#My first sweater KAL
adrienneleclerc · 4 months
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Y/N gets told she’s cute all the time by everyone including her boyfriend and she worries that he doesn’t find her sexy
Warning: grammar and spelling errors, no translated Spanish porque me da flojera, IMPLIED innocence and corruption kink if you could call it that, honestly. It's kinda angsty fluff
A/N: I actually requested something similar to @shellyshellshell but this time I’m gonna add my own spin to it. I get told I’m cute and adorable by my bestie, I’ve been told I was cute by some adults, and I’m fine with it. Like I’m 21, I know I’m cute and adorable, because of my personality along with my chubby cheeks, so this is something I worry about and lowkey struggle with. Like I feel I can’t dress in a “sexy” way or do my makeup in a “sexy” way because I feel like it doesn’t match my face or hair at all. Así que me toca vestirme “cute”
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Y/N has always had a rounder face and chubby cheeks. Even at her big age of 32, she still has those chubby cheeks that her mom likes to point out all the time. She thought she would have looked more mature by now like other women her age, she thought wrong.
However, truth be told she really didn’t mind being called cute growing up. It wasn’t until her previous partners only saw her as cute, it was even worse when her current boyfriend, Henry Cavill, started calling her cute.
They met a few months ago at Disneyland, which was already a bad start, Henry took his nephews (and nieces, idk) while Y/N went with her friends as a big Disney fan herself. They met on the line of the INCREDIBLES rollercoaster because his niece liked the loungefly bag Y/N had, again, not the best start.
Henry thought that Y/N was adorable in her Disney bound of Marie from the Aristocats and they kept talking in the line until he made the move to invite her to eat after the ride, to which she obviously said yes to because who the hell would say no. And that’s how it all began.
At Disneyland
“So Y/N, I like your outfit, it’s adorable, Marie?” Henry asked, gesturing at her outfit that consisted of white shorts, a pastel pink top with a pink bow in her hair, wearing a pearl choker with a gold bow charm, and pastel pink platform converse.
“Oh yes, it one of my favorite classic Disney movies. I’m a big fan of Disney. What about you? You have a favorite Disney movie?” Y/N asked.
“I’d have to say Hercules.” Henry answered.
“The music is amazing, and I love Megara. Anyway, what are you working on right now?” Y/N asked.
They were together for the rest of the Disney trip until on of her friends, Valeria, called her to say they’re leaving. Henry asked for her phone number and he called her the next day so they could have their first date.
First date
Y/N went to her closet and chose a White lace top with light blue shorts, nude block heel ankle boots, and her pearl choker again. Henry sent her the address of the coffee shop he wanted to meet at and when he saw her at the door, he thought she looked beautiful.
“Thank you for meeting me here, you look precious.” Henry said.
“Thank you, you look handsome.” Y/N said, sitting down at the table. When they ordered, Y/N ordered a brownie and a strawberry creme frappe for some much needed sugar and Henry ordered a croissant and coffee.
They talked about whatever people talk about on first dates, it went really well until...
"I'll call you later, cutie." Henry said, kissng Y/N on the cheek.
Present day
Y/N was in Henry's living room, wearing glasses, hair in two braids, a cream knit sweater, and shorts with Kal by her side. Henry came through the door after a meeting with his agent.
"Hey, Bunny, you're looking adorable today, how was your day?" Henry asked. 'Bunny' was your nickname because after you sneeze, you would twitch your nose before rubbing your nose with your thumb (guilty), much like a rabbit would.
"My day has been fine, took Kal for a walk, made him one of those frozen treats that are safe for dogs, safe to say he enjoyed them, el muy goloso." Y/N said.
"Thats good to hear." Henry said as he got close enough squish her face. "I love these chubby cheeks of yours, you're so cute." and Henry kissed her and went to pet Kal. "Are you going to stay and eat? I can make my specialty."
"I'd love to but i actually gotta head out." Y/N said, hoping Henry doesn't notice anything wrong with her.
"I can take you, it's no problem at all." Henry said.
"No, no, its fine, you cook whatever, I'll just make something at my apartment." Y/N said and kissed Henry before going to her car. She couldn't take it, she has been called 'cute' one too many times by Henry and to top it off, he mentioned her chubby cheeks, she was a grown woman, there are only so many times a grown woman could be called cute.
She drove to her apartment and began muttering.
"Can't believe he called me adorable." Y/N said, closing the door, putting her bag on the couch. She then saw her reflection in the full body mirror Valeria insisted in getting for their apartment. "No wonder he calls me cute." She observed her hair in braids and took it off, messing up her hair. She took off her glasses to see if that makes anything better - it didn't. Thats when she heard the door open.
"Amiga! No sabes cuanta gente estaban en las tiendas." Valeria said, putting her shopping bags down. "What happened? I thought you were going to be with your superstar boyfriend all day." Valeria said, looking at Y/N who is staring at her reflection.
"Henry called me cute again, y dijo algo sobre yo siendo cachetona." Y/N said.
"But Amiga, I thought you were okay with being called cute." Valeria said.
"I am fine with my family members or my friends calling me cute because I know that. Like I’m not exactly built like a Victoria’s Secret Angel, but I thought that at least my boyfriend of all people would at least find me hot. Clearly Henry doesn't see me that way." Y/N said as she plopped down on the floor.
"Hey, you don't know that." Valeria attempted to comfort her friend.
"He was called me adorable, precious, cute, not even beautiful, and he has never called me sexy." Y/N stated.
"Yeah, I can't argue with that." Valeria said.
"See! Y siendo cachetona no me ayuda. Men call you sexy, how can I be more like you?" Y/N asked. "Agh, I sound like a fucking teenager."
"It's all about confidence." Valeria said but Y/N kept looking at her. "Okay, I love you, you know I do, but you do own a lot of pastel colors in your closet. You can borrow my clothes whenever you're out with Henry, that's a given, but even the way you do your makeup is cute, and I know you hate hearing that."
"You're right, you're right. Okay, show me how to do my makeup so it could look ‘hot’ instead of ‘cute’.” Y/N said and that’s exactly what Valeria did. She gave Y/N a Smokey eye with Fox eyeliner, a darker lipstick, contour so her face looks slimmer, and minimal blush. “I feel ridiculous.” Y/N said.
“That’s because you’re not used to it. Also, if you want to look hotter, you need to straighten your hair. Like that sleek straight look.” Valeria said. “But that’s for the next time you want to see Henry, has he texted you?”
“Mm, no, not yet. Which one of these outfits do you think would look better on me?” Y/N said, opening up Valeria’s closet.
The next day, Y/N was in bed when she got a text from Henry.
Toro: hey Bunny, you want to come over tonight? I’ll cook your favorite.
You: yeah, Torito, I’ll come over, what time?
Toro: 6 sounds fine?
You: yep, sounds good.
Toro: okay, see you later, cutie 😘
“Cutie.” Y/N mocked. She got off her bed and went to Valeria’s closet and took out some things that she believed Henry might like her in. “Valeria, I’m borrowing your clothes!”
“Okay!” Valeria shouted from the shower. “You gonna shower so I can leave the water running for you?”
“Yeah, thank you!” Y/N shouted.
Y/N took a shower, washed her hair really well, shaved, when she finished, she put on lotion, her underwear, and a robe to blowout her hair. She changed and her her robe back on to do her makeup, took off her robe, and put on a perfume Henry bought you. She put on some black heels and a pair of her gold hoop earrings. She went to show Valeria.
“How do I look?” Y/N asked.
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“Estás buena.” Valeria said.
“Thank you, let’s hope Henry thinks so.” Y/N said.
She got into her car and drove to Henry’s. She stayed in her car for a few minutes.
“Okay, it’s all good, you look hot, you look sexy, you’re not cute, not adorable, you’re hot.” Y/N said to herself before leaving the car and knocking on Henry’s door. Henry opened it and was in awe of how Y/N looked.
“Wow, Bunny, you look great!” Henry said, hugging her and letting her in the house. “So I’m making the rice now, the chicken is already done.”
“Great. Hola, Osito, how are you, Kal?” Y/N cooed at the fluffy Akita.
“You’re so cute.” Henry said. Y/N paused for a second.
“Toro, can we talk about something?” Y/N asked.
“Yeah, of course. What’s on your mind, cutie?” Henry asked.
“That.” Y/N pointed at him.
“What do you mean?” Henry asked.
“Okay, I’m going to ask you a serious question and I need you to answer me honestly. Do you find me attractive?” Y/N asked.
“What kind of question is that? Of course I do, you know I think you’re precious to me.” Henry tried to reassure Y/N.
“No no no, not like that, I mena like sexually attractive.” Y/N said.
“I Don’t understand.” Henry said.
