#Morningstar family bonding
helluva-hazbins · 3 months
It appears a stuffed raven with a duck pin on its chest has appeared in Lucifer's room! Around one of its legs is a little card, signed by Lucius - @flameandindifference ( Happy Father's Day!)
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The King hadn't been gone long, most outings were made short as he'd much rather preferred to be busy at his crafting station or spending his time on his other hobbies. So it comes with it's own element of surprise when his eyes find one item in particular out of place at his work table.
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A question evident and at play along his features, it soon turns to curiousity as he steps nearer, a slight bend in his posture as he further analyzed the dark, small figure.
A beak, wings and what's that, paper. He takes the note, black, clawed fingers unfurl the note. Reading it brings the warmth and joy to his blackened heart and soul that he hardly felt was still possible in more recent days but here it is. And he's moved, taking in a deep breath as his chest swells, overflowing in this moment of emotional outpouring. He slowly exhales. Picking up the plushie. Somehow he feels it, what it represents. The Raven being his dear son, unified with the duck, represented by the pin, Lucifer's well-known favored fowl. Gripping it tightly with a gentle smile and tears prickling the corners of his eyes.
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That son of mine. "...maybe I am a sentimental old fool, these days." He laughs softly to himself. But that boy is going to be asked for a hug the next he's seen!
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radvelvetcakez · 6 months
Everyone is playing a board game together Charlie: I will put 'A' down to make 'A'. Vaggie: I will add onto your 'A' to make 'AT'. Lucifer: I will add onto your 'AT' to make 'RAT'. Alastor: I will add onto your 'RAT' to make 'BIOSTRATAGRAPHIC'. Lucifer: flips the board
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 8 months
charlie leaving her depressed gf and her depressed dad alone to bond for 1 hour and coming back to vaggie ordering around a not very small army of rubber ducks while lucifer happily moves them across the floor with his stick as instructed
a few have been customized to look the like hazbin hotel crew. the one for sir pretentious is hanging from the ceiling. they somehow fit husk's ducky in a whisky bottle. angel's is positioned like it's lounging on the bottle. cherri bomb no. 25 is about to get launched skyward by an actual cherry bomb. pretentious' eggs are just boiled eggs with top hats drawn on in marker, one of them already loaded into a spoon catapult. niffty's duck is siting on note with the letter A on it- the note it pinned to the floor with every sharp item in the hotel. alastor doesn't have a duck he has a taxidermized deer head in headphones painted to look like a rubber duck
you said she needed a hobby! charlie's dad says as she tries to take in the scene. it's a lot to take in. vaggie hurries over. c'mere babe- you have to see this!- vaggie says dragging her into the middle of the chaos to show her their two duckies. they're snuggled up and tied together with lucifer's bowtie
charlie thinks for a moment then moves them so they're kissing
the duckening continues for another hour and only stops when keekee yoinks down duck pretentious and runs off with it, sparking a hotel-wide rescue mission that EVERYONE gets dragged into, somehow
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sandraharissa · 8 months
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S2 prediction based on his recent breakdown lol
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vaggieslefteye · 4 months
MORE THAN ANYTHING - REPRISE ↳ from Hazbin Hotel Season One (2024): 1x08 - "The Show Must Go On"
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enixamyram · 5 months
So, we all know the first season was a little rushed since they only had 8 episodes to work with. It is my (desperate) hope that since the show is doing so well, they'll be given more episodes for season 2. Now let's pretend they'll be given enough for filler episodes as well as the main story. Here are some of my dream filler episodes I would love to see happen!
A Chaggie date (Vaggie sees Charlie is getting stressed and worries about her so she insists on taking her out for a night off.)
A Keekee and Fat Nugets episode (something happens and the two end up away from the hotel and work together to find their way back home.)
An Earth Visit (not sure why, but somehow for some reason, Charlie and co visit earth for a day and chaos ensures because how could it not.)
Emily Visits Hell (maybe brings Molly with? It would be kind of hilarious for people from Heaven to see how it really is like in Hell. Maybe this is Charlie trying to get them to be more part of the hotel transition.)
A Blackout Episodes (One of those, how various people deal with something -Vox- causing a blackout throughout the city. Maybe even one of those Charlie or Vaggie gets stuck in a lift with Velvette or someone to have some fun interactions between different characters.)
A Gambling Episode (No idea the story but at some point it involves Husk making some bets to let off steam and Angel ends up tagging along as arm candy and I read somewhere that Husk cheats so maybe Angel helps him!)
Lucifer rejoins society (he attempts to pick up his role as King of Hell but finding it increasingly hard since his long absence and preppy attitude means not many people take him seriously.)
Nifty chaos (maybe she somehow wanders from the hotel while Alastor is away so Chalie and the others try to find her, worried she'll get hurt, meanwhile she's terrorizing the rest of hell and just having a blast before they eventually find her safe and sound if not covered in a lot of someone else's blood.)
Overlords episode (Maybe Charlie or Lucifer want to try and get on the good side of the overlords so try and spend some time with each of them to get to know them better.)
The Vees meets Hangover (this one is really silly and in general I just want a Vee filler but it'd also be hilarious if there was a Hangover style one where one of them - take your pick, it'd be hilarious either way - goes missing after a bender and the other two struggle to put together what happened to find them.)
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emeraldishappy · 6 months
Hazbin Hotel song battle Semi-finals
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Being part of the royal family in Hell, most others thought the Morningstar family would be doing the most prestigious things imaginable. In reality, they were just like any other family in Hell. They had regular lives, their child went to school with other children, and they were just as loving and supportive of each other as any other family.
Once Lilith announced she and Lucifer were having a baby, their lives changed for the better. When their little girl, Charlotte Morningstar, was born, their lives filled with more joy than they could have ever imagined. They gave life to the sweetest, most generous, and most selfless little girl that Hell has ever seen.
Charlie was Lilith and Lucifer’s pride and joy, but especially Lucifer’s. He never thought in his life that he would find more joy in his life after falling in love with Lilith, but all that changed when Charlie was born. Once he laid eyes on her for the first time, it was like he fell in love all over again. Seeing Charlie open her eyes and smile at her father for the first time was enough for Lucifer’s heart to melt. He had a special bond with his daughter that nobody could take away from them.
Watching Charlie grow was the most rewarding part for Lilith and Lucifer. Seeing her reach so many milestones in several years, like her first steps and her first words, was enough for them to be filled with enough joy to fill the three of them. However, a lot of that changed after Charlie turned two.
Lucifer was the first one to notice the changes in his daughter when she was getting bigger. She still loved playing with him and would still sob her eyes out if he had to leave for any reason, like she has since she was a baby, but he has noticed how much more quiet and reserved she has gotten since her second birthday.
It started when the family was at the park one day. He noticed her playing alone, spinning by herself and singing something he could barely understand instead of playing with other children. It started to remind him of what he was like when he was a child. His mother would often tell stories about how he would play alone with his rubber duckies instead of playing with other children, and how he would spin and sing around the house and in public all the time. He remembered being picked on and bullied for those quirks. That alone was enough for Lucifer to be scared that Charlie was going to go through the same thing.
He never brought this up to his wife until one day when Charlie was playing with the ducks that he gave her in the living room. They were having their father/daughter time together, playing and singing their favorite song together.
"Five little ducks went out one day Over the hills and far away”
Lilith walked into the living room to see her husband and daughter playing and singing together. She sat down to admire the bond they had as they continued singing.
“Mother duck said, ‘Quack, quack, quack, quack!’ But only four little ducks came back.”
Lucifer sat next to Lilith, with Charlie in his arms. They kissed each other on the lips and Charlie wriggled out of her father’s arms to play some more.
“You seem a little… sad. What’s wrong, Luci?” Lilith asked as she hugged her husband and he put his head on her shoulder.
