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terrypratchettestate · 1 year ago
Exclusive: Discworld TTRPG in the works by studio behind Fallout wargames
Modiphius, the studio responsible for tabletop adaptations of Star Trek, Fallout, and more, is working on a Discworld TTRPG.
Having secured the rights to the beloved series with an agreement from the late author Sir Terry Pratchett's estate, Modiphius is already at work on a Discworld roleplaying game "around the city of Ankh-Morpork and the wider Disc." This will hit Kickstarter later in the year.
Read more here.
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calder · 1 year ago
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pictopye · 3 months ago
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Happy Figure Friday Y'all #17!
Got some work done on The Ghoul aka Cooper Howard, and CX404 (Dogmeat) from the Fallout TV Series. Got a bit more detail work I want to get done on both, as well as wanting to get my hands on some pigment powder for that 'dusty' West Coast wasteland look.
Let me tell ya - the dust struggle is real out here... I've NEVER seen dust accumulate so quickly on everything as I have living out here in AZ. Temperate zones have it easy! :P
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elderscrollsconceptart · 9 months ago
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Hulking Draugr
Miniature for Elder Scrolls: Call to arms
Modeling by Ana Roman
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creativekeystudio · 2 months ago
My take on Goosey from Fallout TV show.
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rpgsandbox · 5 months ago
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Terry Pratchett's Discworld RPG: Adventures in Ankh-Morpork
A tabletop roleplaying game set on Terry Pratchett's Discworld
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"A city like Ankh-Morpork was only two meals away from chaos at the best of times."
Adventures in Ankh-Morpork, the Discworld tabletop roleplaying game, catapults you onto the streets of the Big Wahoonie, and once you've dusted yourself off you can adventure to your heart's content. With imagination and some shiny math rocks at your fingertips, your story on the Disc awaits.
Based on the popular Discworld fantasy series by Sir Terry Pratchett, Adventures in Ankh-Morpork is a tabletop roleplaying game set in its most recognisable city*, complete with Sir Terry's iconic wit, humour, and humanistic satire.
Discworld is a setting that has a special place in our hearts, it is our unbelievable privilege to bring that world to life on tabletops, both physical and virtual, for fans old and new. As a British company, immersed in the style of humour and sensibilities of Sir Terry and the Discworld series, we're looking to build a faithful recreation of Ankh-Morpork for you to roleplay and immerse yourself in.
*What about Lancre and Überwald, I hear you cry? We could've charged you £900, taken six years to deliver this Kickstarter... would you have liked that? We're not selling you pork futures here, or books in potentia. Instead, let's give you an amazing rulebook and sourcebooks, taking our time to deliver you the best treatment of Ankh-Morpork we can**, and then bring another Kickstarter project to life for the other areas of the Disc. We deliver more, sooner, more sustainably, and you can have books and accessories in a more reasonable timeframe each time. If this Kickstarter is a success, then more Kickstarters will follow, no sooner than Autumn 2026.
**Because the gods know it needs it. 
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This campaign will fund the publication of rulebooks and accessories for a new edition of a Discworld tabletop roleplaying game. Knowing we wanted to remain true to the look and feel we most recognise, the campaign features a new, original, Collector's Edition* cover by Paul Kidby, who worked closely with Sir Terry to develop the unique illustrative style for Discworld. Neither Kickstarter Core Rulebook will be available in retail, and are exclusive to this crowdfunding campaign and Modiphius.
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*It is very important to Management that backers know the Collector's Edition cover is better than the other core rulebook cover. Management wants backers to know that it's a new, original illustration by Paul Kidby, and that it's finished with spot UV varnish to bring out the details. Management also wants backers to know the page edges are gilded in gold, and it features no fewer than two reading ribbons. Management also also wants to make it clear that it won't be available in retail, and is exclusive to this crowdfunding campaign and Modiphius. Management tried to come up with a clever-sounding name for the Collector's Edition that explained all of this, but after several days of struggle and the heroic sacrifice of two whiteboards (and one junior developer), were convinced that 'Collector's Edition' is the most readily understood title.
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"Without Narrativium, the cosmos has no story, no purpose, no destination."
Discworld is a unique setting, and it deserves bespoke rules to do it justice; a system that encourages those random silly moments that RPGs and the Discworld novels both embrace so well.
The rules for Adventures in Ankh-Morpork are built on two core premises: 
The Disc has a story it wants to tell, and left alone will spin on much as it has always done.
The players want to change this story to one more to their liking.
The Adventures in Ankh-Morpork roleplaying game is powered by an original set of rules, using a set of very familiar polyhedral dice — complete with a d100, d20, d12, d10, d6, d4 and a d7A (because we can't say it's true name, so let's just call it...) the Narrativium die! The Narrativium system focuses on your roleplay, and elegantly and simply resolves moments of risk and conflict with dice rolls and character-specific traits.
The game lets you create any denizen of the Disc, with the complete freedom to define their background, who they work for, their core beliefs, niches, and quirks. From Dwarfs and Trolls to Golems and Gargoyles, play anyone (or any thing) your imagination can conjure. Play a member of the Watch, or maybe a wizard, even assassins (student), concerned citizens, thieves, beggars, reporters, seamstresses, fools and visitors/tourists.
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The RPG is powered by a simple dice roll, comparing your die with the GM's Narrativium die. Whenever you do something that has a chance of failure, you'll follow these simple steps.
