#NORN9 Last Era
englishotomegames · 1 year
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Norn9: Last Era (ノルン+ノネット ラストイーラ)
Release dates Japanese (PS Vita): April 2nd, 2015 English (Nintendo Switch): August 31st, 2023
"Twelve espers with superhuman powers brought together on a floating ship by a mysterious multinational entity known only as The World... Their story together may have ended, but their own are just beginning.
Past, present, and future converge in Norn9: Last Era’s three different story modes, including explorations of the characters’ pasts before their lives together on the ship, retellings of the events of Norn9: Var Commons from new perspectives, and tales taking place after the events of the first game."
This is the fandisc for Norn9: Var Commons, released by Aksys Games! You can buy the Limited Edition here, or the Standard Edition here.
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atopearth · 1 month
Norn9: Last Era Part 1 - Prelude
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I have been wanting to play this fandisc ever since I finished the main game, but I had to finish Amnesia: Later first so I literally had to stop myself from dropping everything for it hahaha. Anyway, to say I'm excited is an understatement because I am SO ready. Personally, I'm planning on starting with Senri or Heishi because they're my least favourites but I'll see, I might alternate with guys I kinda like so I don't get bored haha. Nagisa is pretty! I'm actually so glad we're getting more background on Masamune and the island because we basically knew nothing about it in the original game. As for Masamune's uncle, definitely a genius scientist for making the hiyoko-san! Who doesn't want adorable little chicks cleaning and cooking and even navigating a ship?! I mean if it's going to be functional and practical, why not be cute as well?! I believe in the importance of cuteness and I approve. Anyway, it's nice to finally see "adults" in this world aside from Yuiga. Lmao at Masamune being surprised at how many hiyoko there actually were on the ship hahahah. I find it amusing that the Hiyocook wasn't actually good at cooking tasty food until Masamune gave it a cook book haha. It's also interesting but sad to know that the hiyoko actually can't remember too many things and that Masamune actually has to delete recipes if he wants Hiyocook to cook something else. They're robots, but seeing stuff like Hiyocook getting dejected that Masamune didn't like its' cooking and then becoming happy when Masamune said the food is delicious, isn't that enough for you to care about them?
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I guess it's nice to know that just as everyone else came on the Norn unsure of what to expect and how to interact with others, Masamune was also worried about talking to people outside of the island. I think it was sweet of him to be considerate towards Kakeru and want him to be able to relax here. Ooh so you have to go through the whole Prelude with all the characters perspectives before you can go to the individual story! I like that because it's very interesting to me right now. Is the sister Masamune is talking about Nagisa, and her brother is Natsuhiko? I never thought about it until now but their hair colour is the same isn't it! I know people aren't that fond of Masamune but I really love him. I love how he prioritises others before himself without any hesitation, and I think it's exactly because of that, that Kakeru can't help but open up and like him for who he is as well. Since there's only nine squares, I assume we won't get to the girls' perspectives, which is sad because I would have liked to see their initial impressions too even if some bits and pieces may have already been shown.
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Even though Mikoto is harsh as usual, seeing her so concerned and worried about Sakuya reminds me of how much I liked them together. I can see why Kakeru has always been irked by Mikoto considering her attitude when she first arrived on the Norn, especially when he cooked for everyone and she didn't appreciate it at all and instead said pretty harsh words. I can't blame him for disliking her at all haha😅 Both Sakuya and Mikoto are stubborn, but I like seeing Sakuya who usually dotes on Mikoto and would do anything for her be strict with her and not budge on her ruining her health by not eating. Mikoto is a true tsundere that cares about people too much for her own good even if she doesn't express it well. Honestly, I never really thought too deeply about the story of Rapunzel but I do agree with Sakuya to an extent that the witch was "protecting" Rapunzel in her own way whether those were her true intentions or not. Natsuhiko, Setsu and Ron chilling on the ship together was such a nice CG, I actually quite like their relationship. I didn't expect Ron and Natsuhiko to have known each other for eight years! It's sad to think about how tough Natsuhiko's life was after leaving the island and how his desire to stop the Reset was the only thing fuelling him. Lmao at Natsuhiko being so sweet and packing Ron's bags for him when he leaves for the Norn, it's so funny how he packs stuff like cold medicine haha, he's too cute! Natsuhiko really is like a mother or wife haha, I love how he told Ron to keep his hands to himself and wear pajamas to bed🤣 I thinks it's nice to see that just as Natsuhiko was interested in Mikoto after seeing photos of her during his investigation, Ron was also interested in Nanami even though it's mainly because he knew she had the power to erase memories.
