#Murder drones has better writing tho
atreeofhedgehogs · 2 months
Chloe Bourgeois and Serial Designation V compared:
The most obvious one, they're both total divas:
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They both grew up in abusive households:
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They both have a crush on really like a main character:
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They both have good hearts deep deep down:
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Despite their usual unpleasantness, they both still have friends:
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Both of their closest friends also grew up in abusive households and are traumatized cinnamon rolls:
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They both grow into becoming heroes in their own right:
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And of course, they both get murdered and replaced with clones(RIP):
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bluginkgo · 9 months
Welcome to yet another Ginkgo rants installment. I am your host, and today's sh*t I'd like to touch on is the many different errors, X's and symbols that are seen throughout the show.
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Spoilers, duh
This is actually just me shamelessly talking about something, someone smarter has already talked about. I've mentioned LoreDrone from YouTube before, and one of the best theories they've got is regarding all of the random symbols we see throughout the show. I'll quickly summarize the idea here tho.
The first question that would have to be answered is what does Error: 606 really mean? I'm not techy or sciency enough to give you a solid answer, but there is this idea.
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Drones are programmed with OS strings, directly stated by Absolute Solver and mentioned throughout the rest of the show. LoreDrone used N as an example:
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So, say someone or something (like Absolute Solver) wishes to upgrade N into a disassembly drone. One of the core strings must be removed in order to incorporate the Absolute Solver string. It is during this period of time that when the core string is missing, the worker drones have the Error: 606 message. The only time 606 number has been mentioned would be when the tape played at the beginning of episode 5, Home.
Alright, let's say the gang has been upgraded into disassembly drones. Error: 606 message disappears and they begin their new mission. Next question would be what do the X visors mean then? Once again, from the tape seen in Episode 5:
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X means there is a faulty OS string and something isn't lining up in the AI core programming. But how can that be? All of our disassembly gang work just fine. The X only shows up when they're going on a murder spree.
Exactly! When the gang is on a murder spree, their functions are heightened, using all of their weapons and abilities that were given by the Absolute Solver. It is during this time that the Absolute Solver core string becomes agitated and is more likely to take over and corrupt the trio. In order to combat this, they have a CYN administration blocking the Absolute Solver string from fully corrupting them. So, for every time that the Absolute Solver string attempts to corrupt the disassembly drone, CYN administration kicks in and stops it. Looking more like this:
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The admin program switches the OS string of the Absolute Solver to false and causes the X on the visor.
Diving in deeper LoreDrone dissected the entire hacking process that Uzi did in the same manner. She entered V's and N's memories in order to restore them. But the issue was that Doll showed up in the middle of all this, while Uzi was trying to update and reprogram the administration, causing this:
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With the admin program string missing, Error: 606 pops on their visors. This is quickly followed by the Absolute Solver symbol.
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As it sees the perfect moment to take possession of the disassembly drones. Thankfully, Uzi gives up the bug key and finishes writing the new admin program.
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Returning N and V to their usual self.
Now, if you're crazy enough to make it through all of this. GO WATCH THE VIDEO NOW ^_^
They explain it way better than me, and their "chats" with N are so hilarious. Then come back and yell at me about your own thoughts. Cause I have not seen any other solid theory that explains all the errors and X's in the show.
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sztefa001 · 3 years
Question about your transformers OCs, if they could get a pet. What would it be? (Also hi Sztefa!)
Okay so
Here comes the promised wall of text that took me 4 evenings to write:
Bit of summary: camera drones for Taf and Breeze (that's canon), kitty for Mini, and probably therapy dogs for all the rest xD ;w; Also I feel like a lot of that's gonna become canon. Including Morph getting a [read! not gonna spoil that one!]
Also there's a doodle at the end! :3c
Seekers Taffy and Breeze:
The pastel babs who lived away from the war in relative luxury had a bunch of cyber pets transforming into camera drones and that's canon. They're all actually one and the same pet 'cuz hive mind. Not an Earth-based pets as, well, back then they weren't on Earth nor they knew of it's existance. But you know those funny miniature goats? That's how the drone pets behave. So yeah, babies. All of them. While in drone mode they record all the best shots of the pastel babs so that the pretty seekers can select, edit, cut out gifs, pics, make videos, etc. Yep, they're influencers and celebrities. Lord Master makes big money out his two pretty properties. After breaking out and escaping they manage so save one of them and it later lives with them. Once they have a chance they most likely buy one or two more and copy that one's personality so that it has company (it feels better while in more bodies). Happy bunch once again, yay!
Seeker Renfrew:
Battered by war Breeze's long lost trinemate, some time later sparkbonds with Taffy as well. Enjoys the presence of the funny little camera drone (makes him smile!) but what he needs most is probably a therapy trained dog. Maybe Terry helps him get a specially trained cyber dog? Ren ofc appreciates Earth creatures as well, is happy when they're not scared of him.
Flying Minibot MiniMint
Being raised on Earth she's used to Earth creatures. It saddens her that they live for such a short time but it doesn't stop her from making friends with them. Is friends with local cats, dogs, birds, etc. Most likely there was/is a cat or two in her life but it's not like she's actively adopting them. If one likes her and decides to stay - "Welp, guess I have a cat now :D" Also during one of her adventures on another planet she makes friends with big horse-like creatures (or maybe just cyber horses, idk). Imagine tiny bot the size of a human riding on a wild giant robo-horse leading the whole herd. Wow.
"The Big Guy / Widower / Old Man / Ex Mafia Boss"
This guy is a side character and doesn't have a name yet, created for the sole purpose of hitting Alpine's oc Holly with major angst and drama. His story may change but what stays is that the love of his life suddenly dies and he doesn't take it well ("time to murder everyone and then myself"). But eventually he calms down and adopts a cyber dog. Big borzoi looking bab who was too nice to become an attack beast. Not therapy-trained but really good at at her job. Knows when to quietly hug or when to throw a husky-like tantrum. 10/10 best girl and she's canon.
BM-21 Grad TerrorRain
The war may be over but this hotheaded multiple rocket launcher still has no chill. Would like an attack beast, loyal and obedient. Gets a cyber doberman or sth like that to give it a military training. All goes well untill the dog is ordered to attack someone that's not a training doll. It loves destruction, sure. But when ordered to hurt another living being it will curl up apologetically and start whining. At first Terry is angry and frustrated but soon learns that there's really no need to be so violent anymore.
Monoformer Morphine
Dead inside and worn out by the war medic who may or may not be a bit addicted to sleeping pills. He doesn't really care much about anything. Would never adopt a pet on his own - that's effort and responsibility and he has already barely any energy to function. Once Terry gets a cyber dog he doesn't pay much attention to it except for being basic decent (giving head pats when doggo wants, maybe sneaking a treat or just letting the dog get spoiled a bit when Terry's not looking). He doesn't expect much from the dog but turns out its a real good boi that knows exactly when Morph is just fatigued and when has a bigger crisis. Cuddles up to the poor medic or tries to get his attention to provide distraction. Often prevents Morph from taking more drugs than he should. This also teaches Terry how to differentiate between Morph's regular-depressed and gonna-drug-myself-to-pass-out-for-the-rest-of-the-night-crisis.
