#My night sweats are back which usually means yup I was right! My period
amandayetagain · 12 days
babe u reblogged that september post SO MANY TIMES are u ok (you’re actuallly. so valid for this)
this week has been hell haha. Like a bunch of bad stuff decided to happen at the same time to the point where even the friends I’ve talked to about it know most instead of all of it. The only good part of this week has been the past hour and presumably the next one.
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cacoetheswriting · 4 years
champagne problems, ch.5
Spencer is in love with you, but you’re engaged to someone else.
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Chapter Five: Baby: Weird dreams, confrontations, and a yearning moment between two friends. A/N: chapter is titled after this song if you want to listen while reading. Word Count: 2.4k Warnings: cursing, heartbreak, unrequited / unreciprocated love, very angsty, this chapter is extra ✨tense✨, this series is a real slow burn babyyy
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A/N: you guys are incredible!!!! i am feeling the love, and honestly it is leaving me speechless!! i am so glad you are enjoying this little story omg!! let me know, message me or comment, if you have any theories as to what will happen next, i’d love to hear it!! anyway, hope you like chapter 5 ✨ also, as promised here is the playlist for this story!! happy listening!
His kiss was gentle at first. Holding your face, one hand cupping each cheek, he pulled you in as close as humanly possible. He was taking his time, revelling in the thrill that was cascading through him. The warmth of his body radiated against yours.
Lips locked with yours, his hands travelled slowly from your face. They moved down your neck and arms until they reached your waist. His fingers dug into your sides briefly causing your lips to part at the shocking sensation. His tongue accepted the invitation and eagerly slid into your mouth.
You trailed your fingers down his back, feeling along his flexed muscles. Your heads rotated to vary pressure as your tongues danced together.
An overwhelming desire rushed through you. Your legs were like jelly. You melted into him, and he willingly held you up with the arm he had wrapped around your waist.
Gradually, after what felt like a blissful eternity, the two of you pulled apart. Both your breaths shaky. With your eyes still closed, you pressed your forehead to his and placed the palms of your hands on his chest; feeling his heart racing.
You looked up slowly to meet the hungry hazel gaze of your partner.
With a sharp gasp your eyes darted open. You sat up briskly in your bed, one hand on your chest while the other covered your parted mouth. Fuck. Oh no. No, no, no. That did not just happen.
You tried to shake the weird feeling away but every time you closed your eyes, to try and steady your breathing, you were met by that hazel gaze. His gaze. A lump formed in your throat. Fuck.
Ethan stirred in bed beside you.
“Mhmm babe...” He yawned, grabbing your attention. “Is everything okay?” You let out an inaudible sigh before lying back down beside him.
“I’m okay. Go back to sleep.” You replied quietly. “It was just a dream.”
You felt him nod next to you. He kissed your shoulder, and turned to his other side quickly dozing back off.
You however lay sleepless the rest of the night. Every time you closed your eyes, your mind replayed the the kiss on loop. Even though it really was just a dream, it felt so realistic. It was as if you were really kissing him, as if you were really looking into his eyes.
You just had a dream about kissing Spencer. The emotions it stirred inside of you were dangerous to say the least. What the hell did this mean? And more importantly, how the hell are you going to be able to act normally around him now?
The jet landed with a thud. A soft sigh escaped your lips as you tilted your head to look out onto the grey tarmac.
Emily called early hours of the morning advising that there was a new case. As selfish as it may be, you were quite glad because it meant you could avoid Spencer for just a little longer. Which of course worked until you got on the plane.
The brunette doctor sat across from you; as usual. He watched you closely and it didn't take him long to realise that something was on your mind.
“You okay?” His voice soothing. The warm and comforting sound made it impossible for you not to turn to look at him. A half-smile circled your lips. “All good doctor.” You replied calmly. “Just didn't sleep well.”
He placed his elbows on the table that separated you and smiled. “I thought we were past this whole lying to each other thing.” You couldn't help but roll your eyes at his comment. Sitting up in your seat, you straightened your shirt, and lifted one hand up as if to take a pledge. “I swear I am telling the truth.”
Spencer smirked and sat back in his chair. “How formal Y/N.”
“It seemed to be the only way to shut you up doctor.” You teased making him chuckle. The glistening look in his eyes was enough for the flashbacks of your dream to once again greet your mind. Your palms began to sweat.  
Thankfully, before Spencer could notice the sudden nervousness in your demeanour, Tara sat down next to you. She instantly engaged Spencer in a conversation which meant you could close your eyes for a moment of peace.
Mainly to calm your nerves.
The rest of the journey was luckily uneventful. Spencer’s undivided attention was on his conversation with Tara, and later on the team’s discussion of the case, which meant you managed to get some quick shut-eye before arriving at the destination.
The afternoon was also going smoothly. You tried to act as normal as you could around him. All you really hoped for was that he couldn't sense any tension of off you since that would lead to questions you couldn't answer.
It helped that first and foremost, the two of you were professionals. Both Spencer and you possessed the ability to compartmentalise. Now, the case came first. Which meant that even if you seemed a little standoffish with the brunette doctor, you could just explain you were focused on work.
“God, I’m starving.” Matt exclaimed leaning back in his chair. He glanced at the time and looked between the group. Luke, Tara, and Rossi all nodded in agreement.
“Coffee for me. A big fat coffee.” You replied with a small smile while getting up on your feet. “Anybody else?” Your eyes locked with Spencer’s. He lifted his hand up as his mouth pursed into a shy half-smile. You couldn't help but smile back.
While Matt and Luke took dinner orders from everyone, you slipped out of the room and headed for the precinct kitchenette.
As you reached for the stack of paper cups, a tiny yawn escaped your lips. Yup, the lack of proper sleep was definitely catching up with you. Especially since you were awake now for close to eighteen hours with no end in sight.
“Hey.” JJ appeared in the doorway; breaking you away from your thoughts. You shifted your weight to face her, and smiled. “Hey, I would have gotten you a coffee too.” You said, but the petite blonde shook her head. “Oh no, I just wanted to talk to you alone for a moment.”
You raised a concerned brow. “Is everything okay?”
She hesitated briefly before taking a step towards you. “Spencer told me about your trip to tour venues the other weekend.” Her voice was low; almost as if she was afraid someone would overhear. “He told me about your conversation. How you wanted to propose back then.”
Right. You shouldn't have been surprised he told JJ. They have been friends long before you came in the picture. You also shouldn't have been surprised that she approached you about this. It was only a matter of time.
“Why would you tell him that?” JJ asked, although it was more of a rhetorical question because she didn't give you a chance to respond. “You know how dark that period of his life was, and how hard your breakup was on him. You know that he only ended things to protect you Y/N. Not a day goes by where he doesn't hate himself for that decision even if back then it was the right one.”
A deep sigh escaped her lips. She ran her fingers through her hair before placing her hands on her hips. “I just don't understand why you would tell him that you wanted to take things to the next level after all this time has passed.”
You could feel yourself getting annoyed. Obviously, you were aware that JJ only had Spencer’s best interest at heart, but this pacific attack on you was uncalled for.
“I told him because he deserved to know.” You responded as calmly as you could. “We both moved on JJ, so I don’t-”
“But don't you see that he's going to overthink this now? You’re playing with his head, not to mention his heart.” She cut you off. Ouch. Her words stung. “He is going to constantly wonder what could have been.”
“And you think I don't do that already? Honestly JJ, do you think this is easy for me?” You asked, voice slightly elevated. “I really thought Spencer was the love of my life. I thought he and I we were meant to be.” At this point, tears were forming in the corners of your eyes.
“But he broke my heart and whatever his reasons were I lost a piece of me that day. A piece I never got back. Yet despite the empty feeling inside me, I stayed by his side. He was going through a terrible time and I knew he needed me. So don’t tell me Spencer is going to ponder now, or whatever, because he is not the only one that went through this breakup.”
“I just-” JJ began again but you lifted your hand in-front of you to stop her. “I get that you are looking out for him, but maybe you should stop and think that no-one is looking out for me. Except for Spencer, no-one ever was.” You snapped, and turned away from her.
The petite blonde lingered for a second before walking out. She knew better than to keep pressing on the matter.
You tried to focus on making the coffees; which proved hard as your eyes were glossy with tears and your hands were trembling from the nerves.
Your chest ached. Your head was spinning.
As far as you were aware, the brunette doctor was glad you told him. Was that not the truth? Did he confess something else to JJ? If so, why would he lie to you? These questions circulated your mind, adding to the already existing headache.
You leaned against the cold wall and closed your eyes. Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. You tried to regulate your hazy breathing in order to calm yourself down.
That’s how Spencer found you.
The hazel-eyed doctor got concerned when you didn't return in a timely manner - it doesn't take that long to make coffee. He went looking for you, and on his search he peeked inside the kitchenette to discover he was right to worry.
“Whoa Y/N, hey. Hey.”
He immediately reached for the pot and put it away before turning back to you. He hastily grabbed your hands in his, giving them a gentle squeeze to try get a reaction out of you. No luck.
At this point your whole body was shaking. Slowly, you opened your eyes to meet his sympathetic gaze. Teardrops escaped down your cheeks, trailing along black mascara.
“What’s going on? What happened?” Spencer asked, but when you opened your mouth to explain no words came out. All you could do was shake your head.
“It’s okay, hey.” He let go of your hands and wrapped his strong arms around you instead, pulling you close. He placed one palm at the back of your head, encouraging you to recline against his chest, as the other drew soothing circles along your lower back.
“It’s okay.” He whispered again before resting his chin on top of your head. He closed his eyes, basking in the all too familiar smell of your shampoo.
Despite the heaviness in your stomach, it fluttered slightly at the feeling of your body pressed against his. And with every second that passed, you sunk deeper into his warmth.
Spencer realised he couldn't remember the last time the two of you were this close. The last time he hugged you like this. He thought he did, but now that you were in his arms he knew he was wrong because the memory didn't feel the same. Although, that didn't seem important right now.
Eventually, your nerves calmed down. Breathing returned to normal, and you were no longer crying. However, if you were being honest, you didn't want the hug to end just yet. You felt peaceful. Safe.
At home.
Perhaps it was because of those feelings you did what you did next. Or perhaps it was because the fatigue that only a good sleep could fix was messing with your thoughts.
You tilted your head upwards, which caused Spencer to open his eyes. His gaze instantly locked with yours. When he noticed the small smile circling your lips, he smiled back. 
“Are you okay?” He asked, still in a whisper.
You nodded. “Better now.”
He was going to ask if you wanted to tell him what happened. He was going to ask if there was anything else he could do. He was going to ask, but he found himself frozen and completely lost in your beautiful eyes. 
Perhaps it was because of the way he was looking at you. Or because your stomach was jumping inside of your body, exactly like it did in your dream.
You found yourself slowly leaning in, upwards. The pull you felt was almost magnetic. This was wrong on so many levels but it was like the world fell away; for both of you. Spencer matched your pace and leaned down, his heart hammering inside his chest.
His face now inches away from yours. One of his hands was still on your lower back, while the other cupped your cheek. His hot breath hit against your lips, sending a shiver down your spine. His eyes searched yours for any sign to stop what was about to happen, but despite your better judgement you didn’t want to stop.
And just as it was about to happen, just as you were about to kiss the man you were once in love with, a realisation hit you. 
You were doing exactly what JJ implied. You were playing with his feelings. If you kissed now, he was definitely going to overthink things. Overthink your relationship, and everything that happened up until this point.
You couldn't let that happen. You couldn't jeopardise your friendship.
“I’m sorry.” You muttered against his lips and pulled away from his embrace. “I am so sorry. That shouldn't have happened.” Nervously, you ran your fingers through your hair. 
“No.” Spencer said quietly. “No, I’m sorry. You were feeling vulnerable, I shouldn-” You shook your head. “This is my fault Spencer. I’m the one that leaned in first.” You reiterated.
“I didn't stop you.” Spencer added, placing his hands in his pockets almost as if he was no longer sure what to do with them.
“I have a fiancé.” You whispered. The statement was more of a self-reminder than anything else.
“You have a fiancé.” Spencer repeated, and you detected a familiar sadness in his tone.
Silence. The two of you stood awkwardly looking at one another. 
Even though stopping the kiss was the right thing to do, you felt as if somehow you made things worse between you and the hazel-eyed doctor. It broke you a little. Primarily because as you were lost in the moment you realised that there was a chance you possibly still felt something for Spencer. 
Something strong.
Oh Baby, what've you done to me? I can't seem to chase you out of my dreams
A/N: hello friends! i hope you liked this chapter!! i’d love to hear your feedback and as always if you would like to be added to a taglist, please let me know. thank you for your continuous support. with love, mal. x
story taglist: @girloncorneliastreet, @haylaansmi, @rexorangecouny, @l0ve-0f-my-life, @obsssedwithjustaboutanything, @aperrywilliams, @sassy-hades, @rainsong01, @reverdevivre, @dracomikaelson, @softieekayy, @lunaofcrows, @andrewhoezierbyrne​, @do-yr-research, @blameitonthenight21, @lyl-26
spencer reid taglist: @no-honey-no​, @calm-and-doctor​, @idroppedmygourd​​
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neoheros · 4 years
how would haikyuu boys handle spending the night together? feat. kuroo tetsuro, akaashi keiji, tsukishima kei
kuroo tetsuro
the first time you and kuroo spent the night together was a wednesday evening when you didn’t even plan on staying over
his parents left town for the day and it was a better time than any other to have you spend the afternoon
you were still both in your uniforms and with the school day you just had, it was safe to say that you deserved to lay on top of him on the couch while your hands are in his hair
you were tired from school and he was tired from practice
you barely even spoke to each other that afternoon, all you remember was him offering to take a nap with you in his bed and you being too sleepy to decline
you changed into one of his sweatshirts and a pair of shorts and when he saw you he just 🥺
kuroo: are we really that tired tho 👉👈
you, blinking: yes
the nap was so deep and peaceful that the only reason you woke up from it was because of the sound of a car pulling up in the driveway
that’s when you realize that you’ve actually spent the night and the bright light that’s been annoying your eyes for the past 2 minutes was the sun rising
you shift from your place but kuroo’s right grip on your waist only worsened as he pulled you closer to his chest
“stop moving so much,” he mumbles groggily, refusing to open his eyes as he snuggles against your shoulder blade
you panic, “kuroo we’re gonna be late,”
he takes a while to respond but you feel him nod softly against your skin, “we can skip first period,”
then you hear the front door open, your heart racing because kuroo clearly doesn’t have any plans on getting up soon
you try your best to push him away from you but the more you do the more his tightening his grip, too tired to open his eyes
you, panicking: if you don’t wake up now i’m breaking up with you
kuroo, mumbling: hmm we’ll get back together it’s okay
he’s pressing quick kisses against your shoulder and you almost swoon over the infatuated look he had on
“we should do this more often,” kuroo says, his voice quiet and you’re debating with yourself if he’s choosing not to hear his parents downstairs
you shift, “i know, i like this too, but your parents are home and i don’t want their first impression of me to be like this,”
he finally opens his eyes and lets go of the grip he had on you, you jump out of bed, hearing the footsteps from the stairs
“tetsu, are you awake yet?” his mom’s voice blared as she knocked on his door
you wanted to laugh as the panic set on your boyfriend’s face but you found yourself frozen still when you realize that this meant trouble if she found you in there
“kuroo, i swear to god, i will not let this be the first time your mom meets me,” you tell him in a hushed tone, quickly picking up your clothes
“yup!” he shouts back, and the first thing he could do when the doorknob twisted was shove you in his open closet
you yelp at the suddenness but you held the door closed as your pressed against his clothes in extreme tightness
“you’ll be late,” his mom says, entering his room
kuroo nods, “i’m actually skipping first period, my head hurts,”
there’s sweat on his forehead and his mom crosses her arms with a look
“fine,” she says, sighing, “your dad and i are going grocery shopping this morning so make sure to lock up before you go back to bed.”
kuroo lets out a breath of relief, walking his mom out the door and he shuffles to lock it before opening the closet to a rather agitated you
kuroo: i mean hey at least now we can have the morning in peace 😌
you, throwing a pillow at him: i hate you
kuroo, pulling you back in bed: hmm we’ll drive by starbucks before heading to school
you: i hate you less
tsukishima kei
first of all, sleeping with him is one thing and waking up next to him is another
he’s so stiff and on guard the whole time that you’d think he’s physically repulsed by the idea of you being beside him all night
you: i can take the floor, it’s really not a big deal
tsukki: are you kidding i’m not letting you sleep on the floor
you: wait aw 🥺
tsukki: at least take the couch
you can tell he’s anxious with the whole thing and you curse yourself for thinking it was a good enough time for the both of you to have a sleepover
but he’s just been away a lot from all the volleyball tournaments and it’s been so long since the two of you hung out that when he asked if you wanted to stay over you couldn’t say no
so now you’re left awkwardly sitting on his bed at 11 pm after the two of you finished a movie with nothing else to do
he eyes you down, you’re wearing one of his shirts which were obviously too big and a pair of sweats that you brought along
he glances at his watch, a faint pink on his face as he avoids your gaze
you: wait are you shy like are you actually
tsukki: hey remember when you offered to sleep on the floor
the two of you decide to just let tiredness take over you when you feel like it so you spend the next two hours in each other’s arms as you both scroll through tiktok
his nerves have calm down but you still feel the faint racing of his heart when you laugh from a video you see
you, internally: 🥺👉👈
but then you realize that hours have passed and neither of you are still tired enough to seriously lay down next to each other and try to sleep
tsukishima: do you want to go out for a drive?
you: it’s 3 am
tsukishima: ?
you: i like the way you think
he hands you an extra hoodie of his because it’s cold outside and he absolutely refuses to drive unless you put your seatbelt on
so it’s 3 am and the two of you are at a starbucks drivethru ordering too much caffeine for people who’re trying to fall asleep
you both end up chilling in their parking lot all morning just scrolling through twitter or tiktok and sometimes you’d feel him glance up at you from his phone but you decide not to mention it
you: why don’t we spend time like this more often
tsukishima: i honestly think you’ll find me boring if we hang out for more than an hour :/
you, soft: it actually takes less than an hour 🥺
before the two of you realize it you’ve fallen asleep in his car at a starbucks with the windows down and the 1975 blaring in the radio
you wake up first from the sunlight and you won’t deny the way your heart skipped a beat when you noticed how tsukki took off his hoodie to put on your thighs
you take off his glasses from his face, giving him a quick peck on the forehead before making sure he was comfortable and warm in his seat
he must’ve been tired and you really hope that you didn’t wake him up when you left the car to order more coffee for the both of you
akaashi keiji
he’s asleep by 10 pm and he’ll wake up at 8 just like he’s used to because he’s the most perfect boy in the world with the most perfect sleep schedule
you know of this fact and it bugs you cause sometimes you just really wanna facetime him at 3 am or reference him tiktoks that you found funny that day
so when he offered you a chance to stay over you were kinda on the rocks about it
you: yknow i sleep at 4 am right
akaashi: ... by choice?
you: at this point my body just shuts down when it wants to
akaashi, alarmed: oh
regardless of this fact, you could never turn down akaashi, it was like hard wired in your brain to never ever decline him and can you really blame yourself he’s 🥺
he insisted to stay up with you instead of you trying to fall asleep next to him at 9 pm but you just couldn’t put him through that
you put down your phone and even if it did feel odd to close your eyes without the sun rising, the sudden embrace by your boyfriend immediately made you forget about everything else
sleeping next to akaashi is utter heaven
he’s got his hand over your waist and his scent just envelops you in a non overpowering way
his fingers trail under your shirt and you shiver at how gentle they are
akaashi, under his breath: thank you for doing this
you, ready to risk it all: due to personal reasons i will be passing away ❤️
he places a quick kiss on your forehead before letting go of you and turning to his side
you felt like asking him back to you but you knew how tired he must’ve been so you don’t budge
you’re left staring at his room’s ceiling and you don’t know how long you did that but the next time you checked your phone it was already 1 am in the morning
you, internally: it’s like a talent omfg
aside from the fact that you’re close to tears as you think about how you stared at a ceiling for 3 hours straight because you didn’t want to go to sleep that much you stop fighting the inevitable
you prop yourself up on his headboard, careful not to wake him up beside you and start to go through what you usually do most nights
you’re so caught up on the tiktoks that you barely notice akaashi stirring from beside you before pulling the comforter over his head
he’s awake at this point and the silly grin on his face can’t be fought as he looks at you so indebted in what you watched
he leans against your shoulder, tired eyes and all whilst stifling back a yawn
you, sleepy: sorry for waking you
akaashi, just as sleepy: that’s ok, i like this better
the two of you spend the rest of the morning against each other on his headboard as you scroll through the contents of your phone
once akaashi realizes that you’ve fallen asleep, he gently pushes you back down on the pillows and your hands immediately make their way to embrace him
he will 100% take pictures before getting himself comfortable next to you, a soft smile on his face as he snuggles against your neck
akaashi, turning off his alarms: we can sleep in tomorrow
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Rehearsal (Peter Parker x Reader)
Summary: Peter and you have to rehearse a scene for your theatre class, which just so happens to have a kiss in it. (Gender neutral reader!)