“Okay, we’ve met at Disneyland, right? You thought I was cute, that’s understandable because I tried to look as adorable as possible because I was Disney bounding. But the dates after Disney, you kept calling me cute or adorable or precious. Now i grew up getting called cute, my friends and family call me cute, I don’t mind getting called by them. But when my boyfriend calls me cute, someone I’m supposed to feel desired by…I know it’s stupid, and even saying this out loud is stupid, but when I’m dressed like this.” Y/N said, gesturing to her outfit. “And you still call me cute, it feels like you’re not attracted to me the same way I’m attracted to you. So please tell me something before we go any further in our relationship.” Y/N said. Henry was stunned. He didn’t know what to say. He turned off the stove and led Y/N to the living room so they could talk on the couch.
“Y/N, i am very attracted to you.” Henry said, look into her eyes.
“It doesn’t feel like it. Why do you always call me cute though? Why is it never beautiful or gorgeous or even sexy?” Y/N asked
“Because your adorable nature is something I find very sexy.” Henry said leaning in.
“A ver, Toro, i Don’t understand.” Y/N said, leaning back.
“Your aura, your way of presenting yourself, is very innocent and cute. It’s like loving an angel. So I find you very sexy, the way you dress in your pastel colors makes you look so angelic when we both know what’s underneath is down right sinful. You are so bloody tempting that I call you cute to hold myself back from doing what I really want to do to you.” Henry said.
“Who knew the great Henry Cavill has a innocence kink.” Y/N giggled a little.
“Yeah yeah, tease all you want, bunny. But do you understand what I’m telling you?” Henry grabbed her chin to tilted her head so she’s looking in his eyes. “You are very sexy, I find your cuteness very sexy. And I’m sorry if I made you feel like you weren’t desired because you are, I desire you every night.” Henry said and they kissed. “You feel better now, bunny?”
“Yeah I’m fine. Thank you, Toro.” Y/N said. “So…when did you first think I was sexy?” Y/N asked and Henry chuckled.
“Alright, let’s eat first and then we’ll discuss that, Bunny.” Henry said, leading Y/N to the kitchen.
The End
So Henry’s nickname is “Toro” which means “bull” because he’s a Taurus and of course really strong like a bull.
Taglist: @warriormirkwood
329 notes · View notes
deandoesthingstome · 1 year
Hall Pass - Chapter 3
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Paring: Henry Cavill x Reader (RPF)
Series Summary: You run into Henry Cavill at the start of a two-week house-sitting vacation. You had some previous plans. Some were ruined by your now ex-boyfriend. Some were made better. Guess by whom?
Series Warning and A/Ns: Check out the Masterlist
Playlist: I will add to Spotify with each chapter.
Word Count: 4K
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
You almost squealed with glee but somehow managed to keep composure while you finished drying off as Henry emerged from the water with one giant step up to the ledge. You did not miss a glance at his sculpted thighs and well-rounded ass. You and your friends called him thicc. 
With the towel still wrapped around you, you slipped your suit off before pulling on your comfy sweater. The ride back would suck if you put your clothes on over the damp suit, so while Henry made for the pine tree dressing room again, you stepped into your leggings. You would just suffer with no bra or underwear, not a big deal. And you’d have time for a quick rinse when you arrived back at the house after untacking the horses. 
Henry returned and helped you finish packing the saddlebags before giving you a boost up to Butterscotch. His firm, large hand gripped just a tad tighter around your ass than you thought strictly necessary to help you into the saddle but you were not going to argue about it.
Once he was settled in his saddle, you turned the horses home. Henry gave a whistle and Kal came bounding out from the trees. 
“Oh my God, I feel terrible! I completely forgot Kal was with us. Is it okay he was gone on his own for so long?” you asked with what you assumed was a look of horror on your face.
“Well, let’s see. Kal?” Henry called down. “Everything alright?” Kal gave a sharp, happy bark and ran around, leaping and bounding with abandon. Henry turned to you and offered a laugh to lighten your concern. “He seems perfectly fine.”
After arriving back at the house, you and Henry untacked the horses and headed inside for quick showers. For a brief moment, it seemed Henry was contemplating asking you to just join him in his shower.
“I think we’d end up missing the appointment after all,” you mused, to which Henry groaned just a little but acquiesced and headed into his guest room without you.
For maybe the first time in your life, you made it out of the room, showered and dressed before anyone else. And by anyone else, you meant Henry at this moment, who was clearly still behind a closed door and you did not want to knock, afraid to intrude so you set about stoking the morning's fire so it would be ready and roaring for the massages. 
When the team arrived, you asked David and Alexa to set up in front of the fireplace. You were about to go get Henry when your phone chimed.
Yup! You?
on my way
Henry strode into the room with such confidence you were almost blown away. He introduced himself and chatted with the massage therapists for a moment, putting them at ease with the obviously unexpected circumstances. He asked if they could understand why he’d like to ask for their complete discretion about the service and that for their trouble he was willing to triple their fee. 
When both David and Alexa were done picking their jaws off the floor, he asked for their full name and cell numbers and sent them on in a text, which he explained was to his assistant who would be sending standard NDAs in just a few moments if they could agree to spare a bit more time to organize everything before they got started.
He turned to you with a small apologetic smile and you mouthed a quiet “No worries. Me?” to which he gave a slow shake of his head. With the forms e-signed and the curtains drawn to darken the room as much as possible, you and Henry took turns disrobing and climbing onto the massage tables and under the modesty sheets.
When Alexa smoothed her hands down your back over the sheet, warming you up and preparing you for her actual touch, you couldn’t help but think there were probably three people in the room right now just barely containing themselves over the fact that Henry Cavill was mostly naked on a table next to them.
You took some deep breaths to try to push that thought out of your head and just focus on focusing on nothing except the way the strong hands swept down your back again once the sheet had been folded down. With just a few more deep, long strokes you were fully and completely in your head enjoying the massage and you stayed that way, almost oblivious to the movement beside you, until you heard a low moan.
You were snapped back to the reality that you were barely covered and getting a massage next to Henry Cavill. It took a few more moments to let that sound sink away and out of your consciousness as you returned once again to luxuriating in the relaxing motions. A little over halfway through, Alexa invited you to turn onto your back, holding the sheet in a way to shield you from both her eyes and those of anyone at the table next to you. As you settled back into a relaxed, prone state, you noticed David bent down in a hushed conversation with Henry, but again, you worked hard to remove any concern from your thoughts and just enjoy the moment.
With the short delay at the beginning, your 90-minute massage had reduced to about 80, but you were still just this side of sleep when Alexa pressed her hands gently into your collarbones with a deep exhale and thanked you quietly for the time.
You blinked your eyes open and thanked her as well, taking your own deep inhale and letting go of the last of any stress you had been feeling about the day and the situation. As you sat up, holding the sheet around you, you noticed Henry was still face down and David was just offering him a closing press on his shoulders and gracious thanks as well.
“I’m just gonna go get dressed,” you whispered to Alexa, who nodded and began packing her supplies. When you returned, Henry was gone and Alexa and David were just zipping the bags around their folding tables, giggling and chatting quietly. David noticed you and cleared his throat.
“I just have to ask. I know this wasn’t the name of the person originally booked for this appointment. I would have remembered that. How is Henry Cavill in your home right now?”
You gave a gentle laugh as you handed the now folded sheet to Alexa. “It’s a long story.”
“Well, you are one lucky lady. This may be the best thing that has ever happened to me in my dull, short life,” he beamed.
“But you’re keeping it quiet, right? I would hate for something to get out about this and ruin anything for him,” you asked with a subtle hint of concern.
“Who’s ruining what for whom?” Henry’s voice reverberated through your chest as he reentered the room, now clothed in sweatpants and a comfy looking sweater.
“Mum’s the word,” David replied, motioning as if to lock his mouth and throw away the key.
“Well, may I help you out with your equipment?” Henry asked.
“Oh, lord, no. And have you ruin any progress we made easing those back muscles? Absolutely not.”
“Well, then, here.” Henry held out his hand and small stack of folded bills. “For all your trouble.”
“Thank you very much.” David took a sheepish peek at the amount before he let out a small gasp. “This is really too…”
“Exactly what we agreed to and you two deserve,” Henry interrupted. “I sincerely appreciate it.”
Alexa and David loaded their equipment and left with the rather large sum of money Henry just randomly had available on his person. You were amazed.
“Alright then, what say you let me make you a sandwich tonight,” Henry offered. “I’m sure not the anniversary dinner you had planned, but there is no reason for you to slave over a stove for me again tonight, and I think something light sounds perfect. Okay?”
You didn’t argue. You were so relaxed, and besides, you’d already used the sauce meant for tonight on dinner the night before. So there was no longer a planned anniversary meal available anyway.
If Henry’s mind was already back on the connection made in the hot spring, he didn’t show it. He was friendly and cheery as he crafted two tremendous looking sandwiches and grabbed some cut veggies for a side. He popped the cork on a nice bottle of white he found chilling in the fridge and poured two glasses before dishing a bowl of kibble for Kal.
