#Mr and Mrs Targaryen-Targaryen
super-nova5045 · 28 days
and just when you think you’re at your absolute lowest a blonde motherfucker comes along and makes everything so much worse
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eraenaa · 7 months
Most Ardently
Inspired by Pride and Prejudice
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Aemond Targaryen x Tyrell Reader Tag List
Synopsis: Prince Aemond Targaryen had accompanied his younger brother to Highgarden in hopes of securing Daeron a wife— he did not expect he would want to secure a wife for himself as well. 
Warning: Not Proofread, Enemies to Lovers, Jealousy
Word Count: 3,702
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Aemond walked stiffly as he was about to enter a hall filled with merriment. He only wished to go to Old Town with the purpose of visiting and checking upon his younger brother’s well-being as requested by their mother— he had no wish to be dragged to Highgarden and attend a ball hosted by its Lord. Aemond walked behind Daeron as they entered the hall, all eyes upon them. All attendees bowed when they passed— all showing respect to their princes except for one. Aemond saw you by his right, a chalice in your hand, whispering to a girl beside you with a grin on your lips— completely disregarding the presence of royalty. 
When you finally realized that everyone around you had grown quiet and the music had stopped, you turned to face forward—locking eyes with the unique gaze of Old Valyria. Quickly curtsying as you remembered it was the protocol, bowing your head and breaking your gaze from the prince who only had one eye. His name seemed to elude you. You knew of Prince Daeron well, the prince having spent the week’s end in your family’s keep, hosted by your lord father because he was courting your elder sister. You seem to forget which brother Prince Daeron now walked with— was it Prince Aegon or Prince Aemond? 
“Which prince is that again?” You whispered to your sisters as your father scanned the crowd in search of you two to be presented to the esteemed guests. “That is Prince Aemond,” Your sister answered. “He looks miserable, poor soul,” You whisper, making your sister shake her head in amusement. “Miserable, he may be, but poor, he most certainly is not.” You frowned at your sister’s words. “I was told he has twice the inheritance than any of his brothers— even though he is only the second born, he is greatly favored by his mother and grandfather. That he is set to inherit Dragonstone once Prince Aegon is King.” You hummed and could not think of a reply as you two were finally seen by your father and were whisked away to be presented to the princes. 
Music flooded the room once more as you stood before the princes. A lone eye would intermittently fly to your frame as your father spoke. “Prince Daeron, my daughters, you already know of.” Your father began, and you wanted to playfully roll your eyes at your sister as the moment she and the younger prince locked eyes, a blush ran on both cheeks and a giddy smile plastered on their lips. “Of course, and my I introduce you two to my brother, Aemond.” Prince Daeron smiled as he was delighted to be accompanied by his older brother. 
You and your sister curtsied once more, smiling expectantly at the newly arrived prince who simply stood stiff as a board and offered no signs of recognition to you nor your sister. Simply blinked as his lone gaze would shift between the two of you. You wanted to frown, but your sister who knew you too well took hold of your arm and lightly pinched it as a communication to keep your expression neutral. 
As the song ended and a new one began, you and your sister, along with the prince who courted her, went off to the side to chat whilst your father spoke formally with the One-Eyed prince whose gaze would fly over to your group with each moment passed. “I apologize for my brother— he is just not keen on large parties… nor small ones to be honest,” Prince Daeron explained. “And so you decided to take him to a ball instead?” You asked making your sister nudge your side, fearing that you spoke offense but Prince Daeron simply laughed. You passed your gaze where the older prince stood, seemingly glaring at the room, passing his gaze around the sea of people as if they had wronged him. 
Prince Aemond found his way and stood next to his brother once more. Silent as you three were enveloped in conversation. As a new song began, you smiled as you watched the younger prince escort your sister to the floor for a dance. You passed your gaze to the prince, who stood stoically beside you, unmoving except for his eye. “Do you dance, Prince Aemond?” You inquired, his lilac eye still scanning the room filled with glee— judging as everyone around seemed to be intoxicated with joy. 
