pulled her into a tight hug. Their tears soaked into the other’s shirt as they cried together. They stayed like that for what felt like hours until Mikey called for Carmen. She watched as her best friend drove away. She’d never believe you if you told her that she wouldn’t hear from him for 2 years.
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garadinervi · 14 days
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Attica Correctional Facility prison rebellion, Attica, New York, September 9-13, 1971 / 2024
(image: Attica Prison riot, September 10, 1971 [Publicity materials relating to the Attica Correctional Facility riot of 1971, [ca. 1971-1976] (bulk 1971) 22577-13. Photo #19, New York State Archives, Cultural Education Center, New York State Education Department, Albany, NY)
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mariacallous · 5 months
A number of elected officials, including New York City Mayor Eric Adams, law enforcement officers, right-wing media outlets, and far-right extremists have boosted a baseless conspiracy theory that Jewish Hungarian billionaire George Soros or some nefarious shadowy organization is helping to fund the pro-Palestinian student protests at universities across the US.
They are promoting the well-worn antisemitic trope that a puppet master is behind the protests, based on the fact that many of the students at universities like NYU and Columbia erected tents of the same color, make, and model at the same time on their encampments.
But the real explanation for their proliferation is simple: They are cheap, and easy to find. As online publication Hell Gate NYC pointed out, the tents seen being used at the NYU campus encampment are being sold for as little as $15 at the retailer Five Below, while the green model seen at the Columbia encampment is available online from Walmart for as little as $28.
The tents being used by the students are among the top results on Google Search, and students searching Amazon for “tent” would have been prompted to buy the green Camel Crown tent for $35, listed as a best-selling item by the online retailer. It is also available with one-day shipping. Another popular tent seen at the protests has been discounted in recent days, and now costs less than $20.
On Facebook, WIRED uncovered dozens of accounts posting an identical message accompanied by the same picture of the Columbia encampment. The posts had all been published since Wednesday morning, and new posts with the same messaging were still being shared on Thursday morning. “Something odd about those campus tent encampments,” the posts read. “Almost all the tents are identical—same design, same size, same fresh-out-of-the-box appearance. I know that College students are not that rich or coordinated.”
The conspiracy constitutes one of the latest moves in an angry backlash against the peaceful protests, which began earlier this month. The backlash has included calls for strong-arm tactics to dissolve the protests, which have inaccurately been labeled “pogroms” by some.
In many cases, pro-Israel voices have sought to portray the protests as something other than students expressing their First Amendment right to free speech, claiming someone or some group was controlling them. The conspiracy began to take hold on Tuesday, when New York City Police Department’s deputy commissioner of operations, Kaz Daughtry, told Fox 5 NY: “If you look at the tents, where did they all get them from? The same place, the same person? Somebody is behind this, and we're gonna find out who it is.”
The conspiracy grew legs later that same day when Adams echoed Daughtry’s comments: “Why is everybody's tent the same? Was there a fire sale on those tents? There's some organizing going on, there's a well-concerted organizing effort, and what's the goal of that organizing? That's what we need to be asking ourselves.”
Then it made its way to the Fox News airwaves, where host Bret Baier repeated the baseless allegations. Meanwhile, on NewsNation, Republican representative Virginia Foxx, who chairs the House Committee on Education and Labor, said: “It’s obvious that someone is funding them. They were well prepared.”
On Wednesday, the conspiracy began to take hold online, with numerous blue-check accounts on X pushing the conspiracy. “Why are all of their tents the exact same make, model and color?” a blue-checked X account called The Persian Jewess wrote, alongside a picture of the encampment at Columbia. “Still think this is a grassroots movement? Hint: It’s not.” The post has been viewed almost 2 million times.
Dozens of other posts on X echoed these sentiments, many of them racking up millions of views and many of them pushing Soros as the source of the funding. “I’m sure this is all just a totally organic protest with their little matching tents and all,” wrote Sean Feucht, a prominent Christian nationalist who is planning a pro-Israel march at Columbia on Thursday. Meanwhile, far-right troll Matt Walsh took the conspiracy one step further by declaring that “the ‘Free Palestine’ movement is just BLM [Black Lives Matter] repackaged.”
In a statement this week, Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine said that its members have been “misidentified by a politically motivated mob.”
So have their tents. Most of those claiming a conspiracy have shared the same single image showing only one type and color of tent at the encampment, but a quick online search of images of the encampment shows the reality is that a wide variety of sizes, colors, and models of tents have been erected.
