#My team didn't even have that much strength either I was surprised getting an S tier
avatarofcuriousity · 1 year
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mylifeincinema · 10 months
My Week(s) in Reviews: November 26, 2023
Got a bunch of 'em for y'all, this week...
Napoleon (Ridley Scott, 2023)
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Okay. I don't get it. What's with all the bad reviews!?! It's in no way perfect, but I kinda loved how Scott celebrates Napoleon's strategically brilliant military mind while simultaneously poking fun at how big of a whining brat he was. The battle sequences are breathtaking and the humor almost always works. Phoenix fully understands Scott's approach and the contrary nature of Napoleon's character and brings both men to life with an entitlement, desperation and ego that completely reexamines the historical figure. It's as impressive as it is jarringly weird. Vanessa Kirby is fantastic when her performance isn't being butchered by the film's editing, and while there's no standouts within the rest of the cast, there's no necessarily weak links, either. But, again, this is by no means a perfect film. The battle scenes are magnificent and Scott's approach is fresh and funny, but the editing outside of those battle sequences is awkwardly inconsistent and the script is at once over-stuffed and too briskly paced, making much of the rest of the film a bit of a structural mess. - 8/10
The Killer (David Fincher, 2023)
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Technically impressive, emotionally freezing, and darkly funny. Fassbender is fantastic as the disciplined yet fumbling titular assassin. I love that the only actual evidence we're ever given that he's good at his job is his inner-monologue. All of the events that unfold throughout the film decidedly point to the opposite. He's a well-prepared killer with shit natural instincts and unbelievably good luck. And Fincher's approach to exploring his method and madness understands the character's strengths and weaknesses so well that it blurs the line between the serious and the absurd to bring us a revenge story as unpredictable as the character himself. It's far from Fincher's best work - and those opening credits were atrocious - but the patience and attention to detail Fincher brings paired with Baxter's flawless editing, the rest of the stunning technical work on display, Fassbender's delusional performance, and Swinton's brief but magnificent turn all make this one an impressively odd success. - 8.5/10
Priscilla (Sofia Coppola, 2023)
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Coppola understands this kind of life, and through her richly empathetic screenplay and the masterclass in blocking that is her direction, she brings this life to the screen with an understanding that makes its subtle yet crystal clear damnation hit home all the more effectively. Cailee Spaeny is perfection, and brings Priscilla to life with a longing and naïveté that evolve and wither as her fairy tale becomes a nightmare. - 8.5/10
The Marvels (Nia DaCosta, 2023)
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Get over it, this was A LOT of fun.
Sure, the villain is weak - especially considering just how big a threat they apparently are - and yeah, Captain Marvel herself is still absurdly overpowered, but Larson seems to have finally found a good balance in the character, and teaming her up with Parris and the fantastic Vellani is exactly what her character needed. All the character swapping is the right kind of crazy for these characters, and builds their relationships in an effectively creative manner. All of the Flerken stuff was amazing, and I'd be perfectly okay with them getting their own film, or even their own cinematic universe. The FCU... get it done, Marvel/Disney. Anyway, yeah, I had a blast with this, and refuse to take anyone who didn't seriously. They very obviously went in already hating it, and I wouldn't be surprised at all if it turned out they didn't even go see the movie before ranting about how bad it was. Nonsense. - 7.5/10
Anatomy of a Fall (Justine Triet, 2023)
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A little too emotionally detached for its own good. I know that's the point, and we're supposed to be little more than observers in the court, but it still knocked me out of the story a little too often. That being said, pretty much everything else worked wonders. From the performances to the cinéma vérité style of filming; from the way it reveals the details of the case (the fight is utter perfection) to the shift of focus between mother and son, throughout. It's an examination of the role that the truth has in law and life that's as pragmatic as it is astute. - 7.5/10
Strays (Josh Greenbaum, 2023)
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Overflowing with a silly, immature brand of humor that I was apparently in the exact right mood for. It did its job. I laughed a lot. - 7/10
Gran Turismo (Neill Blomkamp, 2023)
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This isn't necessarily a great film, but the racing scenes are well filmed, David Harbour is surprisingly strong, and I love a good underdog story, so it is a successful one. - 6.5/10
-Timothy Patrick Boyer.
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You've mentioned it before a handful of times, bit do you have any in-depth thoughts on JMS' tenure on Spider-Man? Were you fan of the more mystical stories?
Huge fan, it was my gateway into 616 Spider-Man. All the best and worst facets of Spider-Man, and his handling by Marvel, can be found here.
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The highs are some of the best in the franchise's history. Within this run we get a Peter Parker who really does feel like an adult. He's mature, wanting to help guide the next generation by being a teacher. He solves conflicts with his brain as well as his fists, gets angry as hell, but also never loses touch with the source of compassion that makes him a hero. Drama and comedy flow smoothly together, this run has the second best handle on Peter's "voice", only beaten by the original Lee/Dikto/Romita Sr. run. Incorporating some mystical elements into Peter's origin didn't bother me as I saw it as a cool attempt at widening the scope of Spider-Man's adventures, and Ezekiel was an interesting character who stood as an example of what Peter could have been if he had never lost his uncle. We didn't get as many stories with the classic Spidey Rogues as I would have liked, but I enjoyed stories like Peter and Doc Ock briefly teaming up, or Spidery having to deal with Doom and Loki.
Romita Junior isn't to everyone's taste but he was born to draw Spider-Man, and not just because of his dad. Nobody else can capture the visuals of dudes getting the absolute shit hammered out of each other when they're fighting, an aesthetic perfect for Spider-Man. Morlun outlived JMS' run when not many expected him too partly because Romita Jr. sold you that this guy was a big deal, that he pushed Spider-Man to his limits in a way few other Rogues had ever done. Kid me reading this run for the first time was legitimately shocked and scared when I saw Spidey all torn up and bleeding after going a few rounds with Morlun. Love Romita Jr.'s art, he's as perfect a match for Spider-Man as his dad was.
Peter’s relationships with the traditional women in his life have never been better than this run either.
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Both Aunt May and Mary Jane have regressed since this run hard. JMS had Aunt May outright tear apart the bullshit argument that her knowing Peter's secret would be "too much" for her, by pointing out that May has been through so much pain and loss already and kept going. I loved the mother-son relationship between the two here, May here is everything that people pretend the Kents are for Superman. She's a source of wisdom that doesn't feel hokey, a foundation of strength that gives Peter the ability to stand up again when he's been kicked down. Hate it so much that they reverted to her not knowing and only existing as a cheap source of drama for Peter again.
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Meanwhile the Peter/MJ relationship? Odd as it might be to say it's never been better than it was here. The two of them are funny, constantly trading banter with each other. When they're hurt they'll cry and talk about how they feel without devolving into shouting matches or blaming each other. Two of them are sexy too, constantly flirting with each other and letting you know that these are two young people in total love with one another. There's a maturity in this relationship that I've yet to see in any other Spider-Man romance, a shared sense of history that binds the two of them together in ways that make you understand why people lost their minds when Marvel broke them up. This is the run that sold me on MJ as Peter's soulmate, ironic I know, but I'm not alone in that view I've found.
Most impactful part of the run for me might surprise you. It's not when he gets the shit beat out of him by Morlun, terrifying as that is. It's not when he travels through time and has to fight through every battle he's ever fought amazing though that might be. It's not even when he gets to meet Uncle Ben again, despite that never failing to make me tear up. Instead it's the story right before One More Day where Peter has to commit a series of felonies in order to keep Aunt May safe because his identity is public knowledge and everyone is gunning for him now. That small story where Peter is internally keeping track of every crime he has to commit, and the jail time that would come with it if he gets caught, is peak Spider-Man to me. Nothing else has ever hit as hard in terms of showing how Peter's heroic identity just destroys his personal life, but his love for his aunt and Mary Jane give him the strength to push forward.
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Which of course brings us to the bad, and the bad is on par with the Clone Saga in terms of being some of the worst Spider-Man stories ever. You want to see Marvel's obsession with keeping Peter young at it's dumbest? Here's the run where he sells his marriage to Satan. You want to see some examples of Quesada letting writers take wild swings because it would grab attention? Here's the run where Gwen cucks Peter with Norman Osborn and then plans on lying to Peter that he's the father of her twins. People claim that Superman is hard to write, but the sheer volume of outright GARBAGE I've seen published in Spider-Man's books have convinced me that is a claim more true of Spider-Man than any other character. How the most popular Marvel character, and likely the most popular superhero period, is constantly suffering under terrible, regressive storytelling baffles me.
The JMS era was an era where Spider-Man was moving forward only to end by regressing and freezing him into place, a status quo that has essentially held true ever since. Do I recommend his run? Yeah I do because for all the dross, this run even now contains many all time great Spider-Man moments, and this is the run that even now delineates where modern Spider-Man "begins". Whether those are enough to outweigh the negatives are ultimately going to be up to the reader, but much like Morrison for Batman, JMS and Quesada are the definitive modern Spider-Man creators for better and for worse.
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sincerely-lev · 4 years
 'taking back what was once mine.' - kuroo tetsuro x female reader
Summary: your ex doesnt seem too happy with your new boyfriend, so he takes back what was once his.
Warnings: non-con, cheating, breeding mentions, creampie, crying, unprotected sex (wrap it b4 u tap it), face fucking, he calls u princess 🙊
Notes: i do NOT condone this behaviour in REAL LIFE, and all characters are 18+
THIS IS @tokito-protection-gang 300 special! (Yes that is my KNY, MHA and JJBA blog.)
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away from the crowd, Kuroo stares at you, and your new boyfriend, which happened to be his best friend.
his best friend. out of all the people in the world, and you chose his best friend.
he watches as you feed your boyfriend, whilst he plays on his phone.
he can’t hate his best friend, but he can hate you, and he does, from the time where Kenma introduces you to him, as his girlfriend.
he remembers, when Kenma had suddenly spoke up, whilst on a volleyball practise that he had found a girl, he was happy for his best friend at first, but.. he didn’t expect it to be you. 
to be his ex, that he didn’t realize he misses until now. he tried making it seem like he didn’t give a shit, but he can’t. 
no matter how much he tries, he can't seem to forget about you. even though, your unfortunate break up was two years ago.
he watches you, as you laugh with your other friends, and Kenma excusing himself to the toilet, probably annoyed of the loud music that was ruining his game.
hell, he's surprised that Kenma even came along to the party, since that was something his best friend would never do, and he knew him for so long...
he knew this was a bad idea, that he was ruining his relationship with his own best friend, and that he was being a selfish idiot, but he couldn’t care less, he’s delusional. he can feel it, that you’re still thinking about him, deep down in your mind, but you just refuse to show it. 
he wonders why he had even let you walk out of his life, but now, he’s going to get you back, and he will do anything to make sure you are by his side, til you bite the dust.
as soon as Kenma was out of the frame, he stood up, his heart pouding in his chest, ready to break out any moment.
his heartbeat was louder than the music that was playing, as he walked towards you and your friends.
to you, and your friends surprise, he yanked you, and dragged you to the females toilet, shoving you in the stall with him. 
“what the fuck, Kuroo?” you grabbed onto his shirt, to prevent yourself from falling over, since he was practically leaning against you. 
breathing down your neck, inhaling your delicious scent that drives Tetsuro wild, he started leaving visible hickeys, nipping at any spot he could find.
between his huffed breathing, he spoke, “shoulda never let you go,” he continued, “but, now, I’m going to take back what once was mine, and you...can’t do anything about it..”
whimpering in both pleasure and discomfort, you tried to push him away, but he was too strong... stronger than you.
you could never expect less from the Nekoma’s team captain, huh? 
he grabbed you with brute force, flipping you around, so he could see your back, he leaned down, grinding his clothed cock in your wet panties. 
he continued to leave hickeys, nipping at your shoulder. he wants it to leave marks, he’s possessive, an animal.. sick, twisted, beast. 
 it scares you a lot...
back then, when you and the Nekoma’s team captain were still dating, sure, he was a little bit possessive back then (the reason you both split up), but he never forced anything on you. 
“ngh..why are you.. you doing this?” you covered your mouth, in hopes of hiding your moans, but he grabbed both of your arms with little to no effort. 
“because...I love you, love you so much...” 
what was he thinking? did he think this is love? this is anything but love, it was rape, you didn’t want this, but he didn’t give you an option, so you had to stand here, and take all that he gives you, until he’s tired, and you’re filled to the brim.
i’m only taking back what was once mine...”
that sentence.
 that ONE sentence, it leaves you shaking with fear, Kuroo Tetsuro has gone crazy. 
“get up.” he demanded with a voice that screams dominance. you were thinking if you should obey him, or ignore him... but apparently, a second of  thinking was too long for the impatient man behind you, so he chose the path of a monster, and rip your pants to nothing, and you could do nothing, but shut your eyes tightly, whilst tears stream down your face. 
"don't act like you aren't enjoying this, princess. you're fucken' wet..." he hummed, whilst you cringed at the pet name, princess? really? Kenma never called you that, it was always 'kitten' not like you and Kenma got sexual most of the time.
"you're wrong..i-..." you spoke up, but he would not let you, and crushed his lips into your soft ones, forcefully, whilst he had a strong grip on your neck, like he had intentions of cracking it, he could, he has the strength, but, you know he wouldn't.
he may be this controlling and rough, but surely, he would never hurt you.
physically at least.
"shut up." he growled in your ears, and pulled your panties down.
putting a hand on your mouth, he shoved a finger into your tight cunny, moving it around, and you could do nothing but whimper and cry.
after a few minutes, three fingers were shoved into you, wiggling around, whilst his thumb was on your clit.
"s-st..op.." you whispered, unable to speak loud enough.
he laughed, before he smile, a smile that could kill, you were afraid, but you're unable to do anything, he was stronger, taller, quicker.
you could do nothing but take it.
"good, princess, just sit there and let me do alllllll the work." he hummed once again, before he continued to finger you, stretching you out.
suddenly, he pulled his fingers out of you, forcing a whine out of your pretty lips.
"calm down, baby, you just need to get my cock wet, and i will give it all to you." he smirked, letting his cock spring up, into your face.
it was not small, nor was it big, but the thickness made up for it. just one or two veins there, but what scared you was his expression.
"come on, it's not gonna suck itself." he grabbed your hair, practically shoving your head, to take him all, before he continued, "if you give me any teeth, i will make it hurt. and i don't want to make it hurt, so choose wisely."
you don't know what he means by making it hurt, but you didn't want to find out either. so, you were going to play in his games, just to keep yourself safe from any harm.
you were struggling trying to take him all without gagging and accidentally vomiting, you could feel your drool drip down to your neck.
as soon as you have it all in, he started forcing your head back and forth on his cock.
you could feel his dick twitch in your mouth, but soon, he pushed you towards the wall, grabbing your head and face-fucking you harshly.
his balls were slapping against your chin, and you could taste the salty pre-cum on your tongue.
you were gagging, and your throat was sure going to be sore with his rough pace.
suddenly, warmth flooded your mouth, pulling you out of your own thoughts, he then held your nose to stop you from breathing.
"swallow, princess, and i'll let you breathe." he grinned, and you had no choice but to swallow his salty, pearly white cum.
you opened your mouth to show him that it was all gone, and soon he let you breathe.
but you weren't even given a minute to rest, before he flipped you over, and lining his dick to your entrance.
you shut your eyes tightly, tears streaming down your pretty face, as he practically rip you in two.
he let out a groan, from your tight heat. "shiit, princess, you're fucken tight.."
he doesn't even care if you're crying, he doesn't give a fuck. he continued to thrust in an animalistic pace, whilst you tried to get used to his manhandling.
he pulled your hair, causing your cunny to clench down on his cock.
pointing it out, he spoke, "you suddenly got tighter, are you into that?"
your eyes tightly shut, with tears running down your face, you shook your head.
however, he just had a shit-eating grin, "i never knew you were kinky, princess."
he continued to thrust, pulling out until the tip, and forcing himself back inside.
"what if I cum inside you, and impregnate you? how would my best friend feel about dating a cumslut?" he leaned down, whispering words that had your eyes widening in horror, as you could feel him getting close.
"no! please, pull out, i'm begging you, cum anywhere but inside me, please!" you continued to sob, wanting everything to end. you feel bad for your boyfriend, he was so sweet, and nice...
"why should i? when i have this..." he thrusted one last time, before letting out ropes of hot cum in your pussy. "beautiful cunt to cum inside."
you were still crying, but he picked up his pace once again,
"we are gonna be great parents."
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arminbitchlover · 3 years
reincarnated lovers (2)
armin arlert x f! reader
summary: after a terrible first date with armin, sasha convices reader to go out to a party but only to have an unexpected turn of events
word count: 2.8k
content warnings: mentions of drug use, alcohol use, assault is insinuated but doesn't actually happen
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"YOU LOOK SOOO GOOD," Sasha squeals as you show her your outfit, making your confidence boost significantly.
"YOU TOO, YOU'RE SO HOT FOR NO REASON!" You both keep showering each other with confidence, not caring if your neighbors could hear you shouting.
You don't understand why you're suddenly filled with anticipation to go to some frat house that would be filled with strangers and smell like alcohol and weed, but you not troubled enough to even question it. All you know is that this is your first party as a freshman, and you want to make the most out of it with your best friend.
"So, who's going that you know anyways?" You glance at Sasha through your mirror as you apply lip gloss.
"Too many to count honestly and not to alarm you or anything but Jean will be there too." Sasha reluctantly spoke as you feel your heart drop to your stomach.
You completely forgot that Jean was a part of Sasha's friend group and now you're going to see him for the very first time since your breakup.
"Y/n?" Sasha waves her hand in front of your face and snaps you out of your deep thoughts.
"Sorry, but thanks for telling me." You shake your head as you try to not lose your train of thought again.
You and Sasha finish up on your final touches and make your way to the party as you feel your stomach flipping and hands slightly shake. Every time you start to tell yourself that Jean was just a friend now, you get flashbacks of everything you did as a couple, but you're going to let some guy ruin your first night out in college.
It doesn't take long to arrive and fuck, it didn't take long for the feelings of regret, nervousness, and panic to sink in. When you first arrive, people were already drunk in the front yard as couples made out the staircase leading to the front door. Immediately when opening the door, the bass from the speakers maakes your whole body vibrate with the music and your eyes strain from all the lights that were being cast across the house.
The whole place is already trashed with cups, plates, and different articles of clothing are scattered across the floor. You've always heard about how wild college parties can be, but you didn't expect something as crazed as this.
You turn to Sasha and see her talking to you but could only read her lips that make out, "I'm... drink," and walk away to the kitchen.
Well, shit.
You awkwardly stand in the middle of the room, not recognizing a single person until you feel a hand clasp your shoulder and pull you to a corner.
"Heya, gorgeousss, name's Flochhh..." A drunk man with auburn hair presses you against the wall as he tries to make conversation with you.
"S-Sorry, but I have to go." You try to get away from him only to have your arm get pulled back to the wall.
"Fucking let me go!" You fight to yank your arm away but don't have enough strength to succeed.
"Buttt I wantss to get chu know you babyyy." He leans in, trying to get your faces closer together, but luckily you dodge him quick enough to get out of his grasp.
"Watchu doinn- runninnn from me." He grasps your hand, but right when you were about to get pinned back against the wall again, you hear a stern voice.
"Get your hands off of her." You and Floch turn and see Armin, but this time with slightly smudged eyeliner with a long black sleeve that's complemented with a necklace and silver rings on both of his hands.
"Huhhh-," Floch slurs, finally letting go of you and confronting Armin.
Armin takes a step back with his hands in his pockets, not wanting to cause any issues, and lightly asserts, "This is my lovely girlfriend, so I would appreciate it if you would just back off, that's all."
Armin walkes up to you and wraps his arm around your waist as Floch's face becomes filled with complete disgust.
"So if you'll excuse us, we'll be getting out of your way so you can get as shitfaced as you like." He smirks at Floch and pulls you away, his hand still clutching your waist.
As he takes you away, you immediately notice how his arm feels so natural around you, like it was meant to be there which causes your heartbeat to quicken.
You only see him as the boy you went on an awkward date with, why did he suddenly make you feel this way?
"Thank you for your help, Armin." You bring your hand to the one that was resting on your waist and squeeze it to show your gratitude.
"I was only doing the bare minimum, no need to thank me." He tenderly looks into your eyes with compassion, not aware that he never let go of your waist.
"Well, what were you doing here anyway, you didn't catch me as the party type." You playfully joke as he grabs your arm and enters a large crowd that's dancing to music.
He turns to face you and tilts his head towards your ear to answer, "I heard you were coming, and I wanted to talk to you."
He grabs you by the waist and starts moving to the beat of the song to follow along with everyone surrounding you.
You feel your face start to heat up, finding it so attractive the way he leaned in to talk to you. He's a completely different person from the guy you went out with. This time he seems so much more confident by the way he holds you, speaks to you, and his fashion did a complete 180.
"Well, what's up?" You gain enough courage to wrap your arms around his neck and move your body with his.
You both move completely in sync forgetting for a second that you weren't the only two people in the room. You feel yourself start to get more butterflies as he maintains eye contact with you and slowly pulls you closer and closer. Before you know it, you have the biggest smile on your face as you have the time of your life with Armin.
This is what you've been missing out on, while you had been locked up in your dorm, exhausting yourself with no sign of ending. While Sasha's the one who made you come out of your comfort zone, Armin's the one who making you enjoy yourself the most and you love the idea of that. You love knowing that there's a person who could actually make you a better person and still make you feel comfortable while being alone with him.
"I don't really know how to explain this, but-"
"Y/N!!" Sasha pushes her way into the crowd and finds you and Armin with your bodies only centimeters apart, but seemingly didn't notice the tension between the two of you.
"Armin, I told you to find her and come to the game room!" She scolds Armin and pulls him away from you, making you feel a bit upset that you're not able to be alone with him a bit longer.
She takes you and Armin to another room that you assume were their friends because as soon as they enter, they're greeted with open arms. You immediately notice a small blonde girl and a tall brunette with freckles sitting together on a love seat and you have to admit that they make such a great couple. Sasha introduces you to everyone in the room and while it was pretty packed, it's easy to memorize who everyone is given that Sasha has mentioned them many times before.
Before you had the chance to settle in with everyone you see Connie get out of his seat and clear his throat very loudly to make an announcement.
"I think that it's only fair, since y/n is the newbie of the group, to play a 2v2 intense game of beer pong between me and Jean." Connie widely grins as everyone agrees and starts rioting.
