#NOBODY talk to me I'm imagining a sad edit
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lilly-townshend · 2 months ago
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sadgirlglimmeringdarling · 1 month ago
Are you able to access the whitestripesfans instagram account? I don't see it. I don't know if I was blocked or if the page is gone. 😳
I don't think you were blocked. I can't see the page either. It's actually gone. Like gone gone.
I don't know what happened with "whitestripesfans" IG account. I only followed them. I had no personal conversations with them and I never DM them either. I just followed them.
In my opinion, I think what happened was what always happens on IG. Someone got jealous and petty and clicked on the report button. It's as simple as that.
There's a few very much active Jack White/White Stripes fan accounts on IG that are tacky as hell. If they're not talking about how nice and tight black pants look on Jack's thighs, they are talking about his fucking "fluffy" hair.
They would also occasionally take nasty swipes at "thewhitestripesfans" IG account. The "whitestripesfans" never responded to them or attacked them back, which was honorable of them. They stayed on their lane, updating their page and staying away from that drama.
As I said on my previous post, there was a large amount of important people who were following "thewhitestripesfans" IG page.
Ben Blackwell literally followed them and helped "thewhitestripesfans" with crediting the pics and the story behind the pics. You had legendary photographers following them and talking to them about the pics they took of the band. Marcie Bolen followed them. Thirdman Records followed them. Jack's other nephew (who is a musician) was liking their pics.
None of these important people in the story of The White Stripes would go near any of these other tacky ass Jack White/ White Stripes fanpages. None. Imagine Ben following a fan account that talked about his uncle's "fluffy" hair or his uncle's thighs looking sexy?
That's why nobody important to The White Stripes story went near those stupid fanpages. They followed "thewhitestripesfans" IG because they were respectful and kept it about the music - not the drama or Jack's "fluffy" hair.
You also never saw "thewhitestripesfans" fawning over Jack or kissing anyone's ass.
Like I said, in my opinion, I speculate that someone got jealous and clicked on the report button, having "whitestripesfans" IG page purposely deleted.
This is the same exact fucked up situation with Lana Del Rey IG fanpages.
As soon as Lana follows a fan's IG account, the page is gone within days. Every single fucking time. There have been over 40 Lana IG fanpages that were taken down this year for "impersonation" and it always happens as soon as Lana follows the account.
The latest victim is "Lizzytropicana" who posted old school Lizzy Grant pics and old music videos. "Saifdelrey" lost his account a week ago. Lana followed him and loved the way he edited her songs. Not only did a bitter jealous fan report his IG page, but they also reported his YouTube channel where he posted his beautiful video edits. "Saifdelrey" lost everything. IG gone and videos on YouTube gone. This is fucked up.
I'm also seeing many Sharon Tate IG fan accounts disappearing too. You got Sharon fanpages bickering with each other over stupid things. Like "that's my picture!" or "why are you stealing my photos!" - before you know it, these idiots are reporting each others accounts.
Mind you, Sharon Tate has been dead for close to 60 years.
IG is the worst place to have any fan account because anyone can literally click on the report button on a profile and get the account deleted. IG doesn't even fucking investigate. They just delete.
One thing IG is great at is when it comes to blocking people. They use a system where you block the person straight to their device along with their other accounts - (something Tumblr lacks which is why I had to buy software doing that for me here) but when it comes to deleting accounts without investigating - IG is absolute garbage.
The sad part is all these Lana fans get "backup" IG accounts and their backup accounts get taken down too. Lana re-follows them, they get reported and the account gets deleted again.
That was the perfect case with Lanaboard's IG. That heffa got like 5 backup accounts and as soon as Lana followed them again, it gets deleted. Lana tries to help these fans but there's nothing she can do. She doesn't work at Meta's IT department. She's a songwriter.
All this ridiculous drama because some asshole is jealous that Lana Del Rey follows them! That's the same case with "whitestripesfans" account. Petty jealousy because so and so follows them but not you.
I got an IG account simply to follow my favorite artists, singers and fan accounts. I came late to the IG party. For years I refused to get an account. I don't even update it. I don't fuck with it. I just follow people.
People are leaving IG in droves. They're going on X instead. X doesn't delete anyone like that for shits and giggles. That's where IG loses.
Tumblr doesn't delete anyone like that either. The only time I seen Tumblr delete an account is usually if you're running a hardcore porn page or a pro-ana account. They don't even touch any of those hateful racist Free Palestine Tumblr pages that are full of hatred for mankind. Freedom of Speech and such.
So yeah, I think that's what happened to "whitestripesfans" page. Jealousy and pettiness runs rampant in IG. A fucking shame because I liked their page. "Whitestripesfans" page was even better then the official White Stripes page. That's why so many important people followed them. I wonder if their making another account? If that person was smart, they would go somewhere else. Opening a new IG page will only have those same petty jealous twats report them all over again and have their page deleted.
A fucking shame that now their gone.
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garpond · 1 year ago
if i had a great skill for making music and writing songs, i would endeavor to work myself into a position where i could create a piece of work that went viral on tiktok via a hit breakthrough track and garnered a large cult following of people who appreciate my 'singer songwriter aesthetic' and flair for thought provoking and unique lyrics. when said album came out it would be presented as a concept album with minimal information from me, but despite this, people would launch into it with their own interpretations; it would sell a lot of vinyl, people would start using the songs as sad audios about stuff like their best friend drifting away from them or their grandma dying or etc, there would be a trend of making OC or fandom animatics with one of the more popular audios that ffans of the music found absolutely obnoxious, people who'd listened since my humble beginnings would lament my sudden popularity, etc. but this album would endure, it would still be widely listened to and talked about among certain genres of human for many years. lots of speculation online about what the plot of the so called concept album is. i dont give them a lot of information to work with. i kinda dance around the question in interviews, i'm like, "oh you know i was just testing my storytelling skills here, i was just spinning yarns, it's personal to me but it's also not about me at all, use your imagination <3 i love hearing what you guys have to say about my work." so after a while it's taken for granted that we'll never know what I meant, and that's intentional. it's for the audience to interpret, to fit into the mold of their own lives. ten years later, i release an anniversary edition, to much social media celebration; i'm mentioned in hundreds of posts of people sharing their very personal connection with it. and a few ask me what my inspiration was, but i don't answer. nobody can answer. it's about everything and it's about nothing, and they will never, ever know that it's a long-form piece of RPF about Neil Young and Stephen Stills in musical form
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andys-whatever · 6 months ago
Hi, Kimberly! How are you? I'm terribly sorry for my poor English but I really need this communication with someone who can understand me. And at the same time I'm afraid of boring you.😔 Just imagine, nobody here knows Andy (in the country where I live) so I have no one to talk to about him. It's so hard, my goodness! Sometimes I feel so sad and lonely that it's driving me mad. 😂 May I ask you something? Does Andy inspire you to do any creativity? Many people here draw their favorite actors, for example.😊 If you have any question to me - please, write to me anytime, I'll be happy to answer! ❤️
Hi Eleonora!
I’m doing alright, currently taking a break at work. I hope you are well! No need to apologize about your English, I understand you just fine :) You can talk to me about Andy ANYTIME, I’m always down to talk about him!! ❤️
He definitely does! I’ll show you some of my Andy edits I’ve done in the past 😌
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 1 year ago
Booky, you’re such a sweet person. I know it’s probably hard for you to be a fan and see stuff that annoys you, but remember that it’s probably happening to other fans with celebs they like.
Those poor Henry Cavill fans - though I don’t even think his gf is that bad. Lol.
And as for the Jeff Conway person…
lol. First of all he’s very very cringe. I’ve rarely seen an interviewer editor be this thirsty to repost his own articles and also be so unbelievably tacky as a grown man. But hey.
That being said, he was the one who wrote the Forbes article for Chris and his jinx thing at the end of December, right?
He was also one of the writers who wrote a people article of them going public. Somebody should check back those archives because I’m almost positive Jeff started following fish the night before or around the time they went public.
He also interviewed Chris the day Chris said his long term partner was his dog 🤣 - I wonder if he told Chris that 😭 and gave him a very cringey shirt “my dog is my soulmate.” A grown ass man.. giving another grown ass man a shirt like that. And then repeatedly bragging about it on twitter. How is he not embarrassed by himself?? (Jeff)
My personal thought is he goes where he has an assignment. I sometimes have to write really cringe social posts for work but thankfully they’re not attached to my name. He was probably instructed to hype her up because tbh, I still believe they’re trying to make her happen.
Think about how the kardashians, TikTok influencers, and other random ass “Celebs” pop up and start being placed everywhere and nobody is asking for them and the comments are filled with hate. But do these outlets ever stop? Really think about it. Step back from the fishbowl and observe the other industry ppl who have basically been shoved into our faces without our desire. I think the media knows Fish is DOA but she’s here and unfortunately here to stay for awhile. I think people can and will continue to ignore her so that’ll be pretty funny to watch.
I’m also sure fish wasn’t rude to Jeff because I doubt she’s like openly a rude person. I’m not trying to defend her because I know people on here will feel how they feel about this girl, but she’s not going to be a brat to everyone just because people want to hate her. I do think it’s interesting that post had Jeff hyping her up and then just mentioning Chris was also there. As if he’s her plus one and not the other way around.
I feel like she’s getting way too much attention for being virtually nothing and a nobody. The general public simply does not care about her.
I think someone just posted up TMZ posting celebs at the parties and they posted Chris alone and cropped her out. If true, LOLLLLLL TMZ 😂
Just Jared has written at least 600 articles at this point and they’re still getting her name wrong.
By the way, in my line of work, we have to proofread our articles before submitting them to post. So does every single outlet just accidentally miss fish’s last name?????
I’m starting to feel like it’s intentional.
🥹 Thank you, Marketing An🫶n!
It must suck for everyone, but it's good to know that what I'm feeling is definitely not just me. Makes me feel less crazy. 🙂
Good Lord, Jeff seems to be overselling and overdoing it, a little. But, as you said, it's a thing that needs to be done.
And you've got a point about celebs we DIDN'T ask for, just popping up. And it causes quite a stir. Which is effective for their reasons.
No, they do not. Hell, she's simply known as Chris Evans' wife. No more, no less. Imagine that as your only title. It's sad.
I hope it's intentional, because that's too many typos, and almost (I'm assuming they did this at least once) zero edits... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Thanks for talking with me, Marketing An🫶n. It's really a highlight everytime you're here. So thank you ❤️ and it seriously means a whole lot. 🥰🥹
Until the next one...
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buddyapologist · 2 years ago
i. don't even know how to put everything into words. i finished painful today and im just. fuck man. every time i play it, new edition aside, i get something more and it just hits me so hard
spoilers below for new stuff
so first of all i got the terry campfire scene which made me FUCKING INSANE OH MY GOD first of all i love terry's myriad of facial expressions, he really goes from :) to :( to :D so fast and i feel like this is the first time brad's actually admitted anything like this at all because he has to act like he knows what he's doing at all times, and this is like the ONE TIME he feels safe enough to be honest, and it's just so much!!!!! AND THE FUCKING!!!!! HOW THE LISA HALLUCINATIONS FADE!!!!!! AND YOU'RE STILL WELL RESTED DESPITE THE CONVO!!!!!!! AND THE HALLUCINATIONS DON'T COME BACK AFTERWARDS!!!!!!!!! HOLY FUCK DUDE!!!!!! i don't ship them but i can only imagine how happy you are if you do!!! regardless it was. it was so fucking good!! i don't even care that it means brad telling buddy he's never been hugged before is kind of a lie lmao he's still never been hugged by a family member so that's something
i also got two other campfire scenes - three of them turning the fuck up to some jams, and bo trying to play his banjo and missing his brother. :( sad stuff
i already talked about the borders but i love them so much!!!!! i love how they change based on the location!
part of me wanted to try finally recruiting buckets but i just couldn't do it lmao i'm too much of a softie to keep sacrificing my guys to RR, but one day i'll shove down all of my guilt and do it. i did recruit basically everyone else except for rooster bc i just gave him his chicken back bc i'm nice, crisp bc i just gave him his boyfriend back bc i'm nice, clint bc i never had enough mags, and jack because i just forgot about him LOL but i think i got everyone else, including some guys i hadn't gotten before.
i had my usual angry sob fest at the fact that TO BEAT THE GAME YOU HAVE TO KNOCK BOTH OF YOUR KIDS UNCONSCIOUS, and i'll also never not cry at how the marty fight has "marty armstrong/father" and the brad fight in joyful has "nobody/dad". gghghghghghhghg!!!! i didn't notice many differences, i put terry in my final party because i wanted to HURT MYSELF but all of his dialogue was the same. nothing wrong with that, i was just wondering about it beforehand.
so that's playthru #1 down (of the DE, i've probably played at least 10 times, maybe more), i'll start joyful tomorrow, and i'm gonna replace painful however long it takes to get all of the campfire convos i want!! i especially want to FINALLY figure out how old everyone is! i thought i had something with nern but NOOOOOOO and like i have my own theories and stuff but man i don't fucking know we have so little to go off of
anyway 10/10, shattered me into pieces all over again, can't wait for playthru #2
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captain-stab-a-hoe · 2 years ago
I said this was gonna be in details but this is not as much detail as I thought I'd put cause my brain just fried halfway through
Ok so like let's say xie lian, wei wuxian, and shen yuan are like an idol group since I'm unoriginal and those are the type of popular celebrities that get shit like fancams and all the sexy and goofy edits and fanfictions
They have partners! Not shocking but people are a little disappointed but it does not stop their activities in the slightest their fanbases are thriving all that good shit. What is both a blessing and a cursed is that their boyfriends are carrying content on their backs but like nobody has any idea it's them you wouldn't even begin to think these men are ACTIVE (mainly in the fanfiction department obviously). Why is it a curse? The same people they write about also kinda interact with this content more than people think they do? Like yeah they like a couple posts and stuff but mainly xie lian wei wuxian and shen yuan like looking at this stuff with their partners really and like I imagine it's just...chaotic
Bingqiu (or bingyuan I guess) is particularly funny to think about cause like the way shen yuan talks about these x reader fanfics to binghe is weirdly endearing for him but also it gives him so many mixed feelings. Like binghe's fanfiction is filled with like 90% plotless cliche smut that rivals even the stallion novels of airplane bro and the other 10% is equally as cliche over the top romantic fantasies that make you throw up rainbows and shen yuan is like a fucking moth to flame with them. He's definitely sitting on the couch with binghe, his face is like scrunched up in dramatic irritating as he practically analyzes and criticizes everything cause obviously they don't sound like him at all and he thinks they should've just made an OC. And once again binghe is conflicted cause ok he's a little sad and probably second guesses how well he actually knows his boyfriend and if what he himself does is actually what shen yuan likes. But also...shen yuan turns around and does that exact same cheesy shit he writes that binghe pays extra attention to cause shen yuan focuses on those traits in the fanfiction. And it's honestly more endearing in a way than if shen yuan actually liked fanfiction I think. And also the better outcome cause can you imagine binghe getting weirdly bitter towards his own ominous persona just cause his boyfriend is complimented somebody he doesn't know he's together with already.
For wangxian I know wei wuxian is thrilled by wangji's works much to wangji's surprise slight embarrassment cause wei wuxian strikes me as the type of person who would have a grand time reading or even acting out x reader fanfics about himself. Would he find out wangji write them? Probably not wangji but honestly I think he might have a feeling somebody who knows him write these type of fics. I say this knowing he'd make little remarks like "That's totally something I'd do!" Or "Lan Zhan, we've done something like this before right?". And wangji just nods and plays along cause really what do you do when your boyfriend is reading your "I can't fix him but I can fuck him" fantasies to you and pretends you aren't clenching your fist repeatedly like you're trying to decide if you're gonna push him off or bend him over a table. Also like the elegance in which he writes these absolutely raunchy scenes would probably low-key tip wei wuxian off there's probably like a few select people he knows who'd write smut with college literature degree writing. Personally to me the funniest outcome is wei wuxian finding out cause nobody is safe anymore he's commenting on all of them when he's not home and it's absolutely foul.
