#Muse: [ Riku ]
smartzelda · 8 months
Watching Re: Chain of Memories Cutscenes again for fic purposes, and like
Putting aside how I forgot just how gay this game and some of the lines are (looking at you, Repliku)
In the scene where Repliku turns around to be all like "I thought I told you to go home!" to Sora, he starts out walking away. And after Sora starts running at him, there's like a full second where Repliku looks like this
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He just smiles before turning around all frustrated
I just
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dailycupofcreativitea · 2 months
I was literally jumping when Riku FINALLY admitted he was jealous of Sora. Riku!!!!!! He grew so much since KH1!! Their whole conversation had me screaming cause all the passive aggressiveness they were slinging at each other in KH1 was finally just...cleared away, and they professed their friendship openly. With ocean waves in the back...it was so refreshing!!! And bittersweet because they were both accepting their fate on the dark side (before Kairi calls them back).
When Riku hugged Mickey, knowing that Mickey helped Riku in CoM, I got so emotionallll
When Sora hugged and nuzzled Donald and Goofy I was sobbinggggg
I know there's technically more games than imply this ending wasn't that happy (ex. Roxas and Namine getting absorbed (?) into Sora and Kairi) but I'm an amateur noob and haven't played the other games yet so to ME this is happy 🥹🥹🥹
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dnangelic · 5 days
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its simple if u cant handle daisuke at his dark then u'll never be able to handle dark at his daisuke. ppl better not be catching on the idea that only daisuke doesn't want to expose dark. dark doesn't want to expose daisuke either in most cases. it's mutual. their feelings, their secret(s) are shared, and the way that dai doesn't believe anybody could like him after realizing his true self (dark, his criminal status or his being a literal 'monster') is only the reverse side of dark believing nobody would actually like him after realizing his true self (daisuke, his very own human flaws and inferiority that are completely separate from his suave phantom thief image.)
people assume daisuke's without flaw or sin and dark's without inferiority but that's entirely what it's about. it's about people being deeper than you'd expect, the sides of a single person being complex, to the point that as you learn new things sometimes the perceived differences between expectation and reality can surprise, even scare you. daisuke and dark are always acutely aware they can disappoint so many people. they're acutely aware they ALREADY ARE disappointing so many people. which is also why they only ever want to bring themselves forward with someone, the kind of muse who's going to be their forever, and i don't mean that just in a romantic sense. it has to be someone they can wholly and absolutely trust (after some time and bonding,) or suddenly have to due to circumstances.
once they show you their 'secret' you become theirs and they become yours. until then, dark and daisuke are going to avoid and not find any comfort in anybody who can only love them in halves, any sentiment that rings with condition; i love you but not actually as you are. these deeper feelings about their self-perceived flaws, dark having pathetic aspects that break his arrogant and capable image, daisuke having 'sinful' ones that break his innocent or harmless image, are TRUTHS about themselves. they should be taken seriously for anything positive because dark and daisuke themselves feel seriously about it. if u can't be trusted to handle daisuke at his dark then u can't b trusted to handle dark at his daisuke. even if one or the other is asleep during an interaction, the both of them are still always there.
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muses-morii · 8 months
Oh No, he's hot.
Fanfiction time with Soap! Yay! I'm writing SoRiku again! @bloodbondcd - not exactly a starter, it can be if you want! I just mainly wanted to post this cause I thought it was cute! Haha! <3
~ Sora~
What a weird thought. Sora blinked at the words on the pages of the book. Seeing them, but not reading them. He was sitting in one of the tower common rooms, elbow on the arm of the couch, propping his head up, legs crossed, book held in his other hand. He'd been reading it, because it had seemed interesting; some theory about some ancient dark creatures that were rumoured to have at one point, plagued the worlds; The Faceless. Then a thought slipped in between the words on the page, that had given the Keyblade Master pause. Giving his head a small shake, licking his lips and snuggling back further into the couch, Sora continued reading. Or, he tried to anyway, but the thought kept coming back. Riku's hot.
Grimacing, Sora narrowed his eyes and stared at the book, determined to get through the damn sentence. Like, actually though. Not like he's wearing too many clothes, but like hot, hot.