"I heard my name." Jean abruptly enters, at first not noticing that you're in the same room.
"Well, I don't have a partner to play with so-" You feel a bit of shame while speaking but are quickly interrupted.
"I'll play with y/n," Armin speaks up and everyone gets louder, becoming enraptured as if this is the biggest game in history.
"Let's fucking go then." Jean locks eyes with you for a split second before talking to Connie.
You have to admit, while Jean looks like he's taking good care of himself, you don't feel the butterflies and tension that you thought you would. Maybe you're just overthinking everything because he's your first love, but you figure that maybe something would be left for him. You look back at Jean making sure you don't feel anything, but when you turn to face Armin. Butterflies. Even if it was just a tiny bit, something was there.
For him.
"You guys got this, I mean no offense to the other two, but they're either high, tipsy, or a bit of both." Eren walks up to you two as he chuckles and rubs the back of his neck.
"I've never played this before, so we'll see." You look down, afraid that Eren or Armin would judge you in some way.
"Neither has Armin, he always watches other people play, but I'm pretty surprised he volunteered himself. So, I'm guessing that your first date went pretty well today." Eren playfully nudges Armin as his face turns into a very light pink.
"Um, yeah it was pretty alright," You reply and smile at Armin, even though you both knew that your date was anything but 'alright'.
"Okay, it's set up, you guys can start whenever," Mikasa speaks with a complete monotone voice as she takes a seat back down next to Historia and Ymir.
You and Armin walk to your side of the table as Connie and Jean do the same, while everyone stands around the two teams ready to start their ear-piercing shouts. You start to feel a bit of pressure right before the game started, anxious that you'll make yourself look like a fool if you don't at least make a single cup.
"We'll give Armin the first shot." Connie cockily smirks and bounces the ping pong ball across the table.
Armin grabs the ball with his fingertips and starts calculating the way he would throw the ball. You have to admit, he looked absolutely adorable while concentrating on making it into the cup. You figure that maybe he thinks the same as you, not wanting to embarrass himself, but he looks so relaxed at the same time. After a few more seconds of critical thinking, he carefully throws the ball and makes it perfectly into the middle cup.
Expectedly, everyone starts screaming, jumping up and down, while some people grab Armin and shake him profusely as their excitement shoots through the roof. You can't help but feel thrilled for him as well, and right when his friends get their hands off of Armin, you wrap your arm around his neck and bring him in for a tight hug. You immediately pull away, unsure if he's uncomfortable being hugged by someone he barely knows, but when you take a step back you see his eyes light up with a small smile.
"Cut it out, love birds. It's my shot," Jean shoots Armin a snarky look and chugs the shot. He wasn't concentrating as much as Armin was, probably because he's played this game many times before, and to your surprise, he recklessly tosses the ball and makes a spiral dunk into the cup at the front of the formation.
"GOOD SHIT, JEAN!" Connie aggressively smacks Jean's back, causing him to jump forward and knock down two cups in the back row.
"Are you fucking kidding me, Connie?" Jean hits the back of Connie's head and they both drink whatever liquid was left in the cup and takes them out of the formation.
You look at the cup that has the ball in and right when you're about to take the shot, Armin swiftly takes it out of your grasp and drinks it as if it's water.
At this point, everyone was making fun of Connie's fuck up and cheering on Armin for chugging the shot like nothing while you're panicking in your thoughts, begging yourself not to make a foot out of yourself.
"Here." Armin hands you the ball and you feel your anxiety kick in as everyone's focus goes directly to you.
You feel your fingertips lightly quiver as you begin to aim the ball into the last cup in the back. Predictably, the ball hits the rim of the cup and doesn't make it in, but Armin still whispers to you a few words of encouragement as Marco picks up the ball from the floor and hands it to Connie. The game continues and luckily you and Armin win because of the two cups Jean knocked down, so while you and Armin are a bit tipsy, the others are completely plastered.
"This... nngh - bullshizz..." Connie clumsily walks over to you and hooks his arm around your neck, somewhat pulling you down while speaking to you.
"Alright, enough." Armin pulls Connie's arm away from you and takes you out of the room, before getting the chance to say bye to anyone.
"Armin-" He leads you to an empty room and doesn't hesitate to lock the door behind him.
"Please, let me talk, I've been waiting all night." Armin pulls you to the edge of the bed and slowly sits down as he tries to figure out how to come out with his news. You gently place your hand on top of his and give it a gentle squeeze, reassuring him.
While you did have a feeling about what he'a going to say, you don't want to jinx anything too good to be true. Even though when you first met Armin it wasn't the greatest first impression, spending time with him at the party made you realize that he's so much more than the awkward guy you went out with. You don't understand how your feelings for him switched up so fast in a matter of a day, but you don't care. At this point, Jean's completely out of the picture and something in you is telling yourself that there's something really special about Armin.
“So, um basically I just want to apologize for everything that happened earlier at the café. I-It’s just that you’re the first girl I’ve ever taken out and I didn’t want to fuck up, but I did absolutely everything wrong. It didn’t help how Sasha was talking so highly of you and god, when I saw your pictures, I thought you were the most perfect person I ever laid my eyes on. Then when I saw you, something in me just clicked that you were meant to be mine and I’m not one to believe in that love at first sight bullshit, so I didn’t know what to do. I just nervous and I didn't know what to do. I knew you were and still are way out of my league even though I felt like you were my person, but I didn't want to mess it up, so I tried to be distant to make it go away and I realized how fucking stupid that was. I'm so sorry for wasting your time and I was hoping we could have a second chance at a first date again to make it up to you." He has such a pained but relieved look on his face when he finishes talking, not looking at you, afraid that he may have done something that he would regret.
"I would actually love that, Armin." You exchange smiles and both stare at each other for a second in comfortable silence.
"Well, let's go then."He stands up and brings out his hand to yours.
"Wait what?" You give him a confused look as you place your hand in his and get up from the bed.
"Are you tired or something?" He furrows his eyebrows with a bit of a pouty face.
"No, not at all." You intertwine your fingers with his and make your way out of the frat house, forgetting say goodbye to anyone.
"So, where are you taking me so late at night?" You ask and turn to look at him to see a small smile plaster on his face.
"I was hoping I could take you back to my apartment to make us a proper meal after all that partying." You feel your heart pounding against your chest as he has the most genuine look in his eyes.
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: skyflyinginaction
* Gakuen K (List of Chapters) * Projects & Chapters
"Oh! It's over!"
At the same time the bell rang, Yata stood up vigorously.
However, at that moment, the chalk released by Anna-sensei hit Yata's forehead so badly that it was creepy. Yata turned around and was surprised by the gaudy sound.
"Guh! It hurts!"
"Misaki. Class is not over yet."
"Hey... the doorbell rang, isn't it over?"
"Class doesn't end until the teacher says it's over. Have a seat."
"Don't bother. It's over."
She tried to tell him that it wasn't okay. However, on the way, when Anna-sensei caught him, Yata shook his shoulders and mouth.
"Tsk. Sit down quickly."
"What? Monkey!"
"I understand."
Yata clicked his tongue and sat up savagely.
"Class, so far for today. Don't forget your homework, preparation, and review."
"Wow! This time it's over!"
Yata stood up again and Anna-sensei stopped him again.
Kukuri, who was sitting next to Saya, stood up, touching her arm a bit.
"Come on. The next thing is physical education. First we have to change clothes."
"Oh, it's true."
Oh, so is that why Yata was so tense?
She quickly cleaned her desk and got up with her gym bag.
"Look, Wagahai-chan will go too. Oh, I'll lend you a bag. I'll bring it to you. Saya-chan, your left hand is burned. It hurts, right?"
"It hurts, but it's okay like this."
She shook her head, "Okay then." She replied softly.
"Physical education is often separated by gender, but today it is the same. It is a physical fitness test."
"Oh, is today the fitness test?"
[Physical education for the first and second semesters is decided by a physical fitness test.]
"Yes, it's correct."
"Is Saya-chan good at exercising?"
"Normal. If you say simple tasks like 'run' and 'swim', I'm good at it, but when it gets complicated I tend to think too much and I'm not very good at it. I need a strategy."
"Oh, basketball or volleyball?"
"Yes. I'm not good at team sports. How about you, Kukuri-chan?"
"Me too. I'm neither good nor bad."
"Neko seems to be good at exercising. She moves her limbs well."
Glancing back at Neko as she opened the locker room door, the strange-eyed girl smiled a big smile and shook her head vigorously.
"I like to move my body, but I'm not good with rules!"
It was exciting to her.
"Today we will do a physical fitness test. Everyone, do your best to get a better score than last year!"
Claudia Weismann, a physics teacher with a soft and beautiful beauty, shook the board and screamed.
"You know the first event to measure, right? Each group, after the measurement, go clockwise to the next event. When they have finished the tour, go to the schoolyard!"
"Us first, what was that?"
"Grip strength. No, it's below average, isn't it?"
Kukuri sighed.
Fushimi sighed as well, saying, "That's annoying... Do you want to do things correctly?" She had made a mistake, right? She remembers hearing that the blue club was a super elite group who behaved well.
When she accidentally looks back, he glares at her. "Sorry.". She felt a murderous aura.
"Yes. Next. Yata-kun. Come here."
She suddenly looked back at Claudia's voice.
Yata's face at Claudia's call was surprisingly bright red.
She opened her eyes and rubbed them at the strange answer.
The event was the long seat forward lean. Claudia had just told him to sit in front of the digital measuring instrument... It is true that they will sit close enough to touch, but that's it. That's. However, Yata seemed to be going through a difficult time.
"Yata-kun, even if Claudia-sensei is the other party, he's nervous."
When she coughed, Kukuri turned around and smiled a bitter smile.
"It's like that except for Anna-sensei. He's not good with girls anyway. He hasn't talked much about it either."
"Oh? Is that so?"
"Yes. If you answer 'Oh', do I feel that communication went well today?"
Hey? Was it really like that?
She stared at Yata, who was away from Claudia, because he couldn't concentrate.
It was certainly a digital measuring instrument that a single person can measure. Even if Claudia was out, she could measure it, but she... she already understood. That was Yata, he really was shy.
Little by little, her chest grew warm.
Although he wasn't that good with girls, he looked directly into her eyes and apologized.
And he said that he would "protect" her.
It was Yata who suggested that they take her to the Kusanagi´s bar.
She finally understood how cool he was. That's how it is. All of that was something he had a lot of trouble doing. What should she do? She was happy!
How much of the flame she burns was originally from Yata? What's more, she was a different Strain.
"Hey. It's Saya-chan's turn! What? You're smiling."
"It's nothing. I'm sorry."
She shook her head hastily, pressed her red cheeks together and went to Awashima-sensei.
"Yes. Grip strength meter. Start with the right hand. You should not use the left hand."
Awashima-sensei, a frozen beauty math teacher, presented you with a grip strength meter.
"I think it's okay..."
"But it hurts if you push yourself, right? You can't push yourself too hard. What did the nurse say? Did you go to the hospital?"
"Oh, sure, I was told not to move too much."
"So, let's stop the left hand. We'll only measure the right hand. Now, hold it. Lower your hand parallel to your body. Yes. Hold it as tightly as you can."
As she indicated, she squeezed the grip strength gauge.
At that moment, a destructive sound echoed through the gym.
Awashima's eyes widened. She was confused too, and she looked down at her right hand.
The needle jumped, and that was not enough, the grip piece was broken and had come off. Was it the handle part? Subjection? Anyway, the part she grabbed was broken.
Eh? Maybe she over-squeezed the grip strength gauge?!
"I wonder if it is old."
"Sensei. It's painful."
She didn't think it was easy for an aluminum alloy that wasn't rusted to break because it was old.
She understood that she should take care of herself, but she couldn't.
When she shook her head forcefully, Awashima scowled sheepishly, "That's right."
"Is it because of my ability?"
"Yes, maybe. No, maybe it is."
"Konohana-san. You still don't know your abilities, do you? I have received reports about it."
Reports from whom?
She wondered that, but it was definitely true, so she took it firmly.
"Let's try again for now."
"Eh? Is that okay?"
"Things can be firmly measured this time."
"But I could break it again, right?"
She had gambled a bit, but it was true that her abilities were so unstable that it didn't seem like she was going to continue (or rather, she hadn't had that experience yet), so she was quietly receiving a new strength meter from grip.
Suddenly, the whole class was looking at her. Of course, Yata too.
She couldn't bear the attention and her face turned red.
"That's right. Konohana-san."
"Oh, yeah."
Like before, she lowered her hand vertically, but unlike before, she tried to hold it a little lighter.
However, at that moment, she heard a loud buzzing sound again and closed her eyes tightly.
(Wow, ah! Why is it continuously activated only right now?), she thought.
"Sorry! Sorry!"
Awashima shook her head and asked Kukuri to fetch a new grip strength gauge from the warehouse. Then she turned her eyes back and tilted her head a little.
"The record is over 100 kilos. Is it okay if it can't be measured?"
"I can't measure it, please!"
This was only the result of the skill activation.
Her own grip strength wasn't as good as a gorilla's, it was normal! Because she was normal!
"Hm. It seems the newcomer's skills are excellent. Unlike you."
When she returned the broken grip strength gauge and tilted her head, she heard Fushimi's tongue click from behind.
When she took a breath and turned around, Fushimi had a haunting smile on Yata. Yata also turned his fierce gaze towards Fushimi, saying, "What?"
(Ah, wait!), She thought.
He immediately mistook her for such an atmosphere.
When she looked at Awashima, she said, "Well... oh, you two...", and gave them a lecture.
Then, to stop the fight that was about to start, she started walking towards the two of them, but at that moment, the third "bang" echoed through the gym.
They all looked at her as if that sound was coming from her.
"Kya, kyaa, ah!"
Her wide eyes were stained evenly and astonishingly. With the board broken in half, she quickly bowed her head.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm sick and my hands are getting stronger!"
"It's okay. You two…"
Looking back, Awashima smiled gently and turned her eyes to Fushimi and Yata.
And when she points her thumb at them, she heard a pleasant voice.
"If you don't stop fighting now, you will stay like this too."
(I mean... I broke it that way. I mean, I won't do that!), she thought.
She tried to deny it hastily, but when she saw the two of them choke on the words, she thought reflectively.
(Maybe it is better not to solve the misunderstanding to fit in this place?)
However, she would like to deny that "If they're going to fight here, they'll end up like this.".
When she saw them, they clicked their tongues at the same time and turned away from her.
When she looked at Kamamoto as she was about to cry from the pain of being "the last demon chief", Kamamoto also hid his smiling mouth with a deliberate throat clearing and turned away from her.
When she gave a great sigh, before Awashima who returned in front of what was broken in half, she bowed deeply.
Rang the doorbell.
Once she stepped inside, the wooden floor squeaked.
"Welcome. Oh. Yata-chan, you can escort properly."
Kusanagi, who was cleaning the glasses, gave him a mischievous wink when he saw them.
"You took her bag and opened the door... Yeah, great. Did you keep up with the girl?"
Yata blushed a little.
"I can carry my luggage, but..."
"Oh, I am your servant until the burns heal!"
"Why do you say…"
She was embarrassed, she wondered if it was okay, but regret the words.
Saying that while she was thinking about her request, Kusanagi laughed and showed the counter seat.
"Miss, sit down. What do you want to drink? Soda, tea, orange juice..."
"Oh, never mind. I didn't get the price of the parfait yesterday either."
"Okay, don't worry. Part of the cost of the material is deducted exactly from the cost of the apartment. Don't hesitate."
Is that so?
"Well then tea. Um... please use china that can break."
Kusanagi widened his eyes in amazement.
"Break up? Why…?"
"Because she could crush him."
"What?! Crush it?!"
"Konohana-san, it was impossible to measure with a grip force of more than 100 kg."
Kamamoto's words surprised everyone, not just Kusanagi.
As she looked around her, she looked at Kusanagi with a glance and breathed softly.
"It seems the ability has been activated... I smashed two grip strength gauges."
Kusanagi lost his complexion, perhaps even imagining a broken grip strength gauge.
"Well, Saya-chan. Is it possible to use a stainless steel cup? The color of the black tea worsens."
"Of course it's okay. Thank you."
"I would like to thank you. But what is your ability, Saya-chan?"
Kusanagi tilted his head as he set the kettle.
"Here we go…"
"Isn't it the power to manipulate the flame? That pillar of fire…"
"If that's the case, she won't run out of oxygen surrounded by flames. She'll burn."
Suoh, who was lying on the couch, denied the words someone said with a yawn.
"And that's Yata's flame."
"So maybe because the quality of the flame was different? It was Homura's flame, so it burned out."
"It's not impossible, but... hmm."
Totsuka, who was playing with the camera at the end of the counter, looked up.
"That's too conspicuous for Yata's flames to escape, isn't it? So I think Konohana-san's abilities are working somehow... but because she acted on the flames, I manipulate the fire. Is it premature say skill?"
So cut off his words, and Totsuka lowered the camera and looked at her.
"Don't you think you could have multiple abilities? You protected yourself from the knife, (maybe) acted on Yata's flames and broke the grip strength meter, all of which are abilities of different quality."
Everyone except Suoh took a breath and stared at each other at the Totsuka words.
She wasn't familiar with these abilities in the first place, so she didn't understand why everyone was so shocked, she opened her mouth and looked at Totsuka.
"Ah, is that unusual?"
"Yes. At least I haven't heard of that."
When she looked around, everyone shook their heads evenly.
"Is that so."
"I don't know. I don't know if you really have multiple abilities, but it certainly looks different in quality."
"If so, right? Konohana-san's specialty as Strain isn't just that she was born off the island."
Coughing, Totsuka wiped the smile from his lips. Then, he made a thoughtful gesture and called her "Konohana-san.".
"Oh, yeah!"
"That's what happened in PE class, right?"
"Yes, that's true. It was in PE class this afternoon."
When she shook her head vertically, Totsuka and Kusanagi looked at each other.
"Not good."
"That's right... what should I do? I'm sure he noticed it too."
Totsuka covered his mouth with his hand and stared at the amber counter.
That boy? Who was he?
She bow my head, but no one said anything. Did everyone know?
Suddenly, when she saw Yata, he bitterly distorted his face and stared at the bottle on the back of the counter in silence.
The identity of "that boy" was immediately revealed.
To be exact, the next day. When she went to the bathroom alone after lunch.
As she put her handkerchief in her pocket, he approached her as she walked back to the classroom.
She turned around and looked back quickly.
"Ah, Fushimi-kun?"
"Are you really going in there?"
"What?" Before asking, she was surprised to hear him speak to her.
She turned to Fushimi and smiled, "Um...".
"What place is that?"
"The red club. Why are you in such a place?"
"I've never heard of a Strain with multiple abilities."
The words surprised her.
Maybe "this boy" was the one Totsuka was talking about...
"Do you think you can elucidate your abilities and control yourself in such a place? They do not perform any activities. You will just soak in warm water every day."
"Oh, that..."
"Anyway, are you just drinking tea and talking?"
She wondered why? It was as if he knew the red club. That crossed her mind.
By the way, Totsuka had called him "that boy", wasn't it a way of calling a person that you only know his face?
Maybe it was because she didn't answer him that Fushimi clicked his tongue.
She shook her shoulders and lifted her face from him.
"Someday someone may be in danger. It's too late. Do you think so too? Your abilities must urgently be clarified and you must learn to control them."
She thought he was correct.
But for some reason, she couldn't obediently control it, and when she rejected it again, Fushimi clicked his tongue again.
"You are a Strain full of irregularities. It's strange. You can't do it alone. You should still be under the supervision of the blue club, for the good of the school and the students."
Under surveillance...
The words bit her lips involuntarily.
There was nothing wrong with what he said. Rather, that was correct. Very correct.
With pursed lips, she touched the bandage on her left hand with her right hand.
But nobody in the red club said that.
"The captain cares. If something happens outside the school, regardless of whether it is inside the school, we may not be able to respond quickly. The meeting place for the red club is outside the school."
Then Fushimi kept talking.
But after all he was correct. It could be wrong. Because she cannot control it, her abilities can be revealed outside of school. At that time, it would be possible that there was no one from the red club nearby. She would have no way to stop the damage.
She couldn't do it alone, she thought. There was no rumbling sound. She certainly hurt people in the past.
Because Fushimi was right, she couldn't argue, she was just scared.
It was at that moment that...
"Stop it!"
A high-pitched scream echoed down the hall. At the same time, intense footsteps were heard.
When she raised her face to turn around, a reddish-brown haired boy jumped in front of them.
At that moment, her heart made a loud noise and she covered her mouth with both hands.
"Don't say what you want!"
Yata yelled as he stepped between her and Fushimi.
"What's wrong? You shouldn't come to school to act like this!"
He said with a high-pitched cry without hesitation.
Her chest warmed with his back wider than she expected, wrapped in a black school uniform.
He was there to protect her.
Fushimi was very right, but he still held him back.
She knew that she shouldn't be happy. There was no reason to rejoice. She was not a good person to protect. If she really thought of everyone, she should abide by Fushimi's words.
However, she was excited, in a selfish way.
Kamamoto squeezed her shoulders coughing. He gently supported his large, warm hands.
"How dare you intimidate her?! Do you know the word 'rights'?"
Faced with Yata's anger, Fushimi maintained his usual nasty and annoying demeanor. He looked at Yata with a ridiculous laugh on his lips.
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"Hmm...! What?"
"Always talking, and what right do you have? Don't say warm things. It's too late after an irreparable disaster. I don't think the red club can handle it."
"Shut up, bastard!"
Yata yelled at Fushimi's words.
"Don't be silly! Idiot! What do you think that girl is?"
"A Strain, so what? This place is full of them."
Obstructing Yata's words, Fushimi took a breath.
Then, with a provocative mausoleum again, he narrowed his eyes and looked at Yata.
"You will end up being killed, Misaki. You seem like an incomparably idiotic person, right?"
Yata grabbed onto Fushimi's chest as if he couldn't take it anymore.
At the same time, the battle was dry. The lid of the memory that was desperately stored in the depths opened, making a rattling noise.
What revived in her mind was a noise and a scream. It was a schoolyard where tears flew.
A blue sheet put on the floor. The red lights of the ambulance that came all the time.
And a bloody person lifted off the ground.
The faces of the students on the gurney overlapped with Yata's.
At that moment, terrible nausea hit her. She held her mouth with both hands and sat there.
