#Mobius Event: Abduction
familylightfox · 2 years
@chaosworthy​ plotted for the event:
     Harmony swore that if her anxiety got any higher, there was going to be a problem, but her teammates had been right there by her side after she had all but forced the information from the two young bounty hunters. She was also pretty sure that she had scarred them for life. But they had a location and that was all that mattered to the teen. They were going to save her father.
      “Is there anything you need before you go?” Greta asked and watched as the three teens seemed to look to Harmony. All with equal amount of concern.
      “We think this might be one mission we should stay out of.” Tangle spoke up, raising a hand when Harmony looked ready to argue. “Harms… think about it. You’re not in the best condition and this feels a little out of our league.”
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      “Yeh, but… who’s gonna go wit my dad. He can’t go by himself. What if…” Her breath hitched and she hiccuped. “I…”
     “It is better you stay here kleiner flaume.” The soft voice spoke by the doorway, Augustus offering them an apologetic look. “You are in no condition right now. Let your papa handle it.”
     She seemed so ready to try to argue... But she looked to her dad. “But who’s gonna go wit ya...”
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umbralundertaker · 5 days
ive been meaning to ask you, what are your thoughts on the new vegas dlcs? :o
Theyre good!... Mostly. I cant make many excuses for Honest Hearts.
If you have them already/can get them for free, then I suggest you play all of them and in order of release (Dead Money, Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, Lonesome Road). Though if you have to buy them all individually, then I suggest just doing Old World Blues then Lonesome Road.
Dead Money is good story-wise but I really hated the gameplay. And Honest Hearts is... visually pretty, but VERY racist. Even for Fallout. Its gameplay is only marginally more interesting than the base game, so if you arent set on doing all of the DLCs then I'd skip this one.
As for Old World Blues and Lonesome Road, theyre great and I cant recommend them enough. Old World Blues has both great gameplay and lore, really enjoyable characters, great humor, lots of replayability... its been my fave the moment I finished the intro cutscene. Lonesome Road is kinda slow but the character its based around is PEAK fiction, I'm serious. Its hard for me to think of a character I think is more badass. For real if you can only play one of the DLCs, PLAY LONESOME ROAD!
I'll put a synopsis under the cut, so see if youre interested in any of em!
Dead Money
Dead Money is set in the Sierra Madre, an extravagant resort that would have been the greatest casino in the west, had it ever been opened. The bombs fell before the grand opening event, and the Sierra Madre froze in time, its state of the art security system locking the place up tight. After many years, the climate control and air conditioning systems began to spit strange toxins into the surrounding city, causing a red cloud to form over the area - which proved lethal to anyone who tried to explore the city. The Sierra Madre attempted to send out a distress signal on the day of the War, but the system did not broadcast an alert signal, having been hooked up to the gala event to broadcast advertisements for the casino, so help never came. And so the Sierra Madre faded from memory, only occasionally being seen in posters across the wastes, until it took on mythic ghost story status, a supposed "City of Gold" in the wasteland where all the treasures of the Old World were rumored to be held. And then a weird old guy kidnaps you and makes you and a few other NPCs explore it to look for gold.
Honest Hearts
Honest Hearts takes you on an expedition to the wilderness of Utah's Zion National Park. Things go horribly wrong when your caravan is ambushed by a White Legs raiding band. As you try to find a way back to the Mojave, the Courier becomes embroiled in a war between tribes and a conflict between a missionary and the mysterious Burned Man. The decisions the player character makes will determine the fate of Zion. Fun fact, the Burned Man is the Joshua Graham you've probably heard a lot about.
Old World Blues
The Courier is abducted by the Think Tank, a group of pre-War scientists that have replaced their bodies with machines. Learning that the Think Tank has removed and subsequently lost the Courier's brain, the Courier aids the Think Tank scientists in fighting Dr. Mobius, the rogue scientist currently in possession of their missing brain. Exploring the Big MT facility, the Courier rediscovers lost technology and fights off Lobotomites, Robo-Scorpions, and more. Really fun characters, though a few plot points aged really poorly. So be careful of that.
Lonesome Road
Lonesome Road brings the Courier's story full circle when they are contacted by the original "Courier Six," a man by the name of Ulysses, a former frumentarius of Caesar who refused to deliver the platinum chip at the start of the main storyline in New Vegas. In his transmission, Ulysses promises the answer as to why, but only if the Courier takes one last job; a job that leads them into the great depths of the Divide, a landscape torn apart by frequent earthquakes and violent storms. This is the fabled location of the battle between the Courier and Ulysses. The road to the Divide is a long and treacherous one, and of the few brave enough to walk it, none have ever returned. Another fun fact, Ulysses drops so much lore and commentary that a third of the game had to be cut just to fit his text files in!!
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justarandomgirly · 2 years
Loki series would be exactly the same even without Loki himself. Maybe even better. It would be about Mobius, agent of TVA who is after a Loki variant and by the end he finds out he is a brainwashed variant himself.
We would still see crime scene at a reneisance fair. Just without Loki. And there would be no difference at all because Loki made no impact on that scene whatsoever.
Without Loki,the only change is there would be no Roxxcart scene (if Mobius didnt figure it out by himself,he could too). But does that matter? Did the presense of Loki and TVA at the Roxxcart change anything?
No! Sylvie still bombed the timelines because Loki didnt do shit and just watched her and she still got to the TVA headquarters.
So if Loki wasnt there, Sylvie gets to the TVA headquarters. She attacks them and either gets killed (end of story), gets arrested (and we are where we were at the beginning of episode 4) or she gets pruned (and we are where she is in episode 5).
So actually without Loki, things would move even faster because then there is no episode 3 which was completely unnecessary, because Lamentis gets destroyed anyway. And she is captured anyway. Episode 3 just slowed things down.
So she is arrested or pruned right away. If she was arrested, she would Im sure end up pruned. Like all people TVA abducts. And she meets all other Lokis, who tell her basicaly what they said to TVA Loki. Because she is Mary Sue the best and bravest plus driven by her revenge, she comes up with the same plan she comes up with in the series. Classic Loki helps her and sacrifices and she enchants Allioth and they kill him together. Just like in series.
Then she sees citadel and walks in. And it ends up precisely like in the series, with Sylvie killing Kang and opening multiverse. No Loki needed whatsoever.
Now Mobius.
There is no Loki so lets assume he didnt figure out where Sylvie was hiding. Lets go with this version. He is at TVA when Sylvie appears there. He either prunes her - and there continues the story with Alioth, or he manages to arrest her and maybe she tells him he is a variant too.
He does exactly what he does in series. Investigates this and finds out its true. So he tells Ravonna and gets pruned. And Sylvie too. He realizes TVA were the bad guys all along and they hug and he tells her he will burn TVA to the ground. And she continues journey to the citadel.
At no point in the series is Loki necessary for the plot. It would all happen even without his involvement,even faster. There is nothing in the show that would scream "this must be done by Tom's Loki or else it wont work".
And thats what a protagonist is. A character absolutely necessary for the story without whom the main events would never take place. And they would if Loki was not there. Protagonists are Sylvie and Mobius. They drove the plot forward at every step.
His name was only put there to make people watch because his name sells the product. We all know that show called TVA or Sylvie would not have such ratings.
So this whole show would even work much better if it was about Mobius chasing Sylvie only to find out he is like her and he was working for the bad guys
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wynter-the-wisp · 3 years
Howdy! I'm Marankton, and I go by she/her and ze/zir pronouns. While I have been roleplaying for a while now, however, I have never roleplayed for an OC nor for any branch (ba dum tss) of the Marvel universe.
As for right now, I don't have many boundaries about what I'm willing to rp, except for that fact that if I get too uncomfortable with anything sexual it will be a fade to black.
I don't mind and enjoy role-playing as other characters! You would have to outright ask in the case I am wanted to play a specific character, but I do have some practice with Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, and Loki!
(Also, this blog is not spoiler free at all. I haven't seen NWH yet, though, due to the pandemic, so we'll wait and see about that.)
In any chance that I have to break character on here, it will be tagged as "Earth 1218." Other than that, my main blog is @thedragonemperess.
More information about Wynter is under the cut!