Prompts: 1. “Why would you do this?” 22. “This is the part where you kiss me.”
Warnings: good old fashioned fluff
Note: Lol this one kinda got away from me. I used a random number generator to choose the prompts and only expected this to be like 800 words max but I ended up with over 2k so. but I really like what I ended up with so I hope y’all do too <3 mostly from Peter’s POV btw. oh and I tried to keep it gender neutral but it’s natural for me to write with a female reader so let me know if I accidentally left a few she’s/her’s in there.
Word Count: 2.1k
Peter Parker is a nerd. He’s good at science and math, which is why he’s attending Midtown School of Science and Technology. Despite the STEM focus the school has, there’s still a requirement for at least one art-related class in order to graduate. When Peter chose an entry level Theatre class, he hoped it would focus more on the study of famous plays than actually having to stand on a stage and act. Peter was very, very wrong. For the first assignment of the semester, students had to pair up and perform a short, dramatic piece. He had been paired with Y/N Y/L/N, who he had a minor crush on. Ok, major crush. After he and MJ broke up last year, he honestly didn’t think he’d find anyone else for a while. But then Y/N transferred to Midtown, and he was whipped right from the start. 
“Look man, you gotta use this opportunity to make a move!” Peter and Ned were walking down the hallway between classes, Ned trying to convince Peter again that this was a great chance to finally tell Y/N how he feels. “Just look up some cute scene for the two of you to perform! It’ll be like when Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie fell in love on set!”
“I’m pretty sure they broke up, Ned.”
“Whatever. The point stands.”
The pair approached their lockers, where you were waiting. You had a few papers in your hand, which held your attention until you noticed Peter in front of you.
“H-hey. What’s up?” Peter tried his best to contain his stutter, but couldn’t help it. Y/N just had that effect on him.
“Hey Pete, I, um, I found some potential scripts for us to use for our assignment. I thought you could look over them before we rehearse at mine on Friday? I like them all, so whichever you wanna go with is fine...although I did put a star next to my favorite piece.” You handed half of the papers you were holding to Peter, keeping copies of each script for yourself. Peter noticed that the copies you kept had already been highlighted and annotated, while his were straight from the printer. Except for the small star at the top of the first script in his stack. Before Peter could respond, the warning bell began to ring, signaling only a minute to get to your next class. “Just text me whichever one you want, and we can walk to my place after school tomorrow to rehearse.” You said this as you began to walk away, giving Peter and Ned a small wave before you turned around to race to your final class of the day. 
Instead of paying attention to his teacher’s lecture during Chemistry, Peter spent the 50 minute period reading through the scripts you had chosen. Peter already knew he wanted to perform the script you liked, but he was nervous. Your favorite scene happened to be the only one which called for a kiss, but he didn’t know if he had the guts to go for it. He could easily choose either of the other scenes and call it a day, but...well, was this your way of making a move? Had you intentionally chosen the script with a kiss to find out if Peter liked you? Did you like him? Or did you just choose that one because you genuinely thought it was the best option?
The bell rang, interrupting Peter’s thoughts and signaling the end of the school day. Hopefully a few hours of swinging through the streets of New York would be enough to distract Peter from thinking about you all night. For once, Peter was actually hoping New York criminals would keep him busy.
When Peter slipped through the window of his bedroom, his thoughts were unsurprisingly still revolving around you. Despite a somewhat busy night - two muggings, an almost-car crash, and one lost little girl now safely back with her mother - He still hadn’t been able to come to a decision. Half an hour ago you had texted Peter asking if he had chosen a script yet, and he still hadn’t responded. 
“Just go with the script they want, Pete. Even if Y/N doesn’t like you, at least you’ll get to kiss them.” He thought as he removed his skin-tight supersuit and changed into some sweats and a t-shirt. He grabbed his phone from the pocket of his backpack, and, after another minute or so of arguing with himself, finally began to type.
8:31 pm
hey pete, have you decided which script you wanna do yet?
9:06 pm
Uh, yeah. I think the one you liked is the best.
9:08 pm
yesss, i was hoping you’d choose that one. i have great taste ;)
9:08 pm
Haha, yeah, you do. We’ll rehearse tomorrow after school right?
9:10 pm
yup! i’ll meet you by your locker again :) see ya tomorrow pete
Peter decided to let the conversation end there. Honestly, he had no idea what to think. What does “I have great taste ;)” mean? Is that a reference to the kiss? Does this mean they like him? Or is it just a joke? Peter sent a screenshot of the conversation to Ned for help, but Ned being Ned wasn’t helpful at all. 
9:15 pm
Just. Make. A. Move. 
9:16 pm
Betty thinks you should make a move too.
Despite his confusion and nerves over tomorrow’s rehearsal, Peter managed to fall asleep at a reasonable time. Hopefully tomorrow he’d get the answers he was looking for.
Peter waited by his locker after the final bell rang. As the hallways began to clear, he noticed you making your way over to him.
“Sorry, I hope you weren’t waiting too long. My English class is basically all the way across the school.” You looked nervous. Is that good? Or bad? Have you been thinking about the kiss too?
“Y-you’re fine. I’ve only been here for like a minute.” That was a lie. Peter’s Chemistry class was just across the hall from his locker, but you didn’t need to know that. After he finished talking, you seemed to lose all sense of nerves.
“I guess it wasn’t me causing the nerves then…” Peter thought, his mood dropping a little.
“Oh good. Let’s get going then, my apartment is only a couple blocks from here.” And so you began the short walk to your place. You made some small talk on the way there, talking about your other classes instead of the one class you did share. 
“You have Mrs. Jenson third period right? I have her during fifth. Maybe we can study together for her tests...I know the school year just started, but I can already tell she’ll make her tests unnecessarily evil.” You said as the both of you entered your building. 
“That’s a good idea, I know someone who took her class last year and they said she always had essay questions. Not to mention 5 choices for multiple choice questions instead of the usual four.” Peter responded. As he spoke, they headed towards the elevator, and Y/N pressed the button, causing the doors to immediately open. After hitting the number 4 on the wall, the doors slowly began to close. Despite the unfortunate news he was sharing with Y/N, his voice had a hopeful tone to it; They want to hang out with him again. Sure, it’s just loose plans to study for a test sometime in the future, but hey, he’ll take it.
“Damn. History has never been my subject, so I’ll definitely need the extra study time. I can never remember all the important dates.” Your phone buzzed after that, causing you to glance down at it. As you responded to whoever had texted you, Peter was left to his thoughts when the elevator began to move. It wasn’t until the elevator doors opened and you stepped out that the conversation resumed. “That was my mom, guess she’s gonna be at work for a few more hours. We can order a pizza if you want, I’m not sure how long we’ll be rehearsing today.”
“Pizza, uhm,” Peter’s voice cracked, “Pizza sounds good.” Peter cursed to himself, but if you had noticed his voice cracking, you had the decency to ignore it. You pulled your keys from your backpack, and unlocked the second apartment on the floor. 
“Cool, I’ll order something online. Pepperoni ok for you?” You asked as you walked into the apartment, holding the door open for Peter. Peter only nodded, not really trusting his voice for the moment. He took a second to look around the place as you closed the door behind him. When you came into his eyesight again, you were looking at your phone, presumably ordering the pizza. “Since my mom isn’t here we can rehearse in the living room, it’s just this way.” Peter followed you as you led him across the apartment, then sat on the couch. He tried to give you space as you continued punching in the pizza order. While you were busy, Peter opened his own backpack and pulled out the script you had agreed upon. Last night he had highlighted his lines, although luckily for this assignment the teacher had mentioned that memorization was optional. After all, the school year had just begun and it was a beginner’s class.
“Ok, pizza will be here in like half an hour. Now we can get to work!” You quickly pulled out your own script from your backpack, and turned to face Peter. “Do you wanna just read through it a few times, then once we’re used to it we could start working out the blocking?” You suggested.
“Y-yeah, sure, that works for me.” Peter was relieved at this option; read throughs meant he didn’t have to worry about the kiss yet. “Your character starts, right?”
And so the two of you began reading through the script. It was short, only a few pages, and featured someone on the day of their wedding, and the man who was trying to convince them to leave their fiance. At first, the reading was a little awkward, as neither of you had any experience in acting, but by the third or fourth time you had gone through the script together, both of you were feeling much more comfortable. Instead of sitting away from each other on opposite ends of the couch, you were close, the way your characters would be. The blocking had even begun to take shape naturally, so you and Peter stood for the fifth reading, walking around the room, trying your best to embody the characters as they argued. This time, as you approached the end of the script however, Peter’s nerves returned.
“Why would you do this? Just barging in here on my wedding day?” You said, trying to act as frustrated and confused as you felt your character would be. 
“You and I both kn-know you don’t love him! You’ll never be happy with him!” Peter tried to keep his nerves in check, but he knew what was coming.
“And how do you know I’d be happier with you?” Following the stage directions indicated on your script, you stepped closer to Peter. Instead of continuing with the scene, Peter just stared at you, no longer looking at his script. “Uh, Pete?” He still didn’t respond. You were confused, until you looked back at the script. You weren’t sure how you had forgotten, after all, this is why you chose the scene in the first place. “Peter, this is the part where you kiss me” You said quietly. You had taken his choosing of this scene to mean he liked you too, but you weren’t sure. His eyes widened a little at your words though, which made your confidence drop. “O-or not, um, we could do a stage kiss, or you could just kiss my cheek, or we could just cut it complet-” Peter cut off your rambling by putting his hands on your cheek and bringing his lips to meet yours. You were shocked, but easily melted into the kiss. He was gentle as he kissed you, his nerves disappearing the second you kissed him back. After a while, you both separated from the kiss. Neither of you spoke for a minute, just staring at each other.
“U-um.. that was ok, right?” Peter whispered, as you were still pretty close to him. You only smiled, and gave him another short kiss as a response. Before you guys could do anything else, there was a knock at the door.
“Pizza!” Someone said loudly through the wood. Before you could make a move, Peter had grabbed his wallet and was already walking towards the front door.
“I’ll pay...after all, what kind of gentleman would I be if I let you pay on our first date?”
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drethanramslay · 4 years
Chapter 2
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Pairing: Cassian X MC ( for this chapter)
Warning: Slight swearing and violence
Word count: 3.2 K words
Chapter 1
Taglist: @choices-love-affair @miyakokurono @openheart12 @trappedinfandoms @noboundariesplease @nooruleman @madampugzalot @sekizincimektup @dailydoseofchoices @choicesfanatic86 @kaavyaethanramsey @junggoku @flyawayboo @whatchique @vampiregirlsblog @squishywizardhq @lilyvalentine (let me know if you want to added or removed from the taglist 😊)
Song: Cross your Mind by Niall Horan
forgive if I make any mistakes
I am an early bird.
I love the period just before the sun rises. To see the sun slowly come out of the cover of darkness and illuminate every thing in its wake is truly beautiful. The chirping birds, the cool breeze which blows against my face and to see the sky slowly become a mixture of different hues almost makes it feel like it heaven on earth.
Dawn. The start of a new day. The chance to rewrite your slate. To have a fresh start.
Just like the way the sun paints the night sky with a variety of colours, I try to bring the different shades of happiness in my life. I have seen so much violence and gory as a US Marshall that I am still surprised I haven't gone for therapy.
I think it's because I try to find the happiness in everything? I know sometimes it feels like finding a needle in haystack but no matter how ever small that reason is, it's always enough to hold on to.
I was sitting on the beach, crossed legs as I closed my eyes and felt the warmth of the rising sun on my face and the sea breeze which whistled through my shoulder length brown hair. The feeling of the white sand in my hands and smell of the ocean made me feel alive. It's only during moments like this that I feel like the original me.
It's short, it's fleeting but a great reminder on how different I am now.
I turned and saw Adira walking towards me in nothing but my shirt and runner shorts. A smirk was pasted on her face as she sashayed towards me.
Being the lead on this case was... Interesting.
I learnt many quirks about her and the one which stood out the most was that, she was a grade A spoilt brat.
I am usually very respectful towards woman but damn, she drives me up the wall. Hell, she threw a fit when I tried making her wear a life jacket.
When we were on the houseboat to Nantucket, I debriefed her on the case and her identity. "So Adira, they finished putting together your cover. You'll be Adira aka Maliha Johnson, a working class girl who just lost her parents. The money your parents left you allowed you to purchase a small house on Nantucket, where you'll be working odd jobs to pay for the contractor helping you repair the weather damage on the place."
The look of aghast which painted her face almost made me wheeze. "Working class? Me?" I thought she was being comical and I just gave her grin. "What is wrong with that?"
I thought wrong.
"You want me? Adira Lockhart.. daughter of the CEO of Lockhart industries, the girl who has a motherfucking MBA, to scrub barnacles of yachts? Excuse me while I puke."
I observed her. Her hands were smooth with no callouses and her skin was flawless, with not a single scar. She was definitely one of those obnoxious rich people who thought that they were above everybody and that the poverty was a disease.
Yup, I hated them.
Serves her right, maybe she can learn a thing or two about humility.
"Yes, Adira that's how it's gonna be and I'm sorry you are going through this. We can't put you in some big place like your old job because that will be the first place they will look for you. We need to rework your entire cover identity so that it's completely different from what Adira Lockhart is."
She sighed and looked out on the ocean. "I was supposed to be settling into my new position at work... Not start a fresh."
I reached and squeezed her hand, conveying my empathy the best way I could. "It's hard to not feel like this is a punishment, but believe me you are doing the right thing. Not only will you be protecting yourself but, you will also be protecting the countless others when you testify."
She turned towards me, her hair whipping her face. "I hate it when I am not able to be in control of my life.." I turned towards her and gave a small smile our eyes meeting.
We stared at each other's eyes, the air between us cackling with lust and the need to be close to each other.
She was about to lean in when an icy gust ripped across the desk, spraying water all over her back.
She shrieked and I swear I momentarily became deaf.
"You need something to cover you up." As I was reaching for my jumper she stopped me.
"I'm fine without it." She said in a voice as cold as the ocean water.
"But, you are shive-" she stopped me with a hand up.
"No, I don't need it Cassian."
And it had been like that since the last week. The hot and cold moments. At one time she is all open, carefree and flirty and then suddenly like a flipped switch she will give Elsa a run for her money at being the coldest person. The silent treatment would be so harsh that it felt like my ears would ring.
She would throw major tantrums and I would have to end up doing maximum amount of work, but then she would profusely apologize by sucking my dick and ride me seven ways to Sunday.
Cassian, don't you love the challenge? The thrill of tasting the forbidden fruit? Don't be so harsh in judging her... She is going through shit.
But, it was surely a new experience. It felt natural to wake up next to her and it was natural to make breakfast in the morning, even if she didn't eat it. I felt like I was the mother hen, trying to make sure she ate and was physically fine so that she won't slip into depression.
And it's a proven fact that exercise get the endorphins rushing through your veins so, I have taken up the responsibility of teaching Adira how to fight so that if I'm compromised, she can at least defend herself.
"Good morning, your highness. Shall we begin?"
"I'm sorry I'm late... a certain someone kept me up till late night." She said with a smirk as she picked up the jumping rope near me.
I just rolled my eyes playfully and started skipping rope.
We did our warm ups which included running and basic stretching. There was teasing and playful shoving which made the entire thing fun. Her eyes would trail to my abs whenever I picked up my singlet to wipe the sweat of my face. And my eyes would trail to the sweat trailing down her chest into her cleavage.
I am not one to deny the view.
"Okay Adira, we have mastered basic punches and blocks but, it's not always gonna be that easy... Have you watched 'Knight and day'?"
"The Tom Cruise movie? Hell yeah."
"Great. So do you remember the part when the bad guy wrapped his arms around-" I went behind her and wrapped my arms around her chest tightly, trapping her hands there "-like this?"
She started breathing heavily. "Yeah.."
"Good. Hands like Houdini. Put your palms down and all at once, throw your hands to the ground and move your hips back."
She did that but, ended up falling on the ground with a smile.
"Nice. The other guy won't know what hit him."
I reached forward and held my hand out. She grabbed and stood up, dusting off the sand on her ass.
"Are you ready for work?" I asked as we started walking back home.
"Ugh nooo." She whined.
I chuckled. "Adira its-" a sudden crash and bang sounded from the house and I stopped in my tracks, my shoulders tensing.
Adira was going to open her mouth to say something but I help up my hand to quieten her.
"There is someone in there." I quietly whispered as I picked up the gun which I had buried in the rose bushes. I stepped in front of her. We entered through the back door and tip toed in.
"The place could be surrounded, stay close to me."
"What if it's them?"
I reached down and squeezed her arm. "I will protect you."
I grasped the gun tightly and Adira just clinged onto my arm. Stepping into the house, I noticed every nook, corner and shadow. Another bang resounded and Adira shrieked and my eyes narrowed onto the open front door.
Moving slowly, I led her to the door and checked the handle.
"No signs of forced entry." I said as I let go of the door.
"But why... Oh." As realization dawned on her.
"What do you mean by oh?" I asked as I turned towards her.
She looked away, guiltily and stared at her feet. "I may have opened the door for getting the newspaper... Guess I never shut it."
What.. the FUCK?
I take my hand down my face, trying to keep my anger at bay. Can't she understand that even the smallest mistake and she could die? Just the smallest feeling of security and she could be on the floor with her throat slit? Is it so hard to understand that this is WITSEC and not some fucking vacation in the Hamptons?
