#NO BUT REALLY when my mom introduced me to the game when I was younger i was like oh wow how cool!
seepingfrommyskin · 4 months
i really like how looking at kefkas design (in both the game and in the concept art) at first glance it's like oh! what a cool fun guy! and then you play the game and you're like oh okay so he's genuinely the worst
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birdiewriteslit · 7 months
. “there’s nothing to worry about! my family will love you.” with jack!
and maybe jack has never really brought anyone serious to introduce to his whole family but she doesn’t know that… but hsi whole family can quickly see how much jack loves her
“meeting the family”
jack hughes x f!reader
birdie’s 300 celly
i LOVE this and this is kinda short so lmk if you want a part 2!
Jack would never admit it to you, but he was a little nervous for you to meet his family, especially all of them all at once.
“Bring your girlfriend to the wedding,” they said. “We promise we won’t embarrass you,” they said.
He knew his brothers would intentionally embarrass him in front of you, and even though the others wouldn’t make that effort, he still had never brought a girl to anything like this before, especially not one that he liked so much, and he had no idea how they would react.
It was Jack’s cousin’s wedding, one that he wasn’t particularly close with, but was still related enough to be at the rehearsal dinner.
Jack sat beside you, his leg bobbing nervously under the table. You placed a soothing hand on his thigh as you made easy conversation with Luke.
You met his parents and brothers earlier, and you hit it off easily with them. His parents had already told him how much they loved you. You got along great with Luke and Quinn, but they weren’t the relatives he was worried about anyways.
“So, Jack, that fall you took on the ice last week, pretty brutal. What’d you think of that, Y/n?” asked one of Jack’s younger cousins mischievously.
“What fall?” you asked, glancing at Jack in confusion.
“Oh, you didn’t see it?” he grinned. “He was skating a little too fast, and I guess he just lost his balance.”
“You can barely skate, Johnnie. Call me when you get off that bench,” Jack combated.
You ignored him, stifling a laugh. “Jack, when did that happen?”
Jack sighed. “At the Rangers game you couldn’t make it to.”
“Well, I bet you were glad I didn’t see that.”
“I was,” Jack said, glaring at his cousin who just smiled innocently.
Luke snorted into the beer he was trying to steal from Quinn, who was distracted talking to a bridesmaid.
“Give that to me, you’re not legal,” said Ellen, grabbing the bottle from Luke and setting it back down in front Quinn before taking a seat beside Luke. “And be nice to your brother.”
“Sorry, mom,” Luke mumbled.
Jack took your hand from his thigh and interlocked your fingers under the table. He watched you as you conversed with his mother, and how easily you made his brother laugh.
Your eyes were bright and your smile was big. He’d never thought you looked so beautiful. He ran his thumb over your ring finger and smiled to himself. He knew it was too early and he was too young to be thinking about marriage, but in a setting like this, it was kind of hard not to.
When he looked up, tuning back into the conversation, he saw the look on his mother’s face and knew she had him all figured out.
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olivianyx · 6 months
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Heyy all! I've been focusing on my senior professional medical year and it has been stressful. So here are some things I manifested effortlessly and a few things without me thinking about it. Long ass post ahead! ⚠️⚠️
1. Getting more pocket money than usual. Like my parents usually transact in my account like a $80 or $100 AUD per month. But in both feb and march this year, they transacted me $500 and $700 AUD! Plus! I occasionally find $10 or $50 cash in my classroom or on the streets sometimes (and they come lie next to my feet 😭) I'd ask everyone in my class if it's theirs, and they say no. What do y'all expect me to do? Like go and give it to the university management?? 😭 hell no, so i kept it lol.
3. My crush giving me hints that she's obsessed with me 😭 like she literally told me 'you're so sweet and caring, I've never met a person like this after my grandma' cus her grandma passed away recently and she was so depressed. She even had an eye infection, so she stopped coming to the uni. So i had to make sure she's alright, and met her everyday cus she needed someone real bad. Like she needed to talk to someone and get that thing bothering her outta her head. I was there all along whatever she was going through (don't come at me y'all, ik if we help someone they would say all these things but she's my crush lol so) She's also getting real close to me, like she tells me how annoying people are lol. She loves skin ship, physical touch, being clingy around me, and complimenting me 😭😭 so these are the hints 😭 like friends wouldn't do that right? Would they?? (My friends diss me right in front of everyone 😶)
4. I've always been the type to care too much for the silliest things, nowadays I don't really put my energy into it and become all anxious. My anxiety levels have completely gone down like I'm literally cool asf?? Even while being in public?? Literally yess
5. Manifested getting my hair coloured next week! and my mom permitted me! For my cousin's engagement in april, I wanna be there like the hot younger sister I am lol. I just wanna make my relatives and their kids jealous cus they made fun of me when I was younger (my younger self has been dreaming for this moment) so why not a revenge glow up?? 😭
6. Losing weight even though I eat like a pig due to my study stress. Like literally I ate a 5 course meal one day and lost 2 kgs the next day? (cus I randomly checked my weight for 2 days cus I had to submit my height and weight to the university student records)
7. Getting a natural blush on my face! Like it's such a game changer, I look like a movie star y'all 😭✋🏻
8. My teachers complimenting me for my discipline and high scores. As yk uni professors don't even give af bout students and they complimented me??
9. Getting into a new friend group! My old one was too toxic and they would always bully me (verbally) my new friend group is literally soo damn enjoyable! Like they're the cool kids of the year 😭 and now I'm one too!
10. As I mentioned in my older post that I'm moving into an apartment. We moved in and it was too difficult for me to sleep as the place was new and also there we're disturbances in the night time like stomping noises or playing loud music at night. So the neighbors there were too sweet that they introduced and comforted us that it's okay and if something's bothering us they'll take care of it. And they literally made the people who we're causing those disturbances to vacate out 😭😭✋🏻
11. My hair getting shinier! It was brittle before as I was severely anemic, now my baby hair is back and it's shining ✨
12. I overheard my parents conversing that they should make me audition for an entertainment company....like what? 😭😭✋🏻 when I asked them once years back they denied giving me a 4 hour lecture and now they wanna make me audition?? Like literally 😭 y'all watch me at the Grammy's (after 5 years lol)
13. Getting into the void on command or intention.
14. I literally get free foods everywhere I go 😭😭
15. I got free gifts from my uncle who's living in France! He works at a fashion company and he sent me perfumes and a few outfits (I can't reveal it I'm sorry)
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I've decided to respawn to my waiting next month. I'm still scripting how my waiting room should be... So it might take time for me. So till then I'm gonna be strengthening my self concept even more, and also getting more and more excited to be in my waiting room! I want my waiting room to be like a more like a sci fi movie and a princess fairytale combined 😭 (ik I'm weird). Like I just want my favorite anime characters to be there to help me script my DR ✋🏻 So I'm kinda in a more excited mode lately to script my waiting room! Will give you updates on how my waiting room will be in a future post! So until then take care, love you, byeeee byeeee!
- olivia 🤍
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aothotties · 7 months
Mommy Chaser
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Part 1 is finally here! It's not much more than the preview but I've already started on part 2!
Warnings: None
Word Count: 623 
You and Eren met at a Jean’s birthday party and he swears that’s when he fell in love. He repeatedly asked Jean to introduce you to him, to which he said no each time.
“Why not?!? You’re married so what does it matter anyway?” He complains and crosses his arms angrily.
Jean scoffs and Mikasa comes up next to him with a smile on her face.
“She’s a single mom, Eren. She’s already been through enough heartbreak and she’s not looking for something temporary.” She explains and his face softens.
He looks past Jean and watches as you talk to Sasha, and smiles at the cute face you make when you laugh.