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freakshowtwopointoh · 7 months
Papers - All I've Ever Known Part 4
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But I only buy what others choose to sell...
She signed the deal herself... and now she belongs to me
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I went there early, praying Jordan would wait the full two hours before showing up here. I still couldn’t believe that they wouldn’t let this go, but I couldn’t deny the small part of me that wanted them to know the truth. I also couldn’t believe I was actually about to tell them anything, despite the trouble it could get me into. 
I paced the grimy concrete room, trying to focus on the parts of the story that matter and the parts I can skip past. I have to stay on topic, and despite everything, I’d rather Jordan not get in trouble for knowing too much. I thumbed the worn pages of my notebook - the last remaining evidence of my dreams. I had turned off all my devices before I got here, so I was just listening carefully for Jordan or other intruders.
Jordan arrived a few minutes after the agreed upon time, rolling their eyes at the cliche of it all.
“An abandoned warehouse? Really? Are we in a fucking Marvel movie?” They said dryly.
“Turn off all your devices if you haven’t already.” I said coolly, needing to stay focused. They did so without a word before tucking their phone back into their pocket. “I turned mine off back on campus.” I added. They made a small gesture with their head, wanting me to begin. 
"Are you sure you still want to be involved? If they find out it could cause problems for both of us. Brink wasn't bluffing.“
"How'd you -” They stammered.
"I know what all the faculty were briefed to say. I know what Brink told you, I know what Park told you, I even know what Jeffries told you. If you had spoken to Shetty, I know what she would have told you. You don't think I spent the whole summer just fighting, do you?” I said dryly. They paused, considering that.
“That checks out, actually.” They admitted.
“The point being - I can’t unsay what I’m going to say. This is your last chance to back out.”
“I didn't come here to fuck around.” Alright, well, they had their chance. 
"There's a lot even I don't know. But the short version is Vought made me a deal for some technology I'd been working on. I don't know how they knew about it. I didn't want to give it up. But... things happened and it made me change my mind. My dad's lawyer Robert works with my contact at Vought to sort everything out.”
“That's Grace, right? The one who called you earlier?” I refrained from rolling my eyes. Of course they were eavesdropping on my calls.
“Yes. It takes a lot of paperwork to rewrite 2 years of history. For instance, today, Grace needed me to sign a statement for my old peers reminding them that they can’t discuss me or our work.”
“And this technology... were they weapons??” I stared at them for a few seconds, trying to see if they were joking.
“Are you insane?” They raised an eyebrow skeptically. “No, it wasn’t fucking weapons. It was a fancy heart monitor.” I said, exasperated. “I was 19 attending a technical school in fucking Rochester, NY. Of course I wasn’t designing weapons.” It was their turn to be shocked.
“A... heart monitor?” They asked.
“I was in freshman statistics when I found a database of heart problems in supes. It seemed random - but after talking to Luke and a few other friends of mine, we realized that we might be able to catch the problems before it’s deadly.” Jordan just sort of blinked at me. 
“Why does Vought give one flying fuck about your pet project if it isn’t dangerous?”
“That is one of the many things I don’t know. I mean I have theories. I have theories about all of this. But I don’t even know how they found out about it. One day, some suit showed up offering me money to finish my education at GodU and then work for Vought’s R&D department upon graduation. Just as long as I gave them the rights to anything I produced. I said no at first, but after Sammy, and... well, after a year of Vought hounding me to take the deal, I finally did. Because of my previous work, they figured Park would be a good mentor for me. They erased everything I’d ever done, and rewrote the last 2+ years of my life. From what I understand, they don’t really care about my ranking as long as I’m in the top 50 - they just want to show how good GodU is at ‘recognizing potential’ or whatever the fuck.” I explained.
This was maybe half the story, but I’m not about to tell fucking Jordan Li all of my secrets. Just enough to get them to back off before they get hurt. And to prove to them I’m not cheating my way to the top.
I took another breath, eyeing Jordan warily. “The way I look at it, you have two options: tell someone about this meeting and I will go away - because Vought will either kill me or put me away somewhere far, far away or leave this alone, and pretend this never happened. I’ll go back to trying to survive and you can go back to climbing the ranks and kissing Brink’s ass.” I said. I still couldn’t read anything on Jordan’s face. They looked like they were still sizing me up, calculating. 