“I was thinking a lot, Lily, and you know I’ve been noticing a lot of… quirks in Charlie recently, and it was making me think about when I was her age. My mother used to tell me that I would do the same things at her age, and I would be picked on to no end because of it. I’m scared Charlie’s going to end up like me when she gets older.”
Lilith held Lucifer’s hand as he sat up. “Now, why would you think that would be a bad thing?”
“Because I don’t want Charlie to go through the same thing I did. I don’t want her getting picked on and being scared to go to school everyday like I did. I still think about how much I was picked on everyday and I know it will follow her for the rest of her life.”
Lilith put her arm around Lucifer and held him as tightly as she could. “If she ever does get picked on, she will have the best support system on this side of the Pentagram. If we hear about her getting picked on, we will come right to her defense.”
“You’re right, Lilith. If anything, those kids should be scared of us.”
The couple giggled as Charlie toddled her way to Lucifer and climbed on his lap. She sat down and began rubbing her hands on his lap with Lucifer holding her hands. He and Lilith could not help but smile at their daughter’s fascination with the texture of her father’s pants as Charlie laid on Lucifer’s chest and giggled.
“Besides, if she does end up like you, that wouldn’t be a bad thing. In fact, that would be one of the best things for her,” Lilith added.
“You really think so?” Lucifer asked.
“I know I do. The first thing I noticed about her is how she has your face and your smile. She has the ability to brighten anyone’s day just by smiling at them, and you do the same thing. I know my days are always brighter whenever I see your smiles.”
Lucifer smiled and hugged Charlie and kissed her. She giggled when her father held her closer to him. Her smile does bring him as much joy as she does with Lilith, and him to his daughter as well. Charlie felt the same way whenever she saw her father smile at her.
“She also makes that same face that you make whenever you’re angry. It’s like I gave birth to my husband,” Lilith pointed out.
Charlie giggled and made the angry face Lilith was talking about. Lucifer held her up to his face and made the same face. Lilith hid her face in her hands, trying to hold in her laughter after seeing her husband and daughter being adorable.
“And that’s another positive thing you both have in common. You never fail to make anyone laugh, even when you’re not trying,” Lilith added, still chuckling.
Lucifer laid back on his wife’s chest, bringing Charlie with him and both laughing. He could never get enough of his wife’s contagious laughter, which was also enough to get Charlie to laugh too.
“But do you want to know the most positive thing about her that she inherited from you?” Lilith asked.
“What’s that?”
“Her big heart and her love for life. I see the way she treats others whenever we’re out. I know she may not be the best at making friends, but whenever someone walks up to her and says hi, she is so quick to give them a hug and whatever toy she was playing with at that moment. That might also make her a lot different from other hellborn children, but I know I wouldn’t have her any other way.”
Charlie climbed onto her father to reach his shoulders and put her arms around him in an embrace. Lucifer hugged his daughter back and Lilith joined in the family hug.
“Daddy?” Charlie said.
“What is it, Duckling?”
“I love you so much! More than anything in the world!”
Charlie hugged Lucifer tighter and he hugged her tighter too. “I love you so much too, Charlie. You are my pride and joy.”
“I love you too, Mommy.” Charlie crawled over to Lilith to give her a hug too. Lucifer moved next to his wife to give her and Charlie another hug.
“Charlie, you’ll always be my little princess. I know you will grow up to be the kindest and most successful girl in Hell. And I know that you’ll grow up to be just like your father; which I can assure both of you that’s the best thing for you,” Lilith explained.
“I want to be just like Daddy when I grow up!” Charlie said as she climbed up her father’s shoulders and grabbed his hat.
Lucifer and Lilith laughed as they grabbed Charlie from his shoulders and Lucifer took his hat off and put it on her. Charlie giggled as Lucifer’s hat slid on her head. Lilith and Lucifer laughed again and he took his hat off of Charlie’s head and put it back on.
“And I’m sure you will be just like your father when you grow up,” Lilith assured as she gave Charlie a kiss on the forehead. Charlie slid down from the couch to continue playing with Lucifer’s rubber duckies.
“Do you feel better, my love?” Lilith asked.
“I do; thank you, honey. You know, Charlie turning out like me might not be so bad after all,” Lucifer replied.
Lilith grabbed Lucifer’s chin and shared a long kiss. Once they were finished, they looked at Charlie, who was lining up the ducks she was playing with. Lucifer smiled and leaned on his wife, seeing himself at Charlie’s age doing the same thing. While he was heavily judged and discouraged from doing so at that age, he made a promise to not do the same thing with Charlie.
“You will always be my pride and joy, Char; you will be the greatest young woman when you grow up.”
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gildedoak · 4 months
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RadioApple Week Day 4 - Drinking/Bonding
Just two middle-aged men (time is relative) bonding over silly stuff. Like middle names and shitty family members named Michael.
Headcanon that if Lucifer knows your true name, he can see the human you used to be.
(I saw the name Garreau on a trip to France, and I liked how it sounded.)
Description below the cut!
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Radioapple comic, basic lineart with a bit of shading.
Panel 1: Alastor and Lucifer are drinking at the bar, both absolutely HAMMERED. A: Your middle name is VENUS? L: (slapping Alastor on the shoulder) SHADDUP! SHADDUP! A: (Wheeze Meme face) LUCIFER VENUS MORNINGSTAR L: Well what's YOUR middle name, huh??
Panel 2: Closeup of Alastor's face as he freezes, radio feedback screeching behind him.
Panel 3: Alastor looks away, his face hidden by his hair, and his hands shaking on the bar top. Lucifer quiets, reaching as if to touch Alastor's arm, but thinking better of it. L: Alastor? Hey... Hey, I'm s-
Panel 4: Closeup of Lucifer's face as he stares, wide-eyed, glittering lights surrounding him. A: Michèl. After my father.
Panel 5: Closeup of Alastor's face as he smiles awkwardly. Behind him is an afterimage of what he looked like as a human - darker skin, glasses, and short wavy hair. A: Alastor Michèl Garreau.
Panel 6: Lucifer and Alastor toast their drinks. L: Thank you, Alastor. For sharing that. A: Don't mention it.
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lxkeee · 7 months
Pairing: Lucifer Morningstar x Seraphim Angel! Fem! Reader
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Genre: Angst (for now)
Warnings: family trauma/lore
Notes: we love a family that bonds.
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Xavier was worried, scared even. He's pacing back and forth in his room. Having second thoughts whether he'll go down to hell and look for his beloved mother or just wait for her here.
What he's afraid of is what'll happen if his mother sees his father. His father already caused so much emotional pain to her. Xavier cannot imagine what kind of heartbreaking pain she'll experience once she sees her husband.
Xavier looks outside his window, rays of setting sunlight peaks through the white curtains, giving his room an orange like glow. He runs his hand through his light blond locks in frustration. He can't wait a second longer to look for her.
Xavier wonders if his parents already met down there, the idea makes his blood boil.
The idea of his father suddenly back to their life makes his skin crawl. Xavier knows how much influence his father had on his mother's heart.
He sighs, a long exhale filled with tension and worry. It's already been a few hours now, what could she be possibly doing down there? He thought to himself.
With a small huff, he fixed his uniform. That's it, I'm going down there. He took a deep breath, snapped his fingers together and opened a portal that leads to hell.
He steps inside the portal, summoning his three pairs of wings so he can fly down. Xavier hopes that his mother is alright.
The portal closed and the angel who once stood inside his large magnificently large white room was no more.
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Lucifer returned back to the palace, teleporting back to his bedroom. A sigh of relief escaping his lips as he saw that [Y/n] was still passed out asleep. His eyes softened, sitting at the corner of the bed, in the empty space beside her sleeping form.
He lets out a long exhale, a tired sigh. He gazed down at her sleeping and tired face, his heart ached. Clearly torn between two women. Lilith, his wife of many millennia and [Y/n], his first wife and the angel who stood by his side and supported him despite his neglect.