Also I can't get one image out of my head, said image being Morph feeling free while horse riding. I want him to have a cyber horse. Maybe later when they move out from the Old Mafia Boss they get to live somewhere where those are? That'd be cool. Mini would defo visit often. That's it, I'm defo gonna give Morph a horse, yolo.
Monoformer StrongSpark
Tiny, blind, heavily disabled bot that barely survived after forming (or rather deforming) in highly radioactive environment; survived only becausse Morphine refused to give up on him. So yeah, basically Morph's and Terry's kid (and later also Mini's bff). The 3 of them live at the Widower's place and his dog immediately starts taking care of the kid. Helps him calm down, protects him, notifies of upcoming attacks, etc. Terry's dog cares about Sparky as well (tho these two are out more often). Tiny bab with 2 big guardians. Nice. When the good grandpa (yes, the Old Mafia Boss adots them all) passes away the family inherits the dog and the good girl officially becomes Sparky's guardian 24/7.
IF YOU MADE IT TILL THE END (or just scorlled past the descriptions) HERE'S A DOODLE OF A CYBER MINI GOAT FOR YOU:
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cynical-sprite · 4 years
(an Apex Legends Revenant x reader fic where the reader and Revenant were in a relationship back when he was human, and, after his “death”, the reader was put into cryogenic suspension for some reason. 200 some years pass, and the reader is thawed out, and she and she is reunited with her former lover who is now the simulacrum Revenant. I had the name Michael in mind, but someone on twitter mentioned that he looked like a James to them, and I thought that was a near perfect fit, so I went with James instead.) This story is based on an THIS IDEA I came up with. If anyone wants to write their own fic based on this idea, it's perfectly fine with me; I just ask that you send me a link to the fic so I can read it.😊
I could feel the stare from across the room as I sat on the drop ship, waiting to drop into World’s Edge. Though unsure whether out of nervousness or curiosity, maybe both, I glanced in the direction where the glare was coming from only to be met with a pair of yellow eyes glowing in the darkness, locked on to me with laser focus. It was the simulacrum, Revenant. A simulacrum, a human consciousness in a robotic body; I found the idea equal parts fascinating and terrifying at the same time. Though the notion was somewhat intriguing to my scientific side, there was  also a part of me that considered the idea to be wrong, just… against nature. I’d heard the stories about Revenant, the rumor that, in life, he was once the greatest assassin The Syndicate ever had. The Syndicate’s greatest assassin. To my knowledge, there was only one person who had ever been given that title… James. We were engaged to be married when James died. We both knew well the dangers of his job, but it did little to ease the pain of being delivered the news of his death. Though I didn't have any proof, I'd always somewhat suspected The Syndicate was responsible somehow, that it had possibly been intentional. The rumors surrounding Revenant were partly what caused me to join The Apex Games, that, and the need to find something to make me feel alive after spending the last two hundred or so years in cryogenic suspension. Since I'd been brought out of cryo sleep a few years ago, I’d wandered somewhat aimlessly, trying to find my place in this new life. When I heard about The Apex games and the rumors surrounding their newest participant, Revenant, I had to see for myself. The games would give me the thrill I sought, and I would get the chance to encounter Revenant, see him for myself. Perhaps I was crazy for even considering the possibility that the simulacrum could somehow be, or could ever have been James, but I just had to find out somehow; I had to face Revenant in person. What did I have to lose besides my life, which, at the moment, sorely lacked purpose.
    I was startled from my thoughts by the voice of Elliott Witt aka Mirage. “Damn, _______, what’d you do to piss off the murder bot?” I blinked in surprise as I managed to turn my gaze away from Revenant and turned to look at Elliott beside me.
   “What? Nothing. I… I didn’t…” I shook my head slightly. “I mean, I couldn’t have done anything to him. We’ve never even met…” 
   "Could've fooled me." Elliott remarked. Though the simulacrum was certainly an unsettling presence, there was a strange feeling of… familiarity, even if only slightly, that I couldn't seem to shake. Or maybe I was just imagining it. Wishful thinking perhaps? I didn't have time to give it any more consideration as the announcement was made that we would be dropping into World's Edge.
   The first half of the match went fairly well; my squad had managed to make it into the top ten. During the second half of the match, I managed to get separated from my squadmates, Mirage and Octane. We were about to be hit with an EMP from Crypto's drone, and the three of us scattered, fleeing in different directions. I tried to reach them over the comms, but, evidently, the EMP had apparently disrupted those as well. 
   As I wandered World's Edge alone, attempting to get the comms working again so I could get in touch with Elliott and Octavio, I quickly got the feeling someone was watching me, stalking me even. My first thought was of Bloodhound. They could easily trail me without being noticed; they were, after all, a hunter and a tracker. Another possibility was Wraith; she could follow me virtually undetected as well. But, when I turned around to take a look, I was taken somewhat off guard by what I saw; standing a few feet away from me stood the simulacrum, Revenant, staring at me just as he had when we were on the drop ship. I shouldn't have been surprised, but for some reason, he had been the last person I'd expected to be there.
  "Hello, girlie." He took a few steps towards me, his glowing yellow eyes staring a hole in me all the while. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared; anyone in their right mind would be. But, I did everything I could not to show it. I wasn't about to give him the satisfaction of knowing it. I probably should have run, but something kept me rooted to the spot. Besides, I was certain there was no way I'd be able to outrun the simulacrum should he decide to give chase. So, instead, I did my best to look intimidating, trying not to let on just how anxious I was. 
   "What do you want from me?" If he'd wanted to simply kill me, there would be no reason for observing me so closely, would there? There must have been more to it… He laughed, a deep rumble in his chest, and had he the ability to make facial expressions, I was reasonably sure he'd have been grinning, no… smirking. He continued towards me until he was directly in front of me, towering over me at almost seven feet tall. His yellow eyes were still glued to me, scanning me over, taking me in. He bent down slightly, presumably to  get a better look at me. Observing me even more closely. There was something hypnotic about those eyes, something that made it difficult to look away, and, maybe this sounds crazy, but I couldn't help thinking that, if you looked deep enough, close enough, there was something almost… human about them. 
   He reached out a hand, and in that moment, I thought my life had reached its end. I had seen video footage where his hand morphed into a blade with which he'd use to put a swift end to the lives of many "skinbags". I was certain that was to be my fate, that or he was about to snap my neck in one swift motion. What actually happened, however, was the last thing I expected. He placed a finger under my chin and tilted my face upwards to better look him in the eyes. His touch was surprisingly gentle for a killer simulacrum. I froze in place, both shocked and confused by the action. 
   It reminded me of something, bringing back a memory I'd half buried in my grief. James was 6 feet tall, a good bit taller than me. Snarky asshole that he was, he loved to tease me for being shorter than him. I'd always tease him back that I wasn't short, that he was just unnaturally tall. Whenever he wanted to look into my eyes, he would place a finger gently under my chin and tilt my head slightly upwards for me to better look into his deep blue eyes. Just as the Revenant was doing now.
