olitaly · 5 months
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pgfone · 10 months
Ti seguo da un po' e da quello che ho capito sei un esperto in olio di oliva ti faccio quindi questa domanda da qualche tempo vedo sulle bottiglie di olio pregiato la scritta [BLEND] cosa significa? grazie, sono sicura che ci spiegherai questo mistero!
Esperto in olio di oliva mi ha fatto molto ridere ti giuro! XD
Allora, non è facile da spiegare ma cerco di semplificartela il più possibile, quella scritta significa che il produttore raccoglie le varietà di olive che ha presenti in oliveto separatamente, ne fa olio, e poi chiama un esperto che ne fa una miscela con le varie percentuali delle varie cultivar, questo lo si fa per dare oli più equilibrati possibile (non troppo piccanti, non troppo amari ecc..). Complicato eh? Ti faccio un esempio, io ho perlopiù 3 varietà di olivi: Leccino, Moraiolo e Frantoio, siccome queste olive danno oli completamente diversi tra loro, adatti a pietanze diverse, dovrei macinarle separatamente e poi chiamare un esperto che mi fa il blend, blend per il pesce, blend per le carni ecc ecc, insomma una vera e propria stronzata da chef stellato, visto che a mio parere il bello dell'olio italiano è proprio che ogni singolo oliveto (piantato da mani sapienti in passato) da un olio con dei profumi e dei sapori unici.
ecco tutto, spero sia abbastanza esplicativo.
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oaresearchpaper · 7 months
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bauerntanz · 3 years
Olio d'oliva
Olio d'oliva extra vergine aus der Toskana - (m)ein kleiner Tipp
Allerfeinstes Olivenöl aus quasi heimischer Quelle habe ich vor einiger Zeit in diesem kleinen Blog schon einmal angepriesen. “Liebe Freunde,” schreiben die Olivenbauern Beverley und  Gunnar Kopp (ehemals Lingen, dann Houston, jetzt La Carpineta (Toskana),  “die Oliven sind geerntet. Erneut begann die Ernte auf Carpineta zwei Wochen früher als im Jahr zuvor. Der Trend ist eindeutig und der…
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nkimuchi · 4 years
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. ⚠️この写真📸を左にスワイプしてこの他9つの動画🎥や写真も御覧下さい🍝😙🙏. Swipe this photo 📸 to the left and see nine other cooking processes, movies and photos of the actual meal scene🍝😙🙏. 🐝例によって今回もIGTVやストーリーズで長々とアップしていたヤツ😂🙏 ここんとこちゃんとした投稿があまり出来なくてまいっちんぐなヒグロックである😓 そんな訳なのだが… ◎以前も紹介した事のある @Inserrata さんから届いた 今年の新油の🫒オリーブオイルと 今回は一緒に頂いた、同じトスカーナ産の🍯はちみつもたっぷり使った、3種の🧀チーズを載っけた簡単なトーストで楽しむ😋💖 ◎フランスパン🥖にオリーブオイルをたらりんと、3種のチーズ🧀(ブルーチーズ、チェダーチーズ、ゴーダチーズ)を載っけて @balmuda でトーストして… ◎@Inserrata さんのトスカーナ産の美味しい蜂蜜🍯をたっぷりたらりんと😋💖 (蜂蜜の瓶のデザインも可愛いよね〜😗) ◎てな訳でヒグロックも大好きな、甘しょっぱいのがクセになる、チーズ🧀&蜂蜜🍯の楽チンな一品の間違い無く美味いヤツを堪能しました〜‼️🙏 Thanks so much @Inserrata ‼️😆🙏💖 🫒🫒🫒🫒🫒🫒🫒🫒🫒🫒🫒🫒 ◎今回使用した エキストラバージンオリーブオイル @Inserrata 【Inserrata】 『COLLINE SANMINIATESI OLIO EXTRA VERGINE D'OLIVA』 (COLLINE SANMINIATESI エキストラバージンオリーブオイル) Azienda Agricola Vinicola Biologica Inserrata ★オリーブの産地: 🇮🇹イタリア、トスカーナ州 ★オリーブの品種: レッチーノ、モライオーロ、ペンドリーノ、 フラントイオのプレンド ◎香り高い青い草のアロマ、しっかりした苦味と辛味、甘みとのバランスが良く、トスカーナの代表的なオリーブのそれぞれの品種の特長が活かされた高度なブレンディングがされている事を実感出来るオリーブオイル。 ◎ブルーチーズの青カビのピリッとする辛味、またクセのあるウォッシュチーズに、牛肉、羊肉やジビエ料理など肉料理のアクセントや風味付けにも合わせてみたいオイルです。 #オリーブオイル #エキストラバージンオリーブオイル #エクストラバージンオリーブオイル #オリーブオイルソムリエ#ヒグロック #oliveoil#extravirginoliveoil#evoo#aove #olioextravergine #organic #Frantoiano#Leccino#Moraiolo#Pendolino #tostadas #おうちカフェ #チーズトースト#フランスパン #ハニーチーズトースト #フォトジェニックフード #松本市 #アイシティ21 #トスカーナ #フラントイオ #ブルーチーズ#チェダーチーズ #ゴーダチーズ#はちみつ #honey Special thanks to @Inserrata @inoueicity21 @donq_depuis1905 @balmuda (Matsumoto, Nagano) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMQNqCgACNA/?igshid=rr69273kze05
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vinotv · 7 years
