#Mr somebody killed my best friend bastards
In a delusional state of mind and an attempt to heal til the next season…
At least it wasn’t Crowley rejecting Aziraphale 🫣
Would have been a much worse cliffhanger
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loki69zowens · 10 months
Somebody get Cornette I think he might be mad at me For turning this entire company into a tragedy He's trying to keep me outta the battle it's such a travesty And bearing his teeth but I'm a fucking bad cavity This fat bastard's bringer of disaster Fuck a higher-up I call no man master I'll hunt him like a rabbit inhabit his brain pattern Like seeing my face in a splatter of blood up in his gray matter It's the fucking mad hatter stay savage Take the head of his champ and place it on a silver platter Dress it up with orderves and then I serve it to him I'll make this place into a scene out of a Serbian Film I say that conquest is the best revenge And lesser men meet death when the test begins God damn the man flex and the rest defend They know enough to step back when the death descends
I'm the violence (an) On the back streets (ti) I'm Kevin Steen (christ) And (FUCK RING OF HONOR) I'm the spawn of (an) All your bad dreams (ti) I'm Kevin Steen (christ) And (FUCK RING OF HONOR) I'm a product (an) Of your weakness (ti) I'm Kevin Steen (christ) And (FUCK RING OF HONOR) When your god's gone (an) You can believe this (ti) I'm Kevin Steen (christ) And (FUCK RING OF HONOR)
My best friend is in the ground he's fucking dead to me My metamorphosis made him into an enemy So I crowned him with steel as the King of the weak And now the King and all his people are cowering at the hint of me I was a victim of sickness but in a miracle moment I was awoken and the light shone through So I broke him and showed him pain but the question remains If I can do that to him what can I do to you?
A monster through and through you'll be a testament To the death wish that you made when you stepped to it I am made flesh war death famine pestilence End of the world but you can call me Mr. Wrestling The question was never if Steen will But how loud the fans will be calling KILL STEEN KILL I am without regret I am devoid of shame I am the ANTICHRIST let them know the name
I'm the violence (an) On the back streets (ti) I'm Kevin Steen (christ) And (FUCK RING OF HONOR) I'm the spawn of (an) All your bad dreams (ti) I'm Kevin Steen (christ) And (FUCK RING OF HONOR) I'm a product (an) Of your weakness (ti) I'm Kevin Steen (christ) And (FUCK RING OF HONOR) When your god's gone (an) You can believe this (ti) I'm Kevin Steen (christ) And (FUCK RING OF HONOR) x2
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thequietmanno1 · 3 years
Thelreads, Vigilantes 65, Replies Part 2
1) “IT’S HIM
HE’S HERE AND HE’S WORKING WITH THE BROTHERS”- Their experience and prep work with Kakayan made them the perfect people to offer him a place of employment accommodating to his new body type- and the fact that he’s basically a massive brawler with muscle to spare doesn’t hurt with all the heavy lifting they get done around the shop. Plus, if anything they actually owe him one, because it was his destructive rampage that allowed them to start the café in the first place, albeit indirectly, so they did him a solid for the help he accidentally gave them. 2) “Bah, don’t worry about this dude, everybody here has tried to kill Koichi at least once before, we don’t hold grudges over it. Hell, Aizawa tries to murder him at least two times a week, you’re still on the clear on my book.”- If No:6 ever wants to be taken seriously as Koichi’s evil counterpart, he’ll have to step up his murder attempts on his life to stand out from the rest of the crowd- as it stands Koichi probably wouldn’t be able to pick him out of a line-up of all the people who’ve attempted murder on him in the last week alone.
3) “Oh my good the poor bastards- wait, I can understand when it came to Mantis having trouble readjusting to his new body, but Octoman here? He shouldn’t have any trouble, he’s not that big, his hands are normal, in fact now he has even more of them and has no trouble controlling them, why the fuck didn’t he just went back home and decided to crash here as well?! There’s no way he didn’t had a house before, what, did he got kicked out of it? Why?”- Even without his questionable choice in footwear, it’s very possible that Octonomu originally lived in an area where there was lingering discrimination against those whose quirks radically altered their appearance from the ‘normal human’ template, and, like Spinner, he was no longer able to fully fit into his old lifestyle because everybody consciously or unconsciously treated him different based on his new body
4) “But I don wonder what the insurance company thought when they heard that the person that caused the damage was going to be working together with them as business partners, that must’ve raised a few eyebrows I assume.”-Oh no, see that guy was somebody with a Squid-based quirk, whereas the Hotta brother’s newest hired hand has a quirk based on an octopus- clearly two different people.
5) “But honestly those guys are surprising me, turning away from their life of crime so they can give their friends a place to live and work, and one of them is not even someone they knew for long but was in dire need of help- goddamn the Hota brothers are cool.”- It’s also, to an extent, pragmatic and a legitimate business interest, as they not only provide a place of living for those whose bodies exceed the standard, but they’re also providing a job in a hither-to untapped section of the market, giving people with non-confirming bodies a chance to work for them and earn revenue, especially since Aizawa’s now overseeing their business ventures and preventing them doing anything further illegal whilst also supplying him with nigh-unlimited cups of coffee for his ‘patronage’.
 If they can’t do crimes, and they’re serving him anyway, they should make the best of it, and even get creative with the new opportunities they’ve been given. If they keep getting more staff like this, they could wind up becoming a city-wide franchise, especially with the amount of Trigger Villains Koichi ‘fights’ on a regular basis ever since No:6 ramped up production. In essence, they’re taking care of the ‘befriending’ part of ‘defeat equals friendship’
6) “Fret not Mr. Whiskers, this guy there might be scary but he seems to be alright, now that he’s not trying to kill anyone. Also he was the one person that almost killed McBee with a single pebble, he can be badass as well when needed.”- If the café thing doesn’t work out, he’d make a killing as a star baseball player. Able to hit a person between the eyes at 50 paces with a single toss, and can throw 3 balls at once- he’s a natural.
7) “DO CAT CAFE NOT FUCKING EXIST IN THIS PLACE OR SOMETHING? OR ARE Y’ALL JUST BEING TOO DENSE ABOUT THIS SORT OF STUFF?”- The Hotta brothers have been dealing with crimes far more than they have legitimate business options- it makes sense they’d not be up-to-date in ‘trends’ or more popular attractions when they were focusing on their home-brewed drug making and meeting supply and demand.
8) “Aizawa just watches and nods as his employees plan the details of his new office. Aizawa is pleased with their choices, because now he’ll have another place to store all the cats he finds along the way.”- Aizawa’s actual home is clearly no place to actually provide a healthy living environment for a growing cat, sparse as it is, so him having a location to off-load the numerous strays he comes across would make it a favourite location for him even if he didn’t already get served delicious coffee every time he turns up there. Aizawa probably contributed to 75% of the cats they used once they actually opened the shop
9) “You know, I like to think that, right now, Koichi just found a new job, completely by accident. Those guys are planning how the place will be and the things it will have, and they are definitely including the Crawler into it, he’s probably going to be the waiter, or at least the cashier.”- His Slide and Glide is actually pretty well-tailored for serving dishes to others, what with his ability to speed fast, tight cornering, and his new suction ability allowing him to glue the waiter’s trays to his hands. He’d be like a high-speed version of Linguini from Ratatouille
10) “But okay, I get what triggered this one, seeing that ragtag group of misfits making plans for the future with such joy- Yeah, it really brought back memories, even more considering how we already established that Koichi reminds Aizawa too much of Shirakumo.”-  Seeing one wayward kid starting to make his own place in the world and making new friends and allies from it seems to have been the inciting trigger for Aizawa to become a teacher. He was considering the idea before, but hanging around with Koichi seems to have helped clear up his lingering doubts. He saw a young man making his way in the world and relaised that he wanted to keep seeing that, see more teenagers going out and achieving their dreams to be a hero, in ways big and small, and he wanted to help them do that, like Kumo did for him, even when he himself didn’t believe it was possible. 
Even if there was a bit of a rift between Aizawa and Mic before now from their shared trauma, both men putting it to one side in order to honour his memory through the next generation of heroes seems to have mostly mended it. Aizawa finally stopped using Shirakumo’s death to push only himself forward and started using it to push other kids still uncertain of themselves onto the right path. He’s not let it go, but he’s not allowing his pain to limit his vision about what to do anymore.
11) “Wait- Aizawa, aren’t you forgetting someone? Are you really not including Midnight on this plan?”-She was always the type to go independent and branch out on her own- and Aizawa was very glad for that, because if she’d been affiliated with their future agency, then they’d have assumed the worst about the three of them and the reputation of their hero agency, hanging around with a lady who encourages people to wear less and express themselves openly. Midnight might be a good friend, but she was social suicide if they wanted to present themselves as morally-upright heroes to a public monitoring and commenting on their every move.
12) “Oh thank god they snapped him out of it, I was about to get worried for a moment that we were about to go down that road once again and I wasn’t ready for it. Aizawa was brought back to the present because he needs to hear the plan for his new hero office.”- Part of these rampant flashbacks might also be because Aizawa’s not getting enough sleep and is dozing off into drams/memories of happier times whenever he’s giving his body some time to rest, hence why he ‘wakes up’ every time he snaps out of a flashback. We’ve seen how hard he’s been pushing himself to protect people, and how relentless he’s been about always being ready to spring into action at a moment’s notice, but that has to still be a serious amount of mental and physical exhaustion he’s putting himself through as self-punishment. I think he actually dozed off to sleep against the wall whilst waiting for the rain to stop.
13) “I wonder what kind of absolute moron would ever want to mess with a place with you two in it. Like, imagine trying to rob a place where every single person in there is a bio-engineered murder machine that already went to jail before.
Just Imagine that.”- There was a scene like that in one of the Diskworld books, where a trio of crooks, new to how Ankh-Morpork works, tries to rob the first place of business they came across inside the city and happened to pick the tavern where the Watch/local police force favourites for their after-work drinks. They walked in and tried to rob a tavern filled with trolls, dwarves, vampires, humans built like line-backers, and corporal Nobby Nobbs, all looking for a few quit minutes after a long stressful day. They tried to rectify this mistake by taking the nearest human female hostage and backing out of the pub. She turned out to be the watch’s female werewolf. Needless to say, mistakes were made.
14) “Oh, you’re not going down another flashback, are ya Aizawa? I mean, you’re seeing a group of friends make plans for the future, and you’re being included on them, I can see how this could trigger other memories- you’re definitely gonna be emotional after this, that’s for sure.”- He’s always emotional inside, never on the surface if he can help it, but at least he’s managed to turn some of his emotional problems into resolution for the future. He’s finally decided on a course of action, rather than aimlessly wandering around from villain fight to villain fight, looking for a place to be useful to somebody in need.
15) “It seems like this was a bit of enlightening moment for Aizawa, to rekindle a bit o the hope he lost before. Not all of it, he still is reckless an borderline suicidal with how he handles his fights, but even so, he got a bit better after finally facing his past. It won’t fix everything, but it is a start. “- Looking back on every fight Aizawa’s been in- the USJ raid, the Final Exams fights, the training lodge arc, the Hassaki raid- he’s always the one putting himself in the risky position to protect the kids and keep their safety paramount above all else. At first it’s because you think he just cares that much about keeping them out of harm’s way, but it’s also because he cares so little about his own well-being- every serious fight he was in resulted in him getting hurt or blindsided in some manner because he stepped in stand between the kids and oncoming dangers.
He fought outside his usual tactics at USJ against large numbers, allowing himself to get his arm partially decayed at Tomura’s hands once he’d observed his quirk for long enough, he was so distracted by the thoughts of the kids being in danger during the Hideout riad that he nearly ate an attack from that Dabi double, and whilst he saw Chrono’s sneak attack coming, he took the hit anyway to protect Midoria from it, despite the fact that his erasure was what was keeping Overhaul’s OP quirk under wraps at the time. He even lost the mock battle fight against Shoto and Yayorozu because he wanted to correct the flaws in their behaviour, rather than treating the exercise as 100% seriously a fight as All Might did.
AIZAWA SMILED AGAIN, AND NOW IN THE PRESENT”- But not where we can see it though, so that means no impending disaster for Aizawa this time.
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nightowlfandom · 4 years
I’m a Bad, Bad, Man- AU! Criminal! Levi Ackerman X Detective! Reader. (Part 2)
 So this mini series will have mentions of death, blood, murder, smut, smut with a criminal, mentions of gangs. A. LOT. OF. VIOLENCE. This isn't for the faint of heart...so with all that said, please proceed with caution. I will even include a read more break just incase you don't want to read it all.
You sat across from Levi, arms crossed as you waited for him to speak. You wound up following him to what you assumed was his VIP section. You straightened out your back, refusing to break eye contact as he poured himself another glass of whiskey. The first sign of a lie, you were gonna shoot him right there. 
“You sure are dedicated aren’t you.” he huffed. 
“Only when I’m on a mission.” you replied flatly. 
“Tch! Of course. As annoying as you cops are, I respect your diligence.”
“I’m not a cop! I wouldn’t be caught dead working with one of those useless toads in uniform.” you instantly corrected. “I’m here for answers, not to have my time wasted.”
“Feisty. I like a feisty cadet.” he leaned back, a sadistic smile gracing his lips. “One of mine got hit last night.” he cut right to the chase. 
“That’s your excuse? Really?” you raised an eyebrow. 
“That’s not all. I wasn’t even here last night, I was taking care of business. Got into a pretty bad fight and managed to rip this off the asshole.” he dug into his pocket and pulled out a cloth patch. On it was a red snake with white eyes.
“That’s the symbol that was found on the body last night!” you realized. “You said you were fighting somebody?”
“Yep, and this isn’t my symbol. I don’t do snakes.” he threw the patch on the table. “All I know is that I wanna find the asshole who did this to one of mine so I can put a blade through his head.”
“Well I wanna bring justice to a woman who lost her husband behind petty violence.” you uncrossed your arms. “People like you piss me off you know.”
“People like me make the world go round, cadet. I say the only way for you to get your guy is for us to work together.”
“Me...work with you.” you rolled your eyes. “Yeah, that’ll happen.”
“Think about it. With me, no one will even think of messing with you, Detective.” he leaned forward, a smirk painted on his lips. “Plus, you could help me get rid of a few headaches of my own.”
“So you want me, a detective that makes a living of bringing assholes like you in to help you?”
“I’m the best lead you have so far and probably only source of evidence you have so far, cadet.” he winked. You despised that stupid pet-name he for some reason coined for you. “Your choice.”
You’d rather die than get help from a criminal like Ackerman...but he was right. He was the most helpful source you had right. “Fine.”
“You help me...I take down my guy and help you catch yours. Deal?”
“I had no idea your were a dirty cop, cadet.”
“Only when I want something.” you replied. “Like I said, I’m not a cop. What do you say, Ackerman?”
“Hm, I like you Detective...when do we begin?”
“You’re working with a criminal!”
“Ryan, do not start with me.” you groaned. “I’m doing this for Mrs. Johnson.” You stood outside a hotel, shifting on your toes as people dressed like you walked up the grand steps. Ryan was basically yelling at you on the phone.
“Joining forces with that guy?! Have you lost your mind?!” you could just hear him exploding on the other end of the line.
“I said don’t start!” you glared down at your phone screen. “He has information, he has ties, I need both.” you adjusted your dress.
“I get that, but being his plus one to a gala full of criminals? Black market much!? He could be tricking you!”
“Probably.” you replied, shrugging. Even thought he couldn’t see,  “But there’s no reason I can’t check it out.”
“You’re gonna get yourself killed. This guy could be tricking you.”
“Maybe.” you stood up. “I’ll be ready for him though.” you straightened yourself up.
Levi was invited to what he called a ‘black tie affair’. He told you that you were going to be his plus one. Every bigshot would be there, rich men and women, CEOs, Businessmen and most of all...the worlds richest lawbreakers.
You hung up your phone without saying anything, shoving the device back into your clutch. It’s now or never.
“I didn’t think you’d show up.”
You turned your head to see Levi walking up. “I was beginning to think you had rethought out deal.”
“Please.” you scoffed. “Let’s just get this over with.” you dug your nails into your clutch, stopping yourself from insulting him.
“Shall we, cadet?”
Instead of snapping at him to stop calling you that god-awful petname, you linked arms with him and allowed him to lead you up the stairs.
You were soon in a huge room with blaring orchestral music. As you suspected, rich bastards and bitches from all walks of life were there, talking as if they were friends. You knew the police force was corrupt but to see just how many, it put you off.
“Everyone’s staring at you.” Levi leaned over and whispered into your ear. “Do you know how many woman would kill to be near me right now?”
“The same amount of fucks I give about how many women would kill to be near you right now.” you answered, clearly uninterested in the amount of people who wanted to fuck this guy.
“Just stay close, princess. The minute you’re left alone, they’ll be waiting to dig their claws into you.”
“How reassuring.” you rolled your eyes. 
... (One hour later)
“Shit, where are we?” you asked as Levi led you down a brightly lit hallway.
“Technically under the hotel.” he answered. “He went this way.” he had a firm grip on your wrist. “Stay close.”
“The world is getting more and more corrupt. Illegal auctions at hotels?” you shivered in disgust. “Whatever, let’s find him and demand answers so I can leave.”
“As you wish, princess.” he laughed. “He should be heading this way. We just have to watch out.” 
“Let me guess, we aren’t supposed to be here.” you scoffed. 
“No, not that. It’s just I don’t want anyone thinking you’re part of the auction.” he winked. 
“Okay EW!” You felt your stomach turn. “Please never say that again.”
Just as you were about say something else, someone came around the corner. You didn’t have time to register panic because Levi suddenly pinned you against the nearest wall with a thud. 
“What are you-” you were cut off by Levi holding onto the back of your neck and pulling you into a feverish kiss. He balled up your dress in his fist and he held you up against the wall. You could tell whoever turned the corner was surprised to see you in such a compromising position. 
You instantly caught on and kissed Levi back, wrapping your arms around his neck. His fingers ghosted over your exposed thigh from the slit in the dress. His free hand rested on your cheek as he slid his tongue into your mouth, really selling it.
To make it look even more compromising, you held onto his blazer pulling him against you.
You weren’t sure what it was, but Levi released a low groan against your lips. You weren’t sure if he was acting anymore. 
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize-” a scared voice caused you both to glare in the direction of whoever was talking. You instantly took note of the red snake tattoo on his forearm. One quick gaze at Levi and he instantly understood.
Levi instantly zipped over and grabbed the guy by the throat, holding him up against the wall. 
“Listen here you worthless worm, you’re gonna tell me everything I wanna know.” he snarled. You stood behind Levi, digging the patch out of your clutch.
“Who does this belong to?” you asked, holding it up to his face.
“I don’t know, I swear!”
“Wrong answer.” Levi tightened his grasp. “Every time you bullshit me, I get closer to suffocating you.”
“Okay okay!” the guy cried. “Please don’t kill me!” 
“Tick tock, buddy.” you impatiently crossed your arms. “We don’t have all day.” 
“My boss is gonna kill me.” the scared man shook in his shoes. His feet were barely touching the ground at this point. “It’s a patch off of a jacket belonging to the White Snakes.”
“Were they at a nightclub two nights ago?” you asked. 
“Yes.” he nodded frantically. “Please...don’t kill me.”
Levi dropped the young man, who fell to his knees. “You’re gonna tell us everything we want to know...starting with this little boss of yours.”
... (Another hour later)
You were back in your apartment, looking through the results Ryan had come back with. Levi had insisted on following you incase anyone was dumb enough to follow you home.
“So what’s the verdict, cadet?”
“If Ryan’s conclusions are right, and they usually always are. Then that guy was right.” you sighed. “I’m gonna be on a man hunt.”
“You mean we.” he corrected. “I have someone to catch too.” 
You took a good look at Levi. You knew he used to be a former captain or something. It probably came in handy when it came to talking to his gang. Your mind instantly wandered back to that kiss. You could still feel his fingertips against you. Part of you wanted him to do it again. 
“Alright.” you knocked yourself out of it. “I have a meeting in the morning so-” you took one step and nearly tripped over your own two feet. Stupid dress! 
“Woah!” Levi caught you, holding you in his arms. “Be careful.”
“Sorry! It’s this-” you gazed up at his face. “Dress.” you realized how close he was. 
Damnit! You were a P.I! This was a criminal! Why were you feeling this way.
“Um...w-we’ll meet up tomorrow.” Levi helped you stand up straight. “Be prepared.”
He left without another word, his face bright red.
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90slevi · 4 years
Control {Katsuki Bakugo x Reader}
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TW: Angst, gore, strong/heavy language
Quirk: Rock/Earth Manipulation
"Y/l/n, look out!”
You only just dodged the large blast of blue flames coming your way, and your eyes widened as you stumbled backwards, thankful Kirishima had yelled loud enough for you to hear despite the ringing in your ears.
Your quirk was definitely not the best against Dabi, a flame-wielding sociopath who didn't care about who he murdered. God, how you hoped your classmates were okay. This was the second time in the past two months your class had been ambushed by the league of villains, and although you guys only just managed to handle it with a few minor injures (excluding Midoriya's broken fingers), it was still terrifying.
And right now, you were fighting for your life.
Why the hell had you been put against Dabi?
Stomping on the ground, a wall of rock appeared in front of you, blocking Dabi from your view as you ran, protecting you, Kirishima and Kaminari for the time being. You three and Bakugo had decided stupidly to run into the danger, wanting to protect your classmates while Midoriya, Todoroki, Uraraka and Iida went to fight a couple of others including Shigaraki. However, Bakugo had been attacked by both Toga and Mr Compress, and he was nowhere to be seen.