You took your plates and drinks to the great room and Henry stoked the fire again before sitting down to eat. You made more pleasant conversation, completely avoiding the elephant in the room: that Henry Cavill had made serious passes at you earlier in the day and that he was likely going to continue his efforts once dinner was done and dishes were put away.
You were not wrong. As you closed the cabinet where you stashed the newly dried plates, you felt his presence as Henry stepped behind you. You turned to face him and leaned back against the counter with a smile.
“May I kiss you again? Now?” he asked and you just nodded, still at a loss for the words to explain how this was happening to you at the moment.
Henry took a step closer, caging you in his arms as he placed his hands on the counter to either side of your waist and bent to place his lips against yours. This kiss was more insistent than that at the hot spring, as if he had been holding back and now decidedly wasn’t. Neither were you.
You closed your eyes and let him taste you, relishing the feel of his tongue along yours. The soft moan only spurred him on and it wasn’t long before you felt him place his hands on your hips and lift you to sit on the counter. You opened your eyes to watch him step inside your thighs, spreading your legs so he could ease his way closer to your core, where you now felt the length and firmness of his obviously hard cock.
Henry pulled away, leaving your lips longing for him. The way he tilted his head left and bent ever closer to lick and nibble at your neck made up for the loss. When he found the spot he was looking for, you felt him smile against your skin as you let out another moan, louder and filled with want.
“The things I’d like to do to you,” Henry whispered into your ear with a low growl.
“I'm pretty sure I’ll let you,” you responded, then gasped as he moved your legs around his hips and stepped back from the counter. You wrapped your arms around his neck and shoulders, hanging on while he made his way out of the kitchen and into the bedroom hallway, where he paused for a brief moment.
“Yours,” you suggested, with a chuckle. “I’m not sure the twin in mine will sustain you.”
“You’ve slept in a twin bed because of me?” he asked, with a hint of mortification.
“It’s fine, please do not start apologizing again. Could we just…?” you nodded your head toward his room and pleaded with your eyes for him to keep moving you in the direction of assured bliss.
Henry laughed, then dipped his head to kiss you again, pressing you back into the wall behind you. He finally made his way into his room, stepping to the bed and depositing you at the edge before reaching for the hem of his sweater and lifting it over his head. You reached for him as he dropped it to the floor, almost touching his chest before drawing your hand back. Henry grabbed your wrist and flattened your palm to his torso.
“If I didn’t want your touch, I don’t think we’d be here.”
“It felt a little like I was treating you like an animal at a petting zoo. I thought I ought to ask first,” you admitted.
“Appreciated. You don’t need to ask anymore. I think we’re a little past that now, don’t you?”
“Maybe. I’ll still probably ask a few things,” you smirked, dragging your hand down his impossibly firm chest and over his belly. “Like, can I take these down?” You gripped the waistband of his sweats, fingers tucked against his skin and thumb pressing on the fabric. At his nod, you began to pull, using your other hand to nudge the pants down his thighs while you tried to avoid catching them on his engorged member. 
You did this all by feel, your eyes still locked onto his, watching as they darkened with lust. When you could finally tear your gaze away, it fell to his waist where you couldn’t suppress an audible gasp. You had an inkling, seeing him in those tight swim trunks and feeling him against you, but you were not prepared for the specimen before you. 
Henry settled a hand under your jaw and tilted your head back toward his.
“We’ll take it slow. Don’t worry.” 
Hidden behind those words was the obvious fact that Henry was larger than any man you’d ever been with and he knew it. Also unspoken was the truth that he had likely been with many women who were unaccustomed to a man of his size and therefore he’d developed a skill for easing into it.
He started by making a motion to lift off your sweater. You hesitated to lift your arms, suddenly realizing that as much as you would never forgive yourself if you let this opportunity pass you by, you were maybe not as prepared as you thought you were.
“Still okay?”
You furrowed your brow and sought the words to help him understand you were absolutely not rejecting his advances in any way at the moment.
“It’s just…”
“Intimidating?” he asked, with no judgment in his tone.
“I mean, yes, but not in the way you might be thinking. I’m aware of my initial reaction, but, no…it’s…” How could you say this without falling back into a pit of despair about your recent relationship?
“Would it help if I pulled these up for now?” Henry asked, bending as if to grab his pants.
“No!” You cleared your throat and laughed a little. “I mean, no, please. I realize things are a little lopsided at the moment, but…”
“Why don’t you scoot back up on the bed?” he interrupted you, stepping all the way out of his pants as he watched you shift and crawl backwards at his urging. You could feel your heart beat faster as he kneeled onto the bed and made his way to your side. You did not hide the way your eyes watched all of him. 
“You know, I did see you in that swimsuit. And I do have quite the imagination, especially with the right inspiration in front of me. But we have time. If you’d rather wait a bit…”
“That’s just it, Henry. I don’t want to wait. I haven’t wanted to wait from the moment you got into your car and followed me back here yesterday. It’s just, well, you’re you and I’m me and, well it’s been a while, okay? Not like ‘years' a while, but certainly months…” God, this was bordering on humiliating again. You remembered that even when Jeremy had made it home from work trips, he’d ignored that aspect of your relationship. But you didn’t want to say his name again or even mention it in the current situation. What a fucking mood killer.
“How about I first tell you that how hard I am for you right now is exactly how hard I was thinking about you naked on that table next to me? It’s why I convinced David that all I cared about was a shoulder and back massage. I think I disappointed him a little.”
Your eyes went wide at the admission and you smiled affectionately. “You most certainly did not disappoint him.”
“Still nervous?” he asked, and you gave a small nod in return. “Then how about I just kiss you again for a bit?” Henry offered, propped on one elbow and the other hand on your hip. You nodded again as he leaned in and proceeded to kiss you with a skill you’d only experienced once before in your life and that was a few hours ago in a natural hot spring. 
The man was adept, there was no denying it. He nibbled softly at each lip, eased his tongue inside to open your mouth wider, slid his hand up your side to caress your neck and hold you in place while he launched into the sweetest assault possible.
His touch lit you on fire and his kiss had you moaning for more. More of his kiss. More of his caress. More of him. Minutes passed with his mouth on yours and you almost forgot for the time that Henry Cavill was naked in your bed while you were decidedly not. When he pulled away, dragging your bottom lip with him for a brief moment, your whimper made him chuckle.
“Feeling better?”
“Not now that you've stopped kissing me again, no” you answered with a small pout.
“Oh, I’m definitely going to keep kissing you, but what do you say we even the field here a bit? Up for it?”
You nodded with a lingering shyness, but vowed to just breathe deep and let him undress you. He sat you up and pulled your sweater over your head, dropping it to the floor behind him. He pressed you gently to your back again, dragging his palm down from your shoulder to your chest. Braless after the massage, you relished the way his fingertips glided over the swell of your breast and onto the nipple, palm molding to the shape and squeezing gently. You expected his mouth to return to yours, longed even for the talent of his tongue. But instead he dipped his head to capture your other breast in his lips, tongue circling the pebble and teeth teasing a bite.
You had enough will to watch his eyes flick to yours when he heard the hiss, but once you were sure he was sure you didn’t mind, you closed your lids slowly and let him kiss you this way instead. So taken with the feeling of heaven you were floating toward, you barely noticed the way his body moved over yours as he settled himself between your legs, kisses moving along your sternum and across your belly from side to side.
No, it wasn’t until you felt his grip on the waistband of your leggings, fingers brushing against your hips, that you realized he wasn’t coming back to kiss you like before. He apparently had another kind of kiss in mind and your eyes flew open to beg him to … what? Stop? No, you didn’t want him to stop. Not one bit.
And he knew it, too. This smirk felt different, cockier, less cautious.
“Alright if I take these off too?”
“Yes. God yes, please.”
There was something about the way he knew what he was doing that made your apprehension disappear completely. He had no trouble removing your leggings and replacing them with his arms as he wrapped your legs around his neck and lowered himself between your wide open legs, stretched to accommodate the breadth of his shoulders.
When he put his mouth against you, it was an explosion of sensation. Warm, wet, strong, searching, specific. He held you open so he could drag the tip of his tongue slowly all the way across from one side to the other and halfway back again before dipping it low to tease its way just inside you. And you heard him groan, felt him take another taste before pulling himself away to focus as much attention as he could on your clit. But he groaned again and now this was all you could hear. 
His sound reverberated through your pussy and you clenched around nothing but the ache you felt for him. 
“Henry,” you moaned. “God…”
“You taste amazing,” he managed before returning all his attention to licking and sucking every millimeter of your nether lips. When he finished, he went back to running his tongue along your slit seeking any juice that managed to escape before finally wrapping his lips tightly around your clit, sucking lightly then flicking his tongue against it. 