Kamamoto's voice rang out. He quickly knelt beside her and hugged her shoulders like she cared, but she couldn't lift her face. She was trying to hold back the nausea.
Her whole body was trembling terribly.
It was an unmistakable horror.
Yes, it was. Fortunately, there were no deaths at the time, but she was lucky. After all, there were many serious injuries.
(I don't know what it will be like next time! This time I can kill people!), she thought.
Kukuri, Neko, Shiro, her classmates, and the red club members as well. Even Yata!
"Are you okay? Konohana-san!"
"Kamamoto! Get away!"
Dark horror stained her eyes black.
With the sharp shout of Konohana and Yata, Kamamoto's hand detached from her shoulder, and the signal fell far away.
Immediately after, she was strongly drawn and her body floated in the air.
When she opened her eyes as she held her mouth with both hands, Yata's face was at her side.
She realized that Yata was holding her and her heart ignited.
"Are you ok?!
She was happy.
Oh, but no. She wanted Yata to let her go, she was afraid of hurting him.
"Don't talk! Now let's go to the infirmary."
The fiery eyes no longer saw Fushimi, they only stared straight ahead.
Her profile was very sad.
At the same time as her heart beat, it became painful.
(No. It's not good, Yata-kun. Let me go.), she thought.
But she didn't get her voice out of it. Her consciousness was swallowed up by the darkness just as she was.
Suddenly, consciousness arose from her.
When she slowly opened her eyes, she could see the cloudy white ceiling.
She couldn't understand the situation for a moment, and looked mysteriously around her, but she could only see the white partition curtain.
Oh, but she notices that the curtain rail was covered with her uniform jacket and this was the bed in the infirmary room.
When she got up, you probably noticed it from the sound of the bed. She opened the dividing curtain and the infirmary teacher looked at her face.
Instead of being kind, the teacher, who felt like a trustworthy mother with deep nostalgia, smiled and took off her lab coat to get closer to her.
Her smile makes her feel relieved for some reason.
"Yes. You fell. Don't you remember?"
Oh, it's true. That had happened.
"Oh, that's good. Afternoon class is over, so go home today."
Oh, was it over?
"Did I sleep that long?"
"It's a few hours, even if it's long, right?"
No, but...
"They should pick you up, so go home today. Get some rest."
"What? Pick me up?"
When she tilted her head as she combed her hair with her hand, the door to the infirmary opened instantly as if could hear her, and Kamamoto said, "I'm sorry.".
"Oh, you came."
The infirmary teacher looked at the door and beckoned.
Then, Yata and Kamamoto came out from behind the curtain and looked at her anxiously.
"Are you ok?"
"Aren't you shaking anymore?"
Their voices made her feel very relieved.
"Yes, thank you.", she said smiling. Yata's face turned bright red.
And as he was, he retreated into the shadow of the curtain. "Yes?"
"Oh, Yata-kun?"
"Yata-san didn't mind carrying you, take it easy."
"Shut up!"
Just as she was, she heard the rattling sound of the door. So did he come out?
"Huh? Hm?"
"Oh, don't worry. Maybe she's waiting outside. Konohana-san, can you get up?"
Kamamoto shrugged and put a bag on the bed.
"This is a bag. Rest assured that Yukizome cleaned it up. It should have what you need. If you can get you up, let's go home. I'll send it to the bedroom."
"Oh, thank you. Maybe it's okay."
It was time to get out of bed and get up.
She fixed the wrinkles in her skirt and put her shoes back on. She looked good.
"Especially, it feels awkward, they're not there, are they?"
"Yes. There are none. Take it easy."
"But the expression was dark. Really?"
She involuntarily looks at the teacher.
"Is your body really okay?"
"My body is fine..."
The teacher shrugged and said, "Then go home."
Kamamoto removed the sack from the curtain rail and handed it to her. She grabbed it and put it on.
"Then, thank you."
Ready to go, she bowed to the nursing teacher.
When she bowed firmly to her voice that told her "Take care." and she came out of the infirmary with Kamamoto, as Kamamoto said, Yata sat in the hallway and waited.
"Oh, give me the bag."
"Eh? I can carry it."
"I'm going to do it."
Yata extended his hand with slightly red cheeks and looking away.
"Then, please."
"Oh. Then take out your PDA."
Eh? PDA?
"PDA? Why?"
"Because it's okay, get it out."
As she tilted her head, he took out his PDA, and Yata pointed his own PDA.
A bang was heard and Yata's contact information was recorded on her PDA.
"If something happens, give me a call! Okay? Do it!"
Yata's face turned red as soon as he saw her.
Her cheeks warmed when she noticed him. She was very happy.
Because... huh? Didn't he care at all what Fushimi said?
(I can't control my abilities, right? I might hurt Yata-kun. It's not an impossible story, because I've done it in the past.), she thought.
She try to speak correctly.
But it wasn't just about being there. He will try to protect her, it was also very natural.
Why? Why did he worry so much?
It was like a dream. Was that really the case?
"If I call you, will you come?"
"Oh, that's the natural thing to do!"
He wasn't looking at her as usual, but he didn't hesitate or stagnate at her words.
"No matter what happens, hurry up and do it right away!"
Simple words that can be clearly understood without lying.
She was so happy.
(Oh what's up with this? Why am I such a happy monster?), she thought.
She tried to email "Yata-kun" while she hid her face that had turned bright red with the PDA.
Yata, who was alerted by the ringtone and lowered his eyes to his PDA, turned his eyebrows on her saying "Oh?", and finally looked back at her.
"Yes, call me, but not for something silly!"
"Oh? I'll send you an email, if you don't have anything to do..."
"Ok, that's fine."
Kamamoto turned away from Yata, who averted his eyes from his as he endured laughter.
Yata wandered for a while and then quickly turned his back on her to hide his red face from her.
"Hey, I'm not going to answer you if it's something stupid!"
"Yes? You guys. If you get a red dot in the middle and end of the period, you won't be allowed to enter here for a while."
At Kusanagi's sudden declaration, they all yelled at once: "Huh?!" Oh, everyone except her, Suoh, and Totsuka.
Yata, who was sitting on the sofa with her, raised his hand, also stopped and looked at Kusanagi in a stunned way.
"Eh?! I won't, it's stupid. Nobody says I can get good points. Just tell me to avoid the red dots. It's the lowest line."
"But they are all themes, right?"
"It's still normal. Hey, I'm thankful I didn't say that in the skill test in April. The range is fixed at the middle and end of the period. It shouldn't be difficult."
"He can't help but show that he is our idiot, Kusanagi-san."
"I'm not trying to do that, stupid."
Kusanagi sighed and put the polished glass on the counter.
"By the way, Saya-chan, how did your skill test go?"
"Huh? Oh, the average score was only 80 points. Math was a bit difficult."
The inside of the tent was so cold that everyone looked at her with surprised eyes.
Yata's hand also stopped again.
"What? I haven't taken those numbers."
"Oh, no, at my other school, the transfer exam was really difficult."
Eh? Was that so?
(But I haven't taken the transfer exam, have I? I got a letter of recommendation and I just...), she thought.
Thinking of that, Totsuka suddenly looked at her and looked at her left hand.
"By the way, your burns, don't you have to go to the hospital anymore?"
"Oh, yeah. Thanks. All I have to do is be careful not to leave marks."
Yata applied to her a vitamin C ointment and lotion to the back of her hand and bandaged it.
He put a gauze on and taped it up. He had repeated it many times since April and he was used to it.
Yata who usually had a hard time talking to her, much less touching her, had a calm face when he did that treatment, probably because it was a treatment. He would ask things like "Are you okay?" or "Are you no longer in pain?"
When everyone made fun of him, he turned bright red and got angry, but he didn't stop doing it after all.
"Will the scars disappear?"
"There is no problem with the right knee. It seems that the left hand thing will disappear cleanly if care is not neglected. It will take some time, but it will still be clean in the summer."
"Yeah I'm glad."
Totsuka smiled as if he was relieved.
"Hmm. Left hand, finished. Is the bandage not tight?"
Yata propped up the scissors and looked at her.
She slowly opened and closed her hand, shaking her head.
"It's okay."
"So next is the foot. Put your foot up."
Yata hit the couch, pointing at it.
When she lifted her leg up as he told her to, Yata took off her shoe and put it on her lap. Then he released the bandage on her right knee.
"No matter how many times I watch it, it's erotic, right?"
"Aha. But Yata doesn't see it with evil eyes like you do, Chitose."
"No, Saya-chan doesn't either. She lets a man's hand apply ointment or lotion."
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"That's why Konohana-san doesn't have an evil idea like Chitose."
She could hear them.
No, she wasn't embarrassing now, but she was really embarrassing at first.
She had gotten used to it a bit lately, but not that she wasn't embarrassed at all.
But more than that, Yata was desperate... It wasn't Yata's fault, but he was desperate to make it up to her and do what he could.
So she was very happy.
"How about the pain?"
"Most of it is gone, it's just turning red. Maybe I can use a lotion."
"Hmm. But don't overdo it, should I apply a little more salve?"
"Isn't that conversation too erotic to listen to?"
"Shut up, Chitose."
"Saya. I'm off topic. The guy who got a red dot in the middle and end of the period is banned from coming for a while. That's absolutely unreasonable."
Kusanagi stopped the talk by hitting a bread. Yes, that was the story.
Yata's hand stopped again. Maybe for Yata it was quite dangerous?
"If you don't study properly, you won't be a professional."
"You don't want to study because you want to be like Mikoto?"
"No! Go study! Even now!"
Yata sighed as he opened the cap on the lotion.
That was it. It was so dangerous that he sighed.
When she laughed, she softly made a noise to Yata, who was in a gloomy state.
"Let's do our best."
"Are you studying correctly?"
While she was doing her homework in her room, it suddenly occurred to her to email Yata.
She went into the kitchen, boiled water, made instant coffee, and returned to the study table with hot mug in hand, and had already received an answer.
She sat in the chair and enthusiastically opened the message.
"I was in Homura a while ago."
Only those words, but she was very happy. Yata answered the message correctly even though he said that he would not reply nonsense.
It was blunt and a short sentence, but he answered correctly the right way every time.
She was happy to send an email even though she had no problem.
Today was certainly a study session at HOMRA.
Some people were playing games, but Yata was studying hard.
When she casually showed Yata, who scratched his head, he turned red and didn't speak properly, but when the problem was solved, he said quietly, "Thank you.".
When he asked her over and over again, "Tell me...", "Tell me this..." and "Tell me that...", Kusanagi, who was watching them, said, "These idiots. Couldn't they study elsewhere?", but he was happy.
At HOMRA, the red club was very warm.
It was so much fun mingling with everyone and being happy.
"I have to do it in the bedroom. Aim! Avoid the red dots!"
She sent a reply to Yata and wrapped both hands around the mug.
The sweet, warm coffee made her heart feel warm.
She never dreamed that she could spend her days with that feeling even though her abilities had been revealed to everyone. She believed that it was all thanks to Yata and everyone in the red club.
Was she really good? She was having a quiet day like that.
The PDA shook to notify her of an incoming call.
When she opened the email she received, she saw the words "I'm upset."
"Hm, you don't have to be upset, Yata-kun. Maybe you're just blocked, aren't you? Let's do our best together. Ok?"
She texted while she smiled.
He immediately responded with an "Ok."
That made her feel like it was the end of the conversation, so she thought about it for a moment and asked, "Let's study in the library instead of going to HOMRA tomorrow."
She thought that he would probably hate studying in the library, but the answer was, surprisingly, "I can do that.", and she was shocked.
Eh?! Was it okay to go study in the library? Wouldn't he go to HOMRA?!
Oh, she didn't think he would return that answer. Yata really wanted to avoid the red dot.
She was happy in another way and said, "Let's do our best! If you have any questions, ask more and more. If I can understand it, I will show you."
Yata's response was: "I don't know, there are a lot of things I don't understand."
Yata's worried face seemed to appear before her eyes, and it erupted irresistibly.
"Hahaha. Yes. Yes... I see... Hehehe."
She laughed and wrapped both hands around the PDA.
But still, she told him to study together in the library without giving up.
"Well. If that happens, I'll ask you to avoid the red dot. Homura without Yata-kun is alone."
She put down the PDA and picked up the mechanical pencil again in a new mood.
"If that is."
Awashima-sensei announced with the ringing of the doorbell.
They all responded at once. A great chorus of "Yes!" echoed through the classroom.
"Turn over the answer sheet."
She placed her answer sheet on the stack of paper that came from behind and turned it forward.
Awashima received it, counted the number, and confirmed it. And when she finished, she looked around and smiled.
"Yes. Good work."
"Good luck! The test is over!"
The screams increased. She too took a breath and sank down on the desk.
After all, the math was difficult. She was not good at it. The last problem, she could not write it, although the final score would be high.
When she was narrowing her eyes, Kamamoto's voice, "How did it go, Yata-san?", jumped into her ears.
(Oh yeah! Yata-kun!), she thought.
She snapped her eyes open and woke up.
And when she got up on the same impulse, she went with Yata and the others.
"How was it? Do you think you can pass?"
"Oh, maybe it's okay."
Kamamoto smiled. Looking at Yata, he was a bit confident.
"What about, Yata-kun?"
"No! No, that..."
When she looked into Yata's eyes, he blushed a little and walked away.
But soon, he coughed, "Well, I was able to write more than usual... I have hope."
"Really?! So..."
"Well, I hope it goes well. But, I think it can be avoided."
"Hooray! That's good! You did the best you could!"
They didn't have the result yet, but she was relieved. She didn't want Yata to be banned from the bar.
When she clapped her hands, Yata flashed a goofy smile, "Oh!"
That was irresistible and she warmed her chest.
"Oh that's right. Hey, Yata-kun. This morning's email…"
She was worried about it since morning, but she finally asked a question that she couldn't ask because she thought it shouldn't disturb his concentration on the exam.
At that moment, Yata patted her on the back and his overreaction made her narrow her eyes. That? That reaction.
In fact, when she woke up this morning, she was surprised to receive an email from Yata.
Because he, until today, he almost always responded to her emails, but Yata never spoke first. That day for the first time, Yata sent her an email. She had been impressed since the morning.
But that was a slightly confusing email.
There was no topic or text. It was just an email with a photo of the crepe shop attached. She at first she thought it was a wrong email.
Because she knew him well, Yata wasn't very good at sweets.
It was strange to think of Yata sending her a photo of a crepe shop. She felt something was wrong.
So, she thought about asking what happened after the test was completed, so she put it on hold... Hmm? Wasn't that a mistake?
Kamamoto tilted his head and looked at her.
When he spoke to him because he didn't want to say something, Kamamoto turned his gaze to Yata, "Did you send it?"
"Well, well!"
Yata stepped out of Kamamoto's line of sight and said that.
(Oh, after all, he sent it to me. Not a mistake.), she thought.
What did that mean?
Suddenly, she put her finger on her lips and thought.
(That email. What if he couldn't write the topic or the text?)
What if attaching a photo was the best thing the shy Yata could do in front of a girl?
Oh, maybe that was it?
Her heart made a loud noise.
Ah, she wished it were so.
But what if it was different? If it was a coincidence? She was thinking too much.
(But what if…? In this case…), she thought, and her face turned red.
Was it okay to say that? If it was different, it would be a shame, but... but!
She clenched her hands tightly and looked at Yata.
"Oh, that... if you want, can you take me? No, I want to go!"
Yata turned his back on her at her words and looked away.
When she laughed again, his cheeks turned bright red as she looked at him. She then she thought that she was not wrong, (Ah! It can't be! Yes, that was it!).
She ducked involuntarily, hugging her knees.
"What?! Konohana-san?"
She couldn't raise her face at Kamamoto's voice of surprise. Because her ears were bright red and she could understand him.
(Oh, I get it! Yata-kun is great and I like him!), she thought.
Even though he wasn't good at talking to girls, he emailed her and everything.
Of course, inviting a girl must have been a huge hurdle for Yata.
Yata, who wasn't good at sweets, went to the trouble of looking it up and bravely emailed her, right? She always wanted to see it, and she could have Kamamoto translate it!
"Eh? What's wrong? Yata-san. What happened to Konohana-san?"
"I don't know. I don't know anything."
"Huh? What's wrong? Am I the only one in the group?"
"Shut up. You have to keep up with yourself."
Eh? There, Kamamoto always goes where Yata went, but...
"But no. If so, okay?"
"Huh? Hey, Konohana-san."
Face down, she shook her head and refused to explain.
It wasn't that hard to tell, was it? "I invited you to a crepe shop.", "I invite you.", is a story that can be done, right? Also, if she went to the crepe shop later, she could make a rough guess, right? Still, she didn't want to say why.
Yata invited her, she wanted to keep that impression.
It could be for a short time, but she wanted to keep it.
She knew Yata was embarrassed, but when she saw him refuse to talk to Kamamoto in the same way, she even felt the same way. She also tickled her and she was happy.
That "happy" accumulated and he made her happier. Yata was amazing. She felt sorry for Kamamoto, who kept it a secret.
Oh, but after all, she wanted Yata, who had the courage to send that photo, to be with her.
"Hey, how about the crepe shop?"
"It was delicious!"
With a big smile on his forehead, Kusanagi said, "I'm glad."
"That's why the three of us are late. I see, it's too early to be relieved."
"Of course. You know that, right?"
"I don't know. I don't think so when I see him frolicking behind me."
Yata, Kamamoto and everyone else were talking about the athletic festival around the couch where Suoh was sleeping.
It's basically a class competition, but after all, there seems to be a competition that uses skills to compete between special clubs, and they were all on fire.
Above all, the extreme tag game that takes place at the end of all competitions, it is a competition that can be said to be the flower form of the school athletic festival, and it seems to be very exciting.
Everyone was motivated to beat the blue club this year.
"Saya-chan, will you participate?"
Suddenly, Kusanagi said that to her and looked back.
"Sports day. If you go to the competition as a member of the red club, yes."
At Kusanagi's words, everyone stopped talking and looked at her.
"Eh, what?"
She notices that everyone's eyes were shining as if they were saying, "Let's do it!", and she shook her head hastily, also with both hands.
"Yes, yes, refrain!"
"Eh? Why? Do it!"
"Chitose-san. No, I refrain from doing it! I'm afraid of competitions that use my abilities. I can't control them."
In the first place, she had never tried to develop her abilities on her own. She didn't want to use them at all, but just hung out.
Did they want her to use her abilities voluntarily when she didn't even know what her abilities are? What a terrifying thing. Just thinking about it made her shiver.
"I don't know what will come out in the first place, so there's a good chance it won't work."
"Oh, never mind. I'll keep helping you..."
Yata's little cough made her eyes widen.
"It did not matter?"
Even having seen that pillar of fire, the stone pavement that was sandwiched between them, the broken grip strength meter, and the broken recording board, she was surprised that Yata could say that normally.
She really couldn't tell him anything.
Wasn't Yata afraid of him? Doesn't he think she will ever hurt him?
She didn't want him to be afraid of her. Of course, she didn't want him to avoid her.
She was very happy that he treated her like a "normal girl".
She was so happy that she trembled, but still she responded.
"But I don't know what will happen..."
Still, she was afraid to "use" her abilities voluntarily. It could affect the competition and the athletic festival itself. Especially if she hurt someone.
When she shook her head and looked at Yata, Yata coughed, "Oh, I get it.", and turned his back on her.
"No, if you don't like it, no. I'm not trying to force you. But if you're enjoying school life, join us."
"Oh, I'll help you. I'll follow you as much as I can."
A word spoken without hesitation.
Maybe he wasn't very smart, but he was warm and kind and cool.
Although he looked closely at what she had done, he was able to say it without a small bet.
The masculine side of him was great.
(Oh, I see. I'm so happy!), she thought.
"Yes, thank you. Ordinary competitions are aggressive. Oh, that's right. Let's take first place in class grades, Yata-kun. I'll do my best too. I'll enjoy it!"
Rubbing away the burning dependency, she regained her composure and clenched her fist.
"Let's get the trophy! Yata-kun, you can win right?"
With expectations, she looks directly at him.
Looking back over his shoulder, Yata shook his head with his usual awkward smile.
"Leave it to me."
Sports festival. Joyful cheers filled the playground.
It was an ideal sunny day for a sports festival. The blue sky was tinged with cloudless blue. She was cheerful enough to sweat even if she didn't move.
Without disappointing the expectations of the class, Yata participated in quite a few competitions and was producing good results.
She never tired of looking at Yata, who was running like the wind.
Speaking of not getting tired of looking, Suoh was also looking. He had a completely different attitude than Yata.
What's the point of walking calmly, he wasn't even running? Burning obstacles in an obstacle course? Very surreal.
Kusanagi took a break from the store and came with a large package. She was surprised not to know that. Oh, but the rice balls and omelette were delicious! Why was everyone's lunch box so delicious?
The appearance of installing a video camera on a tripod was like someone's parents, and she laughed with Totsuka.
But it seems like he was filming with a lot of energy, and he really wanted to see it with everyone at HOMRA.
"Next is the final competition. It is an extreme tag team game against special club activities."
That was the announcement that echoed down the hall. She closed the cap on the mineral water she was drinking and hurried back to the cheering seat for the special club activities.
"Oh, come here, Konohana-san."
Totsuka, who noticed her, motioned for her to come with him.
She sat next to him and looked at the executive committee that was cleaning up.
"Speaking of which, I was wondering, but what is extreme etiquette?"
"Hmm? Oh, the one in last place wins the competition."
Eh? What was that? Kill each other or something?
In response to the answer that was diagonally above her expectations, she instinctively looked at Totsuka in confusion.
What did that mean?
"Specifically, it's a competition where five players from the special club are sent to compete. One of the five is wearing a special club color ribbon. If it is stolen, or if it is undone, if it is burned, if it is cut... Anyway, if they take it out of your head, you will lose."
"The remaining four people protect the people who are hovering anyway. So, surprisingly, it's a competition where strategy is more important than skill."
"I see. Well, maybe."
"That's right. I'm a bit weak at that. It seems that the blue club has won many championships even in the past. That's because it is controlled like an army."
Sensing what she meant, Totsuka smiled.
That's right, uh...?
"Oh, that? I think the silver club had three members in the first place. But is it a competition where five representatives are selected?"
"Oh, the silver club will not participate. Last year there were fewer people. The silver club just marks the beginning of each year."
Eh? Was that so?
"Oh, hey, does it start?"