“What’s in your pocket?” Jordan asked suddenly, and I blinked at them in confusion before realizing I had been fiddling with my notebook again.
“All I have left of my work.” I said, pulling it out slightly to show it wasn’t a weapon. Then, I chuckled in spite of myself. “That would be a real Marvel move - give you my backstory and then pull some kind of weapon on you.” I muttered, mostly to myself. But I caught the smallest smile playing on Jordan’s lips and I remembered that under all the bravado, and serious exterior, they’re still just another college student trying to get by. I sat on the concrete, feeling most of the adrenaline pumping through my system sizzling out. “This was probably a bit overkill, you’re right.” I laughed awkwardly. “But now you know.” 
“How much does Luke know?”
“Just a little less than you. He doesn't know Vought hounded me as much as they did, it's not like we were super close before...” 
“Before Sam disappeared?“
“Yeah. But he does anything our dad wants, so the cover-up became a family affair. I hate all the lying and I fucking despise that I have to throw away all my -” I stopped myself. “ Anyways there you have it.” 
“This shit is insane. I’m staying as far away from this as I can get.” Jordan said finally. 
“Good choice.” I said coolly. “You leave here first, and turn on your devices at a convenient location. Just say you got lost and your phone was dead or whatever. Obviously, just repeat the stories you’ve been told by the faculty if anyone else asks. I’ll leave in an hour. See you around.” I said, keeping my voice even and devoid of emotion. I wasn’t sure what to expect next, but I was in the same position I was when I got here: alone. At least now Jordan might hate me less. I turned to look out the broken window, expecting Jordan to leave. But they paused.
“Do you really think Sam is still alive?” They asked. I froze - that was the last thing I expected them to say.
“Yes.” I said honestly. And without any further questions, Jordan left.
When I made it back to the townhouse, the sun was almost set, making everything glow warmly. This is my favorite time of day - especially this time of year. My parents have this cabin out in Syracuse and we used to go out there over long weekends and Sammy and I would go out on the docks. He’d strum his guitar (badly) and I’d sing along with the stupidest made up words until we were covered in bug bites and sore from laughing so hard. During the day, he and Luke could spend hours running and jumping into the lake, seeing who could make the biggest splash. It was like... this small portion of heaven tucked away in the forest.
My parents sold that cabin a year or two ago. Something about ‘better investments’. We didn’t even get to go for one last sunset. 
“Care for a drag?” Jordan’s femme voice broke me out of my reverie, offering me the filter end of a cigarette. I shook my head, and for the first time, sitting in silence with Jordan felt less like I was being observed and more like I was just... being me. I stood up to stand next to them as they smoked, leaning on the porch railing. 
“On nights like tonight, you almost forget we’re stuck in suburban hell.” I said casually. “I still miss the stars though.”  Jordan paused for a moment, inhaling a long drag and watching the smoke rise into the fading sunlight.
“You want to know something stupid?” They asked, turning to look me in the eyes. “I could only be an astronaut in this form. Space suits don’t go tall enough.” I chuckled.
"Honestly that's kind of badass. Would you want to go to space?” I asked, looking back at them.
"As a kid, I did. But now, that kind of sounds like hell.” They conceded, exhaling another cloud of smoke into the night. I nodded in agreement, smiling at them. 
"Right? No drugs, no ice cream, trapped in a small space... No thanks, I’ll appreciate the stars from down here.” I said.
They chuckled at that. “You get it.” We continued to sit in silence as Jordan finished their cigarette, and I pretended not to notice when they lit a second one. Usually I hated the smell of cigarettes, but tonight it was ok.
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edits by @barbieprincesshilton
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cloudwalkcr · 1 month
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Name: Catherine Maree Amelia Berkeley née. Madden Age / D.O.B.: Thirty Six, January 10th, 1988 Gender, Pronouns & Sexuality: Cis-Female, She/her, heterosexual Hometown: New York, NY Affiliation: Civilian, affiliated with Government via her husband Job position: Socialite, Philanthropist Education: Yale Law School Relationship status: Married to Julian Berkeley @berkeleys Children: Lucas and Camila Berkeley.  Positive traits: Dedicated, Kind, Creative, Ambitious, Patient, Loyal Negative traits: Stubborn, Vindictive, Perfectionist, Petty, Calculating
tw abuse
Born as the youngest of far too many children, across far too many marriages, Catherine was raised to function a certain way and somehow found her joy in it, too. She was meant to go far. That never changed.
