alinladaru · 1 year
NFT fest| September 7 - 11, 2023| Lugano, Canton Ticino (Switzerland)
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andoutofharm · 5 months
Hi! I just want to bring up a concern of mine is that Fall Out Boy will be playing at Download Fest in June and one of the partners of Download is Barclays (an official BDS target specifically an exclusion and divestment boycott). I got reminded to check because another festival in the UK (Great Escape) happening in May has a lot of their lineup pull out when Barclays remains as a partner and/or signed a petition encouraging it to drop them (Check BDS’s Instagram). I just want to give a heads up and perhaps encourage to use our voices to make the band aware! Like with the whole Gabe situation, we should be able to hold them accountable/let them be informed/make it clear about our feelings.
I wanted to say something now, rather than have it be a whole thing blow up last minute or afterwards especially since nobody else has noticed yet or said anything. At least unlike what happened in March, we have two months ahead of time to tell them. Please anybody who plans on saying something, please don’t harass people! Obviously FOB are not the organizers of this festival, they don’t make the partnerships, I doubt they check who are funding these events, they are simply invited/paid to show, but they as a band should be aware of the fact one of the bigger partners of this festival is profiting and funding genocide and is considered a big enough target to be put on said boycott lists. Pressure and encourage FOB to drop their appearance and/or make a statement. Not only should this be about informing people we look up to and encouraging them to make moral choices, but also informing others about the cause and how many companies profit from Palestinian genocide!
FOB tends to respond to backlash and pressure pretty quickly ie: Pretending you know who was never on stage, never doing that whole NFTs thing, and pulling offensive merch. IK people will go to Meredith, but please remember don’t harass and act like she controls the band. She is an entirely separate person from the band. I get it, Meredith is the easiest person to get noticed from when it comes to being close to the band, but hold that responsibility over FOB’s head, not one of their wives. Anyways so sorry for this long wall of text, or if this ask of mine seems ridiculous and it’s not really a fun ask, I just wanted to say what I had in mind and be able to properly address concerns and hopefully see a change. Thank you. ❤️❤️❤️
Thanks for bringing this to my attention! Here and here are the posts on BDS’s instagram talking about the other festival this anon is referring to.
I don’t know what the best course of action is here/what the best way to contact them is/how to bring this to their attention so if anyone has any thoughts or input please weigh in!
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morgombie · 10 months
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more designs <3 i love makin these guys but then idk what to do with them, so hopefully other ppl can find some use for em :]
rules & prices below, DM if interested!
- you can give as a gift.
- you may not re-sell for more than the design was bought for. ( void if there is additional art made of the design )
- payment through paypal USD.
- payment must be sent within 48 hours, or the design will go back up for sale.
- do not steal. if you see these designs anywhere they shouldn't be, please inform me.
- you may change anything on your design, so long as it is still recognizable and not whitewashed.
- you may not use for AI training/learning or NFTs.
- no refunds.
Frost Fest - [ CLOSED ]
Bat-tastic - [ CLOSED ]
Patchwork - [ CLOSED ]
Cross Bones - [ CLOSED ]
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ghaniblue · 10 months
HP Rec Fest: Day 3
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@hprecfest prompt: a podfic
Podfics, my beloved. I tried to narrow it down to one, but alas. So I went with:
two old Drarry favourites that I imprinted on years ago and still return to time and again;
a Drarry podfic by an all-time favourite podficcer across several fandoms, written by the narrator;
and a new favourite rare pair podfic, and an incredible debut recording at that.
Tissue of Silver read by Fayjay & written by Fearlessdiva (Drarry, Explicit, 8h)
A love story concerning possessed furniture, black silk pyjamas, courtroom drama, premonitions of doom, assassination attempts, Death Eater yoga, absinthe, bare feet and a sensible werewolf. Beware: coarse language, brief drug use, some sexual content, and consideration of issues of sexual consent.
After failing in his task of killing Dumbledore, life doesn’t go as Draco expected. Sometimes just surviving takes everything you’ve got. And sometimes healing is something you can’t do alone. Story goes AU/AR from the end of Half-Blood Prince.
A Fruit Tree in Winter by Bryoneybrynn read by Takola & written by Bryoneybrynn (Drarry, Mature, 3-3,5h
Podfic: Like Diamonds We Are Cut With Our Own Dust written & read by @raitala (Drarry, Teen, 1h)
Draco has borne the mark of the Dark Lord for over ten years. It is familiar to him, but he pays the price for it every day, and Harry has noticed.
For Sale by Owner: Rose Weasley-Granger's Virginity by @schmem14 & written by @vukovich (Draco/Rose, minor Rose/Scorpius, background Scorbus, Explicit, 3-3,5h)
Problem: I'm a twenty-four year-old academic prodigy, but I'd trade my diplomas for a good, hard fuck. Since that's not a real thing I can do, I guess I'll pack up my dildo collection and go to the States for this doctoral program. If I can raise the money for tuition. Solution: Virginity: the original NFT. Non-Fuckable Token. Assuming someone will pay for it. Spoiler: Someone does. Handsomely. And repeatedly. And then I stole his cat.
>> rec fest masterlist <<
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doubleddenden · 7 months
Just for fun, I'm going to make an absolute WORST CASE scenario for Pokemon day (with sillies)
Pokemon decides to announce NFTs (they did put out a job listing for an NFT expert months ago)
Pokemon merch that's just more overpriced garbage. Shitty pastel tshirts that just have the pokemon logo stamped on the left breast area- $50, only goes to size XL.
Pokemon Go has way too much screen time for yet another Kanto fest
Pokemon Masters, Unite, and Cafe just won't end their trailers.
New tv show that's just a vague reality show about celebrities that liked Pokémon once, and it's more of an episodic celebrity biography show with one line or two about Pokémon. Not even fun ones, C tier at best. So, something like T@yl*r Sw*ft's boyfriend's football career, but one line about playing Blue for a few hours at his cousin's house.
Pokemon Home fees will increase
Pokemon Bank will close TODAY
Port of Red, Blue, Gold, Silver, Ruby, and Sapphire to NSO- you have to pay for online to access it over cloud- internet connection required, and for some reason you have to pay extra for them in a Pokémon exclusive expansion pass. No word of third versions. Does not include the events or Japan exclusives.
Black and White 1 remakes announced. It's chibi like BDSP, colors are dry and washed out, there's graphical errors in the trailer frames, they state BW2 specifically is not part of the remake, they promise tweaks to make the gameplay EASIER than ever. Parts of the game are made with AI and script rewritten by Chat GPT, with an error you spot easily in a trailer. Masuda has the remake game director's neck clenched tightly from the back. He looks at you and says "you will buy the games this time. This isn't a request." Japan pre-order exclusives are amazingly crafted Reshiram and Zekrom statues that even have light up tails and eyes, and also you get shiny versions of them only in the Japanese copies, US gets a cheap piece of paper with generic stock images of Pikachu and Charizard on it, everything is shiny locked for everywhere not Japan.
