#Morpeko Full Belly Mode
dragon--n93tcg · 7 months
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z-moves · 1 year
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Official wallpaper of Morpeko given away as part of a wallpaper challenge (ポケモン剣盾壁紙チャレンジ) held on the poke_times Twitter/X account to promote Pokémon Sword & Pokémon Shield
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Wait Haven't We Been Here Before?
If you vote please reblog to help us get as wide a net as possible. Round 27 Masterlist
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pokesmashorpokepass · 8 months
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hippopopotas · 5 months
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0877. Morpeko
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A new Pokémon OC I adopted from https://www.furaffinity.net/user/mewmewsauc/ a few weeks ago.
Her name’s Gluttina. A zombie Morpeko who spends her undead days eating whatever meal comes her way. (Even though she’s a zombie, regular food is the only thing in her diet.) 
You better give her whatever you’ve got on your plate. Or else, things will get ugly. VERY ugly...
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ditto-dex · 1 year
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#0877: Morpeko
Full Belly Mode
Hangry Mode (Requested by Anonymous)
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#877. Morpeko
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Full Belly Mode: As it eats the seeds stored up in its pocket-like pouches, this Pokémon is not just satisfying its constant hunger. It's also generating electricity.
Hangry Mode: Hunger has disrupted this Pokémon's hormonal balance. The Electric-type energy stored in its cheek sacs has turned into Dark-type energy.
Colour and symbol charts can be found here.
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A note on colours: in my experience, floss looks different irl than in online pattern makers. If you think a different colour will work better, go with your gut!
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channelsurfer02 · 4 months
Slayers Pokémon Teams: Lina Inverse
So, I’ve been playing around with a Pokémon team building website recently and came up with the idea to make Pokémon teams for characters from Slayers. The general idea is to make a team that represents various aspects of their characters be it figuratively or literally. So, without further ado, here’s Lina’s team.
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Shiny Alakazam: This Pokémon is meant to represent Lina’s occupation as a sorceress, given that Alakazam has something of an association with magic and is highly intelligent, I thought it was a good fit. Also, the shiny version has pink highlights which matches Lina’s title in the sorcery guild.
Typhlosion: One of Lina’s most notable abilities is her capacity to find new and exciting ways to blow up bandits. As such, the fire Pokémon whose name is a portmanteau of explosion seemed like a good fit. Also, it’s based on a honey badger, and if the phrase “pissed off, pyromaniacal honey badger” doesn’t describe Lina, I don’t know what does.
Shiny Gyarados: Here’s another Pokémon that represents Lina’s temperament, as Gyarados is known for its ferocious temper and destructive rampages, just like our favorite flat chested sorceress. Also, Gyarados’s status as a Pokémon that looks like a dragon but isn’t is fitting considering Lina’s moniker of Dragon Spooker. Also, it’s shiny because it fits Lina’s color scheme better.
Morpeko: Given this Pokémon has an ability that causes it to switch between hangry mode and full belly mode and is known for eating a lot, it should be pretty obvious how this Pokémon fits the infamously gluttonous Lina Inverse.
Runerigus: This Pokémon was picked due to Lina’s occupation as a sorcerer. Specifically, as a sort of sorcerer who pursues ancient and forbidden magicks. Hence why I chose the Pokémon that is a possessed rune stone. Bonus points for how it has a serpent/dragon on it.
Shiny Sableye: I went with Sableye since it covets wealth like Lina. I could just imagine Lina and Sableye stuffing sacks full of requisitioned bandit loot, manic, greed-induced grins on their faces. Also, I made it shiny because the gold color fits with Lina’s color scheme more and the gold coloration better sells Lina’s greed.
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tatzlyip · 2 years
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Here is my Pawmi evolution idea!
pawmi on 4 legs mode evolves into pawleasl (elec/fight), and pawmi on 2 legs mode evolves into pawalope (elec/fight)
Pawmi can take two modes, much like morpeko's full belly and hangy mode. However, these modes are based off of the Pawmi's stats. If it has a high attack stat, it will be on 4 legs mode, and if it has a high defense, it will be on 2 legs mode.
Depending on the mode, you will get a different evolution. Pawleasl is bold and weasel-like, startling its prey with its lightning fast speeds and sudden shocks through the ground made by its paws.
Pawalope has thickly padded paws that charges high amounts of electricity over time, stunning attackers. Its signature move is a literal "Thunderclap", where it will slap its paws together to discharge a ton of electricity to its opponent.
In the wild, Pawalope and Pawleasl are fierce enemies that are equally suited to fight one another for a long time. Pawleasl is fast enough to dodge Pawalope's attacks, but Pawalope is strong enough to take on Pawleasl's attacks as well.
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
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some possible pokemon for scary's team.... i had some other ideas but i kept changing my mind!! rambles about choices and other potential ideas for her under the cut-
was thinking in the realm of dark, poison, ghost, and psychic pokemon for her. possibly fairy to allude to her pre scary TERRY vibes
ghastly's a classic edgy pokemon lol. and im biased because i like that line :3 ghost/poison type, fits perfectly i think!
froslass's pokedex entries are all about freezing people and eating souls. stuff i think scary would find metal as hell lol
morpeko. literally just bc the full belly mode reminds me of her terry vibes and hangry mode represents scary vibes. something something duality idk
also originally i was gonna give her something like lycanroc midnight form. another HARDCORE EDGY Lookin one that i do still like for her! the pokedex entries talk about it being more of a loner and stuff, but then i started to think that maybe the rockruff lines would fit lark and sparrow more. lycanroc midnight does seem to be more about how intense it is in battle which gives me lark vibes lol. but also where is the rule that says they cant both have a cool wolf 😌
gothorita / that whole line. just cuz goth vibes lol. gothorita is also the "manipulate pokemon" and scary is a LIAR and a SCHEMER so, it fits!!
i considered the galarian zigzagoon line for her, again mostly bc aesthetics. but! then i started to think that one fit glenn or nick better. the aesthetic might be cool for her but it's more glamrock and the pokedex entry sounds more of like an energetic chaos being and it didnt really fit scary's "i dont care" exterior
i really want her to have something from pre-scary era. like cuter happier pokemon. morpeko kinda fits that, but i also think she could have like galarian ponyta lol. that fits the psychic theme i was going with, and i could see her having been a HORSE GIRL. she loves pink and i think it's a very pre-scary terry vibe lol. something that would totally clash with her current aesthetic and vibe.