While her childhood was still very much on the calmer side, she didn't go without noticing the way her father behaved. A man so seemingly full of anger and hatred, well, it wasn't hard to learn a way around that. Catherine kept her eyes open, found a way to mask exactly what he needed and somehow managed to become a favorite with enough range to move and become her own person.
Her goals? Simple, yet classy. Assure that she would be seen as an heiress to the vastness of her family's fortune and favor. Catherine worked hard, and once in high school joined the drama department, the swim team and became a cheerleader. The young woman reveled in the sunshine that came with popularity. On top of that she assured her grades were equally on point, scoring herself a scholarship despite not needing one due to the fortune her family sat on.
Still, she'd worked hard and secured herself her spot among the elite: Yale Law, graduating with honors.
There'd never been any illusion over what was expected of her. Functioning the way she did was necessary. In all of it she somehow managed to remain the kind, warm being with immense amounts of patience.
For a while she worked as a lawyer before being introduced to her future husband. From that moment his dreams became hers, the final goal set before her and without a doubt in mind she would make it happen. That was when she noticed what a perfectionist she was; how far she was willing to go in order to assure her dreams and that of those she considered part of that.
Soon the wedding bells rang, children to follow after. If anyone were to ask if she truly loved her husband the answer would be the very same each time. Yes, she did. Never would she say anything else, cause that was the truth. His goals had become hers. Whatever it takes, she is willing to do it in order to see him in the White House; the one place she truly believes he belongs.
Having given up her work as a lawyer, the young woman focused her efforts instead of philanthropy. Ever the socialite she was the perfect host and she was determined to make it. Still does to this day.
Beyond that she feels close to her brother Easton, very much caring for him and his life, his happiness and of course their movie nights.
Share a glass of wine with me Best friend. The one person she can go through the worst with. Someone who is aware of just how dark Catherine can be, but also someone who knows how deep her loyalty and kindness can go in turn.
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queenpiranhadon · 1 year
I did a thing
So um I was stuck in a fire drill with @labaguetteisdabest and @iam1withthepeggy and we were like talking and stuff about Percy Jackson and then Ny (@labaguetteisdabest) referred to him as Pierre Johansson at some point and after a while the conversation ended with me making Mr D worthy nicknames for all the PJO characters
Your job is to reblog and guess the characters according heheh
Here we go:
Penguin Jeans
Applesauce Casserole
Greasy Underpants
Lethargic Chameleon
Cement Block
Sour Bison
Elephant Nuts
Consumed Salt
Trapped Slug
Captivating Lamp
Biscuit Danger
Normal Door
Rhino Education Department
Toe Grass
Zig Zag Neck
Weed Sauce
For the record, these are only for characters that have known last names, so you won’t see Juniper or Tyson in this :(
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Mayor Eric Adams warned that the raging migrant crisis will “destroy” New York City and tore into President Biden for ignoring his pleas for help, saying the White House has given “no support” for the thousands of asylum seekers arriving each month.
“I’m gonna tell you something, New Yorkers, never in my life have I had a problem that I didn’t see an ending to. I don’t see an ending to this,” Adams said at a town hall on the Upper West Side Wednesday night. “This issue will destroy New York City. Destroy New York City.”
Hizzoner took aim at Biden for not stepping in with federal assistance as the city has received more than 110,000 migrants in the past year.
“Month after month I stood up and said this is gonna come to a neighborhood near you. Well, we’re here, we’re getting no support on this national crisis, and we’re receiving no support,” Adams said.
Adams also blasted Texas Gov. Greg Abbott as a “madman” for busing illegal border crossers to New York and other liberal cities.
“Go item for item on what Eric Adams ran for as a candidate and look at what we accomplished in 20 months: We turned this city around in 20 months, and then what happened?” Adams said.
“Started with a madman down in Texas who decided he wanted to bus people up to New York City.”
The first migrant-filled bus from Texas arrived at Midtown’s Port Authority on Aug. 5, 2022, and thousands more migrants have shown up in the rest of the five boroughs in the following months.
“One hundred ten thousand migrants we have to feed, clothe, house, educate the children, wash their laundry sheets, give them everything they need, health care,” Adams said.
Texas has sent over 13,000 migrants to New York, according to data shared by Abbott earlier this week.
The mayor said the Big Apple receives around 10,000 migrants a month, at first from Venezuela, but then Ecuadorian nationals and Russian-speaking individuals came up from Mexico as time went on.