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@flos_olei #tasting: a #great #wineproducer as #giuseppemazzocolin from @felsina_wines can make also extraordinary #extraverginoliveoil with 4 different #varieties #pendolino #leccino #moraiolo #raggiolo always from #tuscany of course! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 Un grande produttore di #vino come Giuseppe Mazzocolin di Felsina non poteva non produrre straordinari #olioextraverginedioliva , sempre dalle sue magniche #terre in #toscana !!! #wine #oil #evo #greattasting #flosolei #food #followmywinepassion #vinotv (presso The Westin Excelsior Rome)
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hiroshi-shiba87 · 5 years
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Olio con sapiente arte spremuto Dal puro frutto degli annosi olivi, Che cantan -pace! -in lor linguaggio muto Degli umbri colli pei solenti clivi, Chiaro assai più liquido cristallo, Fragrante quale oriental unguento, Puro come la fè che nel metallo Concavo t’arde sull’altar d’argento, Le tue rare virtù non furo ignote Alle mense d’Orazio e di Varrone Che non sdegnàr cantarti in loro note… Gabriele D’Annunzio #OlioEVO #ColliAssisiSpoleto #TreviUmbria #Moraiolo #NoFiltered #Soddisfazioni (presso Trevi, Umbria, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7ES84rIbxJ9wQYnM9tPXJzcqxzWfHBFGVzHg00/?igshid=6fd00jpgmahn
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laselvatuscanvilla · 5 years
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Since the Etruscans time our area produce Extra Virgin Olive Oil #EVOO, we consume every day from breakfast to dinner and is the most important ingredient of our diet. Each year between end of October and November the daily life of many people around us is dedicated to pick the olives and press them. @laselvatuscanvilla we have almost 1000 organic olive trees of various cultivars #Moraiolo, #Pendolino, #Frantoio, #Leccino, #Maurino and many other biotypes typical of ancient olive groves; this means that the EVOO has the richness of flavors and unique aromas. Our olives are hand picked and #cold-milled within hours of harvest, with the minimal use of water. This give the best quality, rich flavor, low acidity, distinct aroma and is high in #antioxidants #polyphenols. 2019 will be remembered as a difficult year with small production due to unusual climate and not favorable for the olive trees. We will make about 40% less EVOO compared to last year. On average, production in our area is a third compared to last year. We are still happy as the quality of our EVOO is very good and this is what we care the most. (presso La Selva Giardino del Belvedere - Private Villa in Tuscany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4kAg_coCbF/?igshid=oel096evy2td
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giovantfatttogni · 5 years
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Avere dei collaboratori efficienti è una grande fortuna, puoi dormire sonni tranquilli.... . . . #collaboratori #vitaincampagna #taglioerba #viscioleto #oliveto #fiducia #lavoribenfatti #vinoevisciole #monovarietali #mignola #moraiolo #roscioladeicolliesini #anticafattoriatogni #agriturismo #agrichef #allevatori #venditadiretta #agrimacelleria #agricampeggio #fattoriadidattica (presso Antica Fattoria di Giovanni Togni) https://www.instagram.com/anticafattoriatogni/p/BxCIE52pfdN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10ok7c9rjm8n0
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olitaly · 5 months
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Qual è un tuo piatto preferito della cucina internazionale o europea?
