#tucking her in blankies
himbos-hotline · 4 months
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Late Night Thursday Box time
she looks so sleepy and valid
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whimsicalcotton · 4 months
The Beast will periodically wake up from her nap to roll over and show her tummy and go 'mrrp? mrrrrpp??' until we give her pets
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queercatboyrights · 10 months
one of my favorite things about Hazel is how she too has a strong desire to be absolutely cozy and bundled up for her naps
like she'll go as far as burrowing in/under blankets and all my plushies (when she's on the bed) to get cozy, she's even dragged towels/blankets onto her doggy beds so she could bundle up in em in her bed it's absolutely adoooorableeee
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 months
Injured (Alexia's Version) III
Alexia Putellas x Child!Reader
Summary: You have a nightmare
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Alexia peaks her eyes open and frowns.
At first, she isn't quite sure what's woken her up.
It's still dark out so there's no sun to wake up. There's no fire alarm going off and there are no weird smells.
But there is the pitter-patter of little feet and a soft touch on her arm.
"Bambi?" Alexia squints in the darkness and can just make out your shadowed form.
"Mami," You whisper, your voice barely audible even over the silence of the house.
"Bambi," Alexia says," Why are we whispering?"
"Don't want to wake Jaume and Olga."
"They won't wake up," Alexia assures you," What's going on, huh? It's bedtime. Why are you up?"
"Had a bad dream." You shuffle closer.
"A bad dream?" Alexia reaches for you, softly stroking your cheek as you lean into the affection.
"Uh-huh about the hospital. It was scary."
"I'm sorry, Bambi." Alexia's hands move up to softly run her fingers through your hair. "Do you want to sleep with me tonight?"
You nod. "Yes, please."
Alexia pulls back the covers, shivering a little in the morning air. It's not too cold but just cold enough for goosebumps to rise on her arms.
You shuffle a bit closer and as Alexia squints, she can just make out the blanket you've dragged in with you. Her heart sinks.
Blankie lives in your wardrobe. You've made the bottom of your wardrobe a little bed for you. Truly, it's only a pillow and blankie but Alexia's found you sleeping in there when you're scared.
To have blankie with you now means you've gone into your wardrobe, probably having tried to sleep there before coming into Alexia's room.
Alexia lifts you up into the bed, sitting you up on her stomach. She's unsure where to fully put you. If it would be better to set you on the edge where you're only next to her or if it would be better to put you in the middle of the bed between her and Olga.
Alexia isn't quite sure where you would be most comfortable so she just sets you on her stomach.
You're gripping blankie tightly in your fist and, now that Alexia's eyes have adjusted to the light, she can make out your features properly.
"Have you been crying, Bambi?" She asks.
You sniffle. "Tried to sleep in the closet," You tell her," But it was scary."
"I'm sorry, Bambi," Alexia says," But it's okay. I've got you now. Nothing scary's going to happen. Nothing bad is happening to you while I'm here."
You flop forward suddenly, tears spilling down your cheeks as you rest your head on Alexia's shoulder, tucking your nose into the crook of her neck.
"Shh, shh," She coos at you," I've got you, Bambi. It's okay. Let it out. Let it out."
You sob, unrestrained, against Alexia as she holds you close, curling her arms around your tiny body.
"Ale?" Olga awakens at the noise, rolling over and blindly reaching out for Alexia. "Are you crying?"
"No," Alexia says," But we've got Bambi joining us tonight. She's had a nightmare so she's going to sleep with us."
"Oh, Bambi," Olga says, reaching out to brush the tears from your cheek," I'm sorry, sweetheart. You did a good thing coming into us."
"Didn't wake Jaume," You promise Olga," Still sleeping."
"I'm not worried about Jaume," Olga tells you," I'm worried about you. Your Mami says you're sleeping with us."
You nod. "Please."
She pats the space between her and Alexia. "Come right here. We'll keep you safe."
You wiggle you way between them and Alexia quickly tucks blankie around your body.
Olga slips out of bed while Alexia gets you comfortable, propping you up against the pillows so she can properly wipe the remaining wetness off your cheeks.
"If you have another nightmare," She tells you," You wake me straight up, okay?"
You nod. "Yes, Mami."
She presses a kiss to the side of your head. "Good girl."
Olga comes back into the room with a sippy cup. "Have some of this, Bambi. My Mama swore it was the best way to get good girls back to sleep."
It's milk. Warm milk with the tiniest hint of honey and, as you guzzle it down, you find Olga is right.
You are going back to sleep.
You're out like a light before you've even finished your drink and Olga gently takes your sippy cup from your limp hands as Alexia drags you closer, curling her body around you.
You'll wake up in the same position in the morning.
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outivv · 5 months
Boothill who would always take her on little horseback rides to calm her down when nothing else worked. Bundling her up nicely, holding her with one arm, while holding his horse reins with the other, and going slow while taking calming paths that he knew were safe for his little girl to calm down.
Boothill who would always be caught slacking off, taking a little nap in the sun with his daughter and when one of his siblings or dads would find him, he’d just say “well, my little girl wanted to take a nap, so that’s what we did.” Always using the baby as an excuse.
Boothill who is a damn pro at handling babies. He had to a lot with his siblings, always seeming to see the house grow bigger, and always seeming to have one more mouth to feed when he was growing up, not that anyone minded, or that it was a problem, Boothill’s family was always welcoming. So, when finding his little girl out in the middle of nowhere, bawling her eyes out- Boothill immediately knew what to do, and how to take care of her properly.
Boothill who would always coo at his daughter when she got sleepy. He took her most places with him, especially hanging around the house with her- and she always got so sleepy from all the excitement of Boothill’s family who’s just as rowdy as he is. Playing with Boothill’s younger siblings, since she was just so little- and Boothill always kept such a close eye on her, making sure she was okay, but sometimes she’d just fall asleep sitting up.
Boothill who would play his daughter songs on his guitar, watching her little hands try and copy him by just hitting the thing, before he’d scoop her up into his arms and pepper kisses all over her face, saying how she’s a master musician already! Now he doesn’t pick up a guitar anymore. Only thinking of her little hands playing the instrument by hitting the strings, and he can’t listen to the harmonious chords the same anymore.
Boothill who now thinks of his daughter everywhere he goes. Sees her cute little face in every kid he sees, wishing she could grow up like them, and live a damn good life that he would give her.