Shiro came out with a smile and turned the starter pistol towards the sky.
After a moment, he rang out a loud electronic sound signaling the start of the competition.
The players all began to move at the same time. A great ovation enveloped them.
"No matter how many times I see it, that rabbit is surreal."
"That's right. But Yata will go."
Yata, the commander of the red club unit, rushed straight into the enemy camp.
There was no strategy. Really, it was attacking directly from the front.
Kamamoto and Chitose followed.
Suoh didn't move.
He stood silently and stared at Munakata, the leader of the blue club.
"Ah. okay!"
Everyone around him raised their fists and shouted loudly.
When she turned his gaze towards Yata, Yata also struck a gutsy pose with the best smile. Apparently, he managed to burn the rabbit-faced headband.
He had a cheerful expression. Immediately, he brought his lips together, harbored a fierce flame in his eyes, and plunged into a new enemy.
She was fascinated with him.
He do not doubt it and challenge from the front, facing the enemy directly.
There was no alteration of the plan, nor any calculation. He didn't even think about winning.
He just believed in himself and his friends, and ran.
His appearance was very stringy.
To her, who had run away from various things, he looked very bright.
She intensely yearned for him.
(Oh, he's amazing. Amazing! Yata-kun is amazing!), she thought.
"The green club, left! The rest are from the red and blue club! This year was also a unique match!"
The announcement heated the place even more.
Then, turning his back on the comment, Yata started running towards the blue club, who was solidifying his defense.
The opponent was the blue club, which is good at tactics and strategy. Involuntarily she breathes, then clasp her hands and pray that Yata won't get hurt and will win.
Yata's hand was engulfed in flames and the members of the blue club held his swords.
Five beautiful leaves that roared in the sunlight.
She was surprised at how sharp they were, she got up and yelled.
At that moment, Yata's flame swelled tens and hundreds of times. It grew big enough to burn the skies, swelled up like a living being, and attacked the blue club.
The blue club took a breath and faced a sudden attack that was completely different from what they expected.
That momentary delay was fatal. The flame burned the headband.
"Ah! Wah?!"
The scorch broke and fell to the ground without a sound.
"The winner is the red club."
Big applause in the hall at the exciting announcement.
Everyone in the red club stood up and raised a voice of joy.
"I did it! Saya-chan! I did it!"
"Yes! You won!"
Everyone clapped and rejoiced.
"Yata-kun! Great!"
"You did it! Yata!"
Kamamoto and Chitose ran towards Yata, who was somewhat confused.
Yata, who was hugged, looked at Suoh for some reason.
For some reason, Suoh and Fushimi were looking at her.
Beside her, who noticed the line of sight and tilted his head, Totsuka put his finger on his chin and narrowed his eyes.
"I see."
18 notes · View notes
justanotherlifeff · 4 years
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Levi Ackerman × reader
Genre: Angst, Hurt/comfort, Fluff, matured themes, slowburn
Warning: There's mentions and descriptions of underage rape and suicidal themes and self harm and other triggering stuff. THERE IS SMUT IN THIS CHAPTER
6 months later
"Oi Hanji! Give her something for the pain and do something fucking useful for once!" Levi growled as (Y/N) almost sprained his hand with a squeeze as she held his hand during another contraction. Levi deeply regretted teaching her those exercises to improve her strength all those months back. "Calm down Levi. I'm not the doctor here and I am not using some experimental pain killer that I made without any human testing on my best friend." Hanji replied to him calmly. Levi was loosing his grip as he wasn't ready for it.
When (Y/N) told him that her water broke at dawn, he panicked more than he ever did in his entire life. More than when Kenny taught him how to use knives by almost killing him. "Sir, we can't allow you to stay here... She will have her delivery soon..." a nurse meekly told the fuming captain, only to receive a deadly glare from him. If looks could kill, the nurse would've been dead by now. "Levi, listen to them. They delivered more babies than most of the survey corps’ titan kills." Hanji tried to reason with him. However, that seemed to stop working for the last 8 hours, after (Y/N)'s contractions began. "Levi, as the commander of the survey corps, I command you to get the fuck out of this room." Hanji told him in a commanding tone as she lost all patience with him. He was testing her like a spoilt child for the last 8 hours about almost everything.
Levi fell asleep on the chair in the waiting room. Hanji was sitting beside him, quiet sleepy herself. At least she took an afternoon nap yesterday and she felt immensely guilty for giving a huge pile of paperwork to Levi the same day. He had been working all day and wasn't able to sleep at night too as (Y/N)'s contractions started at dawn. Buying their home at Trost was a great decision as the hospital was nearby as (Y/N) had a hard time riding a horse to get there. Both Levi squad and (Y/N) squad was there except Marie, who apparently had a headache.
Hanji personally never liked Marie either and she agreed with Levi about the fact that this girl was trying to double cross (Y/N). However, Hanji saw why (Y/N) refused to let her go. If she only cooperated, she could've been a good asset to the team. It had been 2 more hours since Hanji got Levi to get out of the delivery room, 10 hours since (Y/N)'s water broke. After these agonising two hours, a nurse entered the waiting room with a pained look but a smile while rubbing her hands. It didn't take long for Hanji to figure out that she offered (Y/N) to hold her hand, given that her hand looked red. Watching the nurse, Hanji was barely able to tap Levi's shoulder twice as he jerked awake and asked the nurse in panic.
"Is (Y/N) okay?". Hanji realised that Levi took the pained look on the nurse's face as a signal to something is wrong other than the fact that (Y/N) squeezed the soul out the poor woman's hand. "Yes they both are fine. They are cleaning the baby as we speak. Congratulations Mr Ackerman. It's a boy. Would you like to see them?" The nurse asked with a smile. Hanji noticed that Levi looked paler than usual. His hands were shaking a bit too. "Yes." Levi answered after getting a grip on himself.
Levi followed the nurse into the cabin where (Y/N) had been transferred. Everyone else followed too. They were made to wait till (Y/N) was transferred into the cabin but that didn't take too long. As the nurse opened the door and walked in, Levi saw a scene that he, even in his wildest dreams never imagined. There on the bed right opposite to the door laid (Y/N), a small white bundle in her arms. She looked tired, almost as if she would pass out but there was a slight smile on her face as her eyes were filled with curiosity and love as she looked at the small bundle. "She doesn't look like herself at all..." Levi internally thought.
Yes, (Y/N) didn't have the look of a ruthless killer anymore. She looked different. "She's giving off the same expression that my mother used to have..." Levi thought curiously as he stepped towards (Y/N). That's when he realised why (Y/N) had such a sudden change. That's because what he saw affected him too. Almost as greatly as it did to (Y/N). Inside the small, there was this small baby, with raven hair, eyes the exact copy of Levi, only they were (E/C) instead of the steel grey that Levi's eyes hold. "He even got that constipated look" Hanji muttered as she followed Levi towards (Y/N).
At this point, Levi sat down abruptly on the chair right in front of the bed. His legs were shaking. There was no balance in his body. Years of training, his unbreakable balance, his extreme reflexes, all gone after looking at this sight. "I have a kid..." Levi's voice croaked out suddenly. Both his squad, (Y/N)'s squad, Hanji and (Y/N) herself looked at him as if they just saw something extremely unexpected happen. It was unexpected after all. Levi, the person who never got his guard down after meeting Kenny, was weak, vulnerable and he didn't bother hiding it.
"Levi, are you okay?" Hanji asked Levi before anyone else as everyone was extremely taken aback by Levi's actions. Even (Y/N) was taken aback as she never saw Levi like this. "Levi... " (Y/N) tried to say but her voice was raspy as her throat was dry. Without saying any more, (Y/N), extended a hand towards his, held his hand gently, trying to make him feel better. "Can I hold...it?" Levi muttered, as he got some grip on himself after (Y/N) held his hand. "Oi Levi! Don't call your own son it!" Hanji exclaimed. "Hanji, let him be. I'm sure he's having a hard time processing it all. I am too." (Y/N) told Hanji, her voice still raspy. The nurse helped to take the baby from (Y/N)'s arms and gave it to Levi, teaching how to hold the baby.
The baby simply stared at Levi, as if he was hugely disappointed with the fact that he was taken from his mother. Levi just stared at the baby for a few moments. He had a family now. He found someone who gave him the reason to live on and now he has a child, someone who he could give the good childhood he never got. Hesitantly, Levi placed a light kiss on the baby's forehead, surprising the whole group of people in the room, not surprising (Y/N) too much as she saw Levi showing emotions before. (Y/N) just smiled, knowing that the man before her was at peace.
They both were at peace. Her dreams came true. She now has a family. The both of them finally found happiness. "You guys, I'll contact the Reeves company and get meat for you all. Sasha, you will be cooking and arranging everything at my house. I'll pay for everything." Levi told everyone, looking at them with a small smile on his face. "M-meat? You will buy meat for us?" Sasha stammered before shouting out, "HEICHOU! YOU ARE THE BEST SQUAD LEADER ANYONE CAN POSSIBLY GET!" while crying like a maniac. Everyone else looked happy and thanked Levi for the treat.
"Guys, get out now. I need some rest" (Y/N) stated after a while. Everyone already took turns to hold the baby and Levi proved to be an overprotective father, as he inspected everyone as they took the baby and snapped at Connie when he made a mistake trying to hold the baby. No one wanted to leave though, as the baby was just too cute to leave alone. After some groans of disappointment, they all left. All except Levi.
"What will we name him?" (Y/N) asked him. She didn't want to bring the topic up in front of the others as she didn't want their contribution in this matter. "What about Farlan?" Levi answered after thinking for a moment. "Sure. It's a nice name. Farlan Ackerman sounds good." (Y/N) answered with a smile. The baby was asleep on the cot beside the bed. Levi looked at him and sighed. "Yeah. It sounds nice" He answered, a small smile forming on his face. He then walked towards (Y/N), patted her head gently and said, "Take some rest. I'll be back soon. I'll have to take a nap myself.". That's when (Y/N) noticed how tired he looked. Levi was used to being sleep deprived. That's not what tired him. What tired him was the amount of tension he went through for the last 11 hours. He very much needed a nap.
(Y/N) was woken by the sound of the door of the cabin opening. She had a sound sleep as the nurses took care of Farlan except for the times when he had to be fed. (Y/N) noticed that it was already evening as she saw the orange light coming from the window into the room. It was Pixis who just entered the room. Of course, it didn't surprise (Y/N). After what he did on her wedding, she came to acknowledge the fact that Pixis was completely unpredictable.
"I see that I have a grandchild now." Pixis stated with a smirk. "Yes. That part was obvious." (Y/N) replied with a stoic expression. "Don't be so bland (Y/N). I'm just here to see the baby. I haven't seen many new-borns in my lifetime." Pixis answered as he walked towards the cot. "Did you ever see me when I was a baby?" (Y/N) asked in return. Pixis stopped in front of the cot and answered, "No. I didn't.". He tried to hide it but his voice showed some remorse and so, (Y/N) didn't further question him. "His eyes look a lot like Levi. What's his name?" Pixis asked (Y/N), as he looked at the sleeping baby. "Farlan" (Y/N) answered. "Ah I see." Pixis answered. Before he could say anything more, Levi entered the room.
He just came back after getting the best sleep of his life as he felt like the happiest person on earth. However, seeing Pixis there worried him. That guy abandoned (Y/N) after all. "Should I give you some privacy?" he asked (Y/N) as he figured that (Y/N) would like to talk to Pixis alone. After all, their relationship was worse than just shaky and Levi thought that him being there would just make things more awkward. "No it's fine. You can stay" (Y/N) answered. After Levi entered the room, Pixis told him, "Congratulations on being a father" with a smile.
"Thank you." Levi answered curtly. The baby was awake by now as Pixis picked him up. "So, we all will pretend as if we are one big happy family?" Levi asked Pixis, raising an eyebrow. After all, the last thing Levi expected was that he would see Pixis holding his son. "Whatever helps him sleep at night" (Y/N) scoffed. To that Pixis let out a brief laugh before saying, "No wonder you're my daughter. However, you've got the sharp tongue of your mother...". At that, (Y/N) stopped him and said, "Don't compare me to that foul woman." with a frown.
"Okay. I won't. Anyway, I will have to take my leave now. And Levi, everyone likes to play family at some point. I won't deny that I'm the reason for which (Y/N) had a horrible life but we can't change that now can we?" Pixis answered before keeping Farlan in the cot and leaving the room. "Are you okay (Y/N)?" Levi asked (Y/N) as he didn't know how (Y/N) felt about the whole thing. "Yeah I'm fine. I personally don't accept him as my father but I'm glad that Farlan will probably have a grandfather. At this point, the only thing I care about is Farlan's happiness as I already found mine" (Y/N) told him with a smile.
1 month and a week later
(Y/N) made certain errors in her prediction from 6 months ago. She had her delivery a week before it was predicted. Farlan however, was healthier than ever. She also took more than a month to recover. A month and half to be exact. Thus, the expedition had to be delayed for a week. Levi didn't even have to push Hanji about it because Hanji figured out how long (Y/N) would actually take to recover a few weeks after she gave birth. She made all the arrangements for the delay of the expeditions by then much to (Y/N)'s disappointment. She however couldn't complain later when she really took a week more to recover. That gave them two weeks to eradicate all titans left in Wall Maria.
Hundreds of titans were killed using the executioner from hell before winter. The plan was that there would be two expeditions. Each with 3 days worth of supply. The survey corps would be divided into two groups. One would be travelling from Trost, eastwards, facing every titan on the way and travelling in groups, 2 squads in each, to attract the titans till they reach Utopia. The other would be travelling from Utopia, westwards till they reach Trost. The only two strategists capable of leading a team if something went terribly wrong were Hanji and (Y/N), with Hanji clearly being better than (Y/N) due to her longer experience in battle. Thus, it was decided that (Y/N), along with Levi's experience, would lead the group from Trost while Hanji would lead the group from Utopia.
The Survey corps had 201 members by now, Levi squad having an extra. The usual squad had 5 members including the squad leader. 20 squads would be there on each group. The formation would be such that every group of two squads would be 10 km apart from eachother. If something went wrong with the formation, red smoke signals would be used. (Y/N) squad and Levi squad, partnered with two other squads, would be positioned in the middle of the formation so that they could immediately run to help if any other squad is harmed. It would, however, take about an hour to get the formation done as the distance between wall Maria and Wall Rose is 100 km and survey corps horses could run at a speed of 80km/hr. Levi squad will give Armin to Hanji squad so that the other team could use the strength they are lacking due to the absence of either one of Levi, (Y/N) or a titan shifter, given that, Armin was the most powerful titan shifter on the team.
Thus, the team from Trost would have a hundred members while the team from Utopia would have a hundred and one. The survival rate this time, would only be a 50% however as everyone is expected to charge straight at the titans instead of running.
"You all will be using your 3DMG to go and get all the dummies cut. However, from today till the expedition, you'll all be competing against (Y/N) here. If any of you can get around the forest before her, congratulations, you stand a chance against her if she just got out of a delivery. If any of you gets tangled in your own wire again, I swear I'll kick you out of the survey corps." Levi lectured all the cadets. (Y/N) joined them as planned today, so that she can brush up her training. The last night, Levi personally took (Y/N) to check if she can use 3DMG, and (Y/N) surprised him.
She was almost as good as before her pregnancy leave. Sure, she was still rough around some edges, her movements weren't as flawless as it was before, her speed decreased noticeably too but she still was better than all recruits combined. All the cadets were greatly interested in watching (Y/N) in action. (Y/N) was the only person in the entire Survey corps who's 3DMG skills were comparable to Levi's. Everyone knew that and as the new recruits never saw (Y/N) in action, competing her seemed like a very good sport to them. Defeating (Y/N) meant coming second to the strongest in humanity. Levi squad and (Y/N) squad however knew that it wasn't possible. "Everyone, assume positions!" Levi commanded and everyone ran to the line drawn in front of the forest. They all stood in line, ready to take off. "And go!" Levi instructed and everyone took off.
The new recruits were surprised to see (Y/N) getting way ahead of everyone at a speed that was impossible for them to reach. "What the hell? She isn't even using too much gas..." one of the recruits exclaimed. (Y/N) was out of their sight in no time and as they found the dummies, every one of them had a perfect slice cut off it's nape. There were 16 dummies in total. It took the others 30 minutes to find and cut down every single one of them and getting out while (Y/N) did the same in 13 minutes. Levi squad and (Y/N) squad took 25 minutes while Mikasa took 18. "Good work out there." Levi told (Y/N) as she flew out of the forest. "Well, I usually am faster than that." (Y/N) answered, as she got her blades in the sheathes in the 3DMG. "Yes. I know that. If you didn't just have a delivery last month, I'd have been disappointed." Levi answered to that. (Y/N) just gave a "mhhm" for reply before she spoke again.
"I'm not so sure if leaving Farlan with Hanji was a good idea..." (Y/N) muttered. "Well, he'll be fine." Levi answered casually. "Are you sure about that? Hanji did try to make him walk at the age of three weeks for her experiments... " (Y/N) muttered remembering the time when Hanji tried to test if Levi's genetics had something that made them become physically developed more easily than others given that all the other known ackermans, Kenny and Mikasa, had good fighting abilities. Of course, Hanji's experiments didn't work and Farlan got hurt and cried, which sounded more angry than pained, thus scaring Hanji to death as Levi gave Hanji a death glare once it happened. After all, Levi did try to kill a commander before.
5 days later
"Hanji, the milk is in the cupboard in the kitchen with the bottle. Boil the bottle before feeding Farlan. The nappies, shirts and blankets are in the third drawer in the wardrobe of mine and Levi's room. If Farlan wets himself, just take anything from there. I kept everything packed in a bag which is also in the wardrobe so that you can bring it when you come to the headquarters. And Hanji, don't try to do any experiments. I'm trusting you on this." (Y/N) explained Hanji. "You explained all of that to me every single day of this week you know." Hanji mentioned in a flat tone. "Well, I was just reminding you..." (Y/N) started before Hanji stopped her and said in a light tone, "Come on (Y/N)! I literally lead the survey corps! Farlan will be fine. Don't worry so much.". "Yeah... I guess I'm a bit too paranoid... Thanks for all the help Hanji." (Y/N) answered with a smile. "Yeah yeah I know. You'll be late for training if you keep trying to remind me stuff now. So, get out." Hanji pushed (Y/N) out of the house.
When I reached the survey corps headquarter and walked in the training grounds, Levi was already there. "You're late. You're doing 50 laps after training." he told me with a frown. Yes, I obviously never got special treatment from him in case of work related matters. I appreciated it though as our personal lives shouldn't interfere with work. The female cadets looked happy with the fact that I got laps. Well, it doesn't matter. It isn't like they have the guts to make a move on Levi. "Well, assume positions now. I'll be following you all." Levi commanded everyone. I joined everyone in front of the starting line. "And go!" Levi instructed as we all shot forward.
"Make as less moves as possible. Preserve gas. Find the locations of the dummies and cut them." my mind kept repeating as I sped towards the forest. The slightest movements caught my attention as some recruits were left to move the dummies. One, two, three... My mind counted as I kept making perfect cuts on every dummy. Just as I landed outside the forest, I found no one. Of course, Levi mentioned that he will be following us in the next training exercise. He probably is with the other recruits.
After about 20 more minutes, everyone else appeared with Levi. Levi looked at me, his eyes showing appreciation. "You reached your previous records. Your moves are as good as before now. Good job." he complimented before turning to the new recruits and saying, "You all couldn't improve any more than 30 minutes in six fucking months and she did the same fucking job in 11 minutes by a week after having a delivery about a month and half ago. This is why I don't train brats like you all. I don't know how Shadis keeps his cool with you all.". He said all of that calmly with a stoic expression but the girls in the group almost started crying already. Levi then turned to my squad and his own squad and said, "You all did okay. There's still room for improvement though.". They all saluted and Levi motioned them to be at ease before looking at me and saying, "Well, what are you waiting for? Go get the laps done."
2 hours and 30 minutes later
I finally was done with the laps. Hanji came by with Farlan and saw me doing laps in the training grounds. 400 meters each lap. About 20 km. "And here I thought shorty was getting soft..." Hanji shook her head as she ran beside me carrying Farlan when she found me. "Well, he honestly got softer than before. I remember him shouting at me back when I took a minute to get a dummy down. Now he's saying his squad that they did a good job after they took 25 minutes to get 16 dummies." I answered. No wonder they weren't improving.
I went to my office to get the extra uniform I usually keep there incase if the one I'm wearing gets dirty. With that, I went to the female bathrooms and took a bath, changed my uniform, went to my office to grab the stack of paperwork Hanji told me that she would leave in my office and went for Levi's office. I knocked on his door and heard his voice saying, "State your name and business.". "It's (Y/N)." I answered. "Come in" I heard his voice, now sounding softer and went in his office. His table had three stacks of paperwork, his face showing the stress that he was on. I sat down with my own stack and started working silently, helping Levi with his paperwork sometimes while he helped me with mine. When I was done, he still had two stacks to complete. I looked at him, he looked tired. Thus, I got up, walked towards his chair and went under the table.
Back when I was about 6 months pregnant, I had this phase when I was horny all the time and that's when I found out that getting a blowjob while he's working calms Levi down when he has to do a lot of paperwork. Thus, this little tradition started where I helped him out every time I saw him struggling with work. I heard a sigh of content from him as I took his dick in my mouth, swirling my tongue around it's tip. I felt his hand on my hair, gently pushing me on his length. I didn't give him the chance to guide me as I started going all out on him, taking all of his length in my mouth and bobbing my head on it, my tongue working at it's tip the entire time. The gentle touch on my hair turned into a harsh grab as Levi took control, making my movements even faster.
I heard Levi's breathing getting disoriented and suddenly, there was a knock on the door. I stopped my assault on his dick so that he could answer the door without having any distractions. "State name and business" I heard him say with a flat monotone voice. He had this way of keeping his body entirely under control, which fascinated me to bits. "It's Cadet Schwarz. I need to talk to you, heichou." I heard Marie's voice. What is that girl upto? "Come in" Levi answered as I heard the door open and her footsteps coming into the room.
"Schwarz, the last time you were in my office, as much as I can recall, (Y/N) gave you a warning about your attire. Why are you violating the dress code again?" I heard Levi ask her. That's it. I know very well what she's trying to do. I'd have to write a report against her and probably give her a talk about backing off from my husband. "Heichou, I will get straight into point. I only joined the survey corps for you. When I heard that they were taking members in the Special operations squad, I thought it was your squad. However, I wasn't lucky enough and ended up in hers. Heichou, I can keep you much happier than she ever can. Just..." Levi stopped her before she said anything more.
