#Monster Hunter Stories 2 RP
rp-partnerfinder · 7 months
I am 24 years old (he/him) currently looking for a 1x1 partner who would be open to doing an OC x CC Monster Hunter Stories 2 roleplay! With My OC x Ena! Expect some slow burn and maybe some adventure in there too!
Alternatively, a BOTW/AOC RP which is also for OC x CC with My OC x Mipha (Impa and Purah are also on the table if you don’t wanna do Mipha)!
I write fast and am available a lot of the time! Expect response times between the 24-48 hour mark! But honestly less than 24 hours most of the time.
In terms of roleplay partner aspects, I’m mainly looking at this
- ALL writers & characters aged 18+. Looking for writers around my age mostly. Feels less awkward to me that way!
- Canon characters or OCs. I primarily play my original characters!
- Advanced lit to novella ONLY. I write a lot! But I’m looking for someone who can give me enough to work with so our responses are always full and fresh!
- Third-person perspective
- OOC Chats (I’d love to get to know my RP partner! I also just love to talk to people too lol)
- Partner who enjoys fantasy settings and is open to some action, romance, and maybe some smut too! Would like to develop my writing in that area.
- DISCORD ONLY! That’s where I’m most easily available.
Non-Negotiable things:
- As I write in the third person, I’d prefer a partner who writes like that, too! Please, nothing script-related or first-person.
- Long wait times between responses. Having to wait forever for a response sucks the fun out of writing!
- If you’re interested in writing with me, please, message me on Discord @slimeknight899
- Alternatively, you can give this post a like, and I can message you too!
Thank you!
#roleplay #oc roleplay #Monster Hunter RP #Zelda RP #Monster Hunter Stories 2 RP #BOTW RP #AOC RP #OC x CC RP
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findyourrp · 7 months
🤠Howdy howdy! I’m Slime (24m). I’m looking for long-term advanced lit to novella roleplay partners (21+). As I’ve seen someone post on other blogs like this as well, for reference I hit the word/character limit for discord (sometimes even having to chunk out my reply into multiple turns!).
I’m in a lot of different fandoms but I have an itch for two specifically right now, which will be listed below. But I’m looking for an OC x Canon story to write! OC will be played by me!
Monster Hunter (including World, Rise, and Stories 2): Looking for someone to play Ena!
Legend of Zelda (including Breath of the Wild, Age of Calamity, and Tears of the Kingdom): Looking for someone to play Mipha, Impa, or Purah
OC x Canon is at the forefront of my mind right now, but I can also work with OCs for the above two fandoms, or fandomless too should need be (though, again, OC x Canon preferred)! I have my own original homebrew ideas I sometimes write with my online friends.
My preferences are for m/f and m/m for relationships, and NSFW is something I can write as well should that be something you want to do! But I’m a big fan of fluff and slow burn, with of course some fun action and adventure thrown in there as well.
I write only on Discord at @SlimeKnight899, please message me here on Tumblr or on Discord if I’ve struck your fancy! 🦇
#roleplay #oc roleplay #Monster Hunter RP #Zelda RP #Monster Hunter Stories 2 RP #BOTW RP #AOC RP #OC x CC RP
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xen-void · 1 year
he was so cute as a baby
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i love my ratha so much
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leaderlynx-official · 2 years
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did end up falling asleep last night and i did not die
genesect is still with me
my current theory is that it only knows team plasma and has me confused with them, which is great because its keeping all the unown away. (they kind of freak me out)
its really difficult dating this room but its definitely not modern
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quinloki · 1 year
How would Kid, Marco, and Zoro like a role play kink? Specifically some sort of Captured marine and big bad pirate character play? Could you also do primal play and femdom too? Please and thank you! I like this prompt a lot!
Oh man, if you want some Really Good Captured Marine and Kid vibes you need to go read The Captive by @abysscronica I can promise you won't be disappointed (It's a series too - book 1 and 2 are done and I believe 3 is ongoing.)
That said, I'll certainly give my two cents on the idea as a Role Play session \o/
Let's do this... hm, I think by kink.
Primal Play is kind of a hunter/hunted vibe. It's the dom/sub dynamic often without explicitly written or verbalized parameters.
Captured Marine / Big Bad Pirate RP:
Kid - FUCK Yes - Kid loves role-play - well, most of it. Some of it. There's a love/hate situation going on with it, he's either going to be all in for an idea, or just plain not keen on it. The more extreme the role dynamics the better, and he loves playing the bad guy. You tease him that it's almost like he thinks he needs the practice, and he probably does. He's no saint for sure, but he's not nearly the monster the Marines would have you believe.
But those teasing remarks fade away, when you get into the rough and tumble of the scene. He plays the villain well, and you find yourself feeling more and more defiant the better he plays his part. It actually gets a little bloody, but neither of you call it, the next morning though you're listening to Killer read you the riot act cause you cheek swelled up and you needed House to patch some bruises.
Marco - Sure - As long as it's not doctor/nurse he's willing to give it a try. There's emotions deep behind those lazy eyes, and that half lidded gaze, and the zing of it dances through you when he levels a truly cold gaze at you. The sound you make, caught between aroused and nervous changes his expression and he dives into it. It's more an emotional battle of wills than anything loud and physical. There's no defying him, no chance of biting back, he folds you like a house of cards and when you wake up the next day you almost half-expect to find yourself shackled to him in your early morning haze.
Zoro - Yes - The Pirate Hunter turned pirate has been in the shoes of a few roles in his short life thus far. He's not inclined to a lot of different roles, but he's certainly willing to fill the role of big bad pirate for the naughty, pardon, haughty marine who wandered into his clutches. Walking a line between Marco and Kid, he plays the role of the villain well, and he does a good job of ignoring your protests and only listening to your safe words as the scene progresses. It's not too much later after your first role-play session that he gifts you a maid outfit while he's wearing a suit.
Primal Play - I feel like, given the variances of this, for simplicity we'll focus on actual hunter/hunted roleplay:
Kid - Oh god you don't even know - Kid's not keen on the idea of "the chase" in terms of chasing you down to woo you or anything like that, but within the concept of a hunt, that's a different story. Kid has no issues getting down and dirty, and the idea of just taking you after tracking you down - the whole predator/prey concept - has him running as hot as his temper. It'll take you a good week of healing afterward, not because of any terrible wounds or anything like that, but just because he will have had his way with you until every muscle in your body was exhausted. You lose track of your orgasms by the end of it, probably lose track of your senses too, the entire thing likely to plunge you into subspace.
Marco - Yes - He's willing to give it a try, and he certainly ends up liking it. All he needs to track is you, and your safe word. Marco doesn't have Kid's particular brand of "kindness", he searches for you in the skies after giving you a decent head start.
It ends up becoming a game of cat and mouse - or more appropriately maybe Owl and Mouse, since Marco can fly. By the time you're caught you're both breathing heavy, sweat and thundering hearts, but Marco's eyes are open and wide, full of light and fire and while it's not something you do often, it is a game you repeat.
Zoro - Sure - Zoro tends to hold back in this. The hunter/hunted thing is good by him within a certain set of parameters, but the open setting of primal play is a little too unstructured for his tastes. It's too close to real, or combat, and he internally worries about keeping himself in check. He has a lot of control, and a lot of skill, so it's mostly an unfounded concern, but he knows how easily he could accidentally hurt you. So he holds back a bit, and doesn't quite get into it.