Hualian is....not the more innocent? It's like I think Xie Lian views this type of content through the lens of like "Oh look at that I can't believe so many write about me haha" while also keeping his mouth shut about how they wrote cause it's not like it's causing harm right? It's not like they actually know him anyway. But like when it comes to hua cheng's x reader fics I think xie lian would find them quite pleasant to read and maybe a little overwhelming cause 78% of the fics are just full of long rambling about how great he is that come out of nowhere sometimes. But the funny thing is I can't decide if hua cheng would be jealous or not. I might not have have gotten as far into tgcf as I have with svsss or mdzs but I do know enough to make the conclusion that this man's confidence is mostly a coping mechanism ok look even though he's with xie lian he'd be real hesitant to reveal that he wrote goddamn fanfictions. I feel like the more sky he becomes is just the more nervous he is like if he caught xie lian reading one of his works he'd try asking him for his thoughts in the most casual way possible. Any praise and he's secretly giddy the whole day. One slight criticism and he's practically folded over his computer perfecting his stories. Which probably leads into the idea that he has so many fucking unpublished shit just sitting there, waiting to be found one day by accident maybe by xie lian who knows.
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thegeminisage · 3 years ago
okay i have another zelda ask for you. save for whenever you want a meaty ask. in my recent zelda youtubery people have been revisiting/laughing at that wacky animated series or whatever, like 'lol this was SO bad we will never get a zelda movie now'. which.. i'm not even sure if i want in the first place. but i did think, "well liz could write a good one". so if nintendo kidnapped you and forced you to write the zelda movie. what's your vision for the vibe/big plot points/character arcs? or like. what would it need to be good. just for fun! i hope you never get sick of me sending you random zelda asks. xoxoxo.
I WILL LITERALLY NEVER GET SICK OF THIS. i am literally SO flattered you think i could do it justice. you are gonna regret asking me though because the more time i had to think this over the more elaborate it got. so. (also, i have seen the animated series in its entirety. a long time ago now but i did. it sure was an experience; some of it i liked and some of it i really hated.) also sorry this took me so long to do i took a week’s break in the middle to read 1.3 million words of fanfiction. I BET YOU THOUGHT I FORGOT well i didnt. i have devoted so much brainpower to this. too much brainpower even
anyway. the first obvious and easy answer is that i would simply have them shoot ocarina of time. with only the most nuanced of performances, the most tasteful CGI, the best on-site locations for shooting, a score by koji kondo himself which is then of course performed LIVE exclusively by tokyo philharmonic. this is the movie of my dreams. or, hell, i’d have them shoot, in particular, the movie version of the fanfic i wrote when i was 14, adapting ocarina of time. this was my first ever fic so as you can imagine it was a complete bastardization full of OCs and character death and i will forever be sad it was lost to the sands of time. 
HOWEVER. that’s the short boring answer, and having adapted it myself i know that oot is a challenging game to put into a story that doesn’t involve audience interaction, because a great bulk of the game is spent inside dungeons where, strictly plotwise, Nothing Happens. also i don’t think that’s the movie nintendo would want to make, or allow me to make. i think nintendo would want a new story with a new link, just like they would for a new game, to make it accessible for people who have never touched a zelda game before. (i think, mistakenly, they would want to make the movie primarily for that audience, but more on that later.) i also think that with the major game movies lately there’s been a push for things to be Funny - detective pikachu and the sonic movies are all packed with jokes, and from the looks of it the mario movie, while hopefully less successful (chris pratt...die), will attempt to be too. i also know that nintendo has a habit of trying out really risky ideas that sound bad but then work out well in the execution (smash brothers, to name one humble example - the mario movie will be an exception to this). i ALSO know that the most popular zelda games by and far are oot and botw, so while this project would require a new story i (and hopefully this hypothetical nintendo) would want to draw from and reference those games the most.
so. here is the movie i think nintendo would make, or allow me to make, if they trusted me a lot and were willing to take a few risks with me. THIS IS SOOO LOOOONG LOL (i am not kidding this post is ~7500 words) unfortunately this has to behind a cut. nobody is obligated to read it, it’s fucking insane. it would never fit into a 2-hour movie experience without feeling rushed, but we can just pretend i’m a deft enough writer to make it happen and execute it perfectly. i am going to reiterate that NOBODY needs to read this, oh my god, but anyway, here goes nothing:
does link talk?
FIRST THINGS FIRST. this is undoubtedly the biggest question in any zelda movie, right? link talking is weird and not who he is, but how can you have a movie where the main character does not speak? in old games it didn’t really matter that he didn’t talk, but i think botw did a great job in showing us he does talk a little, sometimes, when he has to, without us ever actually hearing him, and that he has Believable Reasons for usually choosing not to do so. so i’m gonna go with something like that - link CAN talk, but usually doesn’t, probably due to some backstory reasons. i think he could speak in the film, but maybe only once - 3 times max, and each time it’s only one sentence or phrase. VERY limited. words are a precious resource.
animated or live action?
i think the previous question’s answer actually takes care of this one. now i LOVE animation, 2D or cgi, so this is a really difficult one, but i think a true human performance will almost always be able to capture more nuance, and if you are going to have a protagonist that is mostly nonverbal, you NEED an actual actor to be making good informative faces. i could POSSIBLY accept an actor informing the animation of a virtual character, like they do for tlou and quantic dream games, but it’d have to be like, pre-rendered, and not generated “in-engine,” if that makes sense, just for quality purposes. i don’t want this movie to look like a video game, even a really nice looking video game - i want it to look like a movie. i think it makes it fresher for old fans and more accessible for new ones!
the score
for sure we need old zelda tunes for this; my biggest disappointment re: the sonic movies was that there wasn’t enough of that jammin’ sonic music in them. so for zelda i think it’d be fun to have someone from nintendo collab with someone from hollywood to make a mix of something that’s faithful to the games and evocative of decades of nostalgia but also FEELS like a movie score. like, koji kondo + hans zimmer or something. that soundtrack, assuming those stingy bastards ever sold it, would FLY off the metaphorical shelves. it’d be really fun too to maybe some really well-known, very skilled fan musicians put in a few of the covers! a video game movie is FOR the fans, so it makes perfect sense. like letting that one guy sing in the sega 30th anniversary concert. i’m not saying let seth evermann and toby fox and david erick ramos and brock hewitt and theophany have tracks in the movie, but like, let them have tracks in the movie?!?!
i also think mashups between modern and classic games would be fun. if you’ve never heard this one that combines the botw labyrinth/lost woods theme with zelda ii’s temple theme, you are missing out! please feel free to listen to it while you read this, because i would definitely use it or something very similar to it as a theme for a dungeon scene. for the opening titles we OF COURSE need oot's iconic title theme i will accept nothing less
slightly related, i think if we need to pick a particular direction for the soundtrack (the way botw’s was breathy and quiet and full of piano, or the way link’s awakening’s was quirky and cute), i’d pick a slight techno/edm direction, owing to the setting i have in mind (more on that in a minute), but something that could veer into the traditionally orchestrated as well. tbh the tron legacy soundtrack was sort of edm and orchestrated at the same time so maybe something like that??? now i’m just showing my bias LMAO
the cast + the audience
animated or live action, i actually have no idea who i’d cast - oot link was actually based off of leo dicaprio in titanic, but he’s way too old now and also that’d be weird. like i’m not the person to do fancasts bc i don’t follow any actors and the like (idris elba could make a great ganondorf though). but i think the smart thing to do for link and zelda would be to get someone extremely talented but largely unknown. so we look at them and see their characters, not their very famous actors who are bound to have the wrong connotation for SOMEBODY. that is very hard! but this is a fantasy, this is never going to happen, so we’ll assume nintendo, who still has me at gunpoint, will take my advice to spend their vast millions finding the perfect link and zelda. i know they are out there somewhere
“but what about attracting new audiences” WELL i touched on this earlier but maybe we need to chill with attempting to grub for new consumers! of course nintendo’s instinct is to get new butts in those seats and make them want to buy zelda games bc they have dollar signs in their eyes (yen signs?) and diehard fans will ALREADY keep buying every zelda ever made no matter what. i have paid for ocarina of time like 5 fucking times now and if they port the 3D version to switch i’ll fucking pay for it again and thank them while i do it! but that’s my point exactly. like, look at the sonic movies: they get mixed reviews from critics unfamiliar with the series but sonic FANS will go to war for them. the people who are gonna show up to midnight release and pay to see Theee Zelda Movie in theaters like 6 times before it releases to video/streaming are the people already fucking obsessed with zelda. i think for this project it would be crucial to strike a perfect, PERFECT balance. if the movie fucking sucks bc they were just trying to use it to sell games there won’t be a sequel. there won’t be rewatches. it’ll just go down as another lame cash cow. but if the movie doesn’t attract ANY new consumers there also...still won’t be a sequel, and it still won’t be regarded as a success. so.
i think we should make up the Fame Factor of the protagonists being nobodies by having the side characters voiced by some big names. if/when people like malon, impa, groose, the sages/champions/etc appear they could be played by famous people. i think it’d also be fun to get some cameos in there - have shigeru miyamoto, eiji aonuma, and charles martinet show up like stan lee in a marvel movie. zelda williams too if she’s comfortable with that! the more the merrier! get that star power in! make that $$$ so our corporate overlords allow us to make a sequel and also don’t fucking shoot me! and the biggest star of all should be...
the partner
if link is nonverbal, SOMEBODY in this joint needs to be delivering the dialogue. i know the lack of a partner was a big hit in botw, and it worked really well there, but while books and games can survive without dialogue it’s much harder for movies - that’s the main method of communicating information to your audience. a good nonverbal performance certainly helps with communicating information, as do clever camera shots and other techniques for dialogue-less storytelling, but in the end, for a mainstream movie, link would need SOMEONE to be his voice, that’s part of why he HAD partners for so many games. it’s an age-old technique in games with a voiceless protagonist to have other characters guess at or describe what they want to say to pass the idea along to us, so i think it could work very well in film too.
now i think nintendo would want to make a totally new partner, since there’s a new one for each of the games, and they would want to cast the Most famous person possible to get non zelda fans in those seats, but again, if i was in charge of this thing i would advise heavily against it. casting the most famous person they can afford is fine if it’s not chris pratt, but we need a character fans already know, and my gut instinct tells me it should either be navi or fi. 
now, hear me out, because i know BOTH are characters that kind of annoyed players initially due to frustrating gameplay mechanics, but the fanbase’s impression of their CHARACTERS in-universe has softened a good deal over time. i think how annoying they are could also be played for a little bit of comic relief/nostalgia, which is good since zelda is often quite serious in its plot, and this character would be onscreen nearly constantly, likely having the biggest speaking role, so you could drop that comic relief in whenever you liked. 
reasons it could be fi: connected to the master sword, has been with every iteration of link from the very beginning and can explain the reincarnation/cycle thing, good way to induce a call to action or whatever
reasons it could be navi: plays on the nostalgia of ocarina of time, the undisputed KING of “best zelda ever” until botw, she could be with link from BEFORE the movie starts and know him a little better, and even express desire to resist the call
being a 90s kid i am favorable to navi, but i think the plot could work with either of them. just not a new character!!!
the setting
i’m actually gonna take a little bit of risk with my setting here and suggest all those flirtations nintendo has had with adding urban elements and tech (and space invaders?!) to the legend of zelda become real. the sheikah tech in botw came VERY close, so it doesn’t seem like that much of a stretch to have link wandering around a tlou-like hyrule, one that used to resemble our own modern urban life, or maybe even something even more futuristic. 
and i say tlou-like because oh yeah i think this also needs to be post-apocalypse. this one is not at ALL a stretch - even before botw, we also had versions of hyrule that were destroyed and/or taken over by hostile forces in the original legend of zelda, a link to the past (dark world) & a link between worlds (lorule), oot (bad timeline), wind waker (got mcfucking flooded), minish cap (hostile takeover leaving statues behind), twilight princess (coup + twilight realm), not to mention majora’s mask being ABOUT an oncoming apocalypse, and of course we can’t forget koholint either. give settings like this or this or this or this some of that quirky hylian flare that only nintendo can do, add some monsters (more on this in a sec), and i think you’ve got a world that is both easily understandable by audiences unfamiliar with the series AND one that is both nostalgic and fresh for old fans - in the same way that botw’s hyrule was.
but i don’t think this is the ONLY hyrule we should see. this leads into (at last)...
the premise
i’m just gonna say it: time travel.
obviously not a stretch by any imagination, since THEEE zelda game of all time involved time travel and helped produce the finalized branching timeline as a result, but we don’t actually time travel too often outside of that...like i said, i want to draw a lot from oot! 
i also want to explore the cycle of reincarnation* introduced in skyward sword. skyward sword and botw are very exciting to me as a longtime fan because these are the first attempts we’ve seen at pulling the games all together and making an entire universe/connected story out of them instead of letting them just float around in the ether as a collection of stand-alones that sometimes have barely-connected sequels if they’re lucky. botw in a way felt like the first proper sequel we’ve ever REALLY had. 
*yes, it’s actually more complicated than simple reincarnation, since the zeldas are all technically separate people and ganondorf never dies, but i think it’s good shorthand and tbh i wouldn’t mind if we switched to “link and zelda are always reincarnated but ganondorf never dies” or “everybody is reincarnated” for the movie just to make it more digestible to the Masses - i feel like a relatively small portion of the main fanbase would complain, especially if the rest of the movie was good. using the same actress for zelda in every timeline is easy visual shorthand, similar to using the same actor for link, whether it’s animated or live-action. it’s just easier!! sorry, this may a bit unpopular to our hypothetical hardcore fans.
i’d also like to explore what it means to accept the call of destiny/call to action and to refuse it. i had an anon once (posts here, here, and here) who talked about playing botw as someone who’d never touched zelda before and they had a totally different experience than me and how they wanted to refuse to save the world, and there’s also this comic! and i think that's the craziest brainiest shit ever so of course i’d want it in my movie.
and finally, i know it’s partially because botw2 will never give us this, but i am chomping at the BIT for some good guy ganondorf content, especially since skyward sword basically told us he didn’t ask for it to be like this anymore than link and zelda did. a lot of fanon around botw2 rehydrated ganondorf has him having been really close friends with a link and zelda at some point before being overwhelmed by his curse, and i like that a lot. because then not only is he a formidable villain, but he’s also a villain with STAKES - we like him and we want him to be saved from himself, and the monster he becomes. 
anyway, what with multiple timelines/hyrules (termina and koholint etc are also fine, they’re still from link’s adventures), it would be cool if the “older” hyrules had more traditional music, and the tracks for modern hyrule were a little more slamming. that’s a little risky, though; might be better to just straight edm or orchestrate all of it without a split.
the plot
so, i’m not getting into the specifics of each scene or how it should go because at that point i’m outlining a fanfic i’ll never write, and i have at least three ideas for how any given major beat could play out anyway, so think of this as more of a general overview.
i thinking something like: link roams the urban apocalypse landscape on his lonesome (or with navi if that’s the partner character) hunting treasure in the ruins to sell and living off the land the way he does in botw. (maybe he has steampunk goggles lol.) he’s a friendly guy who tries to go out of his way to help people but he does not have a Purpose. i’m thinking an early scene where he tries to save some passerby from monsters** and lacks a proper weapon (his is rusted or gets broken), or maybe a bit where he gets caught by monsters while looking for treasure, and again his weapon breaks, and that can throw us into the action. then later he sells his treasure to a merchant, and the people around him can give exposition on why the world is like this (something to do with ganondorf, of course - i’m thinking similarly to botw, he fucked shit up bigtime before he got sealed away by zelda) and how hopeless everyone is that anything will ever get better. again, navi can be link’s voice during this part, if she is his partner - explaining he doesn’t talk much, answering questions on his behalf.