"Listen, what you're doing is highly inappropriate. I'm a married man and I'm in a happy marriage. I even have a kid. Even if I wasn't married, I would never leave (Y/N) for anyone. So, I'll tell this to you for the last time, stop embarrassing yourself." Levi answered, in a stoic voice. "Is that right heichou? Then why does your face look so flustered? You know what heichou? You can be with your wife. She doesn't have to know what happens behind closed doors..." Marie continued. I quietly stuffed Levi's penis in his pants and started buttoning him up when I heard Levi's surprised and slightly disgusted voice saying, "What the fuck do you think you're doing?". To that, Marie replied, "I'm just trying to show you exactly what got you so flustered. Isn't that what you...".
"Enough" I spoke up, stopping Marie. I got up from under the table and Marie clearly understood why Levi was flustered after seeing my messy hair. "Marie, go to my office. We need to discuss your expulsion from the survey corps." I told her with a cold tone. "Expulsion? But I haven't broken any rules. By the way, isn't the commander the only person who can expel someone from the survey corps? You can't do that!" Marie scoffed. It was time to put her in her place. "Well, if you don't trust me on this, you can ask Levi if I was nominated to be the commander of the survey corps only a few months ago." I told her, my tone getting colder by the second.
Marie looked at Levi and Levi simply answered, "She's right. See, I told you to stop this bullshit. Even if (Y/N) didn't take actions, I would have.". "Actions? But I haven't broken any rule!.." I stopped her at that and told her, "Marie, five buttons of your shirt are opened. You just ignored a direct warning from a superior. If you think I didn’t write a report on you violating the dress code before, you are wrong. Of course, that alone can't get you kicked out of the survey corps but I also have further complains against you, which we will discuss in my office. So, go.". "No! I refuse to go!" Marie made a bitch face at me.
"You refuse to go? Well, you see, unfortunately as long as you are a survey corps soldier, I will be your superior. You will have to follow my orders or else the consequences would be severe." I told her in a commanding voice as she retreated from the office. "Thanks for having my back, Levi." I told him as he looked at me with worry. "No, it's fine. Just don't kill her." he told me, his eyes showing suspicion. "Don't worry. I won't kill her. I'll just ruin her career." I answered before getting out of Levi's office and going to mine.
Marie was already in the office. "Well, let's discuss your insubordination." I told her before sitting on my chair. "Sit down. You'd prefer not to fall on the floor after I tell you the few things I'm about to say." I told her, motioning to the chair in front of me. She sat and I started. "Do you know what happened to the last person who tried to take Levi from me?" I asked her. She looked uncomfortable at this point as she knew that I had her cornered. "No?" she answered.
"Her name was Petra Ral. She died on the 57th expedition. The female titan stomped on her. Surprisingly, the female titan was able to do that in my presence. The next expedition is coming soon and who knows, maybe you would be eaten by a titan too and I wouldn't be able to save you." I stopped. I saw her face losing colours. Just the reaction I wanted to see.
"You see, as your superior, I had to report every time you almost got the squad killed to the commander. The commander herself questioned your worth and I have been defending you for the whole time. However, it seems like you aren't fit to be in the survey corps anyway, even if I don't consider the fact that you tried to fuck my husband. Honestly, I shouldn't be telling you all these. I should just let you die on the next expedition. You just proved to me how worthless you are today.
However, ever since Farlan was born, I couldn't shake this feeling off me. I don't want to make your family suffer. I know how your mother would feel if you die. So, I would give you a second option. If I talk to the commander and expel you from the survey corps, that would be the end of your career in the military. If I don't do anything, you will die. If you give me a letter asking for a transfer to the Garrison or the Military police, your career would be saved, you would live and I could keep you out of my relationship. Now, go back to your room and decide what you want. I will be expecting a letter from you. You're dismissed." I explained to her in my monotone voice. With that, she left the room without a word. I rested my head on the head rest of the chair. "Fuck.. Farlan really changed everything..." I wondered. After all, I didn't feel like the cold hearted person I was anymore.
To be continued...
Taglist: @reality-is-often-disappointing, @kingtamakimurder
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6ftslytherin · 3 years
Queer OC Questionnaire
Name: Sabine V. E. Lowell
1. What is your oc's identity?
Androgynous lesbian woman
2. When did they realize their identity?
In a way she's always known.
3. How did they feel when they found out?
(Trigger warnings: internalized homophobia and a suicide attempt)
Sabine had always felt like there was something different about her than the other girls. She never really understood how they could dream about getting married to a handsome gentleman. When she finally heard about other girls liking girls it was in a negative connotation. She hadn't thought that what she felt was bad but this was a respected adult saying it.
Her family being the famous Lowells taught her that one of the most important things that she could do was continue the bloodline by marrying a man and having children. When she asked about having children with a woman her grandfather Virgil laughed and told her it was ridiculous. She never brought the question up again.
Over the years the shame would build. It wasn't just her sexuality that made her feel bad. Her weird behavior caused her family to be ridiculed. She had indirectly killed her brother John. She was the cause of the argument that made Jacob leave. She wasn't feminine. Her parents deserved better. Being herself dishonored the Lowell name. She wasn't even sure if her parents actually loved her anymore.
She tried to be the best daughter she could be but she always felt bad about who she was. She couldn't even tell anyone because she didn't feel like her problems mattered compared to other's. Eventually all the shame and guilt built up which is when she decided to end things. She couldn't deal with the pain anymore.
She was fourteen when she stole a bottle of sleeping pills from a muggle pharmacy with the intent to take the entire thing. She decided on a date when the fewest people would be home and made peace with the people in her life. When the day came she wrote a note explaining everything and downed the bottle with a glass of wine. She became light headed and passed out a bit later.
She woke up in a bed at St. Mungo's. She didn't have the strength to argue when she was offered a spot in the pediatric section of Waterhouse Psychiatric Hospital and agreed.
4. How long did it take for them to accept themselves?
It wasn't until she was being treated in the psychiatric hospital that she began to let go of the guilt. Her parents hired a private psychiatrist to help them. The psychiatrist, Dean Garth, would help her and her family come to terms with their feelings.
She still sometimes has moments where she feels less than because of who she is. She now has technics and a stronger support system for those moments.
5. Are they open about their identity? Did they come out subtlety or dramatically?
She came out in her suicide note. She wasn't expecting to live so she didn't feel like it would be a big deal. When she woke up the day after she remembered the note and felt instant regret. When she had her first session with Dean she found out that her parents had read the note and given it to him. She felt deeply embarrassed about it.
After a few sessions with Dean he asked if she would be willing to have a session with her parents. She agreed. Sabine was surprised by how much her family really cared about her. They wanted to help her with her problems and felt like the worst parents in the world that Sabine thought the only way to stop the pain was to die. For the first time in years she cried in front of them. She no longer doubted she was loved.
She would slowly come out to her friends and extended family over the coming months.
She decided to be openly gay starting on September 1 1988.
6. What were the inital reactions of their friends and family?
Overall very positive. They were more concerned with Sabine's mental health at the time.
7. Did anyone know before they came out?
Her mother had an inkling by the time Sabine was 11. She thought she had a crush on Rowan. Her grandmother Colette knew by the time Sabine was 5. When asked to elaborate Colette responded with, "I just knew." Looking back on it, her grandmother had always been pro-LGBT. It turns out that Colette's uncle had been a closeted gay man that lived a double life until his death.
After she got out of the hospital she was hanging out with Rowan and told her. Turns out Rowan already knew. Not only that, but Rowan also liked girls and identified as a demigirl.
When she told Jacob his response was, "Yeah, no shit."
8. Was it a complete shock to some people?
Martinius Lowell, head of The Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes, a job that requires the ability to see minute details, had no idea.
Her oldest brother Sef came back from Switzerland to spend time with her. Turns out he wasn't aware either. He was embarrassed about never noticing.
One day when Marie was visiting Sabine in the hospital she told her cousin she liked girls. Marie responded by saying she also liked girls. That was when the girls realized they were both the gay cousin.
9. What has their love life been like?
There was a girl that went to the same ice rink as her when she was eight that made her feel strange. She loved watching her skate and talking to her. She wanted to say something to her. Then she remembered how her fellings were wrong. So she didn't say anything to her. She started avoiding her. Eventually her crush for the girl died off. They went to the beach when she was twelve and she saw an older girl she was unable to stop looking at.
Sabine joined the Slytherin quidditch team in her second year. There she met Skye Parkins. After months of training and playing together Sabine considered her a friend. Sometimes Penny Haywood would talk to Skye and make Sabine feel weird. For some reason she only wanted Skye to talk to her. After awhile she realized she was attracted to Skye. She felt awful for liking a girl again. She started to hang out with Skye less.
In the Summer of 1987 when Sabine was fourteen she met Yvonne Silverpot, a fifteen year old girl. She was doing some modeling work for Sabine's mother at the time and needed a place to stay. Yvonne took an interest in Sabine. She often asked Sabine to spend her free time with her, which she obliged.
Whenever Sabine or Yvonne were free they would be with each other, quickly becoming friends. One day Yvonne asked Sabine if she had ever kissed anyone before. She answered truthfully that no, she hadn't. Yvonne offered to be her first. This surprised Sabine. She tried to explain that girls aren't supposed to kiss other girls.
Yvonne closed her eyes and said, "I'm going to keep my eyes closed for five minutes. Kiss me if you want. I'd like it and I think you would too." Sabine fought against her instincts before she gave in and kissed her. Yvonne left a few days after that. Sabine knew she would probably never see her again.
It was late September when Sabine accidentally outed herself to Merula. She had felt so comfortable in the conversation they were having it had slipped out. It had clearly freaked Merula out. She didn't say anything. She just got up and left. Sabine sat there, marinating in her panic induced nausea. She closed her eyes and started to use deep breathing techniques.
Sabine could tell Merula was avoiding her. She wouldn't even look at her when they had potions class, even though they sat next to each other. In between classes Sabine asked Merula if they could talk in private. Merula agreed. Sabine asked her if she had told anyone, she hadn't. Sabine was relieved. She explained how she didn't want her to tell anyone. Merula agreed but stated it still made her uncomfortable. Sabine didn't like it but was glad she was being agreeable.
Weirdly Sabine and Merula started to get closer. Merula didn't seem capable of the venom she used to spew at Sabine. They even had a private sleepover to celebrate Merula's birthday, Sabine's roomates being gone due to Christmas. Merula had gotten comfortable enough to share a bed with her. Sabine had got to sleep happy that they had finally buried the hatchet.
That morning she woke up to an asleep Merula holding onto her. Sabine almost had a heart attack. That was when she had a thought; hold her back. She almost did. That was when she realized she once again had a crush. She would have to distance herself to keep her from getting hurt. She wasn't able to fall back asleep. When Merula woke up she apologized for holding her. Sabine said she didn't mind, even though she did. The day after she began to distance herself from Merula.
The problem with this being in the same house, having the same classes, and sitting at the same table. Merula often asked if Sabine wanted to hang out or study together. Everytime she would decline Sabine could see the hurt in Merula's eyes, even if she acted like it didn't bother her.
Then one day in spring Merula had enough. She challenged Sabine to a private duel at night. Sabine arrived at the location expecting an angry Merula ready to fight her. Instead Merula was quietly waiting for her. It was almost eerie. Sabine asked what was happening. Merula simply said, "Do you hate me?" Sabine would have been surprised by the boldness if it had been anyone else, she said no.
Merula then demanded to know why she was avoiding her. Sabine couldn't think of anything to say. How could she explain that she had developed feeling for her? Then something shocking happened, Merula hugged her. She said she wanted to be around her again. That it hurt not to be. Merula buried her face in Sabine's chest. She said, "I need you to stay in my life because your the only person that treats me like I'm worth a damn. I think I like you. And that terrifies me."
Sabine was in a daze. She liked her? Sabine was scared. She slowly moved her hand onto Merula's head. Sabine breathed in deep. She said everything she had been holding in her heart. She told her how special she felt Merula was. That was when a thought came to her. Sabine swallowed hard and said, "Would you like to go on a date with me?"
Merula looked at Sabine. She said yes. The two of them started to cry out of happiness. It was almost bitter when they had to part. They agreed to meet up in Hogsmeade the week after, Sabine would come up with a date plan. They went back to the Slytherin common room while holding hands.
A month later Sabine asked if she could refer to Merula as her girlfriend. She agreed.
Strangely, Sabine's never been romantically attracted to Rowan. That was when Sabine realized she had a type. Tomboys.
How do they feel about their identity now?
Sabine is significantly happier since she was able to get the help she needed. She accepts the fact that she isn't going to magically wake up one day as a feminine heterosexual and she's glad she won't. Her family likes her girlfriend and she wouldn't want it any other way.
Blank questionnaire here:
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djappleblush · 4 years
A night of mishaps (Born Again fanfic)
So let's just pretend that while Soo Hyuk, Sa Bin, and their team were investigating the Donggang mummy case, there were a lot more encounters that had occured between our #FormalinCouple. Their relationship deserves so much more good angst and development, y'know. This fic happened between the car accident scene and Sa Bin's experimental kiss. Here goes:
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Jung Sa Bin examined herself in the mirror one more time and signed.
She was currently in her private suite in the NFS dressed in a black mini dress. She had just come from a party earlier that night that the Seoyeon univerty arranged in a hotel for the new professors, and since she was the newest addition to the staff, not to mention the youngest, her presence had been highly expected.
Sa Bin had been more than ready to throw away her heels and call it a night, but she had been called on an emergency at NFS that she could only groan to herself in frustration. There goes her plan for an early bedtime.
She had taken a deep breath and ignored the throbbing on her feet, and then she had walked straight up to her department head and excused herself, then exited the banquet hall in a hurry and went out to hail a cab that took her directly to her lab. It was already halfway through the NFS that she'd realized she left her coat in her seat. Sa Bin had closed her eyes tightly in utter frustration and screamed in her head. Now she had to walk around in nothing but her dress in the cold weather.
When she'd arrived at the NFS, Sa Bin had gotten off the cab and entered the building with her head bowed. She'd ignored the stares she received and almost run to her private suite. She'd run into Seo Young down the hallways and her colleague had looked at her and smiled apologetically. "You look like you were having fun tonight. Too bad we ruined it."
Sa Bin then felt her feet protest in her heels. She was about to assure her that she was more than glad to have escaped the party but decided against it. Instead she only nodded and smiled back. "It's no problem at all."
Sa Bin had headed to her suite to change, but stopped on her tracks at the door when she'd realized with a gasp that she had also forgotten to bring a change of clothes and shoes.
Now she was there in front of her mirror, looking at herself and wondering how she could be so stupid. For a minute, Sa Bin berated herself for being so forgetful before something in the corner of her eye caught her attention. Turning her head, she saw her white coat hanging on the rack. She stared at it as though it was the first time she'd ever seen it and that's when an idea struck her, making her smile.
Finally, Sa Bin put on her white lab coat and secured the buttons closed, before marching towards the autopsy room feeling quite proud of her ingenuity. A moment later, she was joined by Seo Young and they quickly set to work.
Kim Soo Hyuk was not in the best of moods, as he had been in the past couple of weeks since he took on the Donggang mummy case. His irritation was partly because of how messy the case had been, but the main cause of his ire was no other than a particularly well-meaning but headstrong woman at the NFS: Jung Sa Bin.
The woman actually had the gall to oppose him. Had the circumstances of their meeting been different, he could have admired her spunk, but not when she was directly making his life harder.
Soo Hyuk narrowed his eyes as he caught sight of the NFS building just a block away. He made up his mind to get her to work with him no matter what as he sped his car toward his destination.
Sa Bin was busily engrossed in proofreading her finished report in front of the computer when she heard Seo Young's phone went off. Her colleague answered the call. Sa Bin didn't let that distract her and went back to her task, eager to finish so she could finally go home and get rid of her heels and makeup.
That was until Seo Young hung up the phone and abruptly turned to her. "Sa Bin-ah, Prosecutor Kim will be joining us in a short while."
That made Sa Bin turn her attention to Seo Young. For some odd reason, just the mention of the Prosecutor's name made her heartbeat erratic. She had been in an argument with the man in the few times they had met, and she knew she could take him head on despite his domineering nature. But lately, specially after their last encounter in the hospital when he saved her life from the car accident, Sa Bin found herself getting nervous just by thinking about the Prosecutor or just by hearing his name. It had never happened to her before and she was afraid to contemplate why she felt that way. Sa Bin swallowed and carefully hid her sudden nervousness with a blank expression.
"Prosecutor Kim?" She repeated, unable to keep the strain from her voice. "What business does he have here?"
"He has some documents to pick up. He'd asked me to prepare them in advance. Also..." here, Seo Young stared at her that made her insides squirm.
Sa Bin blinked. "Why are you staring at me like that?"
"Well," she began cautiously. "Prosecutor Kim mentioned about wanting to discuss something with you."
She was about to clarify what that meant when the glass doors opened and Kim Soo Hyuk himself came strutting in, wearing his pinstriped suit and that silent but palpable confidence of him that made him as intimidating as he had looked the very first time she saw him.
The Prosecutor's piercing eyes zeroed in on hers and they locked gazes for a few seconds, before he looked away and turned them on Seo Young.
"Prosecutor Kim," Seo Young acknowledged in a cordial manner, while Sa Bin only stayed silent as she slowly turned away and unconsciously tightened her lab coat around herself. The rhythm of her heartbeat had doubled and it was so loud she became afraid the two would hear it. She pretended to study the bones neatly laid across the autopsy table, trying to calm herself while wondering what's happening to her.
"Did you prepare the documents, Professor Yoo?" Sa Bin heard Soo Hyuk asking, his voice uniquely deep and masculine.
"Yes, I did." Seo Young answered. "Wait here a moment. I'll get them from my office."
Oh, gods. Sa Bin silently screamed when she heard Seo Young walk out. She knew her colleague did that on purpose to give her and the Prosecutor some privacy. She wasn't ready to face him, nor be alone with him! She fought the panic that threatened to engulf her. What could the Prosecutor possibly want to discuss with her?
Just then, Sa Bin gasped audibly in surprise and backed away when she felt a presence behind her. Turning, Sa Bin saw that Soo Hyuk was now only a few meters away from her, his eyes boring on her widened ones.
"What are you doing?" She almost shrieked.
Soo Hyuk furrowed a brow and cocked his head to the side. "You seemed so busy it looked like you didn't even notice I'm in the room." He stated matter-of-factly, though his eyes hinted that they both knew it wasn't the case.
Soo Hyuk suddenly looked her up and down, an unreadable expression on his face.
Sa Bin felt extremely conscious when she remembered how she looked that night. Discreetly, she looked down to see if her lab coat had opened to reveal her minidress. She signed inwardly in relief when she saw that nothing was amiss.
Sa Bin waited for him to say something. After all, she looked so different that night, with full makeup on and her hair tied behind her back with matching dangling earrings. Not that she was looking for a compliment from him, of course, since Soo Hyuk didn't look like the type to give one. But surely he noticed her unsual appearance and was bound to comment on it.
Sa Bin was disappointed, however, when Soo Hyuk spoke about something entirely different from what she was expecting.
"Any developments on the Donggang mummy case?" Though his tone was businesslike, his words held a deeper meaning.
This wasn't lost on Sa Bin who raised her chin and met his eyes, completely forgetting that just a second ago, she unconsciously wanted to get a compliment out of him. "I have nothing more to say to you, Prosecutor Kim. I know you told Professor Yoo that you want to discuss something with me, but if it has anything to do with making me cooperate with your illegal dealings, then you're just wasting your time."
Sa Bin was quite proud of how steady her voice had sounded despite her nerves going haywire. She expected the Prosecutor to snap at her in anger, but instead he only stared at her as though he was searching her face for something. And then he smirked, which unnerved her even more.
"I don't usually go about scaring women, ms. Jung Sa Bin, but you might just be an exemption."
Sa Bin's eyes narrowed. "And you think you can scare me?" She challenged. "You think so highly of yourself, Prosecutor Kim."
"Perhaps," Soo Hyuk drawled, his eyes glinting with dark intent. "Either way, you'll cooperate with me."
"What are you planning to do?" She asked in sudden alarm, unable to stop herself.
"We'll see." He was starting to walk away when she stopped him with her words.
"Would you.... would you really resort to something like that if I didn't cooperate?" She didn't mean to, but her voice lost its strength and instead came out vulnerable. Unbeknownst to her, it struck something primal in Soo Hyuk.
Once again, the two locked eyes and Sa Bin felt as though her heart would burst, specially when Soo Hyuk inched a little more closer than she was comfortable with. She fought the instinct to take a step back when he was finally within her personal space. His mere presence seemed to have enveloped all of her senses, tickling her nostrils with his clean and exquisitely masculine scent that seemed to have ingrained itself in her subconscious.
Sa Bin snapped out of her reverie and noticed that Soo Hyuk's eyes were no longer mocking, but had a strange emotion in them. It made her breath catch in her throat. If she didn't know any better, she would have mistaken it for tenderness. But it couldn't be.
"I admit, ms. Sa Bin," She was startled to hear his voice again, now low and sounded much like a caress. "I do enjoy scaring people, but I'm not looking forward to doing that to you."
Sa Bin's lips parted in part shock and part wonderment, all of which were painfully apparent on her face and Soo Hyuk was staring at it in silent scrutiny.
"Then... you do know I can't just-"
"So don't give me a reason to." He interrupted.
Sa Bin was at a loss for words. She was too busy staring at those dark, deep eyes of his that seemed to speak into her very soul, and it didn't help that Soo Hyuk appeared to be doing the same. She was just about to speak when the door opened again, and Soo Hyuk nonchalantly stepped away from her as Seo Young entered.
Sa Bin let go of the breath she didn't know she was holding. She watched Seo Young walk over to Soo Hyuk and hand him some folders, unaware of the tension that had transpired between them.
"I have already included the latest updates in these documents," Seo Young said. "Just call me if you have any more questions."
Soo Hyuk gave a curt nod in response.
Seo Young turned to the silent Sa Bin. "Sa Bin-ah, are you done with the report?"
Sa Bin clenched her fists in an attempt to silence her thundering heart. "Ah, yes. I am." She answered absent-mindedly.
"Then we'll call it a night. See you tomorrow?"
