#My family aren't too bad but they do occasionally go through my room and move stuff around which I hate
little-space-bug · 1 year
I really want some agere gear but I don't want my family finding it aaaAAARGHHHH
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untilwedont · 2 years
Pairings: JJ Maybank x Kook!Male!Reader
Genre; Angst to fluff
Summary: The reader's been down lately and has been talking bad about himself. JJ notices and reassures the reader he's completely perfect.
Warnings: Insecure reader, implied smut towards the end, jj being goofy, not proofread
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You hated yourself and that was that. If somehow the Lord gave you a chance to literally reincarnate as anything else, you would. Sure, you had a nice home, lots of money, but that meant nothing to you. Your family was a hot mess to say the least. The only person keeping you from completely drowning in your sorrows was your boyfriend JJ.
He seemed to have been the only one that actually understood you and didn't use you for some occasional sex like every other guy in your life has done. But still, as much as you loved him, you kept the insecurities you had to yourself, just like you've done for your whole life.
You simply feared he'd use your insecurities against you one day, argument or not.
So there you were in your room, picking aparts the things you hate about yourself in the mirror, just as you did every day. First it was your legs, then nose, then body, and it just kept going. The more you looked at yourself, the more you wondered if JJ really loved you, or if he just looked at you as a joke.
You stood in the mirror shirtless, running your hands through your torso, then hips, you were so lost in judging yourself that you hadn't realized your window began to open. In came your blonde haired boyfriend, "Heya babe, miss me?" You snapped out of your trance and turned around to see your beloved boyfriend.
Shit, how were you gonna explain yourself this time?
"Woah, did I walk in on something? I mean if you wanna have sex right now, we can. You know I'm practically the sex god." He smiled with a goofy grin. "Oh, no.. er- I'm fine. Was just changing my shirt." You tried your best to sound like your usual self, but JJ knew something was wrong.. somehow
Maybe it was couples gut, but by your tone he knew something was off. "Hmmm, I don't think so babe. Somethings wrong, what's wrong?"
"Nothings wrong, J. I'm feeling great." You spoke, walking towards your bed and sitting on it, still shirtless. "A-Ah baby, tell me what's wrong. I won't take 'I'm fine' for an answer." You were silent for a moment, "Do you think I'm unattractive?" You blurted out. JJ was taken back by the question.
"What? Of course babe. I think your the handsomest guy on the planet. Why, is something wrong?" He placed his hand on your thigh, slightly rubbing it with his thumb.
"Really? I mean just look at me. My nose is too big, my body looks weird, not to mention my face is just... weird." Tears began to water your eyes as you forced yourself not to let those tears spill.
"Okay, babe, you gotta stop. Nothing's wrong with you, okay? Your nose is a perfect size, your body is immaculate, and your face is beautiful. So don't call yourself unattractive when you aren't, alright? I love you. I mean I'd literally die for you M/N." He placed his hand on your cheek and moved your head to face him. You looked into his blue eyes and smiled slightly.
"I love you so much J." You softly spoke and moved your head closer to his, placing your lips onto his soft ones.
What was supposed to be just a soft kiss turned into a heated makeout session. Your hands raveled in his soft, blonde hair as his hands explored your topless body. JJ's lips left yours so a moment and he spoke
"Let me show you how handsome you are to me."
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noodlepai · 3 years
(OKAY okay so I've come to provide more information on the AU, I'm still working on it a lot so things might change or be added but I got a basic idea of what things are like rn !!)
Info dump moment rn, also TW for slight trauma mentions/hints
• Sam had managed to save the Wii from melting itself all those years ago, and is a pretty big person on tech, so she likes to experiment and try new things, and actively tries to help Eteled out or transfer him through devices so he isn't just stuck in one place all the time, with lots of trial and tons of error, especially since she knows the Wii's getting old and that it can be unstable occasionally with glitches
• Kyle has also taken a liking to learning more about technology through Sam's influence so he sometimes comes over and they both will just study and brainstorm ideas
• Sam moved out of her home and now lives in her own apartment, is in college to pursue her dream of working around and creating technology, hasn't really considered making a job out of it since she mostly does it for fun and likes to achieve her dream goals, Nathan and Kyle also occasionally visit to just hang out and do whatever, usually resulting in the three staying up very late into a movie or game night, and Eteled having to talk Sam into getting sleep for the next morning
• Even though Sam is big on all tech, consoles and video games, she still has a soft spot for old generation consoles in particular
• Sam, Nathan and Kyle had all gotten pretty close growing up so they're like a dumbass trio /lh
• Will moved out of state or some shit
• Kyle wakes up from his villain arc and makes a truce with Eteled /J.. FR though Kyle softens up and becomes more understanding of Eteled's side after they start talking it out, while what happened did bother him at the time all those years ago, he just kinda grew up to the point where it didn't have such of an effect on him anymore, I mean all he saw was a Mii get slice and diced, no need to go beast mode over it, so they forgive each other of the past
• Kyle and Nathan are besties to homosexuals, homie love
• Sam made a Mii of herself from when she was younger to keep Eteled company when going out or having to attend school, Eteled appreciated it but wouldn't wanna admit how it wasn't the same and about how much he would miss Sam when she had to get off the Wii
• Gives Eteled abandonment issues because I love being evil
• He's actually clingy on the inside but would never admit it to anyone
• Also views Sam as a sort of daughter figure besides just a friend but is too nervous to mention it, he wants Sam to be safe, loves whenever she talks or rants to him about anything or shows him something she made or is proud of, or even just anything at all, father Eteled is proud of his child/bestie
• He like, genuinely feels loved around her and would definitely cry about it but would never show it, or at least try not to
• Eteled has the favorite Mii pants because Sam put them on him, with quote "I think it's about time my best friend gets to rock a new style", and yes it did make him almost cry on the spot
• Austin is like, mentally conflicted as hell
• Austin and Eteled both feel guilty for what they've done to each other over the years, aren't sure they can or are ready to forgive the other but they're very slowly learning to tolerate each other
• They're like enemies to kinda friends in a way
• They're traumatized mfs
• They still sometimes fight but it's usually just yelling or saying shit now, they don't do the chair, deletion or axe really anymore since they at least got to the point where they respect each other's boundaries and triggers, and there's no point to keep doing the same old for over 10+ years, for the most part, they still slip up sometimes
• They do fuck up though occasionally so that's why Eteled has scars and Austin is a bit more bashed up
• They still have a rooted dislike for each other they're trying to get over but they sometimes chill out or talk, usually when Sam is asleep or off the Wii for a while, the two just will maybe visit or sit around to at least try to understand the other better
• Sam knows Austin is still around, and it took a while but with time she grew to accept him when he didn't seem like a big threat anymore, and that he was just as important of a soul as Eteled was, she still didn't like the fights and didn't know the full story
• She'd probably section them away from the other with a child gate if she could
• Austin of course has an ego and would never tell another soul that he has many nightmares of the server room and about what happens if he gets caught off guard or is sleeping when Eteled decides to attack him again, Eteled wouldn't do that, and Austin knows it but it's just the deep rooted fear he can't get rid of, even though he's much taller and technically more powerful than the smaller Mii
• Eteled is just tired, usually just sleeps in the Mii channel, especially when under stress or tires himself out if he's going through a moment, like triggered memories or emotions
• From all the deleting and the chair, and more crap from his early life, Eteled is just terrified of it all so even the idea of them scares the fuck out of him, so as a natural response he just tries to defend himself with his axe even if he would be shaking like a chicken, he really tries not to pull it out but he can't always stop himself
• The axe itself would probably also bother Austin a bit, but he would still try to cautiously calm Eteled down since he knows he's just afraid, so afterwards they'd probably have to awkwardly apologize for what the fuck happened at that very moment
• Sam sometimes offers them both to play a game together with her, or plans on playing with Eteled and invites Austin along, as a way to make them bond, they do end up having some fun though
• Eteled has seen and/or been around or within newer Nintendo consoles, but personally prefers being in the Wii since he's used to it the most, and it's the most comfortable and homey to him
• Oh yeah, if Austin or Eteled is having an episode or is deeply upset then the other will try to help sometimes if it's really bad, Austin tries to hide it more but it doesn't always work, yeah they have reasonable reasons to not like the other, but they aren't complete assholes
• They both got trauma memories and aren't gonna just watch the other suffer through it
• Austin may or may not have taken in what Eteled had said all that time ago about "Learning to move past the past", even though that technically makes Eteled a hypocrite when he's constantly beating himself up about shit mentally, even after years, they are both doing it tbh
• Also Kyle doesn't know about Austin 100% but is curious to know his story and who he is and used to be, and how he got in the Wii, especially after the passing of his family member of the same name, little does he know..
• Sam also doesn't know about any of it, neither Sam or Kyle know of what happened or Austin's story, Austin being in a tight spot since he doesn't wanna reveal his identity yet, knowing the possible reaction, for Eteled's sake, Sam's and especially Kyle's, and Eteled being absolutely fucking terrified since the fear of losing someone like Sam could become real, and the small but growing friendship he was slowly making with Kyle could go right back to hatred and wanting the small Mii deleted, not including the fact that he still eats at himself for his past actions so it being brought back up again would be a ✨mess✨
• Austin doesn't know if he forgives Eteled or not, but wants to try to move past it and not be reminded in any way
• Nathan is still a little lowkey scared of Eteled ngl, doesn't wanna upset him or anything and Eteled can tell, he probably sighs to himself but he can't blame the guy
• Kyle has thought about making another Mii of himself on what is now long been Sam's Wii, now that he's older and him and Eteled are rather chill, but decided against it since he wasn't sure, not because he didn't trust Eteled, but because he figured it could potentially remind the Mii of the past, so whenever he plays on it he just uses Eteled
(That's all I can really recall on the top of my head for now, whenever I remember more or add on things I'll probably make a new post about it)
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strawbabysimp · 4 years
Adult Trio as Yanderes HCs
He's so lonely traveling around for jobs, it's an unstable life and he doesn't have any real motivation for doing what he does. But you? You were so interesting. He made obtaining you a sort of game, except this was a far more exhilarating game than he'd ever played before. It was a new sort of mission that required a different way of going about things and that sparked something in him. Something he had been missing and craving this entire time unknowingly.
You quickly became friends with the new charming man in town, he asked you out a few times and it was all going well. He brought you flowers and candies, showering you in expensive gifts that you didn't have to even do anything special to receive. You said he didn't have to do these things but he made it clear he was glad to do it.
It's a very gradual progression as he gets more and more possessive. He'll want you to wear everything he's given you, especially when you go out in public. The way he turns your head to meet his gaze even when you two aren't talking, as if your attention had to be directed at him for fear that your outside surroundings would somehow taint you.
When you bring up cutting your hair differently or trying a new look he's quick to panic, telling you in a breathy voice that that was a horrible idea and you were perfect just as you are. He wants to keep you the same as you've always been since he first met you, only allowing you to change to his wishes, never your own.
"You belong to me just as you are. Nothing will change that. I won't allow it to." His gaze is gentle but his words held an unspoken threat that both of you were very aware of. You were his rock. The only constant in his life and after gaining such a thing he would destroy anything that could possibly take that away.
You come along with him for all his jobs, no point fighting someone when there was no chance of getting away. You had to admit the life was somewhat entrancing; traveling around with a man quick to give you anything you so desired, only having eyes for you, a precious gift. He's never cruel, always so tentative, the darkness only fills his aura when directed at others for you could never do wrong in his eyes. The world was what was corrupt and ever-changing. He was a clear example of that.
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Hisoka is the king of manipulation and while some part of you respected his skill, when it's directed at you it's an entirely different story. When it happens it just seems like jokes, small things he says that plant these cruel ideas in your mind, and they just keep building up. When you bring up his comments he laughs you off, saying if you are overthinking things perhaps there is a good reason for it. That was the start of it all.
Your idea of your friends was tainted, the way they smiled at you became a reminder of the horrible things Hisoka said a smile could hide. Your own family made you doubt your worth, thinking you'd never reach their standards. When you walked with Hisoka those harsh thoughts remained in your head but the presence of the magician made you happy, the way he had said you were perfect for him and that he didn't have expectations for you. He simply wanted you and everything you were willing to give. Only he didn't tell you he would have you give everything you had to offer and make it seem as if it was all your own choice.
You went on about your insecurities, voicing the fact that the world could be such a confusing and unfair place. It made him angry. The card would slip from his fingertips, blood rushing to the surface of your skin as the sharpened edge brought about a twinge of pain. Your eyes widen but a guilt fills your stomach. Hisoka had said you were perfect so why did he hurt you? He remains quiet as he walks towards you but his calm demeanor does nothing to calm your nerves. He explains in the sweetest voice a blood-thirsty man could provide - which was the equivalent of honey in vocal form for this gifted performer - that he was not mad at you but your words. To stop putting yourself down and instead direct your hate at the world. Your mind quickly twists things, Hisoka seeming to have had a sweet reaction. He wasn't mad at you. He loved you. He just wanted you to be happy and the fact you weren't stirred something in him. He cared and the world didn't.
He shows you off to the crowds like you're some divine thing. Something to be proud of. You're happy and he gives you a tender smile whenever he finds you in the stands of the arena. He'll dedicate the following bloodshed to you and call out in your direction his words of dedication. It was violent yet loving, a perfect description of the man who you cared for.