Eye twitching, he shifted on the couch, leaned forward and gripped the book with both hands, bringing it closer to his face, his eyes burning through the book. Actually, he does wear too many clothes. “Augh!” Making a sound of frustration, Sora threw himself back against the couch and slouching, pressed the book to his burning face as his mind supplied him with images of Riku naked. Which surprisingly, wasn't hard to do. He'd seen the man naked before. They'd been friends and comrades in arms long enough for that to have happened more than once.
So why did he look so damn attractive in his head!? He was his best friend for gods sake!
Not just in my head. Squeezing his eyes shut, Sora grit his teeth and tried to think of anything else, but his brain just wouldn't drop the image of Riku, with his rippling muscles, toned legs, big arms and buff chest coming closer to him and--- Whoa! Face burning, Sora pressed the book harder against his face and slunk down further on the couch. Biting his lip, he gave up all pretense of trying to read the book and let his brain look at that image again. The scene that was starting to play out in his mind. Maybe Riku was hot. Oh man, he totally is.
Sora sunk down a little further, hands tightly gripping the edges of the book. Riku coming closer. Riku taking him into his arms. Riku leaning down and lifting his chin... Wow. Wow was right. Nothing like the realization you're attracted to your best friend while reading a book about blood thirsty cryptids. Sora rolled his eyes. It wasn't a realization. It was hardly the first time he'd had these thoughts about Riku. He'd been having them for a long time. He couldn't say for sure when they started. When they were kids? When they were figuring out how to save the Worlds instead of worrying about homework? Honestly, there'd just never been any time to really sit down and think about it. Maybe it was when Riku became his Dream Eater that he started thinking about him that way. The door opened suddenly and Sora shot straight up, face blazing and fumbling the book. “I'm not thinking about, Riku!” He shouted, just to make sure the Broom knew he was actually thinking lewd thoughts about the man. He stared at the Broom and oddly enough, the Broom, unmoving, seemed to stare back. The silence stretched on for seconds, turning into minutes and then the Broom went about its cleaning and Sora huffed out a sigh of relief. Dropping his head to his chest and letting his hands (and the book) rest in his lap. He was going crazy. These thoughts kept cropping up lately. He always tried to shrug them off, or distract himself with something else, because who the hell thought about their best friend in that way? There was some cardinal rule against dating your number one, wasn't there? Aqua and Terra are a thing.
Okay but, that was different.
Is it though?
They had history.
So, what do Riku and I have? Water under the bridge? A bag full of gummies, but no blueprints?
Sighing again, Sora looked up, one hand coming to rest on the back of his neck. He'd been having these thoughts for years. Even when they were on the island as kids. Riku was always good looking and powerful and back then, he'd just decided it was envy.
Then, when Riku went missing with King Mickey, he'd put everything he had into finding him, because he was his best friend, right? Then there was Kairi. It hadn't worked out.
He'd broken her heart.
He just didn't feel about her, the way she wanted him to feel. Rubbing the back of his neck, Sora looked towards the bookshelf, wondering if there was something on it that would explain what was happening to him right now. He knew there wasn't. The very idea that Master Yensid would have books on sexual attractions was laughable. Maybe Romantic attractions too? No, not unpacking that one yet.
Standing up from the couch, Sora stepped over to the bookshelf and absently slid the book back into place, his eyes unfocused and looking at something beyond the room.
Riku was hot. Sora did want him to hold him in his arms and touch him and... And kiss him.
And as his brain supplied images of what all could happen, he put his newly blushing face into his hand, eyes closed, his other hand dropping away from the book. Despite his embarrassment, he didn't try to banish the thought this time, instead letting it play out in his mind until it became too raunchy and he looked up with a sharp breath, hands twitching before him as he wondered what he was supposed to do with them. “Oh man...” Where even was Riku? Unbidden, Sora moved away from the bookshelf, his mind stuck on that thought. Where was the man in question? The current object of his desires? Leaving the common room, he looked both ways down the hall and then headed for the stairs.
First, his feet took him to the kitchen, then the big dining hall, then Master Yensid's study - “Sorry sir! No, I don't need anything!”
But he did. He needed Riku's hands on him.
He quickly shut the door of the study, took a few breaths and then opened it back up. “Um, have you seen, Riku?” How many times, over his life had he asked that? How many times had he been chasing after him? “Yes, he was just here. I believe he went to his room.”
“His room? Okay! Thanks!”