"Ah, yes, see you tomorrow." Sa Bin wanted to bang her head on the table for being so conscious of Soo Hyuk's presence. She stole a quick glance at the man to see if he noticed her inner struggle. She almost recoiled in shock when she discovered he was indeed looking at her. She decided it would be best if she left already to prevent humiliating herself further.
Crossing her arms tightly around her chest, Sa Bin muttered a quick "good bye to both of you," before scurrying out of the autopsy room as though she was being hounded.
Soo Hyuk watched in grim amusement as Sa Bin practically ran out the autopsy room. He could tell that she had been intimidated by his subtle threat, and instead of feeling elated about it as he had wanted to, it surprisingly brought a bitter pang within him.
Sa Bin was just as stubborn and headstrong as he was. The last thing Soo Hyuk expected from her was to fear him. For some reason, when she did, a strong urge to wipe it off of her had compelled him into action. He couldn't believe he had acted against his own nature and actually offered her an indirect reprieve from his threat. He had to suppress a sign from escaping him as he remembered what he had done. He would never admit to it, but something inside of him rebelled at the thought that Sa Bin's fear would make her distance herself from him. He told himself he needed her because of her knowledge of the case they were both working on and nothing else. But something was still nagging at the back of his mind.
Damn, Soo Hyuk grumbled. How can she affect me like this even when she's not in front of me? That stubborn woman!
Yoo Seo Young's voice brought him out of his musings.
"I'll go ahead, Prosecutor Kim. I still have to straighten some things out in my office."
"Yes, go ahead." He answered, and the professor bowed and walked out.
Soo Hyuk followed suit and headed down toward the basement parking lot, his mind filled with the day's events and of one, specific woman.
Sa Bin slowly walked out of the NFS building on her heels and white lab coat. She knew she looked silly with the lab coat on but she'd rather go home in it than just her dress and no protective shield for the cold at all.
When Sa Bin reached the sidewalk, the streets were already dark and empty. Well, good. No one would see her walking around in her special coat.
Sa Bin pulled out her phone to check the time. It was already one fifteen in the morning. Only a few cars were on the road. She decided to walk a few blocks away from the NFS building to wait for a taxi in case Seo Young or worse, Prosecutor Kim, drive by and risk spotting her.
As Sa Bin kept on walking, she couldn't stop wincing. Her feet felt like they were on fire from wearing her heels all day. She approached a lamp post and leaned on it while bending a little to massage her aching calf. Suddenly, her stomach growled.
Great! She sulked as she straightened and wrapped her arms around her middle. Not only are my feet hurting, I'm tired and hungry, too. When will this misery end?
She jumped in shock when a loud beep suddenly reverberated in the night. Sa Bin quickly snapped her head to the direction of the sound and she paled considerably when she noticed a familiar car parked across from where she stood.
Oh, god, please. What have I done to deserve this?
Sa Bin's face was set in a kind of grimace when the window at the passenger seat of the car rolled down and it revealed Kim Soo Hyuk's face.
"Where is the excavation site?"
"What?" She squeaked in confusion.
"You're still wearing your lab coat I thought you're on your way to another excavation. Is out here the extension of your lab, ms. Jung Sa Bin?" Soo Hyuk said mockingly.
Sa Bin gritted her teeth at him as her cheeks reddened. "What do you care, mr. Prosecutor?" If he thought she'd give him an explanation for the lab coat, he had another thing coming. "Why don't you just leave me alone?"
"Get in." He ordered.
Sa Bin froze and stared at him. "What?" She asked dumbly.
The Prosecutor threw her a pointed look. "Get in, ms. Jung Sa Bin. It'll take you at least an hour to wait for a taxi this late."
"Thank you, but I'd rather wait that long." She answered smugly.
"Yes, and do you know how many women had been kidnapped and murdered within that time frame waiting out here on a deserted street in a week?"
"That's not going to work on me, you know." She said despite feeling a bit of fear about that information.
"Didn't your feet hurt?"
She gasped at his sudden change of tactic. "How did- wait, were you watching me?" She asked incredulously.
"For five minutes. I could already tell your feet were about ready to give up."
Sa Bin was blushing furiously. "Excuse me-"
"You're wasting my time. Get in before I drag you."
"Alright, I'm getting in." Now Sa Bin didn't relent because she was afraid of getting dragged - although she knew full well that by the look on Soo Hyuk's face, it wouldn't be above him to follow through with his threat. The truth was that in spite of herself and her nervousness around the man, she felt safe in his company. Prosecutor Kim Soo Hyuk exuded the aura of a very capable and dependable man.
Sa Bin pulled open the car door on the passenger side and settled back on her seat comfortably. The way she sunk on the soft upholstery almost made her purr in delight, specially how she could finally relax her aching back and legs. She could now see how stupid she would have been if she'd refused Soo Hyuk's offer. She closed her eyes in utter contentment.
After some time, she couldn't still feel any movement from the man beside her, so Sa Bin opened her eyes to look at Soo Hyuk, who she caught staring at her unabashedly. Sa Bin felt her cheeks burn and her heartbeat became erratic again.
"Yah! What's the matter?" She asked in mock anger to hide her feelings.
"You forgot to buckle up." Soo Hyuk answered dryly.
"Oh. Uhm, sorry."
As Sa Bin twisted to the side to reach for her seatbelt, Soo Hyuk readied to step on the accelerator, but a flash of white in the corner of his eye made him turn his attention back to Sa Bin again.
It was then he realized that the flash he spotted was actually Sa Bin's creamy, white thighs that had been revealed when the hem of her lab coat had ridden up because of her movement.
Cursing silently, Soo Hyuk immediately straightened up and averted his gaze as his hands instinctively tightened on the steering wheel while he fought to banish the images that had suddenly popped in his head.
He willed himself to focus on the road as he drove on. Why Sa Bin was wearing that white lab coat of hers outside NFS he would never know, and he'd rather be struck with lightning than show her a sliver of his dying curiosity, specially about why she was looking so exceptional tonight. Did she go on a date earlier that evening?
Of course, he had noticed her unusual attire since back in the autopsy room, and he admit Sa Bin was a beautiful woman. When he'd arrived at NFS, he didn't expect to see her looking more radiant than he'd ever seen her before. Her delicately soft and smooth facial features that had been tastefully accentuated by her makeup and tied hair, along with the image of her long, shapely legs beneath the hem of her lab coat and her dainty feet encased in black stilettos had been seared deep in his memory that he was sure only a brain damage could ever remove them. He had to still himself for a brief moment to regain his composure. It was odd. It wasn't like he hadn't had his fair share of beautiful women, but no other woman had ever had that effect on him, not even his own fiancèè.
He had also seen the way she looked at him as though seeking for his approval, but the sudden reminder of Sang Ah had made him decide to keep his mouth shut. He figured it wouldn't be in her best interest to show his appreciation, no matter how much he wanted to, lest she take it the wrong way.
Soo Hyuk slowly took a deep, calming breath. It was so unlike of him to be preoccupied of things outside his work. Discretely, he stole a glance at Sa Bin. He didn't know if he should be relieved to see that she had pulled her coat down or lament about it.
Goddamn it! He cursed again as he realized the direction of his mind had taken. For goodness' sake, stop acting like a hormonal teenager.
Soo Hyuk knew he needed something to distract himself from the woman on his passenger seat.
As if an answer to his prayer, Sa Bin spoke up. "Prosecutor Kim, can you drop me off at the corner mart? I need to buy something." The mart she was talking about was a good two blocks away from her home. What could she need to buy there at this hour with her sore feet?
You idiot. It's the best option if you really want to spend less time with her in your car. That mart is nearer than her house. His mind screamed at him.
Soo Hyuk ignored the other part of him that protested. Strengthening his resolve, he looked at Sa Bin briefly and nodded, and then he focused back on driving.
Thankfully, mercifully, Sa Bin and Soo Hyuk finally reached their destination with nothing more shared between them but silence, each of them preoccupied with thoughts of their own.
Soo Hyuk pulled over across the mart. Sa Bin quickly unbuckled herself. The need to be away from Soo Hyuk had never been stronger than that moment. She needed the space desperately to calm herself and get her heartbeat back to its normal rhythm.
Sa Bin turned to Soo Hyuk. "Uhm... thank you for the ride, Prosecutor Kim. I'll get off now."
When he only looked at her without saying anything, she pursed her lips and took that as acknowledgement before exiting.
Sa Bin didn't look back as she walked towards the mart.
Half an hour later, Sa Bin had finished eating her two bowls of noodles at the corner table provided by the mart for their dine-in customers. When she had walked in wearing her lab coat, the male cashier had looked at her as though she had grown two heads, but Sa Bin had ignored the man. There had been no other thought in her head at that moment but to fill her stomach with food, and no one can deter her from her goal.
She'd only realized how hungry she truly was when she peeled open her bowl and the sweet aroma of her noodles wafted into the air, filling her senses with its delicious promise of fulfillment. So hungry, in fact, that she was able to finish everything in record time, not pausing or giving any attention to her surrounding or at the couple of other people seated opposite her. In her hurry, she accidentally spilled some noodles on her lab coat. The hot soup came in contact with her skin as it soaked both her coat and her dress, and she gave a startled cry. She stood up and was forced to take the coat off. The cashier, who had been restocking the shelf and saw what happened, hurried over to her with a roll of tissues. Sa Bin gratefully accepted his assistance, noting that he was smiling widely at her.
"You stained your coat," he said in an amused tone. "You must really love your job, doctor."
Instead of correcting him, Sa Bin only smiled and nodded, wondering why disaster after disaster kept happening to her that night.
"But it's ok, though," the cashier blabbered on. "You look great in your dress."
Again, Sa Bin didn't say anything and only kept smiling, hoping he would get the hint that she was in no mood to talk. Thankfully, he caught on. After assuring the cashier she was alright, he left her to go back to his task.
Sa Bin signed and then picked up her belongings and the empty bowls to dispose of them in the bin, and then at the last minute walked back to the shelf to buy two more bowls to take home with her. She'd also added some apples, bananas, a cheese and ham sandwich, and a huge bottle of orange juice. For the moment, she ignored the pain on her feet as she paid for her items and headed out the door.
"Have a nice evening, doc!" Sa Bin heard the cashier call out from behind her. She briefly looked back over her shoulder to flash him a smile and walked out.
Sa Bin had walked half a block away from the mart when she finally stopped on her tracks. The pain on her feet had become unbearable that she could no longer walk a step further. Not even the cold distracted her from her pain. Sa Bin dragged herself against the wall and tried to think of something.
I might have to get amputated for this. Oh, damn. It hurts so much. Whoever thought heels were perfect footwear for women obviously didn't think this through. She grimaced. It seems like I have no other option.
Sa Bin held her grocey bag and lab coat in one hand, and then she looked up and down the street to make sure no one was around before she used her other hand to steady herself on the wall as she stepped out of her heels.
A deep sign of relief escaped her lips as she felt her feet come in contact with the cold, rough ground. The feeling of muscles that had been finally released from squeezing pressure felt so exquisite. She massaged her calves and wiggled her toes to relax her feet more. And then she picked up her heels and began to walk away, praying she wouldn't run into anyone. She shivered as the cold night wind breezed through her.
It's just another block from the apartment. Sa Bin assured herself. I'll just soak my feet in soap and disinfectant when I get home. I'd rather crawl than walk again in those cursed heels! Maybe if I ran for it-
Sa Bin almost screamed when a loud beep sounded off behind her. Immediately, she felt her heart race. She swallowed and slowly turned around, imagining a black van filled with masked men ready to abduct her.
She could have died of embarassment right there and then when she saw who was the owner of the car. She was on the side of the driver and was looking directly at Kim Soo Hyuk's face.
Soo Hyuk knew he should have driven away, but for the life of him, he didn't know why instead of driving home right after Sa Bin got off his car, he found himself parking on the side road and waiting.
He shouldn't care about her, that's what he kept telling himself, but the fact his mind was screaming that it was already almost three in the morning and the streets were deserted kept him from leaving. He was reminded of the night when she'd encountered a drunkard on her way home and he had come to her rescue as though it happened only yesterday. He could still clearly remember the anger and anxiousness he felt that night thinking Sa Bin was in danger. The urge to rescue her had felt like a burning, insistent need that can't be quenched until he had made sure she was alright. It had only been by sheer control that kept him from getting off his car and pummeling the drunkard. And right now, that same protective feeling was back. Looking straight ahead, Soo Hyuk kept his eyes trained towards the mart's entrance.
It was forty five minutes later when he finally spotted Jung Sa Bin emerge from the mart. Soo Hyuk's hold on the steering wheel tightened and he frowned when he saw that she was no longer wearing her lab coat but was carrying it on her arm along a bag of groceries. She was now only on her black mini dress, her long legs and alluring figure in full view. She looked so different from her everyday attire of blouses, pants, and sneakers. No wonder she kept the lab coat on.
Sa Bin didn't notice him and walked on the opposite direction. He waited until she was a good distance away before following with his car. That's when he noticed her lean against a wall and take off her shoes. Soo Hyuk's frown deepened.
She isn't seriously gonna walk home barefoot, is she? His answer came when Sa Bin picked up her stilletos then resumed walking. His eyes narrowed to slits. Well, damn.
The thought that she'd have to suffer like that - and the possibility that some other man could see her dressed so sexily and think of doing something funny - was more than enough reason for Soo Hyuk to make his presence known to Sa Bin, so he honked and pulled over right beside her.
"I don't think it's beneficial to your health to walk around on the street and in this weather without any shoes on."
Sa Bin got over her shock and instinctively held her stuff to her chest as though to hide herself from him. She could feel her cheeks burning in extreme embarassment. At the same time, she was filled with wonder at Soo Hyuk's sudden reappearance.
"Wh-what are you still doing here, Prosecutor Kim?" She couldn't help voicing out. Then something else occured to her. "I thought you left. Did you wait for m-"
Sa Bin immediately shut up and backed away as Soo Hyuk stepped out of his car and faced her, fixing her with those piercing eyes of his that never failed to make her heart race.
She watched in awed silence mixed with confusion as Soo Hyuk wordlessly took off his jacket and deftly draped it around her shoulders. Sa Bin's eyes widened and she was about to open her mouth when Soo Hyuk took her arm and guided her to the passenger side of his car.
"Prosecutor Kim, you don't hav-"
He cut her off by practically shoving her in after he opened the door for her. She decided it was best to stay silent and just let Soo Hyuk drive her across the remaining distance to her house.
It took them only three minutes to finally reach Sa Bin's home. As Soo Hyuk parked outside her residence, Sa Bin swallowed her nervousness and turned to the Prosecutor.
"You shouldn't have bothered to wait for me and take me home, but thank you, anyway."
"A simple "thanks" would have sufficed for my trouble." Soo Hyuk answered tonelessly without looking at her, which made her want to roll her eyes.
"I didn't ask you to wait for me, now did I?" Sa Bin said in annoyance. She took a deep breath to calm down, telling herself that she owed him and that she shouldn't be so snarly. "Ok, fine. Thank you for your trouble, Prosecutor Kim."
Her change in tone made him look at her. She expected him to throw her another sarcastic remark but what he did next surprised her.
Soo Hyuk stepped out of the car and Sa Bin watched as he rounded to her side, opening her car door for her.
Sa Bin suddenly felt sort of out of her element. She didn't expect Soo Hyuk to have such a gentlemanly side. He had seemed to be the type who couldn't be bothered by things that didn't concern him.
Clutching her belongings, Sa Bin got off, still barefoot. She was careful not to let her dress hike up as she alighted from the car.
Soo Hyuk was watching her with faint concern. Sa Bin looked at him sheepishly.
"I... I guess I already owe you big time, Prosecutor. I've been such a bother." She looked down at herself. "Can you hold my stuff for a minute? I'll just take off your jacket-"
"You can return it to me on another day," Soo Hyuk interrupted. "It's impractical to have you take it off in this cold wearing that thin dress of yours."
Sa Bin blushed profusely. She bit her lip and averted her face to hide it. She wanted to tell Soo Hyuk it was such a ridiculous reasoning considering that though they were indeed out in the cold street, it wasn't like they're miles away from her home. Nevertheless, she was grateful for his offer because she wasn't really comfortable with taking his jacket off right in front of him and have him see her in her mini dress again.
Soo Hyuk stared at her averted, cherry-red face, and he smirked to himself. "You're awfully easy to tease, aren't you?"
Sa Bin quickly raised her chin in a sudden flare of defiance. "Excuse me! No, I am not, mr. Prosecutor. I don't know what made you think that, but it's farthest from the truth. I am not one of those hooligans you love to bully so much." Sa Bin saw the look on Soo Hyuk's face. "Hey, stop making fun of me! If you must know, I already know what type of man you are."
Soo Hyuk straightened, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "And what would that be?"
"Well.... that you're the a....a..." Sa Bin looked away as she struggled to think of something. "The bossy type!" She exclaimed. She smiled triumphantly. "You like to scare people and you love getting your way."
"You have an amazing analytical talent."
"Of course!" She said smugly.
"If that's the case, then you shouldn't be surprised if I do this."
"Do what- ah!"
Sa Bin squealed when she suddenly found herself off the ground as Soo Hyuk swooped in to sweep her off her feet in a flash, carrying her bridal style in his strong arms. Her arms instinctively wrapped around his neck in utter shock.
"Prosecutor Kim!" She screamed. "What are you doing? Put me down!" She tried to get free, afraid that somebody in the neighborhood might see them, but her struggle only made Soo Hyuk's hold on her tighten as he walked up to the entrance of her apartment building.
"Please, put me down." She tried again.
"Which floor?"
"Which floor is your unit, ms. Jung Sa Bin?" Soo Hyuk clarified as though she was a small child.
She blinked. "Put me down first."
"Either you tell me which floor or I carry you back to my car and take you home with me. Your choice."
"You can't do that!" She exclaimed in a panic.
"You already said I'm the bossy type."
She gaped at him. "You are overreacting-" she was trying to say, but quickly took it back when Soo Hyuk began to turn back to his car. "Ok, ok! Third floor! Please, stop-"
"Jsut be quiet and let me do what I have to do so we can get this over with."
The pleading tone in his usually stern voice did the trick. Once again, Sa Bin found herself speechless at Soo Hyuk's command.
As they began to climb up the stairs, Sa Bin couldn't help but notice how Soo Hyuk's calloused and rough palms were pressed against her back and thighs from where he was holding her; of how the heat radiating off his body was seeping through hers in the most awkward yet comforting way imaginable, banishing the coldness she felt.
She discovered she loved the way he was holding her. Soo Hyuk's grip on her body was firm yet gentle, and she noticed the subtle way he pressed her closer to him as to avoid jostling her too much as he took careful, measured steps in ascending the stairs. Her heartbeat had never stopped its erratic beating, and yet there was a part of her that felt secure in his arms. She suddenly wanted to lean her head against his chest and close her eyes.
Sa Bin became horrified when she realized what just crossed her mind. Thankfully, they finally reached her floor.
Soo Hyuk carefully put Sa Bin down in front of her unit. He pretended not to notice when she reached down to straighten her dress.
Sa Bin turned around and tried balancing her belongings in one arm as she used the other to fumble for the keys in her purse. She was surprised, yet again, when Soo Hyuk took her heels and lab coat to hold them for her. There was a moment of eye contact between them before Sa Bin continued to look for her keys.
This has seriously been the longest night of my life, Sa Bin gravely mused. It's like all misfortune that could befall anyone has been dumped on me on this particular day. Nobody deserves this. Oh, god, where are those damn keys?
It seemed apparent to her now that she'd always humiliate herself in front of Kim Soo Hyuk no matter the circumstance. The only explanation she could think of was perhaps, in her past life, she had caused the downfall of her nation, or worse.
Sa Bin could feel Soo Hyuk's eyes on her as she continued her search. She almost shout in glee when she finally found her keys. She inserted it on the keyhole and opened the door to her unit.
When she turned back to the man behind her, she couldn't stop smiling in amusement at him. Soo Hyuk raised an eyebrow, but she refused to explain what she found amusing.
She would never tell him how comical he looked standing there in his expensive suit while holding her heels like a salesman. Oh, no. That would be for her private amusement. Instead, her smile blossomed into a more sincere one.
"I don't know how to say this, but I think you just saved my life multiple times tonight. So, uhm, would a simple "thanks" still suffice?"
Kim Soo Hyuk stared at her smiling face, and he felt as though all his trouble had been worth it. He had the sudden urge to tuck the stray strands of Sa Bin's hair behind her ear but held back. He fought to keep his emotions from showing. He handed Sa Bin back her belongings and motioned toward her apartment with a slight nod of his head.
"Let's not think of anything else for now, ms. Sa Bin. It's late and you still have a long day tomorrow-" he looked at his wristwatch. "Well, I guess I should say "later.'"
Sa Bin nodded her head, suddenly feeling a dread for Soo Hyuk's impending departure.
Seeing her unmoving, Soo Hyuk suppressed a sign as he placed a hand on her shoulder and gently nudged her inside her apartment.
"It's cold out here. Now get in there and rest." He held the door and began to close it. "I'll see you around."
"Oh. Ok." Sa Bin stood there and watched as the door was finally closed shut, feeling a kind of loss now that Soo Hyuk had gone.
She was suddenly filled with a surreal feeling as though everything that had happened that night was only a dream.
Sa Bin tore herself away fron the door and walked towards the tiny kitchen where she dropped her heels and lab coat on a chair, before she leaned on the counter to replay the events of the night in her head. One thing she was sure now: Kim Soo Hyuk was indeed a gentleman. She never expected that he'd have that side to him, but it warmed her heart that he had chosen to show it to her. Despite his snide comments, she could see he genuinely cared for her wellbeing. The fact that he even waited for her to finish her grocery and even took her home, carrying her and everything, showed her there was more to him that she'd imagined.
Sa Bin smiled to herself and raised her arms. Suddenly, she remembered that she was still wearing Soo Hyuk's jacket. Quickly, she took it off, and on an impulse, brought it to her face to inhale Soo Hyuk's scent. She felt ridiculous doing it but she couldn't care less at the moment. And then she brought the jacket close to her chest. Idly, she wondered what could be happening to her.
Outside Sa Bin's apartment, Soo Hyuk stood a few more seconds just looking at the door he had just closed, oddly satisfied that Jung Sa Bin was home and safe. And then he turned and walked away.