They tease a Legends game. You think it's going to be amazing, you think oh my god we're getting Legends Unova... wait, it looks Japanese, maybe LEGENDS CELEBI???...it's Legends......... KANTO, and it's the most gorgeous thing you've ever seen after the clear lack of care put into their non gen 1 games since the Switch launched. A selling point is, once again, no new Pokémon after the og 151 so older fans can enjoy it better. Your starters are Charmander, Charmander, and Charmander, you might encounter Bulbasaur and Squirtle in post game. Your job is to stop EEEVIL outsiders from the rest of the regions with their newer Pokémon from settling into Kanto. Johto is having an awesome party next door with all the regions invited, but there's been a convenient landslide blocking the only way over. It's just reskinned Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee. Professor Oak is your age and putting moves on your mom.
Features a mythical Pokémon based on depression that looks like a tiny salary man, comes with its own movie featuring Ash as a depressed Millenial realizing he peaked at 10. He has to get a job. Pikachu is dying of old age and Ash has to "grow up" and release him and all of his other still living Pokémon. It cuts to real life, and Pokémon was just a game he has been playing for years to cope with his parents' divorce and eventually his own with Misty, then May, then Dawn, then Serena, then Goh, etc. Ash's dad is finally revealed: it's Chris Pratt with bad cgi wrinkles, back with milk. They go to the arcade to play Mario to stomp on some................................................................................................................................................................................... KOOPAS.
"Well that's all. Oh wait, one more thing!"
Ed Sheeran and T@yl*r Sw*ft music video featuring 1 Pikachu in a frame that can be easily edited out, with a song not even about Pokémon. The song sounds like shit and is about another breakup.
There, the bar has been lowered to the floor. It cannot get worse.
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lilarus · 1 year
A little something to start off my ✨#tesfest23✨
It's my first time participating this year 👉👈 I think I did it right
Prompt: arcane or beast
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This is my Sirestia (snow elf OC) in their panther form.
The progess pics of the art is below.
do not repost or reuse without permission. do not use for ai, nfts, or merch.
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The lighting is rather inconsistent just because of where I took the photos. The best picture is the finished one.
There's nothing better than dropping art of a character very few know of.
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szeniq · 10 months
BOOOM! ZENIQ, RAMZIQ und SAFIR schreiben Geschichte
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Spätestens seit dem Beginn der nie überwundenen Finanzkrise von 2008, eher aber schon seit der globalen Ausbreitung des Internet, befindet sich die Welt in einem Zustand wachsender Orientierungslosigkeit. Denn eines war von Anfang an klar: Mit dem Internet beginnt etwas vollkommen Neues. Doch was neu ist, ist längst noch nicht reif. Tatsächlich befinden wir uns in einem Zustand des Wartens. Warten auf Entwicklungen. Warten auf Anhaltspunkte und Orientierung. Warten auf Perspektiven. Insgesamt: Warten auf Erlösung aus einer zugleich übervoll und vakuumleer anmutenden Zeit, die wir seit dem 05.08.2023 guten Gewissens als Zwischenstadium oder Zäsur abhaken dürfen.
Am 05. August 2023 ereignete sich im Burj Khalifa Dubai City, dem höchsten Gebäude der Welt, nicht weniger als der Beginn einer Zeitenwende.
Das als „BOOM-Event“ angekündigte Treffen war viel, viel mehr als Boom: Am 05. August des Jahres 2023 wurde in Dubai Geschichte geschrieben.
Folgendes ist passiert:
Wurde ein bahnbrechendes NFT-finanziertes Projekt vorgestellt, das allein aufgrund seines Volumens die ZENIQ-Smartchain auf einen Schlag zur globalen Nummer 2 machen wird, Tendenz nach oben de facto unbegrenzt.
Das architektonische Meisterwerk wird in den bereits mit solchen reich gesegneten VAE realisiert werden, eine Oase der Schönheit. Im Mittelpunkt des Ensembles ein als riesige Perle konzipiertes Planetarium, das in Form und Funktion auf die große arabische Kultur abhebt, eine Hymne auf das Universum, den menschlichen Geist und seine unendliche Sehnsucht nach Ferne und Sinn, die sich im sternengesättigten arabischen Himmel befindet. Um die Perle herum Appartements und Hotels, sich architektonisch an die Wellen der umgebenden Dünen schmiegend, Tanz zwischen Himmel und Erde, Erleichterung und Gravitation in Einem. Schwerelosigkeit. Wir heben ab in einen Traum aus Tausend und einer Nacht. Abkunft und Wiederkehr, Nacht und Licht, Ying und Yang. Zuhören, Lernen, Erzählen, Musik. Staunen am Sein.
In der Tat symbolisiert dieses Projekt alles, wonach Menschen sich sehnen, erst recht in Zeiten der Suche. Ökonomisch repräsentiert es einen stetig wachsenden Wert, der auf den Prinzipien von Angebot und Nachfrage entsteht. Die ökonomischen Hard Facts bilden die gesunde Basis für alle weiteren Module, die im Einzugsbereich der Perle entstehen, darunter eine sensationelle, in den Boden eingelassene Mall.
Alles ökologisch, alles nachhaltig, alles klimaneutral.
Die Besucher des Boom-Events waren schon bei der Präsentation dieses Projekts verzaubert. Wie erst werden die Besucher sich freuen?
2. Das zweite Projekt, das auf dem SAFIR-Event vorgeschlagen wurde, hat jeden, der nicht gut saß, quasi vom Hocker gehauen. Es wird die Welt verändern, und zwar zum Guten. ENDLICH! Die ZENIQ-Plattform wurde von Anfang an so konzipiert, dass auch die anspruchsvollsten, größten und komplexesten Projekte auf ihr realisiert werden können.
Jetzt halten Sie sich fest:
Die BRICS-Staaten haben sich dank der konkurrenzlosen Leistungsfähigkeit der ZENIQ- Blockchain dazu entschieden, auf ihr die erste und bis auf Weiteres einzige goldgedeckte Kryptowährung der Welt zu implementieren.
Dies wird ungeheuerlich weitreichende Folgen haben: Zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte der Menschheit gibt es ein globales, dezentrales Transaktionssystem, das aufgrund seiner Golddeckung bei gleichzeitiger Blockchainbasierung auf den atmenden Mechanismen der Marktwirtschaft beruht und absolut sicher, unhackbar und nachhaltig ist. Immun gegen staatliche Intervention, denn Geld muss das Synonym für Freiheit bleiben. Für immer.
Damit haben die Initiatoren der Menschheit – ja, der ganzen Menschheit – einen historisch längst überfälligen Dienst erwiesen, der aber erst jetzt, wo die ZENIQ-Plattform die technischen Grundlagen bereitzustellen vermochte, umgesetzt werden kann.