“So what? Maybe I’m ready for something long term. Come on Jean do this one thing for me” Jean looks over at Eren with a raised eyebrow.
“Eren Yeager, are you begging?” He smirks as he teases the blushing man next to him.
“Jean, you're so mean sometimes. Eren, if we introduce you to her you’ve got to promise to be gentle with her. And don’t waste her time if you’re not feeling it anymore.” She tells him while poking his chest.
Eren nervously swallows his drink and just nods in response.
“I love her so much” Jean mumbles under his breath as he watches the two of them make their way to you.
“Y/N, this is ‘the’ Eren we’ve told you about.” Mikasa steps to the side as you shake hands with the tall brunette.
“It’s nice to meet you, Eren. I've heard a lot about you.” You smile up at him and he feels his heart speed up immediately after.
“I’m hoping it was all good things, but knowing Jean probably not.” He says and you laugh in return.
“It’s all good things, I promise. He actually speaks very highly of you at times.” You tell him and he can’t help but laugh.
“I’m sorry, Jean and I can be ‘playful’ at times.” He says before sipping from his cup.
The rest of the night is spent with you two getting to know each other, at some point the music gets too loud so you two decide to finish talking in his car.
“So not to be in your business, but I heard you’ve got a kid?” He looks at you nervously trying to make sure he didn’t overstep a boundary.
“I do, he’s turning 4 in a few months actually. He’s my best friend.” You gush as you show him photos of the both of you.
“He’s handsome, you clearly do a great job at raising him” He compliments you and you and you smile fondly in return.
There’s a silence that washes over the two of you, but the thoughts inside Eren’s head are screaming.
“Hey uh, I hope this isn’t too straightforward, but do you think that maybe we could go out some time?” He looks at you and you grab his hand in return.
“Eren, you’re really lovely and I can tell you’re a great guy, but-” His heart steadily drops, but he’s not giving up this easily.
“Wait! Please, Jean and Mikasa told me you’re not interested in flings. I want us to be more than just that. I’m not getting any younger, and you seem like such an amazing woman. Will you please give me just one date with you.” He blurts out and you just stare in shock at his outburst.
“You know what, you’ve got yourself a deal. If it goes well you can take me on another dte and we’ll see what happens.” You hold up a hand for him to shake and he kisses the back of it instead.
“Then let the games begin darling.”
@sinsensual1 @lily-sinclair-2006
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p1hypen · 7 months
y(ours) — P1HARMONY!maknae line
a continuation of what it’s like dating the younger one’s and their familiarity with your personal belongings. ft. non-idol!p1h maknae line x gn!reader
a/n: this is my attempt at easing back into writing, apologize if it’s super rough :(
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your vinyl record.
it was gifted to you on christmas about two years ago. you’ve always dwelled on wanting one of your own, but never had the balls to go out of your way to purchase one because they could get pretty pricey. a lot of your extensive research and effort you spent scouring the internet to find the perfect vinyl record you’d like pointed to signs of something completely out of your budget. well, not completely, but unrealistically obtainable with the numbers you’ve been receiving paycheck-to-paycheck from your job.
so, each time that the holidays were around the corner, and whenever your mother would ask for your christmas wishlist, you’d throw in several other items you’d like but never included the idea of wanting a vinyl record. that secret desire of yours was something you kept to yourself, something you never brought up in conversation, nor was it something you’d expect to receive unless it was coming out of your pockets.
lo and behold, on the morning of a wintery cold december 25, when you were gathered around the christmas tree with your siblings and parents to open your presents, there sat a box with a fragile sticker stuck to the wrapping.
to: y/n :)
from: mom and dad
since then your prized possession has followed you to college and your off-campus apartment whom you share with your three other close friends.
intak, especially, took a liking to your music player and never misses an opportunity to use it. whenever he visits your place (which is almost every day) he makes it his unrelenting mission to flip through your vinyls and place his pick of the day on to the turntable. his personal favorite is cigarettes after sex, a band you actually introduced him to.
while you don’t mind sharing things, especially with your partner, you’re pretty sure intak has used your vinyl record more often than you have. ultimately, you don’t mind. it’s rather endearing knowing that what’s yours also belongs to him.
your nintendo switch.
“y/n can i play super smash bros?”
shota doesn’t even need to ask for your approval. in fact, he already knows your answer will always allude to a ‘yes,’ but he does it anyway despite the electronic device already in his possession.
“of course,” you would say.
naturally you grew up owning multiple generations of nintendo ds’s. when nintendo came out with a new updated version you’d go to the game store to trade it in for store credit just to get the latest release. this routine continued up until middle school when your gaming hobby no longer prevailed itself in your interests.
as months passed and 2017 eventually rolled by, the internet buzzed with life after nintendo’s announcement about the upcoming hybrid console came to light. rest assured that you were one of millions who preordered the device and waited impatiently for it’s hard launch date to release in store.
but again, school started to pick up and extra curricula’s were time consuming, that playing video games became less and lesser of an option for you to indulge in.
leave it to shota to pick up your slack. because if it’s not super smash bros that he’s try-harding at, it’s either the suika game, animal crossing (if he really feels like it), or pokemon. an odd rotation but who were you to judge.
“wHat!” he yelps from the couch. “how did he dodge that!”
you giggle at his typical gamer-behavior, closely reminded of yourself.
your digicam.
the sony cyber-shot camera has been by your side since you were in the 5th grade.
it was a hand-me-down from your father’s box of electronic gadgets he owned back in the day; a lot of which were collecting dust in the garage for not being used in so long.
while tossing things away to relieve the clutter and deciding what to keep, you remember discovering the digicam at the bottom of the pile after laborious digging. your father briefly taught you how to turn it on and off, what button to press to take a picture, how to record a video, and the different settings you could play around with.
your digicam has followed you around the world to different countries for family trips, witnessed you graduate from high school, contained a lot of embarrassing photos of you and your friends, watched you grow since elementary to your first day of college, and captured numerous flicks featuring new faces.
when you started dating jongseob, your photo gallery has been nothing but candid pictures of you and him (mainly of you).
your boyfriend is constantly bringing it along with him to events or outings, because, in his defense, he just wants to create some memories for you both to look back on someday. sometimes he goes out of his way to point and direct you on how to pose.
once, over dinner, you asked jongseob if he’d rather upgrade to something better and not outdated, like a canon or even a proper film camera. however, he is not one to budge and refuses to give up the obsolete digicam he unintentionally took ownership of.
“it’s special,” he pouted. “and sentimental, too.”
you smiled, “i guess. i just can’t help but wonder if you prefer a greater upgrade.”
“trust me, this has everything i need. now show me that pretty smile of yours.”
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authoreetea · 10 months
𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐬
pairing ; conrad fisher x reader
summary ; the three summers that connected you to conrad
warning ;
note! lover inspired 😛 i tried something new and wrote it in reader's pov or your pov, hope u like it!
⎯⎯ ୨ ୧ ⎯⎯
The coastal town of cousins was alive with the sound of the waves crashing against the shore while the salty sea breeze brushes through my hair, it was the beginning of summer and I wasted no time going to the beach of cousins.
I sat there on the sand, reading cheesy and cliche romance books that twelve year old me longed for such love, which was then interrupted by a group of guys laughter.
I looked up to see three boys, one with curly hair, another with black hair and pale skin. Yet all I cared about was the boy with light eyes and messy hair.
With his messy hair and sunkissed skin, and the way the sun shone in his eyes. The way he pushed his glasses up every time it kept slipping off, or the way he runs his fingers through his hair.
I was shocked when they all walked towards me. I looked up at them confused, "Hi?"
"Hi, can you join us? we were about to play catch but we're short one person, and Conrad here was too shy to ask." The one with black hair asked, receiving a nudge in his rib.
