#Mr Yoshida
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vault-of-steevlemeyer · 8 months ago
They hate me cuz I'm right
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They are all bisexual
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spanishyumejoshi · 2 years ago
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He should be more popular and a tumblr sexyman 🙄
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tokyo-chainsaw-dragon · 2 years ago
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I saw this Mr. Yoshida's Marinade sauce in a convenience store and how, in the name of literal FUCK did they even GET THE NAME 'YOSHIDA' and ALMOST A REFERENCE TO THE CHAINSAW MAN MANGA????
oml im going so fuckin crazy over this
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slime-sandwhich-nom · 7 months ago
I'll kms doing every parent but that's what it means being neurodivergent
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justdealingwithsomeissues · 5 months ago
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The Earth, as a means to try and defend itself from Magneto, turns on a defense grid that would make Erik unable to use his powers on the planet... and in retaliation, Magneto sets off an EMP so massive it literally blankets the earth, shutting everything down... (Also, to be Pefantic... Brian is supposed to be dead right now... not having a spot of tea with Nightcrawler.)
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fairydust-stuff · 5 months ago
Black Lagoon: Mr Chang, Sing Soo Ling
Balalikia watches coldly as her comrades pummel each of the insolent little brats. Sing sits there near tears protesting. 
“ For someone who claims to care about their men, you certainly didn’t hesitate to drag them into a hopeless situation” Chang said smoking his standard cigar. 
“ What was I supposed to do let Shorter go unavenged?” 
“ See, I don’t think this is about your dead cousin at all. If you were that devoted to vengeance. Then why ally with Ash in the first place?” 
“ It wasn’t Ash’s faul!” 
“ You know There’s nothing I hate more in this world then hypocracy. And you New York criminals seem convinced your shit smells like roses” he pauses  “ Your just a little boy chasing his idol around. Its not about justice or revenge.” 
The brat goes quiet as the truth is thrown so casually in his face. 
“ You gang members are so obsessed with your symbols” Balakilia taunted. “ Your guns and your leaders as these invincible gods” she lets her contempt bleed through. 
“ I was just trying to free Ash!” Sing protested  
“ What did you think would happen if word got out the Lee family couldn’t even control their own gang? Mr Chang asked him 
“ But that guy was destroying Chinatown thanks to him. Citizens couldn’t even walk safely in Daylight!” 
“ I’m sure that had nothing to do with you and Ash turning New York into a war zone,” Balalikia said sarcastically. “ You create chaos and the vultures crawl out to prey on the civilians  in the wake of the destruction… especially in a city already weak from destitution.” 
She pauses 
“ What do you think would happen to Chinatown if The Lee family got wiped out?   If you were luckily you’d get over run by one of the other gangs. If you weren’t it would be as if you and your boys had never existed”  
Sing blanches. 
“ Starting to get it are we?” Mr Chang asked him 
“ Sir please kill me if you must be spare my brother, Sing is still young he wasn’t aware” Lao comes forward and bows. 
“ Noble sentiment but your not my concern, Yut Lung will decided what to do with you” Mr Chang said. 
“ He’s going kill us” one gang member whimpered. 
  Balalikia grabbed the gang member by the throat and slambed him to the ground “  
“ Han!” 
Sing yelled he sprang up  just as Balakilia suspected . She smiled as she kicked him straight back down to the ground and grabbed him by the hair. “ You don’t deserve mercy” she said with a quiet mence 
“ You backstabbed your own leader, and nearly put him in the crosshairs of every twisted pervert in New York! ” she paused  “ If it were me, i’d have you choose which half of your guys die. You’d pick out every name and look them in the eyes, as my comrade's bullets found their  marks” 
Balalikia emphasized watching Sing’s eyes fill with terror. 
“ I think Mrs Balalikia put it best….” Chang smiled….
Yut Lung paused after his proposal  Revy and Shenhua on either side of him. 
Cain Blood looked at him  “ I don’t trust you, So ’m coming with you”  he starts for the limbo with a smirk “  Besides, I never rode in one of these things” 
Revy grinned. 
Yut Lung chuckles and opens the door for Cain “ After you Cain Blood” he replied. 
Cain slides in and reclines on the seats  “ Soft as a baby’s butt” he sighed. 
“Champagne?” Yut Lung asked as the driver offered them two glasses. 
“ You seriously think i’m going to drink something you prepared?” 
“ I think its mere tradition to seal the deal with a private toast” 
Cain sniffs and dips his finger in the glass. “ You’d have a way to mask the taste….better not risk it” he sets his glass down mournfully. 