   "What… what is this...?" was all I could manage. Could it be true? Was it really him? It couldn't simply some strange coincidence, could it? 
   He let out a slight chuckle, a low sound from deep in his chest."You always have been a tiny little skinbag, haven't you, _______?"
   My mouth dropped open, and I froze in place. Finally, I managed to stammer out the name, a name I hadn't spoken for so long. "J… James…?" The simulacrum froze upon hearing me speak the name. It was clear by his reaction that he hadn't heard in quite a long time, if he'd even remembered it at all. I was unsure just how much the human aspect of his mind had been affected. He tilted his head slightly to the side as he looked at me.
    "Heh. I wasn't sure if you'd recognize me." He was still for a moment before leaning in even closer. "Or, if you'd remember. But, then again, I didn't think I'd ever see you again. Alive, at least." If I didn't know better, I could have sworn I'd heard something in his voice; he sounded almost… hurt. Was he upset about not knowing I was still alive? It wasn't as if I could come to him and tell him. Until a few moments ago, I hadn't even been sure that he was who he was. And, it wasn't as if anyone else could tell him I was alive. Almost no one knew the details of his identity when he was still human.
   "James, I…"
   "James is dead." he snapped, cutting me off. I shook my head.
   "No. No, that's not true. There has to be something left of you in there. You knew who I was, this whole time, you remembered me. It's true you may be made up of mostly tech and mechanics, but your mind… your mind is still yours. And those emotions you're feeling, hurt, rage… those are all very human. Machines can't feel emotion; that's something exclusive to humans. Or, at least, living creatures…"
   "I'm not him anymore. I'm a ghost, a shell of that man. A Revenant."
   "James, I…"
   "Revenant." he corrects me, cutting me off once more.
   "Revenant. I had no idea… about what they'd done to you. I mean, I had my suspicions about the Syndicate, that they had something to do with your death, but… but, afterwards…" A tear escaped my eye, running slowly down my cheek. "I had no idea what they'd done to you. I'm so sorry..." I blinked as another tear ran down my face. He let out what sounded much like a frustrated sigh rather reminiscent of the ones he used to in life whenever I'd say something sappy to him. Being a hitman, James was never the romantic type, but whenever I'd make an attempt, he would always just sigh, sometimes even going so far as to humor me.
   Slowly, he moved his hand up to wipe a tear from my eye, much more gently than I'd have expected from a killer robot.
   "You skin bags are always so emotional." he remarked, though his voice was softer than I'd have thought possible. "You couldn't have known, so cut it out, alright?" Though it sounded harsh, I knew better. Even in life, he was never much good at reassurance; this was the closest you'd get from him. He was trying in his own way. 
   I nodded. "Okay… okay." 
   "Now, you want to tell me how it is a skinbag like you is still alive after all these years. I mean, you do look old, but not that old." I could hear the snark in his voice at his last comment, and, if it had been possible, I was certain he would have been smirking. It earned a slight chuckle from me.
   "Well, that does tend to happen to us skinbags. We age." I shook my head, grinning slightly. "It's… kind of a long story. It involves spending over a decade in cryosleep. I got thawed out a few years ago. But, now's not the time for that. I'll give you the details later, after the match." He silently leaned in, resting his forehead lightly against mine. 
   A few moments later, I heard footsteps approaching. I whipped around and pulled out my Alternator, pointing it in the direction of the footsteps, only to come face to face with my squad mates, Mirage and Octane. "Jesus, you two!" I yelled, lowering my weapon, "Don't do that! I almost shot you guys!" Elliott was holding his hands up in a defensive manner, looking rather shaken. 
   "Okay, okay! Don't have to tell me twice!" he remarked, exhaling a deep breath he'd evidently been holding. "What's this all about?" He gestures towards Revenant and me with his hand.
   "When I saw you two, at first I thought I must be seeing things. But, then, Elliott said he was seeing it, too, so I knew it had to be real." Octavio commented.
   Revenant chuckled lowly. "Well, looks like it's time for me to go. You've got some explaining to do to your friends. See you soon, girlie." And, with that, he disappeared as quickly as he'd first appeared earlier. 
   "Since when are you so cozy with the murder bot? What the hell did we miss?" Elliott remarked. I sighed, rolling my eyes. 
   "Later. I'll explain later. Right now, just focus on the games or I'll shoot you myself." 
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trensu · 5 years
Episode 30: The One where LWJ Wishes Jin Zixun Would STFU and Die Already
Okay, so we’re still in Yiling
Non-wangxiantics stuff happens
Unimportant nonsense happens
Ooooh, jc just appeared, looking awesome in purple robes as usual
Turns out he’s helped jyl sneak away so she can show off her wedding robes to wwx!!! And we get some wonderful Yunmeng Sib time!! I LOVE MY YUNMENG SIBS SO MUCH
Wwx’s face when he sees her in her wedding robes
Jyl: i’m getting married, i wanted to show you my wedding robes!
wwx:*choked up* yeah, i heard you were getting married…(he’s looks so emotional here omg)
Jc: who told you?! 
(he says this all snappishly bc of course he does, this is jc we’re talking about)
Wwx: None of your business! *scowls*
LOL SO DEFENSIVE, WWX. what’s the matter?? You don’t want to tell your sibs about your recent date with lwj?? How you showed him your home??? hoW YOU DISCOVERED YOU WANTED TO CO-DAD CHILDREN WITH HIM????
Ah, brothers…
Jyl calms them down before they could get too into it tho bc she’s a good big sister and knows her little brothers well
Jyl: i came alone tho, so you can’t see the groom today
Wwx: *pouts* i don’t want to see the groom at all
I can’t get over the way wwx keeps looking at her. HE LOVES HIS SISTER SO MUCH. HE’S SO HAPPY FOR HER
Lol, both of them tell her how beautiful she looks and she’s all it doesn’t count when you guys say it bc you’re my little brothers and it’s my wedding so you have to be nice to me
So now we get the obligatory soup time with the yunmeng sibs
And wwx is all, “for who???”
And jc says, for my future nephew!! And he looks so damn pleased and proud when he says it. JC WANTS TO BE AN UNCLE SO BAD me too jc, me too
Wwx: hmmm, well, the next generation for the jin clan is “ru” so how about jin rulan?
Jc: jin rulan? It sounds like the lan clan. Why should a kid of the jiang clan and jin clan be called “rulan”??
Omg jc sounds so offended here; chill out bro
Wwx: it’s not that bad if it’s from the lan clan all right? Lan means orchid, a gentry amongst flowers! ALSO MY SOULMATE IS FROM THE LAN CLAN SO THERE
Wwx sounded all sulky here, like RULAN IS A GREAT NAME, HOW DARE YOU
Jyl cuts in before there could be any bloodshed with, oh yeah, having you come up with the courtesy name was jc’s idea
The look jc gives her is one of utter betrayal like, why’d you have to go and tell him that? HE CAN’T KNOW I WAS BEING NICE TO HIM, GOD.
