isnapumagazine · 2 years
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以前真的不能體會 小病是福這個道理 因為在瑞典生活的時候 我有一句口頭禪 寧願死也不能病 因為生病中仍然一定要工作 所以千萬不要發生這件事 因為自己坐姿太差 腹部肌肉又不夠 令到腰部勞損嚴重 昨天突然痛到不能走路 慶幸家姐是物理治療師又會針灸 回家立刻找她求救 幫我把盆骨移位的地方推回原位 然後再幫我做針灸 再教我做伸展運動拉鬆肌肉 因為我不能彎腰 家姐的兒子會幫我拿東西☺️ 姊夫今天放假 又買東西給我吃 然後好鄰居來了我家 用Body Spa機幫我推身 因為我們的body gel 可以幫身體有效消炎 電流可以幫我放鬆拉緊肌肉 鄰居手勢超級好 早上我根本無辦法走路 更不能坐下來 推完後我終於可以走路 還可以上廁所 好感動呀!!! 真的覺得自己好幸福呀!!! 以前在瑞典生病無論有多嚴重 我都只能自己照顧自己 所以才明白這種幸福不是必然 謝謝你們喲🤍🤍🤍 #isnapustyle #ilovemylife #myhealthbuddy (at Hong Kong) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb0IuomvD1Q/?utm_medium=tumblr
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meddeyindia-blog · 7 years
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The Accu Check Blood Glucose test strips has a long lifespan and offers reliable readings of glucose levels in your blood to help you monitor and control diabetes. User-friendly and cost effective, it is unavoidably a must-have in your home healthcare kit!
Shop now:  https://www.meddey.com/home/product?product_name=accu-check-active-50-strips-7931450067&pro_id=983
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coachhironmoy · 4 years
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The Chain Reaction of Habits ———————————————— . Have you ever observed the following : . When do your workout/walk ➡ you naturally eat right ➡ you have sound sleep ➡ you are able to work efficiently ➡ your moods are in control... even if you are not consciously making efforts in these areas . Same applies to negative habits as well . We keep browsing our phone late night ➡ we sleep late ➡ get up late ➡ miss the gym ➡ and eat crap (thinking we will start tomorrow ) ➡ bad mood coz we are guilty . Stanford professor BJ Fogg said “ You can never change just one behavior. Our behaviors are interconnected, so when we change one behavior, other behaviors also shift. ” . This is called #DominoEffect . Anybody here who has experienced this Domino effect of Habits ?? 👍🏻😊 Comment below ⬇ Credits @myhealthbuddy. 👉Follow @coach_hironmoy for more information weight loss and health. . . Click the link at bio for details. . . #coachhironmoy #fitindiakolkata #youcanlossweightfromhomenow. (at All Westbengal) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCQzkIIDorE/?igshid=11ke8z1v6pzhh
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meddeygo · 1 year
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Get out the hassle of going to the doctor every time you need to check your BP!
Check your BP at home, with Dr. Odins easy to use touch screen BP machine with Arrhythmia detection feature.
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meddeygo · 1 year
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Meddey.com is your one-stop shop for all of your knee pain rehabilitation needs. you can find all kind of products from hinged braces and comfy knee caps to strong stabilizers and functional patella support products here. https://bit.ly/3DTn0bJ
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meddeygo · 1 year
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Meddey, My Health Buddy is happy to present another satisfied customer! We thank Dr. Dinesh Kapoor for his kind words and continued support. We wish you great health and happiness.
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meddeygo · 1 year
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Tossing& Turning whole night could be due to discomfort in neck or back!!
The Morning stiffness shall spoil your whole day.
Sleep properly.
Get yourself a memory foam contour pillow for a peaceful Sleep.
For more information click here : https://tinyurl.com/rppdgnd
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meddeygo · 1 year
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Are you slouching? Do you have a bad posture?
Posture corrector can help you stay upright, stand tall & live a healthy life free from neck or back pain.
Get the right sized Posture Corrector today and get your Life BACK ON TRACK.
For more details,Call or WhatsApp at 8586012345
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meddeygo · 1 year
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Did you know  ?
Research says that seated work is a risk factor for low-back pain.
Backrest can reduce the load on the lower back by transmitting more weight from body to the floor.
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meddeygo · 1 year
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Did you know ❓
👉 According to Research,
The application of Hot and Cold Pack is a more effective way of relieving Lower Back Pain.
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meddeygo · 1 year
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Back pain during working hours is a common complaint; here are 4 super tips to help you avoid back pain during working hours
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meddeygo · 1 year
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The why's of back pain during pregnancy ?
👉 nerve compression
👉 stress
👉 hormonal changes
👉 changing posture
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meddeygo · 1 year
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According to a study by the University of Southern California, Employees are 17.5% more productive when working with ergonomic chairs.
