#My laptop can’t run the updated game without catching on fire
personalitynexus · 3 months
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My two idiot WoLs from 14…
I miss them so much
0 notes
redqueen-hypothesis · 4 years
quarantime together ➳ mlqc
➳ WORD COUNT: 3064
➳ GENRE: fluff
➳ SYNOPSIS: what are the two of you up to during the quarantine together?
LUCIEN // has a shady history with viruses and flus
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lucien has insider info on the virus as one of the most acclaimed researchers (although he’s a neuroscientist but at this point what is lucien), so he’s long prepared for the lockdown before loveland even gets a wind of it happening
he’s part of the team that’s doing research on the virus too, just... remote
did you think that just because he’s staying at home, there’s no more work to be done? no, the man works just as intensely as ever, researching, inputting algorithms, double checking the data on his research reports. you need to remind him to take a break every few hours
you’ve asked him to set an alarm on his phone but all he does is smile and wrap his arms around you tighter, saying that you’re much more pleasant and persuasive to listen to
knows you’re stressed about the virus and shares with you tidbits of information about it, explaining to you how the two of you should be fine just as long as you stay inside your apartment. together.
you get to see him in his glasses more often, which you find far too attractive when paired with that silently intense gaze he wears while buried deep in work. he looks up on occasion to catch you staring with far too wide eyes. caught red handed (or red faced)
what you don’t realise is that he’s watching you too, he’s just faster at looking away before you realise he’s looking at you with an impossibly tender gaze
when you whine a little about wanting to take this opportunity to spend more time with him, lucien doesn’t show it on his face, but his heart feels like it’s warming- oh, it’s melting in his chest
starts cooking dinner with you
much to your surprise, lucien can’t do everything (no, there’s something he actually can’t do) and cooking is one of them. he’s not fantastic at it, or maybe he’s just doing this on purpose so that you have to guide his hands with your own as he helps to chop the vegetables
leans down for you to tie the apron around his neck, and sneaks a gentle kiss or two when you’re most unprepared for it, much to your surprise (and happiness)
pulls you to him out of the blue and squeezes you around the waist before he releases you, saying the temperature is cold and he needs something to warm him up
in the evenings, the two of you snuggle of the couch together to watch old classic films that you’ve either rented out or dug out on netflix, sharing a blanket between the two of you
lucien engages you in discussion about the shows, from what you love about them to what you think of the characters, and sometimes if you’re lucky, lucien will let you pry just a little bit more about the enigma that he is - you feel like he’s unlocked a door to his heart only when he’s around you
occasional anime marathons, you didn’t think that he’d like them, but he seems to have quite an interest in attack of titan season three and death note
prepare for a psychological analysis of the man that is eren yeager
the two of you talk late into the night, until your discussions become more sleep drunk ramblings than any coherent thoughts, and lucien loves it because you’re so much more open and free about letting him know your opinion so much that he doesn’t realise he’s doing the same
lowkey wondering if he should prolong the virus somehow just so the two of you can remain in this little love nest for a little longer
coaxes you into the bedroom when you fall asleep on his shoulder, tucks you up in the blanket before he resumes his research (honestly, does this man ever sleep?)
if you wake up in the middle of the night to see him still typing away on his laptop, your sleepy voice gently scolding him for not taking care of his own health and the hand tugging at his shoulder is more than enough for him to set down his work for the night and join you in bed
he spends just a little longer watching your sleeping face before he joins you in your dreams
VICTOR // monopoly king
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daily panique about the stock market (but he does it elegantly, so it’s panique instead of panic, he’s not emotional like other foolish mortals)
wakes up at the brink of dawn, this man is the head of the loveland financial group, a mere virus isn’t going to bring his company down and he knows that he’ll need to work extra to ensure his workers still have jobs to do
cooks breakfast for you while you’re still asleep while listening to the news on the television, gives you updates when you wake up
if you wake up early to the absence of warmth in your shared bed, however, you might catch the rare sight of the one and only li zeyan humming a tune as he beats eggs in what he thinks is an empty kitchen, or stumble upon him having a staring match with the oven
tries to sneakily slip food and drinks that he knows are good for relaxing the body and mind because you’ve been on edge with each news report of the virus that comes in, you notice the new trend in chamomile tea and dark chocolate, but silently eat it up with a smile and thank him for it - let this awkward man show his love in his ways
extremely busy from morning to afternoon with video conferences and phone calls, you press gentle kisses between his furrowed brow between meetings and watch as his expression relaxes before the phone starts ringing again
make a cup of tea or coffee for him, he appreciates it
there’s one time you kissed him on the mouth thinking he was on break but he wasn’t, and it wasn’t until you realised victor had frozen stiff as a board that it clicked - the entire board of the LFG had been watching through the video camera
you’re never stepping foot into that building ever again
even though he’s ridiculously busy with work, victor makes an effort to spend some time with you throughout his busy day. these usually happen in the fifteen minute to hour long breaks between his meetings
he needs something simple and easy to do with you in those small pockets of time
so, card/board games!
the only game he can play decently at the beginning is poker, but is absolutely terrible at uno and monopoly - he’s never actually played them before
calls these games silly at first, but by the third day he’s actually stopping time before his next meeting starts just so that he can count the reverse uno cards he’s put down and ensure his victory
becomes an absolute beast at monopoly and crushes you completely, you sort of regret teaching him this game because he starts educating you on economic theories
“you must buy as many properties as possible at the beginning, there is no reward without risk... this is the game of monopoly... become the monopoly!”
you just shake your head with a sigh. ah, the menace of capitalism.
he fares worse at monopoly deal, looks absolutely stunned at the idea of a ‘deal breaker’ and ‘just say no’
works out in his apartment gym and occasionally pulls you along, saying that you need to exercise and stay healthy or you’ll become a couch potato
you reluctantly go along with him but you’re rewarded with the sight of him working out, i assure you, it’s very worth it
sometimes you shower together which leads to more... if you get what i mean wink wonk
you help him with dinner prep, which is mainly you watching as he whips up a michelin worthy meal for the two of you
you claim you’re helping with the taste testing
that also leads to more. victor enjoys eating off the kitchen island - and more importantly, he enjoys eating you out on it
opens a bottle of wine or whiskey for sometimes no reason at all at night, just to enjoy it with you
the two of you sit at the balcony overlooking the entirety of loveland city from his penthouse, sipping at your wine and talking about everything and anything
dumb arguments like “you stole the entire pile of fifties when i wasn’t looking earlier???” victor is kind of a sore loser
you take some time out to teach him how to play on the piano, what’s the use of that ridiculously expensive grand piano in his penthouse otherwise?
it takes him two nights to learn simple pieces like “ode to joy” and three for “you are my sunshine”, he hasn’t touched the piano for a few years
the eager, almost child-like determination he wears on his face makes your heart warm as he fumbles to place his fingers on the right keys, and you play simple duets together
bedtime snuggles, victor cancels all his late night meetings or postpones them to earlier schedules so that he can hold you close in bed at night
realises what he’s been missing out the entire time and can’t believe that it needed the quarantine to let him know how much he loves falling asleep with you in his arms
resolves to do this more often after the lockdown is over
GAVIN // keep the fire station on speed dial
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the entire of loveland city is under lockdown but unfortunately crimes are still happening - the criminals must not have gotten their stay at home notices
even though crime rates have dipped, there are still strange occurrences happening in the city here and there
the police force is still an essential service, and gavin is called out of the blue at the most awkward hours (when you’re eating, when you’re sleeping, when you’re having sex-) to handle high profile cases
you fuss about him while he’s rushing to change into his uniform, securing a mask on his face with a quick kiss to the lips before you put it on to hide his blushing cheeks
never uses the door, just straight up jumps out of your window like a cat burglar running off with your heart
you’re always worried, but gavin reassures you he’ll take care of himself and stay away from people on the ground - he can’t risk getting infected and passing it on to you
buys takeaway snacks and boba for you because he knows you’ve missed them
crashes on the couch if he comes back at odd hours because he’s too tired to get to the bed, wakes up to a blanket draped over him and the smell of frying eggs wafting over from the kitchen
at first he’s a little at a loss for what to do with so much free time, but you encourage him to pick up old hobbies he’s long forgotten about by asking him to share them with you
wii games!! nintendo switch!! xbox!! you’ve never seen gavin’s face light up so fast when he delivers a critical hit to your character in super smash bros... and immediately starts spluttering apologies to you like he’s committed a cardinal sin
kiss him to shut him up, and he sinks into it with a muffled sigh. poor birdcop needs a break
he misses his boxing gym, and the closest thing you two get to that are pillow fights, although he’s careful not to use too much strength as he gently bats you with a cushion
you always end up winning since he’s too soft to hit you with very much effort
tries to pick up ‘home cooking 101′ and searches youtube for asmr cooking videos
watches them so intensely you’re a little bit intimidated by the sharpness of his gaze (it’s a cooking video on how to make lemonade, for god’s sake)
peaceful cuisine and nino’s home are his go to channels
more often than not his solo attempts in the kitchen end up in disaster and you wonder whether it would be safer to have a fire extinguisher in the house. gavin wholeheartedly agrees as he rushes to slam the lid over the frying pan of flaming oil
he’s more at ease carrying out critically dangerous missions than turning on the stove, and flinches whenever the spark igniter sets the gas alight - this is why he sticks with instant noodles and cup rice
you offer to teach him, however, and he’s hard pressed to turn you down when you look at him light that
he’s good at kneading dough! it’s one of his only talents in the kitchen, but he’s very good at it. it also gives you a chance to salivate over those forearms, i mean, that tasty, tasty dough!
can make a mean soy sauce egg fried rice, but that’s about the only thing he can make
takes this time to fix up his motorcycle and make some improvements on it, but is kind of sad because he can’t go for a spin. he misses being on his bike
the plus side of this quarantine though, is that he can reach for you any time he has the urge to embrace you or feel you, and that is many, many times in a day
at first he was a little shy and awkward about it, but when you told him that you appreciate him being forward about what he wants, he’s become a lot more comfortable with initiating contact
pulls you into his lap for random cuddles, brushes your hair back to give the shell of your ear a light kiss, squeezes your hands when you’ve spent a long time drafting up plans for shows to make once the quarantine is over
has some uh... pent up energy that he needs to release without the adrenaline rush of the missions he’s used to
translates well to gavin being more dominant and vocal in the bedroom, something you’re very appreciative of. you hope gavin knows that as much as your neighbors surely do by now
braids your hair just for fun when the two of you are lying in bed with nothing to do
wraps his arms around you tight
KIRO // screaming into the unknown at the skyscrapers in the distance
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is going crazy with cabin fever
he wants to go to the park!! he wants to feel the sun on his face!! his favourite food festival is cancelled!! he was really looking forward to seeing it with you :(
pouts for days, but is magically alright if you kiss him
“maybe that’s your power, ms chips! give me another kiss to make sure!”
wakes you in the morning (unintentionally) with his vocal exercises. you blink open your eyes to see him standing at the balcony with his hands on his hips and singing chromatic scales or practice songs to the other apartment blocks
sometimes someone shouts back if he starts too early in the morning and he retreats inside sheepishly
they’re getting a free kiro concert
it’s like having your own personal rooster/alarm clock, but his voice is so angelic you can’t be blamed for falling back asleep
brought his cat, cello, back to your shared apartment to take care of since he can’t just leave cello in the studio with the quarantine going on
you spend lazy afternoons as cat parents, putting gacha outfits on the cat and filming stories for kiro to put up on tik tok and instagram
#celloathome trends on twitter
weekly check ins with savin to say ‘yes, kiro isn’t only eating junk food’, ‘yes, kiro is doing vocal practices every day’, ‘you’re sure you’re not snacking on everything in the apartment?’