They all have much more sibling time together but since there’s no more wangxiantics we’re gonna skip over it (EVEN THO IT HURTS ME TO DO SO BC I LOVE MY YUNMENG SIBS AND I WANT TO SEE THEM HAPPY AND TOGETHER FOREVER)
We cut to the Burial Mounds where there’s a Wen family dinner going on
Wwx is all spacey bc he misses his sibs so much but manages to distract EVERYONE from it by making grand declarations and generally being an over-the-top Drama Bi.
A-Yuan time!
Wen ning saved some of jyl’s soup to give to a-yuan!
He gives a-yuan a taste of the soup and a-yuan’s all “delicious! One more spoon!”
And after wen ning gives him more, he’s like, ONE MORE SPOON!
Then we get some Sad Times in the Demon-Subdue Palace where wwx has the saddest series of flashbacks ever
the promise he made to JC (twin heroes of yunmeng!!) that he didn’t keep
and then the oath on the lantern (always stand with justice and live without regrets) which he half-keeps
and then his declaration in the rain with lwj (if i should be killed, let it be by you) which he will keep BUT WE’RE NOT GONNA THINK ABOUT THAT
Gross, now we’re in lanling, fastforwarding through that nonsense
Now we’re back at the burial mounds and get more A-YUAN TIME!!
Uh oh, a-yuan just murdered a lotus sprout
He’s all, what’s this?? And yanks the poor thing out of the mudpit it was growing in
Wwx yells at him: WHAT ARE YOU DOING
And a-yuan starts crying and wwx looks like he wants to start bawling too
Wen qing kind of tells him off 
a-yuan’s a little kid and doesn’t know better, she says
Wwx gets this defeated look about him and says it’s fine, i see that it’s not meant to be now
After a little adorable convo with wen qing, a-yuan goes to comfort wwx in his cave
A-yuan: i’m sorry i made a mistake. Wq says if you miss your sister, you should go see her
Wwx: she’s so far away...i won’t go
A-yuan: hmmm, you should become a bird and fly over there!
But wwx is still sad inside :(
Now we get a time skip! 
Wwx overhears a bunch of gossipy cultivators talking about how the jin clan is doing a one-month celebration of baby Jin Rulan!!
Wen Ning is a supportive bro so he’s all congratulations!!!
And then wwx gets all the happiness gets drained out of him when he remembers that he has no official ties to either clan so he’ll probably never get to see his nephew ever
We cut to Lanling, where i guess guests are arriving for the upcoming celebration
We don’t really care about any of these people
Unfortunately he’s talking to asshole cousin jz, fuck that guy
Lwj: since all of his seniors are invited to the first-month celebration, wei ying should also be invited as he is the baby’s senior too
Lwj says this all respectfully, gaze steadily forward and not looking directly at anyone
Jz: you want us to invite wwx even tho he’s the enemy of all four clans??
Lol, lwj glares at jz SO HARD the minute jz calls wwx the enemy; i’m surprised the asshole didn’t drop dead on the spot
Lwj: not an enemy.
Jz: not an enemy? Do you have such a shitty memory that you don’t remember what happened in qiongqi way? Do i need to remind you?
Lxc: what wangji said isn’t wrong. Wwx hasn’t caused any trouble since he took off to the burial mounds.
Jz: what, you’re taking the traitor’s side too zewu-jun?
You know, i was almost proud of lxc for finally siding with wwx and lwj
But the minute jz throws that accusation, you can see him start to pull back, WTF LXC
So now, since apparently having to deal with JZ wasn’t horrible enough, we get jgs and jgy on the scene, yuck
Jz gives them a summary of the conversation
Oh, i forgot to mention jzx has been here the whole time too but he’s basically useless bc he never shuts up his cousin
Jgy is all like, ah, hanguang-jun is being kind but perhaps inviting wwx is not the best idea ever
And jz is all well, I heard that he went to the burial mounds but no one knows why he went there!
Lwj: to visit an old friend
Jz: an old friend?! Wwx is a ruthless killer! Everyone wants him dead! Why do you have a friend like him?
Lwj: when did he kill ruthlessly? Please tell us exactly.
Jzx finally cuts in here and shuts them both up
He approaches his dad and is like, yeah okay so wwx killed some of our guys before and he’s kind of rebellious or whatever but like hanguang-jun said, he hasn’t done anything wrong for a whole year!
Then he goes on to show us that he’s completely whipped for his wife (AS HE SHOULD BE) by saying, also, since wwx has seceded from the jiang clan, jyl hasn’t been able to see him and she still misses him very much!!
Jzx: it’s a good opportunity to bring him back
His asshole cousin is all, are you crazy??
But thankfully lxc puts in his two cents!
Lxc: jzx makes a good point. If wwx intends to change and return to the right path again, it’s a good thing!
Jgs starts droning on and on about stuff i don’t give a damn about and lwj throws him the dirtiest of looks the whole time lol
But he more or less agrees to let wwx come on the condition that he turns in Plot Device 2
And jgy is like, SWEET, we can write him a letter telling him he’s invited but he must come alone (BC THAT AIN’T SKETCHY AF) and then once he’s here we can tactfully request he give me, i mean, the jin clan Plot Device 2
Lwj was looking concerned basically the minute jgy started talking but here he chimes in
Lwj: what will you do if he refuses?
Then jgy does that thing where he replies without actually answering the question
Jgy: hanguang-jun, why are you so pessimistic? Wwx is not evil or vicious! (FUCK YOU JGY, WE ALREADY KNOW HE’S NOT EVIL OR VICIOUS, NO THANKS TO YOU) i’m sure if we talk it out, he’ll be reasonable and make the right choice!
Oh, thankfully, lxc answers the question properly
Lxc: even if wwx disagrees, he can go back to the burial mounds as long as he promises not to kill any innocents
Which, wwx would definitely promise that bc he’s never killed an innocent person IN HIS LIFE
Jgy: hanguang-jun, can we bother you with the errand of writing the letter?
Jgy says that and we immediately see lxc smile at his little brother
Like, heck yeah, bro you have the chance to talk to your soulmate now! (LXC is trying to win back his greatest wingman title lol)
Ofc lwj keeps his face blank, but he bows and says yes
And that’s the last of the wangxiantics for this episode. Not a lot of them this time around, and none with shared screen time
But you know what
That’s okay
Bc this shows that they’re always on each other’s minds EVEN AFTER A WHOLE YEAR APART!!
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girlbookwrm · 5 years
it took us two entire days to watch this, back in whenever we were watching this. I’ve got a Bundle of Papers here in front of me, and the CW Bundle is by far the thickest, and that’s with minimal salt content.
