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marte-14 · 10 hours ago
You know that you didn't need to go this hard with your art, right? Like, you didn't need to make Dean so fucking scary but cool
Now I need to read this image in fanfic...
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Part 11 of "Back the Future" AU
You'd think retirement would've made S16 Dean rusty, but you can't really unlearn certain things
There's always work to be done and monsters to kill. Dean knows that, has always known that, and he knows he needs to have Sammy's back, even when he's a soulless bitch
So when a case lands on their lap (Mysterious disappearances and kidnappings), Dean finds himself falling back into certain... behaviors
The Mark of Cain may be gone, his time in hell may be a distant memory, but the scars they left behind still run deep, deeper than bone.
There is no lust for blood
only residual anger that carries him
Sam witnesses Dean at his worst a lot earlier. He was expecting to tease his older older brother about being rusty and slow
Never did he think Dean would move in such violent ways, staring at danger and death with wide eyes and a sickening determination to finish what was started
The most interesting part was watching Dean get punched and blink away the impact like it was nothing
The aftermath was just as fascinating, as Dean stands over the corpses of monsters he's slain with a rusty axe. Sam keeps his mouth shut when they salt and burn the bodies and merely observes Dean as if he is an entirely different person. Different from the brother he grew up with, and definitely different from the happy, jolly man he came back as
Though Sam does cringe when Cas arrives from Dean's prayer and watches his not-brother-brother act all mushy and sweet with the angel
Castiel is merely confused, while Dean insists they should hug after he gets healed up
Sam thinks Dean let himself get punched
Part1 || Part2 || Part3 || Part4 || Part5 || Part6 || Part7 || Part8 || Part9 || Part10
if you like my work, consider checking out my Kofi!
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returntosunder · 3 days ago
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Itty bitty Ink Au Dtiys
I love the au it’s really cute <3
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The original
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mercy-love-joy · 5 hours ago
Are You Willing To Make The Sacrifice?
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A gift for this lovely person who made me strangle my water bottle with their awesome design and lore for their au "Fix A Beast".
Lore below
So this is a mixture of "Fix A Beast" and Post "The Burns Melted Into Gold"
Essentially, Pharaoh Cookie somehow winds up in Fix A Beast and is very confused how he got there. And there is already chaos with the Beasts- add the fact that there is this guy here who he does NOT like, Golden Cheese Cookie for some reason.
Then Pharoh Cookie is a background character while the lore of Fix A Beast happens BUT when GingerBrave is crying, Pharoh Cookie is like "Hell nah" and goes to confront PV who has become corrupted and while some would assume that Pharoh Cookie would try and stop Corrupted Vanilla Cookie but he actually just asks what the main goal is which Corrupted Vanilla Cookie says eternal peace.
Phaorh Cookie just asks if Corrupted Vanilla Cookie is willing to make a sacrifice for that peace, which confuses the new(?) Beast and Pharoh say that in his world, Golden Cheese grew corrupted and desired to sacrifice him for the better of the world under her power in the name of "eternal peace", so, would Corrupted Vanilla Cookie follow her path?
Corrupted Vanilla Cookie says he'll do anything. Pharoh Cookie asks if he would be willing to sacrifice even those he loves, but Corrupted Vanilla Cookie doesn't respond yet.
Then, the Pharaoh takes off his mask, and the two rulers stare at one another. The Pharoh asks if Corrupted Vanilla Cookie would sacrifice the Pharoh's counterpart of the world for the goal of "eternal peace" or if he was going to hurt him the same way the corrupted Golden Cheese Cookie in his world did, and Corrupted Vanilla simply turns away. So Pharoh Cookie puts his mask back on and before he leaves, he stops and asks one thing, "Are you willing to make the sacrifice?"
And Pharoh Cookie gets to go home at some time before Corrupted Vanilla is found out by the other Ancients.