Nervousness flooded through your veins; you'd been dating the hot-headed blonde for nearly four months now, and you absolutely adored him with your whole heart. If anything happened to him, you'd be devastated.
"He's out!" Kaminari exclaimed, glancing over his shoulder to see the rock wall collapse around the black-haired villain. You cursed loudly, creating a second large wall and, using your fingers against the earth, determined where he was standing before shooting him into the air with your new super move - Earth Spring! A huge pole of rock and dirt from the ground would shoot up, causing him to go up with it and get flung into the air. However, it appeared that you'd only just missed, as just before you sprung it, he hopped onto a concrete area. "Damn it!"
"We need to get back to base," you said, noticing that Kaminari was switching from his usual-self to his short-circuited version. And Kirishima had used his super-move already to get rid of a monstrous villain who'd gone specifically after you, so he was tired as hell too. The boys opened their mouths to protest, and you stopped for a second to put your hands onto the ground. You created the biggest and thickest wall possible before continuing to run, almost out of breath. Bending and controlling the earth exuded a lot of energy from you, and the boys knew this well. "Look, we can't fight. He's way too strong, and I can tell you guys are exhausted. Let the pros deal with this."
"You can't run!" Dabi taunted, now standing on top of the wall. It was about ten meters tall, but you knew he'd be able to get down with ease - he'd managed to get up there, after all. "You gonna fight or what?"
"Shut up!" Kaminari yelled, much braver than you'd expected. He went to shoot electricity towards the villain, but you stopped him in fear of him short-circuiting. "God damn it, Y/n!"
You were about to argue with him to explain your reasoning, before suddenly feeling a sudden sharp pain across your entire body. Screaming, you then fell to the ground, unable to move as you collapsed. Your face was to the side, able to see Dabi with a smile on his face. Someone was walking behind you, but Kirishima and Kaminari had been completely unharmed. Kirishima went to pick you up and run, but he froze.
What you couldn't see was that this second villain was threatening the three of you. If he took a step towards you, the villain would stop your heart. You recognised the quirk, too; your father had fought this bastard before. He could control anybody's limbs and organs just by looking at them, meaning he was incredibly dangerous and could cause you immense harm.
"Don't you dare hurt her," Kaminari hissed, instantly cowering away when the villain put his foot against your face. You cursed quietly, not exactly enjoying your experience underneath his shoe.
"So, you're the brat causing us trouble," the second villain said, and you noticed his voice. You were right, this was Occirium - his name a mix of Control and Kill in Latin - and he spiked fear into absolutely everybody. Including you. "Those walls over there... that was you, correct?"
"What's it to you?" you asked, trying to look up at him but being completely unable to. Occirium almost cackled, finding it humorous. However, Dabi just looked bored.
"You've got one fine quirk," he continued. "You and your little blonde boyfriend completely obliterated us."
Your heart almost skipped a beat. Bakugo... he knew about Bakugo, what the Hell had he done?
Either Bakugo had done a LOT of damage, or they'd done something to him. That was all you could come to since Occirium seemed to be targeting you two in particular. Kaminari audibly gasped, and Kirishima sub-consciously clenched his fists.
"So, as payback, I think it'd be fun to obliterate the two of you," Occirium said, and when Kaminari went running away for help, the man pressed harder on your head before yelling, "OI! SPARKY! Get back here before I crush her skull. You two are going to fucking watch, got it?"
Kaminari nodded anxiously, his eyes wide as he was dragged back next to Kirishima by Dabi. You winced a little, remembering what your father had said about Occirium absolutely loving to make a show out of things, especially murder. It revolted you, and you wished you could kick the living daylights out of him.
"I've got the little brat," a third voice said, and you began to panic. Did he mean... Bakugo?! How had they caught him? That boy was stronger than half of your class combined, meaning somebody extremely powerful had done it. These people were not ones to be messed with, and when you heard Kaminari and Kirishima exclaim loudly, you knew what was going to happen.
"OI ASSHOLES! Let go of me, you cowards!"
As if on cue, a beaten-up Bakugo was pushed next to you, also now being controlled by Occirium. One of his eyes was already swelling up to form a black-eye, and cuts, scratches, and bruises had already formed on his arms. Your mouth opened slightly in worry and fear, whereas he just looked absolutely furious.
"You fucking bastards," Bakugo muttered, only to shut up when you exclaimed out loud, a jolt of pain exploding in your leg. Occirium could control your pain receptors too, making him one of the worst villains to be tortured by. And now you were under his commands. "Y/n-"
"It's fine," you mouthed, grumbling quietly as the pain began to fade.
"That's what you get, Blasty, for speaking like that to your superiors," Occirium said, an obnoxious laugh leaving his lips. You wrinkled your nose in disgust before a plan began to form in your head. It was something you were incredibly well-known for, and that was how quickly you could perform under pressure. Something Occirium couldn't do was control whether you used your quirk or not, and if you just tried to activate it without moving, maybe... just maybe... "Now, I'm sure Dabi is incredibly frustrated right now. So, wouldn't it be fun if I got Sparky and Red-Hair to watch their beloved friends get burned alive?"
"What the hell?!" Kaminari yelled loudly, only to be shut up by Kirishima. The two seemed to be frozen in fear, unable to do anything at all. It appeared that they were hoping, by some stroke of luck, a pro-hero or somebody else would be able to come and save you all.
"Shut it," Dabi glared, a cunning grin now on his face. Bakugo attempted with all his might to move, but with no luck. His angry eyes began to fade into fear, and you gave him a comforting smile. He looked down, unable to look at the face he loved so dearly, and he began to mumble something.
"I'm... sorry," he said, and you raised your eyebrows in concern. It was unlike Bakugo to give up so easily, but then again, this was your lives on the line. And even the plan you had wasn't the greatest. There was such a slim chance it would work. "I could've been a better boyfriend."
"Katsuki, you were an amazing boyfriend," you chuckled quietly, glad Occirium was distracted by Dabi to hear you. "And you always will be. Now shut up and listen to my plan."
Bakugo's eyes widened as you said that, and his ears pricked up as you spoke as quietly as possible, almost silently.
Your plan was for you set off your quirk right where Dabi was standing, blocking off him and the third villain. While Occirium was distracted for a few seconds, Bakugo would attempt to grab you and blast to the side. While you were doing that, you'd use your quirk to 'Earth-Spring' you both and the other two to God-knows-where. And once the four of you were together, Bakugo could blast away. Occirium would no longer be able to see you and the quirk wouldn't be effective anymore!
It was a difficult plan to execute with a slim chance of working, but it'd be better to try and die than not try and die. Bakugo nodded, and because he was so used to his hands going numb with the explosions, he managed to hook his fingers around your costume's sleeve. He looked up at Kirishima and Kaminari before giving a quick, devilish smile. The two of them raised their eyebrows, and when you mouthed 'Now' at Bakugo, you created a massive rock wall.
Just as you thought, Occirium was surprised for two seconds. Using that opening, Bakugo blasted to the side, reaching Kirishima and Kaminari's feet. You then pressed your hand harsher into the ground before creating a massive pole, the four of you being lifted high into the sky. You winced when you felt a sharp pain in your stomach, and Bakugo seemed to feel it too, but when you were out of the villain's vision, you were finally able to control your body again. You cheered, only for the explosive blonde to grab onto your waist, yell for the two boys to grab onto him and blast away, landing into the large forest to the right. You all fell into the trees, yelling as you did so, and you hit the ground with a thud.
"Ow," Kaminari muttered, rubbing his arm that seemed to be bleeding pretty badly. He'd caught it on a tree branch, but thankfully, Kirishima had bandages on him.
"Katsuki, oh my God," you exclaimed, pulling him into a tight hug. You'd never been so relieved and you almost cried into his chest. He wrapped his arms around your waist, and he sighed with happiness. "I thought we were going to die!"
"Yeah, me too, Dumbass," Bakugo muttered, and you shut your eyes. He'd never, ever given up before, meaning he genuinely thought this was the end. "I thought I was going to lose you."
"Same to you!" you answered, pulling away and grinning cheekily, only to notice the cuts on his body. "K-Katsuki! You need those treating!"
"We'll do that once we get back to camp," he said, taking your hand firmly and walking ahead. You would've argued with him, mentioning that Kirishima had bandages on him, but you were too tired to do so. "Oi, extras! Follow me unless you want to go and get murdered."
The two others nodded, both still frightened as hell and in shock. Just from the way you were shaking, Bakugo knew you were scared too, and he couldn't deny the fact that he was too. He would've been fine on his own, but knowing you were in the same position as he was made him absolutely petrified. If he'd been responsible for your death, he'd never live with himself.
At night, the forest was definitely creepy. The only light-source you had was Kaminari's electricity and Bakugo's explosions, but neither of those were the best. You also didn't want villains to notice you, so you made sure to be as quiet as possible. None of you were ready to fight again, both exhausted and traumatised by what'd happened, and you just wanted to sleep.
However, when the camp came back into view, and Aizawa's angry face appeared, you almost fainted with happiness. The other 2-A students cheered when they saw you, all clearly having fought a villain at some point just from the way they were stood. Midoriya, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu, and Ojiro were currently missing, and you assumed they were in the ambulances that'd parked up. Aizawa rushed over, and a doctor took Kaminari after noticing the poorly-wrapped and blood-stained bandage over the boy's arm. You collapsed, and Bakugo knelt down next to you in surprise. Kirishima quickly began explaining to the teacher what'd happened, and Aizawa went from angry and concerned to absolutely furious.
"Hey, you're okay, right?" Bakugo asked, trying to help you up only for you to fall back down again. You were so tired, scared, cold and in pain that you just didn't want to. "Y/n?"
"I want to go to sleep," you muttered, and Bakugo sighed in annoyance. But he understood too, and he sat down beside you while two doctors rushed over, one to treat him and the other to treat you. "Katsuki?"
"What, dumbass?"
"I love you."
"Tch. Love you too. I guess."
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slowly-writing · 5 years
She Knows
Tony Stark x Daughter!Reader
Wanda Maximoff x Stark!Reader
Word count: 2550
Requested by @kye06
A/N: The premise of this story is flipping who survived Infinity War and who didn’t
Warning: Major Character Death. Angst.
You’re fighting as hard as you possibly can. You’ve been training for as long as you can remember, but nothing could’ve ever prepared you for this. You look off to your right and see Wanda trying her hardest to destroy Vision’s stone and your heart aches for her. You know how gentle of a person she tries to be and she considers Vision a close friend. This has to be killing her.
You turn to the alien...thing you’re fighting and put all your focus into that. The next time you look up you see Thor with Stormbreaker in Thanos’s chest. You let out a sigh of relief, thinking you’ve won but then you hear the purple bastard mumble something about going for the head. Your eyes go wide as he snaps his fingers and he disappears. You fall to your knees. It can’t be over, can it?
You see Steve coming through the tree line, holding his side and asking where Thanos went. You hear bucky coming up behind you and you look at him for one second. By the time you look back, Steve is disintegrating in front of your eyes. You look to Thor who quickly follows Steve’s fate. You can hear people calling each other and you know it’s a sound that will haunt your dreams for years to come. All you can do is stare in shock, this is really it.
“What is this? What’s happening?” a voice behind you says, Sam maybe.
“We lost,” you say, you’re barely able to bring your voice above a whisper, “we lost.”
“What do we do?” Wanda asks, only to be met by silence. No matter how many times you try to have this conversation, it never gets easier.
“What about the team on Titan? Do we know if anyone over there is still…” you trail off. You can’t bring yourself to say the words. No matter how rocky of a relationship you had with your father, you never thought you’d be in this situation. You never dreamed life could get this bad.
“What is that?” you look up at Bucky, who’s staring out the window. You follow his gaze and immediately take off for the lawn, the others close behind you. The ship has definitely seen better days, but it settles and Peter is the first one off. He looks dazed and you run up to him, grabbing him before he can fall. The poor kid is too young to be dealing with this.
“I couldn’t-I couldn’t stop him,” he mumbles, staring at the ground and you feel your heart breaking a little more.
“None of us could, Peter” you try to reassure him, and he meets your eyes.
“I lost him. I lost Mr. Stark,” he says and your world stops. You do everything you can to stay strong, but it's too much. You feel a familiar set of hands on your back and you turn around, collapsing into Wanda’s arms as she holds your weight.
“It’s a mess here. It’s been 23 days since Thanos came, and it looks like he did exactly what he said he was gonna do. Thanos wiped out fifty percent of all living creatures.” You explain to what’s left of your team, looking at the board in front of you. Faces are flashing through the hologram and you catch sight of your Father’s picture.
“Where is he now?” Sam asks and you sigh.
“We don’t know. But I’m gonna find him,” you start typing and you feel Wanda put a hand on your shoulder.
“Maybe we should-”
“No!” you cut her off, “I’ve been sitting on my ass for weeks. I’ve done all the good I can here. I’m gonna find that bastard and we’re gonna fix this!”
“Okay, okay. Let me help,” she says, sitting next to you and the two of you start running scans. Within minutes you find a radioactive signature similar to the one from Wakanda.
“There. We got him.”
“Let’s go get this son of a bitch,” You hear Bucky say and you nod.
You’re sitting on the ship, looking down at the alien planet below and you sigh before you hear Wanda’s voice.
“This is gonna work, y/n,” she says and you nod.
“I know it is. Cause I don’t know what I’m gonna do if it doesn’t.”
When you land Wanda and Peter go in first, holding him back and you quickly use the blaster on your suit to remove the gauntlet from his arm. Bucky flips it over and everyone freezes.
“What did you do with them?”
Thanos goes on a rant about how they’re useless now, but you can only focus on one thing. The stones are gone. There’s nothing left. It’s over. You’re not sure who takes the shot, Wanda maybe. Maybe it was you, but before you know it, Thanos is gone, and there’s nothing left to do but to go home and find a way to live with it.
After everything, you left the compound. There were too many memories there. Too many reminders of what you lost. It was all too painful. So you moved up to a nice cabin by the lake, you finally bought Wanda the ring you should’ve given her years ago, and you lived your life as best you could. You adopted a baby girl, after the snap there were so many kids who needed families. You named her Natasha. It was a joke at first, you remembered how much she teased Clint about naming a kid after her, but then all the sudden it wasn’t a joke. It was a good way to remember your best friend, and in an odd way, it helped you heal. So now it was the three of you, and your new sense of normalcy.
“Tasha? Come on, it’s lunchtime!” you call, walking out to the tent Wanda had set up a few years back. The kid loved it and you always knew where to find her. “Natasha Stark, come out come out wherever you are!” you tease and she comes crawling out, a toy blaster and miniature helmet on her head. “There you are, Mama made lunch, you ready to come inside?” you gently pull the helmet off of her head, revealing her beautiful smile and your heart melts at the sight.
“I’m ready,” she smiles and you lift her up, heading towards the house,
“Well then we better get going,” you hear a car pull up to your right and you sigh, seeing Peter and Bucky get out followed by a woman, Hope, or something like that. You nod at them, walking over to the front door, “Tasha, go inside with Mama, okay?” you hear Bucky take a sharp inhale at the name, and you understand. You felt the same way at first.
“Y/n, what’s happening?” Wanda asks and you shake your head.
“I don’t know,” you say and she nods.
“I got her, you take care of it.”
“So you’re telling me time travel is your solution?” you ask, “you’ve really exhausted all your resources down at the compound, huh? If you go down there, you don’t come back.”
“I did,” Hope cuts you off and you sigh.
“It was a fluke, the most likely outcome is our collective demise,” you argue and Bucky pipes up.
“The stones are in the past. We go back there and we get them.” Bucky says, as if it’s that simple, “after everything that we’ve been through does it really seem that unlikely?”
“Once we have the stones we snap our own finger, bring everybody back,” Peter says.
“Or we screw it up more than he already did!”
“Y/n, we have to take a stand,” Peter says, and you can hear the tears in his voice.
“We did stand. And yet, here we are.” You say, and Hope glares.
“I understand you’ve got a lot to lose. You’ve got a wife, a daughter, but I lost somebody very important to me, and now we’ve got a chance to bring them back, and you’re telling me that you won’t even-”
“That’s right. I won’t even. I lost someone important too. But I can’t.” you hear the screen door open and your daughter climbs into your lap.
“Mama told me to come and save you,” she says and you hold her close.
“Good job, I’m saved,” you say before looking to the people standing in front of you, “I wish you would’ve come to ask me anything else.”
“y/n, I understand. I’m happy for you, but this is a second chance,” Peter says and you shake your head.
“I’ve got my second chance right here, kid.” you say, gesturing to your daughter in your arms, “I can’t roll the dice on that.”
You’re standing in front of your work table staring at the hologram. “Let’s see what we can do,” you mess with one last particle when you see the words ‘model successful’ floating in front of your face. Your eyes go wide and you fall back into your chair “Shit.”
“Shit,” a small voice behind you says and you spin around.
“What are you doing up, little miss?”
“Shit,” Tasha says again and you shake your head.
“No. We don’t say that word.”
“What are you doing up?” she asks and you smile.
“I got some important shit going on!” you can’t help but laugh at her adorable scrunched up face. “No, I’m working on something, I got something on my mind.”
“Was it juice pops?” she asks and you chuckle.
“Yep. It was, you want some juice pops? Come on, that’s exactly what I was thinking...” you trail off as she drags you towards the kitchen.
Somehow it works. You never would’ve bet on it in a million year, but it worked and you were staring at the birds through the window when suddenly everything went to shit all over again. When you manage to pull yourself out of the rubble and onto the battlefield you prepare yourself. You gave the world 5 minutes of hope, and now it was all happening again. You look to your right and see a portal opening. “Dad?” you say softly, but he manages to hear you. His head snaps towards yours, you smile at him. He hasn’t aged a day. Before you can do anything else Steve is speaking on your left.
“Avengers. Assemble.” you smirk and then everyone is off. Fighting twice as hard as they did last time because now, you refuse to lose.
The battle feels like it is lasting forever, and off next you, you see the gauntlet hit the floor. Thanos is running for it and you tackle him as best you can. Thor comes next to you fighting him off with Steve and Carol behind him. You make eye contact with Strange, who holds up one finger before you look over at your dad. You know what you have to do.
You wrestle with Thanos, pulling at the gauntlet before he pushes you aside.
“I am inevitable.” he says and you hear the metallic clank of him snapping his fingers. You hold your hand up as the stones slide into place. Your whole arm feels like it’s on fire and it takes everything in you not to scream in agony.
“And I. Am. A Stark.” you grit out, snapping your fingers and watching as Thanos’s army turns to dust. You rest yourself against the nearts mound of metal and stare out into the battlefield as everything becomes eerily quiet.
“Y/n? Y/n we won,” Peter comes into view, tears streaming down his face and you nod as best you can, “we won, y/n.”
You see Wanda pull him off of you and crouch next to you, you can vaguely see your dad standing behind her, and maybe Pepper. Everythings too blurry, you can’t really tell what’s happening anymore.
“Friday,” your dad says crouching in front of you, and you can hear your AI’s voice reporting your life functions. You don’t know what she said, but you can tell by his face it wasn’t good. You force out a smile as best you can, but everything hurts. “Y/n, hey. Look at me. We’re gonna be okay.”
You take in your dad’s words before looking to Wanda. You open your mouth but no sound comes out, but she knows what you were trying to say.
“I got her, I’ll look after Tasha. We both love you y/n, so much” you hear her voice crack. You want so badly to say it back. She needs to know how much you love her. You’re screaming it, but no sound will come out. You want to apologize and tell her everything will be okay, but all you can do is look into her eyes as everything fades away.
“Everybody wants a happy ending. But it doesn’t always roll that way. I’m hoping if you play this back, it’s in celebration. I hope families are reunited and some sort of normalcy is brought back to the world. God, what a world. For better or worse, this is the reality Tasha’s gonna have to find a way to grow up in, and I wish I could’ve been there to see it. That’s right, Romanoff, you can finally stop complaining about Clint not naming a kid after you, and I think I won the title of better friend, here.” The group settled in your living room chuckles at your hologram, Wanda pulling your daughter closer as Natasha puts a hand on her shoulder. Your dad is sitting next to them, still in shock after all this time.
“I thought I better record something in case tomorrow doesn’t work out. This whole time travel thing has got me scratching my head. I wish dad were here to help, I know he’d be able to figure it out. I just hope it works, and maybe he’ll be back. Maybe he’s back now watching this, I sure hope so. I always wanted him to meet my little girl,” you holographic self smiles, shaking its head slightly. “What am I even tripping about, everythings gonna be fine. I love you all,” you say, turning off the camera.
The room is silent as everyone stares at where you once were, the knowledge that they’ll never see you again slowly settling in.
“It should’ve been me,” your dad's voice is barely audible. “If I could’ve gotten there faster-”
“Don’t.” Wanda cuts him off, her voice thick with tears as she tries to hold it together, “she knew what she was getting herself into. If it had been you I’d be sitting here having this conversation with her. She knew what we were doing out there. She knew the risks.”
“I wish I could’ve been a better father. I should’ve done more,” Tony says, and Pepper puts a hand on his shoulder.
“She loved you. All she ever wanted to do was make you proud,” Wanda tells him.
“I just wish I could tell her I loved her, one last time. Tell her I was proud of her. I always have been…” he trails off.
“She knows” Wanda says softly, smiling despite her tears.
Tag list: @rvgrsbrns
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mythrilhusk · 4 years
!!Kill Techno-Sensei!! - Chapter One
Dream SMP x Assassination Classroom AU. Quackity-centric. No ships. 