Born to Pietro Maximoff and Doctor Helen Cho, she grew up surrounded by the chaos that was the Avengers. While her father died during Age of Ultron in “The Sacred Timeline,” when he died didn’t really matter as long as he died before the events of WandaVision so that he set off one of the key events in the creation of the Scarlet Witch. Wynter’s existence was more of a “glitch in the matrix,” both literally and metaphorically. No one is entirely sure as to how she managed to survive on the timeline until her teenage years, but the most accepted theory is that she was ultimately insignificant to the events of the timeline until she got her powers. A little bit after she got her powers, she ended up being abducted by the TVA. After convincing the Judge of the time, she managed to keep her life and started working for the TVA in hopes of finding a way back to her timeline and family one day. Her current work partner is Mobius M. Mobius. Mobius has since become somewhat of a surrogate father to her, even if he disapproves of her plans to try and break the rules of the TVA to find her family again.
(Power Set: Can transform into a wisp-like entity where she can float through walls, travel faster, and levitate. In human form, she can glow in the dark on command. Her superhero alias is “Wisp.”)
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of-house-atreides · 3 years
This article is breaking my brain
Have you read this article ?
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TW: mentions of suicide and also I’m an angry petty bitch
Yes I know this article is from like three weeks ago but I just found it... and I have things to say.
I swear I can’t handle this anymore...
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“But today, Loki steps out of his brother’s shadow”... to step in another one. It be the TVA or Sylvie, just... take your pick.
“resuming his role as the God of Mischief” um where? when?
The comedy part is debatable but fine, whatever... I must have missed the noir crime-thriller bit maybe it was between two scenes of Loki getting his ass kicked by literally everyone in this show.
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Yeah you forgot that end-credit scene showing Loki alive and well in IW/Endgame.
And no, alternate/variant Loki doesn’t count, he’s not the same person/character.
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Because of course when you think of Loki you instantly think his story should take place in a “bureaucratic nightmare” -
And why not hire competent experienced people for Multiverse of Madness and Loki? Is this Marvel’s way of telling us they don’t really care about these projects?
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Kevin really said “no experienced writers on this project, let’s just hire whoever” - or maybe it’s a budget thing? Less experience means less zeros on the pay checks?
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Wow, ok.
So not a fan of the movies nor a fan of the character, just a fan of the genre, that explains a lot...
“what was really important to me was stripping away all the fantastical elements” ... ?? I’m sorry?? What?? So removing all the fantastical elements from a show titled after who is supposed to be the main character who is a GOD and a prince from another realm/planet was what was important?? The Trickster God of Mischief, magic wielder, master of illusions NEEDED to be stripped from his FANTASTICAL ELEMENTS???
“find the heart of this story” - is the heart of this story Loki becoming best friends with his (mental and physical) torturer after what? 2 days? Was it falling in love with the ‘superior’ version of himself after only 13 hours together? I’m still looking for the heart of this story.
“what is the relatable message at the center?” - well apparently it’s ‘you can be a God and a warrior with magical powers but still get your ass kicked by literally everyone all the time and never use your strength and skills to fight back’. Or it’s the power of love, idk -
Oh wait, is it falling in love with the female version of himself? For a weird ‘love yourself’ metaphor? That must be it.
Or maybe it’s jet skis.
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Ah yes, the ‘you can be good, actually’ message of this series that is so subtly presented to us...
They really missed the whole fucking point of Loki.
They missed it so bad they made him call himself a narcissist (which he isn’t btw).
For the record, Loki is a prince of Asgard who learnt one day he was adopted and in fact taken from one of Asgard’s worst enemies, the King of the Jotuns, aka Frost Giants “the monsters parents tell their children about at night”. He found out he was not only adopted but also abducted and not out of love. He feels not only betrayed but he thinks he understands now why Odin always favoured Thor and why he’d never have the same love from Odin that Thor has had his whole life. He thinks of himself as a monster and wants to be worthy of Odin’s love. So he tries to get it. And sure, he doesn’t do it in the best way, and yes, he is the villain of that story. But Loki isn’t a villain. He doesn’t like to make people suffer, he did it out of pain, out of hurt. The events in Avengers was after he was thoroughly tortured and coerced by Thanos to invade Earth. There is even a moment in the end when Thor asks him if he thinks this ‘madness would stop under his rule’ (or something along those lines) and he looks unsure and regretful. But due to the fear of Thanos and insecurity about himself (love is weakness or whatever) he keeps going. He redeems himself in Dark World, again in Ragnarok and yet again in IW and he was thrown in the trash for it.
Yes, Loki’s story is complex, but it really isn’t that complex... So maybe Loki is a “scared little boy” but his way of acting out makes sense and there’s a legitimate reason for it that was not explored in the show. And his backstory is probably what she called the “bells and the whistles”... 
“we literally delete his universe” - and apparently you deleted his personality too
“it’s a story of reinvention ... can Loki find goodness in himself?” - again, you’re missing the point. Loki is insecure, but not about his ability to do what’s right, but about whether or not he is worthy of love! Finding goodness within himself comes AFTER!
“Loki’s journey, to me, is really about acceptance of himself” - several questions here, um, first, what about himself does he need to accept? That he’s a Jotun? The show never mentions it. That he’s done bad shit and should forgive himself for it? Give him a reason to. Self-love doesn’t come after being mentally and physically tortured by some guy who acts like he’s your best friend after 2 days of working together and being yelled out that “he can be anyone he wants, even something good”.
Show, don’t tell, isn’t that the point of your job?? The job you begged for??
Loki’s journey should have been about self-love and no, falling in love with the female version of yourself (who keeps saying they have nothing in common (because they don’t!)) doesn’t count!
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“a more mature and darker path” ...
well this is interesting... was making Loki a clown and the butt of every joke part of making the show mature and dark? Were the terrible attempts at humour? Him being beaten up every two seconds? Having him say lines he’d never say in a million years just to be funny but since it’s out of character for him it fails completely? Was making him incompetent and a complete idiot part of that attempt of making the show mature and dark?
Is that why there’s no magic? You cut off the magician so your show would be more “mature and dark”?
Having him cry every episode doesn’t make your show mature and dark.
Loki from Thor, Avengers, the Dark World and even IW is mature and dark. Your Loki from your series is just a pathetic clown.
“don’t give viewers the story they are expecting” - I personally wasn’t expecting any story, I just wanted Loki, you know, in this Loki series, supposedly all about Loki, and you guys couldn’t even do that.
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So this is the author of the article speaking here, I’m guessing, and I think they’re giving a summary of the show so far, so let’s break this down:
“This is Loki as we’ve never seen him before” - I 100% agree -
“Stripped of his self-proclaimed majesty” - ok, first of all, Loki is a prince, that’s a fact, he didn’t make that up, and for the few years he was King of Asgard disguised as Odin, he seemingly did a great job, so...
“but with his ego still intact” - ah, yes, his ego, you know, because he’s such a narcissist... oh wait -
yes he has an ego, but he has a regal one, not misplaced entirely either - his ego in the show is basically him underestimating the TVA and Mobius (as well as the Time Keepers) - his ego is him getting offended by the variant: the ‘superior Loki’ - his ego in the show is used as a weapon to humiliate and belittle him.
“he faces consequences he never thought could happen to such a supreme being as himself” - he literally tried to k*ll himself in the first Thor - literally a result of his own actions - when he returned to Asgard in Dark World, he didn’t try to pretend he hadn’t fucked up. He didn’t try to hide what he had done (he tries to deny to Mobius in episode 2 that he was manipulating them at the fair) - he sacrifices himself in IW... but sure, Loki from the series is indeed surprised that he is powerless (even when he doesn’t need to/shouldn’t be)
“there is a lot of humour ... he is taken down a few pegs by the TVA” ... he is humiliated by the TVA - definitely not what we were expecting, I’ll give you that.
“sentenced to a lifetime of bureaucracy” - definitely did not expect that either
and here comes my favorite quote: “it’s a sad Loki without any mischief”
yes - yes - yes
that is a good summary of this goddamn show, a sad, pathetic, powerless Loki without any personality 
“fallen God” - yeah that’s definitely not what I was expecting either from the Loki series so good job on subverting expectations I guess...