The death didn't stop at the stage, however. You'd find him coming home with clothes stained red from a person he never tells you the name of, going on about how he loves you so much sometimes he just can't help but express it. How he makes the last words those people mutter be your name as blood spills from their lips. You grimace. This isn't what you wanted. But what can you do? He loves you.
He lets you go out on your own, knowing you'll always come back. If you don't? That's not even a possibility at this point. Everything you are is his. You placed the very value of your existence in this beautiful man and he eats it up greedily. Without you, he'd starve. You didn't want to be cruel after he helped you accept the world as it is and yourself. The killing never stops but you do learn to accept it. Eventually, a smile finds its way onto your face as he drags a bloody finger across your cheek, leaving a red streak he kisses gently before dragging you to the shower to wash up with him. If the world is already cruel then isn't he just a byproduct? An adapter? Simply someone who has learned to love in a place where even love can't remain untarnished?
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You're getting kidnapped right off the bat. This man takes you the second he finds any sort of special interest in you as a person. He has this urge to protect you, the same as his own blood, that's not something he can just ignore. He won't be like his father. He won't allow you to rebel against his wishes or run off with another. He'll keep you to himself until you yearn for nothing more. Your cries fall on deaf ears as he looks on at you emotionlessly. This is for the best.
You'll be walking one day, there won't be many people around or none at all, and then he'll just appear. You hadn't met him before, he had wanted to study you to see if the two of you were compatible before he actually moved forward with his plans. One moment he's standing before you and the next you're out cold, a needle placed perfectly in your neck causing you to fall limp in his hold. He cradles you gently against him as he quickly makes his way to a secure home for the two of you. He wouldn't allow his family to have a taste of you. He didn't need their help. They always failed it seemed and he wouldn't have you suffer the same fate.
You wake up in a home straight out of your wildest dreams. You think you're still asleep as you first take in your surroundings. It's simply perfect. Your dream room. Your feet find the floor and as you put yourself upright a voice calls out to you asking if this setup pleases you or if you'd like something different. You're stunned and the ground beneath your feet suddenly feels all too real. The long-haired man comes to face you, his speed inhuman as he soon stands before you. You're scared and you're confused but the night before comes back to you and the explanation is clear. This man had taken you and it doesn't seem as if it had been the first time he laid eyes on you.
As time goes by he stays at your side, quietly observing you as you go about your day in the confines of the home. You'll walk to one room only to turn around and find him relaxed in a different spot only a few feet away. You were never out of his sight. You began to become curious about his intentions, why he was acting so nice - albeit a bit creepy - after taking you away like this. "My parents attempted to make the perfect family through what most would deem as cruelty. It didn't work out in their favor. I thought I had turned out quite nicely but they did not think the same. The closest thing to perfection for them is my brother but even he is not right yet. They treated him far... kinder than me you could say. Perhaps if I treat you even better you will be good for me."
With no way to escape, having witnessed this man's own abilities the first day of your "stay," you adapted to the situation. Becoming docile yet not overly submissive. You were still you and it seemed he was content with your occasional minor defiance and own personal wants or needs. It seemed he only wanted your presence and something about that was far easier to accept. He doesn't force you to do anything but rather encourages your interests and even becomes curious about them himself. While he wasn't much one to talk in the beginning he became more comfortable in your presence. You both had to adjust to the other despite him being the one in control of the situation.
Being with him is a reassuring thing, the little gleam in his eyes as you show him something new or express your gratitude over something he does/brings you has your heart beating loudly in your chest. You had begun to care for him. You missed the world and the new adventures and life you used to live but there was no fighting to be done. You knew what the result would be. In the back of your mind you knew this was wrong and an inhumane thing to do to another person but he seemed so tender with you. You watched him grow into himself and what's wrong with making the best out of a bad situation?
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we-dragons · 3 years
I'm from a different dimension actually Chapter 5 Damian x reader
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Pulled away to another world, Y/N uses magic science and a Little bird to help her get back home and possibly be rid of an apocalyptic event. "So, will you succumb to your doubts completely or step into the sun of this new world?"
" A few days, but I didn't expect the entire week, thank god for Molly." The emotional stress I had felt in the beginning influenced the behavior of the scales on my skin it took more hot water and hydrogen peroxide than I had originally would have needed. Even after all that, my skin was turned ashen and my breath was so shallow that Nightmare could lap from it as if it was his water bowl. The scales I have removed were not ready for healing uses yet, at least not for another three days. Nightmare had remained at my side barely even moving from his spot curled up on the pillow next to mine, the only time he moved is when Molly came over. Molly would drop off the homework, she told me she took the written project to Damian and he was ready to deliver it when it was due in 10 days from now. Molly would come by every day at 4, made sure I and Nightmare ate and rested well, told me about herself self and left. And I thank god I'm feeling better after all of that.
Today was Friday and I still wasn't feeling the best even after she left, Nightmare crawled up onto my lap while I had sat on the couch watching the news. I never liked watching the news but considering that I had an unexpected visitor I had hoped to find out more. I'm not disappointed, Vigilanties that appear in Gotham with the exception of Nightwing who occasionally visited from Blüdhaven the sister city of Gotham, and the character Red Hood an anti-hero who fights for his own needs, he arrived in Gotham a few years ago and became a crime fighter. Then there were the other three, Red robin seen with the dynamic duo Batman and Robin, seen all over Gotham. All of them well known and on the news constantly in a large group even that fight bad guys of all sorts a from a clown, to plant creatures and more.
"Wow their just like them." I feel a wave of nostalgia float over me, I remember what it was like at home. In Minnesota. With the tall evergreens and the marvelous lilacs that mom would grow in our backyard, my family, and friends. Everything at least before all the drama in New York happened. "Dear God, I'm becoming an over-sentimental sad sack I can't think of them now, not yet." I get up from my seat to head to the kitchen Nightmare jumping off me when I hear a knock from my balcony. I continue my walk to the kitchen to peer out at it, I didn't see anything there even so I open it. Nightmare runs out before me hissing at something on the left.
"Nightmare what are you-Oh...." Robin stares at me from the railing of the balcony. He's leaning back on it a scornful look upon his face. Confusion settles in me as I just stare at him.
"Are you sick?" He asks walking to me while doing so.
"Y-yeah I was out too long in the rain." He stops just in front of me.
"Don't you bring an umbrella with you?"
"Not that day," I clear my throat a little. "why are you here?" He pauses as if coming up with the reason shocks even himself. He arches his arm back behind his back, slowly moving his arm out.
"My box! So you did take it," I exclaim grabbing the box tenderly opeining the lid, I smile sadly looking at the glinting scales inside the box. " did they help you." I look back up, his faces move to confusion.
"I stole them from you and you're asking me if they helped me?"
"Well, you also needed it more than me, and I can see it did wonders. Your up and running again." I start hacking for a strait minute and grab onto the railing. I look up to the door moving to pick up Nightmare. "Would you like to come in for some tea," NIghtmare squirms in my arms jumping out when I enter the kitchen from the balcony. I open the cupboard and pull out the only three kinds of tea I have, setting aside the box with the X on it. "There's peppermint, cinnamon chai, and pumpkin if your interested." He stares at me from the entryway.
"No thank you," He says " I need to leave, I wasn't supposed to be here anyway." I set the pot on the stove anyway and pull out the pumpkin tea and my favorite mug with Arab henna designs decorating even the inside. I look back to the outside, he is still standing in the entryway shifting uncomfortably.
"You Know, the fact that you haven't left yet contradicts your own words, Robin." I pour the hot water over my tea while I wait for him to answer. He stirs slightly moving back and forth on his feet.
"I'll come back tomorrow," I spit out my tea.
"What didn't you say you weren't supposed to be here?"
He shrugs pulling a grappling hook from his belt and swang off. If I wasn't feeling so sick and had just spat out some tea causing me to cough some more, I would have gone after him. I just stared out through the night air as the familiar feeling of dread washed over me, I close the door to the outside and look at the box. NIghtmare gave me a look moving the box and pawing the X on the top.
"We can't call him yet, didn't you hear, their back. If I call him now it compromises everything they have worked for," I pick up the box and move over to the couch, Nightmare followed suit, we both laid down, me clutching the box. "We can't do anything yet anyway, it violates the treaty. We have to wait for the first kill."
True to his word he came back, he arrived sometime after Molly left, I don't know exactly when he arrived but I know it wasn't long. It was 2 pm when Molly forced meds in my mouth and put me to sleep. It was 2:40 when I heard him clatter in my kitchen nearly killing him with the broom. He was making tea he brought, he told me that he said it works for sore throats, even though it's just lemon juice, water, and honey.
" You realize this is twice you have broken and entered into my home right?" He tsked crossing his arms from his where he is seated across from me.
"The first time was not on purpose."
"I mean you did break my window."
"I crashed through it."
"Pretty sure that there was broken glass I had to pull out of you and sweep off my floor." I laugh for a little bit while he grunts in his seat in front of me.
"Hey why are you here anyway, You dropped off my box, you're healed up why are you back?"
He moves forward resting his arms on the table. "what do you know about the Crows?"
My mug shatters the pieces scattered on the floor, my hands are shaking and that feeling of dread washes over me again.
"Oops sorry, my hands must have slipped even as I'm feeling better I see I didn't recover all my strength, haha..." I stand up to get the broom.
"They killed three people that day," I froze turning to Nightmare who was resting on the counter, his ears are folded back, his hair also standing on end." six were maimed they were monsters that said their names in the third person. They said they are looking for 'the scaled one' and I believe they are looking for you." The air becomes cold around us to a literal point where I can see my breath.
"They drew first blood," The words finally sink in my fears had manifested themselves, I know that I should have guessed it when I saw him but I had hoped they weren't going to be in physical form yet. I rush to my closet pull another box out from the top, a black box big enough to hold a dress, bearing the same markings as the smaller one. I bring it to the table Robin and I are seated at and set it down pulling off the top.
"How much do you know about The Crows already?" I begin pulling out the things inside one by one, recalling their names and what they are for, looking for my com piece.
"That's what I'm asking you, what is all this?"
"They come from an interdimensional planetary void, The Crow where once a proud and advance society until the gave up their freedom for more knowledge, Jal-sein holds their control now. They are dangerous and they are after the very thing that nearly killed everyone on my earth. Ah! Found it!" I move to my living room pushing away my coffee table setting it on the ground making sure there is enough space. Robin had moved up from the kitchen a worried look set on his face.
"What is Jal-sein? What is this other earth aren't you from Minnesota?"
"Yep but here's the thing," I press the silver X on the com and it starts calling, lights flicker in the room from the device as the figure forms."I'm from another dimension actually."
The figure in the holographic com finalizes and I smile at the old man I see.
"Hello Y/N, I suppose they have found you then? It good to see you even in such circumstances?" His voice is grim and shallow, he sounds older than usual and his head is covered with a silver helmet with tubes coming from it.
"Yes, they have, It"s good to see you, Professor X."
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septicstories · 3 years
Big Life in a Small Town (Part 1)
A/N: This is based on the song "Santa Fe (Prologue)" from the Newsies musical! It's not based on the plot of the musical. The song will be altered a tad, but not too much! In the next part though, I'll have to do some edits. But for now, you've got this... mess? I dunno, I'm writing this before it's done. This is post-X-men Apocalypse, so Peter is in his late 20's.
Genre: Bittersweet fluff
Warnings: alcohol, drinking, mentions of broken limbs, daddy issues, no beta reader, minimal editing
Word count: 1.3k (1,385 words)
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The X-mansion was quiet, the cool midnight air only changing currents occasionally when a silver blur sprinted around.
Pietro had his younger brother in his arms, running around. Peter injured his leg a while ago, stuck on crutches. ANd it was killing the young speedster.
And Pietro noticed.
So he scooped his younger brother up out of his room, running him around the mansion's vast yard until he smiled. That's when he brought him up to one of the rooftop balconies of the mansion.
The two siblings weren't the only ones in their family who lived in the mansion. Pietro's twin, Wanda, was fast asleep, her room near the balcony.
Pietro, as immature as he may seem, was wise beyond his years. He'd seen more things than he ever would have wanted to for a 35-year-old man. Hell, anyone would be unsettled when you find your mother died of sickness, and your father was out of the picture when your younger brother was born a few years after.
Pietro and Peter sat on the balcony, a case of beer between the two, a sudden scoff came from the older speedster.
"What's up, you alright?" Peter asked, looking at his brother.
Pietro's eyes were glued to the ground below them, a sour expression on his face.
"Those streets down there," Pietro began, a dry laugh leaving his lips. "They sucked the life right out of our old man. Well, they aren't doing that to me."
Peter pursed his lips, watching as his older brother took a swig of his beer.
Pietro has always hated staying in one place for too long. The mansion hadn't really ever been his favorite place. Staying at their aunt's house in D.C. was something he looked forward to every summer. But, even then, he could only stay there for a few days before needing to go somewhere else. Not just from his need to move, but the U.S. government still wasn't absolutely fond of mutants.
"But everyone wants to come to New York," Peter let out a small chuckle. To an outsider, it'd sound like he was in disbelief, but he understood how Pietro felt.