Words: 1850 Chapter Two (Next) AO3 Version
ALL characters are based off of the Dream SMP characters, Not the content creators (some people are left out due to this, since they have no perceivable RP character). This was a lot of fun to write, and I hope y’all enjoy.
Content warnings: violence, panic attacks/anxiety, death mention, swearing (lots)
CHAPTER ONE (Kill A Little Time):
"Ten billion dollars??" Sapnap's amazed cry startles Quackity out of his tired stupor. Connor and Foolish crowd around Sapnap's desk, babbling with excitement. 
"What the fuck are you on about?" Quackity grumbles, but he can't help peeking over Sapnap's shoulder. The creased document seems to be a bunch of lousy legal drivel. 
"Big Q, the price on this guy's head! We'd be set for life!" 
Quackity makes a grabby gesture, and Sapnap gives the papers to him. His little gang of three-- (missing Karl, since the bastard had to get himself transferred to a different class)-- gathers around him as he flips through them.
That man’s face-- printed in thick, bold strokes on the third page-- clamps a vise around his throat, so tight it constricts the scream he wants to let out. He takes a deep breath. Holds it. Lets it out slowly. "This fucker??" He tosses the papers away dismissively. "He'll be dead in a day with that bounty." Foolish and Connor scramble to snatch the papers, vying for the prestige of being the first to share with the whole class. 
Sapnap, sweet Sapnap, leans over and murmurs worriedly, "You okay, Big Q?" 
"Fuck, I'm great!" Hysteria bites in Quackity's laugh. "Fucking hell, I'm- I'm- I'm abso-fucking-lutely screwed." 
"Why?? That's- you know who that is!!" Quackity cries, not caring that the attention of his peers is being drawn to his outburst, like moths to fire, or like vultures to roadkill. 
"Yeah, but- yeah, he'll be dead in a day." Sapnap lets Quackity squeeze his hand. "You'll be fine. And if he dares to come anywhere near you, the Ducklings have your back." 
Quackity shudders. The thought of his friends going up against the dark shadow from his past fills him with terror. The terror fills him with helpless weakness. Which in turn feeds the vitriolic bitterness rooted deep inside his veins. "N-no, Sapnap. If he comes near, you run." 
"Who teh fock are you runnin' from? I wouldn't run. I'd stand there, and I'd fight it. I'd beat the shit outta it!" Tommy puffs his chest out as he stomps to his desk beside Quackity's, a sunny ray of cheering bravado. "All the ladies, all the ladies say, there goes a man who beats the shit outta what- whatever bothers him." 
Quackity laughs, burying the fear and acidic rage. "Aww, Big T, you'd fight a thousand armies for me?" 
"What?? No, I'd die." Tommy states.  
"You're a good man, Tomathy." 
"No man is good, Big Q. No man is good." 
The other students have all seated themselves in their assigned desks. There's a new teacher this year. Quackity wishes he'd had time to set up a few more pranks than horseradish sauce in the hand lotion dispenser and whoopee cushions on the teacher's chair. But he's not bad at improvising. 
The door opens, and the principal of the school strides in, her fluffy rainbow hair bouncing with every step. "All rise and bow for Captain Pussy!!" Tommy cries. Quackity busts a lung, he's laughing so hard. 
"T-Tommy, that's- that's not very nice, Tommy." Captain Puffy frowns, tapping her five-inch heels on the grimy linoleum. 
"Oh, right. Sorry, Captain." Tommy accepts the reproach with equanimity. "Fucking cold out, am I right, boys?" 
"And girl!!" Rose cries from the front of the class. 
"Yes, well, I was talking to mah boys." Tommy retorts with exaggerated stiffness. 
"Fucking shut up and let the goddamned principal speak!" Quackity cries upon regaining his breath from guffawing. He smiles at Sapnap. The worrywart smiles back gratefully. 
"Uh. Thank you, Quackity." Puffy sighs, looking downcast. "I'm sorry, kids. I tried to keep our school out of this. But Skeppy had- uh. The Prezz called in a few favors." 
"What's going on?" Tommy asks without raising his hand, because he's just that much of a rebel. 
Quackity's neck itches as though he's- being hunted again- no, no, that would never happen here, he's just a regular kid, in a regular school, no war criminals nearby.
But Puffy calls uncertainly to the door, "Mr. Blade?" And Quackity's heart leaps into his throat, choking him with the pounding thump-thump-thump so familiar to prey. 
"Yup." Technoblade's low, dry voice resonates through the numbly silent classroom. His shadow darkens the door. 
Quackity reaches for Sapnap's hand and squeezes tight. "No-no-no-no-" Sapnap squeezes back, fury beating in his firm pulse. Quackity takes a deep breath. Holds it. Lets it out. His friend is furious for his sake. 
Technoblade's clicking steps are the only sound in the quiet, other than Quackity's racing heartbeat. Quackity refuses to look away from Sapnap's hand, refuses to look up at the man who slaughtered his family without a single qualm. 
"I guess I'm your teacher or somethin'." A farting noise rips through the tense stillness. Quackity muffles a hysterical giggle; somebody sat on a whoopee cushion. "What a bunch of nerds." Techno's words are lightly spoken, suffocating Quackity with the terrible normalcy of it all. 
"Are you the Mr. Blade??" Of all people who could've spoken, it just has to be Tommy, doesn't it. 
"I am. Apparently." 
"Well, then. I'm going to fockin' beat the shit outta you." Tommy's voice is bright and clear, filled with brave anger. 
"K." Technoblade answers laconically, seemingly apathetic, but Quackity knows better. The fucking asshole is just restraining delight at yet another bloody massacre to feed his God with. 
"No." Quackity snarls, surprising himself with the loud intensity of his own voice. "Tommy, you're not fighting him." 
"But, Big Q-" 
"Let me handle this." Quackity flashes a grim smile to Tommy, then glares up at Captain Puffy. "Why are you letting a fucking war criminal teach highschoolers??" 
"I've renounced my violent ways, Quackity." Technoblade's calm retort chills him. "But I wouldn't even be here if it weren't for your government." Anyone else would miss the slight emphasis. Not Quackity. 
"It's not my fucking government. You killed my government, you killed them all!"
"I did what I had to do. For the greater good." 
"Um." Captain Puffy raises a hand. "Excuse me. Yes, all of you. Please calm down. We have insurance that makes it impossible for Technoblade to harm any of you-" 
"A hostage, you mean." Rage flickers beneath Technoblade's calm tone.   
A vengeful grin cracks across Quackity's dour face. "Oh... Techno, we're going to have so much fun." He dares to turn his gaze on the muzzled murderer. 
The man is smaller than he remembered. Paler. Thinner. His silky platinum hair cascades over his shoulders, braided haphazardly, with hints of pink dye streaking the tips. Technoblade doesn't smile, doesn't make any perceivable expression at all. Quackity stares him down, shooting every drop of vitriol he can muster. 
Technoblade winces, almost imperceptibly, and breaks eye contact. Battle won. A surge of euphoric power floods Quackity with confidence. "Yo, I'm going to fucking kill you." 
"You can try." Technoblade smiles. 
"You're just a human, Technoblade. Terrifying? Yeah, sure. But your days are fucking numbered and I'm the one who's going to take your goddamn life." 
"Uh, actually." Puffy interrupts again. "That's the thing." 
"What is??" 
"You're all going to have to try your best to kill him before the year is out." Puffy says in a rush.  
Quackity scoffs, but before he can say anything, Techno raises a hand. "See, there's the catch, Quackity." His form glitches. "I'm not actually a Human." 
Quackity gulps down his apprehension as the piggy monster in Technoblade's chair stares him down. "What are you, then??" 
"I dunno. Maybe I'll think of a name before my tragic end." 
Puffy sighs. "Drama kings. Okay, big guy, I'm going to, uhh, yeah, I have work to do. Y'all have fun." She leaves the stricken class with the monster. 
Technoblade scratches at the horny protusions wrapping around his head like a crown. The glowing irises inside his black sclera dance around the classroom, landing on each student before leaping away again. His pig-muzzle  wrinkles. Tusks curl out from his jaws. The blood-red cloak pinned around his shoulders hides most of his bulk. If he was scary before, he's fucking terrifying now.
"A fucking pig-man?? That's what you are??" 
"Eh." Technoblade grunts noncommittally. "You should see the other guys." 
Quackity frowns. "Why us?" 
"Why does the government want us to kill you??" 
"Because I told them I wouldn't let myself be killed unless they let me teach a class." Technoblade the pig-monster smiles reminiscingly. "And then I killed my captors to prove the point. The Prezz thinks he can keep me under control because I wouldn't dare hurt a child... his words, not mine." His eyes twinkle. "I'm perfectly fine with dropkicking kids, particularly if it's in self-defense." 
Gulping, Quackity shrinks a bit in his chair. Against his will, the years-old wild laughter of the bloody former-human rings through his head once more. He'll never be rid of the ecstatic sound, never be rid of the dread that poisoned his veins as he hid while Technoblade obliterated his home. Blood for the Blood God... His breath comes short and fast. 
Sapnap squeezes his hand comfortingly. The fire blazing in his best friend's eyes tells Quackity that Sapnap won't just step aside and let Technoblade hurt him again. 
"That's focken cruel!" Tommy pipes up. "You're a focken menace, yeah. Boys, I say we take him down before anyone gets hurt." 
"You can try." 
Tommy snatches the shank slipped to him by Tubbo. "You're going down, you are!" 
Quackity stands up hastily and holds Tommy back before he can storm up to the implacable monster. "Big T, sit the fuck down, you're just going to get hurt." 
"I'll decide who gets hurt, thanks." Tommy retorts. "Techno, you're not going to hurt my friends." 
"See, Tommy, I can't really do that anyway." Technoblade growls. "But if I could, do you really think that measly pin could take me down?" 
"We'll focken see!!" Tommy rips himself from Quackity's grasp and leaps froggy-like over Hannah's desk. 
Quackity can only watch in horror as Technoblade doesn't even to bother standing up. The monster deflects Tommy's first wild slash. "Tommy, that's a piercing weapon." 
"I fuckin' know that, I'm trying to shank you with it!" 
"Tommy, you're doing it wrong." Technoblade sighs, starting to sound exasperated as Tommy fails swing after swing. 
"Tell me how to kill you, then!" 
"You can't." Technoblade spreads his arms. "Go ahead, try." 
Quackity gasps with delight as Tommy stabs the shank into Technoblade's chest. But Tommy screeches and lets go of the shank. The metal boils and melts into Technoblade's skin. 
"Wh-what the hell??" Tubbo leaps up and drags the stunned Tommy back to his desk. 
"The fuck was that??" Quackity cries, desperate to regain some semblance of control. 
"That? Merely a side effect." 
"Of what??" 
"Of being the first Mutant Earth has ever seen." Technoblade smiles unpleasantly. "And the last to ever exist. Make no mistake. If I'm not killed by this time next year, I will destroy this world."
==Please reblog and like if you enjoyed!! Thank you!!== 
Chapter Two (Next)
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Today’s Added Submissions
Person A: Why are you doing this?
Person B: Same reason I do everything, Person A. To get somebody to like me
Person A: I was going to suggest we do Marilyn Monroe and JFK roleplay, but I’d get way too into it.
Person B: What- how?
Person A: You’d be like “come to bed … Mr. President” and I’d be like, “I need to increase the amount of American military advisors in South Vietnam by a factor of 18.”
Person A: What do you want then?
Person B: Er… something work related.
Person A: What department is this?
Person B: Sorry?
Person A: Well, if it’s work related you’d obviously know what department this is. What department is this?
Person B: *looks at Person C and Person D* Some sort of homosexual department?
Person A: *talking about Person B’s funeral* You do know we’re burying a great man today!
Person C, shocked: Did someone else die?
Person A: Yeah, I don’t like people.
Person B: Oh, well now that’s not fair Person A. Have you met all of them?
Person A: I’ve met enough of them. People. What a bunch of bastards!
Person A: I thought you were going to give me a book recommendation or something.
Person B: *laughs* Book recommendation? I can’t read!
Person A: Can I have a private talk with you?
Person B: Okay, as long as it’s not about tampons because I just don’t understand them.
Person A: If any person here knows of any just cause or impediment why these two should not be joined together in holy matrimony, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.
Person B: Yes! I do. One of the partners is already married! They married me three years ago. And don’t let them deny it! I’ve got the marriage certificate to prove it!
*Person C turns around to face them*
Person B: Oh… sorry. Wrong church.
Person A: I am not a lunatic. I have the psychiatric report to prove it. A slender majority of the panel decided in my favour.
Person A: I once went on holiday and pretended to be twins. It was amazing fun. I invented this mad, glamorous sibling and went around really annoying everybody. And d'you know, I could get away with anything when I was my crazy twin Person A.
Person B: But you’re Person A.
Person A: Kinda stuck. It’s a long story.
Person A: A party is a celebration of a life, bringing people together to let the guest of honor know how much they’re loved. Person B has done so much for us. This is our chance to do something for them.
Person C: By forcing them to have fun at a party that they don’t want to be at?
Person A: I knew you’d understand.
Person A: Your lab is in the bathroom?
Person B: Person C says this is the perfect place for my work. I’m just now realizing that remark may not have been entirely complimentary.
Person A: Big day today, Person B. *holds up two shirts* Mustard stain or ketchup stain?
Person B: Mustard– looks less like blood.
Person A: Person B, what do you call people you go out with but don’t try to sleep with?
Person B: ...People?
Person A: *double checking supplies in the boat* Compass. CB radio. Sunscreen.
Person B: Hot dog costumes!
Person A: I’m sorry, what?
Person B: You know, in case we get lost at sea, and one of us, probably Person C, goes mad with hunger, we’ll put these on. Person C hates hot dogs, so they probably won’t eat us.
Person A: Are you saying that Person C would rather eat us than hot dogs?
Person C: I do hate hot dogs.
Person A: Wow, that was quick thinking on that phony sacrifice stuff.
Person B: Oh, that was all real.
Person A: Wait, you were trying to help them kill us?!
Person B: If I’m gonna be sacrificed, I’m gonna do it right.
Person A: We’ll find another route, it’s not safe for amateur adventurers.
Person B: That sounds like a challenge.
Person A: I have to stress, that is not a challenge.
Person B: …Is exactly what you say to dissuade the weak of heart from accepting the challenge. Well, challenge accepted!
Person A: There is no challenge!
Person A: Don’t stay up all night, Person B. Last time you got this sleep-deprived, you tried to eat your own shirt.
Person A: Person B, what is the ONE thing I asked you NOT to do tonight?
Person B: Raise the dead.
Person A: And what did you do?
Person B: Raise the dead.
Person A: I’m so excited!
Person B: We’re gonna have the best costumes, get the most candy…
Person A: And have the biggest stomach aches ever!
Person B: Yeah!
Person A: Come to dinner tonight. I can’t cook, but I’ll bring plenty of free wine.
Person B: Marry me.
Person A: Person B is not a morning person. Or a night person. There’s really only about seven minutes a day you are fun to be around.
Person B: The best part is you never know when they’re coming.
Person A: You know what I learned from my friendship with Person B?
Person C: There’s no such thing as too mean?
Person D: Never let your friends know for sure if you like them?
Person E: Always hold a grudge?
Person A: If you really want to get back at a man, scare him with a pregnancy test. I’ve got a whole box of old positives at my house.
Person B: You’re an American treasure.
Person A: Something’s off.
Person B: Maybe you’ve finally developed human emotions and feel bad for hurting people.
Person A: No, but that’s funny.
Person A: When I was married, you know what Person B often said to me?
Person C: Please stop sleeping with other people?
Person A: Do not come over to my house. If the house is on fire you may knock once, if I don’t answer assume I set the fire and I want to burn to death.
Person A: Oh look who got laid last night.
Person B: That’s right chumps, missionary accomplished!
Person A: I thought I told you to stop reading my emails.
Person B: Well, I thought I told you to stop keeping secrets!
Person A: If it’s any consolation, they got me here on a very misleading text message.
Person B: Technically, you are about to be screwed in the biology room.
Person A: I am not a whore, and, not that I’ve done the math, but, if I were, I’d be the super classy kind that gets flown to Dubai to stay in an underwater hotel.
Person A: Don’t preach to me about romance, Person B. I had a three-way in a hot-air balloon.
Person A: Ow!
Person B: What’s wrong?
Person A: I have this weird pain right above my eyebrow.
Person B: It’s called a stress headache. I got my first one when I was four.
Person A: Would you like your pizza cut into six or eight slices, Person B?
Person B: Oh just six, I don’t think I could eat eight.
Person A: Breathe, just breathe.
Person B: I’ve done nothing with my life! I’m a failure!
Person C: Awww, that never bothered you before.
Person A: If we lose, you’re out of the will.
Person B: I was in the will?
Person A: *pulls back the curtain while Person B is showering*
Person A: Hey did we - stop screaming it’s me - did we run out of Cheerios?
Person B: This totally sucks, man.
Person A: This is horrible.
Person B: Yeah, I know, I mean look at today’s news.
Person A: No, it’s not that, it’s Person C.
Person A: It’s just like, I can’t get them out of my head and every time I look at them I have this pains in my chest, and I just know it’s their fault, that bitch!
Person A: Person B, is that my mug you’re drinking out of?
Person B: No, it’s mine.
Person A: It… looks just like the one I have…
Person B: You don’t have one like this anymore.
Person A: Forgive me Father, for I have sinny-sin-sinned.
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omnivorousshipper · 4 years
OoOh! I have an idea! How about an AU for Shobbs where Hobbs never had Samantha, and instead Deckard was the one with the child?
😮 not poor Sam! I love her too much! How about she’s Deckard’s instead?
When Deckard was forced to kill Brixton and flee the country before his former friends and colleagues could track him down, Deckard grabbed up his baby girl, who was only a year old, and fled
Hattie had tried to make him turn himself in and give up his daughter. But he refused. He had been framed, but MI6 wouldn’t listen. He would accept becoming a criminal, but he wouldn’t accept his little girl being raised without him
He uses his mother’s contacts to hide in America, lost amongst a sea of people. He raises his daughter there, occasionally bringing her with him to meet Owen and his mother. They love her to bits and Deckard can see the pain in Owen’s eyes. He desperately wishes his niece didn’t have to grow up like this
But when Deckard hears about Owen being hurt and put in the hospital, Deckard has to make a decision. He either has to leave his daughter and go after those who hurt Owen, or he has to stay behind and let those bastards get away with what they did to Owen
Deckard’s packed and ready to tell Sam to get ready to stay with her grandmother when he sees her coming home from school, smile on her face as she tells him about her day
And Deckard feels his heart splitting in two. He can’t leave his daughter, not even when he loves his brother just as much. Instead, he tells Sam about Owen, telling her that he’s hurt and Uncle Oh would love it if she visited him
He’s able to hide his past just enough for both him and Sam to get into the hospital and visit Owen. He’s still in a coma and he has to hold Sam close as she cries. He can feel himself let out a few tears as well
He visits his mother in London, letting Sam enjoy his home city. And he plots.
He’s found the information on who hurt Owen and instead of doing the dirty work himself, he recruits his mother’s goons to do it for him. He hates that he has to but he’s not leaving Sam alone.
He’s a little surprised when Luke Hobbs and the Toretto crew escape the goons. And he’s also surprised to hear that they got the infamous Ramsey to give them the God’s Eye. And he shouldn’t have been surprised when one Luke Hobbs stood on his doorstep one morning
“You Deckard Shaw?” The man asks, voice almost a growl
“Who’s asking?”
“The guy you had thrown out a window.” He snaps
“Too bad you made the landing.”
Deckard swears Hobbs is about to pounce on him right then and there, but they both hear Sam call out
“Dad! I’m ready for school!”
She runs straight into his legs, wrapping her whole body around him. Deckard can’t help but smile down at her
“That’s good to hear, love. Let me talk to Mr. Hobbs hear and we’ll get going soon.”
Sam shoots Luke a look before running back inside
“Cute kid.” Luke says honesty
Deckard nearly bites his head off
“She’s the only reason I didn’t come after you myself for what you did to my brother.” He hisses
“Your brother was an idiot and a criminal.”
“And that means he deserves gettting thrown out a plane?” Deckard snaps
Deckard looks at Luke closely
“Nobody deserves that. And I’m sorry he did, and you and your family suffered because of it. I would have rather him be in a prison than a coma.”
“Get the hell out of here.” Deckard demands, not wanting to hear anymore
“Not before I know you won’t be sending anymore assholes my way.”
“If you don’t get out of here, there’ll be some waiting for you at your house.” Deckard hisses and slams the door in Luke’s face
Luckily, Luke leaves and Deckard doesn’t see him for quite some time. Not until somebody named Eric comes around a few months later, asking if he would be willing to go up against Cipher
Deckard almost says no. But with Sam out of school for the summer, he decides to let her stay with her grandmother and see what kind of smoke was coming out of this Mr. Nobody’s ass
When he gets there, the Toretto crew looks confused as who he is, while Luke looks at him
“Come here for revenge, asshole?”
“Not against you lot.” Deckard says flatly. “Against Cipher. She’s the one who sent Owen into that mess. I want her to pay.”
The crew is wary around him, which Deckard smirks at. They should be scared of him. But Luke. He sticks around him
When they’re alone, he finally asks
“How’s your daughter?”
“Fine.” Deckard says shortly.
“That all? What’s she like?”
“Why do you care?”
“She’s important to you.” Luke shrugs. “It would have been horrible for her to lose an uncle.”
Deckard stares at him, surprised that Luke genuinely cares about Owen and Sam. Sighing, Deckard finally speaks up and tells Luke about everything Sam and he have been up to
And it feels nice. Luke smiles and laughs at his jokes, complimenting Sam’s achievemen, and even asks questions about Owen.