He regrets it, genuinely. He was young and stupid, he and [Y/n] got married when they were in their 200's. Romance wasn't common back then, nothing to learn from. The only love they were taught was loving heaven and its creator. Romantic love barely existed during those times as every angel was busy with their respective duties.
He loves [Y/n] genuinely and he was wrong for not upholding his vows to her.
He gently swept away some strands of falling hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear. A small smile on his face once his eyes landed on his hand, devoid of any rings. He finally let go of his wedding ring, the one he used for Lilith. He didn't wear his wedding ring—the one he used for [Y/n]—as he feels like he doesn't deserve it.
Lucifer remembers that he didn't want to remove his first wedding ring with his first wife but Lilith insisted he should.
Lilith was envious, because after so many years he still wore it and led to some arguments.
He can't just forget about [Y/n], he doesn't have the heart to. Her heartbroken face is forever embedded into his memories, her empty and blank face as she stared at him and Lilith when they were banished.
A look in her face told him that she was tired, tired of waiting for him, tired of his second priority.
He should've been better, he should've treated her better. He should've been her perfect husband just like how she was his perfect wife.
His love for Lilith is slowly disappearing, ever since they've begun arguing. Their beliefs and ideals no longer match with one another.
He accidentally mentioned [Y/n]'s name during their heated arguments, which causes Lilith to be mad at him and eventually left, leaving divorce papers for him to sign on his desk.
He tried so hard to bury his love for [Y/n], he tried so hard to forget her as he knew he wouldn't see her again and most likely didn't want to see him either.
A single tear runs down his rosy red cheek, breath hitching. Emotions are finally spilling forth, his love and heart ache that he bottled up for so many eons finally erupting.
“So this is how it feels,” he sang softly, careful not to wake her up. His voice broke as he sang ever so softly, “To fall in love with you, to always think of you, to always dream of you,”
He made a mistake in his decisions, he admits that. He should've done things better. Choosing Lilith over her was a mistake, “Yes, it hurts so much to fall in love with.”
He sighs softly, choking on his words as he sings his unspoken feelings. His hand trembled with emotions, “Sorry for leaving like that, you don't deserve to get caught in my mess.”
He was a troublemaker, he didn't want her to get caught in his mess but whatever silly idea he had, she was always ready to listen and comfort him when the elders rejected it. He gently held her hand, feeling how cold her skin was, he cups it with his hand and blew some warm air to it to warm her hand. He used to do this when they were back in heaven.
He gently laid down her hand back to the bed and back to her side, a small smile on his face before he let out a sad sigh, “Loving me is just so difficult, I don't know how I should tell you that.” he admits softly, he knows how tiring he can be, he knows... He had to deal with himself after all. He sighs, he's been doing so much of it lately.
“I've fallen for somebody else, happened so quickly, I lost myself.” he admitted, he realized years ago that he was only infatuated with Lilith, when the honeymoon phase was over, arguments started.
“A shadow of you drifts along by my window or did I imagine that?” he could remember when he would spend all by himself at the kitchen, drinking after a fight with Lilith and during his drunken delusion, he would often see figures of [Y/n] comforting him.
A shaky breath leaves past his lips, eyes tired and dull. He looks at the sleeping once more, she looked so peaceful.
He wonders if he should transfer her to the hotel, he needs to check up on Charlie and the others too. With a heavy sigh, he gently lifted her up into his arms once more—effortlessly carrying her. A sense of deja vu hits him, a memory of the time he carried her like this after they got married, [Y/n] happily laughing in his arms while he grins at her as he held her. Times were simple back then.
A single tear drop, running down his blemish free pale skin, the droplet running past his rosy red spots of his cheeks.
He took a deep breath, summoning a portal that leads to an empty vacant room of the hotel, he steps in with her still asleep on his arms. The portal closes behind them as the room shifts into one Hazbin Hotel's newest guest rooms.
He gently walked towards the bed, gently laying her down comfortably, making sure to tuck her in.
Finally, he slowly gave distance between them. Standing just a few feet away from the bed, a sad look on his face, “This is how it feels, to fall in love with you, to always think of you, to always dream of you,”
Seeing her after all these years, ignited the fading flame of his love for her. Adding gasoline to a flame.
“Yes, it hurts so much to fall in love with you.” he silently admitted, she doesn't hurt him, he knows it was his fault. He made everything complicated, his decision caused harm to her and their son, to these sinners. He made a reckless decision of abandoning her, giving both of them pain in the process.
He doesn't deserve her. Not after the things he's put her through.
He thought sadly, before turning his back away from her, walking out of the room. He took one last look at her sleeping form before eventually closing the door as he left the room.
The heels of his boots tapped against the dark red tiles of the hallway of the hotel as he walked towards his own room. He needs some time to process everything.
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Charlie wasn't expecting a visitor this soon after the extermination, she certainly didn't expect her visitor to be her half half brother, a frown on his face and a glare on his eyes. She would've mistaken him for her father if he didn't have [e/c] eyes and also if the boy wasn't ridiculously so tall.
Charlie smiled nervously, how could she not? Xavier was looking down on her literally with the same coldness in his eyes.
“Xavier... Hi! I didn't expect you to be here...” Charlie says nervously, waving at him.
Xavier just raised an eyebrow, clearly not interested in small talk, “Where is she?” he asked, voice cold and means business.
Charlie tilted her head, “Who...?” she asked, wondering who the older boy was referring to.
Xavier scoffed, [e/c] eyes narrowing down on the blonde girl as he crosses his arms together on his chest, “My mother,” he answered, a deadpan look on his face, “—She came down here a few hours ago, she should've been back by now.” he added, a worried tone on his voice. Xavier was beyond worried, his poor mother alone in this disgusting place—the realm his blood father ruled. He can't imagine the possibilities that could happen to her.
Charlie's eyes widened in realization, oh, the angel. Why didn't she realize it sooner? Of course he's referring to the passed out angelic woman. Charlie is slightly nervous about telling the older boy, but she has to, “She's resting, she suddenly passed out awhile ago....?” She says, nervously, avoiding Xavier's eyes.
Xavier's eyes widened, ears ringing as everything suddenly went numb. For a brief moment, it felt like he was alone once more, the scared little boy who begged for his mother's attention.
He could remember how close she was to him but for some reason, he couldn't reach her. His mother can barely look at him in the eyes without crying. He felt useless, pathetic for being born this way and caused his beloved mother so much pain. He failed, he failed, he failed, he failed, HE FAILED HER. He couldn't save her again.
Mom...? Where are you? Please... Don't leave me again...
Charlie's eyes widened when she sees a single tear slid down Xavier's cheek despite the boy's unchanging glare, Charlie though could notice how sad his eyes were.
“Xavier...?” She calls out to him, no response.
“Azrael... He looks so much like him... I... I can't... It hurts to look at him.” his mother sobbed on the unknown taller and black haired man's shoulders. Xavier grips his duck plushie, he was somehow fond of the animal. The little boy peaked through the small gap of the door to his mother's room, hoping for some comfort after a nightmare—he didn't expect to see his beloved mom crying about him and that made him freeze on the spot. He was a smart child after all, just like his father.
“[Y/n]... He's just a kid... He needs you...” Xavier heard the man say, he still has trouble saying his name. Was it Azwawel? Or Azrawel? He forgot. Xavier, despite being so young, barely six years old—suddenly felt so numb. He slowly walked away from his mother's room, dragging the duck plushie. It felt heavier than usual, his little arms too weak to hold it.
He felt his chest tighten, he couldn't breathe. Chest heaving up and down as he tries to catch his breath.
Charlie got even more worried as she saw him begin to hyperventilate, “Xavier! Hey, hey... Look at me.” She says softly, holding on to the arms of the shaking boy, the physical contact snapping him out of his trance as he quickly pulled his arms away from the girl.