Speaking of Salt: The Roommate and I had to approach this as an Avengers movie. Because otherwise the salt levels in this would be toxic, possibly fatal. Even so, ppl with high cholesterol be warned
Winter Soldier: 
what is this
what is this please
dat beef tho
what is this op sec
NO mask
~ooooooo he’s a ghooooooooooooost~
he’s got an extremely dedicated and very harried cleanup crew is what he’s got
The Roommate: That’s a lot of sugar
i ain’t judging
what, you think her powers run on optimism?
is there an accent? is there not? Shroedinger’s accent.
droney the drone
sam’s lil sky roomba
i love him
guhhhh this scene every line shows character and growth and i just *clenches fist*
did falcon just throw steve
just yeeted him at the enemy?
god i love that
also: has steve bulked up since TWS?
that’s also on Sam, yeah?
Steve, throwing himself into a room full of an unknown poison gas without a mask: I bet i can survive this
Bucky, in Bucharest: *breaks whatever he’s holding without knowing why*
god i love sam
“I don’t work like that no more” Means ?????????????
“both grunting” is always one of my favorite subtitles
2 white boys fighting in the middle of the street like it’s a video game
god someone took the murder strut to heart wow that is some. that is some something that’s for sure.
give me even one (1) heterosexual explanation for "your pal your buddy your bucky"
there’s no way that bucky ever said this, right? this is just Rumlow fucking with steve, and the screenwriters fucking with us
wow i wonder if that will be relevant to anyone’s emotions here in the year of our lordt 2019
anyway, what bucky actually said was:
“please tell rogers... that he’s a big dumb dildo and he should wear a gas mask and also a parachute.”
listen i love this opening scene but also wanda is not at all responsible for this explosion and the fact that they act like she is undermines my ability to suspend my disbelief.
also, tony the fact that you are using your literal dead mom as an actual therapist is
BARF feels right to me
too real, tony
it’s too real
how ARE you getting around the strings and taxes tho
Also can i say that i actually love that Pepper’s absence is this profoundly important to the story. The hole where pepper should be is a huge part of this story and i like that. i like that a lot.
more a+ visual storytelling with the elevator
I’m just so mad that they blame wanda and play that straight?
all they had to do was outright acknowledge one (1) time that the media is picking on her because she’s a woman/a foreigner
imagine that speech coming from nat instead of steve
though i do love Steve’s pep talk
again. give me one (1) heterosexual explanation
though why not have Steve say “they’re just bullies, you did the right thing” and hearken back to smolsteeb
The Roommate: Remember how i was mad at his Oscars Velvet Blazer? I am also mad at this sweater.... it looks... so soft... i don’t know if i want it on him or off him... just wanna tuch....... and wear..........?”
Vision’s Ascot is. Something else man.
The Roommate: Why is ross secretary of state?
Me: Why is Trump President
Me: I bet Ross is vegan
the roommate, who has vegan-related trauma: UUUUGGGHHHHHHHH
Nat's reaction to vigilantes: Bitch please. she is Unbothered.
you don’t have to show us footage we’ve got the ptsd nightmares
400 pages in 3 days
[tired american sighing]
we honestly can’t even criticize this plot point anymore just
[my longest and most american sigh]
hail hydra continues to be the Most Terrible last words
but WHY does ross have the congressional medal of honor
do you know how HARD it is to get one of those????
sassy black friends sassing at each other
is definitely a
thing that is happening rn
Vision: Well Actually
no one cares, vis
ok like
a kid is dead but
3.6 is an okay GPA
maybe all my friends are overachievers
maybe it’s just because most of them are women but like
it’s an okay GPA
i’d have 8000% more respect for Tony if he was more upfront like “look this is on me” especially here
are we supposed to be picking all this up as subtext, actually?
because i know that this movie ALSO had a Troubled Youth ala ant man
and i really do appreciate the Russos for relying on a smart audience but there’s a lot going on
and it’s very obvious to me that they had to shift gears 18,000 times in the script writing phase
so like, you’ve got old man vet steve
but it’s painfully obvious that he missed vietnam right?
it’s painfully obvious
and he’s v egotistical and self righteous too 
it IS a battle of the egos
and no one is right
except natasha
Steve: i have to go
me: mood
oh god
oh god no
steve god no steve oh god
gfhskfdjjjksjdjjhrrrrhrhhrhfhh [wailing and rending of garments]
Re Peggy’s age:
so the True Hallmark of a Cap Movie is Peggy telling steve what to do.
so weird to have that in an avengers movie
i do love this. GOOD BRO NAT CONTENT
Um. is vision a minor? is wanda?
again, nat is the only Correct one here
stay together guys
it might be
reeeeeeaaaaally important in 
*checks watch*
two years’ time.
god i love the xhosa in this
There is a level of worldbuilding in this that we p much only get from the russos/markus&mcfeely. i mean -- internal consistency worldbuilding? if that makes sense? we get a lot of visual worldbuilding in black panther, but this is distinctly different and hard to articulate and it has to do with the way they approach things and how they assume audience intelligence
it just works for me
oh no chadwick boseman don’t be cry
Sharon deserves better
than being cockblocked by her own aunt
and also sam wilson (who also deserves better)
Nat did you get that suit from jenny agutter?
LA Brunch Mom Nat
mah girl
she’s just so tired
steve (bless him) is just so exhausting
couples date sam and steve dressed to match
“at the gym”??? really? the arm is... a bit of a giveaway
i do feel bad for zemo in this one specific case
russian IS hard
how. did he get that in there?
Soft Plumboy Bucky
Captain’s Log: Buck’s place is a shithole
Sergeant’s Log: Steve’s face is pretty
surprise bitch
“That’s Smart, Good Strategy” is an excellent phrase to use in everyday conversation in order to weed out who Knows and who Doesn’t.
What i have learned from civil war: 
Captain America is a projectile weapon
further query:
did bucky ever hurl small steve at assailants?
Bucky: *punts steve down an alley*
Steve, 90 lbs of rage at 90 mph: GET WRECKED
Bucky’s got big tommy wiseau cryptid energy here
And now there’s a cat
Tumblr media
I love this vampire running and also bucky’s thighs
Steve Rogers: Excuse me sir I need to commandeer this vehicle. YEET.
Bucky Barnes: Excuse me sir I need to commandeer this vehicle. YOINK.
Bucky and Steve: Wrecking your morning commute since 2014
god vis has the biggest dorkiest crush
so vis are you a child prodigy? or? what?
The Roommate, a cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure: vis have you eaten anything between CW and IW?
Me, sinnamon roll, not to be trusted: *dying* *thinking about how Vision’s got schroedinger’s dick. does it exist? does it not exist? who knows.*
Me: Y. Yes. I th. think he has. eaten something. between now and. and IW. something.
The Roommate: *betrayed look*
The Roommate: *is so disappointed*
Bucky is. So tired. Let him rest.
fucking up the morning commute again i see
u like cats??
I love the ratio of overkill:ineffectiveness with this glass box they put him in.
why did tony  bring these fancy pens
the time spent explaining them could’ve been spent doing literally anything else
*i still don’t understand the accords*
“my fault”
there it is
“truth is i don’t want to stop”
THERE it is
“i thought the accords could split the difference”
"no, i don’t.”
no but really what are the accords
here followed a 20-30 minute convo about the accords
basically the summing up was:
Nat is 100% Right Ross is 100% Wrong Everyone Else is In A Grey Area
look this is actually a really good avengers movie
this is a moment when the back catalogue works against them because this conversation is so -- it implies a lot of friendly interactions between these two. they seem to have a relationship
but i keep looking at all the other movies they’ve interacted in like
i am anticipating this will cause me A Grief later
The Roommate, looking at Steve in his Grey Shirt and Jacket: Damn, sir. Stop wearing clothes.
