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museenkuss · 2 years ago
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Kanako Kuno really captures my dream life in her illustrations. Every piece radiates bone-deep joy. And she’s right!! She might be me! I’ll do my very best to make that a reality!
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rwpohl · 2 years ago
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ambrosethepoet · 1 year ago
Zum Video by Lady Aislinn
Im nebel dräut ein süßer duft Ein sanfter rausch liegt in der luft. Er wiegt und singt mich wohlig ein Mein aug erliegt dem bunten schein Mein ohr vernimmt es hell und klar Wie dies arom auf haut und haar Verklärt und heiße lüste weckt Mich wie das spiel der wolken neckt Ein musenkuss · der naht und flieht · Aus rose · lilie · margerit Und dann als hauch der köstlichkeit In dieser bittersüßen zeit Dem sinn · den sinnlichkeiten lacht! So · ist parfum und seine macht.
©️ Ambrose the Poet
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voluptuarian · 1 year ago
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tagged by @ravenkings 😘
rules: create a moodboard using photos from your camera roll
tagging: @thelovelygods, @manticoreimaginary, @a-story-teller, @musenkuss 💚💚💚
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beauty-forever · 10 months ago
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Video Die Macht des Parfums
Im nebel dräut ein süßer duft Ein sanfter rausch liegt in der luft. Er wiegt und singt mich wohlig ein Mein aug erliegt dem bunten schein Mein ohr vernimmt es hell und klar Wie dies arom auf haut und haar Verklärt und heiße lüste weckt Mich wie das spiel der wolken neckt Ein musenkuss · der naht und flieht · Aus rose · lilie · margerit Und dann als hauch der köstlichkeit In dieser bittersüßen zeit Dem sinn · den sinnlichkeiten lacht! So · ist parfum und seine macht.
by Ambrose the Poet
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themainspoon · 2 years ago
Ok everybody I’m not sure if this is really my place, but I have decided that it’s time for some of you down there in the tags to get
If you are tagged here it’s because you are one of the people I’ve decided to peer review, there was a lot going on in the tags and I wanted to respond to several at once. But before that I wanted to comment on two general trends I saw in the tags:
1: To start, It is important to state that I am a cis man specifically. There were some interesting comments relating to Trans-Masc experiences, their treatment within the wider queer community, and how some trans men have been reacting to that poor treatment. These comments are interesting and are 100% worth reading and discussing, but I also feel that because I am a cis man it isn’t really my place to be speaking on behalf of trans men in relation to the issues they face.
2: There were some people who were directly blaming “men are trash”-esque comments for turning men to the alt right. This is simply not what is happening. These comments are still actively harmful, but they just make progressive spaces slightly more hostile towards men and boys. While people 100% need to cut that shit out, the lack of positive spaces for men is a much larger and more pressing issue than people with Twitter Brain are. This isn’t saying that sort of toxic rhetoric is ok, but you’re charging in the wrong direction and assigning something more significance than it actually has.
Anyway, on to the specific peer reviews:
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I wanted to talk a little about MRA history, because you are right in saying that they did identify gender roles as the cause of their issues (at one point), but they also changed over time to become what we know today. While there are historical examples of “Mens Rights Movements” throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, they were all just purely anti-feminist backlash. Opposed to its predecessors though, the modern movement has an interesting history in that it actually began as the “mens liberation movement”, and our modern day MRA’s are the result of a schism.
The modern movement began in the 60’s and 70’s as a response to many of the cultural changes going on at the time. It was different to earlier examples of movements like it because it actually focused on gender roles as the cause of mens problems. However, as previously mentioned, the movement split. It split into two main groups, who can be simply understood as those who were anti-feminist (our modern day MRA’s), and those who were pro-feminist. The Pro-Feminists split off into a bunch of different orgs, the main of which was an org dedicated to fighting sexual violence against women. But broadly speaking the pro-feminists became male feminists, and let the whole “Mens Lib” thing evaporate, leaving only the MRA’s talking about mens issues. Recently there have been some “Mens Lib” groups popping up (mainly online), these groups tend to be pro-feminist, they’re not always perfect but it’s good that one or two are starting to pop up again.
