#Most of this is from the 3d warehouse
vvwhim · 7 months
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Just crammed 2 weeks of sketch up today... I've never felt so alive.
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foone · 2 years
Concept: fursonas with non-human senses. Not just canine "can smell better" ("My fursona has no nose." "How does she smell?" "Terrible!"), but actually different senses. (Under a readmore because big surprise, I write a lot)
Sharks who walk into a dark room and go "hey guys!" to the people about to shout "surprise!". Electroreception, yo. They can feel the electric fields in bodies. They have a good job as an electrician, because they can tell which wires are active and which aren't, without needing a tester. One of the guests is a snake who says "I told you this wouldn't work", as they can see in the dark through thermoception.
Corvids who don't watch human movies, especially not in theaters. They're just flickery slide-shows to them. Their vision is too fast, persistence of vision doesn't kick in until like 200 FPS.
I know the mantis shrimp colors aren't real (it's actually just a thing where they have extra cones to make up for not having enough brain to merge them. Like, humans have red/green/blue cones, and we see "yellow" when the red and green cones are both activated, but shrimp can't do that merging. So they have a yellow cone) but fuck it, this is fantasy. Make your fursona have access to all the forbidden colors.
Hell, have them able to see outside the "visible" spectrum! Imagine a furry working at a human-majority office who gets pulled into a meeting with her manager one day, who has to tell her that even if she's covered in fur, she can't wear a top that revealing, they have a dress code. She goes "what? But.. Sally in accounting wears that semi-transparent blouse most weeks!" and then they both come to realize that humans can't see near-IR and therefore don't realize that a lot of their clothing choices are transparent to that wavelength. The furry has just been seeing all these exposed chests and going "wow, I had heard the humans could be prudes about nudity, what with not having fur, but apparently not." and decided to join in one day. Whoops.
Hell, let them see radiation! Who needs a giger counter? They're digging through an junk shop and WHOA, shouldn't this be in the back or in a safe or something? The owner (a Shetland sheep dog) is like "what do you mean?" and they go "it's pretty radioactive, man! Can't you tell?" "uhh.. No. Why don't you put that down quickly and I'll go grab a lead bucket."
An octopus that goes to see a 3D movie but turns down the glasses. No need. They can see circularly polarized light just fine on their own.
You go over to visit a bat's warehouse to get an old computer they offered to loan you and they sheepishly (is that offensive to sheep?) admit that they never bothered installing any lighting inside. Why would they? They can see fine with echolocation. And their friend Skippy never complained, either! Mind you, they are a dolphin.
A park ranger who is a jewel beetle. They can detect fires miles away, but only if pine trees are involved. They're a firefighter in a pine tree forest, so that's fine.
A bee who keeps giving directions in terms of cardinal directions and forgetting that not everyone has an innate sense of North/South thanks to being able to sense the magnetic field of the Earth. And this is after they went to all the trouble of giving the directions in words, instead of dancing!
Tangent idea: a bee pirate who writes a pop song, and it's not until another bee hears it years later that they realize that the dance instructions in the song are actually a treasure map.
Creatures who can sense RF directly. Some of them can't even get near human-style cities, as they're "too noisy". It takes the more mundane inhabitants a while to realize they aren't talking about sound, and earplugs won't help.
Others can pull off amazing mental tricks like the Scramblers from Peter Watts' Blindsight, and the first time they get near a human city they figure out how to decode all these FM signals and within minutes they can watch TV, listen to the radio, or log onto the wifi. They're not robots or cyborgs, they're just unholy smart and frighteningly fast.
And there's no reason it should be limited to natural things... The supernatural is there as well. A furry who mentions they hate going to some human cities because they're so crowded with ancestors. It's not for a while until someone realizes that word isn't being translated exactly right, and they don't just mean "old humans". They mean the ones who lived there before, but are dead. They still see them, and are surprised that the humans can't.
Hell, how about a fursona with an asymmetric design? Different fur patterns, heterochromia, things like that. But it swaps sides from time to time. It's not an art mistake, they really do that. No one understands why until they casually point out a missing item is in the drawer of there, the locked one. Then they reach around all six sides of the drawer and pull it out. What, you can't see in four dimensions? Yeah, sometimes their body swaps left/right because they rotated through the 4th axis and inverted their body. No big deal, but they have to be careful with what food they eat sometimes. All those chiral molecules... You don't want them backwards. Fortunately they've got a pretty strong digestive system so it's not a big deal. And vodka always goes down smooth, alcohol is symmetric!
Speaking of which, fursonas with vulture-like digestive systems. They yell at their roommate for throwing out that expired meat. It's only expired by human standards, and they're just a bunch of wimps who can't handle a little putrefaction in their lunch.
And I know I said "not like canines with just better senses of smell" but there's some interesting options for having beings who can smell things humans just can't. A fursona that detects a gas leak because they can smell carbon monoxide, not just the bitterants added to help humans detect it. Or can pick up on human pheromones, although that one is often covered in werewolf media, I hear. But instead of just arousal/fertility/pregnancy, they can also be like "hey you smell different... Have you talked to your doctor about testing for diabetes? I think your a1c might be high."
Speaking of pheromones, how about fursonas that do things like ants, who automatically put down invisible scent trails and follow them? They are a pain to go hiking with, since they just assume you can follow them if they get out of sight, and you gotta remind them to slow down sometimes.
Hell, fursonas who have quorum sensing, either type. The bacteria-like type have gene expression that changes based on population density. Members of their species in the wild, in rural areas, and in urban areas have radically different phenotypes. The social insect type make decisions with an implicit silent democracy, bordering on a hive mind. They are always surprised when humans and similar want to talk out decisions. Can't they just tell what the majority want and just do that? It seems so much similar.
Speaking of which, ACTUAL HIVE MINDS. You're dating a nice worker bee and and another member of the same hive comes by and says "hello love!" and gives you a big kiss. Your partner is surprised you had any problem with this. They're the same person, basically? And they feel their love for you just as much. (obligatory A Miracle of Science reference: Mars thinks you're cute)
Combine that with insect-like lifespans for some extra weirdness: the one you're dating isn't even the one you started with. The bee-people only live a month or two, and you've been dating for nearly a year now. Hell, even when your first partner was still alive, it wasn't always the "same" bee that came by to visit. Of course, that's putting a human-like kind of perspective on if it's the same bee. To the hive-mind bees, it is. It's the same hive. They have the same mind, just in 70,000 separate bodies. So of course it's the same person. Just not the same body.
Heh. How about magnetic sense? This may be overly specific to my interests, but you hand a furry a floppy disk and they hold it for a few seconds and then hand it back. "Thanks!" "oh, don't you want it?" "oh yeah. But I already got all the data off it." "but... You didn't put it in a floppy drive?" "no? What's the point in that? I just read the flux transitions off the surface. It's not hard."
More esoteric senses, too. You're driving down California one with your partner, listing to some Decemberists and they idly go "huh, Diablo Canyon is still running? I thought they had shut it down!" You're like "what?" They point out the window at the two cooling domes. "The power plant! It's still running. Can't you taste all those neutrinos?" "uh, no." "what, really? They're quite fresh compared to the usual solar ones." "I can't 'taste' those either" "oh. Weird!"
Your plasma-lifeform boyfriend who evolved in space sometimes has dizzy spells where he nearly drives his containment vessel into a wall. "sorry, that was a big one. Those gravity waves must have been from, like, an 80-90 solar-mass black hole merger? A close one too, only a few dozen megaparsecs."
You've long since given up explaining that you have no way of detecting events that take place over 30 million light-years away.
The atemporal energy being who proposes the first time you meet. You're shocked, but they point out why? You have/are/will spent/spending (tenses are hard) over 60 years of your experience of years with them. They just don't really see how this time is different from all the times you have/will spend together. They thought humans liked this "till death do us part" ceremony, even though death has no meaning for them. They're not immortal, but their death is just like their birth (or the energy being equivalent): a discontinuity on the edges of their lifeline. They don't exist past there, just like you don't exist outside of the 3D volume of your body. So what does it matter? Besides, we've had this conversation before, or is it later? Either way.
A hive mind being who only has one body you can see, because they're actually a hive mind across themselves in different timelines. They sometimes get mixed up which version of you they're talking to, and ask odd questions like how your son is doing in college. You don't have son, or any kids for that matter. "whoops, that's the other you. Lemme... You're married to Tony, right?" "Who's Tony?" "Obviously not. Uhh, is Sarah your girlfriend?" "no? I'm not a lesbian!" "Not this you, at least. Oh, I've got it. You work at the newspaper?" "yeah. I'm an editor" "oh cool. Got it. Sorry, it's easy to get all the yous confused sometimes."