"He thinks you're pretty! What's your name?" The curly haired one exclaimed, he seemed to be slightly younger than the other two. Red rushed to my cheeks as the two bicker in front of me.
I smiled at him, my cheeks red as roses. "I'm y/n, what about you guys?"
The three boys introduced themselves, the curly headed one as Jeremiah, the dark haired one as Steven.
Conrad, as I'd come to know him, he shared the magic of Cousins beach with me on all three summers we connected.
The summer when I turned 15, unfolded like a delicate dance between Conrad and I. Underneath the starlit sky, at beach bonfires and friendly gatherings, our eyes met in fleeting glances.
Cousins beach became a place where I visited every summer, thanks to my father and his intentions to bring some fun into the family. Conrad became my best friend since then, so did his family.
It was a battle in my mind everyday as I had developed a crush on my best friend, each day at Cousins it grows. Our feelings danced around each other with each step echoing each other's unspoken thoughts.
It was a really hot day at cousins beach and you were dying to go out and buy some ice cream. Just as you were about to call Belly to buy some, your mother stepped into your room.
"Hey honey, Conrad's downstairs, I think he wants to go to the boardwalk." She says with her warm smile that always insinuates something else.
I try to pretend annoyed and roll my eyes but my red cheeks and smile gives it away. "Stop with that look, you always do that with Conrad. I swear we're just friends, mom." I say, but my mother knew better.
"I didn't say anything, sweetie!" She says, laughing at my expense. I bid my goodbye and walked downstairs to greet Conrad.
He was there, by the living room with his tousled hair and a white tee and khaki shorts. He smiled up at me, adjusting his glasses as he walked his way to where I was.
"Hi connie, you ready to lose at all the games?" I grin, teasing him. He laughs at me as he ruffles up my hair.
"You wish, sunny." he said proudly as I swatted his hand away from my head. The nickname was something he created the day we watched the sunset together as I read him my Pride and Prejudice book.
I like that he keeps the memory close to heart the same way I do. Conrad was always thoughtful, he wasn't great at communication but he showed it in ways many couldn't.
At ring toss, Conrad was determined to win. Our tongues were stained red and blue from the slushie and snow cones we've had through the afternoon.
"Congratulations! You have won a price, which one would you like?" The guy said in a monotonous voice as Conrad finally won a game of ring toss. He thinks thoroughly before choosing the cutest little bear with a pink ribbon stitched by its ear.
He walked his way to where I stood and handed me the light brown bear with its pink ribbon. He sheepishly smiles, "Here, I got it for you."
In that moment I almost melted in a puddle of admiration. "Really? Thank you, Connie!" I said gleefully
He grins at my reaction, unbeknownst to me that he was giving me such an adoring look. "It reminded me of you, you know, with the way you always have a ribbon in your hair."
That alone made me feel all warm, Conrad is observant and he recognizes everything around him, and he noticed the ribbons in my hair.
🍒 🌅
I felt that this summer would be different. I wanted to make it different.
This was the summer I would admit to my feelings and tell Conrad, my best friend, that I was in love with him. I've read books about falling for your best friend, and I hoped it wouldn't ruin our friendship.
It was the night of the fourth of July, everyone was celebrating. Susannah hosted a lovely gathering at their house, and I had planned to confess to Conrad this summer.
Conrad was the one constant in my life, he was always by my side. His presence became a steady anchor, that makes everything in my life a little bit better.
Our group, the younger people, all went to the beach and had a little get together. Secrets were spilled, so were alcohol, and laughter was shared.
Conrad was right next to me, he had his arm over my shoulder as Steven told a funny story from the country club.
"You should've seen his face!" Steven says, and everyone laughed louder. Taylor played some music and ushered everyone to dance, and of course Steven was up in a heartbeat, inviting Taylor to dance with him.
I smiled at them, winking at Taylor. Conrad stood up and grabbed me to stand up. "Hi, dove." He said, a mere whisper.
We were so close to each other that I almost threw up, luckily I did not. "Connie, do you want to dance?" I say, eyeing him with a playful smirk on my face.
He chuckles, "I wanna talk." He said, a smile playing at his face.
It was night time, 24 minutes past nine pm of July fourth, a summer I will never forget.
"What's up, Con?" I say, brushing the sand away with my feet as I waited for him to say something.
"Look up, the stars look really captivating tonight." He says, but he wasn't even looking at the stars.
looking up, I smiled. "It really does."
"Just like you."
With that, I almost gave myself whiplash when I turned to look at him with reddened cheeks and wide eyes.
Conrad chuckles, as he reaches for my hand and threads his fingers through mine. "You know, the last few summers have been something special, hasn't it?" He pauses, looking down at our hands.
I nod, a smile forming on my face as I held onto his hand.
"Each day I spent with you I felt something more different, something that I can't quite put into words." He says, slowly inching towards me. I could feel my pulse quickening.
I sheepishly smile at him, "What do you mean, Conrad?"
He smiles, his hands coming near my face to tuck the stray piece of hair on my face. "I mean... I've fallen for you." Conrad says
His ocean eyes were staring into my soul, unknowingly our bodies were getting closer and closer.
I looked up at him, my eyebrows furrowed together. He continues, "I've fallen for you head over heals, y/n/n."
I took a deep breath about to say something when colors of red, white, and blue were in the sky.
Fireworks, I smiled. I had the biggest grin on my face as I looked at Conrad again, cupping his cheeks and pulling him into a kiss.
He was shocked at first but then quickly kisses me back, his arm entangled around my waist.
"I've loved you three summers now, Connie. And I want them all."
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veronimouse · 4 months
✨my experience with loa (law of assumption)✨
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long narrations ahead
when i was younger, i think i was about 5 years old, i used to tell kids my age and everyone i meet one thing about me when asked to introduce myself. i was like “my name’s maddy!! and im a very lucky girl 😄”
they would be like “aww, god must love you so much” and i always say “no, the moon goddess does” (i’ve always been fascinated with stars and moon, or should i say astrology way before i even knew about it. and u cannot tell me that the moon goddess doesn’t really adores me !!)
some just shrug it off and just smiles at me, but some elders would scold me because that’s disrespectful to “god”.
so back to the real deal, since i used to say and believe that im lucky and everything goes my way, everything actually does.
and when i say im lucky, i really am.
i used to join pageants when i was a kid, and everytime, i always won. either it’s minor awards or major ones.
whenever i want to buy something, and i dont have any more money, i would always believe that i will find cash at home or even outside whatever happens, and i actually find some.
one time i had a fever the night before the school trip, and my mom told me to not go because i wasn’t feeling well. i went to sleep fully expecting to be perfectly fine the next morning, and yeah, i indeed woke up perfectly fine and was able to join the trip.
during Christmas, i always always always get the best gifts at school (we used to do random exchange gifts at school). and im also always unexpectedly winning games, even the ones im not good with.
oh, and don’t forget when there are tests and i didn’t study, more specifically in math because im literally just not that good in it, guess what? i still manage to get passing scores. and when i say i don’t study, i really don’t and just use my “gut feeling” when choosing the answers lmao.
those are just some of my experiences as a certified lucky girl.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙* ˚ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. ˚ *•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
4 years ago, it was the start of pandemic, i got into shifting, manifestation, astrology, and some other stuff. that’s when i found out about loa.
i was like “isn’t this too easy?” because i’ve been doing it my whole life.
i realized that i’ve been doing loa before i even knew about it (2)
you know what’s crazy? whenever i talk about stuff like this to my friends, they look at me like im having psychosis.
it doesn’t really bother me that much. im just like, okay whatever, you do you.
i actually feel a very strong and deep connection between me and the moon goddess ever since i was a kid, and i feel it deep in my soul.