I agree that gender is a social construct, and also that Tate should get his skull stomped against the pavement. But you do lose me at a certain point, you’re certainly cooking something, but I don’t recognise that smell.
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I just wanted to say that yes guys in Incel groups are very mean to eachother, but while that looks like pure cruelty from the outside it’s actually validation for them. They feel unloveable, they believe that all that exists for them is misery, and yet when they express that to most people they get fed the same stock one liners about how they just need to love themselves or how they’ll “find the one” someday. But I think that a lot of them are more plugged in than we realise, they know that their issues are caused by some sort of structure or system (that system is hegemonic masculinity, they don’t fit traditionally masculine roles and a lot of their problems result from this), but they don’t know what that system is. Not only do they not know, they probably also feel like they’re actively being gaslit by everybody around them. And so, when they find a group of people who tell them shit about “Alphas” and “Betas”, “Chads” and “Stacies”, and how they have no hope, they’ve actually found a group of people who validate their feelings. In this case that’s bad, but they don’t find validation elsewhere…
As opposed to the rest of your tags I’m not sure I get what you are trying to say with the whole beauty influencer thing. Like, I get we need these guys to stop blaming women and minorities, but I’m not sure how that suggestion really helps with that? I don’t know, maybe I don’t get it because I was forced to have short hair for most of my life and I’ve been much happier ever since I grew it out, and therefore the whole “get a haircut” suggestion would actually make my emotional state 100,000 times worse. Maybe I just can’t get past that thought and am failing to see your point because of it.
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You’ve successfully done what the people you’re complaining about can’t, which is to seperate the structure from those it benefits. There isn’t much to add, I just appreciate you for being a real one.
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I feel like you miss the point a little here. Sure you aren’t wrong, but if you aren’t risking assuming that any men are safe, than to do that I feel like you need to assume that all men are unsafe. And to be honest I don’t really think there is enough of a difference between assuming that all men are a threat and assuming that all men are unsafe to warrant the distinction, at least not from the perspective of somebody on the receiving end of those assumptions. But also, it isn’t unreasonable to behave in that way, those assumptions are made in the interest of your own safety, and even though it feels shitty to be on the receiving end of those assumptions constantly, that doesn’t mean that they don’t make sense.
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This is kind of the paradox of positive mens spaces, we desperately need spaces for men to be vulnerable with one another, but the very forces that make establishing these spaces so important are the same ones that make doing so difficult, and that can also just straight up prevent them from working.
I’m not sure how to solve this. But I think that it’s important to bring up that this does happen.
There should be actual self-help spaces for men (and especially young men) that aren’t just alt-right recruitment centers.
As a person who was a dude the places I wanted to go to with kind people (usually queer people) had at least a few people saying that “men are trash” or “men are inherent dangers” with no pushback and it scared me.
I’m decently emotionally mature and realized that just because some outliers were assholes didn’t mean the whole place was terrible but what about younger or less emotionally mature boys? They see “oh men are trash” and see no pushback then think “Oh. These people do not like me for something I cannot change. These other people (Jordan Peterson fans) like me for who I am (they don’t but they say they do). I will go to the place I feel safer and happier.”
Without a kind safe space for boys then they will go to these toxic places. I used to read a good amount of posts on r/Teachers and a lot of them are saying the boys don’t respect them, love people like Andrew Tate, so on and so forth. This is what happens when the only “safe spaces” for boys aren’t actually safe.
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ribudeinfroind · 6 years ago
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kurzes innehalten in den bündner bergen - wäre schön, wenn mich diese musse das ganze jahr begleiten würde... ispired by @corinnevalaer und @dianasoriat - danke für den input #sketchnotes #bulletjournal #bulletjournalideas #mydiary #diary #tagebuch #musse #musenkuss #creative #drawingjournal #drawing#draw#drawingoftheday #zeitzumzeichnen #gezeichnetestagebuch #gezeichnet (hier: Engadin) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsJFT1zBJJ0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17no4a8sw8shd
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solveig-klaus · 7 years ago
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Heut knutsch ich nur mit meiner Muse!
Küsse – betörend, beflügelnd und rein.
Und dann denk ich bei mir, zähm nun das schreibende Tier, in Buchstaben, Worten und Sätze, geboren werden sollen literarische Schätze, jetzt oder nie, doch - weg ist sie.