“j a m e s”
big holt talking to rosa vibes there
“I don’t wanna talk about it.”
Zemo’s plan is so ridiculous i genuinely don’t have time to get into it i still have two pages of notes to get through holy shit.
this fight scene. does things. for me.
(oh tony left with no suit? growth dot gif)
T H I G H S ! ! ! !
Sam out here, serving looks, casually modeling
B I C E P S ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
TOO SEXY! *crashes helicopter*
I need twelve more scenes of steve and bucky faffing about in the water.
A more effective restraint than the custom made bucky bottle
(BRIEF 1991)
haaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAa biceps u stop that
Is Tony having a heart attack???
he has no concept of how to treat children because he never was one oh no i gave myself a sad feeling
“I’m having a big fight in a parking lot with my superhero friends better go pick up a child as backup.” - tony stark
tony he doesn’t have a passport and if he understood what was happening he would not be on your side
Now That’s What I Call Vigilantism.
Why are you bringing a CHILD to a gun fight
Tony’s face, to me, suggests that he knows EXACTLY what he’s doing
also? it’s painfully obvious to me that these scenes were copypasted in late stage when they finally found out that yes they would have the rights to spiderman lol
for some reason they don’t feel the need to tell is that this is avengers compound in 400 point font
i’m so lost
where are we?
without the 400 point font i can only assume we are on mars
THAT’s a fine way to greet YOUR FATHER, WANDA
hawkeye is in fact the team lynchpin
is it
is it because they listen to him but he listens to natasha
i bet it is
Vision: I have been FALLING! for THIRTY MINUTES!
“i know someone who does”
i’m confused by the cut here, because it seems to imply that Sharon, deliberately or inadvertently, rats them out to natasha?
Birds and raccoons do not get along
steve no
ur timing is shit steve
Scott Lang might be the best thing in this movie
well except for Dat Bone Structure
*costume change in a parking lot to the yakkety sax soundtrack*
Thinking about the coming battle i am forced to concede that Iron Man Has A Point?
“do you really want to punch your way out of this?”
Steve: I ALWAYS wanna punch my way out
god scott’s such a fukkin nerd
tiny quibble but Scott “got punched by hope van dyne” lang would never say that to the black heckin widow
people in falcon houses shouldn’t throw spider stones, samuel
those cars belong to people
oh god iron man has a point
*catfight sounds*
“then why did you run?”
dude you attacked me in a catsuit
Tony’s true superpower is that he knows steve, that’s how spiderbabby gets the upper hand
althought god
Tony was pre-gaslighting peter
he was pilotlighting peter
*my longest UGH yet*
“Queens?” “Brooklyn”
ant man is the MVP
hmmmmmm “we don’t trade lives” HMMMMMMMMM
why did that truck explode
also *omg iron man has a point*
tony tedward stark how did you not know how old this child was
also peter stop pretending you don’t know what Empire Strikes Back, AT-ATs and Hoth are.
why doesn’t Vis get more flack for this
hey. hey tony. you know what sam is? A MEDIC. maybe let him LOOK AT YER FRIEND THERE instead of SHOOTING HIM IN THE FACE.
zemo’s plan is noooooonseeeeennnnnnsssse
guh these two beautiful men emoting in different directions KILL ME
this doctor is just like “yup there’s a giant purple robot here seems legit”
natasha is the only one who’s 100% right
did... did the russos kill themselves in this movie? did they cast themselves as dead extras? was this a statement of some kind?
HOW did ross get the congressional medal of honor. H O W.
“you read it”
tony this is Some Nonsense
ffflslkds he’s taking one of Nat’s guns KILL ME
one (1) heterosexual explanation.
rode back in a freezer truck
got pneumonia
already had pneumonia
and you blew three whole dollars on some slut
(seriously. gimme one. i’m waiting.)
srsly tho, whether you ship it or not, these two are old marrieds
the red star looks weird on his beefcake arm. did they forget to scale it up?
listen zemo is just really turned on by cam and he didn’t mean to say that and that’s the most relateable thing he’s done so far.
It’s not just that bucky killed his mom. it’s that bucky killed his mom AND STEVE KEPT IT FROM HIM.
life alert a senior citizen has fallen
T'Challa, observing this White Nonsense™: I truly should... check myself. Before! I wreck myself.
agism is what it is
god this bit
steve dropping the shield
look at him
he is Stick A Fork In Him D O N E
Rhodey really deserves better than this? He deserves development showing the evolution of his opinion between here and IW
i wish we could get more of him grappling with this
that said
gosh wouldn’t it fucking suck if Cap and Bucky got relegated to End Credit scenes in their own got damn movie to make room for Iron Man to emote at his buddy his pal his rhodey?
*looks directly into the camera like i’m on the office.*
Steve rogers: getting the last word in every argument since 1918.
“from the bottom of my heart: My Bad.”
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savvysass · 5 years
Self-Sacrifice is a Bitch Chapter 5
Chapters 1 2 3 4 5
Sorry this is late! I was slow writing and my beta was busy. Thank you @minkcatus​ again for betaing! Also guys I am now understanding this is going to be REALLY LONG so like... hang in there. I’ll get better as I go along.
*updated tags and rating. I’m combining all the parts into one, and it gets dark as far as death and illness. No major character deaths tho- don’t worry.
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Chapter: 5/?
Chapter Summary:
“Kid, you’re okay. You’re arm is gone, but you are okay. We are just going to sit here and breathe, and I will take care of everything else. You are okay now.”
Okay… he was okay. The doctor put something in his IV, but he was okay. He tasted metal in his mouth as the drugs entered his system, but he was okay. He felt like his body just turned to lead, but he was okay.
He couldn’t move, and that wasn’t— that wasn’t okay—that wasn’t—
“Peter shhh…It’s fine.” Tony said, and May was running her fingers through his hair. The pain dulled, and he breathed.
He was okay.
Additional Tags: endgame fix it fic, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Whump, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Near Death Experiences, Recovery, Amputation, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, probably more than i remember, Sickfic, Major Illness, Blood, Legoland, Kidnapping, Torture, god what else happens everything happen, Seizures, Fainting, Medical Trauma
Peter didn’t want more medicine— that much he knew. Mr. Stark was right though— it hurt too much. All of this hurt too much. He was tired of being in pain.
He wanted to reach out and hold his hand. He wanted Mr. Stark to squeeze his hand tight and suck out all of the pain in his arm.
When he tried to move it though, nothing happened. Only a sharp agony in his shoulder.
Why won’t his arm move?
He looked down.
His eyes widened as he was greeted with the sight of his shoulder, wrapped in bloody bandages and very much missing what goes underneath.
He was missing his arm.
