#Motor Frostbite
sonsofks · 1 year
UFC 5: La Batalla Definitiva por la Supremacía en el Octágono
Descubre el análisis profundo del juego presentado por IMUHBOXER. Prepárate para un viaje al interior del octágono como nunca antes lo habías experimentado. EA SPORTS ha compartido un emocionante video de Análisis a Fondo de Presentación de UFC 5, presentado por el Gamechanger de EA SPORTS UFC, IMUHBOXER. Por primera vez, podrás adentrarte en las vistas, sonidos y sensaciones de UFC 5, y cómo…
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ur-mag · 11 months
Drivers are rushing to buy a heated car accessory that scans at checkout for $39 – and it could save you from frostbite | In Trend Today
Drivers are rushing to buy a heated car accessory that scans at checkout for $39 – and it could save you from frostbite Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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discovery: welcome aboard the discovery, a custom-built science vessel that can conquer the pack ice in four days. our crew is young, dumb, and full of hope. we’ve got Captain Anxiety (Bachelor Edition), Slam Poetry Storemaster, Dr Polar-Bear-Dick-In-A-Jar, Frankie Wild-o, and Bilson <3. they know everything will be alright, because it will be! enjoy the cross-dressing theatricals, bi-weekly debates, and complimentary balloon rides! 
terra nova: hop aboard our leaky blubber-stained whaler bitch. do our motor sledges work? no. are our ponies dropping like flies? yes. is providence gonna let us have just one good day? fuck no. officers include Captain Anxiety (Dad Edition), Scurvilicious Himbo, Antivaxxer Eeyore, Ooze, Near-sighted Impostor Syndrome Lordling, and Uncle Bilson <3. if you want to shatter your teeth while camping tentless in 70 below, spend your anniversary in an ice hovel grateful to eat 10 raisins, or lose your foot to frostbite because you ate a hot curry, you’ve come to the right place. also, hut point is for plotting mutiny, and the dogs aren’t coming to save you. great god. (based on https://t.co/VSAxmMgoFm)
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magpie-countess · 3 months
I'm aware using the frostbite motor was a shit idea that made development hell but what's up with these graphismes??? Are they still with frostbite? It looks so cartoonish and weird... Didn't like the joking gotg vibe the companions introduction gave off. I want da to be serious and miserable and sad and doomed (even if badly written). Yeah there's hilarious party banter but it really didn't give the same vibe.
I'm really cautious with what was shown... And I hope they'll change my mind because that... What not it.
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kalevalakryze · 10 months
Just Call (I'll Be There)
Relationships: Shin Hati/Sabine Wren Characters: Shin Hati, Sabine Wren, Sabine Wren's Howler, Murley The Loth-Cat Tags: Fluff, Loneliness, Accidental Cuddling, Fluff Without Plot, Maybe Plot, I Don't Know, Self-Indulgent, Modern Universe Notes:  This idea hit me while I was driving a few days ago. I'm still working on getting out of my writers block, and preparing for galaxycon in five days (stares in so much sabine armor to print and sand and paint still)anyways, I really needed some of the softer side of wolfwren, so this is really just self indulgent fluff Word Count: 3,517 AO3 Link: Here!
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The motor mounts rocked and clanked as the key was turned in the ignition. The hundredth try to get the car started and find some semblance of heat in this damned cold was met with yet another failure. 
She should have listened every time Baylan had told her to take her car in to get the timing chain replaced, but she’d been so… well… none of that mattered much anymore, did it? Three in the morning and stranded on some backroad, colder than the tundras she’d grown up playing in, with half a bar of cell service, and her phone’s rapidly depleting battery.
“Trakhny mene,” The woman groaned, breath fogging into the freezing air as the keys were yanked from the ignition and tossed fruitlessly aside into the scattered remains of her backpack, poured over the seat in her haste for the hot hands pack that was currently on its last leg stuffed in her left glove. 
She couldn’t put it off any longer, lest she wanted to become a frozen corpse for someone to see on their trip when the sun finally crested the rolling hills. Pulling her glove off with her teeth, Shin was at last faced with the dim glow of her phone screen, and the sinking realization of her short contacts list. 
Marrok, Baylan, Morgan, Thrawn; After what happened, there was no way she could call any of them… Enoch was a maybe, but they already knew that would spiral into something uncontrollable that would bite her in the ass worse than frostbite. Tano… was an option, but not one she wanted to admit defeat to. 
The group she started to hang around with! She didn’t have all of their numbers, but she had Rorik’s, and he’d mentioned something about being awake at ungodly hours too- The line rang, though with each unanswered trill, Shin felt the cold seep deeper into her bones until the voicemail prompt screeched through the speakers. 
Yanking her phone away from the horrifically loud monotone of ‘voicemail full’, Shin’s head slumped back in her seat, letting her eyes close as the traitorous feeling of tears and a runny nose picked at the numbed skin on her face. “Don’t you dare,” She whispered more to herself than anything else in the vehicle... Certainly not anyone on the other line, since there was no one. 
The cold rattled deep in their chest, but the shaking in their fingers had begun to subside, and while she knew that was a bad sign, she was too thankful for the unobstructed scrolling to care. 
She passed a contact once, twice… Traitorous, blurry eyes glanced towards the name, and the plethora of ‘hate’ emojis smashed into the contact name. Wren… She wouldn’t expect this as an offer of a new leaf for them, and wouldn’t make her decide on who or what she wanted to be… if she even picked up. Their rivalry had its moments of calm near friendship, but coming out and asking for it? Asking for help? It was mortifying for the young woman.