“Now we’re getting Western Africa, now we’re getting people from all over the globe that made their minds up that they’re gonna come through the southern border and coming to New York City,” Adams added.
The financial cost alone has reverberated throughout the city as the government is spending millions to house the migrants.
The Department of Homeless Services has given $35 million to two NYC hotels to house migrants.
“Everyone is saying it is New York City’s problem. Every community in this city is going to be impacted. We have a $12 billion deficit that we’re going to have to cut. Every service in this city is going to be impacted, all of us,” Adams said.
“All of us are going to be impacted by this. I said it last year when we had 15,000 and I’m telling you now with 110,000. The city we knew, we’re about to lose, and we are all in this together, all of us,” he added.
A large majority of New Yorkers share the lawmakers’ feelings on the crisis as 82% say it is a serious problem for the city while 58% want to stop the flow from the southern border, according to a recent Sienna College survey.
Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) on Wednesday also ripped the Biden administration for the “dangerous” impact that its border policies are having on the entire Empire State.
“Joe Biden’s Far Left open border policies have caused our Northern Border to see an unprecedented and historic surge in illegal immigration and Kathy Hochul’s ‘Sanctuary State’ policies have further incentivized this dangerous surge,” Stefanik said.
“Now we have reports of murder and rapes committed by illegal immigrants in Upstate New York. Enough is enough. It is time for Joe Biden to secure our Southern and Northern Border and the quickest way to do that is for [Senate Majority Leader] Chuck Schumer [D-NY] to pass and Biden to sign into law House Republicans’ Secure the Border Act, which is the strongest border security bill in history and would put an end to the Biden border crisis.”
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bighermie · 1 year
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literaticat · 3 months
I've seen books that are ´aligned to standards'. Often with lesson plans and questions on an author's website for educators to use. I assume being aligned to standards is some reading standard for grade or classrooms? What does this mean? Is this something any old rube without a background in education could try to do? Does it make a work any more publishable?
Oy. This is kinda beyond my ken, I can only give you the barest info, and I'm SURE I'm not getting all the nuance here -- I'd suggest talking to some authors who are also educators if you want to know more.
Basically, back in the day, all the states various departments of education had a variety of curriculum standards. Then about a decade ago, there was this thing (law? proposal? THING) passed that you might have heard of called the Common Core Curriculum that was (at first) enthusiastically adopted by pretty much everyone -- basically a United States of Curriculum, so that each kid in America would be sure to have a certain base level of education.
For a variety of reasons to do with "states rights" and god knows what else, that fell apart fairly quickly, and now I think a lot of states just do their own thing again -- though a lot of it still basically IS the common core or very similar to it, they just don't call it "common core" because that lingo is an absolutely toxic political lightning rod. (You can go to Google to learn more, or straight to YOUR state's Department of Education and find out the curriculum standards where you live. Here's NY. It's complicated!)
As I understand it (barely), curriculum standards involve things like cross-pollinating different disciplines -- so you might use a STEM nonfiction picture book biography about a historical figure, or a novel set during WW2 that involves code breaking to learn about Science/technology, and English Language Arts, and History/Social Studies, and whatever whatever. So a book that is "aligned to standards" meets various curriculum guidelines and could be used in a classroom in different ways.
I would not really suggest you worry about it UNLESS you are writing that you think will be extremely useful in a classroom setting -- in which case you or your publisher might hook up with an educator who actually like, KNOWS THINGS, to create an educator's guide or something of that nature to go with the book when it is published. (If you aren't an educator / don't have a background in this, I wouldn't suggest creating an educator's guide all on your own -- like people get whole ass PhDs and whatnot to learn how curriculums are built, that's not your job!)
For the vast majority of trade published books, ie, the books that you find in the bookstore, being "aligned to standards" would not make your book more publishable. They might do an educator's guide to go with the book, but they wouldn't base their acquisition of the book on whether or not teachers would use it, they'd base it on whether they think kids and parents in a bookstore would like it!
The exception MIGHT be certain kinds of children's nonfiction that would be primarily of interest to teachers -- but if you were writing that kind of book, I think you'd know it.
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catdotjpeg · 4 months
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After students and community members gathered at City College of NY to demand that the charges against protesters be dropped, “CCNY student affairs… threatened students with suspension for protesting on their own campus, falsely claiming Henderson violations.”
CCNY administration called the cops to raid the CUNY Gaza solidarity encampment on 1 May, resulting in many students being detained for over 24 hours.
