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misteria247 · 22 days
I'm realizing that Stan is actually incredibly smart. Like in a Ford kind of way to some extent.
Like yes Stan's street smart and life smart but he's also got the smarts that Ford's praised for. Because he had rebuilt the portal and figured out his brother's notes and equations.
Like do you know how hard math is on Ford and Fiddleford's level of expertise??? How complicated and delicate it is????? Especially the kind that brings portals to life???? And Stan figured it out. Had taught himself to read and comprehend these difficult things. Difficult things that requires college degrees in science and mathematics.
And Stan did this on an incomplete high school grade level of academics.
That's fucking nuts. Sure it took 30 years but he learned it. By himself, can you imagine how frustrated he got, teaching himself Ford's educational level??? Using his mechanical skills of fixing his car to be up to par to Fiddleford's impressive craftsmanship????
And I can just see how Ford and Fiddleford react post apocalypse. Ford doing equations and science stuff and talking while Fiddleford listens and gives his input when Stan pipes up unintentionally and puts his hat into the ring. And it's mathematically sound?? And these two men are just blown away cuz what the actual hell?? Ford's immediately questioning Stan, wanting to hear his thoughts while Fiddleford watches impressed and Stan's mortified and a bit overwhelmed. Or Fiddleford working on something and Ford's watching him when Stan points out a better way to make a part work and Fidds is like omg thank you Stanley??? And Ford's looking at his little brother dumbfounded and itching to bomb him with questions and whatnot.
Stan never knows peace afterwards.
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pumpkinpuffgirls · 2 years
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Shout out to bubbles for being the one Powerpuff Girl who bit the villains, can relate. Was my number one way of retaliating at that age.
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dcxdpdabbles · 2 months
Hello again!
Here is an idea for you, do with it what you will!
Ever seen that Shazam! (2019) movie?
From what I remember. When Billy meets the wizard, he is been told how long the wizard has been searching for the most worthy, the most courageous, THE MOST whatever. And Billy is so excited, but then the wizard says, “But I have run out of time. So you will have to do…”
How soul crushing would that be to be told about this amazing person, and it turns out it’s not you? You were just in the right place at the right time.
Now apply those ideas to Danny and becoming the Ghost King. There is a looming threat and he has to become the best, to prove him wrong and save the world (or something). :D
Ghost zone: We needed a leader and all we got was you.
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Ghost zone: No wait-
Danny: It's too late. I'm here, I'm queer and I wear the crown now. PREPARE YOURSELF GHOST ZONE FOR A HALFA RULER
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syst3merr0r · 9 months
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And I made two cuz I didn't know which one I liked more so HERE
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siveydensipuli · 1 year
One day, about a month ago, I went to my usual grocery store to do some shopping. Thinking, I will buy some Myllyn Paras Makaroni, cause we're out of it and it's the default macaroni that everyone keeps stocked in their pantry. I reach the pasta aisle and am greeted by empty shelves. What? Is there another pandemic that I'm unaware of? Is it the war in Ukraine? No. Turns out that the one machine that churns the macaroni for the whole Finland is broken. And that's how the Finns faced a great macaroni shortage in the summer of 2023.
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ask-thesparedau · 1 year
Hello there
I see you are inactive for a month and kinda got me worried I mean I can wait but kinda worried in the same time for your health but if your taking a break sorry for disturbing you
Your still kewl
Hello! Yes indeed I’ve decided to take a little bit of a break! So I am completely fine. Thank you for your concern
But have no fear! I’ve not forgotten about this beloved blog of mine.
It’s the largest I have on tumblr, which I have OverlySarcasticProductions’ Red to thank, as the familiarity of her artsyle has attracted a lot of you to my Spared!Macaque. However, because of this I don’t pay as much attention to it as I do for my other projects, I tend to leave it be until I manage to finish my other works.
Why? Well, the main reason being that I don’t want to take the attention away from Red’s current works. I never directly asked them if I could use her art to make this blog, and so there’s some personal discomfort as an artist to utilize a style that isn’t mine.
I appreciate all the support regardless, as I never expected to garner this much attention! But also I recognize that I’m not being original. So unless Red pms me to shut my blog down then it remains a side project ^^
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jesncin · 4 months
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National City lion dancers, made up of the kids from National City High.