A tremble of cold brought the shiver back, thumb bumping the contact as her hands were reignited with the icy heat of feeling once more. Before they knew it, the line was ringing and… Kriff, it wasn’t like Sabine would actually pick up, letting it ring wouldn’t hurt; she’d have more time to consider calling Baylan, or Thrawn, or-
“Nnng, Hello?” Sabine’s voice was thick with sleep, Shin could hear the springs of the mattress creaking under the Mandalorian’s body weight as she sat up. “Shin?” Confusion underlay the fog of sleep, tinged with the pleasantness that only came from a nice sleep, one that Shin had surely interrupted. 
Shame and discomfiture had their throat swelling, certainly it was her abject horror at receiving an answer that kept her voice stuck in their throat, rather than the ache of cold and loneliness that had swelled with the sharp wetness that had been building in her eyes since the timing chain had snapped. The silence continued with only the slow click from Shin’s blinking hazard lights filtering through the speakers. 
“Are you okay…?” Sabine finally questions, sounding more awake than she had when she’d answered. Part of Shin wanted to find joy in ruining the Mandalorian’s sleep. The other part just wanted the hypothermia to kick in already so she wouldn’t have to remember any of this. 
“Shin…? I can hear your… is that your hazards? Did your car shit out?” 
The call clicked as quickly as Shin’s frozen fingers could smash against the screen, stuffed back into her glove just as quickly to find some sort of solace. Her heart thudded heavily in her aching chest, and the phone, warm from use, was finally dropped into her lap uselessly as she turned her gaze to the frosted-over windows.
Fat snowflakes drifted to the earth slowly, performing a slow dance for only Shin to see. It wouldn’t be a horrible way to die, really. If she died here, no one would be able to taunt them or use this against her, or-
The vibration from her phone startled them, causing them to jump in the seat, knees banging against the steering wheel and head slamming into the ceiling of the car hard to send the device tumbling to the ground. There was a mad scramble against the floor of the car, eventually finding the phone tucked up under a lip of the mat, offering Sabine’s contact flashing on the screen, and a smear of dirt streaking across the screen. 
“Hey, where are you?” The woman was moving, clearly, with the jangle of keys and the sound of rustling fabric. “No, Tota, you can’t come. Go lay down with Murley,” She could hear the woman chide, along with a muffled whining from the beast on the other end.  
Still, Shin was silent, even as she listened to the door slam and the keys in the lock as they transferred through Sabine’s speaker. “Please don’t make me do all the hacker shit to find you, come on,” The Mandalorian groaned into the phone, frustrated already with Shin’s shadowy antics. 
“The Biox detour,” Shin answered at last in a shaking voice. The craggy whisper must have been enough for the woman to go on, because once the door of the jeep slammed shut, the line was filled with the mechanical sounds of typing. 
“What’s your closest mile marker?” 
“Three two seven,” Shin’s forehead slumped into the window. She was just so cold; embarrassment gave way in short order. 
“Can you stay on the phone with me?”
A cautionary glance at her phone had the woman contemplating. Thirty percent… they might be able to cut it. “Maybe,” She answered truthfully, already turning her screen brightness all the way down to preserve what power she could. 
“Just stick with me, should be… fifteen minutes?”
This gave Shin pause; Sabine lived almost thirty miles from the back road, she knew, because the route was only taken in emergencies to avoid proximity to the woman. Before she could ask for clarification, the sound of a radio turning on drowned out any further thought. 
At some point, the quiet calm of Sabine’s radio, and the soft way the woman had sung along to the music had lulled the blonde into something like sleep. She didn’t notice the headlights that flashed in her rearview, or Sabine’s careful questions to try and figure out if it was in fact, Shin that she’d pulled up behind. They didn’t have the energy to tune back into the word until knuckles rapped at her icily obscured window. 
“Shin?” Sabine called, watching the figureless shape move in the car as the woman picked herself off the window, cold hands fumbling at the door handle to force it open. Sabine helped open the door the rest of the way, wincing at the uncomfortable screech as the meta swung open. “Jeesh, you’re a sight for sore eyes-”
Their cheeks and nose were red, hands tucked painfully under their armpits, lanky frame tucked into the coat that was meant to protect them from the weather, with exhaustion and too much else to unpack swirling in grey eyes. Sabine took one look at them, and the dying amber lights flashing had the woman shaking her head and cursing, reaching to grab at Shin’s arm with a surprising gentleness. 
Shin was led to the passenger side of the purple jeep, Sabine kept them on the inside, even though no cars dared to pass through the treacherous turns this late at night. Something about chivalry, or another thing they were too frozen to bother remembering. 
Inside of the passenger seat, blankets waited, tucked to the side closest to the center console to give her room to clamber inside to the safe warmth offered by blasting heaters and the rumble of the idling engine. In a stroke of kindness that Shin was too preoccupied to consider, Sabine helped them into the vehicle and even carefully wound warm blankets around their hands. “I’m gonna go check out your car and see what I can do. Do you need anything from it?”
“My bag is on the seat still,” Their first breath not full of arctic breeze was met with the warm citrus smell of Sabine, the blankets were comfortable, and Sabine was reaching across them to pull the buckle across and click it into place around them. The door was shut gently, but by then, the blonde was already sinking into the calm embrace of sleep once again, nose twitching as the heat finally seeped into her skin to begin thawing her out.
There was some rustling as the back door was opened and her bag was thrown in, and the sounds of Sabine trying to start her car, but it was all in the back of her mind as the muddled haze of rest slowed the world down around her. 