i even talk to them at night whenever i have the time. it’s like you know even if u can’t physically hear or reach them, you know deep inside that they’re listening and are there for you.
this might be the reason why i don’t have much friends my age in real life, but oh well. i really don’t stress over it that much.
and i know that some of u are atleast gonna say “are you sure you’re lucky? or you’re just really smart and good at everything” type of shit.
and to answer that, yes, i do believe that it’s also because of my hardwork and abilities. but it’s also because of the fact that I ALWAYS BELIEVE IN MYSELF. yes, there also times where im having doubts, but my subconscious knows well that those doubts aren’t enough to ruin my self confidence and the trust i built with myself long ago.
i’m not really that pro when it comes to explaining things, so i hope u got what i wanted to say. happy shifting, my love 🤍
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callofdudes · 7 months
Please bestie, I need platonic Alex Keller headcanons I beg of you 😭😭😭
I'm here to deliver for you in trying times bestie. Stuck at home from work in a blizzard so here I am for you. Hope it suffices and you enjoy. 🫡 @itsscromp
Alex Keller Headcanons:
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I imagined Alex was one of those clowns in school. I think when he was younger he was respectful but also a hog for attention. He always got really happy when the teacher picked him in class and would pout if some other kid got "his answer".
I'm not terribly sure about family headcanons. I feel he fits as either an only child or as a younger brother to an older boy. (Possibly a twin) If he had any siblings I could see him as the middle child, an older brother, him and a little sister.
Alex's parents raised him as a gentleman. You think his manners came from the military?? Even when he was in highschool he called women he respected ma'am on the regular.
Alex watched a lot of spy movies when he was younger. Jason Bourne, Jack Ryan, R.E.D. A bunch of those kinds of movies. But Alex didn't originally want to be CIA.
He also really liked superheroes. (Lovingly borrowing a headcanon from Scromp) He really liked Mega Man and other super heroes like that. Probably watched Ben Ten or something. (Sang the power Rangers theme song)
I think unlike the others Alex's run to the military was as an accidental second hand decision.
He had incredible grades in school but when his brother was called for Mandatory service. Alex was still too young when his brother went to serve a couple years. Instead of going to college and getting a different job he went to serve mandatory years as well.
Alex gives me Texas man vibes, but he doesn't have the accent. So I don't think he grew up there, possibly from California or Georgia. Somewhere warm.
Alex wanted to serve alongside his brother but he was deployed while Alex was in his first stages of basic training.
Alex is a very sociable guy so he doesn't have trouble making friends. However, upon a certain incident he did lose a lot of his confidence. Around people he knows he's a butterfly in flight, but doesn't like attention on the leg.
Alex was super attached to his older brother but when he got past that part he did enjoy his time in the military.
Obviously the first person he wants to introduce you to Is his brother and his parents. He'll introduce you with so much pride.
In my mind I see Alex's parents as your typical Georgia or Texas conservative dressers. But they aren't those types of conservatives. They were worried for him when he was younger, but if their son showed up with a man on his arm they wouldn't bat an eye.
And obviously they love you. Alex's dad is the guy who says that even as a guest, in the house you take on some household priorities. Nothing big, but probably expects some help with yardwork and that you'll help his wife with dishes.
Alex will cook with his mother. And oh you see where he gets it. He's the guy whose mama's boy love takes presidents over other duties. He just wants to be with his mom.
You'll be allowed to join in with a casual soccer game of kicking the ball around with his brother. They're an incredible family and accept you as one of their own the moment they see you.
He loves to decorate it though, and has stickers from several incidents, or young military hostages that he could distract. So in a way it was a blessing.
However, he didn't talk to women as much anymore. Platonic relationships are a breath of fresh air.
His parents used to have to wrangle him in when he got his first girlfriend. Constantly sneaking out to meet up with her. And while a respectful kid, after a certain sneaking out the girl's father was not happy to get the story the next day.
After Alex got his leg, dating seemed to be swept off the table. He had all the qualities, tall, very handsome, strong. But the leg usually got people staring, and all the charisma went out the window.
He barely got hookups anymore. (Yes, he was that guy for a while, and he isn't proud of it.)
Alex has participated in the Invictus Games before and it was a whole lot of fun.
Alex's show for women comes in the form of how respectful he is of Farah's boundaries. While he is happy to assert where he stands. If Farah had told him not to go when he did, he still probably wouldn't have listened.
Alex experiences phantom limb and phantom pain. Most times he has to weather the pain, but whenever he experienced phantom pain in the beginning he'd pass out from it.
He is very active and loves to play soccer. (Is very prepared to get yelled at for calling it soccer instead of football)
In all honestly Alex does want to get close to the other 141 members. He's close with Gaz, Price and Y/n. Soap trusts pretty easily and likes Alex because Farah likes him. Ghostie is a challenge though. He's up for it.
Protein shake man all the way. The day isn't started without a protein shake or a hearty meal. He loves his meat but is also all for leaning into the greener side of his diet to help him feel refreshed.
An incredible cook. If you go back to his house for leave you will be well taken care of, I promise you.
All of his relationships are tended to as he sees fit. He's definitely more of an acts of service guy. If you need something done, he will show you his love and appreciation by getting it done. Garbage is full?? On it. Feet sore? He'll take care of that for you.
Alex is a family man, but he also understands the sentiment that the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. And he holds his friendships with his brothers in high stakes.
Has a very smooth and charismatic air about him the majority of the time. He's well spoken and confident even if he doesn't have control of certain situations.
Just. Don't. Mention. The. Leg. 😁🔪
While he isn't really strong at other acts, physical affection like pats on the back or brief hugs do as well.
Tries to make Scream movie references to Ghost, like the ever popular "Sydney call" or other classic scenes. Is gleefully delighted when Ghost understands most of the references.
If you live somewhere known for its giant spiders *cough cough* he will not go. You are not getting him on that plane. Nada, zilch wiggle room on that one partner.
Probably uses comic book lines he likes a lot. Recites them like those cheesy scenes in movies where the leader of a group gives a heroic speech about kicking ass and staying loyal.
Gets called Price's son and honestly? A compliment.
Going back to acts of service, Alex also feels his love language as acts of service. Whenever he needs to let his leg breathe and get off his feet he takes off the leg and relaxes. And icing on the cake? If you feel comfortable, come over and massage his leg. Oh he'll keep you forever.
Will often do the robot dance to try and make you laugh, loves to dance with you in any setting.
You're never too old to go trick or treating. Alex comes off as the fun uncle that I could see dressing up as a Frankenstein and takes his nephews/nieces along with him for some fun around the block.
Clubber for life 🤟🏻😜 Seriously though, getting him tipsy enough and he'll challenge anyone insight to a drinking off. Will almost always lose. Especially against Johnny or Ghost.
If a girl won't call him a smoking handsome man, platonically please inflate his ego. It's like an air mattress and eventually it deflates to the point that you can feel the floor. Please fill his air mattress with compliments.
His tattoos include homages to his family. And his old squads and friends. Got a special tattoo for you over his left wrist with your initials and something that reminds him of you. (A flower, a hat, etc)
You know those bikes that you can lay down on and pedal almost vertical with the handlebars on the sides?? Photo. Yeah, he owns one of those. Will let you ride it. Yes it is fun.
Tried to grow his beard like Price's once so they could really be twins. Price for offended and now they have a rule that their beards/moustaches are not allowed to overlap like that.
Overall, very interesting man. A fun man, a funny man, loves some attention on him but not his leg. Please not make fun of him, yes he wants a girlfriend, yes he's sad and single but slaying every day of the week. Yes you are his best friend for life and if you try to abandon him he'll eat your legs off 😌.