Staying in one place was hard. But Peter also managed to make himself a family here at the mansion as he grew up. He met the ever-sweet Jean Grey when he was 20 years old. The poor girl had some trauma that no one but Chuck knew about. He got to meet Hank, and Raven, and all of the other younger kids. He thought of them all as his younger siblings.
He couldn't leave.
"You keep your small life in the big city. Give me a big life in a small town."
Pietro's words snapped Peter out of his thoughts, looking to his older brother. Pietro's eyes had lifted from the ground, looking up to the sky.
"They say folks are dying to get here."
"What about you, Piet?"
"Me? I'm dying to get away... to a little town out west that's spankin' new," Pietro said with a grin. "And while I've never been there, I can see it clear as day! If you want, I bet you, you could see it, too.
Peter has always had a particular question on his mind, that he always knew the answer to.
Then why haven't you gone? What's stopping you?
But, as always, Peter kept his mouth shut. He didn't want Wanda and Pietro to leave, as dumb as it may be. They were the only family he had left. Well, that he knew of and that knew of him.
Erik was another person he'd address when he had the courage.
But not...
Not now.
"Close your eyes."
Peter looked at his brother again, who was staring back at him. Honestly, he was waiting for his brother to snap in his face and use what became his favorite phrase after a few movie nights: "Hello, McFly?"
"Come with me, where it's clean and green and pretty, and they went and made a city out of clay."
Clay? A city out of clay? That sounds... odd. Peter hasn't stayed too long in other parts of the world, opting to stick to the Northeast area of the U.S. Occasionally, he'll go further South or a little bit further West. But never past Kansas.
"Why, the minute that you get there, folks will walk right up and say, 'Welcome home, son. Welcome home to Santa Fe!'"
Being called son was something the Maximoff boys wanted more than they would ever elude to. Their father? Out of the picture for the most part, up until they realized he was a terrorist. And he didn't even know about Peter.
Of course, the townsfolk of Santa Fe may not call you "son" as soon as you land on the premise. But, two bastard sons can dream, can't they?
"Planting crops. Splitting rails. Swapping tales around the fire," Pietro's grin grew as he spoke. He really thought about this a lot, didn't he? "Except for Sunday when you lie around all day."
Peter didn't know how much Pietro truly thought about leaving. Pietro's mind was full of places to go and see, places where he could take his family and live without having to deal with attacks from the U.S. government.
Santa Fe was where they'd go next in the U.S., but Sokovia was certainly the next best option. The U.S. government wouldn't come looking for them in Sokovia.
"Soon your friends are more like family, and they're begging you to stay! Isn't that neat?" Pietro asked as Peter took a large sip from his beer. "Living sweet in Santa Fe."
Pietro trailed off, almost in a dream-like state, making Peter flinch. He really fucking wanted out, huh?
"Hey, no one worries about a bad leg in Santa Fe. You just hop on a palomino, you'll ride in style!" Pietro joked, knocking his shoulder into his brother's.
"Feature me, ridin' in style," Peter giggled, taking a swig of his beer again.
"Hey, I bet a few months of clean air, you could toss that crutch for good!"
"Santa Fe," Peter and Pietro mumbled in unison, one happy and the other more tired. "You can bet, we won't let those bastards beat us. We won't beg anyone to treat us fair and square. There's a life that's worth the living, and I'm gonna do my share."
"Work the land, chase the sun." Pietro ran his hands through his hair, standing up.
"Swim the whole Rio Grande just for fun!" Pietro and Peter shouted together. The two had massive grins spreading across their faces, just happy to see the other smiling.
"Watch me stand!" Peter stood up quickly, only to feel a sharp pain jolt through his bad leg. His hands flew to the balcony railing, gripping it tightly as he let out a choked noise of pain.
"Watch me run..."
Pietro frowned when he saw his brother's grimace, watching Peter set himself down into a sitting position. The poor kid was gritting his teeth and sucking in harsh breaths as he set himself down.
"Hey, hey..." Pietro began softly, sitting down beside his brother before slapping a hand on his shoulder. "Don't you know that we're a family?"
Peter's eyes met Pietro's, painting over his grimace with a weak grin. "Yeah, b--"
"Would I let you down?" Pietro asked.
Peter let out a weak laugh as his brother continued.
"No way. Just hold on, kid, until that train makes Santa Fe."
The younger speedster let out a yawn, leaning his head on his brother's shoulder.
"Let's get you to bed, okay?" Pietro said, only getting a nod from Peter.
Pietro scooped his younger brother up in his arms, speeding through the mansion into Peter's room before setting him down.
"Good night, Peter."
"Good night, Pietro."
Pietro sped out of Peter's room, only to be stopped when he passed Wanda's room. His sleepy twin gave him a look, one that he didn't see often, and it concerned him.
"Pietro, we're being called to Sokovia," Wanda whispered sleepily.
"What? Why? All three of us?"
"No. Peter needs to stay here. He's got a broken leg, Pietro. Just you and I."
Pietro took in a quick breath before nodding.
"When do we leave?"
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"... you didn't see that coming..."
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A/N: Haha, cliffhangers are fun, ain't they? Okay, but, here's what you have for now! The other one is already in my drafts, and I've got plans for that! So, I'll get all that shit out, and we'll be good! I've got so much shit in my drafts, holy shit. Okay, uh... I don't have much to say, so thank you for reading! I don't necessarily have a tag list for this sort of stuff, so if you want to be on a tag list, let me know! And please let me know if you find a typo or something that doesn't make sense. Like I said, there's minimal editing.
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bumblesimagines · 4 years
Vlad and Axsel
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Request: Yes or No
"Thanks again, Ms. Franks!" (Y/N) called over his shoulder, leaving the store. He sipped on his slushie, heading over to his jeep. He heard shouting, turning his head and seeing John B flying over a chain.
"Oh, fuck." (Y/N) jogged over, laughing. "Hey, are you okay?" He asked, trying to hold back his snickers. John B grunted, looking at his side. (Y/N) followed his gaze, seeing the blood.
"Oh, shit. Come on, let's get you fixed up." (Y/N) said, helping him up and taking him to his car. John B made the seat move back.
"Is there a woman and a man who look like No Neck Ed and Rose from that one show?" John B asked.
"You mean 90 day fiancé?" (Y/N) furrowed his brows, looking at the spot they had previously been at.
"Yep. There's Walmart budget Rose and the taller version of No Neck Ed." (Y/N) looked at him, nodding.
"Fucking drive." John B ushered. (Y/N) put his slushie and bag of cheetos down, getting his seatbelt on and driving away.
"What's up with you? Why are you running from the cops?" (Y/N) asked. John B moved the seat back to normal.
"It's, uh, long story." John B replied, reaching for a cheeto. (Y/N) smacked his hand.
"Ask first and say please." (Y/N) huffed. "No manners."
"Can I please have a cheeto?" John B asked. (Y/N) gave a nod. "Yes, you can, John B."
"You know my name?" John B asked, brows raising. He didn't expect it. Then again, he didn't expect Topper's fraternal twin to help him either. (Y/N) nodded.
"Your friend put a gun to my brothers head." He shrugged. John B blinked, watching him. (Y/N) noticed.
"Oh, don't get me wrong, I was scared for his life but he was a douchebag. He needed a nice slice of humble pie." (Y/N) shrugged. "Even though he threw it back up." He shook his head.
"Huh.." John B blinked. He never expected (Y/N) Thornton, the fraternal twin of the entitled Topper Thornton, to help him and not blame his friends for the fiasco from the days prior.
"Make a turn here."
"Sure thing, boss." (Y/N) turned a corner, stopping and watching John B get out of the car, running off and picking something off the ground. John B returned, getting in. (Y/N) drove to Figure Eight, driving to his place.
"Woah, if Topper or your mom see me-"
"Mom is out and Topper is hanging out with Sarah's bitchy brother." (Y/N) said, getting out the car with him and heading inside. (Y/N) led him to an empty room, getting a first aid kit and started to clean his injury. John B hissed, pouting and huffing.
"Big baby." (Y/N) mumbled, grinning. John B met his gaze, taking in his features. (Y/N) was obviously the hotter twin, personality and appearance wise. At least, in John B's mind he was. He and (Y/N) never really spoke, occasionally bumping into each other back when John B worked for Ward. (Y/N) and Sarah were close, practically attached at the hip. John B was surprised when Topper was the one who ended up with Sarah.
"Quick question."
"Why aren't you and Sarah a thing?" John B asked, eyes raking over (Y/N)'s features. (Y/N) snorted, putting everything away.
"I don't know.. Maybe cause she's dating my brother and I don't like girls?" (Y/N) stared at him. John B blinked, sitting up.
"Y-you like guys? L-Like, you're-"
"Gay." (Y/N) nodded. "Is there a problem with that?"
"N-No! Of course not! I-I'm bisexual." John B quickly cleared up. (Y/N) hummed and nodded.
"Okay.. Need me to drop you off anywhere? A friends house?" (Y/N) tilted his head. John B licked his lips.
"The Wreck." He replied. (Y/N) hummed and nodded, getting up. As they walked down a hallway, John B paused, looking at a painting. (Y/N) noticed and turned, looking at him.
"What's up?" He asked. "Interested in Denmark Tanny?"
"He's the founder of Tannyhill." (Y/N) shrugged, slowly approaching him and looking at the painting.
"How did a slave found a cotton plantation?" John B asked, looking at him. He didn't know why but he just couldn't shake the feeling that the painting was connected to him.
"Cause he was a free man. He showed up out of nowhere and paid for all the land in gold." (Y/N) told him. "There's your history lesson of the day."
"In gold?" John B looked at the painting. He took off his backpack, checking inside and taking out a piece of paper. "Why do I recognise that name?" John B flipped the paper over.
"He.. He was on the Royal Merchant." John B mumbled. (Y/N) furrowed his brows.
"The ship that disappeared and left no survivors?" (Y/N) questioned. John B nodded.
"What else do you know about him?" John B asked. (Y/N) shrugged.
"Sarah mentioned that when she and her family moved in they found a shitload of his stuff and they donated it to the state archives at Chapel Hill." (Y/N) replied, staring at him.
"Change of plans, I need to go to Chapel Hill." John B said, passing by him. (Y/N) blinked, turning and following him.
"Why?" he asked, getting in the jeep with him.
"Can't say. I need to get into the archives. How can I get in?"
"Sarah gave me a trustee pass cause she said she wouldn't be interested in that type of stuff." (Y/N) shrugged, looking at him.
"Can I borrow the pass?" John B asked.
"Like you borrowed the scuba gear from Ward?" (Y/N) tilted his head. John B licked his lips, sighing.
"Sarah got mad at you and ranted to me about it. She didn't snitch on you to Ward.. It was Topper." (Y/N) told him. "Topper's the only snitch in the family."
"Okay, the less you know the better. I need you to trust me." John B said, a bit desperately.
"No can do, macho man. I can, however, go with you to Chapel Hill."
"It's settled, baby boy. I'm going with you." (Y/N) grinned, turning the jeep on and driving away. John B ignored the fluttery feeling in his stomach. hey got to the port and got out, (Y/N) grabbing the backpack he had in the backseat. They headed to where the ferry tickets were sold but saw that they were sold out. John B jogged over, asking if they were sold out but was brushed off.
"Goddamn it." John B mumbled. (Y/N) turned his head, looking at a tugboat. John B grabbed his hand, pulling him along.
"Ever been in a tugboat?" John B asked. (Y/N) furrowed his brows.
"Okay, we're gonna talk our way onto this barge. I got this. These are my people." John B said. (Y/N) hummed, nodding.
"Alright, boss." (Y/N) watched him walk away. He watched them talk from a distance, giving an amused grin when John B was shot down. John B returned.
"Your people, huh? They must really love you." (Y/N) chuckled. John B rolled his eyes.
"Got anything better?"
"Of course, baby boy. I'm the brains and Topper is... Topper." (Y/N) scanned the barge and hummed, grabbing his wrist and tugging him along. He grabbed some raincoats, picking up an empty tank and nodding to John B. John B went along with it, following him past the guy he had been talking to. They put the tanks down, heading down some steps and into the engine room. John B pulled him towards another room, closing the door. The boat started moving. They took a seat, feeling the room start to heat up. They took the coats and backpacks off, sitting down.
"Shit." (Y/N) mumbled, fancing himself. John B chuckled. (Y/N) took off his shirt, hoping it would help with the heat. John B eyed him before doing the same.
"Well.. Wanna play a game? 20 questions?" (Y/N) asked. John B shrugged.
"You go first." (Y/N) wiped some sweat off his forehead.
"Why did you kill Dimitri?" John B asked in an accent. (Y/N) grinned, looking at him.
"He knew too much." He replied in a Russian accent. "He was a, eh, liability." (Y/N) shrugged.
"Yes, you know, we all know too much, eventually." John B grinned. (Y/N) chuckled.
"Alright.. What are you looking for? Like, why the archives?" (Y/N) looked at him. John B looked away.
"Those are two questions." He mumbled. (Y/N) rolled his eyes.
"But.. I can't tell you."
"Safety reason." John B glanced at him. "I don't want you to get hurt."