Boothill who made a makeshift memorial for his daughter in the form of a locket he was gonna give her when she was older, but now Boothill carries it around with him in his pocket. It doesn’t have anything in it, but it’s the memory of why he has it in the first place that matters.
Boothill also has a small piece of fabric that he carries with him. It was from her blankie that was always with her, but now it’s all tattered and half burned off… so he keeps it nicely tucked away from anyone who may even think of touching it, and ruining it.
Boothill who will sometimes buy child toys, more just… because he wishes he would give it to his daughter. Instead he ends up giving it to some random kid, or returning it cause he feels bad.
Boothill who still sings lullabies that would put his daughter right to sleep when she was being fussy, or quite stubborn for a baby. He doesn’t really sleep, but when he wishes he could, wishes he could fall asleep in the sun one more time with his daughter on his chest, he sings, or hums one of her favorite lullabies to at least relax himself.
Boothill who misses his daughter’s laugh, her smile, her little waddles when she was barely learning to walk before she passed, and he even misses her cries. He just misses her.
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woso-lover234 · 4 months
Mapi and ingrid x (child) reader- nightmares
"mami, mama" you said peaking out from your hiding place behind the hallway wall as Ingrid and mapi turn from where they were facing the tv to look at you.
"What are you still doing up bebita?" Mapi asked opening her arms for you to run into which you did without hesitation.
"Bad dream" you mumbled into her neck as her and Ingrid sighed, this had been a regular occurrence recently. Eventually you fell asleep in mapis arms as they decided it would just be easier for you to sleep in their bed with them so they would at least get a full night of sleeping though with a few kicks and hits here and there from you in your sleep but they would deal with that if it mean you wouldn't come up to them in the middle of the night bawling your eyes out when they had training the next day. They had made the mistake of taking you back to your room which resulted in you coming back and they decided after not having slept well the past few days they would make it easier on themselves.
When you woke up for training the next day you were still groggy and tired so mama decided they would keep you in your pyjamas which was your mamas jersey and mamis shorts which meant you could sleep sometime at training. Your mami and you usually hung out in the gym while she did her exercises for her knee but today she took you out to the field.
Barca Instagram were filming your mami as it was her first training after returning from injury. She was walking to the pitch with you next to her, your right arm holding her leg with one hand while the thumb of your other hand was in your mouth even though your dummy was clipped to your shirt. You had your blankie tucked under your left arm as you kept as close to her as possible as you were using her for balance.
"Hey bebita" patri and pina cooed at you as you shoved your head into your mamis leg as she groaned feeling your slobbery thumb on her calf as Ingrid laughed slightly
"She's a bit tired aren't you bebita" she said as you nodded against her leg and she ran her fingers through your hair which made your body sag more into her which didn't go unnoticed by the defender "I think it's nap time" she said as she picked you up but you shook your head
"No nap" you said but she nodded and put your dummy in your mouth which you tried to spit out but your mami held it gently in your mouth as you begrudgingly accepted it and she kissed you on the forehead in approval
"Ok no nap but how about you go sit with jana and give her big cuddles because she's still hurt" she said and you nodded as she led you over to where jana was watching on the bench
"Hola my favourite bebita" Jana cooed as you got transferred into her arms as you just sagged into her "is it nap time for little bebitas?" Jana asked which made you shake your head against her chest
"You need cuddles to get better" you murmured with your dummy half in your mouth so Jana only caught half of what you said
"Oh of course im so silly" Jana giggled as you just nodded and started nodding off as Jana threw a thumbs up at mapi and Ingrid who mouthed back a thank you
After a long fight and Jana gently running her finger from in between your eyebrows to your nose a few times you were asleep so Jana gently placed your blank or over your eyes even though you were still gripping onto it, it was big enough to still cover them. You were finally asleep. But not for long as after 30 short minutes you woke up and began screaming and crying which caught the attention of your mani and mama who came running over along with your tía ale, your other favourites pina and Patri and the rest of the team. Mama took you into her arms and began shushing you as you babbled incoherently about what happened in your nightmare though no one could understand so they were still confused on what happened. Ingrid gently pulled your dummy out of your mouth as she gently patted your bum to soothe you
"can you use your big girl words and tell us what happened?" Ingrid asked gently as you nodded and she wiped away your slowing tears
"Big big monster" you started as you used your hands and opened them as wide as you could "and it are you and mami and tía ale and Jana and Bruna and pina and Patri and Cata and Salma and oni and-" you started naming the whole team before you cut yourself off and shoved your face into your mamis neck and sobbing again as your mums and the rest of the team frowned but their hearts also swooned at how sad you were that they got eaten
"It's okay there's no monsters here" mama cooed to you as mami rubbed your back "and look everyone is here and safe" mama said lifting you slightly and showing you everyone that had gathered around
"Where's oni?" You asked after doing a checklist of everyone and not seeing her "and and baby mateo" you said and your mums saw how you were getting stressed
"Onas in recovery do you wanna go see her and im sure Irene could phone mateo for you" mami said glancing at Irene who nodded and pulled her phone out her pocket
"Wanna see oni" you said as you dropped your head onto your mamas shoulder as she and mami walked with you to the recovery room
"Look there's oni" mami said as soon as the three of you walked into the room which caught onas attention
"Hey bebita, have you been crying?" She said walking over to you as you just nodded and reached out your hands to make sure she was real as she accepted you. You touched her face, squeezing her cheeks and poking her nose which made you giggle slightly before determining she was ok as you have her a sloppy kiss before your mami took you this time and you waved bye to Ona as you left.
"Hey I have Lucia on FaceTime with mateo whenever you guys are ready" Irene informed your mums as you walked up to her and she handed the phone to mama
"Mateo?" You whispered before his face popped up on the screen and he waved "your ok?" You asked and he nodded "no monster bites?" You asked as he shook his head and you nodded "ok" you sighed, relieved as mateo was one of your best friends to play with when he came to training
"No monsters" he reiterated as you nodded again before waving bye to him and his other mami.
"You feeling better bebita?" Mami asked and you nodded as she kissed your forehead and mama handed Irene back her phone
"Who do you want cuddles with for the rest of training?" Mama asked as you thought for a minute before deciding you wanted cuddles with Vicky who was your newest best friend and you wanted to show her that you loved having her here
"Vicky" you said as mama nodded and went to ask the young player who a few seconds later came bounding over as you scrambled to get out of your mamis arms and into Vicky's. You instantly relaxed into her and she relaxed knowing you were as she wasn't very well trained in holding babies but you seemed fine so she didn't think she was that bad.