I REALLY WANT STEP DAD TERRY JR TO GIVE HER EITHER A POKEMON OR AN EVOLUTION ITEM 😭 like something to try and bond with her. maybe a pokemon she struggles to accept onto her team, OR maybe an evolution stone for Some Pokemon she has, and for a really really long time she Does Not Use It bc shes being DEFIANT!!!!!! i do not have specifics here. yet. but i really like the concept of her and terry jr having Some Sort of tangible symbolic thing. idk SOMETHING could be done here, ill chew on it a while lol
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pokehexdex · 5 months
Morpeko is probably one of my fave Pikaclones - especially with it's hangry mode! Which Morpeko form is your favourite? https://pokehexdex.wordpress.com/0877/01/01/morpeko-full-belly-mode/
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Morpeko (#877)
Cavias bielementus
General Information: Morpeko the Two-Sided Pokémon. This Pokémon has an insatiable hunger, and when it experiences prolonged hunger it shifts into its other form, Hangry Mode, and becomes a violence malicious brute until its hunger is satisfied. The reason it is always seen eating, is because the electric energy it creates (or dark energy if in its Hangry Mode) quickly consumes the energy of the food it just ate. Trainers with Morpekos they battle with need to keep an extra large supply of food for their little buddy.
Morpekos have two forms: Hangry Mode and Full-Belly Mode. The typing of their signature move Aura Wheel changes depending on which form it’s in. In Hangry Mode it is a dark-type attack, and in Full-Belly Mode it becomes an electric-type attack.
Morpekos average at 1 ft tall (0.3 M) and 6.6 pounds (3.0 kg).
Habitat: Morpekos are to the Andes Mountains, and are full substitutes for guinea pigs.
Life Cycles: Morpekos are born in litters of 1 to 6 pups (with 3 being the average), and reach reproductive maturity as soon as they reach level 15. Females (sows) are able to breed year round, but have a peak during the Spring. Sows can have up to 5 litters a year. Baby Morpekos are fully capable of defending themselves from birth, but stick with their mother for a few weeks before departing. The gestation period for Morpekos is 2 months, split between 1 month where the egg energy accumulates inside of the mother, and 1 month between laying and hatching. The sows are capable of getting pregnant again while tending to their current litter. There is little to no involvement from the father, and Morpeko sows are known to mate with any suitable mates.
Morpekos are eaten by many things and are regularly predated upon by cats, birds, snakes, giant spiders, and even humans.
Behavior: Morpekos are known to be ravenous eaters—at least proportionately. They are always carrying food in their cheeks that they snack on, which keeps their hunger at bay. In Hangry Mode, Morpekos become malicious and evil—which really isn’t any different from actual guinea pigs! When they’re kept full, they are pleasant, but when allowed to go hungry for too long, their Hangry Form becomes quite unmanageable for many.
They are not terribly companionable to other species, at least not in general. They like the company of other Morpekos, but as prey animals they are highly suspicious of other Pokémon that aren’t similar to them. But don’t let their disagreeableness with other species convince you that they don’t need a Pokémon-friend, because they do. Morpekos are social animals, just picky about what they socialize with.
Diet: Fruit, grass, seeds, and nuts, but mostly fruit and grass.  
Conservation: Least Concern
Relationship with Humans: As guinea pigs, Morpekos have been domesticated by humans for thousands of years in South and Central America, where they are raised as a food source or as pets. There are many varieties of Morpekos that are propogated by pet fanciers the world over. They are not beginner pets, and in fact their high food needs means that they are not recommended for beginner trainers and only owners who can afford their care should really own them. Morpekos get a bad rep because of their Hangry Mode, causing many to be abandoned by unprepared humans, but really a well-taken care of Morpeko is a great friend to have in the house or on your team.
Of course, Morpekos are the mascot of a major snack food company, Morpeko Foods Inc. (subsidiary of Dark Moon Corporation), which sells a lot of popular junk foods meant to satiate those Hangry Mode urges!
If a trainer wishes to acquire a Morpeko, the only way to obtain one outside of Central and South America, is through a breeder.
Classification: Cavias bielementus is the scientific name of Morpeko. “Cavias” refers to “Cavy” or “Cavia” (Guinea pig) and “bielementus” means “two elements.”
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Hey guess what, if you like my stuff, this is my website where you can find other Pokémon I've written on and more information about the game that I’m slowly making! Check it out! I write books sometimes too.
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higherthanonix · 11 months
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Morpeko (Full Belly Mode) has higher Attack than Onix
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randompokemonfacts · 2 years
Random Fact of the Day
Daily Pokémon that was randomly selected: Morpeko!
Did you know that hunger hormones drive Morpeko to extremes of violence? Its hunger hormones affect this Pokémon’s temperment, and the electricity in its cheek sacs converts into Dark-type energy. Until its hunger is appeased, it gets up to all manner of evil deeds!
Prior Post about Morpeko (Full Belly Mode)
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