Die Menschen werden wieder wissen, woran sie sind. Jeder darf an seinem Lebensglück feilen. Jeder darf frei sein und sich entfalten. Die Welt wird wieder vom Kopf auf die Füße gestellt, mit guten, bequemen Schuhen, die uns in eine gute, helle Zukunft tragen.
Die qualvolle Zeit der Zäsur ist beendet.
Freuen wir uns nun auf alles, was nun kommen wird.
Und danken wir jenen, die an der Realisierung dieses Werks beteiligt waren und sind. Danken wir ZENIQ, danken wir RAMZIQ und SAFIR. Danken wir allen Architekten der Hoffnung.
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gothmods · 10 months
Fully agree with the last post but i dont think the nft vision loss is a good example since there is really no way anyone attending could have foreseen it as even a possible outcome AND full responsibility can and should fall onto the organisers
Like the injuries people sustained were a result of someone elses negligence and poor safety conduct
yeah going to an nft fest is stupid and highly mockable but there was nothing attendees could have done to prevent those injuries
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the-aleksy-show · 1 year
Pt. 1 of the picrew orgy
So, I want to give you guys a comprehensive list of all the best picrews (in my opinion)
I really like these, and I would love to promote them.
So, let the picrew fest begin!
These are all amazing picrews, and I hope you guys will love them.
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brookston · 8 days
Holidays 9.20
Battle of the Sexes Day
BIPOC Vamp Day
Celebration of Convictions (French Republic)
Constitution Day (Nepal)
Customs Officer’s Day (Belarus)
Day of Circassians
Dessalines Day (Haiti) [also 10.17]
Eleven Days of Global Unity, Day 10: Disarmament
Entrepreneur’s Day (Kyrgyzstan)
Farroupilha Revolution (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
Freedom of Speech Day (Spanish-speaking Nations)
Gibberish Day
International Akathisia Awareness Day
International Children’s Growth Awareness Day
International Day of Peace
International Day of University Sport
International Magic Mushroom Day
International NFT Day
International Penile Cancer Awareness Day
Jour de Dessalines (Haiti)
Jump the Shark Day
Liberation Day (East Timor)
Mac Miller Day (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
National Addiction Professionals Day
National Bus Day (Japan)
National Canal Conservation Day (Thailand)
National Care for Kids Day
National Crime and Intelligence Analyst Appreciation Day
National Equipment Manager Appreciation Day
National Farm Safety Day
National Farting Sound Day
National Fitness Day (UK)
National Gibberish Day
National LGBTQ Veteran’s Day
National NFT Day
National Science Reading Day
National Silk Day (India)
National Youth Day (Thailand)
920 Day (Wisconsin)
Nuakhai (Odisha, India)
Oil Workers’ Day (Azerbaijan)
Purple Bra Day (Australia)
Ragamuffin War (Brazil)
See Narayana Guru Memorial Day (Kerala, India)
Unification Day (Firefly)
Universal Children’s Day (Germany)
World Children’s Day (Thüringen, Germany)
World Day for the Freedom of Expression of Thought
World Gynecological Oncology Awareness Day
World Hydrocephalus Day
World Psychosynthesis Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Make Your Own Junk Food At Home Day
National Bakery Day
National Fried Rice Day
National Hard Seltzer Day
National Pepperoni Pizza Day
National Punch Day
National Queso Day
National Sour Beer Day [also 3rd Thursday]
National String Cheese Day
Rum Punch Day
World Paella Day
Independence & Related Days
Agber (f.k.a. Kolios; Declared; 1995) [unrecognized]
Austenasia (Declared; 2008) [unrecognized]
Azzurrai (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Marxist Empire (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Mekniy and Lurk (Declared; 2009) [unrecognized]
Sambidhaan Diwas (Constitution Day; Nepal)
South Ossetia (from Georgia, 1990) [unrecognized]
Transcaucasia (from Russia; 1917)
3rd Friday in September
Bright Pink Lipstick Day [3rd Friday]
Chästeilet (Dividing of the Cheese; Switzerland) [3rd Friday]
Clean Up the World Weekend [Begins 3rd Friday]
Comfort Food Friday [Every Friday]
Ember Day (Roman Catholic and Anglican Churches) [Friday after 9.14]
Five For Friday [Every Friday]
Flashback Friday [Every Friday]
Fondue Friday [3rd Friday of Each Month]
Friday Finds [Every Friday]
Friendly Friday [3rd Friday of Each Month]
Fry Day (Pastafarian; Fritism) [Every Friday]
Gee Haw Whimmy Diddle Competition begins (Asheville, NC) [3rd Friday, through weekend]
Global Be(er) Responsible Day [3rd Friday]
International Grenache Day [3rd Friday]
Jeans For Genes (UK) [3rd Friday]
King Turkey Day Festival (Minnesota) [3rd Friday & Saturday]
National Black Voter Day [3rd Friday]
National Concussion Awareness Day [3rd Friday]
National Doodle Day (UK) [Friday of 3rd Full Week]
National Foot Drop Awareness Day (UK) [3rd Friday]
National 4pm Finish Day [3rd Friday]
National POW/MIA Recognition Day [3rd Friday]
National School Spirit Day [3rd Friday]
National Sunflower Day (South Africa) [3rd Friday]
National Tradesman Day [3rd Friday]
National #WhyApply Day [3rd Friday]
PARK(ing) Day [3rd Friday]
QuadWitch Day [3rd Friday]
Quarter Tense (Ireland) [Friday after 9.14]
Raspberry Day (UK) [3rd Friday]
TGIF (Thank God It's Friday) [Every Friday]
Weekly Holidays beginning September 20 (3rd Full Week of September)
Clean Up the World Weekend (thru 9.22) [3rd Weekend]
Colorfest Weekend (Pagosa Springs, Colorado) [thru 9.22]
Festivals Beginning September 20, 2024
Applefest (La Crescent, Minnesota) [thru 9.22]
Arizona Restaurant Week: Fall (Statewide, Arizona) [thru 9.29]
Arizona State Fair (Phoenix, Arizona) [thru 9.27]
Arkansas Oklahoma State Fair (Fort Smith, Arkansas) [thru 9.28]
Baltimore Comic-Con (Baltimore, Maryland) [thru 9.22]
Benton County Fair (Bentonville, Arkansas) [thru 9.28]
Berea Spoonbread Festival (Berea, Kentucky) [thru 9.22]
Central Washington State Fair (Yakima, Washington) [thru 9.29]
Cherokee Strip Cook-Off (Ponca City, Oklahoma) [thru 9.21]
Chile & Frijoles Festival (Pueblo, Colorado) [thru 9.22]
Common Ground Country Fair (Unity, Maine) [thru 9.22]
Downtown Wine Stroll (Los Altos, California)