The beeping in the room started screaming in his ear, but everything was muffled as he looked at his shoulder, the agony spiking as he realized what it was he had felt.
They had been amputating his arm.
His chest felt tight, air coming in short gasps as he tried to grab at his shoulder. This couldn’t be real. He didn’t really lose his arm. That’s crazy. This is crazy.
A gentle hand took his chin. It turned him away from his arm, carefully avoiding the side of his face.
“Pete-Pete, look at me.”
His eyes searched Mr. Stark’s face as he stared down at him, sympathy pouring into his gaze.
“You’re okay, Peter.”
A sob tore through Peter’s throat. 
It wasn’t okay.
He wasn’t okay. 
His arm is gone.
He desperately reached for Mr. Stark’s hand with his other arm-— thank god still attached— and tried to pull him as close as he could. He needed Mr. Stark to fix this. He needed someone — Anyone— to fix this. Panic was making the pain more intense, and he could feel the knife slicing deeper and deeper and deeper—
“Peter, calm down. Cho—”
“Peter, we are going to give you the medicine now,” a woman said, and no please not yet he can’t yet!
“Peter.” It’s May this time, her hands in his hair.
“Relax Peter. Tony and I are right here. Just breathe.”
Breathe. Right. Breathe. He was panicking. He knew this. He just lost his arm and he was panicking. Of course he was panicking because his arm, his arm—
“Kid, look at me.”
His eyes flicked up. Tony was staring at him, the same panic that he was feeling reflected in those tired eyes.
“Kid, you’re okay. You’re arm is gone, but you are okay. We are just going to sit here and breathe, and I will take care of everything else. You are okay now.”
Okay… he was okay. The doctor put something in his IV, but he was okay. He tasted metal in his mouth as the drugs entered his system, but he was okay. He felt like his body just turned to lead, but he was okay.
He couldn’t move, and that wasn’t— that wasn’t okay—that wasn’t—
“Peter shhh…It’s fine.” Tony said, and May was running her fingers through his hair. The pain dulled, and he breathed.
He was okay.
Tony held Peter’s hand as the panic in his eyes started to fade. His body was slack, and Tony begged whoever was listening to please let that mean he was in less pain. The kid’s eyes were still open, but he wasn’t talking.
“We didn’t give him enough to put him under. He probably can’t talk, but he should be able to at least blink. He can definitely feel when you touch him though.”
“Peter baby, can you blink once if that sounds right?” May cooed, and Peter blinked.
“Does it hurt less, baby? Blink once for yes, twice for no.”
One blink.
Tony sighed in relief.
“Is it numb? No pain?”
Two blinks.
He frowned. That was to be expected though. He rubbed his thumb against Peter’s knuckles, the hand limp in his grasp.
“You should talk to him, Tony. Distract him,” Cho said. He nodded softly, tapping Peter’s cheek to get his attention.
“Let’s shoot the breeze, kiddo. Get yourself out of your head, huh?”
Peter breathed deeply as he tried to push through the pain. He looked at him expectantly.
“So… I guess you heard it’s been five years,” Tony said softly.
One blink.
“Well a lot has happened that I’m sure you want to know about. Pepper and I got married— I’m sure that doesn’t surprise you.” Tony chuckled. The kid’s eyes crinkled a little in what he guessed was a tired smile. “The ceremony was small in the end. It just didn’t feel right to make a huge party after what happened.”
Peter blinked up at him rapidly, and Tony could see the sadness in his eyes.
“Don’t worry about it, kid. It was still wonderful. It was nice actually— Only having a few people. Rhodey was there, Happy. Some of Pepper’s family. It was nice. You and that monkey suit I bought you would have fit in well.”
Peter’s eyes flicked to May, and harshly squeezed before blinking again.
“Me?” May asked quickly, furrowing her brow as she tried to decipher his signals.
Peter closed his eyes slowly then snapped them back open.
“May got dusted, Peter. Is that what you’re asking?” Tony said quietly. Peter blinks once and then looked to her pleadingly.
“Yes baby. I did, but it’s okay. It meant I didn’t have to go a single day without you,” May said soothingly, scratching his scalp. He relaxed into her touch. “Ned did too. He called me to check on you. I told him you were going to be okay. He’s going to come see you when you feel better.”
Peter let out a deep breath of relief. He scrunched his face again though, as if the action pained him. Tony scooted closer.
“I had a kid while you were gone,” he said softly. Peter’s eyes fly open, looking at him in shock before blinking like a mad man.
“Okay, okay, Jeez!” Tony laughed, squeezing his hand. “Her name’s Morgan. She’s 4 now. Looks like me and acts like Pepper.”
Peter’s eyes sparkled despite the exhaustion, joy radiating through them. The kid was happy for him.
“I think you’ll like her. She uh— I’ve mentioned you once or twice, and she always seemed interested in you. I bet she’ll like you too.”
Peter’s eyes softened. Tony didn’t know how to interpret it. He pushed on though.
“She doesn’t give me as many heart attacks as you do, though. The worst trouble she gets into is sneaking sweets before bed,” he chuckled, and Peter rolled his eyes with as much energy as he could.
“I don’t think any kid could give you heart attacks like Peter can,” May teased, and Tony snorted
“Only one kid ever came close to giving me a heart attack like he gives me,” Tony said with a shake of his head, flattening his hand on Peter’s sheets. “At Stark Expo 2010, there was this kid— must have been around six or so— that stood toe to toe with one of Hammer’s drones. Do you remember that incident? It was a PR nightmare.”
Peter eyes widened before forcefully blinking.
“What- what is it kid?” Tony asked as he looked to May. She was smiling.
“Did you come up and save that kid? Telling him ‘nice shot?’” she said with a grin, and Tony frowned.
“How did you—”
“You were right, Peter. He did remember you,” she laughed and Peter breathed out what Tony guessed was a chuckle.
“What do you mean? Kid—” Tony clicked his mouth shut before looking at him incredulously. Peter was beaming.
“Oh for fucks sake— That was you?! You were the kid that scared the shit out of me?!” He breathed out in exasperation. He could picture the shit-eating grin Peter was trying to give him.
This kid was going to be the death of him… if the guilt of almost getting a child Peter murdered didn’t kill him first.
“You know I always thought— ‘God that kid must have driven his parents crazy. What is that kid up to?’ and I guess this is it! You’re out here, saving the universe— giving me all the heart attacks I thought were going to be someone else’s problem!”
May snorted next to him.
“We will both need pacemakers at this rate,” she said breezily. “I know I’m going to need one after this.”
Tony hummed in agreement, but he looked down to see guilt in Peter’s eyes.
“Hey-hey…” he chided, squeezing Peter’s hand. “Don’t worry about us, kid. We’re just glad you’re okay. We’ll get you back in shape in no time. Then you can get back to giving us regular sized heart attacks that comes with being a Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman, okay?”
Peter relaxed and blinked once.
“Good man.”