"Does it have to do with your dad?" (Y/N) asked. John B stayed silent. (Y/N) frowned.
"I'm sorry that.. He just disappeared. I can't even imagine how I would feel. You know.. I'm always around if you want to rant or sit in silence. We aren't the best of friends but I can promise you, I won't go around spilling secrets." (Y/N) said. John B looked at him, sighing softly.
"Thank you.. I'll.. I'll keep it in mind." He nodded.
"And.. I'm sorry about Topper too. He's.. He's obsessed with having the perfect girlfriend and saw you as a threat. He's not a bad person. Yes, he makes stupid mistakes but.. He cares about his friends and family. He was different before he became friends with Rafe. Rafe is just such a bad fucking influence. Topper knew I was gay before my parents knew. He helped me keep it a secret until I couldn't hold it in anymore. He was devastated cause he thought I would get kicked out and he would be alone but.. I was accepted.. I guess. They just kind of ignore me until they can't." (Y/N) shrugged, looking at him. John B hummed.
"My dad knew before I did." John B smiled. "He said I stared at a lot of his shirtless friends."
"I did that too. I used to have a crush on JJ, actually." (Y/N) chuckled softly. "I don't anymore." He assured. John B ignored the jealously that spiked through him.
"Don't worry. You weren't the only one." John B sat up. He looked at (Y/N).
"I think my dad is alive.. Or at least.. Calling out to me through this weird way. Kind of like whales. You know how they communicate through these soundwaves, right? It's like that." John B told him. (Y/N) hummed.
"I.. I cannot let feelings interfere with the mission." John B said, using the accent again.
"Very true, comrade." (Y/N) nodded. John B sighed, laying back and closing his eyes. (Y/N) turned his head, looking at him. He had always found John B attractive. From his hair to his freckles to his loyalty. (Y/N) licked his lips, looking away. He never thought badly about The Pogues. Kooks were usually the ones who started the fights. (Y/N) sighed softly, laying back as well and waiting. The boat eventually started slowing down so (Y/N) nudged John B. The two put their shirts and coats back on as the boat stopped. They put their backpacks on.
"On a count of three. One... Two... Three!" John B grabbed (Y/N)'s hand, opening the door. The two made a run for it, running from a man yelling in chinese. They dodged people, laughing all the way. They slowed down and began walking, giggling.
"Jesus.. We look like shit." (Y/N) said, panting. "We're gonna have to shop for clothes." he said.
"They won't let us in if we look like swamp monsters." (Y/N) replied. John B hummed. They headed into the city, taking off the coats and letting the breezes and light rain refresh them.
"This place looks fancy." (Y/N) mumbled, pulling John B toward it.
"Absolutely not-"
"Absolutely yes." (Y/N) grinned, stepping inside.
"This is like an organ with the wrong blood type. It doesn't work." John B said. (Y/N) rolled his eyes.
"Relax, baby boy. I'm here to help you find your style." (Y/N) chuckled. He looked over some stuff until a man approached them.
"May I help you?"
"Yes, you may, Mr..?" (Y/N) flashed a charming smile.
"Mr. Ike." He gave a nod.
"(Y/N). My... My boyfriend, Jonathan, needs all the help he can get." (Y/N) said. Mr. Ike looked John B up and down.
"I can see that." Mr. Ike mumbled. (Y/N) chuckled. They were led to the changing room where Mr. Ike got some things for John B. John B stepped into the changing room. (Y/N) sat down after grabbing some sunglasses and putting them on, glancing around until the door opened.
"Wow, middle school dance who?" (Y/N) chuckled, looking over the tucked in button up shirt with red bowtie.
"I look like I got kicked out of the barbershop quartet." John B said, looking at him.
"How about a seersucker, Mr. Ike?" (Y/N) looked at Mr. Ike.
"What the hell is that?"
"Excellent choice." Mr. Ike nodded.
"And maybe a pink button-down, some bucks?" (Y/N) grinned.
"You're speaking gibberish. What the hell is a buck?" John B asked.
"I'll get a pair." Mr. Ike nodded, walking away. John B looked at (Y/N).
"I'm your daddy for the day." (Y/N) chuckled. John B rolled his eyes, entering the changing room. Mr. Ike returned with the clothes, giving them to John B. He excused himself to help other costumers. (Y/N) noticed that John B was staying a while and stood, knocking.
"Did you go to Narnia or something?" (Y/N) asked, opening the door and seeing John B in only his underwear. John B pulled the pants up and huffed as (Y/N) laughed.
"Were you seriously checking yourself out, John B. Routledge? Never took you as the type." (Y/N) leaned against the doorway.
"Don't blame you. I'd check myself out if I were you too." (Y/N) said, stepping back and closing the door. John B blinked, looking at himself in the mirror. (Y/N) had basically called him hot. John B got dressed and stepped out.
"Zipper." (Y/N) called. John B looked down and pulled his zipper up. (Y/N) hummed and nodded.
"You look.. Decent." (Y/N) stood and approached him. "As decent as a clown can get." (Y/N) grinned.
"Ooh, ouch. Nice one." John B chuckled. Mr. Ike returned and John B told him what he would like to see. (Y/N) got dressed and stepped out. John B snorted, looking at the black pants, suspenders, gray shirt, bowtie, and fedora.
"So, who's your daddy now?"
"A man of culture, I see." (Y/N) hummed. John B shrugged.
"I knew a kid who dressed like this every day during middle school." (Y/N) said, looking at himself in the mirror.
"I'm pretty sure we all did." John B chuckled. (Y/N) went back into the changing room, changing into a couple outfits until he chose one he liked. He stepped out, smiling. He wore a dark blue shirt that had about three or four buttons undone. The shirt was tucked into black pants. John B swallowed, looking him over.
"Uhm.. Y-You look great." John B said. (Y/N) hummed.
"Since we're on a secret mission.. We should assume another identity." (Y/N) said, crossing his arms.
"We need aliases. What are you thinkin'?" John B asked. (Y/N) tapped his chin, pretending to think.
"Vlad.. From... Vienna." (Y/N) said, shrugging.
"What about me?" (Y/N) tilted his head. John B mimicked his previous position.
"Axsel from Berlin." John B replied. (Y/N) raised his brows.
"Axsel fra Berlin?" (Y/N) grinned. John B nodded.
"Ja." He stuck his hands in his pockets. "Du snakker norsk?"
"Ja. Hvor mye vet du?" (Y/N) tilted his head. John B licked his lips.
"That's all I know." John B chuckled. (Y/N) smiled, patting his chest.
"You're better good." (Y/N) turned, picking up his backpack and leaving. John B followed him. (Y/N) paid for their clothes, walking out of the store and heading down the sidewalk.
"Come on, they aren't open all night." (Y/N) said. John B hummed, walking beside him.
"So, are Vlad and Axsel dating?" John B asked. (Y/N) cocked a brow, glancing at him.
"Feelings can't interfere with the mission." (Y/N) reminded him. John B nodded, looking forward. The sky began to darken, turning to night. They got an uber, not wanting to walk all the way there. (Y/N) paid and they got out.
"The library is on the other side of the student center. Ever been here?" (Y/N) looked at him. John B shook his head.
"Uh, no. Never been to a college." He replied.
"Hm, you didn't fulfill your training, huh? Liking it so far?" (Y/N) asked. John B nodded.
"Well, my parents went here and so did their parents and their parents as well." (Y/N) told him. "Sarah's dad came here too."
"Yeah.. My mom would kill me and Topper if we didn't go here." (Y/N) sighed.
"And you?"
"I've never really thought about going to college." John B replied as (Y/N) took out his ringing phone. 'Topper' was the contact.
"Uh-oh." (Y/N) showed him the contact, grinning.
"What would he think if he knew you were here with me?" John B grinned as (Y/N) chuckled.
"I'd have a public execution. My crime? Treason." (Y/N) replied. John B gasped softly.
"For being a Pogue sympathizer?"
"Oh, oh my goodness." John B made the phone motion with his hand. (Y/N) did the same.
"You've gotta be careful fraternizing with the enemy, Axsel." John B said.
"Wait a minute. Did he kidnap you? Or drug you?" John B asked. (Y/N) let a smile slip.
"Nei, I came on my own recognizance." (Y/N) giggled.
"Oh. Do we know this enemy?"
"Ja. You snitched on him to the Big Boss."
"Oh, no, no. It's not that dirty Pogue, is it?"
"He is not what you think." (Y/N) shook his head lightly.
"Goodness gracious, he's working some good psyops on you, Ax." John B scratched his forehead. "He's a smooth operator."
"He really isn't." (Y/N) laughed as John B pretended to hang up the phone.
"He's really clumsy, randomly does finger guns.. And.. He seems to be too shy to make a move." (Y/N) smiled. John B lightly flushed, teeth catching his bottom lip.
"Come on." (Y/N) smiled. "Better be careful, Axsel. Once a Pogue, always a Pogue." They entered Chapel Hill, going up some steps.
"20 questions-"
"-Why are we here?" (Y/N) looked at him.
"The price of the ticket is intel. Tell me." (Y/N) stopped and faced him. John B sighed.
"Alright.. On pain of death?"
"I'm on a treasure hunt." John B told him. (Y/N) blinked, staring at him.
"Like.. X marks the spot?" (Y/N) asked.
"More or less. I have reason to believe that Denmark Tanny was the sole survivor of the Royal Merchant wreck." John B said. (Y/N) blinked, brows furrowing.
"Which is why he had all that gold? Cause he ran, or probably swam, away with it?" John B nodded. (Y/N)'s lips parted.
"So.. The 'map' to that treasure is one of his belongings." (Y/N) mumbled. John B nodded.
"I'll go talk to the librarian." (Y/N) walked away. John B let out a sigh of relief, glad (Y/N) believed him. The librarian led them to another room, showing them up the stairs and getting all of the belongings.
"Ready?" (Y/N) asked, looking at him.
"Ready." John B smiled. They put on gloves and started looking through everything, trying to find clues or hints.
"He bought slaves and freed them. He was accused of inciting revolt.. This was before the Civil War." (Y/N) told him, looking away from the news article he had been reading.
"It's why they hanged him." John B picked up a Bible, opening it and reading the names and birthdays.
"His three sons." (Y/N) mumbled. John B picked up another paper.
"A picture of gold." (Y/N) hummed.
"British gold.. The type that was on the Merchant." John B glanced at (Y/N), smiling. They continued to look.
"This is his last correspondence." (Y/N) said, showing him the letter.
"That's.. That's in Gullah, the lost Creole language." John B pointed out. (Y/N) glanced at him.
"Know anyone that can read it?" (Y/N) asked. John B nodded, taking a picture. (Y/N) looked it over.
"He wrote this to Robert, his son, on the day he died.. In a language only they could understand." (Y/N) leaned back in his seat.
"That has to mean something." John B mumbled. (Y/N) nodded.
"I have fifteen missed calls from Topper.. Three from mom." (Y/N) told him, chuckling softly. "Good thing we completed the mission. Make my funeral lit, will ya?"
"Yeah, of course. Drinks for everybody." They shared a laugh. John B cleared his throat.
"Speaking of the mission.. You're way better than I expected." John B said, a bit shyly. (Y/N) smiled.
"You're not what I expected either." (Y/N) chuckled. John B faked being shocked.
"Totally ADD. I thought you were this surfer bro who liked to party, smoke weed, and fight."
"You just described JJ."
"Yeah, I realized it as I said it." (Y/N) chuckled, smiling.
"But.. You're actually super funny, bit of a weirdo... Pretty charming." (Y/N) looked at him. John B licked his lips, giving a small nod.
"So.. When we get back.. What's it gonna be like?" John B asked, anxiously waiting for an answer. (Y/N) licked his lips.
"Uhm.. Like always?" (Y/N) said, shrugging as John B nodded.
"I'll go back to being Topper's gay twin brother who breaks up fights and has no friends other than Sarah Cameron." (Y/N) shrugged. "I had loads of fun." (Y/N) assured, patting his thigh. John B offered a small smile.
"I did too." He looked forward. It started to rain as the ferry got back. They got off, walking in the rain.
"Guess we'll have to say goodbye to Vlad and Axsel. So, if we see each other on the street-"
"Yes, of course. I am a true professional." John B grinned, using the accent again. (Y/N) smiled and nodded.
"Been a pleasure working with you, comrade." (Y/N) stuck his hand out. John B took it, slowly shaking it. John B didn't let go when (Y/N) went to pull his hand back.
"I have something to confess." John B said.
"You didn't kill someone, did you?" (Y/N) asked. John B snorted and shook his head.
"I.. I've been in love with you since the day I started working for Ward. You were always kind to me, even when Topper got annoyed at you for it. You never insulted me or any Pogue. You were considerate and always greeted us with only kind words. I love that you don't care about rich or poor and you just see people for who they are. If you don't want anything to do with me from now on, I'll be fine with it. I had the greatest day of my life and I spent it with my longtime crush. I-" John B was cut off by (Y/N) leaning forward and kissing him, arms wrapping around him. John B stumbled back a bit but kissed him back, tension and anxiety leaving his body. (Y/N) gently cupped his face.
"I want this too.."
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shyrose57 · 3 years
Brothers anon back with a worked out timeline! And Misstressoffandoms sorry im responding so late! I completely missed your reply. Thats what I ended up doing but im hoping to eventually be able to completely copy those eailer asks and put them on my notes app.