Bidding Master Yensid goodbye, Sora pulled the door gently shut and then made his way through the tower to the dormitory wing. He remembered how much of a headache this place had first given him when he was trying to figure out how it worked. Now, he just knew where to go like it was second nature. Reaching Riku's room, Sora stood in front of his door. What am I doing? He raised his hand to knock.
What do I want to happen here? He let his hand drop and stared at the door, giving a soft sigh. I want him to want me.
“Yeah right...” Sora muttered quietly and shifted to the side ready to leave when a noise sounded behind him. “I want Riku!” He announced loudly, which was totally not what he wanted to say. Spinning around, he stared at the Boom carrying buckets of water, hands clapped over his mouth. The Broom, stared back and Sora wonder if it could douse him with one of the buckets while he drowned himself in the other.
Then Riku's door opened and Sora whipped around with a surprised look on his face.
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espectres · 2 months
@audienceled sent: 
' suzuki-kun ... ' her hands clutch together, and gripped in between them, a movie showing ticket. anybody could make a good guess as to what she wants to ask, but it's a little awkward for her, nonetheless --- not for as long as she felt that she didn't quite wholly grasp or understand the personality of the boy in front of her. ' um, action movies ... do you like them? ' her cheeks flush; blaze red a little, but her voice only toughens, maintaining a steady, audible volume. ' i asked my other friends if they wanted to go, but nobody was interested or had the time. watching something like this doesn't feel as much fun as having someone to talk about it with, so ... ' her arms thrust the ticket out towards him. not unlike someone making a sharp stab at kendo or fencing. ' don't joke, okay? it's a free ticket. if you say you're going to go, then you'd better show up. '
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HIS SCREEN TURNS OFF WITH A CLICK , a conversation -well, more of a debate- with Ootsuki that went on a little too long, going back on forth about some solutions for ...  little inconveniences that encountered him at school. A particular topic about whether or not it'd be fine if he took some asshole's shoes and threw them in the sewer for threatening another student who has been really nice to Shou- it goes on for so long before Shou realizes maybe he shouldn't be asking Ootsuki for good advice to begin with. 
Speaking of good advices, Shou muses fondly while acknowledging Riku with a simple smile. And it's the mention of one of his favorite genres that makes him visibly perk up. " 'Course I do. " He has a deep liking for thrillers the most, he keeps that detail for himself, though, vaguely aware of how much is sharing vs oversharing in this time, setting and conversation at hand. In this flimsy sense of friendship that hasn't fully solidified into something stronger & confident yet. It's either Riku has a really hot tempter, or that he's being a bad kind of asshole without realizing it. It's most likely the later, given how Ootsuki called him that just earlier this morning- but the former can't be entirely of question either, right ? 
" You want me to come along ?  " He sounds confused and somewhat amused, maybe about being such an afterthought ( but a thought, nonetheless ) , or how she looked like she just needed a little training and it'd be enough to kick his ass, or how nice she's being despite the vaguely threatening attitude. His confusion softens away, leaving place for something relaxed and eager. If anything, he now knows there is no one better than Riku whom he could enjoy watching actions movies with.
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" Sweet, I'll be there. " He snatches the ticket from her hands as quick as she has offered it to him, inspecting the small paper for the details. And what's up with questioning his honesty ?  He wasn't that kind of asshole. She's gotta pay for that. And so he feigns concern, corners of his lips falling dramatically. " Man, we're gonna have a real hard time -  " He pockets the ticket & his hands, turning back to Riku with the laziest little smirk on his lips. "  - making this look like anything but a date.  " 
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mnstcrbnll · 23 hours
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[ btw before pride ends. hi ]
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knightfeared · 10 months
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𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐘 𝐁𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐃  ⁺  . ✦   ➤  riku & other kh characters + kh edits  [ ; ]  BONDS / PLAYLIST
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heartwayfinder · 10 months
The Bond of Darkness || @voidedgear
Riku sighed lightly as he saw a dark haired boy on his own, he knew who he was. Vanitas. He'd heard about him and saw him briefly at the graveyard but had not had the chance to fight him. Now Xehanort was gone, there wasn't just a simple good and bad side anymore. Sure, there were still heartless to take out and stray nobodies but that would be an issue they'd be dealing with for eternity and Riku didn't mind that as it was the balance. In his eyes there shouldn't be too much of either side, darkness had just as much of a place in the world as light and he was an example of that idea with both him and Ansem existing as one. 
