#soundtrack kal
icarusdiesatdawn · 8 months
this will forever be better than the original to me
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newvegascowboy · 3 months
The stand unshaken sequence at the end oc guarma... poetic cinema
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emisirrelevant · 9 months
Pulp Musicals Episode 3 Thoughts
Hello, anyone else out there who is aware of Pulp Musicals by the amazing talented incredible Matt Dahan?
Well, the final part of the third episode of Pulp Musicals, The Ghost of Antikythera premiered!!
As usual, I was blown away (pun not intended!). This little musical series is some of the best stuff I've ever heard.
EVERYONE did so well. Every episode just gets better and better.
Just really fantastic work by all.
I can't wait for the next episode already!
Thank you again Pulp Musicals for giving us everything every time!!
~Some more of my thoughts below in the tags~
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brokehorrorfan · 2 years
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Smile's original motion picture soundtrack is available on vinyl for $40 via Mondo. Scheduled to ship in March 2023, the score is composed by Cristobal Tapia de Veer (The White Lotus, The Girl with All the Gifts).
The double-LP album is pressed on 140-gram “Pearly White” colored vinyl, limited to 1,000. It’s housed in a die cut jacket featuring art by Matt Ryan Tobin (with assistance from his daughter, Ava) and printed inner sleeves.
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booklindworm · 1 year
Mando'a Dialects in- and out-of-universe
Outgame (irl) there are several different versions of Mandoʻa: The Shadows of the Empire Soundtrack version (Notron Cant), the Republic Commando Soundtrack version (Jesse Harlin's text), the Old Republic version (as seen in SWtOR or KotOR), the Republic Commando Novels version (Karen Traviss' version), the Mandoa.org version (their forum members made up a lot of extra vocabulary), several different tumblr versions, and the Disney version (as in the TV-series Star Wars Rebels). They all have distinctive similarities (the Notron Cant is an exception), but unfortunately, they also all somewhat differ. Since Karen Traviss published her Mandoʻa version online, complete with a dictionary, the Mandoa.org version and most tumblr versions are based on her version. Her version in turn is vaguely based on Jesse Harlin's version-the first Mandoʻa on file, so to say. I myself see them as different dialects or development stages of the same language.
See, Karen Traviss' Mandoʻa and also most of Mandoa.org's Mandoʻa uses Basic (i.e. English) grammar with a Mandalorian vocabulary, so I call that version Soldiers' Pidgin. It's obviously (ingame) a creole language that came into existence after the Mandalorian diaspora. It is this Soldiers' Pidgin that Kal Skirata taught his children (the Nulls) and possibly also the language that the Alphas taught other, younger clones (e.g. the CC class or the ARC-troopers) as a "secret" language to hide from the Kaminoans. If it was used by the clones in such a way, the GAR should have its own dialect. The different internet versions of Mandoʻa all seem to be based on Karen Traviss' dictionary, so I see them as different dialects of the Soldiers' Pidgin. The same reasoning can be applied to Disney's Mandoʻa.
The language of Vode An, Graʻtua Cuun, Darasuum Kote, etc. on the other hand uses a grammar that differs from Basic. It is an older form of Mandoʻa, probably the Mandoʻa spoken on Mandaʻyaim before the Excision - seven-hundred years ago. It's a lot more interesting (for me, at least). I propose calling it Classic Mandoʻa. It has its own grammar; it has a similar vocabulary as Soldiers' Pidgin, but with distinct and sometimes varying pronunciations (sometimes depending on the rhyme or rhythm of the song); it has a lot of epitaphs and kennings and references and can have very flowery phrasing. It's used, in or around the time of Palpatine's Empire, predominantly in older songs and poems. An irl-equivalent could be Shakespearean English.
We can probably view the (archaic) tOR version as vaguely translated into modern Mandoʻa (Soldiers' Pidgin, probably) since there is exactly no way that the language changes so little in over 3000 years. I also propose that the Basic back then has very few similarities to the Basic that's spoken during the Skywalker Wars.
Missing is a sort of current, modern version of Classic Mandoʻa. I think that is (sadly) very realistic. A society that is so broken up by something like orbital bombardment would likely, over the centuries, develop several different creole versions and try to keep their original language as unchanged as possible, leading to exactly the combination described above.