“Not if I could help it,” He coldly responded. Not even turning to you as he spoke. It was then that you finally let the confused frown slip your face. But you shrugged him off and walked away, determined not to let his demeanor dampen your mood. Aemond’s eye followed you as you walked off, a small smile on your lips as you admired the merriment around. It did not matter that you were not asked to dance; you were completely fine to watch your sister get more acquainted with the youngest prince of the realm, who had been courting her for the past three moons. 
 After two songs passed, you found yourself resting your feet behind a pillar, your presence unbeknownst to anyone who walked past. “She is the most beautiful creature I have ever beheld,” You hear the familiar voice of Prince Daeron speak and you could not help but smile at how enamored he was with your sister. You hear Prince Aemond hum, and you peek from behind the pillar to listen more into the princes’ conversation. “And her sister is very agreeable, do you not think so? She is of celebrated beauty here in the Reach.” You smile at the younger prince’s recognition of your beauty but quickly vanishes as you hear Prince Aemond’s response. “Perfectly tolerable, I dare say, but not handsome enough to tempt me.” 
You scoff to yourself as you hear their footsteps depart. Greatly offended by the prince’s words. Your tried to proceed with the night and forget you had heard his offensive words. But as you were forced into the chatter of a group with him, you could not help but let a hint of animosity show. “I wondered who first discovered the power of poetry in driving away love?” You ask as your mother embarrassingly recalls you and your sister's past suitors who were keen on writing you sonnets after sonnets but never fully committing to marriage. “I thought that poetry was the fruit of love?” Prince Aemond asked, the group hiding away their surprise when the prince finally spoke and joined in on the conversation.
“Of a fine, stout love, it may. But if it is only a vague inclination, I’m convened one poor sonnet will it stone dead.” You replied as you gazed at his lone eye that would fleet away, unable to hold the intensity and teasing mirth in your orbs. “So what do you recommend to encourage affection?” He asked, finally holding your gaze as you felt a smirk rising to your lips. “Dancing, my prince. Even if one’s partner is barely tolerable.” You smiled and curtsied, watching as his eye flooded with the realization that you had heard what he had said. You walked away before he even got a chance to reply. His gaze followed you as you blended into the sea of guests. 
When the night ended, you told your sister what you had heard while hiding behind a pillar. “Count your blessing, sissy, if he liked you, you’d have to talk to him.” She says as she brushes your hair, gently squeezing your shoulder. “Precisely, as it is, I wouldn’t have danced with him for the whole kingdom, let alone dreary Dragonstone.” You tried to laugh it off and brush away the wound he had inflicted on your pride. After a few moments of silence, your sister spoke once more. “I still cannot believe what he said about you,” she muttered as she finished brushing the fine locks of your hair. “I could easily forgive the prince’s vanity if he had not wounded mine,” You say as you tucked the strands of your hair behind your ear, gazing at the mirror. “Me? Perfectly tolerable? He’d be lucky if anyone who had half of my beauty would find him tolerable,” you scoffed with a roll of your eyes, making your sister laugh at your pride and confidence that muddled with each other. You sighed and stood, “I do not wish to think more about the One-eyed Prince. Good night, sister; I shall see you when morning comes.” You say and kiss her cheeks before leaving her room.
When morning came, Prince Daeron was quick to send an invitation to you and your sister to visit him in Old Town. An invitation your sister giddily accepted, and you politely declined— no want to see the One-Eyed Prince once more. But as your beloved sister was taken by fever whilst on her journey there, you had no choice but to follow her. 
“Lady Tyrell, Your Highnesses,” They announced your arrival, and you walked into the room. Biting the inside of your cheeks when Prince Aemond abruptly stood from his chair and bowed.  You quickly curtsied and turned to his brother, “So good of you to come so quickly; your sister has missed you terribly.” Prince Daeron said and walked towards you. “Follow me, and I’ll escort you to where she rests.” He said, and you followed him out of the room but gave one last look at his older brother before doing so. 
Aemond silently trailed behind the two of you. His mind was plagued by your eyes, by your voice, by your smile. His brother had no intention of sending an invitation for you to come to Old Town, but he had infiltrated his thoughts and lightly manipulated him to send the invitation, which you declined, disappointing the prince. It would be cruel to him to admit that he saw your sister’s illness as optimal because now you had no choice but to join them in Old Town. “Oh, sissy,” You fretted as you saw her lying on the bed, pale and had a damp cloth on her forehead. 