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 6 months
avery head canons
@ariscats requested these, and avery's my fav girl so of course i'm gonna make them. hope you like them<3! (i apologize for any spelling mistakes). @catapparently helped me with some of these.
avery loves phoebe bridgers
she's also secretly a swiftie (she was a hugeeee love story stan when she was younger bc she dreamt of a love like that)
she relates to nothing new (ft. phoebe bridgers). she's always blasting that song in her room, crying. (jamie finds out she feels like that song and tries to comfort her by telling her she isn't just something that everyone will get tired of eventually).
she lovesss thrifting her own clothes.
avery pretends to hate her new wardrobe but she secretly likes it.
she used to only drink black coffee but then she found out she actually really likes flavored coffee (vanilla, caramel etc). she loves making her own little coffees at home (xander loves it too)
she went to the eras tour with a reputation/midnights crossover outfit
she loves candles, she has a ton of them in her room
the sheffield grayson kidnapping affects her more than she lets on (sometimes she imagines sheffield walking behind her while she's taking walks and stuff or she'll see his face everywhere)
she has an addiction to those shitty app store games
she used to be a huge star wars fan. she would force libby to watch the movies with her.
sometimes, during family dinners, she'll look at all the people around her (libby, max, the hawthornes, rebecca, etc) and think about how lucky she is to be loved by so many people. she sometimes tears up cause she used to wish to be that loved when she was younger. jamie always notices but knows that she doesn't like it when people point it out.
she loves fanfiction (xander and max introduced it to her)
she loves taking pictures of nature (her and grayson have a shared aesthetic insta account where they post all of their pictures) (i personally really love this one)
avery used to have a percy jackson fan account on insta when she was really young (her mom was her biggest fan) (the hawthornes found the account and find it adorable)
she's a huge percabeth shipper
her favorite book genre is murder mystery (holly jackson stan)
she used to love editing (there was this one percabeth edit of hers to my blood by ellie goulding that went viral)
her mom and her used to love watching rom coms
she used to wonder why no one wanted to be her friend when she was younger (cause she only has max)
ok this one's a bit dark and sad, but we all know she grew up poor in a shitty old town, and that's where you find all the weird creeps. based on the books, she seems to not really be comfortable with physical touch from strangers, so i hc that the reason why is bc walking home from school, she'd sometimes be harassed by these creeps.
she has scars from the bombing and the attempted shooting. she's insecure about them, but jamie always tells her they look beautiful (he also tells her they're proof of how strong she is)
she loves the beach (jamie brings her on dates there all the time)
she tends to get hate comments about her looks (this isn't really a head canon since it was kinda implied in tbh when those people were whispering about her looks (i may be imagining this). sometimes she gets insecure, but jamie always makes sure she knows how beautiful she is by kissing her and whispering sweet nothings in her ear etc. (this one was more of an aj one but oh well, i can never escape them)
avery has really good taste in clothing. her fans are always commenting about how hot she is.
she was times person of the year once
(this one is based off of a pic i saw on pinterest) avery once did a shoot for vogue where she wore a suit vest and nothing underneath and everyone went crazyyy (jamie too). (i'll insert a pic at the bottom)
she's convinced people hate her
she sometimes has nightmares about jamie breaking up with her (jamie proves her wrong in bed if you know what i mean)
she loves interacting with fans (she comments on posts, take pics with them in public, etc)
when libby and her used to live together in lib's apartment and they were struggling to buy food bc of money issues, avery would always leave the food to libby and tell her she ate at the diner (she actually didn't bc she once tried to steal some food but got caught. she didn't want to lose her job so she stopped).
avery secretly loves heels (they make her more confident)
her and rebecca vent to each other sometimes (avery feels really comfortable with her).
she lovesss sushi
absolutely love my girl avery (fav character of all time). i sort of see myself in her so i might be projecting in some of these. she's so underrated and it pisses me off (she easily solos all of the brothers).
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pjsk-headcanons · 26 days
omg i have so many hcs for the characters and video games. warning this is probably the longest ask ill ever write
ichika - big classic sonic fan, also likes rhythm games (like rhythm heaven n stuff)
saki - played a lot of pokemon in the hospital bcs tsukasa would bring her his gameboy and pokemon ruby (or smtg) bcs once he showed her a surskit and she begged him to let her play bcs it was cute. she is now a die hard pokemon fan
honami - doesnt really play video games but she has lets go eevee and a bunch of eeveelution and pikaclone plushies
shiho - plays like everything, but she especially likes fighting games and ace attorney. also plays every mario game when it comes out but only bcs "of how popular he is"
minori - LOVES needy streamer overload and cute rhythm games like melatonin. she also deff plays like harvest moon & stardew valley & stuff
haruka - before she became an idol she would play like silly mobile games but she never really got into games
airi - she is obsessed with the legend of zelda and completes every game on release (unless she has a show) (thats the only exception) shes tried other games simular to tloz but none have really stuck
shizuku - she knows like the basic controls of super smash bros brawl but she sucks like hell
kohane - still cries over abandoning her nintendogs sometimes. she plays a lot of raising animal games and tycoons on roblox sometimes
an - name one rhythm game she hasnt played i dare you. any game that can slightly require musical tallent or a sense of rhythm has been played by her (not in full but like). also she likes warioware
akito - sonic nerd. tails is his fav character with shadow in close second bcs of a middle school phase he went through but shadow stuck as a fav. ena has also played a lot of sonic bcs of this man
toya - wasnt allowed to play video games but vbs and the tenmas are slowly introducing him to those like combining games like tetris and suika game. hes surprisingly good
tsukasa - hyperfixates on pokemon like every other month. he makes a persona for every character he plays and gets emotionally attached and stuff (totally not projecting)
emu - kirby lover!!! also plays splatoon at least every splatfest and cooking games. she deff plays a lot of vr and has liked that job sim vr game with the tv robots
nene - we all know she likes shooting games (but idk that many so bare w me). she deff is the one who introduced emu to splatoon & they always chiose the same splatfest team. she also plays just any arcade shooting games and used to play fortnite but shes more into cos & apex now
rui - rui makes his own video games (rom hacks the shit outa every game he plays) (also has homebrewed his wii and wii u)
kanade - likes low stress games like melatonin and animal crossing. she also plays like stupid sims like bee simulator and placid plastic duck sim (one of her favs). she doesnt like multiplayer games that much though
mafuyu - she had a gameboy advanced that her dad got her when she was younger and she played like any game on clearance bcs her mom would get pissed if a game cost too much. that gamebot is now smashed and sold for parts, so are all the games
ena - HATES sonic with a passion. i wonder whos fault that is. she would always play those dress up games but woukd mess with photoshop and stuff more
mizuki - she wasnt allowed to play like rhythm games or fasion games when she was younger. she was told to play mario, or the legend of zelda, or starfox. she managed to convince her parents to let her play kirby and shes been obsessed ever since
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hadischara · 11 months
Lyney has always wondered why you were tight-lipped about your family. He finds out why when your parents and younger sister gate-crashes your wedding. Your parents then proceed to wail to the wedding guests about what a terrible daughter you are for not inviting them to the wedding; never mind the fact that they had disowned you and kicked you out of the house just because your sister said so. So, when your sister had the atrocity to try and convince Lyney to marry her instead because she is, in her own words, 'much more prettier than you', in your mind, all bets are off. You reveal to your sister that she isn't even father's kid; that she's the daughter of mother and her long-time lover. Then, you just sit back and watch the family drama escalate.
Sorry for the long wait, I needed some time to myself.
But! I am back! ( You're never going to get rid of me (≧∇≦)/ )
Fun fact:
Btw, I researched it. And I think you meant the wedding to be crashed. Bc if it gets gate crashed then it's a Chinese tradition,one of playing games designed by the bride and bridesmaid.