The next few hours pass easily, with May singing songs and Tony droning on about things that had happened in the past five years. Peter never quite fell asleep, the pain keeping  him up, but did seem to fade in and out every once and awhile. Now, about 12 hours after the battle, Tony could barely see straight as the kid zoned out to the sound of May’s humming. He absently stroked the kid’s hand, staring at the heart monitor with the reassuring and steady beeping.
The man startled at the sound of Bruce’s voice, Peter blinking at the jump of his hand.
“Shhh… Sorry kiddo. Just relax,” Tony said softly, turning to see Bruce looking at him apologetically.
“I didn’t mean to disturb you. Sorry,” he said quietly, leaning over to fiddle with Peter’s medicine. “How are you doing, Peter? Still hurting?”
One blink.
“That means yes,” Tony said tiredly.
“Okay, well I am going to take a few samples and mix them with the medicine I’m making. If it works, I will come back and give you a dose, okay? You should feel a lot better after I give it to you.”
Peter blinked, exhaustion pooling in his eyes, before looking back to Tony.
“You’ll be okay, kid. All of this will be over before you know it.”
Bruce cleared his throat.
“Tony, can I talk to you for a minute?” he asked while motioning to the hall. Tony frowned
“I’ll be right back Peter. You hang tight, okay?” he said tightly. God he didn’t want to leave this kid, especially not in a room like this— sterile and foreign— even with May there. Peter blinked in acknowledgment, and May nodded.
He followed Bruce into the empty hall outside of the room, the brighter lights making him squint. It was quiet without the beeping of the monitors, and exhaustion seeped into Tony’s bones in its absence.
“What’s up?” Tony asked as he dragged his hand down his face. 
“I just—. I wanted to check on you,” Bruce said in a hushed tone. “You came straight from a battle with Thanos into the waiting room, and then immediately into Peter’s hospital room. You haven’t left since. I think you need to take a break.”
Tony scoffed.
“Yeah, okay. I’ll just go home and sleep this off while the kid lies in agony. Great idea, Bruce.”
“Tony, listen to me,” Bruce said softly, placing his big hand on Tony’s shoulder. Tony’s eyes looked anywhere but his face, not wanting to hear what he had to say. “I know you want to stay by his side, but you are going to collapse if you don’t take a breather. The kid wouldn’t want that. Pepper’s at a hotel with everyone else— why don’t you go see her? You have another kid wondering where you are.”
“Low blow using my daughter, Brucey,” Tony said with a scowl. After a moment, he sighed, rubbing at his neck. “And you’ll call me if anything happens?”
Bruce smiled softly. “I promise. The medicine should be done in about 12 hours if the tests are successful. We don’t know the long term effects of the stones, but so far everything seems to be progressing without damaging him. We are playing the waiting game now, and you have to sleep when you can.”
“I’ll be back in four hours max,” Tony said as he ran his hand through his hair.
“Eight,” Bruce said firmly.
“Six, and that’s my final offer.”
Bruce sighed, his shoulders slumping. “Okay. I will see you in six hours minimum.”
“FRI, start a timer.”
Bruce rolled his eyes. “Tell him you’ll be back soon.”
“Yeah yeah… Whatever you say, Doc Green,” Tony said with a small smirk.
Bruce returned it with his own lopsided grin.
“Fatherhood looks good on you, by the way. You’re suited for it.”
Tony scoffed, a fond look in his eyes.
“Yeah, yuck it up. Just go make my kid some medicine.”
He turned on his heels, pushing through the doors quietly as to not disturb Peter. May looked up at him in exhaustion and motions for him to sit down.
Tony returned to his chair, grabbing the kid’s attention and brushing through his curls.
“Hey kiddo. I’ve been sentenced to bed by the Jolly Green PhD— says something about staying up after a fight isn’t good on my body. Personally, I think I could run a marathon right now, but the good doctor could not be convinced.”
Peter blinked up at him, worry on his face.
“I’ll be back, don’t worry,” he said, but Peter blinked firmly twice. Tony frowned.
“I think he’s telling you to take care of yourself,” May said softly. “When you get back, I’ll take a break too. I haven’t been fighting aliens, so I’m good to go for a few more hours.”
Peter relaxed at her words, looking up at him pleadingly.
“Jeez kid… You shouldn’t be worrying about me when you’re the one in the hospital bed,” he chuckled, but the guilt still sits heavily in his stomach. This kid was here because of him, after all. He shouldn’t be leaving his side. “I’ll be back in six hours. I don’t think Bruce will let me back in a minute sooner.”
Peter blinked once and then closed his eyes, May returning her fingers to his hair and smiling at him.
“Tony… Thank you,” she said as he started to stand. “For being here.”
Tony blushed. These last five years have definitely made him less emotionally constipated, because he doesn’t brush off the comment.
“Of course. I’ll be back soon.”
May nodded, and Tony stepped outside. Exhaustion washed over him as he walked down the hall, catching a ride with a shield agent to the hotel everyone was staying at. His mind was numb now that he was out of the room, and he could barely keep his eyes open through the ride, the trees and headlights blurring before him.
When he arrived at the hotel, he was too tired to really take in his surroundings, but he did notice the beautiful mop of golden hair that stood in the lobby, soothingly talking into her phone.
Pepper turned when she heard his voice, murmuring something into the speaker. She rushed to him, wrapping her arms around him and kissing him softly. She brought her phone to her ear.
“Yes, Daddy’s right here. Everything’s okay.”
Tony motioned for her to give him the phone, and he could cry with relief when he heard his little girl’s voice on the other end.
“Daddy! I saw Spiderman on the TV!” she squealed, and Tony chuckled fondly.
“Yeah, Baby. He saved everyone,” he said with as much enthusiasm as he could muster. He couldn’t let her hear how tired he was.
“Is he hurt? He looked hurt,” she said sadly, and Tony’s heart clenched. Pepper looked up at him expectantly.
“He’s a little banged up, but he will be okay. He’s resting right now.”
“You should rest too, Daddy,” she said firmly, and he could picture her little nose scrunching up as she laid out orders. This was definitely Pepper Potts’ kid.
“Okay, sweetheart. I will rest. When Spiderman is better, you can come visit him,” he said with a small smile, and an excited squeal echoes in his ear.
“I get to meet Petey! Daddy, tell him to get better soon!”
Tony chuckled. The thought of his kids meeting was like a dream, and he held onto the thought as he tried to ease the anxieties that came with being away from both of them.
“I will baby.”
Pepper took the phone back, wishing Morgan goodnight before turning back to him.
“How is he really, Tony?” she asked quietly, her hand clenching on his shirt.
“He’s hurting, but Bruce says he should have medicine ready soon. I’ve been ordered to rest up for… Five hours and 42 minutes.”
Pepper smiled fondly before pulling him towards their room.
“You clean up and then get in bed. I could use some sleep too.”
Tony nodded as he headed to the room and into shower, watching the blood of battle wash down the drain. He absently ran through the motions before climbing into bed next to her.
“Just try and close your eyes for as long as you can. He will be here when you wake up,” she said as she pulled him close to her, running her hands through his hair. Tony nodded.
Thoughts of his kids playing by the lake-side lulled him to sleep.
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