Today, the "formal warning" that students received (and reacted to, as seen above) reads:
This letter serves as a formal written warning concerning your recent actions that violate [City University of NY] policies on student conduct, public order, and specific rules regarding time, place, and manner of expression. Your behavior contravenes Rules Numbers 1, 2, and 3 of the Rules and Regulations for the Maintenance of Public Order Pursuant to Article 129-A of the NY Education Law (commonly referred to as the Henderson Rules), which are outlined as follows:
1. A member of the academic community shall not intentionally obstruct and/or forcibly prevent others from the exercise of their rights. Nor shall he interfere with the institution’s educational processes or facilities, or the rights of those who wish to avail themselves of any of the institution’s instructional, personal, administrative, recreational, and community services. 2. Individuals are liable for failure to comply with lawful directions issued by representatives of the University/College when they are acting in their official capacities. Members of the academic community are required to show their identification cards when requested to do so by an official of the college. 3. Unauthorized occupancy of University/College facilities or blocking access to or from such areas is prohibited. Permission from appropriate college authorities must be obtained for removal, relocation, and use of University/college equipment and/or supplies.
Please recall that policies regarding student conduct and maintaining public order were distributed among all students on February 2nd and April 29th, 2024. Your actions today are inconsistent with these clearly communicated standards.
We urge you to disband your current assembly within the next five minutes to avoid any potential sanctions. City College supports the freedom of speech and assembly of our community members. Should you choose to continue your demonstration, please do so at an off-campus location. You may consult with our Public Safety department for guidance on suitable off-campus locations for your assembly. Additionally, if you wish to organize an event on campus, please engage with our Student Life Office to understand and follow the proper event request process.
Please be advised that if you disobey this directive to disband your current assembly, you will be subject [sic] emergency suspension pursuant to Section 15.4.j of the CUNY Bylaws on the ground that your conduct impedes, obstructs, impairs or interferes with the orderly and continuous administration and operation of City College.
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visforvengeance · 11 months
It’s been a minute😭.
However, I have been watching The Bear and loving it. Jeremy is actually the love of my life. But I wrote something for Carmen and I’m feeling iffy about it:
Rue rushed through the door, ignoring everyone except for Carmen. He sat on his bed as he watched his best friend bounce around in his bedroom.
“It’s here! It’s here! It’s here!” She squealed while clutching the unopened envelope to her chest.
Carmen was dreading the day when they received their acceptance letters. He hadn’t told Rue that his college of choice was in New York. He knew that Rue would be attending college in Chicago, but fucking Carmen. He always did have to strive for the best.
He felt like shit, but the pure excitement on Rue’s face was infectious. He couldn’t help his smile as they switched envelopes, now holding each other’s futures in their hands.
“I’ll go first, you ready?” He watched as Rue bit at her nails anxiously, she nodded. Carmen opened the letter, he spared one glance at Rue before he began reading.
“Dear Ms. Winston, I am pleased to inform you that you have been accepted as an official student of the English Literature and Arts Department…” Rue’s hearing had faded as she allowed the words to process.
When it finally hit her, she rushed into Carmen’s arms. Her tears soaked into the cotton of his shirt but he didn’t let that deter him from telling Rue just how proud he was of her. When they pulled away, he held her face in his hands as she took deep breaths to calm herself down. He looked into her eyes, silently asking if she’s okay. She nodded, looking back into his blue ones.
Rue carefully tore into the letter, her eyes scanned over the paper. The Institute of Culinary Education, 225 Liberty Street, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10281. New York? No, this can’t be. He’d tell her if he was going to New York, right?
She cleared her throat and began reading, “Dear Mr. Berzatto, we are very pleased to offer you admission into The Institute of Culinary Arts.” Her throat ran dry as she read. What the fuck?
“Why didn’t you tell me you applied for New York?”
“You’re the one who told me not to tell you,” he huffed, suddenly feeling defensive at his lack of mentioning.
“It’s fucking New York, Carmen! I meant don’t fucking tell me if it was in the goddamn state. I thought that was obvious. Why there, anyway?”
He felt strings tugging at his heart as her voice cracked. Why did he choose New York? A 944 mile drive away from his home? His family? From Rue? When making his decision, Rue was the last thing on his mind at the time. Mikey not allowing him to work at the family restaurant really fucked with Carmen’s nerves.
