#Mr. Blackwood
shadowtoons · 9 months
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I never shared sketches of Dementia and Duke, the two work under this guy.
Honestly they thought they were bad, until they found out the hard way.
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rauchendesgnu · 5 months
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it's finally done!! this comic took me about 26h 20min (and an overall time of over 2 months) and is based on the fic with the same name, written by @advena-perditus (you can find it here. check it out, it's very good)
a note: I'm still working on improving the designs of Tim and Sasha (I accidentally made Not!Sasha more similar to how I imagine Sasha, so I'll have to work on that, but I wasn't going to change the entire drawing for it), but I'm overall quite happy with how it turned out :)
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beverageartblog · 4 months
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Magnus Protocol On The Brain
Not comprehensive, but my favorites so far!
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fiendishartist2 · 1 year
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rusty quill presents: the meow-gnus archives!!
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occudo · 2 years
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Late for Halloween, but here is a comic from my - Gertrude still around au - feat. Mr.Spider
more from this au
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localcuttlefish · 1 year
She archive on my magnus ‘til I give a statement
She Jane on my Prentiss ‘til I wasp in her attic
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skittlesandham · 4 months
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i might experiment more with her design but here she is.
More from Tma/TMagP: 1-2-3
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I’m starting an official bracket to discover the top rated TMA episodes (i made the pairings based on episode ratings through imdb and personal opinion). Episodes will be linked below the break for easy review
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wilkoakdraws · 10 months
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Inktober 2023, The Magnus Archives Edition - finished with the last part, prompts 30 and 31, both so season-5-style plot heavy.
*wipes brow* what a challenge! You can find all previous ones on my blog. I will probably compile them later for neatness~
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therealdistortion · 3 months
I love Web!Martin AUs because Jon’s first paranormal trauma was Mr. Spider and then he ends up dating a Mr. Spider
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autismprotocol · 6 months
TMAGP Theory Board ( EP 10)
Hi guys sorry for the late post I ended up drawing a lot for this update especially because it's the last one before the hiatus so wanted to give it a little more pizazz :D
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What Happened in Episode 10: Saturday Night
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Interview with Nigel Dickerson. The inccident report this week was all about Mr Bonzo. If you remember from last episode Nigel is the famous tv personality who created the character of Mr Bonzo. During this interview he recounts the rise and fall of Bonzo while being ominous and on edge the whole time. what I gathered from the interveiw is that Bonzo is either trapping Nigel or Bonzo and Nigel are linked somehow. (when he say "he won't let me leave" and refers to himself as "us") we also learn about the murders that are connected to the Bonzo suit, first by the serial killer Terrance Menki and very recently 3 unsolved murders. Nigel also mentioned that the actors who wore the Bonzo suit would be prone to injuries on set which is also really stange. Could be they were used as Bonzo's victims near his begining
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Gwen meets Mr Bonzo. The other section of the episode dealing with Bonzo is when Gwen goes to Nigel's house on her first assignment as the Externals Liason. So turns out Bonzo is maybe a hitman for the OIAR! Also, big thing Mr Bonzo is atually alive and is introduced with some kind of practice almost resembling a ritual. I heard somone mention they think Bonzo is an avatar of the Stranger and I can definitely see this. I'd love to hear if anyone else has a theory for what entity Bonzo may be connected to.
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The Return of Colin. Colin isn't dead!! Shocking absolutley everyone Colin is still kicking. a few episodes ago he was sent on mental health leave by Lena after his parnoia caused him to mentally snap. Celia sees him while on break and they have a short convorsation. Colin tells Celia that he need to figure out the computers. also big thing Colin is back without the permission of Lena. It will be interesting to see what hes looking for and if he'll continue to sneak behind Lena's back.
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Sam and Alice's Adventures into the Institute. Probaly the biggest development lore-wise was Sams and Alice investigating the ruins of the Magnus Institute. They don't find much (but I'm still am gonna talk about it for awhile) Alice mentions that there were weird carvings in the floor which she later equates to the worms on the ground. If you are a Archives listener hearing about worms in the archives starts seting off all kinds of alarms. This means in this universe the Jane Prentiss attack still happens, which is especcially iteresting because If I'm not mistaken in TMA the worm attack happened spesiffically to mark Jon with the corruption. Was Jon ever part of the institute? or if not Jon there must have been an archivist role in this Magnus Institute that would require Jane to attack it.
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ERROR and the Tape Recorders so far in protocol we have been listening to the characters through either the computers or though their phones. But during the last few minutes we here the click of a tape recorder. and TMA fans around the world rejoiced. The magnus archives is entirley told through tape recordings and are a tool used by the web (spesifically the avatar Annabelle Cane) does this mean Annabelle made it to this universe? or it could also signal the presense of Jon (since the tape recorders are linked to him) Alice and Sam investigate the archivist office looking for a place for the key when the floor collapes and Sam drops the key. After some Sam and Alice banter, they leave but the recorder stays running we then hear the scraping sound and some shutterd breathing. This is when I highly suggest going through the transcript after listening to an episode becuase they specifically what were hearing and who is breathing.