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Personally, I will always agree with Natsuhiko's thoughts and feelings towards the Reset because it's ridiculous to control how the world should be, it's egotistic and forces your own ideals on the world itself. Also, in the end, the fact that they keep doing multiple Resets already goes to show it does nothing but merely reset things to a certain time but humans don't change how they act and the decisions they make. If they don't remember, they won't learn and if they don't learn, they will always do the same thing thinking it's the right way. Ron throwing away the bag Natsuhiko so thoughtfully prepared was so sad but so him. I didn't expect Ron's name to come from Mahjong though lol. Lmao, I can't help but love Hiyocook, it's so dedicated to cooking and gets dejected when it's Akito's turn now that he's come aboard the ship hahahaha.
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I really enjoy seeing the guys interact and learn things from each other considering their various different backgrounds, especially Sakuya, I'm happy for him that he gets to experience a bit more of the world with Kakeru and Akito teaching him things. Lmao at Akito scared of cracking eggs because he's worried a little chick will come out of it🤣🤣 HAHAHA, Akito being scared of birds because he met a peacock who ended up trying to court him by following him 24/7 and leaving him bugs and stuff on his doorstep is so silly!!🤣🤣 Akito meeting Senri for the first time in six years and not being able to call out his name because Senri didn't remember him broke my heart. It was obvious that Akito was good at cooking because he wanted to cook delicious food for Senri but hearing him say it really warms my heart. He's always done everything he could to protect and love Senri but they were forced to be separated in such a terrible way. It was so sweet how Akito actually talked to Hiyocook and swapped shifts so he could cook for Senri, poor Akito faced his fears did Senri! Even though I do acknowledge that Kakeru can go a bit too far sometimes (also Senri's fault sometimes tbh), when he got Senri to say that the food was delicious louder so Akito could hear it, I was so happy for Akito. And honestly, if Kakeru wasn't so drastic, Senri really might just stay in his room forever being babied by Masamune and them who would bring him food.
I feel bad for Mikoto, can totally understand why she was scared of Itsuki, his first impression is definitely the worst haha. Lmao, I love how Ron's comment about thinking that Itsuki was some sort of prostitute made all the girls avoid him🤣 Legit ruined his reputation with one word. HAHAHA, Itsuki definitely deserved the flying kick from Sakuya when he asked Mikoto to meow🤣 LMAO at Itsuki thinking Senri was a zashiki warashi (child ghost) because he never realised he existed😂😂 I've always wondered about Senri's tattoo on his face but since they never addressed it, I just thought of it as some sort distinction to make him look less plain haha, but knowing that the adults in the village basically did it to brand him and always recognise him so he can never run away just makes me all the more disgusted with them. They tried to kill Akito and branded Senri for their livelihoods thinking that just because they needed them to live, it was all right to do these things because it was a matter of life and death. It was actually pretty funny how when Sakuya wasn't feeling good after seeing the future, Senri got Ron to help and Ron was basically useless and just kept wondering how he should pull himself together and be a proper adult like Senri told him he should hahahha.