he is eating snacks that you’ve stocked up on but reminds himself not to eat too much since he’s not exercising as much anymore
teaches you the choreography to his favourite songs!
you’re lagging far far behind him in terms of skill and coordination but he praises you and cheers you on anyway
on the slow ballad tracks on his albums, he’ll pull you close and just sway with you along to the beat, pressing his lips to your hair
this little ball of sunshine wants the sun!! he needs to recharge on that good ol’ vitamin d, so he hangs out at a sunny spot on the balcony - more often than not you’ll find him napping on there, legs propped up on the balustrade and arm shielding his eyes from the sun
plays a lot of online multiplayer games such as DOTA, World of Warcraft and LOL, roping you along to play on his team. it doesn’t matter how bad you are at them, he wants you with him. he enjoys playing as the damage dealer with stealth abilities, and does ridiculously low baritones or high pitched simpers to hide his identity online.
plays the guitar to serenade you, but the difference is that he’s on the balcony begging forgiveness because you locked him out for making a mess of the kitchen in his snack raid
scrolls through social media constantly to update his fans about how he’s doing at home, and is very up to date with the trends on twitter like dance challenges
participates in every single one of them and makes you film them for him, but he’s so funny your hands shake with every take and the two of you have to try over and over again
livestreams!! concerts from home!!
let’s you dye his hair when you’re bored. pink mohawk? he rocks it. black curls? he looks stunning. silver dye?
“ahh, no, no i don’t want to look like an old man,” kiro laughs as he pulls the tube of hair colouring away from you as you pout. you find it in the trash a few days later.
kiro gets frisky when he’s bored, hands wandering over your hips and up your shirt when you’re unaware. sometimes you smack them away, sometimes you don’t
the two of you sleep at the strangest times, ranging from ten at night when you’re bored with nothing to do or four in the morning when the two of you binge movie series
this can’t be healthy but kiro’s smile makes it all worth it as he munches on microwaved popcorn next to you. it tastes like salted styrofoam but kiro takes what he can get - beggars can’t be choosers
he can’t wait to get back to work and seeing his beloved fans once again, but part of him doesn’t want to give up the peaceful lull of this simple, domestic lifestyle in which the world revolves only around the two of you
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babi-correia · 4 years
What Could Have Been (Part 15)
Words: 1286 Warnings: None?
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 |  Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9| Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14
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“What do we got?” Voight asks as Intelligence gathers around him. Kevin grabs his notepad, flicking the pages to the beginning.
“The Emergency Center was heavily sabotaged, their servers have been completely destroyed, thus explaining the inability to respond to calls.”
“What about the fire here? It’s very odd for a building to randomly catch fire in the middle of the winter.” Voight continues.
“Severide says it’s foul play, for sure. Mainly with the bomb.” Jay says, leaning against his table. “It’s very weird, mainly with the fact that it would only catch the firefighters, because most of the researchers are home for the holidays.”
“What if it was directed at the firefighters?” Kim suggests hesitantly, earning confused looks from the rest of the team. She looks at Adam before she continues. “We got that package about (Y/N)… Maybe it was Eric. He has a weird grudge towards her because she knows Jay.”
“Are you sure?” Voight asks, noticing the distraught look on Jay’s face.
“Not sure, but it’s the best theory we have.” She says, wringing her hands together. “And Adam’s CI said he heard a buzz about the whole university ordeal being planned.”
“Why go after her and not me?” Jay asks, anger seeping into his voice. “His problem is with me, not her.”
“He wants to get to you, to anger you, make you drop your guard.” Adam says, crossing his arms. “He knows you’re pissed at this, and he’s counting on your anger to make you be brash and create an opening for him to get to you.”
“Well, he’s succeeding.”
“Jay, why don’t you get to the hospital? I think (Y/N) would really like to see you when she wakes up.” Voight suggests, noticing the weight on the younger detective’s shoulders. “I can give you a ride there on my way to question my CIs.”
“What?” Jay’s brows furrow in confusion. “I can take my truck.”
“I want your truck to be inspected. He rigged a random room to get to (Y/N) and was able to, I don’t want to risk your car being tampered with in any way.” Voight explains, grabbing his jacket and keys.
Jay grabs his jacket and beanie, rubbing his hands on his face as he goes down the stairs after Voight. Trudy sends him a sympathetic look as he follows Voight through the main lobby, and he nods at her in an appreciative way.
The trip to the hospital is quiet until Voight stops his car by the ER door and turns towards Jay.
“I know how you’re feeling right now, like it’s your fault.” The Sergeant says, making Jay look at him. “But it’s not. Eric’s twisted in his head, there was no way we could have predicted or prevented it. You went above and beyond, there was nothing more you could have done.”
“Will says she’s not out of danger yet.” Jay mutters. “That the rod did quite a bit of damage, she lost a lot of blood, the gash on her leg severed a muscle. She’s still in ICU and unconscious, and they don’t know if she’s going to be able to keep on being a firefighter, much less part of Squad.”
“Halstead, none of that is your fault. You helped her the most you could and quite probably saved her life. And now you’re going to be there for her through the recovery, and we’ll nail that son of a bitch down.” Voight says, nodding towards the hospital. “Be there. We’ll let you know if there’s any developments.”
Jay nods and exits the car, entering the ER and spotting Will almost immediately. The older brother leads the youngest into the waiting area filled with firefighters. Their heads turn as they see the brothers come in and Boden, Casey and Severide seem to have a silent conversation before nodding.
“51.” Boden calls, making everyone turn to him. “We have to get back to our job. Jay will stay with (Y/N) and keep us updated. Let’s go.”
The firefighters clap Jay’s shoulder or nod at him as they go by, recognizing him as a trustworthy person to stay and “keep guard” on you. It makes him feel weird on the inside, but he pushes it aside as Will guides him into your room.
He sucks in a breath as he sees you laying in the hospital bed, pale, unmoving, hooked up to numerous machines.
“This looks worse than what you told me on the phone, Will.” Jay manages to say, gingerly sitting at the foot of the bed and resting one hand on your shin. He feels the guilt gnawing at his mind along with an anger he can’t contain; he’s sure that if he’s the one to catch Eric, he won’t make it to prison.
“It does, but it’s mostly preventive.” Will says, looking between Jay and you with a confused face. “I didn’t know you knew her.”
“I’ve known her for longer than you.” Jay chuckles, spotting your dog tags on the small table by the bed and pointing at them. “We served together on my last tour.”
Will’s brows knit in confusion as he approaches his brother, leaning against the foot of the hospital bed.
“You never told me about her.”
“Well… It’s complicated.”
A couple of days later and Jay feels at his wit’s end: they have nothing on Eric and you still haven’t waken up. He’s sitting on the crappy hospital chair, laptop atop his legs, left hand scrolling through the little information they have on Eric while his right hand holds yours. His right leg bounces as he feels his patience dwindling and his desperation nipping at his subconscious.
Will walks into the room, making his normal rounds and taking in his brother’s nervous behavior.
“If you bounce that leg more, the laptop is going to fall.” He remarks, marking your vitals on the chart.
“Shouldn’t she be awake by now, Will?” Jay asks, the desperation evident in his voice. Maybe the coffee Mouse had brought him wasn’t such a good idea after all.
“Jay, this is a game of patience. It will take some time for her to recover even after she awakes. The wounds are closing up nicely, but they still did a lot of damage that needs to be reversed with physical therapy.” Will says, setting the chart back on its’ spot. He watches as Jay runs a hand through his face, the bags in his eyes evident, as well as the longer beard. “Shouldn’t you go home and rest for a bit?”
“I’m fine, I just don’t want to leave her side.” Jay admits, earning a nod from Will.
“You know where to find me if you need anything.” Will says, leaving the room.
Jay closes the laptop and sets it on the floor, turning to you and holding your left hand with both of his, leaning his forehead against them.
He stays like that for a few moments, listening to the steady beeping of the machines until his phone starts buzzing in his pocket. He fishes it out, unlocking it and looking at the text on the screen.
Ruzek: We got a lead. Will text details later.
Jay’s heart jumps in his chest at the news, his free hand gripping your tighter as he types back a reply.
Jay: If you get him, let Voight do his thing and let me know.
He feels excited in a weird way that makes him feel guilty for a brief moment before he looks at you again; Eric had put you in an hospital bed, fighting for your life, and there is no way that Jay is going to let him get away with it.
@thexplosivegirl​ | @godohammers​ | @savingprivatecass​ | @princxss-fia | @fullwattpadmusictree​ | @bethii1​ | @doramstr​ | @annaallicce​ | @hehurst23​ | @dreamslove92 | @lostsoulwalking | @magicxshadows​ | @lookatallthefeels | @miranda0102​ | @killjoys-make-some-noise-na-na​ | @corebore123​ | @talicat713​ | @jayxuptons​ | @detectiveinchicago​ | @cozyfandoms​ | @justanotheronechicagofan​ | @redsmemories​ | @nocturnalherb16 (I can’t tag you anymore???) | @lovejessejay​ | @zizzlekwum​ | @music-is-my-escape71 | @inlovewith3​ | @panaitbeatrice​ | @goingwiththewind​ | @sesamepancakes​ | @caitoszmerlo​ | @rebel-without-care​ | @poguesvixen​ | @cookiecakeslive​ | @csigeoblue​ | @samantha-chicago​
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
#4 Hello, Rival (Mark Lee x you)
Fourth day of Christmas
Hello, Rival (Mark Lee x you)
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I do not own the pictures, but I own the stories :) enjoy! 
Moving on to a new country has never been easy, even for you who was only eight when you leave New York to Toronto. You certainly miss the Christmas lights New York always have each year, but turns out Toronto is not that boring, or at least your neighbor is not boring.
You grew up with the family tradition of decorating your house with Christmas lights. Your father likes to step up your house’s Christmas lights to another level. He once designed the theme to be Avengers, once he made it Winter wonderland, another one of your favorite is the time he made a Frozen castle in front of your house. Those were back in New York where people always take a picture in front of our house.
It is now your third Christmas in Toronto and your father hasn’t come up with any idea.
“Dad, are we going to put on the lights soon? Our neighbour has started cleaning their lawn.” You peek over the blinded window to the house next to yours. They look like they’re a big family, judging by the number of people sweeping the leaves right now.
Your brother joins you on spying your neighbour, “I wonder what they are making this year. Dad are we going to decorate the lawn this year?”
Your father throws a shocked look to you and your brother “My dear (y/n) and Jaehyun, there is no way I am not putting lights this year! Just wait I’ve drawn them nicely here.” He opens his laptop and the two of you scurry to his side.
He opens his blueprint and Jaehyun claps his hands, you marvel at his work.
“Nutcracker?” your mother suddenly joins the three of you.
He nods his head proudly, “Tomorrow my nutcracker air mascot should come in the mail and we can take the lights out! We can do this, we’ll make our house looks nicer.” He places his hand and we all put ours on top of his.