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I included the snippet from the transcript that pinpoints every not verbal sound we hear
water from the pit under the archives is disturbed
thud on wood then a rattle of a padlock
Key being dragged across the wood then fumbled into a lock that clicks open
trapdoor opens and ERROR imerges
ERROR takes 3 breaths
ERROR has been used before for redacting the roles played by Johnny, Alex and Tim (aka the voices of FR3-d1) during the cast anouncements for protocol. This makes me think that ERROR must be someone from the Archives universe my running theory is that it is a entity that houses Jon, Martin and Jonah's souls or consiounous. but It could literally be anyone. I'm also thinking ERROR has been locked in the tunnels under the archives (Mentioned in TMA)
And thats about Everything! plese let me know your thoughts or if you wanna correct me on any mistakes :)
Also I would love to know if you guys would prefer this style of post where I illustrate moments and scenes from each episode? it would probably delay when I'm able to post the breakdowns but I'd love to know if you guys perfer that format over the less illustrated one.
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underratedgrapeju1ce · 8 months
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lamaery · 2 years
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Since the line art / sketches for these have been reblogged more often, than the reblog with the coloured version (and I like the coloured version), I dare to repost this one. So that it may be shared and seen more as well. At the danger of being repetitive... Have an additional Mr Spider :D
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Now with colour and description (thank you @saintbleeding for that, I expanded on it a little bit) ------------------------ [ID: Two versions of a sketch page of characters from The Magnus Archives (the first is the sketches, the second has them rendered in full colour): Martin is pale and freckled with light blond hair and light violet glasses and is holding a thermos and cup, with text in the steam billowing from them reading “Let’s hope it’s not oolong”; Jon has a brown skin tone and dark wavy, grey-streaked hair coming down to his shoulders, He watches with a sad, wide-eyed, stare, His eyes are glowing in a bright, green and small eye symbols are forming around his head; Tim smiling and looking slyly to the side; a small, low-detail bust of Sasha with dark skin, round glasses and a large blob of dark her bound to the back of her head, behind a larger, more detailed bust of Not!Sasha looking over her shoulder (not by op: both of them are meant to be differing designs for Sasha, but the bigger sketch showing a young woman with a blond bob of hair could work for Not!Shasha quite well); Jon and Martin grinning smugly, Martin has a purple towel hanging over his shoulder, Jon is wearing a soft salmon colored hoodie, which is too large for him; Tim lounging on a wheely-chair and wearing an open Hawaiian shirt, holding a mug with a paper umbrella and smiling; Georgie is dark-skinned with short curly hair that has a red shade to it and freckles on her face. She is looking mistrustfully off-camera with an arm around Melanie, whose face is downturned. She has dark glasses concealing her eyes. The second image is a stylized, spidery figure consisting of a dark black, uneven blob for a body, a smaller black blob for a head, with almond shaped eyes scratched roughly and randomly across it, including a small bowtie at its non existent neck. Thin, scraggly, slightly hairy lines bent in many unnatural angles for the eight legs of the creature. A tiny hat adorned its head. It is with a splatter of bright red. End ID.]
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buonaseranatasha · 3 months
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Happy Hour at the Institute
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i-cant-sing · 23 days
How does mr. Blackwood look like?
(I love your TT au it's just so.. French kiss lol but anyways! Amazing talent keep up but don't rush)
- yapper anon
hmm how do i explain this- he has good features, but its his aura, his charm that really makes him attractive. he has green-brown eyes, the perfect combo, and sure, when he walks in a room, eyes are compelled to look his way, but he only lets you see what he permits. you think that just because he hasnt looked your way since the hour he walked in means he hasnt noticed you? you couldnt be more wrong. he knows you, and almost everything interesting there is about everyone else. he's very resourceful, he has the gift of gab, and he brings out the best in everyone. honestly, you wont even realise how or when, but give him 30 minutes and you'd be spilling your secrets to him cause he's just that good.
also I think he'd have broad shoulders, and despite being young, he looks very mature and just a tad bit of muscled built, NOT buff because while he attracts attention, he doesn't always want the spotlight on him.
he's cocky, he's smart, he's sharp. yknow how some guys give off the vibe where you're like "ooh, i can save him"? yeah well henry blackwood gives off the vibe "oh, he'd ruin me. devastate me. and i would let him."
A moodboard for Henry Blackwood:
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pines-eyes · 2 months
My Magnus Protocol stickers are up and ready to be sold on my Etsy shop!
The curtain stickers are inspired by Mr. Bonzo and JmJ.err with plenty more to come in the future!
Here's a sneak peek and a link to my Etsy! (PineandChlo)
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