#Mizzy Raw
rollinsland · 3 months
Truth and Mizzie have the Raw tag titles!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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stevetonyweekly · 2 years
Stevetony Weekly - December 18th
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 Happy Sunday! Here’s what I’ve read this week. Enjoy and remember to leave your author comments/kudos. 
***Marks my recent favorites 
***Some Kind of Personal War by sara_holmes
And Tony realizes that working out who the Winter Soldier used to be and who he is now are two entirely different things.
***I'll Draw this Line (and hope you take my side.) by sara_holmes 
Steve Rogers is the Winter Soldier. He has his missions, he had his orders, he has his place in the world. If people would just stop reminding him about that time he was Captain America, it would be a lot easier to stay in that damn place.
Learning Curve by picturecat 
Freshly defrosted, Steve Rogers is the newest teacher at the Avengers Academy—an attempt to guide and teach the newest generation of heroes before they have to take on the burdens of their teachers. Steve himself has a lot of learning to do.
In The Meantime, In Between Time by nativemossy
Steve was born sickly, and by all realistic means he should have been dead. But he wasn’t, and that was precisely the problem.
He had been born a month and a half early, with asthma, a heart condition, and an irregularly bent spine, to begin with. That was followed by a bout of scarlet fever when he was eight, and a brush with death from rheumatic fever in his teens. These were interspersed with summer colds and winter flus, sometimes twice yearly. Into adulthood he had frequent stomach ulcers, and a case of pernicious anemia that required him to spend a significant portion of the little money he made on discounted liver at the butchers shop. Had anyone else had his cocktail of illness, they would be dead several times over.
Love me tinder. by captainstars
Anthony decides to set up a Tinder profile for his Dad. Greg Helps.
"You've been busy, I had to take matters into my own hands." Anthony told him. "I don't want you to die old and alone dad. Or become grumpy like Jarvis."
"Why would I die alone when I have you to keep me company." Tony pouted.
"It's important to hang out with people your own age. Or at least that's what my homeroom teacher has been telling me." Anthony informed him, kicking a socked foot up.
so you could be king by mmtion
Tony is the rock star trying to regain the public's favour after his latest drug-induced disaster. Steve is the up-and-coming country music sensation, in over his head. Both of them are desperate.
Slut Era by BladeoftheNebula
Tony never meant to become the campus bicycle but since that was apparently what was expected of him he figured it was easier just to lean into it.
He just never expected Steve Rogers would ever want to take a ride.
Good Things to Those Who Wait by Annie D (scaramouche)
Tony assumed that after he and Steve got together, his heats would be more fun. He’s right, but he’s also wrong.
May This Be Love by lellabeth
Today will be a good day.
He’ll nod and he’ll smile and he’ll speak, and his voice won’t shake and his lips won’t tremble.
He’ll do well with the customers, he won’t hide behind the sleek chrome of the coffee machine.
He’ll pretend he doesn’t feel rubbed raw, doesn’t feel like a trapped nerve, doesn’t feel like his skin is too small and he’s about to burst out of it.
Today will be a good day.
Reasons To Be Thankful by WilmaKins
Well, an awkward reunion with the family is traditional at Thanksgiving.
So, it's probably as good a time as any for Tony to make his peace with the rest of Steve's team…
Indestructible Things by mechanicaljewel
Steve shows Tony a new use for the shield.
A Late-Night Snack, and Other Good Ideas by Annie D (scaramouche)
Steve's heightened senses means that he always knows when Tony's in heat. One night, he finally does something about it.
Love Is A Masquerade by Mizzy 
When the Avengers are invited to attend Tony Stark's Annual Masquerade Ball, Steve's hoping Iron Man will be there--after all, he can wear a mask and keep his identity secret. So when Steve recognizes Iron Man's distinctive thighs, Steve is SO sure he's found Iron Man's pilot... He's right, but not in a way Steve would ever have guessed...
***The Anniversary by nightwalker
Tony's not as bad at this relationship thing as he thinks he is. That's not to say he's exactly good at it either.
****Never Too Late for Love by Sineala
Steve has always believed that a soulbond is a blessing -- a rare and beautiful miracle, joining the thoughts and feelings of two people forever, from the first time they touch. Steve knows he's not going to be one of the lucky ones. He knows Gail isn't his soulmate. But he loves her, even if they're not soulmates, and he's going to do right by her. After the war's over, he's going to marry her, and they're going to settle down. They'll buy a house. They'll have children. He'll see his family again. Maybe Bucky will live next door. It's going to be a good life. He doesn't need a soulbond. He'll be fine without one.
Then Steve wakes up sixty years in the future to find that his wonderful life has moved on without him. His family is long dead. His fiancée married his best friend. And the only purpose he has left is leading the Ultimates, a misbegotten team of superheroes with flaws too numerous to count. Steve hates everything about the future -- but most of all he detests Tony, flashy and flirtatious, who embodies everything Steve hates about a world he never wanted to live in.
