#Mouse has pals
himbos-hotline · 24 days
followed you cause you looked cool and chill then realized later you are in fact cool and chill and nice... goat moment
I just am a frog on a lilipad ngl. Soft boy! I thrive on attention and being nice!
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himbos-hotline · 17 days
Biggest pet peeve in wrestling?
OH WE DO NOT HAVE TIME! off the top of my head
tribalism in wrestling
idiots online constantly pointing out aew "doesnt sell seats" or "look how empty it is" or "aew is filled with wwe rejects" WHERE DO YOU WANT THEM TO GO MY GUY?!
what chants during peoples promos especially those who are not american/ the blatent fat shaming and racism in promos
people infantalizing specically japanese wrestlers ["riho is just a baby, she so little." "of cours kota believed the doctors who scammed him, hes stupid" I am ripping you apart with my teeth
adam cole/ jon moxley/ malakai black/keith lee are going back to wwe [they literally are not, ever...sorry but deal with it? let em be happy?]
online only,: shipping wars and fandom culture. have we forgotten dont like dont read? have we forgotten the kink tomato? have we forgotten going insane over little guys with your friends? why have we forgotten asks and dms and stuff like that?
"writing wrestling ships is rpf" guys theyre playing characters, theyre live action roleplaying. we're all playing dollys
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himbos-hotline · 17 days
good morning himbos-hotline!!!
Good morning! I'm trying to make a little wooden horse and nothing really fits right and I'm gonna cry. How are you?
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himbos-hotline · 4 months
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Late Night Thursday Box time
she looks so sleepy and valid
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himbos-hotline · 6 months
what’s your favorite canon moment of HangKenny?
SOOO MANY like off the top of my head that make me fucking insane
their entire tag run and how kenny goes from wanting to touch hangman [and cowboy refusing by like refusing handshakes and everything] to kenny just..not bothering and being almost unable to care that cowboy wont touch him back cuz thats okay to him...no touches are better than the hurtful ones he grew up with.
That time where cowboy won a match with kenny by his side and kenny like walked up the ramp to him and took the beer off him, only for hanger to look at him, storm off and grab another beer from the audiance, hangman walking through the crowds drinking and crowd surfing, babygirl its not a surprise you caught covid but how handsome you are <3
the shoulder touch and how its the last time kenny really touches him. and how its so different to when they lost the tag belts and Kenny didnt even catch him. HE STEPPED BACK.
that interveiw where cowboy is in that black shirt with the red flowers on it and he ends the promo with "Im just- head to toe filled with poision" and even JR kinda looks at him all sad
when kenny is on commentary for hangmans match and hes like actively flirting with hangman "hes filled out" in a low voice and then "im a phsyice guy" LIKE SHUT UP SIR
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himbos-hotline · 2 months
Hey hun, what would a kenny nursery look like?
Also hope you're doing well.
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a little baby kenny nursery
send me a wrestler and ill design a nursery for them
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himbos-hotline · 4 months
i was wondering if you had any thoughts about Kenny showing up to last wednesdays dynamite dressed more like the Cleaner and Belt Collector, while he was being a face?
i can kinda chalk it up to him trying to look professional and maybe that he didn't want to show how emotional he was. and he could have used the sun glasses to hide his eyes for most of the promo, up until the end of it.
I have a lot of thoughts about it anon! so many thoughts about it! how in wrestling canon, the cleaner was technically a safety blanket in a sense for Kenny. Something tougher and stronger than that blond haired kid we saw in DDT. something a lot braver than what Kenny was, a lot colder. The first real showing of Cleaner!Kenny was specifcally because Kota went to NJPW in the heavyweight devision, somewhere Kenny couldnt follow and so, he let all those feelings of anger and fear and loss and all those feelings wrapped up and so Kenny turns cold. You see it in an interveiw where he talks about it:
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so like, clearly the cleaner is like a safety blanket for Kenny, if Hes hurtful and cold and angry, nobody can love an ice cube because itll just melt between your fingers. So now, hes been left and abadoned by the people he loves all over again.
The bucks LOVE kenny and kenny LOVES the bucks thats clear through everything theyve gone through. Even when Hangman was pulling away while Kenny was tag partners with him, Kenny always made sure the bucks were okay and settled before going back to hangman. Kenny loves the bucks through everything and theyve always been there for him. A constant, yet another safety blanket for him.
but now they've gotten so lost in their own feelings, the Bucks arent the ones Kenny stood and opposite all those years ago, they arent the ones with the bright colours. theyve morphed into something that Kenny can't really see, much like how Kenny morphed into cleaner and that must scare him. Must shock him, that he can see little bits of his heartbreak in someone elses eyes, that he sees himself reflected back in their eyes. So, what does Kenny do. he reverts back into that cleaner mindset but softer.