He continued each and every one of these motions for what seemed like a million years, moaning against you every now and then. Every prickle from his beard and mustache against the tender flesh of your thighs only served to heighten the sensations. When you were done screaming his name he gently held your bucking hips in place with a large palm as he shifted and crawled his way up and along your side. The pleasant burn left between your legs didn’t bother you one bit.
You turned breathless to meet his gaze and leaned forward to capture his lips with yours, tasting yourself on him and reigniting the moans you had just tamped down.
“That good, eh?” he teased and you tapped his chest in fake protest.
“Please. Like you don't know by now how good you are at that.” You gave him another kiss before pressing your palm against his shoulder, nudging him to lay back so you could climb a leg over his waist and haul yourself up to straddle him, careful to set yourself away from his rock hard cock.
“I suppose that’s true. No use in pretending, clearly,” he winked at you and you laughed at how ridiculous the whole thing really was. 
“Do you want to show me what else you’re good at?” you asked in a suddenly low and provocative voice. Henry took note of the change and you saw his eyes darken again just before he grabbed your waist and moved to flip you over to cover you once again.
“Yes. I absolutely do. Will you wait right here?” He began to edge off the bed. “Don’t go anywhere. I mean it now, leave those legs exactly where they are.”
You were mesmerized at his insistence and offered no resistance, leaving your legs spread wide for him. You saw him bend over to reach for something in his bag and set to admiring the naked backside of Henry Cavill, here to fuck you already.
When he turned back to crawl onto the bed again, a handful of condoms spilling over next to you, you noticed the way he also smirked again, pleased to find you exactly where he’d asked you to stay. As if you could say not to this man.
Somehow he also produced a small tube of lube, which he also dropped next to the condoms as he moved to slide up next to you again, his chest pressed up against your side. He kissed you once hard as his fingers inched over your thigh and onto your awaiting pussy. He pulled away from your mouth so he could watch your face as he began to press a finger into your already soaking core.
Since he could see how good that felt for you, he went ahead and slipped a second finger inside so he could tease and twist and stretch you open, making way for him. He knew you were wet enough. There wasn’t any question about how much he’d made you come and how much wetter he was making you as he moved his fingers in some sort of magical dance inside you.
When you felt the third finger enter you cried out in a pleasure you hadn’t ever known before.
“Yeah, that’s it. That’s really good. See how well you're taking that?” Henry growled in your ear. “You’ll feel that and a whole lot more in just a few more moments. You think you’re ready for me?”
“Yes, please. Yes. I’m ready, Henry.”
“What is it you are ready for? Will you tell me?”
“I’m ready for you to fuck me,” you told him.
“Yeah you are.”
Chapter 4
Tags: Please let me know if you want on or off or moved.
@littlegreenplasticsoldier- you opened this floodgate. Sorry.
Anything: @mayloma @fvckinghenrycavill @geralts-yenn @sillyrabbit81 @kittenofdoomage @liveoncoffeeandflowersss @aireraume @kebabgirl67 @marantha @sweetdreamsofgelato @beck07990 @itsrubberbisquit @dedicated-to-mr-cavill @alexakeyloveloki @feelmyroarrrr @raccoon-eyed-rebel @angelmather1 @lizzystuffsthings @kingliam2019 @enchantedbytomandhenry @omgkatinka
Hall Pass: (askers and likers, though if you liked the teaser post and you aren’t here, Tumblr won’t let me tag you)  @crymeariversworld @tess-lecter-blog @codykosuckmytoe @casadutti @fefa-la-printcessa @kaylamontaniz @kemillyfreitas​ @urmom3sposts​ @alicasalime​ @florxdexcerezo​ @lothbrokcore​ @straightforwardly @fuzzyugly-blog @livesinfantasyland @thereisa8ella @coldmooninthedark @12dilucswife @ms-angiealsina @7eamfan7asy @band-of-brothers-memes @ms-betsy-fangirl @cavillsslut @ryuuhana91 @henryownsme @hawklin @yoongskook
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Henry Cavill and Reader decorating for Christmas and reader making it special for both Henry and Kal💝🙏
Merry Christmas
Warnings: PURE fluff
Word count: 0.7 K
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Fem!Reader
Requests: OPEN
[Main masterlist] [Actors and actresses masterlist]
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Moving to the other side of the world; More specifically, moving to the UK to live next door to my boyfriend Henry was extremely difficult, but now that I had to spend my first Christmas holidays away from home, it was doubly difficult.
Yes, of course, I was madly and completely in love with that man, that did not change the complications of living in a completely different society, now, it was necessary to add the complications of living and being a couple, with one of the most handsome and sought-after actors in the world…
Yep, my life is complicated.
A few kisses on my shoulder made me come out of my thoughts. I turned on my shoulders only to meet those sleepy blue eyes.
"Good morning" the man yawned.
"Good morning handsome" it was my turn to yawn and scratch my right eye, causing a small laugh from the man.
"What day is today?"
With my right hand I patted the table next to me to take my cell phone and unlock it.
“December 12, do you know what it means?”
"It's Christmas shopping day," I crooned.
The man only released a tired sigh, causing laughter on my part.
"Is it completely necessary for me to go?"
“My love, you have to be kidding. It's the first time I'll spend the holidays with your family. We have to impress them with their gifts and decorations.”
I got up from the bed, and tried to take his hand, trying to lift him up.
"Baby" he pulled me, hugging my waist and making me lie down on his body "You don't need to impress them, you just need to be as perfect as you always are"
Although Christmas Eve was still twelve days away, the malls were packed with people, making shopping much more difficult than on other days. If we were lucky to find what we were looking for thanks to the huge shortage of stores, there were long lines that made a 30 minute stay, become a two hour one, and if someone recognized Henry, that stay could last up to three or four hours, before someone from security could help us to our car.
"Honey, is all this really necessary?"
While Henry was well known for his muscular arms, the number of bags full of Christmas decorations, gifts, and even my own tote bag cradled in his arms made his muscles tired, causing him to be slumped over in his chair of the local, while I watched the ugly sweaters for him and me.
“Honey, it is more than evident that it is necessary”
I managed to hear how he let out a big snort, causing my laughter
"Baby. I don't even understand why we need so many things to decorate, it's not necessary so many things”
Wearily, I rolled my eyes and turned to see his face, a smile on his face.
"You are very lucky to have me, my love, otherwise you would be known as the Grinch"
Christmas came long before Henry and I could process it, and with it, the snowfall that hit London, meaning that neither Henry's family could get to our house, nor that we could leave the house, causing us to have to spend christmas alone
Oh, and it also caused me to spend the last 10 days sick, barely able to do anything, leaving the decorations in Henry's hands.
Thank the universe, today I already felt much better, making me simply have to shower and get ready. Only to come downstairs and realize that Henry had barely put a few things on the tree.
The man came out of the kitchen, his suit well protected by an apron, while he heated up our dinner.
"What's the matter?"
"What did I ask you to do?"
"And you think this is decorating?"
With my hand, I pointed at the tree, causing Henry to let out a nervous laugh.
"I guess not… I'm sorry"
Kal's barking and entrance interrupted him, causing my eyes to flick from his blue orbs to our big baby, only to realize, poor Kal was only wearing his 'The Witcher' sweater and not his Christmas sweater.
"Oh my poor baby" I crouched down, stroking his back "Your father wasn't able to dress you properly?"
"Don't worry, we are going to turn this into a real home"
Before Henry went back to the kitchen, I grabbed a ball from Kal and threw it at his head, causing him to laugh.
"Come, I will teach you how to turn your house into a real home"
He quickly turned off the stove, dropped the apron, and ran to my side to begin decorating the tree.
I had planned to publish this on the 24th, but I was very late, sorry
I hope you enjoy it
I appreciate the reblogs, the likes and the comments
taglist: @littlebitchsposts // @xxsekhmet
message me or send an ask to be added to my taglist!
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thackeroy · 8 months
November 2023 Plans and WIP list!