“Okay now, ginger cookies are here! Let’s decorate!!!” your mother places a hot tray of fresh baked cookies on the dining table and you’re more than delighted to decorate the house.
Your family always make them and distribute some of the batches to neighbours. You spend the entire afternoon jamming to Christmas carols and finish writing small quotes on every cookies. You hand them to your mother so she can pack them nicely and you flop on the big couch in the living room.
Your brother, Jaehyun is playing the piano while listening to you commenting on your neighbour who has started putting on lights.
“I think theirs will be the usual theme, just snow man and some santas.” You spy on your neighbour as if this is a secret mission.
Jaehyun just chuckles and lets you spy more, he even adds fire like asking you how many people are there and who seems to be the laziest one.
“Are you going to school tomorrow?” your mother asks after dinner is over and you and Jaehyun are lounging over the TV playing on some video games.
You nod your head, “Tomorrow is the Christmas celebration in school and we have holidays!”
“Then you better sleep or you will be cranky. Jae you’ll help us with the lights right?” your mother asks your brother. He nods his head, “I’m free tomorrow.”
You pout, “I want to be a part of the team too!!”
Your brother teases, “You’re in school. Sorry but you won’t have credits when people come to gaze at our house.”
If your mother did not stop the two of you there, you’re sure you will be on the floor trying  to tackle your tall brother.
“We will wait for you. Jae will pick you up on twelve and we can eat lunch and start preparing the lights. Now bed time!” she points to your room and after you get up to brush your teeth your mom send you to dreamland.
The next day, you cannot hold back your excitement. You’re super happy to attend the school’s Christmas party and the last day of school, but you cannot wait for the bell to ring.
“Jumpy today, unusual…” your friend Jisung asks you.
“Oh Jisung I’ll put on the Christmas lights today!! Can’t wait.” You pick up your bag and almost run away if not for his little scream of “wait”
You turn your body and he hands you a nicely wrapped box, “I made them, some chocolates. Merry Christmas!” he waves his hand to you and you hug him tight, “Thank you!”
He is your best friend in school, you’ll miss him! Your sadness disappeared as soon as you step out of your school and see your brother with his annoying smirk.
He just waits until you’re by his side and the two of you start walking back home.
“I got a chocolate from Jisung.” You boast the small present to your brother.
Jaehyun looks at it without much interest, but his hand is fast and before you can see a piece of chocolate gone, Jae has already munch on the sweet food.
He smacks his lips, trying to savour the taste, “Hmm I guess it’s good, might need a second test.” He reaches out again but you quickly close the box and glare at him.
Jaehyun laughs at your angry face and just pokes your cheek, “Sorry, come on don’t put a sour face! It’s Christmas soon!”
When your eyes catch the pretty decorations, your neighbours had made on their garden, you forgot your sour face and run to your house.
Jaehyun has to run after you and there in your lawn you can see your father already planning out the things we have to put up today.
“Okay put your stuff inside and come out quick.” Your mother says as your father is already busy putting on the lights on the higher parts of the house.
Jaehyun helps father with the roofs and electrics, while you help mom with the tinsels and just the balloons.
It took all four of you the whole time from One to Five to finally plug in the cable to the socket and cheer when the lights perfectly work according to plan.
It really looks magical! With the white snows and the lights, you can feel like you’re in a new world, the nutcracker realm.
After cleaning up and dinner, all four of you spend your night taking pictures in front of the house. Documenting the project for this year and basically updating it to your social media.
Your eyes see the flashing lights your neighbours also have on their houses. Everyone has their own concepts, and it is all pretty.
The next day you wake up with a happy feeling. You enjoy your breakfast and see a freshly baked pie with sweet inviting smell on the kitchen.
“Mom, are you making pies?” you yell and she replies from the laundry room, “Oh that was from our neighbour. Mark’s mother baked them, cut it up if you want.”
You eye the freshly baked pie but suddenly stop when your mother appears in the kitchen with a jar of cookies.
“If you have nothing to do, please help me deliver this to their house.” Your mother hands you the jar of cookies you decorated last night.
You knit your eyebrow, “Which house is Mark’s?”
Your mother rolls her eyes, right you never meet him. “The one on the left.”
Your mouth pops an “Oh” and you grab your coat quickly. After putting on socks and boots, you take the cookies to the house next to yours. The same house that you spied on yesterday. Their decoration did not look bad, though you like yours more.
After knocking three times on their door, the door opens and a young man similar to your age greets you. His face looks surprised.
“Yes?” he said.
You clear your throat, “Oh Mark right? I’m (y/n) your neighbour. Ever since we move here, we kind of have an unspoken Christmas lights competition,” you look around and he also peeks to see your house. You continue, “And I finally meet my rival!” you grin. He laughs and you hand him the cookie jar.
“For you and your family. Thank you for the pies!” You shyly brush your hair away and feel your cheeks burn when he examines the cookies.
“Looks nice and yummy. Did you make this?” he brings out one and tastes it on the spot.
Your eyes dilate as you hope he says something good “My mom bakes it, I decorate it.”
He chews and swallows, his eyes lit up, “Hm interesting! I love this. Thank you (y/n)!”
You reach out your hand, “Nice to meet you, rival” you wink
He laughs and smirks, “Nice theme over there too, rival.”
The two of you laugh.
“Come here next time and play with me.” He politely invites you over, since both of you had never hold a conversation before.
You nod your head, “Feel free to visit me too!”
He winks, “No worries, I’ll visit you whenever I am free. Okay then, see you! I have to help mom send some more pies.”
You turn your heels away after sending the last good bye and with light foot steps you reach your home.
“Christmas never disappoints! Look, I finally know my rival and we’re going to be good friends.” You tell Jaehyun your story as soon as you see him.
“Oh yeah? How are you so sure?” he yawns bored about the lame childish story he always hear from you.
You smack your lips, “Because my heart says so, and I am not like you.”
See you!! Christmas masterlist
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maxismatchccworld · 5 years
Patch Notes June 2019
UPDATE: 6/18/2019 – PC / Mac
Hiya Simmers!
Is it hot outside, or is that just my gland problem? Anyway, let’s not worry about that - we’ve got some awesome new stuff to talk about! With all this Summer heat and with Sims 4 Island Living’s release just around the corner, we’ve got a few new free updates we are so excited to share with you! So let’s slap on some sunglasses, squeeze into that swimsuit, and dive on in...
What’s New?
Randomize Traits Button:
A Randomize Traits button has been added to CAS and in the Live Mode Age-Up Molecule. Oh yes, it’s now just right there, waiting to be clicked. Over and over and over and over. I can’t really believe it either, but here it is. The dark days without this small hero are now just a distant unpleasant memory. From here on out, if you just want to grab-and-go your Sim’s personality and get the heck outta CAS, or if you want to add a little challenge to who your Sims might be, it’s just one click away. Jeepers, this feels good. Seriously, I’ve been wanting this forever.
Lounge Chair:
Everyone (even you) gets a FREE LOUNGE CHAIR! That’s right, we’ve added a delightfully Portable Lounge Chair, so you can now lounge by the pool the way you’ve always wanted: Laid back. With your mind on your Simoleons and your Simoleons on your mind.
It’s Pride Month!
Show your pride with some fantastically colorful new clothing. The rainbow leggings are my personal favorite. Nah, maybe the body suit is my favorite. But now that you mention it, I can’t stop dressing my Sims in the new t-shirts -- created in partnership with the It Gets Better Project -- so I guess I just love it all! In addition, we’ve also included a selection of decorative Pride flags for hanging on your Sims’ walls. Finally, we’ve updated our bathroom door sets in-game so that every bathroom door also includes a gender-neutral version for builders, and includes a full suite of color swatches for mixing and matching to your heart’s content. Happy Pride Month, everyone!
Stilt Foundations:
Or as I like to call them, High Heels for your House. Or House Heels. These things don’t need to be limited to just the tropics. Stilts are a great partner in crime to manipulated and flat terrain alike in any biosphere. You can find them in Build Mode alongside all the other regular Foundation types. Now go get your stilt on.
Further Eaves Extension:
Now you can pull your Eaves… further.
More Door Colors:
Ok, we may have gone a bit overboard here… There are 350 new color swatches spread across all of the doors and arches in the base game catalog. If you’ve ever wanted matching doors in Light Brown, Reddish Brown, Brown, Dark Brown, Gray, White, or Black, then this is certainly the update for you!
A Couple New Lot Traits:
Clothing Optional: This new venue-only lot trait will inspire your Sims to -- you guessed it -- get nude.
Off-The-Grid: Now you can live out your nomadic fantasy on any lot. Applying this lot trait will remove your Sim’s use of power and running water, but on the upside it keeps your bills down. Keep a lookout for existing objects with the “Works Off-The-Grid” note in the Buy Catalog.
More Toddler Diaper Colors:
We added some L’il Swimmies Splashy Diapers! You don’t necessarily have to use them for splashing in the water, but that’s where our brains were at when we made them. We made these not only in anticipation for Island Living, but we also thought you’d appreciate more swimming options for your toddlers to use in the Seasons Kiddie Pool.
Back Float:
A new Back Float interaction is available for Sims swimming in the pool. Click on that water. Try it out. Take a load off.
Fishing Additions:
Brace yourself, we’re about to cast you into a deep dive…
We added several new interactions to allow players to fish in different ways and interact with other Sims around fishing activities.
Sims can perform a few new Fishing-based socials to gain useful info (via UI TNS/Notebook) and push NPCs to Fish.
Fishing is now joinable.
Improved fishing interaction tuning and autonomy to make the interaction more efficient and fun.
Upper skill levels now provide more meaningful rewards, with new Interactions added to Fishing skill levels
New high skill cast interaction “Angle for Big Catch” increases chance of getting rarer fish.
New high-skill VFX visuals on Rare fishing spots.
Ability to now “Mentor Sims in Fishing.”
Fishing UI has improved information, including Notebook info with Bait information.
Tuning for fish that can be caught is unique per world & more fishing spots added to some of our previously shipped worlds.
New bait preference system applied to most existing fish that modify catch chances.
Ceiling Fan Updates:
Ceiling Fans will now cool a room if you have Seasons and the fan is on. Oh yeah, speaking of which, we also added the ability to turn them On and Off. And while we were at it, we figured we’d make them dry off damp Sims too.
Ceiling Objects Build Sort:
We also added a new Ceiling Objects Build sort category to make things like Fans easier to find.
Swimming Things:
There is now a chance for interesting things to happen to your Sims while swimming, like getting a cramp or losing their suit (eek!). Swimming also now gives your Sims a boost in Fitness skill gain.
Part-Time Jobs Update:
And last but not least (you still with me?) all existing Part-Time Jobs are no longer just for Teens. That’s right, now elders could work as Fast Food Employees. Young Adults could be Babysitters if they want. Why not? The Part-Time world is your oyster. Oh oh oh -- and one last thing on that note: You can now have two Part-Time Jobs at once and pick between shifts. Wowee.
And now on to the unintended features…
General Issues.
Toddler’s Needs will now always be refilled while they’re at daycare.
Exterior trim now correctly applies to rounded flat blocks.
Adult Sims will now be able to successfully put Toddlers to bed. I wonder what their secret is. I may need to tap them for tips.
Sims on fire are now able to safely extinguish themselves in a pool. That’s refreshing.
The Dizzy Palms Ceiling Fan’s blades now tilt in the right direction.