Maybe with time, he'll change his tune.
Kid - FUCK Yes - Oh I hope you don't think you're actually going to dominate him? This is role play sweetheart, and the closest you're going to get is trying to top him. He's going to be a complete brat through it, but he won't pull any of his dom cards for this. He's enjoying himself entirely too much. Let's see what you can do, let's see if you can actually bend him to your will?
Chances are it's going to turn into him power bottoming you more than anything else, but he loves the outfit and the little bit of reversal. With practice maybe one day you will manage to tame him, but he won't make it easy. And he will, at least, enjoy every minute of it.
Marco - Oh god you don't even know - He's not exactly a switch, but he's not not a switch either. Marco is delighted by the idea of you dominating him. The point is mutual enjoyment by the end of things, whatever the details of those things are, and if you want to guide him and boss him around, he's here for it. He's not a masochist (not that you could hurt the phoenix anyway), but you can imagine the sly smirk on his face if you're a little rough with him.
Marco doesn't seem like the kind of guy who pays you back at a later date, but surprises are surprises because you don't expect them.
Zoro - Yes - I think I've said before, but Zoro always strikes me as someone who is untested in sex until he meets you, so sure - if you want to teach him the ways of dominating by example, then please do so. He's a good student, after all, and it's only proper that the student eventually surpasses their teacher.
And if the role of who surpasses who happens to trade back and forth a few times? Well, who's he to complain? The best way to learn is by doing, and he has the stamina and focus to keep going.
Kinky One Piece Head Canon
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a-den-of-demons · 1 year
Welcome to the Blog!
Current events:
Here goes my first lewd ask blog, based around a world and story I wrote. The rules will be listed below, and I reserve the right to ignore asks I don’t like. This is a monster focused blog, the lore being posed below,
1. Please be civil when not doing lewd stuff
2. Please do not control my muses too much in your asks, though feel free to set a scene. I just ask you don’t control their feelings or what they are thinking.
3. When sending something, please make sure to specify the girl and what version of the character you want. Also make sure to specify the species of your character as well!
4. I don’t mind crossover characters, but you can message me privately to ask if I am okay with certain characters or things
5. I am a full RP, so feel free to message me if you want an RP
6. My box is open 24/7, and I will get to them when I have the time and mood to do them, so be patient!
7. If I don't respond after 2-3 days, just send me a message or tag the thread.
8. I tend to favor M/F but I am totally fine with F/F and F/Futa
9. Until stated otherwise, two RPs is the limit for people. And two muses is my limit for playing in one RP at a time.
Kinks: I’ll do a lot, ranging from vanilla to NTR, incest and cheating. I don’t do stuff involving bodily fluids that aren’t light blood and cum. No inflation (a little at most). And no full BDSM. Also I don't do M/M.
If you have read to this point, send me "Entering the demon's den" so I know you read them.
Base Setting: Details are in the lore thing below, but effectively this is a world with monsters, monster hunters and the like, sort of like Underworld or The World of Darkness. I can adapt to other settings in messages, but keep that in mind when asking for RPs.
Open RPs
Monster Club AU
Slutty Scouts AU
Muse Lists
Information the blog lore is below! Please read for the setting details!
Lore: You can find all the info you want here! Enjoy!
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bored-worldbuilder · 1 year
Tips for world builder GMs struggling to organically inject your lore into a games.
1. Give your players a non combatant npc that wants to join the party, this could be a local guide, a traveling storyteller, or even a historian looking for travel companions to keep them safe.
2. Resting is a perfect time to add RP and extra dialogue. I'd recommend rumors, warnings, and tips be told during short rests, I'd recommend keeping short rest dialogue to around the length of a loading screen tip. Long rests are where you can fit full length campfire stories and myths in.
3. Make your lore useful. This is by far the most important tip, if your stories and lore have useful information and leads your players will not only be willing to sit through 15-20 minute stories but they will seek them out. If you are telling a story about a monster infested area throw in that it's so dangerous a monster hunter tried to clear the area and died in the process. Then allow your players to find their body or camp and loot useful supplies that are specifically helpful against the local monsters since the hunter knew what they were doing.
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cosmic-toffee · 11 months
✨Friends/RP Buddies Wanted✨
Hey you, yes you there!
Do you find yourself bored? Stuck with crippling creative block (or worse- inspiration without anyone to get excited with you)?
Well you’re in luck, this habitual lurker is coming out of her well to befriend(?) mankind 💖
I’m Allie and I’d love to find some likeminded friends to go feral chat and/or RP with :)
As for fandoms, video games (especially otome games) take up the biggest spot in my heart, but I’m still a total geek/weeb from way back (as for how far back, my age is on my blog, so no need for any guesswork :) ) if it’s fantasy, sci-fi or anime, I’m guaranteed to be interested in/know about/be obsessed with it- just ask! I’m also an OC addict and I like to come up with some original stories too!
If you’ve stuck with me for this long- thank you! I’ll list all the stuff I can talk or write about under the cut, so I hope you’ll take a look ☺️
(💖 - will RP)
Otome games
ask me about my husbandos
Code:Realize 💖
Piofiore (I love it, but I’m not confident in my knowledge of the 20’s)
Cafe Enchante 💖 (we can fix it, I promise)
Dairoku Agents of Sakuratani 💖 (I haven’t finished it, but the setting is awesome)
Radiant Tale 💖
Cupid Parasite 💖
There will be more (that’s both a threat and a promise😘)
Other games
Harvestella 💖 (it’s such an underrated gem!)
Rune Factory 💖 (I’ve played 4 and 5)
Monster Hunter Stories (I’ve played 1 and 2)
Pokemon (I play it A Lot)
My few no-go’s/things I personally don’t vibe with
Furry-style characters (not my vibe, that’s all)
Fetish stuff
Things I’m a-ok with but I’m happy to leave out if you’d like
Dark themes
Gore (a sprinkle of body horror too)
Sexual themes (I don’t tend to get too detailed, but I don’t mind it at all)
Most importantly, I’m a fan of good ol’ happy endings! But if you’re not, I’m happy to challenge you to make me cry 😎
Thank you for reaching the end of my post! Ultimately, I’d just love to make some friends even just to chat and rant with- so feel free to message me :)
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ivydarkrose · 2 years
Different AUs  of Nathans
1.  Nathan-Crystal (Creepypasta- Circuspasta AU):  For Nathan as far horror AUs, I have several.
              An old one where Nathan dies within the walls of the basement, as he lays there dying, hands aching from his failed; Delirious, he envisions himself walking out the door, into the bright light ahead of him but suddenly he's pulled back to reality when he sees the outline of two men standing in the doorway. Both laughing and mocking the dying teen. No amount of effort on his behalf could move him, he was too hungry, too weak, too far gone.  He could hear them mocking him, unable to discern what was other than key words of “Sister” and “Dead”. With panic and a new sense of rage, he attempted to lift himself, only to crash back down as they laughed and slammed that door once more. With this, he falls into darkness, away from the light, only left with that rage and need for revenge, a voice so clearly asks him. “ Do you want your revenge?” Two voices replying back that indeed they will do anything to get their revenge. - This version is the AU where Nathan himself is no longer human but some kind of entity. Originally I had him trap the soul of his sister within that crystal necklace. However, I am thinking with this AU to change this. All for fun of course. 