Buongiorno caro luculliano anonimo.
Domanda difficilissima, la tua, se fatta ad un appassionato di enogastronomia quale io sono, perché fare una scelta ne esclude mille e sono certo che, a scelta fatta, mille saranno i rimpianti di quelle esclusioni.
Per agevolarmi faccio una piccola distinzione semantica: dici piatto ed io voglio intenderlo come prodotto di cucina, di elaborazione, restringendo il campo e chiamandone fuori tutti quegli elementi che sono bell'e pronti da mangiare.
E questo fatto mi consegno alla semplicità, per quanto solo apparente, e ti dico la bruschetta, realizzata con del pane splendido di Dittaino, casereccio, appena abbrustolito, strofinato con aglio di Vessalico, cosparso di sale di Cervia, unto d'un olio umbro tratto da olive di varietà Moraiolo, arricchita di pomodorini del Piennolo giunti a perfetta maturazione ed infine resa perfetta da qualche fogliolina di basilico genovese.
Pensa ad un pranzo estivo, all'ombra fresca di una toppia di vite vergine, lo sposarsi dei sapori e degli aromi e della tattilità d'ogni ingrediente, e dimmi se non ho ragione.
E chi sa che ne direbbe @michelecogni
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pgfone · 4 years
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Oggi: moraiolo
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oaresearchpaper · 8 months
Olive Genotypes in Pakistan: Phenology and Pollen Assessment
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Pollen viability and germination tests are consider key factors for final productivity. Hence characterization of pollen and phenological aspects of eighteen olive cultivars were studied under an experiment carried out at Barani Agricultural Research Institute, Chakwal, Pakistan. Pollen viability was tested through Acetocarmine and germination was analyzed in the culture media having water, boric acid, sucrose and agar.  Results depicted that the maximum number of panicles were recorded in variety Earlik (27.90) and minimum in variety Ottobratica. In general more number of panicles was recorded in 2018 in all most all the varieties as compared to 2017. Highest numbers of flower per branch were observed in variety Ottobratica in both years of study. Staminate flowers were also noted at maximum level again in variety Ottobratica. Maximum final fruit set percentage was recorded in variety Moraiolo (4.23 %) and Coratina (3.70 %) in first year of study while Coratina (3.75 %) and Frantoio (3.59 %) depicted highest fruit set percentage in second year of study. Maximum pollen viability (79.18% & 53.08) was recorded by in Variety Gemlik while minimum values were recorded in Variety Leccino (27.16 % & 47.62 %) in both the years 2017 & 2018 respectively. The germination rate varied among all the varieties. Varieties Ottobratica and Gemlik showed maximum value of pollen germination rate during the study year while minimum rate was recorded again in variety Leccino.