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I was actually wondering why it felt so quiet, I completely forgot about Heishi! I can't remember if it was ever told, but I really didn't realise that Heishi was part of a travelling entertainment troupe playing the flute before he came on the Norn! I can see why Itsuki cares for Heishi so much in his route now. He was the one who gave Itsuki the push he needed to see his sister's grave and make him realise that there are things more important than just listening to The World and going along with things using excuses like it can't be helped. It's also nice to see Nanami get to break out of her shell with Heishi because he just does whatever he wants. I always felt like Heishi was the one who helped Nanami get out of her shell the most so I was disappointed when I actually didn't like his route, but hopefully this will be better considering I'm really enjoying the Prelude! I really like how the three hour train ride (one way) was how the three of them started playing cards together and getting along haha! I knew Itsuki's sister's body wasn't in the grave but I never thought that it was because her body got incinerated since people didn't know what her illness was and thought it might be contagious. That is certainly something cruel to have to face with every time he visits the grave, it must hurt to think he couldn't stop it and couldn't even save the house or their belongings, that is so terrible. They basically razed everything that reminds him of his life with his sister. I think it was really sweet of Heishi's Grandpa and Seiji to give Heishi so much money in hope that he could run away and live a free life for himself instead of being shackled to The World. It's sad to think that Heishi has nothing important to him so he thinks it's pointless to run away to somewhere he doesn't even know, but I think his decision is right in that by being beside Mikoto and them, there's a chance he'll find a way of life he wants to live, and that by interacting with others who understand and know his powers, he can learn to accept that it's a part of him instead of just calling it an illness. I've always liked how Heishi gave his tie to Nanami, it's so cute. I liked how Masamune scolded them for coming back so late and Kakeru called him a dad hahaha. I think I especially liked it because Nanami, Itsuki and Heishi have never really experienced something like that where their parents would be so worried about them coming home so late and shout at them, it's endearing haha, not everyone gets to experience that normal concern and love.
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Overall, I really liked the Prelude! I kinda hoped to see more of Masamune's part with the scientists but oh well, I still enjoyed seeing everyone's perspectives. I personally enjoyed seeing how Heishi, Itsuki and Nanami's relationship developed from the beginning the most, but I think it was also really cute to see how Kakeru always flusters Masamune and what kind of feelings Masamune had as the first one on the ship waiting for everyone to board. But yeah, I really just enjoyed watching everyone pop up one by one filling up the ship as they all became the rowdy bunch they were when Koharu joined. The extra insight into everyone's thoughts and feelings as they all left things behind once they stepped on to the Norn for their various reasons was interesting to watch and I honestly can't wait to see more of their stories!
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yuisdad · 7 months
These questions are related to both of your posts on NORN9
1. You stated in your first post that if you were to rewrite NORN9 you wish to “have the MC and love interests form a more believable romance.” Which pairings in the game made you think that the most?
2. Your questioning of the age gap romance. The age gaps between some of the adult love interests somewhat bother me (especially Ron due to him being the oldest and paired up with the youngest of the females) and I somewhat wish that in the routes with adults as partners were kept platonic.
3. This isn’t related to your posts but do you have a favorite and least favorite pair? As well as a favorite and least favorite character?
4. Side note: there’s actually a third game called NORN9 Act Tune which didn’t get localized and was released in late 2016.
My rewrite has Mikoto x Sakuya and Natsuhiko x Ron as couples. I also heavily changed Natsuhiko and Ron's characters and relationship since I didn't really care for them in the first game. I chose Mikoto and Sakuya because childhood friends to lovers makes my brain go brr.
The one's that bother me the most age-wise are Ron x Nanami Koharu x Masamune because it's illegal for 20 year olds to date teenagers. I'm also not a fan of Nanami x Heishi because even though Heishi is 19, Nanami is 16 and that feels wrong to me.
My favorite pair is maybe Koharu x Senri, but that comes with the caveat of Koharu constantly bothering Senri, even if she had good intentions. My least favorite pair is Nanami x Ron not only because of their age gap, but he also took advantage of her trauma. My favorite characters are all the heroines and my least favorite is Ron.