    The Second AU is based off the Circuspasta theme, seeing he's often around the "circuspasta's" themselves, I had the idea of a fun AU (that I plan to doodle one day once I find my motivation again really). In this AU him and Crystal are conjoined twins, attached to one another. Honestly, there it many ways I have thought about taking this. Such as twins born conjoined (whether logical or not, nonsensical is amusing after all), another way they are conjoin is actually the canon but with a more supernatural twist, where one houses a physical body and one in soul only in the AU playing on the telekinesis angle (Think Beyond: Two Souls). The other possibility being horrible experiment or disturbing modification where one twin is attached to the other (Alive or Dead). Either way, playing into the circus theme of conjoined twins.  
2. (Umbra Series): Many AUs as its too fun to not think of alt scenarios. 
Nathan Lux: Originally he was replacing the AU I mentioned above. Giving up his humanity to become immortal in attempts to save his loved ones, IE Crystal (who was reborn within the world, not by choice), and Ciara, who is under control of her father, Night Terrors, being in a real threat of death if she doesn't do as her father demands of her. (Collect Souls for his consumption). He also aimed to become semi-immortal so that he could stay by Ciara's side until they both pass on. In order to do this, he needed to become more than human. So that he may fight in the true world that is filled with monsters, creatures, demons, angels and so on. 
Natalia Maxine Luxenia (AFAB AU):  Literally his AFAB AU, I've dabbled with her for a long time, mostly for silly RPs. I'd say ever since I created Nathan back in 2014. Officially gave her a canon ref recently. Seeing she is placed with in Umbra's world and narrative I made her a sub-species of human. Unlike the other AUs so far, she does not have siblings, however, she does have her family( well father) killed in front of her at a young age. Leading to a tragic upbringing with a evil fae like man, nicknamed "joker", who is a human trafficker (more less rents out the adult humans he lays claim on.) By luck, she manages to make her escape, running into humans of her own subset. Now as an adult exploring the world, looking for signs that her mother is still alive. Meanwhile, unaware of the very real threats to her life from the hunters tracking her down for the wicked fae.
3. Nathel (Mermaid): This stemmed from a silly RP between many friends on ask. While this hasn't received much of a story arch or anything else other than. "Hey, its Nathan as a Man of Mer." I've decided to maybe take this AU into a species I've created. Possibly the naga-mermaid hybrid species called "Syrion".  
4. Nathan L(Genyr): At the time, there wasn't much to go on with the Genyr Species and how they were made, being creepypasta related (at the time thanks to candy pop) I decided to experiment with a comic format, having the wicked side of Pop's personality being the cause of Nathan's transformation. Nowadays, he's apart of the new age Genyrs that were saved when all the other Genyr's were consumed, ironically thanks to their species rivals, more to the king of the Dhokkalfers (Aka Mire's and Pop's father).  (he'll have a more Genyr name for now just calling him Nathan lol)
5. Nathan Walleis (Dream Daddy): Yes, based of the game. Nathan in this AU sports glasses, and is simple an aesthetic character as I never found time to expand more than "Dad who reads too much" energy. Did plan to maybe play off a assassin vibe but was hesitant. 
6. Yanni (DDLC): AH, yes DDLC. I invented a lot into his AU here, thank to friends who at the time were into DDLC. Premise was interesting in my mind. Based off Monika's obsession with the player, Nathan (main version of him) plays the game for fun after taken care of the residence of the house. Once he's done, rather thinks he's gotten to the end, he leaves the game be. Running off from the crime scene. Monika wanting the player back, clones Nathan, giving him life within the game as Yanni. Along with his sister. She ends up rewriting the code of the game to make them side characters with their own clubs in hopes to keep them away from the other LC members. 
7. Not Named Yet  (Twisted Wonderland): A proud member of the Diasomnia, a dorm known for students who excel at magic across the board. His plan joining Night Raven College was in hopes to prove his worth to possibly join in ranks to guard the highly regraded, Malleus Draconia, However, his quiet demeanor and issues with communication he has yet to accomplish his goal. (Note: This plot might change in the future tbh, made on a whim lol)
Honorable mentions: 
Aun: So Aun here is his own character, but when I first crafted him he was legit an AU Nathan. I was like AU N should be the character that has some of the opposite physical characteristics.  Such as white textured hair, eyes colors the mix of blue and green, and less tense than our very anxious Nathan. Both still sassy, though Aun shows it more. I wanted them to almost feel like twins. I used the term 2P not really understanding the meaning lol. 
Cat form: Look he gives off black/grey cat energy. So his AU/ Spirit form is a black cat! Plus an inside joke between friends... if you know you know. 
Creepypasta café: One my friend Alloween created! Nothing more to state, as they created Nathan's role and I just had fun jumping off with the idea. 
AU Psychiatric Hospital:  Another Creepypasta AU/Spin off based on BleedingHeartWorks comic "Desolation." Where Nathan is found criminally insane and sent to said hospital. 
Ashur (The Demons Den - Nature Demons): A species homage to Nathan, not nessassarly him. I had no intentions of the fact but their traits are uncanny, 
Noctis ( Warpa AKA War Paint Demons):  Same deal here, a semi-homage but not intentional per say.  ~~~~ This took a while to finish, no regrets >w< I do have images, however I don't trust tumblrs character CAP lol
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tortillaspecter · 1 year
RP partner wanted (Discord)
Hi, I'm Specter, I'm looking for an RP partner that is willing to have some fun, with chill fun RP, they can be long, short, lore heavy or just quick silly prompts.
I do rp on Discord, so please keep this in mind.
About me:
They/them (Afab if you need to know)
Fluent in English, Spanish first language.
1-3 paragraphs, third person, past tense
mostly OCXOC.
most of my characters are Male.
I love stories with romance (fxm, mxm, fxf too, but I don't have many f oc)
will always respond or let you know if I can't.
I am ok with sad, scary, gory, violent, adult situations with some exemptions.
I am ok with characters dying or altered in significant ways.
I love monster romance or nonhuman x Human.
I can do robots (transformers included), Aliens, monsters, demons, fae, merefolk, Ghosts anything like that.
Partner Requirements:
Must be 20+ this is a comfort thing and is non negotiable, please respect it!
LGBTQ friendly.
Please communicate: If you want to change something or feel like is not working say something.
Do not ghost, goes along with the previous point, let me know if you want to quit, need a break, or need more time. I will completely understand.
must be willing to share their ideas and participate in the planning of the rp.
must be willing to plan before and during the RP.
improvise! Surprise me if you want to! I love that!
Prompts and settings I enjoy.
Fantasy/High Fantasy
Period piece drama
Post apocalyptic
arranged marriage
boss and bodyguard
doomed romance
enemies/friends/strangers/rivals to lovers
forbidden love
I don't usually do CCxCC, but I like canon universes, so just in case, here are some of the fandoms I am in:
Elden Ring
Monster Hunter
Classic Assassin's Creed (1-Black Flag)
DBZ (Xenoverse applies)
Demon Slayer
Blood Blockade Battlefront (Kekkai Sensen)
Transformers (MTMTE, to be specific, but I like most of them)
(And in case anyone wants to know 31 minutos and DHMIS lol)
DM Me if you are interested!