Additional lore:
Because Pharoh is from a universe where the Beasts are his parents, he accidentally calls the Beasts by the names he gives them back home, ie: BS is "Dad", SM is "Uncle", ES is "Mom", etc...
When Pharoh Cookie was offered to stay in Golden Cheese Kingdom, he physically flew away and cursed out Golden Cheese because nope, nuh-huh, not relieving trauma from his world to this one
Shadow Milk Cookie is actually the one to figure out that Pharoh Cookie is actually a version of GingerBrave and gets slightly worried because geez, what happened in his world that made him lose his arms and get wings instead? And have a hollow-out chest?
Because Pharoh lost his version of Strawberry Cookie and Wizard Cookie, he sort of hangs around them and in the Cookie Kingdom until he has to go home
He has a big soft spot for Fix A Beast!GingerBrave because it's a version of him that hasn't been too messed up (in Pharoh Cookie's opinion)
At night, Pharoh Cookie doesn't (he physically can't anymore) sleep so he'll fly around and if one of the Beasts are up, he'll offer them advice and what was the best way his Beasts learned to redeemed themsevles
At some point, Pharaoh asked about ES and SS and when he was told they are still missing, he goes, "Do you want me to use a child to summon one or???" (Completely thinking his ES would come running)
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Here are some doodles I made while in line for food
Sorry for the long post, your au was giving me brainrot and I wanted to do something before I get smacked with more work for uni so I hope you enjoy and sorry again for the long post
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muffinpost · 18 hours ago
you take requests? hehehehe... bet....
draw me cupheadioioioi (Casino cups plz) PFP :'3 with my OC if your able too!! :DDDD ^__^ <3 *eats art*
Sure! I was a little sick, that's why i didn't post so long
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donsive · 1 day ago
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animation! click for better quality dear god!!
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marte-14 · 2 months ago
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Based on @colorlessjay Supernatural FutureAU.
S16! Cas and Dean are absolutely merciless on their younger counterparts.
S6! Castiel and Dean are quite confused.
I love this AU, it’s very funny and cute!
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titenoute · 2 years ago
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They are both intensely relieved but they don't understand why.
I just wondered how the present disaster twins would handle the recent emotional ordeal of the last update.
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tomaaa464531 · 1 month ago
Coloured sketch✨
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I just love drawing these two idk….
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skwunklygwimblu · 7 hours ago
Yall I'm so tired and I missed his birthday there's a lot going on ill get smth done I swearrr 🙏🙏
I actyally love this au so much it's not even funny (not my au btw)
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This was sitting around in my drafts for so long and I wanna draw these goobers again so bad so yk I had to finish it lol
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thecrowthatdraws · 5 months ago
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Quick doodle of Spooki's billford cause I was hypnotized to do so :3
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itsnixderlol · 8 months ago
Our favorite streamer.
Tadc au from @ebonnat
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arianna-creates · 9 months ago
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This is for the snakes and the people they bite
For the friends I've made, for the sleepless nights
For the warning signs I completely ignore
There's an amount to take, reasons to take more
Twin sized mattress by the front bottoms
@bigfatbreak I am obsessed with your account 😭 Your character redesigns and your kwami designs are so cool!!! I loooove love loveeeed the newest updates, and I'm excited to see what you come up with in the future!! (Especially with your Hawkmoth!Tom au bc helloooo baker dad 😏)
Alt version below
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vypridae · 3 months ago
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doodles based on love, death and rollerskates by @spadillelicious because ough my boys. i love themb. mentally ill mfs that i need to kiss
basic y/n version and some bonus doodles under the cut
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beepborpdoodledorp · 3 months ago
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did I mention you should go check out the GM!Kinger AU by @chez-cinnamon because you should
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catcake24 · 3 months ago
Summary: based on the Mecha Pilot Jazz Au by @keferon and inspired by the holiday season, primarily Christmas since that is the holiday I personally celebrate every year. JazzProwl fic, mostly fluff.