Justify the Action Using Traits
GM Determines the Outcome Die
Roll the Outcome Die Against the Narrativium Die
Get Help (optional)
Resolve the Test (not optional)
By picking a trait from your character and using it to justify your chance of success the GM will decide which die you roll - anything from a d4 to a d12. You roll that, while your GM rolls a d7A*. If your outcome die has rolled higher than the GM's Narrativium die, you're successful! But if the Narrativium die is higher, then you've failed, and may now be subject to unforeseen consequences or twists, represented as new traits!
*Avoiding all possible mention of the dice's sides, which is the number between 7 and 9.
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The rewards for this Kickstarter will be available in multiple languages, provided for by Modiphius' localisation partners. Make your pledge for the reward tier you would like, and you will be invited to choose your language as you complete your pledge in the pledge manager, after the campaign has ended.
A French edition of the game will be crowdfunded separately by our friends at Arkhane Asylum, at the beginning of next year. If you are interested in the French edition, do not pledge for this campaign, and instead visit Arkhane Asylum's page for more information.
Kickstarter campaign ends: Thu, November 7 2024 8:00 PM UTC +00:00
Website: [Modiphius] [facebook] [twitter] [instagram]
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cannibalhalflinggaming · 5 months ago
A world, and a mirror of worlds. Atop four giant elephants atop a giant turtle rests Sir Terry Pratchett’s Discworld – where the most dangerous barbarian is an old barbarian, where fleeing your destiny is the surest way to run into it, where a million-to-one chance always works out, where a single humble hero will always win while outnumbered, and where you have to practice believing in the little lies (stories) in order to make the big ones become true (justice, mercy, etc.. It’s been the subject of Roundworld-made roleplaying games before, but sometimes stories like to repeat themselves with a new twist, and this time there’s something of a primer. This is the Discworld Quickstart Guide from Modiphius Entertainment!
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thefalloutwiki · 2 years ago
Fallout Wiki: Our founder is officially working on Fallout: The Roleplaying Game
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We're proud to announce that one of our wiki's founders, Kate Darrow, is officially working on Fallout: The Roleplaying Game as an Editor and Proofreader!
We're extremely happy to have a wiki team member working on an official Fallout game and we can't wait for what's to come!
We'd like to thank Modiphius Entertainment for allowing her the opportunity to work on this amazing Fallout game, as well as the community for their continued support of us! It sincerely means a lot to us. 💜
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dunebrainrotmtg · 10 months ago
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Magic the Gathering cards reimagined with Frank Herbert's Dune novels and movie adaptations.
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krinsbez · 4 months ago
TTRPG Poll: Help me pick the next thing I'm gonna read Part II, 12/2024 edition.
Ok, the last poll was very decisive on wanting me to continue something I've already started. By coincidence, the things I'm in the middle of (not counting CoC stuff, because I don't want to do another CoC thing again right away, sorry), are six things from two different companies with three each. i thought about doing a choose a company poll, and then asking people to pick from the three options, but given the lackluster response to the previous poll, I'm gonna skip that step.
And so, without further ado, the poll:
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cam2d · 2 years ago
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The new plastic Brotherhood of Steel models, painted as Brotherhood of Steel Outcasts for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare. Thanks to Modiphius for sending these to me for review!
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falloutuniverse · 1 year ago
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calder · 1 year ago
btw bethesda told modiphius they can't make FNV products until 2025 because Wasteland Warfare (ICONIC LOCATIONS FROM SANCTUARY HILLS TO RED ROCKET) got FNV content and it didn't sell well. weird
bethesda said why aren't they buying the FNV expansion to the explicitly non-roleplaying FO4 tabletop battling product. why wouldnt new vegas fans spend money on that. thats so weird. theres dice and numbers and everything
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pictopye · 3 months ago
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Figure Fridays #16
TLDR: Just a short update this week! Got the base coats finished out on Coop, and started in on detail work. Primarily focused on his hat, pants and skin - still have a few layers to go. But have also set myself up to start-in on his duster, boots, and belt. Bandolier will likely be the last thing I work on since it's a bit tight with my brushes getting into his face/neck area!
Till next week - happy crafting and take care!
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itsusernotfound · 6 months ago
Ok, my expectations on this have been raised substantially upon looking over the quickstart. Presentation-wise they used a lot of the original Paul Kidby art, which is obviously fantastic and helps set the tone. In terms of mechanics, they use their own narrativist system where the player rolls a die vs the Narrativium d8. You justify a larger die by what traits your character has. One of the examples in the quickstart has a PC with the 'I spend more time in the Drum than the Library' trait to win a drinking contest. Wordplay is encouraged to find creative interpretations of the characters traits.
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alanofalltrades · 1 year ago
A short and very subjective list of problems I have with the Discworld RPG that we'll be getting from Modiphius Entertainment:
None of the GMs are Terry Pratchett, least of all me.
It's made by Modiphius, which means it will probably use their 2d20 system, which means I'll have to learn it after bouncing off it years ago.
It'll be hard to not include Sam Vimes at every opportunity.
Bridgemire Watch and A one in a million chance at adventure, both Discworld-inspired games I kinda like, will be lost in the shuffle.
SPEAKING LIKE THIS will be bad for my vocal cords. I'll still do it.
It's kinda hard to make a satire you have to interact with consistently funny and not exhausting.
Thing is, I'll probably still get it, even if it's not for work. I'll probably like it, too! But I need to grump myself out before I can properly enjoy this thing.
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