I'm just here for the drama:
It was, up to that one minute, the best day of your life. You were there, at the altar and marrying the love of your life. And Lyney thought just the same way.
You didn't think that ANYTHING could destroy this moment. That was til the doors opened to reveal your family. Or rather: The people you absolutely didn't want to be there.
Lyney on the other hand didn't know why you were so upset by them coming. You never really talked about your family,so he didn't really assume something to be wrong.
"How could you not invite us? To the best day of such a worthless life such as yours? Did we not mean anything to you?" Your Mom didn't even introduced herself or the other two.
" For years we kept you under our roof, and this is how you thank us?" The man that called himself your father said, and people were starting to whisper while Lyney was puzzled. Were they now trying to get sympathized or to get judged ?
You honestly didn't know yourself, and while you were trying to get to know how they even got wind of it your parents told lie after lie about you.
Not only that, but your sister came to Lyney. She took his arm and snuggled herself on him. "Well, I don't know about you. But if I were you, I would leave that ugly woman and go for someone better. And with me being here, you wouldn't even have to search."
Why you got out of contact? This seems reasonable enough. He doesn't like either of them. He understands it. "Well, if (Name) wouldn't be here I would have to search forever. No one is as beautiful and kind as she is! Not to mention that,-" "You probably never looked into the mirror. You look just as ugly as Mom's long lover. Oh, wait right. How could I forget. You're his daughter,no wonder you're so ugly. Like father like daughter hm? But that statement is only true for you. If that statement we're to be right I could go to jail. After all it's illegal to throw kids under 17 out."
"She's lying,right Mom?!" "Are you cheating on me?!"
While the drama was now going down,the guests were very amused. Even Neuvilette was smirking while drinking his water.
After around 13 minutes your parents and sister were brought away. Not only bc of crashing the wedding but because you had said something about being thrown out under 17. Only natural for them to go to court now.
"So... where were we darling? 'You may kiss the bride or...'"?" You slapped him lightly on the shoulder.
"No, we're at the " vows" the kissing is for later my love. Now what is everyone waiting for?! I wanna get married!"
I tried my very best, alright? But did you like it?
Don't let anybody get you down. You're worth more than that!
Hope to see ya!
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manako-no-yami · 4 months
a phone call is not far enough away
Harvey gets a phone call from his mom. He and Mike have a conversation about parents, and regret.
Disclaimer: I haven't watched past s1e5, everything else I know I picked up from fanfic.
"Are you still messing around with that boy of yours?" Harvey's mother asks. Her voice grates in his ear. He imagines her inspecting her nails as she does this, or fixing her hair in the bathroom mirror. Trying in vain to capture the beauty she commanded as a younger woman. He grits his teeth.
"I'm still with Mike. If that's what you're asking."
"You need to stop playing games," she chides. "Get serious. All my friends' children have given them grandchildren, you know. Even Marcus has managed that."
Harvey doesn't try telling her it's not a game to him. He doesn't try reminding her that they're married. The last time he did that, she just said, "You're a lawyer. I'm sure the prenup won't be an issue for you." He doesn't tell her about the adoption pamphlets stuffed in their kitchen drawer. They don't need her sticking her nose in it.
"Just think about it," she continues. "I know a few nice girls looking to settle down that I could introduce you to."
Harvey snorts. "Really? You expect me to take advice from you about 'settling down'?"
A sigh. "Really, Harvey? You're an adult, now. You've seen worse things in your life, especially in your profession. When are you going to let it go?"
Harvey fights the urge to scream. "This is why I don't want you in my life," he says, then hangs up.
He tries his best to calm down, but when Mike walks in a few minutes later, he takes one look at Harvey's face and raises an eyebrow. "Your mother called?"
Harvey rubs his face. "Do you really have to ask?"
Mike sits down next to him and begins to rub his back. Whenever he does that, Harvey feels old, but he never tells him to stop because it does actually feel kind of nice. "The old witch hanging around still trying to get a bite out of your firstborn?"
"You joke, but you don't know her," Harvey sighs.
Mike shrugs, eyes going far away. "Maybe not," he allows. "She certainly isn't pleasant. But she still loves you, doesn't she?"
Harvey doesn't know what to say to this. Mike doesn't know what it's like, to idolize your parents and then learn that they're only human. He lost his parents before they could disappoint him.
"There are a lot of words you could use to describe my relationship with my mother," he says, finally. "'Loving' isn't one of them."
Mike bites his lip. Mike has an encyclopedic compendium of Harvey's facial expressions catalogued in his brain. But even without Mike's memory, Harvey can read him just as well. That's the face that Mike makes when he feels he shouldn't say something—the face he makes when he'd say something nice and placating to someone else, but is choosing to be honest with his thoughts here, with Harvey. "But don't you think you'll regret it, if you never reconcile with her?"
This is a delicate topic. Of course Mike thinks that. He'd do anything to have his parents back, to not have fought with them the night they left. To apologize, to have them in his life.
Sometimes he thinks the reason why Mike still believes in the inherent goodness of people is because he never saw the ugliness of people in his own family. But perhaps that's simply Harvey's bitterness coloring his perspective—plenty of other people with worse parents than Harvey still believe that people can be good. Harvey, on the other hand, thinks Mike is good. And that's about it.
But he can't help but feel it's naïve. The notion that your parents will necessarily hold sway in your life even in adulthood simply by virtue of being your parents had always seemed to him to be less a matter of close relations and more a matter of willpower.
But then again, he did pick up the phone.
"Maybe I'll regret it, once she's gone," he allows. "But right now, I mainly just regret giving her more of my time. And between regretting something now or later, I choose later."
Mike frowns. Harvey wonders if he thinks that's ungrateful. "I know you don't want to take the first step. And that's fine," he hastily adds. "But is there really no way to get rid of both kinds of regret?"
It occurs to Harvey that perhaps Mike had hoped that marrying would give him a second chance at being someone's child. A son-in-law, perhaps, but still a son. He resents his mother for that possibility, for ruining that for Mike.
"I don't think so," Harvey says. "But, who knows. Maybe the next time she calls, she'll have something different to say. Stranger things have happened."
The words sound weak to Harvey even as he says them. Mike gives him a small, sad smile. He knows Harvey doesn't believe himself either.
But Harvey will try, for him, anyway—so he leaves his mother's number unblocked.
Maybe next time, he tells himself. If he repeats it enough, maybe one day he'll believe it. Maybe next time.
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vladdyissues · 7 months
What do you think about au where Danny and Vlad are both teens? I know, there're some variants of this (from Friend From the Other Side to Vlad-befriended-with-Danny-only-for-his-hot-mom), so, I'd like to hear your version.
I actually really like this idea and had a blast drawing it for last year's Pompep Week prompt "Both Teens" (see below)
I'd planned on writing a short fic to go along with it when it came time to post everything on AO3, but I never managed to get too far. That WIP takes place in Danny's timeline (2004), where Vlad is a new kid in class. The working title is The New Kid (lol), which you can see here on my WIP "sort of" masterlist. And since no one asked about that one for the WIP game, here's a snippet:
“What’s your name?”
The boy hesitated. “Vlad.”
Danny’s heart sank. This kid was bully fodder for sure. “Wow. Uh, that’s—”
“Yes, I’m American. Yes, I was born in this country and speak English. No, I’m not a vampire,” the boy named Vlad snapped. 
Danny backpedaled. “It’s okay. I was gonna say it’s a pretty cool name.”
Vlad stared, head cocked and one eye narrowed.
“Yeah. Names that start with V are cool. Valentine, Vincent…”
“You must like Final Fantasy 7.”