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mused-like-roses · 1 year
🖥 — favorite platform besides tumblr?
🎮 — favorite video game(s)?
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// I assume we're speaking RP-wise, and if that's the case, then Discord is like my go-to! Overall platform wise, I'm prolly gonna flounder between Youtube and Crunchyroll.
// Hoo boy, this one is gonna be lengthy and off the top of my head so it'll be disjointed AF so... read more!
Super Mario 64, Sonic Unleashed/Adventure 2, Paper Mario: TTYD/Super, Legend of Zelda: BOTW/Twilight Princess, Animal Crossing, Splatoon, Kirby, F-Zero, Pokemon, Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Shin Megami Tensei, Persona, Star Ocean, Dark Cloud, Just Cause, Uncharted, Tomb Raider, Prince of Persia, Overwatch, Fortnite, Borderlands, Danganronpa, Sleeping Dogs, Yakuza/Like a Dragon, Judgment, Dragon Quest, Street Fighter, Tekken, Granblue Fantasy: Versus, Guilty Gear, Blazblue, Soul Calibur, Dead or Alive, Mortal Kombat, The King of Fighters, For Honor, Senran Kagura, Ace Attorney, AI: The Somninum Files, The World Ends With You, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Nioh, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, Ghost of Tsushima, Spider-Man (Insomniac), inFamous, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Oneechanbara, Devil May Cry, Dante's Inferno, God of War, Phantasy Star, Naruto: Ninja Storm/Shinobi Striker/Path of the Ninja, One Piece Pirate Warriors/Odyssey, Yo-Kai Watch, Spec Ops: The Line, Destiny, Enter the Gungeon, Red Dead Redemption, Code Vein, Earth Defense Force, Genshin Impact, Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West, Shantae, Indivisible, Monster Hunter, Mafia, My Friend Pedro, Neir Automata/Replicant, Rayman, Rogue Galaxy, Dynasty/Samurai Warriors, Scarlet Nexus, Star Wars Battlefront, Jedi Fallen Order/Survivor, Watch_Dogs, Vampyr, Ys, Madworld, Halo, Castlevania, Bloodstained, Gunvolt, Mega Man, Gears of War, and Buck Bumble
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shewholovedthem · 5 months
Sighs in "I made an rp blog for Oltura Monster Hunter Stories 2 because I have no selfcontrol"
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roleplayfinder · 7 months
🤠Howdy howdy! I’m Slime (24m). I’m looking for long-term advanced lit to novella roleplay partners (21+). As I’ve seen someone post on other blogs like this as well, for reference I hit the word/character limit for discord (sometimes even having to chunk out my reply into multiple turns!).
I’m in a lot of different fandoms but I have an itch for two specifically right now, which will be listed below. But I’m looking for an OC x Canon story to write! OC will be played by me!
Monster Hunter (including World, Rise, and Stories 2): Looking for someone to play Ena!
Legend of Zelda (including Breath of the Wild, Age of Calamity, and Tears of the Kingdom): Looking for someone to play Mipha, Impa, or Purah
OC x Canon is at the forefront of my mind right now, but I can also work with OCs for the above two fandoms, or fandomless too should need be (though, again, OC x Canon preferred)! I have my own original homebrew ideas I sometimes write with my online friends.
My preferences are for m/f and m/m for relationships, and NSFW is something I can write as well should that be something you want to do! But I’m a big fan of fluff and slow burn, with of course some fun action and adventure thrown in there as well.
I write only on Discord at @SlimeKnight899, please message me here on Tumblr or on Discord if I’ve struck your fancy! 🦇
#roleplay #oc roleplay #Monster Hunter RP #Zelda RP #Monster Hunter Stories 2 RP #BOTW RP #AOC RP #OC x CC RP
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pit-of-maggots · 8 months
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Original muses 18+┃Multi-muse/ship companion blog to my 'main' RP hidey hole viciouslyfilthy's OCs & their story .┃Very semi-selective-ish .┃sporiadic activity . ┃Blog still under construction !
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Concetto Faunus. (High Priest of the cult 'Sons of Gluttony'. Greedy, selfish, posh, feral. Broodbeast fly-monstrosity, progenitor of the species 'Faunettes' & 'Reborn Faunettes'. Single, grouchy old man with a thousand monster worm-kids.)
Beatrice Maria-Antonietta AKA 'Beata Maria'. (High Priestess of the cult 'Sons of Gluttony'. Bitter, self-righteous, strict, vengeful. Blob-like eldritch monster known as a 'Dark Beast'. Worshipped as a demigod of sorts in both Barathrum's and Beelzebub's cult. Also a single grouchy old woman. Mom of 10 kids; her children are known as 'the Dark Ones')
Adam Pretorius. (Sole Priest & 'side' leader of the cult 'Gluttony's Haven'. Kind, deceitful, spineless and sadistic. Ex-fairy hunter. Happily married. Consort to his deity & vessel.)
Elizabeth Eveline 'Eve' Despereaux. (Sole Priestess & 'main' leader of the cult 'Gluttony's Haven'. Spoiled, unhinged, deceitful and evil. Unseelie fairy monstrosity. Happily married. Consort to her deity.)
Lurcher Barathrum. (Worshipped deity of the dæmonic cult 'Sons of Gluttony'. Laid-back, curious, gentle giant despite their terrifying appearence, happy-go-lucky.)
Beelzebub AKA 'Lord of the flies'/'Emperor of Gluttony'. (Worshipped deity of the dæmonic cult 'Gluttony's Haven'. Laid-back, generous, compared to the cult he has he's surprisingly kindhearted, perpetually sleepy & blissful.)
Princess, Frankie & Clemenza Faunus (2 grown-up Faunettes & 1 Reborn Faunette. Princess is a self-centered, feral bimbo, she's been spoiled-rotten by daddy ever since she was a maggot; Frankie is a greaser-punk extrovert. Despite also having grown up with a silver spoon in his mouth just like Princess, he is selfless, kind and loyal to friends; Clemenza is a naïve, kind but anxious woman. Fearful of people and fairies.)
Angelo, Benedetto & Annalisa 'Lisa' Maria-Antonietta (grown-up Dark Ones. Angelo is a Gluttony bishop who infiltrates Christian enviroments pretending to be a pastor to either lure other people into getting indoctrinated into his cult, or simply to hunt to feed himself. He is charismatic, calculative, sadistic and egotistical. Loses his temper easily when things don't go his way; Benedetto is Angelo's twin brother- an artist, an admired painter whom is often looked up to, though he doesn't enjoy revealing his face much- leaving his audience with curiosity. He too hunts to feed himself, although he does it in the form of seeking out devoted fans of his artwork and tricking them by offering them to come along alone with him to have the honor to get a 'first look' at his latest works in progress. He is short-tempered, serious, sometimes feral, also very egocentric & sadistic; Lisa is a labelled 'heretic' among the Antonietta family- an eccentric, kindhearted, nonconformist rockstar that performs and travels the world with her other band members and closest friends: a selkie, a werewolf and a witch. Often gets into arguments with her producer because he wants to completely change the theme of her band.)