"Adira, how am I supposed to protect you when you're literally leaving the door wide open for the people who want to kill you?" I asked through clenched teeth.
She just crossed her arms and let out a huff of frustration. She just turned the other way.
How dare she have the audacity to get angry?
"Fine. Nice chat. Go for a bath and we are going to work."
She stomped up the stairs and shut the bathroom door so hard that it resounded throughout the entire house.
Well, annoying Adira is back at it again.
I trailed behind Adira, trying to match her pace, but she just kept stomping on the sand, full steam ahead.
"Walking angrily on sand doesn't have the effect you're going for. Unless you're trying to look cute." I called out to her.
She just huffed and walked even faster. I ran a couple of steps and fell into stride with her. "UGH! Can you not?"
"I'm just trying to do my job ya know? Try to protect you from a mob that is after your life?"
"I hate this. I'm sick of being escorted around."
"But Adira-"
"Shut the fuck up Cassian." I raised my hands in surrenderance, not wanting to ruin her mood even more.
"I'm sorry Adira."
Apologizing will make it better, right? Even if it isn't my fault?
"And you should be." She said haughtily.
I could have given a fucking powerpoint presentation on how this wasn't my fault but I would really like to keep my balls intact so I just shut the fuck up. Avoid conflict, they say. The shit we men go through...
We reached the lobster shack but, Adira didn't slow down her pace. This resulted in her feet getting tangling in the fish nets on the deck. She let out a huge groan and stared at the sky as if to ask "Why is it happening to me?"
What a drama queen... But, I still like her.
"Do you want me to help you?" I asked, preparing myself for a brutal rejection.
She just sighed and looked up at me with her tired blue eyes. "Yes please."
I bent down and slowly untangled the net out if her ankle. After I was done, I slid my arm up her calf and smiled up at her.
She gave me a soft smile. "Thanks Cassian."
I was going to say something when Renata called out to us. "Why are you both standing there doin' nothin'? The lobsters aren't going to shuck themselves!!"
Adira rolled her eyes and said lowly. "Well, that shucks."
Barking out a laugh, we both headed to the shed to get on with our work.
I was outside the shed doing my work when I heard Renata sigh with frustration. "This... Is really getting my goat!"
I couldn't help but snort. Who even says that nowadays?
"Anything I can do to help?" Adira's voice spoke up. I stopped my work so that I could hear how their conversation goes.
I heard a loud crash and bang which made me flinch. Renata really must be pissed.
"Rockport Dining needs fifty-seven ounces by tonight, and I keep losing track. Numbers have never been my strong suit."
Please Adira don't blow your co-
"Well, you're in luck. After years in finance, there's nothing I can't keep track of in my head." I heard her gleeful smile.
I sighed and pinched my nose in frustration. This is just like Jonah all over again.
I heard Renata's loud boisterous voice which I swear, the entire town could have heard. "Aren't you full of surprises!"
"Everyone has their surprises."
Yeah and your fucking surprises will be the death of me.
"I knew you had that smart look about you. Any other secrets locked away in that head of yours I should know about?" Renata asked in a teasing manner and my eyes started surveying the area, to see any suspicious activity.
You never know when your enemies can creep up on you and one stumble, boom you are dead.
But it was crowded and it was hard to narrow in on any suspects.
I creeped close to the door of the shed and peeked in. Adira had a fake smile plastered on her face and said, "No of course not. I'm an open book."
Renata laughed. "We'll just have to get our hands dirty together then Let me get you a new pair of gloves." She headed for the door and I blended myself in the shadows so that she couldn't notice me.
She leaves and I storm inside the shed and throw the bucket of crabs on the floor.
"Grab your things and tell Renata you are quitting." I said as I started taking my own gloves out.
"WHAT? Why?'
I took a deep breath, trying to prevent myself from breaking out. "She's going to start asking questions about how someone with your work history ended up here. Your cover is blown, Adira. Let's go." I reached for her hand but she just pulled away.
Rolling her eyes, she turned to her work station. "Nothing will happen, you are just being paranoid."
She. Just. Didn't.
I was just gonna speak up but Renata came in, bustling. I casually leaned against the wall, staring at Adira with hard eyes. "So tell me more about your talents. My son is finance so he might know more about this topic."
I smoothly cut in. "I'm sorry Renata but Maliha needs to leave. There has been a family emergency."
Adira's eyes widened before she played along, stammering." Yeah.. uh there has been an emergency. I have to quit."
She was heading out when Renata grabbed her hand, eyes full of compassion. "Maliha, I'm a mother too. And I know that look in your eyes is sheer fear. I don't know what it is, but I hope everything is okay."
Without saying anything, Adira turned and fell into step with me.
We biked back to the house, but I still couldn't shake off the feeling that we were caught. That maybe, just maybe they are on to us.
And that's because she couldn't keep quiet.
I saw Adira peek at me from the corner of the eye. She opened her mouth to say something but ended up not saying anything.
And I'm damn glad she didn't because I swear to god, I would have snapped so hard.
After a few minutes, Adira blurted out. "How many times have you done this? You must be an expert in helping other people leave their lives behind."
I sighed. "Don't get comfortable. The moment you do, you'll make a mistake you can't take back."
Adira stayed quiet as we peddled the rest of the way. We parked the bicycles and I bent down to put the chain on the wheels.
I entered the house and headed to the kitchen while, Adira went up the stairs. I sighed and started getting dinner ready. The sun was setting over the ocean and the sky was a mixture of pink and blues, as if it was confused as to which colour it wanted to show. The sun gleamed a vermilion hue and it painted the entire house orange in its wake.
I heard the shower run and I took out the cutting board to cut some vegetables. I was thinking of making stir-fry with a side of noodles. And I didn't care if Adira didn't fucking like it or not.
I cut the vegetables, pouring in all my day's frustration into massacring them. I took a break and grasped the counter tightly as I let out a sigh.
I stood up and looked out fo the window, to see the dying sun. But that's not what caused me to grasp the knife tighter.
A reflection.
A reflection that was not Adira.
I ducked and the crow bar whistled over my head. I turned and flipped the knife so that I could hold it tighter. Let's call the intruder Thing 1.
Thing 1 tried to go for my head again, but I blocked his hand and punched his face with my left hand.
Disoriented, his grip on the crowbar loosened. Seizing the opportunity I twisted his arm and disarmed him. A parry of blows were exchanged but I managed to stab him twice in the gut. Moving like water I ended up behind him and got him in a headlock.
"Lights out motherfucker." I said as I snapped his neck, ending his life.
But that wasn't the end of it.
I was tackled to the ground by another person. I ended up hitting my temple on the counter edge and I swear, I heard ringing. Things were blurry and I saw the guy lift a knife, trying to stab me but I was quick.
Making an 'X' with my hands, I blocked the knife and it stopped inches from my face. “Oh you just. did, not....Not the face asshole.” I reared my leg up and kicked him as hard as I could on the balls.
"Fuck." Thing 2 said with a thick Irish accent as he writhed on the floor.
"Take this you cunt." I kicked him hard in the ribs and picked up the crowbar.
"Say hello to Thing 1, when you meet him in hell." That being said I hit him hard on the head which ended with him having a cracked skull.
"ADIRA!" I called out as I ran up the stairs, tightening my grip on the crowbar.
The bathroom door was open but I heard the crash of the lamp and a high pitched scream from the bedroom.
I kicked open the door and there was Adira.
But that's not what made my blood boil.
The asshole was standing there, his arms around her, trapping her.
With a gun pointing at her head.
well well... guess who is going to have his ass handed
can we just say that angry Casian is hot yeah?
I will probably post the third chapter next week? because currently I'm taking writing requests for hitting 400 followers and to fill the void of Ethan Ramsey in my heart
maybe you might get to see the character I have been raving about next week?
like, comment and reblog!! tell me what do you think will happen?
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goodesgoodies · 4 years
Home Away From Home-Chapter 1 (Gigi x Crystal)
Hey guys, this is my first fanfic hope you enjoy! It’s about Gigi who had just moved from L.A to small town Missouri turns out she has a little crush on the girl across the street. But the girls heart might belong elsewhere. Might do a chapter two!
"Crystal! Come here please!" Mrs. Methyd called from the kitchen. Crystal sat up and got out of bed with a groan, and skipped her way down the stairs entering the kitchen.
"Yes mom?" Crystal said politely despite being slightly annoyed after being disrupted "We have some new neighbors that just moved in across the street! I heard they have a daughter just a year younger than you. Why don’t you go welcome her and find out if she’s going MSS (Massori Secondary-School)" "Uhm, okay" But before doing so Crystal went up the stairs looking to get changed out of her pajamas but still not really caring much about what she looked like while throwing on some sweats and a t-shirt.
Crystal slowly made her way across the road taking her time, and then making her way up the driveway passing two cars one was a fancy sports car she would’ve never been able to guess and the other was a BMW and then rang the doorbell. As she waited at the door she got a text from her friend Heidi and decided to wait to respond she then heard footsteps approach the door but she wasn’t expecting that when the door opened it would reveal a beautiful girl she began to examine the girl and caught sight of her she was tall with defined cheek bones, ice blue eyes, and golden blonde hair. Crystal was star struck and felt as though she should’ve prepared herself better instead of her grey sweats when she realized the girl’s beautiful sundress. "Uh.. my names Gigi, I just moved here" the girl stated. Then Crystal snapped back into reality "Oh, I’m Crystal! I uh live across the street" she said extending her arm out to shake the beautiful girls hand, and Gigi did the same. "I wanted to come and welcome you to the neighborhood, so welcome!" "Thank you very much" Gigi then said "Uhm.. would you like to come in?" She continued "I’d love to!" Crystal says a little too eagerly being thrilled due to how gorgeous Gigi is.
After briefly exploring Gigi’s house they run into her dad "...Hi dad" Gigi says "Hm? Oh hello Genevieve" he said politely but it felt strangely cold "Hello! I’m Crystal" Crystal began to introduce herself "Hello, I’m Mr. Goode" Crystal took a mental note of that 'Gigi Goode' they then made their was up to Gigi’s room where there are still a few boxes scattered around the room. It was a light purple that was decorated my posters and in the center a white bed complimented with black and grey bedding "Your room is very cute!" Crystal says while still scanning the room still and noticing a pride flag hanging out of a still packed box. Crystal was surprised at the sight because she pictured Gigi being a jock dating cheerleader time by her house and the way she dressed but she wasn’t complaining the only other two lesbians she know are Jackie and Jan and she’s pretty sure they’re into each other "Thank you!" Gigi said grinning. Crystal went to the box and picked up the flag as Gigi beganto look stressed "Oh sorry I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, shouldn’t have touched your stuff" she chucked nervously "No, don’t worry" Gigi giggled "So are you going to 'MSS'?" Crystal asked "Yes, is that where you go?" "Yeah!" Crystal spoke thrilled. *bing* a noise came from Crystals back pocket, then reached to her phone.
Hey! Dinners ready!
Okay! On my way Mom
"Hey, I gotta go. Will you be at school tomorrow?" Crystal asked the girl she found herself lusting after "Yep!" She replied "Well.. I could drive you to school if you want?" Crystal sheepishly asked "That would be great! I’ll see you tomorrow!" But before Crystal could leave Gigi grabbed her arm and a pen and wrote down her number Crystal said nothing but indicating she’d text her with a small wink.
She then went home and greet her mother and father then sat down to eat dinner with them "So was the girl nice?" Her mother asked while continuing to eat her enchiladas "Yeah she’s really nice!" Crystal then spaced out at the thought of Gigi, her mother picked up on it "Is she cute?" Her mom asked causing Crystal to blush. Crystals parents were very supportive of her being gay but they didn’t talk about it much "Uh.. I-I dont know" her mom laughed at her and then after diner Crystal went back up to her room and called Heidi "Hey! Sorry I didn’t answer your text my mom wanted me to welcome my new neighbour to Missouri" Crystal said after Heidi picked up the phone "Don’t worry about it boo" she replied "are they going to MSS?" "Yeah!" Crystal replied once again too eagerly "Ouu, is she cute?" Heidi said giggling "How’d you know they were a girl?" "You’re too excited for it to be a guy" Heidi teased "Oh shut up" Craystal said giggling then continued "She gave me her number.. should I text her?" "Obviously you idiot, but don’t forget about your flirt feud with Jaida. I think she might be into you" Heidi said quickly "Jaidas not even gay!" She said defensively "Not so sure about that girl, but seriously text this women" Heidi returned with "Okay! See you tomorrow love ya" then Crystal hung up the phone
Hey! It’s me Crystal
Hey Crystal! Excited for school tomorrow, it was great meeting you
Great meeting you too! Maybe we can hangout sometime?
I’d love to. See you tomorrow! Goodnight 💗
Goodnight 😊❤️
Crystal was very excited to see Gigi but she also couldn’t stop thinking about what Heidi said about Jaida.
* * * * * * *
After a long night of thinking about the girl next door she woke up excited to go to school with her new friend. She got out of bed and got changed into a little black top, leather pants and some gold hoops. She posed in the mirror to see her perfect figure staring back at her she truly was perfect even if she didn’t know so herself, she then continued on with her daily routine and after siting on her couch waiting for Crystal to be ready. *ring* Gigi jumped up off her couch at the sound of the doorbell knowing it was the girl she met the prior night and rushing to the door. Then taking a breath and keeping herself composed to open the door and see the girl "Hey Crystal!" She said excitedly more so then she wanted to come off while noticing how beautiful Crystal looked today and how her red curly hair reflected the sun off it "Hey, you ready to go?" Crystal saying much more relaxed then Gigi had seconds before "Yup, and thank you again. I was slightly nervous about going into this knowing nobody.." Gigi confessed shyly "No worry’s!" Crystal said with a smile on her face that was worth framing a photo of. They walked up to Crystals car it was older and kinda dirty not what Gigi was used to but she figured it does the job of getting Crystal from A to B so it didn’t exactly matter.
They arrived and prepared to part ways for the day "Hey, you wanna eat lunch with my friends and I?" Asked Crystal "Really? Of course" she said as she grinned "See you later!"
* * * * * * *
The day flew by Gigi had done similar things at her old school in L.A so she wasn’t very far behind the rest of the students in her classes. She ended up having Crystal in her spanish and she then picked up on her being Latina by her tan skin and her perfect accent when forming the words and answering the questions of the teacher. Once lunch came around she asked one of her teachers the way to the lunch room and they directed her to where it was m. She felt weird going to the lunch which confused her since she’s usually very confident, but she ignored it.
"Hey Crystal!" She said walking up to her new friend at a table with one other person "Hey! This is my friend Heidi" "Hey, Heidi!" she said regaining her usuall outgoing personality "Hey Gigi, I heard a lot about you" as Jackie snickered which made Crystal blush and Gigi’s heart flutter. Then two other girls approached the table "Hey I’m Jaida! Gigi right?" One of the new girls said the sitting down next to Crystal "Hey, Baby" the Jaida girl then said to Gigi’s new neighborhood and the words made Gigi’s heart sink, but before she could here what else Jaida had to say to Crystal another girl approached Gigi "Hey, I’m Jackie! Nice to meet you" "Uh.. yeah good to meet you too, I’m Gigi" she said sweating a little after feeling so stupid about thinking Crystals wink the night prior was a signal so she kept her mouth shout throughout lunch.
The rest of they day passed by and Gigi decided to ignore Jaida calling Crystal baby, they just met anyway it’s no big deal. But she was a little let down because Crystal reminded her of her friends back home she was so endearing she just wanted to be around her all the time for some reason which wouldn’t be difficult living across the street from each other. As Gigi was about to walk home hoping to avoid Crystal because she was still a little let down but she then heard foot steps racing up behind her turning around to see Crystal "Hey! No need to walk I’ll take you home, we live across from each other anyway" Crystal hoping Gigi would wanna come with her "Oh yeah.. sure I guess" Gigi tried to sound normal
They walked to the parking lot side by side approaching Crystals car "So... do you not drive?" Crystal asked trying to prompt a conversation "Well I’m only 15, so no" she replied awkwardly "Oh yeah! I forgot you look older to be honest" Crystal replied "You’re 16 right?" Gigi forcing herself to engage in the conversation so Crystal wouldn’t think she didn’t wanna be friends "Yeah!" She said opening the car door for Gigi then going over to her own side. "Hey.. I know we don’t know each other well but you seem off are you okay?" Crystal asked puzzled due to Gigi’s quietness since lunch period "Yeah.. I’m okay"
They pulled up to Crystals house "Thanks Crystal" Gigi said as she exited her car "Anytime sweetheart!" The pet new took Gigi by shock but she ignored it and went over to her house and walked through the door confused about the way Crystal acted around her despite the girl Gigi had met that addressed Crystal as baby. Her dad wasn’t there to greet her when she arrived home as usual. She missed her mom they got along much better but when she passed they moved back to her dads hometown. Gigi’s dad had the money to live in L.A still, he was very welthy but he decided against it despite Gigi’s begging to stay. Gigi made her way up the stairs to her bedroom and pulled out her phone and called her friend Caleb "Hey Geege, how Missouri?" He said after picking up the phone "I don’t know.. but I sure miss home" "Oh no what happened?" Caleb picked up right away "It’s no big deal honestly.. just this girl that lives across the street" "Wow she must be something if she can shake Gigi Goode" he joked they went on to talk about Crystal and Gigi explained to Caleb what happened "Geege it sounds like she’s interested, which is weird since you said she has a girlfriend.. are you sure they’re dating and not just being friendly?" He questioned "Well not exactly but they seem very close and touchy so it’s pretty obvious" *ding* "Oh! Gotta go Caleb someone’s at the door call you later" Gigi then hopped down the stairs to see who it was then opening the door to be greeted by Crystal.
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yodawgiherd · 4 years
Nightmare Buster
Rating: M
>>>Read on AO3<<<
The quarantine is finally getting to me, so have some fluff and smut while I do my best to figure out what to do with my life. Hope you'll like it. :)
There’s an art in painting nails. The way you have to get the job done in even strokes, to spread the paint equally, to make sure that none of the surface is left out. It was hard work, needing a steady hand and dedication, and luckily Eren had all of these. As he didn’t decide to paint his own nails, yet, he worked in silence on his willing model. Mikasa’s feet in his lap, he gently dragged the brush over her toenails, making sure to cover all of it with her favorite shade of black color. Midnight.
“You have to admit,”, she said, tearing him out of his artistic trance, “I look good in this set.”
Lifting his eyes from his work, Eren swung them at her, noticing that she’s reading a fashion magazine with herself on the cover. The narcist.
“Which one’s that again?”, he asked, returning to his unfinished business with her toes, “The sports or the biker gear? Oh, is it the kimono? I like that.”
She eyed him over the rim of the magazine.
“Why that particular one?”
“Well…”, dipping the brush in the color, Eren took a moment to think, “I see you in biker or training gear almost every day, but kimono was a new look for you. You are not big on Japanese traditions, despite your Asian half.”
A sly grin entered his face.
“Unless we are talking about shibari, then you are quite the enthusiast.”
Hiding her slight blush behind the magazine, Mikasa murmured some half-assed answer, letting Eren work in peace. That was until something else caught her eye.