“Shin?” Their eyes blinked open slowly. Only one overhead light was clicked on, Sabine was hovering her fingers in front of the heater closest to her. “You with me?” There was a droopy, lopsided smirk on the purple-haired woman’s face as she tugged her seatbelt across her chest and shut off her light. 
“Shcho?” They asked dumbly, blinking sleep from her eyes as Sabine pulled away from the shoulder, reaching over to fix the blankets around their hands, warm fingers brushed against cold knuckles, bringing a shiver to their spine. At least they still had feeling in her hands. 
“Nothing, babe.” There was warm laughter in Sabine’s voice as the woman’s head drooped into the armrest, the radio clicking as the music started back up, nice and low that they could catch the gentle hum as Sabine went along to the melody. The drive took longer, this time, no longer needing to hurry, and with the just-woken-up adrenaline freshly faded at last, Sabine was keener to following the laws of the road than she had been the first time. 
Every now and then, the warm amber glow from streetlights would cut through the darkness. She could hear Wren talking quietly on her phone at some point, offering directions to where her car had gone down at and whatever she’d figured out was wrong with it, reaching over occasionally to adjust the blanket around Shin’s ever-present tremble.
They seemed to fine-tune back into consciousness in the last few turns before reaching Sabine’s parking garage. Forcing her eyes open, Shin let out a quiet groan as she sat up properly, untangling her hands from the blankets to rub at her eyes. As Sabine scanned into the garage, Shin pulled off their gloves to make sure their fingers were still in working order. Balling their hands up into a fist experimentally, and fisting into the soft material of the blankets in their lap, they were relieved to find that each digit was in working order. 
“How long were you out there?” Sabine finally broached as they moved through the different levels, glancing away from the silent garage around them to peer at her sometimes-enemy, golden eyes full of more worry than Shin wanted to think about. 
“What time is it now?” They peered groggily at the green display on the radio as their weight shifted into the chair. 0429 blinked in the corner of the screen and Shin huffed. “I went down at two.” 
“What the fuck?” Sabine’s brows furrowed, nose crinkling cutely as her head whipped around to stare at them. “Why did you wait so long to call?” Shin turned away entirely now, staring at the different cars as they passed to the middle level, where Sabine finally backed into a spot. “Okay-” A deep breath from the Mandalorian as the car was put into park. “Fine, it took you a minute,” She brushed a hand through the scraggly purple strands of hair on her head, still mussed from when she’d been woken up. 
Silence hung thick between them once more as the car idled. “Thank you,” Both women started at once. Sabine stopped with an easy smile, considering Shin looked as if thanking her may have been equal to admitting guilt. 
“I’m not saying it again, you  osel.” The blankets were moved until Shin could stuff them up by their face and look pointedly out the window, even though there wasn’t much to look at other than the dark tint that greeted her from the neighboring car. 
“Yeah, alright, alright. That’s fair.” Sabine reached over the console to unbuckle Shin’s seatbelt for her, ignoring the intensity of the glare on her as she began gathering her phone and keys. “Thank you for calling me,” The death glare dropped with the unmasked look of confusion, whole and near heart stopping as silver eyes went wide. 
“Like,” Sabine huffed, now it was her turn to look away as a dark blush rose to her cheeks. The fraying material of her steering wheel cover suddenly became much more interesting. “I’m glad you called me instead of…” Sabine let her words trail off. The business with Thrawn was no secret, and if anyone knew what it was like to avoid ‘crawling back’ to family, it was Sabine Wren. “So.. you know… Thanks,” 
Shin huffed, regaining her composure and forcing the mask back in place. The last thing she wanted to talk about was her Father’s eclectic philosophies that had led to his abandonment, or the people he’d allowed into his life that had only egged on these decrepit ideas. She would rather face Sabine Wren and her pitiful understanding sympathy than be dragged into the cult that Baylan had found himself in the middle of. “Whatever…”
“Yeah… come on, let’s get inside.” Sabine slipped from the car, and while Shin was trying to untangle herself from the blankets, the Mandalorian had jogged around to the other side of the vehicle to open Shin’s door. Doting on Shin, the older woman tucked the blankets tight around their shoulders, even as their hands tried to weakly bat her off. “Here, lemme grab your bag-” The door was shut as Shin moved to the hood of the car so Sabine could get in the backseat and grab the backpack, now semi-neatly tucked back together, with only a few of her research papers poking past hastily closed zippers. “I tried to grab everything I saw up front,” She explained sheepishly as the bag was tossed over her shoulder and she began leading the way into the building. 
Huffing, Shin pulled the blanket further around themselves to fight off the chill from the garage, ducking under Sabine’s arm as she held open the glass door connecting the complex to the garage level. “Thank you,” They grumbled, eyes rolling at the resounding beam of a smile shot her way as the other woman followed them inside. Shin already knew the way to the apartment number, spotting the six hastily scribbled into the wood next to the metal nine bolted into the door, something Sabine had joked about the first time she’d brought Shin to her place. 
Tota and Murley were both waiting for them in the living room. While Tota had been very excited to see Shin, Murley only seemed to grow more pissed off as Sabine ushered Shin inside and shut the door. 
“Yes, I know, we were gone for so long, but I brought your best friend!” Sabine cooed to Tota as he crowded them. Shin shucked off her shoes at the front door, brushing past Sabine’s side to garner the Howler’s attention so the Mandalorian could do the same. 
“My best friend is a rat-dog?” Shin questioned monotone as he tried to jump on her and lick her face. “Original,”
“Oh you love him, shut up,” 
Shin moved to the couch, making sure to steer clear of the hissing Loth-cat as she dropped onto a cushion to begin unwinding herself from the many layers. 