Previous month here
Hi there, my name's JZ, I'm a 31 year old transguy (he/they) I'm from the North-East of England. I'm an artist, crafter, writer, gamer, streamer (I stream crafting and art) and an environmentalist. Masterpost for all project links including completed ones
My plans for November;
[misc] Wash and post Midnight Whispers
[misc] Post last months dino
[misc] Post this months dino
[cross stitch] No More V2 for Black Sampler November
[cross stitch] One dinosaur from my A-Z Dinosaur sampler from Purple Panzy
[cross stitch] At least 1% on my full coverage of Memento Ophelia
[cross stitch] 30 minutes a day on ANY craft project
[blackwork] Work on Bat With Bell
[knitting] Take part in and finish River Mitts for the KAL
[knitting] Decide on yarn for advent gnome
[crochet] Make a few snowflakes and block
[hand sewing] Make one YoYo doll
[quilting] Work on Windy Day / Birb quilt
[cross stitch] Memento Ophelia
[cross stitch] A-Z Dinosaur Sampler
[cross stitch] Bee
[cross stitch] No More V2
[blackwork] Bat With Bell
[embroidery] Trick or Treat
[knitting] Corryn / Spider Lace Shawl
[knitting] Make Gnome Mistake
[knitting] Burn It Down socks
[knitting] First Sweater
[knitting] Northeasterly
[knitting] River Mitts
[crochet] Snowflakes for fair
[crochet] Spider Web doily
[tablet weaving] Second Project
[hand sewing] Tiny Hexies
[hand sewing] Measuring Tape
[hand sewing] YoYo doll
[sewing] Denim Apron
[quilting] Windy Day / Birb quilt
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tasteofyourblood · 1 year
hello @eyeldritch i love you so much bestie 💕💕💕‼️
name: sanam
pronouns: they/them
where do you call home: nyc
favorite animals: cat, polar bear (fave since childhood), pigeons!!, bats, sharks, worms
cereal of choice: honey bunches of oats (almonds) & lucky charms
are you a visual, auditory or kinesthetic learner: visual, definitely need things written out, drawn, or made into visual example
first pet: hamster named Cece that had babies (that we named after kim possible characters, that always bit us!)
favorite scent: either sweet like vanilla/cookies/etc or dry/warm/herbal like sandalwood/thyme/etc (the only smell i ever remember going "oh i love that" was lush's Dirty body spray)
do you believe in astrology: nah, fun tho as a kid
how many playlists do you have: of my own? zero, of someone else's? probably 6
sharpies or highlighters: highlighters
song that makes you cry: let down - radiohead (i had.. an existentialism moment in the park one day while listening to this & watching the clouds move)
song that makes you happy: futile devices - sufjan stevens (forever and always my go to fave song)
do you write/draw/create: wrote fic before, doodle sometimes, craft sometimes but im real shit at it (knit, embroidery, clothesmaking, paint on clothes... soon)
tagging @inkmaze @holyheart @mlentertainment @safodebuenosaires @kal-thas @trxgicixn @saintsfortgirls @gayfail @human-sweater-vest @katealot @lowshoulder and every other slug 🐛
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jjesuis · 5 months
I remember the previous meeting. 13th January
First of all to he called me previous day asking to make a bahana about Rabia and daachi wagera. Sham ko i told him i cant come. Ofcourse staying late wala scene hi nahi he.
As usual he got pissy and cut the call. After a few he called again and was like pehle btana tha ab me 100 kilometer nikal aya hun. Etc etc. Mene kaha k mene bas poochi thi cheezain.
Anyways then he said penalty bharni paregi. I asked what. He said i have to pay for the room. I said ok. I asked how much he said around 5.5K to 6K. At the same number.
I ppaid him. Then he called again and was like kal ap ne 7bje ana he. I was like whar. He was like har baat me apki nahi chalni. 7 bje tu mjhe mere pas chahiye warne mene a jana he. I was like ok ill try.
Ofc it got late and late abd late. He even said me lene aun. I was like. No. The car etc. He was pissed cuz i got late. I had to go to school first and then get to him i reach hjm around 9. He was pissed AF.
He asked me mene usko call q nahi ki k school se lene aja. Mene aaj jana tha jaldi cuz bar election he and its an importsnt event. Isko agr miss kro to poora sal 0 value rehti he its important professionally. I felt like shit. Kher he opened the razai and told me to come in. I didm he took my sweater and shawl off. And i i hugged
He hugged him from behind. So warm and so ssfe i felt. Ofcourse he was touching the things down there. Even kissed me twice. And my ear and neck. And while we were shifting positions, he bit be on my cheek and then my arm hard cuz he was pissed. After the cuddling he turned me over and even began to pull my trousers down and said he would spit on my **** to lubricate it. I asked him why he wana do this and he was like wese hi kher the same argument. He would regret it. No he won't. He left. Why is he back blah blah.. he was lying on top of me and he lowkey put his d on or around my v halanke he meant it to be for the ass. When he was pushing jt forward, it slid towards my v. He rubbed it while we were talking and at one point he came right off that... i felt his liquid droop into my vulva. I didn't hate it. It was hot even. He was blanked out, even settled his head into my shoulder from behind, and i held his face that way. I love this position tho. The shoulder neck thingy. I even asked him why he called me. He said he was missing the perfect head. I asked him why he was back and all. He said he didnt know. Pagal u r in love with me. Kab maane ga tu.
He got offf and cleaned himself then he gave me tissue to clean myself. We talked and talked and he put my hand on his d and asked for a handjob.. which i did.. he came.
Then we were talking more. I mean i know he was not happy but still. He told me about her. How he had been with her 14 years even showed me a sketch he made of her. I'm not gonna lie i was jealous of this. So much passion and love she got from him. Mjhe idhr scraps bhi nahi milte.
Idk then he asked me if i love him. J got scared of his reaction so i asked hjm. He said no. He didnt think so. He said that he had been in it for 14 years so he knew what love was supposed to be like. One time she was hungry and he ordered food and dropped it off at hers. When he had had an accident, she was the one who took him around the hospital on a wheelchair. Good love. Tender memories.
He said i thought i loved him. It was my nurturing nature that caused me to feel so. Maybe cuz i was 30 plus and had a mothering instinct i took offense to that. Gadhe k bache. Dont u see what i have done for u and with u?
He also said i shut my emotions offf. I ignore them. Sociopathic tendencies, i felt really bad. I felt like crying. I lowkey did too. He sidnt see itm
I just got quiet and we stayed in bed for some time till the hour arrived. I just left. I was hoping he would be at the door... somewhere... looking at me. But nahi tha. ... wapsi pe he saw vaseline and joked k pehle pta hota to yehi use kr leta.
0 notes
zeenovos · 1 year
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Not to get emotional here but I’ve finally completed my swatch for Cocoknit’s KAL (knit-along) and have to block it and then I can finally start making my very first sweater
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mandylove1000 · 2 years
“Sorry I didn’t respond back earlier just go to set and wow it’s a lot! LMAOOOO HE SAYS HE MISSES YOU TOO. HE’S SENDING HUGS AND KISSES 😘 it’s cold here too, we had the heat up and were wearing sweaters, Kal was the only one very warm cause of his soft furry cheeks and body, I cuddled with his morning. LMAOOOO I told Henry “He’s mine now!” And his response, “uhh he was mine first, get in line sister!” 😂
I came into mine and Tom’s trailer and sawww allll the woolly blankets you told me about earlier. Jesus Christ it’s lot 😂🤣 I wasn’t expecting all of that. Tom is sitting in the currently getting his make up done, pfff he said he’s all natural (material girllll) so why do you need heavy amounts of makeup on your face dude? He’s a liar. How are the kids, Taylor and the dogs btw?”
@youlightmeupfinn is good she’s busy with non tumblr stuff but I’m proud of her. The kids are all seeming to be doing really well. They asked if we could do some baking today ie they want to learn how to make my moms family fudge. I don’t blame them it’s honestly sooooooooo good. So I just sent all the kids to the store to get everything and I am making a batch for you and carrot cake man to have as well. Tom is going to be in such a good mood when he finds out. He has said repeatedly that he would be ok if that was the only sweet food he could ever have it would be this.
But yeah make sure my blankets come home please he unknowingly took one that was once my moms blanket.
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caylinnightengale · 5 years
https://www.purlsoho.com/create/2015/05/22/over-the-top-top/My First Knit Sweater KAL Week 1
Arriving fashionably late to the party, I’m joining this KAL! When your not on the up and up on the knitting community things like this can slip by as they often do. Not this one!
Oh, and hi! I have a new laptop! At last! 
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I’m sorry! Laptops and phone plans are expensive and I’m poor. I’ve missed being on here. But let’s put that behind us.
I’ve been catching up on my Youtube feeds and this was among them: MarlyBird’s My First Sweater. Now this isn’t my first sweater but it is different from the other four I’ve knitted. There’s no evidence of the first two and that’s a good thing believe me.
So the Hygge Charm yarn this sweater is made with is being processed and should be here the beginning of next week. Fashionably late, I may have mentioned. SO, I’ll be cramming two weeks into one to catch up to this KAL but no biggie.
Marly Bird has more info on her blog here: https://marlybird.com/announcing-the-2019-spring-kal-with-marly-bird-and-red-heart/
I’m so excited!
Also, I know I promised pictures of what I had been making since a while ago and I’ve got them!
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Ok first up, This little bunny is made of felt and I made up the pattern myself. She still needs eyes and I think I’ll have to make them from felt also, I tried buttons they weren’t working out.