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codenomesailorv · 4 years
"Harry Potter and the DeadlyHallows - Final Chapter"
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◇ (This fanfiction is an alternative version of the last chapter of the book "Deadly Hallows", after the last chapter and before the prologe, and It's whitout relationship with "Cursed Child" or the Harry Potter movies).
● Original History by JK Rowling
● Fanfiction by Anikenkai/A. A Otrop
The four paintings at Grimmaud Place
 The first rays of sunlight passed through the transparent stained-glass windows in the calm morning air, touching Harry's face as the boy shifted on the bed. After a few brief seconds he opened his eyes and felt around on the desk, taking his glasses and putting them weakly on his face, still completely exhausted as if he hadn't slept for a whole month.
He got up slightly from the bed, and still a little dizzy, focused only on a small figure moving around nearby pulling something heavy, shrieking and letting out an exclamation of relief afterwards. Soon, Harry saw who it was.
"What are you doing, Neville?" Harry asked, rising a little further from the bed, watching his friend rummage in his trunk.
"Ah" Neville turned and smiled at him. "Good morning, Harry. Sorry, did I wake you up with the noise? You know my trunk is absurdly heavy, I was barely able to pull him to bed." 
The plump boy with scarred face smiled slightly at Harry, feeling his fingers in the huge suitcase he founded on the bed next to him. 
"It doesn't even seem like I had the strength just a few days ago to face Death Eaters. Compared to my trunk now, they were very light." 
And saying that Neville laughed, and bent down again to open the wooden lid in front of him.
Yes, it was true. For a brief moment, a flash of memories rushed through Harry's mind, recalling everything that had happened in just under two days. The Battle at Hogwarts. The deaths. The meeting with Dumbledore in his head. And Voldemort's defeat at his hands, everything quickly passing by in a glance at his still sleepy eyes. But then he felt suddenly awake, as if someone had thrown a bucket of cold water down his spine, and then his body relaxed.
"You can sleep later today. You will not have an exact time for the Expresso departure. He will pick up the remaining students at different times until after lunch." Neville added, tossing a few pieces of clothing in his trunk.
Harry rolled his eyes, shaking his head and trying to find Ron on the bed next to his, but he didn't find him immediately.
"Ew, Neville... has Ron got up yet?"
"Oh, yes. For the breakfast, I saw him come down the stairs to Hermione when I came up just now. It looks like they were called earlier to speak to McGonagall."
"Right." Harry nodded, trying not to be intrigued by the reason for his friends' haste, and again lay down on the bed, struggling to get the faces out of his head and everything else that had happened so many hours ago.
After several minutes, Neville spoke again.
"Hey, when you get up, could you move the gifts out of the way in the bedroom? You know, I don't know if I'm going to be able to lift my trunk to bed again if I want not to crush one of them, you know."
And then Harry stood up again, looking sideways and at the dormitory floor and gaping. Scattered on the floor, and in everything that his field of vision could see next to his bed and beyond Seamus's and Ron's to the walls, boxes and more boxes lay there, some lined up and others in piles, forming piles on one another, with multicolored packages and some with sparkling ribbons, some large and small, huddled up to Harry's knee. The boy got up from the bed, looking around the room, amazement on his face. It was as if he were in the Room of Requirement, among the numerous objects lined up on top of each other.
"They're for you." Neville added, without taking his eyes off what he was doing in his trunk, laughing. "I think the news of what you did with You-Know-Who has already spread everywhere. They brought you these gifts at night. It seems that many people wanted to thank you, you know."
Harry was stunned, looking at each gift spread out in front of him, boxes and more boxes piled up, and finally he stood up, totally amazed. It was as if it were Christmas, but as if all the gifts from each student were crammed there, as if Harry's room and the boys were some kind of storage. He quickly took some packages out of the way and reached for his own trunk, taking his clothes and carefully spreading some on the way to the door so that it would be free.
"Phew, thanks." Neville said getting up and closing his trunk ready. The boy was now wearing his muggle clothes, very dark jeans with a cool multicolored knit shirt and numbers on the back, a sort of Hockey team T-shirt.
Harry turned to the bed and was about to lie down again, when he heard the crash of his friend's trunk again turning to the floor and unable to control the voice that had been stuck in his throat for many days, he turned and said to Neville:
"You deserved those gifts much more than I did, if it weren't for you cutting off that snake's head, I…"
"Harry, stop. I've won too many things from my grandmother and the Gryffindor guys, man. Relax. I don't care about that, and you deserved so much more."
 "Neville listen, I …" Harry started as soon as he sat on the bed, staring at his bare feet but it was the colleague who interrupted him before he could even finish the sentence.
"No, Harry. It's all right. You don't have to say anything."
Neville said in one breath and even though she was loud and clear, she sounded gently in the room. Harry looked up to face his friend and just managed to smirk at him.
"I didn't have the opportunity to thank you and the others. For everything."
 Harry continued, taking hold of everything that had happened in the last days in his memory, remembering what Neville had done at Hogwarts with his friends while he, Ron and Hermione did while traveling across the continent in search of the Horcruxes. The way Neville had led Dumbledore's Army, how he had brought everyone together in the Room of Requirement and fought alongside him. As he did not even hesitate when the Death Eaters marked his skin with scrapes and bruises, as he did in the first bruise, he carried out Harry's request and without blinking, killed Nagini in front of Voldemort himself.
"Don't worry." Neville stepped forward, approaching Harry and patting his friend on the shoulder, as if they were talking about some Quidditch match, as his voice was as calm as any that Harry had heard a long time ago. "It was all thanks to you. I had faith in you. But now we are talking by owls, ok?"
Harry looked up again and saw Neville's plump hand stretched out in front of him, his palm open and inviting.
"I have to leave, my grandmother is waiting in the common room. Let's take the next train and go home."
"Does that mean ..." Harry was momentarily surprised and Neville nodded.
"Yes Yes. We finish the school year. I'm a graduate of Hogwarts."
And he held out his own hand, shaking his friend's. He wanted to get up and hug him, thank him for his courage and not have doubted him, wanted to hug each one, but Harry still didn't have the strength to do either. Instead he smiled and Neville took it out of his hand, raised his wand, and his trunk began to levitate, heading straight for the slowly opening door.
"See you next time, Harry. I'll wait for your owl, huh!"
"Shure!" And Harry smiled more gratefully and waved his hand, watching Neville walk through the portal and disappear into the stairway to the Gryffindor Common Room.
Harry didn't know how many hours he had been standing there, inert but already fully dressed, staring at the dormitory ceiling without even moving, the only noise he dared to make was his breathing. He was not hungry, although there were still remnants of a deep sleep that was caused by the hours of confinement in bed weighing his eyes, as if he could not get enough sleep, as if the tiredness did not leave his back, but not any real sleep, forcing him to stand there, disabled and thinking about everything that had happened to him until then. He hadn't seen anyone for three days, not even Teacher McGonagall, not Teacher Flitwick, not Luna, Ginny, Mr. and Mr. Weasley, not even George or Percy or any of his friends. 
Harry had locked himself in the dorm hours after he left Headmaster Dumbledore's office, when McGonagall finally released him to rest and heal his wounds, stunned and impressed by everything Harry, Ron and Hermione had told her what they had done, before they returned to Hogwarts. Harry had told her everything, to the teachers and the new Minister of Magic, who met there shortly after Voldemort's inert body had been thrown away from the castle boundaries, when he learned in detail about Dumbledore's plan for the Horcruxes, about the months in the forests, about how he had found Griffindor's sword and how Harry had apparently risen from the dead. The boy told them, but hid about the Deathly Hallows. 
He did not want anyone else, other than friends and those who had already talked about objects, to know about them, their existence and formidable powers, and surprisingly no one asked them about it, they only looked at Harry when at last he finished his account of Snape, and his Patron charm  - hidden over his mother, leading him towards the Ice Water Pit that kept Griffindor's ruby-studded sword.
"But ... but ..." Professor Slugorn stammered when Harry finally finished, almost immediately and in a shaky voice. "We were sure that Snape definitely turned to the Death Eaters. You, yourself told us how he killed Dumbledore in cold blood with an unforgivable curse, and your term as Headmaster proved it, the terror of the students, the way his followers of You-Know-Who acted freely in the school, and... and…"
"I know," Harry began, still as dirty from head to toe as the others present around the director's table, with blood that had been dry for a long time on his forehead, which at that point was starting to bother him a little. "But I saw it all through Snape's last memories when he handed it to me before he died. When I got back to the castle, I just thought of going back here, right here, and dumping the memory in Pensieve."
And then he lifted the tiny shards from the small bottle that Snape had given him, which had broken from his pocket when he received the Avada Kedavra curse on his body and fell to the floor. The teachers stared at the pieces, as if they couldn't believe it.
"Don't trust me, do you? You can use a tracking spell on the flask to discover its previous content, if you want. If that's still possible…" Added Harry, now a little irritated.
"Amazing. Very amazing!" From above, Flineus Fletcher, the former director of Hogwarts and a proud member of Slytherin shouted from his painting, screamed, looking around and trying to share the astonishment in the eyes of the other directors and directors, who were watching everything very quietly.
"There's no need, Potter." Professor McGonagall replied first, raising a hand to Harry, still very stunned. "We have no reason to doubt you and everything you did today. I'm sure everyone here will agree with me."
And almost immediately the teachers nodded, Flitwick, Sprout, Firenze, the centaur and even Hagrid, and the other teachers and present together with the Minister of Magic. Even Sibila Trewloney was there, curled up in a corner, but she nodded firmly. Finally, everyone looked at each other and McGonagall turned to Shacklebolt.
"Well, that's enough for now. Now, we need to discuss what to do about the School, since it was very destroyed. Prepare funerals and alert family members who have not yet been notified, bring them as soon as possible. Potter, you can go wash up and go to the infirmary with the others." And then the teacher turned again and looked kindly at him. "You, most of all, deserve to rest."
Harry didn't agree with that. It was obvious from his countenance that he felt deeply exhausted and hurt, however, he was not in a position to lie down and sleep for a long time, have his wounds taken care of and close his eyes and pretend that nothing had happened, but he just turned around, looking to friends and simply obeyed.
Before they leave, he can see the teacher looking back, her hair loose and streaked, her clothes sooty and dark blood somewhere on her arm with a completely exhausted expression, sitting with some discomfort in the chair that had once belonged Albus Dumbledore, before the three of them crossed the room. Harry, however, went directly to the Fat Lady painting towards the Gryffindor Common Room, still devastated by the battle, where many students crowded dragging suitcases and hugging friends, but did not see them, since Harry, once again, covered up and Ron and Hermione with the Invisibility Cloak, crouched through and stepping on the rocks and dirt on the floor, crossing smashed busts to the railing of the stairs. 
Even with protests from Hermione insisting that Harry go directly to the Infirmary - or even then, the Castle Entrance, where several combatants were still lying on makeshift stretchers and being cared for by healers who had just arrived from St Mungos - Harry ignored her, stating that he didn’t want to be in the middle of everyone and being ovulated or even cursed. She didn't understand his train of thought. In any case, he did not want to receive any kind of treatment different from the others, whether it was pleasant or bad.
"Take the Invisibility Cloak if you want, bring me tomorrow. I will not be leaving the room until everyone, or almost everyone, leaves Hogwarts." Harry had said in a low voice, while Hermione pulled from his beaded purse one of the last healing potion that she still had miraculously, into the boy's hands.
"B-but ... Harry…"
"Leave him, Mione. Harry needs to be alone." Ron said, patting his friend on the shoulder. "See you tomorrow morning."
"Okay." Harry had replied and even though she was upset, Hermione followed Ron back to the Common Room, while the boy locked himself in the dorm.
Harry then suddenly returned to the present.
He blinked his eyes and realized that he had dozed off again, as his belly finally snored, and looking at the golden watch on his wrist that still worked, it indicated that it was just after two in the afternoon. He once again lifted the body from the bed, feeling his sedentary muscles protest with the sudden act, and tried to see with his crooked glasses the empty, dark and silent room, still crammed with innumerable packages and gifts up to the walls. Don't feeling no one was there. On the other side of the window, he heard the sound of almost nothing at all, just a faint patter of drops hitting his pane. The light rain then cooled the room, making Harry decided to get out of bed for good and then leave the dorm for the first time in almost two weeks since the Battle was over.
He was now on the edges of one of the parapets on one of the upper floors of the castle, along with Ron and Hermione, the three of them with pale faces and bandages spread across their arms and legs, especially Harry, who had a large bandage on his forehead where there was been hit by the stone debris that fell on him the moment Fred was attacked. Now they sat on the parapet, watching the sky painted orange and gray, shortly after the improvised dinner at the Castle, which Harry had obviously avoided as well as the other meetings with the residents of Hogwarts. So Ron snatched a small basket of caramel pies and breads with fried sausages, and inside was a bottle partially filled with pumpkin juice and brought it to his friend when they found them. 
They spent a long time silent, watching the sun go down, while Harry's mind wandered far away, when it was Hermione who finally broke the silence.
"Everyone's been asking about you, you know, Harry. Everyone wants to hug you, thank you, kiss you, shake your hand and everything. They want to talk to you, but as they have avoided leaving the dormitory, I feel an air of disappointment in the air." She said, giving a light chuckle at the end of the sentence. "I don't think they would ever understand, you know."
"Uh, I understand." Ron replied, making a face as he turned to Hermione on Harry's other side. "Like, come on. Even I would like to thank Harry, but the air is very heavy. I hope they all leave soon, then we can also take the train back home in peace."
"So, have all the students left Hogwarts yet?" Harry asked his friend, a little exasperated.
"Almost all." Hermione who answered. "I was still left, Ron, Luna, some students of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw and a few wounded from the battle, too hurt to stupor to St Mungos, but I think they all fit in the Hospital Wing and released the Hall. he ordered Goblins and some building wizards to come until the day after tomorrow to begin repairs on the Castle. I think practically, everyone in Gryffindor has already left."
Hermione turned her head to the side and looked at the large missing piece of wall that followed the castle to the towers on the west side, where its parts lay inert, destroyed on the charred grass of the countryside around below, even towards of the lake.
"Looks like they're going to have a long job, poor people." Ron sighed deeply as he poured a glass of pumpkin juice into his mouth next.
"Yeah. I only hope they finish by the beginning of the school year. I don't want to go back with everything still destroyed, you know. It would make me sad just to think."
Harry knew why Hermione talked about returning to the castle, of course. Since the three of them had missed almost the entire school year while looking for the Horcruxes, there was still a year to complete their education at Hogwarts, and of course, if they wanted to continue looking for a job in the wizarding world, they needed to complete the last exams, just like the others. That remained. Harry hadn't thought about going back to school, hadn't even thought about leaving, yet he had a glimpse of a certain plan that would make it now that it was over and Voldemort wouldn't bother him again, now that he was free of his own destiny for the first time. Time since he was born. But for that, of course, they had to finish their studies. They could not go back to attending classes normally, they were too old, so learned that Hermione had asked Professor McGonagall, the next day that Harry had locked himself in the dormitory, to do some supplementary type to make up for the countless missed classes - and that, of course at the teacher's own suggestion, they enrolled to perform. So they would only have to return for a few days, take some tests of school summaries and finally Harry, Ron and Hermione would graduate and leave Hogwarts for good. 
He then found himself thinking about Fred, George and others Ron's brother, and all the Weasleys and especially - as many, many times - about Ginny, and the funeral that followed the day after the Battle, when those left behind prepared the seats ideals and preparations to bury all who had died on the castle grounds. Many had died. Bellatrix Lestrange, the other Death Eaters and the Dark Lord himself had been huddled together in a mass grave deep in the Forbidden Forest, burned and then buried, as they deserved to be. 
They should not be buried with honors, or tears or even a tombstone, because not one cried forthey. He remembered Ron knocking frantically on the bedroom door that afternoon, Harry hadn't wanted to get up since breakfast to watch the Heroes' Funeral, and everyone wondered where Harry Potter was. Why was he not there to pay his respects to those who had sacrificed for him? Why didn't you have the courage to look the family in the eye without being able to apologize for taking their lives? Harry's only thought of consolation was that they would have fought anyway, even if he hadn't been the cause, to defend the wizarding world had it been at the hands of the Death Eaters or anyone who hurt more innocents.
Ron was gone from the other side of the door after he shouted his name, and called for many minutes, but Harry remained in bed, silent, on his side and hiding his face from anyone who managed to open the lock and see him there, huddled and weeping for those he loved and had lost. Again he remembered that he was about to leave Hogwarts forever, to leave that place destroyed, but still in his heart, his eternal home. He chased away his thoughts and tried to change the subject.
"I forgot to ask Neville, you know. Before I left this morning." Harry said, watching now the last copper-colored sun rays lying down at the sunset and shy stars shine in the distance of the deep and increasingly dark sky. "Asking how he got the Griphook Griffindor's sword, since he stole it from us while we were at Gringotts.
"Ah," Hermione exclaimed and swung her legs over the balcony railing, still a little distracted by the sight of the wreckage beneath the three. "He told me, you know. When we went to the St Mungus. Neville said he took the sword when it appeared to him, it appears that it disappeared when Griphook was killed. He just didn't want to tell me where and when, he looked mysterious." And then Hermione turned to pour another glass of pumpkin juice and brought it to her lips.
"Well, Harry, you've been thinking about Ted, right? I mean…" And she turned to look Harry in the eye. "You have responsibilities for him, now that Professor Lupine and Tonks... well... you know."
Ron stared at the two of them with a half-rigid face, frightened by Hermione's unexpected change of subject, and turned his eyes to his own drink, muttering something inaudible. The sky was now dyed an indigo blue as it was covered with sparkling dots, and that sight distracted the boy for a millisecond before leaping back to the ground, leaving the parapet and picking up the food basket. Harry hadn't thought about Ted until then. His head was so full of thoughts and obsessions, afraid of what would come next, of what he would become when he graduated, of how he would live, in the guilt of the deaths he could have avoided that he had not even thought of Ted Lupine, son of Nymphadora Tonks and her father's old friend, and former professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, Remus Lupin. 
He was now the godfather of the baby they both left to save Harry, and then a new wave of guilt and pain washed over his head, piling up another stone on top of the others he felt carrying heavily on his back.
A horrible thought came to light. Ted had lost his parents to save Harry, leaving him with less than a year to live, just like himself. What if the little boy had to take shelter with distant relatives, with Muggles, who hated and mistreated him as the Dursleys did for so many years? No, he couldn't think of that. Harry shook his head when he stood up and felt that he was tightening the handle on the basket too hard. At least Ted was left with his grandmother, Andromeda - a wizard - who would certainly give all the necessary love and care that Ted deserved. And when, if he wanted to, and so he could, when he reached the age of attending Hogwarts, he would offer him the same house that now belonged to Harry, the same that his own godfather also offered him to live in, the same place that Sirius wished he had gone.
"Of course I will take care of him, I will be close to him. If he wants." Harry replied to his friend, after long seconds that seemed like an eternity of reflection. "I can't take the place of his parents, but... nor Sirius wanted him when mine died, but I can try to be a good godfather. I hope so."
"Brillant." Hermione stepped forward, to the two friends. "I guess I decided what I'm going to do when we officially graduate from Hogwarts. I mean, in future plans, you know."
Ron and Harry looked at her in surprise, as it seemed like centuries that they heard their friend say something like that, in the moments when they asked them what they would do with the notes O.W.Ls and N.E.W.Ts. At that time, Harry had said that he really wanted to be an Auror, but then at that moment, he wasn't so sure anymore. Harry’s entire focus in recent years was just the Dark Lord and Prophecy, who had barely thought about the possibility of it all ending so soon - and with his whole body to seriously think about what profession he would pursue.
"In what?" Ron's voice echoed to the side, with a somewhat mocking tone and Hermione frowned at him, annoyed. She ran her hands through her thick hair and replied:
"Well, I was thinking... to join the Ministry of Magic for some position, or…"
She paused and took a breath. Again he continued: "Proceed with what Bathilda Bagshot worked on. I mean, continue with the book A History of Magic from the point that it ended. Writing, you know. Write about... about everything that happened to us. About Voldemort. About Harry."
Then there followed a few minimal seconds of silence, and Ron with Harry who had turned to his friend and stared at them completely surprised. That was certainly new, since they had no idea that Hermione might have shown any interest in pursuing a writing career. Harry - more than anyone, even Ron - believed faithfully that the friend with all that intelligence, would try to go as far as possible, as Dumbledore had done as a young, and had already caught himself once or twice imagining Hermione arriving at Minister of Magic a few years later. But, he also knew more than anyone, that all those experiences had abruptly sealed their reality with what they dreamed of being, and that would really hinder how they saw each other when it was over, and everything was fine. But even so, he felt a wave of disappointment and embarrassment go through his body to the back of his neck. She didn't understand how her friend had arrived at that decision.
"Don't look at me like that."  She said, looking at the two a little angry, as she clearly expected another reaction from both. "I believe I'm doing it right thing. I believe that people should know the truth, know what happened. Knowing what has been done so that Evil doesn't affect the wizarding world again than pretending that nothing has happened, and helping who knows in the near future, some Hogwarts students to defend themselves better, knowing the story, don't you agree?"
"Bloody Hell, Mione." Ron snorted, rolling his eyes up. "It sounds like Rita Skeeter talking, huh? After all that she did with Harry and Professor Dumbledore's phony biography, and even more what she did to you, I thought you were the last person to want to pursue a career in something like that."
Ron had said the wrong thing, it was evident from the scary face that Hermione threw at her friend, as if she was going to stun him right there on the parapet, without any pity. Harry exclaimed but she was quicker to respond.
"That's not it." Hermione hissed at Ron. "I don't want to do anything, absolutely nothing, like that little Skeeter bug. Do not."
"Something totally different from her, Ron!" Hermione roared. "Rita Skeeter is a troll on a woman's body, she wanted to gossip, spread lies, everything to sell and guarantee more galleons. Of course, as much as it pains me to say, she got some points in her research right, but the way she did it is purely disgusting to me. Not! Me," And then he pointed at himself, with an air of satisfaction in his voice now. "I want to correct the lies that that toad made. I want to write about the history of the wizarding world since the beginning of the 20th century, how Hogwarts grew up, how Voldemo…"
Ron cringed when she spoke the name of the Dark Lord. 
"Oh, no Ron! He's gone, you don't have to be afraid of his name anymore. How Tom Riddle's Voldemort achieved so many atrocities, how Dumbledore formed the Order of the Phoenix, and how Harry and we found the Deathly Hallows and the Horcruxes. You know, I really think that everyone needs to know, keep all this and keep it from happening a second time."