The studio was small. From her spot on the couch, Shin could see the corner by the large paned window full of canvases and the paint splattered easel. A tarp sat under everything, but it hadn’t done much to stop the flecks of paint that had stained the hardwood around it, or the glass closest to the easel. The bed, still messy from Sabine jumping up to save them, was stuffed against the far wall, just a few feet from the edge of the couch, a perfect distance for Murley to jump to when he realized their guest had no intentions of leaving the couch. And the kitchen was tucked into the corner at Shin’s back, with the only other closed off room being the bathroom crammed into the corner by the front door. 
There was clattering in the kitchen as Sabine worked through different cabinets and prepared a pot to warm everything she’d need for hot chocolate, and the microwave was soon humming radioactively. “Bo-Katan brought over some leftover Pog soup,” She explained when the aromatic smells began to fill the apartment. “Number one way to warm up when your stubbornness keeps you on the side of the road for two hours,” 
“Zatknysya,” The blonde had finally managed to unwind herself from the blankets and her coat, though she was quick to tuck back into a warm blanket when cool air touched bare skin. She never wanted to be cold ever again. 
“I know you’re chilly-” She could already tell that Sabine was about to say something asinine from the lilt in her voice as the microwave door was opened. “But at least we have bowls!” The woman came around the edge of the couch, balancing two plastic bowls in one hand, and two ceramic mugs in the other. One of which specifically had paint water, do not drink etched into the purple coating. “Okay, grab one before I drop these and die,” 
Biting her tongue to stop her lips from betraying her in a smile of her own, Shin reached up to grab a bowl, balancing it in her lap as she reached to grab the dark green mug from waiting hands. “Thanks,” Sabine flopped into the seat beside them, groaning when Tota jumped up to crowd the last cushion and push into her personal space. “No, none for you. The last time I gave you anything, you vomited in my shoe,” She scolded. Tota’s ears moved to lay flat against his head as he gave the woman his best sad eyes. “Nuh uh,” Sabine pointedly looked away from him to focus on her own bowl. “You’ll live, no upset stomachs for you today,” 
Shaking their head, Shin tucked thankfully into the warm meal. The shivering had stopped by the time she finished the soup, and she could finally say that she no longer felt like a popsicle. At some point, they’d started to sag into Sabine’s side, ignoring the noise from the other woman’s phone as she scrolled through mindless videos. They didn’t even notice the bowl or mug being taken from weakening hands, only curling into the warm body at their side.
It was getting harder to convine themselves that there wasn’t an air of home with Sabine Wren. And even harder, when the Mandalorian’s arm wrapped around her shoulders and allowed their head to tuck into her neck, that there may be something more than their hesitant relationship may have previously let on. 
Sleep had found Shin in the early hours of the morning, with Tota’s body stretching across Sabine’s lap to rest his head on Shin’s thigh, with Murley climbing to the back of the couch to press a clawed mitten into the thi material of their shirt, and with the warm press of soft lips against her forehead as the sun had begun to kiss the small apartment with its warm glow. 
If Sabine’s contact had somehow made it to the top of the list and was starred as an emergency contact, neither woman said anything, and Shin didn’t bother to change it. After all… Sabine kept her word; she’d always come for her. 
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s411l · 10 months
He was intending to make a good impression on whoever ran this place - the impression of someone who knew where he was and was prepared for it, like he was meant to be there and this wasn’t some last ditch effort to be as far away from civilisation as possible. That means sprucing up — a clean shave, hair dyed, gelled and dragged over his scalp to form the illusion of no receding hairline. But then he’d been told there was no need for a meeting, and been handed the plane tickets without much fanfare after.
The cold had forced him to hide the expensive (second-hand) suit under layers of sweaters and thermals and a puffy coat. Saul was a man clearly accustomed to a better climate. Minuscule icicles clung to his eyelashes, to the tip of his nose, to his feet, to everything. Hell, it felt like if he sneezed he might send shards of slimy ice scattering across the snow. What had been a moist hair gel now felt like super-glue dried to his scalp. And all of this was while Saul was inside the snowcat ferrying him to the final destination.
Station 42, The Station, his new station, was sat squat in the expanse of endless fields of ice. The vehicle that had brought Saul there was already beginning to have a building film of snow atop its roof, the weather having come out in full force to greet him. The passenger door had swung open, the motor’s hum becoming a stuttered groan against the wail of frozen wind. A sharp look from the driver told Saul it was time to hop off. The man had to move quickly, waddling through knee-deep snow and cussing with every step. By time he reached the compound, Saul was ready to tear the door off the hinges to get out the cold. He’s gotten this far and, as far as he saw it, the only thing that was gonna stop him was an avalanche dropping on his head.
“Come on, come on, come on-“
Patience was never one of his virtues, and he stamped his feet in an attempt to get some feeling back into the tips of his toes.
“-Fuck me.. let me in! It’s fuckin’ cold out here! I’m gettin’ frostbite!”
It must have only been thirty seconds; the outer door was a reinforced hunk of metal, after all. But at this temperature, thirty seconds felt more like thirty eternities. And when it did open, only halfway, the way in was blocked. The man stood in the entrance was dressed in layers of flannel, tired looking eyes boring into his. It looked like he was more interrupted by the intrusion than excited for more company. Good. Saul wasn’t a team player anyway.
“Are you the new lab-“
The man doesn’t get to finish his question; Saul splayed his hand out and stepped forward, letting the base of his palm collide with the mans sternum to make some space. Whether it’s out of disgust for being touched or actual force, the small window of space there was became Sauls - and he was slamming the door behind him as quickly as possible.
“Yeah, Yeah, I’m the new lab.”