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Olive (Olea europaea L.) is an evergreen tree and prominent species of whole Mediterranean countries. Its cultivation can be traced back since ancient times and is also mentioned in the Holy Quran, Hebrew and the Christian Bibles (Flaishman et al., 2008). The olive fruit is a famous fruit tree worldwide for its oil and nutritional benefits. Successful fertilization and fruitlet persistence is directly dependent upon flower quality (Martins et al., 2006) which also predict pistil abortion rate, embrosac development, and receptivity of stigma, pollen viability and nitrogen and carbohydrate contents (Cuevas et al., 1994; Moreno-Aloaas et al., 2018). Large ovaries are associated with more fruit set. (Cuevas and Polito, 2004.) Flower quality is better in off year than on year production (Mazzeo et al., 2014). The length of inflorescence (3-8 cm) and number of inflorescence per branch and number of flower (15-30) per inflorescence varies with the cultivar (Martin and Sibbett, 2005). These characteristic may vary in each year, plant, branch, inflorescence (Brooks, 1948; Cuevas et al., 1994; Lavee et al., 1996; Lavee et al., 2002; Reale et al., 2006). The perfect or staminate flower may vary with the position of inflorescence (Bouranis et al., 1999; Dimassi et al., 1999; Ateyyeh et al., 2000; Cuevas and Polito, 2004). 
Most important features in olive fruit set are self-incompatibility, self-fertility and abnormalities in morphological traits. Various factor of sterility are present in olive like more or less related species which are responsible for productivity. Olive trees with good quality and quantity of viable pollens is essential for a good pollination. As a whole, there exists a linear relation between viability and germination capacity of pollen and germination capability in many fruit species (Stanley and Linskens, 1974). Both viability and germination depends on various factors like genotype, nutrition conditions, and biotic and a biotic factors (Khan and Perveen, 2008).Poor pollen viability and germination percentage cause less fecundation in olive (Bini, 1984; Tombesi, 2013). Pollen viability is a genetic trait (Vuletin-Selak et al., 2014) and estimated by various techniques and one of the most important is staining with acetocarmine jelly (Radford et al., 1974). 
Pollen germination is another important factor in olive fruit production. Growth of pollen tube in In vitro condition should be check to assess the pollen grain germination capability. Temperature and relative humidity has strong influence on pollen tube growth along with the humidity and growing media. 
There is a huge difference in pollen germination on stigma in open field condition and in vitro growth (Heslop-Harrison and Heslop-Harrison, 1981; Pinney and Polito, 1990; Kovacs and Barnabas, 1997). In vitro Pollen tube germination is very sensitive to growing media. In present conditions media is considered to be suitable having water, boric acid, sucrose and agar (Pinney and Polito, 1990) and citric acid (Al-Dehadhehetal et al., 2004).
The media containing 20% sucrose is optimal and more than 30 % cause inhibition of pollen tube growth (Lavee et al., 1985). Pollen ability, germination percentage and pollination of 18 olive cultivars were evaluated. It is believed that pollen ability is an important tool for pollination process for mono orchard cultivation. Major significant differences among cultivars for pollen abilities were listed with variation in characteristic with reference to time (Shemer et al., 2014).
Olive cultivation on commercial scale has no long history in Pakistan. But during the last ten years olive plantation has gained popularity because of its great socio-economic importance. More than 4494.36 hectares have been brought under olive cultivation in Pothwar region and 2,800 acre (280,004 plants) was cultivated other than Pothwar region under Federal and provincial Government, Pakistan (PARC, 2018; BARI, 2019).
A major aim was to examine phenology, pollen viability and germinating capacity of pollens of eighteen exotic olives for identifying the most suitable genotype for newly olive industry establishment.