“Do not touch me.” he hissed, glaring at Charlie, “Tell me where my mother is or I'll destroy this hotel just to find her.” he threatened, making Charlie's eyes widen in fear. She knows she can't fight him, let alone her friends aren't as powerful to fight an angelic being—a Seraphim.
“She's upstairs, resting... Just don't hurt anyone.” She stammers, giving way for the older boy to come inside the hotel. She knew as her father texted her about it.
Vaggie's eyes widened when she saw the angel walks in, she could feel the man's power as he entered the room. Suddenly, the room got colder. Vaggie summoned her spear but she saw Charlie crossing her arms into an 'X' while shaking her head. Vaggie hesitantly lowered her weapon as they all looked at each other, she had to grip Angel Dust's arm to stop the arachnid from doing stupid—thankfully, Angel Dust seemed to get the memo and closed his mouth. Husk had to hold Niffty to stop her from causing chaos again.
Charlie led him up the stairs to the second floor, the others watching as they disappeared from sight.
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Xavier's eyes widened as the door to where his mother was resting was opened, the first thing he saw was his mother's passed out form, lying down on the bed.
Xavier immediately kneeled down to his mother's side, holding her hand affectionately. What happened to her?
He looked angrily at Charlie, dull [e/c] eyes staring at bright red ones, “What did you do to her?” he asked, voice lowering and clearly pissed off. Charlie shakes her head, clearly afraid of him, “We didn't do anything! She suddenly just passed out on her own.” she explained and he just sighs, shaking away his thoughts.
‘They wouldn't just recklessly harm an angel, they couldn't land a hit on her if they tried. She must've overworked again.’ he thought to himself, sighing.
“Just leave us alone please? Now.” he ordered, Charlie flinched in fear but nodded and quickly left the room, making sure to close the door on her way out.
Xavier sighs, his shoulders dropping. It suddenly felt like the weight of the world was on his shoulders. His mother is his world, after all.
“It's going to be okay, mother. I am here for you, always.” he spoke softly, kissing his mother's hand before lowering it back down to the bed, hovering his hand over her sleeping form and began to heal her.
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Lucifer stood outside the door to where [Y/n] was resting, his hand hovering above the doorknob—shaking. Charlie just told him about the situation. His son is here, the son he didn't know who existed was here.
He took a deep breath, ‘You can do this, Lucifer... This is your chance to ask for forgiveness.’ he thought to himself before knocking first and then slowly twisted the doorknob, pushing it open.
It felt like he was looking at the mirror, it felt like he was looking at a reflection of himself—the reflection glaring at him, sharp [e/c] eyes glaring at him with so much hatred.
“You!” the boy growled, standing up from where he was kneeling.
Lucifer was taken aback from the boy's anger. It felt like he was looking at a past version of him, the past him who despised heaven who treated him so wrongfully.
“What are you doing here? Why do you have so much audacity to come here like you didn't do anything wrong?” the boy asked, his voice filled with so much distaste for his father.
Lucifer's eyes widened, words stuck in his throat. Say something!
With a heavy inhale and exhale, Lucifer looked at the glaring boy, trying to calm him down, “I know what I did and I... Want to apologize... For all the things I've done.” he said softly, stammering slightly. He's trying so hard not to show that he's beyond nervous.
Xavier's glare sharpened, who does this man think he is?! Did he think a mere apology can undo all the damage he has done to him and his mother.
“Who do you think you are?” he asked Lucifer mockingly, a cold look on his face. Lucifer just stood frozen on the spot.
“Just because you're the most beautiful being of all of creation doesn't mean you can have anything you want,” Xavier sneered, a mocking smile on his face, “Your title and power doesn't mean anything to me, how does it feel to be the most beautiful being in all of creation yet you are thoroughly despised by your own flesh and blood?” Xavier asked and suddenly Lucifer couldn't speak, his chest tightening at the harsh words his supposed son had said to him. His breath caught up on his throat.
“This face...?” Xavier says, his hand moving towards his own face, he glared at his birth father, “I despised it so much, it's horrendous.” he says flatly.
“I do not know what my mother sees in you,” he says, looking up and down on his father's frozen form—not moving a muscle, “All I see is an angel who failed to become what he needed to become. A failure, nothing more and nothing less.” he says sharply, [e/c] eyes dull and hollow as he gazes at dull red ones.
Lucifer felt the familiar sting in his eyes, he desperately willed himself not to cry. What a failure of a father he is. First Charlie, now it's.... He doesn't even know the boy's name, he remembered Charlie telling him, but he somehow forgot. Pathetic.
Xavier's lips were formed in a thin line, turning his back away from his supposed blood father. He still doesn't understand why his beloved mother loves his father so much. He's too afraid to ask. Too afraid of making her remember such painful memories. He'll wait for her to open up. They have so much time to heal, he'll wait. He could remember young him who wanted to meet his father so much, the young naive Xavier who admired his father—the father who created the very species he loved so much, ducks. Poor naive Xavier who finally learned the pain his father gave to his mother to point his mother can't look at him, her beloved son in the eyes.
With a shaky breath, finally letting go of the breath he took in. Xavier sighs, “I will be taking my mother back home, thank you for your hospitality.” Xavier murmured, gently lifting his mother into his arms with no effort.
Lucifer's eyes widened from what the boy has said, they're going to leave. He needs to do something, anything to earn their forgiveness.
“Wait..! Please let her recover mor—”
“Haven't you done enough damage already?” Xavier asked, his voice devoid of any emotions as he tilted his head slightly to look at his father, a single stray tear running down his pale cheeks, the single droplet running past the rosy red spot on his cheek.
Lucifer was taken aback once more, the King of Hell can see so much sadness, anger, and longing on the boy's eyes. Lucifer wanted to reach out to the boy, his fatherly instincts kicking in. His hand extending where the boy stood, pausing as he hesitated.
Even after all these years, sweet little Xavier is still somewhere inside him. The sweet naive Xavier who wanted a complete family, who wanted a father.
“I said what I said, she'll be going home and get proper treatment. I doubt hell is a appropriate place to treat an angel like her.” Xavier says flatly, clearly not open for any discussion left. His decision is final. Lucifer can only respect that, he owes it to them. Lucifer finally lowers his hand, regrettably so.
Xavier turned away from Lucifer once more, summoning a portal back to their home in heaven.
A bright golden light formed in thin air as a portal opened, Xavier stepped in with his mother in his arms. He dared not look back. He doesn't have any reason to.
The portal closes in. Lucifer was left alone standing in the guestroom, his first family gone in a blink of an eye.
He cried in anguish inside that room.
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He can hear his bones rattle against his skin as he dragged his body to his mother's bedroom, Xavier is incredibly exhausted. Physically, no. Emotionally and mentally? Yes, absolutely.
He is still carrying his mother in his arms, prioritizing her comfort over his.
Kicking the door open, he walked at the center of the room where his mother's bed was, gently laying her down. Making sure to tuck her in.
[Y/n] snuggled, against her blanket. Xavier smiled, a gentle yet strained smile on his face.
“I'll protect you mom, sleep well and dream well.” he says softly, planting a small kiss on his mother's forehead before eventually leaving the room.