“Thank you for taking care of my sister so diligently,” You said to Prince Daeron, who gave a nod and a smile. “Of course, it’s a pleasure she’s here,” You smile at the prince you suspect would be your brother through marriage soon enough. “I shall give you two privacy— if you are in need of anything, do not hesitate to ask,” you smile and nod, watching as Prince Daeron reluctantly removes his gaze from your sister. “He is completely in love with you; I’m quite certain of it.” You smiled at your sister and took her cold hands in yours to warm them. “I’m so glad you’re here; I feel such a terrible imposition.” You laugh, “Please, the prince seemed thrilled that you are here being ill.” You smile, and your sister shakes her head. 
“I’ve come to know of something the other day,” She said, piquing your interest as you thought she would share gossip. “Apparently, your invitation was sent for by Prince Aemond,” Your sister smiled, but you did not mirror it. “He is the one who sent you an invitation— he wishes for your presence.” Your sister further explained as she saw concussion in your eyes. “What for? To insult me once more?” You say bitterly. “Oh, sissy, you cannot let one’s transgression sully your entire image of them. People are bound to make mistakes— I’m certain Prince Aemond did not mean what he had said.” You rolled your eyes and stubbornly shook your head. “It does not matter if he is the one to send the invitation or not— my only purpose of coming here is to see how you are.” You said, and thankfully, your sister no longer brought the subject up. 
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Days passed as you were in the presence of the Princes as you waited for your sister to recover. You found yourself engaging in more arguments than conversations with the Prince, whom your sister said was the one to send you the invitation. If not engaged in lively arguments, both of you would simply catch each other’s eyes. Gazing at each other silently, secretively until caught. 
You were in the parlor with Prince Daeron, playing a round of cards, when his brother came in with a book. “You waste your time with the frivolity of gambling,” You feel yourself frown but quickly take hold of your expression, turning to the younger prince whose turn it was to disagree with his brother. “It is just a bit of fun, brother. Not everything in life must be overly serious. Come, join us,” Daeron said and discarded in the middle of the velvet table. 
“I’d rather read of civility than play cards and be at the threshold of a scoundrel,” Prince Aemond stated, his eye flying to you. Resisting the urge to smirk as the furrow in your brow returned as well as the pout on your plump lips. When your eyes locked, he raised his brow in question. “Anything to share, Lady Tyrell? Any musings or disagreement you’d wish to discuss with your prince?” He hummed, tone almost teasing. You knew he was baiting you, and if you had more energy that day, you’d happily take it, but you shook your head. “None, Your Highness.” You say, slightly disappointing the prince, for the only opportunity he had to speak with you and keep your attention with him was through your arguments.
When supper came, you entered the dining room expecting two princes, just like the other nights. But only the One-Eyed Prince waited for you. You quickly curtsied as he stood, “Where is Prince Daeron, your Highness?” You inquired as you were assisted to sit by one of the footmen. “My brother says he wishes to retire early tonight— it would be just us… if that is agreeable with you. If not, then say so, and I’ll take my supper in the servant’s quarters.” You looked at him with narrowed eyes, trying to figure out why he was still challenging you. “I am completely fine with any arrangement, my prince,” You say and proceed with the overly quiet meal as the prince and you shared no word but only stare at each other— challenging gazes that neither fell victim to. 
The following morning, your sister had recovered enough for the both of you to head home. No anger wanting to impose and overwelcome your stay with the princes. “Prince Daeron, I do not know how to thank you,” You hear your sister say in gratitude, “You’re welcome anytime you feel the least bit poorly,” You bit back your smile as you followed your sister to the carriage. “Prince Aemond,” You cursed stoically— only doing it as he was a prince, and it would be impertinent not to note his presence. You turned to Prince Daeron and let a smile slip your lips, curtsying to the prince you hoped to be your brother in marriage in the near future. 
You raised your leg to step foot in the carriage but were slightly startled as you felt someone take hold of your left hand, assisting you in boarding the wheelhouse. You turned to the prince, who took hold of your hand. Aemond quickly savored the surprise in your eyes and how your plump lips parted before relinquishing his hold of your hand and returning to the keep without another word, stretched his hand that touched yours as an unfamiliar tingle consumed it. 