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Aceitunas origen italiano:
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nkimuchi · 4 years
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. ⚠️この写真📸を左にスワイプしてこの他9つの動画🎥や写真も御覧下さい🍝😙🙏. ⚠️Please swipe this photo 📸 to the left , watch ninep other movies and photos of cooking processes,the actual meal scene and so on 🍝😙🙏 . . (今回は異なるテーマが3つあるんで、キャプションでの説明をそれぞれ簡潔に…. …なってるかなぁ〜〜⁉️😅) . 🌟まずは…. ◎7/1の半夏生あたりん時に作った. 『タコ🐙のアーリオオーリオペペロンチーノ🌶』のはずだったのだが…. 唐辛子🌶忘れたので、『タコ🐙のアーリオオーリオ』か😂ネギだくで誤魔化す😅 . (ちなみに曇ってぼんやりしている写真はオイルがレンズに付いて写真が曇ってるだけ、加工した訳ではない😝). 🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿 ◎今回使用した. エキストラバージンオリーブオイル. 🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿. 『Terre Floride』. ★オリーブの産地:🇮🇹イタリア、ウンブリア州 ★オリーブの品種:モライオーロ、レッチーノ、フラントイオ. . 🌟お次は…. 🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟. スワイプして7番目に出てくる🎥動画のヤツ. 📺日テレの「ZIP」や「満点☆青空レストラン」でも紹介された…. 😆激ウマ‼️食べるオリーブオイル😋💖. 『静岡県産わさびとしらすの. 食べるオリーブオイル UMAMI OIL 』. . ◎エキストラバージンオリーブオイル100%使用の食べるオリーブオイル. 🌟オリーブオイル専門店「CREA TABLE」. 🌟わさび漬けの老舗「田丸屋本店」. のコラボレーションの贅沢な逸品‼️. . ◎オーストラリアにある自社契約農園の最高品質のエキストラバージンオリーブオイルに、静岡県産わさびの茎漬け、しらす、たまねぎ、アンチョビ、にんにく、トマト、松の実、ちりめん、削りぶし、食塩、ごま、粉末昆布、砂糖、しょうゆ、酢など、静岡を代表する食材をメインに、様々な旨味素材が漬け込まれた食べるオリーブオイルUMAMI OIL . ◎その食材たちの旨みがいっぱいに浸み出したこのオイルは、もうたまらん美味さ‼️😋💖. ◎和食にも洋食に、また様々な食材に合わせたたり、色んな料理にアレンジできるし〜〜‼️. ◎炊き立てご飯にのせたり、豆腐や温野菜にトッピング、パスタやチャーハンの具材や調味料としてなどなど色々楽しめちゃうんだわ〜‼️😋😆✨. ◎わさびは、ツンとこない茎の部分のみを使用しておりますので、辛いものが苦手な方でも大丈夫だよ〜〜‼️. . 🎸ヒグロックの. InstagramのプロフィールのリンクのURL 『linktr.ee/nkimuchi』 をポチっとして. 更に. 『ヒグロックのオリーブオイル屋さん🏠』. をポチっとしたサイトから送料無料1,000円ポッキリ‼️のお得な😆激ウマ‼️食べるオリーブオイル😋💖. 『静岡県産わさびとしらすの食べるオリーブオイル UMAMI OIL 』も購入出来るので、是非味わってみて下さいな〜〜‼️😆✨. . 🌟あとはおまけ😜…. スワイプして最後の2つの動画🎥と写真📷 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱. ◎ヒグロック自家菜園🍅の様子…. ペットボトルで育てるヤツなんだけどね〜🤣…. 一体いつ🍅収穫出来るのやら😂. EVOO PDO #Umbria. #Moraiolo, #Leccino and #Frantoio #半夏生#タコ #オリーブオイルソムリエ#ヒグロック #オリーブオイル #エキストラバージンオリーブオイル #エクストラバージンオリーブオイル #モライオーロ#レッチーノ#フラントイオ #おうちごはん #フォトジェニックフード #パスタ#おうちパスタ#アーリオオーリオ #ペペロンチーノ#しらす#わさび#ご飯のお供#食べるオリーブオイル 食べるオリーブオイル #oliveoil#extravirginoliveoil#evoo#aove #アイシティ21 #松本市 . . Special thanks to @valepavel81 @crea_table @tamaruya1875 @temite_official @inoueicity21 (Matsumoto, Nagano) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDLwBYGga-2/?igshid=138ef7njq6825
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rossorubinotv · 7 years
Extravergine, dalla raccolta alla spremitura | VIDEO
Extravergine, dalla raccolta alla spremitura | VIDEO
Le linee di lavorazione nell’estrazione meccanica differiscono per i metodi usati nelle singole fasi, oltre che per le caratteristiche tecniche gli impianti e per la capacità di lavoro in frantoio. Quasi tutti gli impianti prevedono la successione di cinque fasi fondamentali che andiamo a scoprire.
Operazioni preliminari
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