Toddlers will no longer be put down from the high chair before they’ve finished eating. Patience mama, they’re still learning.
Gender Preference now affects flirt options.
Teen Sims will no longer spin into their Everyday outfit when going to school. If Randy wants to wear his swim trunks to school, well that’s Randy’s business.
Flirting with another Sim in a group conversation no longer increases the entire group’s Romance with you. That was awkward.
NPC Invites for Talent Showcase and Lounge will now take you to the appropriate venue.
We have fixed that bizarre issue where you’d have your Sims travel home, and then you load into your home lot, and your Sim’s skewer thumbnails are all greyed out like they’re not there, but when you hover over the skewer it tells you your Sims are at home. But like, they’re not at home. You’re staring at this empty lot, unable to play your Sims and you’re like.. “Is this even my home?”. And you start to question whether you selected the right lot on the map, but then you’re like “Wait, yeah - this is totally my home. But where are my Sims? It’s telling me they’re at home, but they’re not here.” Anyway, this should be fixed now.
Ghosts will no longer be obsessively calling you 5-ish times a day to see if you want to come over and hang out. They’ve been working on their self-control and are limited to at most one call per day now.
Terrain Paint now functions properly on Laptop Mode for AMD graphics cards.
NPC Sims will no longer get a sudden need to get nude after waking up if they have traveled off-lot and returned while you are visiting them. This one was weird. I wish I could show you the bug video.
Get Famous
We’ve toned down the amount of excitement that occurs when a celebrity makes an appearance outside of Del Sol Valley. They should be showing up outside of Del Sol Valley less often as well, so that should cut down on the ruckus.
It was a setup! I’ve been framed! It wasn’t me, I swear! You’ll pay for this! You got the wrong guy, it was Wilma! Wilma, I tell you! Celebrity Sims will no longer be falsely accused of stealing things. And for Wilma’s sake, I hope they get over what happened in the past.
Captain Sigma’s Gig costume no longer includes a chicken mask. That was a fowl fashion choice.
Performing “Tell a Group Story” Interaction Goals will now complete for the Fan Meet & Greet Event.
We fixed the issue with Del Sol Valley’s terrain disappearing when View Distance was set to High. Graphics cards (that we know of) that were affected by the issue:
Intel HD Graphics 3000
Intel HD Graphics 4000
AMD Radeon R6 Graphics
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5145
We fixed the Del Sol Valley skyline texture glitch after exiting CAS.
Elder Sims will no longer have the option to retire from the Acting Career, just to be met with a sad, sad reality. Before they were taunted with a TNS telling them they got this big great pension and now they can sit back and relax, but the pension amount was §0. That’s just so dark…
Now, if you travel during a holiday, the holiday decorations on your neighbor’s homes will be removed after the holiday ends. They were admittedly being either a bit overly festive or just a tad lazy. Either way, it’s been dealt with.
Sims will no longer gluttonously guzzle/gulp/slurp/chug water/milk/orange juice during events. No need to be so shellfish.
Jogging Vampires will no longer hold an umbrella while jogging because that’s just silly.
Coffee and Tea is safe to drink again. Sims will no longer receive the “Lethal Heat” buff and die upon returning home after drinking three hot beverages.
Cats & Dogs
Strays can now eat and use litter boxes without having to make the lot a Cat Hangout. You poor poor babies. You’re safe now.
Existing Sims/Saves will once again be able to lecture their pets. Now you can let Biscuit know how you truly feel when she jumps up on the counter.
It’s been ongoing, but we are actively calming those overly excited pets. Your queue should no longer fill up with a stack of a zillion bubbles from your pets when you run certain interactions. We’ve been working on this issue for a while with a few other fixes, but it’s been rearing its head with new repro steps here and there. So hopefully this fish sticks.
Having a puppy or kitten nearby will no longer interrupt your Sim’s bath or shower. We swear they weren’t doing that on porpoise.
Sims are now able to walk through doors with Country Curtains.
City Living
Building pieces in apartments will no longer be invisible when viewing from the upper floor. That must have been very disconcerting to not know what happened to your stuff.
Cleared out some pesky extra plants floating around the Romance Festival.
Your Sims should now be able to buy art from the Street Gallery object during a Yard Sale.
Oh this one’s a doozy. Get this: Talking John and Potty Mouth 2.0 toilets no longer play their sound on an endless loop when a child Sim runs the Use & Massage interaction, even after the toilet is destroyed. Bonus points to SimGuruJill for keeping a straight face writing that one.
Foundations will no longer cut out the floor of a Penthouse.
Get Together
Empty Clubs will no longer linger in your Clubs Panel. They are now self-aware enough to know when the party’s over and it is time to go home.
Get To Work
Coworkers are now spawning for the Science career. Yes, they missed you too.
Breast Feed is no longer available for male Sim parents of non-alien babies. Only alien spawn possess the cosmic knowledge of the most nourishing MANaries.
We fixed some buggy dog-walking behavior in Strangerville.
We shortened up the time it takes to complete the Give Orders Daily Task in the Courageous Captain Rank of the Officer Branch of the Military Career. That was a mouthful.
Jungle Adventure
You will no longer receive countless notifications when you leave your kitten or puppy at home while vacationing in Selvadorada.
Vampire Sims will now once again gain points after they reach the Grandmaster level on pre-April (2019) patch saves.
Your Vampires will no longer be unrightfully chastised by NPCs for drinking their blood after they specifically asked if it was ok. Like, I’m trying to be polite here and you said it was fine, and now you’re like all bent about it… what gives?
Perfect Sun Resistance Vampires will no longer use umbrellas when routing in the sun. Flaunt it, baby.
We fixed the weirdness with trying to add points while drinking the Draught of Reconfiguration. Now you should be able to add points just fine and your options won’t be greyed out.
Cured Vampires will now change body temperature. Why you gotta be so cold?
Laundry Day
Sims will now hold laundry bags the right way. What is the right way, you ask? Trust me, it’s better than how they were holding it before.
And now to wrap it all up, let’s get playing! I hope you enjoy your summer updates and have yourself one wonderful day today.
Stay Cheesy,
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wolf-555-writer · 5 years
Target On My Back
Hope you guys like this!  
Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow x Reader
Summary: Takes place before Natasha joined SHIELD and Avengers, hence the name Natalia Romanova instead of Natasha Romanoff. Reader is an Agent at SHIELD.
Word Count: 2,676
Casually walking on the sturdy pavement with a relaxed pace like there’s no worry in the world. A strand of her red hair playfully swings back due to a man in a cheap suit rushing by her, probably too late for his boring appointment. She simply continues her path with a calm and friendly look in her beautiful, sparkling green eyes. A ray of sunlight manages to break through the tall skyscrapers and shines on her face, causing her to close her eyes for a moment while a subtle smile of enjoyment emerges. Reaching the end of the block, she makes a sharp turn around the corner, passing a hipster coffee place that’s likely filled with freelancers and their laptops. She’s in casual attire, wearing skinny denim jeans and a black leather jacket that’s unfastened with a basic black t-shirt underneath. Losing sight of her for only a second as a large garbage truck drove by. It has become quiet on this part of the street, no other persons or cars around, it’s just her, Natalia Romanova.  
“I’ve got a clear shot. Permission to take out the target, Coulson?”, you affirm, staring through the riflescope, fully concentrated and locked on. How can this woman be so deadly? You wonder, considering you followed her for a while, patiently waiting on this rooftop for the perfect opportunity to arise. You’ve taken a good look at her. She seems so innocent and doesn’t look like a cold-blooded killer at all. You’ve read and studied the files, seen her pictures- well, the limited amount thereof, because there’s not much information about the Russian spy. It’s mostly a lot of speculation about her involvement in a significant amount of cases, but has never been proven.
“Confirmed Agent (Y/L/N). Take the shot”, you receive back. Seeing her in real life makes it different though. It shouldn’t, you know that, but you can’t help it. Doubts have flooded your mind, is this really the Black Widow? However, you got your orders and cannot ignore them. Actually, you never would, ‘cause there’s nothing and no one else you’re more loyal to than SHIELD.
Quickly snapping out of your thoughts, can’t get distracted now. Your finger is on the trigger, ready to pull and you squint your eye a little more to get a better visual through the scope.
“Wait… What the hell!?”, you shout out unwittingly. Shocked, yet still actively in shooting position with your fingertip fairly pressed against the trigger. “H-how did she-”. 
A pair of green eyes are staring right at you from afar and a provoking wink with a matching grin shows up on her face. But only for a brief moment since Natalia already started running towards a more crowded area on the sidewalk, where she skillfully evades innocent pedestrians. You almost had her, almost…
“My position is compromised, I’m going in pursuit!”, you state while jumping up from the stake-out post. In a moment of not clear thinking and haste, you leave the sniper rifle behind and sprint towards the fire escape at the corner of the rooftop.
“No Agent (Y/L/N)! Stand down!”, Agent Coulson orders through the comm with a loud and authoritative tone. You ignore him blindly, ‘cause you are the closest one and probably SHIELD’s last chance of catching her this time. ...Right? Well, that’s what you told yourself anyway.
Sliding down the rusty staircase as fast as you can so that you won’t lose her. Once back on solid ground, you hop on your bike parked nearby and put on the helmet. Okay, once in a while you do ignore a direct order, but it’s for the greater good, for SHIELD, for… um, yeah, the exact reason is not that important at the moment. You tighten your grip on the handlebars and accelerate as you speed out of the narrow alley. Beating yourself up for getting distracted back there, you can’t fail this assignment, because you never fail. So this sure as hell ain’t gonna be the first slip-up of yours. Gotta keep your head in the game. 
Turning a sharp right, you end up on the road and immediately notice a covert SHIELD SUV in your side view mirror. I guess not so covert after all. Your attention is quickly shifted towards a woman up ahead, also on a bike, passing an intersection and driving through a red light at full speed.
The results of her little stunt are the least of your problems right now, however the situation could have been better… Multiple collisions, smoke formation under the hoods and honking cars with angry drivers inside, loudly cursing while making offending gestures to one another. The road is blocked and a traffic jam is preventing you from continuing the chase. It’s a total mess and Black Widow got away. There's no other option. You rapidly steer to the right and bulldoze over the sidewalk tiles, almost hitting an innocent bystander who dove aside just in time. The adrenaline is now rushing through your veins, it's a feeling you haven’t felt in a while. Though it has become so addictive that you're always craving more. Back on the road again, you proceed with the hunt and enter the busy highway. The black, armored SUV is gone now that you don't notice your fellow agents anymore, probably forced to take another route. 
Highly focused on safely passing the cars, you use dangerous maneuvers, switching your weight from left to right. You're on her tail, but it takes a lot of effort to keep up. She's fast… really fast. And she knows that too, because there hasn't been a single moment she looked back over her shoulder. Or is she always looking over her shoulder? Anyways, you can't keep this up for long, so you have to find a way to stop her. Grabbing the Glock from the holster on your upper leg, you aim precisely and fire. The bullet pierces through the thick rubber back tire. Natalia doesn't even flinch and immediately reacts when hearing the gunshot. 
She hits the brakes powerfully, a trail of smoke behind her, and pushes herself off of the leather bike seat. She shoots high up in the air, only to make a perfect backflip and lands on both feet right after. Meanwhile the motorcycle has tilted on its side and the metal body scrapes over the asphalt, making an awful, high-pitched sound while leaving dark paint marks on the road. 