Domenico Sansignor (beloved & devoted member of Sons of Gluttony cult. Faunus' favourite. Despite their sweet, kind and wholesome personality, beneath lies a full-on perverted monsterfucker, always in the mood for freaky situations.)
Rotgut. (1st eternal servant of the Summer Spirit, Sün. Embodiment of Lust.)
Dr. Kraus 'Freddy'. (5th eternal servant of the Summer Spirit, Sün. Embodiment of Wrath.)
Cornelius 'Versy'. (naga warlock & chef englishman, formerly fully human.)
Shai. (Author's interpretation of The Devil. Calm, kind, quiet, resentful, slightly bitter)
0 notes
minusgangtime · 11 months
I’m too lazy to draw it out but here’s what I wanna say:
I kinda wanna remaster the monster midnight RPs,cause I was kinda unsatisfied with how they ended
With the werecat one,it was based on walice and gromit the curse of the were rabbit,so I wanna make the story play out more like that,what I’d change is after MB sees midnight transform,he dosent go after her,but goes to search for her in the morning with pico,after they return home,midnight is brought up to speed on what’s going on and of course she panics,but MB tries to assure her the best they can,the next night,the feral were midnight goes into a meat market and starts chiming all the meat down,victor finds her and MB tries holding him off but he ends up slamming his gun on MBs head,knocking him down causing him to bleed,this allows midnight to finally come to her senses as she grabs MB and flies away,once on a roof of a house,she shows that she’s midnight to her papa by giving out a tiny meow and nuzzling his face,however as it turned out,victor had followed them,MB tells midnight to run and she does,hopping from roof to roof,she eventually gets cornered however MB attempts to tackle him only for him to stop as victor points his gun at him,midnight lunges at him and he swiftly turns and shoots midnight with a silver bullet and she falls to the ground,as victor laughs MB shoots victor with a fireball and it launches him into a garbage bin. He sees Midnight on the ground,heavily breathing,unable to move from how much pain she’s in,MB holds her paw trying to reassure her she’ll be ok,luckily,pico finally arrived on the scene,using Shelbys wishing necklace,he wished her back to normal and healed her up. Midnight immediately falls asleep and the three huddle together on the couch,2 fathers looking after a daughter.
As for the corrupted midnight one,hunter actually does come out as he and MB fight midnights controlled body,inside of her mind she’s given up,she’s in so much pain trying to struggle and after not being able to get free,she’s given up,that’s when picos consciousness and noise,thanks to hunger and MB attacking corrupted midnights body at once,enter her mind,they both try to encourage her,pico for ce giving her the support she needs to stand up and fight for her body back,the three work together as a team help free midnight from her corrupted shell and they succeed!
-mod Shelby
(Ayo? :o)
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or-something-better · 2 years
June 18, 2022
((The rest of last night’s rp))
flipping through the old book in front of me I may have a way for us to do that…. turning to a page titled dark hunters, there are page numbers next to each name
How’s that?
Last name on the list- newest entry…. Maybe we can find him?
Looking over Dean's shoulder at the list May I have a look?
Does your book happen to have a last known address or anything helpful?
Him? We are finding a specific one out of all these?
listens with my cup of tea
looking through the list to see if anything in particular pops out
opening another book to the corresponding page there’s a list of aliases…. But this place… it hasn’t been used since the 1930s …. Not sure how dependable the names would be. According to Monsieur Leveau each dark hunter returns to NO for a period after their “deaths “ before they can head back out into the world….
None of the names listed mean anything to me I've never heard of them anywhere before, not that I remember anyway
Taking the book after Dean was done with it, I use my finger to go down the list, I don’t recognize any of the names Wait! This one. Jacques Levesque. I heard of him while in hell. He was a soul that got away and no one knew how. Never did find him.
“Now we know”  retorts and sips my tea
Yeah all this is one person? He said dark hunters plural char how can you be sure these are aliases and not all different people?
I wonder if they return here to recharge or be indoctrinated in how things work as a Dark Hunter
The list is their original name. If you look next to them there is a page number. There you’ll find a list of aliases…. But unfortunately, nothing since 1932
Charlie, that's 90 years. Do these Hunters have an endless lifespan?
Why not use a tracking spell to locate him seems to be the only logical answer here
nodding completely immortal… deal made with Artemis. They get their revenge but then they serve her for eternity
reads the book
Hold on. We can't just say a spell and locate him. We need something that belongs to him in order to make it work.
with a wink to Ruby, I pull a box out from under the table. When it’s opened you see several other small boxes, with names matching the list
What is that?
Curious, I lean a little closer
What the hell is that?
pulling out the box marked with Jacques name I open it, and you see a lock of hair tied in a black ribbon
Looks at Charlie in amazement. Who are you and what have you done with our Charlie? chuckles You're like, really plugged into all of this...
I smile at Charlie An actual piece of him. That will do nicely!
grins must be learning from you. I found the first file and I just couldn’t stop looking for answers
Um his hair from how long ago? How did it end up here?
Oh my God now there are 2 of them
When the MOL learned of the dark hunters they wanted a way to find them… should the need arise…. Perfect for us huh?
This all just keeps getting weirder....hey great idea let’s throw this dudes hair into a box so some idiots can find and use it decades later! being sarcastic
Opening my satchel. I take out my casting bowl, a bit of charcoal a match and some dragon's blood.
Weird is what we do dean… you taught me that
Well maybe this one is beyond the normal kinda weird ok?
taking the lock of hair out of the box I hold it out for someone to hand to ruby
Charlie, we only need a small amount of the hair. Do you want to save some for another time....should we need it?
They could be monsters
I think we should, in case he won’t give us more…. Use what you need
Someone obviously wanted to be sure that they'd be able to have something, should they need it. Maybe things aren't as wonderful in the Dark Hunter world as myths and stories seem to make it sound
puts my hands up nope not touching some nasty old should be dead guys hair from several decades ago
Setting up everything on the floor, I wait for the hair.
rolls my eyes and takes the hair it’s just hair dean
chuckles Not like it has actual cooties, Dean
So… just how does this spell work anyway??
hands it to Ruby
Having a direct link to the person we're looking for, it's just a matter of using the hair to locate the person it came from. Thank you Henry, someone here is brave. I say sarcastically, taking the hair.
Ruby should be able to use the essence of him left in this hair to get a feel for where he could possibly be now. Hopefully, we get lucky
It’s just hair not like it can shape shift into a person
Um have you missed some of the things we have seen happen???
Taking out several strands of the hair, I set the rest aside. Placing the charcoal in the casting bowl I put the strands on top of it. I add a couple of drops of Dragon's blood and Light the match
           Custodi nos, tutum ab omnibus qui volunt facere nobis nocere
I drop the match on the hair. The flame shoots up and the hair disappears. Concentrating, I wait for an image
I'm getting a picture of a cottage in a wooded area. Sorry guys, I know that's cliché, but it is what it is. It feels south of here. That's all I get for now. I will try to keep the thread and lead us as we go.
nodding I’m going to try to get into some local cctv cameras… see what I can find around the city. You all ok with that?
Lets gear up then and go find this.....guy...thing whatever he is
Good with me
I pick up the rest of the hair and hand it to Charlie.
