#Morgan clae
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rubydart · 1 year ago
This song put a spell over me.
Animatic for Hama of the Water Tribe, Bloodbender, after she frees herself from the Fire Nation prison.
Music by Jorge Rivera-Herrans - Get in the Water, from EPIC the Musical, song cover by Morgan Clae [Video Description: Get in the water: Hama faces a Fire Nation soldier at the beach under the light of a full moon. Face tired, almost impassive, she tells him to get in the water. Tides so high: She reaches her hand up to the moonlit sky and the waves of the sea around her start to roil. Her actions in time with the music, she threatens and bloodbends the soldier to step closer to the sea. He shouts no, and Hama sends a wall of water up around them. Hama forces him to kneel and sends the water over the soldier, and the final shots are from his POV as the water rises and covers his vision. ]
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kiweegamez · 4 months ago
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There were 3 deathless creatures made by an upper being, they were the first fauns, rumoured to be named Tanu (Black Faun), Raloi (Blonde Faun), and Lamia (Snow fur faun). Tanu the faun god of night and fear, Raloi the Faun goddess of the sun and beauty, And Lamia the faun Goddess of the cold and destruction. 
Raloi always would crave attention being her downfall, as the higher beings (main Greek gods and goddesses) was displeased with her unfaithful acts, so she ‘disappeared’.  It’s rumoured that she was turned into a goat and trapped in stone deep in the forest.
Tanu could never sleep, and when night would come out, he would watch over the many villages, some say he painted the night sky with stars. They say if you see a shooting star it was Tanu running across the sky, leaping from star to star and a meteor shower was him guiding spirits to their final destination.
Then Lamia, the oh ‘mighty’ Ram of destruction. Despite she’s a goat like the others there was a major misconception with early civilisations seeing the ‘mini’ goddess they didn’t exactly know what a goat was. So she got THAT title, which she hates. But she’s used to it by now. 
She is the goddess of ice and destruction, often being shown on side with Ares as war cannot happen without destruction and bloodshed. Lamia cannot swim, as the water around her hooves freezes over, think of Elsa when she walks on water. Hence why when people who saw a trail of stray ice across bodies of water they would say it was Lamia coming from the battle of the great. (Whatever that is) One time when she was much younger she had fallen into the water, trying to break through the thick ice, struggling for hours. She remembers seeing two large eyes in the darkness of the deep sea, she still hears his voice… Before calling on her weapon ‘Kóptis’ bursting from the ice and clambering onto it the hole she had just emerged from had already frozen over. She had hidden from humanity in the depths of the snowy tundras, now a rarely known Goddess, yet some small civilisations still plead and bring offerings under her name to her little altars in their territories. Wishing for protection and the destruction of their enemies if they were to engage with war. She also avoids hot weather since she has thick hair, built for living in the snow or cool temperatures. 
She easily eats meat, including goat, but tries to keep a balanced diet. (Omnivore)
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(WEAPON UNDER CONSTRUCTION! :D) Kóptis is a 7”ft long crosscut saw blade on a long staff with a firm handle having 3 curved in claws on the back, a pale white permanent ice growth coming from the blade having a faint fog, the blade itself a steel colour with inward cuts that could do some damage if needed, the blade having some black patterns along it. It weighs around 37lbs it’s heavier at the tip due to ice growth.
How she lifts it is a marvel given her size, while most mortals would struggle to carry a weapon of this build on the field, she makes it work. She can spear it into the ground causing a burst of ice spikes originating from the puncture point. She can also stand on the claws at the end with one hoof, usually perching like this when surveilling the area or waiting for the tides of war nearby.
She also unexpectedly strong for her small size, so yes, quite literally the gag of the tiny character that will slam another character from side to side. Also you best believe she will ram the living soul out of you.
She does not have any children, she is still antisocial after who knows how many years of living. In her young godhood despite what she was the goddess of she was stupidly shy. Therefore Ares had to get involved to train her, leading to them having a sibling like bond. (Imagine Athena) But now this lil goddess has a short temper, being easy to trigger. Which other gods and goddesses will use to get a rile out of her.
The only two gods she would willingly talk to is either Ares or Dionysus, while she will gladly listen to Aphrodite give her the latest God and Goddess gossip, sometimes Aphrodite will start playing with her hair.
She wouldn’t even go near Poseidon since the whole water thing since she thinks he automatically hates her existence for absolutely no reason and plus water so yeah, however after meeting each other at one of the winter solstice’s, she was being clammed up by a pedestal, but Zeus had noticed this and teased Poseidon to no end calling him a ‘lone wolf’ and eventually irritated Poseidon enough to approach Lamia. The two though they won’t admit it to others had a few common interests, and they actually bonded. She would go to a cliff by the sea to meet up with him time from time, since it was the easiest and most isolated spot for them both.