Egremont Crab Fair and World Gurning Championships (Egremont, United Kingdom) [thru 9.21]
Farm to Fork Festival (Sacramento, California) [thru 9.21]
Great Forest Park Balloon Race (St Louis, Missouri) [thru 9.21]
Green County Cheese Days 2024 (Monroe, Wisconsin) [thru 9.22]
Green River Melon Days (Green River, Utah) [thru 9.21]
Idaho Gourd Festival (Nampa, Idaho) [thru 9.22]
Lancaster Liederkranz Oktoberfest (Lancaster, Texas) [thru 9.22]
Long Grove Apple Fest (Long Grove, Illinois) [thru 9.22]
Marionville AppleFest (Marionville, Missouri) [thru 9.21]
Niagara Grape & Wine Festival (St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada) [thru 9.29]
Picnic in the Park (Baltimore, Maryland)
Potato Days (Meridian, Idaho) [thru 9.22]
San Sebastian International Film Festival (San Sebastian, Spain) [thru 9.28]
Strasbourg European Fantastic Film Festival (Strasbourg, France) [thru 9.29]
Tater Tots Festival (Ontario, Oregon) [thru 9.21]
Uncle Pen Festival (Morgantown, Indiana) [thru 9.21]
Warsaw Autumn Music Festival (Warsaw, Poland) [thru 9.28]
Wet Whistle Wine Fest (Algoma, Wisconsin) [thru 9.21]
Whiskies of the World (San Francisco, California)
Feast Days
Agapitus (Christian; Saint)
Andrew Kim Taegon, Laurent-Marie-Joseph Imbert, and companions (Christian; Korean Martyrs)
Birthday of the Sun (Inca)
Candle and Spell for Balance Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Carista (Day of Peace in the Family; Pagan)
Coleridge Patteson (Anglican Communion)
Confucius Day (Confucianism)
Dale Chihuly (Artology)
Deirdriu (Celtic Book of Days)
Donald Hall (Writerism)
Eustace (Christian; Saint)
Eustachius and companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Evilasius (Christian; Saint)
Fausta of Cyzicus (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Korean Martyrs (Christian; Martyrs)
Feast of Orlog (Deity of Destiny; Scandinavia)
Feast of Zywie (Goddess of Longevity; Poland)
Festival to Quetzalcoatl (Everyday Wicca)
Genesia (Festival to Honor the Dead, esp. those who died in wars; Ancient Greece)
George R.R. Martin (Writerism)
Glycerius of Milan (Christian; Saint)
Jean-Charles Cornay (Christian; One of Vietnamese Martyrs)
John Coleridge Patteson (commemoration, Anglicanism) (Christian; Saint)
José Maria de Yermo y Parres (Christian; Saint)
Keith Roberts (Artology)
Señor Canica (Muppetism)
Sophia Loren Appreciation Day (Pastafarian)
Telesterion begins (7th day of the Eleusinian Mysteries; Ancient Greece)
Théodore Chassériau (Artology)
Theodore, Philippa and companions (Christian; Saint)
Upton Sinclair (Writerism)
Vincent Madelgarius (a..k.a. Maelceadar; Christian; Saint)
Voltaire (Positivist; Saint)
Yummy Kippers Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [51 of 71]
Prime Number Day: 263 [56 of 72]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Alice’s Monkey Business (Ub Iwerks Disney Cartoon; 1926)
Alice’s Restaurant, by Arlo Guthrie (Album; 1967)
Anasazi Boys, by Neil Gaiman (Novel; 2005)
And Then There Were None, by Agatha Christie (Play; 1943)
Bird Scouts (Rainbow Parade Cartoon; 1935)
Calling Occupants if Interplanetary Craft, by The Carpenters (Song; 1977)
Call Me Maybe, by Carla Rae Jepsen (Song; 2011)
Canadian Can-Can (The Inspector Cartoon; 1967)
The Champ, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1931)
The Cosby Show (TV Series; 1984)
The Dandy Lion (Animated Antics Cartoon; 1940)
Descent into Hell, by Charles Williams (Novel; 1937)
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, by AC/DC (Album; 1976)
Downtown Abbey (Film; 2019)
The Fisher King (Film; 1991)
Fore, by Huey Lewis & The News (Album; 1986)
Firefly (TV Series; 2002)
Here Comes the Groom (Film; 1951)
Hey Diddle Diddle (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1935)
Injun Trouble (WB MM Cartoon; 1969)
The Jail Break (Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1946)
Kitty from the City (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1971)
Lighthouse Keeping (Disney Cartoon; 1946)
Merlin (TV Series; 2008)
Mike & Molly (TV Series; 2010)
Miss Saigon (Musical Play; 1989)
MTV Cribs (TV Series; 2000)
My Friend Flicka, by Mary O'Hara (Novel; 1941)
My Name is Earl (TV Series; 2005)
New Girl (TV Series; 2011)
No More Kings (America Rock Cartoon; Schoolhouse Rock; 1975)
Popeye Meets William Tell (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1940)
Possum Pearl (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1957)
Rabbit Seasoning (WB MM Cartoon; 1952)
Real Gone Woody (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1954)
Ringo the 4th, by Ringo Starr (Album; 1977)
Secretary (Film; 2002)
Simple Siren (Phantasies Cartoon; 1945)
Slap Happy Lion (Tex Avery MGM Cartoon; 1947)
Spirited Away (Studio Ghibli Anime Film; 2002)
This Is Us (TV Series; 2016)
Touchdown Demons (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1940)
Travels with Charley: In Search of America, by John Steinbeck (Travelogue; 1961)
Viva Willie (Ub Iwerks MGM Cartoon; 1934)
Whip-Smart, by Liz Phair (Album; 1994)
Who’s the Boss? (TV Series; 1984)
Window Cleaners (Disney Cartoon; 1940)
Yogi’s Great Escape (Animated TV Special; 1987)
Today’s Name Days
Candida, Fausta, Susanne (Austria)
Andrija, Andrijana, Pavao (Croatia)
Oleg (Czech Republic)
Tobias (Denmark)
Kaubi, Kaupo (Estonia)
Varpu, Vaula (Finland)
Davy (France)
Candida, Eustach, Hertha, Susanna (Germany)
Evstathios, Stathis, Theopisti (Greece)
Friderika (Hungary)
Candida, Eustachiusz, Matteo (Italy)
Guntra, Marianna (Latvia)
Eustachijus, Fausta, Tautgirdė, Vainoras (Lithuania)
Tage, Tobias (Norway)
Dionizy, Eustachiusz, Eustachy, Fausta, Faustyna, Filipina, Irena, Oleg, Ostap, Sozant (Poland)
Ľuboslav, Ľuboslava (Slovakia)
Genaro, Jenaro (Spain)
Agda, Elise, Lisa (Sweden)
Oleh (Ukraine)
Eustace, Eustacia, Hailee, Hailey, Haleigh, Haley, Halie, Halle, Hallie, Haylee, Hayley (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 264 of 2024; 102 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of Week 38 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 20 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Guy-You), Day 18 (Ding-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 17 Elul 5784
Islamic: 16 Rabi I 1446