Here are some other people's thoughts:
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vodika-vibes · 4 months
Love your writing
I was wondering if you could write a Vau daughter x one of Kal Null boys maybe ordo or mereel because the family functions wouldn't function
Summary: You’re the long estranged niece of Walon Vau, your father having cut him out of his life, and yours, after his carelessness caused you to lose a leg. However, when you graduate medical school, Kal Skirata reaches out to you to offer you a job, and you, happily, take the chance.
Pairing: Ordo Skirata x F!Reader
Word Count: 1237
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: Sorry this took so long! I hope it's close to what you wanted. I already had an idea for a Vau daughter as a character, I just had no ideas to write her, so I put her here. Also, I was listening to the Hamilton Soundtrack when I wrote this, hence the title.
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“Welcome to my humble home,” Kal Skirata greets you with a kind smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners as you step down the ramp and over to him, “I’m glad you agreed to take the position.”
You shrug, “Mother and Father were irate. They’re rather done with Mandalorians, I’m afraid.”
“Well, that’s understandable, given the situation.”
“True. As it happens, I have no interest in seeing my uncle, so-”
“He’s not here. And I haven’t told him that I hired you.”
A bright smile crosses your face, “Then there shouldn’t be a problem. You said you had a situation that you were hoping that I would be able to fix? On top of being a proper doctor for your sons?”
“Exactly so,” Kal motions for you to walk with him, “How much do you know about the boys I adopted?”
“Not much,” You say as you easily fall into step with him, “Other than the fact that they’re clones of Jango Fett.”
“They are,” He leads you through the base, “They have sped up aging, which means, as a whole, they have maybe twenty years before they start dying of old age.”
“Well, I can understand why you want that fixed.” You murmur thoughtfully, “I don’t suppose you have any information from Kamino-?”
Kal chuckles, “If I had that I wouldn’t need you, would I?”
You sigh, “Well, there was no harm in asking, I suppose.”
Kal leads you to a door, “Here we are. Your suite. And your lab is just down the hall.” He hands you a keycard, and you wave it in front of the lock, allowing the door to slide open.
The suite is large, with a full kitchen and a separate bedroom, looking more like an apartment than anything else. It’s not decorated, but you can work with that. You’ll order some paint and make it yours, when you have some free time. 
“Is there anything you need?”
You set your bag on the coffee table, “Can I see my lab?”
“You don’t want to get settled?”
“Well, I have to wait for my stuff to get delivered anyway, so I might as well take a look at what I have to work with.” You reply with a shrug.
“Of course, follow me.” Kal leads you down the hall and to the lab, and you scan the room with an expert eye. Large, open, clean. 
Yes. You can work with this.
There’s a man on the other side of the room, setting up a computer. “Ah,” Kal smiles and guides you over to him, “This is one of my sons.” He says to you, “Ordo, meet the new doctor.” Kal introduces you by name, and you’re not surprised at the way Ordo’s face twitches when he hears your surname.
“Walon Vau is my father’s older brother,” You explain as you scan his face, your head tilted to the side, “It’s uncanny. When you said clones, I thought that they just used Fett as a template and randomized his DNA, not actual duplicates.”
“That is what ‘clone’ means, ad’ika.” Kal replies, amused, and you wave his comments away.
“If I recall correctly, Jango Fett was predisposed to asthma-”
“That’s not a concern. All of the Clones were genetically altered so that they don’t have to worry about that kind of stuff.” Kal replies.
You fold your arms, “Well, that’s going to make my life so much more difficult.” You tilt your head back and think for a moment, “No matter, I’ll make it work.”
Ordo frowns at you, “I suppose, since you’re here, we’ll be getting more visits by Vau.”
“Well, if he shows up, feel free to shoot him…or whatever.” You say dismissively, “He’s not allowed near me. Legally speaking.” You wander off to look at your new toys, “Ah, I almost forgot,” You turn to look at Kal, “My leg isn’t going to be a problem, is it? I’m testing a prototype prosthetic for the next couple of months.”
“It won’t be a problem,” Kal says.
“Grand.” You turn your gaze back to the lab, “This looks great, actually. It’s kind of big, for one person, but If I need to use my chair for whatever reason, there will be plenty of room.”
“Great,” Kal walks over to you, “Do you need anything else?”
“...blood samples. From every clone on base.” You pause, “And everyone else.”