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“who is going to win out in this match between them?”
there is no match - Loki is powerless - he’s been turned into a pathetic docile harmless wet dog - Mobius literally mentally (episode 1 and 4) and physically (episode 4) tortures him, both time in an attempt to have Loki do his bidding - Loki is the dog and Mobius is the master - even when Loki ‘tries’ to manipulate him it fails because he’s underestimating them (by overestimating himself) - he uses obvious techniques to manipulate the TVA (episode 2) and nobody buys it because it’s not subtle at all! Loki is smarter than that, he is a TRICKSTER GOD FFS!
“there is an interesting dynamic between them that maybe you haven’t seen with Loki in the Marvel movies” - yeah, maybe there’s a reason for that... like... he wouldn’t... submit so easily... he’d be wary, cautious, cunning... he’d be... himself...
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Sans déconner ?
It’s like whoever wrote the series didn’t actually know shit about Loki... like that wasn’t fucking obvious...
And those lectures were apparently done after the script was written so... again, no surprise there... we can see that
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“we wanted the show to be imbued with mischief” vs “sad Loki without any mischief” choose your fighter
“Loki has this very sensitive, damaged, broken heart with an enormous capacity to feel emotion on the biggest scale.”
Are surprised that only Tom so far has portrayed and talked about Loki accurately?
“loneliness, sadness, anger and grief and loss”
I love this man.
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I do wonder what Mr. Branagh thinks of the show...
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I’m of the people who see a vulnerability beneath those layers of charm and playfulness. I love Loki because he’s smart and cunning and regal, and elegant and sophisticated. I love him cause at the end of the day, he just wants to be loved, and he deserves to be loved.
And in the end, the only Loki I can’t stand is the one from the series.
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magnetothehedgehog · 3 years
Dimension’s Ridge Announcement!
Hi everyone, With all the rise in Sonic media and the great releases coming up, such as The New sonic game in 2022,the sonic movie 2, sonic prime, and literally anything Idw has been releasing including their new side series “Imposter syndrome”, I am challenged to up my game and release information on my long running project in the works. Especially Since sonic prime and Idw is literally gonna blow out all the spoilers before I do if I don't start releasing stuff first. Since its been happening constantly, I gotta be a step ahead.
So, without further ado, I introduce you to the World of Dimension's Ridge.
Dimensions Ridge is My personal Alternate Universe that seeks to combine all aspects of sonic media. In fact, its super similar to the upcoming Sonic prime, archie and Idw Comics in this regard, with it possibly being a bit more ambitious, or at least equally as ambitious as Idw.
The Series will follow a number of favorite canon and non canon characters alike, but will also their universal counterparts and alternate universe selves.
The Main overarching plot line is that a Existence level Threat is putting everything in jepoardy. This Creature Known as an Existence Eater spreads its influence to a planet by releasing its minions into it, then after enough time, it comes to absorb the planet, thus erasing it from existence entirely, as if it had never been there in the first place. This has been happening for quite a while, until a few people caught onto it. They began leaving messages and warnings to others in a attempt to save them.
Being an existence level threat, this will take the combined effort of every Version of Sonic,Tails,Sally, Eggman and everyone else if they want anything to be left in the multi-verse. This Story is about how they all come together to do just that.
However that is the main plot. The story follows many minor or sub plotlines and stories that all connect and weave into this ultimate narrative. For Stories featuring Sonic and friends, Stories start off in the classic area and work their way into the modern area as the characters develop and mature, so we get to see and live their journey alongside them. For older characters and parents, I wanted them to have a  more staple involvement in the series, even if only at the beginning. Their Adventures as the World slowly slips into chaos can be read in War on Mobius.
While there are Prequels to the beginning of the story, such as the “Rift War.”, the main storylines that kicks off all the other starts is one of my current productions “War on Mobius.”This follows the economical and political collapse following the Recent End of The Rift War and begins the Egg Empire's rise to Power.I would like to mention that The Egg Empire Now consists of the collective versions of Eggman all working together as a family. Egg Fam for short. But we have Great additions such as boom eggman, Ova Eggman, Aosth Eggman, Satam Eggman, Russian Eggman,Eggette, and a few custom additions such as Omelette and Scramble.
Things That happen in War on Mobius will be seen effecting or influencing the states of things in my Classic Era Story “Classic adventures.” and others ones such as “The Freedom Fighters.”
Alongside canon appearances of less known or scrapped characters and designs, such as Tiara and Honey the Cat, Readers can expect appearances of my own characters, both as counterparts to main characters, and also as people who drive the story forward and show interesting and dynamic opinions of their changing world. A few Such ones would be “Tribal Ties” Focusing on the Tribes of Echidnas, Bayblonians and Pangolins Tribes, all of which play a part not only in Mobius history, but also will play a vital part in its future.
After Classic adventures, comes one of my long running claims to fame and a personal favorite of mine from my early script writing days. Zone Runners. This takes place after the Events of Classic adventures and as the world has been influenced by the political unrest in War on Mobius. It follows the Group of People on the East Side of the World as they try to fight back against the Egg Empire, Newly risen Oscillators Group, and The Very lack of Sonic and Freedom Fighter there. This series will also begin unraveling some of the mysteries behind the existence eater and the ultimate narrative. Originally this concept came from the Fleetway comics, and ever since I've been completely inspired to incorporate this into my own series. If anyone was ever on Sonic Amino, they might have seen me post things related to it back in the day.
I also wish to be a more character focused series as a whole, one who focuses on the people collectively as opposed to just Sonic himself. I want it to as if each character us actually a main character and can save the day, and that the day is only won because everyone has done their part, whether powerful or powerless.
To that End, I have many characters stories intertwine, or lead to one another. Some characters will have branching off stories, while others will be closely intertwined, and always interact with each other, regardless of who the story is currently focusing on.
A few I'd like to notable mention is, Shadow's Ark, Silvers Sanctuary, and Heir of Sol. Focusing on the characters Shadow, Silver, And Blaze Respectively.
While I have a lot of other Titles for the stories respectively, I'd just to touch on a few more before I close.
Worlds collide finally answers the question in sonic media about two planets and the dimensional connundrum of sonic rush and sonic 06. While also bringing together multiple characters who were on their own paths, for the collected purpose of setting up how everyone will be needed much later.
Dimension Forces is, a reimagined Version of Sonic Forces, including a whole new team of villains to take on the heroes from our prior stories. I call them: Forever Force. The Main Three Hitters Being the Villains Infinite, Eternity, And Enigma. In this Story we'll get to see Whispers team in action, and also get to see new stories involving Gadget and His Brother Widget, and a host of other rising heroes soldiers and returning cast members.
I also had this Idea that the wisps were able to use their abilities on their own, except in smaller weaker versions then when they had a mobians help.Thus you could call in drill air strikes and other things to help you in battle, and the flew alongside you rather than in containers. I had these idea way long ago, but what do you know Idw beat me to the punch again in rise of the wisps. However I would just like to say before they do it too, that I had the idea of the wisps combining their powers, as if anyone played Sonic simulator, you would know you can actually combine wisp powers. If its the same type, its twice as strong with a bonus effect. If its different, you can combine the strengths of two different powers. Think how eggman used cube with laser in the boss nega wisp armor.
Speaking of Sonic Simulator! Thats another Story I have plans for. Following alongside the events of Sonic colors, Sonic simulator follows the group of hedgehogs abducted from Mobius and sent to eggman's interstellar amusement park as part of an organic experiment to take out sonic. Suggested by The Leader of the Oscillators, These hedgehogs will now have to work together to prove their worth to Eggman and as worthy adversaries of Sonic! But what of their past memories? What will happen if they remember? And if they do, can they escape? Find out! Also its follow up story leads to sonic lost world.
I'd also like to talk about the Idw Verse Mini series I have been working on! Getting Art from the Talented CatRage and getting to voice my Ideas to My Friends as well as My sister, I present my own Miniseries! Mimic's misadventures!
This story takes place between  the events of Idw's Bad guys, and follows mimic's operations and struggles as he tries to complete his missions, and deal with people of similar caliber to himself. Will this mercenary manipulate his way easily out of another situation? Or has the Octopus finally met the one group who will send him back to the ocean? Find out!
Currently, this miniseries has 5 canon issues and one undecided.
1.Ghost Of The North.
2.Into the Spiders Nest
3.Hunt is on
4.Jaws of a Predator
5.Belly of the Beast
undecided: 6.Seaside Escapade.
Currently I am writing the script for Part 1 of Ghost of the North and hope to finish up the Audio drama reading for it soon.