“Baby, look at this!”, she exclaimed, shoving the page almost into his face.
Curious to see what made her so excited, Eren once again paused his important strokes to inspect the text.
“It’s… uh… a competition?”
She nodded rapidly at that.
“A contest for the hottest surgeon, see? All you have to do is send your pictures, and if you win…”, she eyed the page again, “You get a professional photoshoot done! Isn’t that amazing?”
“I thought you were the supermodel of this household,”, Eren’s reply was rather sober, he didn’t feel the need of exposing himself like this.
Seeing that he is still not very sold on the idea, Mikasa did her best to motivate him.
“Think of all the potential it would give you! How much you could stick it to your colleagues for example, like…”
“Onya.”, Eren finished for her, eyes turning interested, “Oh he would be green with jealousy if I won this in front of his face.”
Nice, she almost had him.
“And think of all the women who would look at your pictures and fawn over your body.”, Mikasa kept striking the iron while it was hot, speaking in a low breathy whisper “I bet that some of them would get wet just by looking at you.”
But this time, she missed the mark.
“I mean that’s cool, but why should I care what other women think.”, Eren countered, “You are the only one I care about.”
“Well, of course, you are mine, puppy, and if you as much as look at other women…..”
“I am legally required to look at other women. I’m a surgeon, I can’t put a sign on my door that says male patients only.”
Cheeky bastard.
“You know what I mean. As I was saying, you are mine, but they don’t know that. And potentially….”
“I couldn’t help them even potentially with their thirst. Or did you forget?”, Eren eyed her with a spark of humor in his eye, “My dick doesn’t work for other girls, just you.”
Maybe there was a scientific term for that, but Eren didn’t bother looking it up. Since that revelation back during their break-up period, It became only more and more clear that Mikasa was the only woman who did things to him. She had him by the balls, figuratively, and she didn’t even have to do anything. Just be herself, and that was more than enough.
“I still think that you are overreacting from one bad experience,”, Mikasa said, not completely convinced.
But still, it was sweet of him, so leaning closer, she pressed a kiss to his mouth. An innocent kiss that made her yearn for more when she felt just how nice Eren’s lips were. When she tried to deepen it, to maybe put their tongues into play, Eren pulled back, surprising her.
“Can I finish this first?”, he asked, holding up the brush.
Wait a second.
“Just to be completely clear, you don’t want to have sex because you are painting my toes?”
“Correction, I don’t want to have sex before I finish painting them.”, Eren shrugged, “I just hate to leave things half-assed.”
Laughing, Mikasa leaned back into her old place, watching Eren wink at her as he picked up the brush again and got to work. It wasn’t half bad. As her fiancé opted to do this shirtless, she could watch the muscles ripple beneath his skin anytime he moved. Even those delicate little strokes were giving her a show. Oh yes, he’s going to be an amazing model, the competition was over, they just didn’t know it. His whole body felt like sex personified, and it was made even better by those nice wings on his back, twins to the ones on her own. Mikasa never thought that she’s going to share a tattoo with someone, but here it was, marking them as soulmates. And watching Eren hunched over, dedicated to making her feet look even cuter than usual, she couldn’t have picked a better partner. Seeing him like this, it gave her an idea.
“Hmmm…?”, unfocused, his eyes were still glued to where the brush danced.
“I want something new, something to wear.”
That made him look up, eyebrows furrowed.
“Like a dress?”
“No, like a…. you know…. Some play gear?”
“Oh.”, he caught that rather quickly, “Any preferences?”
She shook her head.
“Surprise me.”
If Mikasa wanted a new thingy, Eren would be the last to deny her.
“Very well, I can swing by the shop this week. Anything else?”
“Yup, some soft ones, so I can be soft on you for a change.”
An odd request, considering how rough and merciless she always was as a mistress, but there’s nothing wrong with mixing things up, Eren imagined.
“Sure. I’m sure that Zackly will appreciate the business.”
Seeing that she had no further requests, Eren dipped the brush in the paint again and went back to his work, determined to finally finish what he started.
A movement woke him alongside whispered words. Eyes opening into the pitch black of midnight, Eren quickly located the source of the ruckus by checking the other side of the bed. Mikasa was having a nightmare again.
Brows furrowed, sweat running down her face, she grimaced and moaned something, fisting the bedding so tightly that her knuckles were bleeding white. Trained and experienced in this, Eren immediately hunched over her, gently caressing her face and whispering to her. Waking her up harshly could have bad consequences, as Mikasa usually punched the first thing she saw and didn’t hold any of her inhuman strength back. Eren already caught a few of those during their time together, and he wasn’t very keen on repeating that experience.
“Hey, wake up Miki…”
Her eyelids moved, fluttering, she was close to being let out. So, Eren pressed on.
“Baby, I’m here, please come back to me.”
Finally, she opened her eyes, almost immediately locating his face.
“E-Eren… I…”, her greys filled with tears out of nowhere, “You died!”
“No, no baby, I’m right here,”, sitting up, he pulled her into his lap, “I’m not going anywhere.”
Slowly, as if she still didn’t believe it, her arms snaked around his torso and Mikasa pressed herself close to him, ear right over his heartbeat.
“It was just a dream, a nightmare. I’m here for you baby.”
“A dream… Y-Yes, a dream… I…”, she choked back a sob, “It was so terrible, I think… I think I…”
Overcome, she started crying openly.
“I think I killed you!”
Her hug tightening, she cried on his chest, her tears flowing down on Eren’s skin. Not sure how to react, Eren just stroked her head, waiting for the worst to come out of her.
“Just let it out,”, he murmured into her hair, “I’ve got you.”
She shook on top of him, somehow small and vulnerable despite all the strength and greatness Eren knew she possessed. Those night terrors always made her like this, twisted the worst of her fears into reality and injected them into her sleep. It was some time since Mikasa had a nightmare, but this unwelcomed guest was here to stay. And Eren was more than happy to help her chase it away. Rocking back and forth slightly, he kept holding her, doing the only thing that could be done. Waiting.
It slowly passed, her sobs grew weaker and that embrace strong enough to squeeze his bones grew less tight. Despite all these signs, Eren waited for her to speak, giving her all the time in the world.
“I’m sorry…”, she finally said, whispering it into his tear-streaked chest.
“Don’t apologize, it is my pleasure.”
She snorted.
“To be woken up by a crazy girl in the middle of the night and then forced to hold her while she cries on top of you. A privilege indeed.”
“The greatest one.”
Mikasa let out a shaky exhale, nuzzling into his chest. The slow heartbeat she could hear calmed her.
“I still can’t believe that I dreamed that I killed you. It was so… realistic.”
“If you killed me I’m sure that I deserved it. What did I do?”
She shook her head.
“I can’t remember. Something bad, terrible but still…”
The embrace grew tighter again. Maybe a bit too much.
“I didn’t want to do it. I surely don’t.”
“Well, if you squeeze me a bit more you might just end me.”, Eren managed to speak out of his quickly decreasing oxygen supply.
Seriously, even breathing was hard from how hard she clung to him. Immediately lessening the pressure, Mikasa looked up with an apologetic look on her face, but that was hardly necessary. As if Eren could ever be mad at someone this cute. With her wide wet eyes, tears on her face and slightly trembling pink lips, she was the image of a woman he would pledge his life to protect, not hurt in any way. Not possible. Leaning forward, he kissed her on the forehead.
“I swear I wouldn’t hurt you.”, she said, probably still dazed by the dream, “I love you so much, I couldn’t do it.”
Eren could never imagine hurting Mikasa, he would rather cut off his own hand than cause her any harm and he supposed that she felt the same way about him. Hurting your soul mate just made no sense, ever. Whoever that other Eren was, he must have been a colossal asshole to deserve being killed by the other Mikasa. This Eren was surely glad that his fiancé wouldn’t hurt him because when Mikasa was dead serious she was downright terrifying, there was no other word to describe it. She could murder with her eyes alone.
“Hey, I know that.”, pressing their foreheads together, he stared into her eyes, “I love you more than life itself, Mikasa.”
All this helped, of course, the nightmare demons retreated but somehow they stayed, lingering at the edge of her vision. She didn’t remember the entirety of her dream, but she did recall a few things. Huge, burning bodies. Blood and gunshots. Explosions. And worst of all, she remembered Eren’s eyes when she pushed that knife, or a sword?, into his heart. Because he wasn’t angry, resentful, or anything like that. There was acceptance written in his face as if this was meant to happen, as if there was no other way, as if him dying was the best possible outcome. Mikasa hated to even imagine such a scenario.
Even enveloped in Eren’s hug, listening to his heartbeat, she still felt a bit cold at the core of her being, she saw that face in front of her eyes. She yearned for him, she realized, yearned to know that he is real and here with her, in the bed. She wanted to feel his heated skin on her own, damn those sleeping clothes. Looking up, she blinked the tears away from her eyes, immediately getting his attention.
“Make love to me.”, a half-broken whisper coming from such a sad face gave Eren a pause.
Not like he didn’t want her, but it didn’t feel like the right thing to do, considering that she just woke from a nightmare and was still suffering the consequences. But Mikasa was sure, there was only one cure for her current condition and that was Eren. All of him.
“I need you.”, she continued, hands circling his shoulders as Mikasa shifted their position, lying on her back and pulling his weight on top of her. “Please baby.”
Wrapping her legs around his hips, she pressed her lower half into his, hoping he will feel that burning need that settled between her thighs. She needed him and needed him now.
Dropping a hand between them, Eren gently caressed the flimsy fabric of her panties, feeling the heat. Despite what he thought, Mikasa seemed to be craving this.
“Would you like if I made you feel good?”, he suggested, his fingers rubbing at her weak spot, “I could go down on you, make you relax.”
Mikasa knew that Eren was very good at that, that he could make her melt with his tongue, but she didn’t want that now. She needed him inside her, to be as physically close as possible to her lover, to feel his sweat run down her skin. Shaking her head, she rubbed her heat alongside his awakening length instead.
“Just make love to me, please.”, she repeated.
Defeated by her sound argument and the need in her voice, Eren made the smallest needed adjustment for her wish to come true. Nudging her panties aside, his pants already slid down to the halfway of his ass by Mikasa’s feet, Eren pulled back to line himself up properly, taking note of how eagerly she spread her legs for him. Pushing in, Mikasa’s eyes fluttering closed as her mouth fell open, a choked sob running through her body. He waited for a moment, waited for her to adjust to him, to the sudden fullness, watching her until she opened her eyes and nodded at him. Pulling back, pushing in, Eren did this dance a thousand times but still, he loved it as much as the first time. Maybe more, now that he knew what he was doing. Knowing that it was the intimacy that she craved the most, Eren adjusted his position until he was close to her, as close as he could until he was able to press kisses on her elegant neck which she gracefully bent to give him more space. She was moaning softly as he moved inside of her, a sound much sweeter than his own grunts, forced out by how she squeezed him inside of her, how massaged his sensitive length was.
Eren was starting to lose it, so closing his eyes, he pressed his face into her neck, clenching his teeth against the rising wave. But Mikasa wasn’t satisfied with that. Tangling her fingers in his hair, she forced him to look at her, to watch her face as her climax began to approach. Fire, spreading through her body, waking her up from that cold nightmare, making the last remnants of it disappear, chased away by Eren’s rhythmic deep thrusts, by the heat of his naked skin on her. Wanting to feel more of it, most of it, she removed her sleeping shirt with a quick flick of the wrist, making them equally naked. Now, when he was on top of her, his weight pushing her down, Eren grew more demanding, more feverish, using his hands to catch her wrists and pin them down next to her head. He was losing it, losing his precious calm, teeth gritting as he stared down at her flushed cheeks. To hide his expression and to make her feel better, he dropped his head down to her now naked chest, worshipping those small perky tits with his mouth. Dragging his tongue alongside her hard nipples, sucking at her firm breasts, Eren was sure to keep himself busy, as doing this was much better than just waiting to be overcome by that approaching wave. Each thrust was a grunt, each one so deep it made Mikasa roll her eyes back, each one pushing her closer and closer. She arched from the bed, moaning out loud now, held down only by him. He pinned her down to the bed, spread like a butterfly, fucked her into the bed, meeting her need for rougher treatment perfectly. And with a last deep shove, she was done, vision going white as her body clenched and writhed on the bed in Eren’s iron hold. He was close too, of course, and this spectacle Mikasa always delivered when she came, that desperate face and shaking body, that was more than enough to keel him over. One, two, the third thrust was his end as he emptied himself into her, spent. The sweat the was beading on his forehead fell on her face, making him mutter an apology but Mikasa only shook her head, not minding anything right now. Nightmares were gone and she was flying, high on her climax, anything dark and sad somewhere deep beneath her. Letting out a shaky exhale, she opened her eyes, watching her love stare down at her from his position above her, still buried deep between her legs. Sweat running down his lean, muscular body, green eyes framed by the long brown hair, Eren was quite a sight. Biting her bottom lip, Mikasa couldn’t believe how hot he was right now. And even with this mind shaking orgasm still present in her body, one thought solidified in her mind. She wanted to go on. She wanted more. Now.
“Can you go again?”, she asked, watching Eren’s eyes widen.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Can you go again?”, reaching out she ran her hand down his face, over his chest and stomach, gently touching that place where they were still connected, “Please…”
“You want me to fuck you again?”
“Mhmm.”, she nodded, “And harder please.”
Right, as if Eren needed more proof that she was a nympho. Then again….
“Fine, but I’ll do you from behind.”, pulling out of her with a wet sound, he gave her room and watched as Mikasa eagerly scrambled on all fours. Her need for a gentle wake up was taken care of, now there was a darker desire smoldering beneath her stomach. She needed to have him completely. She needed him to be as far within her as possible.
Adjusting her position with a few tugs, Eren moved to one knee, properly lining himself up and pushing back in. To be perfectly honest, Eren had a bit of an ulterior motive when he asked for this position. While taking Mikasa from behind was an amazing experience on its own, it had the added novelty of the tattoo on her back, covering the firm lines of her muscles and moving anytime she did, shifting her position slightly. Oh yes, this looked good, the artists did an outstanding job.
“So you want me to fuck you harder, is that right?”
Mikasa threw him a needy look over her shoulder, shaking her backside slightly to tempt him, to get him to move.
“Yes, sir.”
“And are you sure that you can handle it?”
This time, she threw him a sweaty smirk.
“Of course, sir.”
Very well then, it was high time to stop staring and deliver. Once again moving inside her heat, Eren picked up the tempo right off the bat, not wasting any time with preparation. He fucked her hard and fast, just as she wanted, roughening it up with open-handed slaps to her firm backside. The trick was in never falling into a tempo with those, so Mikasa could never see those short flares of pain coming, could not prepare for them. And judging from how hard she clenched around him anytime he hit her, Eren was doing a fine job. He was a storm behind her, dirty and uncaring, powerful in how he moved. Her body started failing her from the relentless assault, weakened by both pleasure and spikes of pain, arms failing to support her weight as her upper half slid down on the mattress, fisting the bedding instead. Her knees held, managing to keep her ass up for him, and that was the important thing here.
“You like this?”, he spoke up, demanding, in control, wanting her to say how she felt, “How does it feel when I fuck you?”
How does one say heavenly without making it sound so cheesy?
“G-Good, sir…”, she panted, forming words was hard at the moment, “Do-Don’t stop, plea-please, please...”
As if he would ever do that. Taking her slumped form as an opportunity, Eren hunched over her, making his presence felt as much as he could. If she wanted to feel him everywhere, he had no problem with that. Pushing one palm against her feverish cheek, Eren slipped his thumb into her mouth, rolling it over her tongue and gums, taking all of her at the same time. Finger in her mouth, cock buried deep inside her clenching pussy, Eren was dominating all of Mikasa, every nook and cranny of her athletic body, taking it as his. And she loved it so much. Her eyes were rolled back inside her head, her breath was coming out in short huffs of warm breath against Eren’s palm, her body trembled beneath his assault. Another harsh slap landing on her ass, the skin red at this point, the pain combined with the pleasure and pushed her so close that the coil in her stomach could snap at any moment. It took a deep thrust and another slap, this time so hard that it made her cry out to do so. Cumming at the same time while there are tears of pain in your eyes is an experience that Mikasa already had but was glad to repeat it. If anything, all those hours they spent in the gym together made Eren rather capable of spanking her hard enough for Mikasa’s tastes. And just then, in the middle of her climax, Eren altered the position again.
Curling his hand beneath her, around her stomach, Eren picked her trembling weight up and leaning back, he pressed Mikasa’s back into his front as he kneeled on the bed. Putty in his hands, Mikasa didn’t resist. Her legs were forced open in this position, his knees between hers, holding her there, open for Eren to have his way with her. Pulling his fingers from between her lips, he grabbed Mikasa’s throat instead, angling her head so he could kiss her, forcing his tongue deep into her mouth. She was half unresponsive, being stuck in the middle of her orgasm, her mouth open and pliant to his demands. And still, he fucked her, his hips moved like a hammer, hitting that spot deep inside her that kept the climax going and going as if it would never stop. Her muscles moved on their own, her hips snapped into his, her arms moved to wrap around his neck, pushing their faces even closer into that messy kiss. Her back arched into the perfect curve, her body quaked with each hit, unsure if it would ever be released from this sweet torment. Eren’s hands felt like steel by how unyielding he was, one arm encircled possessively around her stomach and her trembling abs, holding her up, while the other held her throat, the pressure there restricting Mikasa’s breathing. Choking was just what she needed right now, drowning in the intense pleasure already. Just as her vision was going dark, completely spent and exhausted by this rough lovemaking, Eren cursed and his cock spurted inside her, spilling a much smaller second load into her clenching cunt.
Done, she was boneless, high on hormones, and when Eren finally let her go, weakening the tight embrace he held her in, she immediately fell on the bed. Trying to catch her breath, trying to collect her bearing, Mikasa’s chest was still heaving, the intensity a bit too much. She was sure to feel this in the morning.
“So…”, Eren spoke behind her, eyeing her fallen form, “Hard enough?”
She just smiled, her mind still high in heaven from the remnants of her long drawn-out orgasm. There were a lot of words she could say, she could say how amazing it was, how perfectly it filled her need, how he took her breath away, but there was no need to do that. Instead, she looked at him from the bed, meeting his eyes with her half-lidded grays.
And that was enough. After cleaning themselves from the filth and sweat, they settled in the bed again, this time to finally sleep. Tired from Eren’s performance, Mikasa was sure that no more nightmares were waiting for her, any fear of losing him was positively fucked out of her system. Angling her head, she kissed him, a small and quiet thank you gesture. After that, they settled back to sleep, with Mikasa still clinging to him and laying her head on his chest, using the steady heartbeat to lull her to sleep. She fell back into the dreamland rather quickly, exhausted, but Eren stayed up for a time, tracing the lines of the wings tattoo on her back, clearly visible as Mikasa didn’t bother with putting on a shirt after their shower. Inspecting it from up close, unbandaged and in all its glory, spanning over the whole area of her beautifully chiseled back, he had to agree that the suffering of thousand needles was worth it in the end. It was perfect, just as she was.