"Mind if I sit here?" Riku approached the boy, but sat down before the other could respond. He knew that if he waited he’d be turned down and he wanted a chance to talk to the other. He’d never had the chance to actually talk to him, it was kind of hard to with not only how Vanitas was but with how much he looked like Sora. Riku knew that was a stupid reason, after all he’s talked to plenty of other versions of himself that weren’t himself but when it came to Sora he was protective over. Vanitas looked like him but was nothing like him, not even his heartless or nobody and it was unnerving.
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He looked at Vanitas and passed him a drink as a peace offering and looked out ahead of them, “It’s a nice view, huh?” It was always nice coming back here, the place that had once been broken and torn flooded with heartless now radiated with life and light. It was probably why it was named that from the very beginning of its creation, Riku couldn’t even begin to imagine how it looked when it was first built and in its prime. “You know, it’s quite hard to catch you. Seems when I hear you’re about you, you’ve already left. Do you have a gummi phone? Might make it easier to talk in the future.” Was he being overly friendly? Maybe. Sora was always better as these kinds of things but Riku wanted Vanitas to know he was accepted and could rely on him if he wanted to.
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mmag-translations · 1 year
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From Good Morning ‘til Good Night | By Nagisora Riku Tags: Adult life
Follow Honoka and Umi in their daily, cohabitation routine.
Read it on Dynasty Scans. Translated for Honoka’s 2022 Birthday.
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aspiringroleplays · 1 year
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"He-ey." Sora called out irately. His spikey black head glistened from the sea water, blue eyes sharp in frustration. He was shoulders up, popped out of the sea water. "HE-EY!" A pout of irritation, before he chucked a shell, right for the head of his best friend. "HEY! Pay attention to me!"
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voidedgear · 5 months
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random ooc ramblings in the tags don't mine me--
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muses-morii · 8 months
@fleurdudestin asked: 👄 2 (fleurdudestin -Riku?) (I'm guessing this is from Riku to Sora? That's what I went with, haha!) 2. A Hand Kiss
~ Sora ~
Riku was sad. Sora couldn't say for sure what was plaguing his friend, he didn't seem to want to talk about it, not yet anyway. So, as Riku leaned against one side of the window, looking out at the night sky, Sora leaned against the other side, giving silent comfort with his presence.
How long they stood there, watching the stars twinkle softly, he didn't know, but a glance at Riku, told Sora that the Master was thinking deep and heavy thoughts. The kind of thoughts that weighed heavily on the mind. He wondered what he was thinking about... “You know...” Sora began, looking down briefly and then reaching out, he stepped closer to Riku and gently took one of his hands, in his own. “Our hearts shine with light. They show us the way.” He smiled up at him, noticing that he had Riku's full attention, he gave his hand a soft squeeze. “But I've come to... To love the dark, too.” Looking to the side, Sora gazed out at the sky.
“Without it, we'd be blinded and we'd never see the stars.” And Sora felt his hand lifted in Riku's hold and a soft kiss was pressed to it and he smiled out at the night.
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baymaxmuses · 4 months
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Lottie steps back a bit and pulls out a megaphone, intending to cause a noise feedback now. She will not back down. Let her in.
"How about we do!"
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Good lord, he hates it here.
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"C'mon man, don't be mean. Respond back."
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"Because I don't want to???"
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"He's right, man. You really shouldn't be mean to her. It's not like she's being malicious."
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"That's what I'm saying! She's just looking to have fun, don't be a stick in the mud!"
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"Why am I surrounded by such goody two-shoes?"
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"Answer. The door."
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"... Fine. I'll open the f***ing door."
Finally, Snatcher answered (after peer pressure), and gestured his arms.
"What's uh... what's up?"
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mnstcrbnll · 4 months
vocaloid assignment: very specifically シャンティ(Shanti) by wotaku for Riku
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knightfeared · 9 months
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∆ HEAL ∆ - sender treats a wound on the receiver’s hand - To Riku from Sora
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𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀 𝐒𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐑 — 𝐀 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐋𝐘 𝐁𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐌𝐄𝐀𝐍𝐓 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐑 𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐒 𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄 & 𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐅𝐀𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘'𝐃 𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐍, 𝐁𝐔𝐓 𝐀𝐋𝐒𝐎 𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐏𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐘 𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐅-𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐔𝐋𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐓. Nostalgic. It was strange to think — jarring almost — how an old dream, one sought for so desperately all those years ago on that Island led to all of this. One that made him wish for a freedom he knew deep down wouldn't be satiated — not to easily, anyways. Big dreams, larger then reality could ever provide, they clouded & stormed, eventually thundering to a chaos that left their little trio separated. Time had passed, trials endured defiantly, followed along, chased through the simple stubborn tether that linked their hearts.