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It was not a week later that you returned to Hightower, where another ball was to commence. You and your sister walked, arms linked, you wearing the green of your house whilst her the yellow, both of you had flowers adorned in your hair. “Will this perhaps be the night you will finally be a prince’s betrothed?” You teased and laughed as your sister’s cheeks bloomed with color. “Do not get my hopes up, sissy; it has been three moons since the Prince had first started courting me… in all honesty, my faith is running thin.” You frowned and shook your head. “Do not speak as such, sister. He is in love with you— I am quite certain of it,” 
You straightened your back as you neared the hall's threshold, the hosts standing before it to welcome their guests. “I—I’m so pleased you’re here,” Prince Daeron told your sister whilst your gaze was traveling the room, distracted and trying to ignore the challenging yet indifferent gaze of a lone lilac eye. “And how are you tonight, my lady?” Prince Daeron asked, but you were too preoccupied. “My lady?” He called once more, and your sister elbowed your side. “Are you looking for someone?” Prince Aemond drawled, and you shook your head at his inquiring eye, glancing over to where your gaze was. “No, not at all,” You said and quickly curtsied to enter the hall, an eye following you as walked away. 
Aemond tried to refocus his gaze to anywhere or anyone else but he could not. It had been steady on you since the moment you arrived, watching you whilst you were chatting with a group of girls you had known since childhood, when suddenly you were approached by a young man from house Redwyne, and a gnawing feeling in his gut announced itself as he saw a smile bloom into your pink lips as you gave your hand to the young man who escorted you to dance. Aemond’s hold on his chalice tightened as he saw you giggle with the man who spun you around and dared to keep his hold on your waist. The prince saw red as he watched the man dip down and whisper something in your ear, earning a sweet, bashful blush on your cheeks. 
The prince dug his nails into his palm, quickly moving to the sea of dancers to take your partner's spot before anyone else would have a chance to dance with you— before anyone else would have a chance to hold you. “May I have the next dance, lady Tyrell?” The prince asked the moment the first song ended. You looked around the room as most eyes were on you, a peculiar scene as the stoic prince, who seemed to detest dancing and preferred to stand by the side, asked you for a dance. You licked your lips before answering, “You may,” You quietly said. 
“Did I just agree to dance with Prince Aemond?” You whispered to your sister, who had a teasing smile on her lips. “I dare say you will find him very amiable, sissy.” Your sister smiled, and you shook your head. Stubborn and still holding a bias against the second-born prince of the realm. “It would be most inconvenient since I have sworn to loathe him for all eternity!” You rambled but could not help but laugh at your fate. Your sister joined along and pulled you towards the dance floor as the second song was to start, and two princes waited for the two of you. 
You were stood across the One-Eyed Prince. His stance is still stiff, and you began to wonder if he’d be any good at dancing. Aemond bit his tongue as you curtsied before him, your dress and lowered stance giving him a slight view of your bosom. He clenched his jaw and willed any thought of impropriety may leave his thoughts and body. 
“I love this dance,” you say as you circle around the prince, his eye following your every movement. Aemond would note that they would waver upon his gaze if it were anyone else but not you. “Indeed, it is most invigorating,” he answered, slightly cringing to himself if that was the proper response. There was another moment of tense silence between the two of you, you sighing as you were starting to grow accustomed to it, but in all honesty, you’d rather talk that night, even if it were with him. “I believe it is your turn to say something, my prince.” You say and feel your lips twitch upward as you have the devilish thought to tease him.
“I talked about the dance; now, you ought to remark on the size of the room or the couples present.” You say as you feel his hold on your hand tighten ever so lightly. “I am perfectly happy to oblige you, my lady. Please advise me of what you would like most to hear,” You let a smirk slip your lips at his sardonic response. “That reply will do for now,” You said as you focused on the dance. But you could not truly do so because it seems your whole being was intent on focussing itself on the prince. The way he stared you down, the way his lithe body gracefully glided with the dance, the way it felt to hold his hand. It would shame you to say that after the dance, your body felt alight, and the beat of your heart ran almost alarmingly in your chest. 