He narrows his eyes at you, “Why?”
“Comparisons. Unless you have a vial of Jango Fett’s unaltered blood on hand?”
“...I do not.”
“I didn’t think so.” You smile at him, “So…blood. From everyone.”
Kal sighs, “Yes ma’am.”
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It’s been a year since you’ve started working for Kal Skirata, and, all things considered, you don’t have a bad life. 
You’re busy, sure.
But your work is important, and, all things considered, you love it. 
You glance to the side as the door to your lab slides open, and Ordo steps into the room.
“Still working, mesh’la?”
“Always,” You spin your stool so you’re facing him, “What brings you to my humble lab, Ordo?”
Ordo eyes one of your machines, which is covered in rubber ducks, “Humble. Right.”
“Hey! The machine won’t work unless the ducks are all there.” You say with a defensive frown.
Ordo shoots you an amused look, “Of course it won’t.” He crosses the room to your side, “I’m here, mesh’la, because someone decided to skip lunch.”
“...it’s only…”
“Dinner starts in 30 minutes.”
“...ah.” You pause, “In my defense, I thought I was onto something.”
“You’ve already cured the enhanced aging.” Ordo replies as he prods you to your feet with gentle touches.
“Well…yes. But! I could cure it better!” You say.
Ordo circles you and tugs your lab coat off, before he tosses it over your desk, “You’re not curing anything until you eat. Come on.”
“Don’t you ‘but Ordo’ me. You, little miss, passed out three weeks ago because you forgot to eat four meals in a row.” Ordo says, “Which means you now have a babysitter, in the form of me.”
“...I don’t remember that.”
“Yeah. Because you were unconscious.” He lightly pushes you out of the lab, and you turn so you’re walking backwards, and his hands land on your shoulders, “Mesh’la-”
“Does this mean that we’re going on a dinner date?” You ask, with a bright grin.
Ordo laughs, “You are relentless about going on a date with me, aren’t you?”
You grin at him, unrepentantly. 
He leans in, “If it’ll get you to eat, Mesh’la, then yes. We can call this a date. Though, neither of our families will approve.”
“I don’t care about what my family thinks. And your family likes me well enough.” You counter, “And, I love you, so-”
Ordo averts his gaze, “How you can say that so easily-”
“Because it’s true!”
“I believe you.” Ordo looks at you again, and smiles softly before he kisses your forehead, “I…” He pauses, “I care about you too.”
You grin at him, and pop up on your toes to kiss his jaw, “So. Dinner? I have nice pasta in my suite that I can make while we watch a movie?”
Ordo presses his hands against your cheeks and squishes them, “You’re impossible. You’re lucky you’re cute.”
You beam at him.
“Yes, fine. But I want some of that cheesy bread you made last week, if I have to eat pasta.”
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oddeyecir-cle · 7 months
nct dream as bollywood songs
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thought of making this after i saw this post by @yangkitties (which is so cute btw <3). praying this post finds it's way onto the dashboard of fellow bollywood - kpop enthusiasts
𐚁 lee minhyung
prem ki naiyya from apkgk - the awkward and adorable boy-next-door
saawali si raat from barfi - honestly all songs from this gem of a film should be the soundtrack for mark and his best friends to lovers trope
𐚁 huang renjun
sham from aisha - truly the embodiment of the soft boy aesthetic what can i say
sheila ki jawaani from tees maar khan - but he's also a bad bish so
𐚁 lee jeno
mast magan from 2 states - he's just the sweetest and softest, a lot like this song
ang laga de from ramleela - it's just so...uh *coughs* so *clears throat* freaking hot sensual...yeah * looks away flustered*
𐚁 lee donghyuck
illahi from yjhd - i can totally see him being bunny (the character, NOT the animal) in some other universe and i love this song so
sooraj ki baahon mein from znmd - need i explain?
matargashti from tamasha - the ranbir kapoor character to hyuck pipeline needs to be studied
𐚁 na jaemin
gulaabi from shudh desi romance - i mean the jaemin = pink logic yes. but also if you imagine him in the mood of this song- calm but somehow playful and adventurous. it makes sm sense
uff teri ada from karthik calling karthik - because uff teri ada indeed
𐚁 zhong chenle
drama queen from hasee toh phasee- sass, wit, theatrics. this song IS him.
twist from love aaj kal - unbelievably groovy. he's very cool and so is the song.
