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Posted @withregram • @ccsdengage The @hendersonsymphonyorchestra introduced 2,000 students to all sections of the orchestra as they listened to a charming story, narrated by @bowtienate, whole the instruments came alive. 🎻🎺🪈 . . Before and after the show, musicians interacted with students allowing them to handle and play their instruments. . . @thedollarloancenter @cityofhenderson @clarkcountysch @ccsdparents #WeAreCCSD #CCSDCommunity #CCSDEngage #ccsdachieves #hendersonnv #orchestra #symphony #musicforall #musicinschools https://www.instagram.com/p/CrCF4CcPKT4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Sharing Music in the Community
“It ain't no fun if the homies can't have none.” Snoop Dogg
It’s simple. Things are better when we share them. I love sharing music with people. From sharing music with the community for charity, to sharing my choir with the community for local events, to sharing my choir with other choir leaders for their events.
Yesterday the Local Vocals had a recording session (thank you students from Leeds College of Music) with the legend Sammy King. We’ve sung with him a couple of times before and really enjoyed the experience so it made sense that when the opportunity arose to take it further and record something with him that we would go for it.
“For pleasure has no relish unless we share it.” Virginia Woolf
The experience of recording with an artist like Sammy King (a local songwriter and musician/singer who has performed with many well known bands including The Beatles and The Rolling Stones and written for legends like Roy Orbison) got me to thinking about collaboration and sharing in the music industry. But I’m talking specifically at the community level, so community choirs, orchestras, schools and so on.
Here are some simple ideas for how we can share more music in our communities:
1. Have our choirs perform at community events, like galas or markets, or for care homes or schools.
2. Give local music students a chance to perform at local events like choir concerts, or community events.
3. Have choirs support local artists in local performances.
4. Give collaborative choir concerts with neighbouring choirs.
5. Have community choirs working with local schools giving opportunities to students to conduct, accompany or sing.
6. Have local choir leaders give singing workshops at community or charity events.
7. Have choirs busking or flash-mobbing at markets, shopping centres or events.
“I understand that we're smarter than me. That's one reason I like the idea of sharing.” Toba Beta
Share away!
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Giving Your Students Music Lessons Is One Of The Best Things You Can Do For Them. Music Is A Gift That Will Last Throughout Their Lives. As a fine arts provider, Band for Today has been successfully implementing high-quality school music programs for 36 years. Over that time they have educated over 30,000 students using the life changing art of music. Band and piano programs provide a comprehensive approach to read and play music, ear training, performances, and furthering core curriculum by using learning objectives in literacy, math and social studies. Contact us to learn more!
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Tomorrow morning we'll be playing MOZART & TCHAIKOVSKY to the #students of Earl Haig Public School @earlhaigpssac as part of our Concerts Under Construction education/outreach program. #concertsarefun #concert #classicalmusic #orchestra #orchestramemes #torontoartscene #tdsb #musicinschools #musiceducation #concertsarelife #musicianslife #musicisforever #torontomusicscene #torontoconcerts #torontolife #torontoevents #musicaclassica #musiciseverything #SinfoniaToronto #nurhanarman #ontariomusic #ontarioevents #ontario (at Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/B37sMNDgcWC/?igshid=8uu48etde41w
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Regram from • @markdanielstenor Rochester, NY students listening to opera for the first time! I am so grateful to Gina Tripoli for exposing her students to this music! She said they clapped after every song! Music is universal and relatable for everyone! Music is so important! #rochesterny #operaguildofrochester #roctownlive #roctownevents #operasingersofinstagram #operasingersofinstagram #buffalo #syracuse #music #musicinschools @markdanielstenor (at Rochester, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmd6lrEuEkh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Our world is in great need of more #music #education. When children play #music, it allows a part of their #artistic mind to express itself, which is very important in helping to balance a child intellectually, spiritually, and emotionally. They develop sensitivity, discipline and endurance. And they get a beautiful heart! 02088839641 #musiceducation #childrenandmusic #musicinschools https://www.instagram.com/p/CkzsoQYozUn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Little Kids Rock and its one of the reasons we do what we do! Enjoy the virtual event here: https://qoo.ly/3bsx4c