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@valerie-36 @blackbleedingrose @adaizel @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @thedarkkitten @selvyyr @froggybich @brithedemonspawn @kottenox @totallymitya @many-fandoms-lover @dou-dou @mezzyb0nb0n @n1chxyaaenthusiast @cherry-4200 @koirb @galaxyj3lly @crystalplays28 @luleck @zc000ter @rory-cakes @mixplara @crescent-z @bitchyzombienacho @kalisha2004 @altervex @nehy019 @napbatata @kouyoumarryme @sxgacxbe @kooidoom @ok-boke @random-3455 @izzieg3987 @snoozewritezz @dreamzaremyreality @hcneyiced @witchbunny1210 @ghostdoodlen @aikobakugou @just-here-reading @dzhanett-blog @des-deswain5621 @cocomollo @haleypearce @onyxstarhigh06 @nirvana5874 @shaebutter-baby
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helluva-hazbins · 4 months
Cain is done decorating for Pride month, even went as far as to dye his feathers and his hair. A fanged smirk flits onto his face as he appears before his father in a shower of rainbow confetti, wings outstretched in a dramatic pose before he laughs and pulls his dad in for a hug. "Happy Pride month, dad!" @parvum-draconis
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When the Morningstar patriarch enters the scene his eyes flit along from each and every aspect of the decorations that have been placed on dispay. It's clear someoooone's been busy preparing for the occassion, "Ohhh, yeah-huh...uh, ooo, uh-huh..." He's assessing the choices and draws a conclusion, "The place is looking lively!" A declaration of approval as his eyes finaly find his son.
A smile gracing his features taking notice of the fancy changes Cain has made to his own appearance. How fitting! It's exciting to see someone in his family really getting into the spirit. As delightful as it is just to see the younger Morningstar, Lu's eye's widen further as his son elects to display some good old fashioned, and impressive showmanship! The confetti was a vety nice touch, Lucifer is thrilled, his own toothy grin pulling back, watching the small particles flutter and fall all around the space his son occupied, wide-eyed.
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Fatherly joy and pride practically beams forth, he begins to clap "By-golly, Caaaaine! Atta' boy! That's the spirit!" And he gets pulled into a hug as he does so, laughing in an exuberant and even wacky sounding manner. He tightens the hug momentarily before releasing and pulling back, patting Cain on the back proudly. "You've really out done yourself! Happy PRIDE month, my boy! You look spectac-u-rrific!"
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seancekitsch · 6 months
Hazbin Hotel—Lucifer x Reader where he’s a love struck fool for reader? May or may not be inspired by that little imagine you posted not too long ago \(//∇//)\
uhhh this kinda got away from me. enjoy!!
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You’d have to be a fool not to notice how the King of Hell acts around you, even Angel and Husk told you that. But you’re not blinded to situation, you know exactly what’s going on. You rest your elbow on the bar next to Angel as Charlie gathers the hotel residents and staff, a job not unlike herding cats. Everyone trickles in slowly, waiting for the next odd trust bond activity Charlie has come up with now. Last week was heartfelt letter writing, and the three of you at the bar had not taken it seriously. You handed Husk a comedic inner monologue about how much you needed to pee, Husk handed Angel a surprisingly detailed made up story about a talking whisky bottle, and Angel handed you a list of what roles he’d cast the entire hotel in a porno.
“What do you think they’ll have us do this time?” Husk mumbles to you, topping off your drink.
“Honestly, not a fan of the way Princess is smiling right now,” you answer.
Charlie waves everyone over, and Vaggie smiles uncomfortably, ready for everyone to start.
“Okay Good Afternoon,” Charlie starts, practically bouncing, “Today we’re going to try to form new bonds!”
Immediately, she’s met with groaning and mumbling, but thats never stopped her and it won’t today either.
“So what better way to do that then having a buddy for the next twenty four hours!” She shouts, and Vaggie’s face immediately makes sense.
“I’ve separated everyone from their regular group so they can build these bonds and be open!”
“…got something you could open…” you hear Angel mumble under his breath.
Charlie gives her dad a thumbs up.
“The first pairing is… my dad and Y/n!”
The Morningstar family sucks at being subtle or lying.
“So what did you have planned for the day?” Lucifer asks while sitting beside you, his voice short and clipped, his entire demeanor like he’s on high alert. It’s cute, really.
“Ah don’t worry about it,” you shrug, “What does the areat King of Hell do with his day?”
Lucifer rubs his neck, fidgeting under your question.
“It’s not… Its not actually all that interesting,” he admits, “You’ve probably got something cooler going on.”
There’s something he’s avoiding besides your gaze, but you don’t press the issue.
You look across the lobby to Angel, who pauses his conversation with Vaggie to mouth something that looked like the word “fart” to you, and then wink.
Your art gallery. Right.
“Have you ever been to Pentagram City’s biggest art gallery?” you ask him.
Lucifer is a gentleman. You understand how he stole the first man’s first two wives from him. Sure, he’s stumbling and stuttering and a nervous wreck, but he’s holding doors open for you and asking about your thoughts and feelings about the pieces on display, he’s accidentally on purpose almost held your hand three times now. Next time he does it, you’re just going to grab his damn hand.
You stare at the sculpture in front of you, noting that you should have someone move this to a different room. In fact, there’s a few things you’ve noticed while showing Lucifer the art that you should have moved around. Maybe you’ve been neglecting the gallery a bit more than you thought now that you live at the hotel.
“Hey, Can I ask you about these?” Lucifer’s voice booms from the next room over. Sighing, you type a quick note into your V-Phone and turn.
Oh shit.
Lucifer found THAT room.
You cross the threshold into the room you never go into, the room with your own work. Honestly, it’s not even curated the way the other rooms and floors are. This is where you put anything that you think can leave your studio. He’s in front of one of your biggest paintings, and one of your newest. It’s an abstract piece about your feelings about redemption, about your past sins, about adjusting to the hotel. Which it sounds stupid when you put it like that, but it made sense in the moment and you’re proud of it.
He turns and smiles before looking back at the painting.
“Is the uh, is the artist willing to sell this piece?” he asks, his cheeks and the tips of his ears turning red.
Now it’s your turn to get nervous. You’ve never actually sold any of your own pieces before.
“I uh- I’m not gonna sell it to you,” you tell him, “You can have it.”
It would be weird to take money from Lucifer, even if he is offering. You like him a decent amount and a transaction between the two of you would make it weird. It would feel like you owe him, even though your art would technically satisfy that. If he was one of the Vees or someone you dislike, you would have immediately taken money.
“But the artist-“
“Me,” you clarify, and you finally remember you don’t tag your own art. Lucifer’s jaw drops at your admission.
“I’d really like to support your work, it’s magnificent,” Lucifer insists, and you feel your cheeks burning. He turns to gesture to another piece, and his knuckles brush your own.
Fuck it. You told yourself you’d do it. You grab Lucifer’s hand in your own, a bold move.
“Just think about it as a gift,” you tell him, “A thank you for the lovely day we’ve had.”
You inwardly cringe, knowing that when you recount today at the lobby bar your drinking buddies are going to tear you a new one for that corny line. But it fits for Lucifer; he’s bringing out a side of you that you really haven’t seen in a while.
“Thank you uh, gorgeous,” he tacks on the pet name like even he isn’t sure about it, and with his hand still in yours, attempts to lean against a sculpture, stumbling as he misses it and bringing you along with him. He tugs you by the arm, jerking you closer to him. He’s majorly out of practice.
“I have a studio upstairs if you want to see more?” you offer, not really sure if you thought that through.
“More art? Absolutely!” He recovers quickly, enthusiasm dripping from his voice.
You smile as you pull him towards the hallway, butterflies in your stomach as it dawns on you that he’s going to be the only person besides you to see the studio.
You and Lucifer end up staying there until Charlie calls him the next morning.
You notice paint on his chin after you get back to the hotel.
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Hi, I'm not sure if you requests are open but I'd like to ask for a Lucifer Morningstar x oblivious! fem! reader. He met her when he visited the hotel and was immediately intrigued when Charlie told him that she was a a fallen angel. Later on he decides to court her but she is oblivious to his advances. Fluff! Have a good day/night!
Too Sweet~
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You were just so sweet and innocent, so kind and loveable. When in heaven, people compared you to an older version of Emily. Even though you had more life experience than the young Seraphim, you were still naive and careless about many things around you. From Adam’s insults and comments to even Sera’s darker tendencies, you saw nothing but the good in them all.