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isnapumagazine · 3 years
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前兩天朋友問我最喜歡產品的是什麼 我一邊數才發現越數越多 我決定要寫出來和大家分享🤓 Facial spa機配合兩支藍白精華使用, 真的完全改善了我,多年來皮膚底層干的問題。配合Body gel使用,幫我全身通淋巴大大去水腫,而且滋潤感令我皮膚很滑。 Ageloc boost我絕對每天早晚都使用,因為只需2分鐘太方便了!而且提升效果真的很明顯,加上加強了精華導入皮膚底層,真的細紋也沒了。 Body spa機,完全幫我解決了大腿上,多年來皮膚底層有脂肪窩蜂組織的問題,緊緻效果真的推一次就看到。而且每次感到肌肉很��軟,只要用它推5分鐘 就能舒緩,超舒服! Lumispa洗面機,回來香港黑頭問題真的超嚴重,以前買的洗面機洗完面會非常乾,用了兩次便沒再用了。但現在這一個,真的非常喜愛,而且可以同時增生膠原蛋白,一邊洗面,一邊幫面部肌肉做運動,令肌肉更加緊致。 Lifepak+youthspan,從沒想過原來保健產品真的會讓我們身體,看到不同的變化。Lifepak補充身體足夠營養,令身體運作順利,我發現連生飛滋的情況也沒了。Youthspan針對身體七大器官細胞修復,令我的疤痕完全修復了,我超級開心。 TR90,告別了中學時代後,我的手臂拜拜肉,從來沒有試過出現線條,真的沒有想過TR90令線條重現,超開心!!!這個program也改善了我身體一直以來的發炎和手腳麻痹症狀,是我意想不到的。 益生菌+女士配方,改善了我的情緒不穩問題。每次月經前幾日,我情緒都會非常低落和燥底,現在完全沒有了~益生菌可以令腸道健康,排便暢通,腸道健康,身體自然能夠更有效吸收營養,同時改善了我肚疴問題。 Meta,長大後我的睡眠質素一直不太好,沒有想過吃meta改善了新陳代謝,原來真的會返回以前的身體狀況。小時候我是一隻豬,沒有聲音可以把我吵醒,現在我真的回到可以很快入睡,而且入睡後真的進入深層睡眠的狀態,也改善了我身體排毒的情況,每天也可以正常運作。新陳代謝回到18歲,原來感覺真的不一樣,就算缺少運動,身體也比較緊致。 吸油丸,以前我從不相信這種東西有用,自己吃過之後,發現如此愛吃的我同一個食物分量,吃過吸油丸後才進食,醒來的時候發現肚腩明顯比平時扁平,勁開心! Collagen+,我對這個產品真的又愛又恨。因為吃後皮膚明顯變得細緻又有亮白,同時令我手部和面部皮膚變得飽滿,連我的包包面也回來了,氣死我!連我姊的兒子也對我說:「你塊面肥嘟嘟好可愛啊!」🙄🙄🙄 明眸配方,因為眼睛被細菌感染,所以想補充對眼有幫助的營養。只吃了一天,已經明顯看見眼睛消腫,紅根減退。醫生說最少需要兩星期才會好起來,看看會否幫我加快康復進度喲。 #isnapustyle #myskincareroutine #myhealthbuddy #whatiuse #whatieat (at Lee Garden Two) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWZ3TgqvQDB/?utm_medium=tumblr
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isnapumagazine · 3 years
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我覺得荷爾蒙這件事真的好恐怖 連運動後的安多酚也幫不了 以前我的前度有幾天一定會問我: 「你月經快要來了對嗎?」 因為我一定會燥底 . 平常的我像一杯水一樣平靜 突然情緒會變得很不穩定 也會很容易情緒十分低落 而且是谷底那樣難過 . 後來知道有一個產品 只要每天吃2粒 便可以幫助我這個問題 我便試試看 我已經吃了幾個月 真的對我非常有幫助 完全解決了我燥底和情緒低落的問題 . 而且有不同配方 適合不同階段的生理改變 例如更年期經常冒冷汗這些症狀 原來大家不用受這種苦的 大家真的要好好對待自己身體呀 原來有很多方法可以幫自己的 🤍 #isnapustyle #myhealthbuddy #vintageroadbike #rapha #hkrider (at 大埔) https://www.instagram.com/p/CV_3dOov63x/?utm_medium=tumblr
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meddeyindia-blog · 7 years
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If you are suffering from backaches, sprain, muscular and joint pains, Use Meddey’s Flamingo Heat Belt - a revolutionary heat alleviating product that helps in increasing blood circulation and improves the healing process by delivering quick pain relief. Shop now: http://bit.ly/Flamingo_Heat_Belt #Meddey #Health #Healthcare #HomeHealthcare #MyHealthBuddy #HealthyLiving #MyHealth #HealthyLifestyle #JointPain #PainRelief #BloodCirculation #Healing #HeatBelt #Healthy #Wellness #Medical #FreeShipping #Best_Price_Guarantee
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