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poppy-metal · 3 months
failmarriage art when you're his emergency contact and hes yours and he gets called because you got sick or hurt yourself in some way - and you're so weak and defenseless you have no choice but to let him take care of you. and it sucks because he's just too much..... art. he's a caretaker. he knows all your favorite comfort foods. he knows you have a favorite blankie for when you're feeling sick - and he's being so kind. you can almost forget all that's wrong between you - he makes you feel like a baby, his baby. and he still has his wedding band on. even though you dont have yours - its somewhere safely tucked away - and your brain is fuzzy and you're weak and you just.... reach out and run your hand through his hair.
he leans into it because of course he does. sighs because you haven't touched him in months, not like this. tender and knowing - you stroke your fingers through his locks for a few moments in silence, just relishing the feel of him, his presence this close to you, his body, his scent - yours, your art, your person, your husband - "when are you gonna let me back in?" he breaks the silence. his voice is sad. and you think about everything you've put him through recently. "when are you going to let me love you again?"
you drop your hand. "i didn't realize it was my choice whether you loved me or not."
he looks at you, and your breath catches. he looks so young - you realize. hes only in his 30s, you all are, but he reminds you of his teenage self right then. soft and vulnerable. he looks devastated.
"I'll always love you," he says seriously. his hand twitches, like it wants to reach out and touch you. half of you wishes he would, would breach the gap. the other is glad he doesn't, because you'd melt if he did. "i mean that. you're half of my heart." he looks away, rubs his chin, works his jaw, trying not to cry. "but its a two way street, baby. you know that." he sighs, "i can't do it all on my own."
you look at your hands. at your empty ring finger. you feel arts eyes there too. both of you imagining the familiar band there, where it used to be. you curl your fingers into a fist and tuck them under your blanket. "im tired." you tell him, and he nods.
stands and gathers his things. he pauses by you on the couch, fingers touching the arm of it. "call me if you need anything."
you nod, shaky. listen to his footsteps as he leaves your apartment. you drag your hand back into your lap and open your palm - trace the love line - or what they say is the love line anyway - there and remember tashi cupping your wrist in college, her soft brown hair tickling your arm as she leaned over your palm and traced the vein with a blue ink pen. "this is your longest line," she told you, grinning. "you're gonna be loved your whole life."
"by art?" you'd asked, hopeful.
tashi had shrugged. "by him. by alot of people, probably. by me too."
you liked the sound of that.
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sgiandubh · 3 months
2023 or last week
That's not really matters', what is interesting is that Caitríona has a very high level of privacy in her movements or travels
She has a private life that is completely away from notice and attention, no press, no ordinary people, no fan who meets her by chance
Wow.. as if she had the invisibility power since 2019.
Dear Privacy Level Anon,
We're going to do things a bit differently, this time, with an audio answer. Nice to meet you, by the way:
For those who need a transcript, here goes:
'Your charade has very simple answers:
No Press? The Press would have to actually care or be sold a juicy tip/story, about that elusive B-lister who is such a compelling Claire Fraser (huh?) from Outlander ('wait a minute, that nice, secksay series around 2016, right?'). Press interest is, however, likely to immediately jump up, the minute she lands a better PR team and/or a part in a really relevant cinema project. Let's see what those two next movies bring, Anon.
No Ordinary People? Imagine you're Jane Doe (aka, an Ordinary Person), traveling from 🛫 London to 🛬Bangkok. Upon arrival at 🏯Suvarnabhumi Airport , while waiting in line for the notoriously looooong passport control (full profile pic included), you spot C (or S, or C and S, or C and S and Boos 1, 2, 3... 554). They vaguely remind you of someone. That someone could be anyone from a) your cousin Matilda's co-worker you have been briefly introduced to, three years ago; b) someone who looks like your homeland's host of 'Who Wants To Be a Millionaire' TV show (totally random example, here); c) someone who looks like that actress you once saw in that TV series which name you can't really remember. Ultimately, the fact that you are unable to put a name on that face really irritates you. Your feet hurt, you are sleepy, grumpy and you need to go to the bathroom ASAP (🚨🚨🚨🚨). Meanwhile, S and C kiss, Boo #456 is as unhappy as you and wants his blankie. Did I mention you need to use the 🚻 (somewhere far away from 🛃) ASAP? S and C 💋💋💋💋 some more. YOU NEED TO USE THAT TOILET AND YOU'RE STUCK IN THAT STUPID LINE. Boo #433 wants their mommy's attention NOW (🥹🍼🤦‍♀️), so you sympathize a bit ('what a cute 👶, just like his/her parents') but you are really focused on your 🧻problem. By the time you dragged your 🧳to the 🚕 area, in the thick, humid heat at Arrivals, you'd have forgotten everything about it, but remember every single second of your Passport Control Ordeal.
No Fan? Outside of these Tumblr/X/Instagram jihadist pockets, no casual 🪭 would probably ask for a pic, provided they remember the name of the series (it is really poor taste to go for it and candidly tell her/them something like ' oooh, I remember you from The Last Kingdom, such a wonderful series'). Out of those who still go for it, I bet the farm:
85% keep The Nice Pic tucked in their iPhones and just randomly share at the next school bake sale/corporate teambuilding/ Rotary Club meeting with random people saying random things like 'oooh, she's nice, wait a minute, wasn't she in The Last Kingdom'?
10% foolishly post on X or Instagram, to be immediately greeted by The Fandom Vigilantes, courtesy of alerts installed on their own iPhones: 'where was it/ when was it/was she alone/yes? why?/no? why and with whom/ what did she say/ did she say anything/ why didn't she say anything'. If, by a very probable misfortune, what you have to dish out does not click with the Greeting Committee's agenda, expect to be: a) treated like a 5 year old idiot or a tortured POW ('was she alone...? was she alone...? are you sure she wasn't alone...? ARE YOU SURE SHE WASN'T ALONE? ANSWER ME, WAS SHE ALONE?'); b) Caitsplained she is married to someone else and what you saw is an optical illusion; c) perhaps even forced to adjust your own narrative (maybe that 6′ 3" Viking was Tony McGill, after all? 😵). You immediately regret posting it on your public Social Media accounts, erase the pic and go private. By the time you do it (12 hours from posting), it would have been dutifully screencapped, in a middle of a full blown Fandom Skirmish.