So this is all the stuff I've had in production for the past few years! Along with my co writer Pinky heart.
Please, Please! Reblog or retweet this. It would mean the world to me. Also please! Ask as many questions as you'd like. I'll answer as many as I can, and would love to hear everyone's thoughts and opinions, as well as questions and inquires involving the series.
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sugarcoatedlies616 · 3 years
in a world where loki’s stay at the TVA stretches for a few more weeks or even months (just for relationship development purposes), picture this:
it’s been a month since Loki had been taken? abducted? by the TVA, and in the midst of his existential crisis and the constant threat of being killed at any given time had worn him out a bit, but mobius had been a more than pleasant surprise, an easy smile and a cheeky compliment, that was Mobius and Loki would be lying if he said he hadn’t grown fond of it by now. So Mobius and Loki need to do some research on some more apocalyptic events because even though together they’re sharp as a dagger, there’s plenty of apocalypses to last them a couple of days. they carry heavy boxes with files and put them on one of the library’s tables, Loki let’s out a sigh and sits while he takes a handful of files, he notices mobius is still standing and looks at him.
“what is it?”
Mobius doesn’t respond instead he walks around the table and sits besides Loki, he leans closer and opens the file in front of him.
“we’ve been at this for the last few days, i’m thinking we might be faster if we go through it together”
Loki thought it was ridiculous, they would cover only half the files and have no answer still of where the other Loki variant was hiding and he was about to say this much to mobius when a realization hit him, mobius was not only sitting next to him but leaning into his space, he could see the darker tones of his silver hair, the tender smell of his aftershave and the way he turned pages with his hands. Loki let all those things take over his brain and thinks that if this Loki variant doesn’t show up for a couple more days he wouldn’t specifically mind at all, to hel with time and it’s silly rules, he got to have Mobius this close to him and he would enjoy it as much as the other man would let him.
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Background: Born to Pietro Maximoff and Doctor Helen Cho, she grew up surrounded by the chaos that was the Avengers. While their father died during Age of Ultron in “The Sacred Timeline,” when he died didn’t really matter as long as he died before the events of WandaVision so that he set off one of the key events in the creation of the Scarlet Witch. Wynter’s existence was more of a “glitch in the matrix,” both literally and metaphorically. No one is entirely sure as to how she managed to survive on the timeline until their teenage years, but the most accepted theory is that she was ultimately insignificant to the events of the timeline until they got her powers. A little bit after she got her powers, they ended up being abducted TVA. After convincing the Judge at the time, she managed to keep her life and started working for the TVA in hopes of finding a way back to their timeline and family one day. Her current work partner is Mobius M. Mobius. Mobius has since become somewhat of a surrogate father to them, even if he disapproves of her plans to try and break the rules of the TVA to find their family again.
Power Set: Can transform into a wisp-like entity where she can float through walls, travel faster, and levitate. In human form, she can glow in the dark on command. Her superhero alias is “Wisp."
Personality: I'd say she's very determined, chaotic, immature, work-oriented, and short-tempered. She's basically a walking contradiction of themself.
dude that’s awesome
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marvelvsmarvel · 3 years
Chosen Loki
I can’t shake the idea that this felt very Willy Wonka ish with the awkward elevator ride, the fashion forward purple get up, and the golden ticket contest for Lokis. Didn’t catch that last part? Mobius mentioned that they’ve pruned so many Lokis “probably more than any other variant”. Sylvie herself was abducted from her own timeline without cause or Nexus event inferred by her interrogation with Ravonna. He Who Remains said he’s seen all time and every scenario and that it was meant to be “you” Loki and mentions that it turns out to be two as if he was surprised. But if he orchestrated the whole timeline then he was only playing the fool to their encounter because again he clearly kidnapped Sylvie. But you see while golden tickets were wrapped up in random Wonka Bars and distributed around the world good it wasn’t a surprise that a glutenous Augustus or a God of Mischief would beat the odds. It is no surprise at all considering that the Void was full of Lokis from all across the Multiverse of whom he was just waiting for someone to best his little beasty, Alioth. The fact is none of them ever would because none of them ever could. The reality is that from Classic Loki that can project an entire city, to Boastful Loki who wielded his own Hammer, to Kid Loki who killed Thor, and even Alligator Loki just because, no Loki is ever meant to rule. Our own Loki variant is not even the Chosen One of this series but is in actually a cosmic flaw.
He Who Remains did not just hand Sylvie a golden ticket, but he gave her every reason to want to tear the Chocolate Factory down. He abducted her as a child and had her chased across the timeline her entire life for no other reason except to piss her off. Think about it. You have Ravonna abduct her without a Nexus event but simply because the Time Keepers said so. Then you elevate Ravonna despite the failure and for Sylvie’s lifetime Ravonna dedicates entire units towards retrieving her and prune her. So the mission was to abduct her just to prune her? Why not just do that when she was an unsuspecting child playing with toys? It would seem that he even chose Ravonna because he knew she would be bested by Sylvie from the very beginning. But he also chose Sylvie because she could do what the others could not and that is her ability to enchant people and enchant Alioth. She knew that Alioth was a necessary guard dog because He Who Remains did need to be protected but he knew she would be able to get through. But if the point was for a Loki to kill her then why even hide behind Alioth? Because the other enchanting quality of Sylvie which is the fact that she’s is not a Loki by name or by claims of thrones. She only wants to cause chaos making her the perfect being to kill him sending the Multiverse into maddness because any other Loki would have wanted to takeover. Sylvie was the Chosen Loki. Our Loki was once again another foil not meant for glorious purpose but to help Sylvie reach her full potential.
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lilydalexf · 5 years
hi! i hope you're doing okay amidst the coronavirus frenzy. do you happen to have great recs for multi-chaptered xf fics? preferably AU... i need to lose myself in a little reading bubble lately because the news is super depressing and i feel like i've read a lot of the long fics out there already. thank you so much for your help!
Thank you for the ask! I hope you (and everyone else) is doing well. There are lots of multi-chapter fics in my posts of novel-length fic recs: part 1, part 2, part 3. Many of those stories are AU, but here is a list of AU stories. Not all of them are multi-chapter, but they are all great.
This list of AU stories is HUGE, so it’s behind the Keep Reading cut. First, please enjoy this AU-style gif of Mulder and Scully playing house in Arcadia.
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All Things Bright And Green by DBKatePost-“Herrenvolk” AU. Mulder escapes with the child Samantha clone and with Scully, all three go into hiding. Months pass, Christmas is near and the struggle to find joy begins.
The Ballgame by @dksculderScully takes a case in her hometown, an old flame causing mixed emotions for her and Mulder.
Beating the Darkness Back by AnjouWhere do we go from here, now that we are free?
Breathe by TerriIt’s set in the future after Mulder has disappeared and a fearful Scully gets in contact with him.
A Candle for Katherine by MarasmusSometimes it’s the friends you make along the way that make all the difference.
Cubed by Louise MarinScully does a little body-swapping of her own. Can she and Mulder make it back to each other? Do they want to?
A Different Place by @myownsuperintendentHerrenvolk AU. When Mulder successfully brings one of the Samantha clones back from the farm with him, she must learn to adapt to a different life.
Eleventh Hour by Rachel AntonSome feeling defy the confines of time.
False Memories by ZuffyTwo years have passed since Mulder left. And then a woman walks into a bar.
Five Things That Never Happened to Dana Scully by anythingbutgreyDana — and she is always Dana now — looks out the window. She has stopped waiting. Instead, she watches.
Five Years and One Night by ShalimarThis starts post “Kitsunegari” and is full of spoilers including all of season 5. It deals with the events in “Emily”.
if you weren’t so by @seek-its-oppositeDreamland AU. “Thanks for coming out there with me,” he says, like she didn’t leave him alone last night.
In Absentia by QofMushDoes absence make the heart grow fonder or smarter?
In My End is My Beginning, Katabasis, and Homeostasis by JohnieSamantha is found and some truths are finally uncovered, but can Mulder deal with them? / Scully deals with Mulder’s disappearance. / Mulder deals with Scully’s disappearance.
An Inconvenient Truth by @mldrgrlAU Prompt: The events of Tithonus happened Post One-Son because Scully needed a break from Mulder and partnered up with Ritter on the Fellig case
Jasper’s Last Thought by MD1016Scully is abducted again, and returned to find her world has changed.