Later that week, your boss introduces you to a new reporter, Sarah Torres. You can't help but wonder of this is the Sarah another you is dating. You don't see it. But apparently another you does.
And that tangent makes me think of another one: mind reading, either full or just empathic, isn't that unusual in aliens and such, but imagine a race that doesn't go around reading minds unless given permission, but they have a persistent problem with pronouns. See, they can just tell what your gender is. And closeted trans people keep getting outed accidentally. Sometimes outed to themselves, because they call you by your "true" pronouns, not the ones you're using now.
And the same goes for orientation. Like your coworker will be like "why don't you ask out Steven on a date?" and you're like "Steven? I don't even know if he likes guys, I've never gotten any hints from him..." and they go "what? No, of course he does. Can't you tell?"
(I just invented a species with perfect gaydar. That's weird, right?)
Someone who has that ESP "there were strong emotions and events here" sense, but it goes both ways. They would never visit Hiroshima for the same reason they will never visit Chicago. They don't want to explain to you what will happen there, but they go a bit teary-eyed when you bring it up.
A species that magic tricks just don't work on, and no one can figure out why. They can't see through solid objects, they don't seem to have a super-fast vision, they can't read minds, but everytime you show them a magic trick they're like "the ball is in your hand" or "you have a fifth ace in your sleeve" or "there's another rabbit under the table". They don't even seem to realize it's supposed to be a trick. They're just slightly confused at what you're trying to do.
A species that has the equivalent of a spectroscope/chromatograph built into their body. You hand them a drink and they can list the molecules in it and their concentrations. You'd think they'd mainly be scientists, but a lot of them are bartenders. They make perfect mixed drinks (down to the nanoliter of exact composition) and they can spot a spiked drink from across the room.
A species that can taste your DNA when you touch them. They're a weird blob that rewrites their own DNA on a daily basis, and find static-DNA beings "weird and unusual" and always want to help you with that. Wouldn't you be happier if you had a couple extra arms? Maybe claws? How about switching sex? Just for the weekend, they can put you back to "normal" if you want. Or maybe you'd like to spend some time as a dog? Your two species are pretty close, evolutionary speaking. It shouldn't take more than a day or two to rewrite every cell in your body. Sometimes you "humans" are so boring. They can't imagine staying in the same form for more than a few days, and you fuckers do that for, what, up to a century? Before you "get old and die"? You know, that's a choice. They can fix that. You don't have to age, if you don't want to.
Speaking of which, species with radically different lifespans and approaches to life.
The Dragon's Egg beings occasionally give humans gifts, of books of poetry about their unrequited love for you. There's no point in responding, even if you do come to love them from their writings. By the time you have opened the first page of the book, they're dead, their children are dead, and their grandchildren are getting old.
Similarly there's a race of trees where you can be dating one for 40 years before they reveal that they've considered this just a minor flirty bit of fun. They don't get involved with humans and human-likes, they'll be gone in the blink of a century, so what's the point. You ask them their age one time and have trouble grappling with the fact that when they sprouted, your ancestors hadn't yet mastered the written language. Their still-living parent remembers visiting earth before it had any life outside the seas. You had dinner with them last Thanksgiving. They liked your broccoli casserole.
So... yeah.
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nat-seal-well · 1 year
Meet Marin, my one and only (and very beloved) Detective OC :)
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(made with this picrew)
Marin Rose Lin
N-mancer (usually Nat, sometimes Nate—depends on the fic)
NB, AFAB. They/them
Tan skin, dark brown eyes, glasses, and wild, curly brown hair. They gave up hopes of taming it years ago and now it just does whatever it wants
5’4” and insists that they aren’t short, they’re average, thank you very much
Plus-size. They’re soft and round. It makes them a good pillow and they’re proud of it :)
Mixed-race, half Asian
Big fan of turtleneck sweaters, to hide the scar on their neck from where Murphy bit them
No combat abilities! Can’t fight to save their life. It doesn’t stop them from trying, much to N’s distress
Good with teamwork on the job, but fiercely independent outside of that
(It can be a flaw)
It started when they were a child, and had to raise themself because Rebecca was never around. They didn’t need anyone making decisions for them growing up, they don’t need anyone now. They can look after themself
(At least, that’s what they think)
Very poor relationship with Rebecca. Unless it’s job-related, they don’t want much to do with her
A little impulsive, more likely to go with gut instincts. Usually it ties in to their attempts to help in fights (and failing). N is going to have a heart attack
Speaking of which, they appreciate how much N cares, but the overprotectiveness is an ongoing issue
Bobby is an ex. They’re cordial with her, though. Most of the time
Has a cozy apartment (and room at the warehouse). Both are full of books and trinkets
Wears a ring on the middle finger of their left hand. It’s silver, a serpent biting its tail. They bought it in high school with part of their first paycheck and play with it when they need to keep their hands busy
Marin didn’t want to go into law enforcement, but it seemed like a quiet job. Employment opportunities are usually limited in small towns
They understand why the Agency works the way it does, but that doesn’t mean they like it
They have a weakness for the berry danishes at Haley’s bakery
Not a fan of coffee or tea, but they like energy drinks. The rest of UB doesn’t like that they like energy drinks
Besties with F :)
They love their little beat-up silver car. It has been affectionately named Megatron and they have one of those 3D Decepticon decals on it
F: Isn’t he like, the bad guy?
Marin: How dare you. He’s good now, he writes poetry
A, UB’s car guy™️ (gender-neutral) keeps trying to talk them into buying a vehicle that isn’t a death trap
Marin refuses
They won’t admit it, but M intimidates them. Marin also sees them as a challenge—they will be M’s friend
Fun fact: Marin reads a lot of “paranormal romance” (monsterfucking) books. They’ll take that secret with them to the grave
(F already found the collection hidden under their bed)
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Aichmir's Room - 1st Update
I am gonna make a short update, yesterday I announced the start of a month project. I wanna do this every month this year so I wanted to document my process here. I am gonna start out with a concept board and prep for a stream on my YouTube channel. Starting with reference material, a complete board will be accessible on my Kofi. Lets start with the basic building blocks of my idea. Lets start with the already predefined world. Sunjackers: Art by @askthesunjackers
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I will make more detailed notes in the file posted on Kofi later today, however, the basic gist is that a lot of the world in Sunjackers borrows heavily from Brutal-ism. Although I personally feel a lot of sunjackers feels Eourpean to me.
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Here are some references from real life that I think get the gist right:
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I am personally more interested in looking at how these stylized are used in this context, more of that in my Kofi update later. Ok, we are done with the buildings, please tell me that is it?
u fool.
Remember that car I was had partly modeled yesterday? I went back to look into the make and model of the car to ensure consistency. The car in question is an Alpina B12 850i E31 from BMW in the late 1980s. I felt the car would work best considering Aichmir's background back in the day, and like the boxy nature of it.
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It doesn't look completely like a sports car but it still doesn't look like a generic thing from the street. It's got a unique identity and that's why I like it. However, the issue is that well... I have to 3D model it... Cars are really hard to 3D model. I have to also get reference of the inside of the car and then modify the inside to fall into line with how the cars look in Sunjackers. It's interesting stuff. Next I have to break down the idea for the room, the basic layout. I go into this further in Kofi but I like the idea of the two characters living in a reclaimed warehouse, similar to a lot of buildings in the North Side of Chicago.
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Lastly, the garage, in the original render the entire inside was based on the idea that the character, Aichmir, lived in the garage while the other character, Astera, lived in the apartment. I like the idea of the garage being a little bit messy but not to the same extent. Maybe a pizza box or two, some trash in the corner ready to be collected the next morning, a cot set up in the corner. Aichmir is obsessed with cars, and pretty much works before she sleeps, wakes up to begin working on the cars again. She might get some money with selling Sun juice, or being a getaway driver, but she spends most of her time with the car.
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I will keep the progress of these consistent, not sure if it is gonna be a per day consistent due to commission work. I will try to fill the quiet by posting my backlog onto Kofi and Tumblr.
Thank you for checking this out, if you wanna support me, check out my KoFi! I did a project last month and will be posting it first on Kofi, with a file download option if you are interested.