Lack of communication led to him believing that his brother thought he wasn’t good enough. So, Carmen figured “maybe if I go to this prestigious school and become the world’s greatest chef, he’ll think I’m good enough then.” 15 year old Carmen had made up his mind, everything else be damned. But, nothing would prepare him for the moment it came time to tell his best friend that he was leaving her.
“It’s the best culinary school in the state,” Rue felt sad. She felt fucking elated that Carmen was getting into the school of his dreams, but it being 14 hours away was breaking her heart. She didn’t want to make him feel bad or ruin this moment, but the way she could feel herself start to sweat was overwhelming.
Rue decided to drop it. She feared he would think she was clingy and she’d anger him. Rue willed her tears to dry and quickly smiled. “I’m so proud of you,” Rue was genuinely so proud of Carmen. She wanted nothing more than for him to succeed. If him succeeding meant she had to cheer him on from Chicago, then she’d do it proudly.
Carmen could feel the sadness radiating from Rue. He knew what she was doing. The switch from being on the verge of tears to smiling brightly, that was a reaction he’d seen far more than he liked. Being the reason wasn’t something he liked too much, either. But, when she said that she was proud of him, he believed her. He always believed her.
How are we feeling about it? Are the vibes impeccable? I’ve been wanting to make this a series also. And if this doesn’t get the kind of response I want and you actually do want to read it, then it will be posted on my Ao3 soon.
Here’s the link to my Ao3 profile!
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garadinervi · 14 days
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Attica Prison riot («Names of inmates suspected of being leaders in the riot.»), September 1971 [Publicity materials relating to the Attica Correctional Facility riot of 1971, [ca. 1971-1976] (bulk 1971) 22577-13. Photo #05, New York State Archives, Cultural Education Center, New York State Education Department, Albany, NY]
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plethoraworldatlas · 5 months
Wednesday, May 1, 2024 — New York, NY — Last night, Columbia University students were ambushed by hundreds of New York Police Department officers in a surprise attack on the student encampment calling for divestment from Israeli apartheid and genocidal warfare. 
Over a hundred students were arrested as police used ladders to climb into a university building, “pushed protesters to the ground and slammed them with metal barricades.” One student was thrown down a flight of stairs, according to video footage, as hundreds more called for the police to stand down. The NYPD Strategic Response Group marched on students with riot gear and broke into university buildings—at the request of the university President Minouche Shafik. 
The NYPD wreaked terror on Columbia’s student body last night. They violently dispersed protestors and have been invited by Shafik to occupy the campus through graduation to ensure no protest tents are set up on the campus’s public spaces again. 
“We have never seen more lawlessness in recent months than when Columbia University deployed droves of law enforcement on their own students who have for weeks exercised their First Amendment rights—and rights as students—to demand that investments in Israel’s war machine end immediately amid the genocide of over 34,000 Palestinians in Gaza,” said Dr. Osama Abu Irshaid, Executive Director of Americans for Justice in Palestine Action.
AJP Action condemns Columbia University’s abdication of its responsibility to student rights and student safety. University leaders have a responsibility to uphold academic freedom, including students’ constitutionally-protected right to protest. 
We call on the Department of Education to investigate Columbia University’s collaboration with the NYPD to attack students despite documentation of students’ consistently peaceful protests. The attacks have disparate impacts on Palestinian, Muslim, and other students of color on campus and endangers all students for exercising their rights. This follows a trend across the country. At least one Muslim student at Arizona State University was handcuffed by police last night as well before officers ripped her hijab off; she was seated and did not resist arrest. 
Not only has Columbia University failed to protect its Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim students in particular, it has allowed all Palestine solidarity activists in its community to be subject to public doxxing and attacks by faculty, staff, members of foreign militaries, and elected officials alike. The university has testified against these students in Congress and mischaracterized their peaceful protests in order to repress views unpopular with major donors and pro-Israel Members of Congress.
AJP Action expresses staunch support for the students and their demands—along with the demands and rights of students across the country: at UCLA, Yale, University of Minnesota, University of Texas, University of Wisconsin - Madison, and at dozens more campuses that have been attacked by law enforcement at the behest of university leadership. We also call on President Biden to condemn attacks on students and heed the popular movement to end support for Israel’s war in Gaza and to pursue diplomatic pathways to peace. 
As students seek legal action for the attacks yesterday, we stand by them and bear witness to the clear violations of their democratic rights and the widespread attacks on the integrity of higher education institutions in the U.S.
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