"What? Second time? Write about the Death Hollows and the Horcruxes? You are crazy!? This is quite the opposite of what we want. I mean, if people know about them… bloody hell, we work so hard to avoid talking about it with the teachers as Dumbledore ordered, and you want…"
"No, Ron. I don't want to teach you how to make Horcruxes or where the Death Hallows were, don't you both understand?" Hermione waved her hand, somewhat patiently. "I don't want to explain how to get them, but how and for what they existed. I think that all students should have the right to remedy their curiosity about what we did during the months of escape, how Harry managed to come back to life, like... well, you know."
And then she looked over his shoulder and saw Harry standing there looking at her still. 
"Of course, I'm just telling you a plan. I won't do anything if you don't agree, of course. I haven't even started anything."
Harry knew what she meant when she said that wish. He knew that Tom Riddle had used extraordinary and cruel methods due to the lack of descriptions of the Horcruxes and had just been defeated for not knowing all the Death Hallows, which would benefit them in a point of view if someone al intentionally tried to follow the same paths as Voldemort in the future, the lack of responsible books on how to overcome the limits of Death. But he understood what Hermione meant. 
In a few years, everyone could forget what they had actually done, the hardships and trials they had spent in the forests camping, looking for and looking for invisible information for the next step in a larger plan, but without success. She remembered the frustrations she had with her friend, the fights with Ron, all because she didn't know where to go, how to do, what to do, while friends suffered. Not to mention that, he was already very famous and now after that battle, he could put more eyes on his scar and he would return to being a point of rumors and other lying things when curiosity for the lack of information started. Hermione didn't want to reveal Dumbledore's secrets, but to tell how they got there. As everything had actually walked, and reaching that conclusion, he put the basket on the floor and put a hand on Hermione's back, who was surprised by Harry's sudden unexpected hug from behind, and released her quickly.
"Well, I think the idea is good. But I don't know if the Ministry of Magic would like us to make our point of view so accessible as well. Isn't it, Ron?"
Ron just snorted again and put his chin in his hands, staring at the sky as if nothing else was interesting. And after a few moments, he asked:
"So, do you have a plan of what you're going to do when you leave Hogwarts, man?"
He asked now, and Hermione still sitting on the parapet but facing Harry, both expressions of curiosity. Harry hadn't even talked to his friends much about what he was going to do next, about his ultimate goal, about what Harry Potter intended to do now that he finally and definitely defeated Lord Voldermort. And, catching himself rambling with those very words that came from himself, Harry smiled and looked at his friends. 
He wanted to have that image engraved in his memory, the three of them there in a corner of the castle, away from everyone, making small talk and eating treats, barely knowing that all that precious and carefree moment would be over soon.
Harry, Ron and Hermione and Luna were accommodated on the train back to Hogsmeade station, the Hogwarts Express had left a few hours ago. The boys were housed in the usual cabin at the end of the train, which was actually practically empty, taking them and just a few other students who were still unable to apparate, injured, and had not yet returned, plus some representatives of the Ministry of Magic who for some reason, they were also there. 
Harry thought they were on the train to watch him, and drawing that conclusion, he spent the journey watching the landscape of trees penetrating, blurring at high speed through the window. Hermione was reading one of the newspapers, editions of the Daily Prophet that were huddled together and tied in a single string on her lap. Ron now nibbled a carefree chocolate frog, and Luna was staring at the window with Harry. 
They stayed that way since they went up in a long silence, after all it was the first and one of the last two times that they would leave school, and it was only a fact that the four - since Luna had been kidnapped to the Malfoys' house - should return to provide the services. supplementary courses, and definitely graduate in a few months. Harry thought again about the Weasley family, and if somehow if George and Ginny would be angry with him for missing Fred's funeral, if they felt his weakness for the next few days - not that Ron had shown it or quoted those brothers' feelings, but the stones of the subconscious weight of guilt weighed him down as much as before they came back and faced Voldemort. What should have relieved him, now weighed him down even more in his heart.
Almost suddenly, he saw the smudges pass by the window and remembered what Dumbledore had said to him in the vision of after he died, talked to him in that form at Kingscross Station: "Don't pity the dead, Harry, have pity for the living, and above all those who live without love ”. It was clear that those who had died died with love, fighting for love, for what they believed, and, holding on to it, Harry let out a heavy sigh that the whole cabin heard.
"What did McGonagall want to talk to you about when we got back to the Common Room, Harry?" Hermione's voice called out to him, and Harry had been pulled from his brief detours into reality.
"Heh? Oh. She wanted to ask me a few more questions and handed me a letter, and went back to the principal's office. Only that." And he pulled from one of the sleeves of his indigo wool coat and showed a small brown envelope with the typical red wax seal with the Hogwarts symbol on his tongue. "This one here."
"Gee, haven't you opened it yet?" Ron asked now, looking at the letter. "And if it was an important thing who needed to answer soon?"
"Ah, don't be so silly." Harry smiled, analyzing the letter for a few more seconds and putting it away again, turning back to the window. "Professor McGonagall told me to open it when I got home and reflect on the content and that I could answer it later, don't you remember what I said?"
"No. I was too worried about the train leaving and packing my trunk than knowing every detail." Ron snorted and Hermione shot him an ugly look. "She's been staying in Dumbledore's office a lot since the Battle, isn't she? When did we see it right since everything happened?"
"Principal, Ron." Hermione said. "It's Principal McGonagall, now. She was Deputy Headmaster at Hogwarts, they forgot. It is obvious that she was elected the new Director of Hogwart."
And then she folded a piece of the thick volume from the previous week of the Daily Prophet in her lap, showing the moving photograph of the newest nominated Headmistress.
"If I were you, Harry." Hermione added. "I would read the letter as soon as possible, see?"
"Right." He replied the friend, now with a certain involuntary coldness in his voice, as he had no desire to discuss anything at that moment, not even by a simple letter.
"I thought the Ministry of Magic would try to put someone in their position after Snape... well, you know... "And Ron glanced at Harry and went back to Hermione and Luna. "I mean ... I'm glad the Ministry made a deal, right. For once."
"Yeah." Hermione agreed, folding the newspaper and lifting the batteries and laying them on the floor, yawning. "I want to go back soon, I have to say hello to everyone and Apparate to Australia. Review my parents, explain what happened. You know."
(To be continue next Post...)
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Janis & Jimmy
After smacking Mia one (and Jim).
Janis: Soz about the shiner, like Janis: Dunna how to dodge like a decent ref should obvs...you should work on that Janis: But forreal, you're welcome for the time you got to spend in the head's office with a cold press on #schoolboyfantasiesaremadeofthis Jimmy: 🤔 You mean this tiny insignificant scratch like Jimmy: I'd say get the pads out but between you and your nan lately I'm not sure my ego's up for that Jimmy: Your plan all along was it? 👌 she's no type of mine but I appreciate you trying to be a mate 😉 Jimmy: Best bit was Gracie doing her bit to defend my honor at the end there. Maybe I DO owe her one 😂 Janis: Alright, monty python 😂 don't be a hero on my account...oh wait, advice coming too late, my bad 😉 Janis: Ah well, if you're not fancying it like, pal, good thing I'll have her to myself all this week AND next 🙄 thanks mia... now THAT was the real plan all along 😏 Janis: At least you know what her shout is already 👍 though if you could spit in Mia's next, I think she'd take that and call it quits Janis: If you make like Rocky and get steak up on your bruises, I'll get my Da to cook it for ya after, we settled too then, yeah? 😘 Jimmy: Mia's plan 100% 🙄 Am I meant to be offended that she thinks you're a lesbian still? Because I'm taking it as a compliment #prettyboy 😂 Jimmy: Shame I've got too many disciplinaries to have her banned it'd be one less skinny latte to have to expertly craft Jimmy: Maybe. What sides are we talking about? I think one more smack down and I'll be demanding my chips triple cooked Jimmy: Warn your relatives Janis: Assumedly, pretending here her stinging text slams had her intended effect, and didn't just make me fall about, like #facesoprettyyoudontseeascar 🤞 Janis: Ugh, tell your boss to do one, 'cos they'd lose half their business if you did, think on, dickhead 😒 Janis: Know your worth, babe Janis: Gotta respect that Janis: At least my Brother doesn't need to bother fighting you now I beat him to it, ay? Jimmy: Who'd you wanna be, princess (bless Gracie Lou) and basketcase already taken and athlete being the obvious choice 💪 Jimmy: Tempting offer but you can do better Jimmy: Of course that was 1 of the 10! Should've seen that coming Jimmy: Can't lie I'd much rather take you on 😉 Janis: Never seen it 🤷 but boy is Charlie Sheen's bro, yeah? So sounds legit for the family I have to endure 😏 Janis: You're not gonna end up with Grace in the end are ya? 😤 just 'cos you wanna rock the leather fingerless gloves #lewk Janis: I'll never tell 😉 his ego definitely ain't up for that Janis: we can have a rematch any time any place Janis: i'm ready 💪 Jimmy: Me either. Still break you out though. Isn't that what they do? 🤔 I'll ask your sister but not before she gives me of precious bling to take down cash converters Jimmy: My bad boy image has taken too much of a battering, literal, for me to refuse the fashion 😎 Jimmy: Let's go then. There isn't a nurse but I can still play the concussed care and run. Say when. Janis: Probs after some cringe bonding and bants, thank GOD we got that outta the way, mate 😜 Janis: Most of her jewels are from Primark so I dunna how golden your chances are, don't tell anyone like #banginonabudget Janis: What lesson you in anyway? In PE rn so usually you wouldn't get a look-in (you ain't that special, babe) but they got me coaching the first years girls for a fucking team management module and...Give me strength Janis: we talking screaming when the ball comes their way levels Janis: so I'm making them do laps whilst I shout encouragements about how it ain't that cold from my warm as shit coat, like any gym teach worth their salt 😉 Janis: Gonna get an A, like Jimmy: Oh I dunno, you and Mia still need to hug it out 😉 bet she'd love it too 💘 Jimmy: I'm in art of course #tortured soul and everyone knows you're my muse so done deal there. Jimmy: I'd come snapping but I don't need the rep that'd come with background first years in their shorts Janis: I'd sooner watch a thousand chick flicks with Gracie Janis: amongst other fates worse than death Janis: but honestly #whyareyousoobsessedwithmehun? #toolittletoolateforthisloveaffair Janis: That's probably why you're so tortured 😉 Edie Sedgewick I ain't Janis: Nah, that wouldn't help your case, there's only so much bashing that I can be a party to in a day... Janis: I get to swap with Kayleigh Dwyer next period, meant to go write up about my experience but sure I can as easily do that wherever you need to get your inspiration from, like Jimmy: 😂 it's the curse of being so #goals, hun Jimmy: I don't have a clue who that is but like I've said before you take a decent picture. Now don't get a big head (it'd fuck with my framing terrible) but it isn't half bad being stuck with you Jimmy: There is always Mia's 🦆 pout if you're really busy but like Jimmy: Since you aren't I'm thinking back to mine? Twix will happily hear about any of your running or ball based experiences Janis: Kayleigh? Rude, she sits next to you in English, the one drooling all over you and the desk? Bless her, she'll be devvo 😂 Janis: I forgot you haven't had an Ali McKenna education, she was Andy Warhol's main bitch (aside from Basquiat, tea) in all his shit films, Bob Dylan was hard for her too but she weren't really arsed so he wrote Like A Rolling Stone about her Janis: At least you didn't come for my life that hard post-bath Janis: Bad enough like, I'd have to fake my own death forreal then Janis: She'd fucking love that...do her dirty in the edit, boo, no facetune 😂 Janis: A girl after my own heart that dog, kindred spirts 😍 Janis: sounds good, always down for being out of this dump Janis: your Da's unlikely to pop back for lunch, yeah? Jimmy: I've been calling her Kourtney #awkward Jimmy: Bet she loves it anyway Jimmy: Speaking of, I still have that project to finish up (deadlines long enough to hang yourself with cheers ms sheppard) might dedicate some space on that edit to the lot of them. Fancy helping as well as inspiring? 😈 Jimmy: #satireorshadeisit? Jimmy: Good. Keep the lovefest away from me. Last thing I need is Twix licking my wounds Jimmy: Packed up his sarnies myself so we're set Janis: The KardashiKlan clout, everyone knows she's the CLASSIEST sister, SO fitting 😂 Janis: Can't be anything but a sweetheart, can you? N'awwh! Janis: Hell yeah, you clearly need my talents for cuntery, you bring the skillz, I'll bring my winning personality and large head, like Janis: How fucking rude though, tell her to keep her antiseptic spit to herself 💅 #menaintshitbabygirl #imsorryyouhadtolearnthislessonsosoon Janis: Like I said, you're just too good for this world 😇 Janis: Maybe I'll find the time between being a muse and bad influence to make you one Janis: Its no steak apology but Jimmy: 👍 Too right Jimmy: Maybe if we take the mad bitch out she won't chew a hole in anyone's face (tempting as that'd be if it was any of Mia's squad) been enough facial damages sustained for one day Jimmy: Get some very #aesthetic shots for my A Jimmy: 😇 Always on that good boy track Jimmy: Maybe I can shout you a pie and pint in that spirit Janis: Goes without saying, need the skirting and your Da's shoes to be safe for another day Janis: Should bin off the rest of the day altogether, then you could take Twix to pick the kiddo's up, Cass would be made up getting to show her off Janis: you always after those best big bro points, I know Janis: and I know it, you always want me to protest too much the other way like 😈 Janis: wholesome afternoon of dog walking and homework with bae, no wonder the entire female population of the school is so jealous 😉😘 Jimmy: Did you just have a good idea? 😮 Jimmy: But yeah world's most bog standard bro coming through 🏆💪 get that middleschool clout cass 😎 Jimmy: We just can't stop being #goals however hard we try. Damn 😘 Janis: Don't sound so surprised dickhead! I'm a wealth of cunning plans or have you forgotten Janis: Didn't hit you that hard Janis: Now who's being modest Jimothy 😊 you know you're bestest Janis: whoda thunk it, bitch, not I Jimmy: Been a while can't blame me 😏 Jimmy: 💕 Cute Jimmy: How will I survive the aft? Janis: We can go back there if you really pining Janis: and I'M the one who's sexuality is always in question Janis: #fakebaebetterthanarealone Janis: Ha ha, keep testing me and you might not Jimmy: You'd never make it. Can't get enough of me 💋 Jimmy: If you'd rather be in school doing their tests don't let me stop you 😏 Jimmy: 😎 Jimmy: Told you i'm bad Janis: 😑 Janis: bet you break before i do Janis: we'll see how bad you are, won't we Jimmy: Last shift's 💶 on it Janis: Done Janis: I've got my eye on some new kicks Janis: At least even when you lose you can still pretend you treated me 😜 Jimmy: When you lose you can pretend you don't need a man to treat you Jimmy: so many #s in that for you Janis: Imma win when I PROVE I don't need you to treat me as much as you need me to treat you, sucka! Janis: and there ain't no point in nothing if it doesn't make your 'gram captions pop off #truerwordsneverspoken Jimmy: We'll see Jimmy: so soon too ⏲ Janis: you started your countdown already, boy? Janis: keeeeeeeen Jimmy: Not ready? Shame Janis: Born ready Janis: Admittedly, got the upper hand, nothing sexy about first year girls, despite what some fourth year boys might believe Janis: you surrounded by all them loose af art hoes Jimmy: How rude of me not to pull all your focus Jimmy: yep, those blunt fringes really get me goin Janis: Well s'why I know I got the W in the bag 🤷 Janis: Called that in the air Janis: whip off those unnecessary nerd glasses and there's real beauty under there Janis: #hotdamn Jimmy: For a rom com hater you've got all the cliches down 😂 Jimmy: Quietly confident now. That shit won't help you off screen 🏆💪 Janis: Oh, you don't recall how pushy my sister is? Janis: Let's call this off rn and she'd be happy to remind you herself I'm sure 😏 Janis: I'm sure you've learnt PLENTY off a whole different typa romcom that is all types of fucked IRL Jimmy: Only if she promises to bring Tam too. I need that model height for my shoot naturally Janis: You really wanna be that letchy photographer stereotype, huh? Janis: Get the whole squad 'round for a sesh Janis: Just know they'll start a # Jimmy: #rolloutladies Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: I'll #bowout of that one thanks Janis: Sure? It'll give you a better chance of winning the bet Janis: #knackered Jimmy: I'd rather lose Jimmy: #takemymoneyandrunaslongasIcancomewith Janis: Sweet talker. Janis: Meant to be me with the gift of the gab 🍀 Jimmy: nope, real talker Jimmy: Got up close and personal enough with Mia today thanks. Still washing these hands Janis: Same, despite what she might think, not something I fancy repeating either Janis: Though I will if she talks shit one more time Janis: So watch out if you don't want the other side to match, like Jimmy: Don't make me say I'll do it all again Jimmy: so many stereotypes already in this chat Jimmy: 💕 Janis: Ew. 💋 Janis: Best get your chat to as high a standard as poss tho, as all the guards and other inmates will be listening in Janis: Reckon's her Da can actually get me done Janis: Bitch be serious Jimmy: Doesn't he sell cars? Janis: Lmao, no Janis: Though he is 100% a used car salesman in aesthetic, you're spot on Janis: He is a lawyer or some shit so he knows realistically who gives a shit about a playground scrap but he'll try and scare my parents like they're fucking idiots so no one is ever mean to his little princess again Janis: That type 🙄 Jimmy: She wants to be a yank so bad it must hurt Jimmy: Remind me to cut my pops so slack next time he's pissing me off Jimmy: could be so much worse Janis: Too bad she's a few hundred years late for the mass migration to the states Janis: Only looking famished, like Janis: Same, wouldn't hate being as spoilt as she is but you know Jimmy: Yep, too bad you'll be waiting for those kicks Jimmy: 🎅's your best bet Jimmy: Not too late to back out 😏 Jimmy: Keep on his good side Janis: No chance Janis: I can keep him on side by keeping away from yours, simple 😜 Jimmy: You sure? There's literally songs about how much he loves 💋 Jimmy: I think he'll be mad if you don't cave Janis: 💋 for him from MILFs maybe Janis: I don't think it'll pain him to see you go without Janis: I see no mistletoe, like #demstherules Jimmy: 👌 Bet stays on Jimmy: Take your chances Janis: Way to make me sound more predatory than the big man 😲😂 Janis: If you're that scared, we can mark it down to a lose for you by default 😉 Jimmy: Not when I'll have you begging for a draw in a bit. Easy Jimmy: Just get ready to accept your loss, not reason we should both be sore Jimmy: #bruisedandbattered Janis: Pretty cocky for a boy who can't even promise A FEW bruises, like 😜 Jimmy: Waste of a 🤞 Jimmy: why talk about it when I can just do it Janis: As long as you start it, I'm allowed to finish it Janis: win win for me 😊 Jimmy: Cocky for a lass who hasn't won anything against me yet Janis: 😡 Janis: it wasn't a fair fight all those other times, thank you very much Jimmy: Maybe you were faking the skills as well as the 💕 Jimmy: awwh Janis: You won't be finding out any time soon Janis: ✌ Jimmy: So you keep saying, all talk I think 😂 Janis: All talk no action is right Janis: Prick 🖕😂 Jimmy: 😘 Jimmy: You're about me Jimmy: unlucky ☘ Janis: Shh Janis: Not all bad, I suppose, at least you've got a cute dog 😘 Jimmy: good point, what a you offering? first year having an asthma attack? 😂 #goals Janis: I never said I had anything worth sticking 'round for Janis: More fool ye for your 😍 Jimmy: Secret's safe. I won't tell Mia Janis: I think she's pretty confident she knows where she and I lie on the pecking order already 😂 Janis: not coming for her 👑 Jimmy: just her 👃 Janis: What can I say? Save daddy the surgery fees Jimmy: you're the 😇 you think I am Janis: it has been said Janis: oh wait, no it hasn't, ever 😂 Jimmy: Only because 🐶 can't speak Janis: The love is so real Janis: Its all the treats and walkies, maybe I'll have to employ the same technique on you when the bet is up Janis: Worth a shot 🎯 Jimmy: Start now #worthashot #haveyoubeentricked? 😂 Janis: I'm not quite as easy to distract as Twix Janis: All these dog comparisons, bit rude tbh, don't think I appreciate Janis: Will piss on your boots tho Jimmy: Unless we're playing pool or darts Jimmy: Make sure they're mine. My dad has only just replaced his Janis: Wasn't even you, it was pub lighting and a prick munching on his crisps too loud at the bar #dontflatterlike Janis: Will do 👍 I'm not looking to make him dislike me anymore than I already have lol Jimmy: #surejan Jimmy: least he's never about so no drama there. Been enough for one day Janis: #ihateu Janis: what's he even do, like? dead busy Jimmy: 💕 Jimmy: Warehouse Jimmy: Very much #goals Janis: Ah fun, lots of shitty shifts and long days like, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt too for being such a prick about poor Twix then Jimmy: Probably shouldn't. He bought her Janis: True...People never think how big a commitment a dog is though Janis: Twix be giving them puppy dog eyes like a pro Jimmy: before 🎄 too though what a prick Jimmy: can't even use the excuse Janis: Bleh Janis: Shoulda clued him in like 😉 #cuffed Jimmy: if I'd known he was going to do it I would've Jimmy: done now though Janis: Yeah, its just another stress you don't need, like? 😕 Jimmy: Snagged me you so maybe she's worth keeping about 😏 Jimmy: Because yeah she does take all the credit Janis: Smooth 😋 Janis: Can't go breaking my heart now, nor the kiddo's for that Janis: I can start taking her out again in the mornings, don't miss much 'bout dem days but it was decent having a running buddy Jimmy: Fancy some company or you wanna be alone with your true love? Janis: You reckon you can keep up, yeah? Janis: Not having you slowing me down 😉 Jimmy: Can't be using me as your excuse thanks 💪 Jimmy: maybe I'll come with then when I'm not working, leave you in no doubt Janis: Its a date, mate Jimmy: 💕 Janis: That's probably them more than sufficiently warmed up Janis: Get back to work, slacker 💚 Jimmy: 🎨📷 will do Jimmy: not too hard though, gotta keep my 💪 up for the victory party you'll owe me Janis: In your dreams, baby 💋 Jimmy: see you there 😘
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