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white-weasel · 8 months
Final Saw Saturday for new movies (until of course Saw XI comes out.) Spiral and Saw X were what we watched last night:
I can definitely see why Spiral rubbed people the wrong way and a lot of people hate it. I can also see why they had already taken a preemptive measure of marking it as separate from the other movies by naming it “Spiral: From the Book of Saw” lmao they wanted to signal that this was not your typical Saw film
It was so hard to try and separate Chris Rock from the character he was playing in Spiral. Every time he would talk I just kept hearing the voice over for everybody hates Chris or Marty from Madagascar. Not the fault of the movie, just that Chris Rock is so Chris Rock I couldn’t turn my brain off for it
The new Jigsaw voice modulation made me laugh so hard I could not take it seriously. Like obviously if I was actually in a trap I’d be scared to death hearing it but within the movie? My friend and I joked it was like the killer had his notecards for his presentation in front of class and he was really nervous and reading through them for the first time
One of the big things to this movie’s detriment is that we see the traps through flashbacks, meaning we only get to see the traps after the victims are already dead (generally) which sucks because a lot of the suspense comes from not knowing if someone will make it out or not. And even in those “unwinnable” scenarios sometimes characters still get smart and figure out a way out. We didn’t really get that in this one because of how they were brought up in the narrative
Not much to say about the actual traps themselves. None of them super stood out to me for this run
William Schenk was the most enjoyable part of this movie. His character was so silly before the reveal (even if I was able to figure it out well ahead of time). Speaking of which…
William as the killer was a good fun new angle to bring to a Jigsaw killer! If only they had actually stuck the execution!!
Like, it might be a little trite in other media, but the idea of an apprentice (though he’s not really an apprentice, just a copycat) whose traps don’t focus so much on the actual victims in them, but those who will witness the aftermath could have been a good concept. Scaring cops straight to lower corruption within the police force by essentially hanging the threat of Saw traps over them is a stellar idea and actually I’m surprised the mainline movies didn’t really discuss the idea of people maybe trying to live more “pious”/“fulfilling” lives lest they be put into traps themselves once word of what Jigsaw’s motives were got out
(Unrelated side note but I just got the idea of someone like that, someone absolutely terrified of being put into a trap and as such altering their entire life to avoid it, being put into a trap for that very reason since it’s making their life miserable. That would be great epic bad luck)
I also like that there was a level of personal obsession there, with Schenk feeling this twisted sense of loyalty to Zeke for being the “one good cop” who actually stuck his neck out in order to bring his father’s killer to justice. But idk what happened it just did not work and that’s so disappointing. Maybe if we had gotten more time on their relationship?
But also with the above point it’s not like Zeke is a particularly good cop. That one drug dealer breaks his leg and they brutalize him to interrogate him? And then the two of them just leave him? I was hoping that was gonna come back up at the end like “I looked up to you but then I realized you’re no better than all of them” and really Schenk’s whole thing in the warehouse at the end has been masterminded to kill Zeke as well but alas. Was not in the cards
I wanted to root for this movie, knowing it got shit from the fandom but unfortunately I cannot. At least Saw 3D had characters I liked even if they were doing dumb stuff for the plot lol
Saw X though? Saw X was VERY Good. Holy shit I’m so glad to be back to a good movie and that our Saw watching mission was able to end on a high note
John Kramer getting scammed was so fucking funny for no reason. Like he might be able to evade police, analyze the actions of his victims, and build super complex traps but he’s still susceptible to being swindled out of his money for snake oil
I’m surprised these people didn’t actually cut into him. I know they would never actually do brain surgery, but like at least make an incision or something guys!
The idea of Amanda having to bring Billy with her on her way to Mexico is so funny to me especially because he’s so big this movie. Like, having to check his trike at the airport and then stuffing Billy in her backpack to be her carry on? I know the TSA agents were fucking confused when they saw that on the detector
The bone marrow trap and brain surgery traps? Valentina and Mateo were stronger than me for real. The fact that they legitimately got close to winning those is insane to me because if I were them I’m just fucking dying
(My friend brought up the idea of John having to call Lawrence to ask just how survivable the brain surgery trap is and Lawrence basically being like “well TECHNICALLY you could take out a portion of your brain and survive HOWEVER-“ and then John just hanging up with him after he got the confirmation someone can live without all their brain. And that’s canon to me now)
Gabriela!!! I loved how this film gave us a character to be Amanda’s parallel, basically she sees herself before John in this woman and she wants to help Gabriela the same way she believes John helped her. And you can also see the cracks in her faith already here with her trying to take the blame off Gabriela and put it on the drugs while John reminds her that everyone has a choice which AHHHHHH so glad we got to see more of this war within Amanda explored
Along with that FUCK Cecilia holy shit. Not only killed Gabriela after she survived her trap, but then also got a little kid involved fully intended to kill him? I had just thought she was a pragmatist, I didn’t expect her to be so evil
Carlos was literally too good and innocent. The fact that John was ready to sacrifice himself completely, but he decided to take some of the blood boarding on himself was devastating. I’m glad he lived
I had predicted John and Amanda were planning on being put in the trap together the whole time, but the ending still pulled off the reveal in a satisfying and fun way! Very much enjoyed that
Obligatory “hell yeah!” For us getting to see Hoffman at the end credits scene. I was already so happy just getting to hear John call him up to talk with him, but the line “Epic bad luck” was extremely funny I loved it (as shown by my reference of it already above)
It’s definitely weird seeing all the actors older and knowing that this movie takes place between 1 and 2, like I actively had to remind myself that Amanda’s supposed to be in her 30s (and that horrible wig did nobody any favors lol) but also I’m kinda glad they didn’t do any deaging. It fits into the low budget fun of the saw movies, just the way I like it
So excited for Saw XI! Definitely plan on seeing it in theaters, hopefully opening weekend, and I’m gonna be a part of the hype train up until it’s release!
Final Saw movie ranking! (Subject to change as my whims take me of course)
Saw V
Saw VI
Saw X (this and 6 are basically tied though)
Saw II
Saw IV (this and 2 are also basically tied though and flip flop a lot)
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redtoondevils · 11 months
I just watched the Mario Movie!
I just watched the Mario Movie about last week ago. And I gotta say, first things first...It. was. AMAZING! There is a lot of references I actually do know! The Super Mario Bros ad, from the Mario Brothers movie. Mario Kart, Rainbow world, Donkey Kong, Cranky Kong, Diddy Kong, and Chunky Kong! Sadly no Tiny Kong, and Lanky Kong.
Super Mario 3D world, Super Mario Odyssey for Bowser's suit, and the Wedding. King Bob omb. The Snifits. The blue shell, some parts of the Jungle Japes, The DK Rap, the Super Stars, and when Mario swings Bowser from his tail from the N64. Those are the few that I spotted, and remembered. And indeed there are many more!
But the person I felt most sad for was Luigi. Just like every game, he's usually the character that get pushed to the side. Same with Waluigi.
How come Wario is more popular, than his counterpart Waluigi? And poor Luigi too! The way that he got tortured by Bowser. I swear he goes through worse, than what his brother had been through. It's understandable that they couldn't add every character. But, the movie is great! Got every expectation right!
And more screentime for Luigi! Oh, and my favorite moment in the Mario Movie is when Luigi saves his brother Mario. The best part, is when both Mario, and Luigi got the superstar together, and they both became superstars!
And Bowser...Oh my damn he's a beast! His flame breath is more powerful than the SSB one! In the N64, his boss battle he's kind of a weakling, after throwing him in those bombs about 5 times. Yet, in the movie he's more threatening!
He's more menacing! I've noticed that on his back, he's got a little bit of green scales at the back of his back, and shoulders! That's also a small reference to his original design. When he used to be green!
A little talk with Bowser, he's truley evil that you can take him seriously now! He's no joke, especially when he looses his temper at his servant's. Even threatening to kill them. He'd kill anyone if he get's mad. And he's literally insane!
I remember, when he's gotten the most serious is in Paper Mario. When he used the Star Rod to become invincible. He nearly succeeded. In the Movie, he let his pride get the best of him.
He became so lustful, that when Peach said that she could never marry him. Is when he brought out his absolute worst. Then he gets reckless. Especially at the end. He's gotten so evil. He is probably the best Bowser so far! I'm curious to see what the next main antagonist would be, when the next Mario Movie drops!
Is there anything else I can say? Oh yeah! I cannot miss, so I think the sequel is going to be about...Yoshi's island! And Super Mario galaxy!
The secret ending after the Credit's, of course there is a Yoshi's egg in the warehouse! Even the Yoshi's appeared too! And they all looked so cute! Reminds me of Yoshi's story! That's a sweet easter egg!
ONE LAST THING I WANT TO SAY! I am SO glad that Donkey Kong and Mario, as rivals at the beginning. Became best friends at the end! :D
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denimbex1986 · 9 months
'David Tennant took to the Donmar Warehouse's stage as Macbeth alongside Cush Jumbo on Friday.
The actor, 52, showcased his skills as he put on a moving performance for a revival of Shakespeare's most extraordinary psychological drama.
The adaptation is directed by Donmar Associate director Max Webster, also known for Life Of Pi and Henry V.
The Doctor Who icon was joined on stage by Cush, 38, as Lady Macbeth.