Katherine of Ireland by Jenna ToomsThe King is dead. Long Live the Queen.
The Long Road to Improbable by @mldrgrlWhat if the flashbacks in Per Manum dated back to season 5? What happened between then and Requiem?
Love, The Missing Word by Sarah KileyMulder and Scully are drafted into WW III. Is distance making the heart grow fonder?
Mobius by L.A. WardWhile investigating the disappearance of a physicist, Scully finds someone she didn’t expect–Mulder.
A Notorious Affair by Nicole PerryMulder and Scully in Hitchcock’s movie ‘Notorious’.
Old Growth Forest by AndreaMulder and Scully investigate the disappearances of homeless people in Madison, Wisconsin and seemingly end up suffering the same fate.
Prelude to an X by Helen WillsMulder’s a freelance journalist and Scully’s just been assigned an “X” file to work on, when they meet.
Road Markers by anythingbutgreyThere are anniversaries she can’t shake. Dates have, over the years, many years, worked their way into her mind as an internal clock.
Rules of Life and Death by @dksculderMulder is presented with a list of conditions he must fulfill to receive an inheritance. Can Scully help him accomplish all of the tasks?
The Sin Eater by Jane MortimerScully disappears into a mysterious vortex and Mulder makes an unbelievable sacrifice to ensure her safe return.
the shadow knows by captaingeorgyMSR AU
Shopping List by threeguessesScully has too many rolls of toilet paper for just one person.
Sinners Come Down by @poeticsandaliensSix years into her marriage to Daniel, Scully meets Fox Mulder at a bar one night, and they get talking and fucking over alcohol and self-pity.
The Smell of the Person You Love by @mangokiwitropicalswirlHere’s some plotless NSFW smutty Thanksgiving AU pie
Tandem by @alienqueequegIn 1988, a young Fox Mulder tries out yoga after a difficult case takes a toll on him.
The 13th Sign and Seven Days in May by Prufrock’s LoveMulder saw no reason for life, death, sex, Armageddon, or emotional dysfunction to stand in the way of true love. / It might be the end of the world. Fox Mulder had a psychic vampire on the loose, a six-year-old son in tow, a ton of emotional baggage, and an FBI budget, but at least he wasn’t dead. Mulder felt things were looking up - romantically and apocalyptically.
Triangulation by LeyannHe finally tracks them down in Oxford in mid-October.
The Unfinished Universe by RevelyMSR. This story wasn’t AU when I started it, but now it is.
Untitled AU by @foxmuldersau where mulder and scully get married during the events of christmas carol/emily, believing it will aid scully in the adoption process. after emily dies, they’re still married
Untitled AU by @frangipanidownunderWeird little five para AU set somewhere in Wales in some unspecified medieval time
Untitled AU by @how-i-met-your-mulderAU where M and S get together during the cancer arc
Untitled AU by @leiascullyAn AU where Requiem never happened.
Untitled AU by @leiascullyMulder told Scully he would do whatever he could to help her adopt Emily and she took him up on it.
Untitled AU by @lyndsaybonesAU where Mulder and Scully move in together circa s7
Untitled AU by @lyndsaybonesAU where Scully is shot instead of Diana
Untitled AU by @mldrgrlau where scully is reassigned from the x files but mulder isn’t
Untitled AU by @real-cream-cheeseAcademic AU
Untitled AU by @real-cream-cheeseset post-orison/pre-en ami, pure angst
Untitled AU by @spookysadsophiePrompt: Mulder and Scully have sex during Pilot, Scully gets pregnant, moves away and meets again at Thanksgiving (prolly a couple of years later) bc Mrs Scully invites him.
Untitled AU by @scapegrace74-blogRoyalty AU
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familylightfox · 2 years
@stardusted-hearts​ plotted for the Event:
     There had been very little time wasted after Harmony had gotten the information she needed out of Rough and Tumble. Her teammates had made sure she finished her hot chocolate and ate a bit before racing off with her back towards the inn. They knew that this was important and there was one hedgehog who was also waiting for news. Since he had taken such good care of them, they would make sure he was given some good news.
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     “Star!” Harmony’s voice carried before she jumped the few steps leading up to the Inn porch, ending with a tump as she smacked into the wall in the process. Thankfully she was helped up by Buddy without a second thought and allowed to approach the two sitting outside. “We know where daddy is.”
     And as she spoke, Buddy was also quick to bring up the holographic map with the location for them to see. It was in such a remote location, no one would have thought to look there. He transferred the location to Star’s communicator and Harmony hopped from one foot to the next.
    “We gotta go…” Her words were quick, hand reaching out to take Star’s but paused as Buddy placed his arm between them.
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     “We should stay here. I don’t think this is a mission that we should go on…”
     “Mr Star and Shadow have a lot more experience in rescues than we do Harms.” Tangle chimed in. “We’d probably just get in the way.”
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Marvel’s Loki Finale Ending Explained: The Villain, the MCU Timeline, and More!
After WandaVision and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier arguably played their final episodes a little too safe, the season finale of Loki is utterly bonkers. Not only does the hunt for the force behind the Time Variance Authority come to its conclusion, but our answers lead to bigger questions and branch off into several upcoming Marvel projects including Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Spider-Man: No Way Home, and more.
Oh, Loki. You’re always on the ground floor when it comes to meeting major Marvel movie threats.
Kang the Conqueror
Much of the episode borrows from The Matrix Reloaded and the meeting between Neo and the Architect. Loki and Sylvie visit the citadel at the end of time, only to be greeted by He Who Remains, as played by Jonathan Majors. The energetic enigma never says his real name, but does refer to himself as a “conqueror.” We also know that Majors is already set to play time-travel villain Kang the Conqueror in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, so make no mistake, this is kind of Kang, but also not.
Look, Kang is complicated.
He Who Remains explains that the TVA exists as a failsafe. Once upon a time, Kang, a scientist in the 31st century, discovered other realities and chose to explore. He soon met up with other versions of himself who had the same idea. Friendship and collaboration ensued…at first. Some of those Kangs were villains and soon conflict kicked in. Timelines started going to war with each other. He Who Remains came out on top, started the TVA, and insisted on a single timeline in order to prevent the rise of his evil selves and the catastrophes that would follow.
Considering the many, many people who have died for the “greater good” and how He Who Remains is supposed to be a benevolent version of Kang, it really says a lot about how dangerous and sinister his darker selves really had to be.
Or will be.
Kang spends much of the episode a step ahead of the Loki variants due to his knowledge of what will happen. That reaches its end point. Now, tired of being in charge of the timeline after what he describes as a million lifetimes, Kang gives our heroes a choice on how to proceed…
The Fate of the Loki Variants
Early into the series, Loki wanted to usurp the Time-Keepers and rule everything. Sylvie simply wanted to burn it all down and get her revenge. As it turns out, those were the choices Kang gave them.
The ultimatum is simple: take over Kang’s operation and keep the timeline from branching and creating a self-destroying multiverse or kill Kang and let the multiverse commence. The kicker is that the former choice will lead to no free will for anyone but Loki and Sylvie.
Loki chooses to rule, but he has grown over the series. He doesn’t want to rule because of ego, but because of his fear of a multiverse of Kangs. This is him trying to make the responsible choice, not for himself but for Sylvie’s safety.
Read more
Marvel Phase 4: Where Does the MCU Go After Black Widow?
By Don Kaye
Marvel Fans React to the Loki Finale
By Kirsten Howard
Sylvie doesn’t care for this and would rather have both her revenge and free will for all. Plus, as she’s once stated, the universe craves chaos and her very existence is like reality trying to rebel against the TVA’s control over everything. After sending Loki away, she kills a welcoming Kang, and the timeline branches intensify.
From here, what becomes of Sylvie is up in the air. Where she might go and what she might do is unknown and not the easiest to figure out.
As for Loki, he knows the threat of the multiple Kangs and figures he needs to try and do something about it before it’s too late. That leads us to…
The Fate of the TVA
Loki is in fact too late. He runs through the TVA, passing through its officers without anyone paying him any mind despite the fact that he’s a wanted fugitive. He comes across Mobius and Hunter B-15 and tries to explain what’s going on, but they look at him with confusion. They’ve never met him before. Seeing a massive Kang statue (in a Planet of the Apes-esque moment), Loki begins to realize that this isn’t the TVA he knows. He’s in another timeline completely. One unleashed in the wake of He Who Remains’ death.