When this gets a major update I'll resend if you want me too.
CURRENT AGES! (When they left Subbin)
Ranbob-26 (Previously 28 but decided to change it a bit, decided I didn't like the 9 year age difference between the brothers)
Watson-33 (Previously 35 but decided to change it a bit)
Charles-25 (Previously 27 but decided to change it)
-Dream gets control of Ranbob and uses him to basically commit genocide in Mizu, Ran barely escapes. 
-After living alone for 6 years Ran arrives in Subbin, takes part in the Pit tournament, and gains a family. At the same time the fishermen find and rescue Ranbob, bringing him to their home.
-2 years past with Ranbob recovering and having a haunting, and Ran fighting while spending time with his own haunting. 
-Isaac manages to convince his group to go to Subbin even though Ranbob is a bit nervous, the fishermen join The Pit for the promise of money and fun. Ranbob gets pinned against Ran (doesnt know its Ran) and sees the King of The Hill is on with Ran at the top. Ranbob climbs up to see Ran there, he is shocked and approaches him with weapon dropped and shaking, Ran kicks him off the edge. Ranbob slams his head into the ground and dislocates his shoulder, rises up to see the King of The Hill dropping. Ranbob tries to talk to Ran only for Ran to run to him and slam him into the ground, yelling at and threatening him. He carries him over to the edge of the arena and at this point Porkius calls off the fight and the fishermen and Gladiators enter the arena to seperate them. Ran cursing out Ranbob as he gets dragged away. Ranbob gets treated in the medical wing as Ran storms about and the two groups talk and match everything up.
-Weeks past with incredible tension in the air. They decide that taking a trip may help and after getting approval from Porkius, manage to convince Ranbob and trick Ran to come along.
-After agurements and tense moments while in a carriage, they get out and walk to their next destination. A flower biome. Where they manage to relax and have fun for a few days before moving on.
-Next Watson leads them to a nearby waterfall he found with a tunnel behind it, the brothers get water splashed on them by Isaac and Jackie being idiots, and from dripping water in the cave, leaving Ran with burns to his neck and hands, while Ranbob has burns to his cheeks and also to his neck. The burns fade quickly with help of burn cream Watson brought with. 
-After they pass the tunnel they see a shattered Savanna, and decide to travel through it. Tension ramps up when both Grievous and Cletus almost fall off halfway up a mountain, and when Rans scowling and growling end up sending Ranbob so far away from him he almost walks off the edge. 
-Watson says the Savanna is to dangerous and leads them to a nearby roofed forest, where they have their first run in with Raq and learn that Ran is still being hunted. 
-After 3 morw run-ins with Raq they move to another forest, this time Oak, and stumble upon a village, where they stop for supplies. This is also where they learn of Kelalen, but the librarian they learned it from dismisses them as lunatics and to avoid them. Upon pressing for more info they find out it was like Mizu, to which Ranbob shows interest and excitement.
-They move on to a Tagia biome where everyone attempts to tame a wolf and fails, expect Charles, Watson, and Ran. Charles gets 4 dogs from this and is very happy.
-While running to shelter in a cave from a thunderstorm, the brothers lag behind the rest, and start to badly agure. At the end Ran shouts something that makes Ranbob stop, stare at him with teary eyes, and run away. Ran almost goes after him but doesnt and instead goes to tell the others. While Ranbob finds another smaller cave to hide it, and after some harsh words, everyone goes searching for him. Leaving Ran alone and leaving him with his guilt ridden, horrible feeling, and merciless mind
-They get Ranbob to come back to find Ran gone, at first almost no one wants to go after him. Saying how it's all his fault. But eventually they agree to look for him after the storm has passed. Its a full day until the storm passes and the gladiators have become very worried for Ran. 
-When they finally look for him, it takes them hours to find him. And they only find him when there's a sudden shout through the woods, leading them to Raq mid-attack on Ran, taking advantage of his distraction of being lost in his own mind. Sadly their a bit late and aren't able to save Ran from a blindness potion. But are able to chase Raq away. Ran suffers due to the potion, and everyone is distressed.
-3 days pass until they manage to collect themselves up enough to move, after Ranbob said that he believes the town of Kelalen is nearby, he believes traveling there is worth the risk.
-It takes a week to travel to Kelalen and at first they get turned away, before Lucia recognizes some features of Ranbob and feels bad turning them away when Ran is blind. So they get brought in and Ran gets cured. 
-They stay in Kelalen for 4 weeks (minimum, may be more later on, im actually thinking along the lines of months) where they learn more about everything and Foolish who is particularly interesting. And after a while and long conversations they say goodbye and continue on to their next biome, a snow biome.
-While in the snow biome they meet a particular old enderman who used to live with members of the SMP. He reveals his name as Edward and upon meeting Ran and Ranbob he makes the connection with them to Ranboo. And starts to happily tell stories and teach lessons. But when Ran leaves to go to bed, Edward reveals that Ran does love Ranbob, but is struggling with his own nightmares that make it hard for him to show it to Ranbob. Who hesitates believing him, but eventually does. From here on Ranbob looks at and thinks of Ran in a different view. 
-After the snow biome theres no real destination next on their list, so they decide to just explore. 
-3 months past before something interesting happens. Whenever they come across a village Jackie has formed a habit of asking them about Foolish, as he took a interest in him. And he eventually gets a village that goes "Yes Foolish is that way." And he excitedly drags everyone else with him to meet Foolish. 
-They get to Foolish's home and start exploring. Jackie is alone when Foolish confronts him and Jackie brings him to the others. Foolish isn't exactly nice at first but warms up upon seeing the brothers again, as he's reminded of Ranboo. Hes informed about Dream and he is horrified to learn that and offers his help, they decline beliving themselves already free of Dream. Just before the group leaves Foolish gives them access to his armoury, saying how he feels like they'll need it. Before Ran can leave Foolish gives him a special totem of undying, saying he truly means he'll help, and that he feels they may face Dream again. Foolish tells Ran to break it when they need help and he'll be summoned to them. Ran leaves disturbed.
-2 years have passed with the group and brothers getting closer, along with occasional attacks from Raq and other hunters. They head back to Subbin. Their goal of getting the brothers closer achieved. Their still not as close as they used to be, but their close enough they can joke around, be left in the same room together alone without someone being stabbed, and even hug. Though Ran still hasnt fully forgiven Ranbob yet, but he's trying his best. Their on their way back to Subbin when nightmares between the two start ramping up, and Ranbobs episodes where he tries to run back to Dream are also on the rise. Everyone is starting to suspect something is happening but isn't sure what and so try to move on. When next Raq attack he brings back up again, this time instead of focusing on Ran, they focus on Ranbob. When Raq is defeated and finally caught, they ask why, and Raq reveals that theres a person who put a high bounty on Ranbob. Raq dies from Ran and Cletus.
-Ranbob fears its Dream, the others comfort him saying Dream can't escape Mizu. Their wrong.
-They finally get to Subbin and things are normal for a while, until Porkius reveals that Ranbob probably shouldn't be alone for a while. When asked why he reveals that the bounty on Ranbob has been put back up in Subbin, although he's going as fast as he can to nullify it. Benjamin, Charles, and Watson go to the local bar where bounties are put. And sure enough there's one for Ranbob there.
-When they get back Ran reveals what Foolish told him about facing Dream. They realizie Dream somehow got out and is hunting Ranbob down. Ranbob is terrified but they manage to comfort him. And they come to the conclusion they need to fight Dream. They spend months preparing and training for it. 
-(This is the end bit and has yet to be fully figured out. So it'll be added in at a later time.)
Notes: During the whole time traveling, unless specified, Ran and Ranbob are far away from each other. Ran tending to be in the very front of the group with Ranbob in the very back. And whenever Ranbob got close to a gladiator Ran would growl at him to back off. 
If you have any questions feel free to ask! (And if I missed anything please tell me so I can add it)
And I wanna check, am I still ok to send these?- to like talk about my au or no?- I'm afraid I've overstayed my welcome honestly and if I did I dont want to annoy you and will stop! And if you still don't mind, is there anything you want me to change? In general?
This’ll be helpful for the future! Also, Charles has four dogs, that’s adorable. 
Of course you’re okay to send ‘em, I love reading these things! 
I will never be annoyed about getting to see someone’s cool ideas and see how they choose to build on them. That sort of thing is awesome, and I love seeing it, your AU most certainly a favorite in that like. Send as many as you’d like, and I’ll be all the happier for it.
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pyrten · 4 years
DNF -- Unfinished / Dropped (12/3/2021)
! Alcohol !
Yeah, I have zero idea where I'm going with this so I'll just put it here for anyone to read lol.
The upbeat tune thrums through the room. Colourful lights flicker and travel across the walls, illuminating the twinkling crystals hanging from the ceiling. 
Dream doesn't acknowledge the bodies moving across the floor, in sync with the beat of the song blasting from the speakers. Instead, he sits in front of the bar, swirling the liquid in his glass, watching as the bartender attends to the influx of orders from excited (and possibly drunk) customers. 
He decided to stream today, on his birthday. Perhaps he regrets it, seeing how he's sitting in a club, savouring the burn of alcohol instead of dancing, being with his family or going out with friends. It feels awfully awkward as he's always sure of what he feels. 
The bartender places another glass in front of him and he nods as thanks. He takes a sip from the glass and tugs at the collar of his shirt, sighing as his throat burns.
His mind feels a tad bit hazy. Placing the glass onto the countertop, he scans the scene around him. A couple making out in the corner, the whoops of excited teenagers who aren't supposed to be allowed in, the barely-there smell of sweat lingering in the air as bodies move across the floor and brown eyes locking gazes with him as he pauses. The tapping of his fingers on the countertop stops while he stares. 
The man challenges his stare with his own. 
The darkness surrounding the room really doesn't help. Lights occasionally illuminate the man's face, but it's too quick and Dream is only able to catch a glimpse. 
The man swirls his own drink, silently taking a sip as he finally tears his gaze away from Dream's. He does the same, turning his head to focus on the glass he's gripping onto, once again reaching to tug at his collar as he downs the liquid. 
He feels a tingle traveling down his spine. It's barely there but he feels it. Dream squeezes his eyes shut. "It's probably the alcohol," he thinks. "And the generally overwhelming day." 
He tries to focus on anything other than the glittering brown eyes that tugged at his heart and pulled his attention. He hears the chair scraping against the floor from his left and he stubbornly stares at the bottle of rum sitting on the rack in front of him. 
Hiding the lower half of his face with his hand, he sighs. The man probably lost interest. There isn't any reason for him to be nervous. 
Slowly, he gathers his courage as he turns to face the person who took a seat next to him. The least he could do is acknowledge them, for manner's sake. 
Immediately, his words die on his tongue and he's left speechless as he's faced with pale looking skin, soft lips and those mesmerising brown eyes. 
The man gives him a shy smile and looks away, waving the bartender over to order his drink, a huge contrast with the challenging gaze Dream went against a minute ago. 
"Y-you… um… hey," Dream mumbles out, frantically glancing around, trying to find something he could focus on instead of the man seated next to him. He's dumbfounded. How did he turn into a puddle within seconds? Did the alcohol affect him that badly? 
The man glances at him while ordering his drink. Dream awkwardly shuffles in his seat, tracing the rim of his glass with his finger. 
Dream stops his actions and lifts his head to face the man. He's met with a warm smile and his heart flutters. Immediately, he hides his cough with his hand. He feels a flush making its way up his neck and he hopes the man doesn't notice. 
He offers a smile and lifts his drink to take a sip, hoping it'll give him some courage and ease him. "It's a busy night, isn't it?" He starts. A simple question. 
"It is," the man agrees, looking around while playing with the umbrella that came with his drink. An awkward silence grows between them as Dream tries to formulate a response that could continue the conversation. 
"Your name...?" The man asks, letting the question hang in the air. 
"Dream," he supplies, offering a hand out. 
A small giggle slips past the man's lips and a warm hand, smaller than his, grips his hand. They shake on it and Dream starts to feel more comfortable. 
"George," he replies. 
George savours the touch as Dream slowly pulls his hand away. He keeps the smile on his face, politely thanking the bartender as they hand him his drink. 
He takes a sip, trying to hide his smile. He watches as Dream chuckles and scratches his neck, eyes frantically looking everywhere but him. "That's cute."  
"You have an accent," Dream starts and George perks up. "Are you from the UK?" 
He shifts in his seat, positioning himself so that he's facing Dream instead of the countertop. "I am. I'm visiting here. Family, you know?" 
Dream lets out a chuckle and George is glad that he looks more relaxed than before. George notices as Dream leans closer, perhaps unconsciously and an alarm goes off in his mind. He ignores it. 
A forlorn smile settles on Dream's face. "That's cool. How do you find it here?" 
George giggles. That's such a dumb question. It's not like he's visiting Florida for the first time. "I visit here every few months or so. It's definitely warmer compared to England. The beaches are too crowded for my liking though." 
His heart stutters when Dream breaks into a laugh, not a nervous chuckle or an awkward giggle (although, they're both adorable), a full, hearty laugh that slightly resembles a tea kettle. Dream's cheeks are rosy, his face flushed and George silently takes it in, red slowly colouring his face. 