After so long of hiding and avoiding people, it’s nice finally being seen as a person. Deckard can’t help but extend an olive branch and be overjoyed when Luke willingly takes it.
Maybe staying home with his daughter had been the best choice Deckard ever made
Thanks friend! This was a really interesting story idea!
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minervahopebeyond · 4 years
Blood Petals.
Hello! I hope you like this one! Tell me what you thought in the comments✨
Ps. I’ve checked but sorry if you find any errors in this one (grammar or vocabulary)
Chapter 20: The curse.
He tried to warn Severus about Theodore. The man just said that he was fully aware about the situation but the boy was still at school, so he was starting to doubt that his godfather had informed the Headmaster at all. That’s how Draco found himself asking for a meeting with Dumbledore on Friday.
He spoke the password that professor McGonagall informed him and entered the office. When he got in, the old man was sitting on his desk, drinking a cup of tea.
Dumbledore looked more and more thin as the year went by, the blond boy thought that it was not a good look on him. He looked sick.
“Mr. Malfoy. How are you, boy?”
Draco wanted to cut directly to the point, formalities be damn.
“Good. Thank you, sir. I came here with information. I think that one of the Slytherins is-“ The man interrupted.
“If you are talking about your friend Theodore Nott, I’m aware of the situation. Severus told me.”
Draco felt like a weight had been lifted. He thought, for a second, that Severus was a lying bastard. He wasn’t ,though. Still a spy. Good.
“Then expel him, Headmaster. Before he does something that he’ll regret. I beg you.”
The old man looked at him with kind eyes and a soft smile. He fixed his glasses before talking.
“I don’t think that’s an option, Mr. Malfoy. My duty is to care about all the students, even the ones that make the wrong choices.” Draco was looking at him like he had lost his mind. Was this man senile?? “If I expel him, and he fails on his mission, he would, at the least, face torture; I don’t think that’s fair for a sixteen year old, don’t you agree?” Dumbledore said as he took another sip of his tea. “However, since you are close to him... let him know that we can provide shelter for him, that he has options. I would appreciate it very much.”
Draco only nodded before being dismissed by the Headmaster, telling him to get back to class. What the fuck?
It was ridiculous.
‘Yes, come to Hogwarts. It’s the safest place in the entire magical world. We only hired followers of the Dark Lord accidentally a couple of times, no biggie... And yes, we did also have a three hundred year old monster inside of a hidden secret chamber under the school, that also happened to kill the students ( no, nobody asked Salazar Slytherin why the fucking pipes were so ridiculously big). There was also that time when the dementors almost killed a student in a quidditch match... And let’s not forget about last year, when someone from the ministry used a blood quill as punishment. Which brings us to this moment; yes, we are aware that we currently have a sixteen year old Death Eater inside of the castle, thank you for asking.’
Draco was glad that he was going to die before having kids because, if he were a parent, he would most likely set the school on fire if they got to live even one of the things that Potter had to endure in the last six years of his life.
And now he was thinking about Potter again. Fuck. Draco sighed as he walked to class again.
He really wished that Theo would listen to him. Or Dumbledore. Or Severus. ANYONE.
He wasn’t talking to Potter. Actually, he wasn’t talking to the Golden Trio in general because they refused to tell him the truth.
Draco looked worst everyday. Pansy and Blaise tried to make him talk to the three Gryffindors; saying that he didn’t need to fight with people right now, he needed friends. The blond boy ignored them. What he needed was to find a way of convincing Theodore of stopping whatever plan he had in mind.
Unfortunately, the boy was avoiding him. He sealed his curtains at night, to prevent Draco from climbing into the bed; and disappeared after classes. The blond boy couldn’t approach him like this.
He was so tired, it was almost Easter Holidays and everything was the same. Draco was alone, the coughs were getting worst... He felt the physical need to be close to Potter everywhere, every fiber of his being was begging him to fix this. He ignored the feeling daily.
The blond boy knew that he was pushing everyone away, but the bloody adults in charge of the fucking school were just letting things flow. It was his responsibility now. He just had to find a way of stopping this.
He had just finished Charms, when he decided to take the long way back to the dungeons, he wanted some quiet... at least for a while.
The hallway from the second floor was, almost always, desolated. Nobody went there because of Myrtle. That’s why he was surprised to hear the girl-ghost talking with someone that day.
“Do you want me to get help?” She asked in a low voice.
The water from the tap was running, Draco could hear it flowing the bathroom.
“No... I just need to be alone for a minute.”
Draco knew that voice. Theodore sounded strangled, like he had been crying. He quietly entered the bathroom.
The boy was sitting on the floor, robes all drenched. His hair was a mess, eyes red with his wand on his hand. Hazel eyes were looking at him, scare. ‘One bad move and this could all go to shit, this is your chance, Draco. Take it.’
He walked slowly to were the boy was and knelt in front of him, looking at him with kind eyes.
“This is what I was trying to tell you, Theo. You don’t want to do this.”
Tears were starting to course down the boy’s cheeks, as he looked away.
“It’s too late. I don’t have a choice.” His voice came out weak. Draco got a little closer to him, pushed the hair away from his face. He could swear that Theo leaned in to the touch for a moment.
“You do. Dumbledore knows.” The boy widened his eyes, alarmed. “He knows, and he is letting you try this because he fears that if he expels you right now, you could get hurt by them” Then, the blond boy looked at Theodore with determination. “He is offering you shelter, if you want it. Take it, Theo. I beg you.”
The brunette snorted, rolling up his sleeve.
“This will not go away with shelter, it’s a biding contract.”
“I knew it.”
Draco froze. That voice. Shit, not now! He was so close! He looked up and saw Potter looking at them. The green eyes shifted between hate and disappointment. The daffodils were starting to hurt him.
“You acted like I was crazy but you knew, didn’t you??” The dark-haired hissed at him.
“Yes. But Potter I’m trying to-“
“You are helping him! Look what he is.“ he said with a severe tone. Draco couldn’t contain the coughs anymore, petals were falling from his mouth.
Theo pointed his wand at the boy that stood in front of him.
“Back the hell off, Potter.”
The dark haired boy pointed his wand right back at him, and Draco wanted to just stop coughing so he could do something about this.
Theo fired the first spell, obviously. They were wrecking the bathroom. They weren’t listening to him. Draco felt so impotent as he saw everything happen.
“Cruc-“ Started to cast the hazel-eyed boy. Draco screamed as loud as he could.
And at the same time: Potter threw another spell at his opponent.
Draco didn’t know what it was when he heard it, but he quickly discovered that the spell was actually a curse.
Theo fell to the ground so fast, his white shirt starting to turn red from the blood. He ran an threw himself on the floor next to the boy. The blond boy could hear Myrtle going to get help.
“Shh, Theo. It’s okay. Somebody is coming.” He kept saying as he held the boy. The hazel eyes looked at him, lost. He couldn’t contain the tears, the petals escaped between sobs. ‘How could he have done this? It’s Potter. He is a good person. Why would he hurt someone like this. I just-‘
“Malfoy... I-“ He glared at the boy, who was looking at him with fearful green eyes, holding his wand tightly.
“Get the hell out of my sight.” He hissed at him.
The boy had started to turn around when Severus entered the bathroom. Confused eyes on his face, looking between Potter and him.
He knelt next to the boy on the floor and began to cast the counter-curse.
Draco held Theo the whole time.
He was at the infirmary, lying in the bed next to Theodore. He had asked Severus to spend the night, and because he saw him really upset, his godfather allowed it.
The boy was still unconscious. Draco was looking at him, trying to fall sleep... But the scene from the bathroom kept repeating in his head. He shouldn’t have approached Theo, if he hadn’t, then maybe this wouldn’t have happened.
He heard soft sound of steps, when Draco turned around to look, he couldn’t hear them anymore.He narrowed his eyes.
“Potter.” He called. At first, nothing happened; then the boy appeared next to him, taking off his invisibility cloak.
“Hi.” The green-eyed said with a weak voice.
“What do you want? Are you going to actually kill him now?” He spoke with venom in his voice. The daffodils were burning him. Draco couldn’t even look at him.
“I just... I didn’t know what the spell did.” Potter said in a low voice.
Draco turned to look at him, furious. That was the great excuse? Really? He was suppose to believe that? He snorted.
“Get out.” The blond boy was so mad. He didn’t even cared when he started to have a coughing fit while Potter walked away.
“Draco, the Golden Trio is outside.”
He was sitting on the couch at the Slytherin common room, revising his notes from transfiguration. He didn’t even looked up at Pansy.
“Tell then to leave, they are going to miss the train.” He heard his best friend sighed before walking outside. She wasn’t gone for long.
“They are being extremely insistent.”
Draco pushed his books aside and started to walk towards the door. When he got outside, the Gryffindors were looking at him with hesitant eyes.
“What do you want?” Potter was the first to respond.
“We have to leave. Where is your luggage?” He asked with confused eyes. Draco crossed his arms.
“Next to my bed. I’m staying here.” He spoke with a flat voice. The fucking flowers started to move aggressively, hurting him.
He could see the Weasley and Granger looking at their best friend; worried. Potter was staring at him, hurt eyes on his face.
“You didn’t tell Dad or Padfoot. They are expecting you. Come on, just-” Draco just shrugged.
“I’ll send a Patronus. Anything else?”
Since they didn’t answer, the blond boy wished them a ‘Happy Easter’ and went back inside to his common room.
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allyvampirelass29 · 4 years
Goodnight, Chris McQueen
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A NOS4A2 Review By: Allyssa J. Watkins
I love you, Brat I hope you know that....... My biggest fear was becoming my old man Drinkin', philanderin', livin' for nothin' I wanted so much more for my little girl But Babe, I'm just like him A haunted soldier That never came back from the war I tried so hard to make you laugh Just so you didn't see me cryin' Funny names, and stupid jokes I guess, don't band-aid the holes Punched through the walls and in Your mother's heart Jesus, maybe this dad thing Was a cosmic hoax right from the start I love you like a big dog I'd die twice just to give you a hug Before I go, I want you to know I'm proud of my kid I could never do what you did It's like you told your ma You're made of steel, Vic You threw the bottle away You sure as hell didn't need me But you let your broken down dad save the day I ain't half the hero to you though As you are to Wayne Give 'em HELL, Babe Fight the good fight Don't cry over me I won't die as I lived A good for nothin' It's gonna mean somethin' I gotta believe Don't stay here, Brat, trapped in my death scene Remember the good stuff, when they say "Goodnight, Chris McQueen."
In the words of the illustrious Linda McQueen........ "Holy HELL." It's been days, and I've been in a morose fog, only just now emerging, shaking and fighting the tears, even as I write this, half numb, and half agony. I'm shocked, dismayed, and altogether fragile. The second I saw that this episode was going to be called, "Chris McQueen," I couldn't have been more thrilled, and my heart soared, excited! Chris McQueen has SHINED this season, our own resident white knight, slaying Vic's demons, both of the vice, and supernatural variety. It was no mistake, or random shuffle of fate, that her magic bridge led her back to her dad. He's been a gun-wielding, bomb-making, godsend!!! He helped her quit drinking, heartbroken that his little girl had inherited his disastrous coping mechanisms, refusing to let it drown her the way it did him. He's fought at her side, let her lean on him, he's become her safe place. He's given her the best advice about fighting for Lou, choosing her family, and oh yeah, he SINGLEHANDEDLY took on Bing Partridge, not just once, but TWICE!!!
If NOS4A2 has a CHAMPION, a dark horse in the game, it's hands down Chris McQueen. If anyone is deserving of their own personal, entitled episode, it's the vindicated father who did the work, fought like HELL for his redemption, made himself a better person for his daughter. That rush of flooding joy, cooled to wary concern, and hesitant dread, however, when I realized....... This honour could be his final tribute.......
Don't kill Chris McQueen........ I pleaded over and over in my mind, the frantic cry, resounding, even as I pressed play. I hadn't been able to shake that sinister, creeping feeling all day, and when we opened onto Chris at a funeral, my relief flooded in, graciously thankful to see him alive!!! Wait, he looked younger, like WAY younger, even younger than the first season, and oh my god, hold on, whose funeral is this!? Someone died........ my stomach knotting again, trying to figure out who, and we realize that this is Chris, decades ago, speaking at his Dad's funeral.
I loved, and I mean LOVED this opener. It's just so beautifully real, and one hundred percent Chris McQueen, as he muses about his father's life, and his own, and how the two came to mirror each other. He's funny, irreverent, vulnerable, and by the end, absolutely heartbreaking. It's a searing portrait of a broken man, and everything that caused his life to fracture, every death, that made him wish he was never born.
"When I came back from the gulf, I finally understood why he was pissed off all the time, because he knew there was no reason for him to born, and that nobody was going to give a shit when he died."
Chris' voice cracks, and my eyes sting, because I feel it, his greatest fear, and I know he's not just talking about his father, he's talking about himself, effectually delivering his own eulogy, and again I implored the fates...... Don't kill Chris McQueen.
Aaaaaaaaah, and HELLO Baby Vic!!! Oh my gosh, she's so precious, about eight years old, frowning as her father speaks, huddled close to her mother, and then when Chris becomes too overwhelmed with his anger and emotions to go on, tearing out of the church, she frantically chases after him, calling for him!!! Even then, she was her daddy's girl!!! Once again, I must COMMEND NOS4A2 for choosing the perfect miniature of our badass leading lady, because this girl is the very IMAGE of Ashleigh, and it was such a joy to see her fierce features, and resolve, in a dear little face!!! More Baby Vic, PLEASE!!!
Flashforward to the present day, and Team McQueen is ready and raring to hit the road. I loved this entire scene. The love between her and Lou as she tells him goodbye, and says, "I'm going to go get our boy." An achingly beautiful moment, these two give me life, and have become my FAVOURITE couple on the show!!! I may have been purely Team Drew Butler, Season One, but now I can't imagine our beautiful badass without her Teddy Bear Man, and I ship McCarmody so freaking hard!!! Vic revs the Triumph's engine, testing it, gearing up with her Dad, and it hits me....... She doesn't have to hide it, sneak away to go do her Creative Hero thing, he accepts her for exactly who she is, believes in her gift enough to go with her. For the first time..... Vic McQueen isn't riding alone........
Linda is an absolute rollicking delight, emphatic in her protest, and I have just come to LOVE her so much!!! "I don't know about this Vicki, taking explosives across a magical bridge IN THE RAIN!!!!" God BLESS this woman, she's so maternal here, and I love it, I see how much she's changed, becoming this mother and ex wife even, that isn't afraid to express her feelings and doubts, no longer shackled by the fear that she's destined to be alone.
"You're my only kid, Vicki, My Baby."
"You know me, Ma, made of steel, remember?"
Awwwwww oh my gosh, so freaking CUTE, and for the first time, they feel like a real family, The McQueen Clan on a Mission, slaying psychotic kidnappers, and rescuing lost children, becoming the family business. Linda's still unsure, hurrying after Chris and Vic, still thinking they're both CRAZY, when she sees it for the first time....... Her eyes widen impossibly, as a rickety, wooden, covered bridge, appears on the street in front of them, and her reaction is EVERYTHING we've been waiting for, I found myself, leaping off the couch, cheering as she says it. "Holy HELL!!!"
Chris' childlike wonder, as he looks up into the dark eves, and watches the bats flutter, the Triumph roaring through the beams of breaking light, weaving in and out of shadow, is such a joy to behold. He believed in it, believed in her, even without seeing, and it means that much more to Vic, you can tell. It's also symbolic, Vic sharing her world with her father, bringing him into her inscape, fighting the good fight TOGETHER, both soldiers. I loved it, every second.
Surprise, surprise, when they roll up to the junkyard, Bing Partridge isn't dead, because some cockroaches just won't DIE!!!! Like an AVENGING ANGEL, Chris McQueen is all of us, flying off that bike, and assailing Bing with murderous fury, backhanding his stupid face with the gun, over and over, impaling him deeper with the protruding rod, and I swear, I wanted to run to him, and HUG him so tightly, so freaking PROUD!!!! THANK YOU, CHRIS MCQUEEN!!!
"Where is he, you SICK, Son of a BITCH!?!?"
Vic screams at her father, angrily chastising this good and proper beating that has been a LONG time coming!!!! I'm sorry, isn't that how ANY sane person would react to a sadistic, murdering, rapist whose made their life a LIVING HELL!? What gives, Victoria!? Chris falls back, as confused as I was, and then shakes his head, as he apologizes vehemently, which Vic is having none of. She's AWFUL to her father from this moment forward, rude and spiteful, blaming him for everything, and as much as I love the girl, in this unjust punishment, she REALLY lives up to her nickname, Brat.
This Kids Glove approach to Bing Partridge is MADDENING enough to make me PSYCHOTIC!!! BING. IS. EVIL. Say it with me, NOS4A2!!!! It's like they are hellbent on redeeming the ONE character that is beyond saving, a man that even God, himself, would look at reviled, and say, "Get thee behind me, SATAN!!!" Last week they failed, first through the deus ex machina epiphany, and then through the attempted murder/suicide, so they tried even harder, using a meeker approach, making him say manipulative propaganda like, "I wish I'd never met Mr. Manx, because then Vic McQueen would still be my friend." and "I'm all alone in here, and it's really scary." Ughhhh somebody, anybody, put us out of our misery, and put one right between his beady little rat bastard eyes.
I almost understand Tabitha's need to keep things professional, and speak to Bing, in a reassuring way that reaches his simple, monosyllabic mind. I get that beating the living hell out of him like he so obviously deserves isn't an option for her, but this man is a HEINOUS criminal, who's kidnapped kids, drugged and raped their mothers, KILLED both of his parents, not to mention TORTURED Charlie within an inch of his life, only just last week!!!! But by ALL MEANS, Vic, go HOLD HANDS WITH HIM, and see if that will help get your son back!!!! Cringe.
I HATED this, so, so, SO much!!! Bing was her friend, he betrayed her, violated the trust between them, became her worst nightmare, shot at her, traumatized her, duct-taping her to a chair, she should HATE him, despise the sight of him far more than Charlie Manx!!! I CRAVED a reckoning, even if it was just a verbal assault. But no, instead, Vic decides to play nice, and I get that most of it was an act to convince him to help her get her son back, but I could also feel NOS4A2's misguided hand in her actions. Look, see, even Vic can find the good in Bing!!!! Sigh. Not gonna lie, I was going to scream bloody murder if she said she forgives him!!!
Good Cop pays off, however, and Bing, desperate for Vic's forgiveness, reveals there is one more stop before Christmasland, one last chance to grab Wayne, when he gets out of the Wraith at Sleigh House to hang his ornament. It's a dawning revelation, intel quintessential to their success, and for once they know where Charlie is going to be, before he gets there, and can lay a trap for him and his indestructible car. I hate the way they arrived at the information though, I'd have much preferred to see Bing suffer for his sins, and the whole interaction is just so laughably implausible. I will say this however, there was a rather BEAUTIFUL line in this scene that Bing couldn't begin to deserve, but I LOVED it all the same. "I miss the person I thought you were." My god, that's powerful.
"Chris McQueen," is a STELLAR episode, full of beautiful lines like this, including my FAVOURITE thing that Maggie has EVER said to Vic, which perfectly exemplifies their eccentric friendship!!! "I'd shank a thousand assholes for your mopey ass!!!" YES!!! I LOVE THAT SO MUCH!!! I will say though, that I was SHOCKED at how cool Vic was with Maggie's scary new trick of hurting herself to use her powers, sans seizures. I thought she was going to kick her butt for that!!! I'm really worried, Guys, this is a dangerous addiction, that's going to be the hardest one yet for Mags to quit!!! The break-up with Tabitha was bittersweet, but it did not come as a shock to me. They'd been drifting apart for awhile now, and I feel like Maggie was so scared of losing her, that she was afraid to be herself. "I want to live in the real world all the time." For me, that was the nail in the coffin, having only heard it about a thousand times myself. Maggie will always be living in two worlds, and whoever she's with MUST accept that. They love each other, yes, but they just want different things. I do respect Tabitha so much for not demanding that Maggie give up her tiles, threatening to leave her if she didn't. She'd rather let Maggie go be herself, be happy, than try to stifle her, shove her into that hateful, constricting little box called normal.
Vic continues to be petty, and spiteful towards her father, treating him WAY too harshly, punishing him, when he's done nothing but fight for her, a literal action HERO, avenging Wayne, and kicking ASS!!! It hurt my soul, and I could see the pain in his eyes, thinking he'd failed her, apologizing again, just wanting her forgiveness. The second scene at the McQueen house is a far less fuzzy one, as she forbids her father to come with her, placing all the blame of every bad thing that's happened thus far on his shoulders, and she cuts him with razor edged words, saying the worst thing that she could have possibly said in that moment, something truly unforgivable, that I already know she will spend the rest of her life, regretting.
"I lived eight years of my life without you, Dad, and I can just as easily do it again." She sneers, and even Linda stares, aghast. "Vicki, no, you don't mean that!!!"
I felt the pangs in my heart, stunned that she could be that vicious to her own father, after all he's done for her, getting sober, changing his whole life, hell, getting HER sober!!! Linda is again so adorable, insisting she take Chris with her, like "Vicki let your father play on your magical bridge, if he wants!!!" not wanting him to feel left out, and while I want more father/daughter explosive awesomeness, I'm conflicted whether or not he should go. If he stays here...... he's safe. Eventually Linda's persuasion wins out. "Don't let your anger towards your father, keep you from getting back Wayne." With a frustrated sigh, Vic shoves a black helmet in Chris' hands, and we're off to the races again. "Bring them home," Linda whispers sweetly, embracing him tight, and as they hug, I get the most sinking feeling that it's for the last time. Dont...... Don't kill, Chris Mcqueen.