That's why you saw the good in her when Charlie came to Heaven to discuss her hotel with everyone. You saw the good in the program that she wanted to found. Unlike Emily, though, when Sera commanded you two to stop, you kept going, pleading with everyone to hear Charlie out. In turn, you were cast to hell with Charlie and Vaggie for insubordination.
Your appearance in Hell shocked most residents as you lay next to Vaggie and Charlie. A tall red man was grinning down at you, a cat-like creature had a grimace, and a spider was making a comical ‘O’ face. Sitting up with everyone as Vaggie went to explain to Charlie the hard news that was broken just before your fall, she was cut off by Charlie's overly nice voice. “Everyone listen up. The Hotel is in danger, and this poor angel Y/N was the only one on our side. She was cast down here with us after the news of Adam coming to attack in less than a month.” Surprise at your visit was quickly replaced with terror at the knowledge that the hotel was in danger. Charlie had locked herself in her room, tormenting herself with the knowledge that she had let everyone down. You, however, were being safeguarded by Vaggie. She intended to help Charlie as much as possible until she was ready to talk about everything, including keeping you safe from these sinners who walked amidst you. 
You liked everyone you met, though. Your first conversation with the spider named Angel Dust was entertaining enough. He got so confused and frustrated that you didn’t understand what he was saying to you. According to the cat Husk, you were just too innocent for Angel to handle. However, that didn’t stop a growing friendship between you three. They slowly taught you different things in hell, as you wouldn’t be returning anytime soon.
Against Vaggies best wishes, she allowed such a bond to form her, taking pity on your situation you still hadn’t fully grasped. You rivaled the naivety of even the snake demon Sir Pentious, leaving everyone, including him, to protect you. The only demon you weren’t a massive fan of in the hotel was the Radio Demon Alastor. He asked so many tough questions you couldn’t discuss about Heaven. He always had an odd smile, and everyone warned you never to make a deal with him, especially since your pure angelic soul would amount to so much for him in the overlord world. 
That’s why when Charlie came downstairs, Vaggie worried and yelling about the deal the Radio Demon and her made. You felt so guilty since you knew Vaggie wasn’t there to protect Charlie, and you had Vaggie's attention solely on making sure you didn’t mess up. Guilt ate you up, so while Vaggie went and talked to a woman named Camilla and Charlie left with the Radio Demon to speak to his friend, you led the charge building defenses for the hotel. 
You had seen the Exorcists work before; you even trained with them a handful of times, seeing as Adam wanted you a part of his team. The only thing that stopped your addition to the Exorsits was that you were a gentle soul that could never kill. You would do what you must to protect your new family. You helped board up windows, aligned Sir Pentious's weapons for him, and even found some hidden weaponry in the hotel.
You may be oblivious and naive, but Adam gave you one thing in Heaven: warrior skills. With that said, as Vaggie returned from Camillas with a new spark in her eye, you were eager to learn from Vaggie how to take down your brethren. You believed in Charlie's dream and would not allow it to falter because of Sera or Adam. 
As Vaggie was training you and the other hotel residents to fight, a stampede of new sinners joined in, led by Charlie. With these numbers, you might stand a chance against the battle soon. You were so happy to see Charlie and Vaggie whole once again; it didn’t even register in your mind what sick joke Angel made about their ‘last night’ together. 
The execution day was upon you all, and the battle was fierce and intense; you gave it your all, fighting those you once saw as sisters. Your angelic wings allow you to fight high in the sky with them. That is when you saw another gorgeous angelic creature. It wasn't an executioner or Adam. It was someone far more beautiful, with six bright white wings and deep red feathers underneath. In your awe-struck moment, you almost missed a fatal blow from an exorcist. 
The fight ended with the beautiful creature you soon figured out was Lucifer, having shown kindness to Adam. Though the little demon Niffty ended him, you were still impressed with his grace and poise. He was one of the Archangels now fallen and ruler of hell. Your face was warm seeing him in his glory. As you guys tallied your dead and helped Charlie recover, you kept feeling your eyes drift to the king of hell.
You had never seen someone so beautiful and angelic, even in his demon form. You wanted to ask him many questions, but your fear of being weird or crazy overtook you. Sticking to Husk and Angel's sides, you helped with the rebuilding process, and your wings also gave you an advantage in the rebuilding stage. However, you couldn’t shake the feeling that someone's eyes were also trained on you. 
Once the hotel was rebuilt and everything was said and done, Charlie took the time to introduce you to Lucifer. “Okay, dad, this is Y/N. She came from heaven with me and Vaggie after our meeting, which led to this. As you can tell, she is also a fallen angel.” The look on Lucifer's face was akin to fear and disgust in your mind. You didn’t mean to offend him with your presence. Suddenly, you felt self-conscious and excused yourself to return to Husk and Angel's party at the bar. While you walked away, Lucifer noted your wings and looks. He wasn’t disgusted by you; quite the contrary, he thought you were beautiful and worthy of heaven, not this place.
Lucifer took up Charlie's offer to move into the hotel. Not only to help out and gain more Sinners but also to be closer to you. The only problem was you couldn’t be any denser. He tried talking to you many nights sitting at the bar, yet you were so involved in Angel and Husk’s stories that he couldn’t get a word in. By the time the two would call it a night and head to bed, he would be too drunk to speak to you coherently, leading to you walking him up to his room and helping him get rest.
You were so oblivious and nice. He loved that about you, though. You always saw the good in everyone, and Charlie appointed you as a hotel therapist. As Sinners came to be redeemed, you could sit with them and talk about what they needed to do to heal. You could find the good in even Alastor, and that was impressive in and of itself. As Alastor noticed the king's interest in you growing, he couldn’t help but play games with the king's head. 
This would lead to countless heated battles that had you and Charlie seperating the two so they didn’t destroy the new hotel. You always took Lucifer's side and helped calm him down while Charlie took Alastor's. Charlie had 100% not planned this at all since she, too, noticed her father's growing interest in you. She is eager to see her father move on and be happy again. 
One fight led to a particularly rough love confession that led to an entire-blown relationship. After Alastor had paraded you around hell all day, Lucifer was boiling; how could you not see that Alastor was just using you to flaunt status? If anyone should have you on their arm walking around, hell, it was him. Thus, the battle between the two started. “Alastor, just what do you think you are doing taking the hotels Angel out on the town.” “AHAHA Lucifer, you make no sense. Angel is right over there, not on the town,” Static filled the area from his joke as a laugh track played. “You know precisely what I am talking about, tall and freaky. Y/N shouldn’t be going out there. It is dangerous for her.” You could practically see his horns protruding. 
“Oh, little man, I fear there is some jealousy coursing through you. Are you just mad she will humor me and my time while giving you nothing?” The static grew louder, and Alastors' smile only grew wider.
Slowly, you pulled yourself off Alastor's arm and made your way between the two. “Excuse me to the both of you; I can make my own choices, thank you very much. I may be naive and still learning, but if I am to be stuck here in hell forever, I want to know all that I can so I don’t end up hurt. Alastor, as much as I appreciate your time, you will stop antagonizing Lucifer immediately. Lucifer, if you want to take me out so bad, just do it.” Your eyes were fierce when you looked at both men. 
Alastor smirked and made his way to his tower, knowing your power as an angel had passed him, even in your innocent mind. Whereas Lucifer stared at you, shocked. You just asked him out; you asked him to take you out on the town. He was smiling from ear to ear, so happy at this admission. Your confused face, however, quickly altered his excitement.