5% know what Tumblr actually is (at a minimum) and/or are actively involved in its Fandom Subset. The minute they post is the start of just another Nagasaki episode. The DM inbox will explode with a rich array of pleas/insults/more Caitsplaining. Comments will range from the ecstatic to the revoltingly vulgar. And remember (LOL for weeks):
The Fandom will eventually never forgive you for sharing.'
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creekfiend · 3 months
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Ella was driving me nuts earlier bc she kept standing and glowering at me and pawing me like TUCK ME IN TO BLANKIE and then I would tuck her in and she would come back out and go NO!!? TUCK ME IN!!!! TO BLANKIE!!!!
but look at her. she's so cute. I forgive her all of her wretched little crimes
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rxmqnova · 8 months
Wanda / R daughter
R is a bit babyish for our age and Tommy and Billy makes fun of us for it. But when the twins take our blankie and we can't sleep Wanda puts her foot down.
Y/N's blankie
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Y/N: 6 years old Billy and Tommy: 9 years old ——————————————————
NO ONE'S POV "Alright, my little monkey. We're gonna buy some groceries and then we need to pick up the boys from school, yeah?" Wanda smiles, tucking a strand of hair behind her youngest child's ear while buckling her into the car seat.
It's one of those days Y/N hasn't been feeling the best, so Wanda let her stay home today to avoid a potentional meltdown.
"Will you buy me something in the store, mommy?" Y/N asks sweetly, holding her favorite pink bear blankie close and looking at her mommy, hoping for a yes.
The tiny girl won't make a single step without her blankie which is one of the reasons she's being picked on at school… and sometimes even at home. That's also a reason why Wanda sometimes lets her daughter stay home.
Wanda doesn't see Y/N's attachment to her blankie as a problem, though Tommy and Billy do. Of course Wanda has tried multiple times to explain it to her sons, but the twins just don't accept the fact that their sister is a little bit different in this than other children.
"If you'll be a good girl, I don't see why not" Wanda smiles, pressing a kiss to her daughter's forehead before closing the door and walking to sit behind the wheel.
It takes about 20 minutes until the pair arrives to the store. Y/N's been blabbering around the entire way, playing with her blankie while Wanda's been happily listening to her little girl.
And after what feels like hours of walking around the store, they finally get to the little toy aisle which, of course, catches Y/N's attention.
"Mama! Mama! Mama! Mama!" Y/N exclaims, tugging on Wanda's shirt while jumping up and down.
"What, honey?" Wanda chuckles, looking down at her daughter who gives her a grin.
"Can I go look there?!" Y/N points at the toys, hoping to get a toy for how nice she's been so far.
"Okay, you little monkey, let's look there" Wanda smiles, taking Y/N's hand in hers while pushing the shopping cart with her other hand, walking to where her daughter wants.
Of course Y/N starts walking around, deciding which toy should she ask for as there are so many of them, her blankie still in her arms.
"That one!" Y/N finally decides, taking the little stuffed monkey and walking back to her mother who's been watching her with a smile the entire time. "Mommy, can I please, please, please get this one?" She asks sweetly, pulling out her best puppy eyes on which Wanda can't say no. Plus Y/N's been really nice, so there's no reason to say no anyway.
"Of course, sweetheart. But now we really need to hurry up" Wanda smiles, lifting her daughter up and placing her inside the shopping cart to save some time as the tiny one really likes to stop and look around, asking about everything she sees.
It's been about two hours since Wanda, Y/N and the twins got home. The boys are now playing video games in the living room while Y/N's there too, playing with her toys.
"Where's my monkey?" Y/N furrows her brows in confusion, turning around and trying to find the toy Wanda bought her earlier today.
Tommy and Billy share a look, trying hard not to laugh as they were the ones who hid their sister's new toy.
"Billy? Tommy? Have you seen my monkey?" Y/N asks sweetly, looking at her brothers with hope in her eyes, but the twins only burst into laughter on which Y/N furrows her brows in confusion. "Why are you laughing? Do you know where my monkey is?" She asks once again, her eyes filling with tears and her bottom lip trembling.
"You're such a baby, don't even understand fun" Tommy rolls his eyes at the sight of his upset little sister, throwing the toy at her.
Though then another idea pops up in his head. If they take Y/N's blankie away, she won't be able to take it to school and 'embarrass' them, right?
Without thinking about the consequences, Tommy reaches for his sister's blankie that's been laying on the couch.
Y/N immediately tries to take it back, but Tommy holds it up, so even while jumping Y/N's not able to reach it.
"It's mine, give it back!" Y/N orders with a whine, but Tommy just throws the blankie to his brother, both laughing.
"Come for your blankie, Y/N" Billy teases, waiting for Y/N to run to him before throwing the blankie back to Tommy.
This repeats for a few minutes until Y/N has enough of it and runs to her bedroom with tears running down her cheeks.
Ever since that moment Y/N hasn't spoken a word. She's spent a while in her room by herself until Wanda got worried and came for her.
"There you are, bubs" A sigh of relief escapes Wanda's lips once she finally finds her daughter.
Y/N's now laying in her bed, just playing with the fabric of her bedsheets on which Wanda furrows her brows in confusion. Her daughter isn't the type to be just laying in bed.
"What's wrong, Y/N/N?" Wanda asks as soon as she sits down on Y/N's bed, running her fingers through her daughter's hair and not getting any response.
"You look tired, sweetheart. I think you're gonna go to bed early today" Y/N would normally complain about it, yet she doesn't say a single word again on which Wanda starts getting worried.
"What's gotten into you, baby? Y/N/N doesn't want to talk?" The desperate mother asks, finally getting a reaction from her daughter as she shakes her head. "Okay, Y/N/N doesn't have to talk if she doesn't want to" Wanda smiles a little bit, bending down to kiss her daughter's forehead.
Y/N haven't even said anything during dinner which is not common at all. The tiny one normally doesn't close her mouth for even a second and the fact she's been quiet all along is making Wanda really worried.
Now it's time for bed though, so while the boys are watching TV in the living room as they are allowed to stay up for a little more than Y/N, Wanda's tucking in her daughter.
But there's a big problem… Y/N just doesn't fall asleep without her blankie. No matter how tired she is, she won't close her eyes if her blankie isn't in her arms.
"What's wrong, baby? Can you tell mommy what got you so upset?" Wanda asks softly, noticing the tears in her daughter's eyes.
Though Y/N only burst into tears, making her poor mother panic. Wanda has no idea if her daughter is hurt, if she's just not having her day or if the boys told her some scary stories again.