Vic and Chris work in silence, once they get to the charred foundation of Sleigh House in Colorado, burying the handmade bombs, and finally Chris can't take it anymore. "Is this how you want it, Brat?" He asks her, heartbroken, and Ashleigh's acting is PHENOMENAL, as she breaks down and reveals the truth behind her unprovoked animosity.
"It's easier to be mad at you, than to blame myself."
"None of this is your fault. Charlie Manx is not your fault."
"I want to forgive you, because if I don't, how can Wayne ever forgive me. But I can't just let myself off the hook!!!"
It's not entirely a make-up, but it's an important conversation, something she's been wrestling with for a long time. Chris is again AMAZING, consoling her, easing her guilt, even while she's the one that's been impossible. Again Vic, I love you, but your father did the absolute RIGHT thing, and he's the only one that did right by Bing, as far as I'm concerned.
Maggie and Lou join the dynamite father/daughter duo in Colorado, and I LOVED all of their scenes together, the two people in this world that Vic McQueen loves most, and there's something magical about it, something iconic, seeing all three of them together, the Creative Dream Team, united in their crusade against Charlie Manx.
"Every one of these ornaments represents a kid in Christmasland, lost forever. Do you think there's a way to get them back? The other kids?"
Maggie stares down, perplexed at the tiles, as she arranges them, revealing to the oracle this cryptic, mysticism, and I myself, could NOT breathe. Holy SMASH. Ever since the end of, "Gunbarrel," where Vic wanders through the trees outside Sleigh House, frowning at them, the hundreds of glittering ornaments, swaying in the wind, glowing as she drew near, I just knew...... I KNEW the souls of the Lost Children, were trapped inside each and every one of them, and this suspicion was ever further confirmed, when she found Bradley's canoe ornament, broken open on the ground, after he burnt up in the Wraith. My prediction? To turn the kids back, they have to smash every single one of these ornaments, and only then can the escaped souls return to their vampire shells, and make them human again. The minute a child hangs an ornament, the transformation is complete.
I also LOVED the transcendent scene between Vic and Millie, a scared little girl, in over her head, calling, pleading through the static, and I couldn't help but MARVEL at how much has changed between them. Last Season Millie Manx was very much her father's daughter, cruelly taunting Vic, on her father's behalf, even appearing to her while she was awake, stabbing her with an invisible sword. Now, she calls out to her to be her saviour, her father's greatest enemy, the iron wrought armour of her inherited hatred falling away, and Vic sees her as she always was, not a hollowed out demon spawn, but just a frightened little girl that needs to be set free. I was also THRILLED that dear little Millie imparted the knowledge that Charlie CANNOT die, else all the children, including his daughter, will die with him. Vic abhors Charlie with a screaming vengeance, but now that she knows his death comes at the cost of every child he's ever taken, she won't kill him, she CAN'T kill him, because then all of this, everything she's fought so hard for, bled for, would be for nothing.
The final act is both the thrilling BEST and the incoherent WORST of the episode, as the chaotic music ominously heralds our man's arrival. Charlie Manx, cutting a dashing, imposing silhouette, dark against the hazy dusk, exits the Wraith, turning every which way, striking in profile, floating smoothly across the front of the car, to let Wayne out. I loved this aesthetic, Charlie moving swiftly through the mist and dying light, rising as the threatened dark, enclosing. It's beautiful, and serves two clever purposes. One, to shroud our debonair dark menace in all the more intrigue and mystery, and the other, to conceal just how bad Wayne's gotten. Charlie clasps his hands around Wayne's shoulders lovingly, the picture of paternal pride, and my heart caught, seeing Wayne in the cast light, his boyish curls, frayed and almost white, his skin covered in white blue veins, every one of his teeth, coming to a sharp point.
"Go on, My Boy, it's time to hang your ornament," Charlie chortles handing Wayne the CUTEST little gray, baby bat ornament, I have ever seen, urging him forward. "Choose any branch you like, just make sure it's a SPECIAL branch," Charlie crows, and my heart melts, so in love with both of them, and the way Charlie dotes on him, knowing that while this began as a revenge plot, Charlie has come to love and favour Wayne, like the son he never had. "Don't dilly dally," He warns adorably, with an eyebrow raise, and even this mild scold is too precious for words.
Charlie waits by the Wraith, already nervous, as little Wayne disappears into the grove of trees. I LOVED the Wraith's ADORABLE warning system, as it flashes danger, the car horn honking, and even more I loved Charlie's distressed reaction to it, hurrying over, brow knit, like a father racing to tend to and protect his frightened child. Can I just have this impossibly PERFECT man, that darling little curly-haired boy, and this pretty, shiny car, PLEASE!?!?
"Smart Car," I whisper to myself, as the Wraith senses Vic's presence, and the waiting bombs beneath the ground. Charlie, alarmed, jumps back into his car, to seek out what's got the Wraith in such a tizzy, racing away, and leaving young Wayne behind. If there was ever a time, to save Wayne, it is NOW!!! NOW, Maggie, grab him NOW!!!! Here's where things start to unravel for me as far as character motivation and realistic ability is concerned. Yes, I get that Wayne's appearance is terrifying for her, that she doesn't know what she's walking into as she approaches him, but there is NO WAY Margaret Leigh, Oracle Extraordinaire, Hourglass SLAYER, would just cower, and watch as Wayne hangs his ornament. Nope, sorry. Wayne isn't even all the way a vampire yet, he's in transition, and the FEARLESS girl that I know and love, would have grabbed him, reassured him, while she wrested the ornament from his hands, and SMASHED it!!! Wayne's soul flies back into his body, crying as he clings to his Aunt Mags, Charlie is thwarted, and everybody lives happily ever after. End Scene.
But no, Maggie, in an uncharacteristic move, waits until Wayne has ALREADY hung his ornament, and then approaches him fearfully. I will admit I was a little nervous too..... Wayne, Darling, NO BITING Aunt Maggie!!! Wayne bares his vampire teeth, and raises his vampire claws in an adorable scare, with the cutest little growl ever, laughing cheerfully as he chases Maggie through the trees, clearly thinking it's a game.
Meanwhile, Charlie bristles as he sees the glowing headlights of Vic's motorcycle up ahead, piercing through the descended dark. His annoyance is obvious, but you can almost sense his secret excitement, at having one last chance to kill her.
"Gunning for Mother of the Year?" Charlie scoffs, amused, looking hot as hell behind the Wraith, clenching the steering wheel, his head down, eyes narrowed and full of smouldering, black intent. It's a FANTASTIC face-off, as the Wraith screams down into the open field, Chris pressing HARD on the detonator, and the first bomb goes off in a spray of dirt and billowing smoke. Again here's where I found myself more than a little bit incredulous, wondering WHAT THE HELL IS THE WRAITH MADE OF!?!? I even giggled to myself, remembering what Chris had said. "I don't care if he's in a GOD DAMNED tank!!!" The Wraith remains unscathed, the gleaming black paint, not so much as scratched, as a second bomb, and then a third go off beneath it, to no detriment. Really!? The Wraith is NOT a tank, it's not even armoured, and while yes, it's a supernatural entity, it CANNOT DEFY THE LAWS OF PHYSICS!!! Baby, I'm sorry, I'm so don't want to see you harmed, but you put a blast beneath that undercarriage, it is going to send that car FLYING, flipping it over at the very least!!!
Back in the grove of trees, Wayne, still chasing Maggie, stops cold when Lou calls out to him.
"Dad..... is that you?" THANK GOD, I cry out tearfully, as Wayne recognizes him, and in a very human moment, runs and hugs his father so tight, snuggling his little head to his shoulder, Lou sighing relieved, as he holds his son at last. Happy tears become angry ones, however, and at first I was LIVID with Wayne, horrified as he sinks his tiny little fangs into Lou's shoulder, biting him hard. DON'T BITE YOUR FATHER!!!!! Why, Wayne, WHY!? But the second time I watched this episode, I noticed something soooo very important. Wayne doesn't show any signs of hostility, poses NO threat, UNTIL the first bomb goes off. This is NO coincidence. Charlie, you're too clever for your own good!!! I suspect, that once the transformation is complete, and the kids are connected to Father Christmas, they can sense when he's in danger, and their innate attack instinct takes over!!! Freaking brilliant, and yet also terrifying!!!
Vic curses under her breath, her foot slamming on the gas, helplessly, as the Triumph won't start, her knife failing her, as the Wraith, screams at her like a shot bullet, promising vengeance, and Charlie smirks, sadistic, knowing he's about to end this....... "Say Goodnight, Vic McQueen."
My heart clenches in my chest, barely breathing, the tears flooding my vision, watching through blurry eyes, knowing what he's going to do, before he even does it. Chris McQueen hurtles himself in front of Vic, selflessly sacrificing his life for hers, and the Wraith runs him over, crushing the back of his legs. as he collides with it. I screamed, I sobbed, and shook violently, stunned because my prayers had been answered....... Chris McQueen, has miraculously SURVIVED. He's alive...... he's alive...... I whisper, reassuring myself. While he's far from okay, surely suffering two crushed legs, unable to move, I'm just so happy to see him still breathing, still fighting.
"Perfect timing, Wayne," Charlie snickers, Vic screaming, "NO!" as Wayne hops back into the car. This is it, this is the moment, where it all goes so wrong. Charlie's holding all the cards, he's got Wayne in the car, he's subdued Vic and her father, neither of them can so much as move, and he listens, drinking in their anguished cries. All he had to do was drive away....... It was over. It was SUPPOSED to be over.
"Chris McQueen, a disappointment of a man, just like your father," Charles snarls, and I AM BEGGING him to stop, bawling, pleading frantic, my terrified voice shrill. "BABY NO!!!! BABY STOP!!! DON'T KILL CHRIS, PLEASE GOD, CHARLIE!!!!!" Tapping into a darkness, donning a heartlessness, unbecoming of our gentleman villain, Charlie looks Vic in the eye, as he does it, snapping Chris' neck with lethal force, killing him purely out of spite. The episode ends with her broken, mournful sob, and Chris' slain gaze, his eyes still full of tears, staring blankly at the camera.
My pain is deafening, my sorrow beyond all hope of any coherent expression as NOS4A2 suffers its greatest loss to date. It's an empty gesture, a callous act, uncharacteristic of the man that I love with all my heart, but who has hurt me something profound with this senseless murder. In what kind of CRUEL world, does an innocent man, who sacrifices himself for his daughter, who fought for eight years to be the kind of father she deserved, have to die, while an indecent evil like Bing Partridge gets to live!? Charlie, HOW could you!? This...... There's no honour in this. Charlie kills only as a last resort, and only in defense, he has a strict moral code, and is vehemently against violence without cause. This was unfeeling, unnecessary, and soulless. Yes, he knew Chris was a bad father from before, but surely in witnessing the valiant manner in which he'd flung himself in front of the car, with no thought for his own life, Charlie would have found him redeemed, he would have seen a father who'd do anything to protect his daughter, not so different from himself, and he would have felt SOMETHING!!!
Goodnight, Chris McQueen. You fought the good fight, you changed and made things right, and now at last you can find peace....... My heart is so heavy, I can't hold it, and crying here, I want him to know how wrong he was, thinking nobody would mourn him when he died. A thousand cry out, stricken with grief. Husband, Father, White Knight Redeemed, here lies Chris McQueen, a HERO who didn't die for nothing.........
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bakugou-tm · 5 years
The Purge - Karma Akabane x Reader Oneshot
Soooo I know you guys missing me writing Bakugou, and this should be my last Karma update until I get back on track with my Bakugou shizz but this idea popped in my head and I just had to write it :’)
P.S I spent a l o t of time writing this and I’m actually really really reALLY proud of it, I might even want to make it a mini series so please give me feedback on if you like it!! I know Karma is only in it for a lil bit but I had to build up the background first, and I promise it won’t be as angsty in the next chapters if I do continue
Purge AU: With the massive success of the Purge started in America, many countries started to follow suit including Japan. Unfortunately for your family who just moved from America to escape the very system, you had no idea what was about to go down and what vendetta people had on your family
Rating: Mature for slight horror themes, violence, and murder (not extremely graphic cause I’m a baby)
Everything about the night happened so fast. Too fast.
You hoped, prayed, wished it was all just a horrible nightmare you were going to wake up from. But when you heard those familiar atrocious alarms sound you knew, this was no dream at all.
“Thanks for dinner dad, the food was great!” You said warmly, placing a warm kiss on his cheek before you took all the dishes from your family and walked to the kitchen.
Your father simply laughed, offering a smile to you before letting out a satisfied sigh, “Well now that I’m not running that crazy company anymore, I figured I would help your mom out while she’s at work.”
“Please honey you act like I work in a factory, I just own a little tea shop,” Your mother said beginning to clean the table as your older brother walked towards the living room to watch the television, “Thanks to your hard work I can do what I love in a safe environment.”
Smiling warmly at their sweet talk you decided to start the dishes, after all your favorite game show was coming on soon and you’re sure your brother already took your favorite seat.
You and your family had just moved to this quiet yet beautiful city in Japan about six months ago. Prior you lived in America, New York City to be exact. Your father was the owner and corporate manager to the (Company Name Cause I’m Too Lazy To Make One Up).
Both you and your sibling lived a comfortable life; you had great friends in the city, you never had to worry about money, and your family made sure not to get power hungry and made sure to stay true to your roots unlike other billion dollar families.
But ever since the US Government created a new law, things changed forever. This law dedicated one night of the year for any crime to become legal, every emergency service would be shut down and it would be a free for all everywhere.
That first night people went insane. Stores were robbed, dangerous parties took place, countless of lives were murdered out of vengeance or just pure blood lust.
It was either kill or be killed, and that night your family almost got killed. Being a fairly wealthy family, you all seemed to have targets on your backs. The night was one you would never forget, but luckily you wouldn’t have to fear it anymore.
Soon the week after the horrific day, your father shut down his entire company. He took what money he had gained from it and fled the country with his family to a smaller city close to Tokyo.
Though it was tough to make new friends, you knew nothing would be the same with your old friends back in America so you had to give it a new shot. Soon everyone in your family adjusted to the change, and for once you all felt safe.
But that safety didn’t last too long, nothing ever lasted long in your life.
Just as you finished putting in the last of the dishes you swiped your head with a sigh, drying off your hands with the dish towel. You made sure to put all the soap back where it belonged and rinsed out the sink, that is until you heard the shrill sound of an alarm go off in your living room.
In that moment, the breath was knocked out of you. Everything around you seemed to freeze until it was so silent you could hear the air around you buzzing. That sound.. that was the...
“(B/n)? W..What’s that sound? You better not be watching a horror movie again.” Your mother called out, but you could sense the offness in her voice.
Something wasn’t right.
All but silence was heard from the living room, the same ringing sounds filling your ears. You tried so hard to suck in any sort of air, but it was as if your throat closed off.
This is not a test. This is your Emergency Broadcast System.
Every hair on your body stood at this, your fingers having a vice hold on the dish towel in your hands. This.. no... this couldn’t be happening.
“Damnit (B/n) answer your mother, what’s going on?” Your father shouted, heavy footsteps being heard walking towards the living room.
Announcing the Commencement of the first annual Purge sanctioned by the Japanese Government. Japan’s government official have decided to follow America’s footsteps in creating balance in the country. Please listen to the following rules.
A loud gasp escaped your lips as you darted through the kitchen and crossed the house to reach your living room. Sure enough on the screen showed the blue screen you knew all too well, the words rolling down sending chills through your spine.
Your brother sat on the couch speechless, your mother covering her mouth as she quivered in your father’s arms.
“D..Dad...” You whispered, looking up to him with skin as pale as a ghost as you clenched your hands together, “T..Tell me t..this isn’t real, tell me dad please!”
Commencing at the Siren, any and all crime (including murder) will be illegal for 12 continuous hours.
“(D/n), (D..D/n) what are we going to do?!” Your mother screamed, bursting into tears as you held her tightly. Your body remained frozen, unable to move.
Why was this happening to you? Why was this happening again? Were you not tortured enough the first time? Did you not see death close enough?
Sinking your nails into the couch you began to whimper, shivering in fear as your mind went through a constant stage of denial. it wasn’t until the trademark sirens began to ring. Every head in your family flicking to the screen with horror.
“Kids, get upstairs now. (M/n) lock every window while I put down the emergency gates.”
Swallowing thickly you looked to your parents before your brother grabbed you by the wrist and dragged you upstairs. You didn’t know your father had installed the same protection system as your previous house, was he expecting this?
“(B/n) w..what are we going to do?” You whispered shakily, covering every window as the metal shield around them began to close in.
In all honesty, your brother didn’t look much better. Though he tried his best to talk confidently, the paleness of his own face showed it all.
“Relax (F/n), if we could survive it in New York with no protection, we’ll be good..”
Though his words weren’t totally off, the tone he spoke them in did nothing to calm your nerves. But if he was able to put on a strong facade for you, you would do the same.
The two of you quickly ran down the hallway towards the guest bathroom since it was the only room in the house with no windows. As you began to walk in you noticed your brother keep walking.
“(B/n) where are you going?” You asked with wide eyes, he glanced back to you with a concerned look before gritting his teeth.
“Just getting some safety supplies, get in the bathroom now!”
Chills ran through your body at this. Everybody seemed to be prepared for this entire situation except for you. Were you the only one who hadn’t learned from the first time? Were you seriously too naive to believe you would be safe the rest of your life.
Biting at your lower lip you squeezed your eyes shut and backed up into the bathroom, moving to close the door until you heard a loud crash from downstairs.
Freezing your actions, you held still in order to listen better. The sound of your mother’s scream filling your ears sent chills down your spine.
Slowly creeping out from the bathroom you looked down the hallway to see your brother staring back at you, the same fearful expression on his face.
More shouts and screams were heard below, and if it weren’t for those noises the sounds of your fearful gasps would’ve been heard. Your brother quickly ran to you, placing his hand over your mouth before handing you a sharp object. Looking down you recognized it to be a dagger, your fingers wrapping around the grip like a glove.
“We need to get down there and help mom and dad, somebody is in the house,” Your brother whispered, moving in front of you as he looked back, “If someone gets near you, you stab as hard as you can got it?”
Inhaling shakily you shook your head in understanding, following his slow movements down the hallway till you reached the stairs. Slowly creeping down you tried your best to remain silent as you heard the voices from around the corner. Ducking your head down your eyes widened slightly at the sight of a black pistol in your brothers hands. Where was he getting all of these weapons?
“You honestly thought moving across the world would save you from us Mr. (L/n)?” A voice hissed, your fist clenching at this as you and your brother stepped down on the first floor, slowly walking towards the kitchen.
“H..Howard, this is all a misunderstanding,” Your father spoke, though his tone was far from confident, “I didn’t mean to abandon all my employees, but you have to understand that my family comes first!”
The sound of a fist pounding on most likely the counter shook all the walls in your house, the noise making you flinch and almost scream if your brother hadn’t slapped his hand on your mouth.
“What do you know about family you bastard? For six months mine has had to live in a shelter because we lost everything! My daughter is struggling to stay alive everyday because of your selfishness!”
“Howard we almost died that night!” Your father yelled, “My entire family was almost slaughtered for our fortune, what was I supposed to do? Stay?!”
Silence was heard after this before you heard a low sigh.
“My intention was not to hurt any of my loyal staff, and I’m incredibly sorry about your family. If you had just tried to contact me you know I would’ve helped in every way.”
So whoever this was, they used to work for your father. Their story was understandable, but to murder your father? What were they thinking?
A low chuckle echoed through the first floor, every hair on your body standing up as you and your brother creeped closer, just behind the entrance to the kitchen. From what you could notice there was only one man standing in your kitchen with a large gun, but you’re sure he didn’t come alone.
“Oh it’s too late for sorry Mr. Howard. For months I’ve had to dance with death while you live it up in your ritzy townhome, now it’s time you feel first hand what I’ve felt.”
This was one of those scenarios that you’ve had a nightmare about a few times, but you just knew it would never happen to you. There was no way right? Sure it could happen to other people but you? You were such an average person how on earth could you experience it?
So when the sight of a bullet flying through your fathers head came to view, every ideal you had of the world vanished from your head. You were utterly speechless.
The man who nurtured you for eighteen years, created you into the woman you were today, was gone. You felt as if your soul was ripped from your body and all that was left was your corpse just standing still, empty.
All you could register were sounds and movements around you. The sound of your mother screaming your fathers name came first.
Your eyes flicked to her as she ran toward her collapsed husband, but soon that came to an end as another shot rang through the house. Soon you noticed your mother’s body collapse beside your fathers, not even making it to him before her blood began to run across the wooden floors of your kitchen.
This seemed to snap your senses back to reality. Your senses coming back tenfold, everything around you becoming heightened. You felt anger, no... rage fill through your entire body.
How could someone be so selfish, so evil as to murder two innocent people for harmless revenge. If he was going to steal everything from you, you would steal everything from him.
The moment you took your first step your brother knew what was about to happen. He attempted to stop you by placing his arm against your chest but you shoved him to the side, making a mad dash into the kitchen.
With the man’s back turned to you, it made him too late to even bother turning around before you sunk your dagger into his neck. The man froze as soon as it made contact with his body, the gun dropping from his hands as you dragged it down his spine till his legs gave out beneath him.
You hadn’t even registered what you had done as warm tears streamed down your cheeks, hands shaking aggressively as you yanked the dagger from his body.
“Y..You...” You whispered clenching your fists so tight you could feel the blood from your nails sinking into your skin, “You go to hell!”