It was pleasantly empty here. Darius’ shop was popular, but most of the orders were placed online and only picked up or delivered. There are not many people who are confident enough to just strut into a sex shop and browse. After all these years of working with Zackly, Eren was one of those confident ones. Leaning on the counter, he ran his fingers over the new pair of cuffs the owner was presenting him with, soft black leather with red padding.
“You like them?”, Darius asked.
“Sure do.”, nodding at the shopkeeper, Eren reached for his wallet, only to stop when a new thought struck him, “Listen, do you have uh… What’s the name of this, it’s like clothing only for your upper half and…”
“You mean corset?”
“No, no, we have plenty of those. I was thinking that stuff that gymnast wear.”
Eren snapped his fingers.
“That’s it! Do you stock those?”
The shopkeeper grinned.
“Latex I guess?”
The doctor returned his smile.
“You guessed it, Mikasa likes that material a lot.”
Darius nodded at that.
“I think we do, let me check in the back.”
Disappearing behind the curtain, Zackly set out on the search while Eren made himself comfortable, examining the cuffs. They had a few pairs already, but Mikasa expressed the desire for some soft ones, for soft domming, which Eren found a bit funny considering how ruthless of a dominatrix she was. But hey, if she wanted soft cuffs, he’s going to buy her soft cuffs. Just then, as he finished this train of thought, a voice spoke behind him. A voice he had no problem hearing anywhere, a voice he knew, but a voice that he was not thrilled to listen to while visiting a sex shop. Ymir’s voice.
“Eren? Is that you?”
With a pained expression, he turned, facing the tall freckled girl and her blonde girlfriend, who was doing her best to disappear into the ground. And while Krista was blushing and looking away, Ymir boldly met Eren’s gaze, completely unfazed.
“Damn, would you look at this, I never imagined you as a sexual deviant.”, she said, grinning.
“Ymir!”, Krista spoke, poking her in the shoulder, “That’s not nice. Eren can do what he wants in private.”
“I’m just… You know…. Browsing…”, trying to put out the fire, Eren smiled nervously, “I was just curious.”
“Just curious?”, Ymir repeated after him, not buying his lies.
“Yea, you know… Life is like… Uhm…”, scratching the back of his neck, Eren was running out of things to say.
And then, Darius gave him the killing shot.
“Eren? I have the thing you asked for!”, coming from the back, Zackly carried the box with a smile of a winner, “I even found Mikasa’s size, I have it memorized after all that gear you bought from…”
Finally coming to the front, he eyes the situation, raising an eyebrow.
“Am I interrupting something?”
Satisfied that he was busted, Ymir took a step back, letting him complete his transaction in peace. Turning back towards the shopkeeper, Eren sighed.
“Just ran into some friends here.”
“That’s good, maybe you can show them around, give them some tips, you are experienced enough. It’s important that people who are new to this don’t fuck up anything, wouldn’t you say?”
Yeah right, Eren was totally looking forward to that. Then again, there was no way for Darius to know, and since he was working in the business, of course he would not be embarrassed by it. Paying for the gear, he waved at Darius before walking to where Ymir and Krista were standing, inspecting a row of dildos.
“Look, baby, it’s Mr. Kink.”, putting back the vibrator she held in her hand, Ymir turned towards him, “What did you buy, new ropes?”
If she only knew how many of those they did have back at home. Mikasa’s shibari obsession demanded ropework on a regular basis, and Eren had a healthy supply built up. The lady could always choose by what rope she wanted to be bound by. Luckily, he was saved from answering by Krista again.
“You can’t just ask him that! It’s not like we want to share why are we here.”
“Oh? But I’ll tell him if you want.”, meeting Eren’s eyes, she started, “You see, we want to buy some bo-.. ow!”
Rubbing her shoulder, she glared at her tiny girlfriend who just punched her there.
“What was that for?”
“Maybe you are comfortable with sharing our intimate life with everyone, but I’m not. So why don’t you shut up for once.”
“Ladies, there’s no need for that.”, defusing the situation Eren spoke up, getting their attention.
And hell, Darius was right, he and Mikasa were experienced in this, and Ymir and Krista were just starting. Maybe he could share some tips, if they want, of course.
“Let me guess,”, he began, “ Are you here for the first time?”
As Ymir took Krista’s advice and remained silent, it was the blonde who answered.
“Yes. We started talking about it just recently and we finally gathered our courage to come here.”
From the two of them, it was rather obvious who needed to gather the courage and Ymir wasn’t it. Taking a deep breath, Eren slowly pieced together the sentence, hoping to get his point across.
“As you may have noticed, I and Mikasa have been in this game for some time, so if you want, I could share some tips. Something to get you two started.”
If Krista wasn’t blushing before, her face was a tomato now. But Ymir immediately jumped on that offer, just as he expected.
“Yes! Totally, we can’t wait to hear all the dirty secrets!”
The blonde groaned.
“Ymir, there’s internet….”
“What? Why would we take our advice from the internet when we have this guy here? He’s offering!”
“I didn’t say that I’ll share everything, I’m just saying that I could help you since you are new and…”, Eren chimed in, but Ymir didn’t care.
“Sure, sure, we are totally in.”, taking the lead again, Ymir shot him a predatory smile, “Why don’t you come by our flat, we can discuss stuff there. Just tell me at work when you have the time.”
“Well, I need to run this by Mikasa first, see if she’s okay with this too and…”
But Ymir was already waving her hand.
“Sure, sure, whatever. It’s not like you are the one who wears the pants in your relationship and…”
Once again, Krista’s tiny fist hit the taller girl in the shoulder.
“Ymir!”, she hissed.
“Okay! Okay. Sorry, that was not appropriate. But my point still stands.”, Ymir cleared her throat, “Both me and Krista would be very grateful for any advice you might give us. And those dirty secrets.”
Krista sighed, rubbing her forehead.
“All right, I’ll see how Mikasa feels about it.”, not sure how to end this conversation without looking weird, Eren nodded at the pair, “Krista, Ymir... I guess I’ll see you at work.”
The blonde gave him a little wave, still blushing, while Ymir smirked at him, obviously looking forward to whatever he would share with her. Damn gossip. Heading towards the door, Eren couldn’t help but wonder into what kind of trouble he just got.
Damn it.
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Cats, coffee, an old apartment and... oh, yeah, the apocalypse
Kanene’s note:
Gooooood day, my lollipops! It's been a while!
Oh my gosh. It's colddd. I wanna sleep and write. How, my dears? H o w
Weeeeell, anyway! This chapter is a little crazier. Can you blame him, tho? Remy is pretty sleepy here. xDD
Poor, poor writing desk. :''3
Coffee is, like... 90% of Remy's self control xDDD
At least he is absolutely, completely alone and there was no one for him bother, right?!
Or any monster/alien/enemy to be afraid of!
Warnings, fun facts, random things and stuff:
* That is just a Crack Fanfic with Remy and the Sides. There will be angst and action, but it will be more centered in Crack, fluff and being a big, crazy family.
* This characters do not belongs to me. They all belongs to the amazing Thomas Sanders in his series of Sanders Sides.
* This is the chapter after that one!  The next chapter will be posted soon!
* Something around 1500 words. -w-)b.
* Sorry for any spelling, pontuation and grammar mistakes! Any advice is very very welcome!
* There aren’t any ship, but feel free to see them in a Romantic or Platonic Relationship!!  ^w^)/
* Remy is pretty sleep here, so this chapter can be a little crazy.
* Tô com preguiça de postar a versão em português brasileiro aaaa! Thankys for reading, my lollipops! Try and have fun with new hobbies, talk with the one that you love, drink water and sleep well! Byeioo!~
Chapter 02 - Your time has arrived
Remy stared at the furniture in the middle of his living room with narrowed, uncovered eyes, since it was night and the Sun wasn’t capable to hurt his chocolate, brown pupil irradiating an almost palpable disapproval as he realized the contrast that such object had in his, now completely clean and reorganized, living room. Not that was its fault, sure, he observed while his upper lip twisted into a thoughtful, unpleased feature; the writing desk clearly had already seen better days. Days when its drawers were complete with all its handles, and scratches didn’t adorned the entirety of its length after surviving several moving. Or even a glorious past where its paint was impeccable and free of flaws, as a sneak that can’t decide with color better matches with their scales, therefore they just throw a variety of paint cans on the floor and slide into it in somersaults and the futile hope that it will work out, but then all the paints just get mixed in an old, strange color and then, I don’t know, the paint cans…
 … They fall
 And the snake... become a writing desk and…
 Or something like this.
Look, it’s 4 AM, just because Remy is awake into another insomnia episode, it doesn’t mean he is functional. You don’t expect a metaphor wonderfully meaningful, Shakespeare.
 His eyes wandered through the desk’s extension once again. He has found a Furniture Store halfway to his apartment and now the picture of the said insistently shined in his mind, as if his brain wanted to tell him something but it was too much tired to formulate the message into words and for that reason it just threw random images in his synapses and hoped that would be enough. A handful flashes of memories gleamed in front of his eyes: The lustrous furniture, the small statues, pleasantly useless which everyone knows that will regret of buying in the exact second they step out of the store, the extremely difficult to clean, but also so comfortable and soft and big and soft carpets, beautiful writing desks…
 Yes, yes, yes.
 Beautiful writing desks, unlike that one, they had handles. 
 Handles, writing desk, store, soft… Wait, his living room was also different. It was… changed, organized, new...
 New as a writing desk he saw in a store.
 Oh, yeah.
 He had been wanting to redecorate his apartment for a long, long time, albeit he never found enough… time to do such a thing. However, which time is better than the present? When an apocalypse broke all the notions of economy formerly intrinsic in the society and the money lost all its value since there were no one in the city to valorize it, anymore.
 Or in the whole world.
 He wonder if there is still people in the world. Some part of Remy, that part usually pushed to the dark corners of his mind which currently was too much sleepy to attempt to hide it, hoped so.
 What was he thinking before??
 Oh, yeah. Store, soft (the apartment’s owner let go an annoyed scoff while glanced to his floor and noticed it didn’t looked comfortable in any way, as a child who didn’t gained his favorite toy. Yet, an unsupervised and with a total of zero self-control left in a store without any camera nor people and with enough strength to run away with his toy, child.) and redecorate his living room.
 The coffee lover wasn’t going to overdo it, of course. He already had moved the couch to the other side of the room seeking to modify his television’s position and open free space to the future his gigantic carpet, which he definitely was intending to get. Comfy enough to sleep in case he falls of his couch (something that occurred with a, at least, irritating frequency) and became without reasons or will to get up, so he could just turn and go back to sleep. He also had already cleaned all the room, floor and furniture with a sweet lavender scent which maybe he had exaggerated a bit, no that he would admit that out loud, not even if someone threatened his coffee (Ha! Remy would like to see some bitch try). The only thing that was missing was the desk.
 He clicked his tongue. Yup. His decision has been made.
 “Sorrey, gurl, but I did everything I could. Your time has arrived.” and, with that emotional speech, he started to push it towards his door. Even empty, the furniture was a lot heavier than it seemed.
 His arm muscles ached and his panting breathe was almost as fast as the sweat droplets sliding down his face, certainly only a consequence about how much heavy and almost impossible to move the writing desk was and absolutely not from the thousands of years spent bathed in sedentary lifestyle without doing a single one physical exercise. Pfff. Of course not.
 His brain sent him an accusing memory of a lost battle against a pickle can tightly closed. Remy told his brain to fuck off.
 The adult fixed his glare at the stairs leading to the ground floor and he could have sworn he heard each one of the steps mockingly crackling at his astonished expression, almost as if they knew that no matter how much Remy stared at them with hate, they wouldn’t disappear nor make the travel easier.
 The only soul woke at 5 AM reorganizing his apartment in the middle of a Post Apocalypse tried anyway.
 He turned, seeking to change the angle and thus push the odious piece of furniture better, his gaze then finally fell on the window which had originally been completed and was now just a hollow shadow of his past.
 (Remy was so good at poetry, seriously. He should write a book. He would get rich easily. He would make so much money until the point when he would be able to buy all the Coffee Shops in the world, then he will order someone to build the biggest caffeine shop of the entire world so he could spent the rest of his life there drinking coffee and watching generic Coffee Shops AU’s being canon. Yeah. It sounds like a great plan. Holy shit, he was so fucking smart. How didn’t he have an Oscar, yet?)
 An epiphany struck his mind.
 He looked at the furniture, the stairs and, in the end, his window.
 A cat warily wandered down the street, his fur bristling towards the sky in an attempt to make them look bigger and riskier that they usually was, something which, honestly, just their two colored eyes shining mid the cold air of night as two danger signs was enough. The same eyes that now fixated themselves on the messy, shattered pile of pieces of wood in their most diverse sizes and shapes that definitely did not belong in that landscape. The feline hissed to the said before hissing towards of the steps which began to echo in the place, clearly showing their dominance before any and every living being that dared to dwell the same planet as them. However, in an act of mercy, the animal got a notepad from the wreckage and elegantly ran out, researching to their next victim. 
 Remy threw some flowers that he found in a forgotten vase on one of his shelves on the remains of what had once been his desk. His ear still buzzing from the previous crash.
 “We spent great memories together. You did your best and now it's time for you to rest in peace.” - Gave some reassuring pats on the wood and jumped back when a splinter got in his finger, probably karma. The coffee lover wished he had his sunglasses on so his clearly superior human gaze would obtain more effect (effect that didn’t had much help with how much he was shaking his injured hand from side to side, a few begin of tears taking over his eyes’ corners. THAT THING HURTS, OKAY???) - “Bitch.”
 And turned away, hair fabulously dancing in the cold, stuffy nighty wind as he departed towards a Pharmacy nearby, which probably should have some tweeze. His steps sounding and being wobbly by the tiredness due all the exercises executed that night and the sleep, his rebel son, who had finally arrived from its walk. Remy asked to himself if the Pharmacy also possess some chair or couch for him lay down, since there was exactly zero percent of chances for him to use the stairs again in such a short period of time.
 His thoughts were interrupted by a voice, calm and low, albeit of tune and words extremely clear, which had cut through the silent street. The sound was already so weird, new and incredibly nostalgic that, for a heartbeat, he was immediately paralyzed. Wide eyes trying to concentrate themselves enough in the form focusing midst the darkness.
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Survey #241
“where once a heart was beating, nothing but embers glow. our love, it serves as kindling to stoke this flame’s inferno.”