Wanda scoops her daughter into her arms and starts looking for Y/N's blankie immediately, knowing it's the only thing that can comfort her daughter in any situation.
"Where's your blankie, baby?" Wanda asks, hoping to get an answer from her daughter, only to get more cries in response. "Oh, is this what made you so upset, sweetheart? That you don't have your blankie?" She asks softly after the realization, rubbing her daughter's back and pressing kisses to her head.
"Billy and Tommy don't want to give it back" Y/N hiccups before burying her head into Wanda's neck, crying loudly.
Wanda stands up immediately, heading into the living room with her crying daughter in her arms. She's talked to her sons about why's Y/N's blankie so important to her so many times, so the fact they took it makes her really angry.
"Boys, give me the blankie" Wanda orders sternly, watching as both of her sons look at her.
"W-what do you mean, mom?" Tommy asks, hoping he would get out of this conversation and wouldn't be in trouble.
"Give me Y/N's blankie" Wanda repeats, looking at her sons sternly. Both knowing they're in trouble, Billy takes out Y/N's blankie from under the pillow where they hid it, handing it to his mother.
Y/N's cries stop almost immediately once she has her blankie secured tightly in her arms which makes Wanda let out a sigh of relief.
"I'm going to put Y/N down now, but when I come back, you two and I will have a little chat" Wanda tells her sons sternly, anger still visible in her eyes.
She'll certainly make sure this time the twins will finally understand that making fun of their little sister and taking her things that bring her comfort is not okay.
Wanda Maximoff masterlist
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ginis-wonderland · 9 months
midnight treat
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pairing: dad!simon riley
summary: returning home at midnight after a long day in the base, simon needs to eat but after his baby joins him, he can never say no to ice cream.
genre: fluff
word count: 1.5k
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the house was quiet when simon arrived home. he locked the door as soon as he stepped foot into their entryway and he tried to not make as much noise by taking off his heavy boots. the balaclava was thrown to the small table that was flushed against the beige wall and his keys were gently placed onto the small ceramic plate that his oldest daughter made a year ago. his stomach grumbled and he sighed, knowing he needed to eat something before bed but it was already so dark and late that he didn't want to. 
all that paperwork was enough to keep him at the base the entire day and he was developing a migraine from reading so much words on the pages. simon just wanted to go to bed and wrap his arms around his wife to sleep. that was it.
the family dog, berk, peeked from the corner of the wall by the stairs and once it saw the familiar face of its dad, it quietly trotted over for attention. simon bends down slightly to rub the german shepherd's head and the man nearly tip-toed his way over to the kitchen. he knew he was a naturally silent walker but with his girls sleeping in the house, he didn't want to risk a screaming newborn and tiny girls running down the stairs past bedtime. he knows how hard it must've been for you to get them all to sleep so he didn't want to ruin your efforts.
he opened the fridge and winced at the bright light so he averted his eyes from it but he saw a tiny figure by the wall, leaning against the corner and rubbing their eye.
"papa?" a small tired voice filled the silent kitchen and simon couldn't help the smile that itched his lips.
"hey, bug," he whispered back. 
the little girl inched her way closer to him, dragging the blankie with her and simon naturally held his hand out for her to grab so he could pull her close. her blonde hair was all over the place and he tried to smooth it down but to no avail. 
"why're you up?" he asks her quietly and she looks up at him with those bright blue eyes, still bleary from sleep.
"heard your car," she answers. simon chuckles at her.
"you should've been sleepin'."
she shakes her head. "can't sleep long time if papa not tuck me in."
wren was his middle child. the daddy's girl of the family. she was only 4 years old and had a 3-year-gap with his oldest and his youngest. she was the baby he got to spend time the most since he took a longer break from work when she was born and only returned a year ago. therefore, she was spoiled with the most attention from her dad and only did things if her dad was there with her, like sleeping.
simon closes the fridge and reaches over to turn on the kitchen light above the island so he could pick her up and sit her on one of the chairs. he mumbles a small apology and a kiss on her chubby red cheeks when she whines at the bright light. he moves to stand opposite from her.
"didja eat yet, papa?" she wonders and rests her chin on the marble island to look at him.
simon didn't sit down but leaned on his elbows in front of her. "not yet. 's why i was lookin' in the fridge."
her eyes lit up. "ice cream! let's eat it together!" she whispered yelled with a grin that showed her missing front teeth.
her father raised an eyebrow. "'t's well past bedtime, missy."
she pouts.
then he sighs.
he could never say no to her.
"i eat ice cream when 'm tired," she argues with her pout still strong on her lips that she inherited from you. 
simon laughs lightly at her response and nods, pushing himself off of the surface. berk wags his tail as he follows his papa to go to a cupboard and quietly pull out two small, colorful bowls that were meant for ice cream and two small spoons. he brings it to the island in front of wren and sets it down gently before turning around to open the freezer and grabbing the vanilla dairy-free ice cream. 
wren's eyes shone and she hurriedly slipped from the chair to go to a drawer to yank the ice cream scooper out then went back to her spot to hold it out to her father.
"smart girl, you are," simon praises with a ruffle of her hair and grabs the scooper. 
she eagerly watches her strong papa glide the metal scooper across the delicious treat and plop a large ball of it on the bowl. he places the spoon on it before gently sliding it over to her.
"don' be messy. got it," she finished for him in a hurry so she can eat.
honestly, simon should eat more than just some ice cream but his wren wanted to eat ice cream together so he will. it wasn't much and definitely nothing special but spending time with his baby was enough to satisfy the grumble in his stomach. 
"were you good today?" he asks and she nods with a grin, carefully setting the spoon down to not make a mess.
"helped mama plant daisies," she gushes. 
"after rolling around in the dirt with berk," a voice startles them both.
simon can hear anyone that was near him before they even speak but his wife, oh boy, she was more of a ghost than he was. 
he gives you a sheepish smile and wren gasps. 
"mama!" she says with a smile then remembers the ice cream which she hurriedly slid over to her father. simon looks at her with an offended expression.
"you little cheat!" he whispers to her and wren gives him an oopsies look.
"sorry, papa. mama is scary when she's upset," she defends.
you cross your arms and walk to stand next to simon's seated form. even sitting, he was the same height as you. 
"good evenin', lovie," he grumbles, pressing a kiss on your cheek that became sticky from the ice cream on his lips.