After putting the handgun back fast, sight partially blinded by the smoke, you instantly hit the brakes too and stop. Opening the helmet cap and using your left foot to push down the kickstand. “Coulson, I've captured the target. My position-”. Before you could even finish that sentence Natalia already ran towards the concrete edge, slid over the hood of a stopped car first, and jumped from the bridge. “What the fu- Again!?”.
“Copy. What is your position Agent (Y/L/N)?”, you hear back, a voice much calmer and not as loud as before. “Um… 4 kilometers south of the primary location”, you reply a bit unsettled, not sure about the state Romanova’s in, because -let’s be realistic- she just flew off a bridge...
“We’re 8 minutes out. Suspect is secure? In custody?”
“... No, um, not really… But I'm close. Well, kind of”, you mumble as you dashed to the edge and watch her on the road below, apparently all alive and well. “I still got a visual”, you declare, starting the engine again and closing the helmet visor as you’d run back to your motorcycle. First, you need to exit the highway. The closest one was a couple of hundred meters back, so you make a 180 with skidding tires and go against traffic. Always choose the shortest route, which is possibly also the most dangerous one. You gotta hand it to her, she has got a serious amount of determination and doesn’t get caught easily. Something you weirdly start to admire about her. She’s also not getting rid of you that easily though, 'cause you’re not done yet either.  
“Can I expect a report back? Hello?!”. Judging by the tone in your ear, you apparently missed his question the first time, or the second time? Maybe even the third, you don’t know. She's seriously messing with your head, in more ways than you dare to admit. “I’ll report back when I have her detained”, you assert while driving head-on towards oncoming traffic that you bypass with ease.
Once you safely exited the highway, you race towards a dark alleyway between some abandoned and degraded buildings where you last saw Black Widow. The headlight on your bike makes it possible to spot Natalia fleeing in the distance. She’s still on foot, which is a disadvantage for her as she’s way more slower than you are. Eventually you have her boxed in. A high fence with barbed wire on top is preventing her from continuing her course. You give a short update about your current location to Coulson as a precaution before coming to a halt with screeching tires. Rapidly jumping off the vehicle while you grab your gun.
“Stop! There’s nowhere else to run!” 
She slowly puts her hands up at the sound of a click, knowing the Glock’s safety is off. Knowing that you’re ready to pull the trigger. 
She turned around, now face to face, and you stare into her eyes, still with the gun pointed at her. “The previous SHIELD Agents would have already given up by now”, she says with a calm voice, “but not you”, while she checks you out from head to toe.
“Aw, I'm not your first?”, you taunt back, in a more relaxed state since you've finally completed your assignment. Third time’s a charm, right? A grin appears on her face. “You're cute”. Without breaking eye contact you reach for the handcuffs on your belt, you can’t let her distract you. Not again. 
In a flash of a second she kicks something your way. Don’t know what it is but it gets you startled as it grazes your forehead. Before you even know it she’s in front of you and slams the gun out of your hand. Trying to follow its trajectory with your eyes to see where the gun drops, but your field of vision doesn’t let you because Natalia has grabbed your extended arm and throws you over her shoulder onto the dirty ground. It’s an unpleasant landing but you quickly push yourself off and stand up again, only to catch her leg mid-air with both hands since she wanted to land a brutal kick to your left side. This doesn’t stop her though. She hooks onto your shoulders with her hands and pushes herself off to swing her other leg around your head. Both her legs are wrapped around your neck tightly, her thighs are choking you now that you can’t breathe anymore. You want to free yourself from her strong grip and swing your arms about but lose balance. Due to the weight, you fall backwards and touch down on the hard ground again. The restriction around your neck disappears. Gasping for air you get up once more and your jaw meets with Natalia’s fist. You luckily counteract the next punch and slip and block while retaliating with a fast, but powerful left hook. Directly after you pivot and want to do a roundhouse kick, but she smoothly ducks down and sweeps you off your feet instead.
“You ready to give up?”. She’s even letting her guard down. Now she’s just drawing you out and taunting with you. You look up at her and scoff. “I got this completely under control, okay”, wiping the blood from the corner of your mouth. There are drops of sweat on your forehead and your breathing frequency is faster than usual. Natalia is a worthy opponent. It’s a challenge, something you haven’t had in a while as most of your missions are routine jobs and have become boring. You’ve missed this, it feels so good. Your heart rate is rising and you get that surge of adrenaline once more.       
Natalia blows a strand of red hair away. “Oh, okay. You sure about that?”, she answers with a light chuckle and moves one eyebrow up. 
You get up from the ground, once again. Sensing some painful, nagging spots scattered all over your body, but you suppress it, ignore the aching parts, and defensively put your hands up high to protect your upper body and face.  
“Yeah, I’m totally sure about th-”. Barely able to finish that sentence, you get floored again by Natalia. She has used her legs to grab your neck and moves you downwards. With a great impact you end up on the asphalt, head first and flat on your stomach. Natalia has got you pinned down while she’s forcing you in this position with her knees buried in your back. Not the most comfortable situation you’ve been in... 
You move your head to the side and let out a deep groan. A bit disoriented due to the smack on your head, but suddenly, hidden in between some pieces of trash nearby, you notice your handgun. Without hesitation you grab it and roll onto your back with all the strength left to hold her at gunpoint. Natalia backs away and puts her hands behind her head. 
“I've got her Coulson”, you state, speaking through your comm while you painfully stand up. “Coulson?”. Still pointing your gun at Natalia. “Are you there?”
“You lost this?”, she taunts, now opening her left hand which she’s moved from behind her head. It's your earpiece. “Wait, how did you-”. With a puzzled look you glare at her. How did she do that? You have to admit, you’re kind of amazed by her skills. The way she fights and moves, it’s impressive. She’s impressive. 
Although, it pisses you off that you keep losing.
“So…”, she drops the communication device on the ground and crushes it with the ball of her foot, “it's just you and me now”  
“Yeah, I guess so…”. You’re out of words since you don’t know what to say next and deeply stare into her intense, fiery green eyes. There's something holding you back. She could have killed you, several times already to be fair, but she didn’t. It’s like a game. A game you seem to enjoy very much. Still aiming the handgun at her, yet it’s like you’re in a frozen state. What should you do? Take her in and complete the assignment, keeping a spotless record, which actually doesn’t seem that important anymore. 
...Or let her go. So that there will be a chance of seeing her again, hopefully in the near future. No, I can’t… My loyalty is with SHIELD, you keep repeating in your mind. Convincing yourself. Or better said, trying to convince yourself. Is it working?
Slowly lowering the gun and turning your head away as you gaze at the ground. “You don’t have much time before the other Agents are here. Go. Now”, you suggest with a low, hoarse voice. Natalia doesn’t need to think twice and takes this opportunity for granted as she jumps on your motorcycle. It feels as if you’re not in control of your own actions anymore. What are you doing?! Realizing you let your target escape, willingly, and on top of that, on your bike. How will you explain this? 
There’s something about her… something that makes her special, that makes this all worth it somehow. No regrets at all. She’ll still have a target on her back though, because SHIELD will not stop. But as of now you got one too. You watch her put your helmet on and she winks at you again, with that same signature grin too. Before closing the visor and driving away full throttle, she locks eyes with you one last time and softly speaks:
“Till next time, Agent (Y/L/N)”   
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thesims4blogger · 5 years
The Sims 4: New Game Patch (June 18th, 2019)
Remove all MODS and Custom Content before updating your game
UPDATE: 6/18/2019 – PC / Mac
Hiya Simmers! Is it hot outside, or is that just my gland problem? Anyway, let’s not worry about that – we’ve got some awesome new stuff to talk about! With all this Summer heat and with Sims 4 Island Living’s release just around the corner, we’ve got a few new free updates we are so excited to share with you! So let’s slap on some sunglasses, squeeze into that swimsuit, and dive on in… What’s New?
Randomize Traits Button:
A Randomize Traits button has been added to CAS and in the Live Mode Age-Up Molecule. Oh yes, it’s now just right there, waiting to be clicked. Over and over and over and over. I can’t really believe it either, but here it is. The dark days without this small hero are now just a distant unpleasant memory. From here on out, if you just want to grab-and-go your Sim’s personality and get the heck outta CAS, or if you want to add a little challenge to who your Sims might be, it’s just one click away. Jeepers, this feels good. Seriously, I’ve been wanting this forever. Lounge Chair:
Everyone (even you) gets a FREE LOUNGE CHAIR! That’s right, we’ve added a delightfully Portable Lounge Chair, so you can now lounge by the pool the way you’ve always wanted: Laid back. With your mind on your Simoleons and your Simoleons on your mind. It’s Pride Month!
Show your pride with some fantastically colorful new clothing. The rainbow leggings are my personal favorite. Nah, maybe the body suit is my favorite. But now that you mention it, I can’t stop dressing my Sims in the new t-shirts — created in partnership with the It Gets Better Project — so I guess I just love it all! In addition, we’ve also included a selection of decorative Pride flags for hanging on your Sims’ walls. Finally, we’ve updated our bathroom door sets in-game so that every bathroom door also includes a gender-neutral version for builders, and includes a full suite of color swatches for mixing and matching to your heart’s content. Happy Pride Month, everyone! Stilt Foundations:
Or as I like to call them, High Heels for your House. Or House Heels. These things don’t need to be limited to just the tropics. Stilts are a great partner in crime to manipulated and flat terrain alike in any biosphere. You can find them in Build Mode alongside all the other regular Foundation types. Now go get your stilt on. Further Eaves Extension:
Now you can pull your Eaves… further. More Door Colors:
Ok, we may have gone a bit overboard here… There are 350 new color swatches spread across all of the doors and arches in the base game catalog. If you’ve ever wanted matching doors in Light Brown, Reddish Brown, Brown, Dark Brown, Gray, White, or Black, then this is certainly the update for you! A Couple New Lot Traits:
Clothing Optional: This new venue-only lot trait will inspire your Sims to — you guessed it — get nude.
Off-The-Grid: Now you can live out your nomadic fantasy on any lot. Applying this lot trait will remove your Sim’s use of power and running water, but on the upside it keeps your bills down. Keep a lookout for existing objects with the “Works Off-The-Grid” note in the Buy Catalog.
More Toddler Diaper Colors:
We added some L’il Swimmies Splashy Diapers! You don’t necessarily have to use them for splashing in the water, but that’s where our brains were at when we made them. We made these not only in anticipation for Island Living, but we also thought you’d appreciate more swimming options for your toddlers to use in the Seasons Kiddie Pool. Back Float:
A new Back Float interaction is available for Sims swimming in the pool. Click on that water. Try it out. Take a load off. Fishing Additions:
Brace yourself, we’re about to cast you into a deep dive…
We added several new interactions to allow players to fish in different ways and interact with other Sims around fishing activities.
Sims can perform a few new Fishing-based socials to gain useful info (via UI TNS/Notebook) and push NPCs to Fish.
Fishing is now joinable.
Improved fishing interaction tuning and autonomy to make the interaction more efficient and fun.
Upper skill levels now provide more meaningful rewards, with new Interactions added to Fishing skill levels
New high skill cast interaction “Angle for Big Catch” increases chance of getting rarer fish.
New high-skill VFX visuals on Rare fishing spots.
Ability to now “Mentor Sims in Fishing.”