𐚁 park jisung
kahani from laal singh chaddha - i swear i'm not trying to baby him. he's a grown man ik, but his presence is so pure and innocent :(( and i love how calm this song makes me feel
dhoom again from dhoom:2 - just fits his aesthetic (plus he would obliterate the choreo)
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upismediacenter · 28 days
UP Cherubim and Seraphim shines in summer concert “Don’t You Worry ‘Bout a Thing”
The UP Cherubim and Seraphim lit up the IBG-KAL Theater in their concert titled “Don’t You Worry ‘Bout a Thing” last May 11, 2024.
The UP Cherubim and Seraphim (UPCS), which was founded on September 21, 1971, is the official children’s choir of the University of the Philippines. According to its Director Emeritus Dr. Elena Mirano, former dean and Professor Emeritus of the College of Arts and Letters, “tonight is the culmination of a whole year that marks the coming together face to face, after four years, of our current group, who sang together virtually from their own homes throughout the pandemic, and during that time produced three concerts online.” The last solo in-person concert of the group, “Come Alive,” was held on March 7, 2020.
UP President Atty. Angelo Jimenez gave the opening remarks for the concert. “I’m very excited to be here to watch the Cherubim and Seraphim of the University of the Philippines, whom I’ve known since I was a freshman in UP back in ‘83.” He shared a few anecdotes of his experience growing up in the Manobo tribe surrounded by music, and how he enjoyed engaging with both the folk and contemporary music of his time.
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“And I am very happy that our children—our kids, our young people, are singing today. Because I think that many of you in UP know my interest in the arts and culture,” Jimenez adds. “I truly believe that it is not a great idea that will move people. To move people, we have to have emotion, and emotion has to be driven by higher feelings. At least, it can help us move towards our dream, which should be, as a university, aligned with the nation’s deepest emotions, our people’s highest aspirations.”
After President Jimenez, Dr. Mirano also gave her own remarks, where she gave a brief preview of the flow of the program which she described as “serious, modern, and fun.”
The first part of the concert included classics from European repertoire. The first four songs were from John Rutter’s “Dancing Day,” a series of Christmas carols from the Middle Ages. They also performed Felix Mendelssohn’s “Laudate Pueri,” a song of praise written in Latin.
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The second part comprised contemporary Filipino repertoire, and all songs in this section were written by composers from the UP College of Music. This segment opened with “Sa Dakong Sikatan” by Eudenice Palaruan, then three songs written by National Artist for Music Ramon Santos were also performed: “Dal’wang Sawikaing Pilipino,” “Handog sa Ina,” and “Batang Magalang.”
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The third part of the concert featured more recent and popular songs—all with choreography. The last section began with “Top of the World,” originally sung by Shawn Mendes as part of the soundtrack of the movie “Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile,” and continued with “Don’t You Worry ‘bout A Thing” by Stevie Wonder, the concert’s title song. “You Will Be Found” from the musical Dear Evan Hansen, a song that was part of the repertoire in “Come Alive,” was also in this concert’s lineup. “Permission to Dance” by BTS brought out the K-Pop energy in the theater, and the choir closed out the concert by singing “Joyful, Joyful” from the movie Sister Act 2.
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During the third part, the audience brought out white and purple lightsticks dubbed as “Cherubongs,” a mashup of “Cherubim” and the Korean colloquial suffix -bong, meaning “stick.”
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Also in attendance at the concert were UP officials Vice President for Public Affairs Rolando Tolentino, Chancellor Carlo Vistan, Dean Jimmuel Naval of the College of Arts and Letters, Dean Jerome Buenviaje of the College of Education, Dean Pat Silvestre of the College of Music; and Mr. Ignacio Gimenez, the sponsor for whom the IBG-KAL Theater was named after. UPIS faculty members Assistant Principal for Academic Programs Dian Caluag, CA-EMA and SSH Cluster Head Cathy Atordido, and Ms. Kat Loyola were also present in the audience.
Behind this production were the UPCS music staff: Director Emeritus Elena Mirano, Associate Director Liya Dioquino, pianists Michelle Nicolasora and Samuel Silvestre, guitarist Luisa Dioquino, bassist Sage Ilagan, drummer Robin Rivera, choreographers Becca Silvestre and Sophia Maunahan, and program cover artist Hubert Fucio.