Would you care if your partner did drugs etc? If it was legal here and just for medical purposes, I'd be fine with just weed. Otherwise, I treat the idea the same way as I would a tobacco smoker: no. Has anyone lost their virginity to you? I guess in a gay context? For two females, when is it really... "lost?" Idk. Do you live near a beach? Like... two hours away. Have you ever skipped school just because you were tired? Ha ha, yeah... Do you enjoy going through the car wash? I do, actually. I'm still a little kid when it comes to the rainbow soap, ha ha. Have you done anything embarrassing lately? Oh, I'm sure. How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now? One. Would you consider painting your bedroom purple? Noooo, it wouldn't be cute y'all. Do you actually wear every shirt in your drawer? Ha, no... mainly because there's a handful of them that I'm working to shrink back into. Then there's others I'm self-conscious of because of color and having hyperhidrosis out the ass. Just wearing black disguises sweat the best. Would you ever get a tattoo on your collar bone? I have one already, but I'm getting it covered at some point. I didn't put much thought into it and has no meaning to me now. I plan on getting the other collarbone tatted too, of course. Are you pregnant right now? Bitch fuck no. Do you still dress up for Halloween? Ugh, no, but only because I can't afford even things to put together my own costume. Not having anywhere to go only further discourages dressing up period. Who was the last male you talked to? My dad. Do you hate cuddling? Hell no, if I like you anyway. Do you have any bruises right now? No. Why did you take the last pill you took? They're my morning prescription meds. My last pill was for anxiety. Could you handle having kids? FUCK no. Nervous breakdowns would happen twice a week, I promise. What outfit makes you feel the most attractive? Attractive? In anything? What a concept. What do you think of people who always wear make-up? You do you, boo. What’s a smell that absolutely makes you gag? Gag, probably vomit. Or feces of some animals. Is there a smell that gives you headaches? GASOLINE. And fresh-cut grass. What do you do while you’re on campus but not in class? Sit in the library doing schoolwork or whatever on my laptop. Do you know anyone who has Autism/Asperger’s syndrome? Yes. Has anyone of the same sex ever hit on you? Yeah. Are you open to a same-sex relationship and why or why not? Yeah; been in one already and I'm still open to dating another girl. What do you think of people who litter and do you? I openly fucking despise you. So obviously not. How much time do you spend online daily? If I'm not in school, I can like... guarantee you I'm on the computer doing at least something. Not always the same site, but I'm somewhere. I absolutely hate how reliant I am on the Internet. Do you wear sunglasses regularly? I never do. I need prescription sunglasses. Who was the last person you called? My mom. Do you own a tablet of any kind? No. Do you tend to put things off until the last minute? OH YES INDEED. What are your parents’ natural hair colors? What is yours? Mom's is brown, and I cannot believe Dad was born with blond hair. HOW does that turn black. I was born dirty blonde. Are you afraid of getting shots? Nah, just the injection is kinda painful with how it burns. Do you hate it when people smoke around you? I very much so hate it. Have you ever wanted to vlog? Noooo, I'm too awkward for that. Always have been. What’s the last piercing you got? Tongue. Do you have a best friend? Ye. What’s your internet homepage? Google. Do you have a shower stall or a bath tub? A tub. When was the last time you saw someone attractive? In person? Idk. What do you hear right now? "I Am Hell" by Machine Head. This time last year, can you remember who you liked? Same person I like now. Did you speak with your father today? No. Are you currently frustrated with someone? No. Name one of your hobbies? Watch YouTube is high up there and like... the only thing I have motivation to do lately. I really hate it. I want my writing will to come back. What is your biggest worry in life right now? My lack of a job. Do you like hot or cold showers? Hot. Are you happy with your relationship status? I don't have a particular feeling about it. What colors would you like to have at your wedding? Depends on the season and the opinion of my spouse, too. How easy was it to get over the person you last dated? It didn't take too long, though it was really because the event left me believing we were, without question, getting back together once we are independent enough to live on our own/mutually move out. It's still possible we may, should life just play out where it works out, but it also was much easier to accept because we're still completely best friends. Have you ever lived with a girlfriend/boyfriend? Not on paper, but pretty much. How old were you when you first smoked weed? But I never have. What is one thing that you’ve done that a lot of people said you couldn’t? Idk; I don't have a lot of unsupportive people in my life. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Mom. What was the last reason you cried? I listened to a song that deeply triggered my PTSD. Have you ever hated a song, and then later on found that you liked it? Yup, however that works. Did you have a good childhood? It was mostly normal, I guess? Do you play games on your PC? Just World of Warcraft right now. I started Alien: Isolation and Resident Evil 6 FOREVER ago, I just haven't had the motivation to finish either. Do you have a formspring? It's familiar, but I'm actually not sure what that even is. Do you know anyone that is racist? Welcome to the South. Do you have an active sex life? No. Are you defensive about anything? Yes. Have you ever driven 80+ mph? No. Have you ever changed a lightbulb? Yes. Have you ever gotten a bullseye in darts/archery? Darts, possibly. Never done archery. Do you have a Wii? Yeah. Do you own any animals that absolutely hate you? No. What brand is the computer you’re currently on? Acer. Are there any piercings you want but you’re too afraid it will hurt? The pain factor doesn't keep me away from piercings, so no. Do you think ear gauging is gross? When it gets to a certain width, to me anyway, it's pretty ew. I don't judge at all about someone having them, but it can get to a point where it just isn't appealing imo. Are you afraid of anyone in your family? Who and why? No. What’s the last scary movie you saw? Ummmm idk. It's been a long-ass time. I'm sure something in theaters, but I really don't know. Why aren’t you friends with your last ex? We are friends. When did you last spend the night at a friend’s house? A year ago when I was at Sara's. Did you ever watch 2Girls1Cup? Fuck no, I've never even looked into what exactly it is, but I know enough to know I don't wanna fucking see it. Do you have anxiety or depression? *shrugs* Why not both? Have you ever lived in a mobile home? No. Have you ever had your bedroom in a basement? Never even had a basement to begin with lol. Friend asks you to hide drugs, booze etc for them, do you do it? lol no. Animal you like to watch but sort of creeps you out: Big spiders. I particularly like writing spiders/orb weavers though, and watching big spiders eat is just fascinating. Have you entered the Lays create a flavor contest? Oh man how long ago was that??? No. Bagels or English muffins? Bagels gotta win it for me. Who is a family member you look forward to seeing on a holiday? On Christmas especially, I love seeing my niece and nephew because they're just so excited. Brings me back to what it felt like as a little kid. Are Easter baskets only for kids? No. My sisters and I each had super cute baskets that Mom would fill until like... two years ago. Now that it's just me living with her, she'll just usually buy me a candy bar or something. Do you do anything to recognize St Patrick’s Day? No. Do you think nutcracker figurines are creepy or cool? No opinion. Speaking of nuts, do you like them? For the most part, no. There are instances however where I can enjoy like little pieces of them with other kinds of food, ex. chocolate. What do you do when you are nervous? Dead giveaway: I'm kneading/playing with my hands. I pace naturally, but I do so more frequently when I am nervous. I'll have a harder time making eye contact, too. Does your family have an SUV or pick up truck? No. Which of your parents do you laugh more with? Dad. Have you ever been to an open casket wake or funeral? Wake, yes. Who mows the lawn at your house? Some guy Mom knows through the dance studio. Where do you keep your phone at night? Usually to the right of my pillow, a bit far away, and up more towards the headboard. My bed's a queen-size and it's just me, so I have room where I won't hit it. If it has to charge though, then it's on the table beside my bed. Do you feel comfortable asking your parents or grandparents for money? No in almost every case. I'm only somewhat comfortable if it's Mom and I'm asking for like a snack from the gas station or something like that. What’s the last thing you lost? My phone, I think. If you could have your own car or an apartment, which would you choose? An apartment would be entirely useless as I am in no way competent enough to live alone yet, and a car wouldn't have much use seeing as I only have my permit and STILL pretty much never drive. It'd be more useful than an apartment, though. Last time you hid, and why: Uhhhhh. I have zero clue. How do you like your eggs? I'll only ever take them scrambled with cheese. Favorite Mexican food? Quesadillas. Upcoming event you are dreading? I'm happily enjoying it right now, but in another way, I'm dreading school break ending just because I am INCREDIBLY nervous about the effects of it on my legs with the whole muscle atrophy thing. I'm scared of regressing. Do you have a favorite pen? What kind? No. Do you do more surveys during the day or night? The day. Just shampoo, or shampoo + conditioner? Just shampoo. Conditioner adds oil to your hair, and trust me, my hair does NOT need any extra oil. Scariest driver you’ve ridden with: Dad the day he had to pick Nicole and me up from school and we had a 30-minute drive home. Basically, we got home in maybe 15 or less. He was in a fucking awful mood, speeding like hell, running red lights, passing illegally... I was entirely convinced we were going to die that day. Still one of the scariest of my life. Do you think you’re smarter than the average person? If so, why? It depends on the subject matter; in areas such as English, wisdom, stuff kinda like that, honestly yeah. In areas like common damn sense and mathematics, fuck no. What was the last topic you did thorough research on? Why? Paganism. I recently found that Neo-Paganism is the closest description for my spiritual beliefs; it covers such a broad spectrum, and it emphasizes the divinity of nature, free will (so long you are not inflicting harm upon another), the equality of man and woman (plus the beauty of humanity), and one of the concepts of the "ultimate being" includes not an actual deity, but just like this... source of energy and power. I don't even know if I believe it to be conscious, it's just like... the source, and it lies within nature. I'm still doing more and more research into it as I'm thoroughly intrigued, and I continue to feel more at home with its inclusiveness to an array of interpretations. What was the last thing to upset you? So beyond just an annoyance? Probably when this random fucking Facebook post of a father sharing just how proud he was of his son for killing wolves together and sharing purely evil photographs of them playing with/posing the bloody dead bodies (which included making them "snarl" at the camera, and mind you, their mouths were full of blood) popped up on my feed for no goddamn reason. Safe to say, I left a comment and got into a fight with a backwards son of a fuck who thought it was totally kosher to kill these "vermin" and used personal attacks versus logic to try in vain to prove his point, when all he did was accomplish me seeing him as the vermin. Where did you go to the last time you left your house? My sister's house. Do you wear something on your left hand/wrist/arm without fail? Friendship ring with Sara as well as the bracelet she gave me. What is an article of clothing you would never ever wear? Stealing the last answer of jumpsuits. Will you go outside today? Probably not. Are you doing everything you can to make yourself happy? Not everything. I know I could do more. What is a phrase or a saying you try to live by? I don't think I have a set one that I always look to. I refer more to ideas, such as to be unrelenting in your goals. What is something you lie to yourself about? I don't know. I'm not good at that. What has been the best job you’ve ever had? lol What is a holiday, that is NOT celebrated in your country, that you would like to celebrate? Day of the Dead. I know some do celebrate it here, but it's more of a holiday in Mexico. Which nation’s culture (excl. your own) do you find the most interesting? Germany's, from what I remember. We learned quite a bit about them while I took it as a language. They are very serious about honesty and manners. What is something you judge about other people? How you treat others, certain aspects of ones personality (ex., arrogance), and as the previous person stated, to a certain degree anyway, moral/political/religious beliefs. What is something you do not want to discuss? I get really uncomfortable talking about sex, and though no one in my "real" life knows about it (except perhaps Mom due to an outburst during the breakup), I don't like even looking back on the Joel situation. There are also some political things I just don't want to talk about. Do you enjoy solving problems? No, shit's stressful. Are you a kinesthetic, an auditory or a visual learner? Kinesthetic, 100%. Are you an introvert, an extrovert or an ambivert? I'm a pretty strong introvert, though not as much as I once was. I can get lonely kinda quickly now, but I still NEED my alone time. Are you socially anxious or awkward? OH BOY AM I!!!!!!! Do you actually think it’s gross to talk about body functions? NO!!!!!!! This needs needs needs to be normalized because it's stuff we all endure, so we should be comfortable talking about these things, asking questions, etc. Have you ever sent a love letter? Yeah. When you look up at the sky do you ever NOT see a plane or vapor trail? Yeah. Welcome to the country. Do you wear any shoes with holes because you can’t give them up? No. When you go out to breakfast, what do you order? Pretty much always pancakes, scrambled eggs, and bacon. What’s the best compliment you’ve gotten from a boss/teacher? That when she came back to teaching, I was the exact kind of student she hoped for. What’s a weird or interesting nickname you gave someone? lmao the first one that came to mind was Connie's "Einnoc." Is there a phrase or mantra you repeat when you are frightened? No. What are you most envious of? Successful photographers lmao. Do you have a friend with a habit that worries you? Yes. Would you rather have coffee, cocoa, tea, or soda? UGH soda. That's my weaknesses. You could take sweets from me, but I'm pretty reliant on soft drinks. When you walk into your best friend’s room, what do you smell? I don't remember, actually... I haven't been there enough. Have you ever purposely broken something that belonged to a sibling? Wow, no. Have you ever worked at the same place as your best friend? No. Do you like to visit famous people’s homes? I've never done that, and I find it disrespectful anyway. Give celebs their privacy, goddamn. Do you take days off from shaving when you can get away with it? The only thing I shave are my armpits, and considering I don't shower everyday, yes. Every time I do take one however, I always shave. Is there anything hanging on your bathroom walls? No. If your SO agreed, would you want an open relationship? No. Have you ever slept with three people in the same bed? When? Why? At some point, yeah, but not in a romantic context. It was with friends or family when we had limited space. Does your family regularly eat sit down meals together? Pretty much never. Who would you like to slow dance with? To what song? SOBS "The Only Exception" by Paramore w/ Sara continues to sob What’s your favorite pet name someone calls you? None that I have now. If you could talk to one species of animal what would it be? Good question. I guess cats, as I have one and would love to know what he thinks. What’s the largest animal you’ve ever seen in person? An elephant, strolling RIGHT by the fence at the zoo. Have you ever used the change counting machine at a store or mall? Ohhh, I remember those! Yes. Would you give mouth to mouth to your dog to save its life? We have a dog I honestly can't stand, and this is gonna get me mentally punched, but I don't know. NO, not BECAUSE I don't like him, but I don't love him enough to deal with those germs. I don't think I could stomach doing it. If you came with a warning label, what would it say? "Is going to be uncomfortable if you say one word to her but craves friendship anyway." Have you ever tried to learn a language on your own? No. Have you ever had a pet destroy something valuable or important? The thing that upset me the most was when Teddy tore up the corner of one of my art pieces I'm most proud of. I cried. It was weird considering he never really tore up stuff... but alright then. What’s the best burger EVER? UGH I'm weak for Wendy's Baconators. Did you ever show up late for an important event? Probably at some point?
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Danced Your Way Into My Heart
Pairing: Rex Blanc/Lizzy Luna
Summary: The new mystery of the Phantom Thief has come and the prefect’s of the royal academy and two past prefects of the night class have been brought together to take on and solve the case. Meeting many new faces as well as seeing a few familiar faces, Rex finds one in the mix of them all that is particularly interesting. What will Rex find while strolling around the school when the sound of music grabs his attention.
This was unbelievable as I regret even accepting this job in the first place as not only was Zeus here but worst of all Nox Noir also seems to be working on this case as well. Just hearing the two talk made me want to go home already though I suppose there was a small silver lining to all of this; I looked over as by where the group of day class prefects stood among them a charming girl with pastel blue hair as she wore a peony flower as she had the prettiest baby blue eyes. I snapped out of my daze when I saw her look over and our eyes met in which I mustered up my best smile as I watched as she returned it.
Some more time had passed as the meeting came to an end as I decided to go over to meet her as I walked over to where she stood as she seemed to finish speaking with one of the other prefects as I cleared my throat a bit. “Hello there,” I started off with as I saw her turn around in which she seemed confused until she saw me as she gave a smile and waved a bit, though she looked pretty afar she was even prettier up close. “Oh hello there! I look forward to working with you Rex,” she said cheerfully as she held out her hand to me which I smiled in return reaching out to shake her hand as well. Shortly after she lightly smacked herself in the forehead as she laughed a bit as it made my heart flutter a bit as I heard her say, “I’m sorry I forgot to introduce myself; I’m Lizzy Luna.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you as well Lizzy, I look forward to working with you too” I said in return as shortly after I took my hand back as she did the same. “Sorry to interrupt you two, but you said your name was Lizzy correct,” I let out a sign as there goes my good mood out the window as there appeared Nox as he stood at the other side of her. Turning so she could look at him she gave a nod of her head as I heard her reply, “Yup that’s me, it’s nice to meet you Nox.” Here we go again I thought to myself while rolling my eyes as Nox gave a smile before reaching and picking up one of her hands as I felt a small fire stir inside when he brought her smaller hand closer to him. “Such a lovely name for a cute girl, the honor is all mine,” Nox said placing a kiss on her hand before she seemed to quickly take it back. “I was hoping you’d be able to give me a tour of the day class school,” he asked as she seemed surprised but nodded.
“U-Umm sure,” she said as she then looked over to me and smiled as that fire seem to subside as I felt a flutter in my chest. “Rex would you like to join us for the tour,” I heard her ask as I may have slightly internally panicked a bit as not knowing what I should really say I ended up saying, “Thank you but I actually have to speak to Klaus about a few things about the case. She nodded as she said, “Alright well then another time, take care.” With that the two turned around and walked out of the headmaster’s office as that went great, way to go Rex; you’ve really did a great job with handling that. “Just a little forewarning; as kind and cute Lizzy might appear to be be-” I heard a voice to my left as I looked over to see Klaus as I raised an eyebrow as I suddenly spoke out cutting him off saying, “You think she’s cute?” Seem to be taken by surprise he coughed probably from choking on air he instantly said, “That’s not my point. I’m saying that she can be quite the troublemaker so don’t let your guard down around her.” It was kind of hard to believe, but I would keep that in mind as I went about my day.
~~~ Later That Day ~~~
I was walking the halls of the day class as I decided to go looking around a bit just so I could avoid having to be around Zeus. While admiring the beauty of the surroundings of the day class I was I tad spaced out until I brought back by the sound of soft music playing in the distance as I curiously raised an eyebrow. Deciding to see what was going on I continued down the hall as the closer I got the louder the music sounded as there was no mistaking it that someone was playing the piano. Finally arriving to the room I carefully slide the door open and poked my head in first looking over to where the piano was as oddly there was no one sitting here playing which could only mean it’s been enchanted to play. But then when I looked over to the other side of the room my eyes widened for a second as there was Lizzy dancing beautifully as she didn’t have on the prefect’s cloak or jacket on. I brought myself to smile a bit as I leaned against the door frame deciding to watch her a little longer as once the song ended I had a smile on my face as I started to clap lightly.
“That was a beautiful, you’re quite the dancer Lizzy,” I said out loud in which she seemed turn spin around and jumped lightly as she screamed a bit from seeing me, oops my bad. “Holy crap Rex you scared me, h-how long have you just been standing there for,” she asked as her face seem to turn pink as I soon saw a rottweiler walk around from behind the piano and bark as I could only assume was her familiar. I got off the door frame as I walked into the room more as I strolled my way over to the piano as I said, “Not too long, my apologies for scaring you; I happened to of heard a familiar song and I wanted to see who was playing the piano.” Lizzy knelt down as she started petting the dog as I could only chuckle while watching the dog’s butt happily wiggle. “I didn’t think you had a familiar,” I commented as she looked back up with a smile and nodded. “Yup this is my familiar Rufus,  Rufus this is my new friend Rex,” she said as Rufus let out a loud bark as if greeting me as I waved to him before running my hand along the top of the piano feeling its smooth surface.
“It’s nice to meet you Rufus,” I said as I saw the dog walk back over near the piano and lay back down as he’s one of the most well behaved familiars I’ve ever seen. “So you like the piano,” I heard her ask as she stood back up looking me in the eyes as there was that fluttering feeling in my chest again as I glanced down to the keys of the piano as I smiled. “I love the piano, u-umm do you mind if I play a little,” I said before asking the last part looking back up to her as she seemed a little surprised; her faces were pretty adorable to look at as I chuckled slightly. “N-No I don’t mind at all, go right ahead,” she said as I took a seat on the bench as I looked down at the keys as I thought about what song to play first.
Like it was second nature I started pressing my fingers down on the piano keys starting to play the song Dance of the Little Swans. I glanced up as to my surprised Lizzy was ballet dancing with the song as no words could describe just how serene and beautiful she looked while dancing around the room. Her hair as it moved with her movement reminded me of gentle waves of water as it felt almost soothing as I had to look down at the keys to make sure I was on the right keys since I slightly got a bit distracted. I looked up as I watched her effortlessly pirouette spin a few times before continuing to dance flawlessly, if I even attempted to do one I’d need a minute from getting dizzy. If I haven’t known better I would of thought she was a professional dancer. Soon I pressed the last keys ending the song as I saw her bow at the end as she straightened herself up before looking over smiling.
Usually two people would have conversations to get to know one another better though I feel like between the two of us here there was just so much that was being said through her dancing and my piano playing that there wasn’t any words needed. Soon I started to once again press the keys as I started to play The Second Waltz. I looked over to Lizzy to see she was dancing once again as she pretended she was dancing with someone else. Watching her twirl herself around before continuing to dance the waltz by herself. In that empty space I could only imagine myself being the one holding her close as the two of us danced around the room, that’s when a light bulb went off in my head in which I whispered a spell to enchant the piano again so it could keep playing as I carefully got up the bench and started to make my way over to her.
When she looked like she was going to twirl again I stepped closer taking her hand that was in the air as I guided the rest of the twirl in which she seemed surprised to see me as her baby blue eyes widened for a short period of time before going back to normal. “I hope you don’t mind me joining you,” I said as I gave a sheepish smile as I danced with her as my other hand rested gently on her waist as I mentally thanked myself that I was wearing gloves because I would of been embarrassed if my hands sweated. She giggled and gave me a smile as her other hand went onto my shoulder as she said, “Not at all,” I felt a small sparks from the contact as I just had to remember to keep breathing. It was nearing to the end of the song as releasing her hand I placed it on her other side in which I decided to pick her up and spin around once as I heard her laugh a little as I grinned a bit as I carefully set her back down on her feet. “That was a lot of fun,” she said smiling up at me as smiled back and nodded letting out a small chuckle. “Indeed, thank you for this dance,” I said I started to walk back over to the piano.
“Aside from being such an amazing dancer what else do you do, do you play piano as well,” I asked looking over my shoulder as she stretched a bit. “I haven’t played in years, a lot of what I do is invent things and dance; like I kinda remember how to read some sheet music but I always mess what which keys are which,” she said laughing which was most likely at her own self as I sat on the right side and patted the spot next to me. “I have a hard time believing that,” I said raising an accusing eyebrow as she walked over and sat down next to me as I helped her put her hand on the correct keys. “I didn’t get the chance to say this but you play beautifully Rex,” I heard her say as I felt the sweetness behind her words as I prayed that my face wasn’t visibly blushing. “Thank you, it means a lot to me to receive such high praise,” I thanked her happily as I put on hand on the other keys as which my free hand I flipped through the pages of the music book that was there till I found a song that wouldn’t be too difficult for her to follow.
Soon enough we started to play together as I would glance at the sheet now and again though I would look more down our hands as when I looked over to check on her she seemed to be trying hard to focus as she was looking between the sheet music and her hands on the keys. “You’re doing good,” I said reassuring her as I heard a thank you from her right after as the two of us continued to slowly play the song. It was moments after when we finished when I looked over to her it seemed she was looking over to me at the same time as this had to be the most I’ve felt at peace to be spending time with anyone. “That wasn’t bad, people on their first try wouldn’t of done that well,” I said as I remember when I first started my hands were all over the place. “Thank you though I might stick to my dancing… I had a really nice time hanging out with you, I feel like I got to know you a lot better,” I listened to her say as I nodded in agreement. “Yeah I couldn’t of said it better myself,” I instantly replied with as looking outside the window the sun seemed to be already setting from the oranges and yellows in the sky. “W-We should head to the night cafe,” she said as she momentarily stopped as before I could look over to her I froze up when I felt a soft pair of lips briefly pressed against my cheek as my heartbeat sped up. I looked over to her surprised as she was standing up from the seat as she wore a small grin. “Don’t want Zeus hunting us down and dragging us there now do we, come on,” she said giving a small wink as now I was starting to see what Klaus was possibly talking about though oddly it made me all the more curious about her. Nodding I quickly got up and adjusting my uniform she picked up her stuff as Rufus followed right beside her as once we were both set the both of us left the room to go to the night class cafe; I wasn’t looking forward to being around Zeus and Noz, but if I got to spend more time with Lizzy it wouldn’t be a completely horrible time.