Fishing UI has improved information, including Notebook info with Bait information.
Tuning for fish that can be caught is unique per world & more fishing spots added to some of our previously shipped worlds.
New bait preference system applied to most existing fish that modify catch chances.
Ceiling Fan Updates:
Ceiling Fans will now cool a room if you have Seasons and the fan is on. Oh yeah, speaking of which, we also added the ability to turn them On and Off. And while we were at it, we figured we’d make them dry off damp Sims too. Ceiling Objects Build Sort:
We also added a new Ceiling Objects Build sort category to make things like Fans easier to find. Swimming Things:
There is now a chance for interesting things to happen to your Sims while swimming, like getting a cramp or losing their suit (eek!). Swimming also now gives your Sims a boost in Fitness skill gain. Part-Time Jobs Update:
And last but not least (you still with me?) all existing Part-Time Jobs are no longer just for Teens. That’s right, now elders could work as Fast Food Employees. Young Adults could be Babysitters if they want. Why not? The Part-Time world is your oyster. Oh oh oh — and one last thing on that note: You can now have two Part-Time Jobs at once and pick between shifts. Wowee. And now on to the unintended features… General Issues.
Toddler’s Needs will now always be refilled while they’re at daycare.
Exterior trim now correctly applies to rounded flat blocks.
Adult Sims will now be able to successfully put Toddlers to bed. I wonder what their secret is. I may need to tap them for tips.
Sims on fire are now able to safely extinguish themselves in a pool. That’s refreshing.
The Dizzy Palms Ceiling Fan’s blades now tilt in the right direction.
Toddlers will no longer be put down from the high chair before they’ve finished eating. Patience mama, they’re still learning.
Gender Preference now affects flirt options.
Teen Sims will no longer spin into their Everyday outfit when going to school. If Randy wants to wear his swim trunks to school, well that’s Randy’s business.
Flirting with another Sim in a group conversation no longer increases the entire group’s Romance with you. That was awkward.
NPC Invites for Talent Showcase and Lounge will now take you to the appropriate venue.
We have fixed that bizarre issue where you’d have your Sims travel home, and then you load into your home lot, and your Sim’s skewer thumbnails are all greyed out like they’re not there, but when you hover over the skewer it tells you your Sims are at home. But like, they’re not at home. You’re staring at this empty lot, unable to play your Sims and you’re like.. “Is this even my home?”. And you start to question whether you selected the right lot on the map, but then you’re like “Wait, yeah – this is totally my home. But where are my Sims? It’s telling me they’re at home, but they’re not here.” Anyway, this should be fixed now.
Ghosts will no longer be obsessively calling you 5-ish times a day to see if you want to come over and hang out. They’ve been working on their self-control and are limited to at most one call per day now.
Terrain Paint now functions properly on Laptop Mode for AMD graphics cards.
NPC Sims will no longer get a sudden need to get nude after waking up if they have traveled off-lot and returned while you are visiting them. This one was weird. I wish I could show you the bug video.
Get Famous
We’ve toned down the amount of excitement that occurs when a celebrity makes an appearance outside of Del Sol Valley. They should be showing up outside of Del Sol Valley less often as well, so that should cut down on the ruckus.
It was a setup! I’ve been framed! It wasn’t me, I swear! You’ll pay for this! You got the wrong guy, it was Wilma! Wilma, I tell you! Celebrity Sims will no longer be falsely accused of stealing things. And for Wilma’s sake, I hope they get over what happened in the past.
Captain Sigma’s Gig costume no longer includes a chicken mask. That was a fowl fashion choice.
Performing “Tell a Group Story” Interaction Goals will now complete for the Fan Meet & Greet Event.
We fixed the issue with Del Sol Valley’s terrain disappearing when View Distance was set to High. Graphics cards (that we know of) that were affected by the issue:
We fixed the Del Sol Valley skyline texture glitch after exiting CAS.
Elder Sims will no longer have the option to retire from the Acting Career, just to be met with a sad, sad reality. Before they were taunted with a TNS telling them they got this big great pension and now they can sit back and relax, but the pension amount was §0. That’s just so dark…
Intel HD Graphics 3000
Intel HD Graphics 4000
AMD Radeon R6 Graphics
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5145
Now, if you travel during a holiday, the holiday decorations on your neighbor’s homes will be removed after the holiday ends. They were admittedly being either a bit overly festive or just a tad lazy. Either way, it’s been dealt with.
Sims will no longer gluttonously guzzle/gulp/slurp/chug water/milk/orange juice during events. No need to be so shellfish.
Jogging Vampires will no longer hold an umbrella while jogging because that’s just silly.
Cats & Dogs
Strays can now eat and use litter boxes without having to make the lot a Cat Hangout. You poor poor babies. You’re safe now.
Existing Sims/Saves will once again be able to lecture their pets. Now you can let Biscuit know how you truly feel when she jumps up on the counter.
It’s been ongoing, but we are actively calming those overly excited pets. Your queue should no longer fill up with a stack of a zillion bubbles from your pets when you run certain interactions. We’ve been working on this issue for a while with a few other fixes, but it’s been rearing its head with new repro steps here and there. So hopefully this fish sticks.
Having a puppy or kitten nearby will no longer interrupt your Sim’s bath or shower. We swear they weren’t doing that on porpoise.
Sims are now able to walk through doors with Country Curtains.
City Living
Building pieces in apartments will no longer be invisible when viewing from the upper floor. That must have been very disconcerting to not know what happened to your stuff.
Cleared out some pesky extra plants floating around the Romance Festival.
Your Sims should now be able to buy art from the Street Gallery object during a Yard Sale.
Oh this one’s a doozy. Get this: Talking John and Potty Mouth 2.0 toilets no longer play their sound on an endless loop when a child Sim runs the Use & Massage interaction, even after the toilet is destroyed. Bonus points to SimGuruJill for keeping a straight face writing that one.
Foundations will no longer cut out the floor of a Penthouse.
Coffee and Tea is safe to drink again. Sims will no longer receive the “Lethal Heat” buff and die upon returning home after drinking three hot beverages.
Get Together
Empty Clubs will no longer linger in your Clubs Panel. They are now self-aware enough to know when the party’s over and it is time to go home.
Get To Work
Coworkers are now spawning for the Science career. Yes, they missed you too.
Breast Feed is no longer available for male Sim parents of non-alien babies. Only alien spawn possess the cosmic knowledge of the most nourishing MANaries.
We fixed some buggy dog-walking behavior in Strangerville.
We shortened up the time it takes to complete the Give Orders Daily Task in the Courageous Captain Rank of the Officer Branch of the Military Career. That was a mouthful.
Jungle Adventure
You will no longer receive countless notifications when you leave your kitten or puppy at home while vacationing in Selvadorada.
Vampire Sims will now once again gain points after they reach the Grandmaster level on pre-April (2019) patch saves.
Your Vampires will no longer be unrightfully chastised by NPCs for drinking their blood after they specifically asked if it was ok. Like, I’m trying to be polite here and you said it was fine, and now you’re like all bent about it… what gives?
Perfect Sun Resistance Vampires will no longer use umbrellas when routing in the sun. Flaunt it, baby.
We fixed the weirdness with trying to add points while drinking the Draught of Reconfiguration. Now you should be able to add points just fine and your options won’t be greyed out.
Cured Vampires will now change body temperature. Why you gotta be so cold?
Laundry Day
Sims will now hold laundry bags the right way. What is the right way, you ask? Trust me, it’s better than how they were holding it before.
And now to wrap it all up, let’s get playing! I hope you enjoy your summer updates and have yourself one wonderful day today. Stay Cheesy,
It's not mentioned in the patch notes, but actually yes! That issue should be fixed this patch. Please let me know if it's not! There were way too many bugs to mention every single one 😅
— SimGuruNick (@SimGuruNick) June 18, 2019
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harusha · 5 years
What are your top pokemon games??
Official or fangame? I’ll just list both. I will say Pokemon Reborn is my top-rated overall if we combine both lists (with HGSS and Collesseum/XD following as 2 and 3 respectively.)
On Official, it’s 
1. Heartgold/Soulsilver (My favorite region is Johto, and Ethan is my favorite Pokemon protagonist so…unsurprising. The games are still genuinely good though imo because of the massive amount of content and post-game and QoL stuff like following Pokemon, auto-run, etc.) I also love the nostalgic feeling of the region. Lance is also here, and I like him and his design a lot, not as much as Volkner though. Also Proton is here, and I love the dude so. Pedometer is included here.
2. Pokemon Colosseum/Pokemon XD; I include this together since they’re a duo set in terms of story. XD is the better one gameplay-wise because of the new additions of Shadow moves, more Pokemon choices, QoL changes like saving, etc. but Colosseum is the harder of the two games imo b/c of the sparsity of Pokemon–if you can play it on laptop, mod XD with Pokemon XG for massive QoL changes (Fairy Type, more shadow Pokemon, upped difficulty, etc.)
I like how this set tries new stuff and it honestly showcases how if you the Pokemon IP to a third-party, you end up with something that tries to be different and actually plays pretty well.
3. Pokemon BWBW2; included as a set because of joint story line. Honestly, I feel like BWBW2 are objectively the last great mainline series additions. Even if you didn’t care for the story, they at least tried with it and the rivals. You had the nice rival in Bianca and the “focused/ruder” rival in Cheren, and both encompassed the themes of the game (Truth with Bianca as she realizes her ineptness as a trainer and Ideals with Cheren who strives to overcome his boundaries and the player even if he never can). N is pretty awesome, and I think Ghetsis is a better Lusamine (sorry, idc for how Lusamine’s actions are brushed over and blamed on the space jellyfish). There’s a lot to enjoy in Unova imo.
Also massive post-game stuff like Join Avenue (which encourages one of the main tenets of Pokemon, interacting with others and trading; ex. “Magnemite Coil”), half the region opening up for Post-game (White Treehollow, Kyurem’s abode, etc.). The Legendaries also have home locations for the most part, and their items aren’t just given to you by random people. A lot of stuff to do that isn’t just breeding mindlessly for shinies (I mean I love doing that, but options ya know?) or online battle.
4. Pokemon Conquest; Fire Emblem (or more accurately, Nobunaga’s ambition) meets Pokemon. I like turn-based grid tactic games, and this one’s actually pretty fun. You’re encouraged to roam around and give people different Pokemon to see which ones they’re compatible with. Also another example of what can be done if Pokemon is given to a another developer.
5. Pokemon Explores of Sky (and to a lesser extent since it’s the base, Time/Darkness); you can swap this with Colloseum/XD, BWBW2 or Pokemon Conquest depending on if you prefer Pokemon’s style of play, tactics games, or dungeon crawlers. I like this one since the story’s actually pretty good, the difficulty’s nice, and especially the post-game dungeons and content.
6. Pokemon Platinum and Diamond+Pearl to a lesser extent– the region that actually has a reasonably difficult Elite Four and champion. I love the additions they have like distortion world, the melancholic feel you get at times in the Chateau area and snowfields, and the post-game Battle Frontier. However, the games run so slow without Drayano’s mods. In terms of husbandos, Volkner’s pretty nice as well, and he’s pretty high-tier for me. Cynthia’s here as well, so I guess she counts since she’s a feature every time she shows up.