According to the description the gory play portrays a 'spellbinding story of love and murder, the renewing power of nature, and of the internal struggles of a damaged man as he tries to control his destiny'.
The Good Wife actress is a heavyweight theatre star as she previously played in Hamlet at the Young Vic a few years back - after what she was described by the former New York Times theatre critic Ben Brantley as radiating 'that unquantifiable force of hunger, drive, talent usually called star power'.
In a glooming and dramatic animation, David and Cush stunned the crowd with a sensational performance - as the show is set to continue for the whole winter season.
The production will use binaural technology to create 'an intense and unnerving 3D sound world', according to TimeOut.
Chatting to The Guardian, the David said of his latest work: 'I thought I knew this play very well and that it was, unlike any other Shakespeare I can remember rehearsing, straightforward.
'But each time I come to a scene, it goes in a direction I wasn't expecting. It has such muscle to it, it powers along. Plot-wise, it's more front-footed than any Shakespeare play I've done.'
Talking about her character Lady Macbeth, Cush said: 'She is deeply ingrained in our culture. Everyone thinks they know who she is. Most people studied the play at school. I did – I hated it. It was so boring but that's because Shakespeare's plays aren't meant to be read, they're meant to be acted.
'People think they know Lady Macbeth as a type – the strong, controlling woman who pushed him to do it. She does things women shouldn't do. The greatest misconception is that we have stopped seeing Lady Macbeth as a human being.'
Earlier this week Doctor Who showrunner Russell T Davies has revealed that there are 'no plans' for David Tennant to return in the new series.
The actor reprised his role as the Time Lord for a trio of Specials to celebrate the show's 60th Anniversary, with a twist in the third and final episode leaving The Fourteenth Doctor to embrace a new life on Earth.
While David's return was praised by viewers, and the conclusion has left the door open for him to appear again in the future, Russell has confirmed that moving forward, new Doctor Ncuti Gatwa is the sole focus.
After his first appearance in the final special last week, Ncuti makes his full debut in a festive special on Christmas Day, alongside Millie Gibson, who will star as his companion Ruby Sunday.
Speaking at a Q&A following the premiere of the festive episode, Russell said: 'Sorry, it's the age of Ncuti now – it's 'David who?''
'No plans, genuinely, yet, because it's a busy TARDIS - these two [Ncuti and Millie Gibson as companion Ruby Sunday] are gonna just sail across the universe and capture your heart, so it's time to look at these two.'
Elsewhere, Russell also revealed that when the new series hits screens in 2024, there will be an appearance from 60s music icons The Beatles.
He said: '[The Christmas special is] completely different to the next episode, isn't it? And then the one after that, that's the Beatles... that's nuts!'
Viewers will get to see Ncuti make his full debut as The Doctor in the festive special which sees him cross paths with Ruby, before the pair encounter 'mythical and mysterious goblins.'
Ncuti made his first appearance as The Doctor in the third and final 60th Anniversary Special, The Giggle.
His arrival came when 'creepy' returning villain The Toymaker, played by Neil Patrick Harris, shot David's Doctor through the chest, forcing him to regenerate.
The Toymaker had turned human beings on Earth mad, before challenging the Doctor to a deadly game - which put the planet at stake - forcing the Time Lord to accept to try and save Earth.
Shooting the Doctor, The Toymaker said: 'I played one game with the First Doctor, I played the second with this Doctor, so your rules declare that I must play the third game with the next Doctor!'
His companions Donna Noble (Catherine Tate) and the returning Melanie Bush (Bonnie Langford) ran over to support him as he regenerated, with fans expecting that to be the end for David's character.
Melanie reassured him: 'You're going to be someone else, it doesn't matter who, because every single one of you is fantastic!'
While David tearfully said: 'It's time, here we go again! Alonzee,' as he expected to be replaced, but a huge twist saw his character remain alongside his new incarnation.
As he remained after the regeneration, he asked Donna and Melanie: 'Could you, pull? It feels different this time,' and as they yanked on his arms, Ncuti shot out of him and the two Time Lords stood alongside each other in a massive twist.
Making his hotly-anticipated debut, Ncuti's Doctor shouted: 'No way!' as he laid eyes on David, moving away from tradition which normally sees one Doctor replace another upon regeneration.
David said: 'You're me,' while Ncuti replied: 'No, I'm me. I think I'm really, really me! Oh-ho-ho I am completely me!'
When asked what had happened, Ncuti's Doctor said: 'Bi-generation, I have bi-generated. There's no such thing, bi-generation is supposed to be a myth, but-!'
The pair of Doctors then used their talents to face off with The Toymaker together and incredibly managed to beat him at his own game, sending the villain out of existence forever.
David's Doctor said: 'Best of three, and my prize, Toymaker, is to banish you from existence, for ever!'
'No, you can't. But I - not fair, please,' the Toymaker said, before giving the ominous warning: 'My legions are coming.'
After banishing The Toymaker from the world, both David and Ncuti's versions of the character stayed on screen, and went back to the TARDIS with Donna.
David asked Ncuti: 'How's this going to work, you and me?' as the huge twist saw two Doctors remain after a regeneration for the first time ever.
Ncuti told him: 'You're thin as a pin love, you're running on fumes,' before urging him to slow down and 'stop' rather than running and travelling in the TARDIS.
Ncuti then paid tribute to a whole host of former companions, including the late Elisabeth Sladen, who portrayed Sarah Jane Smith and sadly died in 2011.
'Sarah Jane has gone, can you believe that for a second?' Ncuti said as they sweetly paid tribute to the iconic actress.
David Tennant takes on Macbeth: Doctor Who stars transforms into the Scottish King alongside Cush Jumbo By CAROLINA PIRAS FOR MAILONLINE
PUBLISHED: 17:24, 15 December 2023 | UPDATED: 17:40, 15 December 2023
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View comments David Tennant took to the Donmar Warehouse's stage as Macbeth alongside Cush Jumbo on Friday.
The actor, 52, showcased his skills as he put on a moving performance for a revival of Shakespeare's most extraordinary psychological drama.
The adaptation is directed by Donmar Associate director Max Webster, also known for Life Of Pi and Henry V.
The Doctor Who icon was joined on stage by Cush, 38, as Lady Macbeth.
According to the description the gory play portrays a 'spellbinding story of love and murder, the renewing power of nature, and of the internal struggles of a damaged man as he tries to control his destiny'.
David Tennant took to the Donmar Warehouse's stage as Macbeth alongside Cush Jumbo on Friday +10 View gallery David Tennant took to the Donmar Warehouse's stage as Macbeth alongside Cush Jumbo on Friday
The actor, 52, showcased his acting skills as he put on a moving performance for a revival of Shakespeare's most extraordinary psychological drama +10 View gallery The actor, 52, showcased his acting skills as he put on a moving performance for a revival of Shakespeare's most extraordinary psychological drama
David Tennant dons a striking shirt at Macbeth press night after party 2.5k viewing now
This production of Macbeth has oodles of atmosphere - PATRICK MARMION 4.5k viewing now
Nigella Lawson reveals the one household chore she has NEVER done 71.5k viewing now The Good Wife actress is a heavyweight theatre star as she previously played in Hamlet at the Young Vic a few years back - after what she was described by the former New York Times theatre critic Ben Brantley as radiating 'that unquantifiable force of hunger, drive, talent usually called star power'.
In a glooming and dramatic animation, David and Cush stunned the crowd with a sensational performance - as the show is set to continue for the whole winter season.
The production will use binaural technology to create 'an intense and unnerving 3D sound world', according to TimeOut.
Chatting to The Guardian, the David said of his latest work: 'I thought I knew this play very well and that it was, unlike any other Shakespeare I can remember rehearsing, straightforward.
'But each time I come to a scene, it goes in a direction I wasn't expecting. It has such muscle to it, it powers along. Plot-wise, it's more front-footed than any Shakespeare play I've done.'
Talking about her character Lady Macbeth, Cush said: 'She is deeply ingrained in our culture. Everyone thinks they know who she is. Most people studied the play at school. I did – I hated it. It was so boring but that's because Shakespeare's plays aren't meant to be read, they're meant to be acted.
'People think they know Lady Macbeth as a type – the strong, controlling woman who pushed him to do it. She does things women shouldn't do. The greatest misconception is that we have stopped seeing Lady Macbeth as a human being.'
Earlier this week Doctor Who showrunner Russell T Davies has revealed that there are 'no plans' for David Tennant to return in the new series.
The actor reprised his role as the Time Lord for a trio of Specials to celebrate the show's 60th Anniversary, with a twist in the third and final episode leaving The Fourteenth Doctor to embrace a new life on Earth.