It is worth noting that B-15 refers to a “he” wanting the timeline to branch and Mobius saying they couldn’t stop it if they tried. So does this mean this reality’s Kang wants the multiverse to bloom, making him the opposite of He Who Remains? It’s also worth noting that the statues of the Time-Keepers have been replaced by those of Kang, perhaps meaning that Kang takes a more active/visible role in this reality than the literal puppet Time-Keepers we dealt with for much of the series.
Judge Ravonna Renslayer
Meanwhile, Judge Renslayer’s situation is the biggest question mark. He Who Remains has given her information for her eyes only. When confronted by Mobius, she acts like she believes in He Who Remains’ ideals, but leaves through a portal while claiming she’s embarking on “the search for free will.” But she also seemed perplexed by Miss Minutes’ references to He Who Remains. So that one’s up in the air.
Also note that the Renslayer we see exiting through that portal is still “our” Renslayer who we’ve gotten to know all through this series, and doesn’t appear to be part of the new TVA timeline that Loki finds himself in at episode’s end. Similarly, the B-15 who finds Renslayer at FDR High School in 2018, is still “our” B-15, while the one Loki tries to explain everything to in the final scene is not.
The Future of the MCU
Much like Spider-Man: Far From Home trailers coming out before Avengers: Endgame and telling us that Spider-Man would be resurrected after the snap, we were a little bit spoiled going into this episode. Of course there was going to be a multiverse again, since there are already various upcoming MCU projects coming up based on that.
First off, we have What If coming out August 11 on Disney+. The series is all about Uatu the Watcher telling us about alternate timelines where plots diverge . A world where Peggy Carter got the super soldier serum. A world where Yondu abducted T’challa. A world where Clint Barton became the Hulk. Couldn’t really make that show work if He Who Remains was still doing his thing.
But with the events of the Loki finale, it seems that What If is more than just a fun way to fill time in between major MCU projects. It seems that the death of He Who Remains in the Loki finale actually make those scenarios canon in some fashion. It’s very clever.
Spider-Man: No Way Home (December 17, 2021) and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (March 25, 2022) are both about traveling through different realities. Again, we kind of had an idea that the multiverse would be a thing when it’s in the title of Doctor Strange’s sequel.
While we know that Kang will be a major threat in the long run, the only definite appearance we know of at the moment is when Majors will appear as the villain in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, coming to theaters on February 17, 2023.
Loki Season 2 Confirmed
Otherwise, we’ll see some follow-up on this development when Loki season 2 gets here. It’s confirmed, as per that amusing “post-credits scene” but who knows when that’s actually coming.
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Oh yeah, and then there’s Kid Loki. Considering how good Marvel’s been about spreading the players onto the board over the course of all these TV projects, there’s a good chance of there being some kind of Young Avengers project down the line.
Got any more questions about the Loki finale? Let us know in the comments!
The post Marvel’s Loki Finale Ending Explained: The Villain, the MCU Timeline, and More! appeared first on Den of Geek.
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Young Justice: Outsiders Ending Explained: What Happened & What’s Next
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Warning: SPOILERS ahead for Young Justice season 3's finale.
Young Justice: Outsiders ending episodes proved a perfect capstone for a fantastic season 3. Fans of the cult animated series fought tooth and nail to see it renewed for a third season after it was canceled after two years on Cartoon Network. The wait for the series' return was long, but it did not disappoint in the end.
Season 3 of Young Justice opened with an embittered Justice League seemingly breaking up after Batman leading a number of heroes to form their own independent team (which Black Lightning sarcastically dubbed Batman Inc.) that would be able to act independently of the bureaucracy demanded by the United Nations. This increased regulation was work of UN Secretary-General Lex Luthor, who was using his position to keep the Justice League tied up in red tape and unable to combat the growing problem of teenage metahumans trafficking. Naturally, the supervillains running the Light were profiting handsomely off of this black market, with brainwashed teens being shipped off-planet to act as soldiers and test-subjects for the New Gods of Apokolips.
Related: Young Justice Theory: Vandal Savage Didn't Save The Outsiders (He Doomed Them)
Independent of Batman and his plan to divide and conquer while secretly managing the seemingly splintered Justice League from behind the scenes, a new team of teen superheroes that could operate outside the system and inspire their peers to heroism was formed by Beast Boy and became known as the Outsiders. The forces of good largely won out by the season's end, but their victory came at a high cost and not everyone emerged unscathed. The final episode also suggested that even as the conflict between Good and Evil on Earth continues, a larger conflict with consequences reaching into the depths of space and far into the future will unfold in Young Justice season 4.
Victor Stone Becomes Cyborg & Joins The Outsiders
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For the better part of Young Justice: Outsiders, former star athlete Victor Stone was content to stay on the sidelines, hoping to find a cure for the New Gods' technology that had taken over his body after his father used it to save him from a fatal accident. However, episode 24, "Into The Breach," saw Victor fully embrace his new superpowers to help his friends among the Outsiders. Indeed, Victor came to take an active role and became the MVP of the rescue mission.
It was Victor's powers that allowed the Outsiders to locate Granny Goodness' new base on Earth, scanning hundreds of Goode World Studios sites until he found one that contained New Gods technology. It was Victor who hacked Granny's computerized follower Overlord, freeing himself and his friends from the Ghost Dimension. It was Victor who opened a Boom Tube into Granny's space base, the Orphanage, and followed after Granny's avatar, Gretchen Goode, as the technology that allowed Granny to be in two places at once failed. Finally, it was Victor who freed Halo from Granny's influence, allowing her to undo the damage she had done while mind-controlled, freeing the Justice League and her friends from the power of the Anti-Life Equation.
Once everyone was safely returned to Earth, Victor was humble about all he had accomplished, insisting it was a team effort all the way. Both the openly-operating Outsiders and the covert Team offered him a place among their ranks, though Superboy was quick to remind him that he didn't have to become a superhero just because he had helped save the day once. In the end, Victor joined the Outsiders, saying that he had never been afraid of the spotlight as a football star and he wasn't going to hide himself anymore. To that end, he chose the codename Cyborg and decided to put his celebrity to good use as a publicly-recognized superhero.
Read More: Young Justice: Outsiders Is Finally Introducing Cyborg
Forager Decides To Stay On Earth & Reveals Himself As An Alien
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The alien bug-man Forager faced the same choice as Cyborg following the events of Young Justice: Outsiders episode 24 but for different reasons. Mantis, the leader of Forager's hive, was discovered to be in league with Granny Goodness and was arrested by the Green Lantern Corps. Since Forager had been exiled because of false charges of treason that Mantis had leveled against him after Forager had plead for peace with the good New Gods, Forager now had the chance to return home to New Genesis. Yet as much as Forager missed his home and longed to stop hiding behind the magic charm that made him appear to be a human teenager named Fred Bugg, he had come to value his work as a superhero on Earth and did not want to abandon the friends who gave him a new home.
Superboy offered Forager a third option, taking him to the small town of Geranium City, in episode 25, "Overwhelmed." The small town was shielded from prying eyes by a telepathic illusion generated by the community's leader, Dubbilex, and served as a haven for creatures like the Genomorphs who had been created by Lex Luthor and Project Cadmus, but, unlike Superboy, could not pass for human. After touring the community, Forager became inspired and agreed to stay in Geranium City when he was not helping people as a member of the Outsiders. He also decided to abandon his Fred Bugg persona and to live life openly as an alien on Earth, revealing his true form to his classmates at Happy Harbor High School in the final scenes of Young Justice season 3.
Metron Recognizes Halo and Cyborg As His Grandchildren
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As they were babysitting Lian Harper in the Outsiders' base in episode 25, Halo and Cyborg were abducted by the New God Metron. The three were suddenly floating in deep space, and while Lian found the experience thrilling, Halo and Cyborg were horrified to find they could only speak in the pings and drones of the Motherbox and Fatherbox that fueled their respective powers. Metron was quick to assure the two heroes that they, and their charge, were quite safe, even as he addressed Halo as "grandaughter" and Cyborg as "grandson."