"it's morning, mister riley," you tutted. 
but simon knew you weren't upset. you had that small twitch in your lips that meant you were fighting back a smile.
he knew seeing him would be enough to erase all questions and irritation.
"and usually, we don't have ice cream for breakfast in this household," you comment.
wren looks at you with a smile. "but we were celebratin' that papa was home!"
finally, a smile breaks free and you chuckle at your daughter's antics. "yes, darling. my apologies. we must celebrate your father's homecoming."
simon wraps an arm around your waist and he pulls you to be closer, your wide eyes looking at him. "bug and i were just havin' a treat. would you like some?" he asks, looking from your eyes to your lips.
you bit your lip before realizing wren was still sitting there so you turn away from his intense stare and smile at your daughter.
"tell you what. you go on to bed and papa will be up there to tuck you in then we'll have chocolate chip pancakes when you wake up," you bargain and she nods eagerly.
"pancakes," she repeats to herself then hauls her blanket up and slides down to the floor. she looks at their dog and she waves him over. "c'mon, berk! let's go to my room!"
the dog quietly barked at her and ran after her.
"no running up the stairs, please!" you call out after her and finally, she disappears around the corner.
simon slides his hand from your waist down to your hips and to your bum to teasingly squeeze it. you swatted him, scandalized while he laughed.
"mister riley!" you gasp and he smiles at you.
"yes, missus riley?" he whispers back.
he leans forward to give you a gentle kiss that evolved into a deep kiss, one that had you cupping his cheeks. you both separated only because of the lack of air and you gasped, foreheads and noses still touching.
"i missed ya today," he grunts and you nodded.
"i missed you too, si."
simon loves the way your lips move as you speak and he feels like he's 18 again when he first saw you enter that shop he worked in. he didn't expect a decade and some change later, you would be married and have children of your own even after he swore to never have a family.
for you, he changed.
and for you, he became better.
you separate from his kiss making him instinctually growl and chase your lips but you leaned back with a giggle. "c'mon. let's go upstairs. we can't risk another child coming down."
simon took no time and hauled you over his shoulder, making you squeal in surprise, before he's marching up those stairs with a mission.
"gonna show you how much i missed you, pretty." 
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gini's notes: ugh, gosh i love simon riley. he is such a girl dad and he defo just wanted an excuse to eat ice cream haha.
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jungle-angel · 1 year
It Smells Like Home (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: Ever since moving, you and Bob have decided that you're going to have a very, very cozy Halloween with the babies
Bob took another sip of his oatmeal cookie flavored coffee, at least the second one he had that morning while two-year-old Patrick came waddling down the stairs, rubbing his little eyes and clutching his blue crocheted blankie.
"Hi bubby," Bob cooed as he lifted him up and kissed his soft little cheeks. "You're up too early."
"No sleepy," Patrick yawned.
Bob gently patted his son's back and set him back down on the floor. "You hungry?"
Patrick nodded before pulling his chair out and climbing right up.
Bob immediately fixed him some eggs, a little bit of diced ham and a tiny little cup of blueberries. "You wanna help Dada bake today?"
"Yes peas!!!"
Bob chuckled as he heated up his coffee and picked at his own plate of ham and eggs. He felt bad that it would just be him and Patrick for most of the day with you having gone to help Bob's parents get things settled around the new ranch and to help his Meemaw with her doctor's appointments. But Bob was happy since it meant bonding time with the littler of your two, soon to be three children.
As soon as breakfast was done, Bob cleared the dishes and put on "It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" both for Patrick and for the background noise while he baked. He kept it on repeat, never once annoyed by how many times it played, comforted by the memories it brought for both him and you.
Patrick kept himself occupied by teasing and playing with Tank, the burly rottweiler who helped Bob and his father keep control of the cattle. Bandit, the newest addition, a one year old blue heeler, snoozed away on the couch, completely unfazed by Patrick's little baby giggles.
It wasn't long before the whole house began to smell so good, overwhelmed with the aromas of chocolate, cinnamon, pumpkin, apples and sweet sugar. Bob loved when the fall farmers' markets came to town, leaving your family swimming in baked goods until then.
"Patrick," he called. "Patrick come taste for Daddy."
Patrick waddled right into the kitchen and took a large bite of a chocolate and vanilla cream cookie that had been shaped into a pointed little witch hat.
"MMMM yummy!" Patrick loudly and happily declared, the chocolate crumbs still all along the edges of his mouth.
Bob laughed, finishing off the rest before Patrick went back to his own business.
Bob had completely lost track of the time, when in the middle of the tenth or so rerun of the Peanuts Halloween special, Patrick had fallen right asleep with his blankie tucked under his arm. You had just come through the door with Auggie, quietly shutting it so that Patrick wouldn't wake.
"I've got him sweetheart," Bob assured you.
"You sure?" you asked him.
"I'm certain," he told you, picking the sleeping toddler up off the couch and carrying him up the stairs with you, laying him down on your shared bed for a nap. He covered Patrick with his blankie and tucked his little brownie bear under his arm, letting him sleep the afternoon away.
"You think he'll sleep for a while?" you asked.
"He'll probably sleep till dinner," Bob answered, taking you in his arms and kissing you. "She awake?"
"Wouldn't stop moving ever since we left your Meemaw's appointment," you chuckled.
You and Bob leaned in, pressing your foreheads against each other. "Wanna go and watch the Peanuts Halloween cartoon?" he asked. "Patrick's been watching it all day."
You hummed happily. "With you? I'll watch anything."
You and Bob soon found yourselves downstairs, snuggled under the couch blankets while your sons were upstairs napping the afternoon away, watching the Peanuts cartoons and the smell of baked goods filling your home with their delicious scents and your dreams of a cozy Halloween with Bob, fully having come true.