Also she cannot STAND Apollo, so she would be very reluctant and stubborn to go to Apollo’s hospital somewhere in Olympus even if she did look like Swiss cheese, Apollo also teases her if she does end up getting dragged through by force. Usually mocking her about her injuries or how she’s supposed to be ‘soooo tough’ adding fuel to their already raging fire. Ares usually has to hold her back like a child, which is comical to say the least. 
She will also often engage in the battles she was called in but only a little since it’s not exactly fair for mortals to fight against a goddess, unless she’s in a bad mood then she’s gonna sweep ya’ll away with the sharp edges of her weapon. 
Her favoured offerings are; lingon berries, Cinderella pumpkins, sweet/black wines, the 7th rib of a goat, or the hallowed horn of the goats(the ones you can blow into) 
(She sounds like Morgan Clae because why not, you know that after existing for so long she will sing like a Disney princess if she’s alone and the voices are getting to her.)
Also I imagine if she was in Epic she would appear during Poseidon’s song as I imagine they would be that random power couple that somehow happened despite she mostly is still afraid of the water, but she’s willing to be brave for Poseidon.
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Lamia’s pride is held high by her armour, keeping it as clean as she can in her spare time. She is not afraid to get physical though. Her armour is quite heavy which is confusing for others considering how agile she is in her armour. As the picture states, when she wears her helmet her voice drastically deepens sounding a lot like Ares, so they get a little kick out of it when they can. She went through many reshapings of her chassis with Hephaestus as she wanted her tail to be hidden as she doesn’t like others seeing it. So it was either too short or too big, eventually getting it right in the end. Hephaestus somewhat likes her as a friend, but she often wants to test his weapons which he won’t allow, and he knows that if she visits his forge she’s done something to ruin her armour.
Normal voice: Morgan Clae
helmeted voice: Lord dominator (masked) (closest I could find to Ares at the moment without it just being literal Ares lmao)
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loftwinggoesmew · 4 months ago
So anyone who knows my YouTube has probably already seen the original video of Morgan's cover and Jorge's snippet I edited about 7 months ago. Well! Now that the official audio is here, it was time to include Steven. They all sound nice together I think 👉👈
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kymera219 · 10 months ago
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So kiss me with your eyes
Love me with your lips
Promise me fantasy with you will follow
Tell me that I'm yours
Undo all the lies
Show me how to live
Promise me gravity can’t touch tomorrow
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fancymussmuss · 1 year ago
Beautiful memories...
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airasora · 3 months ago
Giving me Thraxette vibes... probably one of the AUs where his alien species and the humans are at war with each other. It's such an amazing cover. I want more epic covers of pop songs. It's a genre I didn't know I needed in my life!
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headspacedad · 9 months ago
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ivoryand-gold · 6 months ago
okay since we’re only a couple days out from the release of the wisdom saga i’m gonna make predictions based on absolutely nothing but my hopes and dreams:
—i think there’ll be a gender bent casting for either Hephaestus or Apollo
—until proven otherwise i’ve been headcanoning Morgan Clae as Hephaestus (if you’re unfamiliar with her, she’s popular in the fandom for her viral Poseidon audition and is also writing a musical of her own!)
—that’s about it i just wanted to say that casting choice would be sick af lol
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onceuponafile · 2 months ago
Kiss Me With Your Eyes by Morgan Clae is THE song for Alizeh and Cyrus I beg you listen to this song I am on my knees
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etherealmaidenprincess · 16 days ago
'Kiss Me With Your Eyes' by Morgan Clae I can't decide if I wanna write it as Sonamy, Shadamy or Sonadamy?(I love Sonadow buy I'm gonna be using a different song for them in the future)
Like what do yall think?
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rubydart · 1 year ago
Remember all your slaughters, And remember some had daughters. Your time's up, I am payday, And I suggest you quickly say...
Animated Katara fanart set to part of Morgan Clae's "Katara's Villain Song" (check out her tiktok for the full song) ID: Sad and vengeful Katara from the episode "The Southern Raiders", a wall of wavering water behind her from the dome she created, as raindrops float in the air as she potentially prepares to end the life of her mother's killer.
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pyreneese · 11 months ago
This was my first post to Tiktok so it didn't really get any love so I'm also posting it here pfft XD. If any of my mutuals are fans of Epic, I made a fan-edit singer mashup of my favorite covers/auditions for Get in the Water. *gently slaps the song* this baby holds a 4 singer harmony that took me much longer than I'd like to admit to sync up.
(singers are Jorge Rivera-Herrans, Morgan Clae, Dabin Cha and topherngo)
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hartwinorlose · 1 year ago
i have very little artistic skill (and pretty much zero animation skill) but the chokehold morgan clae's Get in the Water cover from epic the musical has on me is insane
the desire to make an animatic has never been so intense
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petrashappyplace · 5 months ago
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aniseandspearmint · 8 months ago
The Rumble
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skatesfullofsunshine · 3 months ago
This song reminds me of the first Hobbit movie, specifically, but in general feels very Hobbit movie coded. I love it. (Also, the artist Morgan Clae is AMAZING.)
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