#tawog barbara
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slime-sandwhich-nom · 8 months ago
Imagine you're a middle aged woman with most likely brain damage and this 13 year old kid is talking about changing the future
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its-me-seven-eleven · 1 year ago
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this whole episode is so funny if you think about it because banana barbara is a grown ass woman and rob is a middle schooler
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kacievvbbbb · 6 months ago
Rewatching Gumball is knowing that while there is no actual real overarching plot the episodes are still so amazingly interconnected.
I love how they do foreshadowing, how they build on little moments that we see through out other episodes. It's Banana joe's mom's future paintings being a small joke in "The Shell". Rob being in the deleted place with all the forgotten things in "The Void" after we see that Gumball and Darwin have a hard time remembering him and then completely forget him once Darwin kicks him into the sewers a whole season earlier in "The Pony". He then literally still has parts of the void ingrained in his design when he comes back. It's the fact that Penny and her family being hollow shells with something inside was being played as haunting jokes for episodes before the one based entirely around it. It's the fact that characters like Sarah have always been a little fourth wall breaky and so an episode like "The Fan Fiction" is so completely in line with her character that it's unremarkable in context, hell there's an episode where she sings the ending song to end the show and avoid an awkward conversation her being able to take some control of the show feels like the natural evolution of that.
The background characters in gumball have such distinct personalities that have been pretty consistent and built upon since season 2 which is completely insane and unprecedented for an episodic 2010 children's cartoon. The show might not have had an arc but it has always been continuous.
You do really get the sense that this is a world where everyone is very hyper-aware of the rules in which they operate. The show might reset at the end of the episode but the people don't
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tawog-ideas · 7 months ago
Banana Barbara takes a look at an alternate universe in which Rob dies in a freak accident and Larry becomes the real villain of the series.
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yuusmkma · 21 days ago
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memeartboi · 4 months ago
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Banana Barbara As A Pony!
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ninjaturtlecosmo · 19 days ago
Okay..... So apparently Banna Barbara can actually see the future, has made tons of paintings of future events to come, and in a sense she basically knows the fate of everyone in Elmore, since in canon she already knew about the void, right? Well..... I think I know a way I can apply this to This Ugly Yet Amazing World xD So far I'm digging the idea I shared a few posts ago about Harold possibly being a serial killer, and based on what we see of Barbara's ability to see the future, there's a good chance to some degree that she would know what he's been doing for the last decade, right? Of course no one would so easily believe that Barbara was psychic, so it's not like anyone could take a painting to the police that she made of Harold torturing and killing one of his victims in his hidden torture house in the woods in order to prove what he's been doing, but..... okay, I might write it out differently when one day I write this story, but let me set the stage for you on what I have in mind xD
So imagine one day Lita is spending time with some of her friends, maybe the group this particular day includes Rob, Gumball, Darwin, Banana Joe, Penny, Carrie and Tobias, possibly a few others as well, and they're all hanging out at Joe's house, when either he, Gumball or Darwin casually mentions how Barbara can paint the future. Obviously those that have lived in Elmore longer among the group are familiar with Barbara's peculiar paintings, but Lita is just confused on what the hell they're talking about.... normally she'd be one to believe psychics weren't real, but since getting to know her uncle Steve and his belief in all the New Age stuff he's into, she has considered the possibility of there being an existence in people with such abilities, so, Lita asks to see Barbara's gallery.... sure enough, Joe leads everyone to a spare room in the house where they keep all of Barbara's paintings, some of the ones they've seen depicting events that have already happened in their lives...... Lita even sees a painting of the night her mother introduced her to her uncle Steve, which immediately sends chills up her spine that she would know of how accurate this moment was, even though she wasn't at the club where her mother's band played that night..... Joe at this point basically explains how his mom has always had a strange 6th sense for future events to come, and that he's even asked in the past what some paintings mean, but that his mom was always vague in her answers..... However, as everyone continues to look at this gallery, there's one particular section on one of the walls that they find, these paintings seeming more strange than the others at first..... First there's an old abandoned house located somewhere in the woods, then the inside of the house, most of which looks old and vacant, except for one room depicted in another painting, covered in plastic sheets which are all covered in blood...... each painting in this collection gets more and more disturbing than the last, until they find the last painting in the set which depicts a woman bound by ropes and having her mouth covered by duct tape, a clear look of fear in her eyes mixed with her begging for her life..... Everyone at first finds themselves questioning who this woman is and what Barbara could have seen, as well as wondering why she would paint this, until one of them chimes in that they recognize the woman in the painting, as she went missing 2 years ago and her missing posters were still posted around Elmore, whoever was looking for her clearly still trying to find her..... it's here they even notice on the corner the date this was painted, October of 2023, which is exactly when she went missing..... As soon as they connect the dots that Barbara knows something and that whoever this woman is went missing in that exact abandoned house, they all quickly leave the house and get on their bikes to head for the woods, sensing an unsolved mystery that needs solving.....