From what Jazz could tell, it had been roughly a year and a half since he had been flung into space and inadvertently made first contact. So much had happened, it was hard to believe it was so little time – but at the same time, he knew how moments could stretch out into what felt like days.
He had only been outed as an alien organic a few months ago, but he had settled into a new routine. It was hard sometimes, to get all your needs in a base designed for giant robots, but he managed. He had managed for all those months even before he was found out.
But there were still things that couldn’t be recreated out in space – like the holiday celebrations.
It wasn’t anything fancy, but everyone back home that had to be on call during the holidays would put together a little party of their own. They couldn’t get smashed or do anything too stupid, but the white elephant games and helping to a light a Menorah for the first time was good enough.
It gave him the warm fuzzies, along with the worst food coma he’s ever had after eating too much holiday food from the potluck.
But out here? He didn’t even know what kind of holidays Cybertronians had, if they even did have them. He assumed they gotta, but either weren’t celebrating, or this was one of those things that they did on a much longer calendar than a human one.
It was lonely to be the only human, even surrounded by his friends, and the lack of shared holidays just made that worse.
“What’s on your processor?” Prowl asked, jarring Jazz out of his sleepy daydreaming thoughts. He had dozed off a little, and was thinking of the lights and snow from back home.
“Oh, it’s nothing Prowler,” Jazz said with a smile, “just thinking of home.”
“Hmn,” Prowl said, contemplative expression on his metal face. It was very handsome to see, when he was trying to work through a problem in his processor.
“It’s okay,” Jazz said, giving a pat to Prowl’s large hand near him. “I’m happy to be here, I just miss some things from home.”
Prowl shifted his attention away from his work, leaning on the desk. It was hard to describe just how large Prowl was sometimes, not just in physical size but presence. He could take up an entire room without even trying, drawing all the light towards him.
He was an absolute catch, even if he happened to be an alien older than dirt that could turn into a car. Sometimes Jazz wonders when the ridiculous became mundane, or how he was so lucky be able to know Prowl.
“Tell me about it,” Prowl said, looking at Jazz with a considerable expression.
Jazz hummed lightly as he thought about where to start, and decided that the holidays were a good place to start – as it was already on his mind.
“Well… around now, it would be winter, what we call the holiday season. We have so many different celebrations around that time, but my family -er, clan, always celebrated Christmas,” Jazz then looked up, considering how to explain it.
“Christmas is a festival, celebrated near the winter solstice – when the day reaches it’s shortest. There were a few different explanations for it, but it was mostly about giving eachother gifts, getting together with family, and eating food.”
“We also would string up lights across houses and buildings, since the days were so short it would light up whole streets. My folks used to walk up and down all of our neighbours, handing out sugar cookies,” he smiled to himself, remembering how his mom would bundle him up for the Washington winters and how he loved to watch all the houses with blinking lights, reflecting off the white snow.
“There were others too of course, but I still have a soft spot for Christmas,” Jazz admitted.
Prowl was listening intently, nodding along. “I see, we did similar things in Praxus before the war.”
Jazz perked up, “Really? What was it like?”
“Well… We celebrated once every half vorn. You see, Cybertron’s orbit around the sun was tilted in such a way that our city would be completely in darkness for periods of time. We celebrated the ends of those periods with a festival, where we would hang lights on the crystal gardens and bake crystal treats,” Prowl said, him having a turn at being wistful. "We all gathered together to see the sun rise after all the darkness, and we would have a day off to bask in the first new day."
Jazz smiled, “It sounds nice.”
Prowl nodded, “It was. I’m sorry you can’t attend your Christmas Festival, it sounds important to you.”
Jazz shrugged, “It’s okay, I’m happy to spend the time with you.”
Prowl smiled then, rare and soft and genuine. It couldn’t replace what Jazz missed, but it did help a little.
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sulfadimethoxine · 2 months ago
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Hiiiiii @sinisternoodles101
Everyone go check them out
This is part of my trade I did with em a while back over their sun design, along with some doodles
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