After a startled pause, Danny laughed. “Yeah, I walked into that one, didn’t I? What about you? You play video games?”
“A little. Mostly arcade stuff. I’m pretty good at Mortal Kombat.”
Probably poor, Danny decided. “There’s an arcade here in town. I mean, if you don’t already know. They’ve got some good deals if you play by the hour.” He almost offered to meet up there sometime, then he realized he hadn’t even introduced himself. “Um, I’m Danny. Danny Fenton.” He pointed. “Those are my friends, Sam and Tucker. We were wondering if you wanna come sit with us.”
Vlad seemed tempted but cautious. “Really?”
“Yeah. Don’t worry, they’re cool. Besides, you’re fresh meat sitting out here by yourself. The jocks’ll destroy you if they catch wind. C’mon, safety in numbers.”
“I’m not afraid of anyone.”
“Oh, you will be, trust me. Dash Baxter thinks it’s his personal duty to welcome every new student to Casper High by giving them a super wedgie, and you don’t even wanna see what he’s like when he’s in a bad mood.”
“Wow. Guy sounds like a fucking troglodyte.”
The smoothness with which the F-bomb was delivered stunned Danny for a few seconds. But then he smiled, invigorated by the sharp, cynical intellect he’d just discovered. “A total fucking troglodyte.”
A beat passed, then Vlad shouldered his backpack and gathered his lunch.
While I mostly prefer older Vlad and younger Danny because of the uneven power dynamic, it's fun to level the playing field every now and then and let them be the same age.
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hwashotcheeto · 7 months
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Today I want to introduce you all to my male ninth member of ATEEZ character!
His name is...
Moon Kija!
Honestly, I'm so attached to him, he's like my baby. 😭 He started off as a self insert (and still kind of is) and then grew into more of his own character. I hope you all love him as much as I do. 💜
My lovely angel @malldreamprincess helped me massively with his creation and with the making of this post, so thank you, my love. 💜
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So lemme tell you about him. I'll start with a list of some basic stuff (like how K-Profiles has theirs set up):
Stage Name: Kija
Birth Name: Moon Kija
Position: Visual, vocalist
Birthday: December 3rd, 2000
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Height: 5'5 (165 cm)
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: N/A
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Kija was born in the US, but moved to Korea when he was little. His mom is Korean and his dad is Chinese. He was raised learning both Korean and English, but since he moved back to Korea, his English deteriorated a little.
He went to school with Jongho, and they auditioned at KQ together (Kija didn't really want to go at first, but he wanted to go with Jongho). Kija auditioned as a vocalist and was signed on as a vocalist.
Kija is shy and reserved, but very emotional and impulsive. He thinks with his emotions before he thinks with his brain, which he admits has gotten him into trouble before. But he also thinks the availability of his emotions helps him comfort his members better.
He has a couple different hobbies, like playing video games and calligraphy.
When he's shown his room in lives, he's displayed his bed that's stacked up with many different plushies. Kija says he sleeps with all of them every night.
Kija has also said that one of his favorite things to do is go live to spend time with ATINY. Furthermore, he loves participating in fan meets and performing on stage.
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Now his relationships with the other members:
Kija is babied as much as Jongho, as all the members love them both. He's the closest with Jongho and treats him like a brother, since they went to school for so many years and auditioned together.
Seonghwa babied Kija the most, keeping him close in most situations. ATINYs teased Kija a lot for how much Seonghwa loves him and how flustered Kija gets over the attention. Kija calls him "Eomma" in retaliation, and Hongjoong "Appa" by extention.
Kija and Hongjoong have a slight parental bond, where both he and Wooyoung will cling onto Hongjoong and either love him or annoy him. Hongjoong has said its both a blessing and a curse.
Speaking of Wooyoung, Kija is also close with him, who will often fight Seonghwa for. The other members have admitted multiple times that Seonghwa and Wooyoung often playfully argue over who gets to spend time with Kija. When Wooyoung wins, the two of them wreck havoc on the other members.
He sees Mingi as an older brother figure, since Mingi took care of Jongho and Kija a lot when they were younger. ATINYs have noticed that in stressful or scary situations, Kija will always reach out for Mingi first (even if Mingi is screaming like a banshee).
When he's with Yunho, he's not as shy and reserved as he usually is. Yunho helps him get out of his comfort zone in a safe way. Kija has mentioned before how Yunho helped him explore some new things and make him more comfortable overall.
The members have said that Kija and Yeosang hanging out is one of the quietest times from the two of them. They're comfortable with each other, just talking or cuddling, being quiet and soft.
Kija has said that he goes to find San if he needs physical comfort. He says that San gives the best hugs and cuddles out of all the members, and how he treats him like he's a big teddy bear plushie.
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For Kija's appearance, I feel kinda icky posting pictures of a real person and using them as the face of a character, so I won't be doing that.
But I imagined Kija with a small frame, but he's got enough muscle to protect himself and match up to his members.
He usually has short hair that's just long enough to go past his eyes. He has big shiny eyes (like Seonghwa heh) and small lips.
(I feel like I'm describing Hiro from Big Hero 6 but more introverted and shy)
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I hope you all love Kija as much as I do. 💜 For the future, I'm still thinking of what I'll do with him in terms of fics. Right now, I don't have a series planned, nor do I have any fics, but I'm waiting to see if any ideas pop up.
And if there's any questions, don't be afraid to ask! 💜
So there's Kija! 💜
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hexll · 12 days
Hello hello, as I recently enjoyed (inhaled) a lot of JJK AU content, here is my version of one. Just AU description of my vision. Key points are: modern, no curse, very domestic-ish, based on Unc! Sukuna.
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1. Once upon modern Tokyo, there lived the Itadori family. The whole family lived in their moderately-sized house in a decent suburban area. In fact, they are in the pretty comfortable level of upper middle class. (here is a picture from akiya-mart.com to illustrate their kind of house, but a little bit fancier. Yes, I like to be precise abt the picture in my head 😤).
2. The grandfather is Itadori Wasuke (61), a retired chef and owner of a successful ramen shop chain. He has twin sons: Jin and Sukuna. He spends most of his time at home with his grandsons and tending to his garden. He sometimes does quick business trips around town to check on his shops.
3. Itadori Jin (31), the older twin. a loving husband to Kaori and doting father-figure to Yuji and Choso. Per mutual agreement with his wife, he is currently a house-husband. Focused on raising Choso and Yuji as well as tending the family home with his father.
4. Itadori “Ryomen” Sukuna (31) is the younger twin. Basically the brash and rebellious of the twin (but secretly loves his family very much). He follows his father's footsteps into the culinary world and is currently a celebrity chef. In the entertainment world, he is currently the IT bachelor: young, handsome, and has his own charm of the bad boy vibe that draws the ladies. At home, he is the Uncle Kuna to Choso and Yuji. 
5. Yes, Sukuna is loaded. He actually has his own high-rise luxury apartment in the city centre, but he made up some reasons why he still decided to live in the family home (truly, he just wants to be close to his family, not that he would admit that).
6. Itadori Kaori (née Kamo, 31), Jin’s wife and loving mother to Choso and Yuji. She is the working parent in her immediate family. Ambitious at her job, she is the young and respected manager at her organisation. She likes to dote on her children whenever she can as her job often takes her time and focus away from her babies.
7. Story time: Kaori is actually a longtime friend of Jin and Sukuna, they were introduced back from infanthood. She and the twins basically grow up together and Wasuke actually always has a soft-spot for her. Treated her like his own daughter. This is because she is the daughter of the Kamo family, a close family friend, and even distantly related to the Itadori family (Kaori’s grandparent is a cousin of Jin and Sukuna’s grandparent).