While David's return was praised by viewers, and the conclusion has left the door open for him to appear again in the future, Russell has confirmed that moving forward, new Doctor Ncuti Gatwa is the sole focus.
After his first appearance in the final special last week, Ncuti makes his full debut in a festive special on Christmas Day, alongside Millie Gibson, who will star as his companion Ruby Sunday.
Speaking at a Q&A following the premiere of the festive episode, Russell said: 'Sorry, it's the age of Ncuti now – it's 'David who?''
The Doctor Who icon was joined on stage by Cush, 38, as Lady Macbeth +10 View gallery The Doctor Who icon was joined on stage by Cush, 38, as Lady Macbeth
According to the description the gory play portrays a 'spellbinding story of love and murder, the renewing power of nature, and of the internal struggles of a damaged man as he tries to control his destiny' +10 View gallery According to the description the gory play portrays a 'spellbinding story of love and murder, the renewing power of nature, and of the internal struggles of a damaged man as he tries to control his destiny'
'No plans, genuinely, yet, because it's a busy TARDIS - these two [Ncuti and Millie Gibson as companion Ruby Sunday] are gonna just sail across the universe and capture your heart, so it's time to look at these two.'
Elsewhere, Russell also revealed that when the new series hits screens in 2024, there will be an appearance from 60s music icons The Beatles.
He said: '[The Christmas special is] completely different to the next episode, isn't it? And then the one after that, that's the Beatles... that's nuts!'
Viewers will get to see Ncuti make his full debut as The Doctor in the festive special which sees him cross paths with Ruby, before the pair encounter 'mythical and mysterious goblins.'
Ncuti made his first appearance as The Doctor in the third and final 60th Anniversary Special, The Giggle.
His arrival came when 'creepy' returning villain The Toymaker, played by Neil Patrick Harris, shot David's Doctor through the chest, forcing him to regenerate.
The Toymaker had turned human beings on Earth mad, before challenging the Doctor to a deadly game - which put the planet at stake - forcing the Time Lord to accept to try and save Earth.
Shooting the Doctor, The Toymaker said: 'I played one game with the First Doctor, I played the second with this Doctor, so your rules declare that I must play the third game with the next Doctor!'
His companions Donna Noble (Catherine Tate) and the returning Melanie Bush (Bonnie Langford) ran over to support him as he regenerated, with fans expecting that to be the end for David's character.
Melanie reassured him: 'You're going to be someone else, it doesn't matter who, because every single one of you is fantastic!'
While David tearfully said: 'It's time, here we go again! Alonzee,' as he expected to be replaced, but a huge twist saw his character remain alongside his new incarnation.
As he remained after the regeneration, he asked Donna and Melanie: 'Could you, pull? It feels different this time,' and as they yanked on his arms, Ncuti shot out of him and the two Time Lords stood alongside each other in a massive twist.
Making his hotly-anticipated debut, Ncuti's Doctor shouted: 'No way!' as he laid eyes on David, moving away from tradition which normally sees one Doctor replace another upon regeneration.
David said: 'You're me,' while Ncuti replied: 'No, I'm me. I think I'm really, really me! Oh-ho-ho I am completely me!'
When asked what had happened, Ncuti's Doctor said: 'Bi-generation, I have bi-generated. There's no such thing, bi-generation is supposed to be a myth, but-!'
The pair of Doctors then used their talents to face off with The Toymaker together and incredibly managed to beat him at his own game, sending the villain out of existence forever.
David's Doctor said: 'Best of three, and my prize, Toymaker, is to banish you from existence, for ever!'
'No, you can't. But I - not fair, please,' the Toymaker said, before giving the ominous warning: 'My legions are coming.'
After banishing The Toymaker from the world, both David and Ncuti's versions of the character stayed on screen, and went back to the TARDIS with Donna.
David asked Ncuti: 'How's this going to work, you and me?' as the huge twist saw two Doctors remain after a regeneration for the first time ever.
Ncuti told him: 'You're thin as a pin love, you're running on fumes,' before urging him to slow down and 'stop' rather than running and travelling in the TARDIS.
Ncuti then paid tribute to a whole host of former companions, including the late Elisabeth Sladen, who portrayed Sarah Jane Smith and sadly died in 2011.
'Sarah Jane has gone, can you believe that for a second?' Ncuti said as they sweetly paid tribute to the iconic actress.
Ncuti then told David's Doctor to try and lead a life of his own, to which David said: 'I've never let the TARDIS go, never, that would hurt.'
In another huge twist, Ncuti managed to transform the one TARDIS into two separate time machines as a 'reward' for them winning the game against The Toymaker, under his rules where games override logic.
The episode ended with Ncuti heading off for more time-travelling adventures in the TARDIS, while David stayed on Earth with Donna and her family, sweetly noting he'd 'never been happier in his life.''
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Release date: 3 November 2023
Official page
Pre-order notice
Promotion schedule, Promotion schedule 2, Promotion schedule 3
The Tracks: part Ⅰ, part Ⅱ
'GOLDEN' photo
'GOLDEN (US Exclusive)’ Unboxing Video with Jung Kook (Eng trans)
Official Youtube playlist
Official merch and artist frame from photoism
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After teasing us with two tracks, Jung Kook released his first solo album, titled GOLDEN, in reference to his Golden maknae nickname (because he's the super-talented younger member of BTS).
Concept photo
Release date: 6-8 October 2023
Jacket Shoot Sketch
Melon exclusive photo
In the SUBSTANCE concept, the graffiti in the background are based on Jung Kook's tattoos on his right arm, including:
0613: BTS' debut date (June 13, 2013)
"Winners never quit"
"Make hay while the sun shine"
"Rather be the dead than cool"
A microphone
"花樣年華": The Most Beautiful Moment in Life in hanja, a reference to the eponymous album series by BTS
A snake
"XCVII": 97 in Roman numbers, a nod to 1997 Jung Kook's birth year
A tiger lily: Jung Kook's birth flower
G clef
A clock
3D (feat. Jack Harlow) (see this post)
Closer to You (feat. Major Lazer): lyrics
Seven (feat. Latto) - Explicit Ver. (see this post)
Standing Next to You (see below)
Yes or No: lyrics
Please Don't Change (feat. DJ Snake): lyrics
Hate You: lyrics
Somebody: lyrics
Too Sad to Dance: lyrics
Shot Glass of Tears: lyrics
Seven (feat. Latto) - Clean Ver.
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It seems the whole video was filmed in the same warehouse, though I couldn't confirm it for "Closer to You".
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We can see 6 posters on the cinema set:
Three of them are Halloween posters created by the Nasa: Galactic Graveyard, The Roasted Planet, Gamma Ray Ghouls
A poster for the movie Footfalls
An anti-rumour poster
Standing Next to You
Release date: 3 November 2023
Other versions: Choreography ver., Lyric Video
Dance Practice
MV Photo Sketch
MV Shoot Sketch
Official Youtube playlist
The MV was filmed in Hungary., in an abandoned plant, Kelenföldi erőmű, and on the Hungaroring racetrack (src).
The female character is played by Pasha Harulia (Instagram).
Tanu Muiño, the MV director, explained in an Instagram post that the MV is inspired by the story of Romeo and Juliet. Several fans noticed similarities between the MV and the movie Romeo + Juliet. Baz Luhrmann, director of the movie, himself acknowledged the inspiration. You can refer to Lyna's thread for a more complete analysis.
The background is decorated with graffiti and posters referencing both Romeo + Juliet and the lyrics.
The limousines all have the same type of plate, from X001 to X014.
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Version featuring Usher
Release date: 15 December 2023
Video teaser
Performance Video
Photo Sketch
Official Performance Video Sketch
Behind The Scenes
Usher's tweet
They filmed at 516 Anderson (website), an abandoned warehouse in Los Angeles (cr.).
The song is featured on Usher's album Coming Home.
GOLDEN : The Moments
Held on : 30 August - 22 September 2024
Official tweets
SamsungTV tweets
According to the notice, this exhibition is about recording "the moments in which [Jung Kook] presented his musical world to an even wider world through the “GOLDEN” album"."
Release date: 18 September 2024
Main Trailer
Official Photo 1
Sneak Peek
Official tweets
Special posters
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The movie follows Jung Kook during his promotion for GOLDEN.