“Luce? What is wrong? I am sorry if I was too mean.” Your words were so kind; maybe that hurt him the most. Knowing you didn’t mean it. You didn’t want him to take you out cause you liked him. You were just trying to defuse the situation. He felt his face drop, and he hung his head. Getting ready to go back to his room to wallow in self-pity, he felt two dainty arms wrap around him. “I didn’t mean to upset you; I am so sorry…” Your words cut him like a knife. He wished he was strong enough just to say it, not hidden in his guilt and depression over losing everything once. Yet your warm grasp and soft voice lit something deep within him. Slowly, he turned around in your embrace, pulling you firmly into him. 
“Y/N, you injure me so. You were flaunting your friendships with the others. Being so kind and charismatic with all that come and go from our home. How do you hold my heart as tight as you do when I swore off so long ago, loving once again?” He hoped you heard him well. He hoped you understood his plight and that he loved you. His heart sank at your words as he felt your arms tighten around him. “Oh, Luce, we are friends. I love being your friend more than anything. I am sorry if my yelling made you think otherwise. I will refrain from going out with Alastor as much.” How could you be so oblivious but so majestic and beautiful simultaneously? He pulled you away, looking into your eyes. Your faces were only a few inches apart.
“No, Y/N, listen to me, listen to the words I am saying. I love being your friend, too, but I love you. I want to be more than friends or best friends. I want to spend our infernal days locked here in hell as one. I thought I would only love Lilith and never overcome her love. However, as the seven years of her absence went by, I learned that the love I had then was long gone. That's when I saw you that day fighting Adam and the Exorcists. You are beautiful and light, and everything good I once wanted to share in the world with mortals. Please, Y/N, hear me when I say you are more Angelic than even I, and I love that about you. I love you.” He was red in the face. He hadn’t wanted his confession to be like this. He didn’t want it to be in the middle of the lobby.
Your eyes were wide as he saw your mind trying to process everything. A silent hush fell on the room. That is when he saw the most beautiful thing he had ever seen: your warm, bright smile directed at him and him alone. Soon, your arms were around his neck as you kissed his cheek, his face growing more red.
“I love you too, Lucifer; I didn’t know you had these feelings. I know I am a bit slower than others, especially because of my upbringing in heaven. I would love to live by your side, though. Everything makes so much more sense now why Charlie had been pushing me to spend time with you and all of Angel's jokes at the bar.” You had a lilt in your voice and a soft, breathy laugh at the end. He added everything to the list of lovely characteristics that made you what you are. He smiled wide and pulled you into him. “You missed.” As you went to question him, your voice died on your tongue as he placed his lips upon yours. The kiss was sweet, tasting like sugar and honey. The most divine thing either one of you had experienced. Some claps and wolf whistles let out as the lobby was filled with the inhabitants cheering you two on. This only fueled Lucifer's pride as he dipped you, causing a brief squeak to leave your lips before he claimed them once again. 
What could he say? Kissing you was just too sweet.
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gummy-bwear · 8 months
Some Lucifer Morningstar headcanons!
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-Some of his nicknames include: Luci, Lu Lu, The Morningstar and Duck Dad
-When Charlie was little he used to call her his ‘little ducking’, similar to Stolas calling Octavia ‘little starfire ’
-He dyes his wings to match his coat, because Charlie used to dye his wings and he kept up the tradition (mostly out of loneliness). They’re actually duck wings (God made his wings unique from the other angels because he was said to be God’s most beautiful creation)
-He did want to see Charlie, but he believed that she was better off without him and he didn’t want to push his way back into her life, so he waited for a long time for her to want to see him first. Hence why he was so overjoyed when he interpreted the call as her inviting him over
-Angel wings need constant upkeep (like preening) to be perfect and function properly. Lilith used to do this for him, which is seen by angels as a bonding activity only for family and close friends, but after Lilith disappeared and Lucifer was alone all the time his wings were not in any state to fly and were sensitive to the touch from not being looked after (he can’t reach the bases). He spent that hour in episode 5 trying to preen his wings and get them presentable just in case. There’s still a bit of work to be done but Charlie does help him out later
-His depression caused some memory loss issues, hence why he couldn’t remember the call from episode 1 with Charlie
-When he first arrived in Hell he despised himself for looking ‘demon-like’, thinking he had become ugly, so he tried to file down his sharp teeth. However it caused debilitating toothaches so he just used magic to make his teeth sharp again and left it
-In the family portrait from the pilot he was definitely using a step stool because he was too short for the photographers to get a good picture
-He’s a very musical person, and can play a lot of instruments
-Wears some kind of makeup to cover up how tired and sickly he looks from depression and being cooped up inside all the time
-When he was an angel he had a habit of biting his lip but when he got his sharp teeth he had to force himself to stop it because he was constantly drawing blood and injuring himself because of it
That’s all I really got, let me know some of your hc’s for this man! :)
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nmakii · 7 months
Hey! So I saw your arcana event post (I'm not sure how it works) but I'd like to see what you'd think of platonic!Charlie and/or platonic! Lucifer where (Reader) is Charlie's sibling but they feel like they aren't appreciated as much and they feel resentment/Jealousy towards them. Because of that (Reader) doesn't really talk to them anymore and Charlie/Lucifer tries to find out why. Well, it doesn't have to be plantonic if you rather it be something else, I wouldn't mind.
Right, to get straight to the point, I'd like a segment inspired by the Judgement prompt. With either Charlie and Lucifer. Maybe it it starts it angst to fluff, but you're the writer, so whatever you're comfortable with. No pressure! You may feel free to move over with this idea.
YOU’RE LOSING ME - Judgement Upright & Reversed
— rekindling your bond with your father and sister, lucifer and charlie morningstar
— tags: gn!reader, small father husk x reader, alcohol, family jealousy, ill wishes, angst to fluff
— join in! the major arcana - decide your fate
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as one of the heirs to the throne of hell, you’d worked your hardest to earn the respect of the sinners. commanding them with decisivness and elegance, often reminding many (especially your father) of your mother, lilith.
with your strong personality, lucifer hid himself in his private sector of the palace, doing who knows what in there until dinner came, in which he’d sit at the opposite side of the table. giving quick and quiet responses to your attempts at conversation.
and it’s because of that— the lack of excitement and conversation in the palace, that you decided to join your sister’s deluded dreams of redemption at her ‘Happy Hotel’.
in all honesty, the hotel was not too shabby at all. minimal pests thanks to the housekeeper, niffty; generally cozy decor provided by the radio demon himself; and decent drinks provided by husk the bartender
the only real thing that kept you from truly enjoying the hotel was charlie herself. it was true, you loved charlie and would do anything to make her happy, even if it meant saying something you didn’t believe was true. but, the difference in the ways everyone treated her and you!
everyone treated her like a leader, albeit the occasional poke at her convincing skills. not to mention the amount of blind faith that vaggie and alastor put in her, pushing themself to their emotional limits and fulfilling bizarre requests just to see her succeed. in turn, they treated you like an old pal and attempting to befriend you, don’t they see you as charlie’s equal?
it was never a thought you’d ever dare to say out loud; but, at times you wished she’d cease to exist, or even never existed at all. if she wasnt here, no one would compare you two anymore.
your resentment grew by the time charlie had invited your father to the hotel. standing on the sidelines as lucifer did his best to prove to charlie he was much more helpful than alastor.