**i am very firm on this: we need either newly designed monsters for the movie (likely what nintendo would do) or a mix of the monsters from various games. i don’t want to ONLY use monsters from botw for example, because this isn’t the botw movie, it’s the zelda movie. (i’m already drawing SO much from botw i’d be reluctant to use any monsters from it at all that weren’t exclusive to that particular game.) so maybe the botw guardians, the oot redeads, the wind waker moblins, etc. i think a guardian would actually be a great first encounter because they’re fucking terrifying and the piano chime coming in would have an entire theater ready to jump right out of their seats!! anyway
i think link should maybe get a glimpse of the master sword during that adventure, or see it in a dream or whatever, and if fi is gonna be our partner she can lead him to it as she did before in the night, or he can go back looking for it, but either way the next thing he does is find the sword and pull it out of the stone. LEFT-HANDED. idgaf which hand the actor is dominant with. it’s a movie! act! i hate righty link >:( both the sword from the stone and the lefty link are CRUCIAL imagery.
ANYWAY, this is why i like navi being the partner character. i think fi could and would come out of the sword, and explain why the world is like this, and tell link what he must do to save it, and beckon link towards the call of adventure. but i also think that is a little bit boring and lacks narrative tension. i think it would be more fun to actually give navi a plotline where she wants to REFUSE the call, because it would conflict with link’s stubborn insistence on always doing the right thing.
let’s say this navi is THEEEEE same navi from ocarina of time, right? that she remembers all of that, and she remembers how ocarina of time is actually the saddest zelda game, and she had a good reason for leaving at the end. (the actual reason is that apparently she had romantic feelings towards link, but that’s weird and bad and i don’t like it, so i am ignoring it, since nintendo also won’t fess up to it on record.) and so now she just wants to hang out with link and keep him safe and happy or whatever. adventures are hard! they’re sad! link has to sacrifice and suffer every time he’s called to save the world! ganondorf is fine where he is, so why bother! (link would not know or remember any of this - obviously, he wouldn’t remember his past lives, but it’s very possible he doesn’t remember his own life before navi came to him either; maybe he was in whatever wrecked hyrule and slept for a hundred years like in botw, or maybe it was like this when he was born, but this is, crucially, all navi’s big secret to carry.)
fi could still come out of the sword as a minor character in this instance to argue with her, but eventually link would successfully be talked out of taking the sword and put it back in the pedestal - which makes the spirit of the sword, whether she is seen onscreen or not, rebel and send him back through time. i am undecided on whether it’s an illusion and he just goes back to relive his old memories or whether he actually for real time travels - there are pros and cons to both approaches! either way navi would go with him (unless fi is the partner character and then i suppose she could) because link does still need a voice!
this will now be a call to adventure more convincing than any possible sword spirit: a glimpse of what link’s missing. the hyrule he winds up in could be HIS hyrule with all the future-y stuff but before the apocalypse fucked it up. the sky is blue, the sun is out, there’s no monsters! i think it could have kind of a solarpunk vibe, honestly. familar landmarks we passed before are restored, people like the ones he maybe couldn’t save are walking around. but in order to get back home link has to find the master sword in this era and put it back in the pedestal of time (or something like that...details aren’t important), so he spends a little time here, and, most crucially, meets zelda.
zelda and ganondorf
i think this will probably be the most important 5 or 10 minutes of the movie. you know how at the beginning of “up” you’re like ready to start bawling from 10 minutes of content bc it was that good and meaningful? we gotta do it like that. i’m not sure what happens, if it should be like an actiony adventure scene or just them hanging out, but even if they span days or weeks or months in-universe we would have 10 minutes, i think, to make the audience absolutely fall head over heels in love with this girl. possibly this is the first time we hear link actually speak - the fact that he says three entire words in front of her is a sign she’s something really special. but our movie-goers need more than anything to really believe link would want to save her, that she’s not just some chick he’s saving because that’s what you do. i think the entire conflict of the movie would rest on this premise: navi representing the part of link that wants to refuse the call, and zelda representing the part of him that wants to answer it.
it might be a good idea to have link meet ganondorf here, too, but not see too much of him, because i also think it’s a good idea for him to witness the beginning of hyrule’s destruction. we’d be due for an action scene, and also it makes the instinct to jump in and fight stronger. but when link finds and touches the master sword again (or whatever) - bam. different time.
i am picturing a non-linear jump through multiple hyrules, in which link meets many familiar faces (this is where our cast can be star-studded if budget allows) and tours many familiar locations, all the while trying to solve the mystery of the disaster in his own time and how he can make it right. it’s even possible that he could flip back to his own hyrule here and there - it would depend on the logistics of the actual time traveling mechanic. what he finds out as he goes back and forth through these various hyrules is twofold: that he has prevented and healed great suffering, but also suffered deeply himself, which again adds to the long list of pros and cons of saving the world or letting it fend for itself.
in this section link also finds out about demise’s curse, and the cycle he and zelda and ganondorf are all trapped in. if the ten minute opener to Old Hyrule was meant to make our audience fall in love with zelda, i think this section should make them sympathize with ganondorf. i would like to show him doing good things and bad things - i want to see the half-feral freak from twilight princess and the remorseful noble antagonist from wind waker. i think it’d be really neat to have link thrown into a final battle at one point, since if ganondorf is a “good guy” it’s not likely it’ll happen any other way and i’d hate not to have one. and of course we’d also have to see demise - it’s important to show that ganondorf’s agency over his own actions was somewhat limited. it’s a gray area because he chose to do some of it but how much choice did he really have in any of it? a scene where he’s sort of fighting with himself would be really good, because in struggling to decide whether or not to enter back into the cycle and suffer to save the world AGAIN, link is struggling with himself too. or maybe something where he’s looking at the aftermath of what he’s done and is horrified and wants link to put him down? idk!! there’s so many ways it could go - even before demise’s curse was canon, wind waker ganondorf sort of painted a picture of a man who was backed into a corner by the unfairness of life, which is again something link and zelda are very familiar with.
and we definitely wouldn’t leave zelda out of these sections! the goddamn series is named after her. like i said, every zelda would be probably played by the same actress, and while it’s always nice to see her, it’s not the same as knowing the zelda we met first is safe and happy. we can get to know her and her own struggle with living up to her role of protecting the kingdom, we can see her interact with ganondorf, and she she can help link figure out how to get to the next hyrule and dodge enemies, but in the end, he always has to leave her behind, and he has yet to find out what happened to the first zelda he met, the one from “his” hyrule, before the apocalypse.
i think it is in this section that someone, zelda or ganondorf, expresses the hope that there’s a way to break demise’s curse so they can all rest. there should be some back and forth on this - it could be possible, it could be impossible - but i think there should be a glimmer of real hope beyond “surely there’s a way!” but no guarantee. i think the triforce would be a good way to accomplish this - its power is theoretically unlimited, but you’d have to unite it first, and the only one who usually does that is ganondorf, and because he’s cursed, it responds to his evil wishes with evil. so it’s theoretically possible but practically impossible, you know?
and okay, like, you’d think ganondorf would think it was pointless while zelda would hold out hope that it could still happen, but i think it’d be fun to actually subvert those expectations! i think for ganondorf, who arguably suffers the bleakest fate***, to have the most optimism, would endear him greatly to our hypothetical audience, and make them want to save him too.
***bro, at least link and zelda get to be heroes and people are glad to see them. ganondorf is hated and feared by all and he doesn’t even get to DIE. he always loses and even when he wins his reward is unchecked destruction. yikes.
the bad guy (not ganondorf!!)
i think in addition to needing to solve the puzzle of his and zelda’s and ganondorf’s incredibly complex histories, and the history of hyrule itself, link should also be running from something, to give the film urgency and action scenes. if ganondorf is the good guy, we need an antagonist and a threat. you know how in zelda ii, all the monsters want link’s blood because it could revive ganon? i think that would be a RAD callback, and also give a bad guy a reason to chase link through time - with his blood, they can unseal ganondorf. 
i have two candidates in mind for this. technically three, because the first candidate is twinrova/koume & kotake. they have the potential to be wickedly funny and pants-shittingly terrifying (they were both in ocarina of time, because they bicker but they also do scary mind control), they are ganondorf’s surrogate mothers, AND they have canonically tried to resurrect ganon(dorf) before. the other person it could be is dark link. dark link wouldn’t be as funny or as talkative as the witches, but he would be lots scarier and it would give link’s actor a chance to do a little vocal performance. (just because link doesn’t talk doesn’t mean his evil shadow can’t taunt him mercilessly.) these are both REALLY appealing to me, but if i had to choose, i’d go with dark link, because struggle with the self is a defining factor in this arc i am building. it’s also a good callback to zelda ii, where he first appeared, and where the “blood of link” plotline comes from. if we already have navi, i don’t think it’s fair to have another oot-specific character no matter how funny she/they would be.
so twinrova or dark link is heading up a monster posse chasing link through time, trying to draw his blood so they can go back to the present and unseal ganondorf. meanwhile link is hopping from era to era with navi trying to figure out what it is he’s supposed to see or know so he can get back home and maybe save everyone. i imagine he’s generally only one step ahead of the monsters, and i think it’d be fun if there was at least one early fight scene with dark link in which link gets his butt kicked and barely gets away, because it would be fun to have another one later where the results are reversed.
navi/the reveal
during the course of this adventure, i think it would be kind of fun if navi, like i said, KNEW what she needed to know, but kept trying to keep link from finding out, sabotaging his efforts to answer the call because she wants them to refuse it so badly. but it was never gonna work, because link can’t go home until he figures out how to go home. you know? 
so the very last hyrule link would go to is the much-beloved ocarina of time, where, unbeknownst to him, he and navi first met. we’ll say that maybe she left to figure out if there was a way to break the cycle, even though we never saw her find out about it in oot because it didn’t exist yet, and though she looked for thousands and thousands of years, she never found one, so eventually she decided to return to link. she was there the day the apocalypse started in “his” hyrule, and she saw that ganondorf went mad trying to resist what demise’s curse wanted him to do, and eventually snapped and idk torched everything. and that means she saw what happened after, and how he was sealed - zelda herself sealed him, just like she did in botw, and she’s stuck with him inside the remnants of hyrule castle. (is it still a castle if it’s all futuristic? maybe something like this or this or this except, you know, hylian.) she’s not conscious and suffering trying to hold him back the way she was in botw, i think they’re both just frozen in time or something, but nonetheless - the only way to free zelda is to also free ganondorf. 
and that would start the cycle anew, which is why navi tried so hard to let them just stay where they were. 
link learns other things about his life in oot’s hyrule, i think. this is veering into headcanon territory, but i always read oot’s link as an outcast; he’s stuck between two worlds, and in kokiri forest he was a bullied kid, and all but tossed out on his ass even after he saved them, and not recognized or welcomed upon his return because of how different he looked as an adult. and he also lacks a proper place in the world outside the forest; as a little kid, no one takes him seriously, and he has no family or adults to take care of him so that he might lead a normal life. people are usually glad to see link in oot after he becomes an adult because he’s rescuing them, but as a kid i feel like most of the time he’s told to buzz off and go play. 
anyway, since navi was a firsthand witness to this particular journey to save hyrule, i feel like you could definitely swing her reading of those events as “the world rejected link and only wanted him when they needed him.” i don’t think it’s true, and i don’t think link thinks it’s true, it’s obviously way more complex than that, but it’s a good way to show that in addition to link, zelda, & ganondorf suffering because of demise’s curse, the people who love them (navi, who in this case is standing in for us, the audience, who hopefully by now loves them very dearly) suffer along with them, and want to help ease their pain and regrets. “why would you want to save a world that doesn’t want you?” is a very good question, and it gets right to the heart of who link is as a person, in EVERY iteration: someone who cares deeply about others and wants to do the right thing.
and i think this might be the first break between link and navi’s partnership - he’d want to save zelda and hyrule, and she wouldn’t. and if she had told him about it honestly from the beginning it would have made a compelling argument, and part of him maybe wants to give it up just because he wants to spare her that pain, but the other part of him knows he can’t, and is hurt about being lied to and sabotaged, because he thought she was on his side. i think maybe they fight about it? inasmuch as you can fight with someone who doesn’t speak. (and see, if the partner character were fi, link would just have to be transported back to the apocalypse and watch zelda seal ganondorf herself. lame.)
the climax
BUT THEN. before they can finish fighting, before link can finish deciding what to do, dark link (or twinrova ig) & the monsters show up. i prefer dark link for this because he represents link’s struggle. link can’t save zelda and hyrule without going back into the cycle (and he’d have to fight ganondorf, who we like!). dark link also wants to restart the cycle but for the wrong reasons (he wants to bring back ganondorf with link’s blood). since he’s a bad guy, he makes navi’s suggestion of just leaving things as they are, which initially seems cold and selfish, look more reasonable by comparison.
so link and dark link would have to fight in oot’s hyrule (classic!), maybe in hyrule field with lots of rain, or the water temple, or perhaps an ever-shifting background like in final destination in smash bros yes i really said that. i think this is the “final boss battle” of this movie - this is an all-out fight with special effects and action and high stakes. it’s possible that link speaks in this battle because it’s a very important moment, possibly ironically to tell dark link to shut up. dark link could even put navi in a bottle or something, i don’t know. this is the reason i wanted an earlier fight with dark link (or again, possibly twinrova) where link got his ass beat, because it would establish him (them) as SCARY, and establish how badly things could go if link loses. 
i think for this fight, link would falter in the first half, not yet settled in what he wants to do, but eventually, navi would do something to help him out - warn him about a blow or take a blow or heal an injury - to show that she has finally accepted the call herself, she IS on his side no matter what that means, and that she’ll support whatever his decision is. when they fight together, they win handily, illustrating the newfound strength in their bond. 
the ending
finally, link goes back to his own hyrule, master sword in hand, free at last of dark link and his monsters (or who knows, maybe they are still chasing him and he only just got away again). navi could be with him, but if we wanted an awful cliffhanger, we could have her sacrifice herself to get link to where he needs to be, and now the enemy has her, and we don’t know if she’s okay. i think the ending scene might be more dramatic if link was alone, but it could go either way.
at this point i think fi could lead link back through the underground tunnels or wherever he is towards the ruins of the castle, similarly to how she may have led him to the sword - if fi isn’t in this at all, he could just have a feeling, a curiosity. but we see him walk through a cave much like the one in the botw2 trailer, and maybe some soundbytes from earlier in the movie play - lines about how there MUST be a way to stop the cycle break the curse, and lines about what a bad idea it would be to try. this is why i think navi might need to be absent here; link alone should make the choice, not influenced by anyone else, and soundbytes are a good way to show that he’s still struggling with this decision.
and he goes on and on, and the tunnels get darker and darker, more and more destroyed, and he has to shine a flashlight, and he looks just like he did at the start of the film when he was hunting treasure or whatever, but this time he’s alone. 
his flashlight beam maybe like falls across ganondorf’s snarling face, suspended in time, for a little jumpscare. a wider sweep reveals he’s found zelda too at last. the triforces on their hands are glowing, they’re locked in battle, it’s sad and scary. there is something like desperation in zelda’s eyes, but in ganondorf’s too. all three of them are all trapped in a moment in time, reliving it over and over, and they can’t get out. and link looks at them, and his little soundbytes play, and then he has to decide if one tiny impossible hope for breaking demise’s curse is worth accepting the risk of so much pain and suffering for all three of them, and more people besides.
close in on link’s bloody hand white-knuckling the sword. the triforce of courage is flickering to life on his own hand, because he is considering making the most courageous choice of all, to face down his fear of the oncoming suffering to fight for who he loves, for what is right. but he opens his hand, drops his weapon, and it flickers out. and you think, yeah, okay, he’s giving up navi asked him to, right?