Promotion, interviews, and performances
Weverse magazine: "The artists who collaborated with Jung Kook on “Seven” and “3D”"
231013 Music Bank (Bonus ver.), Behind Photo #1, #2
[슈취타] EP.21 SUGA with 정국 Ⅱ
231105 @ iHeartRadio LIVE: 'Seven', 'Standing Next to You', interview
231107 The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon: interview, "Standing Next to You" performance
231110 Jung Kook Live at TSX, Times Square
231114 Audacy live with Jung Kook
231116 MCountdown
Rolling Stone: "Jung Kook Shares Solemn New Video for His Ballad ‘Hate You’"
Spotify: Billions Club: The Series featuring Jung Kook, tweet from Spotify K-pop, tweet from Today's Top Hits
[EPISODE] Music Show Promotions Sketch
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abandoned-inquiries · 5 months
Quick Descriptions
Realized that I don't have any sort of post talking about each of the suspected entities. For this, we're going with the 8 Entities theory. They will be labeled by where they show up most frequently, and in order of most documented to least documented. My apologies in advance for the long post.
Carnival: This entity is supposedly like an old jester. It appears in any sort of old entertainment venue, but seems particularly fond of circuses/carnivals. Its tone has been described as high-pitched and fluctuating. It reportedly has pink skin, blue hair, eyes that are a pink and cyan swirl, sharp teeth, and- most interestingly- ears that (though pointed) are long and fold downwards toward the ends, with the very tips being cyan balls. Its energy is high and it reportedly loves to play games.
Casino: My personal favorite!! It's apparently the most human-looking of all the entities. Described to have a beard, greying hair, slightly tanned skin, and green eyes. It apparently uses a southern accent, and is reportedly "oddly charismatic" (guess you could call that southern charm, eh?). It's somewhat violent and owns some sort of handgun. It mainly shows up in abandoned establishments that I could only describe as "seedy".
Church: Pine's favorite! It's described pretty similarly to the Casino entity, but with a clean-shaven face and white eyes. On top of that, it's almost always seen in a priest's cassock. It has very few violent encounters, showing great amounts of patience and mercy towards anyone it encounters. Also! It only shows up in abandoned places of worship. So temples, churches, etc are all possibilities.
Cemetery: This entity is said to appear in places of grief- anything from abandoned morgues to graveyards. Its body said to be in blue monochrome with a black veil and dress. Its hair is long (about to its knees in most descriptions). Its feet and hands are noticeably muddied, and its unnaturally blue eyes are reportedly always visible. It's always crying. I kind of want to hug it just reading about it, to be honest.
Diner: A bit of an anachronistic being- this one is described as initially seeming like a human waitress, but then comes back out as a 3D 1950s cartoon. Its eyes- in what I can only assume is its actual form- are pie-slice styled. Its teeth are often said to be shark-like. It is described as having orange hair and eggshell-white skin. It's also reportedly very quick to anger.
Barracks: This entity has a military aesthetic and appears in abandoned military bases. It's known to be easy to upset. It's said to have eyes of red, with no visible iris or pupil. It's also been described as having a buzzcut, several open wounds that never seem to bleed, and a monotone.
Warehouse: HYPER-VIOLENT. It's known to be at the very least hostile and at the very most bloodthirsty. Elusive. It is tall, and in some accounts has glowing yellow dots for pupils and black gears for irises.
Trainyard: Also elusive- it somehow has less reports than the Warehouse entity. Its eyes are supposedly headlights? It appears mainly in transportation stations.
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jprandamonium · 11 months
I Shall Not Kill Pokemon
Here is a story I will just put here versus making a video. Maybe I should make posts before videos to refine it but I doubt that would be of use. Turning me into a rboboto. Oops, my programming split. Did I say programming? I meant brain. I am a human. Beepbobeep.
So, I played Pokemon Blue and that was the first one I beat the Elite Four. I sadly deleted them. My first kill. I wish they could have been saved BUT ... turns out.. they can't be saved like that. Future talk... Johto (Gold/Silver/Crystal) was not safe for shelter. The games use too much battery which kills them.... within 9 years. (Yep...)
I killed my team. I still can't let them go. I made sure I remember them. Waterdude the Blastoise. Flyer the Pidgeot, Haunter, Hitmonchan, Static the Raichu, Shocker the Pikachu and Snorlax. There was a few others but those 6 worked so hard to get through the Elite Four and .... Damnit Gary!!! I restarted the game to play the Pokemon Master challenge (Water). I made it to Articuno. The rules weren't refine back then. The goal was to get the Legendary pokemon of the type the trainer claimed to master. That was also deleted. I kinda had no remorse on those deaths. Pokemon Red... I wasn't truly dedicated on beating the game. (Later... in 8 years, I do and refuse to restart the game, sadly... there is no way to get them to go to a new region and explore their challenges)
For Johto.... I never deleted ever. I became sadden to the idea of replaying without having a safe place for them to go without killing them all. They worked so hard. TURN OF EVENTS... remember what said about the batteries? Within 3 years... gone. I remember that team. Yes... Gold's team lives in Heart Gold. However... I forgot the team of Crystal.... just a level 74 Feraligatr....
Gold's team was Typlosion, Quagsire, Ampharos, Noctowl, Bellsprout, Haunter (yep, love that pokemon), and Ho-oh. There were lots of Pokemon since it was a catch'em all affair. All whipped out. Killed. I blame the DAMN Gameshark but .... it wasn't its fault. I got lots of Celebis. Har-har.
The rest of the story is a better ending. Hoenn... Sapphire became the warehouse of all Pokemon from restarts of Leaf Green. I think. But later... Pokemon Diamond became the next safe haven. Whew. Then Pokemon White. Okay. This is good. And then... Pokemon Bank blocks the continued move. From the years... I started to make it a smaller catching in each replay (unless the Master Challenges). So, I just have a few Pokemon. The team. The 3 extras and most legendaries.
But Pokemon Bank! $5 a month. But I just need it for a few hours. Meaning... I would waste money for transferring... But I did some of White's and moved them into the newer games. Finding them homes and adding to the Pokedexes on my main games of the regions. But there is a new problem. I never mentioned how I transferred in the older games... all the games (up to 3DS and somewhat DS). I captured lots of Pokemon to trade for the cherished team. Pidgey, Rattata, Hoothoot, etc. Those poor digisouls got sacrificed for the others. Note: Capturing and trading rescue takes too much TIME! Pokemon X became the new one that needs to be cleared. I still haven't played Kalos region more than twice. (TERRIBLE!!!) The others in the 3DS haven't been restarted EVER. Good news... Unova and Alola are not worth many times around....
In the end, there are no Pokemon erased anymore. But Pokemon Bank did hold them back. Until some months ago. However... now Pokemon Home is asking money to transfer the wandering Pokemon to the newer regions... Thanks...
With the ending of Pokemon Bank... the new teams that could happen might all become stuck forever in the past. Not too bad but... it is when the ones who lost their trainer and had no where to go... they will return to a "Pokemon White" situation. Meaning... they would be stuck in a safe haven, never to go to a permanent home.
I did promise a happy ending. The true happy ending is that none at dying by my hand. They will die thanks to the battery ending the trainer and its life. I will try to get a saver but Gold and Crystal are too late. But the GBA and Red can be saved if I do it in time.
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julieverne · 1 year
From @purlturtle
RULES: post the names of the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPs.
So I don't actually - this is awful but I just open either a Tumblr post or an AO3 draft and start typing, but I do have some WIP and some drafts.
Time after Time. Warehouse 13. Helena goes back and nothing changes. Waiting for Helena to do something other than cry whenever I try to write it.
Too hot, hot damn. On hiatus because we didn't have a heatwave this year. Rizzoli and Isles
A Four Alarm Fire in a Small Apartment building. Person of Interest. Shaw's place burns down and the machine makes her bunk with Root. On hiatus.
Be My Guest. Oh dear. It's been on hiatus for nearly a year. There's stuff going on about it but it's not... I can't go back to daily unless/until I finish it. Rizzoli and Isles. On hiatus.
And for OG:
Pilot 19
Guides of Galahlia
Booty Island (Treasure Island but everyone is a cross-dressing lesbian)
Snowy River (more cross dressing lesbians)
Rocky Shores (yet more cross dress lesbians but there is a WAR)
Just completed:
The Arrangement
Artistic License
Running Up that Hill
And in the actual spirit of the post, the prompts in my drafts:
3d printer (hot)
Glitter lotion stripper?
Long day matchbox 20 (no one else will take this shit from me)
Secret bdsm
Coffee scrub
Gold star
Jane waits for Maura to call her out and she never does
'if I liked women, I'd like you'
Jane reading Nancy Drew books on stakeouts
Five times they hugged and twice they didn't
Ren faire
5 times Maura trusts Jane and once she doesn't
It rains a lot in Boston and Jane only bought an umbrella after she met Maura (mar18)
Dispatch - written but possible
Frankie dress
Female boob inspector
Alice sands befriends Jane
Airendocks one bed
Fishing Xena au but riz
Hoyt J ives
Susie takes care of Maura
Mutant X Shalimar full feral in fire, Emma rescues her
Helena sends Myka gifts in the mail every week
So that's a lot and I've been stuck on OG for three months so... I suppose I need to get back into it?