8. Itadori Choso (8), Kaori’s first child from her deadbeat-ex. Yuji’s older half-brother (but they never say “half”), Jin’s adoptive son, Sukuna’s adoptive nephew, and Wasuke’s adoptive grandson (yes, the whole family adopted, adored, and never think that Choso is not one of them since day 1). An artsy kid with a gloomy face, which only lights up when his head is filled with thoughts of his adorable little brother. Despite his appearance, he is actually a cute and wholesome kid on the inside. 
9. Itadori Yuji (2), a very very cute kid. Currently his favourite person is his uncle, he just likes seeing (and drawing) his tattoos and is very entertained by how uncle Kuna grumbles “brat”. Very excited to start kindergarten next year. Obsessed with the virtual pet game: Pou. He named his pou “Uncle Kuna”.
10. Fushiguro Megumi (2), another cute kid that is Yuji’s best friend (along with Nobara). Currently obsessed with dogs. He says his dream job is to be a professional dog trainer and spend his days with dogs. Very smart kid at his age. Already reading 1 syllable words fluently and already into books also.
11. Kugisaki Nobara (2), yet another cute kid in the neighbourhood that is also best friend with Yuji and Megumi. Her mom just moved to Tokyo from their hometown. Really likes the tall buildings of Tokyo and the colours of the fashion district.
12. Fushiguro Toji (30-something), father of Megumi. In a similar yet not the same niche with Sukuna: drop dead gorgeous under the bad boy persona . Everybody always says it would feel “fitting” if he and Sukuna were seen hanging out with each other. Turns out he and Sukuna are in the same gym. Their other interactions are only when picking up their nephew and son from the biweekly nursery playgroups. 
13. Mamaguro (30), mother of Megumi and wife of Toji. A very lovely woman.
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brooooswriting · 2 years
natasha x reader where they’ve been dating for a while and reader takes nat home to meet her family and nat is like nervous and thinks they won’t like her reader reassures her so they go to her parents house they meet her, her family absolutely loves nat and they joke and get along right away as if she’s been there a million times. so at the table when they’re eating reader says daddy can you pass the salad or whatever and both nat and her dad reach for it and it’s just funny and they make jokes about it 😂 with reader having siblings making teasing jokes. funny fluff
“Natty baby, chill a bit alright. They’re gonna love you” you told her for the thousand time. You were going to visit your family and your girlfriend, of nearly a year, was deeply scared that they weren’t going to like her. “But what if they don’t? What will happen between us then?” She asked dramatically causing you to chuckle. “It’s not funny, maybe I shouldn’t go…” she said but you immediately shook your head. “No, it’s gonna be alright and if they don’t like you, what won’t happen, then it’s their problem. You know I like them but we were never close while you are my everything alright?” She nodded.
You stopped the car as you arrived and leaned over to press a kiss to her lips before asking if she was ready. “As ready as I’ll ever be” with those words you left the car and walked to the front door to be immediately greeted by your mother. “Y/n and you must be Natasha. It’s so nice to finally meet you” your mother hugged you first and then went to the redhead who was more than Surprised to be hugged. “Hey, yeah, it’s great to meet you Mrs. Y/l/n” Nat greeted back after your mother let go of her. “As, sweetie, call me Y/m/n. And now come in, you have to meet the rest”
Your mom pulled the two of you inside and to the kitchen where one of your uncles and your older Sister stood. “Hello guys, this is my girlfriend Natasha” you greeted the two, your hand on Nats waist. “Hi, I’m y/u/n” he greeted back extending his hand. “And I’m Y/S/N. I’m so happy to finally meet you” your sister pushed your uncles hand away and hugged your girlfriend, who was clearly overwhelmed with this. So you pushed her away, “we’re gonna go greet the rest” you excused and pulled the spy with you.
“Are you alright?” You whispered into her ear. “Yes, just have to get used to that my love” she answered before you arrived in the living room where your younger brother, your dad and your aunt sat. “Guys, this is Natasha” you introduced them to her causing them all to stand up and shake her hand, except for your aunt who hugged her. “It’s really nice to meet all of you” she said to them her voice slightly rough. “Love, I’ll get you something to drink alright?” You asked with a hand on her hip. “That’s really nice but you don’t have to “ she whispered back but you insisted quickly walking to the kitchen.
When you came back the redhead sat between your dad and brother watching a baseball game. You plopped onto her lap before giving her the water. “So how did the two of you met?” Your brother asked still watching the game. “During a baseball game actually. A guy was drunk and didn’t want to leave me alone until Nat came and pushed him away” you told him reliving the memory. “God, I still wish I would have hit him” she grumbled wrapping her arms around you. “You know what, I like her” your dad told you smiling at the sight of you so happy.
An hour later all of you sat at the dining table eating dinner. While your mom, aunt and sister cooked, you and Natasha set the table. “Daddy, can you give me the salt please?” You asked. Suddenly your Dad and your girlfriend reached out for the salt causing your siblings to laugh out. You turned red just like Natasha.
You were scared to look at your parents but forced yourself to, only to see them smirk. “I…I’m sorry, I-I- heard Natty, because-you know- she- she calls me natty a lot” your girlfriend rambled causing you to giggle too. “Daddy? Really Y/N?” Your sister asked laughing while your brother jokingly gagged. “That’s another detail I didn’t want to know about my sister” he said causing all of you to laugh out.
The rest of the dinner was filled with small talks and a lot of joked about the daddy thing. You were really happy to see that your family get along with your girlfriend. Sure, you weren’t close to them but then liking Natasha made a lot of things easier and it still made you happy. During all of your thoughts you didn’t noticed that you were gazing at Natasha until your sister cleared her throat. “Y/n, can you help me get the things in the kitchen?” She asked you.
So you disappeared into the kitchen with her. “It’s great to see you so happy and in love” she told you as you dried the plates she gave you. “What?” You asked barely able to hide your smile when thinking about Tasha. “Look your already smiling when thinking of her and you were staring at her the whole dinner” she explained giving you the last plate. “Oh shut up”
When you came back Nat and your dad were gone. “Mum, where’s Nat?” You questioned cautiously. “Oh she’s helping your dad set up the fire” she told you before continuing her conversation with your aunt.
Meanwhile, Natasha laid the wood into the fireplace during an awkward silence. “So, Natasha, I like you” he told her which first gave her a bit of relief but she quickly heard the “but” that was following the sentence. “But if you hurt her or anything, I will kill you myself, clear?” Natasha shyly nodded adding a “crystal clear” now it was his time to hear the “but” that was following. “But you won’t ever have to worry about that. She’s my all and I’d kill myself if I hurt her” she told him and he seemed satisfied with her answer. So with one look he signaled her that she should get the others to the fireplace but added one thing before she was gone. “And next time, leave your bed stories out of the family meetings”
Your girlfriend came back with a red face to call all of you over. You let the rest go before you so you could talk with her. “Is everything alright? Did he say something stupid?” You asked laying your hand on her cheek with your thumb slowly stroking over it. “No, it’s alright. We just talked” she calmed your nerves and turned her head to kiss the palm of your hand.
Hand in hand you walked into the living room and cuddled up on one of the arm chairs to play games with the rest of the family. At one point it was only Natty and your brother against each other and you had fallen asleep on her. “Natty, can we go home?” You asked still half a sleep. “Of course my love” she whispered pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “Well, I guess you won this one” she told your brother who grimaced. “You two are so whipped” he gagged out.
You stayed asleep while nat said goodbye to everyone and carried you into the car. After she drove home and laid you into your bed she changed before laying next to you. Even asleep you felt her presence and pressed into her side. “Thank you for coming with me today” you mumbled before pressing a kiss to her neck and falling asleep.
So turns out, meeting your family wasn’t that bad.
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