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majordemonblockparty · 4 months
mary campbell winchester who doesn't necessarily regret her demon deal, because she loves john, she does, in a deep and intense and preternatural way that scares her, sometimes, if she looks at it head-on for too long, but sometimes....
sometimes she just misses what she lost. what she traded in exchange for john. to have his snapped neck put back to rights and the breath put back in his lungs; what has to stay dead because she wanted john alive more.
she misses her parents when she has to clean out the house without him. she calls her cousins, campbell kids semi-settled within a day's driving distance, and four of them descend on lawrence to gut the house of everything hunting related before john gets it in his head to help her. she misses her daddy when she puts her hands on john's chest and looks up at him with real, actual tears trembling on her waterline and tells him she needs to be alone to pack up her parents' things. she misses her mama when john tucks her hair back from her face like she's something delicate and worth protecting, something that wouldn't trade two lives already lost for his.
it all has to go, everything hunting.
they pack it up into cardboard boxes and plastic milk crates -- the books, the journals; the cb radio set in the den and the armory behind the false wall in the bedroom; thousands of rounds packed in ammo cans labeled with her daddy's neat draftsman's hand printed on strips of masking tape: CONSECRATED IRON. SILVER -- PURE. SILVER -- ALLOY. COPPER -- STANDARD. her mom's correspondence book of every hunter they've ever known, the names and numbers and home addresses of people who sat at the campbell's dining room table and bled with them and died for them all throughout mary's entire childhood.
most of the clothes in the closet get donated, but mary keeps the box of baby clothes her mama had kept tucked up high on a shelf in their bedroom closet, in case she someday has a little girl with john's dark hair and the winchester name. she keeps the memory box with her first lock of hair and the jar of her baby teeth and the tattered scrap of her crib blankie. she keeps her dad's letterman sweater and her mama's canvas jacket with the padded shoulder where a rifle's meant to rest. she wants her daddy's wristwatch, but it goes into the pyre with the rest of his effects. their wedding rings, her mother's engagement band, all of it; mary watches it all burn down to smoldering cinders with her parents' shrouded corpses.
mary keeps what she has to -- her knives (one for every birthday since she turned ten), and a few handguns. john knows she and her parents were big into "target shooting", so it's not implausible she'd keep a couple. but most of it goes to her family downstate, redistributed amongst the campbell clan. she keeps the slim leather-bound volume printed in 1932 with detailed runic symbols and protective sigils, the sort her mama used to draw with magic marker on the underside of the insoles every time mary got a new pair of shoes. (she misses her mama when she does the same thing to the tiny shoes she puts on the baby boy mary named after her.)
she misses her daddy, who never gets to walk her down the aisle. he's not there to give her grief about "that goddamn nightgown of a hippie wedding dress; jesus, mare, you gettin' hitched today or you just roll outta bed?" or do his best to scare john shitless "as is a father in law's prerogative, damnit!" but then make sure his tie's on straight, 'cause john hasn't got a dad to do it for him.
she misses her mama worst when she's pregnant -- the first time with her little angel, her baby boy with ten perfect fingers and ten perfect toes and two-thirds of his grandmama's name on his birth cert. and almost worse with sam -- john stayin' nights on a cot in the back room of that damned garage and herself to blame for it (he shouldn't'a said that, but she shouldn't've drawn her pistol on him like that, either; not with dean in the next room, sprawled out on his belly on the rug in front of the tv), eight months pregnant and huge as hell, dragging the garbage cans to the curb at five o'clock in the morning with dean on her hip 'cause he'll scream if he's set down even for a minute, and her housecoat coming open at the front and mary wants to sit down in the new-mown grass and weep, she's so goddamned tired, she wants her mama, she wants her daddy, she wants to go back and change her mind and have them flanking her on either side at john winchester's funeral. she wants her mama to brush back her hair and give her a kiss on the forehead and tell her everything's gonna be alright, and she wants her daddy to admit that john was a decent boy even if he was a civilian, and she wants to trade all of them -- her husband and her son and the baby rolling like a hoopsnake inside her -- for her family back.
(she'll feel different in a few hours. after she and dean have gotten a little more shut-eye, and she's made breakfast that caters to the demands of a bacon-obsessed toddler but doesn't also make her wanna hurl, maybe they'll go see john. see if she can't win john's forgiveness with the guileless screams of delight her sweet boy will no doubt give his daddy, and a few kicks from baby to the hand john will inevitably rest on her belly. but for the moment she thinks, oh, god; I should've let him die.)
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natashaslesbian · 1 year
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Summary: Natasha’s 18 month old says her first word
Word Count: 462
Pairings: (Daughter!Reader x Mama Natasha)
Warnings: none :))
“..aamm..aamm aamm!” Little y/n babbled “mama, can you say mama?” Natasha asked her 18 month old “aammaa” y/n said, clapping her hands together “almost baby” the red head giggled as she lifted her daughter from her high chair, setting her back down on her playmat. Tiny hands quickly latched onto the pink circular rattle “ama” y/n mumbled. Natasha joined her baby on the carpet and soon grabbed her attention with the talking teddy bear “ba ba!” The little girl squealed “yeah bear bear!” Her mommy said “wanna play with bear bear?” Y/n nodded excitedly and reached out for the brown bear.
After a few hours of play it was bathtime, y/n’s favourite part of the day. Layers of strawberry bubbles arose in the bath; the one year old was eager to jump in. Little feet were placed in the warm water and
y/n yelled out in joy “is that nice baby?” Natasha asked “do you wanna play mermaids?” She said as she pulled out the box of bath toys “ama may may!” Y/n mumbled “yeah mama gonna play mermaids with you!” Natasha said. The two of you spent a few extra minutes in the bath playing mermaids before your mommy gently lifted you out and wrapped you up in your frog hooded towel.
After getting dressed, it was time for your ‘sleepy time story’ tonight you chose Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs “ama wed!” you mumbled “yes mama will read” Natasha said as she curled up with you in the rocking chair. You tried desperately to keep your eyes open for the bedtime story but your little body was so tired. Towards the end of the story you began to nibble on the sleeve of your mommy’s jumper, inhaling her scent “and they all lived happily ever after” Natasha finished. You clapped your hands together “maw maw maw” you squealed “there isn’t any more baby, that’s the end! We’ll have another story tomorrow night ok?” Your mama said as she lightly pinched your nose “mka” you giggled.
“Ok sweetheart” Natasha said she tucked you up into bed “now you have good dreams ok baby” you tugged your blankie up to your face as you curled into a little ball “wuv ou mama” you whispered. Natasha froze, not quite believing what you just said “I love you too y/n” your mommy said as she left a kiss on your forehead. A single tear fell from her eye as she drew your door closed, slightly ajar with just a crack of light peeping through. Natasha had been waiting for this moment her whole life, her gorgeous baby looking up to her like she was a good person. And maybe she was, she was certainly a great mom. She was certainly your perfect mommy.
Soft mama nat<3
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months
Gone IV
Hardersson x Child!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Your toys are gone
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Girl-swan gets juice spilt on her. Girl-moose is dropped in a puddle.
Both of them are filthy, covered in all the dirt that usually gets scrubbed off of you during bathtime.