Also I'm not tagging anyone because that makes me anxious on both sides of the tag, but feel free to copy and share your own WIP!
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wroteonedad · 2 years
Just before Christmas, I decided to purchase a 2DS. A pink one to be exact, I've been looking for one in pink for what felt like the longest time. I thought most of the other colour combinations of the 2DS weren't cute, but the pink one??? Slay. I bought it for two reasons. The first reason being my beloved DSi that I've had for 12 years finally decided to pass away and never turn on again and secondly because I never got to play the 3D games that came out because I never had the model. This console was on Facebook Marketplace for a mere £30 and so I bought it. Though it was a little embarrassing because I sent my grandparents to collect it for me and I got a message from the lady that said 'I hope your daughter uses it more than mine.' It's me, I am the daughter. But since I got the 2DS, I've been spending some time playing my old DS games, and I can't get over how good Sims 2 actually was. The card stopped reading in my DSi and I thought that meant I was going to have to go and buy another game, but thankfully it was just the console itself.
Here's how the story of Sims 2 DS goes because it's nothing like the life simulation game we're used to on PC and other consoles. Your car breaks down in this dead end village, you run a few errands and suddenly you find out the old hotel manager has conveniently just walked out and alas you are left to run this hotel and get to know the people of Strangetown.
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After you've built a casino aka the first room you need in your hotel and killed Emperor Xizzle by spraying water on him, you start earning money to build more rooms in your hotel. These include lounges to go DJ mode, a gym where you can tan until you become a different race ??? the art gallery where you can paint to your hearts content and learn whether or not your work is garbage or if you've just created your magnum opus. My personal favourite room has to be the secret warehouse purely on the grounds that you walk into there and Bigfoot is living in there. All you need to do is feed my man every day until he becomes your best friend and then he leaves the basement and sort of just resides somewhere in your hotel until the end of time. The entire hotel is like a giant tardis, the size of this hotel from the inside simply is not correct if you are looking at it from the outside.
Some of the music is really creepy. I remember being scared to leave my hotel to defeat the aliens in the square just because of the alien song that plays and how the game drops to 2 framerates per second. Seriously. This was the same with the goons and the sudden robot invasions that would happen. You couldn't make up how insane this game was. I want to know what the game developers were on when they created this game and the narrative because I want what they're having. The game almost felt creepy and eerie. How was the town full of NPCs but how did the town look empty the whole time? Why was I completing a mission for a creepy mobster who wanted me to plant a bomb in the town hall? And why can you dig up alien mummies in the desert and then perform surgeries on them in your government base room that is just placed randomly in the basement of your hotel? To add to this, how did this small little town come to light when it is literally smack bang in the middle of this endless desert, and people never leave. You check them into your hotel, they check out say 2 days later and then you come back to your hotel lobby to find that they are there all over again. I can't say I blame these Sims for going insane, pissing on the floor and wallowing in pity all the time, I would be too if that was real. Your Sim also runs off a sanity meter which runs down depending on environment and needs. If this sanity bar is empty then your Sim seems to have a nervous breakdown and ends up waking up in the manager's suite in a vegetative state. They would hobble around for a little bit before going back to normal again.
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Let's discuss notable characters, briefly and efferently.
Emperor Xizzle. This little alien that lives somewhere deep in the desert wants to take over the hotel, who knows why. He likes to invade the town square and sometimes will kidnap your Sim. All in all a weird guy.
Lord Mole. I'm in the middle of replaying the game at the moment and so I don't quite remember his full story, but I really wish that he would stop chewing at my powerlines. Prior to his storyline I feel like this guy probably lived in the walls.
Ava Cadavra. Thanks to this little lady, I had Prime Heifer in my basement and half of my hotel guests hypnotised. She wears a rotten egg coloured lipstick which says it all about what type of a person she is.
Horus Menhoset IX. Dug a mummy up in the desert after receiving an anonymous text to tell me about the dark evil in the town and it was this guy. Insane.
Optimum Alfred. Some big robot who was obsessed with cleaning but who was also plotting to mass murder everyone in the town. I am still unclear as to where this maniac spawned from in the first place. I was also given the Ratcave soon after he took over the penthouse so now my Sim gets to karate chop robots and goons ????
Tristan Legend. His girlfriend was literally taken away by scorpions so he chose to catch a meteorite in his bare hands to help him cope. I've seen a lot of mental illness in my time, but this has to be the cherry on top really.
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Every character in this game is ultimately insane, from burning your paintings when they're in a bad mood to getting upset from a ghost spawned into the hotel lobby. The glitches, my 13th reason was when Honest Jackson straight up glitched in the game not long after the arrival of Ava and has not returned to the town hall since despite him saying that he is still there. Also, it is very weird that I can walk around the town and pick up nuclear fuel rods with my bare hands, that doesn't sound safe does it? This game is truly terrifying and for that reason I can't stop playing it.
Here's a fun link to Reddit where they speak about the creepy lore of the game and lastly, a link to the games night time music which is sort of fun and soothing, but also really eerie simultaneously.
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tlacehualli · 2 years
It had all gone down so smoothly for like the first 4 minutes.
In retrospect, it was a little too smoothly; today's mission, yet another gambit at trying to get another chess piece onto her board, had been to isolate and blackmail the currently Lord Speaker of the House of Lords. A fucking ridiculous title for a fucking ridiculous system of government, but, well, when you're an anarchocommunist, most governing bodies seem pretty ridiculous.
The titles, though. Yeesh.
She'd slipped into the house - something more of a compound now in these times of strife - and she'd been making her way onto the grounds, fully cloaked, three guns on her and a knife, a circuit attached to her hand. Fully prepared, or at least she'd thought, until the alarm tripped; a wire, low to the ground, attached to a bell.
So low tech, so stupid, she hadn't even thought of it.
The hacker translocated well outside of the location, a distance so great that it made her stomach lurch. After making sure she didn't throw up everywhere, she'd hailed a cab to drop her off in the vicinity of her warehouse - only to see that it was surrounded by cop cars. The cabbie was looking at her with a suspicious eye and she offered him an easy smile, the AI integrated into her central nervous system bringing up a 3d map of London in her mind's eye. She just needed...somewhere. Anywhere. Fuck.
"Keep going down this street for another...three blocks?" Sombra made sure to seem a little lost; her accent easily placed her as a foreigner, hopefully he'd be less suspicious if he just thought her incredibly confused by the winding nature of London streets.
"First time in the UK?"
"Yeah. Hopefully the last, thought I wanted to see snow but I'm freezing." She laughed, her expression friendly and open. It set him at ease and they continued conversing back and forth as he took her in the direction of what she was 96.37% sure was Tracer's little flat (give and take 2%, according to her AI).
At the end of the ride, the hacker slid him his money in physical pounds. It wasn't often she actually paid for something, finding the concept a little ridiculous when she could access bank accounts and make transfers without ever touching her own money - but he seemed nice and he told her about all the best Indian places on this side of town, so it was easy.
Sombra stepped out onto the snow with a crunch of her boots and pulled her far too thin coat over herself tightly as she looked up at the building. After the cabbie was gone and she was fairly certain no one could see, she reached out with her hand and purple hardlight extended from the nails of her circuit into the keypad, brunt forcing her way through different passwords until it opened for her. She slipped inside and into an elevator, hacking into it as well so that it would send her straight up - not that she thought anyone would be up at this ungodly hour.
She repeated her motions, easy as she breathed, though the last set of locks - those leading into that zippy little pipsqueak's apartment (and she was aware they were the same height, but whatever, she was zippy and little and a pipsqueak). Silent as the grave, she slipped into cloaking and moved into the kitchen, ruffling around for something to eat whilst her stomach growled.
"Que carajo es baked beans?"
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simba2150 · 3 days
Top 5 Free Tools for Beginners in 3D Visualization
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3D visualization has become an essential skill across various industries, from game development and animation to architectural design and engineering. As a beginner, navigating the myriad of available tools can be overwhelming. Fortunately, several free tools offer robust features to help you get started on your 3D visualization journey. In this blog, we will discuss the top 5 free tools for beginners in 3D visualization, focusing on ease of use, features, community support, and versatility.
1. Blender
Key Points:
Ease of Use: While Blender has a steep learning curve, its extensive tutorial resources make it accessible to beginners.
Features: Blender is a comprehensive tool for 3D modeling, animation, simulation, rendering, and more.
Community Support: One of Blender's strengths is its active community, which offers tutorials, forums, and plugins.
Versatility: Suitable for various applications including animation, game design, and visual effects.