All in all, the concert ran for about two hours and ended with a repeat performance of “Don't You Worry ‘bout A Thing” as the encore.
To find out more about the UPCS, you may visit their Facebook page (U.P. Cherubim & Seraphim), Instagram account (@up_cherubs), and their website upcherubim.org.
//by Rache Bueno
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tasteofyourblood · 1 year
thank you for the tag wonderful @eyeldritch 💕💕💕
five songs you actually listen to (i can't decide specific songs rn bcuz brain keeps flipping through full albums/playlists so)
ravenous soundtrack ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
without you i'm nothing - placebo
new hozier EP -> unknown / Nth
ok computer - radiohead
swiss army man soundtrack (yes. still..)
tagging @inkmaze @holyheart @mlentertainment @safodebuenosaires @kal-thas @trxgicixn @saintsfortgirls @gayfail @human-sweater-vest @katealot @lowshoulder
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fandomsniper · 5 months
I have been sitting on this au for a while now because I got obsessed with this song
and rn I'm putting a trigger warning for underage s3x work and overall stuff in that theme, so u have been warned
it's on ao3 because I went waayyy to overboard, it was supposed to be a quick description but it's over 2k words long 💀
but here you have a bit of it to see if you are interested in reading it
we are starting from the very popular trope of street rat Kallus, him and his family are living in the lowest levels of Coruscant. At that point it's only him, his mom and his older (by 4 years) sister, Kallus' dad died in a work related accident (he was a factory worker so let's say he got crushed by some machinery or something) and his younger brother died from some hardcore pneumonia. Kallus' mom has two jobs that pay absolute shit, his sister can't find anything beside some odd jobs here and there and as a 13 year old all he can really do is pick some pockets and/or steal to try and help his mom and sister. At that age he already hit his first growth spurt so he looks a bit older than he is, what I'm getting at is that one day he tries to pick pocket some flashy dude (which was pretty weird because what is this well dressed guy doing in the slums but who cares, he prolly has a lot of cash) but he gets caught. This guy gets one look at 13 year old Kallus and he can see right through this kid, he grins sweetly at him and starts to play this nice man who wants to help a kid and his family get out of a tight spot so he offers Kal a deal, he will give his mom and sister enough money to get out of this gutter and start a good life and Kallus will perform for him to pay it off. Kallus took the deal, he didn't care what he would have to do because, frankly, he would lie down his life for his mom and sister, the guy actually makes him sign a fucking contract for this. Kallus signs the damn contact and takes the cash the guy gives him, his now boss tells him that both of them are flying off the planet the next day and tells him to meet him right in this spot on that certain time, and he better be there because if he isn't, well, he will need to say goodbye to his precious family. Kal runs back home, gives his mom and sister the money and tells them that he will work off planet for a while, he doesn't know where but he will try his hardest to communicate with them somehow.
the rest is on ao3 :3 but bellow I'm gonna leave some authors notes heh
"well that's all I got, there is so many holes in this, lack of names etc. because I'm on and off about this au. Though, I have a few scenes in my head that are connected to the song itself so I can write those out withe the lyrics they match with if anyone is interested in all of this :))"
also 2 things, I would be happy to hear some feedback form u! I have no one to talk about this so I will be happy about anything :'D, and sorry about any grammar mistakes, I'm kinda brain dead rn pfff
sorry again that it has to be in two separate places, tumblr has a word limit 🙃🙃
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toiletpotato · 6 months
why does the kal ho naa ho soundtrack have a piece called "heartbeat (instrumental)" wherein it is just the instrumental version of the title song (sad reprise) but with a heartbeat sound on top of it that fades before the song ends
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whysamwhy123 · 1 year
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better. I was tagged by the always awesome @blacktofade, thanks a million! I never get tagged in stuff like this, so time to show everyone how lame I am, I guess!
Last Song: Weird answer, but End of Small Sanctuary from the Silent Hill 3 Soundtrack, specifically a version on Youtube that loops it for 12 minutes straight. The first 3 SH games are so nostalgic for me and I love the OSTs so much.
Last Show: *Heavy sigh* RWBY Volume 9. My days of RT/AH fandom are loooooong dead, but that show is still enjoyable trash to me and it somehow still finds a way to tug on my heart strings even though I should know better.