"There's more to Florida than beaches, George. You can't tell me that when you've visited a few times," Dream says, pressing his drink to his cheek, smiling. George masks his blush with his hand, giggling. 
"Well, I'm telling you that my family and I don't go out often," he replies. 
Dream snorts, feeling better than he was before. His cheeks hurt from all the smiling and laughing. 
"I really don't know how to reply other than to offer to show you around," Dream says hesitantly, placing the empty glass onto the countertop. 
George covers his blush with his hand, eyes widening for a split second. He chews his bottom lip nervously, letting the thought jump around until he settles on a conclusion. 
"Dance with me while I think about it?" George asks, smiling shyly. 
Dream gently drags him to the dancefloor as he reaches to place his drink on the countertop, giggling. 
George holds onto Dream's bicep as they twirl around each other and gracefully avoid bumping into other people. The strobe lights start flickering at an alarming speed, throwing them into darkness every few seconds. George pulls Dream closer, their breaths intermingling. He could barely make out the flecks of brown in those jasmine green (he presumes) eyes. 
His breath hitches as a warm hand cups the nape of his neck and his mind blanks when he hears the whisper next to his ear. "Made up your mind yet?" Dream asks. 
The entire club is plunged into darkness as gasps arise from the crowd. The music stops and he looks around in confusion. Someone grabs onto his forearm and guides him through the crowd, ushering him out the exit.  
George shivers at the sudden rush of warm air and the grip on his forearm loosens. He hears the jingle of keys and looks at Dream while shrugging off his blazer, raising an eyebrow. 
Dream gestures towards a car, an awkward smirk playing on his lips. "The offer still stands…" he trails off. "Unless you want to head back in, which is fine. Maybe you came with a friend and they're probably worried. Or maybe another…" he starts rambling. 
George laughs, bright and unfiltered and Dream stops his rambling to grin. He  unlocks the doors and George slides into the passenger seat while Dream, into the driver's seat.   
They're on the road within minutes. Serene music drifts through the car, contrasting the upbeat music they danced to several minutes ago. Lamp posts and shops blur past them, giving George a slight sense of numbness. "This is such a bad idea," George mumbles but he can't help but smile. He can hear his own heartbeat in his ears, his fingers curl around the fabric of his button up shirt. 
Dream giggles, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel to the tune of the song playing. "Tell me to stop and I will," he says, staring at the road ahead. "Do you have any specific place you want to visit? Or prefer?" 
George shrugs, leaning against his palm while staring at Dream. "You're the one who offered. Anything will do. I'm only staying for… 12 more hours before my flight back." His eyes drift from the window to Dream, whose eyes are focused on the road. "Make it worth it." 
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one-spidey-boii · 4 years
BUMMER SUMMER || peter parker; ch. two
read chapter one here
an; welcome back y’all. thank you to all who have read so far, even tho it’s only chapter two. i’d love to hear your feedback! enjoy!
**italics indicates flashback**
warnings; mentions of battle wounds (i.e. blood/scars/etc), future smut, mature language, fluff, angst, both peter and oc are 18+!!
word count; 2.2k+
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edie's pov
so that's spiderman? seems like a fun guy, i think as i walk through the dark alleyways so i don’t draw unwanted attention to myself. it's late and i'm navigating my way home, still thinking about my run-in with the red and blue clad boy. it's easy to tell he's young by the sound of his voice, leading me to believe he’s twenty at most. that doesn't bother me of course, as i too am considered young for a crime-fighting vigilante.
i turn the last corner before reaching my street and sigh with relief at the sight of my apartment building. the light in my window is off, aiding in the illusion that i'm asleep so my mom doesn't come in while i'm away on my semi-nightly adventures. just before i can touch the brick stones of my building as i pass by, a mechanical swoosh comes down and picks me up off the ground. i let out a small yelp and quickly find myself placed on the roof.
"hey, wolfie." mr. stark says as he walks out of his iron man suit. i let out the breath i was holding and turn around to face him. i offer him a small smile and take my hood down.
"mr. stark, hello, sir."
"school's almost out, right?" before i can answer, he keeps talking, "good. i'm gonna need your help with something."
i wipe away the beads of sweat running down my forehead as i bend down to pick up my throwing knives from the concrete ground. i steady myself and focus on the tattered piece of cardboard nailed to the wall that is my makeshift target. with a small grunt, i fling one towards the center of the red dot, hitting it dead on. i continue this activity until i run out of things to throw and my arms feel like jelly. i lost count of how many times i'd hit the center of the target in a row.
stepping back with a satisfied smirk, i collect my knives, shoving them back into their rightful place in my bag or around my waist and turn on my heel to head home. i manage to take two steps before a voice stops me in my tracks.
"hey, don't walk away now, kid, the next one would have been fifty." my eyes widen at the familiar voice that often appears on my living room television. i slowly move to face the man and gulp, mouth opening and closing like a goldfish, not being able to say a word.
"come on, one more. show me what you got." says tony stark, with a loose smile on his face.
without a word, i force my trembling hands to grab my favorite knife from my right boot and brace myself for a throw. my breathing is shaky as i raise my right arm and inhale along with it. i can feel the sweat running down my back as i close my eyes for a moment. don't embarrass yourself, e, i think to myself. with that i snap my eyes open and silently chuck the knife towards the target.
i missed.
"oh for fuck's sake." i groan into my hands before i remember who i'm with and freeze. i keep my head in my hands, making sure to cover my face, only gathering enough courage to peek at tony stark through my fingers.
"well, that's awkward, i won't lie," he says, looking uncomfortable, "but i think i saw what i needed to see beforehand. i'm tony stark, or iron man if you wanna get fancy." he reaches a hand out in my direction.
"edie wolfe, hi." i reply with a defeated and lame handshake. to save both of us from looming silence, he pulls at my hoodie before continuing on, "okay, ms. wolfe." he pauses to inspect my attire, "what is this? leggings? and a hoodie? kid, if you're gonna be throwing knives, you gotta expect people to throw them back at you. this isn't going to cut it." he motions to the thin fabric covering my arms and chest.
i laugh at his words, "oh hey i see what you did there."
not catching on to his own pun, he moves on again, "what? actually never mind, we have a lot of talking to do, wolfie."
ever since that night, he took me under his wing- and a week later i got a package with a brand new suit in it. one that would protect me a whole lot more than what i was working with before.
"earth to wolfie, beep beep boop," mr. stark says as he pokes me in the forehead. i swat his hand away and give him my full attention. he continues on, "so you're in? a summer at the compound, being scary and keeping bad guys away?"
i raise an eyebrow at him, "what makes you think my family will be okay with that?" i ask. mr. stark simply rolls his eyes, "i already talked to your father, need i show you the proof?" i shake my head and he nods with satisfaction.
"okay, kid. see you in a few days." he says, preparing to get back into his suit, but before he can fly away i stop him, a question looming over my head, "am i doing this alone?"
"of course not. i wouldn't leave you alon- well actually i can't leave him alone so that's why you're gonna be there," he explains with a shake of his head.
"and who exactly is this person?" i ask with my arms crossed.
"how about one friendly neighborhood spiderman!" he yells and takes off before i can say anything back.
finally, the last day of school was upon us. it seems that the ending of every school year is bittersweet, and to be honest it hasn't quite hit me yet. senior year was way lamer than everyone played it off to be. you're told that you're officially ‘top dog', but let's be real- no real credit is given until you've graduated. but hey, here's to making it this far.
i'm sitting at my usual lunch table, surrounded by peter, ned, and mj. we pass jokes around the group and take in every moment we have left of our time together, yanno, since peter is leaving. but so am i. which is something i still have to share with everyone.
"uh, hey, guys. can i be a debby downer for a moment?" i ask, clearing my throat and disturbing the light mood of the afternoon. the table quiets down and all eyes are on me. "so you know how peter is leaving this summer?" i ruffle peter's hair in an attempt to not make that statement so sad.
"yeah, edie, we know." mj says with an eye roll as she picks at her cold french fries. i roll my eyes back at her and mock her voice. i can't help but notice peter's guilty face sitting next to me, little does he know i am going to make it a whole lot more weird up in here.
i take in a big breath and hold it to up the anticipation, "well it looks like i'll be gone too."
ned drops his chicken wrap and shakes his head furiously, "nuh uh, nope. no way. sorry, e, i can't allow that to happen," he says with a stern voice. peter chooses this moment to negatively highlight my new confession, "edie, how dare you! someone needs to be here to look after the kids."
i lower my head in shame, god this was so hard to do. faking a playful smile, i try to make light of the situation, "hey, c'mon, we all know mj is the mom friend of the group."
mj shakes her head violently and protests against my statement, "absolutely not. i veto that with all of my being, ned is the mom." she insists as she points to the pouting boy. we all laugh at that before falling into an uncomfortable silence. i glance in peter's direction and try to smile at him. doing this to him was the hardest, i tell him everything and knowing full well that i can't tell anyone about my stay at the compound, it just hurts my heart. we won't be able to communicate all summer.
"my mom signed me up to be a camp counselor...at, uh, a self-defense camp." i panic at the last second, realizing i never thought about what kind of camp i would fictitiously be a part of. the whole table bursts out into laughter.
through short breaths and a hearty laugh, ned pokes fun at me, "edie? teaching children how to kick someone's ass? look at you, you're like a soft pillowy little marshmallow." i stick my tongue out at him and cross my arms.
"hey, i wouldn't shut down the idea too fast, remember e's dad is like, an actual fbi agent. i'm sure he's taught her some stuff," peter chimes in, coming to my rescue. i nod along and hum a 'mhm', snickering inside at how much they don't know.
once i'm home, i pack my suitcase with all the things i think one would need to stay at a high tech superhero compound. i grab all of my knives and shove them into a utility pack, along with my suit.
my parents know where i'm going, and lucky for me they’re okay with it. well, at least my dad is.
my father, sam wolfe, works for a hidden branch of the fbi that trains government spies and the occasional assassin. thus being the reason i grew to be so good at combat. he would take me onto the roof of our building and have me shoot at targets and hit punching bags. we would practice for hours at a time, his booming voice critiquing my every move and decision as i worked. i've never been comfortable with a gun, so i stuck with knives and made that my craft.
i haven't seen my dad in a few months now. to 'protect' me and my family, we weren't allowed to know where my dad was going or why he had to leave in the first place. once mr. stark came into my life, he and my father became close, putting his trust in mr. stark to watch out for me whenever he was gone.
my mother on the other hand, she hates everything about it. she’s afraid of the world and all the things that lurk behind closed doors. when dad isn't around, we aren't allowed to talk about anything related to knives or fighting or tony stark. and for my nine-year-old brother's sake, i oblige.
pulling my bag onto my shoulder and lugging my suitcase through the hall, i meet my mother and brother in the living room. she meets my eyes with her cloudy ones and closes the distance between us with a strong hug. i chuckle at her before wrapping my arms around her plump frame.
"mom, it's okay-" i start, before she cuts me off, "shhh, edie. let me have this moment."
i shut up and continue to embrace my mom. i know this is hard for her, but she needs to understand that this is an amazing opportunity for me. i'm being put in charge of the avengers compound for the entire summer. i wish i could share this excitement with my dad, but i know he's happy for me, wherever he may be.
"edie, promise me you'll come home if you can't handle it. no one is going to judge you for that. you're only eighteen. i can't believe your father is letting you do this." my mother rambles as she pulls away from me. i smile at her and just nod my head.
my little brother looks over in our direction with a shy smile on his face. i ruffle his hair and pull him to me for a quick hug, "take care of mom for me, booger." i whisper into his ear. he gives me a simple nod and backs away.
my phone buzzes in my pocket. i pull it out to see a message from mr. stark.
'beep beep, i'm here'
i sigh and look up at my mom one last time, "that's my ride." she lets a single tear stroll down her cheek before wiping it away and shooing me out the door.
once out of the apartment, i lug my suitcase down the three flights of stairs and out onto the sidewalk. mr. stark is pulled up to the curb in his fancy black car. he rolls down the passenger side window and yells at me through it, "time to party, wolfie."
i stroll to the car and pull the back door open to throw my stuff down. then i hop into the front seat and look at mr. stark, "you know, you could have come in."
"yeah, well we all know your mother doesn't like me very much. i don't wanna poke the bear," he says as he pulls his sunglasses over his eyes and revs the engine, "let's get you to your new home for the next three months, shall we?"
|| taglist; @my-patronus-is-mabel-pines
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Gary isn't used to people touching him. Side hugs, hand holding, it's all new to him.
He flinches almost everytime someone places a hand on his shoulder. Not in a bad way, just in a "oh my crap this is a lot of sensations I'm feeling" kinda way.
Set in Final Space. This can be read by itself or you can perceive it between How Do I Tell Him? And Changes.
Gary was used to loneliness. He was almost comforted by the familiar feeling it gave. The empty feeling in his chest that consumed him for most of his life, at least until Mooncake showed up and changed everything. But can you blame the guy? He spent 5 years in solitude and even before that he didn't really have any friends or family to share the occasional "hug" with. Before Gary was imprisoned, he was alone for most of his life. The only person that had shown him any love or affection had died when he was young, too young to really retain what affection felt like.