then link lifts his hand, still bleeding, so close he could touch ganondorf and undo the seal at last, and the triforce blazes to life--
and we roll those motherfucking credits.
the midcredits scene/sequel hooks
zelda is such a complex series that it seems nearly impossible to sum up the entire thing in one movie. i’m sure in real life even the most skilled of editing couldn’t cut this concept down to an acceptable movie time without something feeling rushed. but we definitely don’t have time to set up the problem AND give it a satisfying resolution, hence the cliffhanger. 
after the initial animated cool credits, i think we’d need an epilogue scene. i am thinking something like, maybe we had a fakeout and thought navi and dark link were both dead and/or beyond link’s reach, but then we pan back to the battlefield and see that oh my god, navi’s okay! but whoops, so is dark link. he puts her back in a bottle or something and does a cool villain laugh and navi is like WHATS SO FUNNY and he’s like HAHAHAHAHA MY MASTER LIVES to confirm that link did indeed wake the slumbering beast
things the sequel would need to address: getting navi back (link looking for navi is a great callback to majora’s mask), fighting dark link again maybe, what happens when ganondorf, who has already gone evil this time, wakes up, how to save zelda from ganondorf, how to save hyrule, and of course, how to break the curse (whether or not it’s possible with the power of the triforce, and how it will go now that link got his piece). a sequel movie probably wouldn’t feature the same wide array of characters and settings as the first, but with the benefit of developed characters and plot that’s already been set up, it could tell a more satisfying story without having to rely on nostalgia and fight scenes for as much of its fun. it would also be a great chance to explore the futuristic hyrule which we wouldn’t have gotten to see as much of in movie #1
with all that potential, if i somehow managed to pull off that first movie, nintendo would SURELY greenlight a sequel in which link finally faces his greatest foe of all: not ganon, but destiny itself. not even the games have done that so it would be perhaps fucking AWESOME. but it's also quite likely that nintendo now regrets kidnapping me lmao
in conclusion/tl;dr
a perfect zelda movie needs classic zelda music, a nonverbal link + a funny partner, and lots of cameos. it has to strike a good balance with old and new fans and save the star-studded cast for the side-characters, not the main ones. it also needs to leave room for a sequel!! the most important plot point would be breaking link, zelda, and ganondorf out of their curse, because i am OBSESSED with that. obviously the games can never do it bc then there’s no more games, and nobody wants that, but if you’re going to change mediums, you can use that medium to what it is uniquely suited for - a showdown that is ultimate and final. there only need to be two zelda movies (MAYBE three if people just want a trilogy, but idk how you could possibly stretch it), which means they get to have something the games never could: an ending.
THANK YOU!!!! for coming to my motherfucking ted talk.
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riverisnotsafe · 4 years ago
PAIRING: F!Servant!Reader x Naoya Zenin
WARNINGS: NAOYA ZENIN. Naoya smut. NSFW, Minors DNI. | If you're into any of these: possessive Naoya, breeding kink (?), mentions of overstimulation, jealous Naoya.
A/N: You can call me Noct or River. I’m still fairly new to how tumblr works and how writers and bloggers (?) write their imagines/fics so I do apologize in advance if my writing is not to your liking. I will also post on AO3 under sunflowerpsycho. I'm still trying to improve^^ This was self-indulgent and not edited so pretty all over the place and might be unclear in some parts, sorry bout that.
The reader lowkey a pick me but depends on how you view her, either she's a pick me or she just acts the way she acts to accustom and stroke the lil bitches ego.
“A-ah! Naoya-sama!” you moan his name as he shoots his load deep in you. A few moments of bliss and you were ready to clean yourself. Naoya never liked staying in bed long after sex. He finds it disgusting. All the fluids of sweat, semen and love juices mixed together made his skin crawl. “Oi woman, where are you going?” You haven’t even gotten up but Naoya had you strongly wrapped in his embrace. His cock still deep within you, as if acting as a plug. “I’m gonna wash myself..? You don’t like being dirty like this...usually?” the last bit came out as a question when Naoya buried his head deep into the crevice of your neck. “Ah, I’ll let it pass today. Just stay here. My cum is gonna leak out if you move.” he tried to shove himself deeper, earning an unexpected moan from you. ��L-leak out???” Does Naoya have a breeding kink? Is he trying to keep his cum in you???? “N-naoya-sama...are you trying to breed me?” at the mention of breed, you could feel his dick twitch in your core. “Shut up woman.” Ah...so he is and he’s embarrassed to admit. “I feel honoured if that’s what you’re trying to do...” another twitch.
Under that tough misogynistic act, this man is just a boy who thrives on praise, he probably was deprived of any in his childhood, hence the superiority complex. But with you, he’s quite honest. The body doesn’t lie. You were just another servant. He probably paid and slept with many so you never thought of it as anything special. Besides, after all of this dirty work, both of you end up going your separate ways. A servant and the young master. That’s all it is. That is until one of the maids tried stealing from the family, unfortunately from Naoya and he didn’t take it too lightly. A woman and a thief, absolutely the worst. Ever since that, he appointed you as his personal maid, to ensure that only one person will serve him. Only one will enter and exit his quarters. Only one will serve his meals. Only one will tend to him. Only one will follow him around the house. Only one will keep him company when needed. Why did he choose you? Honestly you had no idea. Out of all the servants, clearly you were the least appealing, especially for a man of Naoya’s caliber.
You could never rival the looks of any of the other girls. You were chubby. Your thighs a bit too thick. Your cheeks were puffy. You had no thigh gap. Curves? Well, they weren’t hour-glass curves so you were bedrock bottom ranked. And when it came to family, you were a nobody. All the other servants have been serving the Zenin clan for generations. You were just a nobody who was pulled into the servant life to pay off your parent’s debt. What luck. It took him time though, to make you tend to him sexually. He might have a big ego and any woman would sleep with him but deep down he knew it was only for money and his looks, which he prided on. The sex was always bland. He could care less about the women’s pleasures, he would ejaculate outside, toss them money and demand them to immediately leave. He found them disgusting. Weren’t you just the same?
He had a great face, an even better body and all the riches you could’ve dreamt of, so why has he not tossed you out yet. He for sure can suspect that you’re just the same as all those women, plus, you were even lower, a nobody. Yet, here he is, deep inside you. This has been..about the sixth time you and Naoya have had intercourse. The first three times was when you were just a normal servant. Coincidentally he always found you and forced you to pleasure him. The pay was good so you never complained. After becoming his personal maid, it took a few months to make you fulfil his sexual needs, which is rather strange. A man like knows nothing of consent. He’s a tyrant. What he wants, he can get and he will. So why did he take months to make you fuck him when it was so easy before becoming his personal servant. Who knows? Maybe it was his underlying insecurities asking him to be sure.
“Naoya-sama...may I turn to look at you?” he grunts. “I’ll be sure to avoid any leakage” he nods. You slowly turn your body, still impaled on him. It was a different kind of pleasure but you withheld your moans. Your face are so close. This moment is intimate, for you and him. Almost unreal. He’s gorgeous. That red tint of blush and sex afterglow just added more to his beauty. “Naoya-sama. May I speak more than usual?” “Only because you asked for permission. Proceed.” he avoided looking into your eyes. A shy one. “I appreciate my master’s kindness. Thank you for allowing me to speak. Naoya-sama...please be honest with me. Are you trying to impregnate me? Why? I’m just a lowly servant. I could never be perfect to bear your children, or be a concubine. I have no value. You are too kind. We should stop. I will remove myself now. Thank you for your time master.” You slowly push yourself off him. He grabs your arm harshly, definitely bruising it.
“You said no leakage. And how dare you speak to your master so insolently? How dare you question what holds value to me or not. You are a lowly servant. You’re a filthy no-name bitch. You live to lick my shoes and pick up money I throw on the ground. You are not going anywhere. You are staying on this bed with me in you. You have to be reminded who your master is.” Oooh, you definitely pissed him off. You winced at his words. They were normal, he always told you where your place is so it wasn’t a surprise. “You stupid woman. Now it’s out. You moved and now it’s out.” he sounds disappointed. He was whining like a child. “Naoya-sama!” he plunged into you hard. “Yes, scream my name you stupid bitch.” He went faster and faster. “Don’t cum inside...I’m not worthy master” “Shut your mouth. Worthy? No woman is worthy of me. Selfish. All they care about are themselves. Such an inferior gender thinking what they know is worthy? I decide. I decide your worth.” He changed positions. He pressed both your legs close to your chest. A mating press. He was so deep. The squelching of his previous load acting as lubricant was erotic.
“You. Your lewd body. You were always trying to seduce me. Those luscious thighs. These fat breasts. You were made for child-bearing. The look you make when I fuck you. So in awe, eyes rolling back. Ah. Ah. Sometimes you even forgot payment because you rushed to clean yourself. You were the only memorable one. The sounds you make. You’re erotic. No one else can see or hear you except me. Mine. Mine. Mine.” Naoya drilled you senseless. So desperate to hear you. Desperate to look at your expressions. Desperate to conquer you. “N-naoya-sama! Ah! Ah! Naoya-sama!” You had practically lost any sense and all you could feel was his dick fucking you mercilessly. The veins. The length. The girth. He fit like a glove. He had shaped you to be accustomed to him. “When that no-name clan came yesterday for a meeting. I saw your look. You enjoyed how they all looked at you didn’t you? You slut. You’d want them to fuck you like this right? Only I can though. You smiled and served them. Desperate bitch.” The meeting yesterday?
Your mind wandered. Oh yes, a small clan that are partners with the Zenin in business. The heirs were quite good-looking and well-mannered, how could a lady not feel flattered. You can’t remember if you specifically smiled or enjoyed their small talk. Was being polite not a simple necessity a servant should have towards guests? To ensure their master was not seen as tardy. You can’t remember their names or faces. All you remember was Naoya slipping his hand under your garments and fingering you. “You enjoyed people watching right? Especially since they were good-looking. I WAS RIGHT THERE WITH YOU. Disgusting piece of shit.” He got even rougher. You don’t know how many times you’ve orgasmed and how many times Naoya had ejaculated in you but he was still at it. He’s jealous huh.. how strange. A man that could have anything and anyone in the world was strangely possessive of a worthless woman like you. “You can’t show them those expressions. Mine. Your kindness mine. Your sounds. Mine. You’re my servant.” he sounds sad.
Despite being in subspace, you unintentionally reach out to your master and cub his face. “Naoya-sama. I love you.” Those unintentional words made the malicious man slow down his pace. “What did you say?” Is he angry? Oof, all the best dealing with another tantrum. You couldn’t feel anything. Legs sore. Your mind had wandered. The pleasure had made you dumb yet the little consciousness you have for your master remained. “I love you, Naoya.” His cock twitched. “Again” “I love you.” “Again” “I love you, Naoya-sama”. All that repeating made you come to your senses. “I don’t remember the men from yesterday. All I remember were your thick fingers in me. My expressions and mewls were for you. If this body is what you want then I will offer it all to you, my master. Ask, you are my master after all. All of me is yours.” You get up a bit, and stagger, he fucked the life outta ya. “Master, allow me to speak.” a small dumbfounded nod. You slip a hand onto his cheek and kiss him. Both of you never shared a kiss.
It was too intimate for a servant to kiss their master. Only their betrothed would be worthy but you couldn’t help it, you needed to assure this man-child, you were no one else’s. “Master, I-“ “Naoya. When we’re alone call me Naoya.” a small smile crept onto your lips. “Naoya, breed me.” His face was flushed. That’s exactly what he wanted. Through the night, he fucked you in every inch of the room. Both of your fluids and smell, absolutely drenched his quarters. He never once ejaculated outside. Every drip of his semen was in your womb, he wouldn’t even pull out, in fear it would leak. Shower? He fucked you while showering too. His animalistic senses stopped when a knock on the door came.
“Lay down with your back arched. It can’t leak.” He put on a robe and answered. A woman’s voice. “Naoya-sama. Naobito-sama is calling for you.” “Tch. Annoying old man” he slams the door shut. “Oi. Arch even more.” He came back to you. “I’m going to put this in you so you don’t spill.” He was holding, A DILDO? This man has a dildo? “N-naoya-sama, t-thats...” “Some servant I had my way with some time ago left it to fuck with me. I kept it not knowing what it was but now the shape looks like it’d plug you up good.” A servant he had his ways with huh. You were just another one right. He seemed to have noticed your train of thought. “Stupid woman. That servant is long gone. And now. You’re mine. No other stupid bitch except you. Stop thinking nonsense. Maybe I’ll remind you a bit more. That old man can wait.” He unrobed and pounced you. You definitely can’t walk for a few days.
“I’ll plug you up and we’ll go see the old man” he sounds, quite joyful. “If you move and leak, I won’t hesitate to fill you up again.” Ah. He’s definitely Naoya Zenin. “Naoya-sama” you smile. “What? You should be grateful that I’ve allowed you to speak so many times since last night.” You can’t help but giggle. A slight blush forms on Naoya’s face. “How dare you laugh at m-“ you pull him in for a kiss. He reluctantly kissed back. “Naoya-sama, I love you.” you smiled. He thrusted into you without warning. “The old man can definitely wait. You filled with my child is more important.” God knows how many times he’d come in your womb without pulling out, there’s no way you’re not pregnant. “Naoya-sama...let’s stop here...I can’t walk properly if we continue, then a different servant will have to serve you.” He was about to argue but held his tongue. “Fine.” He pulled out and slowly shoved the dildo in. Looks like he’d rather have wobbly-legged you than another servant. You can't help but smile. “Go shower and meet me back here. And clean the room after meeting with the old man. The smell...erotic but dreadful. Wash everything.” “Yes my master.” You hurriedly got clothed and rushed to the servant quarters to clean up. You were happy. What a weirdo.
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blazlngblade · 2 years ago
Rosa Rambles about Leon/Elletrix Story Ideas!
This has been in my drafts for the last week and a half or so. I've come back to it constantly to make small edits. But, I think it's time to post it.
I am going to become the CEO of shipping Leon and Elletrix, and nobody can stop me!!
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And they will be called "Elleon" as it easy to say, and it puts both "Elle" and "Leon" into it very naturally.
They just look so cool! The awesome seafarer pair! Two beautiful people! I love them both so much! The ex-pirate turned merchant, and the current Grandport Kingdom's lord with the reputation to rehabilitate pirates, it makes for an interesting romance.
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I like the idea of their earlier meeting that I wrote up a long while ago, which you can read here.
Just disregard the ending where I said that I don't ship it, I've changed my mind! The chemistry between them and shipping potential is amazing.
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So going with that, and expanding on the story ideas in more detail, The idea of Leon still wanting to "make it big" by attacking a Grandport vessel in order to get his motivation back as a pirate is still what would happen. Though, Leon is defeated by Elletrix, so him and his crew are taken into custody by Grandport's army.
No matter how sad he was about Baltazar's passing (or if you're like me and actually prefer the idea he just faked his death, changed his identity, and left to the East to fulfill his dream of becoming a merchant), I can't see Leon wanting to look defeated or show those emotions in front of Elletrix (this would be before she's the lord of Grandport, she's simply just a princess right now). I'm sure there's no a pirate that hasn't heard about the princess of Grandport who can change a pirate's outlook on life just by defeating them. He's pretty prideful and he wouldn't let up so easily, even if he was beginning to doubt things after he lost his friend. We know that he is very prideful thanks to the flashbacks in chapter 3 for Tressa's story.