J Cal: 24 Gold; Threesday [24 of 30]
Julian: 7 September 2024
Moon: 90%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 12 Shakespeare (10th Month) [Alfieri]
Runic Half Month: Ken (Illumination) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 93 of 94)
Week: 3rd Full Week of September
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 30 of 32)
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brookstonalmanac · 8 days
Holidays 9.20
Battle of the Sexes Day
BIPOC Vamp Day
Celebration of Convictions (French Republic)
Constitution Day (Nepal)
Customs Officer’s Day (Belarus)
Day of Circassians
Dessalines Day (Haiti) [also 10.17]
Eleven Days of Global Unity, Day 10: Disarmament
Entrepreneur’s Day (Kyrgyzstan)
Farroupilha Revolution (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
Freedom of Speech Day (Spanish-speaking Nations)
Gibberish Day
International Akathisia Awareness Day
International Children’s Growth Awareness Day
International Day of Peace
International Day of University Sport
International Magic Mushroom Day
International NFT Day
International Penile Cancer Awareness Day
Jour de Dessalines (Haiti)
Jump the Shark Day
Liberation Day (East Timor)
Mac Miller Day (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
National Addiction Professionals Day
National Bus Day (Japan)
National Canal Conservation Day (Thailand)
National Care for Kids Day
National Crime and Intelligence Analyst Appreciation Day
National Equipment Manager Appreciation Day
National Farm Safety Day
National Farting Sound Day
National Fitness Day (UK)
National Gibberish Day
National LGBTQ Veteran’s Day
National NFT Day
National Science Reading Day
National Silk Day (India)
National Youth Day (Thailand)
920 Day (Wisconsin)
Nuakhai (Odisha, India)
Oil Workers’ Day (Azerbaijan)
Purple Bra Day (Australia)
Ragamuffin War (Brazil)
See Narayana Guru Memorial Day (Kerala, India)
Unification Day (Firefly)
Universal Children’s Day (Germany)
World Children’s Day (Thüringen, Germany)
World Day for the Freedom of Expression of Thought
World Gynecological Oncology Awareness Day
World Hydrocephalus Day
World Psychosynthesis Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Make Your Own Junk Food At Home Day
National Bakery Day
National Fried Rice Day
National Hard Seltzer Day
National Pepperoni Pizza Day
National Punch Day
National Queso Day
National Sour Beer Day [also 3rd Thursday]
National String Cheese Day
Rum Punch Day
World Paella Day
Independence & Related Days
Agber (f.k.a. Kolios; Declared; 1995) [unrecognized]
Austenasia (Declared; 2008) [unrecognized]
Azzurrai (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Marxist Empire (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Mekniy and Lurk (Declared; 2009) [unrecognized]
Sambidhaan Diwas (Constitution Day; Nepal)
South Ossetia (from Georgia, 1990) [unrecognized]
Transcaucasia (from Russia; 1917)
3rd Friday in September
Bright Pink Lipstick Day [3rd Friday]
Chästeilet (Dividing of the Cheese; Switzerland) [3rd Friday]
Clean Up the World Weekend [Begins 3rd Friday]
Comfort Food Friday [Every Friday]
Ember Day (Roman Catholic and Anglican Churches) [Friday after 9.14]
Five For Friday [Every Friday]
Flashback Friday [Every Friday]
Fondue Friday [3rd Friday of Each Month]
Friday Finds [Every Friday]
Friendly Friday [3rd Friday of Each Month]
Fry Day (Pastafarian; Fritism) [Every Friday]
Gee Haw Whimmy Diddle Competition begins (Asheville, NC) [3rd Friday, through weekend]
Global Be(er) Responsible Day [3rd Friday]
International Grenache Day [3rd Friday]
Jeans For Genes (UK) [3rd Friday]
King Turkey Day Festival (Minnesota) [3rd Friday & Saturday]
National Black Voter Day [3rd Friday]
National Concussion Awareness Day [3rd Friday]
National Doodle Day (UK) [Friday of 3rd Full Week]
National Foot Drop Awareness Day (UK) [3rd Friday]
National 4pm Finish Day [3rd Friday]
National POW/MIA Recognition Day [3rd Friday]
National School Spirit Day [3rd Friday]
National Sunflower Day (South Africa) [3rd Friday]
National Tradesman Day [3rd Friday]
National #WhyApply Day [3rd Friday]
PARK(ing) Day [3rd Friday]
QuadWitch Day [3rd Friday]
Quarter Tense (Ireland) [Friday after 9.14]
Raspberry Day (UK) [3rd Friday]
TGIF (Thank God It's Friday) [Every Friday]
Weekly Holidays beginning September 20 (3rd Full Week of September)
Clean Up the World Weekend (thru 9.22) [3rd Weekend]
Colorfest Weekend (Pagosa Springs, Colorado) [thru 9.22]
Festivals Beginning September 20, 2024
Applefest (La Crescent, Minnesota) [thru 9.22]
Arizona Restaurant Week: Fall (Statewide, Arizona) [thru 9.29]
Arizona State Fair (Phoenix, Arizona) [thru 9.27]
Arkansas Oklahoma State Fair (Fort Smith, Arkansas) [thru 9.28]
Baltimore Comic-Con (Baltimore, Maryland) [thru 9.22]
Benton County Fair (Bentonville, Arkansas) [thru 9.28]
Berea Spoonbread Festival (Berea, Kentucky) [thru 9.22]
Central Washington State Fair (Yakima, Washington) [thru 9.29]
Cherokee Strip Cook-Off (Ponca City, Oklahoma) [thru 9.21]
Chile & Frijoles Festival (Pueblo, Colorado) [thru 9.22]
Common Ground Country Fair (Unity, Maine) [thru 9.22]
Downtown Wine Stroll (Los Altos, California)
Egremont Crab Fair and World Gurning Championships (Egremont, United Kingdom) [thru 9.21]
Farm to Fork Festival (Sacramento, California) [thru 9.21]
Great Forest Park Balloon Race (St Louis, Missouri) [thru 9.21]
Green County Cheese Days 2024 (Monroe, Wisconsin) [thru 9.22]
Green River Melon Days (Green River, Utah) [thru 9.21]
Idaho Gourd Festival (Nampa, Idaho) [thru 9.22]
Lancaster Liederkranz Oktoberfest (Lancaster, Texas) [thru 9.22]
Long Grove Apple Fest (Long Grove, Illinois) [thru 9.22]
Marionville AppleFest (Marionville, Missouri) [thru 9.21]
Niagara Grape & Wine Festival (St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada) [thru 9.29]
Picnic in the Park (Baltimore, Maryland)
Potato Days (Meridian, Idaho) [thru 9.22]
San Sebastian International Film Festival (San Sebastian, Spain) [thru 9.28]
Strasbourg European Fantastic Film Festival (Strasbourg, France) [thru 9.29]
Tater Tots Festival (Ontario, Oregon) [thru 9.21]
Uncle Pen Festival (Morgantown, Indiana) [thru 9.21]
Warsaw Autumn Music Festival (Warsaw, Poland) [thru 9.28]