You excused yourself from the crowded room, finding calm outside in a marble gazebo. The structure barely lit and only illuminated by the light of the moon. You rested your back on the cool pillar, hoping it would ease the inner heat that torched your body. You closed your eyes and tried to control your ragged breathing and raging thoughts of the One-Eyed Prince. 
“Lady Tyrell,” You jumped in your spot, eyes growing wide as you were startled by the prince's presence. “My prince,” You breathed out, uncertain why he had followed you. “In vain have I struggled. It will not do.” He began to speak rendering you more confused. “What… your highness, I—“ He shook his head and dared to step forward. You stared at his eye, lilac darker in the dim light. 
“My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell I admire and love you.” Aemond watched you as your lips parted and your fine eyes filled with utter shock. “Most Ardently.”
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rhae-ali · 2 months
One thing about me is if I see an evil mother, she WILL be my favorite character.
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Love it when moms are obsessively protective over their children and/or instill them with power.
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franzkafkagf · 20 days
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i saw the ghost of a king today
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thequeenwechoose · 3 months
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Daemon in his Housecoat in Hotd 2x04
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animeyanderelover · 5 months
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Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional mindset, stalking, clinginess, abduction
Tags: @shumidehiro @swagenemyartisan @leveyani @kanaosprotector
Behind the mask
Kakashi Hatake
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📖​No one really knows what Kakashi looks like without his mask so you are almost privileged for having the honor of seeing his complete face. Yes, it may have come with the price of your own freedom being taken away due to the abduction but we're not talking about that. It's not like you need to see his full face in order to compliment his looks. You have already done that a lot even whilst only seeing half of his face and whilst Kakashi has always made an effort to appear as nonchalant as possible about it, deep down he feels flattered by all the adoration you throw his way. That doesn't mean that he will let his guard down though as years of being a shinobi have made him naturally more cautious so as mean and distant as it may look, he never throws away the tiny suspicion that you might try to coax him into trusting you more and then use that trust to try to escape. You see his full face by accident as you walk in on him changing his clothes and your reaction is honestly hilarious but it does amuse and flatter him only more. He starts wearing his mask less around you from that moment on as he feels safe around you and because it does stroke his ego a bit whenever you start doting on him.
Mr. Compress
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🟠Mr. Compress certainly feels very thrilled to have you reacting so positively to every development of the relationship as it allows him to give you more freedom. Your relaxed behavior allows him to fully dote on you as he loves entertaining you and showing of his skills as a trickster. You dote back equally as much and whilst a tiny part of him still warns him to be cautious around you, he often likes to ignore this nagging voice in favor of fully focusing on you. Your clear affection lulls him into a sense of security even if he is still rather lucid about the fact that his own obsession isn't necessarily something to be proud about. Staying tru to his role as an entertainer, he even makes his face reveal to you a whole show but it is so worth it as soon as he sees your astouned expression, stars in your eyes as he shows his face to you. That reaction alone does motivate him to still wear his mask around you from time to time simply so he can see that look on your face again. Your adoring and accepting demeanor in this relationship allows Atsuhiro to act like a partner that would almost look normal to the eyes of strangers. Security is still a must so do forgive him for having to isolate you for your own protection.
Momobami Ririka
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🎭​Ririka is the biggest ball of shyness and insecurity as her upbringing has truly not done much to build her confidende up. As long as she wears her mask though, she can keep her composure even around you, although she still stalks you wherever you go. That tendency to stalk you and obsess over you is only fueled because you clearly admire the vice-president of the school. She gets all squirmish when you compliment her and her skills and her mask is the only thing hiding her otherwise obvious pink blush. Removing her mask and showing her face to others is something she has never done on her own free will as she has been conditioned by her own family to wear the mask forever as only her twin sister is the true heir to the Bami family. So when she decides to unmask herself in front of you, it is a sign of huge trust and clear attachment she holds for you. Ririka is anxious though when she shows her face, a shy and nervous look on her face as she looks at you exposed. Nervousness turns soon into a flustered blush when you instantly start swooning over her appearance. Wearing her mask is a bad habit but she slowly feels more encouraged to put it down when she is alone with you.