So his friends touching him was an entirely new experience.
His friends aren't really ones to display affection, they're the type to give an excited hug after a job well done or a pat on the shoulder if you did something good. But they almost never laid a hand on another when an adrenaline rush wasn't involved.
Gary on the other hand, has always been a touchy guy. Pats on the back, arms swung around shoulders, Gary is a very friendly person. He likes to be around people and be close to the ones he trusts.
Sometimes he wonders if he's being annoying or clingy when he drapes himself over Avocato or leans against him, but Avocato hasn't said anything against it, so Gary hasn't stopped. Gary could tell he hated it at first, but he's like a cat. Once they like you, and I mean really like you, they'll seek you out when they want attention.
Gary isn't new to touching people, he's just new to people touching him.
He doesn't mean that in a bad way, he's not entirely uncomfortable with touching. It was more like, something as small as a side hug sent shivers down his spine. Or if someone, not naming names, nuzzled up to him, he'd immediately get weak in the knees, and not in a "God he's so hot I'm weak" kinda way. Him being weird about touch wasn't always based on his attraction. When his mom patted him on the back he flinched away, not because he was upset, it was just. Weird. It was like, it was too much. He would get overwhelmed when someone else touched him.
Was this normal?
It kinda creeped him out to be honest.
One of the only people that were an exception was Little Cato. He felt comforted when he and Little Cato hugged or clasped. It didn't feel uncomfortable or like it was too much. He doesn't know why or what makes him different. Maybe it was the level of trust? No, because he trusts Quinn and he trusted Nightfall. Maybe it was because they had both comforted each other multiple times to the point touching became their way of comfort?
He's not sure.
On the other side, Avocato also wasn't used to touching, which Gary provided a sufficient amount of. It was weird at first, actually it took everything in him to not claw Gary's eyes out when they first met. But as they grew closer, he began to trust Gary. It was different than what he was used to. He was once a highly respected General, he was untouchable. Those under his command could hardly even look at him, not that they wanted to. But now, Gary quite literally drapes himself over him. It wasn't bad, not that Avocato would ever admit that. It's a nice change of pace, and he trusts Gary.
After some time, Avocato began seeking out his touch. He would stand way too close, sit too close, and he even leaned into any touch Gary provided. Avocato would find himself nuzzling into hugs only to deny it if questioned. Gary got the hint after the first few denials. So he stopped asking and just went with it.
Eventually Avocato began to get impatient while waiting for Gary to initiate touches. Gary was always busy doing repairs, counting stock, flying, there was always something he had to do. So Avocato started dishing it out as well.
Which is what induced Gary into a small panic of flinching gasps and small jolts.
It started small, hands on shoulders, brushing hands together when standing too close, and Avocato has even started giving Gary the occasional side hug whenever they were standing next to each other. If Gary was sitting, Avocato would drape his arm over Gary's shoulder. If Gary was standing, Avocato would wrap his arm around Gary's waist. He hardly noticed Gary's odd fidgeting whenever they touched, and when he did, he figured it was just Gary being Gary.
If either of them were weirded out, no one said anything. So the small touches kept happening and more of it.
Avocato walked into the lounge to see Gary sipping from a coffee mug. He was leaning against the table, half of his torso on the table. Gary had to tilt his head upwards awkwardly and slowly sip at his drink to not spill it. Avocato smiled and cradled his cup of milk close to him as he walked over.
"I hope you're not drinking coffee at this hour." Avocato placed his cup on the table and sat across Gary, crossing his legs. He leaned back against the booth in a relaxed manner. Gary looked up at Avocato.
"Nope, just some warm milk." He raised his mug and gave a small smile before setting it back down.
"Can't sleep?" Avocato took a sip from his cup and leaned forward. He noticed the bags under Gary's eyes and tried not to frown.
Gary shrugged. "Not really, what are you doing up at this hour?" Although they couldn't really perceive time in Final Space, the Crimson Light had a day and night cycle. Light for 12 hours, dimmed lights for 12 hours. Sheryl was the one currently keeping an eye on piloting while most slept.
Avocato mimicked Gary and shrugged. "Can't sleep." They sat in silence for a moment, just enjoying the presence of the other. They both took sips from their drink before Gary smiled deviously. Avocato furrowed his brow.
"So what if we could help each other?" Gary asked innocently, batting his eyelashes. Avocato bit his lip and narrowed his eyes.
"How so?" Gary stood and leaned forward on the table, getting very close to Avocato's face. Avocato was used to this behavior, so he just stared at Gary with a raised brow. He also wasn't too upset about the sudden proximity.
"Sleepover!" Gary moved out from the booth and grabbed Avocato's hand. He dragged him to his room, drinks left forgotten. He tugged Avocato through the halls and to his room.
"Wa-Wait, Gary, I-" Gary opened his door and pushed Avocato in. Avocato stumbled slightly and turned to look at Gary.
"No buts! What better way to exhaust yourself than hanging out with your best bud?" Gary placed his hands on his hips and puffed out his chest proudly.
Avocato rolled his eyes. "I can think of a few better ways." He muttered to himself with a smirk on his face.
"Hmm? What was that?" Gary tilted his head, too into his own world to understand what Avocato was implying.
Avocato simply shook his head. "You want to play cards then?"
Gary's face lit up and a bright smile displayed across his face. It's been awhile since Avocato had seen Gary smile like that.
He tried to ignore the flutter in his stomach.
Gary nodded his head viciously and moved to his bed, grabbing his cards from his nightstand on the way. He jumped on the bed and sat criss crossed. The energetic man-child began to excitedly shuffle the cards as he patted the other side of the bed.
"Are you going to play, or just stand there?"
Avocato walked over and sat across from him. "Of course I'm going to play. I just don't know if you can handle losing."
Gary laughed. "They only thing I'll have to handle is your sore loser attitude!" Gary began dealing the cards. They started with a simple game of SlapJack. Both were very aggressive and competitive. Gary loved playing with Avocato most because he matched Gary's level of aggression in cards, it's not easy to find a partner that can dish it out and take the heat.
They flipped cards over back and forth so quickly a bystander would think it was life or death. A jack appeared and they both slammed their hands on the card, making all the cards on the bed bounce at their violent attack.
"Dammit!" Gary removed his hand and let Avocato take the cards.
"Come on baby, you are trying aren't you?" Avocato purred and gave him a lazy smile. Gary pursed his lips.
"Of course, it was just a warm up round. I wanted to see if you were paying attention."
Avocato laughed and nodded his head towards the game. "Well maybe you should stop staring at me and look at the cards instead."
"It's hard not to stare." Gary's face flushed as soon as he said it. He looked up to see that Avocato was too focused on the game to have even heard what he'd said.
Gary let out a sigh of relief.
Unfortunately for Gary, Avocato had heard him. He just didn't know what to say in response. He could feel his face burning and he struggled to hide the smirk that so desperately wanted to appear.
He looked back up at Gary and eyed him for a moment. His red tank top dipped with the way he was hunched over, exposing some of his chest. He had an intense look on his face as he started dealing cards. Gary looked up and they made eye contact. Avocato smirked and winked at him. Gary looked back down towards the game, his face cherry red. Avocato laughed slightly as they started the next game.
They continued playing another 3 rounds before Avocato stretched out his arms, showing his defined figure through his black undershirt. His back popped and he groaned.
Gary turned away.
"This has been fun but I'm getting a little tired, aren't you?" Gary nodded slightly. They gathered the rest of the cards and sat them on the nightstand. Avocato moved to stand and Gary grabbed his wrist.
"Where are you going?"
Avocato looked at him quizzically and gestured towards the door. "To my room?"
Gary rolled his eyes and pulled him down onto the bed. Avocato landed beside Gary on the small mattress. It was a tight squeeze, they both laid on their sides facing each other, and there was little room between them. Avocato could feel Gary's breath against his cheeks. In the dimmed room, Gary's eyes seemed to sparkle and Avocato couldn't look away.
"It's a sleepover yo, that usually means you sleep over." Gary annunciated the "sleep over" to get his point across with a shy smile on his face.
"I don't know man, I don't think I'll be able to sleep with you snoring next to me." Avocato looked away with a smirk on his face.
Gary flushed and narrowed his eyes. "I do not snore!" He shoved Avocato's shoulder lightly.
"How would you know?"
Gary glared and ignored him. He then sat up and grabbed the blankets that were by their feet. He pulled the blanket up and threw it over the two of them. Gary laid back down, using his arm as a pillow.
Avocato copied him, except his other hand was placed close to his face.
"How are you doing?"
Avocato closed his eyes and let himself sink into the bed. "What do you mean?"
Gary paused. "With everything."
Avocato shrugged. "I'm getting used to it."
"Well I'm here. If you need to talk."
Avocato smiled, eyes still closed. "You're a good friend Gary."
Gary smiled at the familiar saying. "I would've gone with great." He reached up and held Avocato's hand in his own. "But good works too." He closed his eyes with a small smile on his face.
Avocato sighed at the comforting weight on his hand. He squeezed Gary's hand tenderly. Gary expected to feel that same jolt he gets when people touch him. He expected to feel itchy from being so close to Avocato.
But he felt content. He's never felt this way in someone's embrace before. He felt entirely comforted and safe in Avocato's strong grip.
Sleep came easy after that.
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midnightrellik · 5 years
scenario where fem reader is fighting with her parents or smthn, generally just havin a pretty sh*tty day and kaoru finds her crying near a fountain or smthn and she's all embarrassed but he comforts her. they aren't dating but they like.. develop crushes afterwards (:
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“Do you have any idea just how much your tuition is costing us? We don’t have to send you to that school you know! You’re the one that begged us to get you in there and now you’re coming home with grades like this? What’s wrong with you?!” Your father’s words cut you like a knife and you could only shrink back in shame, casting your gaze down to the floor, only to be instructed to raise your head once more when your mother snapped at you. Swallowing, you opened your mouth to apologise, but your father beat you to it. “If you come home with any more grades like this, that’s it. You’re out of that school and into the nearest public school. You hear me? I’m not going to be wasting my money on someone who doesn’t give two shits about her future. At this rate, you’re barely good enough to be married off to another beneficial family.”
Your eyes glazed over with tears as you nodded your head in understanding. “Yes sir…” you responded weakly before you were dismissed. Picking up your satchel, you left the house and walked out to the car that would take you to school, where your driver opened the back door, allowing you to step into the vehicle before it was shut behind you. During the drive to school, you tried to push your father’s words out of your head, reminding yourself that as long as you worked harder, everything would be alright. He was only annoyed because you weren’t trying hard enough. That’s all it was. A simple solution to a simple problem. Or so it seemed.
Halfway to the school, the car echoed with an unholy sound that seemed to have come from nowhere. Shortly after, the car began to slow down and the driver was left to pull over to find out what was wrong. Letting out a heavy sigh, you brushed your hair behind you ear and opened your door, stepping out to address the driver. “What’s happened? Can you fix it?” You asked, beginning to feel the stress of the situation at hand crawl its way into your head, in the form of a mild headache. You didn’t need this right now. You just wanted to get to school already. The driver clicked his tongue in thought, popping the hood to see if he could find the issue. “I’m not too sure miss. Please stay in the car, this shouldn’t take too long,” he answered politely, giving an apologetic look. You bit your bottom lip lightly and pulled your phone out of your satchel to check the time.
“I suppose I have a bit of time…” you murmured to yourself before sitting back in the car, shutting the door. The longer you sat there, the more anxious you became. You seemed to be checking the time every thirty seconds, if not every minute and eventually, you deemed you were going to be late for school if you didn’t move it now. So, getting out once again, you shoved your phone into your satchel and shut the door. “Sorry but I’m going to be late for school. Please call someone regarding the car, I will walk,” you spoke, giving him a small smile and a wave as you hurried off. There was no way you could handle being late for school. Your father would be pissed the moment he found out about it. Sure, the car was a reasonable excuse, but it still wouldn’t be any fun…
So, you ran. You ran down that pathway, cut corners, ran across roads without waiting for the lights to change and eventually made it to the school. Panting, you hunched over, hands on your knees as you tried to catch your breath. “Damn, I need to run more…” you puffed, standing up straight. “At least I should have made it on time…” You looked up towards the huge clock tower and felt your heart stop for a split second. Five minutes late. After all that, you were late?! Gasping for air once more, you hurried inside, stopping in the bathroom to freshen yourself up a little. “You’re okay (Y/N). It’s okay. Bad things come in threes; everyone knows this. That was number three. The rest of the day will be perfectly fine,” you assured yourself, brushing some hair behind your ear before standing up straight and headed to class, ready to apologise for being late.
“Come on Hikaru. The Boss is going to complain if we’re late again,” Kaoru sighed, waiting on his twin brother to hurry up with his things so they could leave. They’ve always enjoyed being part of the Host Club, but when they were late, Tamaki would typically give them an earful about it and then they were stuck feeling annoyed while they were hosting. How could they keep the girls happy if they weren’t happy?