Wet Whistle Wine Fest (Algoma, Wisconsin) [thru 9.21]
Whiskies of the World (San Francisco, California)
Feast Days
Agapitus (Christian; Saint)
Andrew Kim Taegon, Laurent-Marie-Joseph Imbert, and companions (Christian; Korean Martyrs)
Birthday of the Sun (Inca)
Candle and Spell for Balance Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Carista (Day of Peace in the Family; Pagan)
Coleridge Patteson (Anglican Communion)
Confucius Day (Confucianism)
Dale Chihuly (Artology)
Deirdriu (Celtic Book of Days)
Donald Hall (Writerism)
Eustace (Christian; Saint)
Eustachius and companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Evilasius (Christian; Saint)
Fausta of Cyzicus (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Korean Martyrs (Christian; Martyrs)
Feast of Orlog (Deity of Destiny; Scandinavia)
Feast of Zywie (Goddess of Longevity; Poland)
Festival to Quetzalcoatl (Everyday Wicca)
Genesia (Festival to Honor the Dead, esp. those who died in wars; Ancient Greece)
George R.R. Martin (Writerism)
Glycerius of Milan (Christian; Saint)
Jean-Charles Cornay (Christian; One of Vietnamese Martyrs)
John Coleridge Patteson (commemoration, Anglicanism) (Christian; Saint)
José Maria de Yermo y Parres (Christian; Saint)
Keith Roberts (Artology)
Señor Canica (Muppetism)
Sophia Loren Appreciation Day (Pastafarian)
Telesterion begins (7th day of the Eleusinian Mysteries; Ancient Greece)
Théodore Chassériau (Artology)
Theodore, Philippa and companions (Christian; Saint)
Upton Sinclair (Writerism)
Vincent Madelgarius (a..k.a. Maelceadar; Christian; Saint)
Voltaire (Positivist; Saint)
Yummy Kippers Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [51 of 71]
Prime Number Day: 263 [56 of 72]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Alice’s Monkey Business (Ub Iwerks Disney Cartoon; 1926)
Alice’s Restaurant, by Arlo Guthrie (Album; 1967)
Anasazi Boys, by Neil Gaiman (Novel; 2005)
And Then There Were None, by Agatha Christie (Play; 1943)
Bird Scouts (Rainbow Parade Cartoon; 1935)
Calling Occupants if Interplanetary Craft, by The Carpenters (Song; 1977)
Call Me Maybe, by Carla Rae Jepsen (Song; 2011)
Canadian Can-Can (The Inspector Cartoon; 1967)
The Champ, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1931)
The Cosby Show (TV Series; 1984)
The Dandy Lion (Animated Antics Cartoon; 1940)
Descent into Hell, by Charles Williams (Novel; 1937)
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, by AC/DC (Album; 1976)
Downtown Abbey (Film; 2019)
The Fisher King (Film; 1991)
Fore, by Huey Lewis & The News (Album; 1986)
Firefly (TV Series; 2002)
Here Comes the Groom (Film; 1951)
Hey Diddle Diddle (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1935)
Injun Trouble (WB MM Cartoon; 1969)
The Jail Break (Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1946)
Kitty from the City (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1971)
Lighthouse Keeping (Disney Cartoon; 1946)
Merlin (TV Series; 2008)
Mike & Molly (TV Series; 2010)
Miss Saigon (Musical Play; 1989)
MTV Cribs (TV Series; 2000)
My Friend Flicka, by Mary O'Hara (Novel; 1941)
My Name is Earl (TV Series; 2005)
New Girl (TV Series; 2011)
No More Kings (America Rock Cartoon; Schoolhouse Rock; 1975)
Popeye Meets William Tell (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1940)
Possum Pearl (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1957)
Rabbit Seasoning (WB MM Cartoon; 1952)
Real Gone Woody (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1954)
Ringo the 4th, by Ringo Starr (Album; 1977)
Secretary (Film; 2002)
Simple Siren (Phantasies Cartoon; 1945)
Slap Happy Lion (Tex Avery MGM Cartoon; 1947)
Spirited Away (Studio Ghibli Anime Film; 2002)
This Is Us (TV Series; 2016)
Touchdown Demons (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1940)
Travels with Charley: In Search of America, by John Steinbeck (Travelogue; 1961)
Viva Willie (Ub Iwerks MGM Cartoon; 1934)
Whip-Smart, by Liz Phair (Album; 1994)
Who’s the Boss? (TV Series; 1984)
Window Cleaners (Disney Cartoon; 1940)
Yogi’s Great Escape (Animated TV Special; 1987)
Today’s Name Days
Candida, Fausta, Susanne (Austria)
Andrija, Andrijana, Pavao (Croatia)
Oleg (Czech Republic)
Tobias (Denmark)
Kaubi, Kaupo (Estonia)
Varpu, Vaula (Finland)
Davy (France)
Candida, Eustach, Hertha, Susanna (Germany)
Evstathios, Stathis, Theopisti (Greece)
Friderika (Hungary)
Candida, Eustachiusz, Matteo (Italy)
Guntra, Marianna (Latvia)
Eustachijus, Fausta, Tautgirdė, Vainoras (Lithuania)
Tage, Tobias (Norway)
Dionizy, Eustachiusz, Eustachy, Fausta, Faustyna, Filipina, Irena, Oleg, Ostap, Sozant (Poland)
Ľuboslav, Ľuboslava (Slovakia)
Genaro, Jenaro (Spain)
Agda, Elise, Lisa (Sweden)
Oleh (Ukraine)
Eustace, Eustacia, Hailee, Hailey, Haleigh, Haley, Halie, Halle, Hallie, Haylee, Hayley (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 264 of 2024; 102 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of Week 38 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 20 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Guy-You), Day 18 (Ding-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 17 Elul 5784
Islamic: 16 Rabi I 1446
J Cal: 24 Gold; Threesday [24 of 30]
Julian: 7 September 2024
Moon: 90%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 12 Shakespeare (10th Month) [Alfieri]
Runic Half Month: Ken (Illumination) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 93 of 94)
Week: 3rd Full Week of September
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 30 of 32)
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jcmarchi · 2 months
Stalker 2: Heart Of Chornobyl Hit With Another Delay, Now Launching In November
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/stalker-2-heart-of-chornobyl-hit-with-another-delay-now-launching-in-november/
Stalker 2: Heart Of Chornobyl Hit With Another Delay, Now Launching In November
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S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl has suffered yet another delay. The long-awaited post-apocalyptic shooter was slated to arrive on September 5 but will now launch on November 20 to give developer GSC Game World more time to address technical issues.