Metron explained that while he was originally unimpressed with Cyborg upon their first encounter in episode 20, "Quiet Conversations," he had come to watch him and Halo from a distance after realizing their full potential as organic beings fused with the sentient machines that he viewed as his computerized children. Given that Halo was born as a result of a Motherbox soul inhabiting a human body and Cyborg's body was rebuilt by a Fatherbox later reprogrammed by his Mobius tech, Metron had come to regard the two heroes as his grandchildren and looked upon them with no small amount of pride given their accomplishments. He further noted that the two of them were destined to "become extremely important players in the coming galactic conflict." Metron then returned them to Earth, saying that he would enjoy watching their continued evolution, assuming that Darkseid did not kill them, as they were both potentially major obstacles to his plans.
Related: How Halo Became Young Justice's Breakout Character
Terra Is Exposed As A Spy, But Sides With The Heroes
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After the Light freed Baron Bedlam from prison and helped him to facilitate a coup of the government of Markovia in Young Justice: Outsiders episode 25, the Outsiders and the Team joined forces to reclaim the country (the United Nations refused to let the Justice League get involved). This played into the plans of Lex Luthor and Deathstroke, who had been using Terra to spy on their enemies for months. Their goal was to have Terra "accidentally" kill Beast Boy on a live video feed, seemingly proving Luthor's claims that metahuman vigilantes are a menace to society while killing the charismatic leader of the Outsiders' social revolution. This would allow Luthor to pass global legislation that would require mandatory registration of all metahumans and outlaw those superheroes who did not agree to reveal their secret identities to the public.
Before Terra had a chance to fulfill her orders, she was stopped by Tigress, who revealed that they had known that Terra was an agent of Deathstroke and the League of Shadows since before they rescued her in episode 13, "True Heroes." Tigress explained that Batman discovered that Terra had been set up as a double-agent while spying on Deathstroke during the events of episode 10, "Exceptional Human Beings." Torn between her brainwashing at Deathstroke's hands and the kindness and trust that the heroes showed her, even knowing what she was, Terra ultimately defied Deathstroke's orders and joined the heroes against him and the Light. By the end of the Young Justice season 3 finale, Terra had stood trial for her crimes at The Hague and been granted probation, working to make amends for her past as a member of the Outsiders.
Geo-Force Kills His Uncle & Claims Throne of Markovia…
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The news that his beloved sister was a spy proved to be the straw that brakes the camel's back for the hot-tempered Geo-Force. Barely holding himself back when he first confronted his uncle, Baron Bedlam, the revelations that Terra was a willing agent of the League of Shadows and that his friends knew this but did not tell him pushed Geo-Force over the edge. When Bedlam taunted the hero and said that the conflict between them would never end so long as he drew breath, Geo-Force coldly replied, "Uncle, I believe you," before plunging his hand into the villain's mouth and creating a flow of lava that instantly suffocated him.
The sudden act of violence stunned Geo-Force's allies but enraptured the crowd of Markovian citizens who had stormed the Royal Palace under the direction of their ambassador to the United Nations, Zviad Baazovi. The ambassador was quick to lead the people in cheering Geo-Force's actions, declaring them the act of a just king executing a traitor rather than a cold-blooded act of murder. Baazovi also persuaded Geo-Force that he should assume the throne in the place of his usurped older brother because only he had the strength to see Markovia restored to its former glory. Geo-Force accepts this, but is stunned when Terra refused to accept his pardon in exchange for acknowledging his claim to the throne and Halo's likewise refused to become his queen.
Related: Young Justice Tackles Superhero Registration Better Than Civil War
 … But He’s A Puppet Ruler, Working For The Light.
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By the end of episode 26, "Nevermore," Geo-Force has assumed the throne of Markovia and accepted Dr. Helga Jace back into his employ as an adviser. While he was reluctant to allow her back into the country at first, Geo-Force was persuaded that Dr. Jace deserved a second chance by Ambassador Baazovi. The closing scenes of the episode reveal that Ambassador Baazovi is a psychic metahuman with remarkable powers of persuasion, which he can use to "nudge people toward their own worst impulses." It is also revealed that Ambassador Baazovi has taken Granny Goodness' place among the leadership of the Light.
Despite Luthor’s Legal Woes, The Light Endures
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Despite the Light's plan to kill Beast Boy failing, Lex Luthor was still largely pleased with the outcome of events in Markovia. Luthor felt that having Geo-Force kill a man on live TV and declare himself king of a small nation is just as useful for making the Outsiders look bad. It also enabled Luthor to make his case about the dangers posed by superheroes while presenting his metahuman registration act to the United Nations.
Thankfully, Luthor suffered a vicious one-two punch of legal challenges before he got the chance to make his case. Black Lightning and Cyborg appeared before the United Nations with documents proving Luthor had illegally continued to run his company while serving as the UN Secretary-General and had ties to the metahuman trafficking organizations overseen by the Light. This was followed by Superboy publicly accusing Luthor of illegally creating new life forms that were genetically engineered to be weapons of mass destruction and revealing himself as a clone made from the DNA of Superman and Lex Luthor. These twin revelations were enough to trigger an immediate vote of no confidence on the floor of the United Nations, forcing Luthor to resign in disgrace.
While this left Lex forced to lawyer-up in the face of multiple criminal charges and killed his squeaky-clean image with the public, the scandal had little effect on the business of The Light. A meeting of their leadership at the end Young Justice season 3 revealed that their operations are expanding, with Markovia now under their control. Vandal Savage also confirmed that he and Darkseid have reaffirmed their partnership after some initial saber-rattling over their "mutual sense of betrayal" in the wake of Granny Goodness turning on the Light to secure the Anti-Life Equation on Darkseid's behalf. Savage warned his allies, however, that Darkseid will continue to search for the Equation and that they must prepare for an inevitable conflict should he uncover it again.
Related: Young Justice Outsiders Could Be Setting Up a Villain Civil War
Black Lightning Is Leading A Reunited Justice League
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The recent events in Markovia also prompt a change in the leadership of the Justice League. After revealing that they had been involved in a plan to publicly break the team into separate groups while still coordinating their activities in secret, Miss Martian, Aquaman and Wonder Woman step down from their command posts. When it comes time to elect a new chairperson, it is unanimously decided that the job should go to the one person everyone trusts to keep them honest in the future - Black Lightning. Jefferson Pierce reluctantly accepts the job, but only on the condition that Batman, Nightwing and the rest of what he called Batman Inc. officially rejoin the Justice League. It is a condition they gladly accept.
Related: Young Justice: Batman's Secret Team's True Purpose Explained
Miss Martian and Superboy Are Still Getting Married
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With Superboy having revealed himself and the rest of the Genomorphs to the world, Miss Martian attempted to return his engagement ring, saying they can't be together if Superboy can't truly trust her or forgive her for having lied to him in the past. The two had argued extensively after Superboy learned about the secret leadership task force behind all the superhero teams. However, Superboy refused to take the ring back, saying he was afraid Miss Martian couldn't trust or forgive him after he reopened their old wounds and that he still wants to spend the rest of his life with her if she'll have him. Her answer is delivered with a kiss, which he quickly returns. The wedding of Superboy and Miss Martian will surely come in Young Justice season 4.
Here Comes The Legion of Superheroes
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The final scene of Young Justice season 3 is a wordless montage where the founding members of the Team and their families join together for a private party at Bibbo's Diner in Metropolis. A blonde waitress moves between the tables, eventually coming to where Superboy and Miss Martian are sharing a booth and enjoying some pie and coffee. As the waitress - likely Saturn Girl - refills Miss Martian's mug, a close-up on her hand to reveal that she is wearing the distinctive ring of the Legion of Superheroes.
Given the difficulties involved in time traveling in the DC Universe, it rarely means anything good when the Legion of Superheroes shows up in the 21st century. Considering that the writers of Young Justice: Outsiders are fond of adapting relatively obscure event comics, one possibility is that season 4 could adapt The Final Night, where the time-lost Legion helped prevent a monster called The Sun Eater from devouring Earth's sun and destroying their future. Another possibility is that the new season will adapt The Great Darkness Saga - a classic story believed by many to be the greatest Legion of Superheroes miniseries ever, which saw the Legion and their allies fighting Darkseid.
More: What To Expect From Young Justice Season 4
source https://screenrant.com/young-justice-outsiders-ending-season-3-finale-explained/
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familylightfox · 2 years
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@diffxrentwxrlds​ asked:
"Harmony.... where is Volt?" The jackal would ask, confusion clear on his face as he approached the teenager.