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Now these two are also from felt and cloth. I got the pattern from Purl Soho here: https://www.purlsoho.com/create/2009/04/08/mimi-kirchners-hand-sewn-felt-doll/
The faces are blank on purpose. Maybe future dolls will speak to me.
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Here’s a little scarecrow shelf ami from Allaboutami: https://www.allaboutami.com/scarecrowpattern/
Her’s is super cute but I was feeling the Batman villain Scarecrow vibe in the Fall as I was making him and leaned a bit that way. The pig ami is also my own pattern which I didn’t write down I just realized. Still unfinished, but it’s a nice blank.
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The blanket is from my crochet stitches book and the yarn is acrylic and hemp from Hobby Lobby. At first I thought it was good enough for a home decor kind of yarn, but after washing it and snuggling on the couch with it, I think it would be a decent sweater yarn too. The hemp bits give a rustic look but they’re not prickly or rough as I had first thought they would I was working on the blanket.
It’s actually quite soft.
That is a spring/summer top I’m working on with Fresh Haven (also Hobby Lobby) from Purl Soho’s Over-the-top Top: https://www.purlsoho.com/create/2015/05/22/over-the-top-top/
I’ve been learning all kinds of new techniques these last couple of months and I’m very happy with the projects that I’ve been able to make.
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Isn’t she cute?! Foxes were such a Fall staple that I couldn’t not make one myself. I even made her a jacket with a fun and cute monogram!
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I’ve been getting an inkling to make a bear amigurumi next. We’ll see.
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The hat and fingerless glove set are from a Noro issue I can’t find--it’s from last year Fall or Winter. The gloves were inspired by the hat and I used Lion Brand Landscapes in a now discontinued colorway. I’ve gotten lots of compliments on them but BUT the yarn isn’t great. It feathers...not quite a pill but a pulling and it wears out quickly. Makes me sad.
The dragon is from Once Upon a Crochet Ever After that I borrowed from my library but didn’t finish before the book was due. ( It was Christmas and I had other projects too!)This little guy needs his horns and wings and a button. Why a button? Because he’s a neck warmer! 
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(ba-dum tss! I am not funny).
Moving on.
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A hat and scarf set. The pattern is from men’s crochet winter set that I borrowed to make the hat have texture and the scarf is all chains. Just a long, long, long, long chain. And pom poms!
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The scarf is also LB Landscapes and also feathers but less than its black and white counter part. The snowflake hat was fun and I finished it in a day. The pattern is also from Crochet Ever After and is also made with the same yarn I used for my rustic blanket (Yarn Bee Rustic Romantic). Also comfy. The rainbow hat is a 2019 is a stash buster using Purl Soho’s Classic Cuffed Hat sans pom pom: https://www.purlsoho.com/create/2014/10/22/classic-cuffed-hat/
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This is my second to latest 2019 project (the newest is in progress on the blanket I showed you, the hat was in between). It needs to be blocked but otherwise it’s done! It is my first top-down sweater using the Brick pattern by Clare Lee on Ravelry: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/brick-2
I went for a V-neck and quarter sleeves as well as a stagard break line from one solor to the other. It was quick and fun. I think it took about two weeks give or take a day that I didn’t work on it. One of my fastest projects yet. Winter is not wanting to let us go here in the south so I used the weather to my advantage and cranked this one out. Yay!
However, I’m tired of grey even though I didn’t make any grey things but this and I blame the weather. Oh, wait. I actually harvested this yarn from a sweater I was making in November 2018 but didn’t swatch (that’s a no-no) and it was so many sizes bigger on me. I was too stubborn to frog it when I had the chance and finished the body when reality Gibbs-smacked me upside the head and...
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<__<;    >___>        Look a DIY!
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Another 2019 project: I took a pair of jeans I ruined in a painting experiment and finally did up-cycled them! I have been watching a couple of sewists? seamstresses? on Youtube and got my courage and a free day and went to work on it. It took most of the day but I’m proud of how this turned out. I just need the weather to cooperate so I can wear it outside.
Also this 2019 (in February), this lovely sweater in acrylic and alpaca.
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I learned the “tubular” cast on for this one!
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(Still not funny. Never mind.)  It’s my first raglan sweater that I also had to remake because the first one was too short and since it was made from the bottom up...At least the sleeves and the hem were done so it was another quick do-over.
Aaaand that covers it. Whew! You made it this far so give yourself a pat on the back and get a treat. 
I’ve picked up a little bit of sewing to add to my crafty repertoire and I like it. I don’t see it becoming a constant like crochet and sewing but it’s definitely more fun than I remember it being in Home Ec class back in the day.
Besides the spring top I’m working on and the arrival of yarn for the Marly Bird KAL, I’m brainstorming something for Mermay...We’ll see how much I can handle, though by then the KAL should be over. 
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craftiliciousqueer · 4 years
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Just like everyone else, I’ve been struggling this whole pandemic. Between the utter physical isolation since March, the mental toll of having to deal with America yet AGAIN being somehow still surprised Black people are murdered by police with impunity, dealing with the fall out of my entire career and livelihood disappearing within the span of 24 hours + the slow realization that it’s going to be at least a year before even the slightest resemblance of a ‘normal’ season, having to defer from grad school, AND getting diagnosed with ADHD all while being in the middle of a country who refuses to care about its citizens in the middle of a fucking pandemic I’ve been having to dig pretty damn deep.
Knitting has been an utter godsend in more ways than one. The yarn shop I work hosted (and continues to host) daily zoom meetings, and for the first months of the pandemic they were the only people that I would see or talk to, and were a way to help myself from going utterly crazy. I’ve been picking up projects I put to the side and finally finishing them, and joining in KALs with the new friends I’ve made on the zoom calls. Since music has been too painful for me to listen to still and there’s only so much doom scrolling a girl can handle knitting has been the one thing to keep myself mentally healthy and away from my bad old coping habits. It’s been the thing I use to keep my lil fidgety hands busy (lol @ my recently diagnosed ADHD no one is surprised when I tell them 🙃🙃) so I can watch things and be able to concentrate, or have some sort of sign of times progress when I’m feeling a little disconnected from it all.
Annnnnnyway, sorry for the ramble but here is my new PR on knitting a sweater! I finished this a month ago (lol again), but I participated in the Olive Knits #4dayKAL and while I didn’t complete it in 4 days, I did manage to finish it in 9!! I’m so so so so happy with this sweater. It’s the perfect amount of oversized and lands right where I wanted it to, and the Scheepjes River and Stonewashed yarns are so soft and warm, but also perfect for the summer and doesn’t utterly destroy me. I’ve finally got a gay sweater y’all! Keeping up the tradition of knitting at least one rainbow article of clothing every summer 🌈🌈🌈
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quartzgallery · 2 years
Some DamiJon edits from the Superman son of Kal El series that I did for my sister @spider-jaysart
Along with some speech bubble edits that I let my sister come up with for me to fill in
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The first edit
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The second edit
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The third edit
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And finally the forth edit
And no I do not hate on anyone who ships Jonjay
These are just edits I did for my sister that I thought she would love <3
And go check out my sister's Tumblr @spider-jaysart she has a really nice artstyle and also draws DC/Marvel related things🥰 she even came up with the design for the Robin sweater in the first edit here's the link below if you wanna see it😊
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littlefreya · 3 years
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Summary: Henry asks you to keep him warm while he is playing his new video game.
It's been snowing here in the UK, now all I can think about is cockwarming daddy, while he's playing Cyberpunk ...
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Reader
Word count: 752
Warnings: 18+, RPF, smut, a graphic depiction of penis in vagina, cockwarming.
A/N: No beta, I will be held accountable for my mistakes. Starts angelic, ends in the 9th gate of hell where yours truly crawled out from. Also apparently I’m a stress writer.
Writing is hard. Please give feedback, comment and reblog if you enjoyed my work. 🖤
Title: Stronghold
Snow piled outside your window like teeny mountains of sugar, the glass turning milky as a sheen layer of frost covered the exterior. Winter was a beautiful, cruel queen - deadly for those who came too close yet a gratifying visage to the causal voyeur.
Sitting on the couch with a book perched in your hands and Kal snuggled around your bare feet, you enjoyed the contradiction of the pale blue hues that snuck into the cosiness of the study.
For the first time in your adult life, you knew pure sanctuary, not just of the environmental kind, but this was home, he was home. Content, your eyes travelled to the man sat next to the computer. Henry's bare torso glowed under the vibrant hues of the monitor, sweat thin and shimmering, coated his profound bicep as he kept his arm folded upon the desk. A small concentrated crease pressed between his thick brows and a gleam of childlike mirth danced on the glossy surface of his orbs.
"See anything you like?" He asked calmly, not tearing his eyes from the screen.
"Maybe..." you drawled provokingly, closing your book and placing it on the red velvety armrest. "Aren't you cold? It's January, and you are not wearing a shirt."  