Considering Act Tune doesn't have a Nintendo Switch release at the time of typing this, I think there's a reason why it wasn't released in the US yet.
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Also happy Norn 9 Last Era release week! Norn 9 was the first localized otome I played way back on my PS Vita, and I never thought we'd finally get the fandisk! Doodled a quick Koharu to celebrate!
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blerdyotome · 1 year
Norn9: Last Era Coming August 31, 2023!
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Norn9: Last Era will be released on the Nintendo Switch on August 31st! There's also going to be a limited edition! Preorders open TODAY!
✨Standard Edition: https://bit.ly/Last-Era 
✨Limited Edition: https://bit.ly/norn-LE
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15" x 25" Cloth Poster 
Collectible Artbook 
Set of 11 vinyl Hiyoko Stickers 
3" Acrylic Keychain w/ chibi artwork 
All in a collectible box
Thank you for reading and supporting Blerdy Otome! If you like what you see consider giving me a follow! Twitter | Instagram | Etsy | Twitch | Discord | Ko-fi
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echotome · 1 year
Switch release Aug 31
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queensharotto · 2 years
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This is the best pairing in the game
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trans-at-30 · 1 year
Me: I have to take screenshots of this otome, I'll play just a bit to take them
*ends up playing one hour and getting hooked into one of the stories because I want the boy to protect me 😳*
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kittygrimm88 · 1 year
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I received my pre-order for Norn9 Last Era today. Not sure who i am going to play first. When i plaid Norn9 VarCom i played Senri's route. I just kept getting his bad ending when i did without any walkthroughs.
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dearotome · 2 months
Brain Needs to Catch Up
I was just replaying Akito's stuff in Norn9: Last Era, and now I'm picking up Spade no Kuni no Alice ~Wonderful Black World~. I just realized again that (Norn9) Akito's voice actor does Boris (SnKnA) and it's so weird. Akito talks in a rougher way than Boris does, and my brain can't catch up.
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satoshi-mochida · 1 year
Norn9: Last Era releases today for the Switch.
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nintendocafe · 7 months
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Norn9: Last Era Limited Edition
$58.28 https://amzn.to/3USmje5
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yuisdad · 8 months
Does anyone else find it odd how Norn9 refers to the characters who are in their 20s as adults, and anyone who is 19 and below is considered a minor…all while having the two groups be in relationships. Putting Ron + Nanami and Koharu + Masamune aside, if the game considers the 18 year old Mikoto to be around a minor’s age, then why is she in a relationship with the 22 year old Natsuhiko and the 23 year old Itsuki? Not saying that’s illegal, I’m just trying to understand the game’s logic.
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otomegamesandme · 9 months
Top Otomes of 2023
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It's that time again! Normally this list is just whatever I played in the year and not new releases, but uh, for once I pretty much only played new releases lol. I'm gonna be honest, I hardly remember what I played because it's been a Year for me. But looking back, these are what stood out!
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Norn9 Last Era
Look, I felt the need to add Norn9 on here in some capacity because it was one of the first big otome titles I played way back in 2015. I've been wanting the fandisc ever since, and getting it felt like a dream come true. If you played Norn9 recently you might enjoy this less, but since it's been a hot minute since I last replayed the original I didn't mind the rehashing of the story through the boys' perspectives and I enjoyed seeing their lives after the events of everything! This also helped with my biggest issue of the OG game; world building. Things were filled out and plot holes fixed and overall, it was nice to be with the cast again!
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Titan Arum
I'm not sure I would have found this game if I hadn't joined the Velox Fabula game jam, but I really enjoyed this! Ironically, I also read one of the main inspirations for this game (The King in Yellow) this year as well, so seeing it being referenced was really cool. If you've been here a while, you know horror otomes are some of my favorites and I'm glad to have another one to add to the list of otomes I love!