He flashed a cocky grin that he didn’t expect to get a warm response from. The man wasn’t a security officer, so he wouldn’t be a problem. Just as his new lab partner for 150 days opened his mouth, Saul stole the space again.
“Now. Important things first. Where the fuck is the AC here?”
Step one is to act like you’re the top dog, because otherwise you never will be.
( @atwicksend )
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hellotailor · 2 years
Scott of the Antarctic (1948)
Scott's 1910 expedition to the South Pole is famous for ending in death and disaster, but this 1948 dramatization is so full of jovial post-WWII patriotism that the tragic finale almost comes as a surprise. rarely have i seen such a zealous piece of propaganda for the british stiff upper lip. a real treat for anyone interested in the cultural obsession around polar explorers.
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i wound up watching Scott of the Antarctic by chance, thanks to a local screening with a live orchestra playing the score by Vaughan Williams. filmed by Ealing Studios (known for making crowd-pleasing and Extremely British films in the mid-20th century), it offers a surprisingly accurate - albeit simplified - portrayal of how Scott's team prepared and executed their mission.
or rather, it's "accurate" in the sense that it covers the correct timeline and contributing factors to Scott's demise (bad luck; under-funding; prioritizing motor sledges over dogs; hiring unqualified teammembers), while presenting these facts in such an upbeat Boys Own Adventure tone that viewers can enjoy the tragic heroism with an uncritical eye.
lots of scenes with adorable dogs and penguins. an unmistakably Ealing enthusiasm for english lads having an ol' knees-up. not to mention the epic technicolor photogrography accompanied by a stirring score. you can absolutely see why it would be a huge hit with british audiences at the time.
one of the things i find most interesting about these 19th/20th century polar expeditions is the psychology of the guys in charge. it's like running for president or competing in a non-lucrative olympic sport; you have to be a real freak to do it. as a distant spectator, i'm perpetually torn between morbid awe at the indomitable human spirit, and thinking “uh what the fuck is wrong with these guys.”
the english explorers often seem to be laden down with the most hubris, desperate to stick their flag in a new piece of land as the British Empire begins to wind down. and of course they’re convinced that any amount of hardship can be overcome, and suffering must be met by boundless stoicism - an attitude that’s drummed in from childhood by the brutal british prep school system. Scott joined Queen Victoria’s Navy at the age of 13; the kind of formative experience that completely warps your reactions to hardship.
meanwhile the norwegian explorers Nansen and Amundsen (who beat Scott to the south pole) are equally singleminded and eccentric, but often seem to make more practical decisions in terms of basic survival techniques. the main contrast offered in this film is the different ways the British and Norwegian teams treat their dogs.
Amundsen (who never appears onscreen) traveled to antarctica with over a hundred dogs, serving a dual purpose: pulling the sledges and acting as a portable food supply. Scott, who is portrayed as squeamish about killing and eating Man’s Best Friend, opts for a combination of dogs, ponies, motor vehicles and man-hauled sledges. the film makes it clear why this was a bad idea, while tacitly endorsing Scott’s viewpoint by lingering on the cuteness of the dogs. this feels very similar to the weird internal tension between the film’s overall tone (a sentimental celebration of stiff-upper-lip heroism) and the basic fact all this suffering could've been avoided. the stiff upper lip is bad, actually! maybe you don’t actually need to die of frostbite!
obviously i'm not *actually* attempting to backseat drive a deadly journey into the great unknown, but surely the most british element of this movie is the way these guys voluntarily put themselves through a ton of unnecessary pain, failed in their goal to defeat johnny foreigner, and then the apparent moral of the story is "this is good, actually."
(crossposted from letterboxd.)
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cheryxshugx · 7 months
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unsure if ill stick with this but larkspurdapple concept design 💥💥 i reaaally wanted to keep his paw and make it all mangled but. thats really hard to draw and make look right.. plus its like from frostbite so itd make more sense if it was amputated.
he doesnt Stand on his severed paw but hes adapted enough that hes able to run/sprint with it. it doesnt necessarily hurt as a lot of the areas gone numb. hes had it this way since he was an apprentice; his warrior assessment was postponed as he had to relearn a lot of motor skills
he wraps it in the winter to avoid the worst of the pain; its more sensitive to cold. likely uses a mix of leaf wraps, cobweb, and sheeps wool if its available
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schultesupply · 5 days
The Ultimate Guide to Occunomix Construction Gloves Protecting Hands with Advanced Technology
Construction workers face countless hazards on the job site, from sharp objects and heavy materials to extreme weather conditions. Their hands, being vital tools in their work, require the utmost protection. This is where Occunomix construction gloves step in as a top-tier solution for ensuring safety, comfort, and performance. These gloves are designed with cutting-edge technology to meet the unique challenges of construction work, offering unparalleled protection while enabling workers to perform tasks with ease and precision.
In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the significance of choosing the right construction gloves, the advanced features that make Occunomix gloves a top choice for many in the industry, and how trusted suppliers like Schulte Supply are making these gloves accessible to workers everywhere. Whether you’re a contractor, laborer, or manager responsible for the safety of your team, understanding the benefits of Occunomix gloves can significantly improve both safety and efficiency on the job.
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The Importance of Proper Hand Protection in Construction
Before diving into the specific features of Occunomix gloves, it’s crucial to understand why hand protection is so important in construction work. Hands are exposed to numerous risks during the course of daily operations, including:
Cuts and Punctures: Construction sites are filled with sharp tools, metal objects, and debris that can cause cuts or puncture wounds.
Impact and Crush Injuries: Heavy machinery, tools, and materials pose a risk of crush injuries or impact damage to the hands.