His cheeks stretched upward as a mischievous smile crested his face. "Maybe I am, shouldn't it be your job to keep your man warm then?"
The sonorous invitation in his voice was more than evident. Standing from your seat, you straightened your long chunky sweater and then crouched down to remove both legging and underwear.
Henry never raised his sight from his game, but the flick of his tongue over his bottom lip signalled that he definitely caught your wicked little trick. Trying to be at your best sensual behaviour, you slowly strode forth. Your pink panties hung from your index finger in a small playful twirl while you approached closer.
Thick lust drenched your sleek and the way his nostrils flared once you crept closer made you believe he could sense it the way an animal would catch the scent of its fertile mate. His cock definitely did, a large tent stood in the base of his sweats, heeding your proposal.
"Won't I spoil your fun?" you asked and lifted one leg over to the other side of his chair, caging the large man beneath your now towering body.  
Predatory eyes finally met your glare, not saying a word, he reached his left hand to free his shaft from the confines of his pants. Veiny and succulent, it pulsated with ardour, abiding the protective heat of your lush cavern.
"Like I said: come here and keep your man warm," he ordered more sternly and rolled his thumb over the dripping crease.
Obeying his will, you shifted down, your breath hitching as the fleshy crown stroked between your petals before pressing inside you. Slow yet firm, his meaty cock sailed through your narrow canal. Every inch unwrapping a blissful harmony of moans.
There was no better song than the enamoured release of pleasure Henry chanted as he buried himself deep inside you.
"You're my good girl," he exclaimed with a deep guttural groan, letting you further glide down. Sliding one hand beneath your sweater, he reached to feel himself moving deep in your gut.
"I love feeling myself there."
You wailed helplessly in response, enjoying the slight burn his imposing invasion brought upon you. Even when you were in control, he made you feel small and subdued, or in another word - fucked.  You enjoyed every bit of it, so desperate you were willing to be used to whatever his primal heart desired.  
He bound you to him at last, stilling as the tip of his lance found your cervix. Both Henry and you broke into a peal of arduous huffs, the overwhelming throb of your united flesh threatening to derive you into madness.
You wanted, needed, but he allowed none, not yet.
Clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth in rebuke, he removed his hand from your belly and retrieved it to the keyboard. "Good things come to those who wait..."  his lips murmured against your temple. His large body slumped against the backrest while you sat straddled onto his thighs with only his pulsating passion stuffing your cunt.
This was torture. This was pleasure.
As you were left impaled on his flinching monstrous desire, you vowed that if this is hell, you want nothing but to burn forever.
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*No permission is given of reposting, copying my work or ideas and parts from it and claiming it as your own*
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viking-raider · 3 years
Hello my love, I missed you! I hope that you are well! I am wondering, how will Henry react to finding out you have a secret stash of T-shirts stolen from him 😈
I miss you too, and I'm doing all right!!
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Henry frowned, scratching his head as he stood in the walk-in closet, staring at the sparely growing collection of his shirts, the gaps filled with nothing, but coat hangers.
He didn't understand where all his shirts were disappearing too.
At first, it was just his Kansas City Jayhawks shirt.
Then, his Krypton Lifting Team t-shirt.
Followed by his red D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F shirt, that he nicked off the set of Sand Castle, where he played Captain Syverson.
His plaid, button down shirts vanished in sporadic intervals as well, first it was just one, then it was three and finally he had no plaids at all.
A black and white striped, long sleeve shirt went M.I.A randomly.
He found himself having to buy a new England Rose Jersey every time he wanted to pull one on for luck and to represent his beloved rugby team. (So far, he'd bought four new jerseys in the last two months alone.)
Henry had even gone into his closet to get dressed for a formal event, only to discover two of his suit jackets were missing, as well as a dress shirt.
But, what drew the line, was finding that his coveted blue tank top was gone.
"Where the fuck are all my clothes going?" He huffed, raking a hand through his mop of curls.
"Babe!" You called out.
"Yeah!?" Henry yelled back, brow crease and lifted at his empty hangers.
"Could you get me a pair of my thermal socks? My toes are freezing and Kal ran away!" You pouted on the bed, sad that Kal wasn't laying on the bed with you any more, keeping you warm.
"Yeah." He sighed softy, resolved to Sherlock Holmes his clothing another time, and turned towards your side of the closet and bent over, digging through your bin of socks, but paused.
Hidden behind your sock bin, poking out, was the red fabric of Henry's D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F shirt.
Standing up, he looked out of the closet door, narrowing his eyes, realizing you were burrowed in bed, on the cold English day, in his knitted sweater, and every thing finally clicked with him.
You were his Shirt Goblin.
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tasteofyourblood · 1 year
ooh completely new created ask game! thank you @katealot
put your fav on shuffle. what does the first track remind you of? desire as - prefab sprouts FGNGNGNFF reminds me of fuckin Handsome Devil the film i had a 4 month long hyperfixation on
tragedy vs. comedy vs. drama vs. a secret fourth thing? comedy, sitcoms are my main form of entertainment and personality
what piece of artistic media do you associate with the summer? Emma (2020) which is funny bcuz i remember there being amazon ads for it w vivaldi's summer playing
what piece of artistic media do you associate with the fall/autumn? over the garden wall? or the bell jar idk why
what piece of artistic media do you associate with winter? vivaldi's winter lol or OH! I started albert camus' the plague on christmas day when we got stuck in a snowstorm driving up to canada so maybe that
what piece of artistic media do you associate with spring? idk I'll just say books in general bcuz my fav memory of spring now is the fact that during quarantine i was able to sit in the backyard and just Read everyday (& other things of course)
favorite practical effects movie oh The Thing definitely
favorite virtual effects movie pans labyrinth (im literally just looking up 'practical/visual effects movies' bcuz idk this off the top of my head) but also does the green knight count?
what podcast/album would you recommend to me right now if i was standing in front of you i only consistently listen to one and that's Books Unbound, oh but there's this specific one that i think everyone should listen to for self-love reasons
what’s your favorite colour AND how long has it been that specific colour i think it's changed to periwinkle maybe just last week or right this second.. idk
tagging @inkmaze @mlentertainment @snoopy-dyke @fagexe @human-sweater-vest @autism69 @kal-thas @meat-wentz and every pool noodle 🪱
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writersblog20 · 3 years
Love at first sight underneath the fairy lights.
Henry Cavill x reader
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Not my gif! Creds to maker!
Summary: it’s your third date with the famous Henry Cavill and he gives you the best date in the world.
Warning: fluff! like serious cheesy romantic fluff.
Words: 1500
A/N I’m a sucker for romantic stuff.
Love at first sight underneath the fairy lights.
 You got ready for your third date with the famous Henry Cavill. You always had a crush on the bear of a man and  now you’re going on your third date! You couldn’t really believe it and yet here we are. He had asked you to put on some comfortable clothes like sweatpants and a sweater or something so you were really curious what he had in store for you.
The first date was a walk in the park with coffee and a picknick. The second date he took you out to a restaurant. And now you would go to his house. You took everything you needed with you and left. You knocked the door slightly anxious. You really liked Henry and it made you very nervous. He opened the door with a big smile which immediately calmed you down. He pulled you into a hug. He was wearing grey sweatpants and a sweater with slightly scruffy hair but you loved it.
“hi, come in, please.” He told you and took a step aside for you so you could get in. “I brought snacks” you said while holding up the bag. He chuckled and let you into his kitchen so you could put it down. “I love your house.” You looked around with big eyes. Kal came running into the kitchen to say hi. You crouched down and petted the Akita. Kal seemed to like you a lot which made you smile. “Okay Kal, don’t steal the gorgeous lady from me now.” Henry told the Akita and you felt your cheeks heat up and gave a shy smile.
“I got a surprise for you” he told you slightly anxious. “Do you trust me?” he asked while slightly chuckling. “I don’t know what you have in store but alright.” you answered. He placed his big hand in front of you eyes and let you, apparently, outside. He smelled his cologne and felt him close to your back and it made your heartrate speed up. “Almost there love. I’m going to remove my hands but I need you to keep your eyes closed” He let go of you and you already missed the warmth welcome of his body but did as you were told. “okay you can open your eyes now sweetheart.” You heard nervousness coming through his voice giving him away.
You opened your eyes and they immediately grew big. You looked around in awe. He put a couch outside with a tent over it and fairly light lit up his entire back garden. In the tent there was a tv and fairly lights in it too but a little more dim. It looked extremely romantic and cozy at the same time and you couldn’t wrap your mind around the fact that someone would do this for you and yet there he was standing. You looked at Henry in surprise and he shuffled form one foot to the other, seeming a little nervous. “Henry…. This is amazing!” he looked up and you saw all the anxiety leave him as it got replaced with a big smile.