The sound of your scream filled the entire house, the entire street, the entire world. But you didn’t care. You wanted everyone to hear your pain, to feel your pain. Hoping they would take some of it from your body so you could feel a little better, a little more alive.
Your loud sobs echoed through the kitchen, your nervous system going wild as your brother dragged you out of the room and towards the front door.
“(L/n), (L/n) listen to me!” Your brother screamed, shaking your shoulders before his hand slapped hard against your cheek making your eyes move to his own, “This situation is fucked up I know, but we need to get to safety you hear me?! We’re going to run to my friends house just down the street I already texted him. They’re housing a few families and we’ll be safe there but we need to go now before too many people come out okay?!”
Even through your loud sobs and rapid hiccups you shook your head, you had so much to think about but for now you set your body to survival mode. You weren’t about to die to the hands of this villains, not now.
“There’s going to be people out there so use that dagger and stay behind me, got it?”
You nodded up to your brother, shaking your limbs to wake them back up as he swung the door open. Sure enough three men were outside, one right outside the door and two in your drive way.
Your brother was quick to aim at the two on your driveway, meanwhile you moved at lighting speed to send your dagger into the man’s stomach beside you not yielding until he fell to the floor in a bloodied mess.
Once you made sure he was done, you looked back up to see the two men on the drive way on the ground. 
“His house is just to the right of the stop sign at the end of this street okay, run like your life depends on it!” 
Nodding to your brother the two of you sprinted out to your lawn and down the street, ignoring any person, any sound, everything. Every inch of your body was tingling, you couldn’t even feel your legs as they took step after step down the well lit street.
Even when you saw the familiar stop sign you kicked out any feeling of hope, you knew damn well by now that luck was not on your side.
Remaining close to your brother you noticed him slow down to make sure he was going the right way before looking back to you, “Just this way (F/n) only six houses down then-”
Another bang, one you wished you wouldn’t have to hear so soon again. Your head whipped forward to thankfully not see a bullet in your brother’s head, rather in his left calf. 
Another scream left your mouth as you noticed six masked figures come out from the side of the corner. You could only assume your brother was running on adreniline as he shot rapidly at the group of people.
You wished you could help more but with only a dagger against people armed with guns you would be useless.
Two of the six people dropped to the ground until you heard the dreadful clicking sound from your brother’s weapon. The two of you looked to each other, a shared fear in your eyes until you saw a different glint fill your brother’s shaking orbs.
Letting out a battle cry your brother ran towards the group, using the back of his pistol to cram it into the skull of one of the figures. Luckily they fell to the ground quick enough for your brother to grab their weapon, but not quick enough for the other three to have him on the ground pinned.
Your eyes watched his own squeeze shut in pain, your body shaking intensly until you noticed your brother look you directly in the eyes. What scared you the most is they flipped from fear, to acceptance. They narrowed just in the slightest as he dared to smile up at you as he flung his hand out, the small pistol sliding just to the tip of your converse.
You glanced down to the weapon before looking back up to your brother. You knew exactly what he was doing, you knew exactly what he was going to tell you without even saying a word just by the expression on his face. In those next few seconds, everything went silent except for your brothers voice. Not the gun shots, not the yelling, not the sound of struggling, just his voice
“Go get to safety (F/n) and live your life to the fullest,” Your brother said calmly, tears running down his cheeks before he narrowed his eyes with a warm smile, “I’ll say hi to mom and dad for you.”
Everything that kept you standing left your body, your knees giving out on you as you crumpled to the ground. You didn’t even feel the pain of your knees scraping the sharp concrete, all you saw was your brothers stupid smile as he walked toward death itself.
You looked down to the gun, your shaky hands slowly reaching for it before you looked to your brother one last time. Tears rolled down your face as he nodded once to you and smiled for one last time.
Gritting your teeth you snatched the gun from the ground and made a mad run down the street. You ignored going to his friends house, you ignored anything you had ever known. The only thing you knew how to do right now is run.
You made it about two thirds down the street before you heard a loud bang ring from behind you. Whipping your head back you felt warm tears re-enter your eyes once more as you screamed your brothers name into the night sky. Your world was slowly crumping apart and you weren’t even sure if you minded. You almost wished you could crumple away with it.
But you couldn’t. You had people counting on you. You had people dying for you so you could make it this far. You weren’t about to let them die in vain because you were weak.
You were going to survive tonight.
Gritting your teeth you turn away and ran down the street once more, leaving behind everything you’ve ever known towards your new future.
After about five minutes of running you had wondered why you hadn’t run across anybody. Not that you minded, but with probably thirty minutes in to this cursed night, something seemed definitely off.
You ignored the strange feeling until you saw a large cement wall come into your sights. Narrowing your eyes you kept running forward until your mind froze, body slowing down into a jog.
You had run the wrong way, this was the end of your neighborhood which was gated, you swore you were running towards the entrance. Stepping back from the wall you shook your head in denial, this couldn’t be happening.
You spun around when the sound of footsteps were heard, the same three masked people walking towards you. That’s why you didn’t see anyone coming, they were taking their sweet time because they knew you were running to a dead end.
“Well well well, the last (L/n) alive.” One of the people said, registering it as a man which was confirmed when he lifted the mask from his head.
Biting your lip you backed up into the wall, keeping a vice grip on your gun as they cornered you in.
“You know I could get a lot of money for you kid, there’s a lot of angry people that want revenge for what your daddy did to them..” The man hissed down to you, his words only boiling the blood inside you.
“My father did nothing wrong! He was only trying to protect my family, you know he didn’t do this to hurt any of you!”
The sound of a gun cocking back silenced you, feeling your body shrink back against the wall as he narrowed his eyes in a dark stare on you.
“And that’s exactly why I’m going to be the one to kill you, because you believe the same thing as your bastard of a father. I’m not letting anyone have the satisfaction to take away the one thing he loved most.”
Gritting your teeth you fired at two of the figures beside him, one of them getting struck in the arm while the other moved out of the way quickly. You continued to shoot with everything you had left, effectively getting down one of the figures until he gun clicked signaling it was out of ammo.
Before the unmasked man could move forward you dashed low attempting to swipe at his stomach until his hand wrapped around your wrist, swinging it back around your body until your knees collided with the ground and your arm was behind you unable to move.
It was then you realized that this was it. These were your last breathing moments on your planet. For eighteen years you lived a live people would dream of. You had good friends, good connections, and a good family. But in your last thirty minutes of your life you had to watch your family be murdered. It wasn’t the end you wanted, and it wasn’t the end you expected for an average girl. But you would be damned if you let these bastards see the satisfaction of you crying in your final moments on Earth.
You felt the cool metal of the dagger push against your neck, the feeling of the blood from your past enemies drip down your skin, “Any last words child?”
Gritting your teeth you slowly turned around enough to narrow your eyes to the man and flash a toothy grin. You noticed more masked people had shown up, about ten but you didn’t care, you were going out with a bang.
“Fuck you.”
What should’ve been heard in the next five seconds was the sound of metal slicing across your throat. The sound of your scream filling the air as you crumple to the ground and be removed from this cruel world.
But those noises didn’t fill your ears at all.
The sound of a gunshot going off is what you heard first, suddenly heavy weight falling on top of you as you crumpled to the ground. Grunting loudly you shimmied from underneath the weight, noticing the unmasked man unconscious above you, blood staining the back of his shirt.
Looking up with wide eyes you noticed five new individuals before you, each of them attacking the masked people before you.
One of them had black loose hair, looking male to you. Along side him was another boy with from what you could see navy hair. They were having no problem shooting at the masked victims while a large boy with buzzcut hair was knocking them out with his bare fists.
Your eyes shifted over to a small boy.. or maybe girl? Their hair was light blue and rather long, but they were also dressed in boy style clothes. You didn’t want to assume but at this point you didn’t care, whoever they were they were kicking ass. They moved with a purpose, taking out every masked person with swiftness.
The last person though stood out to you the most. You were sure if it was his bright red hair or his shining golden eyes that held nothing but trouble. You were so busy observing all of them that you hadn’t even noticed the red headed boy walking towards you.
“Hello Mrs. (L/n), if you wouldn’t mind it would be safe for you to come with me.”
His tone was as smooth as velvet, but something about him felt off. Not untrustworthy you would say, but not exactly a safe aura.
You crawled backwards slowly, gritting your teeth as you swallowed dryly while looking the boy up and down.
“Karma-san it’s best we start heading out now, you know these guys had friends and it would be best if we took them on with everybody here.”
Your eyes flicked to the boy with light blue hair, your eyebrow raising at his words before the large boy on the other side spoke up.
“Nagisa’s right quit beating around the bush and giving her a choice! Just pick her up and let’s go!”
Your eyes widened at this, quickly narrowing towards the man who said it which didn’t go unnoticed by the red haired boy before you.
“Shut your mouth you giant dunce!” The boy, who you assumed was named Karma, shouted back towards the large boy before turning back to you.
For a second you swore you saw his eyes soften, just in the slightest as he lowered down on his toes as he held out his open palm.
“Look I know you’ve had a shitty night but we can get you to safety so.. do you trust me?”
Your eyes widened at this. How did this guy know what happened? How come it seemed like he knew who you were? How did you even know him?
At this point you had no reason to trust him, but you also didn’t have a reason to not follow him. You’ve escaped death more times than you could count tonight, and you still had eleven hours left of this living hell. You were one to believe in fate, so maybe.. just possibly, this boy was here for a reason. And for some reason in your heart, you felt you should trust him.
Slowly you reached out your palm and grasped onto his palm, your eyebrows furrowing slightly as you bit the inside of your cheek, “No, I don’t trust you.”
Karma seemed taken aback by this, but he soon began to chuckle as his lips curled into a smirk. 
“Good, cause you shouldn’t.”
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moist-astronaut · 4 years
things my friends and I have said over the last year
“I’m verbally illiterate” “Isn’t that called dyslexia”
“I’m going to chemistry and I’m gonna light myself on fire” “No” “Damnit let me burn like the witch I am!”
“Don’t worry it’s not anti-Christ it’s just anti-government”
“I’ve been getting migraines everyday and I’m considering chopping my head off” “But that would kill you” “Two birds one stone!!”
“I swear to god I will hug you” “My house is 5 miles away and my doors are locked” “Your locks are FEABLE”
*writing an email* “Bitch comma”
“Ok but I could be a top” *laughing* “What I totally could be!” *laughing and crying for literally 6 minutes straight*
*on a group call, friends cat misha walks into the room* “Tell misha I would live and die for her, whichever she prefers” “She says thank you” *cat noises*
*joins discord vioce chat at 11:26 pm* “You guys are gae but I love you” “Thank you saeren very cool” “Goodnight” *leaves chat at 11:28pm*
“Jake jake jake jjjake -j-jaaake hey jake” “W H A T” “Can I eat your pens” “I literally have a restraining order against you”
“I’m educatn’t”
“Me calling you to dumb to be a slytherin is payback for you leaving multiple handprint bruises on my legs” “It’s not my fault your skin is weak”
“He’s rolling so that we can walk” *rolling in the grass and collecting leaves on his jacket* “I’m rolling for your sins”
“There are 7 of us so we can each be a deadly sin” “I wanna be Ross” “You mean wrath?” “No that dude from Friends”
“Ok but other than his strict attraction to women, his multiple wives, his hatred of gay people, and the fact that he is dead, what is standing between me and Joseph Smith the All American Hottie from being happy together”
“Consider: Mullet” “No”
“I do my homework while loudly eating a pop tart asmr”
“No no listen, he’s my brother, he’s a bastard of my dynasty…I might just ransom him off”
“These Norwegian bastards indroduced a fucking PLUAGE to my COUNTRY”
“Ooooo meth”
“Half of my life is me resisting the urge to sing the zaboomafoo themesong, the other half is me actually singing the zaboomafoo themesong. So either way my entire life revolves around zaboomafoo.”
“I just don’t think I would hire a gay man-wait no I’m not homophobic”
*chucks half a gallon of milk in a gas station* “-ah- got milk?”
“Gimme your sternum boy”
“Nooooooo he stole my sternum!!!” (Side note these were two separate occasions)
*being force fed milk duds* “No!! This is the worst way to die!!”
“Hey babe come over I have a hammock and a heated blanket”
“Be afraid, be prepared- IN THE WORDS OF SCAR”
“Stress eating stress gummies Stress eating stress gummies Stress eating stress gummies stress eating-”
“I thought to myself ‘Y’know if I die today this is how I want to be remembered- a leather skirt and leg warmers’”
“I think I’m telling you to go to sleep” “You’re gonna have make me” “I can’t tell if this is cry for help or flirting” “Yes”
“This is at best cannibalism and at worst being straight”
“Oh look Percy Jackson’s here now, ooh they replaced every character’s face with Mr. Bean. I hate it”
“You can’t be mean to me! I’m gay AND a woman! That’s a hate crime!” “Yeah well I’m brown and Muslim! Square the fuck up bitch!”
“Babe it’s not very metal to be afraid of your hair dresser” “It’s not very metal to have a hair dresser and yet here we are” “It’s fine you’re into glam metal”
“Hey augie, got any grrrrrrapes?” “I’m doing IXL :(“
“Can I come?” “No” “What if I bring watermelon?” “You can come, leave the watermelon, then leave” “:(“
“What in the jersey shore”
“Ok but consider: Mullet-hawk” “I can and will divorce you”
“Dee-vorce 👏 Just to 👏 re-vorce 👏 👏 “
“Ah yes, that’s why I’m fat…for combat reasons…”
“You fool I consent!”
“My Boston fern is being a bitch but that’s because it’s winter and that’s BITCH season”
“You walk through the rest of the house and it’s like ‘ooo witchy and aesthetic’ then they’ll get to the guest room and it’ll just be a tacky twink Fever dream”
“Who needs a scalp”
“HeHe, sexing”
“Council has decided, your vibes are rancid (and not the band)”
“You’re never to young to hate women”
“Look at me I did the dishes I’m a 1950s housewife with a strangely new jersey accent and affinity for lesbianism”
“Well look who has the table now”
"contrary to popular belief, fuck you"
"There's nothing here that requires whisking, i'm just problematic"
"If you could go anywhere in the world with two people, who would you choose?" “New Orleans!”
"So he proceeded to bite me on the butt...like, really, really hard."
“I don’t cheat, I win. It’s not cheating if it’s consensual.”
“My mouth, my choice”
“Do you like my ombré of a tan"
“Who’s the cutest in the chat right now then?” “It’s Paige!” “No, it’s obviously Augie.” (paige's boyfriend)-said by a straight man
“Francis is just a one and done.”
“Would you ever have a threesome?” “...yes...” *To Francis* “Sure!”
“How do you feel about anal sex?”
“Of the people in this room, who would you most want to make out with?” “Augie” “The answer is yes, but only if it’s 6 feet apart.”
“Square, flat, and overcooked.”
“The virus would be over if everyone would breathe underwater for 5 minutes.”
“I have daddy issues, but not with my father.”
“You’re a ladies man but you have two boyfriends.”
“That means lesbian in sign language” “No, that means fuck boy in American”
“I’m like a parasite, you can’t get rid of me. I’m here forever.”
“You’re like my long term hit man”
“Is it Jake?” “No, why would the evil Russian man be Jake?” “Because he would never hire a gay man and you don’t look like a gay man”
“Jake is homophonic, Augie is racist, and Francis is a woman hater!”
"Grew a korean radish, 1 star"
"I've got more cause i'm a rich boy, and by that i mean my father sometimes buys avocados. And that's on what? Upper middle class"
"Tell your good for nothing boyfriend to stay away from my mom"
"It's not inciting violence it's just ~inspiring it~ "
"Listen bitch just because you have avacados and a roomba doesn't make you better then me"
"i would totally let narthex ruin my life. and that's on what? daddy issues and bisexuality"
"who is titty"
"how is he racist" "he hates the french and russians right?" "don't forget italians" "that's just self loathing"
"This is the last time i wear a thong- it's for educational purposes"
"babe come over i'm a burrito"
"he put bread with milk. luckily he passed away"
"you touched my wiener!" "you offered it!"
"i took a shower and realized the floor doesn't bounce"
"i love ass whoooaaaaaa i meant cassie"
"Rosalie you're the deciding vote. Be decisive." "Dude i'm bisexual and a gemini. what're you talking about?"
"Okay so to recap: jake is homophobic, augie is racist, francis is a woman hater, and now paige is a bunny abuser?"
"Just bring a watermelon keychain and it'll be fine" "Whooaaaa i'm gonna need a big key then"
"If you were blind what would you even see"
Post Traumatic Youth, plus D for danny's disorder"
"i think she's past the phase where she likes people just because they're russian"
"francine is a lesbian, but only during quarantine"
"don't be a home wrecker!" "i can't help it!"
"we are not doing coed tents" "i wanted to go purple-ing though"
"if it's not perfect i'm gonna through hands" "with who" "i don't know, the CEO of stupid"
"don't make me feel guilty for bullying you"
"it doesn't look very cash money cool but okay"
"slinky cat" (ferret)
"The pond behind my house didn't freeze all the way through this winter, so i couldn't go ice skating" "okay, so i have an idea. we can go to walmart and get-" "ANTI FREEZE!" "well, yes- wait, no. No, the more i think about that definitely no."
"The amish will win, the amish will prevail" "the amish will conquer us all!"
"He do be kinda mafia doh"
"i'm being sneaky sneak. stairs go creaky creak. and i need. DRUGZ"
"brain on shutdown, power saving mode"
"Somebody go tip her, she's dancing like a stripper" "thatd be nice- oh wait no!"
"fellas, is it gay to lick your homies eyeball?"
"it's not racist if you're only targeting one group of people" "that literally racism" "but what if they're french"
"i'm not racist yet but the option is available, and it's good to have options"
"they don't call me Mr. Steal Yo Boy for nothing!" -a straight man who has a girlfriend
"i think he has a bad habit of not dating girls"
"kinda hot tho 🥵 in a Santa Claus kinda way...hoe hoe hoe"
"i'll be your hot jacuzzi bubble dealer"
"when deceit and doubt fills you up, you cleanse your mind through creative activities, such as making organic soap"
"friendly reminder #4: you're never to old to eat a freezie-pop"
"sorry i'm just nervous" Chinese Teacher: (Waving her hand in front of her face) “Just pretend I’m cabbage.”
"me when my dads name is publicly broadcasted on the radio for his 14 felonies and assorted war crimes"
"<@!523669420435046401> I sentence you to a solid nine by the banhammer. For your crimes against Humanity, God, Satan, and Matt Frank. See you in hell."
"Danny, just because you're playing *Just Cause* doesn't mean you need to Just Cause our friendship!"
"Silly Matt! You fell for the ole’ Heimlich maneuver!”
"i got a bunch of new shirts over quarantine" "you would"
"Ok, there's a 32 year old doctor in new Jersey dying right now" "Yeah, but to be fair everyone in new jersey has a pre-existing condition"
“This is the longest period of time we’ve had without a Nintendo direct” “Maybe they’re gonna make a Nintendo indirect?”
"you’re looking extra white today.” "thanks i've been practicing"
"do you have any batteries" *looks inside shirt* "not yet"
"let's go colonize the middle school!" "yyayayyayayay!!!" " wait I gotta ask my mom first" What happened next is know called the *Juniors burden*
"oh so you're a DOWNSTAIRS milk kinda guy"
"you are literally the human embodiment of crumbs in a bed"
"The Berk-ey Creamery isn’t a place, it’s a people!”
 "He shoved a floating joy-con straight up his flux-capacitor.” "great! now it's paired"
"No, that isnt armor, the real armor are the friends you made along the way"
"This one goes out to all my lady friends out there *proceeds to kill himself in game*
"i'm a coward" "that's what a coward would say!"
"rest is for cowards and fools"
"every time you speak you take years off my life"
"Shark dick hoo ha ha"
"Me and the boys brushing our teeth at 3 AM"
"remember if you kill yourself the fascists win"
"The Beatles aren’t real. Have you ever seen a beatle? No? Exactly." "Babe” "Shut up I’m right."
*reading over these quotes* "god i hate that" "you said that!"
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hecohansen31 · 5 years
Please could you write some Chet Clancy x male reader where Chet has had feelings for the reader ever since they met and they have gotten stronger at camp redwood, by the finale Chet sees reader covered in margerets blood after they took revenge and Chet couldn’t help but confront reader about his feelings for him not expecting reader to feel the same way so basically Chet fucks reader back in his cabin ❤️ PLEASE MALE READER IM THIRSTY FOR THAT MAN
(A/N): Hello there, lovelies!
Am I going to deny that the thirst for that babe isn’t true? Because it is not, I love Chet more than my life, don’t mind me... my anger issues boys...
Also big disclaimer: I am not... very good at writing male!reader and it is my first time doing this kind of thing, so if it sucks... I am sorry, I didn’t mean to, I hope I didn’t fetishize it or made it ridicolous, in case... let me know! And I’ll try to see what I can do about it!
As always any feedback is welcomed!
And sorry again for taking quite some time!
WARNINGS: Male/Male Relationship And Sex (Oral Sex, Male Receiving), Unprotected Sex (WRAP IT UP, CHILDREN, WE ARE NOT GOING TO SLEEP ONTO STDs), Mention of Homophobia and Biphobia, Fanatic Bitch! Margaret, Blood and Murder.
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Chet didn’t swing that way.
He swung both way, more precisely.
But his manager had told him that it wouldn’t be good publicity for his Olympic career, to admit us preference for both genders, hence the need for the stereoyds and the constant “I a manly man attitude”.