Wait, we're wanting to get some information out of this guy, so let's try talking to him and not go in to see him guns blazing. I think we should give him a chance and see if he'll be willing to talk with us, you know, before we gank him for no reason.
taking the hair I place it back in the box and into its marked place
Sam I’m just packing our stuff like we always do didn’t say I was going in anywhere guns blazing
scoffs like that crap really works
packs up my bag
Gives him an I know how you are look As long as we're all on the same page here, this could end up being really important. Good impressions might take us a long way
Come on Henry...we'll keep an eye out so the boys don't get scared
Now let’s go find this guy heads out to the car yall coming or stayin here for a snooze? walk out to the car and put mu things in and get behind the wheel and start it
Coming grabs Newt
Follows Dean out, hoping this was the right next step
I sit down at my laptop and get to work as the others leave
grabbing a small bag, I follow behind the others and get into the car
Letting Henry in first, I follow him into the back seat
climbs in
Ok, guys, I'm still feeing a pull to the South
once everyone is in I take off and we head to the location which doesn’t take a super long time, pulling up and parking nearby and getting out seeing that its gated
gets out and presses the button  what’s this button do?
Looks around Fancy place
a gravelly sounding voice comes over the intercom  who the hell are you and what do you want? Can’t you see the sign? No solicitation! the line goes quiet but you can hear the sound of static, so can tell he’s listening
Dude chill! We need to talk to Jacques Levesque
Oh an intercom
over the intercom been a minute since I heard that name…. the line goes dead
Rather rude.
Hello? Is he here???
you can hear the mechanical rumbling as the gate slides open
Is surprised by the sudden opening of the gate, not sure yet if this is a good thing or a bad thing Stay alert guys
gets back in car
You guys want Henry to take lead?
No need lets go starts heading to the house
Come on Henry, we'll cover their backs
gets back out with my bag yes Ruby
follows along at the rear of the group, keeping watch to make sure nothing comes up behind them
I ruffle his hair and laugh
all the windows are dark, curtains drawn tight. The doors seem reinforced. Instead of a cottage it looks more like a fortress
Wow. Paranoid much?
This house is weird
watching my surroundings seeing all the curtains pulled closed I walk up to the door
Looks like something Vamps would nest in
You bring the stakes?
grins No ganking, remember
the front door unlocks and opens, but no one to be seen yet
I laugh
The food?
Um we aren’t hunting those right now we are looking for this dark hunter guy remember
Vampire stakes to kill them with
She glares at Sam watch it buster. Not all vamps sleep in places like this.
Some boy scout you are
Oh takes out a snack
the front door unlocks and opens, but no one to be seen yet
I hear the door unlock and watch it slowly open I pull my gun from my waist just to be on the safe side as I slowly enter
Umm Doors don’t open on their own pull out my dagger
I'm guessing that wasn't opened by an Alexa system
And here I thought you were a Google man
Puts my hand on Henry's arm Not yet Henry
But Dean has his gun out
I dont think so Sam walking in seems a bit quiet then I see a man standing in the room
inside the room a rugged looking man that appears to be in his mid-thirties is standing. He’s wearing blue jeans, a Mardi Gras sweatshirt and a ball cap and has just a bit of stubble on his chin. His arms crossed against his chest. Seeing the gun he nods at dean I’d put that away if you don’t want any trouble
He's got a point...no pun intended
walks in  that’s the guy who help me
Thinks to myself in exasperation of Course he damn well does
Jacques? slowly putting the gun back in my waistband we are never too careful can’t trust everything or everybody
nodding this is pretty safe. Not much can get in here except my scribe and myself. So far anyway. pointing to an expansive couch sit… and tell me how you know who I am
I step over by the couch I’m pretty comfortable with standing thanks
sits on the arm
sits politely on the couch
Suit yourself. But you haven’t answered my question. How do you know my name?
Are you the one that escaped from Hell? I ask
We have our sources
Not sure I would call it an escape… I saw the gates…. Artemis grabbed me before I went in…. She knew I wanted to get the man that’s killed my family…. My poor wife….. and my daughter…. She was 3….. all because I went against them…. We were soldiers in the battle of New Orleans…..it’s a long story and maybe you don’t need to know all of that…. I live quiet now and I do my best to keep the streets clean
Look, sorry if we're getting off on the wrong foot here. Let's start over... okay? My name is Sam. You help our friend Henry here; we'd like to know why and say thank you
nodding you ok? Wolf almost got you the other night
You seem like a good guy
chuckles, a low sound coming from his throat maybe now…. I wasn’t always…. After this many years walking the earth I guess I mellowed out
I’m fine now thank you
It’s what I do, I keep the streets clean of the supernatural threats… most are ok… but we get a few rogues that I deal with here. Maybe you’ve noticed NO is a bit different than the rest of the USA
To say the least. Is there anything in particular we need to watch out for?
Well we hunt things evil things
I have telekinesis
Surprises you dont know about us or the Men of Letters being that you hunt too. I’m Dean Winchester that there is my brother Sam
Men of letters? They’ve been gone for years…. Haven’t heard of any since WW2
looking suspicious
We're Legacies, Our Grandfather was a Men of Letters in the 1950's
So you’ve been to the bunker? I can’t get in… but I know they had a store of information in there….. even some of my old journals were handed over….. they were going to help take care of some of what we had here…. For centuries we’ve had it handled… lately…. Not so much.
What's changed lately, If you don't mind me asking
You say "we"?
Dark hunters plural ruby pay attention he’s not the only one
careful Dean
I’m one of many dark hunters….. five of us reside in New Orleans at all times. It’s supernatural home base… thanks to sanctuary there’s an agreement here. So if any of them go rogue … we eliminate them. Lately I’ve done a lot more eliminating than I used to. Seems more and more appollites have decided taking souls was better than their sure death…
Not my fault your missing important details
can feel energy building
Focus on the task at hand. So could we help.
always and later on as well
smirks quit thinking about my brother long enough
I smile...thinking toad or skunk?
If you are who you say you are, I would welcome back the alliance….
How can we help?
Well for starters you can be out during the day… won’t help much with the daimons… but maybe you can watch the appollites and find out what is making them angry… but tonight pulling out a map and drawing a large red circle I’ve got word that they’re planning an attack… current daimons need to consume a soul a month or they die…. There is a parade happening in the quarter- lots of tourists and I need to stop them
Do you have any idea how many Daimon will be there hunting people? We can help if you can tell us how to kill them
Yeah what could possibly go wrong there
From what I gather we are looking at around 15- that would mean fifteen dead tourists- lost to their families. Like me…. Their weakness is sunlight…. Or decapitation…. Sunlight leaves less of a mess
Yeah and that’s gonna totally be pulled off in the DARK! Riiiiiight
How are we going to wait that long ?
Has an idea and pulls Ruby aside What about using some other kind of light source other than sunlight? Right now Earth is passing through the tail-end of Florence, it's an asteroid about 5 miles wide that passed really close to this planet, in universal terms anyway. Could something like that do the same as sunlight?
Thinks for a moment If the timing is just right it could be pulled just into the atmosphere for a short time and let it skip off it creating a bright trail. What do you think?
You think that will work? Is your magic strong enough for that?
That is the question. Do we have a choice?
Do it but if it becomes too much....stop
Any chance you "took precautions" and packed that necklace Charlie gave to you to use... Mentally crosses my fingers
No, I made sure that made it into the ART room. But I'm hoping the small piece of Moldavite I always wear can help. Not sure though.