He stepped closer to you. “so you like it?” he teased with a big grin. “I love it!” he led you inside the tent and you saw snacks on the table and two beers. “I wanted you to feel special because you are.” You looked at him and he immediately corrected himself. “I mean in a good way of course! I eh am making a fool of myself right now.” he chuckled, looking a little embarrassed. You wrapped your arms around him and it took him by surprise but it calmed him down and he held you tightly. You looked up into his eyes. “ Henry this really is amazing. Nobody ever did something so romantic for me. Thank you!” you could see that he started to relax and he gave you a kiss on top of your head. “you deserve the best sweetheart.”
You both sat down on the couch and he got two blankets from his side. He placed a blanket over your shoulders tucking you in which made you chuckle and it gave him a warm smile on his face. he started the tv and you both decided on a movie but it was more as background noise since you only had eye for each other and talked a lot throughout the movie. You were fairly close to Henry. At one point you laid against him, the you were between his legs resting against his back with your head on his chest, then you were face to face and you had a good conversation about how you both saw relationships and it all the things you talked about grew you both so much more closer to each other then you already were.
At one point you both stopped talking and just looked at each other. He came closer and his big hand rested on your cheek. You felt your heartrate go up again and then you felt his soft lips against yours and at that moment it felt like the storm in your head calmed down instead of picking up. It felt like it was just you two and nothing else mattered. He picked you up and placed you on his lap which wasn’t so hard since you were already so close to each other. You placed your legs around him and he held you close while the kiss started to become more passionate and full of love. His hands went underneath your shirt but not sexually, his hands just rubbed your back softly and you felt your stomach do flips no rollercoaster could.
You both got out from the kiss and just looked at each other. “I really like you. Like really like you.” he told you looking you deeply into your eyes. “I really, really like you too.” You told him back with a smile which you got returned by Henry. He kissed you again and this time you got a little more bold and softly grabbed his face in between your palms while he kneaded your side and tried to get you closer. You both stopped before it got too heated. “would you like to be my girlfriend?” he asked you chuckling at the childish sentence. “I would like that Cavill.” You told him and gave him sweet pecks before pulling away.
He chuckled while he looked at you and you frowned but still had a smile on your face. “what?” you asked him. “I’m just so in love with you and it grows with every minute.” You chuckled. “Well, in that case we’re in the same boat.” You told him and he smiled brightly. “please do tell me when things go to fast.” He told you. “the last thing I want is to scare you away.” You looked at him adoringly. “I will if you promise me you’ll do the same thing.” He nodded and he laid down with you on top of him wrapping his arms tightly around you.
You felt so serene and full of peace, like you’ve never experienced before. His hand went over your hair messaging your scalp and you felt yourself  grew tired by the loving gesture of Henry. After a while you both flipped so this time Henry was on top but not crushing you. His head rested on your chest this time and you did the same thing Henry did. You went through his soft curls, messaging his scalp and playing with his hair. He took multiple deep sighed to let you know he felt serene as well. You smiled looking down. His arms were draped around your waist and legs intertwined.
You saw that he grew tired as well as he tried his best to keep his eyes open. He looked so relaxed, it was like a puppy on your lap falling asleep and you wouldn’t dare to get up because you don’t want this moment to end. You saw how hard he tried to stay awake that it filled up your love but the bear of a man deserved some rest. “Close your eyes love. It’s okay I’ll still be here when you wake up.” You told him and gave him a kiss on the top of his head he let out a deep sigh of relaxation. He looked up tiredly at you. “Promise?” he asked you which made you smile at him. “I promise love.” He gave you a tired kiss and laid his head back on your chest and grabbed you just a little tighter but it made you feel safe. It didn’t take long before you both fell asleep in each other’s arms. And of course as promised, you were still there.
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You're Freezing
hi darlings!! i was feeling some more softness tonight and since its about a billion degrees where i lived, i decided to throw in a snow storm, lol! - xo poppet :)
henry x reader, rated t!
word count: 900
warnings: brief mention/implication of hypothermia
tag list: (inbox to be added!) @thereisa8ella @myloveforhenrycavill@lharrietg @little-brattyangel @nerra75 @mansaaay @nostxlgia18@pixie88 @dontmindmejustprocrastinating
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You were walking down the block, trying to hurry home as fast as possible. Your car had broken down and of course it had started to snow again. You were walking as quickly as you could, but you were still getting cold.
You were concentrating so hard on getting home before your hands froze that you walked directly into someone.
"Oh, sorry," you muttered.
"No, I'm- Y/N?"
You looked up at the sound of your name to see your friend Henry standing in front of you. The two of you had grown up together and you saw eachother once every so often, but it had been awhile.
"Henry?" you asked, shoving your hands deeper in your pockets. "What are you doing here?"
"Just moved in," he said, gesturing to the house behind him. "And I was taking Kal out before the snow got bad again."
You nodded, noticing for the first time is American Akita standing next to him.
"And what are you doing out here?" he asked.
"Walking home," you said. "My car broke down on the way back from work."
In the dim streetlight you just made out Henry's brows furrowing together. "How long have you been walking for?"
"Only about 20 minutes," you shrugged, already beginning to move around him. "Really I should get going I won't want to keep you and it's only going to get worse-"
"Wait." Henry grabbed your arm but it pulled your hand out of your pocket and into his warm one. You winced at the burning sensation as Henry's frown deepened. "Your hands are freezing. Come inside and warm up, please"
"Henry, I-"
"Please," he whispered and it was almost lost in the snow. "I don't want you freezing to death."
Your stomach did a little flip. He looked so cute when he was worried.
No, Y/N, you stamped the thought down. You're just friends, nothing more.
"Alright," you conceded, following him inside.
His smile was relieved and the hand on your back was steady as he led you up to the house.
His house was still in various stages of unpacking and was incredibly disorganized, but Henry had never been the most tidy to begin with so you brushed it off. Still, he insisted on not only turning up the heat but unearthing a few blankets from a still unpacked box and making you tea.
"So," he said as he dug threw one of the boxes, pulling out a gaming headset, a few chargers, and then finally a mug. "How much further were you planning on walking?"
"Only about a half hour," you said. "My house is a few more blocks down."
Henry visibly blanched as he paused his hunt for the tea. "A half hour? You would have frozen to death in five more minutes."
You rolled your eyes, pulling the blanket that he had gotten for you tighter around yourself. "That seems a bit of an exaggeration."
"Your hands would have at least fallen off," Henry said, deadpan, as he handed you your cup of tea.
You fixed him with a look before thanking him for the tea and taking a tentative sip. It warmed you considerably and you shut your eyes at the pleasant sensation.
"Are you still really that cold?" Henry asked, frowning as he places his large hand on your arm and recoiled immediately. "Holy shit, Y/N," he muttered. "You stay right here, I'll be back."
He was gone before you could ask any questions so you just sat and drank your tea. Within minutes though he was back, holding a sweater and more blankets.
"Here," he said, handing you the sweater. "Put this on."
"Henry that's not really-"
"Y/N," he said sternly. "I will not have you freezing to death in my house. It would make for a terrible reunion and my mum would kill you."
You laughed, placing your mug on the counter and pulling on Henry's sweater. It smelled good and you realized belatedly that it smelled like him. You shivered and this time it wasn't from the cold. "You are right, your mum would definitely- what are you doing now?! Henry!!" you squealed as he picked you up and deposited you on the floor in the pile of blankets he had made while you had been putting on his sweater.
"Desperate times call for desperate measures, darling," he said, burying you in the blankets as your heart skipped a beat at the pet name.
"Well," you said fighting your blush, "If this really is a desperate time, then you better hold me. Just so I don't freeze."
Henry pretended to consider before engulfing you in his arms and his scent. You could actually feel his muscles under the layer of softness on his chest and stomach, how dare he be so comfortable? You fought the urge to burrow yourself deeper into his arms.
"Is that better?" he asked half teasingly, his breath hot on your neck.
"I think so," you squeaked.
You felt his lips ghost across your forehead in a near kiss. "Y/N?" he asked.
"Yes Henry?" you responded.
"Next time your car breaks down, do us both a favor and call me?"
"Well," you said, pretending to frown. "I will need to get to work tomorrow. And my car is still broken."
"That is rather unfortunate," Henry said, his lips still teasingly close to your forehead. "Perhaps it would be best if you stayed the night then, so that you can stay warm and so that I don't have to go to your house to pick you up in the morning."
"That sounds like a good idea," you giggled, unable to help yourself.
But Henry didn't break character. "I'm glad you agree," he whispered.
And then he kissed you, with passion and fervor and need, the taste of your tea mingling on his lips. You just had enough to time to think that this was way better than you ever imagined it would be before his tongue was seeking entrance into your mouth. And then as your tongues battled for dominance, the last thought that you registered was that maybe, just maybe, it wouldn't be so bad if your car stayed broken down for awhile.
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