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Everlasting Party - Mystic Messenger Time Loop AU (pt 34)
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Summary: You’re caught in a time loop during the 11 days leading up to the RFA’s party unless you can do… what, exactly?
13+ No spoilers so far as I can tell this time!
Huge thanks to Masdevallia on AO3 for beta-ing this again ^^ For those of you who've been with this fic for a while, you'll get to see how I'm doing the chatroom sections now (as embedded videos). Let me know what you think! Also, I suppose now is as good a time as any to mention that although I post it here, AO3′s formatting and setup generally means it’s the preferred way to read this fic. You can find it on AO3 here!
Next chapter is ready to go - I really wanna see this through! - and I'm hoping to update once a week or so. Wish me luck, and thank you so, so much to you readers who've come back to read this and leave lovely comments and notes in the tags even though I started this fic a year ago. It really makes me happy knowing you guys keep reading even after all this time :')
Cold. You feel cold when you wake up, gasping for air. Your clothes are damp against your skin from sweating as you open your eyes to stare at the ceiling of your old apartment.
Shit. Dammit. A muffled sob clogs up your throat and you press your face into your pillow to let out a cry of frustration. You hate that you let Unknown control your emotions like this. You hate the fear and the trepidation. You hate the uncertainty and the paranoia. You hate that, at the same time, there’s this curiosity deep down, wondering who this mystery figure is and why he seems to be so important to your loops.
He wouldn’t give you his name… but somehow he and Seven know each other. That, at least, is some useful information.
Bzzt bzzt.
Should you go back to the last loop and see if you can do things right? Was there even a “right” way to do that loop? Frankly, you aren’t entirely sure how you’d gotten the days to continue in the first place. Your best guess is that it had something to do with talking to Jumin enough that V listened when you warned him about not going on a trip.
Jumin… you suppose he’s back to “normal” now that the days have started over. You can’t help but feel a sense of guilt over how things turned out last time. Maybe if you’d just been more patient, or if you’d been able to understand him better, or if… if you hadn’t gone through years of the same days over and over... maybe you could have been the kind of person he needed.
Bzzt bzzt.
You rub the back of your hand across your face to get rid of the wetness there and glance at your phone. If only Unknown would wait a little bit longer…
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Your stomach growls as you lie on the bed at Rika’s apartment. You know the RFA members would disapprove, but you haven’t eaten much of anything today. In fact, you’ve done very little aside from relocating to Rika’s apartment as per Unknown’s wishes. You haven’t really interacted with anyone after joining the RFA, nor picked up your phone calls. You already know what everyone is going to say.
Maybe if you were as good at hacking as Seven, you could write a program that replied to everyone’s messages for you. Maybe there’s some combination of events, some sequence of replies you haven’t done, and that’s why you’re stuck in this loop. Maybe the only way to get out is to systematically try every possible option available to you, since your trial-and-error method sure as hell isn’t doing you any favours.
You sigh and roll onto your side. As if you could make a program like that, anyway. It would have to have some semblance of intelligence to reply to all the messages in a coherent manner, and you’d have to program it all in one go since nothing carried over between loops…
Well, that isn’t completely true. Your memories carry over between loops, which is why you’re stuck in this hell in the first place. You glance at the desk on the other side of the room. Your gaze falls to that one stupid drawer with contents so important that apparently it is acceptable to put people’s lives in danger to protect them. Someday you’ll figure out what’s in there.
Or, well… maybe that’s what you should start focusing on next. It’s not the first time you’ve considered trying to find out what was inside - not by a long shot - but maybe it really is time to spend a series of loops learning how to open it without setting off the alarm. Which probably means… hacking.
You'd be lying if you said the thought didn't frighten you at least a little bit. Your previous attempt hadn't exactly gone well. But what do you have to lose? Almost nothing, at this point. There really isn't anything to be worried about. You can always try again.
You ignore the knot in your stomach and wipe your clammy palms on your pants as you sit up. What better time than now, right? Nothing to lose. You won't be anywhere close to figuring out how to hack the drawer for a long time, anyway. That will be enough time to get rid of this feeling you get whenever you think about what happened the last time you tried to get into the drawer…
You pull your ancient laptop out of your bag and drum your fingers on the keys as you wait for it to boot up. You’ll probably have to get a better computer if you get really serious about hacking. Likely a desktop computer instead of a laptop. What does Seven use? ...What does Unknown use? It’s possible Unknown is the better hacker, seeing as he’s been able to hack into the RFA chatroom several times, not to mention the ‘special security system’.
You type in your laptop password after the login screen shows up and sigh. As if you’d ever be able to ask Unknown about his hacking skills anyway. What are you gonna do, casually bring up the topic when he comes to kidnap you? Stake out the chatroom on the fourth day when he hacks in and politely ask how he accessed it?
Or, well, maybe that’s not too far off-base. Not the politely asking him part, but perhaps it’s worth looking into that short period on the fourth day when he hacks into the chatroom. What if you could use that to track him, somehow? He has to access the chatroom from somewhere, right? If you had the right tools and knew what to look for, surely there would be a way. Or if Seven would just tell you who Unknown is, things would be easier… but you're not sure how to get him to trust you enough for that yet.
So, two possible leads then. First, learn how to hack. Then, depending on what’s easier, either find out what’s in the desk drawer, or see if you can trace Unknown’s location and figure out what his organization is up to yourself. You should probably put some more effort into talking to Seven during some of these loops, too, because if you can figure out how to get him to trust you, he might save you the trouble of hacking into everything on your own—
You realize what you’re thinking and freeze, your fingers hovering over the keyboard of your laptop. No, no, you shouldn’t think of Seven like that, like a puzzle to figure out, a tool to exploit, instead of a person. Sure, if he trusts you enough to reveal his relation to Unknown, or if he helps you find out more about the organization he belongs to, great. But that shouldn’t be the reason you talk to him more. No, you should just try to get to know him better. You’ll find your own solution to the problem with Unknown.
You glance at the time. It’s not quite 5pm… Seven should be online, then. At this hour, usually he talks a little about how he can't focus, and often he'll mention Rika, sounding almost somber for all of three seconds before he posts a photo of himself dressed up as a girl, then goes back to posting nonsense again. It's quite different from the way he sounded when you talked to him on the phone less than twenty-four hours ago…
Setting your laptop aside for now, you pick up your phone and tap to log into the RFA chatroom. Right on cue, Seven logs in as well.
Just as you finish logging out of the RFA chatroom, your phone buzzes and Seven’s profile picture appears on your screen. He hasn’t changed it from what you’ve come to think of as his ‘default’ photo, the first profile picture you’ve seen him use. You swipe to answer the call.
“Hi, Seven.”
You pause and pull your phone slightly away from your ear to look down at it. O...kay…
“M-meow?” you reply tentatively.
“Oh? Is that you, my precious Elly~?” There’s a smile in his voice and you try to force your own mouth into a similar expression. Just play along. Loosen up.
“Meow, meow,” you say.
Seven chortles. “Oh? You miss me, too? Jumin’s so mean, isn’t he… keeping us apart like this…”
...Does he expect you to just keep meowing? How long are you supposed to keep this up for?
“I’m… meow… glad that you called, meow.”
“Of course!” Seven says. Phew, he seems to have dropped the cat thing for now. “How fare things at the abode of our lady Rika?”
“They… it’s... faring well. How fare things with you?”
“Ahh…” He sighs. “There’s always plenty to do. But no worries! I, Seven Zero Seven, can take care of it!”
It’s easy to forget how much Seven does for the RFA when he’s always kidding around in the chatrooms. “I hope you call me sometimes to take a break,” you say, and despite everything you really mean it. Under all those memes and jokes is someone who genuinely cares about the RFA members; someone you really haven’t taken the time to get to know until now.  “Superheroes need to rest, too,” you say.
“Uwaaah~” he says. “So thoughtful. You seem like a nice person. I’m sorry I have to do more research on you…”
“I don’t mind. You’re making sure I’m not a threat to the RFA, right? Do what you need to.”
“Yup!” There’s a rustling sound, and you hear a few clicks from a computer mouse. “Um… I have lots of work to do so I need to hang up…. Thanks for talking with me.”
“I understand. Good luck!”
“Thank you! Have a nice night!”
There’s a click, then silence. You lower your hand from your ear and tap the corner of your phone against one of your legs mindlessly. It hadn’t been a bad conversation, all things considered. And you’re sure to get the hang of his sense of humour sooner or later.
You pull your laptop closer again and open up your web browser. Perhaps this won’t be so bad, after all.
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I always love hearing what you think, so leave a comment or send me an ask! Here’s a link to the masterpost of all my Mystic Messenger fics. Thank you very much for reading! ♥
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seventeenisgay · 7 years
All the Fears You Have: Chapter 1
A/N: If you’ve never watched Sense8, I highly recommend it. It’s on Netflix. It’s essentially 8 people connected through their minds. They can “visit” each other, but they aren’t technically there. They also have the skills of all the other sensates. It’s weird, but it’ll make more sense in the story. I’m changing one slight thing from the premise of sensates - that being that all of Seventeen wasn’t born at the same time. Clearly.
I’m not sure if pairings will appear? As for now, I have a few tentatively planned. We’ll see what comes. Please enjoy!
Rating: T (for swearing)
Genre: AU (Sense8 AU), angst, comfort
Chapter Word Count: 1.6k+
Content warnings: Slight angst, death (mentioned), mourning a loved one
Chapter One: One Less than a Full Revolution
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Hansol’s mother often said that if he were a number, he’d be 359.
Why? Because he never followed through; there was never a full turn around with him. He could start things without issue, but finishing them was another thing. His mother would jokingly call him lazy, but he would say it was more exciting to leave things unfinished.
Leaving something unfinished was like flirting with the infinite possible ways it could turn out. It made Hansol’s head spin with ideas on how to finish a rap, how to ask that girl out, or what he was going to do for the rest of his life.
Finishing something was a definitive end to the fun and mystery - something Hansol likes to avoid.
It was like a cruel joke that Hansol was thinking of this as he walked down a long country road, away from the cemetery his mother had been buried in two years ago.
After an argument with his father, Hansol left the cemetery and was determined to walk home, despite “home” being an hour away by car ride. Hansol wasn’t even comfortable calling his father’s new house “home”. It felt empty and stale, devoid of anything from his old house.
His father said this new house would be better - less memories, he said. Besides, Hansol’s father was remarried now and his new wife wanted to live outside of Seoul, away from the commotion so they could raise a family.
The thought of a “family” made Hansol scoff - as if he and his sister Sofia weren’t enough of a family for his father.
Hansol was trying to find his way using an old compass he found in his jacket pocket. It must have been a hold-over from when his father used to take him and Sofia out camping during the summer. He didn’t know why it was still in his jacket and how he hadn’t noticed it before. It was even odder that the compass seemed to be malfunctioning, pointing in all sorts of directions that couldn’t possibly all be North.
So, in other words, Hansol was fucked.
Whenever Hansol felt this way, the same thing always happened. He’d look around and suddenly there would be a person standing in a previously vacant spot. Hansol would be startled, trip to the ground, and when he looked up, the person would be gone. It happened for the past two years, since he was 16, and began around the time his mother died.
He usually brushed it off as a stress-induced hallucination. People got those, right? It could always just be his mind playing tricks on him. Or, maybe, he was making imaginary friends like he used to when he was little.
Today was a bit different, however. Hansol was in no mood for strange visions. His feet hurt and he was sweating despite it being a little chilly for Spring. He really just wanted to go home, eat some pizza, and cry.
Someone appeared a bit down the road ahead of him, manifesting in the blink of an eye. Hansol closed his eyes, willing the figure to disappear. Alas, when he opened his eyes, he found the person now walking towards him.
The figure was male, Hansol assumed, and was dressed like a prep school kid. He wore a gray sweater vest, a pristine white shirt underneath with sleeves that went past his wrists. He also perfectly tailored white pants. His hair was bleached blonde, almost as if he came straight from a salon. He was short and almost looked like a middle schooler.
The boy walked with a purpose, almost in an aggressive and angry sort of way. Hansol could feel his annoyance, which weirded him out slightly. Hansol had never seen one of these figures for such a long period of time and had never felt anything from them.
The boy stopped a few feet away, almost as if he wanted to stay a safe distance away from Hansol.
The pair studied each other for a few moments. Hansol felt intuitively like he knew this person, yet he was certain he’d never met him before.
“Lost?” The boy asked in an almost condescending way. Hansol chose not to let it bother him.
“This thing’s busted.” Hansol said, lifting the compass and looking at it once more. He tossed it to the other boy without another word. The boy caught it in a fluid motion, almost as if he had known what Hansol would do and where the compass would fly.
“You’re outside of Seoul.” The blonde boy remarked, looking from the compass to the area around him. It was a wind turbine farm, stretching as far as the eye could see. Hansol had been walking through it for the past half hour, taking turns from memory.
“Yup.” Hansol replied, though the boy hadn’t asked a question. “So, uh, are you real?”
The preppy boy rolled his eyes.
“Is this your first time talking to one of us?” The boy asked, almost as if that were a bad thing. Hansol thought it was pretty good that he hadn’t spoken to a hallucination before, if that was what this boy was.
Hansol stared at the boy cluelessly.
“I’m Jihoon.” The boy said. Hansol gave him a small, polite smile, which just seemed to piss Jihoon off more.
“I’m not a hallucination or a ghost or whatever it is you’re thinking. I’m a real person, but I’m not physically where you are.” Jihoon explained, clearly having gone through this before.
Hansol seemed even more confused than before.
“I’m a real person. I’m in England right now, doing graduate work at Oxford. I just so happen to be visiting you in Seoul. Psychically I’m here with you, but physically I’m in England. Got it?” Jihoon asked. Hansol nodded slowly.
“Kind of.” Hansol answered. “So ... does this mean I’m a psychic or are you the psychic...?”
Jihoon sighed heavily, a hand going to pinch the bridge of his nose.
“We aren’t psychics!” Jihoon exclaimed. “We’re ... Joshua is calling us sensates, because we feel each other’s senses. We have a telepathic and empathetic connection to each other.”
“You’ve seen some of us before, right?” Jihoon asked, his annoyance abiding for a moment as he looked at Hansol curiously.
“Uh, yeah. I think I’ve seen some people before, but not for very long. I usually fall or something.” Hansol answered. And just like that, Jihoon’s annoyance returned.
“How many are there? Can I see all of them? Can I, uh, do whatever it is you’re doing with me right now?” Hansol asked, head swimming.
Jihoon gestured for Hansol to shut up. He sighed.
“I know this is overwhelming, but slow down! You’re going to give us all a headache!” Jihoon rubbed his left temple.
“There are thirteen of us, counting the both of us. You could see them, potentially. What I’m doing right now is called visiting. It’s not something you do, like a phone call. It’s something that just happens if you let it.” Jihoon explained.
“These visits are usually short-lived, so we should get you back onto a main road before I leave.”
“Oh.” Right. Hansol was lost.
It turned out that Jihoon was from South Korea, but studying abroad. He knew his way around the area for a reason he said they didn’t have time to get into. With Jihoon’s help, Hansol was back on the main road in 10 minutes. Of course, it would still be a long, tiring walk back home that would take hours if he didn’t swallow his pride.
“Just call your dad.” Jihoon said, as if reading Hansol’s thoughts.
Oh. He probably could, Hansol realized. They had a “connection” or whatever, which meant Jihoon and Hansol just knew things about each other.
For instance, Hansol knew Jihoon hated college and that he was a certified genius and that Jihoon wasn’t as mad as he seemed. His face just made him look that way.
“There’s nothing wrong with my face!” Jihoon exclaimed angrily. Hansol chuckled to himself.
“I didn’t say there was!” Hansol said defensively. “And there’s no way I’m talking to him.”
“You don’t even remember why you left.” Jihoon pointed out. It was true. All Hansol remembered was that his step-mom said something annoying, to which Hansol replied sarcastically. Hansol’s dad defended her, which made Hansol mad and he stormed out due to his already elevated emotions over the location.
“I’d rather hitchhike than call him.” Hansol grumbled, feet stomping into the gravel beneath. Hansol ignored the fact that the road was empty.
“Mhm, I see that working out marvelously for you.” Jihoon remarked. “You’re not Seokmin, so I don’t think you can run all the way home. You need to think of a better plan.”
Hansol usually didn’t get tired of anyone - he was a pretty chill guy - but Jihoon seemed to know just how to push his buttons.
Jihoon stopped and Hansol turned to look at him expectantly, ready for Jihoon to snark him.
“The visit’s going to end soon. When it does, call your dad. If you don’t, I’ll have Seungkwan worrying all night.” Jihoon grumbled.
With those words, Jihoon vanished in the blink of an eye, just as quickly as he appeared.
Hansol found himself sad at Jihoon’s disappearance, despite having met him 15 minutes ago. It was like hanging up after a long call with a friend. It was much too close to a definitive end for Hansol to stomach.
Hansol really just wanted to go home, eat pizza, and mope.
He called his dad.
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tumblingletters · 6 years
Emerald Genesis Chapter 03
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Authors:  TattooAlchemist and ClassicCowboy 
“Education is an ornament for the prosperous and a refuge for the unfortunate.”
                                                                                               - Democritus
Chapter 3: School Days
           Shinji had already gotten ready for school when he passed by Misato’s room.  He knocked on the door and opened it up finding a great lump in her bed.  
           “Misato?”  He called. “It’s morning.”
           “I just got back from night duty a little while ago.”  Misato moaned before she yawned.  “I don’t have to go to work until later this evening so please let me get some sleep.”
           “Okay.  And don’t worry about trash I’m going to take it out.”
           “Oh yeah, it’s Thursday, isn’t it?”
           “Yup.  See you when I get back.”  He was about to close the door when Misato called for him again.  
           “Hey, how’s school, by the way?”
           “Classes are a little boring but the people are good.”
           “Okay.  See you later.”  
           “Later.”  Shinji said closing the door, picking up his bag, the trash and heading out.
* * *
             The school that Shinji went to was a little different from what he was used to back home.  There, he could wear whatever he wanted and there really was no problem. In Japan he had to have a school uniform which consisted of black slacks and a short sleeve button-up shirt.  
           His classroom was room 2-A and the students were already there at least the ones whose families were staying.  
           “Hey everyone.”  Shinji smiled.  
           Everyone looked up from their seats and saved pleasantly at him.  Then there was one who sat in the very middle of the class.  He had light brown hair, glasses, freckles, and was playing with a military aircraft model and his video camera making noises of its engines and the firing its guns.
           “Hey, commander, are you sure we’re heading towards the target it looks a lot like the ground.”  The glasses boy said imitating the voice of a soldier and then responding to himself.  “Of course, you fool!  How dare you question my authority!  AAAHHHH!”
           “Morning, Kensuke.”  Shinji greeted with a laugh.