“ Weak little girly drink, now Rum that’s a real fucking drink!” Revy exclaimed. 
“ I’m more of a cold beer guy” Cain retorts. “ What about you salaryman?” 
“ Anything you find at a bar, social drinking came with the job” Rock exclaimed. 
“ Its true” Revy threw her arm over Rock’s shoulder affectionately  “ This guy did a drinking competition against me once, straight up vodka.” 
Yut Lung nods as the driver starts the car before downing his own glass. 
“ Say how old are you?” Cain Blood asked  “ You look smaller up close” 
“ Does it matter?” 
Cain looked sad for a moment  “ No I suppose it doesn’t” 
Its not that long before they reach their destination. 
Yut Lung has one of his bodyguards remove a case from the trunk. Which he takes. 
Balalikia and Mr Chang greets him. 
“ Hello, Yut Lung you look slightly more sleep-deprived then usual,”  Chang asked  “ I see you brought Cain Blood” 
“I just want to make sure Sing gets freed, like Yut Lung Lee, promised” 
“ He has every right to be skeptical” Yut Lung interjects. 
“ Of course gentlemen this way” Balalikia leads them to Sing and his men’s cell. 
Yut Lung’s breath catches in his throat Sing is covered with purple bruises and  has circles under his eyes he’s paler then usual. His boys don’t look much better black and blue and battered. 
Cain’s eyes widen. 
“ Sing?” Yut Lung asked struggling not to ask how he is or offer ointment. He clears his throat “ Its come to my attention….that I was not fair to you and your gang” he pauses as Rock gives him a nod  “ So please accept this token as an apology” 
Yut Lung brings out the head of Dino Golzine from the steel case, ignoring the way his stomach is starting to turn at the sight of it. 
Several of Sings guys look shocked, A few turn green. 
Lao gapes  “ Is that?” 
“ I know you wanted to do it yourself. But Shorter was one of my men as well. So It wouldn’t be innaprorite for me to make this my gift to you. I’m hoping their won’t be anymore bad blood between us” he said casually. Then he holds open the jail cell door “ Your free to go Cain Blood will make sure you get…..” 
Cain rushes past him and steadies Sing  “ I gotcha, baby” he said. 
“ Cain….I think I fucked up” Sing said softly. 
“Shhh shhh its ok, lets get you out of Alcatraz and cleaned up” the older boy soothed. 
“ Before you take Sing one more thing” Yut Lung walks up to Sing and slaps him across the face. 
Lao rushes forward “ Furiously what are you…..” 
Yut Lung slaps him as well, and goes around and strikes each of Sing’s remaining men across the face.
 “ If any of you ever betray me again, especially in public…..I’ll make each of you dig your own graves…..before you lay in them….understood?” he asked feeling a bit better 
There are nods and voiced yes Sir’s. 
Then Yut Lung watches them all file out before following them….. 
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sexymonsterotd · 11 months ago
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sexy monster of the day: mr. yoshida from the amazing world of gumball
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sea-side-spectre · 2 years ago
and i got distracted o(-(
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Girlies hanging out
Yes, I made them all friends
Yes, they absolutely DO talking about Gumball and Darwin
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Special Guest: Masami✨
A friend wanted me to draw her so i did
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Also MORE Shenanigans
at this point everyone is pretty much well established and its just the matter of letting them be funny lil guys
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OoOO D i g i t a l
we'll come back to that Smallarry one
but this Rob here is just typical Rob being Rob
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theyre married
need i say more?
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saturnrulez · 3 months ago
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Ty_Shida POV: It’s 89’ and you’re third wheeling…again
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Okay UHHHHH I’m gonna try something out
Guess who said it! (Although this one is very obvious lol)
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turbo-systems · 6 months ago
have you seen tmr's talk on a show called love love aishiteru where he acted really gay with host takuro yoshida 😭😭 if you wanna find it look up love love あいしてる トーク 57 and click on the fujitv link
YESSSSSSS I HAVE!!! I’ve watched all 5 episodes of him on that show and I really liked it.
also it’s funny that u said he acted gay cuz literally one of the first questions he was asked at his first there was if he was the f slur 😭
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harrietmjones · 2 years ago
Just worked out who Mr. Shapiro reminds me of: British comedian Mark Watson.
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vozchik · 1 year ago
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romanomomano · 2 years ago
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preparing the krile 7.0 summoning circle
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cryptosexologist · 2 years ago
so the justice devil Finally shows up (sorta)
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the-paris-of-people · 2 years ago
I love ms thompson sm paxton does need to get his shit together
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