So after being taken in, I imagine a lot of his crew were pretty quick to just bail out from being pirates, and join the Grandport navy. We're told this is common with pirates she has defeated (mostly because they all love strong women!). Left alone as the singular person who refuses to join her army, Elletrix has no choice but to have him imprisoned. Of course, it doesn't end there, since Elletrix makes it her goal to get this man to change his mind and to walk a better path. I'm sure she likes a challenge every once in a while, as she's the stubborn and strong willed princess, but is in no less a kind person just like her sister.
With that as her goal, perhaps she often visits him, maybe tries to chat, and get to the root of what she can work with. It probably takes a while to make even the smallest breakthrough. This could take months (I'll say about 2-3?), it wouldn't be that easy. After some time, she manages to get the info about Baltazar, whether knowing the two were rivals already and asking herself or he told her himself eventually, perhaps she managed to have him talk about some of Baltazar's last words told to Leon; “Do ye have somethin' precious to ye?”
Now if you read the other post, you would know that I believe that the Eldrite was originally the royal family of Grandport, and the reason behind Elletrix's name. Assuming this is true, that would mean that Elletrix has already met Baltazar in the past, as he was the one who stole it from Grandport, and that he was one of the only pirates to have resisted her forces and successfully steal the Eldrite. With this feat, he gained the title "Baltazar of the Eastern Sea". Whatever her opinion is on Baltazar now, it needs to not overtake her approach on trying to get to the bottom of everything.
Putting it aside, she relates Baltazar's words to her family's quote of "do you have something to protect". She asks Leon this, and which reminds Leon about when Baltazar asked the question, he had no answer for it then or now. Maybe something about this question causes his demeanor or attitude to change and Elletrix notices it. She knows she struck a nerve and it's something to work with. Not being able to give her an answer, they're left in silence. For the moment, she leaves it alone, simply just saying to think about it. The next time she visits, she asks the question again, to which he says, "I don't know". What I like most about Leon taking a bit of time to open up is because we get told in Tressa's chapter 1 and in the Gate of Finis journal for Graham that he doesn't place his trust in others easily. This time she would say that she can help him figure it out, but he has to let her try. Not being able to do much else, and knowing that if both Baltazar and Elletrix have asked him the same question, he finally agrees, knowing enough that it must be important.
At last being let out of the cell, Elletrix decides to take him around Grandport, perhaps down the docks or into the market. She would talk about the benefit of not being a pirate, being able to instead help people than to take from them, probably reminding Leon of his quote, to which she does know. We know in the later parts of life, he dislikes this saying a lot, and I don't blame him. It's a terrible reminder of the things he might have done to other people, likely even innocents.
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Perhaps after a long walk around the town, seeing all the merchants selling all kinds of wares and being happy while doing so, Elletrix can point out that people worked hard to gain those things in order to sell them again to customers. They earned their wares through honest means, not through stealing. It could remind Leon of the dream that Baltazar spoke of; the dream of being a merchant. This would help remind Leon that his old friend wanted to do something good despite all the sins as a pirate he might have committed. It gives Leon some food for thought.
Obviously, we can't forget about the fact that Leon is supposed to rebuild Baltazar's ship. We'll get to that soon!
I like to think that after a bit of time and the frequent visits while he is in custody, Leon has decided to actually open up about things with Elletrix. Maybe if she learned about the race between Leon and Baltazar, and how it's assumed that Baltazar had died as his body was nowhere to be found. Perhaps when Elletrix learned this, she told the tale of losing her sister to Edoras, not because she wants to share the story with people, but sometimes it helps to relate to someone's problem or grief by talking about your own. Or at least that's how I've always seen it, I struggle to understand something if I can't relate it to something I know. it would show a growing trust between the two. Elletrix and Leon both cared about their deceased loved ones a lot. Remembering that Leon said he found his friend's ship wrecked on the coast, he thinks about that.
Since the questions of what Leon's precious treasure is, or what he protects have been brought up before, this could be where he decides that Baltazar and his ship are his some of his precious treasures. He decides to rebuild the ship as a major step of his rehab. Elletrix chooses to support this idea, and perhaps after a time, she even helps him rebuild it too. At first, I could see Leon being a bit stubborn to wanting her help, as this is his way to atone and to really understand why this ship is his precious treasure, but after a while I think he would accept her help. She's the daughter of the lord of Grandport and is the captain of her own vessel, so I am sure she knows a thing or two about building a ship. Elletrix is a "hands-on, get-it-done" kind of woman. What better way to bond than to work on a difficult project together? You can work on the ship together and just kind of chat to get to know each other. This project would be the thing that would help deepen their friendship.
Building a ship with very few people would take a long time, so this is something he might have worked on for 7+ years, as well as learning the ins and outs of business to be a merchant. Thanks to being in Grandport and having a connection with the respected daughter of the lord, these things are possible. He was likely very busy in the town, and I know that she was involved with his rehabilitation heavily, and perhaps even tagging a long during the times he was learning about being a merchant, you know, if she didn't teach him herself. Again, daughter of the lord of Grandport, I 100% believe she knows this kind of thing.
And during breaks of rebuilding the ship, I could see Elletrix insisting that he tags along with her on her patrols to protect Grandport from nearby pirates that threaten her seas. If he were to do this, he would gain the trust of Grandport's army, the townspeople/merchants, and Elletrix's father, Lord Benedict. At around this time, Benedict would have also grown sick and would have begun to give his role of lord to his daughter. While she may be busy with that kind of thing, and the trust of the ex-pirate is more apparent to her, perhaps he could offer to step in as her replacement to patrol the surrounding waters?
If Leon has been doing this while she cannot, it could tie in perfectly with Elletrix's Traveler Memory later too. Please feel free to watch it! It's a pretty good story! We loved translating this one!
She might have been busy with lord work while he was out at sea to which he rescued a castaway from pirates. The fact she comes in and already has heard about it means it was somewhat connected to her own patrols out on the ocean. He tells her about the Miedo Pirates (Avery, Gacco, and Wappa) and then suggests she deals with them. Plus, when the idea of a battle comes up, she says, "Battle? Sounds exhilarating!" as if it's been a while of being able to do it herself. The use of the exclamation point and quick response was like, "At last!" She's been busy with lord training, that these moments of excitement are likely rare now.
The irony that Avery doesn't like Leon, but I wonder if he's aware that it was Leon that allowed Avery to meet Elletrix at all? It'd be funny if he didn't know that though, or if people told him, he'd just brush it off as false..
In the Traveler Memory, I'll always love these exchanges. There's something about the way he says "my lord" is great. Some people have pet names, but he just calls her as the "lord" or "my lord".
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This one has that right amount of casual humour, something very few would ever be brave enough to do, helping imply that these two are close. Sure, her subordinates have said some things and she normally pays no mind, but that's exactly it, she pays no mind to it., But, in the next dialogue I will share, she does respond.
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This one is after she sends her soldiers to go get ready for battle. He comments about her commanding skills as "scary", but it's got that right amount of humour to it. The fact she responds with a "Hm..." and a somewhat half-laugh audio too. <3 She doesn't often laugh or respond to these kinds of comments, but was able to with his comment? It's intriguing. Something about the fact her eyes are closed as well, I'd believe this comment made her smile as well, another thing she hardly does. To be fair though, people think Leon's pretty scary too. If he can make tease her about that, she can right back. Heck, maybe this is how they would flirt...? <3 I've actually been in the process of drawing this scene. <3
Though honestly, given Elletrix's situation in life, I would not be surprised if she didn't really believe in love all that much. Losing her sister, and Ulrica having to marry someone like Pardis III, is obviously not a form of "love" (Elletrix wouldn't know about Rembrandt/Ulrica though, that was obviously more true love), we don't know who or where Elletrix's mother is. Maybe she left her family and husband after Ulrica was given to Edoras...? Making love seem less real from a younger person's perspective. Not to mention the fact that Elletrix's army, almost half of them or more claim they are in love with her, it probably also sullies the idea it's real. As mentioned earlier, she doesn't react to them when they say things like that to her. So then if you have someone like Leon who manages to prove that it is real, seems kinda interesting. Basically, Paramore's "Only Exception" is now an Elleon song.
My brother tells me he likes the idea of them just keeping it more to themselves for a while, perhaps not really sure how it would be taken as a famous pirate being with the new lord of the kingdom. I do agree though, I find it might be difficult for people to process at first. It's very opposite to what a person would expect from her at first assumption. But, that's what makes it so interesting. On the brightside, it's clear that lots of people actually don't know who Leon is. His story tells us that he has done a very excellent job keeping his identity hidden. I'm sure that was also the help of Elletrix as well. I imagine she has the ability to make sure any of her rehabilitees are protected from people's judgement. If anyone's doing the judgement, it will be her if they step out of line.
Having mentioned his Traveler Story now, the possible timing of the story works out. Since it takes place in Grandport, it might be the most recent visit of his. The great thing about when he gets to Grandport is he says that it "smells of treasure... and danger". Let's be real, he was talking about Elletrix. He was likely going to visit his girlfriend, as well as go do some merchant business, but learned she wasn't there (if we're going with the Bestower of All plotline, she's busy helping to save the continent right now!). So instead some other things happen, and he helps out the painter Bastian instead, as well as help deal with the Chimera Pirates while she is absent.
We will have Leon's Traveler Story uploaded in time, so please be patient with us!
As for the current year of the first game. I'll say that the reason Leon was not a part of the Merchant's Fair competition in Grandport was because he was spending time with Elletrix and watching the competition from a more "VIP" area. I'd say that by this point, they're a little more public about their relationship. I'm not entirely sure what Benedict's status is either, but the two of them might be the true standing rulers of Grandport by now.
As for the Eldrite, since I did mention that, but never mentioned it again, and we just brought up the Merchant's Fair. I would imagine that Leon has confessed to her that he as allowed Tressa to keep it. Honestly, I think she'd be okay with that, even if the Eldrite was once Grandport's treasure, and likely the thing she was named after. Over time, just like Leon, she learns that her own treasure was not the gem, but probably the love of her kingdom. She cares about her home a lot, so the city would be her most precious treasure.
I am really thinking about writing this story out.
For a timeline of the events I'd probably write, it'd be like this:
Ages in the first game would be Leon at 33 and Elletrix at 41. There is an 8 year difference between them.
Elletrix (~17) | Ulrica (~20) | Leon (9) | Baltazar (~13) --- 24 years to Present Time - Elletrix loses her sister, Ulrica, in an exchange for "peace" by the kingdom of Edoras. Ulrica marries King Pardis III. - Leon and Baltazar are struggling to live in the old quarter of Victors Hollow. They result to thievery to survive.
Elletrix (~20) | Ulrica (~23) | Leon (12) | Baltazar (~16) --- 21 years to Present Time - Elletrix decides to keep herself preoccupied from losing her sister by head to the ocean to protect her kingdom. She also recruits ex-pirates as soldiers for Grandport's navy. - Leon and Baltazar have chosen to become pirates in order to better support themselves. Stealing from the rich and weak alike.
Elletrix (~24) | Ulrica (~27) | Leon (16) | Baltazar (~20) --- 17 years to Present Time - Elletrix knows of her nieces, Elrica and Araune, and she travels to Cragspear to rescue them and her sister. Ulrica refuses, and Elletrix leaves before the Edoras soldiers find out. She swears she will never forgive Edoras for stealing her sister from her. - Leon and Baltazar have come to be known as the Sea Serpent and Wild Eagle.
Elletrix (~26) | Ulrica (~29) | Leon (18) | Baltazar (~22) --- 15 years to Present Time - - Leon and Baltazar have a sort of on/off "relationship". It's less of a real relationship, mostly just sexual tension. "Rivals", you know. - Ulrica chooses to protect her daughters by ending her own life. King Pardis III chooses to let his kids live. Elletrix hears the news about Queen Ulrica's death, causing her to hate Edoras even more. - Leon hears about a famous ore called Eldrite that resides with the royal family of Grandport. He aims to try and take it, but Baltazar is quicker to action. - Baltazar goes to Grandport and attacks Elletrix's ship. While she's still grieving from the loss of her sister, her ability to defend her treasure is lesser. He comes out as the victor and steals the Eldrite from her. This earns him the title of "Baltazar of the Eastern Sea". Elletrix might have asked him if stealing from the "hurt", making a reference to Pardis III taking her sister, was worth it. Since then he has questioned his role as a pirate, remembering his childhood dream of being a merchant.
Elletrix (~28) | Leon (20) | Baltazar (~24) --- 13 years to Present Time - Since stealing from Elletrix, Baltazar has begun to act different. He acts distant, and Leon has no idea why. Baltazar asks Leon what his most precious treasure is, Leon cannot answer. - The race between them happens, and Baltazar is the winner as his boat made it to the island first, but he is also assumed dead and no body is found. Leon grieves for his lost friend. - Baltazar used the storm as a way to fake his death, and he escapes, hiding away from Leon to one day making his way towards the East to become a merchant.
Elletrix (~29) | Leon (21) --- 12 years to Present Time - Leon's drive as a pirate has lessened since losing Baltazar. He makes his way towards the Coastlands, where he chooses to challenge a Grandport vessel, to which it ends up being Elletrix's. - Unlike when Elletrix lost to Baltazar, she succeeds against Leon. Taking him and his crew into custody, many of his crew choose to abandon pirate life and pledge to join her army. Leon refuses, and is imprisoned. - Elletrix makes it her goal to get Leon to change his mind, seeing value in him, despite his crimes. Stubborn to agree, it takes about 2-3 months to finally accept her offer of help. - Another month passes, and Leon chooses to rebuild his friend's ship to keep himself busy while being reformed. Elletrix supports the idea and chooses to personally watch over his progress herself. Occasionally, Elletrix helps him with the construction, much to his dismay at first, he gets used to it and eventually accepts her help. - During the months of rebuilding the ship, Elletrix and Leon have begun to develop a bit of a mutual trust. Leon tells her about Baltazar's dream of becoming a merchant. He decides he will do it for him. Elletrix offers to have him trained.
Elletrix (~30) | Leon (22) --- 11 years to Present Time - Leon's training as a merchant has gone smoothly, having already the talent to appraise an item's worth during the time he was a pirate. Alongside ship construction and merchant training, he sometimes accompanies Elletrix on her patrols to protect the Grandport seas.
Elletrix (~31) | Leon (23) --- 10 years to Present Time - At the 3rd anniversary of losing Baltazar, Leon requests to borrow a ship from Elletrix to travel to Victors Hollow, so he can pay respects to his friend from now on. Having more trust in the ex-pirate, she lends him a ship and a small crew of her army, giving them permission to cut Leon down if he makes even one wrong move. "Scary as ever, my lord." :') - She uses this as an opportunity to test his morals. Along with his goal of visiting his old town, Elletrix suggests taking this chance to put his business methods to the test. - The journey goes smoothly and he has a toast to his celebrate Baltazar's life, thanking him for the opportunity to become a new man. Before he could travel back to Grandport, he is approached by Graham Crossford who asks to board his ship to reach Bolderfall quicker. Graham's journal is left behind. - Having been gone for ~2 months, he finally returns back to Grandport, Leon reports to Elletrix that everything went well. Since coming back, their construction project of the ship continues, as does accompanying Elletrix's patrols.
Elletrix (~33) | Leon (25) --- 8 years to Present Time - Lord Benedict, Elletrix's father, has begun to grow ill, but he doesn't shirk his duty as lord. However, he begins to make sure that Elletrix is prepared to take the role one day. She becomes less available for helping ship construction or patrolling the sea. Leon offers to take her place.
Elletrix (~34) | Leon (26) --- 7 years to Present Time -Elletrix has been busy with transitioning as the lord, that she sometimes feels "trapped", not being able to go to the sea as often. However, she takes her duties seriously and is becoming a great lord. - The Miedo Pirates have been targeting the Grandport area, taking down merchant ships. Leon hears of it, and reports to Elletrix. Elletrix's Traveler Memory takes place and she recruits Wappa as a helmsman and Avery and Gacco as soldiers.