Additionally, the studio announced it will release its first-ever Developer Deep Dive video to give a comprehensive behind-the-scenes look at the game. The video will feature new gameplay footage, overviews of its world and locations, a full walkthrough of a story quest, and developer interviews. It is being made in collaboration with Xbox and will premiere on August 12. 
[embedded content]
The delay marks another bump in the road for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl. It was formally unveiled in 2020 after years of teases at the Xbox Games Showcase but has hit snags along the way, including garnering backlash for now-canceled plans for NFT implementation. The biggest disruption was Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, where GSC Game World is based, which upended development and forced the staff to relocate to Prague, Czech Republic (though some team members actively fought and sadly perished in the war). Despite all of this, the game has managed to come together, and we even played it during Summer Game Fest this year.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl launches on November 20 for Xbox Series X/S and PC. It will launch day one on Xbox Game Pass. If nothing else, this delay gives players more time to catch up with the Xbox re-release of the original games that arrived earlier this year. 
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fintimez · 8 months
GameFi Digest #29/01.24
Planet Mojo на Premint / Crazy Defense Heroes – Urban Invasion / Illuvium: таблица лидеров первого сезона / Splinterlands X Contest на Gleam / Лучшие NFT и Крипто игры Web3 2024 / Yuliverse Final Airdrop Fest / OGCommunity
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lilarus · 1 year
#tesfest day 2!!
Prompt: beloved or ritual
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The full unblurred art is below (tw: blood, gore, artistic nudity)
[do not repost or reuse without permission. do not use for ai, nfts, or merch.]
In which you walk in to find Sirestia in the middle of something.
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No progress pics in this one bc it'd make it too long.
[Image: trigger warning for blood, gore, artistic nudity, and viscera. Marker and Watercolor art of OC Sirestia, masked, standing on viscera, blood pouring onto Sirestia. Black background with white eyes floating. Blood magicked and hovering above hand. White waved smoke rising.]
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tarditardi · 8 months
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Bored Party fa scatenare River House Club  - Soncino (Cremona)
Dopo il grande successo dei primi due party della stagione  al River House Club  - Soncino (Cremona) si continua a ballare con stile, scatenandosi fino al mattino o quasi con gli amici. Infatti, grazie a tutti gli artisti della River family,  ogni sabato e prefestivi vanno in scena feste decisamente hot, perfette per scaldare animi e cuori. E che succede sabato 20 gennaio 2024? Si festeggia a ritmo di house, lo stile musicale del momento. La festa è Bored party. E' il primo party NFT in Italia. Si tratta di un progetto futuristico e innovativo, che unisce la tecnologia delle blockchain al mondo dei club. Tutti da vedere e godere gli NFT della collezione Bored Party.
River House a Soncino (Cremona) propone party in una vera e propria villa, curata in ogni dettaglio di design e tecnologia pensata per il divertimento. Con gli amici senza motivi precisi, senza curarsi troppo delle apparenze e di essere cool e perfetti come sembra si debba sempre essere sui social. Perché il divertimento, più naturale e semplice è, meglio è. Questo è quel che succede al River House Club  - Soncino (Cremona) ogni sabato e prefestivi. 
La luna splende sul River House Club di Soncino (CR) che ormai da tempo è tornato a far ballare ogni sabato e prefestivi, in ogni stagione.  E' un ritorno che in zona e non solo, tra Cremona e Brescia, era decisamente atteso dai più giovani. L'atmosfera, sotto la grande mirrorball oppure in giardino, quando fa caldo, è quella di una grande festa tra amiche ed amici. Sorrisi, musica, ritmo fino a tardi, per celebrare ogni fine settimana.
Anche per l'autunno inverno 2023 / 24, infatti, il sound al River House Club è di qualità assoluta. River House club, aperto tutto l'anno, fa poi oggi parte del gruppo che gestisce molti dei più importanti spazi di divertimento tra Brescia e Cremona, con Circus beatclub (aperto da settembre a fine aprile e MOLO (aperto da maggio a fine settembre). La sinergia tra realtà di questo livello fa si che al River ogni weekend arrivino artisti di livello assoluto, artisti che fanno scatenare tutta Italia. 
Ad esempio, fanno tappa al River House Club di Sonico (CR) il Samsara Tour, suona forte il ritmo di Botteghi, spesso torna il sound sempre house e decisamente personale di Samuele Sartini... e non solo. Ogni weekend i party si susseguono senza soluzione di continuità.
River House Club
via Brescia 23, Soncino (CR)
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ailtrahq · 1 year
Coin Fam🇨🇭☀️ In the last article we teased VESA being in Switzerland, and how the country is advancing leaps and bounds in the eyes of the international crypto community, but today we will give you the lowdown on what the Swiss Web3 Fest was all about and who are the people in the ecosystem behind it. In general, to preface why the following is important, it’s good to mention something. VESA has been working with a bunch of people, from big to small companies and beyond, and what is quite frightening is the ratio of competent people even in big organisations, who have their shit together. It is  R A R E. So, let’s get to it.The Crypto Oasis founders (from left) Saqr, Ralf, and Faisal with us at the Art In Space gallery in Dubai earlier From Crypto Oasis to Crypto Valley and back 💫 If you have been connected to the crypto scene in Dubai at all, you must have heard of Crypto Oasis. The spearhead pack is the fastest growing crypto ecosystem in the world, but not everyone knows of their strong presence, and co-founder origins, in Switzerland. Grace under pressure The whole teams of Crypto Valley and Oasis were like fish in water when D-day finally came. The type of pressure that producing a large conference brings didn’t seem to faze them. It’s not an act when the curtains open. Quite the opposite. The day before the fest is set to go, the meeting room was still full of laughter and the team was constantly aware of opportunities to connect and support others already arriving early. VESA has been to see some 400+ events and many of them behind closed doors don’t have laughter coming out at that point – that’s for sure. While we are most familiar with Crypto Oasis, Ralph, and Saqr especially, at Dubai’s end, the home ground advantage that CV Labs and Crypto Valley had in Switzerland was tangible. It is clear that this network that drapes over the two countries and more is a legit, and expanding fast. Valley or desert, some people knwo how to generate.   What bear market? The Swiss Web3 Fest kicked off and the feeling had that same kind of buzz that was Miami during the height of the bull market in Jan 2018 at the North American Bitcoin Conf. Many of the attendees had a personal connection to one or several of the Founders of the Fest and as it’s not only crypto, the peaks and valleys of its cycles aren’t touching this as much. It’s one thing to keep being in this space through the rough seas of the bear market, and a whole other to pack electric conferences during it. Captured from the plane ride over The Swiss Alps lent its majesty as the backdrop of the affair as the attendees flew in and were greeted by the opulence and wealth of the country. First time visitors were quickly educated on the cost of living in the country, as grabbing a bottle of water at the airport set you back a distinguished 7,30 euros. NFT ART DAY IN ZUG It’s great to get in contact time and time again with the artworld at large – from the crypto art & NFT bubbles. Legacy art is still so far behind in understanding why digital certificates done right, matter, that it’s scary. In general in culture now, we feel the touch of history, as we delete and censor things all the time. Culture and tastes change, and now we see deletion of conversations, ideas and people all the time. It’s always been like this. Statues are being torn, and some are still pissed that the library of Alexandria was burned. We can never take knowing history for granted. Something verified on the blockchain, now at the edge of AI mixing things even further and irrecognisably, decentralised blockchain matters more than ever. It was most excellent, as always, to see, hang out and party with the powerful Brittany Kaiser and my trusted gallerist Tomas Cermak from Cermak Eisenkraft Gallery. DFINITY & Internet Computer Sponsoring and co-hosting the Fest were DFINITY and their innovative project Internet Computer, who were prominently visible throughout the festival.