But he wasn’t able to keep it up anymore, when you walked in the jazzercise class, in tight short and a smile that could have brightened the room, and although he had tried desperately to keep his mind on Brooke, smirking at her as he thrusted his hips to the ground, he was looking at you with his sideye.
Jazzercise wasn’t certainly your thing, he thought as you constantly needed Xavier’s guidance, enough that he wondered whether you were just acting up to get the blonde man’s attention or whether you were just THAT bad.
He hoped it wasn’t the first option.
In the locker room, he caught a glimpse of your naked body, meanwhile he made some humor of your two left feet, and Ray joined in, joking and letting Chet know your name, since apparently you knew Ray because you worked together,
“He is a vet, I had to see him a few times, because we have an animal shelter near�� Ray had explained to their common friend, meanwhile you blushed adorably, appearing meek, and Chet definitely had to hide with a towel the evidence of how much he liked that shyness.
“I am still not a vet, I am learning to become one. I am nothing but a simple intern, running for coffe and photocopies!” you joked, meanwhile Chet simply blushed as you caught him looking over at him, meanwhile you moved out of the locker room to grab a coffee.
There you found Xavier waiting for you, and he proposed to you to go out with them at Redwood.
“Oh I am going to have to ask around since I might be working, but a vacation doesn’t sound so bad” you mumbled almost dreamily, gently rubbing your neck, as Montana and Brooke joined you.
You fell a bit behind in the conversation, gingerly joining whenever you were spoken to, but otherwise, just standing a bit outside, probably due to some shyness that you owned.
Which Chet found even more fascinating.
As you moved outside, he followed you, more to check on you, since the Night Stalker’s story that Xavier had told to all of you, had made him quite paranoid.
...and because he was hoping to have a few minutes alone with you, although he knew he shouldn’t let himself have some kind of interest for you.
He had already fucked up his chance for the Olympics, he wouldn’t have another chance and an unconventional relationship might fuck things up, even more for you.
But you honestly had caught quite his eye, and there would be nothing bad in trying to be “your friend”.
“Hey” he almost startled “Don’t want to sound like a creep, but it would be nice to have a doctor on our vacation”.
You smirked at his attempt, and he was smitten.
Shit, he was more neck-deep than he thought.
“... just wanted to make sure that you weren’t already scared with those crazed people” he had joked.
“Ah, no they were rather nice, I truly hope to see more of you” you had replied, scratching the back of his neck, before exiting the car keys and got in your car, waving at Chet.
Well, he was also looking foward to seeing you.
In the end you had joined them on their trip to Camp Redwood, and although you stood close to Ray, the only person you knew, Chet had had many chances to talk comfortably with you, mostly while he passed you a joint.
There he had discovered that you had a younger sister and your mother had raised you on her own.
‘She is the one who pushed me into this field, alongside always wanting to see me settled down...’ the way you talked about it seemed like you didn’t think about that, in the slightest “... you know the white-picket fence with the nice wife and the two children... but sadly, I am just not interested in that’.
‘You don’t seem like you are not cute enough to get girls’ commented Brooke, almost naively and you started laughing a bit, before you sent her a look, making her blush and uttered:
‘Sweetie, I know, but I don’t look for girls’.
And in that moment Chet’s heart had started beating faster, and he had decided that he would have gladly thrown anything away for just a night with you.
Which might happen earlier than he thought, since you had shared not only a joint, but also a few rather steamy glances and when you had been sent off to shower, he almost thought about taking a bit too long to ‘help you’, in the shower.
But as you were getting ready to approach the shower, you seemed to remember having forgotten the clothes in which you had to change, a shy smile on your face, clearly showing that you were more introvert than you had looked talking before, mostly self-conscious about your body.
And ended up wandering off, alongside Xavier, in search for his luxurious towels and soaps, meanwhile Chet just sent a last look at your beautiful backside, definitely wishing that he could have seen it naked.
You couldn’t help but chicken out at the last minute, although you had felt Chet’s eyes on you all night, and honestly it was indeed flattering to have his attention, but you had also seen the obvious way he had tried to show off with Brooke.
And you didn’t understand if he had just a wandering eye, or was trying to cover up his attraction.
In both cases, you felt like being a bit on your own would help you, both to see if Chet’s feelings were true and both for you to understand if you wanted to risk an heartbreak, because the people like Chet were the kind that didn’t leave you without taking something.
You were thinking this, when you heard a strange noise and suddenly found yourself wondering if you shouldn’t have gone this far alone, mostly after the entire legend about Mr Jingle.
‘He is locked up, (Y/N)’ you mumbled to yourself, to reassure your beating heart ‘It is probably just a squirrel’.
It wasn’t a squirrel but Margaret, as she moved across you in the little wood you had to come through before you reached the cabins.
You immediately felt relieved and tried to make small talk with the camp director, who smirked at you with something evil in her eyes, but you didn’t give it too much thought, trying to calm any bad feeling in your guts with talking.
“I know what you truly are” she mumbled, meanwhile you were discussing with her the best way to handle an emergency in the lake.
“Of course you do, Mrs Booth, you hired me!” you tried to make some kind of fun of the entire situation, but there was no use.
The evilness in her eyes strangely kept on shining.
“... oh no, I know your dirty little secret, disbeliever” she continue, mumbling almost fanatically and you just felt a thrill run down your body “... and I won’t let you taint those sweet angels’ innocence”.
And before you knew it, a knife was sticking out your guts, blood erupting in it, fast enough that you knew she had hit a major artery, and meanwhile you blacked out, from the loss of blood, you just saw her move closer and before you knew it a stabbing pain caught you behind your ear.
And then you blacked out.
You woke up in what the others had called Purgatory, although to you it seemed more some kind limbo, where you were wandering through the place, meeting some of your fellow campers, with the knowledge of missing something.
Something which was your life.
And then it had come the anger, the insatiable anger, alongside the fear and the regret: fear because you didn’t know what would happen in this world, whether it was just simple passage or you were anchored there, and regret for anything that you hadn’t been able to do.
You missed your mother and your sister.
And hated throughly Margaret.
Mr. Jingle, that day, had been brought in the camp and although you didn’t despise him, you could see why so many didn’t have sympathy for the bastard, but when he brought you the news not only that Margaret was coming back, but she had also shifted her blame onto somebody’s else, you were pissed.
You were unable to resist fighting with Montana who didn’t seem to understand that killing Margaret was something that you needed, mostly to finally get your revenge and justice, since authorities didn’t seem to care about such things.
‘You don’t understand shit, (Y/N)’ had mumbled Montana.
‘Oh because your idea to kill everybody who comes here is so smart!’ you had shot back, before you had scurried off, since you knew that she wouldn’t listen to you, at all.
But you weren’t the only one who run away, Chet followed you.
Since your deaths, you had been strangely linked, but neither of you had done the first move, almost as if you had to work through your own traumas, before you could even think to ask each out.
Could you ask another ghost out...
‘You know that Montana doesn’t mean to be so harsh’ he mumbled, making you sigh dramatically ‘... she is a crazy bitch but she has an heart’.
‘Yeah... but I can’t believe that I have to share this place I am locked in, with the person who blocked me here” you honestly didn’t want to cry, mostly because of all the toxic masculinity, mostly in front of Chet, which was its emblem, but he gently brought an hand of yours to his mouth, softly leaving a few kisses on the back, before he patted one of your cheeks, sweetly bringing you closer.
But instead of kissing you, as you had hoped, he started talking.
‘I know how you are feeling: I was also killed by Margaret, and she took away my chance to try again at life, so believe me she won’t exit here alive, I swear on whatever ghostly think you can think of’.
‘Trevor’s elephant trunk’ you giggled, making him roll your eyes at your silliness before he gently leaned closer and exactly as you were so so close to kissing, something got in the way: Ray.
‘Dudes, Xavier just disappeared and with him Mr. Jingles, I need you two to check on him with me!’.
You both huffed, but smirked, your hands remaining linked.
‘To be continued?’.
‘It depends... are you ready for what is coming, sweetheart?’.
‘Talking this highly of you won’t get you anywhere, sweetheart’.
The entire event of Margaret’s death had been a true plan, not to talk about the way it had been executed almost perfectly, but although you should have felt satisfied, you couldn’t help but feel even more confused, and most importantly, slightly aroused, with the way Chet looked drenched in Margaret’s blood.
And only when he smirked at you, you understood it was over.
And you wouldn’t waste another moment of your time.
And Chet understood, quickly moving away from the others, meanwhile you did the same, the others not even noticing you leaving, too busy partying the death of the witch.
Well you would also be soon having your own party.
Chet smashed you against the wall of the cabin as soon as you were alone and he finally kissed you, making you definitely trust in what he had muttered to you that evening.
But you were definitely more than ready for it.
“Fuck, I have wished to do that, since I saw you at the class” he smirked, before the made you lightly twirl, eyeing with definitely a smug smirk your ass, before he slapped it, making you trot forward the male cabins.
“I looked like an idiot, so something is absolutely wrong with you” you mumbled, gently bringing him for a shy kiss, gently relaxing under him, meanwhile he smirked softly.
“... well... I do think that something is definitely up with me” and he pushed himself against you, making you feel his hardness onto you, and you smirked, rushing to kiss him with a new sense of urgency, meanwhile you moved, not detaching yourself from each other, in the cabin.
And when you were inside, Chet took an extra-moment to lock properly the door, not wanting any interruption as it had happened before.
“You know that you are locking outside Xavier and Ray” you mumbled, meanwhile your hands went down Chet’s chest, effectively taking away his ability to focus on anything, except your wandering hands.
“... well they are ghosts they won’t certainly feel cold...” he mumbled, sighing in pleasure when your hand came at his crotch “... and I saw Xavier eyeing chef Bertie, so I am sure that he’ll also have someone who will keep him warm”.
You eyed him, giggling lightly and slipped your hand in his pants and boxers, finally reaching the emblem of his desire which stood hard and throbbing in your palm, surprising you for the measures.
Well, you definitely weren’t ready for that.
And Chet smirked cockily, but you didn’t let him do much more, starting to rub your palm against him, before you started a determinate rhythm, bringing him in a state where he couldn’t focus on anything else but your able movements.
But it got worse, once you interrupted your ministrations just to lower his pants and boxers and pushed yourself on your knees.
The entire sight of you, with you mouth open and wanting, your eyes glossy for the arousal, was enough that Chet felt a knot tighten in his stomach, but as your mouth touched his proud manhood...
In that moment he swore he wasn’t in Purgatory but in Heaven
You worked him expertly, not letting yourself be intimidated by his length and helped you with an hand where you couldn’t reach with your mouth gently, trying to stead your rhythm with Chet’s hips which buckled up, since he was trying desperately to ride his pleasure, till the last drop.
His hands went to your hair, trying to grip onto them, and then when he found his grip, he used it to guide you on and off his manhood, in an exciting rush that brought you breathless.
“Shit, I am going to come” he mumbled, although you felt it by the way his balls had tightened and the throbbing vein on his head, and he released his grip so that you could back off a bit.
But you weren’t in the slight a quitter, bringing him to the edge and allowing his seed in your mouth, swallowing what you could and letting anything else flow from your mouth.
Chet was breathless for enough that you were almost worried of having killed him again, before he brought you back from your knees, in a fury, smashing your lips together and tasting himself and mixing his saliva with his seed, in a rather erotical flavor, that got you addicted.
“I have had enough of games” he growled and pushed you against the nearest wall, his hands going down to tease your front, meanwhile another hand slipped down your back in a languid caress which was soon joined by his lips, till he managed to drag down alongside his hands, your pants.
He left the boxers on, teasing you over the fabric, till your manhood peaked through them, and turning around, he teased you even further brushing his naked length against yours and making a rather loud moan exit your mouth, meanwhile he smirked, teasing your now-exposed neck.
“... fucking so responsive, just how I like it” he mumbled, meanwhile his hands lowered themselves in your boxers, getting you out of them, before he kissed you one last time, taking much more time to relax and make you feel at ease with him, which succeded since your felt your legs like jelly.
“Chet... I need you to...” you tried to utter, wanting him so desperately “... fucking want you to...”.
“... fuck me?” he smirked, smug about this, before his hands moved from your crotch to your little hold, teasing it “... aren’t you cute, baby boy?”.
“Stop teasing me, or is it to overcompensate?”.
And before you knew it, you were pushed again against the wall, his fingers prodding your hole, and although you were expecting him not to take his time, he did, sneaking to the little place where condoms and lube had been hidden, since your first day, not wanting Margaret to interrupt your fun.
Once he had retrieved the lube, he started the slow preparation, teasing you further, almost as a punishment for speaking back at him, easing one finger in you, just to crook it in a slow way that surprised you.
But you were too drunk on pleasure to actually protest.
And then Chet teased and probed your entrance with his length, your hole dripping with lube and gaping, ready for him, and then after he kissed softly your shoulder he slipped in, letting you adjust.
You gripped tight whatever was in front of you, as he pushed slightly a bit more, praising him for taking what he gave you so well.
And you shout back, praising how well he was filling you, setting off some kind of crazy rhythm which got Chet to slam in you, with almost violence, but the entire thing just pushed more adrenaline and pleasure through you, setting you in a crazy ride towards the end of this.
But whenever you were close, Chet would seem to know it, by the way you squeezed him, from the inside, and would slow down, in a drunken rhythm that brought to feel every inch of him.
Still the was a torture even for him, and he wasn’t able to last for longer than you, and soon he gave you his best in an even harsher rhythm, making his balls smash against your ass in a slap that stimulated you further through the final step of your little “marathon”.
You came with Chet’s name on your lips, mumbling softly about how he made you feel good, meanwhile he sank is teeth deep down your neck, to keep a moan from leaving his body, alongside his own soul, with the way you squeezed his length so heavenly.
He exited you, making his seed flow through your hole, exiting you in a wet motion that stained your thighs and Chet gently lowered himself to lick it clean, although you couldn’t help but feel overstimulated by the brushing of his tongue on such a sensible part.
“You fucking taste like Heaven, babe” he smirked, meanwhile he licked a ling strip from your inner thighs to the base of your own length “I don’t think that I’ll let anything take you away from me, again”.
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90slevi · 4 years
Butterflies {Draco Malfoy x Reader} - Pt.2
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Wandering down the corridors with nobody in sight was certainly scary. Although it wasn't night-time and you broke the rules often, there was nothing to say you couldn't be ambushed by Filch and Mrs Norris or, even worse, a magical creature that'd broke into the school (which unfortunately happened on multiple occasions). And, worse than all that was Umbridge would know for a fact you were missing, and you'd be given detention immediately. Glancing at your already-scarred hand, you didn't fancy going to another one of her hellish torture clubs.
You'd just have to say you were vomiting in the school toilets. If there was one thing Umbridge didn't like, it was vomit, and there was no way she could prove it, either. Most Slytherins were either the subjects of pranks (by mainly Gryffindors like the Weasley Twins) or dishing out the pranks, so it was highly unlikely you wouldn't be believed.
Almost as soon as you heard footsteps, you ducked into an empty classroom, hiding behind the closing door and holding your breath. It was one of the many Transfiguration classrooms, and there was nobody in there - except for Peeves, who was pushing over books to presumably piss off Mrs McGonagall.
Although it was unlikely that Peeves, of all people, was going to snitch on you, you didn't fancy your chances of being caught and just wanted to find Draco as soon as possible. Or go to the bathrooms to hide it out until class was over. Once the footsteps passed the door, you peered out, watching the creepy Mr Filch walk past with Mrs Norris at his feet as they disappeared around a corner. Sighing with relief, you tiptoed out of the classroom, carefully closed the door, and ran down the corridor to wherever you were going.
Soon, the stairs to the dungeons (and the Slytherin Common Room) appeared, and extremely relieved, you wandered down. There wasn't supposed to be anyone around, since everybody was supposed to be in class, but you were still on high alert with your hand discreetly tucked underneath your cloak and gripped around your wand.
"Y/n," you heard a voice say from behind, and your heart stopped for a split second before realising who it was.
"God, you scared the Hell out of me!" you exclaimed with a laugh, turning around to see Draco at the bottom of the stairs with a smug smile on his face and his arms crossed over his chest.
"My bad," he shrugged, glancing back up the stairs to make sure you hadn't been followed. "That Potter hasn't trailed you, has he?"
"Not that I know of," you chuckled, glancing up too just to make sure. "If so, he'd have been caught by Filch by now."
"That creepy squib threatened me," Draco said in disgust, rolling his eyes with a slightly wrinkled nose. "The bastard."
"Yeah, he almost caught me too," you grimaced, with as much dislike towards Filch as the blonde was. It wasn't because he was a squib; you didn't really care about blood-status and being muggle-born and all that. He was just... creepy. "I hid in an empty classroom. I think Mrs McGonagall is gonna kill Peeves when she sees the mess he's made."
"That little shit threw a book at my head once," Draco grumbled, slumping down the wall as he sat at the bottom of the wall, not wanting to go inside the Common Room in fear of being caught by Snape or another teacher. You sat in front of him, crossing your legs and hoping the floor wasn't too dirty. "If he wasn't a ghost, he'd never see the light of day again."
"I mean, you did insult the Weasleys," you grinned, amused at Draco's distain towards everybody. "And you know Peeves is pretty good friends with Fred and George."
"I have no idea what you see in those Blood-Traitors," he muttered in response.
He was referring to your friendship with Fred and George, whom you'd become good friends with in your first year after helping them pull pranks on their youngest brother and Snape. Of course, it was incredibly strange for a Slytherin to be friends with Gryffindor students, but you didn't really care for the norms. Due to being a half-blood witch (your mother being a muggle and your father being a pure-blood), you found blood-supremacy to be completely ridiculous and as long as you got along with somebody, you didn't care at all about what they were. This made it incredibly surprising that you were put in Slytherin, but hey.
Draco wasn't the most pleased to find out one of his best friends was a half-blood, as you hadn't brought it up in front of him and he'd found out on his own in May of your second year. But, since you were already good friends at that point, he tried to brush it aside (he didn't speak much to you until your third year, but by then he'd at least matured a tiny bit and befriended you again).
Although... your prank on Snape wasn't exactly the best idea, because he hasn't liked you since.
"They're really cool, Draco!" you exclaimed, giving up on trying to convince the blonde that the Weasleys were genuinely nice people. It caused enough arguments, anyway. "You need to give people a chance, y'know? Although, I doubt they'd be willing to give you one..."
"Whatever, I don't care," he shrugged, looking away and at the stone wall that entered into the Slytherin Common Rooms. You pouted, unsure how to continue the conversation but not wanting it to go silent in fear of an awkward tension appearing in the air.
"So, why did you want to meet me here at dinner?" you asked, cocking your head and scratching the back of your head. "And why did you skip Defence Against the Dark Arts? I thought you liked that class."
"With Umbridge in charge, it's boring," Draco sighed, dreading another lesson of just sitting there and flipping through pages of a textbook. Not only was that woman abusive, but she was a terrible professor with no idea of how to teach a class. "I want to learn how to blast Potter out of the building, not read about who created what spell."
"Ah, so even you dislike her," you replied, and his lip curled. "She's absolutely horrific."
"At first, she wasn't too bad," he muttered, and you knew he was trying his best not to admit how bad she was. Mainly because he was one of the few Slytherins trying to find other students breaking her rules. "But then I saw some of her punishments and it made me feel pretty uncomfortable."
He glanced down at your hand. The white lines of scarring were still extremely visible, and although the words had blurred together to just create more of a blob, it was still clear you'd endured something nasty.
"Just wait until you're the victim of it," you laughed softly, tracing the back of your hand with your finger. "It sucked."
Draco took your hand in his and examined it, his eyebrows furrowed. "I can't believe she did that to you."
It was surprising that he was being sympathetic. Whenever you injured yourself, he laughed and teased you. Usually, you never got into serious accidents and were able to laugh it off too, Draco even making fun of you when you fell down the stairs once and broke your elbow. Although, he only did that AFTER he'd taken you to the infirmary, almost too stunned to move at first and only helping when Lucy was freaking the hell out.
"Did it... hurt?" he asked, and you raised your eyebrows at him.
"Of course it did, dumbass," you chuckled, taking your hand away and putting it in your lap, the sleeves of your robes covering it back up. "Lucy didn't suffer as badly, so hers hasn't scarred, but I had about a hundred or so lines to do. I literally had to grab dinner right after in fear of passing out."
"It's surprising you ended up in that position. She was a Slytherin too," Draco stated, and you nodded. "Although... you did curse at her."
"She's a bitch, what did you expect?" you grinned, and he almost snorted. "Fred and George have done worse, though!"
"Potter also got that same punishment," he added, and you cocked your head, wondering how he knew that. "I overheard Weaselbee and Granger talking about it. I would've laughed if I hadn't remembered you'd got the same thing done to you."
"Yeah, like I said, it's not fun," you sighed, knowing for a fact that Draco would never receive any of the punishments you'd get. Due to his high blood-status and his father's position of power (plus Umbridge's obvious bias towards him), there was no way in hell he'd get abused by her. The most he'd get is a slight slap on the wrist, and it frustrated you to the maximum. You'd also overheard the teacher-in-pink's utter dislike to 'half-breeds', including half-bloods such as yourself. "Anyway, you didn't answer my first question. Why did you want to talk to me at dinner?"
"Ah, yeah," he muttered, much quieter than he'd just been talking and a hint of colour appearing in his very pale expression. You cocked your head with your eyebrows furrowed, wondering why the hell he'd suddenly become so timid. "That."
"What's wrong?" you asked, reaching your hand out and putting it on his knee. Clearly something was on his mind, and surprisingly, he didn't swat you away this time. Instead, he placed his hand on top of yours, and he cleared his throat. "Draco?"