Chemical Exposure: Construction work may involve handling hazardous materials, chemicals, or solvents that can irritate or damage the skin.
Extreme Temperatures: Workers often face temperature extremes, whether it’s hot surfaces, freezing weather, or heated tools, which can lead to burns or frostbite.
Abrasions and Blisters: Repetitive tasks and the use of rough materials can result in abrasions, blisters, and other skin conditions.
Hand injuries account for a significant number of work-related accidents in the construction industry, making it essential to invest in high-quality gloves that offer adequate protection without compromising dexterity. Occunomix construction gloves are engineered to address these risks, ensuring that workers can perform their tasks safely and effectively.
Why Occunomix Construction Gloves Stand Out
Occunomix is a renowned brand in the field of personal protective equipment (PPE), particularly known for its innovative approach to glove design. Their construction gloves are built with a focus on both protection and comfort, ensuring that workers can wear them throughout the day without experiencing discomfort or reduced performance.
Here are some key features that make Occunomix construction gloves stand out:
1. Cut Resistance
One of the most critical features of any construction glove is its ability to protect against cuts. Occunomix gloves are made with advanced cut-resistant materials, such as Kevlar or other specialized fibers, which provide a high level of protection against sharp objects like metal, glass, or blades. This makes them ideal for tasks like handling sheet metal, cutting materials, or working with tools that pose a risk of lacerations.
2. Impact Protection
In environments where heavy objects or tools are frequently handled, impact protection is vital. Occunomix gloves incorporate reinforced padding and high-impact-resistant materials in key areas, such as the knuckles and palms. This added protection helps reduce the risk of crush injuries and bruising, ensuring that workers can handle heavy equipment and materials with confidence.
3. Grip and Dexterity
Construction work often requires a delicate balance between protection and dexterity. Gloves that are too bulky or stiff can hinder a worker's ability to perform fine motor tasks, such as handling small tools or assembling materials. Occunomix construction gloves are designed with specialized grip patterns and flexible materials that offer excellent tactile sensitivity while maintaining a secure grip on tools and surfaces. This allows workers to handle tasks efficiently without sacrificing safety.
4. Comfort and Breathability
Long shifts on a construction site can lead to sweaty, uncomfortable hands if gloves aren’t designed for breathability. Occunomix addresses this issue by incorporating moisture-wicking materials and breathable fabrics in their gloves. This ensures that workers' hands remain cool and dry, even during extended periods of wear. Additionally, the ergonomic design of Occunomix gloves helps reduce hand fatigue, allowing workers to stay comfortable throughout the day.
5. Weather Resistance
Weather conditions can vary drastically on construction sites, with workers often exposed to rain, snow, or extreme heat. Occunomix gloves are designed to withstand these challenges, offering waterproof and thermal insulation options for different environments. Whether working in freezing temperatures or dealing with wet, slippery conditions, Occunomix gloves provide the necessary protection and grip to get the job done safely.
6. Chemical Resistance
For construction workers who are exposed to hazardous chemicals or solvents, chemical-resistant gloves are a must. Occunomix offers gloves with specialized coatings that protect against chemical burns, irritation, and damage to the skin. These gloves are ideal for tasks that involve handling adhesives, paints, or other chemical substances commonly found on construction sites.
7. Durability
Durability is a key consideration when choosing construction gloves, as gloves that wear out quickly can compromise safety and increase costs. Occunomix gloves are built to last, using high-quality materials that resist wear and tear, even in harsh conditions. This ensures that workers can rely on their gloves for long periods without the need for frequent replacements.
The Role of Schulte Supply in Providing Quality PPE
Having access to high-quality PPE is essential for ensuring worker safety, and that’s where Schulte Supply comes in. As a trusted supplier of safety equipment and tools, Schulte Supply makes it easy for construction companies and individual workers to find the protective gear they need.
Schulte Supply is committed to providing reliable, durable, and high-performance products that meet the demands of the modern construction industry. Their partnership with Occunomix ensures that workers have access to some of the best construction gloves on the market, offering a wide range of options tailored to different tasks and environments.
Whether you’re looking for gloves that offer maximum cut protection, enhanced grip, or weather resistance, Schulte Supply has you covered. Their extensive inventory and commitment to customer service make them a go-to source for construction companies and workers alike.
Choosing the Right Occunomix Gloves for Your Needs
With so many options available, it’s important to choose the right gloves for your specific tasks and work environment. Here are some factors to consider when selecting Occunomix construction gloves:
1. Task-Specific Requirements
Different tasks require different levels of protection. For example, workers handling sharp materials may need cut-resistant gloves, while those operating heavy machinery might prioritize impact protection. Consider the specific hazards associated with your job when choosing gloves.
2. Fit and Comfort
Ill-fitting gloves can reduce dexterity and increase the risk of accidents. Make sure to choose gloves that fit snugly without being too tight. Occunomix gloves are available in a range of sizes to accommodate different hand shapes and sizes, ensuring a comfortable fit for all workers.
3. Environmental Conditions
Consider the weather and environmental conditions you’ll be working in. If you’re exposed to extreme heat or cold, opt for gloves with thermal insulation or moisture-wicking properties. If you’re working in wet conditions, waterproof gloves are a must.
4. Durability
Look for gloves made from durable materials that can withstand the wear and tear of your specific tasks. Occunomix gloves are known for their durability, making them a cost-effective choice for long-term use.
5. Chemical Exposure
If your work involves handling chemicals or hazardous substances, choose gloves that offer chemical resistance. Occunomix provides options with specialized coatings to protect against chemical burns and skin irritation.