           “Ah, Shinji.  How are you?”  The glasses boy named Kensuke Aida answered.
           “Not bad.  But it looks like you could have fun playing with yourself all day long.” The moment the words left Shinji’s mouth he began to giggle.  
           “Oh, very funny.”  Kensuke half-grinned then turned to see a girl in pigtails and freckles looking at him with a disappointed scowl.  “What’s up, class rep?”
           “Did you deliver the printout I gave you yesterday?” She asked.  
           “I um….”
           Shinji could see Kensuke’s hand going into his desk and he knew full well that he didn’t even take the paper out of his own desk.
           “There wasn’t anyone at Toji’s place.”  Kensuke tried to cover up his laziness.  
           “Mister Aida.”  The class representative named Hikari scolded.  “Aren’t you Suzahara’s best friend?  Aren’t you the least bit worried?”
           “Of course, he is, Hikari.”  Shinji defended his classmate.  
           “You don’t think he was injured do you?” Hikari asked Shinji.  
           “You mean in that robot battle?”  Shinji asked then shrugged.  “Nah, the reports say that no one was injured.”
           “I call bull on that.”  Kensuke countered.  “You saw that explosion on Mount Takanoso didn’t you?  I bet at least ten or twenty people were injured.  And there had to be a few fatalities.”  
           “Kensuke.”  Shinji moaned.  “You’re just letting your war overcharged mind running amok.”  
           Just then the door to the classroom opened and there was a tall boy with shortly cut black hair and a dark blue sweat-suit at the door.  He had such a stern look on his face almost like a soldier reporting for duty.
           “Toji!”  Kensuke called out.  “Welcome back.”
           The tall boy named Toji Suzahara came over and set his bag down in the desk in front of Kensuke’s.  
           “Where is everyone?”  Toji asked.  “Is our entire class missing?”
           “They either evacuated or transferred to other schools.”  Kensuke explained.  “No one wants to stay in a place where there’s an actual battle going on.”  
           “Except you that is.”  Shinji injected.  
           “Oh, Toji, let me introduce a new kid.” Kensuke stated.  “This is Shinji Jordan.  He just transferred here from America.”  
           “How you doin’ new kid?”  Toji grunted his reply as he crossed his legs and looked to the floor.  
           “Hey, Toji.  Where’ve you been the last few days?”  Kensuke asked as he kept making pans around the room with his video camera. “Did you get involved in the war?”
           “No, but my little sister did.”  Toji answered grimly.  “She was crushed under some debris.  She survived but she’s been in the hospital ever since.  Both my dad and granddad are both working at the lab and if I’m not with her she’s all alone.  That robot’s pilot is really dumb!  How could he wreck our own city!?  It makes me so ANGRY!  What’d that idiot think he was doing!?  I’d like to get my hands on him so I can kick the shit out of him!”
           Shinji felt a wave of guilt come over him after hearing what had happened to his classmates’ sister.  But at the same time there was a desire for him to do something for him at least to make up for the mistake that he caused.  But he also knew that if he stayed silent he would look suspicious.  
           “I’m sure the pilot was doing what he could at the time.”  Shinji said trying to console the angry classmate.  “But your sister is alive, right?  And as long as there’s life there’s hope.”
           “What’d you know?”  Toji spat at the classmate.
           “Hey, he was just trying to console you, Suzahara.” Hikari defended.  
           Before the argument went further the teacher stepped into the room and classes began.  
 * * *
             The day progressed at a slugs pace.  The final class was history and the instructor was droning on and on about the events of the Second Impact and the aftermath that happened in its wake.  It was something that Shinji had already known and studied back home.  Then again, his mother always encouraged him to study hard and they would usually have contests to see if he remembered his studies and there were snacks as rewards.  
           Each student had a small red laptop that would be used to follow along with the teachers lessons but the students had found ways to use it as a note-passing system.  Unlike in the old days when students would pass paper notes the computers allowed them to silently communicate without the instructor even knowing.  
           Toji was leaning back and daydreaming when he saw a small message pop-up on his screen.  It was from Kensuke.  
Kensuke:  Did you hear the rumor about Shinji?  He transferred here just after the giant robot incident.  Don’t you think that’s an odd coincidence?
 Toji:  Yeah, it is.
             Shinji’s seat was one seat back from the front row. He was shifting between studying and daydreaming as well when he also received a message on his laptop workstation. It read:  
 Hikari:  Is it true, Shinji?  Are you the pilot of that robot? Y/N
             Shinji was taken aback by it and looked around to see the face of Hikari who was had a friend of hers leaning towards her, smiling and waving at him.  Then Hikari typed some more.  
 Hikari: It’s true isn’t it?  Y/N
             Shinji sat for a moment wondering how to handle this. He understood that knowledge of the Angels had become common knowledge and so too did the Evas.  However, there was no rule in the manual that he had that said anything about him keeping the fact of him being the pilot a secret. Plus he had to admit he liked the way the girls were smiling at him as they asked the question.  On the other hand there was Toji Suzahara and his sister. He would have to answer for what happened to his sister but in the end it was probably better than he knew the truth instead of fuming in the dark.  With that in mind he typed his answer.  
Shinji:  I’ll tell after school.  
             The moment he typed that in he heard a very low groan coming from several people in the room but that was when there was a soft set of ding-dong tones coming from overhead signaling the end of the class period.
           “That’s all for today.”  The teacher said as he left.
           “Alright everyone.”  Hikari ordered.  “Everyone stand and bow.”  
           They did as they were instructed.  
           The moment the teacher left the room several of Shinji’s classmates turned to look at him.  
           “Okay, let’s hear it.”  One of the girls asked. “Are you the pilot or not?”  
           Shinji answered without hesitation.  “Yes.  I am.”
           There was a wave of surprised sounds coming from the students.  All of them asking several questions all at once.  Such as how was he picked, did he have to take a test, what was the robot like, was he scared to do it, and on and on they went.
           “Hey, everyone please.  Let’s get a grip.”  Shinji said trying to quell the crowd.  “Look. Most of the stuff I know is classified so I can’t really tell you very much about it.”  
           This time, there were audible groans from the classmates.  
           “Hey, new kid.”  Toji said standing up from the seat.  “I want to see you outside.”  
           Shinji could immediately tell the anger that was building beneath the surface.  It was volcano day and Shinji was standing at the base of Mount Vesuvius.  
           “Okay, let’s go.”  Shinji agreed.  
 * * *
             Outside between the buildings many of Shinji and Toji’s classmates had gathered in a circle around the two of them.  Shinji was half expecting Kensuke to come out with a microphone telling everyone “Let’s get ready to rumble!” and taking bets from kids in the crowd of who would win and how and when.  Instead, Kensuke was standing at the sidelines with his camera handy and watching the fight unfold.  
           Toji was cracking his knuckles in preparation.
           “Why didn’t you say you were the pilot?”  Toji asked in his fury.
           “After what you said?”  Shinji asked.  
           “Well that doesn’t matter.  I’m still gonna clobber you one to work off my own anger.”
           “I don’t want to fight you.”  Shinji asserted.  
“I wouldn’t want to fight me either.”  Toji said as he readied himself into a fighting stand and came at Shinji with the first blow.  
Instead of his fist making contact with Shinji’s face, the kid dodged the attack and Toji lost balance.  He was nearly about to trip when he shifted his weight and regained his equilibrium.  Turning around he saw Shinji standing casually as if he were waiting for the train. All the while the classmates in the crowd were clapping and chanting “Fight! Fight! Fight!”  
Toji threw another punch but Shinji dodged it again and again and again.
           “Come on, damn you!  Stand still and fight like a man!”  Toji demanded with his voice screeching and cracking.  
           “Do you really think that hitting me will make your sister better?”  Shinji asked.
           “No, but it’ll make me feel better!”  Toji shouted.  
           “Very well.  Then I will allow you to hit me.”  
           “You won’t dodge?”
           Toji stepped up to Shinji and saw the determination in his deep blue eyes.  The anger that he felt built and built upon itself until he balled his hand into a fast and slammed it against Shinji’s face.  The punch had knocked Shinji back but he didn’t fall.  Instead he dropped to one knee and stood back up.  
           “Feel better now?”  Shinji asked.  
           Toji said nothing.  He balled his fist up again and punched Shinji in the gut.  The blow had knocked the wind out of him and caused him to gasp for air as he fell to his knees and grabbed onto his mid-section.
           At last, Kensuke stood over him as he was regaining breath in his lungs.  
           “Why didn’t you fight back?”  He asked.  “You kicked ass in your robot.  And you were doing well at dodging.”  
           “What would be the point?”  Shinji asked standing back up.    
           Kensuke said nothing only ran off after Toji.  
           Shinji looked to his left and found the blue-haired girl, Rei Ayanami.  She was a little less bandaged than before but she still had a cast on her right arm, a bandage around her head, and a patch over her right eye.  With her good eye she looked at Shinji so coldly and then reported, “There’s an emergency.  I’ll report in first.”  
           With that she ran off and left him behind.
           “Right.”  Shinji said. “I’ll be right behind you.”
 * * *
             Within one of the many emergency shelters of Tokyo-3 the members of class 2-A were sitting upon mats waiting for the crisis to be over.  However, Kensuke Aida had other plans after seeing the censorship on the television news. With Toji’s help they convinced the class rep that they needed to use the bathroom.
           In the men’s room at the urinals Toji and Kensuke were discussing a plan.  
           “I need your help to unlock the gate.” Kensuke explained.
           “What for?” Toji asked
           “I want to get footage of the robot battle.”
           “You really must have a death wish.”
           “Come on.  This may be the one chance to see an actual battle.  And if we let this one slip who knows when the next one will come. Besides, don’t you want to see the battle too?”
           “And get injured by that robot like my sister? No way.”
           “And what if that pilot dies in battle because of that beating you gave him?  Don’t you feel guilty or obligated?”
           Toji was silent but the grinding of his teeth was audible.  If it weren’t for the trickling into the urinal the grinding would have echoed through the bathroom.  
           “So?” Kensuke asked.  “Will you help me?  Please.”
           “Okay! Okay!  Jeez.  You’ll say anything to get your way won’t you?”
           Kensuke only grinned.
 * * *
             Shinji sat in the cockpit of the entry plug.  He was already dressed in his flight suit or “plug suit” as it was called.  It was used to increase the synchronization between himself and his Eva.  The suit was a combination of white, blue and black with the numbers 01 on his chest.  Despite the unknown dangers that he may face Shinji couldn’t help but think back to his classmate, Toji and his sister.  It made him think how many more people were caught in the crossfire of the battle between the Evas and the Angels.  
           “Shinji, are you ready?”  Misato asked over the com.
           “Ready when you are.”  Shinji replied.  
           “First neutralize the enemies AT Field then fire a volley.  Do it just like we practiced.  Can you handle that?”  Ritsuko asked.
           “Just let me at him.”  Shinji said.  
           “That’s the spirit.”  Misato said sounding pleased.  “LAUNCH EVA!”
           There wasn’t as much of a shock to Shinji when the Eva would launch vertically.  He took it with the same blasé attitude as one would have driving their car onto the freeway but there was still the battle ahead.  Deep down he hoped that everyone in the city was safe.  He didn’t want anyone to suffer.  Not like the way Toji and his sister were suffering.  
           The Eva came to a stop and he ran over the combat instructions that he had gone through with Ritsuko for the past few weeks.
           Position target in the center and pull the switch.  
           Position target in the center and pull the switch.
           Position target in the center and pull the switch.
           “AT Field has been unfolded.”  Ritsuko reported.
           “Do it just like we planned, Shinji.”  Misato said.
           “Got it.”  Shinji acknowledged as he made the Eva pick up one of the rifles from the nearby storage buildings.  “Moving out now.”
           The Eva was hidden behind one of the buildings and Shinji could see the target on the HUD map.  Taking a deep breath he made his turn as if he was making a dive into a really cold pool of water.  He didn’t see much of the Angel and he didn’t care at first because the only thing that mattered was defeating it.  With the thing in its sights he did as he practiced, positioned the target in the center and pulled the switch.
           He fired volley of bullets at the enemy until there was a wall of gray smoke and he was out of ammunition.    For a moment there was nothing and there was the clear sense that he had already won within a few minutes of his battle but he was wrong.
           A pair of glowing tentacles shot out from behind the wall of smoke and struck the Eva.  It sliced off the muzzle of the rifle and the nearby storage building as clean as a sharp pair of scissors through construction paper.  
            The surprise attack had knocked the Eva onto its back and despite Misato saying that a spare rifle had been sent Shinji was frozen in place.  He saw the face of the enemy and it was truly monstrous with its tall, purple body and tiny arms in its mid-section that looked like the legs of a centipede.  The tiny legs were wriggling as if they were blinding clawing for something to grab and tear apart.  At its side there were two limbs that were connected to the pink undulating tentacles and they were glowing like neon lights and sparking like live wires that were without their protective sheaths.  But most of all at the top, beneath a pink mushroom-like cap there was a single red sphere that almost looked like an eye that looked at the Eva as if it were a bug to be easily squashed.  
           The tentacles made another attack and Shinji instinctively ducked out of the way.  The moment he did the lights in the cockpit went red and a small pop-up screen came up.  
           TIME REMAINING: 5:00:00
             Without the umbilical cable the Eva has a battery time anywhere from 1 minute minimum or 5 minutes maximum.
           Shinji was about to act but then he felt something grab onto his leg, or rather the Eva’s leg and threw him up into the air as if he were nothing more than a child’s toy being recklessly handled. For a moment it did feel like an amusement park ride but then the idea of the ground had kicked in as well as slammed into him when Shinji could feel it hard against his back.  
           “Shinji! Are you alright?”  Misato called out.  “Shinji!  Damage report!”
           “Minimal damage.  He can make it.”  Someone had reported over the COM system.
           Getting over the initial shock, Shinji looked down and between the enormous purple fingers of the Eva’s hands he saw two figures looking up at the Eva and shaking like frightened mice.  Immediately, another set of pop-ups came on his screen identifying them as Kensuke Aida and Toji Suzahara.  
           “What’re those dumbasses doing here?”  He asked aloud.  
           Before Shinji knew it, the Angel was making another attack with its glowing tentacles.  This time instead of dodging them he reached out and caught them with his bare hands.  The sensation that the Eva was feeling was sent right into Shinji and it felt like he was grabbing onto a piece of silverware that had been sitting in hot water for too long.  Every neuron in his head was telling him to let go of it but he couldn’t because Kensuke and Toji were down there.  
 * * *
             Inside NERV headquarters, Misato and Ritsuko had already seen the situation that Shinji had seen.  They knew that Kensuke and Toji were Shinji’s classmates and that boys being boys they wanted to see the fight despite the risks of being killed in the process.  
           “Shinji.”  Misato ordered.  “Let them into the cockpit.  Once you have them inside we’ll make a temporary retreat and we’ll start again later.”
           Ritsuko immediately protested.  “What makes you think that unauthorized civilians can be allowed into the entry plug?”
           “I’m authorizing it.”  Misato stated.
           “You’re exceeding your authority, captain!”  Ritsuko asserted.  
           “If you’ve got better ideas, I’d like to hear them.”
           “Unit One’s remaining activation time is four minutes.” Someone reported.
           “Shinji, hold Unit One on its current commands and eject the entry plug.  Do it now.”
* * *
             Outside of Eva Unit One Kensuke and Toji knew that the Eva couldn’t fight because they were there.  And it was only in the face of imminent death did Kensuke come to the realization that this idea was a bad one.  His first instinct was to grab Toji and run back into the shelter but then another answer had presented itself.
           The back of Eva’s neck had opened up and there was the entry plug along with a voice saying, “You two get in!”
 * * *
             The climb up into the entry plug only took a couple of minutes but it was the longest couple of minutes that Toji and Kensuke had ever experienced because with each step they took they kept looking up to see the Angel still struggling against the Eva’s grip.  Seeing it there was the very real sense that it could break free of the Eva’s grasp and attack again while they were still making their climb. Coupled with it was a sense of vertigo where they would look down and see how high they were getting off the ground. In that sense there were three ways they could die: falling off the Eva, by the Angel inside the Eva, or by the Angel while getting in.  
           At last they managed to climb into the entry plug and found they were being submerged in water.  The lights came back on and found Shinji dressed in a flight suit and grappling with the controls.  
           “Abnormal conditions occurring in the nervous system.” A reported stated.
           “Of course.  You allowed two foreign bodies into the matrix.”  Ritsuko assessed.  “Their noise in the nerve impulse system.”
           “Eva activation time down to one minute.” Another reporter called out.
           “Shinji!  Get out of there!  Utilize escape route 34!  Get out!”
           “Hey, new kid!”  Toji shouted at Shinji.  “Didn’t you hear her?  Let’s get out of here.”
           “No.”  Shinji grunted still holding onto the controls.  “I am Shinji Jordan and I will not run!  Do you hear me?  I WILL NOT RUN!”
           Utilizing the controls, Shinji made the Eva take one of its arms away from the pink tentacles of the Angel.  The moment he did, the thing made its strike stabbing into the Eva’s mid-section.   Shinji ignored the pain and used the free hand to pull out the Eva’s progressive knife.
           “What’re you doing, you idiot?”  Misato shouted.
           “I’m ending this fight.”  Shinji grunted as he shoved the controllers forward and plunged the progressive knife into the Angel’s red core.  
           “Eva activation time 50 seconds.”  
           “Come on.  Die damnit!”  Shinji grunted through the pain feedback.  He pushed as hard as he could against the resistance of his enemy.  The clock kept counting down as if it were making as much of a threat to Shinji as the Angel itself.  
           “Die!”  Shinji snarled until finally he screamed, “DIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEE!”
           Sparks flew out from the crack that the knife had made in the core.  They bounced and scattered across the neutral face of the Eva but within Shinji still had the look and determination of a warrior hell-bent on seeing his enemy dead. He knew that once the core would start to crack then the Angel would be dead but there was nothing except for that singular slash that was made.  
           The two giants were at a deadlock.  Who would die first?  
           “Eva activation time: ten seconds….nine…eight…seven…six…five…”
           At that five second mark, the Angel had finally relented when its core began to crack like thin ice under a heavy boot and the last set of sparks had flown out and the core had turned from its red shade to a dead gray.  
           “Two…one…”  A reporter had finalized the countdown.  “Eva Unit One activation ceased.  Target is completely silent.”  
           There was also silence within the cockpit as there was no more power to fuel the monitors or the main lights.  Shinji took his hands off the controllers and leaned back in the cockpit chair.  He wanted to look over at Kensuke and Toji but he couldn’t see but he could hear their breathing.  
           “You know,” Shinji began, “I hope this makes us even, Toji.”  
           Toji said nothing.  
 Next time:
Carol’s voice:  Shinji has to find a way to help people with the ring without others knowing about it. He hears some comforting words from his father and his classmates but not from Misato.   And what of the blue-haired girl named Rei Ayanami?  She seems cold and distant but seems close to Commander Ikari.  All this will be answered next time where there will be fanservice.  
Misato: Damnit!  Will you stop taking my job!
Neon Green Evangelion: Chapter 4 – Ring Training
© Green Lantern - DC Comics
© Neon Genesis Evangelion - Studio Gainax
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