                                                    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
     The moment she heard his voice, her ears had folded and the look that crossed her face was one of tears threatening to spill again. Although she quickly took the back of her hand against her face in hips of stopping it from happening before she was willing to face him. Putting on her best smile, that felt so forced anymore, Harmony looked up at Infinite.
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     And immediately the tears had begun to stream down her face again. A hiccup was her only reply at first before a soft voice spoke up from the other room.
     “He was taken sir.” Whisper was never one to speak much, but the rest of their teammates were out and about for the time being and she was the one over watching Harmony in case there was any news. Someone had to keep the teen from racing off on her own.
     “From the evidence we gathered, he was taken by bounty hunters by the name of Rough and Tumble. We’re pretty sure his creator has him.” Not one for physical affection, Whisper was more than willing to let her wisps give her teammate all that she could want. And she did so by hugging the five wisps to her as gently as she could between hiccups. 
     “Tangle and Buddy are out gathering information in New Mobotropolis from Princess Sally but they haven’t checked in yet.”
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familylightfox · 2 years
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@galaxies-unknown​ asked:
“….any news?” Bless glanced to the kid. He hadn’t been sure about the past few days, what with Volt’s sudden disappearance and Harmony’s wild mental state, but…even he kept asking the question, wondering if there’s be anything found. It took everything in him not to go running out of the village to hunt down Volt himself,…not that he hadn’t tried every place he could before remembering the warnings of this world’s villains. Like that’s stop him forever… “…y’wanna make some hot chocolate together?” Maybe a distraction would be best, before his tapping foot burned a hole in the floor.
                                                       ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
     When the question was asked, it seemed to have come at a good time. At least if the way all four teens looked up from where they were around the dining room table was anything to go by. Another was the ever slight wag of Harmony’s tail at seeing both Bless and Node coming in. She waited until their eyes met to nod and then looked to Buddy as he pulled up the holographic map with the location they’d been given.
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      “Harms got Rough and Tumble to spill the beans.” Tangle said proudly, leaning forward on the table. “You should’ve seen her. I’m pretty sure she made Perfect Chaos look like a Chao.”
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     “I just scared ‘em a lil…” Harmony ducked her head and scratched at her cheek, but looked back to Bless with a brighter smile than had been on her face recently. “But we were just plannin’ how we’re gonna handle if they got backup…”
     “Normally we have an adult supervise us in missions but Harm doesn’t want to get the Freedom Fighters involved…” A pause as all four teens looked to one another, then Tangle turned her attention back to the couple. “Will you guys come along?”
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familylightfox · 2 years
     They were so far into the bunker that no one had a single clue at the moment of the four teens arrival. No one was able to alert the scientist and his would be assistant of the coming fury. Not even Volt knew until the hidden passage was being forced and he could feel the cold chill in the air. His daughter’s shout drew his gaze, as best he could, to where she was standing. 
     Edla had barely a second to register the teen before the room was filled with a painful purplish miasma. The pain paled in comparison to the fist that soon connected with his midsection and sent him flying into the far wall. Bones cracked upon impact and the linger smoke burned at his clothes and skin. His cry of pain came again as the space between them was closed and she brought her fist down on the arm that had been holding the scalpel.
     It barely even seemed to go noticed by Harmony as the hand that tried to strike in retaliation was caught by a glowing tendril and pinned into the wall by the palm. Illuminated emerald eyes were fixated on the wide brown eyes. She could see the terror clearly now that his glasses had been lost somewhere on the floor. Her hand grasping his shirt and slamming him once more into the crater she had made from her first punch.
     “You’re gonna pay fer hurtin’ my daddy!” Tears streamed down her face as she screaming at the cowering human. The only emotion fueling her at the moment was the pure malice and rage. 
     Edla had to pay for what he did… He would never hurt anyone ever again…      She’d kill him…
     Whisper had to do her best to avoid the purple mist that seemed to snap at anything that approached the teen, making her way over to Volt as he craned his neck as best he could to see Harmony. At least until he felt the hands on his shoulder. Violet eyes shifted and he tried to say something, momentarily forgetting that his vocal chords had been one of the first things they had fully removed from him and had damaged to keep him from screaming as they worked.
     Rather than try to explain, he tapped his clawless finger against the table as hard as he could to get her to look at the strap, then tapped it. Thankfully she understood what he wanted and removed it so he had free use of his limb again. The next thing he reached for was the rib spreader.
     “Hang on.” With his hand covered in his own fresh and dried blood, he’d struggle to get it off. It was easier for her to reach in with trembling fingers and remove it. The sound of his ribs settling back in place was nauseating but she pushed through it and soon he was taking a breath of relief before pointing to the tray of instruments. She looked it over, wincing at the sound of another blow from Harmony breaking more bones of Edla’s, and grabbed a pair of scissors.
     The subtle nod was all she needed to hand them off and took to getting the rest of the straps undone while he removed the stitches holding his skin open. Once he was done, he waved the wolf to back up and pulled the diodes from his temples. Almost instantly the room was plunged into near darkness. The only source of light the small crackling of electricity from Volt as his body healed itself…
     And the bright purple glow that flowed from around Harmony, along with the pulse of Chip Bracelet on her wrist.
     “Thanks.” It was all he could manage with his throat still raw and pushed himself off the gurney. Whisper reached out to help him when he stumbled but he shook his head.
     “Mr. Volt!” Tangle’s voice drew his gaze for just a minute as her and Buddy made to enter the room, pausing only when Whisper ran over to stop them. Seeing the damage to her cloak from Harmony’s energy was enough for them to hang back and allow Volt to approach.
     He could hear her hiccuping, labored breaths. Punch after punch was thrown and honestly the older hybrid was surprised that his creator was still breathing from the damage done to the wall underneath him. But it didn’t take him long to see that he wasn’t the only one who had experiments done. The miasma burned his skin but the healing was instantaneous enough that he could ignore it and place his trembling hand on his daughter’s shoulder.
     He should have expected the pain of the tendrils that were holding Edla against the wall but again ignored them to focus on the rage filled eyes that snapped in his direction.
     “Da-daddy…?” Just the one word, choked out between her harsh sobs. Her hand released Edla’s shirt to reach out. Fingers brushed through the bloodstained fur and her vision blurred as tears filled them. Both arms were quick to wrap around his middle and despite his appearance, Harmony buried her face as best she could in her father’s chest fur. The miasma dissipated and the tendrils released the man from the wall where he crumpled to the floor.
     The room fell into silence. Besides the wet wheezing of the scientist and harsh sobs from Harmony, there was no other noise. One by one the rest of the Rookies came into the room and approached the hybrid family. They looked around to make sure everything was safe, Buddy going over to where he saw the pile of Volt’s belongings and gathered them up as best he could. Tangle turned to look at her teammates with confusion.
     “Where’s that Starline guy?” In the midst of everything, it seemed the other had escaped. Volt looked down at his daughter and tried to calm her by gently combing her quills with his hand. If not for the quick shuffling he might have continued but his attention snapped to his creator. The unhinged anger directed towards his daughter from the man who had almost made his life a living nightmare once again.
     Time seemed to slow as the man reached for Harmony and Volt put himself between them. The feeling of flesh tearing as a knife pierced his back almost overtook the pain he was already in, but it wasn’t enough to stop him. He turned, tearing the blade free and with a snarl buried it in the side of Edla’s skull.
     For a moment they all stood there, watching as the scientist raised his trembling hand towards his wound before it fell and the rest of him with it. Those wide unhinged eyes staring blankly forward as Volt let out a breath he hadn’t known he’d been holding.
     “Is he…”
     “Yes…” That was the only answer Volt was able to give before looking to the four teens in an apology for all they had to see that day. To likely the countless horrors that might very well haunt them for Chaos only knew how long.
     “We should get out of here then.” Buddy cut the silence and Harmony nodded, trading her Warp Ring with Buddy so she could help to support her father and hold his gear. The sight of the inn’s garden was a welcome one to everyone as they stepped through. The cooler air refreshing to them all after spending far to long, in their opinions, inside that bunker. 
     Everything would be alright now… They were home, they were safe…
     Volt relief soon shifted to worry as his daughter’s weight shifted and he was forced to catch her before she dropped into the snow. Thank Chaos that Augustus was waiting for them all on the porch.
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