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thesecretfairygarden · 2 years ago
A little reminder that we’re a network and we don’t do promo4promo, nor do we encourage spammy behaviour of that kind on posts we reblogged :)
[This doesn’t apply to sharing of art work and the like of course, which we haven’t done in a while but hopefully will do again once our schedules are less busy 🌙✨]
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typinggently · 4 years ago
hey, are you still writing Tofie? 💙
thank you for asking, sweetheart ♥️ ✨
I’m asking myself the same thing haha 💌 I miss writing for them a lot!
In general I miss writing a lot :x
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musenkuss · 2 years ago
Got the url of my dreams — @musenkuss
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museenkuss · 2 years ago
"The spring of your life lasts until you're 18, your summer up until 30, then you pass into autumn and-" Are you crazy? Are you insane? Every year I live through spring and summer and autumn and winter, I feel the first warm wind in my hair and I watch the rain of magnolia blossoms. I smell peaches in my sun-warm kitchen and feel grass tickling between my toes. I watch the bats dance in lilac dusk and stain my fingertips with blackberries. I have tea on dark mornings and stop to admire the crystalline spiderwebs. Life is a constant delight of ever-changing seasons and I get to experience it again and again, to the fullest, every year, at every age.
"you're a blossoming flower until you hit 25" — I blossom every spring. What are you talking about?
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ongoingdisaster · 4 years ago
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ambrosethepoet · 2 years ago
Zum Video by Lady Aislinn
Wenn ich an meine muse denke Sei es bei tage oder nacht Denk ich dem göttlichen geschenke  Das mir die poesie entfacht. Denn dies geschenk ist mehr als Liebe:  Es ist ein lebenselixier! Ein bund · ätherisch · ohne triebe Erlösend von dem jetzt und hier.  Es wurzelt urtief in der seele  Ist neue saat und frischer keim  Den ich den höchsten göttern stehle  Verpflanzt zu zeile und zu reim. Gedichte sind geschriebne rosen Auf lichter erde aus papier Und blüh'n im kleinen wie im großen  Durch einen Musenkuss von dir! 
©️ Ambrose the Poet
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martinstieger-blog · 5 years ago
Hans Sachs Institut Wels (HSI)
Das Hans Sachs Institut Wels wurde im Mai 1993 von Renate und Martin Stieger mit der Idee gegründet, die lebenslange Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung insbesondere für Berufstätige zu ermöglichen.
Namensgeber war Hans Sachs, der auch in Wels von „der Muse geküsst wurde“.
Mit großem Erfolg konnten jahrelang gut besuchte Seminare[1], insbesondere die Seminare „Fachkraft Recht[2]“, eine…
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musenkuss-hirngespinnst · 6 years ago
Ich geh ständig, auf einem dünnen Seil spazieren. Drohe ständig zu fallen, halte mich hier und dort fest, um paar Schritte zu taumeln und danach lächelnd zu verkünden, das dass alles zu Show gehört, ja alles in bester Ordnung! Wieder ein paar Schritte zurück, nur zur Balance, schnell, schnell vorwärts bevor ich wieder droh zu fallen. Stolz werfe ich meinen Stab weg, ein paar akrobatische Figuren sind alles, was ihr seht. Doch ich sehe wie mein Drahtseilakt zu einer einzigen Farce verkommt. Nicht mehr ich bestimme, nicht ich zeige was ich alles kann, nein ich spiele für euch dieses Chaos. Immer übermütiger werde ich, erkenne keine Grenzen mehr. Nehme das Sicherungsseil ab. Werfe es in das johlende Publikum. Nur einmal sich fühlen, sich wahrnehmen, nur sich selbst als liebenswert, lebenswert begreifen. Aber es reicht noch nicht, spüre noch nicht das ich lebe! Mein Blick schweift umher, was kann noch weg... Da! Das Fangnetz. Nun lebe ich, ich spüre mich, ich bin jemand! Alle Augen auf mich! Bitte seht mich endlich! Ihr alle
... Mama auch du!
Ich falle... Ich falle... Der Boden, wo kommt der her? Ich falle...
Ein letztes Mal...
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