Lomesh Dutta gave a couple of keynote speeches on the mission and vision of the project and partied with us to Ibiza tunes late after the Unconference end. The DFINITY Foundation’s mission is to build, promote, and maintain the Internet Computer — the world’s first web-speed, internet-scale public blockchain. It enables smart contracts to securely serve interactive web content directly into the browsers of end users, making it possible to build dapps, DeFi, open internet services, and enterprise systems that can operate at hyperscale. It helps credibility that they have a whole building to themselves The Data-Cleopatra This title will make sense a bit later.. VESA and Brittany are both going to Cairo later this year. One of the most magical aspects of in person events is that they bring together partners that you have an open folder with. Brittany Kaiser, who visited Finland in November 2021 to shoot an NFT project with VESA on data ownership and her entire life story, was present at the Fest. A major theme of the entire Fest was environmental consciousness and green initiatives. Brittany in VESA’s studio earlier filming a project, which is about to get energised from Egypt to complete post production via Mercantura Forum Featured initiative by the festival founders was the Green Block. The Green Block is an initiative by Crypto Oasis Ventures to create an Ecosystem for Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) related Blockchain projects and platforms. This is the first Global initiative of Crypto Oasis Ventures in commitment to the UAE’s COP28 initiative. Unlike in many other green initiative groups, this one is not afraid to have the battle of ideas inside of the group either from fear mongering to green washing – it was all on the table to figure out what is real about it. The Green Block is going to be an Ecosystem that aims to foster a sustainable future by bringing together stakeholders to develop and implement solutions for corporate governance, environmental sustainability, and social responsibility. The Green Block concentrates on promoting, leading, and connecting the industry to align with the goals of the UAE for COP28 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) for the World. The conversations and connections evolved throughout the Fest and by the end of the conference, something beyond huge was already brewing. The first phone calls for this new development are taking place as we speak, more on that soon. Brittany had also embarked on another venture. She told VESA that she is in the process of tokenizing high-value real estate assets, namely heritage castles in France, and had her eyes on other parts of the world as well. The Fork & Flip piece from 2017 made an appearance at the back of the main ballroom at the Unconference. Faisal killed it as a moderator when Brittany was talking about green mining, the new castle project etc. Not much can be made public about the castle project yet, but you can enquire about it via [email protected] It was good to also reconnect with Matti Liukas, his lovely wife Brynne Kennedy & business partner Antonio Beja to catch up. As with every conf, there are late nights, possibly cigars, and a pissed off kitchen staff to bring in 5 times the amount of food ordered. Guess they didn’t want to be dragged back into the kitchen by a bunch of party animals 🤷 All handled with laughter & good spirits. BR8VE and Fork & Flip Two VESA pieces that have an impressive pedigree are the commission piece for an anonymous crypto OG, THE BR8VE and an early crypto art called Fork & Flip. The works were exhibited at the Fest as large fabric pieces. In themes both works are right in the core of crypto art, the predecessor to NFTs, and tell the story of the decentralized movement. It’s pretty fire to say the BR8VE could be the Guernica of Crypto, but I challenge anyone to look at the substance and at least have to consider it. The Swiss Web3 Fest coincided with new VESA NFTs being released on Tokengate, an NFT platform associated with the Crypto Oasis and Arte community.
The highly curated and sophisticated platform immediately felt like home for the new Mirror- series, which explores transcendental, symmetrical shapes in motion and colour. What ever your art form is, when the attitude is to get things done, you hang from ceilings, help others come to contribute. We go beyond always to what is expected and don’t give up when things don’t look optimal. The large fabric piece is now available via the website shipping almost anywhere within 10 days. It was also a pleasure to meet this Saudi gentleman Zeyad Alkhelaifi, a CAMO Aircraft Engineer, who was our guest at his first ever crypto conference. The piece Fork & Flip can be found here. Visiting the Unpaired gallery with Georg Bak Swiss NFT Association Swiss NFT Association – Assemble! Another piece of the armada forming in Switzerland is SNA – Swiss NFT Association, which held its ground as a part of the entire Swiss Web3 Fest. It was called the Unconference, held by the Swiss NFT Lakeside as it wrapped up the action-packed week of keynotes, connections, panels, and workshops. The whole experience felt like a mere glimpse into the potential firepower of the ecosystem and the Swiss NFT culture. It was great to get to know Victor and Josephine a bit, and start discussing further Swiss contributions. Pioneer gifts Early Bitcoin art gifts – verified on the #BTC chain – to early Bitcoin people and their incredible teams pushing this space forward This iPad cover has been with me since 2018, and travelled a bunch. It was once of those early one off experiments that I didn’t put for sale and forgot to make more of. It’s now verified on chain via @verisart “BitCover I”now dedicated and given as a token of appreciation to As Arnold Schwarzenegger says in his Netflix docu series, no one is self made. This took an all star team. It was great to connect with Luca making sure we all got to where we needed to be, Saed connecting us to new people like Kareem from Mercantura Forum, Manal, Fabio and Mic as a new acquaintance. Tom from Tokengate was hanging with me in the ceiling attaching the large BR8VE artwork last minute. Pascal was there always to lend a hand or an idea, and was good to reconnect with Dennis as always. VESA wasn’t able to connect with everyone but many are left unmentioned. So yea. It was a vortex. Grateful to you all, and see you in Dubai soon habibis. Lotta for V E S A Crypto & NFT Artist All links to physical, NFTs, and more below Source
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