Hashibira Inosuke
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🐗​Zenitsu is begging you to stop doting om Inosuke as it only serves him to become more confident and cocky as each and every compliment of yours makes him feel like he is truly the greatest. Inosuke thrives on the attention you give him and he truly dedicates himself to be as clingy as possible so he can get even more from you. It is not a secret that the boy is very clearly attached to you and feels strongly for you, although the question still is how aware Inosuke is of the clearly possessive tendencies he exhibits as soon as it involves you. The concept of beauty is one he isn't familiar with as he was raised by boars and for that believes that the strongest usually gets what he wants which is why he acts so possessive and aggressive as soon as someone he isn't too familiar with dares to approach you. He has most trust in you though which is why he allows you to pull off his mask when you ask him if you can. So whilst he is a bit oblivious to the concept of beauty as well as to why you love looking at his pretty face so much, he does know that it gives him even more of your attention and praise which he craves and which causes him to remove his mask whenever he wants more attention from you.
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🌕​Shin-Ah has been avoided and feared because people thought his eyes were cursed and even after having met Yona and having understood that it isn't a curse, he still feels very self-conscious of his eyes. Years of isolation have given him not only social anxiety but also troubles expressing himself which is why he tends to stalk you and follow you silently rather than trying to spark a conversation with you. To his huge relief his silent self doesn't seem to scare you away as you gladly spend time with him and talk to him whilst he sits there silently and listens intently to everything you say as he adores hearing the sound of your excited voice. Time leads him to get slighlty more courageous with gentle and curious touches caressing your face or your head as well as turning more obsessed and protective. When you one day ask him if you could see his face, he clearly hesitates though as the scornful and fearful looks of the people in his village still remain fresh in his mind. His movements are slow as Shin-Ah removes his mask, golden eyes glancing at you warily. The amount of adoration and compliments you give him though almost overwhelm him but only in the best way.
Aemond Targaryen
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Aemond has been scarred for life, robbed of his right eye. Feared amongst many not only because of his dragon Vhagar but also because of his intimidating personality and appearance, they truly view you as suicidal for spending as much time with the prince as you do. Even more surprising is that Aemond not only tolerates your presence but even seeks it out, clearly agitated when he doesn't know where you are. He feels unfairly treated and overlooked and therefor seeks the validation and approval in you. Aemond has essentially already claimed you for himself in his mind and it is to your luck that you adore him as much as you do because otherwise the prince wouldn't shy away from using violence and force to claim you as his own. His missing left eye is a sore spot for the prince though and a humiliation he has never fully recovered from. He expects fear and disgust when you accidentally see him without his eyepatch yet you not only aren't scared but you still think of him as handsome, something he doesn't believe you at first. Safe to say though, your acceptance and adoration even after having seen this only causes the young prince to spiral further down into his obsession.
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visenyaism · 6 months
i’m not even thaaat big of a shooter for the daenerys chapters themselves i think every joncon and tyrion chapter in adwd is more compelling to me and young griff IS my special little guy doomed little lamb who died the second he swapped out his big straw hat for a crown. but some of the things i hear people saying about aegon are like. guys did we fall for it. did we get told six ways from sunday about it all being a costume and fall for it anyways because it wouldn’t it be nice. and why not. gods and monsters always appear at the birth of kings. oops we fell for it
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mercymaker · 2 years
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JACAERYS VELARYON & HELAENA TARGARYEN in 1.08 'The Lord of the Tides' "I have felt the… strife… between our families of late, my Queen. And for any offense given by mine, I apologize. But we are one house. And long before that, we were friends. My son Jacaerys will inherit the Iron Throne after me. I propose we betroth him to your daughter, Helaena. Ally ourselves… once and for all. Let them rule together."
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aemondwhoresworld · 4 months
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caption this :
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capriddle · 4 months
June be like:
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Tomorrow we start!
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faerune · 2 years
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How can I be normal about him, tell me HOW—
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also the hand flex is giving Mr. Darcy
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ararebreedstory · 3 months
Everyone's fighting dragons and armies, meanwhile Daemon is running around Harrenhal like:
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spartandragon996 · 2 months
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Been having this idea for a meme while rewatching DBZA. Finally took time to make the meme.
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franzkafkagf · 3 months
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musings of an aegon girl <3
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flonvera · 3 months
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