7. Pokemon FRLG-The definite version of Kanto for me. Sevii Islands, callbacks (callforwards?) to the Johto games with the Rocket Admins, decent difficulty and ability to sequence break somewhat, etc. It gives new experiences for those who’ve played the OG versions, but doesn’t change them drastically. The “you can’t evolve anything outside of the OG 151 before post-game” is stupid though. Lance is here as well, but his half Dragonite/Dragonair team annoys me b/c of how repetitive it is, but product of the time as well and the HGSS first battle had that as well but at least they’re all evolved.
8. Pokemon Red/Blue Rescue Team-I like this one since the story’s still good and incorporates the idea of a human being transported to a Pokemon world, but I just feel like Sky’s gameplay improvements and portraits for everyone trumps this one. I like Gengar a lot and his team. I also think the difficulty on this one (depending on starter and partner) is fairly good at times (The Moltres fight is actually pretty difficult if you don’t have Pikachu or a water type partner).
9. Pokemon Emerald and to a lesser extent Ruby/Sapphire–Battle Frontier, Scott and Smeargle cave (ie. post-game content), beautiful promotional artwork (including ORAS’s), fairly difficult battles at time if you aren’t prepared/going in blind with no excessive grinding (2nd May battle, Flannery, etc.), hidden secrets like Regis and Secret Bases. However, the latter half is so boring with the excessive surfing and lackluster variety. Steven’s here, and he’s a dreamboat even with the sprite graphics.
10. Pokemon Channel and Hey you, Pikachu!-Weird I know. This would be higher if I didn’t think this was a niche pick. It’s just really relaxing, and I want another one, especially if you can get more Pokemon to raise. It’s a lot more fun once you play it. I like exploring with Pikachu and it offers a look into the world of Pokemon as a non-trainer. I really want another one tbh.
11. Pokemon Rangers series (Ranked from favorite to lowest; Shadows of Almia–>OG–>Guardian Signs; all are good but that’s my preference) The gameplay is actually pretty fun, and I wish we got another one. They could use Joycons as a styler. Spencer, Sven, and Lunick are also pretty cute
12. Pokken Tournament- What battles should feel like in mainline if they injected millions of dollars into the mainline, so unrealistic expectation. I think Pokken is a decent fighting game. The moves are nice, and the music is good. This can go lower if you don’t care for fighting games.
13. Pokemon Battle Revolution and Stadium games-They’re mostly battle simulators with some mini-games. The animations are actually pretty lively and fun compared to SWSH’s. I would like to rank this higher, but there is no story mode sadly. It’s great if you want to see what Pokemon would look like in-scale.
14. Pokemon X/Y-I think these are actually pretty nice if only for the fact there isn’t excessive handholding; it’s there but it doesn’t force me to put down the game out of boredom. The outfits are genuinely pretty cute. However, the rivals are ridiculously terrible, difficulty is either too low or unbalanced if you use/turn off exp. share. Let’s put ORAS here as well b/c I think the lack of Battle Frontier and mediocre post-game, getting Lati@s early, etc. drops it down from Emerald. The PSS system is amazing though.
15. Pokemon Trozei and Pokemon Pinball series-Yeah, I’ve played these. Trozei’s actually pretty cool as a match-3 game, and pinball is pinball. You also get slightly more lore into the Pokemon world with Lucy Fleetfoot. I like match-3 and pinball so very much a YMMV. Pop Gates to Infinity and Super Mystery Dungeon here as well. Idk, they just lack the magic of the first two entries.
16. Pokemon Snap, Pokemon Dash, all the other spin-offs I didn’t talk about-they all offer something fun, but I just wish it was either updated for modern times and not released again (like with Snap) or a bit more (in the case of Detective Pikachu and Pokepark series). Pop Puzzle League games here as well. I like them, but they aren’t much besides Tetris games. Same goes for the Pokemon Trading Card games; they’re nice, but not super great imo.
???. Pokemon Box/Ranch/all the other storage games and stuff like Dream Radar-Idk what you’d want me to say since they’re storage space or gimmick games to catch HA Pokemon. You do get Extremespeed Zigzagoon which I love since the little buggers are very adorable.
Bottom Tier. Pokemon SM and USUM. I hate these games. They’re cash grabs (more so than usual) with being $40 a piece and the updated versions being barely changed (and actually feeling like what should have been released first). Incredibly handholding, areas feel half-baked, lacks areas to explore for the most part, Lillie is kinda annoying for me tbh (which hurts because you’re supposed to feel for her and the game’s story hinges on that), and the player is an actual detriment to what they’re trying to achieve story-wise. A big shame b/c Alola is a pretty region and Team Skull is great in concept, but execution is awful. Stated as someone who has bought all 4 versions to keep, and 2 extras for gifting.
Absolute Bottom Tier- Pokemon Masters, incredibly terrible mobage game coming from someone who plays FGO, FEH, etc. lack of meaningful content, grinding but meaningless b/c of said lack of content (ex. FGO gates you with mats but it makes you feel like you’re growing with your servants and offers a story and events to compensate; basically, a sense of achievement). CO-OP is pretty bad when you can just hop over to GBF or something if you want guilds and group content. I’m still gonna wait for Ethan and Volkner to appear though.
Unrated-OG RBGY and OG GSC (the remakes are superior outside of nostalgia factor imo so I think it’d be unfair for them to take a spot), LGPE (didn’t buy them b/c pricing but the colors are vibrant and I love that), SWSH (didn’t buy them because I have opinions on the cuts and stuff and price point doesn’t look appealing for what’s offered), Pokemon Mini (these were included with Pokemon Channel), Magikarp Jump+Duel (Duel was a cash grab and Magikarp Jump is cute but no real opinion on it), Pokemon Go (weird spot where I like it, but I don’t live in an area with safe walking areas so very much area-dependent), Arcade games (I don’t live in Japan for that), Perdue Farm games (they’re flash games made to promote so…), Pokemon Rumble (enjoyable but not memorable for me imo) etc.
1. Pokemon Reborn-150+ hours of content, visible themes that permeate the story and characters, beautiful spritework for some of the areas, intuitive usage of TMs/HMs and some logic (ex. Field Effects that emulate anime battling in turn-based rpg such as Corrosive Field; using Rock Smash to break the glass in some areas to solve puzzles, etc.), actual difficulty that hinges on how much you understand Pokemon (ex. IVs, stats, EVs, etc.) that’s fair but still difficult, puzzles and rewards for exploring and coming back to areas, etc. Fantastic game that I wish Gamefreak had attempted to emulate (perhaps not the darker themes but the ambition basically). Has some kinks with the revolving door of characters and such but still fantastic. Also offers custom shiny sprites, custom egg sprites, and online play like Wonder Trade and battling.
2. Pokemon Rocket Edition-Not done but I think this is a fantastic hack so far story-wise and how it implements its mechanics. You’re a Rocket Grunt, but you aren’t OP. It deals with the politics behind Kanto and Team Rocket. Still being worked on.
3. Pokemon Viridian Version-Another “play as a Rocket” game. Funny yet still can be serious; it takes the tone of the anime and understands when to be serious and when to not be. It feels like it would fit into the canon tone-wise, and deconstructs the “it’s cool to be a Rocket!” thing.
4. Pokemon Gaia-Excellent and a huge callback to classic Pokemon in story. It’s an OG region and offers a lot to do.
5. Drayano hacks- QoL updates but his work actually adds a lot to the games+new events.
Anyways, that’s my list. There’s a lot of Pokemon content, but this is how I feel for the most part.
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astronomyparkers · 7 years
The Upside of Falling Down {II}
Tumblr media
Warnings: Language
Pairing: University!Peter Parker x reader
Word count: 3.1k
A/N: Guys!!!! Thank you so so much for the positive response to pt. one of TUoFD!!! I’m so so so glad you guys liked it!!!  Just to let you guys know, I’m going back to university in a few days, so I won’t be as active as I’d like to be :( I made a full post about it here, so check that out if you want to know my update schedule and ask answering schedule.  Also, shout out to everyone who is going back to school this year, and I especially want to send all my love to everyone going into their freshman year at university!!! I get lots of messages from you guys asking for advice, and I just want yall to know that I am so proud of you for continuing your education, and I’m rooting for you!!!  You’re killing the game, yall.  And I’m sure university!Peter would be proud, too (didn’t know there would be so much discourse around where I decided to send him for university??? lmao oh well).  All my love.
You had been in awkward car rides before.  There was the time that eight year old you threw up all over your friend’s cute older brother on a family road trip, or the time when you had accompanied your cousin and his girlfriend on a lake trip where she said no when he asked her to marry him.  Once, on a high school band trip, you accidentally gave a boy a boner the night before travelling home, and spent the rest of the next day avoiding him over the entirety of the bus and the plane rides with the help of your friends.  All of those experiences were sufficiently awkward, but, you had come to learn, none of them compared to the bus ride back to Columbia after you discovered that your biology partner was Spider-Man.
Each of you were tense in your stance, not allowing any parts of your body to touch the other, even on the small faux leather seat.  You kept your gaze glued to the scenery outside your window, watching as the trees by the side of the road flew by.  You were hyper aware of Peter next to you as he sat with his arms crossed, eyes firmly staring at his planted feet.  He hadn’t shifted since you had settled into your seats an hour and a half ago, and neither had you.  In your mind, you couldn’t help but reply the event that had unfolded in the cave, your discovery, and what had followed.
The moment the words, “You’re the Spider-Man,” had left your lips, you knew that you had crossed a line in yours and Peter’s relationship (a relationship that should have been over by the end of that field trip.  A relationship that shouldn’t even be big enough to have lines.)  As the boy stared at you with a mix of shock, anger, and fear, you had wished, not for the first time in your life, that you weren’t so impulsive and curious.  You had to know the answer to everything the moment you asked a question, and it had always gotten you into trouble; this, however, had been the first time that the need to know the answer had been at the cost of someone else’s safety.
“I knew this cave was a dumb idea,” Peter had started running his hands through his hair anxiously. “I knew this was going to end badly, I could sense it—”
“Is that your Spidey Sense?” You interrupted him before you could stop yourself. “I read an article on arachnids last year that mentioned how spiders can sense things with the little hairs on their bodies, through vibrations—” Peter had given you an incredulous look, and you bit your lip. “Right, sorry.  Not the time to discuss arachnid abilities.”
“Y/N,” Peter grabbed your shoulders, gripping them tightly as he looked into your eyes.  The fire raced again from where he touched you. “You can’t tell anyone.  No one can know about this.”
You had taken a step back at that moment, out of Peter’s reach, as you tried to focus your thoughts. “No shit I can’t tell anyone!  I shouldn’t even know!  Parker, seriously, this just made our relationship so much more complicated than it should be.”
“Are you really blaming me for saving you from a fall to your death?” Peter asked in disbelief, crossing his arms.
“No, I—” You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, pinching the bridge of your nose. “No. Thank you for saving me.  I’m sorry, but I don’t really know how to react in this situation, okay?  There’s no WikiHow on what to do when you find out your biology partner is Spider-Man.”
“How do you think I feel?” Peter had laughed once without humour, raking his hand through his hair again (it seemed to be a nervous tic). “Only three people in the world outside of the Avengers know about my abilities, and they’re all people I would follow to hell and back.”
“Well, how did they react when you told them?” You questioned, wondering if there was a correct response that you weren’t seeing.