Just let me get ready, I’ll be right with you. It’s almost time to go heading upstairs I change into a more formal look, including a black trench coat and a Stetson
Well, I think it's something we've got to try. Suddenly showing up in a larger crowd and beheading 15 people, is gonna start a riot
Without a chance at preparation , we'll have to rely on luck more than usual.
looking at you when you come back out lookin sharp but you wouldn’t catch me dead in that
Internally grimaces, when has luck ever been in our favor
Me and Rose can be distractions
I agree Henry, that will help keep the focus on what has to happen
You will have to keep track of the time. Do you remember when it's due overhead?
No, I mean... last I remember reading, it was sort of overhead all day today... but you couldn't really see it until after the sun goes down
I will try my best
Well, pray to Gabe it's enough
We ready?
looking down at my watch it’s time to head out….
walks outside
Wait! How will we be able to recognize them?
And hopefully no one gets killed in the process but I'm ready
No one except Daimon
The ones we are after are older… so many years without the sun. Their skin is so pale that they almost look blue…. And their eyes are a golden colour.
Got it!
We will get through this stop worrying so much just pay attention when the light hits make sure you find shelter to block it
Takes a breath and heads out...fingers crossed
I'll try. Maybe I should feed before we go in case I get burned or something
Follow me…. heading outside I get onto a shiny black motorcycle that no one noticed on the way in, starting it the engine begins to roar and I wait until everyone is in the car
Do you and do it fast the boats leaving head outside starting the rental car as everyone piles in
gets in the back
feeds and gets in the back
Sits next to Henry
Climb in So, we're doin this...
Yep ready to go I take off following behind Jacques
Closing my eyes I say a silent prayer for guidance and protection
my mind wonders if I will survive this
see the worry in you face in the rearview learn how to trust the family around you
pulling into a back alley behind the quarter I park, putting my finger up to my lips I point to a large group of pale people on the other side of the street watching the parade  they’re here… looks like my source was correct… it must be feeding time….
You will be fine
Last time someone said that they got killed. I hope so.
pull up next to you looking let’s do this we ready. Not with us
I'll do my best Dean. I'll need somewhere to hide to get away from the light.
the parade finished about a block down the street, you can see the daimons wait as the crowd disperses, and then you see them strike-a tourist is grabbed and then pulled down to the ground
Ruby? Ready? Let's try to take them away from the parade goers if we can
Look you either are brave and with us or stay here and hide in the car but we are doing this gets out of the car closing the door
follows the crowd of people
She gets out and follows putting on a brave face
As I'll ever be
Use your imagination for once
I need to go, one has run off…. Protect the tourists… I’ll be back as soon as I can- I need to find the leader
Feels the pressure to get this right
Will do
the street is beginning to empty, just a few tourists left and the daimons start to circle them
walks up to the tourists
Making my way closer to the group that was pointed out to us, I pull Ruby along with me
Sam! I think on the roof of one of the tallest buildings might work!
looks at them and yells HEY! How’s everything going tonight great tour huh?
she follows Ruby and Sam
Daimon one
with a creepy smile I approach a tourist and throw her to the ground, before she can scream I open my mouth to take her soul
Daimon 2
sees the new ones approaching and signals his buddies
It's gonna have to be an alley, we can't take the chance of leaving them
Ok, let's go
just keeps on walking and looking at my phone
Daimon 3,4&5
circle around Henry
I run up distracting you throwing you away from her
Daimon 6
is chasing a young man down the street
pulls out my dagger
Daimon 7
comes to the aid of daimon 1 and they head for dean
Rose follows the daimon and gets her dagger out
Daimon 8
is holding down a human girl, while daimon 9 feeds
I fight both off kicking one into the other pick on someone your own size bitch!
Steps in front to the Daimon as he passes me and shoves him into an alcove of the building next to me out of sight of tourists. Pulling out a blade I cut his throat with one swift strike and as he fall, remove his head.
throws the Daimon with telekinesis
Daimon 10
is yet to be seen
run to the two on the girl kicking the one feeding and decapitating the other
decapitated the one chasing the man
Seeing the one with his mouth open, I run up and kick him in the face, helpfully interrupting the transfer of her soul
Daimon 10
swoops in and knocks out dean, and then throws Henry into the wall.. running he then knocks Sam to the ground and knocks out rose
is knocked out
gets knocked out by the daimon
I am hit from the side and knocked hard to the ground. Rolling to the right, I come up to my knees next to the building and use it for cover as I get to my feet, trying to find out what hit me
gets thrown into a wall
Using my telekinesis, I throw back one of the Daimons
Looks around for Ruby and see's Dean on the ground Dean! Runs towards him and feels for a pulse at his neck. Heartbeat is strong, so okay for now.
We've got to keep going Sam!
the five remaining daimons join the 6th and two on each side of Henry and Sam hold them to the ground and the last two get ready to consume their souls
Not waiting for Sam, feeling time is running out
throws them with telekinesis
I head for the end of the alley, and start my incantation. Raising my arms, letting the power gather, I begin Frigidus eos, ut interficeret nos
with the three of them holding you, they’re not moved
gives up
Feeling the ball of energy begin in my middle, I continue, Revelare insidiæ eorum involvit
Knowing this is going to be something I have never done, I keep gathering and gathering all the strength I have to try to pull the meteor when it nears. I start pulling my energy from my demon side. This is going to be a monumental task. I feel my eyes turn black. I can’t stop now. Beginning to falter, I call upon Hecate to give me strength to continue
O Hecate, concede mihi petitionem tuam potestatem fluunt per me. Afferte mihi, potentia opus perficere munus.
notice a light, but continue trying to feed believing they are safe
Fights against the ones holding me, kicking and getting one leg loose, I use it to roll and break free for just the second it took it stab the larger one in the stomach
the third daimon forms an o with his mouth and your essence can be seen leaving your body
I throw out my hands drawing my last ounce of strength but not thinking it is enough. Feeling the power reach out and connect with the meteor. I pull with every last ounce of energy I have and can only hope it’s enough. I can’t stop!
(a bright flash of light comes directly at each of the daimons, they instantly turn into dust, covering Henry and Sam in a fine grey powder)
Faltering, I collapse on the ground. I cannot move my energy is spent. I faint.
running back, I pick rose up off the ground and carry her to the team is everyone ok? Where’s the other woman?
Covering my face with my arms as ash explodes around me
gets up slowly to wipe the dust off
placing rose carefully on the ground I look for ruby, seeing dean I go to help him off the ground
Getting to my feet, my dizzy and feeling nauseous. I go over to Dean and shake him Dean
I begin to wake up throbbing pain throughout my head vision blurred a bit I feel Sammy shaking me mmmm what? grabbing my throbbing head
stumbles over to dean and falls down
When Dean starts to stir, I run down the alley to where I can see Ruby on the ground Ruby? Hey... She also has a heart beat, just rapid. I scoop her up into my arms and carry her back to the others We need to get everyone out of here
moans and moves around ow my head
Thank you for your help. You’ve all proven to be great hunters. I will share what I know. It’s time we went after the source.
still out of it thinking I may have a concussion there’s more?