"You know how I asked you to the Yule Ball last year?" he asked, and you nodded, beginning to feel a bundle of butterflies appear in your stomach at the thought. You'd worn a stunning blue dress that made you look and feel like a fairy, and Draco had absolutely adored it, talking about how good his date looked for weeks on after (he hadn't planned for you to find out about it though). "Well... there was a reason for that."
"Well, I'd hope there was," you chuckled, and a small smile appeared on his face. "I was hoping you hadn't just gone 'Eh, got nobody to go with, gonna go with Y/n as a last resort'."
"Yeah, that wasn't what was going through my mind," Draco answered, unable to hide his smile from your comment. It was nice to know he found you funny and didn't just raise his eyebrows in distaste. "Look, I'm not exactly... the best at things like this but..."
He took a deep breath, looking up at you with as much confidence as he could muster and trying to maintain eye-contact (which really wasn't going well).
"Y/n, I really like you," he said, scratching the back of his neck and looking back at the ground. For someone who claimed to be so confident and acted like he was all that, he certainly wasn't. Which, of course, you didn't mind. You were glad he wasn't as cocky as he made himself to be. "Y'know, really, really like you. You're funny, cool, easy to get along with and pretty, and you're not a weirdo, which is a bonus."
You were stunned. You'd known for a while that a rumour of Draco liking you was going around, but you'd never believed it, and for him to just confess to you, just like that, was shocking. And it wasn't that you were angry with no feelings back. In fact, ever since the third year, you'd gathered feelings for him. Although small at the time, knowing Pansy absolutely adored him, they'd managed to grow a lot more, especially when he asked you to the Yule Ball.
"F-for how long?" you stammered, unable to keep your composure as your own face went almost as red as a tomato. You would've been more embarrassed if it wasn't for his last comment, which almost made you laugh.
"I dunno, maybe two years now?" he said, raising his eyebrows. "I didn't really mean to. It just happened, y'know."
"What would your father say if you were dating a half-blood?" you asked, half-joking yet half-serious. You knew Draco wasn't the biggest fan of those who weren't pure-blood, and you dreaded what his father would think about you being... well, who you were. "Would he even let you?"
Draco shrugged, a shimmer of hope in his eyes as he realised something. "Wait, we can think about that at a later date. I just need to know, do you like me too? Or, at least, what do you think of me?"
"I like you too," you mumbled, a mix of sudden shyness (that really wasn't like you) and enthusiasm in your voice. "Since our third year. I thought... you liked Pansy, though."
A wide, confident smile appeared on Draco's face, satisfied with that answer, only to pull a face of disgust at the last bit. "Absolutely not. Just because she's obsessed with me, it doesn't mean I feel the same."
You couldn't help but smile, amused by his comments at one of your friends. "Self-absorbed, much?"
"I can't help it," he sighed, running a hand through his hair. "How can I not be self-absorbed when I just found out you like me back?"
You laughed out loud accidentally, making the blonde chuckle too as he watched you. There were so many more things he loved about you, including the way you laughed and the way you weren't cruel but didn't take shit from anybody, but he didn't have the confidence yet to tell you. Maybe he'd tell you another day.
However, the laughter stopped when another voice echoed down the stairs, and Draco put his hand over your mouth. Your eyes widened, noticing how close his face was to yours - he'd jumped up in surprise and done the best thing to shut you up.
"Oi, who's down there?" Filch's obnoxious voice echoed down the stairs, and Draco visibly recoiled. "You can't stay there forever. I heard you, you see, and if it was up to me, any students skipping class would be hanged upside down in my office!"
"Hex me," you whispered, and Draco raised his eyebrows in disbelief, mouthing the word 'no' as if you were insane. "I'm not about to get murdered by Umbridge. Just... I dunno, make me eat slugs or something. I can stomach it. It gives us reason to be out of class."
Draco was conflicted. If it was anyone else, he would've done it straight away. But because it was you, he really didn't have the heart to. However, Filch was coming down the stairs, and he didn't want to watch you get punished AGAIN by Umbridge. So, quietly, he took out his wand, whispered the incantation and watched as you were knocked backward. His eyes widened, and thankfully, the flash disappeared before Filch saw.
"Now, what do you two think you're doing?" he asked, a sick smile on his face as Mrs Norris peered out from behind his legs. Before either of you could answer, he continued, "You're in big trouble now. Professor Umbridge told me two of her students were missing, and I'm sure she'll give me permission to do what I want with you."
"Can't you see, you idiotic squib?" Draco exclaimed, standing up to his full height. He was taller than Filch, and although the older man wasn't intimidated, it still came off as threatening. As if on cue, you vomited up a slug, almost actually being sick at the sight and feeling of the fat thing leaving your mouth. Why the hell had you chosen that curse, out of all things? "She's sick. I was about to take her to the infirmary but due to her stupidity and clumsiness, she fell down the stairs."
"Wow, thanks," you groaned, throwing up a second slug. Draco looked at you with a sympathetic expression, but he didn't want to let down his regular attitude in fear of Filch getting suspicious. The blonde wasn't stupid, and he'd do anything to get out of trouble, which included insulting you. "I got cursed by a stupid second-year brat. When I get my hands on that little shit-"
"Oh dear, you're all going to be in a lot of trouble, aren't you?" Filch said, completely ignoring your story. You glared, only to burp up another slug and gag at how disgusting it was. Your face had gone incredibly pale and sunken, and Draco helped you up off of the floor, putting his arm around your waist as yours went over his shoulders.
"Try not to vomit on me," Draco chuckled quietly, walking straight past Filch and up the stairs. You nodded, giving him a weak smile as you tried to walk as carefully but as quickly as possible. The caretaker simply stared at the two of you, either giving up on giving you punishments or believing the story. "Also, sorry for insulting you."
"It's fine," you mumbled, more bothered about the slugs coming out of you than being called stupid. It was also quite surprising that he'd apologised; it was a rather... out-of-character thing to do for the boy. "Just get me to the infirmary. Please."
Draco nodded, feeling incredibly guilty for having to hex you, but you kept assuring him it was fine and that you'd asked for it. Although you wished you'd hexed him instead.
"I never thought I'd confess my feelings for someone and then hex them straight after," he chuckled after a while, finally reaching the infirmary. You giggled, watching as Madam Pomfrey rushed out, her expression clearly frustrated with the state you were in. "Madam, she was hit with a slug-vomiting curse from a stupid Gryffindor second-year. Is there anything you can do?"
"Not really," she answered, ushering you to one of the beds. Draco followed, watching as she passed you a large bucket as you sat down. Next to you was a Ravenclaw girl in her fourth year who'd been hit by a bludger and fallen off her broom in a game of Quidditch, and you assumed by the large cast on her leg that she'd broken a few bones. "We'll just have to wait until the effects of the curse wear off. Which should be in about ten minutes."
"Word of warning, there's quite a few slugs wandering the school grounds now," you said with a depressed grin before throwing up again. Draco grimaced, glancing from you to Madam Pomfrey, who was sighing deeply and shaking her head. "Damn, what a shame. I was so excited for Defence Against the Dark Arts too. With Professor Umbridge, as well!"
Madam Pomfrey actually laughed at that, clearly disliking the new teacher as much as you and the other students too. It was obvious that teachers such as McGonagall and Flitwick didn't like her, as Umbridge had been incredibly rude and offensive to the two of them, but for Pomfrey to show extreme distaste towards someone was surprising.
"Shame you were cursed, then," she answered, before wandering off to attend to an older Hufflepuff student who appeared to be suffering from some sort of curse. Draco sat beside you, trying to avoid looking into the bucket of slugs.
"Bad time to ask you this, but do you want to go to Hogsmede next weekend?" he asked after a minute, and you raised your eyebrows at him.
"Really?" you chuckled, vomiting again and groaning. "You decide to ask me on a date while I'm throwing up?"
"Why not?" he asked with a grin, shaking his head and wondering why he'd asked at such a stupid point. "I guess it'd be funny to other people if they asked how we started dating."
"True," you giggled, slime dribbling from your chin. This wasn't exactly the most attractive thing ever, so you were surprised Draco was even asking you out. "So... does that mean we're a thing?"
"If you want it to," he answered, and you smiled.
"Sure!" you beamed, clapping your hands together and watching a slug try to escape the bucket. "I'd love to be your girlfriend, Draco."
And with that, you vomited another slug into the bucket.
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adarlingwrites · 4 years
noun: formal release from guilt, obligation, or punishment
The Capital Wasteland lauded the Lone Wanderer as a hero, a Messiah, a savior who's willing to give her life for the Good Fight. Beyond the legends, the propaganda, and the mythification that surrounded her legacy, there is only one person who knew her bare soul. She gave him his absolution, and now he will fight for hers.
December 28, 2277.
I landed on the gravel. The ringing in my ears made it hard to hear anything, and the blood in my eyes made it hard to see, but clear as day, Percy was screaming, kicking the merc responsible for shooting me in the back.
It must’ve hit my spine. I can’t move my limbs.
Straining, I tilt my neck to see Percy leaning against the wall for support, smashing her foot against the bastard’s face, stomping him over and over until his brain splattered on the floor. DeLoria was holding his head between his hands, distraught, and he heaved, puking his breakfast this morning.
“Welcome to the fucking wasteland Butch,” Percy huffs, dragging the soles of her shoes to get the bits of brains out.
I roll my head to face the ceiling, silently thanking whatever the hell is watching over us for allowing me to see her safe one more time.
My eyelids are getting heavy. I’m fading.
The only thing keeping me was Percy’s voice.
“Charon, hang in there!”
“Percy, oh my God, he’s dying! What do we do?”
“Grab our gear, Butch. We gotta get him to a doctor.”
I feel weightless, surrounded by Percy’s familiar warmth.
“Shit, are you sure you can carry him all by yourself?”
“Just listen to what I say, Butch!”
“Wait, wait! Rivet City’s the other way around.”
“We’re not going to Rivet City.”
I was ready to go. There are not a lot of good things I’ve done in my lifetime, but protecting this angel? One of the best things I ever did.
“Help! Somebody help us!”
“Tourist? What the fuck happened?!”
“We got jumped…”
“Barrows! Charon’s dying!”
There are some regrets I have, like never figuring out what I really feel for her, or telling her how much I’m fond of her.
“Weak pulse… Blood loss is severe... we’re losing him.”
“Put us in with the Glowing Ones.”
“Radiation is harmful to you humans, and there’s no guarantee that it will help him.”
“Doc, please, just put us in.”
“Nurse Graves, chain the test subjects.”
Still, to spend my last few minutes in her arms would’ve been a consolation.
I would’ve been content dying now.
??? ??, ????
“Mama, where are they taking us?”
Her hands run through my hair, the metal of her handcuffs cold against my forehead, and hushes me.
“Stay quiet Artyom. We’ll be fine.”
“Yes. Please don’t worry, little one. Do you want me to sing to you?”
I nod. Mama starts singing the lullaby she usually sings to me.
Near the end, I understand why she loved singing it to me.
“Da, gotovyas v boi apasniy, pomni mat' svayu.”
I need to stay strong for her.
“Spi, mladyenets, moi prekrasniy, bayushki bayu.”
There’s only the two of us now my father’s gone.
The automobile stopped and the men in uniform made us step out. One of them rips me from my mother’s grasp and I start to cry, reaching for her.
“Artyom, I need you to stay strong until this is over. I’ll get you back.”
“That’s enough. The courts have determined that this child is under our custody now,” the big man in uniform tells her, and he blocked me from getting to her. Using both my hands, I reached through the man’s arm to grasp my mother’s hand, not wanting to let go.
“Mama? Mama, what’s going on?”
My hands slip from hers as I get grabbed by one of the men.
“The court’s decision isn’t final! I have a lawyer, and she will prove that what you’re doing is a violation of our rights! I’ll get my son back!”
“Until that can be determined in the next hearing, this child will be staying with us. Now if you’ll excuse us, Mrs. Volkov.”
I bit the hand that kept me away from my mother and ran to her, throwing myself against her leg. She ducked to give me a hug, the last one we’ll ever share, and guided me towards the big men in uniform.
That was the first and last time she ever hurt me.
“Artyom, I’ll look for you! I promise. Your Auntie Katya will help us.”
“Ma, I’m scared!”
“Stay strong for me, little one. I love you!”
“Don’t leave me!”
I never saw her again.
That night was the last time I ever heard my mother’s lullaby. In the cold cell they put me in, I cried on my cot, humming the song to myself.
Across me, a girl my age was standing behind the bars of hers, holding a teddy bear in one hand, and extending the other one to me. Her hair was the darkest shade of black I’ve ever seen, and her eyes are dark, hiding behind her glasses. A kind smile is on her face.
“Hey, big guy.”
I left my cot to reach out for her, our fingers touching.
“Stay with me.”
I blink, and my hands are big, with exposed muscle, joints, and tendons, and they’re touching the girl’s fingers. Now a woman’s fingers. Percy’s fingers.
“Charon, stay with me.”
I blink again, and I’m not in the detention cell anymore.
??? ??, 2277.
My hand flies to my face, and it’s no longer bloody nor wet with tears. I can move my limbs again. Rubbing my eyes, my vision’s starting to get clearer. I sit up, taking in my surroundings. It’s dark.
I can see Percy sleeping on the gurney next to me, breathing slowly, thanks to the soft green glow in the corner of the room. Her fingers are entwined with my free hand’s.
The radiation coming from the Glowing Ones comforted my insides, warmth seeping through my bones. Outside, I see Doctor Barrows observing us, writing something in his clipboard. He moves to turn on the lights in the room, and the door to the room clicks softly.
“Charon. I’m glad to see you’re awake. You’ve been unconscious for days. Your human friend brought you here to save your life,” he greets me.
“What day is it?”
“December 31st.”
“What’s Percy doing in here? The radiation will kill her,” I rasp, watching her sleeping form.
“Percy suggested that we put the two of you in this chamber. She’s healing from the radiation too. Look closely at her scrapes and wounds.”
I blinked at the doctor. My eyes flick to Percy, and in the dim green glow, I saw it; her skin knitting itself back together, the wounds that would take weeks to heal fading. Damn, there aren’t even scars.
I think of the pain I went through when I was turning. I wouldn’t wish that on her.
“Is she… is she starting to become one of us?”
“I’m afraid I cannot share patient information with you unless she consents.”
I nod.
Though we kept our voices low, Percy stirred awake, rubbing her eyes and reaching for her glasses. Then, she sat up and looked around, panicked. When her eyes flicked to mine, she drags herself off the bed and throws her arms around me.
“Charon, you’re okay,” she whispers, voice breaking. Her small hands pet what little hair I had on my head, and I can feel myself on the verge of crying again.
When did I ever allow myself to display this much emotion?
Travelling with her really changed me, huh?
Doc Barrows clears his throat. “I’ll go fetch the results of the tests I ran on you, Percy.”
“Thanks again for helping us, doc.”
“It’s my pleasure. Lots of people here would be sad to see you two go.”
Percy squeezes my hand. Sighing, she draws her legs to her chest, looking pensive. Then, we heard gentle knocks on the door.
“Come in,” Percy calls out.
Doc Barrows returns to the room, bringing the clipboard with him.
“Would you prefer some doctor-patient confidentiality, or are you comfortable with discussing this in front of Charon?”
Percy’s eyes flick towards me. “I have no blood relatives left, and Charon’s the closest thing I have to next of kin. If something were to happen to me, he should know.”
“Ah, yes. I’ve heard of the news about your father. My condolences, Percy.”
She nods.
“Thanks doc. I should probably write a will.”
“Yes, that would be wise. Now, where were we?”
Barrows flips through the paper, and beside me, I see the tenseness in Percy’s shoulders again.
“Ah, yes, the results. Persephone, your DNA has a mutation that makes your cells to heal continuously when exposed to a certain dose of radiation.”
“So, doc, does that mean I’m turning ghoul?”
“Surprisingly, no. You’re not exhibiting symptoms of ghoulification. I’ve never seen anything quite like this mutation… it’s almost like it’s engineered. Is there anything in your medical history involving radiation exposure that I should know?”
Percy furrows her brow, thinking.
“A few months back, I volunteered for an experiment while writing the Wasteland Survival Guide with Moira Brown. I, uh, agreed to intentionally irradiate myself to 600 rads. She made me take an experimental cure. More details about it are published in the book.”
Huh, I remember that. Percy was feverish for days after contracting an illness from the dirty, irradiated water she drank for the experiment. I thought it foolish, risking her health like that for a damn book.
“Do you have a copy with you?”
“No, sorry. It’s in Megaton. Moira said that she’s been selling copies to caravans though. Quinn might come across one.”
“I’ll make it a point to ask him to look for one. Thank you for allowing me to study your DNA, Miss Zhou. This might help my research on ghoul physiology.”
“I’m glad to help.”
The doctor turns to leave the room. With another soft click, the doctor closes the door behind him.
“I just lost dad. I thought I was going to lose you too,” Percy whispers against my shoulder, where she buried her face as soon as the doctor turned around.
I was going to embrace her too, but I remember what happened in the metro, the mercs forcing me to admit what my body felt for hers. She must’ve sensed my hesitation to touch her. Percy pulls away from me and gives me a concerned frown.
“Is there something wrong?”
“How can you still be comfortable to be around me after what you’ve heard me say in the metro?”
I cannot discern the emotion on her face, but Percy’s shoulders sagged. I know it’s not positive. But then, she gives me a hesitant smile.
“Charon… I always knew.”
What? What the hell?
“Hey big guy, my eyesight isn’t the best and I can be unaware of my surroundings at times, but I could feel your eyes linger on me more than necessary.”
She knew all this time?
Dammit. How fucking embarrassing.
“If you wish to sell my contract after this, I won’t hold it against you.”
Percy laughs, patting my shoulder.
“Ha, you’re not getting rid of me that easily. You’re a healthy and virile male, or what passes as such for a ghoul. It’s a normal physiological response, Charon.”
Spoken like a true doctor. Of course she’d be open-minded like that, what did I expect?
“Besides, though we’re friends, I’m your primary health care provider, and you’re my employee. It would be unethical to act on those urges… for the both of us.”
Oh. James’ words before he passed must’ve finally sunk in.
“Of course.”
Wait. ‘For both of us?’ A part of me thinks she sounds like she’s only trying to convince herself.
No. No, I shouldn’t allow myself to linger on such thoughts. James is right.
That’s out of the question.
February 9, 2278.
What do I plan to do about what I feel for her when she wakes up?
Now that’s a question I would’ve answered differently a few months ago. I would’ve said that I wouldn’t act on it. But now?
“I shall wait until she mentions something about it.”
DeLoria rolls his eyes. Anything he was about to say next was interrupted when the doors opened, and a distraught Dr. Li is following a fully conscious Sarah Lyons.
Shit. Here we go.
“Sarah, please, only your father is authorized to see her,” Dr. Li pleads, but to no avail.
“Why are you keeping her from the Brotherhood, doctor? What happened to Percy?”
“This is something I cannot share with you due to doctor-patient confidentiality.”
Butch and I got up from our spot and stood guard. Lyons sees us, fuming, glaring daggers at the doctor.
“How am I not allowed to see an honorary member of the Lyons Pride but outsiders can? Who authorized this?”
“Your father did,” Dr. Li said, massaging her temples. “This is a delicate situation for Persephone. For everyone. You didn’t see the episode her ghoul companion had when one of your initiates tried to separate him from her.”
“Right, of course,” she replies, looking at me with disdain. I hold her gaze as a silent challenge, and she tears it away from me, directing it towards Butch.
Part of me is thankful that Lyons didn’t say anything about what she witnessed before Percy ran in the purifier.
“And this kid over here?”
Butch scowls at her. “Hey! I’m not a-”
“I let him in because I needed someone to procure supplies that might not be available in the Citadel,” Dr. Li replies, eyes darting back and forth between the two of us. She’s lying, but it seems that the blonde isn’t picking it up.
“Uh, yeah! Yeah, I go to Rivet City sometimes to pick stuff up for the doc.”
Lyons sighs. “Just let me see her.”
Dr. Li nods grimly and motions for us to let her see Percy. Lyons shoves the plastic curtains aside and takes a long hard look at Percy.
“How?! I don’t understand. She looks fine for someone who… ”
“Sentinel Lyons, is there something I need to know as Percy’s doctor?”
“The explosion didn’t come from inside the purifier.”
Dr. Li’s eyes widened, sweating bullets. Butch was looking at Lyons with a raised eyebrow, but my eyes are locked on Li. I’m sensing that whatever she was hiding from me is related to what Lyons is about to say.
“The explosion came from Percy.”
If it wasn’t for the gravity of the situation and the fucking bomb Lyons just dropped, I would’ve laughed at the look of Butch’s face right now.
“How the hell is that possible?” Butch asks.
“Lyons, you just came out of a coma. Are you sure-”
“I know what I saw, Dr. Li. Percy was glowing green. Then a goddamn mushroom cloud erupted from her, like someone dropped a mini-nuke in the area using a Fat Man.”
Dr. Li’s groans and rubs her face.
“Please, let’s keep this confidential, Sentinel.”
“Confidential? She might be a safety hazard if she ends up exploding here in the Citadel.”
As the doctor and the sentinel argued, my eyes shifted to Percy.
Angel, what are you?
“Da, gotovyas v boi apasniy, pomni mat' svayu.” - Think, when bracing for fierce battle, of your mother true.
“Spi, mladyenets, moi prekrasniy, bayushki bayu.” - Sleep, my dear, beloved baby, bayushki-bayu.
I just wanna say that Nerd Rage and Nuclear Anomaly are very fun perks for roleplaying.
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