“dad— um, maybe you’d want me to give you a tour around the hotel? i could show you around, i practically know it like the back of my hand!” you grinned, trying to impress him. lucifer glared at alastor before turning to face you softly and responding, “my dear, i think it’d be better if charlie was the one to give me a tour!”
you noticed that lucifer was glaring at alastor, so you had tried your best not to take it to heart. “oh… alright, dad” you bared a forced smile. don’t think though for a second that your father didn’t notice. his spiteful grin fell as he saw the disappointment on your face. though, as much as he wanted to say something about it, he was too much of a coward to say anything about it.
as lucifer, charlie and alastor left to their tour, you sat down at the bar, husk noticing your sullen mood, mixing you an ‘el diablo’, quite ironic. “now what’s got you so down in the dumps, ah? got some daddy issues?” he smiled softly at you, leaning over the bar counter to listen, tuning out whatever nonsense mimzy was spouting. quite different from the usual grumpy cat. “what are you on about? i don’t… have daddy issues” you scowled as husk poured the crimson drink into a tall glass. “really now?” he raised an eyebrow. “well… whatever shit you’ve got going on, you gotta face it head on, instead of shoving it down. trust me, i’ve been in your shoes before” he smiled as he shook the hair on your head. “look… i gotta go do something for a second, just… sit tight, got it?” he said as you nodded before leaving the counter to who knows where.
halfway to the end of the glass, a bang struck out, resonating through the entire hotel. “oh, shit…” mimzy cursed out as she hid behind the counter. those minutes were a blur, ignoring the world surrounding, engulfed by husk’s words. “whatever you’re going through, you have to face it head on.” you frowned, the tequila clouding your thoughts.
you turned your back to see lucifer gripping charlies back in a loving hug. your eyes narrowed in on them, rolling them as you snarl. lucifer heard, slowly letting go of charlie before walking to you, cupping your back, spine hunched on the counter.
“hey, kiddo… what’s gotcha looking so pissed..?” he asked awkwardly, most likely aware of the source for you hate. “what does charlie have that… what makes her so much better than me?” your lip trembled, tears threatening to fall out before overflowing down your cheeks.
your dad and charlie listened to your insecurities, as well as looking in hindsight at the events of today. guilt growing in the pit of his stomach, he turned the stool to face him as he embraced you in a warm hug, stroking you back softly as charlie joined from behind.
“kiddo… im so sorry if i ever made you feel like you werent good enough. i…i just got so happy that i got to see you two again. i guess i also got too caught up in trying to help with the hotel, i overlooked you and im sorry. i never meant to do that, could you find it in your precious heart to forgive your old man?” his eyes softening as he kissed the top of your head.
charlie spoke up too “im sorry too… i got too focused on trying to prove that the hotel works, i didnt even think that you probably want to spend time with dad too…” she pouted. as her grip on you tightened. “it’s okay, let’s just promise to be more open with each other… you two are the only family i’ve got left now that mom’s disappeared…” you smiled, arms wrapping around your father and sister.
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dewdropdinosaur · 6 months
The Whole Being Dead Thing
LUCIFER X READER (PLATONIC) Summary: Lucifer is your father and to say you have been distant the past 7 years would be an understatement. Being the sarcastic owner of a murder business doesn't exactly make the family reunion even more enjoyable. Warnings: Some cuss words and a gun --> Reader is similar to Blitz from Helluva Boss. Rating: PG-13 Can't remember who requested this but here you go!
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In the bustling streets of Pentagram City, where sin and redemption intertwined in a chaotic dance, there lurked a figure shrouded in darkness. Y/N, the eldest daughter of Lucifer Morningstar, once roamed. Born into a lineage of darkness and power, she was destined for greatness—or so it seemed.The disappearance of her mother, Lilith, shattered the fragile bonds that tied Y/N to her family. Amidst the turmoil and whispers of betrayal, she made a choice that would alter her destiny forever. With a heart heavy with unresolved pain, Y/N turned her back on her kin and vanished into the shadows, leaving behind her legacy and her birthright.
Long had it been since Y/N departed from the opulent corridors of her father's domain. With her heart heavy and her resolve unyielding, Y/N ventured into the abyss of uncertainty, carving her path through the crimson-lit alleyways of Pentagram City.
In the shadows, she found her solace, her purpose. She became a legend whispered in hushed tones—a silent specter weaving through the fabric of the city, a master of the art of assassination. With meticulous precision and deadly grace, she built her empire, brick by blood-soaked brick, until her name became synonymous with fear itself. Starting her own business built on assassination both inside Hell and up on Earth, Y/N essentially ruled the criminal underworld of Hell. Her own kingdom, not given to her by birthright, but by hard work and a penchant for blowing shit up. 
Years passed, and Lucifer, the fallen angel turned proprietor of the infamous Hazbin Hotel, watched over his kingdom with a heavy heart. The absence of his daughter weighed upon him like an anchor, a constant reminder of the rift that had torn their family asunder. After the disappearance of his eldest, Lucifer then distanced himself from his youngest; believing himself the one to blame for everything leaving.  He missed his daughter, though he would never admit it openly. The pain of her absence lingered like a wound that refused to heal, a constant reminder of his failure as a father.
 However, as time wore on and Hazbin Hotel grew - Lucifer reintroduced himself into Charlie’s life and they became reconnected and virtually inseparable. Charlie, being the optimistic being that she was, decided that if one family reunion was going so well, another should follow. Drafting out a letter to her older sister in bright pink ink, the note was mailed and received. 
After weeks of debate, Y/N finally relented. Maybe seeing Charlie after all would be nice, just the two of them. Putting on her normal outfit: white tank top, black leather jacket, and black jeans along with combat boots; Y/N marched to the hotel. Knocking on the door, Y/N straightened her top. However, what greeted her was not her energetic sister but instead Lucifer, who stood with wide eyes. 
Time seemed to stand still as father and daughter locked eyes, a thousand unspoken words hanging heavy in the air between them. For a moment, the world faded away, leaving only the echo of their shared past and the weight of their estrangement.
Charlie, the ever-optimistic princess of Hell, stood beside Lucifer, her gaze shifting between the two with a mixture of curiosity and concern. Sensing the tension thickening in the air, she stepped forward, a beacon of warmth amidst the shadows.
"Y/N," Charlie finally spoke, voice high pitched as she reached to embrace her sister. "It's been too long."
Y/N's expression remained impassive, her mask of stoicism betraying no hint of the emotions that roiled within her. She nodded, acknowledging her words with a silent understanding.
Y/N's gaze was steely, her demeanor guarded as she faced the father she had long forsaken. The awkwardness between them was palpable, a tangible barrier separating them even as they stood mere feet apart.
"Y/N," Lucifer finally spoke, his voice a mix of longing and regret, "it's been... too long."
A flicker of emotion crossed Y/N's face—a fleeting vulnerability that was quickly masked behind a facade of indifference. “Hi, dad.” 
Lucifer shifted uncomfortably, sensing the palpable tension hanging in the air. "How have you been?"
Y/N's lips twisted into a bitter smirk. "Oh, you know, same old, same old. Just running a famous murder stick in the depths of Hell. How about you?"
Lucifer winced at the reminder of his daughter's chosen path, a pang of ick gnawing at his insides. "I've been... managing," he replied evasively, unable to meet her gaze.
“So after 7 years that is all you have to say to me? 'How have you been'?” 
“Well, I--is that a gun!?"
Sighing and tapping the glock strapped to her thigh, Y/N spoke “Yes, dad. it's a gun. Sheesh, for sin incarnate you really are such a downer. Get it? Downer, cause like you go down on people...oh whatever.
Charlie, you got a bartender in this place right? Cause I am gonna need a shitty drink if y'all are gonna be a tough crowd."
Charlie, sensing the awkwardness and unable to get sex jokes thickening, attempted to lighten the mood. "Well, uh, why don't we sit down and catch up? I'm sure there's plenty to talk about and yeah…we have a bartender.!"
Y/N's laugh was hollow, devoid of mirth, completely avoiding her father in favor for his sister. "Sure, why not? I've always wanted to hear about the latest happenings in the Hotel for lost souls. So tell me sis, how’s life been mhmm?” 
The reunion was awkward, fraught with the weight of unresolved grievances and unspoken apologies. Yet, amidst the awkwardness, there lingered a glimmer of hope—a flicker of light amidst the darkness that had shrouded their relationship for so long. Alcohol made Y/N much friendlier anyway.
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