6. Grip and Dexterity
For tasks that require precision and control, such as handling small tools or assembling materials, choose gloves with enhanced grip and flexibility. Occunomix gloves are designed to provide a balance between protection and dexterity, ensuring that workers can perform their tasks efficiently.
Maintaining and Caring for Your Gloves
To ensure that your Occunomix construction gloves last as long as possible and continue to provide optimal protection, proper maintenance and care are essential. Here are some tips for keeping your gloves in good condition:
1. Regular Cleaning
Dirt, grime, and chemicals can degrade the materials in your gloves over time. Be sure to clean your gloves regularly according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This may involve hand washing or machine washing, depending on the material.
2. Inspection
Before each use, inspect your gloves for signs of wear, tears, or damage. If you notice any defects, replace the gloves immediately to avoid compromising your safety.
3. Proper Storage
Store your gloves in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight or heat. Avoid storing them in areas where they may come into contact with chemicals or sharp objects.
4. Replacement
Even the most durable gloves will eventually wear out. Keep track of how long you’ve been using your gloves and replace them as needed to ensure continued protection.
Occunomix construction gloves offer a comprehensive solution for hand protection on the job site, combining advanced safety features with comfort and durability. Whether you’re working with sharp materials, handling heavy tools, or braving extreme weather conditions, these gloves are designed to keep your hands safe and functional throughout the day.
By partnering with trusted suppliers like Schulte Supply, workers and construction companies can easily access the high-quality PPE they need to maintain safety and productivity. With Occunomix gloves, you can trust that your hands are well-protected, allowing you to focus on getting the
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twohitgames · 3 months
EA SPORTS FC 24 predice el ganador de la UEFA EURO 24
El premio más codiciado del fútbol internacional europeo ya está aquí con el torneo EA SPORTS FC 24. La anfitriona Alemania da la bienvenida a otras 23 naciones, incluida la vigente campeona, Italia, para competir por el título de las mejores de Europa. UEFA EURO 2024 ya está disponible en EA SPORTS FC 24. Impulsado por el motor Frostbite, se ha utilizado el modo Torneo oficial equipado con…
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telodogratis · 3 months
L'Inghilterra vincerà gli europei di calcio 2024 - La previsione secondo la simulazione di EA Sports
(Adnkronos) – EA SPORTS FC 24, grazie al motore Frostbite di ultima generazione e alla tecnologia HyperMotionV, ha simulato centinaia di tornei ottenendo il nome di chi solleverà il trofeo a luglio.  ​Read More  (Adnkronos) – EA SPORTS FC 24, grazie al motore Frostbite di ultima generazione e alla tecnologia HyperMotionV, ha simulato centinaia di tornei ottenendo il nome di chi solleverà il…
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sonsofks · 1 year
El octágono cobra vida: EA SPORTS UFC 5 deslumbrará con gráficos de última generación.
¡Prepárate para una experiencia emocionante y llena de diversión en el mundo de las artes marciales mixtas! Electronic Arts Inc. y UFC están emocionados de anunciar el lanzamiento de EA SPORTS UFC 5 el 27 de octubre de 2023 para PlayStation®5 y Xbox Series X|S. Este juego, desarrollado con el poderoso Motor Frostbite™, promete llevar la jugabilidad y los gráficos a un nuevo nivel, entregando una…
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scontomio · 9 months
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💣 EA SPORTS FC 24 Standard Edition PS5, Videogiochi, Italiano 🤑 a soli 39,98€ ➡️ https://www.scontomio.com/coupon/ea-sports-fc-24-standard-edition-ps5-videogiochi-italiano/?feed_id=197565&_unique_id=65929b480f92a&utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Poster&utm_term=EA%20SPORTS%20FC%2024%20Standard%20Edition%20PS5%2C%20Videogiochi%2C%20Italiano EA SPORTS FC 24 Standard Edition PS5 è il videogioco perfetto per gli amanti del calcio. Grazie alla tecnologia HyperMotionV, il gioco offre un'esperienza realistica, con il ritmo e la fluidità del calcio reale. I dati volumetrici di oltre 180 partite di alto livello, come la UEFA Champions League, la Premier League e LaLiga, permettono agli atleti di dare il massimo sul campo. Il motore Frostbite migliorato garantisce un livello di dettaglio eccezionale, rendendo ogni momento di gioco vicino al calcio reale. Con Ultimate Team, puoi creare la tua rosa dei sogni, aggiungendo giocatori del presente e del passato. Scegli il tuo percorso, diventa un giocatore o un tecnico e scrivi la tua storia calcistica nella Carriera di EA SPORTS FC 24. #coupon #electronicarts #playstation5 #offerteamazon #scontomio
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cinemedios · 11 months
EA Sports FC 24, el inicio de un nuevo hito en la experiencia futbolística
🔰Lo bueno: ⚽El juego es muy entretenido, tenía mucho tiempo que no disfrutaba tanto un título de futbol. El modo carrera es el que definitivamente me ha atrapado. ⚽La tecnología HyperMotionV te dará una inmersión total con las características del juego en cancha, tiros, desempeño de jugadores y repeticiones increíbles. ⚽El detalle en algunas texturas, particularmente de cabello para tus personajes creados, está muy bien logrado, se ve natural y le da un gran toque. 🔰Lo malo: ⚽Lo que suele suceder siempre, si tu jugador favorito no es top, en el mejor de los casos se verá raro o no se parecerá tanto. Y tomo como ejemplo a Santiago Giménez, que a pesar del gran papel que está haciendo en la Eredivisie, no está actualizado y su render no es el mejor. En el peor de los casos, se verá horrible, no se parecerá nada y las texturas se verán caricaturescas o tiesas. ⚽Obviamente hay bugs que te sacan de la inmersión en el juego: IA muy torpe, jugadas muy extrañas, choque entre jugadores que hace que se atoren, etc. 🔰¿Lo gacho? ⚽No sé si lo sabías, pero si no, no incluye a la increíble Liga MX, por lo cual, esto le quita todos los puntos positivos al título y lo hace una mala entrega, dijo nadie nunca. ⚽No viene el Estadio Azteca. En lo particular, el primer punto es algo que no me importa, pero seguramente habrá jugadores para los que jugar con su equipo favorito de la Liga MX, sí es importante. Sí está feo que no puedas jugar en el Azteca, sobre todo porque es un Estadio con mucha historia pero bueno, a la Selección Mexicana le pusieron un genérico que no se ve tan mal.