Magda looks at them both with a raised brow, pinching girl-moose’s tail and girl-swan’s wing. She doesn’t want to really touch them with how dirty they are. She can’t really believe that you want to keep touching them when girl-swan’s wings are literally turning grey from how dirty she is.
She sighs deeply before throwing them into the washing machine, loading it up with washing powder and fabric softener and fiddling with the knobs until it’s on the most intense setting possible. Anything to get all the dirt and germs out.
She glances around before turning it on, spotting your baby blanket lying forgotten on the sofa.
You and Pernille are in your room, getting you dressed for another day at Chelsea training. You must have forgotten to bring it with you.
Magda picks it up. It doesn’t look outwardly dirty but she touches a wet patch and recoils. She brings it to her nose to smell it and relaxes slightly when all she smells is the milk you’ve spilled from breakfast.
She sighs though. It’s still dirty and she chucks it in the wash too, turning on the machine and leaving it to run. It should be finished by the time training finishes so all Magda needs to do is stick it in the dryer and it’ll all be fresh and warm for bedtime.
“We need to go!” She yells up the stairs,” Shoes and coats on please!”
You come barrelling down the stairs holding the gloves Zećira got you for your birthday. You’re wearing one of her full-sized Rosengård jerseys as well. It’s been rolled up as much as possible and tucked into your trackie bottoms and Magda kneels down to help you put on your shoes and coat.
You grab your usual training bag from where it’s sitting on the back of the dinner table chair, struggling to get it over both shoulders until Pernille helps you.
“Come on, come on!” You say,” Zećira’s teaching me penalties today!”
Pernille laughs at how quickly you try to get them out of the house but allows herself to be dragged along.
You have a lot of fun with Zećira at training and she does teach you about penalties. She shows you that you need to anticipate what way the penalty taker will move and you need to be quick enough to stop them.
(One day, you’ll be the most feared keeper to take a penalty against).
You’re happy for most of training until lunch.
Your food is sitting in front of you but you’ve not touched it. You keep digging through your bag. You look through it once then stop. You look through it again, your face getting more and more distressed the longer you search through it.
You practically look distraught by the time Magda arrives with her own food. Pernille’s still in the line but you’re sitting with Niamh, who looks worried over what she’s supposed to do.
Magda’s just sitting down when you burst into tears.
The scraping of cutlery and the chatter of voices dims as you sob.
“Lost!” You cry and Magda gently takes your bag from you. “They’re lost!”
Magda’s confused. Everything she packed in your bag this morning is still there and she rummages to the bottom of the bag and pulls out your keeper glove triumphantly.
“Not lost,” She assures you,” See, they’re right here!”
You look hopeful for a moment before you notice what’s in her hands. “No!” You cry,” Not my gloves!”
“Everything’s here,” Magda assures you,” Nothing’s lost. Nothing at all!”
“They are!” You insist.
“What’s lost?”
“My blankie!”
Magda feels a little bad.
“And my girl-swan and girl-moose!”
Magda suddenly feels a lot worse.
“They’re not lost!” She says quickly,” They’re not lost at all.”
“They are!” You cry, tugging your bag back so you keep empty it all over the table. “Not here!”
“They’re at home!” Magda explains before you start screeching,” They’re just in the wash.”
You take a break from crying to take in Magda’s words. Your bottom lip is still trembling but Magda thinks she’s done a good job at deescalating the situation…
Until you start crying again.
“You’re drowning them! Bad, Morsa! You’re drowning my friends!”
Yeah, Magda’s feeling horrible now.
She tries to pick you up but you refuse her touch, leaning away and clambering into a shell shocked Niamh’s lap, who has no idea what to do but bounce you on her knee.
“What’s going on?” Pernille asks. She’s hurried through the line quickly and places her plate down on the table. “What’s with the tears?”
You point an accusing finger at Magda. “My friends are gone! Morsa’s drowning them!”
“I put her swan, moose and blankie in the washing machine,” Magda explains.
“They’re drowning!” You insist, fat tears running down your cheeks,” They are! They are!”
Pernille sighs, picking you up before placing you on her lap as she slips into your seat. “They’re not drowning,” She says,” Your toys can swim.”
You sniffle. “Promise?”
“I promise. They can definitely swim.”
You wipe away your tears, flopping until you’re resting your ear against Pernille’s chest.
Magda feels terrible. She should have told you that your toys would be taking a little dip. You probably would have whined and made them late for training but that’s definitely a better alternative to this.
You remain morose and depressed all through training and it’s only when you get home that you perk up.
The washing machine is finished and you wrench it open.
Magda grabs your toys and blankie before you can.
“I’m sorry, Princesse,” She says to you,” But they’re still wet. They have to go to the dryer.”
“The dryer’s hot!” You shriek, looking close to tears all over again,” They’ll burn.”
Pernille picks you up, walking you up to your room to get you changed. “It’s just like the hairdryer,” She explains as you go,” And you don’t get burnt on the hairdryer, do you?”
“No, Momma.”
“Then your things won’t burn in the dryer.”
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woso-fan13 · 10 months
Comfortember 2023: 24 (Arsenal)
24. Blankets 
You slowly become aware of your surroundings, but your eyes feel too heavy to open. You’re so warm, nestled snugly between two bodies. The television in the background is playing quietly, softly illuminating the room. Life is so good. 
You make a small noise as your hand reaches out, clearly searching for something. You feel the bodies around you vibrate as your mums laugh. You grunt in reply, unamused. 
“Here, bean,” Mummy says quietly as she presses the needed object into your fist, “here’s blankie.”
Satisfied, you murmur sounds that could be interpreted as a thank you to Beth, clenching your fist around the fabric and pressing it into your face. 
You feel hands wrapping around your waist, pulling you up. You go limply, body and mind both still sleepy. You’re moved to be cradled, resting against a firm chest. It’s familiar, you know it’s Mama’s. 
Viv sways gently with your tiny form cradled against her, soaking in the cuddles. She uses one finger to brush the small strands of hair back off your face before tracing your features. She runs her finger over the tiny furrow in your tiny brow, watching as you relax even further. She can’t resist caressing your pouty, sleepy lips with her thumb, watching as you try to latch on and suckle. It causes both women to chuckle. 
Mummy snags a spare dummy from the coffee table, slipping it in between your lips. You pause for only a moment before resuming the suckling pattern you had started on Mama’s finger. 
Your blankie is still held tightly in your fist as another warm blanket was tucked around your body. Life is so so good. 
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