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This was just a feel good game that had my whole heart. Van was a lovely character through all life times, and considering I played it during the Worst Part of the Year for me, it really helped get my mind off things! I also will never shut up about the GUI in this game, it's so beautifully designed and some of the best I've seen in a VN!
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Jack Jeanne
Is anyone surprised by my number one lol I was yelling about it for the entire month of July, and it was my most played Switch game of 2023 as well! The characters were fully realized and didn't just feel like the usual archetypes, the art was beautiful, the stories were wonderful (including the stories of the plays), and the music slapped. This game was truly the It Game of the genre this year and for good reason! Kisa is also one of my new favorite protags, she was fantastic. I'm really glad we were able to get an English release for this!
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blerdyotome · 1 year
Behind the Games Interview with Anne Lee
Hey Blerdy Tribe! I had the chance to chat with Anne Lee about her work as a Localization Consultant & Proofreader on the new Norn9 Var Commons Switch port and the upcoming fandisk, Last Era! Many of you already know Anne, she has made several appearances on the Aksys Games streams with Sami as THE Otome Expert, sharing her vast otome knowledge with us all. But, for years Anne has been running…
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he-is-so-stupid · 10 months
howdy fellow otome gamers. I play way too many of these games and I need to get things off my chest. feel free to ask me anything, gush about games you know I've played, gush about games you want me to try, ask my opinion about games you haven't tried yet, et cetera.
Games I've Completed
storm lover, sweet fuse, amnesia, hakuoki (kw + eb), code: realize, collar x malice, psychedelica of the black butterfly, psychedelica of the ashen hawk, 7'scarlet, norn9, london detective mysteria, bad apple wars, cupid parasite, variable barricade, olympia soiree, piofiore, cafe enchante, even if tempest, princess nightmare, taisho x alice, nightshade, bustafellows, nameless, yojinbo, dandelion, tmgs 1-3, mystic messenger, cinderella phenomenon, lover pretend, starry sky in spring, arcana famiglia ancora, arcana famiglia fandisk*, charade maniacs, code : realize~ future blessings*, birushana, nekopara catboys paradise, jack jeanne, code:realize~ wintertide miracles*$
*=fandisks, $=unfinished
Games in My Backlog
ephemeral, anniversary no kuni no alice, starry sky after spring*, ayakashi gohan, dot kareshi 1-3, fashioning little miss lonesome, re: birthday song, ozmafia, palais de reine, the second reproduction, bakumatsu renka shinsengumi, my vow to my liege, backstage pass, taisho x alice heads & tails*, brother's conflict, period cube, hakuoki sweet school life, collar x malice -unlimited-*$, piofiore: episodio 1926*, dairoku: agents of sakuratani, steam prison, amnesia: later x crowd*, butterfly's poison: blood chains, the crimson flower that divides, winter's wish spirits of edo, paradigm paradox, arcana famiglia 2*, radiant tale, norn9 last era*, shuuen no virche
Platforms I Play
Switch, PS Vita, 3DS, PC. (I have a phone but I don't play many mobage.)
My Top Favorite Games
Bustafellows, Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly, Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk, 7'scarlet, Taisho x Alice, Sweet Fuse, and Charade Maniacs. I have a big love for games with deep mysteries that get unraveled through the course of the story.
My Favorite LIs
Impey (Code:Realize), Mineo (Collar x Malice), Alice (Taisho x Alice), Chigasaki and Dazai (Charade Maniacs), Levi (PotAH), Yamato (PotBB), Yamazaki and Shinpachi (Hakuoki), Suzu (Jack Jeanne), Heishi (Norn9), Watson (London Detective Mysteria), Higa (Bad Apple Wars), Peter Flage (Cupid Parasite), Gilbert (Piofiore), Limbo (Bustafellows), and Liberta (Arcana Famiglia). I have a bias towards dumb boys, basically.
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