Something gentler. Like having a comfort toy put through the washer. Its fur and paws are still the same just gentler through the touch. Kenny coming out in the cleaner attire suits and aviators means a lot. He's still the cleaner that hurts and maims but with a different outlook this time. Kenny has morphed into a ghost that haunts the elite and the bucks, much like how he haunts over Adam squared and much how Kota haunts everything that Kenny does.
The ghost of Kenny omega even to himself.
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himbos-hotline · 2 months
Love the idea of super hero Kenny. And the idea he spoils his inner child as part of his self care
see I dont even think he knows its part of a self care thing. because I dont think kenny registers what don did to him is abuse because "he didnt hit me." [although weve seen him hit other members of his family, so whats to say he didnt hit kenny when he was "almost like his son"] because a lot of people think abuse is only violent not anything else, especially when youre living in an abusive situation you rationalise it, you kinda read through it and go "oh well they could be doing this for XYZ reasons so its not abuse. afterall they love me." so kenny still clinging to glasses of cold milk and having kirby sitting on his bed, as well as things from the 90s around him [most notiable the landline phone] showing that hes clinging to things from a time he grew up and felt safe. so I think its all subconciously and then theyre stuff that he clings too when he doesnt really feel "himself"
he carries an almost nostalgic glimmer in his eyes. sometimes hes that kid that everyone was talking about because they climbed the highest tree. Othertimes Kenny feels like the kid whod sit alone on the swings, not really swinging
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himbos-hotline · 5 months
Jon Moxley!
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send me a wrestler and ill make a room based on their vibes
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himbos-hotline · 10 months
10. Favorite promo (in ring) of the year
"People like you never prosper" -> Kenny Omega
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himbos-hotline · 6 months
What do you think of Edge? 🥺
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favourite wrestler growing up im stealing his gender, happy hes champ in aew
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himbos-hotline · 3 months
People seem to forget that adam cole brought in so many wrestlers from other promotions JUST to fuck with the elite
gave us the entire adam squared storyline which lead to prehaps the biggest lines of the entire forever "you will never be me, you will never be kenny omega" as well as tying hangman to the ropes
has given us countless laughs not only through the adamjf stuff but also the hey ew interveiw. ALSO cole is the reason we technically got the hungbucks reunion which lead to hangman being back in the elite.
Adam cole is much better in aew and I am so excited when cole comes back cuz theyre gonna do so much!
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himbos-hotline · 3 months
Ok, Kenny Playlist.
Angel with a shotgun
Inkpot Gods (one of my favourite songs fr!)
Burnt out
Tell me things!!!!
Our Kenny playlist
Our public playlists [send me questions about the songs in my public playlists]
Angel with a shotgun:
Firstly. Angel...kenny is an angel!
"Are you a saint or a sinner" A question that Kenny would probably ask himself multiple times throughout his wrestling life, also life in general because sexuality crisis and trying to get comfort in it.
"I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe Don't you know you're everything I have?" A very loaded golden lovers line, Kenny throwing everything away just to keep and make Kota happy.
"I don't care if heaven won't take me back" heaven being kota and then callis and then hangman and the elite and then finally himself but its always linked to kota deep down.
"They say before you start a war You better know what you're fighting for" Kenny is always fighting for something, even if its just for his own gratatude and himself
Inkpot Gods:
"I will be the man my father never was" Callis being for lack of a better word, a father figure for Kenny and someone that he clearly looked up too and loved, or at least he thought he did and now Kenny looking back and thinking that he has to be better than what Callis was to him
"And I wish that I could take his hand But where I'm going is for me and me alone" kenny becoming the cleaner wheather personally a DID switch or a charcter breakdown and rebuilding because someone wormed so deeply into his chest that now NoOBODY can get in there, even if that little curly haired fluffy kenny is still there, begging to reach out for those he loves
"If I don't make it back from where I've gone Just know I loved you all along" Kenny Omega is fundermentally a kid that wants to be loved but a child that never got love and so searches for it in the wrong places because honest love feels wrong. Kenny becoming the cleaner and joining bullet club because thats where he felt like he belonged, only to watch them shatter Kota and his relationship [or try too] and sometimes theyd look at one another and theyd see the younger, more carefree versions of themselves. In every universe, in ever version of Kenny omega, there is a kota Ibushi.