Currently Watching: Well, I just started Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts since the first episode just dropped. Aside from that, just a ton of random stuff on Youtube. Lately, it’s been a bunch of Awesome Kong vs Gail Kim matches in TNA over the years. In case you’re wondering, those matches really hold up!
Currently Reading: Stars and Smoke by Marie Lu, it’s a cute little YA spy-romance about a pop star-turned-secret agent and the spy assigned to be his bodyguard for the mission. I’m a sucker for bodyguard romances, apparently. Including comics and manga, I’m slowly catching up on the current runs for Wonder Woman, Batman and Nightwing as well as finishing up Superman: Son of Kal El and for manga, it’s I Want to be a Wall, Don’t Say Mystery, The Summer Hikaru Died and Sentimental Kiss.
Currently Obsession: The usual at this point - wrestling, books, comics/manga, fight scene compilations, action movies and lately I’ve been reading every Max Squared fic that I can get my hands on, whoops
I’m tagging @angelkerisimasi, @perhapswhoknowsvamp, @aerodaltonimperial, @sheinthatfandom, @rugletthewren
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newvegascowboy · 6 months
i went through the durgetash tag last night and now i have brainrot
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i-am-kind-of-lost · 2 years
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My Top Posts in 2022:
Mfs be 8 and say stuff like, “When Hozier said this, I felt it.” Shut up. Go watch Shin-Chan
61 notes - Posted January 25, 2022
I did not like the Annie and Hughie scene. Sorry. 
I get that they are trying to show Toxic Masculinity bad, but it doesn’t kind of work here. Hughie has never had a problem with Starlight being stronger than him. He has always been insecure about his abilities. Everyone in the group treats him as this useless tool, and it just reinforces that. Like last episode, when he asked MM and Butcher whether they want awkward, powerless Hughie, or supe Hughie who can take care of himself. 
That scene felt really forced. Really forced. The violence over the past three seasons has torn down his morality, and he just doesn’t think there’s any other way. And he’s right. 
What can they do about Homelander? Use diplomacy to stop him, blackmail him, take away public support, shame him out of existence? 
He doesn’t want to be one who needs to be saved every single time, who needs to be protected, the one who is a liability every time they are out on the field. He’s tired of that. I mean, yeah. If it comes down to a fight, which it most probably will, he doesn’t want to be the one hiding in a corner. 
104 notes - Posted June 24, 2022
Vigilante casually admitting that he didn’t mind Peacemaker bullying him because he doesn’t feel emotions.
104 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
Okay genuinely asking
What srk 2000s movie is the best?
Like i was just listening to tumhe jo maine dekha and i realised that i don't even know what that movie is from and like everyone has seen them
so from which should I start?
Tumhe Jo Maine Dekha is from Main Hoon Na. How do you not know that? Jail. Jail.
Okay, so SRK from 2000 to 2010 is pretty much flawless era, except some movies which I don't remember. They are probably shit if I don't remember them.
Every single of these. And I mean, every single of them has a mind-blowing good album. Guaranteed two-three songs in each, which you will love for as long as you will live.
Main Hoon Na (2004) is quintessential Bollywood movie. It is the most bollywood movie to ever movie. You know. And somehow it still works, till this day. Soundtrack is first love vibes.
Om Shanti Om (2007), is another one of the same mould. Made by the same director, Farah Khan. Silly as fuck. Soundtrack is god-tier good.
Chak De India (2007) has probably SRK's greatest performance, along with Swades and My Name is Khan (onto them, later). You have probably seen this. I mean of course you have. The emotions this movie makes you feel, and the fact that it actually juggles multiple characters, and just ugh. I love this movie so much.
Kal Ho Na Ho (2003). That's it. Just watch it, if you haven't.
Veer-Zaara (2004). SRK had a very good 2004 btw. He was nominated for Best Actors for 3 different movies. Veer-Zaara is probably one of the best pure Romance movies, made in this country. Rani Mukherjee is so good. Fun fact, the soundtrack of this movie, uses compositions made by Madan Mohan, who had died in 1975. 30 years after his death.
Mohabbatein (2000). This movie is one of the major reasons I want to become a professor in a college in a hill station. Oddly similar to Dead Poets Society. Just like Koi Mil Gaya is very similar to ET.