Blender is arguably the most popular free 3D visualization tool available. It offers a wide range of features that rival those of expensive professional software. Whether you're interested in modeling, texturing, animation, or rendering, Blender has you covered. One significant advantage is the wealth of resources available for learning, including extensive documentation, video tutorials, and forums. For a more advanced perspective, you might consider how a 3D Visualization Company in Mumbai utilizes Blender for professional projects.
2. SketchUp Free
Key Points:
Ease of Use: Known for its intuitive interface, making it ideal for beginners.
Features: Offers basic 3D modeling tools with an emphasis on architectural design.
Community Support: Strong community with numerous tutorials and a large 3D Warehouse for models.
Versatility: Primarily geared towards architectural and interior design but can be adapted for other uses.
SketchUp Free is a user-friendly 3D modeling tool that operates directly in your web browser. It is especially popular among architects and interior designers but can be used for a variety of design projects. Its intuitive interface allows beginners to start creating models quickly. Additionally, its large online repository, known as the 3D Warehouse, provides thousands of pre-made models that can be imported into your projects. For more specialized needs, a 3D Visualization Company in Mumbai might offer additional tools and support.
3. Tinkercad
Key Points:
Ease of Use: Highly user-friendly and designed specifically for beginners.
Features: Simplified tools for basic 3D modeling and electronic circuit design.
Community Support: Active community with abundant tutorials and project ideas.
Versatility: Ideal for 3D printing and educational purposes.
Tinkercad is an online 3D modeling and CAD tool from Autodesk designed with simplicity in mind. It is a fantastic starting point for those new to 3D visualization, especially kids and educators. While it lacks the advanced features of more sophisticated tools, its drag-and-drop interface is perfect for getting a handle on the basics of 3D design. Tinkercad is also linked to popular 3D printing services, making it a great choice for designing objects to be printed. Many beginners start with Tinkercad before progressing to more advanced tools used by a 3D Visualization Company in Mumbai.
4. Fusion 360 for Personal Use
Key Points:
Ease of Use: User-friendly for beginners, though more complex than Tinkercad.
Features: Comprehensive CAD, CAM, and CAE tool with advanced features.
Community Support: Strong support community with official tutorials and user forums.
Versatility: Suitable for product design, engineering, and hobbyist projects.
Autodesk's Fusion 360 is a powerful tool that offers a free version for personal, non-commercial use. While it's more advanced than Tinkercad, it's still accessible to beginners thanks to its well-designed tutorials and learning resources. Fusion 360 combines CAD, CAM, and CAE capabilities, making it highly versatile for various types of design and engineering projects. Professionals often use Fusion 360 in conjunction with services offered by a 3D Visualization Company in Mumbai for more intricate projects.
5. FreeCAD
Key Points:
Ease of Use: Moderate learning curve, best suited for those with some technical background.
Features: Strong parametric 3D CAD modeling capabilities.
Community Support: Active open-source community with extensive documentation and forums.
Versatility: Ideal for mechanical engineering and product design.
FreeCAD is an open-source parametric 3D CAD modeler that supports a wide range of uses, from product design to mechanical engineering. Its parametric modeling capability allows users to easily modify design parameters, making it a powerful tool for those with a bit of technical expertise. FreeCAD's open-source nature means it's continually being improved by its community of users and developers. For a more comprehensive approach, you can see how FreeCAD integrates with the offerings of a 3D Visualization Company in Mumbai.
Starting with free tools is a great way for beginners to dive into the world of 3D visualization without a financial commitment. Each of these tools—Blender, SketchUp Free, Tinkercad, Fusion 360 for Personal Use, and FreeCAD—offers unique features and benefits to suit different needs and levels of expertise. By exploring these options, you can find the right tool to kickstart your 3D visualization journey. If you're looking for professional insights or advanced applications, consider consulting a 3D Visualization Company in Mumbai for further guidance. Happy modeling!
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txepoxy · 6 days
Metallic Epoxy Flooring in Houston A Modern Flooring Revolution
Metallic epoxy flooring is rapidly gaining popularity in Houston, becoming one of the most sought-after flooring options for both residential and commercial spaces. Known for its luxurious appearance, durability, and customizable design, metallic epoxy flooring offers a unique aesthetic that sets it apart from traditional flooring materials. For homeowners and businesses in Houston looking to elevate their interiors, metallic epoxy flooring houston presents a stylish and practical solution.
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What is Metallic Epoxy Flooring?
Metallic epoxy flooring is a type of epoxy resin flooring that incorporates metallic pigments, creating a glossy, marble-like appearance. The metallic pigments are mixed into the epoxy, and when applied, they flow and create a 3D, pearlescent effect. This gives the floor a dynamic, reflective surface that changes depending on lighting and the angle from which it’s viewed.
What makes metallic epoxy so appealing is its versatility in design. The patterns and colors can be customized to match any aesthetic, from modern industrial to elegant luxury. Whether you want a floor that mimics flowing lava, ocean waves, or a sleek, polished stone, metallic epoxy can be tailored to meet your vision.
Why Choose Metallic Epoxy Flooring in Houston?
Houston’s climate and lifestyle make metallic epoxy flooring an ideal choice for several reasons. The city’s high humidity and frequent storms mean that homes and businesses need flooring that can withstand moisture and heat. epoxy floors houston are resistant to water, chemicals, and UV light, ensuring that they won’t crack, fade, or stain over time.
Here are some key benefits of installing metallic epoxy flooring in Houston:
1. Durability and Longevity
Epoxy floors are incredibly durable and can last for many years with minimal maintenance. The high-traffic areas in homes, restaurants, or warehouses benefit from its scratch-resistant and heavy-duty nature. In Houston, where weather conditions can sometimes cause wear and tear on conventional flooring, epoxy’s resilience ensures that your floor stays pristine for longer.
2. Easy Maintenance
Maintaining metallic epoxy flooring is a breeze. Unlike carpet or hardwood floors that can accumulate dirt, dust, or allergens, epoxy floors are smooth and easy to clean. A quick sweep and mop are all that’s needed to keep your floor looking fresh. This makes it a perfect option for both busy households and commercial settings in Houston where cleanliness and upkeep are a priority.
3. Custom Aesthetics
One of the standout features of metallic epoxy is its ability to be completely customized. Houston homeowners can choose from a wide variety of color combinations and finishes, whether you prefer a subtle shimmer or a bold, high-gloss finish. The reflective surface of the floor can even brighten up darker spaces, creating a more open and inviting atmosphere.
4. Increased Property Value
Investing in metallic epoxy flooring can boost the value of your property. Its modern, high-end appeal attracts potential buyers or clients, making it a great investment for those looking to enhance their home or business's interior.
Metallic epoxy flooring is more than just a trend; it’s a long-term investment that combines beauty with functionality. For Houston residents looking to upgrade their flooring, it offers a modern, durable, and easy-to-maintain option that can be tailored to any style. Whether you want to enhance your home’s interior or create an eye-catching floor for your business, metallic epoxy flooring is the perfect choice. With its unmatched durability, aesthetic appeal, and low maintenance, this flooring option is transforming spaces across Houston, making it a smart and stylish choice for any setting.
For more info:-
commercial epoxy flooring houston
epoxy garage floor houston
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workwearcloset · 14 days
[thien_display_title]Stay Safe and Seen: Workwear Shirts vs. Hi-Vis ShirtsWork shirts are a staple for many professions, offering durability and comfort throughout the workday. But for jobs with low-light conditions or high traffic areas, safety becomes paramount. This is where hi-vis shirts come in. Let's explore the key differences between these two types of shirts and when to choose each.Workwear Shirts: Built to LastWorkwear shirts are designed for function and resilience. Many work shirts feature multiple pockets for tools, pens, and other essentials. They come in various styles, from short-sleeved tees to long-sleeved button-ups, offering comfort in different weather conditions. Choosing the Right ShirtFor most general work environments, a standard work shirt is perfectly suitable. However, hi-vis shirts become essential in workplaces with:Low-light conditions: Construction sites, roadwork zones, or warehouses with limited lighting all benefit from the increased visibility hi-vis shirts provide. High traffic areas: If your job involves working near moving vehicles, such as on a roadside or in a factory with forklifts, hi-vis ensures you're seen by drivers and operators. Emergency responders: Firefighters, paramedics, and other emergency personnel rely on hi-vis shirts to be easily identifiable during critical situations.The Bottom LineBoth workwear shirts and hi-vis shirts play important roles in keeping workers safe and comfortable. Workwear shirts offer durability and practicality, while hi-vis prioritizes visibility in potentially hazardous situations. By understanding the strengths of each type, you can choose the right shirt for the job and ensure a safe and productive workday.[block id="description-3d"] [thien_display_attachment_images]
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