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I’m so glad all three of my boys love music and art. They all play in their school band, middle school and high school. A cool thing the middle school band program has started doing is having a night of solos and ensembles, letting each kid perform at least once, along with food and drinks for sale and a silent auction. Businesses all over Austin and beyond donate stuff to help our kids grow in their love and appreciation of music! I’m doing my small part and donating some cute stuff for the cause. I want my kids to see how VERY important art and music is in our lives, even as adults! I’d be a different person if I didn’t have my creative outlets. How do you help support the arts in schools? We can do it! #artinschools #musicinschools #musiceducation #fineartseducation #savethemusic @vh1savethemusic (at Austin, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwSf-KtFDU_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=197e4mt0vutnz
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There’s still time to start in-school piano and band lessons! Band For Today is a turn-key solution to fine arts education. Even if you already have a music teacher or a band program, Band For Today may complement or enhance your existing curriculum! 800-883-9883 [email protected] https://www.academicentertainment.com/BandForToday #Band #Music #Art #Arts #FineArts #MusicLessons #BandLessons #ClassicalMusic #ThursdayThought #ThoughtfulThursday #BandForToday #piano #PianoLessons #MusicTeachers #MusicSchools #MusicInSchools #SmartFun #AcademicEntertainment https://www.instagram.com/p/B2CMiBJh-Pd/?igshid=1cxdlncusj1ir
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We had a fantastic time at @brebeufcollegeschool_tcdsb performing two back to back Concert Under Construction events. What wonderful students who followed the music attentively and came up with such great questions during the Q&A. They clearly have an excellent arts program @arts_brebeuf_tcdsb. Thank you for having us, and we hope to be back! #tcdsb #tdsb #torontoschools #torontoeducation #musicinschools (at Brebeuf College School) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpQoxyBgNBM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Working with children, sound and movement is a passion of mine. They both stimulate and open new neural pathways. One of the most primal ways to activate sound is through percussion and for years I had a program (Bang!Crash!Boom!) where my students played all sorts of percussion and junk to create, compose and learn the language of music. #sound #movement #NeuralPathways #Rebecca Dru #Druified #percussion #Junk #bangcrashboom #Passion #Spiritualxtc #Teach #Joy #musicinschool #soundheals #transforminglives #transformation #activate
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Our world is in great need of more #music #education. When children play #music, it allows a part of their #artistic mind to express itself, which is very important in helping to balance a child intellectually, spiritually, and emotionally. They develop sensitivity, discipline and endurance. And they get a beautiful heart! 02088839641 #musiceducation #childrenandmusic #musicinschools https://www.instagram.com/p/CkzsoQYozUn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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(via Music in schools gets an assist from Grammy organization)
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Day 3 of #thecommonsecu at @emilycarru where among other activities, I sat down with students for a Jam Session, complete with invented instruments and an adorable amplifier! Check out tomorrow and Friday's schedule for more free events! . . . #jamsession #thecommons #thecommonsecu #stufftodovancouver #stufftodoinvancouver #musicmeetup #ecuad #ecuevent #communityengagement #schoolevent #universityevent #instadaily #igdaily #vsco #vscofilter #cubeamp #musicinschools
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There are so many benefits for youth who learn music in school. Look at academia around the globe and compare those with music in schools to those without. #MusicinSchools https://ift.tt/2T1zISq
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I’m so glad all three of my boys love music and art. They all play in their school band, middle school and high school. A cool thing the middle school band program has started doing is having a night of solos and ensembles, letting each kid perform at least once, along with food and drinks for sale and a silent auction. Businesses all over Austin and beyond donate stuff to help our kids grow in their love and appreciation of music! I’m doing my small part and donating some cute stuff for the cause. I want my kids to see how VERY important art and music is in our lives, even as adults! I’d be a different person if I didn’t have my creative outlets. How do you help support the arts in schools? We can do it! #artinschools #musicinschools #musiceducation #fineartseducation #savethemusic @vh1savethemusic http://bit.ly/2XfjBOB
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