Why yes I did harness the power of minor Superboy '94 characters to create a group of AAPI solidarity!!! Hillary Chang and Robert Lai were Conner's school friends in his original run. Taonui Mun is my take on the infamous Tana Moon, Conner's first love interest. He is Korean Hawaiian in my version. And a boy. His age.
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Superboy is upset his girlfriend's ex isn't hitting on him.
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pls look at this funny slug i found in a pipe
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its name is glubby
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bad-sanses-smp · 5 months
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since i rbd the ccinodust thing we should have the kist too :) -mun sid
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tcfactory · 8 months
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Broken System
I love it when the System breaks and gets shut down permanently, but what if it left its marks on its main user? Shang Qinghua won't be able to get out of explaining this even if he really, really wanted to.
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fei-amei · 14 days
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Definitely not going feral for a blue cookie and a fish at the same time-
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misteria247 · 2 months
Timmy at 10 watching Cosmo flirt with Wanda
Timmy: Ew those were terrible. How do you stand those Wanda??
Wanda smiling and brushing his bangs playfully: You'll understand when you're older sweetie.
Timmy at 16 listening to Jimmy flirt with him
Timmy smiling: Oh god Nerdtron that was awful.
Jimmy smirking: Yet you're smiling so I guess that you don't mind it.
Timmy immediately hit with Wanda's words: Omg I do-
Wanda sitting on the couch relaxing when Timmy bursts into the room causing her to look up startled
Wanda concerned: Timmy what-
Timmy panting: Mom. Mom I get it I fucking get it holy shit-
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splatoonusna · 1 month
If you enjoy my updates here, I do have a Kofi if you'd like to Support Me and I also do Commissions if you're interested :3
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dcxdpdabbles · 2 months
I saw a post, and it has given me Ideas
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(gonna just copy & paste what I put in discord)
I'm thinking. what if, say, soulmarks have A Shape that all soulmarks Just Are. like, a square with swirly shit inside, and danny has a soulmark
but it's the wrong shape
now imagine, if you will, someone actually from the DC dimension has a soulmark that's the same shape as danny's
I.E. the wrong one
(gonna say cass because of course I am)
so you've got one person in this universe who has a soulmark that is a different shape to literally every other sentient or sapient being in said universe, and then you have danny, who either for his whole life had a random mark on his body that nobody knew what the fuck it was, or, upon entering the DC universe, he suddenly has A Thing on his body
(imma say on his left shoulderblade)
and so plot happens, he makes friends with cass. maybe he decides to try ballet, maybe she's mugged whilst in civvies and danny intervenes, who knows
(also, you can pry Built-Like-The-Lovechild-Of-A-Fridge-And-A-Brick-Shithouse danny from my cold dead hands)
but, let's say 6-12 months down the track, cass and danny are hanging out (they tell themselves that but literally everyone else can tell they have feelings for one another)
and a rogue attacks
and they zero in on cass because Wayne
and danny Does Not React Well
since there's no GIW here, he transforms into phantom, and lo & behold, there's no more DP on his chest. instead, it's The Soulmark
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I like the idea that fate still gave Danny a soulmate, and Danny was not raised with this idea of the one being totally against it. It's fascinating that he has a mark he never understood but called a birthmark because that is what it was to him. Noting more and nothing less, even if it's an undeniable symbol, one could even say it looks like a tattoo with how intentional the shape is. And now it's so much more.
He thinks the reason people are so obsessed with birthmarks in this world is cultural differences. He doesn't bother to ask because then he would stand out for not knowing. This is something even little kids have a concept about.
They all just accept that their soulmate is out there waiting for them. Danny, though? He never had that idea while growing up. Oh, he knows the concept of having that one special someone, but to actually have the universe decide who that someone is for him before he was even born? He doesn't like it, nor does he agree. He sees the universe attempting to take his free will from him.
Does that stop him from going insane the moment he thinks Cass, the lovely woman who had a similar outlook on soulmate marks as him (She was always wrong. Her mark came out wrong. No one has a mark like her. She has no one. She refuses to let that break her so she turns her nose up at soulmates) is in danger? Nope.
He goes full monster mood and Cass can see her mark on him and she is so weirdly excited. Yeah he's a monster of nightmares but he's kinda hot and funny. Plus, he can cook!
Bruce may not like him, but Alfred will, and that's all the approval she needs.
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of-golden-guns · 2 months
:D Cayde! *gets clocked* D:
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unstablerk800 · 3 months
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