“I, um—” Peter looked at the ground sheepishly. “Well, Aunt May and Ned kind of…walked in on me in the suit.  And MJ just…figured it out.”
“So you’ve never actually told anyone on purpose?” You scoffed. “Parker, for someone with such a huge secret to keep, I thought you’d be better at actually keeping it.”
“I—we shouldn’t even be talking about this,” Peter had glanced around the cavern, then at the passage behind him. “We need to go catch up to the class, but I need you to promise that you won’t breathe a word of this to anyone.  Seriously, Y/N.  Just…forget what happened in here, okay?  Pretend you didn’t see anything, please.”
You sighed in defeat. “Fine, I promise.  Lead the way out, Spider-Boy.”
Peter flinched, shaking his head. “Don’t call me that.”
 By the time the bus pulled up to the school, he still hadn’t said a word to you, and the moment the vehicle had parked, he was out of his seat and heading towards the front of the bus.  You stared at his retreating figure with a mix of curiosity and perplexity.  Despite thinking about the events of the day the entire ride back to Columbia, you still had trouble wrapping your head around what had transpired.
You made your way off the bus and back to your dorm, shutting the door tightly behind you. Yesterday, Peter Parker had barely been a blip on your radar, but now you couldn’t get him off your mind.  You knew that he wanted you to just forget about everything that had happened, but how could you?  You were curious and inquisitive by nature, and had to know everything about everything.  There was no way you would be able to make yourself forget about Peter’s secret, nor would you be able to stop yourself from trying to find out everything you could about how he got his abilities and what it was like as an Avenger.
 You passed the rest of the day in your dorm, researching Spider-Man and watching clips on YouTube. You’d seen many of them before, but now that you knew who was underneath the mask, it was like a whole new perspective. Like you’d only ever seen the videos through muddy, streaky glass, and now you were watching them clearly for the first time.
Whenever Spider-Man was hit or seemed to be hurt, you felt your breath catching in your chest. It had never occurred to you that there was a real boy in there—a bit of an annoying boy, if you were being honest with yourself, but a real one nonetheless—and knowing the face underneath the mask made you so much more anxious.
For the rest of the weekend, you tried to put that anxiety behind you, and continue with your regular routine.  You met with your study groups, you went for lunch with friends, you stayed up much later than you should have (with the help of three pots of coffee) to make study cards for an upcoming physics quiz—overall, a typical weekend in your life.  Who cared if you were now a keeper of one of the biggest secrets of someone you barely knew?  It was fine.  Everything was fine.
Except, it wasn’t, because it seemed that while you were dedicated to keeping things as normal as possible, Peter had decided to become dedicated to watching your every move. You could tell he didn’t trust you with the knowledge of his powers from his body language on the bus ride back to campus, but your theory was confirmed that weekend.  No matter what you were doing, or where you were, Peter seemed to show up.  He was sitting in a corner with a book and a coffee cup when you met your friend Sadie for lunch at a café on campus.  He was typing away on a laptop (and peering at you from over the top of the screen) while you and your study group compared notes in the library.  On Sunday night, when you opened your door at 11:30 to pick up more creamer for your coffee, Peter was standing outside, trying to act like he hadn’t just been standing patrol outside your dorm room.
“Okay, Parker, this is getting weird now,” You rolled your eyes and shut your door quietly behind you, trying not to disturb the other students in your building. “When your stalking was happening in public places, I could ignore it, but camping outside my dorm room is a bit much, even for me.”
“I’m not stalking you,” Peter shook his head and crossed his arms, following you as you began to walk down the hall.
“Oh, sorry, does it have a fancy new name now?” You raised an eyebrow. “Like how people are saying they’re ‘alt-right’ instead of Nazis?  What would you call this, non-consensual hanging out?”
“Surveillance.” Peter cut in front of you, stopping you in your tracks. “I need to make sure you’re not spilling my secret to anyone.”
“Listen, I’m not the Avenger here, so I don’t really know much about surveillance and secret keeping,” You shrugged your shoulders and flipped your key through your fingers over and over. “But I would think that surveillance is supposed to be more incognito than following me everywhere in plain sight.  And a secret doesn’t stay a secret if you keep bringing it up.”
“Well, what am I supposed to do?” Peter replied angrily. “A virtual stranger now knows the most private thing in my life; excuse me for being anxious about it.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” You questioned, crossing your arms. “That always helps when I’m anxious about stuff.  I’m down for talking about it, if you want.”
“I feel like that’s not a good idea,” Peter shook his head, causing you to sigh in return.
“Parker, come on, I already know your big secret,” You rubbed a tired hand across your eye. “What else could possibly come out from talking that could be more dangerous for me to know?”
Peter didn’t respond. You uncrossed your arms and held out the key card to your room.  The boy stared at the card uncomprehendingly until you spoke.
“Here, I’m room 29B, although it seems you already knew that.” You held out the key card until Peter took it, looking back up at you with confusion still in his eyes.
“I have to go get more coffee creamer, and the convenience store is only open for another—” You pulled out your phone to check the time. “Twenty-seven minutes.  I’ll be back in about ten, so just…make yourself at home.  I’d say don’t go snooping, but…I feel like I don’t have a right to say that?  If you did, at least it would make us even. Sort of.”
“Oh, yeah, because going through your panty drawer to find your diary is totally the same as knowing I’m a superhero.” Peter nodded his head sarcastically.
“Actually, my diary is underneath my mattress,” You began walking away, throwing a smirk over your shoulder as you left for the convenience store. “It’s my vibrator that’s in my panty drawer.”
 The convenience store employee’s name was Isaac, who was a fellow student.  He obviously seemed to be having a rough night, as he was slumped over the counter nursing a cup of coffee the size of your face.  You greeted him as you entered the store, heading to the refrigerated section.
“Hey, Y/N,” Isaac yawned as he scanned the plastic container you set on the counter. “Ooh, caramel flavour.  Splurging tonight, aren’t we?”
“What can I say; I live a life of luxury,” You smile wryly as you hand over a few dollar bills. “Keep the change.”
“Thanks, big spender,” Isaac took a sip of his drink. “See you in Calc on Tuesday?”
“Wouldn’t miss it.” You picked up your creamer and waved goodbye, exiting the store.
 You made your way back to your dorm room as fast as you could, pulling your hoodie tighter around you in the chilly night air.  When you reached your door, you raised a hand to knock, but paused upon hearing Peter talking inside the room.  Intrigued, you pressed an ear to the door, trying to stay as silent as possible.
“No, I haven’t told Mr. Stark yet,” Peter’s muffled voice seemed irritated. “Why?  Ned, are you crazy?  Because he can’t know that some random girl knows about me!”
There was a pause, and you assumed the person on the other end of the phone call (Ned—that was one of the people that knew Peter’s secret identity) answered back.
“I just—I just have to make sure she won’t tell anyone,” Peter sighed, and you could hear him pacing slowly. “I’m kind of freaked out, man; I don’t even know her. It would be different if it was Liz or someone I was friends with.  When MJ found out, at least I knew that—hey, don’t tell her about this, okay?  I’ll never hear the end of—you already told her?” Peter groaned. “Oh, come on, Ned, whose side are you on?” Another pause. “I don’t blame you, man.  If I had to choose sides, I’d pick MJ, too.”
Deciding you had heard enough, you raised your hand to the door and knocked quietly a few times. Inside, you heard Peter’s pacing stop.
“She’s back, I have to go,” Peter whispered, but you could still make out his words. “I’ll talk to you later.  Good luck on your coding test.”
A moment later, the door opened up to reveal Peter, curls a mess as he stood back to let you in. You entered the room, surveying your home to see if anything had been touched or moved.  Everything looked to be in place…except for your diary, which was laying on top of your bed and opened to the middle of the book.
“Find anything interesting?” You asked, making your way to your coffee maker.  You began filling a coffee filter with grounds before starting the machine up and turning back around to face the boy.  Your diary was more of a venting space where you kept track of classes, exams, dreams, and events of the day.  You didn’t expect Peter to find any deep, dark secrets.
“Not really,” Peter shrugged, not bothering to pretend he hadn’t sorted through your personal items. “Except for the fact that you have really weird dreams.  What’s up with that one about the cat and—”
“I read a lot of books with talking animals as a kid,” You interrupted, crossing your arms as your coffee maker beeped from behind you. “Coffee?”
“Sure,” Peter sighed, running a hand through his hair (seriously, this kid was going to make himself bald before he was thirty if he kept doing that). “Cream and sugar, please.”
You made a cup for Peter and a cup for yourself, making sure to be very liberal with the cream and sugar (you actually didn’t like coffee that much, but it kept you awake). You handed a mug to Peter and sat down on your desk chair, surveying the boy.
“So,” You blew on your coffee before taking a small sip. “Tell me about your friends.”
“What?” Peter’s brow furrowed as he took a sip of the drink you handed to him.
“Look, I was happy to never be more than casual classmate acquaintances with you,” You rested your head on your propped up hand. “But then all this spider bullshit happened, and you decided to stalk me—”
“—so it’s obvious that we are now in each other’s lives.” You finished, glaring at Peter when he interrupted you. “I’m worried about you in the suit, you’re worried about me telling people about you in the suit…we have to coexist somehow.  As annoying as it may be.  So tell me about your friends.”
“But why—?”
“Because knowing practically nothing about you makes this a lot weirder than it already is!” You snapped, setting your mug down on your desk. “Do you know what you’re supposed to know about acquaintances?  Their name and, like, where they’re from.  That’s pretty much it.  Do you know what I know about you?  Your name, where you’re from, and the fact that you’re fucking Spider-Man!”
“Keep your voice down,” Peter hissed, glancing around the room. “Dorm walls are fucking thin!”
“Like.  Full disclosure?  This entire thing is freaking me the fuck out and I’m trying to stay calm, but it’s still weird.  So, Parker, for the last time,” You inhale deeply and breathe out slowly. “Tell me about your friends.”
Peter sighed, took another sip of his coffee, and began to talk.  He told you about his best friend, Ned, who was in California majoring in computer science at Stanford, and his other best friend, Michelle (“But we all call her MJ.”), who was a political science major at Princeton (“Didn’t Michelle Obama go to Princeton?” “Why do you think MJ picked it?”). He spoke about his aunt, who had raised him all his life (you didn’t want to ask about his parents; you had a feeling it was a touchy subject.), and a little about the Avengers.  But just barely.
“Mr. Stark is kind of—” Peter cut off his sentence abruptly, glancing back up at you. “Um. I don’t think I should talk about that.”
“Whatever, Parker,” You twisted your hair into a bun and tied an elastic around it. “You should probably get going, anyways.  It’s late.”
Peter nodded and stood up from his seat on your bed, setting his mug down on your desk.
“So,” He began as he walked to the door. “I’ll save you a seat in class tomorrow?”
“Why?” Your eyebrows furrowed as Peter opened the door. “We’ve been sitting apart for the entire semester so far.”
“No matter how many cups of coffee you make me, or how many diary entrees I read,” Peter paused in the doorframe. “I don’t know if I’ll ever really trust you.  No offence, Y/N—”
“Some taken?”
“But I still need to keep an eye on you.” Peter walked through the door and set a hand on the doorknob. “So I’ll save you a seat in class tomorrow.  Sleep tight.  And don’t let the bed bugs bite.”
You watched in disbelief as the door closed in your face, and Peter Parker was gone.
{part iii}
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