A genuine bond that was cherished close, guiding like a distant star until they found eachother again — things were calm for once. Though still mending, not all things admittedly fixed & settled, that restlessness, the guilt — it began to ebb like the waves on Destiny Island's soothing shores. That was more then enough for him, more then he could have hoped for.
It was the first time in what felt like years where they could finally reconnect, just exist in eachother's company without some other new threat to the worlds rising.
Some new issue in need of a key-blade to fix.
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But with the clashing of their blades, each well practiced maneuver feels like an old, well-loved dance they hadn't forgotten as they twist & weave around one another. The scent of the ocean, the sound of the tides & the feel of the wind as it combs through his hair, leaves stray bits of pale to obscure his vision with a quickened whip to the side to counter the cheeky Islander — he can't help it if his own lips quirk skywards. Laughter flits free, draping through the air like familiar melody as they gradually continue their spar, testing new spells little by little in confident trust the other would be fine.
As much as Riku hates to say it, it feels like when they were kids, small hands wielding wooden swords fashioned together out of stray driftwood, tied tight with ropes snagged from fishing boats lining the coastline. Grander visions tinging their sights in dreamy rose as they clashed & clacked blades then in petty battles that feel all too simple with what he knew now.
That slip into his thoughts, it costs him.
Cursing internally, Riku dodges in time, just barely — out of the way of one of the younger's downward slashes. A simple step to the side that costs him as he finds his footing slipping. Too deep in the routine, it's one that's been practiced time & time before, it's hard to stop when confidence guides the hand — Riku acts as fast as he can, calling his key-blade to his other hand, instinctively bracing. He just narrowly avoids getting his face thwacked hard by the kingdom key, but he's not able to avoid injury even with that attempt. He fumbles, stumbling back, hissing loudly with a pained wince as a sharp pain flares through his wrist.
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The weak one — it hadn't healed properly . . . figures it'd come back to bite him now. As soon as the other hears the sound, in a bright flourish of light, he calls his blade away, rushing over, hands hovering around Riku, worry creasing tense features as Sora tries to ask if he's okay.
Swallowing, Riku wants to lie & say yes, but that throbbing pain refuses to leave, protective grasp curled tight around his wrist as he moves to steal somewhere to sit for a moment. Sora follows, eyes wide, guilt bleeding from him in heavy waves — Riku casts a glance his way, apologetic, reassuring as he can express, before another wince peeks. Sora settles at his side on the stray log, gently prying his hand from where it rest. His hands are warm, each small movement done with clear care as he studies the wrappings still binding his wrist. There's a huffed sound, disbelief he thinks, prompting a sheepish cough as that same tense silence lingers. But when he feels warmth beginning to pool at the space it hurt the most, followed by the telling light of a spell being cast, Riku turns his attention back, pale brows furrowed, watching as the other tries his best to wordlessly ease the pain.
An explanation was probably expected. Either that or a scolding for trying to fight with an injury without telling him.
He supposes it's only fair . . . So much for a simple spar.
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                         @muses-morii​  ╲   SORA.    . ⋆ ✦ ⋆ .   PROMPTED.
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ask-dark-monita · 11 months
😈 riku
Send “😈“  to meet a corrupted version of my muse.
In other words, if Riku decided to stick fully to the darkness.
"Giving up already? C'mon, Sora, I thought you were stronger than that."
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He taunted the defeated Sora after taking out all of his friends, placing his Soul Eater near close the boy's throat, ready to finish him off next.
Despite this, however, Sora still wasn't going to give up no matter what. He then uses his keyblade to smack away the evil Riku's Soul Eater and would slowly get back up on his feet. Strong emotions were all that Sora was feeling, and he knew that he would never let the evil side win, even if it were to kill him at the very end.
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"I... won't let you win, Riku!"
With keyblade still in hand, Sora would go one more round in fighting his former best friend, giving it everything he's got.
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