It should be noted that the gallery didn't include ALL the paintings Barbara had painted, as there are some she made so horrific that she took it upon herself to hide them in the attic...... let's just say she may or may not know what Harold did to Stella behind the bar the night of his bachelor party....
So, Lita, Penny, Rob, Gumball, Darwin, Carrie, Joe and Tobias go into the woods on their bikes, and they spend an hour or so looking around for the old house in Barbara's painting..... Lita, Gumball, Tobias and Carrie are excited to find this old creepy house, but Penny, Rob, Darwin and Joe all have a bad feeling about this and all think they should turn away from whatever this is..... but at the same time they found a clue related to someone who went missing 2 years ago, and they know they may be the only ones who could solve what happened to her, so, they go along with the others as they look for the creepy house.....
Sure enough, they soon find the house, and they quietly enter it to look around, Tobias turning on the flashlight on his phone so they can all see in this pitch dark house.... but the deeper they go inside, the more they begin to catch a scent of mildew, as well as the scent of something rotting, mixed with the strong iron scent of dried blood......
Soon, they find the room they saw in one of the paintings..... they see the blood covered sheets, fresh blood covering them at that..... but oh, nothing could prepare this group of middle schoolers for the sight of a fresh corpse laying on one of the sheets, her eyes rolled back and her throat slit, entire body covered in bloody cuts from a knife..... No one seems to recognize the woman, except that maybe they got a glimpse of her on public now and again, but regardless, there's a dead body right in front of them, and they don't know who could or would have killed her........
It's here that they all hear noises somewhere in the house, making the kids all realize they're not alone, that it's more than likely the killer that's in the house with them, so without a second thought, they immediately dash out of the room and toward the direction they all came in from, managing to escape without running into anyone, and then getting out of the woods as fast as they possibly can and back into Elmore.....
To say they're all horrified by what they discovered would be the understatement of the century.... These poor kids saw a corpse for Christ's sake, this is something that will stay with them all for life..... But they know they can't act like that didn't happen, that someone was killed, and they need to do something about it and try to bring justice for that woman and whoever her loved ones may be..... So they immediately get back on their bikes and head for the police station to tell the cops everything.
Now, we all know that the Elmore police tend to be idiots, but they still take any crime reported to them seriously, so the minute Lita, Penny, Gumball, Darwin, Carrie, Rob, Joe and Tobias tell them what they saw, they take this case VERY seriously. They ask them what they were doing in the woods (to which they just say they decided to go into the woods to play some games and that's when they stumbled upon the abandoned house), how they came across the body, what state it was in, and how they managed to escape without getting caught, and the kids answer as best as they can, albeit it's clear how shaken up and traumatized they are, so the police try to help them feel calm as best as they can while praising them for telling them about this.....