Elletrix (~36) | Leon (28) --- 5 years to Present Time - At this point, Leon and Elletrix are very close friends. Though Avery is very loyal to his new lord, he is bothered by the closeness that Elletrix has with Leon, especially with all the time she spends helping him rebuild his ship. - Seven years total have past since the ship construction project begun. The ship is completed. Elletrix gives Leon full freedom to travel away from Grandport without her watch. He accepts, and goes on a journey to prove his mettle as a merchant.
Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent begins. Major spoilers ahead for "Master of All", "Bestower of Power", and "Bestower of All". This won't be written in full detail, as it will one day be written in the CotC story about Shelby (our story's Chosen One). I still feel the need to summarize events anyway. Feel free to quit reading here!
Elletrix (~38) | Leon (30) --- 3 years to Present Time - The news about Princess Elrica's trial arrives. Not wanting to see Pardis III, Elletrix sends a Grandport official in her place to vote to keep Elrica alive. The Meeting of Kings ends with Pardis III winning, giving him permission to execute his daughter. This refuels her hatred for Edoras. - Being gone for two years, Leon finds himself missing Grandport and Elletrix's company. He makes his way towards Grandport again. Upon arrival, he learns that Elletrix has officially taken the role as the standing lord now that Benedict is too bedridden to continue on. He sticks around to support her as the new lord and helping her get through her father's illness, as well as the execution of her niece.
Elletrix (~39) | Leon (31) --- 2 years to Present Time - The war with Orsterra and G'roha begins. Elletrix is approached by Queen Araune of Edoras to ask for help to defend Orsterra. After a direct attack on her city happens, she accepts to aid Araune. Leon, who has remained in Grandport since coming back, also helps out. - After the war, he decides to confess his feelings to Elletrix, but has a bit of doubt they would be reciprocated knowing her stance on "love". Since almost all of her whole army is in love with her, he doesn't want to come across as "just another one". To his surprise, she tells him she feels the same, and they choose to be a couple, but decide to keep it to themselves while the city is still healing from the scars of war. After the final battle with G'roha, he leaves Grandport again, but promises to come back soon.
Elletrix (~40) | Leon (32) --- 1 year to Present Time - Elletrix is called by Finis to meet with other heroes on the Isle of Orsa to witness the sealing of the Divine Rings with the Chosen One. It ends in betrayal by Sazantos as he wounds Finis, steals the rings aside from the Flamebringer's, and he escapes. Elletrix helps support the Guardians of the Light against Sazantos. - At some point, Leon's Traveler Story begins as he makes his return to Grandport to see Elletrix again. Finding out she's absent, he sticks around Grandport, meeting Bastian, and deals with the Chimera Pirates (as they claim they murdered himself and Baltazar at some point) in place of Elletrix. - With permission from Benedict, if he's not dead anyway, haven't had word from him in forever, Leon tells him that he loves his daughter and would like to ask her hand in marriage one day. Benedict approves, and Leon acts as the substitute lord in her place. - Whatever else happens in Bestower of All, I have yet to learn.
Elletrix (~41) | Leon (33) --- Present Time - CotC plot is over, first game events happen as already written.
If you made it this far, you deserve a pat on the back, because this got long, and I know it's full of rambles!
I've been very "Noelle" in these last few days, I had so much fun thinking about all this story potential.
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br-disaster · 5 years ago
nie mingjue’s outfits appreciation post
This is way longer than I expected oh gods, please forgive me for it. 
 It’s a well known fact that Jiang Cheng has the best wardrobe of all CQL characters, I’m not here to argue with that, but I think it’s time for us to stop sleeping on Nie Mingjue’s absolutely fantastic fashion sense.
I mean have you seen him?? The man is out there serving looks even with the Nie sect limited color palette. Please let’s ignore the context here and just look at his robes
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I wasn't sure if I should rank them, so I’ll just ramble about them in order of appearance:
1. The gray “I’m the boss” one
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That’s the first time we ever see him and what can I say? He does leave an impression. We see him using these robes two times, in episodes 10-11 and on the beggining of Fatal Journey, as the first picture shows, which makes me wonder: Is this his stay-at-home set of robes? ‘Cause damn
I don’t know how I should comment on the particular details of his robes but I really appreciate how wide this extra fabric layer makes his shoulders look.
Really imposing and powerful look.
2. The Sunshot incredibly beautiful "this is how you win a war" one
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Look, this one might be my favorite, it has EVERYTHING
Shoulder game is strong here, and this bronze-like color goes really well with his belt. Now let's talk about his outer robe for a moment, just THE COLOR I mean it's the prettiest shade of gray I've ever seen.
Also Long Sleeves
And a CAPE. A f**king CAPE. I'll never get over this look and I'm really glad the costume department let this king wear a cape again in Fatal Journey, he was made for it.
Next comes the inner layer that's not really a robe, as you can see when he's standing, but the silver pattern is what really does it for me, guys. It's probably the first thing you see once you look down from his face, 'cause I know we all get lost on that beautiful mustache, and it's perfect.
You can’t lead a war campaign if you don’t look good, I see.
3. The "I didn't really want to be here but I’m looking good anyway" one
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It's so dark, it probably reflects how he was feeling during pretty much all the scenes he's in while wearing it.
Once again he accentuates his shoulders with an extra fabric except this time his sleeves are not long at all. I personally think he looks even more handsome like this, it makes his arms look bigger. What is it called? I don't know, but it matches his belt as well.
( Is it really a belt, guys? I don't wanna disrespect but I don't even know where to start looking for names nor I know other english names for belts)
The subtle golden/bronze details on the outer robe and on the inner robe's collar contrasts really well with the black and dark gray
Sad thing he looked really miserable wearing it :c
4. The "big event he seemed ok with attending" one
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Dark again. But he didn't look as depressed as in the previous one, he actually had fun that day, which is good. Enough of tears and betrayal for now.
May be the wider sleeves he ever wore, perfect for clapping his hands like a happy toddler. There's also a lovely flowery pattern on the darker robe that you can easily miss if you don't pay enough attention.
For the first time his shoulders are not accentuated by fabric or shoulder pads and it's really nice to see him like this. We all love a buff Mingjue, but CQL Mingjue is not that buff and I love him just as much.
Really elegant, not as imposing and he has every right to want to look civil for once. It may be the series' way of telling us that he's not dressed for real combat or war, who knows.
5. The "all this just for a flashback?" one
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Listen, this one right here is just AMAZING
I don't understand why they dressed him so beautifully for what? 10 minutes of a flashback. I wanted to see it for more than a couple os scenes!!
Everything here is different, so this will take time.
First: His inner robe, the first one, is not the usual black, it's light gray, it's lighter than his robes actually, and we don't see him wearing it like ever again since chronologically in the series this is the first robe he wears. Does it secretly mean that all went wrong from the moment he met MY? who knows
Second: The outer robe is fancy. There’s so many details to it and it may be the lighting of the scene, but it seems to be a warmer shade of gray, doesn’t it? The golden\bronze thin strip around the silver larger strip is perfect. It kinda has the opposite effect of his shoulder pads, since it makes his shoulders look a bit smaller but it’s so very elegant.
Third: The upper part of the inner robe. I mean who gave him the right to look that good ??? It’s dark but it has golden little shapes in it!! And it kinda looks like there’s a zipper in there because of that mid section. And oh to be a single jewel resting over Sect Leader Nie’s chest...
Fourth: The bottom part of the robe is also something new. We see pleats on Huaisang’s main robes, but never on Mingjue’s until now, that’s why I took the last screenshot, nothing to do with the bloody Baxia at all. I wish we could have seen them in pretty pleated robes together.
It probably contradicts what I said about his shoulder things being a code for battle, since the first thing we see him doing with this outfit is killing some guy/puppet; but for the rest of the time he wears it is peaceful
Honestly, imagine how Meng Yao felt. It was some fairy tale thing, wasn’t it? You’re a nobody eating bread and drinking water and then this king pops up out of nowhere and defends you from bullying and offers you a job and takes you home with him?? 
6.The “kick your local murderer down the stairs” one
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I don’t really know what to say about this one. The context kind of ruined it for me, but let’s try.
 It resembles the fourth outfit since it’s a really dark inner robe and a lighter and patterned outer robe. Except this one has this nice and shiny thin strips around the sleeves and the waist.
It’s pretty but not especially pretty in my opinion. If I were to rank the outfits, this one would rank last.
7. The “fighting qi deviation and needing emotional support” one
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Fatal Journey, baby.
I know what I said about the second one, but this might be my favorite.  It’s practical, no long sleeves or heavy outer robes. It’s also appropriate for horse riding, wich is great. The simple, sleeveless light gray outer robe is really nice.
There’s a cape again!! And I have to say the cape looks even better now that his sleeves are tighter, the way it falls gracefully on his back is perfect. I love the way it seems to be attached to the shoulder pad too. 
The robes are simple but the thing is: The accessories are not. 
His belt is now silver and if we ignore that the production team just painted it, we can assume he has two sets of identical waist belts, one is bronze and the other is silver. Now the final touch: The shoulder pads. This is what makes this outfit the most extra of them all. It’s silver and just so, so pretty I wanna cry everytime I look at them. I mean, the layers, the dragon\beast entire head makes him look so fierce and ready for the fight.
 I wonder how comfortable they are tho.
10/10 would rank first place.
bonus: Baby Mingjue
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We love a consistent king after all! Has he been wearing dark robes since he was a baby? We will never know. I love this dark yet translucent outer robe tho.
1000/10 the cutest and best dressed child out there.
Conclusion: Nie Mingjue is a fashion icon! 
* Do not take this too seriously, I did zero research and english is not my first language. If there’s any terrible grammar mistakes, point them to me and i’ll edit it. If I’m somehow disrespecting Chinese culture, please also point it to me and I’ll apologize, edit or even delete the post.
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delusion-of-negation · 4 years ago
do y'all remember this post from earlier?
(you'll soon see why I can't reblog it to say this)
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well, apparently the op of the post decided not to read that last reblog, instead op unironically took the route I pretended to take for comedic effect (assuming that the person was sincerely suggesting that we apply op's logic to furries)
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the reblog that I linked just then says it best
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the person wasn't saying that furries want to fuck animals, they were using furries to point out why you're wrong, as a comparison - they don't want to fuck animals, many of them do not even have a furry kink, and that's exactly the same as shippers, it's called an example
nobody at all that I saw "admitted to" being "a bunch of sibling/child fuckers" by any stretch of the imagination, the most was somebody joking about how they shipped their adult self with their child self (I don't know if you know this op, but we haven't invented time travel), it is such a gross misrepresentation that I almost want to suggest that this could just be a troll
and for the record, something can be illegal to act upon and still be a kink, and it's also really worrisome how often op presents morality as dictated by the law... there are unjust laws
also I'm kind of sus that they said "playing the victim" in that post, since everyone was either joking around or correcting them, and correct me if I'm wrong but as far as I recall I didn't see anyone talk about victimhood except me when I mentioned my abuse (the very first link), but I don't want to put words in their mouth there
they've also said this relatively recently
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this is offensive to me as a survivor - because somebody writing/drawing an entirely fictional piece with these imaginary people making out could never be anywhere near as bad as what happened to me, and even if you believe that them shipping a thing is gross or immoral you should still be able to say wholeheartedly that these two things are not the same level of bad
[what the fuck happened to the formatting? for anyone who didn't see, apparently tumblr felt like the last paragraph was so important that it needed to be repeated over half a dozen times]
and as an aside, fictional depictions of illegal and/or immoral acts are not illegal everywhere and, for the record, nobody is normalising the dynamics by writing fanfiction (especially not given that they're not mainstream, they're very often tagged with warnings and age ratings, it is expected that viewers are able to distinguish between fantasy and reality, and so forth) and nobody is "projecting trauma onto antis", it is often brought up to explain a point or context, or because antis claim a monopoly on trauma and use survivors as a shield in these convos
also what are "real life, and real people fiction"? that's a genuine question... acted media? slash fiction about real people? the phraseology is all over the place throughout these posts
edit: I'd like to be clear, I am not cherrypicking, there are so many posts like this littering their blog - for example, in this one they specifically and repeatedly target proshippers with trauma throughout, they say "supporting these ships when you’re a victim is selfish and ignorant towards other victims", they call every proship person "an abomination" and "nasty pedos", as they conflate shipping with maps towards the end, and multiple times during the post they'll say "supporting fictional incest and pedophilic relationships is insensitive to people who were victims of it" (using victims as a shield, but all over their blog they decry proshippers who are survivors and bring up that they are) and "but what’s really sad is that pro-shippers think that fictional incest and pedophilia is different from real life, when in reality it’s the same thing", the insistence that real abuse and fictional stories are exactly the same is ubiquitous on the blog, and it's a disgusting and simply incorrect view
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Hello, I have a question (you don't have to answer it publically if you don't want to), but I'm curious as to what your thought process was when deciding to make Footprints (and to a lesser degree the Triple Frontier fic) a reader insert while also building in these implicit descriptions by having the reader character be from a certain family. Like I know this site shuns OCs, but it just seems needlessly alienating to anyone who can't possibly fit that character concept.
I thought about ignoring this, but instead I sat on it for a bit and decided that I am going to answer. Your message started out genuinely interested, and I am not sure if you meant it to end on the rude note that it did, but I digress--
Let’s talk about empathy. 
When people read stories where the main character is not like them, you have to learn to empathize to really immerse yourself in the story. You need to walk a mile in their shoes. Any author wants their protagonist to be relate-able in some way. They need to be in order for us to feel their struggles, their pain, their happiness, their journey. Reader inserts cut out the middle man. The POV is changed and reader inserts basically do the work for you. “You” already ARE the protagonist and much less belief needs to be suspended in order for you to be someone else---the rest requires an ability to use your imagination and a willingness to see yourself as something you are not. 
When I started writing Footprints, it was my first reader insert ever, and my return to writing fanfiction after six years. I have gone back and edited the first chapter to get rid of the describing words that I used as I was basically writing myself. Since then descriptions have been incredibly neutral and I pay close attention to that. Reader’s mother is dead, it talks nothing of her lineage and all you know is her father was a Lannister. She is the family outcast. She can look however you want her to. Does this contribute to them shunning her? Possibly? You decide. Her belonging to the Lannister house in Footprints was strictly for plot plot plot plot. For very obvious reasons. 
Now, in Addicted, I chose to have reader be Pope’s sister strictly to explore the sibling dynamic between them and what would happen IF. I had never seen it done before because most of us are simultaneously thirsting over Pope AND Frankie. Once again this was a choice based on plot. It never goes into detail on if they are biological siblings, if they were adopted, if they were fostered in the same house hold, etc--that is a decision you get to make. Now, if anyone reading this story cannot imagine themselves as having a Latino brother...then that is a whole new topic that is incredibly sad for that individual, and once again goes back to needing a lesson in empathy. 
Let me use one of my favorite reader stories ever out here. @pettyprocrastination writes a reader insert for Maxwell Lord called “Rip Out Our Seams & Stitch Us Together. The reader is a black woman who owns her own sewing business in D.C. I am not black. I am not a seamstress. I do not live in D.C. This does not keep me from enjoying this story and TJ’s writing IMMENSELY. Because I am empathizing with the character she has created. The excerpt that comes to mind is this one--
  There’s a brief moment of panic in your heart before you steady yourself. It’s late, you're alone, a black woman in D.C with nobody at her side, you've been in this position before and will continue to be as such. The door is only a few paces behind you, if you had to, you could turn and sprint to make it in time.
I read this and thought ‘oh shit, I know what it feels like to be out late as a woman walking alone’. Then I thought ‘OH SHIT, Im imagining being a black woman out late walking alone. OH SHIT.’  This is something I will NEVER fully understand or experience in real life but I got to experience in her story as “me”. This does not make me feel “needlessly alienated” as you so kindly put. because once again--empathy. 