And, oh, yeah, Steve has a soulmate after all: Tony fucking Stark.
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princedevitt · 5 months
Truth Mizzy DIY and Finny omggg it’s mother con on RAW rn 🥰
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thehiphopcollege · 1 year
Hip-hop sensation Mizzy Raw releases new single “On Me” worldwide
Hip-hop sensation Mizzy Raw releases new single “On Me” worldwide
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By Myself - Khovu ft. Mizzy Raw
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mrramboapocalypse · 6 years
This Intercontinental Title fued is a rare example of a win win win situation where anyone of those three can leave Mania with the title, and the belt will be better off for it.
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Okay, give a raise to everyone involved with that little video.
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themightychristoff · 6 years
I’m not a Miz fan, but him awarding Kurt Angle an award for “The Worst Decision By A RAW General Manager” is one of the best, most hilarious trolls/segments I’ve ever watched....
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lhcartoonist · 6 years
I love the miz and the shade he can throw. Takes a genius to do it so well and with such authenticity.
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yogabbagabba2194 · 6 years
Time for our main event: The Mizzies
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rollinsland · 9 months
Sethie Jey Cody Tozawa and the rest of Alpha Academy NEW DAY ROCKS Mizzie Sami All the ladies And Becks and Indi's match made that Raw
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theenbynightingale · 2 years
Rating Total Drama ships that showed up when playing with the generator! (Pt. 13)
Note: This might be the last one (for reals) because no one really notices these. Which means I might be speaking with no one right now :P
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Amy and Harold (or Amarold): Harold deserves better. In fact, ANYONE deserves better than Amy. Fuck Amy. I ship Amy with a jail cell. Rating: 2/10
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B and MacArthur (or BArthur): Only kept this one around because of the god-tier name. Rating: Gold/10
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Chet and Duncan (or Chuncan): Yet another god-tier name. But not as god-tier as BArthur to make me excuse the fact that Duncan would get annoyed with Chet and Lorenzo’s shit real fast. Rating: 5/10
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Emma and Anne Maria (or Emmaria): Thick thighs save lives. But seriously, I think they’d annoy each other quickly but would slowly start to warm up to each other. Maybe not enough for a ship but they wouldn’t hate each other like AM does with Jo (despite the fact that I actually ship them more for some reason). Rating: 6/10
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Eva and Sanders (or Evers): Either Sanders has a thing for strong women with poor anger management problems or she’s just a bottom. Maybe she and Brick should be friends. What were we talking about? Oh, yeah. So I think Eva would be a bit too intense for Sanders. Or maybe that’s just because we saw way more of MacArthur than we did Eva. Rating: 5.5/10
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Jen and Ella (or Jella): When the princess falls in love with her seamstress. Look, I’m just saying. The Fashion Bloggers are obviously gay. They’ve hung out with a prince. Jen knows what royalty dresses like and she would kill to find her the most elegant gowns. I’m spiraling at this point but I think they’d be cute, okay? Rating: 9.5/10
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Jen and Josee (or Jensee): Well, if we can all ship Tom and Jacques, what about them? I say... Josee is fucking crazy. Too intense for Jen. Maybe we should ship Josee with Eva and they can destroy humanity together. Rating: 5/10
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Jo and Amy (or Joamy): Again. Jo deserves better. Anyone. Deserves. Better. Than. Amy. Rating: 2/10
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Miles and Izzy (or Mizzy): Izzy: *eats raw fish* Miles: *has a fucking meltdown* Rating: 4/10
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Sky and Duncan (or Skuncan): Skuncan reminds me of a skunk. Which is appropriate because this stinks. Rating: 4/10
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Sky and Stephanie (or Skyphanie): Either they would compliment each other very well or she would be too intense for each other. Actually, now that I think about it, Sky would be able to keep up with Stephanie. Rating: 7/10
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Stephanie and Cody (or Stephody): Now they would not compliment each other well. She’d fucking kill him. Rating: 3/10
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superbrett64 · 7 years
I’m pretty sure sooner or later the Mizzie awards will be sold on WWE Shop sooner or later.
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youtappedout · 7 years
if your friends don't give you awards are they really your friend
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kingofbumbles · 7 years
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hewayasin · 4 years
A playlist of the latest singles including Wale's "BGM", and more from Chris Webby, Dear Silas, Jack Harlow, Megan Thee Stallion, Moneybagg Yo, and Rich The Kid.
“BGM”, which stands for “Black Girl Magic”, is Wale’s latest single, off of his (already!) much-touted Wow… That’s Crazy. It’s tough to follow a Wale special that’s just as admirable as his summer super-smash hit “On Chill“. But if you have heavy hitters amid dark horses and eager beavers, then there’s little cause to be concerned. The result speaks for itself. Enjoy!
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