Hikaru gave a sigh as he slung his satchel over his shoulder, running a hand through his hair. “Alright, let’s go,” he agreed and the two quickly left the classroom, catching up with Haruhi who was already on her way to the club room. The usual banter between the duo and the girl ensued from there, all the way to the room where they parted ways once more to prepare their stations. Today, the ginger twins were stationed right by the windows, a few of which were open to let some air into the room. With the breeze, came the scent of flowers, both those outside and the roses inside. It was relaxing and seemed to bring a calm within the room before the storm that was to come.
Within mere minutes of setting up, the doors were opened, and girls flooded in, all separating to their preferred host/s to begin the session. Chatter quickly filled the room, along with soft giggles and squeals that occasionally gave some of them headaches by the end of the day. Throughout the session however, Kaoru couldn’t help but continuously look outside, perhaps the breeze shifting his attention. Stepping closer to the window as he and Hikaru conducted one of their fake arguments, before they were to ‘make up’, he saw a splash of yellow out in the garden below. Raising a brow, he gave a brief reply to Hikaru, who made his way over as well, wrapping his arms around his twin to initiate the ‘make up’.
“Who’s that down there?” Kaoru whispered to Hikaru, making him look down towards the yellow blob down the bottom. The longer they looked, the clearer it became that down below, that yellow blob was a crying girl. Hikaru shrugged his shoulders and let him go. He didn’t care all too much for who it was either and usually Kaoru wouldn’t think twice about it but… this didn’t sit well with him. “Sorry ladies, I just remembered I have something very important to do. I promise next time, I’ll give you all the attention I can muster,” he excused himself, nodding to his brother who could only raise a brow at him in confusion. Kaoru didn’t wait to explain however, barely listening to the sounds of disappointment coming from the girls as he left the room. The last thing he head before the doors closed was Tamaki calling out for him to tell him where he was going.
It felt like it had taken way too long for Kaoru to get downstairs. He tried to be quick but he worried that by the time he got there, the girl would be long gone, which in a way, would be beneficial, since he could go back and not get in too much trouble but he would also feel bad for not getting there on time. Much to his relief, when he finally stepped out into the garden, and looked towards the fountain where Haruhi’s bag ended up not so long ago, he found the girl, sitting on the edge of the water feature, crying her heart out.
He hesitated for a moment before slowly beginning to approach, clearing his throat a little to make his presence known. Your heart leapt up to your throat at the sound. You thought you would be free to cry out here until your driver came to pick you up. Usually, you would be with your own club by now, but you felt too destroyed to do very much at all right now. You tried to wipe your eyes clear of tears as you lifted your head to see who it was, but seeing Kaoru there made it that much harder to hold back the sob that pushed at the back of your throat. Just what you needed, one of the most popular guys in school, seeing you this way. “Hi Kaoru…” you croaked out, red eyes shifting back down to your feet.
You didn’t get a greeting in return. Instead, he came to stand in front of you, hands buried in his pockets. “Are you okay?” He asked, brushing his hair out of his eyes as he looked down at your smaller form. He recognised you- no. He knew you. You were in a couple of the same classes and this was far from the first time you had spoken. This was however, the first time he’s seen you in this state. You looked beaten. As if you had given up because the world had finally figured out exactly what it would take to break down that confidence you usually wore around the place. It was honestly heartbreaking to see and the more he analysed your state, the more he realised that his question was kind of stupid.
You sniffled and nodded your head. “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m perfectly fine,” you answered but the shakiness of your voice said otherwise. “I just… I’ve just had a pretty bad day is all,” you added, wiping away the tears that continued to fall. Koaru bit his bottom lip lightly and looked up at the sky, then the window he had been looking out before hand, before his eyes landed back on you. “Bad day tend to have this affect. Want to talk about it?” he asked, sitting himself down beside you on the fountain’s edge. The look on your face spoke a thousand words. You wanted to talk about it but at the same time, it was the last thing you wanted to do. Your lips parted and shut a few times before you finally broke, telling him everything.
You told him about the fight with your parents, the issue with the car, being late to school and then there was items missing from your satchel, you ended up having to share someone’s lunch because you were unable to get your own and you had even lost your phone at some stage. The day had been an utter nightmare and you were beat. You couldn’t call your driver to come pick you up and didn’t want to face anyone in this state, so you were left to wait. You’d hopefully find your phone in the morning when you were in a better state of mind. “And now, here I am, crying to you pathetically when you should be up there, doing your club activities,” you sobbed, feeling ridiculous for acting this way in front of another person.
As you wiped your eyes with the back of your hand, majority of your mascara smeared on your skin, Kaoru thought to pull out his handkerchief, offering it to you. Thank god for Tamaki insisting that all hosts carry one around. “I’m sorry to hear all that, today really hadn’t been too good has it?” he mused as you accepted the handkerchief from him. You then felt his hand on your back, rubbing it gently in an effort to comfort you. It wasn’t much, but there wasn’t much else he could think to do. It was working though. Just a reminder that he was there for you, even though you weren’t all that close. “It’ll be alright. Tomorrow, I’ll help you find your phone and if you’d like, I could talk to Haruhi about helping you with your studies if you would like? I’m sure they’d be happy to help you out,” he offered gently, giving you a small smile that you could finally bring yourself to return, along with a small nod. “That would be nice, thank you…”
The next day, while things had gone a little better, you had yet to find your phone, bringing your mood down a little since you’d probably get in trouble for losing it. You hadn’t told your parents about it yet, hoping that they wouldn’t try call you during the time it was lost. Now you were heading for lunch, able to get something for yourself this time unlike yesterday. Yes, things were definitely beginning to look up since Kaoru had comforted you yesterday. Just the thought of it made butterflies go wild in your stomach. You would have to thank him properly when you got the chance. A chance which seemed to come a lot sooner than expected.
“Hey, (Y/N)!” You heard a familiar male voice call out to you. Lifting your head up to look for the male, you spotted the mischievous twins of the school, one grinning happily and waving with something in his hand. Was that-? No way. The duo walked up to you and lo and behold, Kaoru held your phone out for you to take. “This is your phone, right? Frog chain just like you described it,” he claimed with a big smile. Nodding your head with a matching expression, you placed it on your tray before standing up and giving him a hug. “Thank you so much Kaoru. I was so worried I wouldn’t be able to find it again,” you confessed, letting him go as you brushed some hair behind your head. “I really appreciate all you’ve done for me Kaoru. It means a lot to me.” The ginger blushed faintly at the hug, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly while he brother simply rolled his eyes. “Anytime. I’m happy to help.”
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rebelmeg · 7 years
65 Questions You Aren't Used To
(I know, it’s an ask meme, but... I just kinda want to do them all.  I LOVE this kinda stuff, it’s like writing a nifty journal entry for people that suck at journals, like me.)
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?  Um, no... they’re right there.
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?  1.  I’m very comfortable in the dark.
3. The person you would never want to meet?  Donald Trump was the first to spring to mind.
4. What is your favorite word?  Popcorn.  (Because it visually appeals to me, and it feels nice to say.  I know, that made literally zero sense.  I know.)
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?  I always fancied myself a weeping willow, but there is literally nothing willowy about me.  Ooh, ooh, can I be a fruitless pear tree?!  They turn every color from yellow to purple in autumn and they’re so pretty!
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?  Probably something like, “Ew,” or “I need to shower,”.
7. What shirt are you wearing?  It’s cute!  It’s a gray tunic with a deep V in the front with lacing, and the words, “I’d Rather Not.”
8. What do you label yourself as?  Writer.
9. Bright room or dark room?  Bright when I’m working, dim when things are winding down, dark as sin when sleeping.
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?  Same thing I’m doing now, screwing around on Tumblr when I should be finishing up and going to bed.
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far? 17 was a good year for me, I found the other half of my heart.  Everything before and after was basically a crap shoot.
12. Who told you they loved you last?  My daughters.
13. Your worst enemy?  Probably myself.
14. What is your current desktop picture?  It’s doing a slideshow through my saved file of New Years pictures.
15. Do you like someone?  Romantically, just my hubby.  He’s awfully cute.
16. The last song you listened to?  Listening to “U and Ur Hand” by P!nk right now.
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?  No one wants me to have this responsibility.
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face? I could prepare a list...
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?  Oh geez, I have no idea.  Who wants to be my slave and clean my house?
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)  My eyes!  I have pretty eyes.
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?  I’ve got no idea what I’d look like, I’ve got too much boob and hip going on.  I’ll be honest, I’d have to have at least one orgasm, because I’ve always wondered what the difference is.  
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?  Secret?  Not really, I’m pretty open with all my talents.  
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?  Family members dying.  I’ve never had a close family member die, and I’m like... ridiculously afraid of that (especially my husband and kids), especially since I’m deeply religious.
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.  The #11 at Jimmy Johns, plus bacon.
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?  Probably on something stupid.  Discount Christmas shirts (I only have one), stuff on my wish.com list and Amazon list, that kind of thing.  Takeout from Arby’s.
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?  Europe!
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?  Um... yeah, I don’t drink so... maybe the rarest, most expensive liquor known to man.  I’ll sell it and be rich.
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?  No littering.
29. What is your favorite expletive?  I can’t say, I’m trying to quit.  (And it’s a bad one.)  If we’re doing PG rated expletives, I’ve taken to using “son of a nutcracker” and “oh my honk” pretty frequently...
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?  LAPTOP.
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?  I know what it is.  But I’m not telling all y’all because it’s horrifically embarrassing.
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!  SCOTLAND.  It only gets, like, into the 70′s there in the summer.  I can dig that.  I’m a freaking polar bear.  (Do I get to pick the celebrities I get to fictionally sleep with, because I’ve prepared a list...)
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?  Like, for a visit, or for permanent?  Because that’s different.  If it was for a visit, I’d bring back one of my two grandparents that have died.  I have QUESTIONS.  If it was for permanent... if an early term, miscarried baby counts, I’d bring back mine.
34. What was your last dream about?  I only get dreams when I’m in that weird “not 100% sleep” state, and man are they bizarre.... and I rarely remember them, but you can trust me that it was weird.
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?  Yes.  Yes I am.  Exceptionally.
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?  Several times, yeah.  Most of them for baby things.  (I had the baby, I was not the baby.)
37. Have you ever built a snowman?  Oh yes.  Not yet this year though, not a really awesome snowfall yet, just a few inches.
38. What is the color of your socks?  I’m wearing neon pink and navy blue Black Widow socks that I got from my hubby for Christmas!
39. What type of music do you like?  Most of it.  Seriously.  Country, rock, pop, oldies, alternative, instrumental, show tunes, classical, movie scores, Disney, Celtic and Irish.... seriously.  Most of it.
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?  Sunsets, sunrises are full of tiredness.
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?  Depends on my mood, really.
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)  I... don’t.  I’m not a sports person unless the Olympics are involved.
43. Do you have any scars?  Lots, yeah.  Biggest is my c-section scar(s), my favorite is the one on my middle finger from when I sliced it open trying to set up a trampoline.  Pro tip, wear gloves, because those springs can slice your finger open when pulled back and loosed.
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?  I’ve already graduated (high school, never went to college and I don’t regret it), I wanted to be married and happy.  I’ve mostly succeeded.  Still chasing happiness, but I get the golden moments enough that I can call it successful.
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?  Probably body size, mostly because they don’t have a lot of cute clothes in my size and I have no power to change that sad standard.
46. Are you reliable?  Almost 100%, yes.
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?  How does Infinity War and Avengers 4 end?
48. Do you hold grudges?  Big ones, yes.  Little ones, not so much.
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?  Panda peacock.  Because a cute, cuddly panda with peacock colors?  Best.
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?  Someone trying to goad me into participating in one of their infantilization fantasies that made me feel extremely uncomfortable.
51. Are you a good liar?  I’m an excellent liar.  I shouldn’t be proud of that.  I am.
52. How long could you go without talking?  Does talking to myself count, because I do that a lot...
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?  The awkward between-phase after I did a shoulder-length bob and needed to grow it out again after my perm started to lose strength too.  Poof.
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?  Tons of times.  I made my own birthday cake this year.
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?  I do a pretty decent British (a few dialects), I can pull of Australian, Irish, Scottish, New Zealand, French, and occasionally Russian or German, as long as I get a good audio clip first to jump off of.
56. What do you like on your toast?  Butter, or butter with jam/jelly or cinnamon sugar.
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?  A terrible sketch of Marty the zebra from Madagascar for my three year old.
58. What would be you dream car?  A big honking pick-up truck with the full backseat and excellent gas mileage and fuel efficiency.
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.  Okay, the way that is worded is hilarious.  I do sing sometimes, when I’ve got music going, but I am pretty quiet since neighbors.  I don’t usually do anything unusual, except sticking my loose hairs to the wall so I can wad them up and throw it all away rather than it going down the drain and clogging it.
60. Do you believe in aliens?  Not in the traditional sense, but I know we’re not alone.  It’s based in religion.
61. Do you often read your horoscope?  Rarely.  When it pops up in magazines from last year or whatever.
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?  M, probably, for my name.  And, fun trivia, M is the 13th letter of the alphabet, which puts it smack in the middle.
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?  DRAGONS.  I’d have a dragon as a pet if I could.  Hagrid and Charlie Weasley would be over all the time.
64. What do you think about babies?  They’re cuuuute.  Most of the time.  Mine were cutest.
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.  If anyone thinks of something, do ask me.  I seriously love this stuff!
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