It is important to TJ that reader is black because she has a certain story that she wishes to tell. So, as a reader, it’s important to me. 
Now, on the flip side, is it important to me that the reader is white? ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT. Because I know that I can throw a rock in the dark and hit a piece of media where the protagonist looks just like me. So, it is my job as a writer to keep my stories inclusive and my descriptions vague enough that anyone can enjoy them. It is also my job as a reader of fic to consume, reblog, and support writers of color who explicitly say their reader is not white.
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ringobean · 5 years ago
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Santa Bring me
It's December 24th, and I'm already late for my parents' traditional family Christmas meal! I feel that I'll still have to justify myself on my single life, they tried to put me in with all the possible young men around them, but none of them attracted me, my friends also tried to present guys, I signed up on dating websites, went to speed dating, but impossible to have a crush, I already had boyfriends but I never really managed to hang on.
In reality my heart is already taken since I was very little, I know you'll say like my family and my friends that I'm pathetic, but yes, I'm madly in love with Ringo Starr, yes yes, I speak of this Ringo Starr , the famous beatles drummer who's now 80 years old. He's my soulmate even if he don't know me! My family and friends keep laughing at me, but they can't understand... Each time they ask me ridiculous questions, like:
"Do you know that he's almost 80 years old now? Would you see yourself sleeping with an old man of that age?"
"oh, really? What a scoop I thought he still had 30 ... And yes, I can see myself sleeping with this old 80 year old man, he's even sexier and hotter than guys of my age."
"Why don't you go out with this guy who plays Howard Wolowitz in big bang theory? It's exactly the same!"
"it's a joke? No, nothing to do between him and my magnificent Ringo except the mop top and the eye colour, there is no resemblance ... My Ringo is more beautiful, charming, magnificent, sexy, hot .... "
And the list is never too long enough to describe him.
I arrive at my parents' place, the table is beautifully decorated, with beautiful dishes, it smells very good, we're gonna have a feast again, and eat to excess, and I'll have to spend my days at the gym to eliminate all the pounds caught with this food!
Now that we're no longer children, and that we no longer live with our parents, we give ourselves Christmas gifts before the meal, instead of the next morning, I bought some superb earrings, and a designer bag for my mother, and my father a nice watch, and a collector's book about "the who" as I know he's a big fan, and gifts for my brothers and sisters and their children, and i received my perfume that I love, beauty products, jewelry, a voucher for a relaxing massage in a spa, and the best gift of all, two places for Paul McCartney in gold square, the best seats in the concert hall, I jump from joy to happiness.
The meal is going well, we laugh, we joke, everything is very good, it was without counting my idiot brother who asked me the fateful question:
"So, still no boyfriend?"
I roll my eyes, and it was enough to launch my mother on the subject.
"really (y / n) it's not serious at your age to fantasize about an old guy, you should consider therapy, and see a good psychologist!"
"why a psychologist? I'm fine, have you seen a psychologist, when you were fan of Paul? Until now: oh what a handsome man!"
My father laughed, and she blushed.
"yes, but I was young and I still found a husband at least ... while you ..."
"Mom, please, I'll find, when I find! Can we talk about something else, please?"
"I'm worried about you, that's all, we're in 2019, not in the 60's you have to live with your time"
"oh well yes that's the real problem actually! I wasn't born at the right time"
"Because you think he would have spotted you among the crowd of hysterical girls?"
They all laughed looking  at me!
"why not! it's not impossible"
They laughed again!When I told you they didn't understand anything!
The meal resumed its course, and it was time to go home, I said goodbye to my parents:
"will you be with your friends for the new year?"
"I think yes"
"So see you in the next decade, in 2020, hoping that you'll present your fiancé to us this time"
"yes, yeah, see you in 2020, i'll call you"
I came home to my little apartment, it wasn't very big, but it was very comfortable and decorated as I liked, even if I was no longer a child and I lived alone, I always loved the magic of Christmas and I bought my Christmas tree that I decorated! I went to bed, exhausted from this overly generous meal! I was sad because Santa Claus had forgotten me again this year, I started listening to the song "santa bring me Ringo" and I started to sing the lyrics "i wanna hold his hand ..."
and I fell asleep before I even finished listening to the song.
The next morning, I woke up quietly going into the living room, there was a huge gift package even taller than me, with small holes on the sides, next to the Christmas tree.
"uh what is this thing, and who came home while I was sleeping"
I saw a letter at the bottom of the package.
"As you were a nice girl this year, here is the gift that you asked me for so long, I took a long time to bring it to you, but it's perfect!
Signed... S.C "
SC .. but who is this SC and what's this package?  I try to look in the holes to see if I see something and nothing it's too dark to see what is hidden in this huge package, then i open it and there... I really thought I was going to pass out or have a heart attack ...
Ringo in the flesh, in his sexy swimsuit from Miami in 1964, you know what I'm talking about for the fan girls who read me ... yes yes, that swimsuit,  I'm gonna describe him to you so that you have the image in mind, these little blue swimming short matching with his big beautiful ocean blue eyes, revealing magnificent toned tanned thighs, sweet little round bum, a small open white bathing shirt on his glabrous tanned chest, arms slightly muscular, and his hair ... fluffy and sticks out from the nape of his neck, slightly brightened by the sun, his beautiful luscious lips, and that perfect aquiline nose ...
I stood there before him speechless without being able to get a word out of my mouth! He gave me a big smile and said to me!
"Hello, I'm your Christmas present"
"er, no it's not possible I dream, who made this joke for me? And who hired such a perfect look-alike!"
He looked at me astonished, blinking his big blue eyes.
"I'm not a look-alike, I am a limited edition, only created for you"
"But it's not possible, you're an old man now, how can you be this .. this ... this oh my god, I don't have enough words to describe what I am seeing right now .. "
It was December, and it was hotter than August in my living room all of a sudden! I was fanning myself with the SC letter .. Ah but yes, S.C is Santa Claus ... Oh my God, all these years that every Christmas, I ask him to bring me Ringo ... and finally he brought me my present!
"So, I'm not dreaming, you're really there and you're not going to disappear?"
I squeezed slightly his arm, to make sure I didn't dream.
"yes, I'm real and I'll not disappear, I'm your gift..."
"And what am I going to say to people, nobody will believe me when they see you with me"
"you'll just have to invent a name for me, and say that I'm a perfect look-alike"
"oh yeah really perfect, you're more than perfect, yes, it's a good idea, even if I have no idea what I'm going to call you ..." Richie Parkin " (or the name you want) you like it?
He smiles at me and tells me
"if you like it, it's fine for me, I'm your gift, so you can do what you want with me ..."
"really all I want?"
"yes, by the way, you don't want to enjoy your gift now?"
"oh yeah, I'm gonna really enjoy it"
He picked me up bridal-style to carry me to my bed...
Well, I'm not gonna describe what happened next, too much adult content, I can just tell you that the package in the little blue shorts was as huge as in my imagination, and that he made me scream so much, that Santa Claus must have heard me thank him in the depths of the North Pole.
Long live the magic and miracles of Christmas.
Merry Christmas to everyone!
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punkscowardschampions · 5 years ago
Liam & Edie
Liam: [okay so wrong number text which isn't actually we know, which is just the location of some illegal rave moment that she'll wanna go to] Edie: treasure? ❌🗺 Liam: wooden leg would be useful to hide all the treasure we're bringing in Edie: Gutted I don't know anyone who's ever had an abscess go full necrotic ☠ Edie: and who wants to cart around a treasure chest Liam: don't wanna do your share of the heavy lifting, big surprise Edie: is it? Liam: outgrow this pussy behaviour before tonight as a favour to me Liam: I don't wanna cart that much dead weight about Edie: As I remember it, you owe me though Liam: your memory's in the 🚽 Liam: I owe nobody nothing Edie: yours is selective Edie: can't even get 11 digits down Liam: a barcode's got 12 & I told you it's your business if you wanna walk round inked like you've only lived that many years that's your lookout Liam: not holding your hand Edie: even more gutted, no doubt Edie: 💔 Liam: if you won't be talked out of it, put it on your balls where no-one'll see it Edie: Will you think I'm tough then? Liam: what kind of gay shit is this? Edie: 😂 Edie: go easy on your mate Edie: you got the wrong number Liam: fucked the 11 digits Liam: that's what you were trying to say Edie: mhmm Edie: that's what I said Edie: but a barcode tattoo is a shit idea Edie: agreed Liam: sick of being the voice of reason around here Edie: I find it's more entertaining to let people make the bad decisions, personally Liam: would be jokes until I look a sad twat by association Liam: wants it on his head Edie: 🙄 what's it gonna say, product of the system? Edie: pretty sure a serial killer has already done that Edie: or some shit rapper Liam: he is a shit rapper Liam: [link] Edie: oh Edie: I know him Liam: serious? Edie: by association Edie: I'm a less shit musician in general, not that that's any brag Liam: can I get a listen or you're just here to promo to set me off on a ❌🗺 as payback? Edie: depends Edie: who's heading the rave you linked? Liam: [deets] Edie: alright Edie: you're not 12 like your pal Edie: [links him her music] Edie: [definitely pictures and videos along with, as if you don't know who she is but pretending you don't lol] Liam: come tonight instead of him Edie: talking to strangers is one thing, boy Liam: you leave the bad decisions to everyone else Liam: don't sound as entertaining as it could be Edie: I meant for your safety Edie: could be anyone Liam: be full of nobodys and anyones when we get there Liam: I'm still gonna go Edie: what makes you stand out? Edie: as you ❌ the barcode Liam: when I track you down, I'll listen to your opinion about me Liam: I'm bragging before then Edie: 🤞 we can't hear much of anything over the bass Edie: not that you're intriguing enough to show up for Edie: but the invite is sound Liam: you'll still know what I think, never had an issue with body language over bass Edie: I think I can guess already Liam: 👌 guess Edie: don't take a mind reader Edie: body language and 💭 are one in the same Liam: it don't take a mind reader when you know you're beautiful and talented Edie: ha leave it out Liam: 🧯 Edie: less of that as well Edie: not a wet blanket Liam: 🧨 Edie: that I like Liam: buying 🎇🎆 if you have any requests Edie: [all the party drugs not in code 'cos we're not bothered] Liam: 👾 Edie: NOW I look forward to 👀 you Liam: guessed it Edie: what gave it away? Liam: the vids you linked me to Edie: that's your review? Edie: at least give me some ⭐s Liam: 3.5 Edie: 👌 Liam: I'll give you another 1/2 when the anti barcode tat song drops Edie: what about the other whole? Liam: get him on the track Edie: 😂 Edie: you're on Liam: 👌 Edie: thank god for the edit Liam: & that only you're allowed to freestyle it rule we just invented Edie: good thing I'm more talented than even you are demanding Liam: I'd agree but you've heard it once & you weren't a fan Edie: you can agree when you see it in person Edie: I don't do this online fake shit Liam: I'll have my turn at looking forward to 👀 you Liam: more than down to Edie: good luck Edie: I can't find any cars with spare seats, so it's gonna be a crowd clearly Liam: yours is in if you want his Edie: how will I get my freestyle if he can't catch a ride? 🤔 Liam: shit like that is what earns you the rest of the ⭐s Liam: talent's not just Liam: 🎤🎧 Edie: yeah, I'm well kind and considerate Edie: known for it Liam: good thing I am Liam: [pic of all the drugs he has picked up] Edie: 🤪 Liam: got a 🐷 mask to fit in post raid, can stick it on early if 🥴 isn't doing anything for you Edie: 💡⭐ Edie: if you can't hang with your gurn we can't hang, like Liam: [a gorgeous gurning pic from a previous rave moment] Edie: fit Liam: ha ha ha Edie: don't act like you don't know Liam: I do 👌 out of my mugshots Edie: convince him to get that tatted instead Liam: too gay Edie: alright I'll do it Liam: before or after you take his seat Edie: if you tell me your name I'll save you a spot to earn mine Liam: Liam Edie: alright, Liam, thanks for not having a long and hard to spell name Edie: give me 🖐 Liam: you can have 3.5 again Edie: [purposely leaving it a full five before coming back with his name stick n poked and then a shoddy box for the mugshot portrait to go in] Edie: tada Liam: 👏 Liam: I didn't think you would Edie: if I say I'll do something, I will Edie: why not Edie: loads of Liam's in this town Liam: don't act like it's a standard trick to pull Liam: he's been oohing & ahhing for months over identifying as frozen peas when his face gets scanned Edie: it's a win-win for me, no need to think on it Edie: either you end up being sound, then it's a memory attached, or I get a cool story about getting a tattoo of a mugshot to get a lift to a rave to tell my grandkids Liam: I wanted you to sit next to me 5 mins ago, I can be impressed, can't I? Edie: I accept impressed Edie: and 👏 of course Liam: what did it feel like? Edie: it's somewhere between a scratch and a burning sensation Edie: but deeper Liam: you'll have to do me Liam: I like the sales pitch Edie: what do you want? Liam: what can you do? Edie: on you, a lot better than I can myself Edie: anything you want, I'll make it happen Liam: thanks for accepting impressive Edie: I intend to be so I can Edie: not here to disappoint Liam: I only was willing to be when I thought I was talking to that little bitch boy Edie: no gay shit Liam: unless you like one of the girls in the car Edie: ha Edie: we'll 👀 obviously Edie: where you starting out, anyway, and when Liam: [a time and place, I like to imagine it's a longish drive to give them time to #bond UGH] Edie: [and usually is to go to a middle of nowhere moment so agreed[ Edie: I'll be there Liam: would make me laugh if you don't show now Liam: longest chat I've had for ages Edie: even if I missed you 🚗 I've hitched before Edie: and it's been ages since I've been to a decent party so Liam: my pic could've fooled you but that last one was shit Liam: got a better feeling this time Edie: I feel you Edie: 💊🥤 just makes it tolerable Edie: down to 👀 yeah? Liam: Yeah Edie: better go find my glitter and gemstones out ✌ Liam: I feel you, will take me a while to paint my 💪 UV Liam: not got as steady a hand as you Edie: damn, that was almost impressive Liam: I'll work on it Edie: your steady hand or your bragging about your 💪? Liam: which one's letting me down the most? Edie: 🤔 Edie: you don't need to tattoo me yourself Edie: you are good looking enough you could get away with being cockier, go with that Liam: 👌 but now you've made me wanna tattoo you myself Edie: maybe Edie: if you think of a good idea, we'll overlook the shaky lines Liam: I'll try & think of an idea where wavy lines are part of it Edie: smart Edie: I like it Liam: 🌊 or something Liam: but less shit Liam: 📻 ones maybe Edie: you have any? Edie: professional ones, like Edie: you asked what stick n poke felt like so obviously not Liam: spend my money as fast as I have it Liam: what are you gonna charge me? Edie: what else are you gonna do with it though Edie: see how nice or poor I'm feeling Liam: I won't let the 💊🥤 run out, you'll feel a lot better than nice Edie: deal 🤩 Liam: be me blinded by your glitter & gems Edie: not actually my first rave Edie: but I can raid my little sister's shit if that's part of the deal Liam: see you in a 👑 will I? Edie: that's just standard day to day tbh 🤷 Liam: how many raves have you done? Edie: I've tried not to be in at the weekend since I was like 12 myself so Edie: enough that I know there's nothing fun or attractive about freezing your tits off in a neon bikini in a field Edie: what about you, you're [the year he'd be in which is either 2nd to last or last, either way], right? Liam: hasty to go with unattractive Liam: but yep, you're not wrong Edie: 😏 Edie: I get it, you wanna match 💪 Liam: no gay shit, your own words Liam: I didn't go to my first one until I was like 15, still not impressing anyone here Edie: me either Edie: middle child syndrome or whatever Liam: trade you oldest and only son if you want it Edie: Attention is grand and all but too much parental attention isn't what I'm aiming for Liam: can't offer you it Liam: my parents attention is elsewhere