Swades (2004). The least bollywood movie among the lot. His performance is iconic as hell. I love the pace of this movie so much. And I really love the romance-plot as well, because it doesn't feel overdone, or rushed.
My Name is Khan (2010). You have probably seen this already. It's a little overdramatic in the end. It's Karan Johar, what do you expect. But his performance is so good. So good. Features the greatest proposal scene in the history of cinema. The scene where he meets Jimmy Shergill after the latter's wife is attacked, will never not make me cry. Same goes for the scene, where he reunites with Mandira.
K3G (2001). YEAH.
Dil To Pagal Hai (1997). Everyone remembers the soundtrack of this movie. As they should, because it's fucking amazing. But the movie is so much more than the soundtrack. It's so good. Akshay Kumar is in it, as well.
How I remember these movies, has a lot to do with nostalgia. A LOT. If you have never seen them in your life, and you are watching them for the first time now, you are not going to enjoy yourself as much as I do. Some of them are problematic as fuck. Looking at you Mohabbatein. Move on you fucking weirdo, you are hallucinating your dead girlfriend of 10 years. These movies were a huge part of my childhood, so yeah, I remember them very fondly.
112 notes - Posted April 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
You know, ignore the quality of the movies and shows, and the oppressive practices that are used by making them, but aren’t MCU fans nauseated by the number of movies and shows. 
Every single month, there is a movie or show that is coming out. Every single month. How do you like, feel any excitement, or like just ugh. Aren’t you bored and tired.
138 notes - Posted June 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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man of steel watch 2023😁(long af reactions under the cut lmao copied from twitter)
fuck it you already know
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still wonder what zacks plan was with the codex🤔🤔🤔was it just there to thematically be him carrying the kryptonian refugees or was there more
still crazy that zack in his unsubtle way made the villain colonizing eugenicists and people got mad at him for saying the appropriate response was killing them lol
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minor thing but appreciate jor not saying anything when zod was pleading that lara abort the launch, just a look, he trusts her, feel like thats paralleled with clark and lois's relationship later, again minor but superman medias all about speeches so lmao
"his name is kal, son of el and he is beyond your reach"🥺
lara's theme is so good
the pan to his abs, zack knew the demographic he was reaching for
the worlds too big scene😭😭
if i saw a big breasted man run boobily across a lawn and steal some clothes i wouldnt snitch
he aint need to throw ross out the water like that but he uses words like dicksplash so he deserves it
😭😭😭(got nothing to say about the "maybe" scene, im tired lmao)
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forgot how many emotional hits they roll out so early in the movie lmao
lmao remember when people said ludlow wouldnt try to fight clark cuz he was huge, cuz as we all know toxic masculinity definitely doesnt make men act stupid and vile lol anyway proud of clark for fucking up his truck sexual harassers deserve nothing
its her lois lane shes here
genuinely didn't know joe was clark for my first 3 views of this movie lmao
the flashlight to clarks laser eyes transition was cool(so was the pod landing in the farm transitioning to the boat crashing against a wave scene)
super buff sexy drifting doctor clark kent
fuck this nerd who sold lois out after she gave him info. zack was already laying the seeds of the media being dicks from this one blogger lmao
"and kal, that's my name "🥺
jor-el's power point presentation let's go
do remember someone in good faith(hopefully lol)saying jor was "glorifying" colonization when he spoke "fondly" of the era of expansion of krypton, and maybe fair though that could also be why he and lara chose not to escape with kal, the whole they were a part of the problem
genuinely fav supes suit I get the desire to have the ma kent suit but i cant see it anymore as anything other than him reassuring his loyalty to earth(america) to the gatekeepers, martha had a whole lifetime with him let him have one of the few connections to his culture he has
first flight😃😃😃😃
seeing this for the first time as a teen and finally understanding "you'll believe a man can fly"
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no superhero media has done flying as good as this, not even bvs or zsjl theres just something about MoS's flying that makes my brain light up
don't forget lois lane figured out clarks identity(b4 he even went public) without luther or bruce's resources, smartest bestest investigator in dcu🗣🗣🗣
should they have had a younger actor play 18 yr old clark in the argument with jonathan in the car scene, maybe, though cavills teen angsty" i didnt say that!" and "you're not my dad !>:(" voice was p believable lmao
the way she drops the biggest story cuz her kindness is as big as her drive to get the truth, no wonder she's what inspires him
ngl recently heard laurence fishburne in moon girl and devil dino and the whiplash between his 2 performances lmao