Generales Desarrolla: EA Canadá, EA Romania Publisher: EA Sports Plataforma reseñada: PS5 Fecha de lanzamiento: 29 de septiembre, 2023 Plataformas: PS5, PS4, PC, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch Jugadores: 1-4 local, multijugador online Motor gráfico: Frostbite 3 | HyperMotionV Introducción En 2021 me tocó reseñar Fifa 22 y les contaba que me había resultado una grata experiencia como…
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The Must-Have Qualities of An Industrial Refrigeration System
Are you looking for an industrial refrigeration system? If so, you might be overwhelmed by the number of options and features available. How do you know which one is the best for your business? How do you ensure your system is efficient, reliable, and safe?
Here are a few things that an industrial refrigeration system must have to meet your needs and expectations:
Adequate Cooling Capacity:
The first thing you need to consider is how much cooling power your system needs to handle your products and processes. You don't want to end up with a system that is too small or too large for your requirements. A too-small system will struggle to maintain the desired temperature and humidity levels, resulting in poor product quality and higher energy costs. A too-large system will waste energy and money by running at a low load and cycling on and off frequently.
Energy Efficiency:
The second thing you need to look for is how energy efficient your system is. Energy efficiency is not only good for the environment but also for your bottom line. A more efficient system will consume less electricity and reduce your operating costs. There are several ways to improve the energy efficiency of your system, such as choosing high-efficiency compressors, fans, pumps, and motors, and installing variable-speed drives to adjust the speed of your equipment according to the load. You can also ask an industrial refrigeration company to help you increase your energy efficiency.
Safety Features:
You should ensure your system has adequate safety features to prevent accidents and injuries. Industrial refrigeration systems use refrigerants that can be hazardous if they leak or are exposed to high temperatures or flames. Some refrigerants can cause asphyxiation, frostbite, skin irritation, or eye damage. Others can be flammable, explosive, or toxic. To avoid these risks, you should select a system that uses a safe refrigerant compatible with your application and environment.
These are some things that an industrial refrigeration system must have to serve you well. By following these tips, you can find the best system for your business to provide optimal cooling performance, energy efficiency, safety features, reliability and durability, and customization options.
About ALTA Refrigeration:
ALTA Refrigeration is among the leading industrial refrigeration companies. It can help you with the best refrigeration systems for all your industrial uses. They can provide efficient refrigeration systems. Moreover, it is known for providing quality customer support services.
Visit https://www.altarefrigeration.com/ to know more about it.
Original source: https://bit.ly/3XD1ouT
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Anthony’s Stupid Daily Blog (433): Wed 24th May 2023
I saw on Yahoo News this morning that a paralyzed man has regained the ability to walk thanks to a breakthrough new device implanted in his brain which can transport thoughts to his thoughts to the legs, bypassing the damaged parts of his spinal column. This was obviously wonderful news which is increasingly rare in todays age of war, poverty and Piers Morgan. Hopefully this means that not only people who have been paralyzed not just due to injury but diseases like motor neurone will be able to walk again. I wonder if they can create a similar device for me that will inform my neck that I successfully had an operation to remove the herniated disk and so it should be FUCKING UNCOMFORTABLE ANYMORE!
Today was another sunny day so I went out into the garden and started reading the next Edgar award winner: The Bottoms by Joe R Lansdale. This is about a small town sheriff who feels guilt over an innocent black man being lynched for a murder. Even though the book wasn't really rocking my boat I can't deny I was in heaven with the sun beaming down on me after seven long months of huddling under two blankets trying to stop my toes going numb from frostbite. I'm never happier than when I'm in the sun reading a book or listening to a podcast. I love being English because it means I have access to the NHS (which is a still a thing at the time of writing) but I also hate it because of the fucking weather. There must be somewhere that's nice and sunny all the time but also has universal healthcare that I can move to. Saudi Arabia maybe? That would be the perfect weather to sit and read a book, although the only book I'd probably be permitted to read would be "1000 Reasons Why Saudi Arabia Is Great and Definitely Not a Totalitarian Country" but that would almost certainly be a step up from anything by Dick Francis.
I had Luna today and she insisted we go to the park. They have one of those swings where the kid can spin around while also swinging back and forth and despite my warnings that we should let up because doing it for too long might make her nauseous Luna insisted that I press ahead and didn't get off for about ten minutes. As predicted the second she got off she said she felt sick and we had to go home with me leading her by the hand and her wobbling around like a drunken horse might. For the rest of the day I was scared that she was going to puke all over the place but luckily she decided that she was tired and so lay on top of me and had a little nap while I watched the TV which was nice. In future if I can't get to sleep I'll nip down to the park and twirl around on that swing for a while and see if that tires me out.
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