Edie: yours still together? Liam: nah Edie: oh good Edie: wouldn't know what to do with a dad Liam: not lots you can do with mine Edie: might be stuck being ourselves for the foreseeable anyway Edie: not a convincing freaky friday/parent trap situation you and me Liam: shame I won't get to 🎸 & lay down a track with your talent Edie: just buzzin' off all the things I could lift obviously 💪 Liam: this where I get cocky like you said? Liam: go on about how much I can Edie: you could Edie: but I'm clearly impressed before you need to use that tactic Liam: it's too desperate Liam: we both know I can pick you up if you get stuck in the mud later on Edie: we both know it's every man for himself when the 🐷 show Liam: I got you a mask Liam: yours has lipstick and more eyelashes, so we know Edie: thank god Edie: fragile femininity anyone? Liam: prefer toxic masculinity Edie: same Liam: 👍 Edie: if the daddy issues weren't glaring the 👑 will make 'em blinding Liam: we can pretend that since you're with me no-one'll be looking at you if you want Edie: the freedom Liam: I'll give you 🛢🧨 to play with Liam: 🔥 will take the attention Edie: really? Liam: 🎇🎆 wasn't only a code Liam: I do have some Edie: 🤩 no joke Edie: I wanna blow shit up Liam: that's all I ever wanna do Edie: yeah Edie: feel that too Liam: if you can capture 🔥 in a tat that'd be something worth considering Liam: not in a gay way like 🎲💀♠ Edie: that's overplayed, and doesn't mean anything Edie: I'll do some designs, providing I make it home alive Liam: supposed to see my dad tomorrow for the first time in months, don't think I'll rush back Edie: 🛢🧨🎇🎆 why would you Liam: don't feel you have to either, unless you're catfishing me Edie: I'd pick someone else if I was Edie: and you accidentally texted me Liam: I'm into the someone I accidentally texted, full fucking offense to whoever you wanna pick Edie: then I'll stick around too Edie: nothing I'm rushing back for Liam: it's in writing I'm not kidnapping you Liam: have to do a mugshot monday instead or something Edie: feel free Edie: I can't see that I'd mind Liam: being kidnapped or sharing a cell? Edie: hmm Edie: both Edie: though the involvement of bars to keep me about is unnecessary really Liam: does hitchiking only work if you're a girl with killer eyes? asking for myself before we torch the car Edie: as you're toxically masculine, most people'd be afraid to stop for you alone but as we're together, you should be safe and not an axe murderer Edie: unless I'm pulling a Hindley Liam: when we go for that we'll think it through more Liam: 🐶 or 👶 on board Edie: I can borrow one Edie: 👶 more likely Edie: people don't like cats enough Liam: I'll get over a fence to grab us a dog Edie: in one step, like Liam: depending on the fence Edie: sure, don't wanna oversell it Liam: you don't want no online fake shit Edie: just telling you so you know Edie: not the same Liam: thanks for telling me Edie: yeah alright Edie: didn't lecture you did I Liam: nah you didn't Edie: there we go then Liam: [quotes some of her own lyrics at her that he likes because genuinely listening to these tracks] Liam: you could sell that harder Edie: I'll work it out in my freestyle Liam: 🛢🧨 Edie: 🔥 Liam: 🎇🎆 Edie: 🤩 Liam: let's see your glitter Edie: checking it's not a catfish? Liam: can't show you mine first, too cocky behaviour Edie: [a rave lewk when we've clearly done the most to do the least you know the vibe] Liam: [I like to think he's written her name in body paint wherever she put her stick n poke so have a pic of that gal] Edie: 👍 Edie: approved Liam: what do you want your i dotted with? Liam: about as artistic as you'll get me to be Edie: ⭐ Edie: has to be Liam: [an adorable little star has been added so have another pic] Edie: perfect Liam: thanks for having a name that's short and easy to spell yourself Edie: oh yeah, snap Liam: except I haven't met another one of yours Edie: maybe an 👵 Liam: prefer a silent snatch & grab Edie: 😂 Edie: alright, then I can be the one and only Liam: do you wanna guess what I think about it? Edie: I have Edie: be too cocky to say Liam: I'll do it then, you said I can get away with more of it Liam: I think it'd be good if you were Edie: let's see if you're right Liam: feels like I am but yeah we'll 👀 Edie: it is weird Edie: how you randomly found my number instead Edie: how many # were you out by? Liam: you'll have his if you didn't before Liam: last number Edie: crazy Edie: another good story Liam: should've been a 6 but I did a 9 Edie: 🤪 love that Liam: I'll lose my phone again if you're what I find Edie: I'll save your number then Edie: or add it to the tat Liam: since you love how it feels Edie: and I'm no less liable to lose my phone, so Edie: the pain is just a bonus Liam: I can add it as fuel to the 🔥 any time you'd like an excuse to cross my number out & go again Edie: I won't run out of ideas either way Liam: what about space? Edie: not anytime soon Edie: I'll have to go back to biro and keep it less permanent after that Liam: leave it on the bodies of our victims like the shittiest calling card for the 🐷 Liam: call me Edie: ooh Edie: we could get really zodiac with that though Edie: only murder people on days ending in 9 Liam: I like it Edie: I'll go solo if you piss me off and do it on 6 days Liam: I'll start staging them like they've starred in your vids to get your forgiveness Liam: attention to detail for attention from you Edie: we can communicate through corpses Edie: that's new, no one's done that before Liam: when I keep the 👀 as a 🏆 you'll know I wanna see you Edie: romantic, aren't you Liam: toxic like my masculinity Edie: good Liam: ☢️ better than a barcode but not by a lot Edie: I could do you a Chernobyl victim tat Edie: get the toxic and the 🔥 in a really untasteful onner Liam: 👌 you're beautiful, talented & smart Liam: don't give me any flaws to pick at then Edie: I did say untasteful instead of distasteful, if you wanna be pedantic and take away smart so you can save some toxic masculinity points Edie: one-ner, also, doesn't translate to typing Liam: when it took you pointing it out, I don't think I can take anything away from you Edie: you can try Edie: again, like kidnapping, might not mind Liam: I can't help thinking it'd be better to give you things Edie: 🎇🎆🛢🧨? Liam: all that Liam: ⭐🐶👶 Liam: & anything else I've not remembered Edie: we can keep the puppy right Liam: what else would we do with it? Edie: just letting you know I draw the line at puppy killing Edie: get that out of the way now Liam: me too Liam: never microwaved any 🐹 or thrown them at the wall Edie: imagine how big you look to 🐹 Liam: 🏙🦖 Edie: definitely made that 📹 as a kid Liam: I'll be in the remake next time you're stuck for a vid idea Liam: if you still have it, we'll kick it frame for frame Edie: you'd be perfect for my next project Liam: sign me up Edie: [tat pic again like I already did] Liam: what else have you got? Edie: [just a comprehensive pic rundown of your tats that are all just silly ones you've done on the whole hope you've not got them anywhere too scandalous but realistically gonna need to be able to hide them when school so it's probably mostly legs at and like, upper arm and ribs/hip vibes] Liam: 😍 Edie: I'll tell you all the stories later when we're smashed Liam: no awkward silences in the car Liam: great idea Edie: not if the other girls are hot Liam: there's one I think you'd like Liam: you'll have to tell me if I'm wrong Edie: I'll flash a 6 or a 9 and you'll know Liam: she can be our first victim either way Edie: 😈 Liam: 🚗🔥 Liam: 🔐 Edie: 😍 Edie: you win Liam: how do you feel about playing games? Liam: 6 or 9 Edie: 9 Liam: same Edie: I know Liam: yeah, you're smart, I gave you that Edie: how smart is it that I wanna play with you? Liam: I'd call it a good decision, which maybe isn't smart if you only like bad ones Edie: I just like doing what I want Edie: good or bad is mostly irrelevant Liam: so do what you want Edie: you to be here now Liam: direct me 🗺❌ Edie: [at least you've had the good sense to be in town not at yours] Liam: [lord imagine] Edie: [like sure Rio ain't about but still don't need to be inviting you in quite yet lol] Liam: [her room is still there and no thank you hun] Edie: [not today huns, we can either skip to post rave now or post this as is?]
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soft-baby-dobrik · 6 years ago
sucker // david dobrik
a/n: okay so this was a request and i have never done an imagine like this BUT IMA GIVE IT A SHOT AND HOPE IT TURNS OUT GOOD AND WHAT THE ANON WANTED!!!! also the idea is actually SO CUTE I LOVE
REQUEST: Can you make one with David in it where it’s inspired by the new Jonas Brothers song “Sucker”?
summary: david is whipped for you and everyone jokes him for it, but he isn’t ashamed.
requests are open
follow my instagram (david page) <3
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David had done everything in his power at all times to treat you like a princess and make you feel wanted always. Anything you needed or wanted, he would do everything he could to give it to you or get it for you. The fact you never took advantage of this was what made him love you even more. Everyone saw this and knew he was head over heels for you. Some would say blinded by his love, but no one described it that way because you were the most caring and loving girlfriend to him. Truth of the matter was, he loved spoiling you. If you needed anything, even the dumbest thing, David was there as soon as he could be with it. As much as everyone thought it was adorable, they had to joke him for it, it’s the Youtuber way.
So many comments and jokes were made, all varying in degree. David would just laugh it off always, or roll his eyes. Being his girlfriend, you saw all the footage of the boys teasing him and joking him about how whipped he was for you. He never denied it, because he knew he was. There was no question that he would go to the ends of the Earth for you.
We go together
Better than birds of a feather, you and me
We change the weather, yeah
I'm feeling heat in December when you're 'round me
With you, it was so easy. Everything came easy. The smiles, the laughs, the happiness, the love all came without effort. From the day he met you, he knew he wanted you, and you felt the same way. It was so easy and natural with him and you both clicked instantly. The whole group tried to set you two up, and before you knew it, David took you on a sort of date and next thing you knew, he kissed you outside of the restaurant. It was a spur of the moment because he saw you laugh loudly and you both stopped for a moment and he was so close to you. If he overthought it, he would have chickened out so he did it with no thought. Both of you were shocked, but you kissed him back immediately. That was just the beginning.
I've been dancing on top of cars and stumbling out of bars
I follow you through the dark, can't get enough
You're the medicine and the pain, the tattoo inside my brain
And, baby, you know it's obvious
No one had to tell you David cared about you. He made it known every moment of everyday. Whether it was through his sweet words or actions, he showed that he loved you. In his eyes, you were the most important thing and his number one priority. When you came into the friend group, David’s heart was mending. He told you multiple times and made multiple jokes on how he was never going to find love and questions if it existed. You were the one that sat by his side through it and made him laugh. His heart would beat out of his chest in your prescience and yours did the same. Both of your feelings were obvious for one another. Unintentionally, he began to fall for you. At first he did not even notice it, and before he knew it, he would have to bite on his bottom lip to stop his urge to kiss you. You had saved him from keeping his heart off limits. You showed him that love is real and that he could be loved and cared for.
I'm a sucker for you
You say the word and I'll go anywhere blindly
I'm a sucker for you, yeah
Any road you take, you know that you'll find me
I am a sucker for all the subliminal things
No one knows about you (About you), about you (About you)
And you're making the typical me break my typical rules
It's true, I'm a sucker for you, yeah
David was a complete sucker for you. Every part of you made him weak and he could not control himself around you. His heart was off limits and the second you came in and you began to mend it, he broke his rule of staying out of a relationship. From the beginning, he wanted to know everything about you, the good, the bad, and the hurt. He listened to your own fears and made sure to diminish any worry you had, just like you did for him. It was his job to make you feel happy and treat you like the princess you were. Many guys had ruined you and your own heart before David met you, and he made it his job to fix that.
He had done everything he could to make you happy and comfortable in your relationship together, you knew that. How determined he was to make you happy constantly was what made you love him.
Today was like any other day with you lounging around at David’s house. Natalie was there and so were a couple others. You had taken a nap and did not know people were coming over, so when you walked out in one of David’s oversized sweaters, you padded down the hallway. There he sat on the couch with a blanket covering his lap with Zane and Todd on the couches. Your cheeks flushed since you did not have pants on, but you were not aware of company. David’s smile shown beautifully as he saw you.
“Hi, beautiful,” he said as you hurried over to sit next to him. Instinctively, he wrapped his arms around you to pull you close to him after you got under the blanket. There was a slight chill in the house, making you shiver.
“Hi,” you mumbled, cuddling into his warm chest, still slightly sleepy.
“Are you cold? Do you want me to get another blanket?” he asked, worriedly. Todd and Zane snickered at him.
“Or some tea to warm you? Or maybe I’ll buy you a $1000 gucci heated blanket!” Zane joked, making David roll his eyes with a smile and you giggle.
“Dude, you’re so fucking whipped,” Todd laughed, looking over to him. “I bet if she even mentioned liking another car you’d buy it for her right now.” You laughed a little since a situation similar to this had happened, making you smile at your sweet boyfriend. With the thought in mind, you pressed a small kiss to his cheek, making him return the smile.
“You’re right. I would do just about anything for y/n,” David responded, confidently.
“Bro you are so pussy whipped it is actually kind of sad,” Todd laughed, a somewhat joking tone in his words. David’s normal demeanor changed. What usually would be a witty remark with a laugh, was now a tense silence.
“You know you guys kinda give me shit for this all the time,” David said, annoyed. “And I don’t know why. She is my girlfriend. She is the best to me and there’s nothing wrong with wanting to spoil her and make her happy,” David continued, as you traced patterns on the back of his hand, awkwardly.
“We’re not saying it’s bad. You just do anything she wants, like without her asking for things,” Zane laughed. Clearly, both him and Todd were teasing him about being whipped for you, like it was less manly of David.
“You do realize that, I don’t ask for him to do it, but it shows that he’s thoughtful and cares. He listens to me when i talk about stupid things and next thing I know he is surprising me with it. That’s not what it’s all about, but it is beyond sweet and very fucking attractive that he cares like this,” you said, sweetly. All of them knew you had no cruel intentions and nobody was offended.
“Look, I know I’m whipped as fuck for y/n, but I fucking love it,” David beamed. “You guys don’t get it. When I do something, even something small and stupid to you guys, she gets all smiley and happy and it makes me happy. And the sex is even better when she’s happy,” David smiled, cheekily at the end.
“David!” you exclaimed, laughing a little. His head ducked down to press a kiss to your forehead. Zane and Todd laughed loudly.
“You’re such a pussy,” Todd laughed, directing it to David.
“Maybe I am, but guess who’s getting more pussy than you,” David shot back, pulling you into his lap. Zane and you both laughed as Todd mocked being offended. “Joke me all you want, but I’m not about to stop spoiling her because you guys think I’m over the top. I mean, look at her, who wouldn’t wanna spoil her like the princess she is,” he continued and you shook your head.
“Maybe we’re all just depressed and lonely,” Zane jokingly spoke. Every one chuckled as you laid your head in the crook of his neck.
“Or maybe you guys are just sickeningly cute together,” Todd shrugged, making you grin.
“I mean, have you seen David? He’s beyond cute,” you giggled. Todd made a disgusted noise before everything settled down and they continued to watch the movie. David had his arms around you, lazily.
His head bent down to whisper, “I am whipped as fuck for you and proud of it.”
“I am crazily in love with you and proud of it,” you whispered back as he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“And also you in my sweater right now is hot as fuck,” he added, leaning to press a soft kiss to your neck. You bit back a smile as you leaned into him to watch the movie, but really you were just watching David.
a/n: so like idk exactly what this is and i’m sorry??? i feel like i failed but it’s cool it’s fine. and i typed this on my phone bc i started it and tumblr wouldn’t let me edit it on my computer, only on my mobile app so rip.
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