Burnt out:
" I've never felt this warm as I did When you touched me, gave me Goosebumps from head to toe" More golden lovers and hangkenny kinda styled fics, Kenny thinking and finding that love feels more "real" is its linked to sex, being made warm and sweaty by someone who cares about him enough to be inside him, someone who isnt disgusted by his scars and his random flashes of dissocation
"Your pride, is what you're concerned about? Is "you're right" really all you wanna hear right now?" Lines that read as someone talking TOO kenny, deep in his self hate and cleaner-ness.
"Because you're beyond repair" Kenny talking to himself, sometimes childhood trauma makes you feel unloveable. sometimes you think youre broken enough that nobody will see the thing you were before.
"And being a monster Doesn't necessarily make you bad" Also kenny talking to himself, trying to cope with the fact that he will never be healed, he will always carry scars. someone will always see him as someone with horns growing out his skull
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himbos-hotline · 1 year
☆ sleepover saturday ☆
do you have any hangmega fic recs? either your own fics or other's fics
okay theres more then likely gonna be a lot cuz im gonna just scroll through the tag but theres so many that have fundermentally changed my brain chemestry
@old-no7 Boy unwritten: I dont have enough words to say how much this fundermentally changed not only my brain chemestry but my entire life. the way they paint picture with their words is something that I inspire to have so totally check out all their works but totally boy unwritten cuz it actually made me cry.
Cinderella stories never happen to whores: I dont know who wrote this but its like, I remember sitting in the bank reading this fic cuz like it grips you soooo tightly. Its totally one I go back too and reread
watch each other falling: the characterisation in this really makes me wanna go feral. I normally dont read sex pollin stuff but this took me by the hand and then pulled me into a kiss than a suplex
symphonies in the dark: okay whoever wrote this is in the wrestling and writing server and I think when they posted it I yelled at my sibling so loud over text
warm blood [feels good]: changed me as a man. Also why do we keep going to nick whenever hanger realises that hes in love with kenny, you think nicky understands love?! /lh
okay so runner is a series and I am,,,not over it! I need someone like this as a rp partner! someone who will just like- throw this kinda stuff at me and then we write something like this. I miss rp-ing so bad ;-;
mending bridges: this is another fic i remember clicking on and all of a sudden its the break of dawn and im laying there staring at my celing
to be king for a day: WINNERS ROOM MY BELOVED OMFG
never: more golden lovers than anything and my first fic I read
cuz in my head I do everything right: by @miserablecreachur It rubs my brain so hard that it feels like sandpaper and I literally kinda had to lay down and nap after this fic cuz I lvoed it so much
i come undone: yeah...yeah that tag match...
OKAY after all this im gonna finally show myself some love..theres so many fics and thats all I can remember off the top of my head!
Blood is as rare and sweet as cherry wine: I went to go see horses and the idea hit me cuz it was so cold I had sat shivering and split my lips in the chill and bloody kisses because Cleaner needs to kiss hanger...yeah....
if i said you could never touch me: a fic I pounded out in an hour and has continued to be one of the fic that bite my brain every now and again.
we made our peace with weariness and let it be: hangman stole an ambulance to save kenny...
i find myself alone at night unless im having sex: the happiest prompt turned into hangman pining for kenny while Kenny stares at him and pretends he does not see
an open hand to your other man: kenny omega cant keep promises, says I promise to everyone instead
Angel to me || the distance never made a difference : how hangman loves Kenny, how kenny doesnt say it back, how kota ibushi is there...
i picture it soft and i ache: angel kenny
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himbos-hotline · 2 months
Have you considered Kenny letting Kota do whatever he wants to him after they get back together, trying not to enjoy it because he wants to suffer as an apology. Trying to taunt Kota into hurting him, but Kota just wants to be sweet to him and reunite. So Kenny ends up chocking down tears while he gets ground into the mattress : )
all the time anon! especailly right now. Kenny begging and being an asshole expecting kota to like slap him across the face or shove into him before enough prep or without enough lube so he can feel SOMETHING. but kota kisses the bottom of his spine and smooths his hand over a scar on his hip that kenny has long forgotten where it came from and promises that he wont hurt kenny, why would he hurt the man he loves?
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himbos-hotline · 4 months
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them <3
theyyy!! Kenny holding him little attack dog softly by his head!
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