In the end, the police have enough details they need to go and search those woods and find that house immediately in the hopes that they can get to the body before the killer could come back for it, and they end up calling all the kids' families to come and pick them up..... Stella, Steve, Nicole, Richard, Anais, Patrick, Judith, Polly, Bob, Barbara, Jackie and Rachel all show up while Carrie takes it upon herself to go home by herself so she can process everything, and once all the families are caught up on what the kids saw, they're all quick to check on them and ask if they're okay, but, it's obvious they're not okay, because they all discovered a dead body and the trauma is so clear to see in their eyes.....
Tobias ends up asking Jackie where his dad is, to which Jackie responds that he couldn't get off work but that he'll be home that night to check up on him and talk to him about what happened..... Oh, if only poor Tobias knew the truth..... if only they all knew the truth..... but if they had stayed to find out the killer's identity, well..... they probably wouldn't have made it to the station to tell their story......
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onikiribattousai · 1 year ago
I swear everytime I saw this Ena card
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It immidiately reminded me of this scene
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(you might need to increase your phone brightness to see Rob clearly)
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cartoonandanimecaptions · 2 years ago
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Whoever said finally getting around to watching these clipshows was a bad idea?
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Here's what I've come up with so far
Luz Noceda --> Gumball Watterson
King Clawthorne --> Darwin
Eda Clawthorne --> The Awesome Storekeeper
Lilith Clawthorne --> Rob
Willow Park --> Banana Joe (plant track but it changes to abomination track)
Gus Porter --> Carrie Krueger (oracle track)
Amity Blight--> Penny Fitzgerald (beast keeping and potion track)
Hunter (Golden Guard) --> Masami Yoshida
Matt Tholomule --> Tobias Wilson (illusion track)
Manny Noceda --> Richard Watterson
Camila Noceda --> Nicole Watterson
Vee --> Anais
Edric Blight --> Polly Fitzgerald (baby class)
Boscha and Emira Blight--> Leslie (plant track)
Odalia Blight --> Patrick Fitzgerald
Alador Blight --> Judith Fitzgerald
Perry Porter --> Vladus Lovus Lokowitchki
Gilbert and Harvey Park --> Banana Bob and Barbara
Skara --> Alan Keane (potions track)
Viney --> Carmen (plant and healing track)
Jerbo --> Teri (illusion and construction track)
Barcus --> Molly Collins (bard and illusion track)
Steve --> Rachel Wilson (off to Emperor's Coven)
Phillip Wittebane / Emperor Belos --> Yuki Yoshida
Caleb Wittebane --> Mr. Yoshida
Raine Whispers (bard head) --> Sal Left Thumb (bard head)
Darius Deamonne (abomination head) --> The Internet (potions head)
Eberwolf (beast keeping head) --> Steven Small (construction head)
Hettie Cutburn (healing head) --> Doctor Man (healing head)
Adrian Graye (illusion head) --> Felicity Parham (oracle head)
Osran (oracle head) --> Gaylord Robinson (abomination head)
Terra Snapdragon (plants head) --> Betty MacArthur (illusion head)
Vitimir (potions head) --> Al Paca (beast keeping head)
Mason (construction head) --> Moonchild Cornielle (plants head)
Changes to the characters or story:
Penny goes by they/them pronouns
Leslie, unlike Boscha, maintains a friendly relationship with Penny because they're cousins.
Awesome Storekeeper has a name now and it's Dave. But he still takes elixir to stop from becoming an enraged eldritch creature.
Also if I draw this, it's going to be slightly humanized because I can't replicate the TAWOG style
Thinking of making a TAWOG owl house AU
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Banana Barbara out there still painting the future
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slime-sandwhich-nom · 7 months ago
I'll kms doing every parent but that's what it means being neurodivergent
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its-me-seven-eleven · 1 year ago
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he's trying his best ok
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thelowerdecker · 2 years ago
My Haul from Comic Con Today! I’ll be going back tomorrow and ask for a Gumball related Commission! The Batgirl Drawing was commissioned by me and it looks really good! These are gonna have a pride and place on my wall! ♥️
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Artwork done by The Beano artist Laura Howell!
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gumboil-confessions · 4 years ago
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theamazingworldofrob · 6 years ago
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Now’s my chance...
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