I'd rather bring the fight to the ones who deserve it... not like this in the street where innocents can get hurt
Dean your alive hugs
A lot more, and they’re out of control. The balance that we had in NO is out of order…
Can you walk Henry? Is Rose okay too Looks around We need to get out of here before authorities show up
Rose was sitting up but had her head in her hands ow
I can walk but dizzy though. Let’s get out of here
I’m not gonna be able to drive at the moment I dont think everything is still kinda blurry I see two of you. Kinda funny laughs
I can drive, come on. Charlie needs to take a look at all of you Carries Ruby back to the car and lays her in the back seat
I still have more work to do. I will meet with you all another night, and I will share what information I have, you have my word now. And you have our protection with a nod I get on my motorcycle and drive off
helps dean as best as I can
I get up and grab anything I can trying to walk back to the car whatever hit me hit me hard
holding on to my head, I walk to the car making sure everyone was with me
gets dean in the car and climbs in
Once everyone is loaded up. I turn on the car and pull away from the curb before I realize that I have no idea where the new Bunker is. Stopping at the corner, I put the address into my phone's GPS and then follow the directions back to it
I can hear the old mechanics of the door begin to move and monsieur Leveau leaves sandwiches and beer on the table and disappears, before I can say anything I see the first of the family come in
manages to make it to the couch
Oh fun times again, that's right. Your Tour!!
get out of the car still stumbling a bit but making it down the stairs. Got any pain killers?
Guys! Are you ok??? running into “La infermiere” as it was written on the door I go in and get some basic first aid supplies and grab some Advil out of my bag
Carrying the still unconscious Ruby into the Bunker, I yell for Charlie She collapsed after expending a ton of energy on a spell
Why am I seeing black spots?
I start by checking over little dude. seeing mostly bumps and bruises, I pass him the Advil and a bottle of water and move on to Dean. I think maybe you have a concussion… did you hit your head hard?
doesn’t take it as I fell asleep
Um..... I.....dont...know.....grab the wall for support
Pretty sure his head collided with the pavement
getting on the other side of Dean I help Sam get him to the chair  where is Ruby? I shine a light into Dean’s eyes
I faintly hear voices like they are far away. I can feel myself waking up, but fight it. I just want to sleep
I just know I was fighting then lights out use my hand to try to shield from the light eyes still blurry pupils are not reacting much
The sounds get louder. Damn.
I clean the cuts on deans forehead and bandage them up
Feeling movement, I put Ruby down on the sofa and wait for Charlie to check her out Ruby, can you hear me?
giving Dean Advil and some water, I point to his room go rest
Hearing Sam's voice from far away, I croak out Sam?
Can I have a beer?
turning I check on ruby, she seems exhausted  Ruby?? You’re home…. turning to the others what happened to her?
Slowly the light gets brighter and brighter. I blink a few times trying to put the two figures into one
No you can't have a beer... you want to harm the only few working brain cells you have? Also, no sleeping, for at least the next 4 hours... so better get comfy in front of a TV or something, because I'll be keeping an eye in you
Whispering, I manage Charlie?
seeing ruby open her eyes I smile softly to her  hey… how are you feeling?
Did you get the license plate of the truck?
giggling well your humor is intact… I hear you’re a hero
Yee ha. Did it work?
Ruby, whatever spell you pulled off worked. Took those who were there right out.
I weakly hold a thumb up
I’m going to my room like char said gets up from the chair and go to my room and lay on the bed my pillow so soft embracing my head
I need a vacation...but I'll settle for a nap I say closing my eyes
my eyes closed dead to the world
Pick a room Ruby, they’re nice here. Rest up
Knows Dean is already asleep. Gets a jug full or ice and cold water. Goes in and shakes him You're gonna wanna wake up now on your own, before I have to make you
rolls off the couch and keeps sleeping
rolls over
I raise my hand in a halfhearted wave
You made me do this, remember that Dumps the entire jug of icy water in Dean's face
jumps not able to catch my breath as the cold water hits f-f-f-U-c-k add hypothermia to the concussion Sammy... sitting up holding my head
hands you a towel It's easy to warm back up, but not if you're dead. Come on... you've been here before, you know how this goes. So... you good?
Yeah just advil isn’t touching the pain
Well, narcotics also aren't recommended... but come on, Get settled on the sofa and I'll let you have a beer... ONE, that's the limit holds up a finger
I lead ruby down the hall and open the door to a room with a beautiful mahogany canopy bed with a blue bedspread on top
Isn’t ruby there?
Yeah, somewhere... I guess... I think she's probably still too wiped out to be of much help to you though
Thanks Charlie. See you next week.
Rose goes to her blood supply and is too nauseous to eat anything
I head down to check on Rose  anything I can do to help?
is sleeping face first on the floor
shakes my head nope. Unless you want to get barfed on.
grabbing a blanket and pillow from the cabinet behind me I nod and go over to make Henry more comfortable  I’ll pass but thanks
Your welcome
putting the pillow under Henry’s head I carefully cover him with a blanket, ruffle his hair and head back to the table quite a night…. Looks like I did find something…. sitting down I start to pore over the books
7. Charlie says it may be possible. Pulling out a book she shares a list titled “dark hunters” Sam, dean and Ruby take turns reading the list and ruby recognizes one of the names. (Jacques Levesque) she’d heard of him in hell, he was a soul that got away, but no one knew how back then. Henry retorts it looked like now they knew.  Reading further into the book they’re able to find a few known aliases that he had used over the years but nothing recent enough to be useful. Dean suggests using a locator spell. The team applauds the idea until Ruby reminds them that they’d need something that belongs to him in order to make it work. Charlie pulls out a box, with several other small boxes inside. One is marked with Jacques name and inside is a lock of hair.
8. Ruby nods at the sight and sets to work. Gathering what she needs. Charlie pulls the lock of hair out for somebody to take. Dean and Sam both refuse. Dean makes a comment about not touching some old guys hair. Henry rolls his eyes and takes the hair handing it to ruby, who prepares and does the spell. Rose asks how exactly this spell is gonna work. Sam explains. Ruby gets a basic general area where Jacques is. Dean says gear up and they head out to find him. Charlie offers to stay behind running cameras. They arrive in the location Ruby’s spell pinpointed. One of the more regal mansions just outside the quarter). Rose is skeptical and voices her thoughts. Sam says they need to at least give him a chance. They pack up and head to the mansion.
9. They arrive at the mansion, but it’s gated. Henry takes a chance and presses the button on the speaker and someone answers asking who they are and what they want. Dean mentions the name Jacque Levesque and the gate opens. Everyone is on edge as they make their way up to the mansion, all the curtains are drawn, the door opens, and they head inside. They meet Jacque himself.  Henry recognizes him as the one who helped him, he admits it and they sit down to talk. Jacque explains who he is and what he has been doing. Rose makes a comment to herself about how he’s a good guy. Jacque laughs and says maybe now, then continues to share what he’s been hunting and how the team could possibly be of assistance.
10. As night falls, they all get ready to go out into the city. Jacque says he knows where the daimons have been frequenting and taking their victims from. Sam and Ruby are asking how daimons can die and are told sunlight. Dean scoffs saying that’s kind of hard to find in the dark. Ruby has an idea, and rose says she and henry can cause a distraction. (There will be a free run battle-wait for my cues)
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