seeing the butterfly trapped in the chain has new meaning now
soundtrack: *hits those mos piano notes* me everytime:
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well maybe for a little bit⚰⚰⚰
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you think swanwick was watching the your are not alone message and thought it was a cliche
the military people behind the glass watching these two flirt right in front of them
when he breaks the cuffs while standing up😛😏
"it did to me"
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maybe love is real idk
the ship atmosphere thing was such a good way to foreshadow kryptonite lmao(yes did still take notes while my twitter was down lmao)
Jor-els fun informative power point presentation vs zod's very bad no good drug trip
clarks mind vision of himself is literally still a farmboy idk why people still think he isnt "connected to his humanity" in the iteration lmao
black suit but with no silver to symbolize pure darkness, death and to make him look the same as zod
though not to jump to zsjl but we know zack had to smuggle the black suit in with the metal padding and post color editing in that movie do wonder if he was gonna go with a totally different design if he had complete control, maybe capeless, pure metal for the silver and a beard? do also remember him teasing the long hair in one interview lmao
watching superman sink into a mountain of skulls really rewired my teenage brain since i only knew of him from pop culture at that point ngl
will say kinda funny that clark is clearly torn up about killing while lois was just blasting kryptonians blam blam🔫🔫🔫girl boss
the escaping the ship ost is so good😩why wasnt it on the official soundtrack, i know theres a good youtube ver of it but lmao
ok starting to think the jor colonization criticism wasn't in good faith cuz clark does kinda bring up the whole "do you agree with zod about wiping out humans???" thing lmao
clark saving lo in the escape pod scene got me tense af in the theater
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do like when clark is a lil petty lmao "cranky cuz your momma didnt teach you to not be overstimulated hmm"
neat little quirk clark does in all of zacks movies, before he gets in a serious fight theres usually a shot of him clenching his fist lmao
nam-ek popped the pilot like a blueberry
faora's so cool
my man fighting for his life in this ihop in front of all his old friends too
flying really was his one advantage against these soldiers and he loses that when he fights zod too they really put him thru it on his first day😭
faora made him waste all his bullets, wait till he pulled out a knife and then pulls out a bigger one like
like to think zack having the military drone strike smallville is a parallel to when the US did it to the african village in BvS
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yeah big floaty alien thing in the middle of the city may be a lil overdone now but half dont look as good as how zack did it back then
world engine sound design so sexy too😋
zacks cape porn👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽
oh god🥺best scene, yes am getting emotional, scene means a lot to me
also kinda weird when zack does invoke the moses allegory people arent like "he's literally saying supes is moses!" like they do with jeezy creezy and his imagery lmao he's literally looks like he's parting the sea here lmao
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in the wider snyderverse am realizing theres more moses stuff you can connect to even if the timeline is wonky and its not 1:1, obviously darkseid is the pharaoh with his whole enslavement thing, him turning supes to his side could be interpreted as ramses and moses
in this way zod, who believes in kryptons removal of "free choice" like jor and lara said, is the guard moses kills when he sees him mistreating one of his people
and the destruction of the genesis chamber and the other kryptonians being sucked back into the phantom zone could be an allegory for when god killed the first borns of egypt, no moses expert tho so could be reaching lol but fun connections, tangent i know lmao
oh also rather than a race thing it becomes more that clarks "people" are the ones who believe in free will and choice while darkseid and zods dont lmao anyway
"krypton had its chance!" still to this day lives in my mind rent free
lmao love that lois and clark are just horny for each other no matter who is watching not the military not lois's coworkers or the other survivors
zod's monologue👨🏽‍🍳👌🏽
to this day idk if i can think of a cbm fight thats topped superman vs zod, just in like raw visceral action and the fact they actually have stakes in it
thinking about how i remember shannon telling zack "as long as my suit isnt cgi i dont wanna wear those pajamas" or something and zack said yeah and then it was lol
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my superman hates and constantly destroys military drones
and welcome to the planet! Glad i watched this again after so long, definitely needed that, hopefully work lets up enough for me to watch the rest of the trilogy✌🏽
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torydarixs · 2 years
love aaj kal has such a banger soundtrack oh my god
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